COMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist / \ who sees more than 150 golf courses A. \. each year, I believe that the vast majority of cart path projects do not accomplish their most basic objectives, which are to minimize wear problems and improve aesthetics. This truly is one of the most overlooked areas in golf course main- tenance. Although there are more than a few ugly cart paths in existence, I contend that they all have one or more of several characteristics in common: poor design, construction, or location. Traffic from golfers and their carts can make it impossible to grow healthy turf, and the resulting worn turf and rutted or bare soil is unattractive and provides a poor play- ing surface. Rules problems also can result. Under the Rules of Golf, relief cannot be granted unless the area is marked "ground under repair" or is deemed to be a part of the road or path and is so marked. When these situations occur in high-play areas, definition and marking complications ensue. Aside from the remedial cultural programs that can be employed to minimize the effects of traffic on turf, there are two basic ways of handling traffic successfully: channel the traffic on hard, impervious surfaces or spread it out over as large an area as possible. Al- though these concepts may seem elementary, it is more complicated when the prospect of making a transition from one method to the other is considered. Somewhere along the line, concentrated wear usually occurs. If a continuous system of paths is not to be installed, or if golfers will be allowed to venture off the paths, provisions must be made for getting the carts Funneled traffic results in unmanageable wear.

COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

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Page 1: COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

COMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section

AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist / \ who sees more than 150 golf courses

A. \ . each year, I believe that the vast majority of cart path projects do not accomplish their most basic objectives, which are to minimize wear problems and improve aesthetics. This truly is one of the most overlooked areas in golf course main­tenance.

Although there are more than a few ugly cart paths in existence, I contend that they all have one or more of several characteristics in common: poor design, construction, or

location. Traffic from golfers and their carts can make it impossible to grow healthy turf, and the resulting worn turf and rutted or bare soil is unattractive and provides a poor play­ing surface. Rules problems also can result. Under the Rules of Golf, relief cannot be granted unless the area is marked "ground under repair" or is deemed to be a part of the road or path and is so marked. When these situations occur in high-play areas, definition and marking complications ensue.

Aside from the remedial cultural programs that can be employed to minimize the effects

of traffic on turf, there are two basic ways of handling traffic successfully: channel the traffic on hard, impervious surfaces or spread it out over as large an area as possible. Al­though these concepts may seem elementary, it is more complicated when the prospect of making a transition from one method to the other is considered.

Somewhere along the line, concentrated wear usually occurs. If a continuous system of paths is not to be installed, or if golfers will be allowed to venture off the paths, provisions must be made for getting the carts

Funneled traffic results in unmanageable wear.

Page 2: COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

Figure 1

Multiple entry/exitpoints for golfers

Effective cart path design for green complex.

on and off the paths without causing exces-sive wear at those locations. The pathsthemselves must be wide enough and durableenough to withstand traffic and retain defmi-tion without being a burden to the mainte-nance staff and the budget. They also mustbe designed in such a way as to be easilyused by the golfers, but they must not be soobtrusive as to affect playability adversely.The project is getting a bit more complicatednow, isn't it?


"We Have Metthe Enemy andThey Are Us"

Some of the mostintelligent people inthe world play golf,yet when these samepeople drive golf carts,intelligence often isconspicuous by itsabsence. Simply put:golfers sometimescommit incrediblyfoolish acts of thought-lessness when theyare behind the wheelof a golf cart. Gen-erally they are con-centrating on theirgame, trying to locatetheir golf ball, or talk-ing to other golferswhen operating golfcarts. Little thought isgiven to how theircarts should be oper-ated. Since it is notlike driving an auto-mobile, where thethreat of personaldanger tends to keepone's thoughts morefocused on driving,many golfers don'tthink much aboutobeying golf coursetraffic rules. Thus,traffic patterns andcart path usage shouldbe kept as simple aspossible.

The nature of theclientele at a coursealso must be con-sidered. Golfers atsome courses respondfavorably to directionand make a concertedeffort to operate cartssafely and in a non-destructive manner.On the other hand,golfers at some coursesare practically impos-

sible to control. For courses with a difficultclientele, directional accessories (signs,stakes, ropes, barriers, etc.) should be sturdyand resistant to damage. They also should bemore obvious. For instance, a single stakewith an arrow or simple message may besufficient to direct carts to enter or exit apath at a course with conscientious golfers.But even sturdy stakes and nylon rope maynot be entirely effective at courses wheregolfers are less mindful. All directional

accessories should be easy to move so thattraffic patterns can be adjusted frequently.

It also may be possible to locate cart pathsfarther from play at courses where golfers aremore cooperative. Although it may slow playslightly, keeping paths farther from playcan reduce their impact on play and courseaesthetics. Entry and exit opportunitiesshould be provided only where appropriate.

PlanningIt is essential to avoid safety problems

regardless of the nature of the golfers.Serious accidents can result in disability ordeath, and expensive lawsuits are a possi-bility that must be planned for. Where pos-sible, avoid dangerous design features suchas steep slopes and sharp, improperly bankedturns. For particularly difficult projects it iswise to involve a qualified engineer in thedesign phase and to research local construc-tion codes. It is also a good idea to discussproposed cart path projects with your insur-ance agent. Golfers are out for fun and com-petition; while safety may not be uppermostin their thoughts, liability and safety shouldbe uppermost in yours.

Whether or not there are immediate plansto install a system of tee-to-green cart paths,a comprehensive plan to do so should bedeveloped. A qualified golf course architectcan be an invaluable aid in planning a cartpath system. Such a plan can be implementedover a period of years to spread disruptionand cost and reduce the possibility of waste.Installing a system of paths in piecemealfashion without a sound plan is likely tocreate as many problems as it corrects.

Avoiding Wear Around Cart Paths

Since the reason for establishing cart pathsin the first place is to eliminate wear prob-lems, it does not make sense to install themso that the goal cannot be accomplished.Unbelievably, that is precisely what is doneat many courses. With many cart paths, wearproblems are common at entry and exitpoints, around the feature areas (greens, tees,and primary landing zones), and at pointswhere carts frequently have to pass eachother.

One key to avoiding wear around pathsis to maximize the number of entry and exitpoints for the carts. This may sound basic,but it is overlooked more often than not.Forcing carts to enter and exit in just a fewrestricted areas causes unmanageable wearproblems. The solution usually is to extendcart paths well out in front of the featurearea to provide 20 to 40 linear yards ofpotential entry and exit points. If the locationof the path is along the perimeter of thehole, the extensions may start or end in astraight line parallel to the line of play (seeFigure 1). Unfortunately, the presence of

Page 3: COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

Wrap-around design reduces wear near this tee.

12-foot-widepassing area

Path ends diagonallyto play, producingmultiple exit points

Figure 2

Nothing is more aesthetically disruptivethan an exposed view of a cart path in anotherwise natural setting. Depending on thearchitectural design of the golf hole and itstopography, it often is possible to hide cartpaths from view. First, identify the intendedline of play and the areas where golfers aremost likely to congregate. Tees and landingzones are obvious choices, but there may beothers. Next, consider how the existingtopography might be used to obscure thecart path or make it less obvious. Utilizationof mounding or curbing or performing re-grading work all can be effective means ofblocking the view of a path. However,mounding or use of curbing must not be sosevere as to adversely affect traffic flow.

One of the easiest ways to hide paths isto pay close attention to the angle at whichthey are installed. Installation at an angleaway from the primary view can makethem practically invisible (see Figure 3). Onrelatively flat terrain, this may have littleimpact on the cost of installation and re-quires only careful planning. This methodalso is effective when paths cross areas inplay or are routed up steep slopes. Routingthe path across the slope and tilting it inwardis an especially good ploy.

Winding cart paths tend to look morenatural, but the turns should be properly

Simple directional aids often work bestfor traffic control.

(Figure 1). Aside fromlogistical obstacles (holedesign, topography, etc.),safety issues may be thebiggest limiting factor withthis type of installation. Cartpaths should not be locatedin areas where golfers mightbe subject to shots fromadjacent holes. Golfer safetyis of paramount importancein cart path design.

In situations where wrap-around design is not pos-sible, be sure that the areabetween the path and featurearea is as wide and unob-structed as possible. Rede-sign of greenside bunkersand mounding may benecessary to widen thepassageway. Removal orrelocation of trees, shrubs,

.ornamental plantings, oreven ball washers and trashreceptacles also may im-prove traffic flow. As men-tioned earlier, traffic controlaccessories should be de-signed to be effective andeasily movable.

mounding or bunkering (particularly in anapproach) may make this difficult or impos-sible. If that is the case, the cart path canbe extended beyond the obstacle, or theentry point at least can be located in a lessimportant play area. If the location is moretowards the center of the hole (in front of atee), the path should end in a wide arc (seeFigure 2).

The shading and root competition effectsof trees are magnified in high-traffic areas.Thus, entry and exit points should not belocated in heavily treed areas. Further, avoidcart path locations that place trees betweenthe entry and exit points and the primarytraffic flow. Trees form immovable barriersthat funnel traffic in addition to competingwith turf.

It is a common practice to build wide,fan- or ball-shaped entry/exit pads for cartpaths. Often this is helpful, but rarely is itsufficient by itself. Combining the extensionswith the widened starting and stoppingpoints is much more effective. Regardless ofwhich methodes) are used, some type ofbarrier usually is needed to indicate wherecarts should enter and exit the paths. Again,keep it as simple as possible when selectingsigns and/or barriers.

Topography must be carefully consideredwhen the location and length of the exten-sions are determined. Paths should neverstart or stop on or near slopes. Aside fromobvious safety concerns, the slopes will tendto channel traffic. More friction and slip-page between tires and turf result whencarts change speeds on slopes, and this willcause even more wear damage.

LocationThe locations chosen for cart paths have

a big impact on playability, wear, and safety,but they also greatly affect aesthetics. Un-fortunately, their locations sometimes arechosen by default. That is, the path is in-stalled wherever the wear spots develop. Thisamounts to taking the path of least resistance,and it falsely assumes that paths shouldnecessarily be located where the golferscurrently drive carts.

Assuming that the carts have multipleentry and exit points, getting golfers to andfrom the feature areas must now be con-sidered. Routing a cart path to the edge of agreen and off to the edge of the next teeguarantees wear problems because it pro-vides a very limited number of entry andexit points for the golfers. This is made worseby the presence of immovable obstructionsbetween the path and green or tee. Trees,shrubs, severe mounding, bunkers, etc. allserve to funnel traffic.

Wherever possible, wrap paths aroundtees and greens so that multiple entry andexit points are provided for the golfers


Page 4: COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

Figure 3

Path made more obvious by angling towards primary view

by both foot and cart traffic. Carts and turfmaintenance equipment may dislodge coarsermaterials (stones especially), which maypresent a hazard or cause costly damage tomowing equipment.

In addition, path defInition problems tendto arise when less-stable materials are used.Installation of forms is suggested, and pro-visions should be made in the budget to per-mit the necessary maintenance, which maybe substantial.

Curbing is essential around feature areasto prevent paths from growing wider. Golfershave a subconscious urge to pull carts offthe paths by just a foot or so unless they arephysically prevented from doing so. Regard-less of the material utilized, the curbingshould be installed with the soil and turfflush with the top of the curb. This makestrimming easier. Materials that can be usedfor curbing vary widely and include, butare not limited to, the following: steel, con-crete or concrete fabricated products, asphalt,Belgian block, landscape timbers, and rail-road ties. Just be sure to install curbing onlyin areas where the carts are not to be givenoptions for exiting or entering the path.Provisions for disabled golfers also shouldbe given full consideration.

Adequate width is an essential componentof a successful cart path project, and acommon failing is to install paths that areless than eight feet wide. Narrow paths aremore difficult for golfers and maintenanceequipment to negotiate, hence this recom-mendation. Installing paths less than eightfeet wide leads to wear along the edges andmore rapid deterioration of the path. Pathsmust be even wider in areas where cartscongregate or pass one another and in areasheavily used by the maintenance staff.Widths in these areas should be 12 feet ormore.

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Hiding path through angle of installation or use of mounding and curbing

Angled Away

banked and gentle. Since golfers are notpaying close attention to where they aredriving, sharp bends are one of the fIrst areaswhere golfers will have a difficult timekeeping carts on the path. Locating a path ina dense grove of trees may do a good job ofhiding it, but entry and exit areas should befree of trees.


Any number of different materials canbe used to build cart paths, and they can beorganized into the two basic categories -loose and stable. Concrete and asphalt are themost commonly used stable materials and

typically require much less long-term main-tenance. Due to differing tastes, budgetaryconstraints, and potential effects on play,courses often use less stable materials suchas gravel, rock or brick dust, decomposedgranite, crushed shells, pine straw, wood-chips, mulch, etc. Unfortunately, the less-stable materials are subject to a number ofproblems, most of which are related to un-wanted movement. For instance, most aresubject to erosion, which can be especiallytroublesome with paths located on slopes.Many tend to be dusty when dry, and muddyand prone to splashing when wet. Woodchipsmay stick to golf spikes, and the dustiermaterials may be tracked onto turf areas

DrainageCart paths can have a signifIcant effect

on surface drainage. Installed above grade,paths can block surface drainage and causewater to collect in adjacent turf areas. In-stalled below grade, the paths may remainwet. They can be used in a positive way tointercept water and channel it to appropriate

... collection points. Drainage swales can bedesigned into cart paths. Keep in mind thatthere may be environmental factors to con-sider, the most important being the potentialimpact on course runoff into streams orother water bodies.

ConclusionCart path installation can be expensive and

disruptive, and since most golfers fmd themdistasteful, there is a strong tendency to do


Page 5: COMMON SENSE CART PATHS - MSU LibrariesCOMMON SENSE CART PATHS byDAVIDA.OATIS Director, Northeastern Region, USGA Green Section AS A GREEN SECTION agronomist /\ who sees more than

the bare minimum. The shortest routingspossible are often chosen, and widths aremade as narrow as possible. This is a falseeconomy. Cart path systems can be installedin phases to spread the cost over a periodof time, but the urge to skimp on design andmaterials should be avoided at all costs.When considering a cart path project, it isimperative to start with a good plan and tomake a fInn commitment to quality. Thecommon excuses of "it's the best we coulddo," "you should have seen it before," or"it's all we could afford" don't wash. Poorlyplanned and installed cart paths are a wasteof money because they are no more attrac-tive or useful than the bare, eroded soil theyreplace. Cart paths are a long-term invest-ment, so take the time and effort to designand install them properly.

A Checklist for Developing a Cart Path System

• Have applicable safety guidelines been met?

• Have multiple entry/exit points been created for carts?

• Have multiple entry/exit points been created for golfers?

• Are the paths of adequate width?

• Has curbing been installed where appropriate?

• Has disabled golfer access been included in the design?

• Has surface drainage been considered?

• Has environmental consideration been given to storm water disposal?

• Have stable materials been chosen for paths subject to erosion?

• Will the new paths be clearly and cleanly defmed?

• Have tree root interference problems been avoided in high-traffIc areas?

Wear around cart paths in high-play areas results in poor playability.