Committee 8 1 World Investor Week 2020

Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and

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Page 1: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and

Committee 8


World Investor Week 2020

Page 2: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Agenda.Time Topic

1 p.m. – 1.15 p.m. WIW 2020José Vasco, C8 Chair and Director, Office of Investor Protection, CVM/Brazil.Camille Beaudoin, Director, Financial Education Department, AMF/Quebec.

1.15 p.m. – 1.20 p.m. Global events: “World Financial Planning Day (WFPD) - FPSB” J.D. McCartney, FPSB’s Chief Communications Officer.

1.20 p.m. – 2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and Dora Li (IFEC GM).Anne-Bianca Morissette, Financial Education Analyst, AMF/Quebec.Gerri Walsh, President, FINRA Foundation and Senior Vice President, Investor Education. Kate Reddington, Sorted Website Lead, Commission for Financial Capability (CFFC), New Zealand.

2.10 p.m. – 2.25 p.m. Q&A C8 members.

2.25 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. Wrap-up José Vasco.

Page 3: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


World Investor Week - ObjectivesThe campaign aims at mobilizing IOSCO members, internationalorganizations and other relevant parties in promoting a coordinatedaction that enables investor education and protection around theworld.

• Primary marketing objectives:• Disseminating key messages that further investor education;• Fostering learning opportunities for investors.• Secondary marketing objective:• Strengthening collaboration within IOSCO members on IE and


• Participation: - carry out educational activities- publish a press release.

Page 4: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Glocal coordination: C8 WIW Working Group• WIW preparation, execution and evaluation. • Contact IOSCO and non-IOSCO members.• Resources (key messages, logos, social media plan, website etc.)• Media coverage (in coordination with IOSCO Secretariat)• Cooperation with international organizations and forumsParticipating jurisdictions: • National coordinator (NC) – contact person to coordinate with WG,

decide on participation of non-IOSCO members, and report results.• Campaign open to all IOSCO members.WIW 2020 dates• 5 – 11 October**NC can choose any other week of October - November

Page 5: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


WIW initiativesInvestor Education/Financial Literacy:• Translation and dissemination of IOSCO press releases• Distribution and promotion of publications• Games, apps, websites, blogs, and social media profiles• Awards, local and national campaigns• TV shows, interviews, radio programs, newspaper articles• Webinars, classes, talks, seminars, town-meetings etc.Investor Protection:• New services (e.g. hotline), regulations etc.

Events and activities• Global (and regional) events allowed (e.g. WFPD)• Should be free (nonmonetary incentives can be offered)• Some events may charge nominal fees and offer monetary incentives

Page 6: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Resources: http://www.worldinvestorweek.org/resources.html

Page 7: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Resources: http://www.worldinvestorweek.org/resources.html

IOSCO World Investor Week Campaign Implementation Plan

OICV-IOSCO | Prepared [ 29 July 2019 ] 1




Page 8: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Resources (members): http://www.worldinvestorweek.org/resource-list.html

Page 9: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Submission Forms: http://www.worldinvestorweek.org/Event-Submission.php http://www.worldinvestorweek.org/News-Submission.php

Page 10: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Other resources:• General Site Kit: • Social media templates: templates (PPT) and how to generate posts

from template• E-mail marketing campaigns: templates and how to generate emails• Presentation Template

PRESENTATION TITLEName of the speaker / institution

Date of the presentation

Logo of the country

regulatorA smart investor

never invests based solely on a celebrity


Page 11: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


EvaluationJurisdiction report IOSCO World Investor Week 2020 Survey

Prepared May 2018 9 confidential

restricted to Board members



May 2018


The project specification for WIW 2017 (Board/2017/008) provided for an evaluation report of the results of the pilot campaign that was celebrated from October 2nd to 8th, 2017. Jurisdictions were asked on October 13th to fill out a questionnaire to be delivered by November 9th. The information gathered from jurisdictions during that period informed a preliminary report approved by C8, which resulted in the approval of a new edition of WIW in 2018 by the IOSCO Board.

The final Evaluation Report includes feedback from additional jurisdictions, as well as supporting organizations. It confirms the preliminary indications of WIW as a successful initiative, with great potential for growth in future editions.


The World Investor Week (WIW) is an initiative of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), implemented by its Committee 8 on Retail Investors (C8), envisioned to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection. It consists of up to a week of outreach activities carried out by participating IOSCO member jurisdictions. WIW is also about highlighting the importance of investor education and protection, including among jurisdictions with resource-constrained investor education programs.

By using the IOSCO network to facilitate a coordinated, and therefore more powerful approach, WIW was also designed to provide a framework for individual jurisdictions to publicize their investor education and protection initiatives, and deliver more tailored messaging within their own jurisdictions.

In 2017 IOSCO, with the support of other organizations, carried out a pilot campaign of WIW, achieving encouraging results. This report aims at presenting the goals initially set for the 2017 pilot and the results achieved.


The primary mandate of C8 is to conduct IOSCO’s policy work on retail investor education and financial literacy. Its secondary mandate is to advise the IOSCO Board of emerging retail investor protection matters, including investor perspectives and cognitive capabilities, and to conduct investor protection policy work as directed by the IOSCO Board.

C8 initially established a framework addressing its primary mandate, portraying IOSCO`s role in promoting investor education and financial literacy, as well as its strategic approach to both. Following the publication of the Strategic Framework for Investor Education and Financial Literacy, C8 published reports on “Anti-Fraud Messaging,” “Sound Practices for Investment Risk Education,” and “Investor Engagement.” While these reports were well received, C8 decided to create an outreach-focused initiative that would help educate retail investors in member jurisdictions and also encourage collaborative approaches among international jurisdictions.

At its meeting in Sydney (February 2016), C8 discussed small changes in its approach in order to find new ways of reaching out to the public that could benefit from IOSCO work on investor education and protection. It also aimed at ensuring that IOSCO’s voice on education can be heard globally. C8 agreed to work out a proposal for a pilot IOSCO World Investor Week for 2017. On May 11th, 2016, the

WIW 2020 - Report – Country 1

WORLD INVESTOR WEEK 2020 National Coordinator: Other IOSCO members: Other participants:

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Page 12: Committee 8 · 1.20 p.m. –2.10 p.m. Sound practices on distance/online learning Jill Tan, Head of Communications and Resources, Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) and


Timeline WIW 2020 July – September 2020• Update list of participating jurisdictions• Submission of News Items and EventsOctober - November 2020• WIW 2020November 2020 – January 2021• Survey on campaign resultsFebruary - March 2021• Draft WIW 2020 Public Report