100 Cross Street, Kemps Creek NSW 2178 Ph: 9826 1143 Fax: 9826 1202 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.kempscreekp.schools.nsw.edu.au Week 7, Term 4 Monday 16th November 2015 Big Assembly Next week will be the last week in which children will receive SRL awards. All certificates for trading must be handed in to the office by next Friday 27 th November so we can finalise details for our Gold Excursion. A Big Assembly will be held this Thursday afternoon at 2.40pm. Congratulations to the following Bronze Award winners. KB – Mandy, Majd K/1H Leo, Antonino, Benji, 1/2O – Andy 3/4D – Ropata, Zach, Madelaine 4/5K – Alex 5/6H – John, Hope, Antonina Congratulations to the following Silver Award winners. KB – Stefanie, Hadla, Gabriella, Tahni K/1H Xander, Amy, Daniella, Leo, Antonino, Nella, Ryan, Cooper 1/2O – William, Anastacia 2/3P – Julia, Angelina 3/4D KloeRose, Roy, David, Hayden, Jorja, Zach, Dominic 4/5K – Daniella 5/6H – John, Christina, Dean, Hope, Logan Congratulations to the following Gold Award winners. KB – Mackenzi, Laura, Tahni K/1H Natalie, Ryan, Cooper 2/3P – Julia 4/5K – Dominic, Christa, Annalise, Maree, Jade 5/6H – John, Samantha, Tiyana, Dean, Hope Presentation Day Our end of year presentation celebration will be held on Thursday 3rd December from 9.30am to 11.30am. Children will have the opportunity to be recognised for academic, cultural and sporting achievements attained during the year. Children will also be involved in reflecting on events throughout the year. The Captains & Prefects for 2016 will be announced and presented with their badge of office. The choir will also be performing. Parents are invited to attend and share this important occasion with us. Parent Helpers ‘Thank You’ Luncheon There will be a special luncheon this Thursday 19th November as a small token of our appreciation to all the hard working parent volunteers this year. The luncheon will commence at 11am and finish at 12.30pm. If you have not received your invitation and have ‘helped’ the school throughout the year, please contact the office. Coming up this week...... WEEK BEGINNING – 16/11/2015 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Parent Helpers Luncheon Big Assembly 2.40pm Friday:

Coming’up’this’week’ · 100Cross#Street,#Kemps#Creek###NSW##2178### # #Ph:#98261143## Fax:#9826#1202# Email:#[email protected]### # Website:#

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Page 1: Coming’up’this’week’ · 100Cross#Street,#Kemps#Creek###NSW##2178### # #Ph:#98261143## Fax:#9826#1202# Email:#kempscreekCp.school@det.nsw.edu.au### # Website:#


100  Cross  Street,  Kemps  Creek      NSW    2178          Ph:  9826  1143     Fax:  9826  1202  Email:  kempscreek-­‐[email protected]        Website:  http://www.kempscreek-­‐p.schools.nsw.edu.au    

Week  7,  Term  4          Monday  16th  November  2015    

























Big  Assembly    

Next   week   will   be   the   last   week   in   which   children   will  receive   SRL   awards.   All   certificates   for   trading   must   be  handed  in  to  the  office  by  next  Friday  27th  November  so  we  can  finalise  details  for  our  Gold  Excursion.    A   Big   Assembly   will   be   held   this   Thursday   afternoon   at  2.40pm.    Congratulations  to  the  following  Bronze  Award  winners.  KB  –  Mandy,  Majd  K/1H  -­‐    Leo,  Antonino,  Benji,  1/2O  –  Andy  3/4D  –  Ropata,  Zach,  Madelaine  4/5K  –  Alex  5/6H  –  John,  Hope,  Antonina    Congratulations  to  the  following  Silver  Award  winners.  KB  –  Stefanie,  Hadla,  Gabriella,  Tahni  K/1H  -­‐    Xander,  Amy,  Daniella,  Leo,  Antonino,  Nella,  Ryan,  Cooper  1/2O  –  William,  Anastacia  2/3P  –  Julia,  Angelina  3/4D   –   Kloe-­‐Rose,   Roy,   David,   Hayden,   Jorja,   Zach,  Dominic  4/5K  –  Daniella  5/6H  –  John,  Christina,  Dean,  Hope,  Logan    Congratulations  to  the  following  Gold  Award  winners.  KB  –  Mackenzi,  Laura,  Tahni  K/1H  -­‐    Natalie,  Ryan,  Cooper  2/3P  –  Julia  4/5K  –  Dominic,  Christa,  Annalise,  Maree,  Jade  5/6H  –  John,  Samantha,  Tiyana,  Dean,  Hope    



Presentation  Day    

Our  end  of  year  presentation  celebration  will  be  held  on  Thursday   3rd   December   from   9.30am   to   11.30am.  Children  will  have  the  opportunity  to  be   recognised   for  academic,   cultural   and   sporting   achievements   attained  during   the   year.   Children   will   also   be   involved   in  reflecting  on  events  throughout  the  year.    

The  Captains  &  Prefects  for  2016  will  be  announced  and  presented  with  their  badge  of  office.  The  choir  will  also  be  performing.  Parents  are   invited   to  attend  and  share  this  important  occasion  with  us.      

Parent  Helpers  ‘Thank  You’  Luncheon    

There   will   be   a   special   luncheon   this   Thursday   19th  November  as  a  small  token  of  our  appreciation  to  all  the  hard  working  parent  volunteers  this  year.  The  luncheon  will   commence   at   11am   and   finish   at   12.30pm.   If   you  have  not  received  your  invitation  and  have  ‘helped’  the  school  throughout  the  year,  please  contact  the  office.    

Coming  up  this  week......  

WEEK  BEGINNING  –  16/11/2015  Monday:      Tuesday:        Wednesday:    

 Thursday:   Parent  Helpers  Luncheon  

Big  Assembly      2.40pm    


Page 2: Coming’up’this’week’ · 100Cross#Street,#Kemps#Creek###NSW##2178### # #Ph:#98261143## Fax:#9826#1202# Email:#kempscreekCp.school@det.nsw.edu.au### # Website:#


100  Cross  Street,  Kemps  Creek      NSW    2178          Ph:  9826  1143     Fax:  9826  1202  Email:  kempscreek-­‐[email protected]        Website:  http://www.kempscreek-­‐p.schools.nsw.edu.au    































Cecil  Hills  HS  Transition  Day    

All  students  in  Year  6  will  be  attending  Cecil  Hills  HS  next  Monday  23rd  November.  Please  ensure  notes  have  been  returned  to  Mr  Harvey.  Note  that  they  will  need  to  be  at  school  by  9am  for  a  9.15am  departure.  

 Carols  at  the  Creek  

 The   P&C   welcomes   all   families   and   friends   of   Kemps  Creek  Public  School  to  join  us  at  our  ‘Carols  at  the  Creek’  on   Friday   4th  December   from  6.00  –   9.00pm.   Items   and  activities   for   sale   include  Christmas   glow  products,   face  painting,   sausage  sizzle,  espresso  coffee,  drinks  and   ice-­‐cream.  Santa  will  also  be  arriving  to  hand  out  a  Christmas  treat.      

P&C  Meeting      The   P&C   Association   will   be   meeting   tomorrow   night,  Tuesday   17th   November,   commencing   at   6.30pm   in   the  community  hub.  At  this  meeting  we  will  be  finalising  the  Carols  at   the  Creek  so   all   interested  parents   are   invited  to  attend. Children  accompanying  parents  will   be   under  adult  supervision  in  the  library.  See  you  there!    


Term  4  Calendar    

17.11.15   P&C  Meeting  19.11.15   Parent  Helpers  Lunch  23  &  30.11.15   Cecil  Hills  H/S  Transition  Days  26.11.15   RC  Mass  27.11.15   Anti-­‐bullying  Performance  30.11  &  2.12.15   Sporting  Schools  ends  3.12.15   Presentation  Day  4.12.15   Carols  at  the  Creek  4.12.15   Reports  go  home  10.12.15   Year  6  Farewell  15.12.12   Gold  Medal  Excursion    16.12.15   Picnic  Day  16.12.15   Last  day  of  term  for  students  

**  Children  (Years  1-­‐6)  resume  school  on  Thursday  28th  January  2016.  

