1 Comenius Project “Dance your culture” Questionnaire report on the impact of the Comenius Project “Dance your culture” The questionnaire made to parents, pupils and teachers involved in the activities of the Comenius Project “Dance your culture”, from 2012 to 1014, aim to identify the level of satisfaction and the impact of the project. The addressees were: - parents who participated in the project; - pupils who participated in the project; - teachers from the school involved in the project Eight parents answered the questionnaire. The rest are no longer studying at the school. On the first question, the majority of parents stated that the biggest motivation for letting their children participate in the project was the new experience, followed in the second place by the knowledge of a new culture and new people, broadening their cultural horizons. All the other motives are related to representation of the country; improve their children’s autonomy and independence. 1-Tick the most important motive (s) which impelled you to let your child participate in the Comenius Project 33% 25% 17% 17% 8% Embrace a new experience. Give the opportunity to visit other country and to improve children’s knowledge of other Improve pupils’ skills of foreign languages. Meet new people. Other

Comenius Project · Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more. 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5

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Page 1: Comenius Project · Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more. 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5


Comenius Project

“Dance your culture”

Questionnaire report on the impact of the Comenius Project “Dance your culture”

The questionnaire made to parents, pupils and teachers involved in the activities of the Comenius Project “Dance

your culture”, from 2012 to 1014, aim to identify the level of satisfaction and the impact of the project.

The addressees were:

- parents who participated in the project;

- pupils who participated in the project;

- teachers from the school involved in the project

Eight parents answered the questionnaire. The rest are no longer studying at the school.

On the first question, the majority of parents stated that the biggest motivation for letting their children

participate in the project was the new experience, followed in the second place by the knowledge of a new

culture and new people, broadening their cultural horizons. All the other motives are related to representation of

the country; improve their children’s autonomy and independence.

1-Tick the most important motive (s) which impelled you to let your child participate in the Comenius







Embrace a new experience.

Give the opportunity to visit other country and to improve children’s knowledge of other

Improve pupils’ skills of foreign languages.

Meet new people.


Page 2: Comenius Project · Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more. 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5


On the second question, parents revealed this experience overcame all their expectations, noticing it as being

rewarding and enriching.

2 – How did this family experience match your expectations?

To the third question no parent has answered due to their previous answer, which embedded their preferences.

On the fourth question (In which kind of activities were the parents/children involved at home preparing

the trip ), parents answered with some family activities to prepare the trip:

Practice English and Spanish; search on the internet for information about the places to be visited; study the

location on the map of the countries, cities and capitols; preparation of the typical clothing of the country and

traveling suitcase.

On the fifth question (Specify 5 aspects you find positives in your participation in the Comenius Project),

parents mentioned the most positive aspects:

We were involved in the selection of places to visit. We prepared the child to be away from their parents (self-

esteem, security and autonomy). Culture and development . Staff performance. Instil responsibility and

freedom to travel without their parents. Good relationship and respect towards their teachers. Become

sociable to make new friends.




It didn’t match our expectations. It was a negative experience.

It matched our expectations fairly. It was a positive experience.

It overcame our expectations. It was a wonderful experience.

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On questions 6 and 7 all the parents answered they would like to repeat the experience and that they would

recommend it.

6 – Would you want to repeat a similar experience in the future?

7- Would you recommend this experience?

8- Leave your opinion about the Comenius Project.

“The Comenius project is very important for the pupils’ development. They meet other families and become

more mature, due to their close relationship with their teachers. It is important to contact with other

languages and children with the same age, but with different origins.”

“Children can meet a new country, a new culture. It’s a new and different experience, where they can meet

new people and their languages.”

“Interesting, children can meet other countries, cultures and people speaking other language, motivating the

use of the universal language: English.”




1 2





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Answered the questionnaire 7 pupils, 1 didn’t and the other 2 are no longer at school.

On the first question, 4 said their participation in the activities (research, presentations, dance rehearsals,

logistics and the Comenius week) was very good and two admitted it was good.

1-On a scale from 1 to 5 indicate your level of participation and engagement in the project activities above


On the second question, pupils pointed out as main difficulties the logistics and access to a computer with


2. Indicate the main difficulties encountered during the implementation of these activities in order of importance

0% 0% 0%



1 None 2 Seldom 3 Adequate 4 Good 5 Very good



Language difficulties

Difficulties in gaining access to a computer and / or Internet

Lack of of interest in activities to perform

Other difficulties

Page 5: Comenius Project · Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more. 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5


On the third question, the majority admitted being much satisfied with the activities performed at school.

3- Activities organized during the exchange between partners in our school in October

On a scale from 1 to 5 indicate your degree of satisfaction with the activities that were organized by the school.

Pupils also revealed cultural activities as being their favourite and 2 mentioned the activities of the project performed in the classroom.

Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more.

0% 0% 0%



1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5 very satisfied.





Cultural activities

Project work together with students from partner countries.

Classroom activities within the Comenius project.

Other activities

Page 6: Comenius Project · Point out the activities in which you participated and pleased you more. 0% 0% 0% 14% 86% 1 Not satisfied 2 somewhat satisfied 3 reasonably 4 quite satisfied 5


Finally, pupils referred the most important aspects of the project for their success at school. In ex-aequo were

broadening their cultural knowledge; make new friends and improve their motivation at school.

4- Tell us some aspects that the project helped you to achieve or improve as a student

The teachers answered the questionnaire.

On the first question, about the positive impact of the project in school and the school community, all teachers

admitted it had a positive impact.

1- Do you find this European Cooperation Project had a positive impact on the school and on the educational community?




5% 15%


Develop my language skills. Broaden my cultural horizons.

Making new friends. Improve my motivation and school performance.

Learning to accept and respect differences. Become more aware of my European citizenship





1 2

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That impact was more evident in the following aspects: the use of a foreign language by students and teachers,

more open minded to other cultural realities and the close relation between school and its environment. Some

teacher referred a bigger autonomy on children who participated in the project.

1.1-If your answer was affirmative, how was this impact felt?

On the second question teachers mentioned the benefits they would like the project to have brought to the

school community in general. In the first place, sharing experiences and teaching materials between schools;

then the improvement of the foreign language speaking skills and the update and enrichment of the

pedagogic practice.

2- Which benefits do you think this project should bring to you and your educational community in







Bigger motivation on some pupil’s, to use ICT, for example.

A frequent use of the English language.

More open minded to other cultural realities.

Close relationship between school and its environment (families and local entities).

Other. Specify, please





A broader sense of linguistic and intercultural competences.

Sharing experience and teaching materials with fellow teachers.

Update and enrichment of teaching practices.


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At last, teachers suggested three strategies to achieve the above mentioned benefits:

a) Develop a collaborative website for the project to share materials and experiences, embedding a chat functionality for teachers interaction.

b) Implement a quarter based teachers exchange program aiming to develop work on the partner nation elementary school organization and pedagogical practices.

c) Perform an experimental application of a partner nation best practice ( e.g. a distinctive an interesting methodologies used to teach a particular material)

Questionnaires (Parents, pupils and teachers)

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Comenius Project “Dance Your Culture”


Addressees: Pupils’ Parents involved in logistics

1. Tick the most important motive (s) which impelled you to let your child participate in the Comenius Project: Visiting ______________________

□Embrace a new experience.

□Give the opportunity to visit other country and to improve children’s knowledge of other cultures.

□ Improve pupils’ skills of foreign languages.

□Meet new people.

□Other …Mention them, please:…………………………………………………………………………..

2 – How did this family experience match your expectations?

□ It didn’t match our expectations. It was a negative experience.

□ It matched our expectations fairly. It was a positive experience.

□It overcame our expectations. It was a wonderful experience.

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3 – If your answer doesn’t match any option above, tell us how this experience was to you, using a

maximum of three adjectives.



4-In which kind of activities were the parents / children involved at home preparing the trip to

_________________________ (Spain or Romania)



5- Specify 5 aspects you find positives in your participation in the Comenius Project.



6 – Would you want to repeat a similar experience in the future?

□Yes □No

7- Would you recommend this experience?

□Yes □No

8- Leave your opinion about the Comenius Project.



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Comenius Project “Dance Your Culture”


Addressees : Pupils involved in logistics the project Comenius.

Answer this survey and help us to understand the impact of our Comenius Project “ Dance your cultures “



-Work presentation;

-Activity assays;

- “Comenius “ week;


1-On a scale from 1 to 5 indicate your level of participation and engagement in the project activities

above mentioned.

□ 1 None □ 2 Seldom □ 3 Adequate □ 4 Good □ 5 Very good

2. Indicate the main difficulties encountered during the implementation of these activities in order of importance

□ Language difficulties

□ Difficulties in gaining access to a computer and / or Internet

□ Lack of of interest in activities to perform

□ Other difficulties -------------------------------------------------

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3- Activities organized during the exchange between partners in our school in October On a scale from 1 to 5 indicate your degree of satisfaction with the activities that were organized by the school.

□ 1 Not satisfied □ 2 somewhat satisfied □ 3 reasonably

□ 4 quite satisfied □ 5 very satisfied.

Point out to the activities in which you participated and pleased you more:

□ Cultural activities. Specify:----------------------------------

□ Project work together with students from partner countries.

□ Classroom activities within the Comenius project.

□ Other activities:-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Refer in a maximum of 3 other activities that you would like to have had the opportunity to perform with other students.

a) ___________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________

4- Tell us some aspects that the project helped you to achieve or improve as a student.

□ Develop my language skills.

□ Broaden my cultural horizons.

□ Making new friends.

□ Improve my motivation and school performance.

□ Learning to accept and respect differences.

□ Become more aware of my European citizenship


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Comenius Project “Dance Your Culture”


Addressees: Teachers and Cooperators

Comenius Project Impact

2- Do you find this European Cooperation Project had a positive impact on the school and on the educational community?

□ Yes □ No

1.1-If your answer was affirmative, how was this impact felt?

□Bigger motivation on some pupil’s, to use ICT, for example.

□A frequent use of the English language.

□More open minded to other cultural realities.

□Close relationship between school and its environment (families and local entities).

□Other. Specify, please: ………………………..……………………………………………………..

3- Which benefits do you think this project should bring to you and your educational community in


□ A broader sense of linguistic and intercultural competences.

□ Sharing experience and teaching materials with fellow teachers.

□ Update and enrichment of teaching practices.

□ Other. Specify, please: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..

3- Suggest a maximum of three strategies that, in your opinion, would help achieving these benefits.

a) ___________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________