Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace Chinese Church

Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

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Page 1: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church

The Lord's Grace Chinese Church

Page 2: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are


By: Ron Hamilton

Page 3: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

向救主歌唱讚美之歌。 Sing to the Savior a song of praise;

讓我們來敬拜主。 Come let us worship the Lord.

相信他是能,走進他的光- Trust in His might, walk in his light –

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜。 Come, let us worship, worship the Lord.

Page 4: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

他神蹟何其大, 道路何廣, Great are His wonders and grand His ways,

來吧,我們敬拜主。 Come, let us worship the Lord.

諸天宣揚 耶穌掌權; Heavens proclaim Jesus shall reign;

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜。 Come, let us worship, worship the Lord.

Page 5: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are


我們 敬拜救主,敬拜救主, Let us worship the Lord, worship the Lord,

來吧,我們敬拜主。 Come, let us worship the Lord.

揚起你的聲音,唱歌歡樂; Lift up your voice, sing and rejoice;

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜! Come, let us worship, worship the Lord!

Page 6: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

耶和華的兒子,却是人子, Son of Jehovah, yet Son of man;

能征服獅子,却是受苦羔羊: Conquering Lion, yet suff'ring Lamb:

敬拜 敬拜,讓我們敬拜救主 永永遠遠。

Worship, worship, come, let us worship the Lord forever.

敬拜 敬拜,來,我們向主敬拜! Worship, worship, come, let us worship

the Lord!

Page 7: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

向永恆的上帝歌唱; Sing to the God of eternity;

來吧,我們敬拜主。 Come, let us worship the Lord.

他是國王; 起來唱歌: He is the King; rise up and sing:

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜。 Come, let us worship, worship the Lord.

Page 8: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

向加略山的勝者歌唱; Sing to the Victor of Calvary;

來吧,我們敬拜主。 Come, let us worship the Lord.

尊崇聖子; 耶穌得勝– Honor the Son; Jesus has won –

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜。 Come, let us worship, worship the Lord.

Page 9: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are


我們 敬拜救主,敬拜救主, Let us worship the Lord, worship the Lord,

來吧,我們敬拜主。 Come, let us worship the Lord.

揚起你的聲音,唱歌歡樂; Lift up your voice, sing and rejoice;

來吧,我們敬拜,向主敬拜! Come, let us worship, worship the Lord!

Page 10: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

耶和華的兒子,却是人子, Son of Jehovah, yet Son of man;

能征服獅子,却是受苦羔羊: Conquering Lion, yet suff'ring Lamb:

敬拜 敬拜,讓我們敬拜救主 永永遠遠。

Worship, worship, come, let us worship the Lord forever.

敬拜 敬拜,來,我們向主敬拜! Worship, worship, come, let us worship

the Lord!

Page 11: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are


Be Thou My Vision

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我願常見你 親愛的救主 Be Thou my Vision O Lord of my heart

不見任何事務 只見耶穌 Nought be all else to me save that Thou art

白晝或黑夜 我常思念 Thou my best thought by day or by night

起來或躺臥 光照在我前 Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light

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求作我智慧 求作我真道 Be Thou my Wisdom and Thou my true word

你常與我同在 我願投靠 I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord

偉大聖天父 我懇求你 Thou my great Father I Thy true son

常住我裡面 我與你合一 Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one

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我不求財富 也不求虛榮 Riches I heed not nor man’s empty praise

你是我的產業 世代無窮 Thou mine inheritance now and always

你在我心中 獨居首位 Thou and Thou only first in my heart

至高天上王 是我最寶貴 High King of heaven my Treasure Thou art

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至高天上王 我已凱旋歸 High King of heaven my victory won

得享天上喜樂 沐主光輝 May I reach heaven's joys

O bright heaven's Sun

以你心為心 不論禍福 Heart of my own heart what ever be fall

我願常見你 天地萬物主 Still be my Vision O Ruler of all

Page 16: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

噢, 至尊的神 O, Great God

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噢, 至高至尊的神,充滿卑微我的心。

O, great God of highest heaven Occupy my lowly heart

藉著所造之萬物,叫人不可以推諉。 Own it all and reign supreme Conquer every rebel power

不允許虛妄,不義,敵擋聖靈的爭戰。 Let no vice or sin remain

That resists Your holy war

祢以慈愛贖回我, 使我永遠屬於祢。 You have loved and purchased me

Make me Yours forevermore

Page 18: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

從前我被罪蒙蔽, 有耳聽了也不明。 I was blinded by my sin

Had no ears to hear Your voice

不知道祢甚愛我, 也不知回家的路。 Did not know Your love within

Had no taste for heaven’s joys

然而祢乃是道路, 乃是真理和生命。 Then Your Spirit gave me life Opened up Your Word to me

透過福音已顯明, 我有了平安盼望。 Through the gospel of Your Son

Gave me endless hope and peace


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Page 19: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

幫助我讓自己活在基督的恩典裡。 Help me now to live a life

That’s dependent on Your grace

保守我的心和靈, 脫離面前的罪惡。 Keep my heart and guard my soul

From the evils that I face

祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are worthy to be praised

With my every thought and deed

噢, 至高至尊的神,求祢用我榮耀祢。 O, great God of highest heaven Glorify Your Name through me


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Page 20: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

十字架的大能 The Power of the Cross

Words and Music by Keith Getty & Stuart Townend

Page 21: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

看黎明揭開 Oh, to see the dawn

黑暗的一天 Of the darkest day:

基督直走向各各他。 Christ on the road to Calvary.

罪人審判衪, Tried by sinful men,

受折磨鞭打, Torn and beaten, then

釘在十字架上。 Nailed to a cross of wood.

Page 22: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are


十字架的大能, This, the pow'r of the cross:

基督擔我眾罪。 Christ became sin for us;

受羞辱、被刑罰, Took the blame, bore the wrath—

因十字架我今得赦。 We stand forgiven at the cross.

Page 23: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

哦,何等痛苦, Oh, to see the pain

寫在祢臉上。 Written on Your face,

沉重的罪孽祢背負, Bearing the awesome weight of sin.

我所有苦毒、 Ev'ry bitter thought,

我所有惡形, Ev'ry evil deed

我荊冕祢替戴。 Crowning Your bloodstained brow.

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十字架的大能, This, the pow'r of the cross:

基督擔我眾罪。 Christ became sin for us;

受羞辱、被刑罰, Took the blame, bore the wrath—

因十字架我今得赦。 We stand forgiven at the cross.

Page 25: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

遍地滿黑暗, Now the daylight flees;

全地都震動, Now the ground beneath

當我救主釘死十架。 Quakes as its Maker bows His head.

幔子今裂開, Curtain torn in two,

死者得生命, Dead are raised to life;

成了!我主得勝! "Finished!" the vict'ry cry.

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十字架的大能, This, the pow'r of the cross:

基督擔我眾罪。 Christ became sin for us;

受羞辱、被刑罰, Took the blame, bore the wrath—

因十字架我今得赦。 We stand forgiven at the cross.

Page 27: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

祢的傷口上, Oh, to see my name

烙著我名字 , Written in the wounds,

因祢受苦我得釋放。 For through Your suffering I am free.

破死亡枷鎖, Death is crushed to death;

祢捨己的愛, Life is mine to live,

為我贏得生命。 Won through Your selfless love.

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This, the pow'r of the cross:

神愛子 - 為我死。 Son of God — slain for us.

何大愛!何代價! What a love! What a cost!

因十字架我今得赦。 We stand forgiven at the cross.

Page 29: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

愛主更深 More Love to Thee O Christ

Page 30: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

我願深切愛主 比前更深 我今誠心屈膝 求主垂聽

低頭祈禱深誓 從此更愛我主 愛主更深 愛主更深


More love to Thee, O Christ, More love to Thee Hear Thou the prayer I make On bended knee

This is my earnest plea More love, O Christ, to Thee

More love to Thee, More love to Thee

Page 31: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

從前貪愛世俗 單顧己身 今日所愛惟你 如愛奇珍

為此懇求天父 使我深愛我主 愛主更深 愛主更深


Once earthly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest Now Thee alone I seek, Give what is best

This all my prayer shall be More love, O Christ, to Thee

More love to Thee, More love to Thee

Page 32: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

即或死亡將臨 一息尚存 我仍呻吟求告 望主賜恩

使我進入天府 永遠深愛我主 愛主更深 愛主更深


Then shall my every breath Sing out Your praise This be the only song My heart shall raise

This still my prayer shall be: More love, O Christ, to Thee

More love to Thee, More love to Thee

Page 33: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are
Page 34: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

1st Corinthians 1:18: 哥林多前書 1:18

“For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 因為十字架的道理,在那滅亡的人為愚拙;在我們得救的人,卻為神的大能。

1st Corinthians 2:2: 哥林多前書 2:2

“For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.”因為我曾定了主意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架。

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Galatians 6:14 加拉太書 6:14

But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 但我斷不以別的誇口,只誇我們主耶穌基督的十字因這十字架,就我而論,世界已經釘在十字架上;就世界而論,我已經釘在十字架上。

Page 36: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

1. … the cross reminds us to keep the gospel center. 提醒我們把福音擺在中心

Page 37: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

“It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the cross of Jesus Christ. 高估耶稣基督十字架的重要性是不可能的。

For whether we are thinking about Christ’s words from the cross, His words about the cross, or the biblical doctrines of the cross, in every case the cross is central to Christianity.” 因為不論我們是在思考基督在十字架上的話,或祂 關於十字架的言論,還是十字架的聖經教義,在任何況下,十字架都是基督教的核心。

Page 38: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

1. … the cross reminds us to keep the gospel center. 提醒我們把福音擺在中心

2. … the cross provides direction in a busy world. 在忙碌的世界提供方向

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Page 40: Combined Worship Christ Fellowship Church The Lord's Grace ...tlgcc.org/speech/2018/062418.pdf · From the evils that I face 祢是值得被稱頌,我要盡心和盡性。 You are

I. … the need for peace. 和平的需要

II. … the possibility of peace. 和平的可能

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• 歡迎新朋友 • Welcome new friends.

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三 一 頌 Doxology

讚 美 真 神 萬 福 之 根 Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

世 上 萬 民 讚 美 主 恩 Praise Him all creatures here below

天 使 天 軍 讚 美 主 名 Praise Him above ye heavenly host

讚 美 聖 父 聖 子 聖 靈 Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

阿 門 A-Men 1/1