'Ill!.1lNJN , J ,--,_.. ......... - JC·001- 004601

Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

'Ill!.1lNJN, J,--,_.. ,,~.........-

JC·001- 004601

Page 2: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION 0R.epottift.s Agency Reportina Offi~r CaseRcponNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ERZEN 99·7625·DCoonecting CaseReport No. Vietim NlIMOrigKW RePort r::>attThis Repo"

D"U76 4-28-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X 0C.. ;arion Offmse Sww: Open """"'....", CJ_ Reoommemi Case: Review 0

Reclwilkllioo 0 Clnftd byA:tnlet 0 UnfouM«l 0 Closure o

I~ ) Quantity !Brand Nam J Oftail'lioq I ...... "" Value I R~:eu I D~ert1S.""


















On4-27.99, between the hoursof 1208 and 1343,1 had an opportunity to talkwithJamiereference the incident she observed

at Columbine H.S. on 4-20-99. Alsopresentat the interview were herparents, Janelle and Randy.

Jamie stated on 4-20-99, shehadbeenreleased from her4th hourgovernment class, taughtby Mr. Savino, which is located near

the main entrance at Columbine H.S. Jamiestatedshe arrived at the cafeteria at about II :20a.m., and aftershe wasshowna

mapshestatedthatshewasseatedattable"00." Afterplacing herbackpack andwalleton the tableJamie described seeing an

individual whoshesaidwasChrisMarkham, whoran inthe north/west cafeteria doorandwas telling thestudents to get down.,

-11d thatsomeone outsidehada gun. Shestated thatChrisis described as whitemale, he waswearing a white t-shirt withblue

JC-001· 004602Nllmher Supervisor lnitial~ andDateUnit


Page 3: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINTJATION o"RcportiniA~ R.q.'Ot!inli Officer Case Rcpor1 No


C{')M~tjng Case Report Nc. Victim Name Original Report Date ThisReport

D""176 4-28-99- X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER Off_ SfmI5.: Open X E.'UZpCionahy C1evcd Cl R~ommend Cue: Rlt1Iiew CJClu......aliol'l

R.«lmifii:a1IOfl CJ Clearedby Armt 0 Un_ O Cl-osure Cl

r~ IQvarticy I 8lMd NIUM I Df:s:mP!mtl , ScriaiNQ- 5'= I~~ I ~~;a

jeans, and he disappeared somewhere near the food service line. Sbortlyafter Chris left the area coach Sanders appeared and

be was also telling the students to get down.

Jamie slated at that point she ran to the elevator which is located in the same hallway near the auditorium. After herself and

severalollterparnes gotonthe elevatorthey proceeded upstairs andwbentheelevatordoors openedonthe second levelnear the

library area she said the hallway was full of smoke. She said the students did not believe they were safe, al which time they

pushed the elevator 10 go back irrro the cafeteria area. Once they reached the cafeteria area they were accompanied into the

auditorium by the janitor, JohnCurtis, wbo she described as a whitemale.wearinga white t-snirtand a Columbine H.S.baseball

cap. Two teachers also accompanied them, a Lee AndresJr. and a second teacher she could not identify, but stated he was a

white male, with gray hair. Once they reached theauditoriumthey then went down the foreign language hall and exited the

building. They were later taken to Leawood Park.

Jamiewas asked ifsbe could tell me who was also at table"00" orsurrounding tables, She statedher friend. Jenny Naifeh, 303·

979-7744; SteveDresden, 303-932-9528; JoshCasey(unk phone); Asbley Pimley (unk phone); and she remembered seeingSteve

Pool (unk phone), in the area.

I askedJamie when she initially got into the cafeteriaarea ifshe observed two large duffel bags or sports type bags describedas

one beingblue and one being an orange-ish/red incolorwhichwere in the generalarea whereshe was seated. Sheslatedbecause

of'the amount of backpacks she doesn't recall seeing those packs, and she doesn't recall anybody bringing packs described as

that into the cafeteria area. Jamie was asked if she saw any gnomon while she was in the cafereria, or when she was on the

elevator when it arrived at the second level near the library. Again she slated she did not see any gunmen while she was 10


Jamiestatedwhile she was in the cafeteria she was probablythere I().15- minutes,and she beard several gnnshotscorning from

upstairs whereshe believed was the libraryarea. Shestatedduringthis timeshe tried to remain under the tablefor fearshe might

be hurt. She stated she was in the school for a total of anywhere to 25-30 minutes before she was ushered out.

-O~gn'M' Unit Number Supervisor Initial:. andDete Asslgned T JC.001- 004603

{ r.~ Q2n I or !I ::'P;1(jr.,",,~

• I :-;\l'Sf'0"ro'l\ ~ lenM stRvices I ")THIR I AS"fJ ,J;'S: JCSo,'Iti-~

Page 4: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUAnON 0Rtpcn:itlj Agency lb:portin§ Offlter Csse ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT Y JCSO ERZEN 99-7625-DConnecting CaseReportNo Victim Name OriginalR¢~ Dak ThisRcPQI't

D""1176 4-28-99r- X FIRST DEGREEMURDER Qff~ StaM~ t'Jpen X E~im'llllly CJ.ted a R«:ommcfld Case: Review 0Clb. ...f,1\(m

R~lImfi(lltion 0 <:1~ by A:rc!t a u"~ 0 ClO5U~ 0

:~ IQucm;irr I 8l'11l4 Ntme' I iml;riptiatt I""" N. ~= J veue I ValueR~(,lv~ o-~

Jamie was asked to describe her dresson 4-20-99, Shestated she was dressed in a white tank top, with a blue and white blouse

over the tank top, bluejeans and Doc Martin shoes,

Jamie was asked ifshe knew Eric Harris or DylanKlebcld, Shestated she had a gym class last semester with Eric Harris, but

sitedidn't knowmuchabout him, Shestated she did not know Dylanand no informalion abouthim, Again,! verifiedthat Jamie

did not seeany gunmenwhileshe was in Columbine H's..nor did she see the largeduffelbag or sportsbag which werecontained

within the cafeteria area.

At the conclusionof my interview [provided Jamiea map of thecafeteriaat which time [request that she documentwhere she

was seated and her movements throughout the cafeteria. A copy ofthat is attached to this report




titlil Number SUpei"VtSOl' Initials and Date Assigned 10 Jc.o01- 004604

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JC·001- 004605


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Page 7: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

Zlp Code

,&;111 n <.114 ()J./ ::M t1"~ '7f-7(,a.r-

"CaM Wo, _


Oat" of Sirth I Serial No.

'"'lJ __


Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMElr

s..-..y of SIJdu,.olL

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nlh-I!J.NI?$ C<:>.,; i.Il N-Allr£. jUJ,J /-V, (/-J 14J14/l?6,J) n;.,.e It.l~

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fl.M;f. 71Jttr' ~/;.J'" roM" zMrft (.tH.!l-P t.J4LJ¢ /$U.JJ ,:,~


771ifM IS. 11 Sl?iIfM,tI A4A l';!Ar~ 77:' ~ "e./..U.- ~

/ h_ TDd the foregoing_,_ and the faCtJli contained therein 818 _ to the b...t ofmy knowledge and belief. Ido not JIIlIinz:ain rltat ir _ .. ii1I of the f«fs Of dettJIlS of the Incident. but only those facfs about which I have beenasked,

/ I',- -- ClAM JC-001· 004607

SiQI'iiItii'e of PW$on MtJcing Statement

lll'l) 366lR<-<. 2J!l51 11m111~llllllill~• 0 500 '

Page 8: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

Page __ of _ Pages Case, _

<.I1L4fil.1l) fUte. #4 SAt" 1M< her """""S <, .£, nu./J Hi.", It

I have read the foregoing statement and the facts COIItJIIlned therein are We to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that It contains all of the facts or details of the incident, but only those facts about which I have beenasked.

__ 1__1_-O"e lJ AM



Signatute of Pelson Making: Statement

Page 9: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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Page 10: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

(!,I-J~ "'NOl!'BI 1174A-1»-57419Je£fCCli 99-7625

-Ckade _


rl. Did you everseeme two~ duffel bagsin !becafetllria? J/o

2. Did yousee anyone cmying or in the possession of thosedofl'el bags, at a previOllll time? ;.Jo

3. Did youseeErieHaxris orDylan K1ebold either onMollday ofTuesday? Whatwere !bey doing 1 j; /L!JO<JJ (lM.JItWbat did !heY say? Were they w1manyone else 1 /3.Jr t'll),.Ir s.£J!- 7"+/&.""

tI oJ 1'4N",..,/ ~ rtJ4-"'.

4. Did youleave anything bellind in tbacafetetia oranywhere else in theschool? PttJ2 s,lt. + Gt.A-$1~s ~_1

If.) 1'1"'1 "p::.-c£. Cr~

6. Didyousee01' talkto lUIy of !be Trench COllI Mafia IllIllIlbeD OIl Monday 1 Tuesday? Howaboutthe ,iff)prior week or weeIznd ? _

8. Wbat were you wearing? Didyouhave a backpack ?Whatdid it look Iikc aDd I orhavein it ?..J~J,J oS r I',;~ SHiRr '-'I sw.c itlk"J

9. How did you leave the cafelmia or!bebuilding? Wbatwere the events !batmade you leave ?11111 eN'''')" ~ ~ It:!vl-'4J6 (J.J/IW/~

10. Wbat timedidyouenlllr the cafeteria ? Wheredid youcome from (prior to the cafeteria) ?A~ oPt> i#I!:.S - rk,..4

11. Have them markwbele theywere sitting, their route outof thebuilding and who they were with(ifknown) ?

12. Can youprovide anyfurther iDformstlon onthememben of!beTrench Coat Mafla ? ~

13. Ask tileparents if thekids have told them anything else? Different?


Page 11: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700



SUSPECTS: Eric Harris



On 5/15199, I was assignedinformation control number DN3554 for follow up investigation. Theinformation

control narrative statedthat ShawnNossaman indicated that a lunchemployee, Ms. Caruthers, was in the

cafeteria whenthis occurred. The information control sheetwasprepared by SergeantCalvinHemphill, Denver

Police Department.

On5118199, 1contacted JeffersonCountySchools Area Administrator, Barb Monseu, and requested any

i'lfurmation she might haveon cafeteria employee by the nameof Ms. Caruthers. She said that shehadno

~brmation on such anemployee but would provide mewithinformation on the managerand otheremployees

of the kitchen. On 5119199 I received a fax transmission from NancyCook for Barb Monseuwith a list ofthe

Columbine High Schoolcafeteriaworkers. Ms. Caruthers is noton that list.


1. LindaTibljas, Kitchen Manager

12183 W.Tufts Ave

Morrison, Co 80465


Additional cafeteria workers:

2. Dewlaney, Suzanne

10605 W. Quarles Ave

Littleton, CO 80127


Page I of 2


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Helm, Laverne

3663 S. SheridanBlvd

Denver, CO 80235


Mederman, Marlene

11432W. RoxburyPI

Littleton, CO 80127





4853 S. Hoyt SI.

Littleton,CO 80123


Nielsen, Karen

7153 W. Hinsdale Dr

Littleton, CO 80127


7. Nancy Cook, Area Administrator for Jefferson CountySchools


POBox 4001

Golden, CO 80401


Cookprovided the information on the Columbine High School cafeteriaworkers for administrator Barb Monseu

Sergeant's Signature/Number/Date

Page 2of 2


Page 13: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

.' """""""A_COl'!Tl.JIj"UATION c """"""" Olll.... Cue Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO ZIMMERMAN 99-7625-NNc- ....,.c... ReportNe. V_ Nom< on.....Report o...ThisR'!lM

05-24-99l"\a$ifiClttion X FIBSTDEGREEMURDER 0Ireue: Sem.:~ X ~Clauod e lW::ommertd Ca$l!:: Review 0

............ 0 ~", ..... o """"""'" o CIo... 0

'If.: 1_ I.....,.."". I~ I""""" ~ I~~I~


JudyDierkin, dob 080253

5 White Burch

Littleton, CO






LindaTibljas, dobl04-30-49

12183 WestTufts Avenue

Morrison, Colorado 80465


Work: Columbine High School



Investigator Mike Gallagher of the Jefferson County District Attomey's Office received control numbers 1863 and 3254 to

interview JudyDurkin and LindaReffel, Botharepatents ofColumbine High Schoolstudents and assisted with the afterprom

partyoccurring on the evening of 04-17-99 intothemorning of04-18-99. Investigator Gallagher provided information thatboth

Dierkin andReffel believe they had seena propanetank in the freezer of the kitchen at Columbine HighSchool.

I called Reffel, and she statedshe had seen the tank in thefreezer, but initially thought it wasa heliumtank. Sheslatedit was

about 18 to 24 inches tall. She statedthat she and Dierkin haddiscussed it, and thatDierkin believedit wasa propane tank.

JC-001· 004613

Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION D ~"-_0l'II,,, Case ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ZlMMER.'\1AN 99-7625-NNc "ding Cut Report No. VlotimN_~ Ilepott 00« TIll<Ilepott

05-24-99Clw~ X FIRST DEGREEMURDER 0-._,,,",,, X ~rioa&l!yCbRd 0 Re;:omrnena ClJ"W Review Cl

RC!;;!auificaCi<iu 0 C1anod " "",,, 0~'"

0 C!<>sure o

1ft:' 1_ 1-- l~ 1_", ?= t RJ'~ I oi:a~,

Reffe! agreedto meet me at ColumbineHigh Scbool and showme exactlywhereit wasthat she had seen the item.

I conlaCted Dierkin, who stated it was definitelya propane tank that she saw in the freezer. She alsostated that she and Reliel

had discussed the tankand believeditnecessaryto tellJCSO. Dierkin alsoagreed tomeetme at Columbine HighSchool to show

me whereshe saw lbe laIlk

I spoke withLinda Tibljas, who is themanager of foodselVices forColumbine High School. I asked her aboutnormalgas type

tanksof anytype that wouldbe contained in thekitchen or cafeteria area. She stated there were no propane tanksnormally kept

withinthekitchen orcafeteria. She stated therewere CO, tanks,whichwerea 20 poundsize, for theirPepsimachines. She said

theywere keptinside the storeroomwithinthe kitchen andwere hooked up to Pepsimachines. She stated therewere also "four

or so" in the rooproomwhichwereold and ownedby CocaCola. Shestated that Coca Cola would not pick these tanks up due

to theirage.

I thenaskedTibljas if she had beenpresent fur the after prom pony. Shestatedshewas not. Shestated that an unknownperson

relatedto the after prom partyhad calledher prior to the after promparty,askingif they could store items for that party in the

kitchen, Shestated she told them theycould. Tibljas stated she did not know who the individualwaswho was in chargeof the

afterpromparty or food preparation.

On05-20-99, I spokewithReffelin an attempt to makean appointment for meetingat the ColumbineHigh School. Following

thisconversation, she faxed me two pagesworthof information reference the after prom party and chair peoplerelatedto that.

On05-2().99, [ spokewith Lab Supervisor ChrisAndrist, He had checked Columbine High Schoolreferenceanypropanetacks

thatmight beutilizedin thekitchenor cafeteria area. Technician Andrist said he found threeCO, tanksin the kitchen office next

to thefreezer. He statedhe alsofound twoheliumtanks,about4' tali, in a wooden caseoutsidethe cafeteria area,in the direction

of the auditorium. He stated he foundno propane tanks relatedto operationswithinthe kitchenor cafeteria.

JC-001· 004614

OfficerS~gnatl.W Unit N..."" ~r InitialsandDate Assignt<l To Pose l~

D.~ .. A.~ t\::x a'1¥ of !

0~c.."AJ. ) I ~"'ES; "TOR VlcrtM SERV;rn ,"""" t ASAF341%J(SQf16i",

Page 15: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

JC-001· 004615

CONTINUATION 0~g"-Y ~iOfficet Case RepottNo

SUPPLEMENT y Jeso ZIMMERMAN 99-7625-NNc" -ecti"i C... R'l>QIt No. Vietim"- OIigidal """'" _ This"""'"


"""- X FIRST DEGREEMURDER om..._.Opeo X EmlipticlWty Cleated 0 Recommend Cue: Review 0

ll~f1carion 0 C~by..\mltt 0u_

0 Clo_ D

'm:-rQuudIY r BlUdNmil! I ""'""""" I"""No. ¥~I: I v... I v,,",RecO\'el'lld DJ.riii~

On 05-24-99. at about 1400hours.I metDierkinat Columbine High School. She toldme thaton Friday. 04-16-99, shebad been

atColumbine HighSchoolbetween1500and2230hom. andSaturday, 04-17-99, between 0900and 1600hours,forpreparation

of the after prom party. Sl1e stated on 04-17-99, she came backat about 2315 hours, and wasat the schooluntil0600 hours.

Dierkin stated when she returned at 2315 hours, she did go down to the kitchen,and specifically the freezerarea, where she

retrieved someitemsfor the afterpromparty. Dierldnstated at somepointduringthe night. she noticed that therewaswhat she

believedto be a propane tank in the freezer. When I askedDierkinat what point during the night she believed she noticedit.

she stated she believed it W1IS "early00," but couldnotpinpoint the timeany further. Dierkinstaled the tankwas all whitewith

nomarkings thatsherecalled, andwasabouta barbecue size. Dierkin stated during the nightshedid notnoticeanything unusual.

She stated she left the woodblock in the kitchendoorto keepit proppedopen throughoutthe night While inside the school

Dierkin showedme the areas they had been during the night Dierkin pointed out a doorway outside the Home-Economics

classrcoms whereshe statedthat she andthe otherworkershad come in andout She statedoutside thet door is whereshe had

parked. Dierkin pointed into a Home-Be room, labeled"LMI" on the map, as the room they were using for preparation the

majority of the rime. Dierkinstatedsheand the otherworkers wouldgobackand fotlh betweenthere and the gym, utilizing the

outsidedoorwhichshe bad pointed out to me. Sbepointed outa metalgale whichblocked off the hallway towards the east,just

outside of the Home-Be room. She stated it was closedthe entirenight. but at some point during the night she noticedit was

slightly open. Dierkindidnot noticeanypeople in that area. Shepointed down thesouthhallfromthe Horne-Eo areaand stated

it had been blocked off '''litha paper type barrier,and that no one was comingthrough that area, to includeparentswho were

staffing the afterprollL Dierkin pointedOut an areajust outsideof the mainoffices,near the east entranceof theschool, where

she stated therewas a mazeandslidetype area. Dierkin saidshe specifically recallsDylan Klebold entering,and statedhe was

with a malewithgreen hair. Dierkinstatedshe recallsseeinghim go down the slide becauseher child and date followed soon

after, andshe recalled looking for themand wonderiog when theywere goingto arrive. As we proceededwestbound downthe

main ballfromthemain office, Dierkin pointed outgymdoors whichshestatedbad been openduringthe night, whichshe stared

she had utilized in order to go to the cafeteriafor additional supplies. Dierkinpointedout an elevatorjust outsidethe Library

whichshestatedsheused through the nightto godownto thekitchen areaand hackup from the kitchen area. Inside the cafeteria

Dierkin pointed out the northeast freezer in the kitchen as being the oneshe saw thepropanetank in. Dierkin pointed to the most

west wall inside the freezer,on the floor, as the placewherethe tankwas suring.


'~.Unit Number Supervisor Initials and Dat¢ AssignedTa Page ~I( j

-~~ f:~ 0\'\1. of !?llJm~;"'L ! I N\tlinGArolt Vl~Stl\1CtS- 1= ..r ",SAF3 4!9S JCSrFI6·,4

Page 16: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

COr.'TINUATION 0Reporting A_ IleponinrOm.... CaseReportNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ZIMMER.\fAN 99-7625-NNc "lCting CaseReport No. ViWai. Name: OriginalRepon ---05-24-99ClIsEtbtion X FIRST DEGREE MURDER om-s-.o", X ~C_ 0 Ret:QmJ:l'l.lmd Cas.'}; Review Q

i\ecl.mib:ion " e-",....... 0 ~ 0 Closure 0

1m: IQuantity I8tmi Name I""'rip'''' I""",,., ¥~ I V,,", I y"",~o"'ei'ed DlUllag¢d

Dierltin statedthere was no other unusual incidents throughout the night. Dierkin agreedto contactme if she thought of any

additional information.

Reffel met meatColulllbine HighSchool on05-24-99, at 1430hours. Reffel stllIed onSaturday, 04-17-99, shewasat Columbine

HighSchool between 1000and 2000bours,doingpreparation fortheafter prom party. Reffel stated shewas not surewhattime

shereturned to Columbine High School 0004-17-99. Onceinside theschool, she pointedout areasshe had traveled androoms

she had used duringthe after prompony. Shepointedout. Home-Be room, labeledas "LMI" on the map. Shestatedtinsis

where sheandDierkin spentthemajority of theirtime. Shepointed outa dooroutside of thatareawhere shestated shehadgone

in andoutandwhereshe had parkedher car outsideof. Shepointed outa motsl gateoutsideof the Home-Ec roomwhich she

stated wasshut for the entirenight. Reffelstared shedidIIDt know if it was locked, but statedshenevernoticed it to be open at

anypointduringthe night. She alsopointedscuthof the Home-Be roomdown the hallway, and statedtherebed beena paper

barrier prohibiting eitherstaff or kids from going through thathallway. Reffel recalledbeingat that barrierand speaking with

another parentand thinking shecouldnOl crossthebsrrier, Reffel alsopointed outthesoutheast doorof thegym. andthehallway

from which she bed traveled to the elevator which sheused to go to thekitchen area. Uponenteringthekitchen, Reffelpointed

out the northeast freezer door and statedthat waswhere the propane tank had been. I opened the freezer, and shepointed out

the floor areaon the westwallwhere shebed seen thetank shebelieved to be a helium tank. Shestated when she noticed it. she

had been with Dierkin, and specifically askedDierkin if sheneeded to bringthis up later for the balloons. Reffel stated she

thought it oddas theyweredonewithfilling theballoons at thistime. Shestated thatDierkintoldher they wouldnot needthat.

Reffel stated shewas surethisconversation occurred after theybed comeback to theschool in theevening. Shesaidshebelieves

thisas there werecinnamon rolls whichwere already bakedandsitting out in thekitcben. Reffelrecalls commenting thatthey

smelled good andwandering ifshe gotoneof the <il1!Jllmoo rolls forherassistance for the evening. Reffel did notrecall whether

or not sheevernoticedthe tank or noticedit notbeingthere laterin the evening.

Reffel stated that both she and Dierkin smoke. She stated that on either Saturday, 04-17-99, or Friday. 04-16-99, during

preparation, sheandDierkin had been insideoneof theirvehicles smoking. Shestared theynoticeda malewalking towards the

fence around the baseball diamond. Shestated sherecalled feeling safebecause they were inside ofhervan. Reffel stated it was

JC-001· 004616

cfT\ Unit NIll11", Supervisor initialsand Dare Assigned-To IPage~

,l ~A' o.~ k31 5\~ of ~

, )It!(,~-!':'- ",YE.$':1:(;ATOft Vl'CiT"olSUViC£S I OT1<1!R I .~A,n ~~8 JCSO !(l."'-i


Page 17: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


~8Offi"" c... Report No


r 'ClingCue Report No. Victim _ OrigWll!<opM Date ThisReport


CltMtflctliou X FIRSTDEGREEMlJRDEll _s-""'" X !t Ii lIyC_ c R.ecmn:mend Case: Review 0- C Clan<! '" Amol0 u_ c etcsure 0

~I_ j ......N.... 1-- I ......... ~'I: J~~o~

rainy that night and was dark at the time she saw this person. Reffel was certain it was a male, but was uncertain of the

individual's race. She statedhe wasbetween5'10"and6'00"and appeared stocky. Reffelstated he did howeverhavea coaton.

and she was not sure whetheror not he appeared stocky cine to thecoator cine to hisacmaJ size. Reffeldescribedhim as having

"a bighairdo." Reffel stated shedid notbelieve be bad anything 00 Iris head. Reffe! also statedthat anotherparentby the name

of LindaHarrisbadalsobeen outside one night when she noticed peoplecomingand looking to see if she had leftyet and feeling

uncomfortable about it.

DISPOSITION' Open, pending furthet investigation.

JC..o01·004617OfflCcr Siptute: Unit NW11b<r s"ll""i"" Initials and Date Assigned To Page ~~ n" X'~l ..... or ! /

OlUGt:'AL ) I fl-,'VESTICiArott \'1CTIM SEllVlCES lorm f AS,4n 4l9f:1 JCSDil&74

Page 18: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

MAY. -20' 99 (18U) 12:35 GUEST RELAT10KS TEL:303 277 2745


Fax Cover Sheet

P. 00 I

Number otpqa indudJllli: t:OVel' $heet:...3.-

FROM:Ltt"'dA~ fred

~"'" -Sc::a -, '1GUEST




~'('" ;1.11 - StLOO Fax:



~ Lb'+kL~. ~ spoh.o.bsu:t.~~~..QJ\~ ~\'"j:::L \')q') "Ae.o:..LLYU II N-e,wsu:ffe,..L:t-~ WQ...(\+ t.t-. I;. )'-lS+~ LD'£j~ -u:s;

. I.itfO. o..\:n>l,.oL..+ ~r'" ~Yl'\ '

'i+o.f\ t.1 .

b"it 4I\tLu h..tWs(&tkv} C:> /6fJ~/tnW.)


Page 19: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

MAY, -20' 99lTHUl 12:35 GUEST RELATIONS TEL:303 277 2745 p, 002

Prom AprIIl""After Prom Party Aprllla'l' 12:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M.

We need an pareutl ofjunion lad selllon at the IaJIh lebool oa fridayApril i6111 at 6:00 r.M. to aalold. decorate IUld ...emb1l. W.wtB 11110Reod all parents' back apin ODSatorday momiDu to DDIsIa ap. WENEED BELP TO PUTTlUS TOGEtHER.!

I'ir.st of all we WlIIllIO thllnk lboo parenlS who bavehelpedput tbis eveDl tagel!ler.WIlbout yoW' help and time we would. lll>t bo able10 do Ibis for l:l\II' kida.

Lastreminder 10 ill seniorparents to make!Illle youllaVe cent Ul. a pietllRof}'OW- SOlI ordaughterfor theSlllUor will\. (1lemember thispietllR may be tabm 1lollle after the promIllll'lY and Isnot related to the pietllR dw is l'Iq\llSled by l:l\II' yarbookstaf!). If}'O\I donotbav. one lubmitted pl_ do so by placilli the pietllR Ul. an lIIVe!ope and Wi tooffiee addressed to the ..Ak Prom PlIItY". Thank YOIl

We ate also requesting las; minute prius (gift e.erdlk-. 1lap.. keyehains. ticket toevents) that will be placK in a drawing tbroullmut the CVClll.inJ durinl theAkPromParty. Please holp III OIIt in this-. Thank YOIl

We also wllllt te thaIlli: tllose 'businesses dw have apjn CIllItributed cash _ itlIma fortlUs yr.ltll Alter Prom pany. Wehope thatall parenlll who do llIIllIld OIU' OPE.."" HOUSEon SaNl1lay Iligllt tom 9:00 P.M. lD 11:00 P.M, takenoteof l:l\II' 'IbaIIk youW1I1l.

AIIO, keep in mind tlw a1ler tbiI year wewill be losill8 II. lot ofOIU' CClIIIll'1.leUon team duelD thofactlbartb1rir ebildml are sen!OI1, Parenti of SeIliDl'$, Juniors,Sopbamores andeven Freshman _ CIlCourqed lD voll1llteer next year. Ills 1IJn. cxcitinswi II. rewlll'l!inllexpmence purtiog tbiI tolletbllr!


WalCh the Rebeline next yeu!!l!

K.at.Ily PaavtlainenCazol Knapke



JC-001· 004619

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MAY. -20' 99 (THU) 12: 36 GUEST RELATIONS TEL:303 277 2745 P. 003.

After Prom eft.lre Kathy PaavllalnenCarol KnaplCe

Entertafnment Kathy Fan:!

Food. 8.,....118 Judy OIerken

Finanoo George VllniC

Pundndelng CokePllte11l

Photo/COnatructlon George • Ellen NollonPaula. Mike Weaver

Conl1ructlon Terry CarmicllaelMicllael Shakcwskl

T-Shirts BetsyWellsClndl Montgomery

Becurlty 0.0 Looney

PrlzelllFaval'S Mary Ann Bumssandy Olll'\lllC

Yoluntllll'l CandICe Snow

JC·001. 004620

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JC·001· 004623

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CONTINUATION a Reporting AFI1eY -llfOllie«c... !l'!JO" 1«>

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO OBBEMA 99-76Z5-CCIJMClCUAI Cae~ No, ftwm NIme OriFMJ~ Dale n" lf1X'll't

04-24-99~ .-;I1('2,1Wft X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O"-s-_ X ~lyClaNd: 0 Re¢..,mmend Case: Rtvicw 0

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'i1::: I0-;". , ............ '--"ion , S¢rill No., ~: .Ta~-t~ I ~8«t


Marc Tim, dob/10-23-S:!

5926 South JellisonStreetLittleton, Colorado 80123


Studentat ColumbineH.5.


OnQ4.21-99, at about 1225 hours, Investigator Brooks and I interviewed MukTim iU hisresidence. Tleristated thaton Q4.20­

99, at about ILIS hours, he was in the lunch roomof the school. He sat down to talk to friends two tables away from the

windows, He heard some soundsthat appearedto be shots. An unidentified studentran in and said. "Sean got shot." Tieri

assumedthatthe shootingwas occurring outside, and hewentto thewindow to lookout. An unidentified teacher yelled, "Get

down." Theteacherthen ordered them to begincrawling outof the lunch room.

Tieri began crawlingout. He then heard shotscomingfrom the lunchroomarea. He got up and began to run to a stairway

He saidhe could hear shots being fired veryclose to him, coming from the lunch roomarea. Tieri said he did not lookback

for fear of being shot When he got to the top of the stairs, he tookthe hallway to the left. Hestated he decided to take that

hallway, because he onlysaw oneother personin it The rest of thestudents seemed to he goingout as a herd in onedirection.

Tieri ran to theschooloffice wherean unidentified maleshowed them a wayout. They went througha hallway that leads to

the art room hallway,then out of the building. Tieri thenran toClement Park,then to his residence. Tie'; stated that he did

not see anyone doing the shooting in the lunchroom. Hedidnotsee anyweapons, and that hecould not identify the shooters.

He did sayhe thinkshe may have seen two peopleoutside thebuilding whenhe first stood up and lookedout the window.

Tieri Staled chat in theprevious school week,he observed a ccnfrontation between two males in the an hallway. Tieri described

one as a toughjock namedBrandon (no description). Hestated Brandon was arguing witha guy that was wearing black, who

was smaller than Brandon. Tieristatedthesmallerstudent wearing black toldBrandon thathe would, "Get hisgangafterhim:'

Brandon replied,"I'll just kill them all."


JC.001.004624 4198 JCSl)I[674

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On 5/13/99, Marc Tieri, DOB 10/23/83, 4901 SouthWadsworth, #20, Littleton, Colorado was advised of the identityof the interviewing Agent, and the nature and purpose of theinterview. He was interviewed in the presence of his Mother,Susan Emmett, DOB 4/26/48, and step Father, William Emmett, DOB3/31/47. He provided the following information.

On 4/20/99, Marc rode the school bus to Columbine HighSchool, and arrived at approxi~ately 7:20 a.m. He went down tothe commons/cafeteria area, and sat with friends until the 7:30a.m. belL He was sitting with Robert Mosey, Lance Kirkland, andstava Kernan. Thay eat at tabla XX. H,!,- dicin't notice any ciuffelbags or packages that looked out of the ordinary to him. He thanwant to his normal classes, his last class prior to lunch baing amath class. He went to first period lunch, and was just going toget a snack, When a student ran in the doors near the teacherslounge, and yelled 'Sean got shot". He next noticed studentslooking out the west windows. There was much confusion in thelunch room, and he also tried to qet a look out of the windows.He briefly saw two people drassed in black outside of thewindows, but other than being dreseed in black, could provide nofurther description. A female teacher then ran in tha cafeteria,and yelled for stucients to qet down on the floor. He got ciown,somewhere on the west side of the cafeteria, under what hebelieved to be table XX. He then began crawling along the westwindows. At this point, he could hear gun shots that sounciedlike they were inside the cafeteria. He then crawled towards thestairs near the trophy case, got about halfway there, and got upand ran towards the stairs. As he crawled, he remembers crawlingover a larqe cylindrical duffel type bag, near the center middlepillar. TO the best of his recollection, the bag was black incoLor , At the base of the stairs, he heard more gun shots, andthought he was being shot at. He ran up the stairs, down themath and science hallway, and then diverted to the area of thefront office. He entered the front office, and staff membersassisted he and several other students in exiting near the artclassrooms. When he was outside, he ran up Pierce to Bowles, andthen walked home.

Marc didn't know or recognize any of the Trench CoatMafia. He knew that some students wore black trench coats from


0... di<_ ..:5!.J/:..:1!:.:3~/:..:9:.:9:.._ _Vol'" 4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN 3105SA Rueseli J. Atanasio

by _JC-001· 004625

'1'biI dOl:umcat ~oruaiJ» ocllherrcc-ott'iu1¢'nd.tdou 00f' I:onalutiow. ofth" Fit It i.I thepropertyorebe FBI.nd isI~ w your.p~y:it and iu eot1Lcn1l .1'4 _ \(I h4 diAribtMd 0UUIkie yOW' "JIlftl:)'.

Page 26: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN 3105

2..... _"'---Marc Tillri

tillle to tillie, ))ut nothing llIore. Prior to this incident, hereally didn't even know who the Trench Coat Mafia was. Last yearin 1998, he was at the house of Chris Marcum at a socialgathering. There was another stuc1ent that hung out with Marcum'ssister that wore a black trench coat. He ooulc1 not provide adescription of this individual.

Marc doesn't use the Internet, and doesn't have a screenname or lCQ account.

JC.Q01· 004626

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JC.()01· 004621

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OOB: 1023834901 S. Wadswotth Blvd. #20Ultletol1,CO 80123PbII 303 94&-7646

~ advised tbal be is notsumwhothe "guy inb~ and couldnot providlo any adrljrioMl informallon011 tbal inddelI~ although lIli'em:d lbis In'lllStigatOr to bi$ ti:ietld, idend:fied as:

Millaz:zo.JoePb11303 973-4C67

~ advised tbal Joe may Ila'" infolIlWilln OIl an incident tbal involved bi$ ti:ietld, StookSlrlnner.

Tbis In'l!lStigatOr learned tbalJoe wasin~ by limstigatot Bri""Mootnaw OIl 050499. and advisedtbal an uniI::nownf~ Tailmomher toldBrook, "you'd _ watdl out,100areall goingto die today".

lUfet to CotltXOll12925 fortepOrt of interriew with Brookregarding the afomnentioned.

JC-Q01· 004628

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JC.o01· 004629

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Off..... , FIRST DEGREE MURDER.'«1m, SCOTT.....n.. ~~73 STEFFES, TIMOTHYIttV., 1~!17 GIRSON

CR', 99038856Dat., 05/11/99'age: 1 Ql 3Key! ~1.S4*lSli·l17J


---------------------------------------------------------------------------ASSOCIATED CASE REPORT NUMBERS:

Jefferson County Sheriifs C.R.: 99-7625FBI control number: 174A-DIV-S7419



TOCCI, Lauren NicoleDOEl: 12/17/837993 West Plymouth PlaceLittleton, CO. 80123(303) 972-7662

barbara TocciDaniel Tocci


On May 10, 1999 ! was assigned an interview with Columbine High Schoolstudent Lauren Tocci who was possibly in the cafeteria during theshootings. I spoke to Lauren's mother. Barbara Tocci, and made anappointment for an interview on May 11th at noon.

At 1150 on May 11th ILauren and Barbara Tocci.Columbine and that she was

went to 7993 West Plymouth Place and contactedLauren advised that she is a ninth grader atin the cafeteria when the shooting began.

Lauren related that she got to thesitting at the table identified as "R".with: Jenny Ribble

Chris MassiasMike GagnaJessica GeurtsJoceyln Provo

cafeteria at about 11:10AM, and wasShe said that she was sitting

Lauren said that she had been seated at the table for about tenminutes when she heard what sounded like someone pounding on the windows,Then a janitor came through the cafeteria with a radiO telling everyone toget under the tables, and then a pipe bomb exploded in the parking lot tothe west of the cafeteria, She reported that she hid under the table forabout ten seconds when a kid who had been shot outside came in the westdoor of the cafeteria. At this time a crowd of students started to run upthe stairs to the south hall and Lauren followed them, She stated that asshe was running up the stairs one or possibly two of the shooters were


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LAICBWOOD co PD ..... :2 •• 3Supplement 05/11/99 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY

.... 99038856

:oming in the west cafeteria doors. Lauren said that once at the top ofthe stairs the crowd headed down the south main level hall to the east andout of the doors near the math rooms. She advised that while they wererunning dcwn the south hall the shooters were coming up the stairs from thecafeteria shooting. She reports she heard eight to ten shots from behindher. Lauren said that she did not see the shooters well enough torecognize them.

Lauren said that she was toward the front of the crowd so she couldnot see what was behind her. She also advised that she did not turn aroundto look. Once outside of the school, Lauren said that she ran down thehill to the east of the exit door and across S. Pierce Street into LeawoodPark where she stayed for a while. According to Lauren after the crowd hadbeen in the park for about three minutes there were more shots from thedirection of the school and the teachers that were with the crowd told thestudents to back up some more. Lauren reported she was then directed toLeawood Elementary School where she contacted her "parents.

Lauren said that she did not notice anything like a large duffel bagin the cafeteria when she arrived, but she said that she was one of thelast students in the cafeteria as she had stopped at her locker beforegoing to the cafeteria. Lauren further advised that she did not seeanyone carry a duffel type bag into the cafeteria while she was there.

Lauren reported that she had been in science class prior to going tothe cafeteria. The class room is located on the main level toward thesouth side of the school. Her locker is in the south main level hall nearthe math class rooms. Lauren advised that she did not see anyone with agun while she was walking from her locker to the cafeteria.

Lauren advised that she had heard no rUmors about something happeningon April 20th before that day. She also said that she was not aware ofany rumors about bomb building. Lauren said that she had heard that theschool had received a bomb threat on Tuesday (4-20) morning but she couldprovide no further information on what had happened.

Lauren said that she was not aquainted with either Eric Harris orDylan Klebold and she has had no contact with either person. She advisedthat neither she nor any of her friends were associated or members of theTrench Coat Mafia. She did adVise that a neighbor, Nate Dykeman, dressedall in black. She further advised that Nate had once asked her out but sheturned him down. Lauren also advised that Nate had helped her get onAmerica On Line so she could do research for a school paper and he knewalot about computers. She advised that she was not familiar with anynames that Harris, Klebold. or Dykeman had been using on the internet.She advised that she heard that Harris had his own web page but she hadnever checked it out. Lauren continued to say that Dykeman kept tohimself and did not socialize much. She also stated that if Dykeman wasplaying kick ball with other neighborhood kids and he lost he would getmad and go inside his house. Barbara Tocci said that any contact she hadwith Dykeman, he was polite and courteous. Barbara said that she onceasked Dykeman why did he did not play basketball as he was very tall, andhe said that the coach would not pick him. She also advised that he toldher that he did not want to complete his senior year at Columbine butwanted to finish school in Florida living with his father. Lauren

JC-001- 004631

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CIt* 1I11038856LUBWOOIl CO PIl .... 3 of 3Supplement 05/11/99 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY

reported that she had spoken to a friend, Gabe Montoya, and that Montoyahad told her he was once in Dykeman'S bedroom and noted that the walls were

covered with devil posters. Lauren advised that Dyke~~ often hung outwith a white male subject, possibly a senior, who always wore either ablack beret or baseball hat turned backwards. This subject was tall andhad blond hair. Lauren did not know if he wore glasses.

Lauren described the bag she left behind as a blue shoulder bag madeby "Protocol". She advised that the bag contained two binders, herjournal, calculator and note books.

Lauren could provide no additional information and the interviewended at 1230.

"en", 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY .""...., 05/11/99 16: 388erge&nt::



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on 5/11/99, Joseph Tran, OOB 8/15/83, 8536 WestPrentice Avenue, Littleton, Colorado, was advised of the identityof the interviewing AIiIent, and the nature and purpose of theinterview. He was interviewed in the presence of his Father,Binq Tran. Be provided the followil\9 information.

On 4/~O/99, Joe Tran arrived at the Columbine 81qhSChool at approximately 7:25 a.m. He went to his normal classesthat mornil\9. His last glass prior to his lunch period wasbioloqy class. After biology, he went straight to his lunchperiod. Be arrived in the lunch room at approXimately 11110 a.m.Be bouqht his lunch, and sat at table GG. Be didn't notice anyduffel baqs or packages out of the ordinary in the cafeteria. Bewas seated at table GG with the followinq individuala.

1. Daniel Yeaq~2. Scott Streeb v3. Josh Halder -v"4. Zach Tholllpson'/

He beqan eating, and heard a cOlllmotion on the west half of thecafeteria. He looked around and saw students peering over theirtables toward the west windows of the cafeteria. N~, he sawMr. Sanders run out frOlll the area of the teachers lounqe. Mr.sanders was yellinq for everyone to qet down. Several janitorswere also yellinq the same. Be then got down under table GGalong with hia friends. As he was qettinq under the table, heheard a gun shot. The entire room waa getting up and runninqtowards the stairs. He then did the same, and when he qot allll.ostto the base of the steps, he realized that his friend SCottstreeb was still under the table in a state of shook. Joe ranback, and helped Streab to the stairs, and went up. AS he ran upthe stairs, he heard 4-5 shots behind hia. At the top of thestairs, Joe ran with lllany other students down the math/sciencehallway, and out the school. He crossed Pierce, and went toLeawood Park. He r!llllained at Leawood Park for approximately ~5

minutes, and then walked in the neiqbborhood, and used anunidentified citizens telephone to call his Father.

At no time did Joe see anyone carrying any duffel orlarqe IJY1I1 type baqs on either Honday or Tuesday. Prior to this

~, ~74A-DN-57419/ 99-76251 CN 3~12 Dolo_ .:5...1...1"'1"-/.:::.99"- _

JC·001· 004636SA Russell J"< Atanasiopby ~~==~~F~~~~------------

Thit QocWDe'.llll~ .im.t l"'I¢OWIlIl__ DOt'~!~ of .. fit, 1. 1Mp~ oftbt Dl ud II k:Mtt.Iod 10yow qeoey.It &ad W¢lXlIt:QU IInI oat to.be dimibl.lUld~ y<lW -.racy.

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174A-DH-57419/ 99-7625/ CH 3112

J Ollleph Triln

incident, Joe didn't know who Xlebold or Harris were. However,after the incident, and seein<;r photos of Xlebold and Harris, hedidn't rlllllelllber having' seen thlllll on either Konday or Tuesday.Althouqh Joe had heard of the Trench coat Mafia (TCH), and seenthlllll around school, he didn't know the names of the TCH, nor didhe have friends that associated with the TCH, since studentshave returned to school at Col1llllbine, there are rumors andspeculation that there was a third shooter.

Joe uses the Internet on a regular basis. He has as=een nllllle of :KYo, and 2 ICQ accounts. The older of the two isaccountl 3709461, and the newer of the accounts is # 3071952.Joe uses a chat roo. that involves video qames. The address iswww•que fan. COlli..

JC·001. 004637

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JC.001. 004638

Page 39: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


JC-oOt - 004639

Page 40: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

Page__ ot__

, !

Summary of Statement:

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

Case NO, _


1have reed the foregoing &fa_t and the facts contained therein are UUe to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not millntain that it contBins ail of tha facts or detslls of the Incident, but only those facts sbout which I have beenulted.

__I 0- '-- OAM

'l'Inmo;;:;;;c1!S;;..;;;;:..,=,.::;.?:C&=""'=iildWi 0 PM

DPO 3'68 (Rev. 2195) JC-001· 004640 n~II~lmllll6 0 0 '

Page 41: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

PSlle __ 01 _ Pages Case # _

A,,?IlN'-" eke (",r •.f! 9&./:r, 2-

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Summary of Statement [eent.) ---;--------,---,.----,------r------1'<& ..t.-Pk) .& ,u,oM<4 J;I., 12 wZ

..4-'-'::..::...:::.~--:-------__:::;_------------f) £7 4~

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I have fead the foregoing statement lttId the facts contained therein are tru« to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains aUof the facts Of details of the incident. but only those facts about which I have beenasked.

JC..Q01· 004641

Page 42: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700








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Page 43: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700



Jc.o01• 004643

Page 44: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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Page 45: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


~,A_ ~01llur Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO MOORE,C. 99.7625-qqqqCOM""" CaoI Report No. Vktlm_ 0nsinaJ R'l*t o...Thi>R_

- COLUMBINE mGH SCHOOL 6-28-99'Cb...-uJC:IIti:l.ln X FI:RST DEGREEMTJRDER ow....,..... ""'" X ~CI_ CJ Recommend Case: Re""w CJ

Reclassification CJ Cloucd by Arm;t CJ "of""""" CJ Closure Cl

1~1_ 1 ...... ,,_ I~ I """"No ~\\'i; !~~I~







On 6-17-99, I wasassigned lead#1484, to interview Brenden Trujillo, a Columbine HighSchoolstudenton 4-20-99. 'This lead

wasoriginally assigned to Investigator Mike Heylin, of the Jefferson County District Attorney'sOfficeon 4-27·99.

On 6-24-99, at IS23 hours, I contacted the listedhomephonenumber forTrujillo, (303)979-{i614. At thisrimeJ spoke with a

iJlle whoidentified b.imselfas Brenden Trujillo. I toldhim I was following uponthewritten statement he badmade with Denver

PoliceDepartment on 4-20-99, andI toldhimI wouldliketoshowhimsome diagrams "fColumbineHighSchool. Trujillo and

I set an appointment for 6-28·99 at 0900hours, at his residence.

On 6-28-99, at abouz 0910 hours, Ianived at Trujillo's residence. Alsopresent washis mother, ElaineTrujillo. I toldTrujillo

I wanted to talk about the incidenton 4-20-99. I asked himwhathis fourthperiodclasswas. He stated he had learning lab,

which is on tbe lower level of the school, and fromthere he wentstraight to thecafeteria, got his lunchand sat down. He Slated

this tookhim a little over five minutes from the rimethe bell rangat 1110hours. He statedafterhe sat down,possibly five to

tell micures Ialer, hebeard whathe believed to be "muffled" gun fire. He stated some kidsatan adjacent tableran to thewindow

at the edgeof thecafeteria. He statedhe thenlookedout as well. I showed Trujillo a diagramof the Columbine HighSchool

cafeteria. Trujillo wasunsure whichof two tables he wassittingat, but drew a circle around both of them. (Seeattached.)

Trujillo stated afterbe heardthe gunfire, and looking outside, he could seea male, possibly Lance Kirklinwith bloodon his leg,

crawling around on the ground. Trujillo stated he knows Kirklin. Trujillo indicated this was occurring at the bottom of the

outside stairway. I then showedTrujillo a diagramof Columbine HighSchool in the areaof the stairsoutsidethe cafeteria. I

asked Trujillo to markan "X" in the area wherethe injuredmalewascrawling (possibly LanceKirklin), which he did. (See

JC..o01· 004645 -?i)\""'

Unit NIUllMr Suporvisot IniMls alldDauo AssignoIlT. Ico.. ", 1 ........ .(.3l,. ol4c.. or l

OIUGlNAl, \/ l');;1/SSTIDATOl VlcnM SElVlCES I"""" I ASAF3 4198 JCSD/t674


Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION 0Rq>omns As-J< Ropo!ting omeer CaseReportNo

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO MOORE,C. 99-7625-qqqqCOl'llleCting Cue~rt No. victimN_ Qr\Plal!tepm _Thi.!tepm


ca....,~OJJ X FIRST DEGREE MURDER~- """ X ~OlI&1l)l' CIoanId e ~dCase: Review 0

Reclmilic:tt:iml 0 Cletted: by Arres! " Un{""""" o Closure Q

l~TQwlntiTyl afllldNm¢ ·1 DndpOOlt I.....N' ~I: I ~iIIc I Vt:lu:• Wl~ t'>fmAiI't'd

attached) Trujillo described a second male, nexl to the first, laying in a fetal position. laying facingup the hill. I asked Trujillo

to mark thediagram witha "0" in thai place, which he did Trujillo stated that up the hill from these two individuals he could

see a male in a black: trench COal. I askedhim to label this maleon the diagram with a ''T''' which he did. I askedTrujillo to

describe this individual to me. He statedhe was IIOt surehowtall the personwas. I asked him how tall he was, and he Slated

he is 5"10". I askedhim if this malewas talleror shorter than he was. He statedthe individual was taller,skinny build, with

possibly blondcurlyhair. TrujiUo couldnot describe !iuthefthe attire of the individual. I askedhini specifically aboutshoes,

pants,andhead gear. Trujillocould notdescribeany of these items. Hestatedthe male was facingdown hill witha handgun

in oneof hishands. WIth his elbowbent and the gunnearhisear. Trujillo was not sure if the gun was in the left or rig.ltt hand.

I asked Trujillo (fhe had anybagswithhim. He statedhe did not. He statedheknowsthe trenchcoat was open, butcouldnot

remember what colortheshirt was.

askedTrujillowhathappenednext. He statedhe ran, but initially he duckedunder the tableas everyone else was, and then

decided totun. Trujillothen drew on the cafeteria diagramwhichdirection he went. He stated he was not sureto which side.

of which table he went,but believes it was pretty much straight from the tableto the stairway, goingto the upperlevelof the

school. I asked him if he noticed anything unusual in thecafeteria. He stated he did not. I askedhim if there wereany unusual

bagsor back packs thathe couldrecall, Hestatedthere was not.[asked him howmuchtimehad passedfromhearing themuffled

gunshots andthe time thathe ranoutof the cafeteria. He stated aboutthirtyseconds had gone by. I asked him if the fire aim

had goneoffyet,andhe Slated ithad not. I asked Trujillo who had been sitting at the table with him. Hestated it wasDanRicks

andMikeLavean, He stated he was not sure if therewas anyone else,but possibly EricLarson was siltingthere. He statedEric

Larson normally sits there, buthe's notactually sure ifhe had arrived yet. I thenshowed Trujilloanotherdiagram of the upper

leve! of theschool, at whichpointhe drewhis route of rravel, which he did. (See artached.) Trujillo statedhe had comeup the

stairs. thenthrough the southhallway, into a science room. Trujillo statedthis was Ms. Moser's room. He stared Ms. Moser

locked the doors and turnedout the lights. Trujillo stated all thelrids (about 30) huddled near an interiorwall. He stated if

anyone looked through the doorsoneither side of this wall they would not be able to see the Individuals huddled on that wall.

Trujillo stated at one pointhe couldhear yelling, whichhe believed tobe the gunmen. He stated he believed the malevoices

werehollering "police," butstated it was distorted andbe truly was notsurewhattheyweresaying. Trujillo stated the fireaim

JC-001· 004646

Gel'Signature Unit Number ~t Initials andDate Assignc:dT<J Page 1

~""-~ rx- :Sl 0\1-t.-, of JORJOrNAI. '(' mmr ~Vr.sTIGA TOil, vt('T';M seevezs I0= I ASAFHI"g JCSD,l6"

Page 47: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


RcportiDg Offic:er Case Ropon No

SUl'PlEMENT X JCSO MOORE,C. 99-7625-qqqqCoooectiog OIs<lbport No. V">CIim N.... Orijinal Repo<t _Tbl,Ropon

COLUMBINE mGH SCHOOL 6-28-99'- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER XClu:JifialtiOI1 -s_o".. ~~ 0 _eas., l~i~ aIb:cluliik:al:i01l 0 o-byA.- 0 U..- 0 Cl"""" 0

'Ii'! 1 ()w>ri~ 1 _ N"", 1~'" ISerWNo. ,y~ I~ID~~

didnot go offuntilsometime whenhewas in the science room. Hesaidat somepoint laterthe fire alarmceasedto gooff and

another bellbegan ringing, Trujillo statedfor a whiletherewas a period of silence,and he thoughtpossiblyit wasover, or the

gunmen were holdinghostages. He statedat this pointbe had no ideathat the individuals involvedwerefrom theirschool, he

believed theywere"terroristsor bank robbers". He statedthe silence lasted about an hour, and then he beard gunfireagain.

He1llllted fromthe limehe arrivedin thescieaceroom, until the time the SWATteam took them Ollt of the building, wasabout

rour hOUIS. Hestated he and the rest of the students were against the samewallthe entire lime. Trujillo stated he heard one"big"

bomb afterbe got inro the scienceroom, whichshook the floor. Hestatedbe hearda lot of gun fire as welL I asked himif the

gun fire all sounded the same. He stated it was in different patterns. He statedbe specifically remembers one"big" explosion,

but statedtherewere othersmaller explosions. Hestatedthe yellingbe heard, and he believedto be comingfromthegunmen,

sounded as if it was in the sciencearea or southmainhall, Hesaid it soundedclose,but not aemallyat their door.

askedTrujilloahout the gunman he saw outside. I asked if it was anyone he recognized. He said be didoot recognize him.

I asked himifhe kneweitherDylanKlebold orEricHams. Hestated he didnot I asked him if theywereanyone he recognized

fromseeingthem in the hallway. He said be did not

I asked Trujillo lfbe had gone intothecafeteria, anytime before I:bal. during theday. He stated duringfirst period he was in the

cafeteria. I askedhim ifhe saw anything unusual at that time. He statedhe did not I askedhim ifthere was anything unusual

aboutthe day, and he statedthere was not. I askedhimifhe had seen thepicturesof Harris and Klebold in the papers and on

T.V. He stated he bad. He stated based on the pictures he saw, the individual he saw with the gun, he believes to be Dylan


DISPOSITION Open, pendingfurtherinvestigation.

JC.Q01· 004647

Oftker SignatuJ"e Unk Number SUpe.rviJor !nitialsandDate AssignO<lTo Pall" 1c» ,b ~?(_....

of 10lUCNAL !~ I (',Y'E..'I:110_"TO/< YlC'T"lM SU\1CES I"""" I ASAf3 4/98 JCSIFI674

Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700



Page 49: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUAnON n Rq>or!ina "'- Rq>orlina Oflioor CaseR~No<

SUPPL.EMENT 'J( JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-.1COrtJI<Ctin& c... R<port No. V«::tim Ncvne Origlnal Report 0... Th~ R<port

COLUMBINE 05-06-99-X FIRST DEGREE MURDER, - or;",.$••,,,~ X ~lyCIelted a Recommend c~: R.evfew a

Raelani'/kation a Clw'" by AmI< " u""""""" a CIOSUte 0

l~ 1_"", 1_,,- l Oactiplion ISWlN<> ~~:~ 1~~ I D~e4



1385 West WalkerDrive

Littleton. CO 80123


Student-Columbine B.S.


On05-05-99, at 1000hours,I responded 107385 West Walker Drive, where I contacted and interviewed witness SteveTrujillo.

Irujillotoldmemefollowing, On04-20-99, at about Ll lf hours, Trujillo saidhe arrived in1he cafeteria areaof Columbine High

School andsaidhe got something toeat,menwenttoa tablein the food courtarea, SteveTrujillo saidhesat with KellyBurgess,

Amy Evans, Lee (unknownlastname)and others, (Hedid not remember their names, norwhereeach person wassittingat the

table.), SteveTrujillosaid he sat downabout ! 1:20 to 11:25 and then heardsome girls (names unknown) ron up to a janitor in

the cafeteria and tell him thaIsomeone had beenshot. Steve Trujillo said he thoughtthe girlswerejoking untilother students

ran to windows of thecafeteriato lookoutside. Hesaidsomeof thestudents alsoexitedme school through the cafeteria doors,

Steve Trujillo saidthe janitor toldeveryone in the cafeteria to get downon the floor and Steve Trujillo saidhethenhearda large

"boom" noise. Steve Trujillosaid he tried to hide behind a cart, however, when he was unable to, He then ran with other

students down1he ball in an easterly direction to theforeign language department, where hehid wim 20 to 25otherpeople, Steve

Trujillo saida short timelaterhe ranoutof the foreign language department andthenexitedthe school through thesouth doors,

He ran to a friend's house on the northwestcomer of WestPolkand SouthPierce,

SteveTrujillo saidhe did notsee anyof the suspects duringthis incident. Healsotold methathe did not seea blueduffle bag,

nordid hesee a propane tank inthecafeteria, SteveTrujillo saidheknows suspect Harris andSUSpeCI Klebold, especially suspect

Harris,because they wereon a soccerteamtogether, SteveTrujillo said that he played00 the sameSOccer teamas EricHarris

Of'I1«l" Signatur<: Unit N....... Supervlr.or In.itiall itM Date IA31;gn.dT. PIlll' 1

" .1). ...-= ,"" ., of 1

ORiGmAl I !'NVeSTlO...T01t Vlem:.1SERVICES lomEi JC.o01· 004649 I ASAF3419$: JCSDiI61,j

Page 50: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION CR.eponln8 Agency R.epolting Offie.. Case Report No

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-.1Conneding Case((cport No. Victim.NamtOriIJ)~ Rll!port DIlK ThlsReport

COLUMBINE 05-06-99r '''''''' X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Oi'f.«uc: SlaU: Open X E~onalI} CINred 0 ~mmend Case: Review oRsl;lesilk:at:ioo 0 Clcnd by Atmt " "of""""'" n Clcsure o

J~ (QtIlmtity IBIMd NIII'iII: I Detocri~n IScri., Nc ?':I~ , ValUll t v~Rc:oov-o ~

forthree or fouryears,however, lastyear, suspect Hams did not play. SteveTmjillo said approximately twoyears ago.suspect

Kleboldjoined the team, however, he was not on the team verylongandendedup not playing. SteveTrujillo saidthe coach of

this teamwas a Joan Swenson. SteveTrujillo saidbe did notsee anyevidence of any violenttendencies in eitherone of the

suspects andbe, in met. described suspectHarrisas"niceitseemed," Hesaidsuspect Klebold "waskindofa goofy guy." Steve

Trujillo said it also seemed like suspect KleboldWas a follower of suspect Harris. Wil1less Trujillo said he has not hadany

problems witheithersuspect, eventhoughSteveTrujillo wasanathlete. Hesaidhe bas not seenthe otherjocks picking oneither

suspectKJebold or suspect Harris, however, he saidhe did hearthatsome of theJocks had "slammed them into the lockers"

before. Witness Trujillo saidhe did not associate witheithersuspect or any otherTrenchCoat Mafiastudents. When he saw

one afthe suspects in the hallway at Columbine HighSchool, he saidhe wouldsay hello to them. Witness Trujillo saidthe

Trench Coat Mafia students are seen as "social outcasts" and said they associate with each other and pretty much stay to

themselves. W'l1less TrujillosaidChrisMorris usedto weara trenchcoatall the timewhileattending Columbine High School.

He saidChrisMorris usedto carry"a software book"withhimevery where. He also said this was in 1997 when ChrisMorris

was in a class with him. Witness Trujillo said wbile they were this class together, Chris Morris did not talk about guns

specifically, but he did say to witness Trujilloiliathe knewhow to use medieval weapons. Witness Trujillosaid he does not

knowof anybody who makesor attempts to make explosive devices. nor does he knowofanybody who carriesa firearm.

Witness Trujillo saidon 04-20-99, hewas wearing a white undershirt witha grayvest over it, bluejeans and sandals. He said

he doesnot remember leaving anything in the cafeteria before heranout. However, he is not sure. He didsay hisbrother, Eric

Trujilloleft a blue"Arnercrombie" backpack withits contents inside of a mathclassroom.

ADDITIONALINFORMATION: Witness Trujillo toldme that he bowlsat Belleview Lanes. locatedat Federal Blvd. and

Belleview. Hesaidstudentsbowling need to be at the Belleview Lanes at 0615, andbowlingbeginsat 0630. He saidthere ate

18teams of howlersin this league with one of the teams having Dylan Klebold, Eric Harris,ChrisMorris and NateDykeman

as its teammembers. Witness Trujillo saidon 04-2lJ.99, be didnotseeany of the suspects bowling at Belleview Lanes. He said

itwasnothis team, however, that wasscheduled to bowl against the suspects team. Witness Trujillo saidhis schedule is to bowl

until0730, thenhe goes home, gets readyfor schooland arrives at Columbine HighSchoolbetween 0820 and 0825. H. said

he did not see either suspecton 04-2lJ.99, eitherat Belleview Lanes or at Columbine High School.


JC-oO1- 004650

of ;!


Page 51: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION [JRoporMI"- RoporMc Ofll... Cas.e~ttNo

SUl'l'LEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-762s.JConn,,",," c... _rt No. V....N_ 0.;__


COLUMBINE 05-06-~9

, ..... X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER Offel'w: s-..: -{,)pel X ~,c_ 0 ~oml'nmd Cast": Review 0

Rtl::1U1ihrion 0 C~byAnwt 0 Un_ O Cl""", 0

J~I_I__ I""""""" 1-,." ~= t~~ I ~~;4

Witness Trujillo saidtotalheheardsevento eight "booms" 1lShe was nmningaway.downthe hall awayfromthe cafeteria/food

courtarea. Hesaid hebelieves that the shotscam. fromeitherthecafeterie, or the upstairs part of the highschool. Hewid me

h. bas not beenhaving anyemotional type of problems since this incident. I gave himone of my business cards and toldhim

to call me if hewanted to talk to JCSO Vi<:tim Advocate in the future.

DIsrosmON: Case isopen, pending further investigation.

JC..oo1· 004651

'"~'-:;'n: _ Unit

N_SupeM$or hUtlais and 0... AssignedTo Page ;l

~ .,." ..\ ".._- of a

i mu-cNA" rNVtsnOAT(JR VJCTlM S:C1l:VlCBS IOnl£R I MAF3 4J9iJ JCSQlt674

Page 52: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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JC-001· 004652

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JC..o01· 004653

Page 54: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

FBII74A.DN·57419JCSO 99-7625Detective: Mark Allen- Denver PoliceDepartment ! (303) 640-1183


BrittanyTyaee7449 S. Kendall St,Littleton, CO 80123(303) 973-6987

Subject: Columbine High SchoolShooting,

On 5/11/99I interviewed Brittany Tyaeke at her home7449 S. Kendall St. Brittanyrelatedthat sheneversaw any duffelbags in the cafeteria and she neversaw anyone inpossessionof any duffelbags aroundthe school. Brittany said that she enteredthecafeteriaat approx, 11.l5AM and she stoodneat table #L. Brittanyremembered that herfriends, KatiePlace, Stephanie Duffy and Joe Marcott, alongwith a girl by the firstnameof Kennywereall at table#L. Brittanysaid she heard gunshots and left through the westside cafeteria exit doors. Brittany said she ran to hillyarea near a fence next to PierceBlvd. Shesaid a whitemale, 5-9 approx. 25yrs old withbrownor black hair, wearing ablue plaid shirt and bluejeans, stated"Look at thet explosion, look at all the stuff flying.Isn't that cool". Brittany's friend, DenayTaylorand Katie Placealso heard the guy makethe comments. Brittanysaid she left her black fold overbackpackoutside the cafeteriaarea. Brittanysaid that she didn't observeanythingelsesuspicious outsideof the school.

Brittanyalso relatedthat she didn't know anyof the TeM and she never spokewilh anyof them. Brittanysaid she her friend, Jackie Bakersaid SarahD was runningpastJamieSchafnerand she toldJamie to run and Jamie told her "Shut the flickup" and thesuspect's walkedrightpast her. Brittanyalso said "Someguy pulledher friend, BrittanyGillete asideand told her there wasgoing to be anothershooting".

Brittany didn't provideany furtherinformation aboutthe TeM or othersuspects.

JC-001· 004654


Page 55: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

** UPDATED APRIL 28, 1999 ** 0< Sr;ffClJIY J IyrJtA


1. Didyou em-_!be rwo large duffel bap in the cafelllria? N-.;

2. Didyou see anyone carrying or in !bepossession of 1II0se duffelbap, at apnovious time? fVu3. Didyou see EricHaIris orDylan K1ebokl either 00 Monday ofTuesday ? What werellley doing ?

What did !beysay? Were tllcywillt anyoneelse? Ml

4. Didyou leaveacythiJlg beblndin!be cafelllria oranywbere else in tllcschool? \3\.; Q,"o< pJl..:.'<',I ~t '\ \)\,,4 1":s I I"P-

5. w1iO were youwith in !becafelllria? Wh<n.....- yousilling 'I-f'~L.. II l-

6. Didyou see or talk to anyo{Ihe T=b Coat Malia meml>t!n onMonday? Tuesday? Howaboutthepriorweek or weekeod ?Wo

7. Have you heardaoytbing fromanybody else aboutothersuspoe15. bombmaking, gtIlI b1IyiDg. etc. ?

S. What were you wearing? Did youhavea back pack ? Whatdid it looklib>and I or havein it ?1-1"''''''"' ... e,,, bvsr M-II') o./"~ ~~'<f"',<". ($"<1,,",-) ~,q...'l";P,Jti~"~

9. How did youleavetIIccafe1eria or!bebuilding? Whatwere the evonts thalmade you leave ?L..,.l-r"' .....~<..H .".JJ se" ,"'-'Jr,,..... 2c..;rr "1)w~ $ e,..,."" ~ ........) JI'>"";' ""'~ "",",,/j-"'" f '5- fl..,.>

10. Whattimedid youeaterthe cafelllria ? Wheredidyoucome' from (prior to d\,; calelerial ? l.(A,n, f i"..((~·II, \S (oAt>'f!1- q""rr

11. Have them lIllIIk wh"'" !beywere silling,tlleir routeoutof tIIc building and whom they were with(i{known) ?

12. Howdid youexit thebuilding? Where did.you go when you got out and whatdid you seeonlheoutside of lhe building?

13. Doyouusethe !ntJlrnl:l? If so,wbalis yourscreenname? Do youha'" an ICQ(aka: I seekyou IsUniJar to • chat llne) ""count? NIJ


14. Doyou know anybody witha "double pierced eyebrow"? "'"

15. Didyon see orbearanyunusual illII10111lCe1Ilenlll prior to theshootings? Do you know what the"Thought of!bedaywas" overlheRIIbel NewsNetwOrk (RNN)? No

I16. Canyon provide my funberinfOltlllllion on the memilm of the Trench COal Mafia? tV..;) I

17, AskllleParellts i{ thekldshavetoldthemanytllinselse? DiffenlIlt?


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Page 56: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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I I, JC-001· 004656

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JC-001· 004657

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STEFANIA ULowSKI81123 W. Polk PI.Littleton, CO.303.972-4267

05112199, 0830 hrs. Stefania Ulowski was interviewed by Detective S.C. Shott #72049(DPD) at her home, 81123 W. Polk PI. Her mother, SandraUlowski, was present.

Ms. Ulowskistated that she attended school on the day of the incident;however, she wasnot sitting in the cafeteria at the time when incident OCCUIted. She said that at 1110 hrsshe finished her fourth period class and walked over to the dollar golf cart to help herfriend sell food items. Ms. Ulowski said that the cart sells food items for $1.00 and it isnear the main entrance of the cafeteria and next to the Rebel Comer. Ms. Ulowskiidentified the friends that were with her as Samantha Haviland. Katelyn Whitney andAlan Barker. They were all at the cart for approximately live minutes when a janitorcame by and said that someone had just been shot. She said that she did not hear anygunfire but realized that something was WTOng when students began running by in apanic. Ms. Ulowskisaid that she and her friends ran to the nearby lower level auditoriumand hid there withother students. They then walked up to the upper level auditorium thatis connected by a walkway. She said that there were about fifteen other students hidingin the area. While there, she heard what sounded like 5-8 gunshots. She and her friendsthen decided to leave the auditorium and run down a hallwayand out of a door near thesmoke pit. They then jumped the fence and ran to Clement Park.

Ms. Ulowski said that she had a backpack with her at the time and left it at the chairwhere she was sitting by the food cart. She described her pack as being forest green incolor and it contained misc. books, papers and a calculator. She did not see anyone enterthe cafeteria with a duffel bag nor did she see one in or near the cafeteria. She does notknow Eric Harris or DYlan Klebold or any of the reM members. She said that sherecognized Harris only by sight and he always sat near the vending machines when hewas in the cafeteria. She did not see him on the day of the incident and she could notrecall if she saw him on the Monday before the incident.

JC.001- 004658

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JC..()01_ 004659

Page 60: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


Dooket ~:

CU. HwIIber:


Deputy I),A.,

May :12, 1999 :174A-DNS74:l9


CN 2903

Investigator: Lauck


Sarah Ungerland

8081 S. Kendall Blvd.

~ittleton. CO., 80:127


On May 12, 1999, this investigator met with Sarah Ungerland at

her residence. Present during the interview was her mother, Denise


Sarah stated that on the day of this incident, she had

completed completed her fourth hour class and arrived in the

cafeteria at approximately 11,15 a.m.. She advised that she sat down

at a table with her friends: Shannon Ryan, Casey Peregoy, Stephanie

Wujcikowski and Tasle Olson. She was shown a sketch of the cafeteria

and indicated an area in the Rebel Corner as where she had been .

The backpack list has her backpack at the table marked ·C." That

table is in the general area where Sarah thought she had been.

Sarah said that she went to the far west end of the food

counter, got her lunch and returned to her table. She stated that a

few minutes later, students began running and she heard one of them

say, • somebody' s got a gun." She said she saw Mr. Sanders in the

cafeteria and he was telling everyone to get down under the tables.

She said she also saw another teacher, Mr. Brookfield waving his

arms in a downward motion. She stated that there was a group of

1 JC.()01· 004660

Page 61: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

students who were running from the cafeteria down the language hall

and she joined that group. Sha said they stayed in one of the rooms

for a few minutes and then heard a loud explosion followed by two

more very loud explosions. She advised that she ran out of the room

through a south" door and ran to Polk Bt . , where there was a

residence being used for seminary classes.

Sarah advised that she did not know Eric Harris nor did she

know Dylan Klebold. She advised that on the day of this incident,

she had been wearing jeands and a bright blue shirt.

Sarah t S brother Jonathan provided law enforcement with

information on May llth concerning a student who told him that he

had a bomb in his vehicle and offered to show it to him. His mother

advised that she did not know the outcome of that situation.

Investigation continues.

. vestigator




Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700


J:qdA)I UN:f;:~_LA.-./o c-r.,,;z 9 0 ':$

1. Didyou eversee the twO large dufIi:I baas in the cafet:da 1 /\/0

2. Didyou see any~ r:m:t\tlg or in the~c of !bOse duffi:l bags, aI a pn>vioas time 1 N v

3. Didyou seeEric Harris orDylan Klcbold eitllcr011Monday ofTuesday? What"'"'" theydciDg? />1:::>What didthey say1 Wtn lboywitl1 acyoco else ?

4. Didyou Iea.eanything bebilldin lbocafeI=:ia OUtlyw!lore else in the selIool? (lool::., , .. t.OJCEfL

5. Who'iro'efe you wtthill lbocafeI=:ia? Whtn """"' yoosilling? S {;; I!. I?./E/'OA- r-:

6. Didyou .... or lIIlk (0 anyof the T"",cl:lCoatMafia IIlClIlbers 011 Mooday 1 Tuesday? How aboutlbo ~priorwook orwooloIod 1

7. Have you hoard anythillg from8I1yhody else about other suspoc1$, bomb maJdcg,g'tIC bu,mg, de.? NO

8. What-= you WlOOring? Didyouhave aha<:k pn<:l< 1Whatdidillool:liI<o and I orlla•• in ir? {1( (10,\ t:

9. How didyouleave the<:afeteria or the buildillg? Whatwore thee'lOlltS that made you 1_ ? n \('Q~ r:

IO. What limodidyouotIlllI thecafe..t..a 1 Whtn did youcome from (pt..or to the c:liollll'ial ? f I

I!. Have them matk whore theywere ,illing. tbeir route ow: of the huilditlg andwhom theywore with(if ......--h1oWQ) 1

12. How didyoo .xlt thebuil4lng? Whore did you go wbon yougotoutandwhatdid you .... on tho a., ,h,,~ r:outsiilo of the hui1dilIg? I

,.-....~ Doyou 1ISO' the !nlemet? If so. whatis yourscreen tUlIll<? DoyouIlave anICQ(""" I s..k you I "/;;:,

similar tQ achat line) aceoenr ?

6 Doyoo koowanybody with a "doublepierced eyebrow" 1 rJ v

15. Didyou seeor boor:my lltlUSUalllllllOw,cell>e<ll. priorto the shootings? DoyoukoowwIlat the"Thought of the daywu· overthe Rehel NewsNet:w<lrlt (RNN) ? rJ "

16. Can you provide any liIrlher infontllltjOll on the tllIll:llbets of til. TtoIlCh CoatMafia ?

17. Ask thePllrOllts ifthel::idshavetoldthem anything olso 1 Dlff=t?

JC-001. 004662

Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

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Page 65: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION CIR_"",,- ~,Otll«r c... llq>ortNo

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO PETERSON 99·7Ci25·FFCl)fUl¢cUl\g CaR R¢pQtt No. Vietim N'&l'tl.e Original Repon Om !hi$: Report

COLUMBINE 05-28.99- X FIRSTDEGREEMURDER ~ SWUll; ()pin X c R.ecnmmend u.:""'" ~onally C1f:attd Review 0

R«ln3iflWic!\ 0 Cimred by Amst 0 Un:fO'~ Cl Ctesere D

I~ IQv.w<j'Y I ...... N"'" 1_00 ISllrialNa i'~:: J~~ 1D~



3'731 West Rose Walk Court

HighlandsRanch. CO 80126


Student-Columbine High School


Same asabove.

Work: USWest

1801 California Street

Denver.CO 80201



13465 AlcottStreet

Broomfield, CO 80020



On05·2'7·99, at 1830hours, I respondedto 3731 West RoseWalkCourt, to contact and interviewAngela Urquhart, who is a

studentat ColumbineHigh School. This interviewwas in reference to the shootingthatoccurredat Columbine High School on

04-20-99.JC·001. 004665

Angela Urquhartwas interviewedin the presence of her mother, Diana Urquhart. Angela told me that on 04-20-99, at 1110

OfficerSignature Unit Number Supct'\'lsor [nitiais and Dale Atsigned To Page 1

,(lD -'- ,,~.A ""'" """" I ~or ~

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Page 66: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION IJReponing J\gftl¢y Ftcpeni1l8 Officer C... ReponNu

SUPPLEMENT X Jeso PETERSON 99-762'5·FFC<ln1leC1ing CaseReport No. Victitn Naftll: Original Report Date ThisRtI'Qt1

- COLUMBINE 05-2'8·99, ...... X FIRSTDEGREE MURDER ~" ..," "'" X ~lt'fIMnIU)' CI....a CJ Recommend Case: Review 0

ReclwiflC4\kln 0 Chlmdby ...... 0 Unf~ed 0 0"""" 0

'Illr I_.." I""'" ""'" I OMmrmon I Selil:l No r~ IR~~ I.o~

hours, shegotout ofber class,whichis an Introduction 1(>Windows class, andwentto the cafeteria, arriving at about1112. She

saidshewaswithStephanie Larson at this time. Angela showed meon thediagram of the Columbine HighSchool cafeteria the

tablesheandStephanie Larson hadselected. This tableis "BBS" on the diagram, and is just southof the cafeteria serving line.

It is also approximately in the middleof the cafeteria from east to west. Shedescribedher backpack as a blueJansport, with

netting on thefront andpapers inside withhername 00 them. Aogela saidsheput this backpack on the ground nextto thetable

thatshehadselected and walkedup to theservingline to gether food. Shethenwent backto the tablewhere sbesatdown and

shesaidshewasfacingin a northeasrerly direction, Aogela said thatStephanie Larsonwentto the bathroom, so Angela said

she gol up from her table and wentto table"cce" where she talked 10 a mend of'bers, Danielle Stover(unknown exact last

name}. whowasseatedat that table facing in a northwesterly direction. Angela said shekneeled next CO Danielle to talk to her

Angela saidsuddenly threestudents ranfrom outside of thecafeteria onthe westside,through thedoor, next10 thefaculty lounge

andintoto thecafeteria. Shesaidtheywereyelling at everybody in thecafeteria to gelunderthetables. Angela saidshedidnot

getunderher tablebecauseshedid notknowwhatwas going on, butsaid she moved to the edge of her seat. Angela said two

to three teachers, onewho wasMr. Sanders, ran through thecafeteria and toldthe students in thecafeteria to getdown andunder

the tables, and alsotoldthe students to stayawayfrom the windows. Angela saidsome students gotup to runandweretoldagain

to gel down. Angelasaid by this time, Stephanie Larson had returned to the table, and when they saw the students running

through thecafeteria, inan easterly direction, theygotupandranalso. Shesaidtheyrantoan areathatshedescribed asa storage

typeareabya bathroom northof the stairway in thecafeteria thatleads to thesecond level of Columbine HighSchool. Angela

saidwhile shewasin the areaof thecafeteria, she heard "twobombs" detonate from anunknown location, Shesaidshedidnot

try to lookto seewherethe explosions came from or whathadoccurred and kept goingawayfrom the cafeteria area. Angela

saidshestoodwith Stephanie Larson in the areadescribed until a teacher, Mr. Andres, Sr., got the auditorium doors openand

thenthey wentintotheauditorium. in theareaof the backstage. Sheestimated therewasa hundred toa hundred andfiftypeople

in theauditorium. Angelasaidafterbeingin the auditorium, foranunknown lengthof time, the students ran from the stage, up

the left side (while looking from the stage towardthe seats) through the audience sectionof the auditorium, thenexitedthe

auditorium intothe mainhallway. Angela saidsheheardgunshots that shedescribed as sounding "muffled" possibly coming

from downstairs. She did notknow howmanygunshots shehadheard at this time, however. Angela said thehall they went into

wasnearthe main entrance of the school andshesaidfrom thislocation shecouldseethe windows in the offices were goneand

saidthey appeared to havebeen"blown out." Angela saidthestudents in thishallwithher,backed upagainst the lockers, before

OfficerSignature Unit Nwnbtr Supet"Jisor (.,itillisandDate Assigned 1 JC-001· 004666 -J:l1l

A ,,-"\.., 'l"'vo.'I I......."I of s

"ll{l(;N",t I f\'\f;.S"DJI.'Oi!. '-ilLTIMsg:.R.trce:s I 01';<£11 I ASAF3"i~8 JCSOi!6'7.j.

Page 67: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUAnON (JReportina As-Y Reporting 0IfIee00 CeeR~No.

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99·7625-FFC~ing CaseReport No. Vi_1Umc Original R4]>on Oau: nus Report

COLUMBINE 05·28·99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X( .:au;m OffenseStIt1l$: 0p¢Il ExotlJltjonallY Ct'*ted [J Recommend Case; Review [J

Rtdattitlt'ation 0 Clta:rtd by Attesl :;) U"'"'""'" 0 Closure [J

l~ IQuantiI)' IB~ N4mC I""",,,,,,,, I$«ill No, ~~ I Val... J VtI\IlllRteovet'ld. Darr\ijed

they exitedColumbineHigh Schoolbyrunningout of theCounseling Officedoors. She said these doorsare not themainoffice

doors butaredowna hallwayfrom the lobbyarea, prior to the bandareaof the school Angelasaid whensheexitedthe school,

she ran into the teacher's parking lot, then ran to a fencewithother students. where they crawledover the fence and ran into

ClementPark. Once in Clement Park,Angelasaid Stephanie Larson and she went toward the public library on WestBowles,

wherethey met with friendsKimFoxand a friendnamed Hillary. Angelasaid they then went to Hillary's housewhere Angela

was able to contact her aunt

I showed AngelaUrquhartthe photographs of the dufflebag and the propanetankthatwere later recovered in the cafeteriaof

Columbine High School.She said shedid not see eitheritempriorto or duringthis incident. She said shedid not notice anyone

carryingitemssuch as these, prior t~ or duringthe incident either. Angelasaidshe does not knowof anyone.norhas she heard

rumors of anyone. who may he manufacturing explosive devicesand/or possessing firearms.

Angel. Urquhart said that prior to this incidentshe did not know whoDylanKleboldand Eric Harris were, and, in fact.did not

knowthesenames, She said she did not knowanything aboutthe Trench Coat Mafia prior to this incidenteither. Angelasaid

shehas seen a group of students,most.but not all, wearing trenchcoats,gatherunder the stairway or in the hall near the stairs

of the cafeteria. Sbe estimated she bas seen lenstudentsin this groupand said she had seen females in this groupalso. Angela

said one of the male students in this group,on a regular basisworea skirt. She did knowhis name,however. Shesaid another

male in this group was seen with his fingernails paintedblack. Angela said it was her understanding some of the females

associated withthis groupwereinto witchcraft. Angelasaid shedid notsee any studentsin this groupat Columbine HighSchool

on 04-20-99.

Angela Urquhart said on 04·20-99, she saw the "Thoughtof the Day" on the Rehel News Network (RNN). She said it read

"Today is not a good day to be here," but did not takethis as a threatand said she did not pay much attention to this message.

She told me that a student by the nameof John Fleming was a producerof the daily quote "Thought of the day," she believed

and mayhave been involved in the thought of day for 04-20-99. Shesaid Fleming mayhave been in the videoproductions class

with Dylan Klelbold and/or Eric Harris,but she did not knowfor sure.

JC.Q01- 004661

OffiwSignaMe Unit Numbc7' Supervisor Initials and Date AssignedTo Pate <A 0,

'of ..... -r-..... l !h">'" of ~

')RJG~A,J. I !'N\t;Sil0,o,-;OR \'j(""1"-1 sesvces ICiHtR I "SAD 4/9& JCSD/1674

Page 68: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

CONTINUATION oR""",m•.......,. .Reportins Officer Cue- ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT X JCSO PETERSON 99-162S-FFC~!ingem ReportNo. VictimNJm: Originll1 Report Date1b1t R.eport

COLUMBINE 05-1.8-1>9- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X, ,.,...., OtfcRw S1aIs: Open E~yC!eated 0 Reeommend Case ~ Review 0

ReclauiflWlOtl 0 """'" "" ""'" C UnJoundea: 0 Closure 0

l~ IQuMtity IBrand Nllme I"""'..... t SerWNo. l:.1: I ~~md I o=~I asked Angela whatshehadheardaboutthe events of04-20-99 and shetoldmesomeof thethingsthatshehas heard, Shesaid

twoofheracquaintances, AliciaEncinias and Emily Killingsworth, toldher thatduringthe shooting, theyheardDylan Klebold

and EricHarris talkingto each otherandtheysaidoneof thesuspects saidsomething to the effectof "Joe, I gotthreeof them,"

to theothersuspect. Angela said these two witnesses mayhave beeninterviewed by lawenforcement. Angela saidshebelieves

there mayhavebeenmore than two shooters involved on04-20-99. Angela saidthat anothermendofhers, Latisha Richards,

heardan unknown female say that she wouldhavedatedDylan Klebold or Eric Harris"in a minute," and 0.1.0 said thai: if she

would have been present at Columbine HighSchool on04-20-99, she would havefinished thejob. It is unknown whothisfemale

is and it is unknown at this time ifLatisha Richards has been interviewed by tawenforcement

Angela Urquhart said that she hadRobyn Anderson in herthirdhouraccounting classat Columbine HighSchool. Angela said

RobynAnderson and Robyn's boyfriend at that time, Pat McDuffy, sat behind her in this class, Apparently, Robyn Anderson

andPatMcDuffy brokeup and Angela saidshecouldhearthem arguing. ShesaidRobynAnderson wouldbecome very angry

....ith PatMcDuffy duringthesearguments. Angela saidshewould alsohearRobyn Anderson andPatMcDuffy talktoeachother

at times in German, Angelasaid she did nothearany conversations aboutNazism, Hitler,etc.. nor didshe see any tattoos or

clothing insignias that may possibly indicate suchbeliefs by Robyn Anderson and/or Pat McDUffy,

Angela Urquhart said on Monday, 04-19-99, whilein thisaccounting class, shecouldhear RobynAnderson talking about how

she hadgoneto the prom the pestweekend with DylanKlebold. Angela did notbear whatRobyn Anderson saidaboutgoing

to theprom with Dylan Klebold oranyspecifics otherthan Robyn andDylan hadgonetogether. Angela saidonTuesday, 04-20­

99, the dayof the shooting, RobynAnderson was not present in tlris accounting classand wasabsent,

Angela Urquhart saidwhileattending Chatfield High School on Wednesday, 05-19-99, she sawBrooks Brown with anunknown

female in thehallway, Angela saidalthough that shehas nnspecifics of the conversations from the students, she hasheardat

various times, aboutBrooksBrown beinginvolved with Dylan Klebold and EricHartis. She believes, as doesa large number

ofstudents atColumbine HighSchoolthat~as fully involved with Dylan Klebold andEricHartis in thisincident.

ADDmONAL INFORMAnON: Angela Urquhart and hermother, DianaUrquhart told me that although Angela is doing

arnett Signattltt Umt Number Su~iscr Initials andDate JC-OO1· 004668 -As!igrtlld

A.D, h- ~ .",.J .'ilO~ I of ~

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CONTINUATION o ~iA_ ~IOffi= c.1'teport No

SUPPLEMENT l{ JCSO PETERSON 99-7625-FFConut:eting Case ReportNo. Vi¢tim NaIMOriginaJ RqNXt DateThisReport

COLUMBINE 05-28-1)9- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER 0ffmIe SlalIl$: Open X ~I)I~ 0 Reconuncnd Case: 0c - Review

R«16mfi~ 0 Clemd by AtreiIt 0 c- D c_re o

~I--Iy 1.....- I """,,... I SaiaI No. ~.= !~~I~

fairly well copingwith this incident, she saidperiodically Angelabas nightmares about the incident I gaveboth Angela and

Diana Urqubart my business card andaskedthemto callme if theywanted to lll.lk to a J.C.S.O. Victim Advocate inthe future.

andthat [ wouldmakethe necessary arrangements forthem. Angela alsosaid that if she thinks of anything furtherin reference

to whatshe knowsaboutthis incident, or if shehearsanything thatmaybe important to this case, shewill call me.

DISPOSITION: Remains open, pending further investigation.

JC..o01- 004669

OfficerSignllNl'e Unit Nombel' SupcrvU.or Iniliai!-Illo Date Assigned To Pag• ~

.119.1- "'~ ~ •. I i~ or ~

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JC.Q01· 004672

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1, VACCA, TIMOTHY, OOB: 09·22·82

9413 WestTrail Circle, Littleton, CO 80123, 303·933·3013

Father: Vacca, Greg,9413 WestTrail Circle, Littleton, CO 80123,303·933·3013, work 303·964·1111

Mother: Vacca, Brenda, 9413 WestTrail Circle, Littleton, CO 80123,303·933·3013


On 04-29-99, at 1550 hoursI interviewed Timothy Vacca inthepresence of hisfatherat hishome Timothy

stated he drovehimselfto schoolthe morning of 04-20·99 andparked inClement Park, Hearrived between 0705

and 0710 hours, He statedhe saw nothing unusual outside the school or inside the school between classes,

Timothy did not know HARRIS or KLEBOLD, not even by sight He also did not know anyonein their

group, the 'trench coat mafia', He stated he could tell who was in the group by the way they dressed and he

described it as dark, gothicstyleclothing,

He stated he came into the cafeteria from the stairsarriving at approximately 1105 hours, Hestatedhe

was early and the cafeteria was just beginning to fiU up, He stated he did not see anything unusual in the

cafeteria, slatingthat it'sverytypicalfor students to leave theirbackpacks nearatableandgo get inlina Timothy

stated he left his backpack which he indicated on the attached diagram Timothy circled table "HH" as the one

hesal atwithhisfriends whichhe listed onthe diagram, He also showed whereeachonewas sittingat the table,

Timothy stated it was approximately 1125 hourswhenthe commotion began, Hestated what caughthis

attention was a groupof four kicls ran east through the cafeteria, He then saw Mr, Sanders runeast through the

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JC-oO1· 004673

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cafeteria yelling foreveryone to getdown. He saidkids started to getdownonthefloorstarting fromthewestside

of the cafeteria andeveryone gotdownas it appeared likea wavespreading across the cafeteria Hethenheard

some pops and thoughtthat it was a seniorprank. He then sawsmoke in the parking lot out the west windows

of the cafeteria. He statedkids started to scream andhe and others at the tabledecided to run

Timothy statedhe heard gunfire as he ran up the stairs. He turned leftor east at the top of the stairs and

ran down the han out the southeastcomerof thebuilding TimOthy statedthat the fire alarm went off lUSt as he

was going out the door. He ran across the street to the park on the east side of Pierce Street He stated he

continued to heargunfire and bombs going off. Timothy stated he did not seethe shooter Timothy added that

he did have a backpack however, he took thiswith him whenhe left the cafeteria.

Timothy was wearing Khaki shorts. a gray athletic T-shirt undera greenand blue plaid shirt

Timothy addedthat some kids in the "trench coatmafia"groupgatheroutside of the cafeteria. He staled

he described this area as immediately left as youcomedownthe stairs into the cafeteria. He said he sees this

Jroup of people usuallyIn between the first and second period of classes. He cannotremember If he saw them

that day.

Detective's signature/number/dale

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JC.o01- 004674

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JC.o01· 004675

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Je·001· 004676

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Oak of transcription 4/30/99

Nathan Vanderau, Date of Birth, December 9, 1981, 8031South Lamar Street, Littleton, Colorado 80128, telephone number(303)971-0536, was interviewed in the presence of and at theresidence of Arthur and Becky Stienberger, 8972 West Ida Place,Littleton, Colorado 80123. After being advised of the identityof the interviewing Agents, and the nature of the interview,Vanderau furnished the following information:

Vanderau is a Junior at Columbine High School. Hislunch hour starts at 11:15 a.m. on April 20, 1999, during hislunch hour he was seated at a table along the west windows of thecafeteria. The table was approximately thirty to thirty-fivefeet from the northwest dOor and there were a couple of tablesbetween his table and the door. Vanderau was half done eatinghis lunch when the windows of a car outside exploded in theSenior Lot. Eve~one in the cafeteria stood up to look out thewindows. Vanderau saw two individuals outside of the school.One individual he saw only from the waist up was dressed in aWhite shirt and blue jeans. This person was throwing somethingin a side arm motion up towards the school roof. Vanderau sawhim throw one or two items. The second individual Vanderau got aglimpse of was dressed in black and was taller than the otherperson. Vanderau did not recall any describers for the twoindividuals other than they were white males. A teacher came inthe door by vanderau's table and told eve~body to get down andget upstairs. This teacher was Mr. Sanders and he was holdinghis arm and may have been shot.

Vanderau began crawling on his stomach towards thestairs on the opposite side of the cafeteria. He got behind apillar when he heard three gunshots that sounded like a muffled.38 special. Vanderau saw a glimpse of a gunman come through thedoor that Mr. Sanders used to enter the cafeteria. Based on thegunman's clothing and a quick glimpse of his face, Vanderaubelieves the gunman was Dylan Klebold. Vanderau had seen Kleboldwalking around the school dressed in a trench coat. Vanderauknew Klebold was in a group of students that went to promtogether. Vanderau's friend, Jessica Hughs, was part of thatgroup.


Investigation on 4/23/99

file' '1-DN-57'!l9SA Jeffery

by SA John M.

JeffeoC. Diehl;Elvig/map

#99-762$ 4/28/99

Control Number #DN32

This: uoccrnem conulns neither recommendations not cancluslons crtne FB! It is the.property of the FBI and il1oan-ed t-O YOUt agency:

it and its ccntcnu art 110( to be clls!6buleJ outside- your agency

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2• Page _~__Nathan Vanderau

After hesitating at the pillar he continued to thestairs leading to the second floor. As he was going up thestairs he looked up and over his shoulder to the second floor.He saw a fire burst from the balcony area that overloOKs thestairs by the library. The girl next to him fell, but hebelieves she was able to get back up. Vanderau could not see anyindividual or gu."l that may have caused the fire burst. At thetop of the stairs he turned left and entered the auditorium.

In the auditorium, Vanderau heard several gunshotscoming from an area that would have been behind the back stage ofthe aUditorium. He proceeded out the set of doors on the farside of the auditorium, turned right and headed to the front doorof the sohool. As he was running down the hall he ran into afriend named Charlie LNU who is also a Junior at Columbine HighSchool. As Charlie LNU reached for the door at the front of thaschool the glass shattered. Vanderau doesn't know if the glasswas shot out or what caused the shattering. Vanderau then ranthrough the teacher's lot towards Clement Park and the Pavilion.At the Pavilion he saw Kenny Rupt a friend of his brother. Mr.Kiki Leyba, an English teacher at Columbine High School, was inhis car and told the boys to keep on running. Vanderau kept onrunning and at the intersection of Pierce and the street thatLeawood Elementary is on, he ran into Gary Morris. They then sawBill Graaber's cousin. Vanderau does not recall the name of thefemale cousin. The cousin and her friend, possibly namedKristen, drove Vanderau and Morris to Morris' parent's house.Vanderau then called his parents and shortly after that Morris'father came home.

Justin Wilson, telephone number (303)730-1956 is afreshman at Columbine High School. Wilson had been collectingattendance and told Vanderau he saw someone run from the frontdoor area toward the back of the school as the fire alarm wasgoing off. Bill Greaber also a student at Columbine High Schoolwas in the Tech Lab near a window and saw a guy run from thefront door or upper commons area towards the back of the schoolas the fire alarm was going off. Vanderau believes the firealarm doors shut and lock as the alarms go off. The doors aremade of steel.

Jc..o01- 004618

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Nathan Vanderau

Vanderau's backpack is a blu'e REI day pack which hadbeen set under the chair of his table in the cafeteria. Vanderaulost his OVA baseball hat during his escape. Vanderau was seatedin the cafeteria at a teble with Chris LNU, a male freshman,Patrick LNU, a male freshman or sophomore, Jamie Amo, a femalefreshman and a male freshman nicknamed Tubby. Vanderau's lockeris number 1645 and is located in the gym hallway.

Vanderau's brother Phil Vanderau is a freshman atColumbine High School. His brother was in the auditorium takingguitar lessons prior to the shootings. His brother had leftthrough the back entrance of the auditorium to get a drink ofwater, when he heard several gunshots. He ran back into theauditorium and told everyone that someone was shooting a gun. Atthat moment his brother told him, the fire alarm went off. Hisbrother ran out of the building and was running up the hilltowards the ball fields. A gun shot apparently went by his legas he was running up the hill. His brother then went to themaintenance shed for the fields and the maintenance guy pulledthem into the shed for safety. From inside the shed they calledthe police and a SWAT team eventually got them out of the shed.

Attachment A is a copy of the school diagram which hasbeen marked to where he sat in the cafeteria and where he saw thefire burst as he ran up the stairs. Attachment B is a statementVanderau wrote on Wednesday night, April 21, 1999, concerning theshootings at Columbine High School.


JC-001- 004679

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JC.oO1- 004682

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FBI#4-DN-57419JEFFCO CASE #99-7625CONTROL#3111

NATHAN VANDERAU8031 S. Lamar St.Littleton, CO. 80128303.971.0536

05/19/99, 0930 hrs. Nathan Vanderau was interviewed at his home by Detective S.C.Shott #72049 (DPD). This was a follow up interview; his first interview was on04122199.

Nathan SUIted that he attendedhis 4lb period trigonometry class that gOI out at 1110 hrs,He walked directly to the cafeteria where he met his friends for lunch. He identified thepeoplesitting at the table with him as Chris Markim. Jamie Amo, ChristianCardwell andDenette Mussleman, Nathan pointed to table 5S on the seating chart as to where theywere sitting at on the day of the incident Nathan stated that he was unaware that therewas something going on until a student yelled out that there was a fight outside.Everyone stood up and looked outside and at that time.he observeda gray colored Hondain the parking lot with its windows broken out. Nathan said that moments later, Mr.Sanders J:lIl1 by holding his arm or shoulder and was telling everyone to get down underthe tables. Everyone ducked under the tables and at that time several gunshots wereheard. Nathan said that he started to crawl to the main entrance of the cafeteria andstopped at one point to hide by a pillarneat tableEE. While doing so, he observedDylanKlebold walk into the cafeteria through the door neat the teachers lounge and vendingmachines. He was the only personstanding up and he was walking around likehe was incharge. He did not see a gun or any other type of weapon; however. he believed thatDylanwas involvedin some wayby the way he was walking around. Nathan said that hecouldnot recall how Dylan wasdressed.

Nathan said that he bolted out the main cafeteria door with other students and ran to thelowerlevel part of the auditorium and hid. He thenheard gunshots that sounded like theywere coming from behind the stage so he ran from the auditorium past the gym then J:lIl1

out of the northwestdoor. He continued running until he got to ClementPark.

Nathan said that he does not know Eric Harris personally but knows him by sight andknew that he belonged to the Trench Coat Mafia. He said that he personally knowsDylan Klebold and has known him for sometime. They once belonged in the samechurch youth group. Nathan said that he usually kept away from the TCM types becausethey were weird and they made him nervous. He did not see eitherEric or Dylan on theday beforeor on the day of the incidentwith theexceptionof Dylanwhen he walked intothe cafeteriaat the start of the incident.


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Nathan said that he left his blue ''REf' backpack on the cafeteria floor near the chairwhere he was sitting. He said that he did not see a black duffel bag in the cafeteria nordid he see anyone bring one in. Nathan did say that he talked with his friends later andthey told him that they saw a black duffel bag sittingon the floor near tsble YY on theprevious Friday. Theypushed the bag to the sideanddidn't think anythingof it. Narhanidentified the two friends who saw the duffel bag as Sara Slater and Sam Granillo.Nathan said that he didsee the thought of the day on the RNN and he recalled that it said,"Youdon't want10 be here".

JC-001- 004684

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FBI174A·DN·57419JCSO99·7625Investigator. Glenn Moore - GoldenPoliceDepartment 1(303)384-8080

RE: CONTROL # 3744lSOURCE: JllliOl1 Duff

LEAD: Re·interview Nathan Vanderau about bis having beenIllIkillg about". bomb in • ttlUIh can"on041999.

TELEPHONE INTERVlEW:VANDERAU, NathanJames (OOB:120981)8031 S. LamarStreetLittleton, CO 80128(303)971-0536

05-24-99 13:OOpm

Afterreviewing tworelated interviews of Nathan Vanderau completed byInvestigators SteveSholl (leadDN#311l) andJohnEIvig (lead DN#32) I determined theinformation regarding his havingtalked about a bomb in a trash canhad notyetbeenaddressed. I then telephoned VANDERAU and discussed the reported information.

VANDERAU appealedsurprised whenaskedabout his havingmentioned a "bombin a trashcan on April19th

." I brieflyspokewithhim about the reportandVANDERAU continued to deny anykouwledge of this,as wellas wasadamant that hehad nevermentioned anything that mighthavebeenconstrued as such.

I then spokewith Investigator Gee,whom had originated this lead. Shesaidsherecalled Jason DUFFhad told her he had only heard this third handas a "rumor." Hecouldnot recall from whomhe had heardthis.

Due to the information not matching thegeneral information kouwn abouttheincident, and that the lead wasbasedon an apparent unsubstantiated rumor, theleadwasnot investigated further. VANDERAU's denial of anyrelated knowledge wasacceptedas truthful.

** NO new leadswere generated.

JC.Q01· 004686


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JC..()01· 004687

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FBI#4-DN-57419JEFFCO CASE #99-7625CONTROU3091

LAURA VANDERIIAMM5950 W. Coal Mine Rd.Littleton. CO.303.972.3880

05113199. 1000 hrs, Laura Vander Hamm was interviewed by Detective S.C. Shott#72049 (UPD) at the home at 5950 W. Coal Mine Rd. Her mother. Judith Vander Hammwas present and sat in during the interview.

Ms. Vander Hamm stated that she had completed her 4th period choir class at 1110. brsand walked to the ~eteria with frie~. who she identified as Anne Marie Patralca(SaraKane, Sara Holton, Cbristina Rower and another girl she did not know by name. Usingthe seating chart on the diagram, she pointed out table LL as the place she and her friendswere sitting prior to the incident. 5-10 minutes later, she saw several boys ron into thecafeteria from outside and at the same time she heard one of the teachers yell foreveryone to duck under the tables. A janitor was walked by and made sure that everyonewas down. While under the table, she heard what sounded like gunshots. an explosionand people screaming. Everyone started running towards her table then out the door.Ms. Vander Hamm said that she and her friends followed suit and ran from the cafeteriaby jumping over a rail that was under the stairway. They then ran up the stairs with otherstudents, passed the library then down a hallway that led to an exit on the opposite end ofthe school. She said that while running down the hallway she heard several gunshotscoming from behind her. She said that once outside, a teacher instructed them to keepgoing and leave the school grounds. She and her friends jumped a fence. ran acrossPierce St. then stopped when they got to Leawood Park.

Ms. Vander Hamm said that she did not see anyone shooting a gun or see any of thestudents who were wounded. She did not see a duffel bag in the cafeteria prior to theshooting nor did she see anyone carry one in. She does not know Eric Harris or DylanKlebold personally but she knew them by sight only. She did not see either of them onthe day of incident or the day before.

Ms. Vander Hamm said that when she fled the cafeteria, sbe left her backpack on thefloor next to the chair where she was sitting. She described her pack as an Eddie Bauertan in color with leather straps. The pack contained misc. schoolbooks and papers.

JC·001- 004688

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JC-001- 004689

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JC·001· 004690

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JC-001. 004691

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D... of-.criplio. 05/03/1999

Patrick Robert Vassar, DOB 08/16/1983, 7542 SouthSaulsbury Court, Littleton, Colorado, telephone {303}933-9341, afreshman at Columbine High School, was interviewed at his home inthe presence of his parents, Bob and carla Vassar, by SpecialAgent {SA} Ricky V. W:right regarding the incident that took placeon 04/20/1999 at Columbine High School. After being advised asto the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of theinterview, Vassar provided the follOWing information:

At 11,10 am, Vassar got out of his fourth periodscience class taught by Ms. Mosier and proceeded from the sciencedepartment directly to the cafete:ria. Once in the cafeteria,Vassar went directly to the lunch line and got his lunch. Vassarthen sat down at a cafeteria table (marked FF on the diagramsketch}. Other students seated at the same table were KyleHayes, Alex Schlosse, Zach Cobb, Tim Miller, Chris Donnelly,Austin Stechler, and Jeff Morroni. Vassar was seated at thetable facing west. Kyle Hayes was seated next to Vassar, butVassar cannot recall whether Hayes was seated on his left orright side.

At approximately 11,15 am, immediately after Vassar satdown with his lunch, he saw four or five individuals in blackwalking away from the school. Everyone in the group was wearingtrenchcoats, except one, who was wearing camouflage pants. WhenVassar saw the group, they were 200-300 feet away from thebuilding. They appeared to have come out of the main entrance onthe west side of the school. The group was walking abreast on apath that leads away from that entrance. Vassar could notdescribe them further and did not recognize any of them.

At approximately 11:20 am, Mr. Sanders ran in from thecafeteria from the exit by the teachers lounge and told everyoneto get down. Almost everyone in the cafeteria got down, but someran to the windows to see what was going on, After about threeminutes under the tables, Vassar looked up and saw a bomb go offin the parking lot about 100 feet away from the building to thewest of the cafeteria. Vassar did not know where the bomb camefrom. No one seemed to be around the explosion. Someone wasdriVing near the explosion in the parking lot in a blue pickuptruck with a black shell. The truck was driven by a male who

In.,..'''. on 04/30/1999 at ...:L::;:l.:::'t:::t:::l:::e::,t::;:o:::;n=,_Co=l::.o::::r:::a~d~o~ _Jeffco #99-7625;

Fu" 174A-DN-57419 i Control 1!1563 1l...."""1lod

by SA Ricky V. WrightQ.1ll

This :iocumenl comail\! neither reccmmessncons nor corclusices cf me FBt It is~ prepttry or tht FBI and is k'lanerll'.l'l youragency:It anlll:!. ;O@:Cl1!;S W' not to be cistribu:tt:d outside :OU~ age~y

Page 92: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

174A-DN-57419; Jeffco #99-7625; Control #1563

Patrick Robert Vassar 2

stopped the vehicle and slid over to the passenger side and took.off in the opposite direction of the explosion. The blue truckstopped approximately 20 feet from where the explosion went off.

After the bomb went off, Vassar heard five to tengunshots coming from outside the cafeteria and another loud bang,which sounded like an explosion. Everyone then got up andstarted running. Most ran up the stairs to the main level.Vassar also' ran up the stairs and then east down the main hallpast the science and math departments. Vassar was at the back ofthe cafeteria pack and observed someone laying at the base of thewindow near the top of the stairs. As Vassar was running downthe hall, he looked back and saw a person with a gun standingnear the top of the stairs in a cloud of smoke. The gunman washolding the gun extended with one hand. The gunman was wearingall black and appeared to have shoulder length hair. Vassar doesnot think he was wearing a mask.. The gunman shot 10-20 times atthe fleeing cafeteria students. A male student next to Vassarwent down and was yelling for help, but Vassar does not thinkanyone helped him up. Vassar ran to the end of the hall andexited the school. Vassar then ran across Pierce street toLeawood Park.

Vassar was not in the cafeteria earlier in the day.Vassar did not notice any large duffle bags sitting on the floorwhile at lunch. Vassar did not know Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold,or any other members of the Trenchcoat Mafia, During lunch,members of the Trenchcoat Mafia often sit on the floor in thecafeteria near the bottom of the stairs. Vassar does not recallseeing any of them in the cafeteria on the day of the sheoting.

Vassar does not have an Intexnet screen name, The dayof the shooting, Vassar was wearing a gray t-shirt and tan pants.

JC·001· 004692

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JC-001- 004693

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JC·OO1· 004694

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Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

pogo_t_ of ( Poga.DllnvllrPollcll Deplll1ment


Case No. _

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Fl.~ ~.mce Street AOdren ell'! C"""'" lSlOt. Zip'B. .35'I<H1 '5. (,,<1,"'l"!ls 0 VI st. uHle tan ""(i!. .r... Cz) 012RuidenCtt Phone I~uljneu Phone Social Socurity No. o..;A\~1~~~H4(303 I q~3 - If 3"t 3 ( I

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~:"'fl:c.r S.riol N.''7Q:a:3 l°at°4 -20-T9 Timo~ "SOt-J:~Concerning ,n lnc:ld.nt occurriflg .t: ILoeatlon where statementtaken:

Summary of Statement:

l' ".lAS S',IDNC, rN. ?'?ft:: c..A{j;fjc..:;e/ II g?1;nNG. LUNGtf W tnt-(11« E6feNA;;. 1tf&N 'F0me' 61h>: ztMIS7\ COUm:.nNG; .0-

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I have read the forsgo/ng statement and the facts contained therein Bfa true to the best ofmy knowledge and bel/ef. rdo not me/ntJJin that it conteins all of the facts or details of the incidant. but only those fscrs ebout which I have beenasked.

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JC-001, 00469611'1RIIII "1111mllllo 6 0 0 •

Page 97: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

PageL of ;;; Pages Case # _

Summary of Statement (conI.l _

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f hwe reed the foregoing statement and the facIS contalntJd therein are true to the best af my knowledge 8tld belief. fdo nor maintain rhat tt comains alf af the facts or de!lti/s af the incldem, but only rhose facts about which I MV" beenItsked.

..:2/2 6 197~ ClAM

;2:SO tlll PMTime StatementCompl4ted

JC-001_ 004697

Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 4601-4700

FBI 174A.DN·57419)CSO 99·7625Detective: Marl:: Allen - Denver Police Department / (303) 640-1183


Phillip WllIDJleT

5408 Garrison St.Littleton, CO80123(303) 933-4393

Subject: Columbine High School Shooting,

On5/12199 I interviewed Phillip WllIDJlet' at bis residence. Phillip related that he enteredthe cafeteria areaat 11.15AM and he satat tableDDor55 withTunMulchy, EricSunday, JohnFriel:, BoLockwood, JesseGonzalez andShawn and Jamiewithunknownlastnames. Phillip saidhe camefromhis mathclass. Phillipsaid he didn't see the duffelbags or anyone carrying thehagsin oraround thecafeteria area. Phillipsaid he left hisbackpack at the tablewhere he wassitting. Phillip saidhe heardsomeone yelling getdown andhe thought it wasjust a fight Phillip saidheheard 4-5 gun shotscoming fromthe second floor buthe didn't seethe shooters oranyone getting shot. Phillip saidheranup thestairs and down a hallway and theout anexitdoor. Phillip saidhe didn't seeanyTCM members or associates in the cafeteria areaor outside of theschool priorto andafter the incident. Phillip saidhe never associated withthe TCMandhe hasn't heard anyrumors about whathappened otherthanhis friend, EricSunday saying thathe saw agunmen coming intothe cafeteria areaand thathe sawthem upstairs.

** NO new leadsgenerated.

Dan. 5 hv l'1jr I


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