Colorflake’s Festival it’s a festival being held in Pascani , Iasi county from 29th of December to first of January. It is a three-day extravaganza linked to a traditional celebration held in the spirit of New Year. We want to make people give up on monotony, to encurage them to spend much more time outside with family and friends because we know that not everybody wants to get out in the frosty air of winter. We have choosen the Eve of the New Year as a simbol to continue the happy mood all over the year that will come. The tourists will discover that this festival it’s not so ordinary. Every single day it’s represented by a big contest with even bigger prizes. The content of the prizes will remain a mystery until the end of the game. The people that want to participate have to apply for registration an hour before at the organizers’ s camp on the Esplanada , the heart of the city . If you are a parent with small children and you want to participate we have qualified volunteers to take care of them during the festivities. The games are simple as ice, but it’s your choice if you want to make the as spicy as possible . Meanwhile, the people who don’t involve in the competition may enjoy going to street stalls where they can find local traditional products (hot wine with cinnamon, hot tea and chocolate, Romanian pastry products such like pound cake , ginger bread, coils with honey and nuts and caramelized apples, etc.), handmade winter decorations and toys, traditional clothing specific to Moldova region and much more. At the end of the days it will be at five o’clock an award ceremony for the winners and then it will be a talent show with local talents and interpreters also

Color Flake

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Colorflakes Festival its a festival being held in Pascani , Iasi county from 29th of December to first of January. It is a three-day extravaganza linked to a traditional celebration held in the spirit of New Year. We want to make people give up on monotony, to encurage them to spend much more time outside with family and friends because we know that not everybody wants to get out in the frosty air of winter. We have choosen the Eve of the New Year as a simbol to continue the happy mood all over the year that will come.

The tourists will discover that this festival its not so ordinary.

Every single day its represented by a big contest with even bigger prizes. The content of the prizes will remain a mystery until the end of the game. The people that want to participate have to apply for registration an hour before at the organizers s camp on the Esplanada , the heart of the city . If you are a parent with small children and you want to participate we have qualified volunteers to take care of them during the festivities. The games are simple as ice, but its your choice if you want to make the as spicy as possible .

Meanwhile, the people who dont involve in the competition may enjoy going to street stalls where they can find local traditional products (hot wine with cinnamon, hot tea and chocolate, Romanian pastry products such like pound cake , ginger bread, coils with honey and nuts and caramelized apples, etc.), handmade winter decorations and toys, traditional clothing specific to Moldova region and much more. At the end of the days it will be at five oclock an award ceremony for the winners and then it will be a talent show with local talents and interpreters also one where it will sing professional singers of pop and folkloric music. There will also be traditional dances, songs and plays where children will present a normal New Eve of the Romanian peasants.

The first day!

The firsts day contest is represented by The frosty kingdom of the silver lake that will start at eleven oclock in the Pestisoru Park. You have 4 hours to prove you are the most creative. Its about a snowman building competition!

Make them to shine like sun but be careful not to melt or destroy them by mistake. You can make them however you want, be original, be inventive, make it big! The team is made out of 6 members that can be friends, family or both combined but the members must have at least 10 years. Dont forget to chose a representative name, a color and a snowflake form .We have space only for maximum 30 teams , so be fast if you want Jack Frost to be proud of you. All the snow you need will be brought with lorries from Siret river that flows near the town.

Pay attention! The jury will be careful at details , original composition and team work so be active and make sure you help as much as possible. Every criterion will be punctuated from 1 to 10 and the winner is the team that cumulate the most points. Free food and beverages will be served at every hour!

The second day!

Think fast, move quickly as agile as the windI think youve got it! Its going to be the time for the Flashy Sled competition. The event will kick off at eleven oclock and it will be a limit of 100 participants. Ceferistilor street will be the perfect location.

You have to choose a number, a color and off course, the sled. There will be rounds in which five participants will chase the victory. Every round winner will be clocked up and the lowest time wins the big prize. It will be a special prize for the most original decorations for the sled and the funniest way to glide down the hill.

The third day!

Maybe the funniest and entertaining competition is the Arctic Polygon that its going to start at eleven of clock on the overnight rebuild Esplanada. Unseen scenery of small snow mountains and trenches will make the perfect ground for the perfect snow fight.

Like in the first day, the teams will be made of six people and a creative name and snowflake shape. There can only be 10 teams.

Here are the rules! Read carefully

Until the start no one knows his opponent. Only on the battlefield the teams will be divided in two parallel rows. Now they can see their true nemesis in front of their eyes. Remember their color! Youll have to hunt each other. After the organizers announce the start, you will have the freedom to find the perfect hiding and shooting spot together with your team. The ground will be dotted about obstacles that can be both advantageous or disadvantageous function of each teams tactic. Each team has a supervisor that counts the number of taken shots of the members. He will announce the put-out members.

The opponents win if their hunters are eliminated and they will be qualified for the next stage.

The final stage has the same rules, but they will fight with everybody.

Be wide awake!

The award ceremony for this competition is going to take place on the concert stage on the Esplanada at 7oclock. After the awarding there will be a special New Year show with carols, dances, the classic uratura made by the masked boys. Dont be sad if you lost, dont be cold even youve been buried in snow for the past three days because it was been worth for! The fireworks will make the explosive final of the festival.

Be our guest and come to enjoy the New Year togheter!