Color, Clothes & Communication: What is the c o l o r of your clothes saying?

Color, Clothes & Communicationpink2paris.com/.../uploads/2013/11/Color-Clothes-Communication.pdf · The Importance of Color Picture this ... indecision and neutrality. ... Microsoft

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Page 1: Color, Clothes & Communicationpink2paris.com/.../uploads/2013/11/Color-Clothes-Communication.pdf · The Importance of Color Picture this ... indecision and neutrality. ... Microsoft

Color, Clothes & Communication: What is the color of your clothes saying?

Page 2: Color, Clothes & Communicationpink2paris.com/.../uploads/2013/11/Color-Clothes-Communication.pdf · The Importance of Color Picture this ... indecision and neutrality. ... Microsoft

The Importance of Color

Picture this… You are one of two finalists interviewing for your dream corporate job. Both of you are highly qualified, well spoken and impeccably dressed. The only difference is that your opponent is wearing a blue suit and you are in all black.

Who gets the job?

Well, those who study the psychology of color in western cultures would most likely bet that the candidate in blue probably got the position. Why? Because there are strong associations with color in our society and our color choices might impact how others perceive us. In this case, blue is the color of responsibility and loyalty while black is a receding color that often implies mysteriousness. Have you ever tried to communicate a message and got the feeling that something was working against you and saying the opposite? That something might have been the color that you were wearing. Along with your posture, gestures and facial expressions, your clothing is an important factor of nonverbal communication and the color of your clothes plays a big role in what you are saying.

“Color is an underused tool that can greatly impact the success of your image.” ~Brook Mayborne

Below is list of colors and what they may be communicating. Red conveys a sense of passion, love, motivation, movement, energy and action. It is an emotionally intense color that stimulates the brain and is very attention getting, persuasive and shows self-confidence. Orange suggests adventure, risk taking, warmth, physical abilities, enthusiasm and social interactions. Like red, orange is also a color that commands attention. It is also intellectually stimulating.

implies hope, creativity, knowledge, cheerfulness, inquisitiveness and happiness. Since yellow is hard for the eye to process, it is great for enhancing concentration and decision-making. Green expresses balance, harmony, growth, justice, stability, endurance and strength. Green also represents nature, wealth and fertility. Since it is easy for the eye to process green, it stimulates vision and eyesight.

Page 3: Color, Clothes & Communicationpink2paris.com/.../uploads/2013/11/Color-Clothes-Communication.pdf · The Importance of Color Picture this ... indecision and neutrality. ... Microsoft

Blue communicates peace, tranquility, responsibility, loyalty, trust and self-expression. It is a quiet and reserved color that is great for showing sincerity, confidence and inner-security. Purple radiates power, luxury, quality, respect, sophistication, imagination and self-assurance. Often thought of as the color of kings, purple is also the color of leaders and creates a balance between spirit and strength.

implies innocence, sterility, purity, wholeness, completion, awakening, order and efficiency. It is the sum of all colors and is very versatile but is also often seen as very seasonal. Black suggests authority, power, secrecy, mysteriousness and death. Black is technically the absence of color and (like white) is very versatile. It recedes into the background and makes things appear smaller. Pink infers gentleness, affection, nurturing, thoughtfulness, comfort, relaxation and unconditional love. It is a very nonthreatening color that inspires feelings of romance, femininity, approachability and compassion. Brown communicates reliability, security, stability, simplicity, sensitivity, structure and sincerity. Brown is an earthy color that is abundant in nature and is associated with being practical and genuine. Gray conveys composure, compromise, detachment, indecision and neutrality. Gray is a reserved and quiet color that is not associated with energy and motion, but is considered to be subdued and constant. Ivory expresses pureness, softness, cleanliness, pleasantness and understated elegance. Ivory is a quiet, relaxing and calming soft neutral color that combines the pureness of white with the earthiness of brown.

This material was prepared by Brook Mayborne, Certified Image Consultant.

Delivering personalized image enhancement services that improve your wardrobe, polish your style and flatter your unique features.

Please call 262.345-2108 for your custom color analysis and image management needs.
