Colonial Foundations 1607 - 1763

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Colonial Foundations 1607 - 1763

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I. America’s Democratic Roots

1. The government of the U.S. is a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY or DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC which means: a system of government in which eligible citizens elect members of society to govern


Athens, Greece had 1st democracy

It was a DIRECT DEMOCRACY where all male citizens were part of the ruling body (called the assembly)

The government consistent of only a legislative branch


For a period of history, Rome had a republic where citizens elected other citizens to represent them and run the government

They initiated the first checks and balances by giving officials VETO power

Rome also codified their laws when they created the Twelve Tables. Law code was written down for all citizens to see and know.

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2. The EnlightenmentThe Enlightenment in 17th and 18th century Europe produced new ways of thinking and seeing the world. These became integrated into the government of the U.S.

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Enlightenment Thinkers:� John Locke: Believed people should be sovereign and government

exists to preserve citizens rights to “life, liberty, and property”. Gov’t gets its power from the people and should be changed when it no longer serves its people

� Baron de Montesquieu: Believed gov’ts should have a separation of powers (separated into branches)

� Francois Voltaire: People should have freedoms such as the freedoms of speech and religion

� Jean Jacques Rousseau: Gov’t is a contract between the people and the leaders and it must be what people want

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“I disapprove of of what you say but I will defend to your

death your right to say it.


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3. Virginia House of Burgesses

America’s First Representative Gov’t!Established in 1619!

Met in Jamestown each year! Legislative body (of people who were elected) was

called Burgesses!

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4.Mayflower Compact

1620: There was no ruling body so the Pilgrims created oneIt was signed by all males on the Mayflower and set up a structured gov’t

It was a SOCIAL CONTRACT. Pilgrims gave power to the gov’t with their approval.

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II. 13 Colonies

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Besides the Native Americans living in the region, the Europeans who settled the colonies were diverse.

GermanEnglish Scot-IrishDutch

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1. Reasons for Migration� Religious

○ Pilgrims, Quakers, Catholics, Jews, and Huguenots, escaped religious persecution by settling in the colonies

○ Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland� Economic

○ Availability of land drew people○ Demand for tobacco, furs, lumber and other raw materials○ Virginia, Delaware, New York

� Political○ English king rewarded subjects with land in North America○ New Jersey, Carolinas

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a. Mercantilism

2. Economic Foundations of Colonial America

Policy where a country seeks to EXPORT more than they IMPORTColonies exist to benefit the “mother” country

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B. Cash CropsCrops Grown For Profit

Tobacco Cotton Sugar Coffee

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C. Triangular TradeA trade route with 3 legs between Europe, Africa, and North America

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d. Columbian Exchange

Named for Christopher Columbus

Exchange of goods and ideas from “old world” (Europe, Asia, Africa) to “new world” (Americas)

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Increased Demand for


Need for a larger labor


African Slave Trade

e. Slavery in the Colonies

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1st African slaves brought to the colonies in 1609� Slavery was

legal in all English colonies

� Slavery was written into law by 1700

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Vocab Review

Democratic Republic

A system of government in which eligible citizens elect members of society to govern

Triangular TradeTrans-Atlantic trade from the 16th-18th centuries involving the Americas, Europe, and West Africa; colonies provide cash crops, Europe manufactured goods, and Africa provided slaves

Enlightenment Thinkers & Ideas

John Locke

Baron de Montesquieu


Jean Jacques Rousseau

Cash CropCrops grown to sell for profit rather than for food/nutrients. These include tobacco, cotton, sugar, indigo, coffee

MercantilismAn economic system in which colonies exist in order to benefit the “mother country”. Colonies provided raw materials for production and markets to sell goods

Social ContractAn agreement by members of society to form a government and grant it permission to govern them; the government receives its authority from the consent of the governed