Russian Slang & Colloquialisms Introduction Slang and colloquialisms ARE NOT accepted as formal or literary. Slang belongs to the most informal register and characteristic of spoken language, often originating in the cult language of a particular socio- cultural group. It contains newly coined words or regular words with different nonstandard meanings. Colloquialisms are accepted in ordinary speech and familiar conversation, they gained great popularity and are recognized by the majority of modern Russian population. Slang and colloquialisms form a big part of Russian active vocabulary. As a rule, these phrases are emotionally colored and used to give force to one's speech. Although they are mainly used in informal oral speech, they are also often found in the press, frequently heard on popular radio and television programs. Nevertheless, it can be risky for someone who is not a native speaker to use slang and colloquialisms. Mainly because most of the expressions do have a tendency to be vulgar or offensive. Short Forms and Labels f feminine gender v phr phrase based on a verb m masculine gender n phr phrase based on a noun n neuter gender adj phr phrase based on an adjective pl plural derog derogatory not decl not declined interj interjection adv adverb drug sl drug slang adj adjective comp sl computer slang Russian word or phrase Transliteration English equivalent(s) Explanation А алкаш m, derog alkash dipso drunk, alcoholic аська f, comp sl as'ka ICQ Б бабки pl babki spondulicks, dough sum of money essential for the owner (see also "Гони бабки!') бабник m babnik womanizer, philanderer man who habitually pays attention to many women for sexual purposes базар m bazar chitchap, bull session talk, conversation бардак m bardak disorder, mess, disarray без базара n phr bez bazara no problems Блин! interj Blin! Shit! expresses a wide range of emotions from admiration to dispair depending on situation and intonation, a bit milder than its English equivalent братан = приятель m bratan = priyatel' man form of address to a man

colloquial russian phase book

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Russian Slang & Colloquialisms

Introduction Slang and colloquialisms ARE NOT accepted as formal or literary. Slang belongs to the most informal register and characteristic of spoken language, often originating in the cult language of a particular socio-cultural group. It contains newly coined words or regular words with different nonstandard meanings. Colloquialisms are accepted in ordinary speech and familiar conversation, they gained great popularity and are recognized by the majority of modern Russian population.

Slang and colloquialisms form a big part of Russian active vocabulary. As a rule, these phrases are emotionally colored and used to give force to one's speech. Although they are mainly used in informal oral speech, they are also often found in the press, frequently heard on popular radio and television programs. Nevertheless, it can be risky for someone who is not a native speaker to use slang and colloquialisms. Mainly because most of the expressions do have a tendency to be vulgar or offensive.

Short Forms and Labels

f feminine gender v phr phrase based on a verb m masculine gender n phr phrase based on a noun

n neuter gender adj phr phrase based on an adjective

pl plural derog derogatory not decl not declined interj interjection adv adverb drug sl drug slang adj adjective comp sl computer slang Russian word or phrase Transliteration English equivalent(s) Explanation


алкаш m, derog alkash dipso drunk, alcoholic

аська f, comp sl as'ka ICQ


бабки pl babki spondulicks, dough sum of money essential for the owner (see also "Гони бабки!')

бабник m babnik womanizer, philanderer

man who habitually pays attention to many women for sexual purposes

базар m bazar chitchap, bull session talk, conversation

бардак m bardak disorder, mess, disarray

без базара n phr bez bazara no problems

Блин! interj Blin! Shit! expresses a wide range of emotions from admiration to dispair depending on situation and intonation, a bit milder than its English equivalent

братан = приятель m bratan = priyatel' man form of address to a man

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бухать v buhat' hit the bottle drink too much alcohol


в заднице v phr v zadnitze in a (ass) hole be in difficult/embarrassing situation

в натуре adv v nature actually

Вали отсюда! Vali otsyuda! F**k off! very rude phrase meaning :"Get out of here!"

Всё ништяк! Vsyo nishtyak! Everything is excellent!

втюриться v vtyurit'sya to fall in love

въезжать v v'ezzhat' to dig to understand

вырубиться v vyrubit'sya 1)to fall asleep; 2) to lose consciousness


геморрой m gemorroj big problem

глюк m, comp sl glyuk snark, glitch

говно = дерьмо n govno = der'mo shit usually used in literal reference

говнюк m govnyuk bastard

голубой adj goluboj gay guy homosexual man (literally: "blue")

Гони бабки! Goni babki! Give me the money!(see also "бабки'')

гудеть v gudet' whoop it up to enjoy oneself a lot


Да ну! Da nu! You don't say!

Давай оторвёмся. v phr

Davaj otorvemsya. Let's live it up.

девушка по вызову n phr

devushka po vyzovu call girl woman prositute who makes her arrangements by phone

Дело дрянь. Delo dryan'. The cake is dough. Things are looking bad.

дерьмо = говно n der'mo = govno shit usually used in literal reference

детка = крошка f detka = kroshka baby tender or ironical form of address to a girl or woman

дешёвка f deshyovka el cheapo low price, bargain

Достал. = Заколебал. v Dostal. = Zakolebal. You pissed me off. I am annoyed with you!(informal phrase expressing annoyance)

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дура f dura fool silly female person

дурак m durak fool silly male person

дурака валять v phr duraka valyat' 1)screw around 1)to do nothing; 2)play the fool

дурдом m durdom loony bin, funny farm mental hospital


жмот m zhmot miser, stingy person

жмурик m, ironical zhmurik corpse, dead person


За базар ответишь. Za bazar otvetish'. You'll be held accountable for what you've said.

забить стрелку v phr zabit' strelku to make a date/meeting

задница f, usu. ironical zadnitza ass, butt bad person

Заколебал. v Zakolebal. You pissed me off. I am annoyed with you!(informal phrase expressing annoyance)

зануда f zanuda killjoy, bore boring, uninteresting person

Заткнись! v Zatknis'! Shut up! be or make quiet

зелень f zelen' green bucks, spinach only US dollars


Исчезни! v Ischezni! Get lost!


кайф m kajf feeling of euphoria, great pleasure, enjoyment

Какая зануда! n phr Kakaya zanuda! What a bore!

Какого чёрта! interj Kakogo chyorta! What the hell!

каланча f kalancha tall girl

капуста f kapusta cabbage money

Катит. v Katit. that’s good, it suits

качок m kachok jock-strap body-builder, athlete

клава f, comp sl klava keyboard

классная девчонка n phr

klassnaya devchonka cool girl

классный adj klassnyj cool, kickin' first-class; top-level

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клёво adv klyovo сool very good, very pleasant, fine

клёвый adj klyovyj hot red, cool very good, very pleasant, fine

клёвый мужик n phr klyovyj muzhik cool cat

клеиться v kleit'sya to try to get acquainted

козёл m, derog kozyol ass very abusive word meaning a bad man

колотун m kolotun sharp frost

колоться = ширяться v, drug sl

kolot'sya = shiryat'sya knock up, fix to inject drugs

колымага f kolymaga heap old vehicle, (referring slightingly to a car)

комп m, comp sl komp computer

Кончай базар. Konchaj bazar. Stop talking.

Кроме шуток. Krome shutok. No kidding.

крошка = детка f kroshka = detka baby tender or ironical form of address to a girl or woman

круто adv kruto cool, zero cool great

крутой adj krutoj cool, number one great, strong, rich ,fashionable

крутой парень n phr krutoj paren' tough guy

крыша f krysha 1)head; 2)patron, protector; 3) protection

крыша поехала n phr krysha poehala to go crazy, turn one's head

Куда намылился? Kuda namylilsya? Where are you thinking of going to? What did you get ready for?


липа f lipa fake, imitation, forgery

липовый adj lipovyj forged, false

лох m loh sucker, klutz

любопытная Варвара n phr

lyubopytnaya Varvara nosy parker nosy person

лясы точить v phr lyasy tochit' chew the fat to have a long conversation about many subjects


мать f mat' ironical form of address to a girl or woman ( literally: "mother")

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мачо not decl. noun macho macho sexual man

между нами, девочками

mezhdu nami, devochkami

frankly speaking, between you and me

мент m ment cop policeman/ policewoman

ментовка f mentovka cop-shop, fuzz station police station

Меня надули! Menya naduli! I'm taken in! smb deceived me

Мне в лом. Mne v lom. I am too lazy (to do smth.)

Мне до лампочки. = Мне по барабану.

Mne do lampochki. = Mne po barabanu.

I don’t care.

Мне насрать, что ты думаешь. derog

Mne nasrat', chto ty dumaesh'.

I don't give a shit what you think.

I don’t care whar you think.

Мне по барабану. = Мне до лампочки.

Mne po barabanu. = Mne do lampochki.

I don’t care.

Мне по фигу. Mne po figu. 1)It's all the same to me. 2) I do not care.

мобила f mobila cellular phone

мымра f mymra unpleasant woman


на своих двоих na svoih dvoih go on foot

навеселе = на ушах adv

navesele = na ushah in the pink a bit drunk

наезжать (на кого-либо) v

naezzhat' (na kogo-libo) sail into someone to express dissatisfaction, to blame

нарядный adj naryadnyj well-heeled rich

Не бери в голову. Ne beri v golovu. Take it easy .

Не гони пургу. = Не свисти.

Ne goni purgu. = Ne svisti.

Do not tell lies.

Ни фига себе! = Обалдеть! interj

Ni figa sebe! = Obaldet'! Crickey! Golly! expression of surprise

ни хрена n phr ni hrena 1) nothing; 2) nothing of the kind; 3) no

нулёвый adj nulevyj brand-new new and completely unused


О, классно! O, klassno! Man, it's cool! Great!

Обалдеть! = Ни фига себе! interj

Obaldet'! = Ni figa sebe! Crickey! Golly! expression of surprise

облом m oblom failure of plans and hopes

огрызаться v ogryzat'sya talk back snarl, snap: to speak or say

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quickly in an annoyed way

ой! interj oj! ouch!

остаться с носом v phr ostat'sya s nosom leave holding the bag

Остынь. v Ostyn'. Chill out. Calm down.

Отвали. v Otvali. Piss off. go away, live me alone

отрываться v otryvat'sya to live it up to have a wild good time; enjoy oneself with eating and drinking, parties, spending, etc.

отстой m otstoj smth disgraceful, worthless


педик m pedik homosexual man

пердеть v, taboo perdet' fart to send out air from the bowels through the anus

переводить стрелки v phr

perevodit' strelki to shift the blame on smb

перцы pl pertzy cool guys

пилить v pilit' to run smb down, to lecture smb

пить запоем v phr pit' zapoem drink like a fish drink too much, several days/weeks running

Поехали! v Poehali ! Kick it! let's go or get started

пойло n pojlo booze alcoholic drinks

по-любому adv po-lyubomu at any rate

пороть чушь v phr porot' chush' get a screw loose to talk nonsense

потрясный adj potryasnyj Really good, striking excellent

Пошёл ты! Poshyol ty! F**k you! very rude phrase expressing extreme annoyance (literally: "go away!")

предки pl predki folks parents

придурок m pridurok nitwit silly foolish person

прикид m prikid peson's clothing

Прикинь! v Prikin'! Just imagine!

прикольно adv prikol'no funny, comically, jokingly

приятель m priyatel' buddy, dude man, guy

профукать v profukat' to lose ( used if the thing or the game is lost or the game)

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псих m psih kook, nuts person whose ieas or behaviour are unusual or silly

пьян в стельку adj phr p'yan v stel'ku dead drunk, drunk back

пялиться (на кого-то/ что-то) v

pyalit'sya (na kogo-to/chto-to)

to gaze at smb./smth.


расколоться v raskolot'sya to tell the truth

раскусить v raskusit' to reveal smb’s secret

Расскажи это кому-нибудь другому.

Rasskazhi eto komu-nibud' drugomu.

Tell your story to marines.

расфуфыренный adj rasfufyrennyj dolled up festively dressed

рожа f rozha mug face

рубить капусту v phr rubit' kapustu to make a quick buck to make money quickly and easily


с приветом s privetom gaga having or showing a weak mind

сволочь f svoloch' bastard, skunk abusive word denoting a person who is bad, unfair, unkind, etc.

сидеть на игле v phr, drug sl

sidet' na igle on the needle, on the hype

to inject drugs regularly

скорефаниться v skorefanit'sya (verb) to make friends

Следи за базаром! Sledi za bazarom! Whach your tongue!

смыться v smyt'sya (verb) to slip away

сортир m sortir (m, noun) craphouse, grower toilet

старый пердун m, n phr, derog

staryj perdun (m, derogatory)

unpleasant old man

ствол m stvol (m, noun) rod weapon, arm

строить глазки stroit' glazki make eyes at smb. to show that one finds (someone) sexually attractive by looking at them in an inviting way

сука f, foul suka bitch person, esp. when unkind or bad-tempered

сыграть в ящик v phr sygrat' v yashchik kick the bucket to die


тачка f tachka four wheels, sheen car

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Твою мать! intej Tvoyu mat'! F**king shit! expressing anger/annoyance or surprise, a bit milder than its English equivalent

телек = ящик m telek = yashchik idiot box, boob tube TV set

тёлка f, derog tyolka quail girl or woman

тормоз m tormoz person slow in understanding

торчать v torchat' to get delighted, to enjoy smth greatly, to turn on

травка f, drug sl travka bush, grass marijuana

трахаться v trahat'sya fuck, jig to have sex

трепло n treplo bigmouth

тусовка = туса tusovka = tusa be-in party, the place where young people gather

туфта f tufta nonsense, trifle

Ты меня достал! Ty menya dostal! I' m sick and tired of you!

тюряга f tyuryaga jug prison, jail


Фига с два! Figa s dva! Nothing of the kind!

фигня f fignya nonsense, trifle, rubbish

фингал = фонарь m fingal = fonar' shiner black eye

фишка f fishka interesting or exlusive information , subject, thing

фонарь = фингал m fonar' = fingal shiner black eye


хавать v havat' to have meals, to eat

хавчик m havchik chow food

халтура = халтурка f haltura = halturka moonlighting, gig work on the side

халява f halyava smth that is free of charge, got for nothing

халявщик m halyavshchik deadbeat lazy person who gets everything for nothing at smb.'s expense

хрен m hren cock, dick penis (literlly:"horse-radish") In 90% of words "hren" is interchangeable with "khuy" (m, foul).

хреново adv hrenovo badly, not well

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чайник m chajnik stupid person, beginner

Чёрт возьми! = Чёрт побери! interj

Chyort voz'mi! = Chyort poberi!

Damn it! Oh shit! expressing anger or annoyance

Чёрт побери! = Чёрт возьми! interj

Chyort poberi! = Chyort voz'mi!

Damn it! Oh shit! expressing anger or annoyance

Чёрт! interj Chyort! Damn! Hell! expressing anger or annoyance

чёртов adj chyortov f**king, jiggered damned, accursed

чёткий adj chyotkij neat, cool very good, very pleasant, fine

чокнутый adj choknutyj cranky, screwy,dippy very strange, odd, slightly mad

Что ты несёшь?! Chto ty nesyosh'?! What are you drivelling about?

чувак m chuvak buddy, kiddo

чушь f chush' garbage, guff 1) stupid and worthless ideas, words, etc.; 2) lies

чушь собачья n phr chush' sobach'ya bull shit


шарить v sharit' to have a good understanding of smth

Шевелись! v Shevelis'! Shake a leg! Hurry up!

ширяться = колоться v, drug sl

shiryat'sya = kolot'sya knock up, fix to inject drugs

шишка f shishka big gun, big noise person of great importance

шмотки pl shmotki сlothes

шнурки в стакане n phr, teens' sl

shnurki v stakane parents are at home

штука f shtuka one thousand of roubles


Я в осадке. Ya v osadke. I am shoked/surprised.

Я не въезжаю. Ya ne v'ezzhayu. I don't dig it. I do not understand

Я тащусь! Ya tashchus'! I enjoy (smth). I am delighted (with smth).

яйца pl, taboo yajtza balls testicles

ящик = телек m yashchik = telek idiot box, boob tube TV set