Tele Faxph 029.r-1.170 1 i9.1,1?0? 19(O) 0291-2170:179 -nr!Il-((]!\!loLl ! rmrrLlqllr coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; Fd-ot scrENcE TEcHNoLoGY ffi sq *"; fr-f,t qHtFrfrt q-ufr-qrdq Nlaharana Pratap Universitl of Ag^riculture & Technologyo Udaipur 'ffi";; gB G'mdF c -nsdaqros s-Eq5r (ww') sr soot Prof. L.K. Murdia' DEAN Dated: No. FfMPUAicnr sr' rtnot r I2o1 4 t Sealed Bids are invited 10"' be{Ql;! for procurement of Lab model Tr'vin Screu Extruder. Hamrner Mill, Batch Roaster. Vacuum packaging and Nitrogen gas packaing, Baking oven, Ageing Vat' n ^r.-- , +-l ^' '. . il]er :ffi #;"". ;;;;"- wrapping Machine. 1'ray Drier. Bread slicer. cold Displav counter' Rotiiry flour sifter .,, mnr r qf oc in or til( ;Hffi. ;; ir,,t.,. Bidding Document at our office or on our ivebsites ''rvrL'.uoqr,?c''r! or the ^- 'l,-.,,^l^arled nn ffi';;t,;,.";ublic Procurement Poftal v11-1pp1111iq'i! and mav be obtained or d.wnloaded on payment of Rs. 500/- i-r cash/ batrker's chequel'dernand draft' NOTICE INVITING BIDS i.3 DIrAt -,.| Y'-:-'itt-- ir' j --',;'

coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

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Page 1: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele Faxph 029.r-1.170 1 i9.1,1?0? 19(O) 0291-2170:179 -nr!Il-((]!\!loLl ! rmrrLlqllr

coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; Fd-ot scrENcE TEcHNoLoGY

ffi sq *"; fr-f,t qHtFrfrt q-ufr-qrdq

Nlaharana Pratap Universitl of Ag^riculture & Technologyo Udaipur

'ffi";; gB G'mdF c -nsdaqros s-Eq5r (ww') sr soot

Prof. L.K. Murdia'DEAN

Dated:No. FfMPUAicnr sr' rtnot r I2o1 4 t

Sealed Bids are invited 10"' be{Ql;! for procurement of Lab model Tr'vin Screu

Extruder. Hamrner Mill, Batch Roaster. Vacuum packaging and Nitrogen gas packaing, Baking oven, Ageing Vat'

n ^r.-- , +-l ^' '. . il]er

:ffi #;"". ;;;;"- wrapping Machine. 1'ray Drier. Bread slicer. cold Displav counter' Rotiiry flour sifter

.,, mnr r qf oc in or til(

;Hffi. ;; ir,,t.,. Bidding Document at our office or on our ivebsites ''rvrL'.uoqr,?c''r!

or the

^- 'l,-.,,^l^arled nn

ffi';;t,;,.";ublic Procurement Poftal v11-1pp1111iq'i! and mav be obtained or d.wnloaded on

payment of Rs. 500/- i-r cash/ batrker's chequel'dernand draft'




ir' j


Page 2: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


COLLEGE OF DAiRi"*" TOON S.CIENCE TECHNOLOGY""""-t"-ft gq qril fr-flrq q\eTffi q-uB'qrsq

Maharana Pratap Unirersity of Agriculture & Technology' Udaipur'#ffi qnrq Em ru fr-fliFrftl-fr;rqfrui'nqs-@5 (qru') srsootProf. L.K. Murdia,

DEANDated' 21't August 2014

N". I'f M Pf-refrc;pp Sf /Tender/20 1 I I 1 902-04

10tr' Septernber 2014

a separate bidding document has to be purchased for each categorv'

2. lter.ns at S. No. NIL aru'erclusivell reserr'ed tbr procurenent tiorn SSI units' Bids received from




l'sealedSingleStageTrvo-errvelopesunconditionalBidsareinvitedonbehalfoftheDean,Collegeof Dairy and Food icience Technolog,v. vuttu'unu Pratap University of Agriculture and technology'

Udaipur (Raiasthan) for the pro.ur.*.ni of Goods as listed below. from manufacturersi

distributors/ authorised dealersi stockiesti registered Bidders' bona-fide dealers upto l'00 PM of





Price preference andi or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible in

evaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantitl.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications. catalogue and other characteristics of the product

oifered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties' etc'

Bidding trocument rncluding the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualilication criteria

and procedure, Biooinf io|n1rl d.rignr/drarvings" specifications. Delivery Schedule' etc' can be seen

ar or obtained fiom ihe office of the oean]coilege of Dairy.and Food Science Technology'

Nlaharana pratap University,of Agriculture and Tech-nology, {.Jdaipur (Raj.) during office hours in

u,orking days up to one da,v before the date of opening of iliOs' by paying a non-refttndable price of

Rs 500/- (Rs 600i- b1 post) in the form of cash or 6anker's cheque/Demand Draft of a Scheduled

Bank in lldia drar.vn ln'fuuoul. of Dean. Dairl and Food Science Technology' Udaipur payable at

L)daipur. ltlternatively. these mal be ,..n uni dou'nloaded from the coilege or University official

''" .,.. j r,a'

ffiTT'1"lei goods Qt,v.andUnit

TotalEstimatedCost (Rs


Amountof Bid


NIB No./CategorY

I No. 24 48,000/-NC- g/:0 t+lO2lCI)FS'I Lab mooel I \\ lil JU

1No. 0.5 t.000i-

No 0.50 1.000i -DATL

-,-l Nitrnoen oas nacKalng No I .15 2,300/-

No 0.40 800/-

No. 1.00 2.000/-

No 0.24 480/-

Snrint' u raPPing Machine No 5.00 10.000/-

No 0.50 1.000/-

fr'-.rl cli No 0.65 I 300i-

No 0.68 1360r-

No 0.3 0 600i-Rotary flour sifter

* ln case there are several categories, each categor.r' effectively' constitutes a separate bid and

Page 3: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Procurement Portal, rvwrv'rpp-p'nic'in

web site. rvrvrv mpr'rat ac-jrr ":lT ,:::'lt: "",1r1ffi1*",'; i:"'H"t:J *ljh"* tffi anv' a1' aid along rvithand the price of Bidding Document lna\ De p

of the Bidthe tirre of submission

Bids. duly signed on all pages and seriallr' llTb"'*,:-'T::[.,',?Ji.d;f,:::-T!|il:t,Jt1X:l:Bli';.x:T,,:l-G:Ul;1.:3'1:il";"':'Jl1"ir iilix'x;ij:::*"* nffi TSlT'J:lilJ:;';*ff i;i:HrJ:.;Tffix?'?;:l:i'ff ::'J;ry:..'t-;"::tTi'T:*:K$f ,ilffi f;f;: i ",l."':T l',ilft H :lffi ilTJ,ffii'' ffi; n

" i i"

* ;!*

t : : "+ : :i: i',e*t : t#'ffi 'j

Bank in lndia, shall 0e suolllltlsu Pvrrvrrsrrr' v' "' '


Technology' Udaipur -r0'h septemner 2011, to-n'un, :;lles:.:l ,";:::,1T",:::l*]ic;

"nnl and rvarning as:

ffifi#ff,nunG#"Jirr.'i.r.r.n.?,o rure (*ith catesorl. if anv) and warnrng as:

-\ nF fIPF,NF,D B/...............orbyh e of the Procu

In c:ase Bids have been invited electronicalll'' the procedure for submission of

[r:;::,'"'fi"'::':t"Ji!{1n1oocu1:t-:'::j,n"rgesr processing ree' Bid Securitv'

;;il;; on ir't" stutt Public Procurernent Portal'

;;, ;",t "* ". specified tirne and date shall not be accepted and returned unopened'


Bids includingetc, shall be as



4 in the Presence of the

The Technical Bids shall be

Bidders or tlteir representatives ri'ho *ish to I

I I tr' Serrtemltrer 201'l

ll. The procuring Entit.v.is not bound to accept the lorvest Bid and may reject any or all Bids u'ithoul

assigning anY reason tllereol'

12. Tire Biclde.; shall have to subrnit a valid'VAT',clearance certificate tiom the concerned commercial

Taxes offict:r and the 'PAN' issued by Incotne Tar Department'


i"t+#'&ilfiiilI,\ililii,TTiffi_fo'i".,,i,, orAgricurture and rechnorogv' Udaipur

2. 'fhe Directo. t*t.nrion Ilclucation. Oir..to'uit of Eiension Education' MPUAl'' Lldaipur

;1, !

Page 4: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.comCOLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY

&rft q-q qil-s fr-arq detffi TgrfuilrdqMaharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurTdRIurT rdlc qfr W fiEtFrftt ffi-flrdq,sqqg{ (vrv.) areoor

NIB No. NCB/2014-15/02ICDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument Rs 500.00

Section I:

Section II:

Section III:

Section IV:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section VI C:









Bidding Document (Goods)Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice lnviting Bids ............

lnstructions to Bidders...

Bid Data Sheet...........

Qualification and Evaluation Criteria.

Bidding Forms.........

Schedule of Supply....

General Conditions of Contract..

Special Conditions of Contract..

Contract Forms


Page 5: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FaxPh.0294-2410t39,24707l9(O) OZ94-2470479, E-mail<dfst20l [email protected] OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECIINOLOGY

dq'ft \q qrq frfl-{ ffiffi q6ra-qrtrqMa h a ra na Pra ta p^ Un ive rs i ty^ of

^Ag^ri cu I t u re & Tech n olo gy, Ud aip u r

ErEI{rrTI rdlq qR \q ffiffi ffi'srdq,vEqg{ ivr-o.) ersoor

No. F. /l\/PU AT / CDFSTITend er 120 | 4 / Dated: L\ Rrgt a{-- 2-$l\i


Sealed Bids are invited unto 01.00 PM of 10rh September 2014 for procurement of Lab model Twin Screw

Extruder, Hammer Mill, Batch Roaster, Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas packaing, Baking Oven, Ageing Vat,

Popcorn Machine, Shfink wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, B.read slicer, Cold Display counter, Rotary flour sifter.

Details may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our websites www.mpuat.ac.in or the

website of State Public Procurement Portal wwwfrpp.nic.in and may be obtained or downloaded on

payment of Rs. 500/- in cash/ banker's cheque/ demand draft.




lloz-- v{



Page 6: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FarPh.0294-2470r19,24707r9(o)02g4-2470479, [email protected] OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE rrCrrNOI,OCV

$qft Tq sra frnq ffiB'u1ffir;-"-'Ma h a ra n a Pra ta p Un ive

1s i{f^of^AS^ric ultu re & Tech nolo gy, Ud aip u r

TSRIrTI rnq qE \s'frutffi fffieTdqvEqg{ d#t;;r,,No. F. A4pU AT /COp sr /r eiaerDo t qng024a Dated:21 August 2014


NIB No NCB/2014 -15102 Date 21,1 August Z0l4l'

^?X*1.t::gt:lllt:ll::11.1"p.: unconditional Bids ar_e_invited on behalf of the Dean, couege,"r"g""rir;;#;;#"#

I Irlqinrrr lrPaio.+L^-\ c^- rL^udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procuiement of Goods as ri""i l"i"i;;; *;;;;r"?;

distributors/ a}tho119a. dealers/ stockiest/ registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers unto 1.00 pM of10th September 2014

* In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid anda separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category.

2' Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units. Bids received fromBidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered.

3. Price preferenceand,/ or purchase preference as Frer lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible inevaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity,

Th-e Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the productoffered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specihcations, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be seenat or obtained from the offrce of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date ofopening ofBids, by paying a non-reiundable price ofRs 500/- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's cheque/Demand Draft of a ScheduledBank in lndia drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy an,I Food Science Technology, Udaipur payable atUdaipur. Alternatively, these may be seen andndorvnloaded from the college-or University official




NIB No./Category Name of Article/ soods Qty.andUnit

TotalEstimatedCost (RsLakhs)

Amountof Bid


NCB/20I4/02ICDFYI Lab model Twin Screw Extruder No 24 4E.000/-Hammer Mill No 0.5 l,000/-Batch Roaster No. 0.50 r,000/-Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas;ackai;; No r.15 2,300t-Baking Oven No 0.40 800/-Ageing Vat No. 1.00 2,000t-lspgom Machine No 0.24 480t-Shrink wrapping Machine No 5.00 10.000/-Tray Drier No 0.50 1.000/Bread slicer No 0.65 l 300/-Cold Display counter No. 0.68 t360/-Bqtary flour sifter No 0.30 600/-

Page 7: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,2470'l19(O) 0294-2470479, E-mail-cdfst20l [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYtqfr gq qrq l+flrq d-frFr+1 qilfusTd-q

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurTgrqruTr e-ilq eR yq d-diFrfrt ffi.qrca-q,vEqgq (vw.) srsoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


No. F. IMPU AT I CDFST/Ten der 1201 4 I 1902-04 Dated:21 Ausust 2014


NIB No NCB/2014-1512.1 Date 21" August 2014

l. Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditionalBids are invited on behalf of the Dean, College

of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and

technolory, Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listed below, from

manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiest/ resistered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

upto 1.00 PM of 10th September 2014

NIB No/Category Name of Article/GoodsQtv.andUnit

TotalEstimatedGoast (Rs,


Amount of Bidsecurity (Rs.)

NCB/2014/02/CDFST Lab model Twin Screw Extruder 'l No. 24 48,000t

In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bidand a separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category.

Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved f,or procurement from SSI units. Bids received

from Bidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered.

Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be

admissible in evaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the

product offered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteria

and procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be

seen at or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours in

working days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price

of Rs 500/- in the form of cash or banker's chequelDemand Draft of a Scheduled Bank in India

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur payable at Udaipur'

Alternatively, these may be seen and downloaded from the college or University official






Page 8: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


web site' www,mpuat.ac.in or the website of State Public Procurement Portal, www.mpp.nic.inand theprice of Bidding Document may be paid along with user charges/ pro.esing f""]FEy,:t-the time of submission of the Bid.

Bids, duly signed on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, accompanied with theBid Security, (except concessional amount or llid Securing Declaration, where applicable) in theform of DemandDraftl Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the specified format, fiom a ScheduledBank in Indi4 shall be submitted personally or by post in sealed envetones upto 01.00 pM ofl-g,lh, feple4ber 2Ota, to Dean, College of Dairy anO fooO Sci"n"" f""t rrology, Uaaipur -313001 (Rajasthan) bearing the reference to Ntr! (with category, if any) and warning as:

11"^Sentember 2014 at 11.00 AM". bv post or bv hand at the office of the Procurine Entit%

8. ln case Bids have been invited electronically, the procedure for submission of Bids includingpayment of price of Bidding document, user chzrges/ processing fee, Bid Security, etc. shall be asprovided on the State Public Procurement Portal.

Bids received after the specified time and date shall not be accepted and returned unopened.

The Technical Bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on llthSentember2014 in the presence of theBidders or their representatives who rvish to be present. Financial bid shall be opened at 03 PM onllth September 2014

The procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest Bid and may reject any or all Bids withoutassigning any reason thereof.

The Bidders shall have to submit a valid 'VAT' clearance certificate from the concerned CommercialTaxes Officer and the oPAN' issued bv lncome Tax Deoartment.





Copy forwarded for kind information to:L The Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University o1'Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur.2. The Director Extension Education. Directorate ol'Extension Education. MPUAT. Udaipur






Page 9: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documenl - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)Important Instruction:- The Law relating t0 procurement "The Rajaslhan Transparency in pubtic procuremenlAct, 2012" [hereinafter called the ActJ and the "Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules, 2013" [hereinafter calledthe RulesJ under the said Act have come into force which are avqilable on the website of State publicProcurement Portal httg://sopn.ra,i.nic.in , Therefore, the Bidders are advised lo acquaint themselves with lheprovisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in the Bidding process. If there is any discrepancybeboeen the provisions of the Act and the Rules and thLr Bidding Documenl, the provisions of the Act and theRules shall prevail

'|.. General1.'l Scope of Bid1.1.1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity, as indicated

in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goods / equipment and Related Servicesincidental thereto as specifled in Section V, Schedule of Supply (SS).

1.1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document :

i. the term "in writing" means communicated in written form through letter, fax, e-mail etc. with proof ofreceiot.

ii. if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa; andiii. "Day" means calendar day.

1.3 Code of Integrity1 3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall

(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gifl or any material benefit either directly or indirectly in exchange for anunfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise influence the procurement process;

(b) not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain a financial or otherbenefit or avoid an obligation;

(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency,fairness and progress of the procurement prorless;

(d) not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the Bidders with an intent togain unfair advantage in the procurement process;

(e) not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening to do the same, directly orindirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the procurement process;

(f) not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and(h) disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other country during the last three

years or any debarment by any other procuring entity.

1.3.2 Conflict of Interest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has intereststhat could improperly influence that party's performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractualobligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations.i. A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding

process if, including but not limited to:a. have controlling partners/shareholders in common; orb. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; orc. have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; ord. have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties, that puts them in a

position to have access to information about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, orinfluence the decisions of the Procuring Errtity regarding this bidding process; or

e. the Bidder participates in more than one lSid in this bidding process Participation by a Bidder in

more than one Bid will result in the disoualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved.However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participatingas a Bidder, in more than one Bid, or

f. the Bidder or any of its afflliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design ortechnical specifications of the Goods and {}ervices that are the subject of the Bid; or

g. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity asengineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.

ii. The Bidder shall have to give a declaration rergarding compliance of the Code of Integrity prescribedin the Act, the Rules and stated above in this Clause along with its Bid, in the format specified in

Section lV, Bidding Forms.iii Breach of Code of Integrity by the Bidder: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of the

Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, in case of any breach of the Code of Integrity bya Bidder or prospective Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take appropriate actionin accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 11 and section 46 of the Act.

1.4 Eligible Bidders1.4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-owned Entity or, if permitted in the Bidding

documents, any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existingagreement in the form of a Joint Venture [JV], Consortium or Association.


W- ^{--

Page 10: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

1.4 2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the nationality of India. In case of InternationalCompetitive Bidding or Joint Venlure, Consortium or Associatron [where permitted], the nationality of theBidder and all- parties constituting the Bidder shall be of India or a country not declared ineligiiOte OyGovernment of India. A Bidder shall be deemed to have nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizenor constituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of the Laws of that country.

1.4'3 A Biddershould not have a conflict of interest in lhe procurement in question as stated in the Rule 81 andthis Bidding document.

1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligible to participate in any procurementprocess undertaken by(a) any Procuring Entity, if debarred by the State Government; and(b) a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity.

1 4.5 The Bidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributor, authorised dealer, registered Bidderbona-fide dealer in the Goods and if required he shall furnish necessary proof for the same in thespecified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the manufacturer or country distributor inIndia, shall be enclosed.

1.46 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their ccntinued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity,should the Procuring Entity request.

1.4.7 In case a prequalification, empanelment or regislration process has been conducted priorto the Biddingprocess, this Bidding will be open only to the pre-,qualified, empanelled or registered Bidders.

1.4.8 Each Biddershall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative bids, if permitted.

1.4.9 No Bidder who is not registered under the Sale:s Tax Act prevalent in the State where his business islocated shall Bid. The Sales Tax Registration Nurnber should be quoted and aYATlSales Tax Clearancecertificate from the Commercial Taxes Officer of the Circle concerned shall be submitted without whichthe Bid is liable to be rejected.

1.5 Eligible Goods and Related Services1.5.1 All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contract shall have lndia as their country of

origin or a country which has not been declared ineligible by Government of India.

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods itoffers to supply shall submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation using the form included in Section lV,Bidding Forms to demonstrate that it has been duly authorised by the manufacturer or producer of theGoods to supply these Goods in India.

Gontents of Bidding DocumentSections of the Bidding DocumentThe Bidding Document consists of all the Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunctionwith any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Olause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document].




Section l.

Section llInstructions to Bidders (lTB)Bid Data Sheet (BDS)


Section lll. Qualification and Evaluation CriteriaSection lV. Bidding Forms

Section V Schedule of Supply (Specifications/ conformance to standards, designs and drawingsetc., installation/ commissioning, Mandatory operation and maintenance, training etc.)

Section Vl A, General Conditions of Contract [GCC]Section Vl B. Special Conditions of Contract [SCC]Section Vl C. Contract FormsThe Notice Inviting Bids shall also be a part of the Bidding Document.

(i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice InvitingBids and shall be stopped one day prior to the date of opening of Bids. The prospective Bidders mayalso download the Bidding Document from the website of the procurement entity/ State PublicProcurement Portal and pay its price while submitting the filled-up Bidding Document to theProcuring Entity, or e-procurement gateway, if the facility is available.

(ii) Bidding Document purchased by Principal of any concern may be used by its authorised sole sellingagents/ marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and authorised dealers or vice versa.

2.1.3 The Procuring Entity is not responsible for the conrpleteness of the Bidding Document and its addenda, ifthey were not obtained directly from the Procuring Entity or not downloaded correctly from the ProcuringEntity's website/ State Public Procurement Portal.

2 1 4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the BiddingDocument. Failure to furnish all information or authentic documentation required by the BiddingDocument may result in the rejection of the Bid,

2.2 Clarification of Bidding Document and Pre-Bid Conference

2.2.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall contactthe Procuring Entity in writing atthe Procuring Entity's address indicated in the BDS. The Procuring Entity will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarification, within seven days, provided that such request is received no later than Fourteen(14) days prior to the deadline for submission of Bids as specified in the BDS.


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorised representative is inl'ited to attend the Pre-Bid Conference, if provided for inthe BDS, The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on anymatter related to this procurement that may be raised at that stage.

2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in rr'riting, to reach the Procuring Entity not later than oneweek before the Pre-Bid Conference.

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause for disqualification of a Bidder.

2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the BiddinlS Document and shall be communicated in writing to allBidders who have obtained the Bidding Document directly from the Procuring Entity. lt shall also beuploaded on the websites of the Procuring Entity and State Public Procurement Portal for prospectivebidders to download.

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparingtheir Bids, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids,under due intimation to the Bidders who have procured the Bidding Document directly from the ProcuringEntity and also by uploading it on the websrtes of Procuring Entity/ State Public Procurement Portal.

Preparation of BidsCost of BiddingThe Bidder shall bear all costs associated witl'r the preparation and submission of its Bid, and theProcuring Entity shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome ofthe bidding process

Language of Bid

The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder andthe Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Supporting documents andprinted literature that are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied byan accurate translation of the relevant passages duly accepted by the Bidder in the language specified inthe BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

3.3 Documents Gomprising the Bid

3.3 1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing the Technical Bid/Proposal and the other the Financial or Price Bid/ Proposal, enclosed together in an outer singleenvelooe.

J.J.Z The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the follo'wing :

i. Proof of payment of price of Bidding Docurnent, processing fee/ user charges, where applicable,and Bid Security;

ii. Document establishing the eligibility of bidder to bid as per ITB clause 3.8iii Technical Bid/ Proposal Submission Sheet and Technical Bid containing the filled up Bidding Forms

and Declarations related to Technical Bid and Code of Integrity (Form-DB) given in Section lV,Bidding Forms, and any otherdocuments as specified in the Technical Bid Submission Forms

iv. Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

The Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contain the following:i Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Siheet,

ii. Alternative Price Schedules/ Financial Bid corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposal, ifpermissible; and

iii Any other document required in the BDS

Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules

The Bidder shall submrt the Technical Bid and Fjnancial Bid using the appropriate Bid Submission Sheetsprovided in Section lV, Bidding Forms These forms must be completed without any alterations to theirformat, and no substitutes shall be accepted All blank spaces shall be filled in ink or typed with theinformation reouested

Alternative Bids

Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be considered.

Bid Prices And Discounts

The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bld Submission Sheet and in the Price Schedulesshall conform to the requirements specified in follo'wing Sub-Clauses:

All items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced separately in the FinancialSchedules. lf a Financial Schedule shows items specified / listed but not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requis;ite accessories. The details of accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optional accessories if any be quoted


The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Srreet shall be the total price of the Bid excluding anydiscounts offered. Discounts, if permitted, shall be shown separately.

The Bidder shall quote any unconditronal disc;ounts, if permitted, and the methodology for their






J.3. I


3.6 1

3 6.2



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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

apptication in the Financial Bid Submission Sheet.3 6 5 In Case of International Competitive Bidding, the terms EXW, ClF, Clp, and other similar terms shal be

governed by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms, published by The InternationalChamber of Commerce, on the date of the Invitation for Bids or as specified in the BDd.

3 6 6 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Biddels Performance of the Contract and notsubject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bjd submitted with anadjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected However, if inaccordance with the BDS, prices quoted by the Brdder shall be subject to adjustment during theperformance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed price quotation shall not'be rejected, Out tneprice adjustment shall be treated as zero.

36.7 All rates quoted must be FOR destination anc should include all incidental charges except Central/Rajasthan Sales Tax/ VAT, Entry Tax, which shrluld be shown separately. No cartage or transportationcharges will be paid by Procuring Entity and the delivery (including unloading and stacking etc.) of theGoods shall be given at the designated premises cf the procuring entity

3.7 Currencies of Bid.37.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in Indian Rupees unless otherwise

specified in BDS in case of International Competitive Bidding (lCB) All payments shall be made in IndianRupees only, unless otheruvise specified in the BDS.

3.7.2 lf equipment is imported, the University may c,pen L.C. in favour of the Principal but all the otherformalittes relating to import (clearing, etc) are to be completed by the successful bidder at his cost. Thebidder can avail facilities against our Excjse/Custom Exemption certificate. The bidder should haveCustom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

3.8 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder3 81 To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB Clause 1.4 [Eligibte Bidders], Bidders shatl

compulsorily attach any one of the following, as aprpropriate:

(a) In case of sole Proprietorship: Address of residence and office, telephone numbers e-mail address. ifany.

(b) In case of Partnership Firmsr Partnership Deed and valid registration certificate with the Registrar ofFirms and Power of Attorney in favour of the partner signing/submitting the Bid, authorizing him torepresent all partners of the firm.

(c) In case of registered Company or statutory/ registered body: Registration certificate andMemorandum of Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of a registered company andin case of another statutory or registered body, certificate of incorporation or registration issued byconcerned authority and Power of attorney in favour of the person signing the Bid

(d) Where permitted to bid as existing or intended Joint Venture, Consortium orAssociation: copy of theAgreement, or a letter of intent to enter into such Agreement. The respective document shall besigned by all legally authorised signatories, of all the parties to the existing or intended JV,Consortium or Association as appropriate; and the exlsting or intended JV shall authorise anindividual/partner in one of the flrm of the JV to act and commit all the partners of JV for the Bid.

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attachDeclaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section l\/, Bidding Forms.

Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related ServicesTo establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.5 [EligibleGoods and Related Servicesl, Bidders shall complete the country of origin declarations in the PriceSchedule Forms included in Section lV, Bidding Fcrms.

3.10 Documents, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and RelatedServices to the Bidding Document

3 10 1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the Bidding Document, the Bidder shallfurnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence as asked in the technical Bld submission form(specifications, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or other acceptable codes) and whereasked for, supply samples, demonstrates trials or carry out tests as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply and any amendment thereof issued

3.10.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, design/ drawings or data etc., and shallconsist of a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goodsand Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Goods and Related Services tothose requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement of deviations and exceptions to theprovisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

310.3 Standards for workmanshrp, process, material, operation and maintenance and equipment, as well asreferences to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the Procuring Entity in the Schedule ofSupply, are the minimum acceptable standards and are intended to be descriptive only and notrestrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand names, and /or cataloguenumbers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's satisfaction, that the substitutionsensure substantial equrvalence or are superior to those specified in the Schedule of Supply.

3104 Bidsforarticles, if any.specifiedinSectionV Scheduleof Supplyshall beaccompaniedbysamplesof




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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

the articles bid, where asked for, properly packed. Such samples if submitted personally will be receivedin the office. A receipt will be given for each sample by the officer receiving the samples. Samples forcatering/food items should be given in a suitable/non-contaminating plastic box or in food gradepolythene bags at the cost of the Bidder.

3,10.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six months after the expiry of thecontract. The Procuring Entity shall not be responsjble for any damage, wear and tear or loss duringtesting, examination, etc., during the period these samples are retained. The samples shall be collectedby the Bidder on the expiry of stipulated period. The Procuring Entity shall in no way make arrangementsto return the samples. The samples uncollected within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall beforfeited by the Procuring Entity and no claim for treir cost, etc., shall be entertained.

310.6 Samples not approved shall be collected by the Bidders The Procuring Entity will not be responsible forany damage, wear and tear, or loss during testing, examination, etc., during the period these samples areretained. The uncollected samples shall be forfeited and no claim fortheircost, etc., shall be entertained.

3.11 Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder3.11.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract, the Bidder shall submit as part of its Technical

Proposal the documentary evidence indicated for each qualification criteria specified in Section lll,Evaluation and Qualification Criteria.

3.12 Period of Validity of Bids3.12.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in :he BDS or Bidding documents after the Bid submission

deadline date as specified by the Procuring Entity A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by theProcuring Entity as non-responsive.

3.12.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Bid validity period, the Procuring Entity mayrequest Bidders to enend the period of validity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall bemade in writing. lf a Bid Security is requested it shall also be extended for a corresponding period. ABidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the request shall notbe required or permitted to modify its Bid

3.13 Bid Security3. 13. 1 Unless otheMise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in original

form and in the amount and currency specified in the Bidding documents.

3 13.2 Bid Security shall be 2% of the estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid or asspecified by the State Government. In case of Snall Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0.5% of thevalue of the quantity offered for supply and in cas;e of Sick Industries, other than Small Scale Industries,whose cases are pending with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction; it shall be 1% of theestimated value of Bid

3 13.3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or bank demand draft (DD) orbank guarantee, in specified format, of a Schedu ed Bank in India. The bid security instrument (BC/DD)must be in the name of "Dean, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur'' payable at Udaipur.

3 13.4 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid Securing Declaration shall be taken from Departments of the StateGovernment and State Government Public Siector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, RegisteredSocieties, Cooperative Societies which are contrclled or managed by the State Government and Public

Sector Enterprises of Central Government For lhe Bid Securrng Declaration the Bidder shall use theform included in Section lV, Bidding Forms.

313 5 Bid Security instrument or cash receipt of Bid Security or a Bid securing declaration shall necessarilyaccompany the sealed Bid. Any Bid not accompanied by Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration, if not

exempted, shall be liable to be rejected.

3 13 7 The issuer of the Bid Security and the confirmer, if any, of the Bid Security, as well as the form and termsof the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

3.13. 11 The Bid Securitytaken from a Biddershall be forfeited in the following cases, namely:-i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifles his Bid after opening of Bids; orii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement within the specified time afier issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order; oriii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supply order

within the time specified; oriv. when the Bidder does not deposit the Performance Security in the specified time period after the

supply / work order is Placed;v. if the Bidder breaches any provision of the Code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act. Chapter Vl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1.3; orvi, if the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid price due to correction of arithmetic errors

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.14 1 The original (and all copies, if asked) of the Bid s'rall be typed orwritten in ink, properly bound, all pages

shall be serially numbered and signed by the Bidcjer or a person duly authorised to sign on behalf of the

Bidder/Jv. This authorisation shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be

attached to the Bid.

3.14.2 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed by

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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

the person signing the Bid.

314.3 The Bidder shall prepare one Technical Bid or Proposal consisting of documents/forms as asked in thetechnical Bid Submission form and superscribe the envelope with "TECHNICAL BlD,.

3 14 4 The price schedule or qrlce proposal must be sealed in separate envelopes for each item using theappropriate form (Form-PS), given in Section lV The amount quoted should be mentioned in wofus &figures. Each envelope must bear the marking "PRlcE scHEDULE" and the NAME oF ITEM/ cooDs.

314.5 All the envelopes of price bids for all the items quoted by bidder must be put in one single envelope. Thisenvelope must be marked 'FINANCIAL BlD,

3 14 6 The envelopes for Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outer envelope and must be sealedproperly.

3 14.7 The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsorily -(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/ mobile number of Bidder,(b) bear complete address of the Procuring Entity with telephone number, if any;(c) bear the specific identification of the Biclding process (NlB No.) and the date and time of

submission of Bid. In case there are many categories in the NlB, the specific CATEGORY for whichthe bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelop,es containing the Technical Bids shall bear a warningnot to be opened before the time and date for the opening of Technical Bids, as specified in the NIBand BDS.

(e) The inner envelopes containing the Frnancial Bid and/or Price proposals shall bear a warning not tobe opened until advised by the Procuring Entity.

314.8 lf all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Procuring Entity shall assume noresponsibility about its consequences including mir;placement and premature opening of the Bid.

3.'14.9 Alternative Bids, if permissible, shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered with the innerenvelopes marked in addition'ALTERNATIVE BID No: . ..", as appropriate.Submission and Opening of BidsSubmission of BidsBidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directly dropped in the Bid Box, where provided. Butif so specified in the Bidding Documents, Bidders shall submit their Bids electronically only. Bidderssubmitting their Bids electronrcally shall follow ther electronic Bid submission procedure as specified onthe State Public Procurement Portal.

Deadline for Submission of BidsBids shall be received, by the person designaterd for the purpose by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid Box, or submitted electronicall'y, where asked for at the place and upto the time anddate specrfled in the Notice Invitinq Bids or an extension issued thereof.

4.3 Late Bids4.3.1 The Procuring Entity shall not consider any Bid tl'rat arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever reason, including postal delay. Suct' Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returnedunooened to the Bidder.

4.4 Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

4.4.1 A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its tlid Proposal after it has been submitted by sending awritten Withdrawal/ substitutions/ modifications etc. Notice, duly signed by the Bidder or its authorisedrepresentative, and shall include a copy of the authorisation. The corresponding Withdrawal, Substitutionor Modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written Notice. All Notices must be:i. submitted in accordance with ITB Clauses 3.'14 [Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids], the

respective inner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked "WITHDRAWAL"; "SUBSTITUTION", or'MODIFICATION" and

ii. received by the Procurrng Entity prior to the deadline specified by the Procuring Entity for submissionof Bids.

Bid Proposals that are withdrawn in accordance withBidders.

Bid Opening

as above shall be returned unopened to the

First only the Technical Bids shall be opened on the date, time and place specified in the BDS by theBids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their authorised representatives who choose tobe present.

The bidder or his authorized representative, if asked, should come prepared for technicalpresentation and demonstration on the date of opening of the bid and may be required to staynext day also.

4.5.2 lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids opening procedure as specified on the StatePublic Procurement Portal shall be followed. The Bidders may witness the electronic Bid openingDrocedure online.

4 5 3 The Procuring Entity shall conduct the openinl3 of Financial Bids of all Bidders who submitted








4.5 1



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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified jn evaluation of Technical Bids, in thepresence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to be present at the address, date and timespecifled by the Procuring Entity,

4 5 4 lf the date of opening of financial bids needs to be extended to enable a large number of technjcal bidsreceived, the changed date and time shall be c;ommunicated through the website of the procuremententity. lt shall also be communicate telephonically only to the bidders who attended the technical bid.



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5 1.4

Evaluation and Comparison of BidsConfidentialityAny attempt by a Bidder to influence the Procurinl3 Entity in the examination, evaluation, comparison, andpost qualification of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid, in additionto the legal action which may be taken by the Proouring Entity under the Act and the Rules.Notwithstanding the above clause, from the time of opening the Bid to the time of Contract award, if anyBidder wishes to contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related to the Bidding process, it should doso in writing.

In addition to the restrictions specified rn section 49 of the Act, the Procuring Entity, while procuring asubject matter of such nature which requires the crocuring Entity to maintain confidentiality, may imposecondition for protecting confidentiality of such information

5.2 Clarification of Technical or Financial Bids5.2 1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualification of the Technical or Financial Bids,

the Bid evaluation committee may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification regarding its BidThe committee's request for clarification and the response of the Bidder shall be in writing.

5 2 2 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regarrl to his Bid that is not in response to a request by theBid evaluation committee shall not be considered

5.3 Nonmaterial Nonconformities in Technical or Financial Bids5.3.'1 Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity maywaive any

nonconformity (with recorded reasons) in the Bid that do not constitute a material deviation, reservationor omission.

5.3.2 Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may requestthe Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, torectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions; in the Bid related to documentation requirements.Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.

5.4 Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

5.4.1 The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of Technical Bids shall be based upon anexaminatron of the documentary evidence sulrmitted by the Bidder in support of the Bidder'soualifications.

5.4.2 The Procuring Entity shall examine the technic;al aspects of the Bid rn particular, to confirm thatrequirements of Section V, Schedule of Supply have been met without any material deviation orreseryation.

5 4 3 The Procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in theGCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation.

5.5 Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Financial Bid

5 5 1 Provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity will correct arithmeticalerrors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the following basis:i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the

unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in theopinion of the Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unitprice, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding tc the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotalsshall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the

amount expressed rn words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figuresshall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above

5 5 2 lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Eid does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall

be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.

5.6 Price and/ or Purchase Preference

5.6.1 Price and/ or Purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given in accordan€ with the policy of StateGovernment notified / prevalent at the time of issuer of NlB.

5.7 Evaluation of Financial Bids

57 1 The Procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Technical Bid of which has

been determined to be substantially responsive.

5.7 2 i. Unless otherwise specified in BDS, the evaluation of the total Price of a Bid shall be the price of

delivering the Goods and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of delivery specified in Bidding



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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

documents, including all taxes and duties pa,yable on them, insurance, transport, loading, unloading,erecting, stacking, testing, commrssioning, eto,

rr. In comparltq th9 rates quoted by firms from outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but notentitled to Price Preference, the element of Rajasthan VAT shall be excluded whereai that of CentralSales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates.

iii. While comparing the rates in respect of firms within Rajasthan the element of Rajasthan Sales Tax /VAT shall be included.

5.8 Post qualification of the Bidder5 8 1 The Procuring Entity shall determine to its satisfaction that the Bidder that is selected as the lowest

Bidder is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.5.9 Procuring Entity's Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids5 9.1 The Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and

reject all Bids at any time prior to Contract award without assigning any reasons thereof and withoutthereby incurring any liability to the Bidders.

6.1 Procuring Entity's Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award6. 1 1 At the time of award of contract, the quantity c,f Goods, works or services originally specified in the

Bidding Documents may be increased or decreas;ed lt shall be without any change in the unit prices orother terms and conditions of the Bid and the conclitrons of contracr.

61.2 lf the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than thequantity specified in the Bidding Document due to change in circumstances, the Bidder shall not beentitled for any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the Conditions of Contract.

6.2 Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award6.2 1 As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be procured from the

Bidder, whose Bid is accepted However, when it is consrdered that the quantity of the subject matter ofprocurement to be procured is very large and it rnay not be in the capacity of the Bidder, whose Bid isaccepted, to deliver the entjre quantity or when it is considered that the subject matter of procurement tobe procured is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divided between the Bidder,whose Bid is accepted and the second lowest Brdder or even more Bidders in that order, in a fair,transparent and equitable manner at the rates of tl-re Bidder, whose Bid is accepted.

6.3 Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract6 3.1 The Procuring Entity after considering the recornmendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee and the

conditions of Bid, if any financial implications, samples, test reports, etc., shall accept or reject thesuccessful Bid.

632 Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the Procuring Entity shall inform the successfulBidder in writing, by registered post or email, that ils Bid has been accepted.

6.3 3 lf the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is likely to take time, in the meanwhile a Letter ofIntent (LOl) may be sent to the successful Bidder. The acceptance of an offer is complete as soon as theletter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/ or sent by email (if available) to the address of thesuccessful Bidder given in its Bid

6.4 Signing of Contract6 4.'1 In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid :sent to the successful Bidder, it shall also be asked to

execute an agreement in the format given in the tlidding Document on a non -judicial stamp of requisitevalue at his cost and deposit the amount of Perfonnance Security or a Performance Security Declaration,as applicable, within a period specified in the BDSi or where the period is not specified in the BDS, thenwithin fifteen days from the date on which the LtfA or LOI is dispatched to the Bidder. Until a formalcontract is executed, LOA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.

6.42 lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails':o sign a written procurement contract or fails to furnishthe required Performance Security or Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, as the casemay be, within the specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall take action against the successfulBidder as per the provisions of the Act and the Ru es. The Procuring Enttty may, in such case, cancel theprocurement oro€ss or if it deems fit, offer for iacceptance on the rates of lowest Bidder to the next

lowest resoonsive Bidder.

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)



Page 17: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Ilidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section II - Bid Data Sheet

Section II : Bid Data Sheet

I Introduction

BDS 1.1.r The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCB/2014-f 5/02lCDFST

The Procuring Entity is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,

MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan)

) Bidding Doucmenl

BDS 2.1.3 The price of the Bidding Documents is: Rs. 500/-

BDS 2.2.1 For Clarification purposes onlv. the Procuring Entity's address is: -

Attention (Name rvith Designation) : Dr. L.K. Murdia, Dean,

Address: College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001

Telephone No. 0294-2470139,0294-247017 9 Email : cdfst20l [email protected]

BDS 2.2.2 The Pre-Bid conference r.vill be heldTnot held: NOT HELD


BDS 3.2.1 The language of the Bid is (English;'Hindi/Both): ENGLISH

BDS 3.6.4 Discounts on award of combination of lots can be offered/not offered: OFFERED

4. Submission and Opening of Bids

BDS 4.1.1 (a) For Bid submission purposes only. the Procuring Entity's address is:

Dean, College of Dairy and Food Scicnc:e Technology. MPUAT, Udaipur

Telephone No. 0294-24 70 139. 029 4 -24',t 0 L7 9 Email ; cdfst20 I I @ gmai l.com

(b) Whcre electronic submission of Bids is mandatory. the address of the web portal is: NA

BDS 4.2.1 The details fbr Bid submission is:

Date 10'n September 2014 Time: 01:00PNt

BDS4.5.l The Bid opening shall take place at:

Technical Bid Financial Bid

Address ofOffice

Dean, College of Dairy and FoodScience Technology, MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

Dean, College of Dairy and FoodScience Technology, MPUAT,Udaipur 3f3001

Date t l'n September 2014 l1'n September 2014

Time ll:00AM 03:00PM

6. Award of Contracl

BDS 6.4.1 The period within r^'hich the contract agreement is to be executed and performance Security is to be

submitted is l5 days,

BDS 6.5.1 Whether Perofrmance SecuritviPerformance Security Declaration shall be required (Yes,No) YES


Page 18: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section III - Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

section rrr: Qualification and Evaluation criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders' qualifications regarding critical aspects of their financial, technical, production,procurement, shipping, installation and other caprlbilities necessary to perform the contract will bejudged from the several criteria like Size o.f Operation, Contractual Experience, TechnicalExperience, Production Capacity, Financial Position, Cash flow Capacity, Litigation History, Ta.rClearance Certificates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications under Section 7 of the Act, Biddersacceptance of GCC and SCC, etc. The criteria-, specifically used are specified in detail in theTechnical Bid.

B. Technical Suitability of Goods: Besides financial, commercial qualification as above, the technicalsuitability of goods offered in view of specifications, slandards, sampies, etc. as provided in the Scheduleof Supply and Biding document shall detennine the qualification of the bidder. These are listed in detailsin the Technical Bid form.

2. EVALUATION CRITERIAI. SCOPEl.l Local Handling and Inland Transportation: Costs for inland transportation, insurance, and otherincidental costs for delivery of the goods from the E,XW premises, or port of entry, or border point toProject Site as defined in Bidding Documents/Scherlule of Supply, shall be quoted in the PRICESCHEDULES provided in Section IV, Bidding Forms. These costs will be taken into account during bideraluation. If a Bidder fails to include such costs in its Bid, then these costs will be estimated by theProcuring Entity on the basis of published tariffi b'y the rail or road transport agencies, insurancecompanies, or other appropriate sources, and added to E.KW or CIF or CIP price.

1.2 Minor Omissions or Missing ltems: The cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities oromissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The Procuring Entity willmake its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions forthe purpose ofensuring fair comparison of Bids.

2. TECHNICAL CRITERIA: The cost of all quantifiable minor deviations or deficiencies from thetechnical requirements as specified in Section V, Sche,Jule of Supply shall be evaluated. The ProcuringEntity will make its own assessment of the cost of these deviations or deficiencies for the purpose ofensuring fair comparison of Bids.

3. ECONOMIC CRITERIA: The net price of items 1o be procured will be the criteria for evaluatingBids that have passed the technical evaluation.

4. PRICE AND / OR PURCHASE PREFERENCE: Price andi or Purchase Preference shall be given inevaluation of Bids and award of Contract shall be as per the Govemment of Raiasthan Rules in thisregard.


Page 19: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

Section IV: Bidding Forms


1, TechnicalBid Submission Sheet (Form-TBSS) 4.22. Format for Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF) +.:3. Bid Security (Form-BG) 4.44. Bid Securing Declaration (Form-BSD) 4.55. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MAl) 4.6

(ln case of procurement valuing upro Rs 10 lakh)

6. Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2) 4.7(In case of-procurement valuing more than Rs. 10 lakh)

7. Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB) 4.98. Price Schedule/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet (Form-pS) 4.9

Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

The Technical bid must be prepared with documents arranged in the following orderl. Technical Bid Submission sheet (Form-TBSS) with the proof of payment of tender fee and Bid

Security attached on the top.2. Filled up'fechnical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)i. Documents establishing the eligibility of bidder as per ITB Clause 3.84. Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MA1) or Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form-MA2), as

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIB6. All enclosures asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Forms in the sequence1. Instructions to Bidders (lTB), duly signed and stamped.8. General Contract Conditions (GCC) and Special Contract Conditions (SCC), duly signed and



Page 20: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


Date:NIB No.:Alternative No., if permitted:

l'o: The Dean, CDFST, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Biddine Document. includine Addenda No.

We ofl'er to supply in conformity u'ith the Bidding Drocument and in accordance with the delivery schedulespecified in Bidding Documents, the follorving Goods and Related Services:

ourBidshallbevalidforaperiodof'-daysfromthedateflxedforthebidsubmissiondeadlineinaccordance with the Bidding Document. and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any timebefore the expiration ofthat period;

(c) If our Elid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Perforrnance Securityof the Contract Price or Performance Security Declaration for the due

(d) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers tbr any part of


in the amount of percentperformance of the Contract;

the Contract. have nationalities from the


eligible countries;

We are not participating. as Bidders. in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than altemativeoff-ers, if permitted, in the Bidding Document;

Our firm, its aftlliates or subsidiaries. including any subcontractors or suppliers has not been dcbarred by theState Government or the Procurins Entitt':

(g) We understand that this Bid, together with your uritten acceptance thereof included in your notification ofaward, shall constitute a binding contract betu'een us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;

(h) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lorvest evaluated bid or any other bid that you mayreceive;

(i) We agree t() permit thc Procuring Entitl or its representatir,'e to inspect our accounts and records and otherdocuments relating to the bid submission and to hav3 them audited by auditors appointed by the ProcuringEntity;

0) We declare that we have complied rvith and shall continue to comply with the provisions of the Code ofIntegrity tbl Bidders as specified in the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,2012, the

Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules,2013 and this Bidding Document in this procurement

Drocess and in execution ofthe Contract:

(k) Other comments, if any:

Name/ address:In the capacity ofSigned:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate: __Tel: Fax: e-mail:

Amount Mode No. & DateTender Fee CasU DD/ BCBid Securiw Cash/ DD/ BC



Page 21: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Pan A: Financial & Commercial CSN Criteria Required


Proof submittedat page No.

I Average annual tumover (conue,ted- into-lidian-Rupees) defined as the total paymenrs received by rheBidder for contracts completed or under executionover the last 5 years.

20 Crore

1 Number of similar contracts succ"EfriTy coilf,lGd ,ns

main supplier within the last 5 years. Valui. nature,and complexity of these contracts should becomparable to the contract to be let. (Enclose the listwith address and telephone Nos.)


J. VAT/ Sales Tax registral.ion certifrcare Requ red4. VAT/Sales Tax clearance ce.tifiiiG--fr6E-th,e

concerned Commercial Taxes OfficerRequired

5. Permanent Account Number (PANI"s"A brJ"corn;Tax Departrnent


6. Income Tax clearance certiilcate Required

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


Part B: Technical Suitability of Goods Offered.The bidder is required to enter the relevant inlbrmation asl:ed in the format /table below and submit a proof insupport of the information' The proof must be in form of catalogue, technical Iiterature/ leaflet, brochure, etc. of'theitems offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable the procurement entity to arrive at aninfbrmed decision about the technical suitability of the items olfered vis-d-l,is the specifications. In absence of suchproofs. the procuremcnt entity may make its o\\'n assessment of the technical suitability.

Note: This is only a format;If some item is not quotedassumed as Not and



the bidders must include all the items/goods (specilied in the Schedule of Supply).it should be mentioned "Not Quoted". If some item/good is missing that shall be

ing Price Schedule. even if enclosed. will

Signature ofbidder


Item Name Bidder's ResponsePlease indicate whetheritems/goods quoted conformthe speciiications (Yes,4lloDeviations, if any, must

Proofsubmitted atpage No.



Page 22: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


(To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India or other Iss;uer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)

Form of Bid Security[insert Bank's ]{ame, and Address of Issuing Branch or OfficeJ

Peneficiara: finsert Name qnd Address of Procuring EntiryJDate: [insert dateJ

BID GUARANTEE N'o.: [insert numberJ

We have been informed that [insert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submittedto you its bid dated [insert dateJ (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insen name ofconlractJ under Notice Inviting Bids No. [insert NIB numberJ (.,the NIB,').

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bidguarantee.

At the request of the Bidder, we [insert name of Bankl' hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sumor sums not exceeding in total an amount of_[insert umount in figuresJ[insert omount in wordsJ upon receipt by us of your first demand in writingaccompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bidconditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Formof Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity during the periodof bid validity,

(i.) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Forrn,

(ii.) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructionsto Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) has not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) has breached a provision of the Code of lntegrirg specified in ITB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of thecontract signed by the Bidder and the performance sr:curity issued to you upon the instruction of theBidder; and (b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copyyour notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty days afterthe expirationof the Bidder's bid.

Consequently, an1' demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on orbefore that date.

Name In

the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of

Bank's Seal


,/\-/({V-- -.54il--

Page 23: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documen! Coods tSS2E Bidt Section IV - Bidding Forms


Date: finsert date (as day, month and year)JNotice Inviting Bids No.: [insert number of bidding processJ

I'o: [insert complete name of Procuring EntityJ

We, the undersigned, declare that;

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids :must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that u'e will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract withthe Procuring Entity for the period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time forwhich the Procuring EntiQ will declare a Bidder inelQ'ible to be awarded a Contract if the Bid SecuringDeclaration is to be executed.J starting on the date that rve receive a notification from the ProcuringEntity that our Bid Securing Declaration is executed, if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the bidconditions, because we;

have withdrawn our Bid during the period of bid 'validity specified in the Form of Bid; or

having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entie during the period of bidvalidity,

(i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) fail or refuses to funtish the performance securiry, in accordance with the Instructions toBidders (hereinafter "the ITB").

have not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB, or

have breached a provision of the Code of Integritl, specified in ITB;

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon theearlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty daysafter the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:y'nsert signature of percon whose nsme and capocity are shownJ

In the capacity ofi[insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ


finsen complele name of person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of:[insertcompletenameofBidderJDatedondayof.[insertdateofsigningJCorporateSeal-






,r/V- r'4,4--

Page 24: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Biddine Forms


Qn case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 lakh)


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if applicable:


VWe a legally constituted firm/body and represented bydeclare that I aml we are Manufacturers/ Whole Sellers/ Sole distributor/

Authorised dealer/ bonafide dealers in the Goods and Related Services for which VWe have Bid.

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then withou.[ prejudice to any other action that may be taken,my/our Bid Security may be forfeited in full and the Bicl if any to the extent accepted may be cancelled.



In the capacity of:

Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on befLalf of

Tel: Fax: e-mail:




Page 25: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)

Manufacturer's rluthorisation


NIB No.:

Alternative No.. if applicable:

WHEREASWe, who are official manufacturers ofhaving factories at

do hereby authorise

to submit a Bid in relation to the Invitation for Bids irLdicated above, the purpose of which is to provide

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and wananty in accordance with Clause 4.6 of the GeneralConditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offer:ed by the above firm in reply to this Invitation forBids.


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail

,1 1


Page 26: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Notice Inviting Bids No.Rajasthan Transparency in

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - DB)


ln relation to my'/our Bid submitted to

-- for procurement of _ _ in response to their

Dated Vwe hereby declare under Section 7 ofPublic Procurement Act, 20 12. that:

I ' Vwe possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial resources andcompetence required by the Bidding Document iss;ued by the procuring Entity;

2' Uwe have fulfilled mylour obtigation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union and the StateGovemment or any local authority as specified in the Bidding Document;

3' Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have my/our affairsadministered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/our business activities suspended and notthe subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4' Vwe do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminaloffence related to mylour professional con,luct or the making of false statements ormisrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to e:nter into a procurement contract within a period ofthree years preceding the commencement of this p.o.r..rllant process, or not have been otherwisedisqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

5' I/we do not have a conflict of interest as specifred in the Act, Rules and the Bidding Document,which materially affects fair competition:



Signature of bidder




Page 27: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms



NIB No.:

To: The DeanCollege of Dairy and Food ScienceTechnology, MpUAT, Udaipur.

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the




Bidding Document, including Agenda No.;

we offer to supply in_ conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with thedelivery schedule specified in Bidding Docum,lnts, thi following Goods and Related Services:

We understand that this Bid, togethernotification of award, shall constitute aprepared and executed.

We understand that you are not bound tomay receive.

with your written acceptance thereof included in yourbinding contract between us, until a formal Contract is

accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you

(e) We offer to supply the items/goods at the following price:ItemNo

Name and Description ofItem

Country ofOrigin

Unit of\Ieasurem


Unit EXWPrice forthe item

Sales andOther

Taxes forthe Item

Relatedservices*, il

notincluded inColumn 6

'I'otal Unit Price(In Figs. & Words)

for the Itemincluding Taxes

(6+7+8)2 l 4 5 6 7 8

*(like transportation, insuranct

Note: Quote rates for different items/goods on separate sheets and submit in separate envelopes.

I/We hereby certily that the above rates have been quot,:d after pursuing all the general and special termsand conditions of the bid. I/We agree to confirm these conditions and signed on ull th. terms & conditionsin token of confirmation and acceptance. Vwe also bear the responsibility for installation, commissioning.demonstration and training to user at my/our cost.

Name/ address:

In the capacity ofSigned:

Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate:

e-mail:Tel: Fax:


t, /

Page 28: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Biddine Forms

Section V: Schedule of Supplyof Goods and Related Services and Technical tions:


Name olGoods orRelatedSeruices

r ecnnlcal uescnptlon, Specltlcatt0ns and Standar(ls Unlt ot'Measure


Quantrty wnemerSamplesare

lLab model

lTwin screwI Extruder

Designed for capacity of l5 Kg per hour.Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, [,H]IW-HDPE screws driven by variable speedmotor.Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel witb two waterjackets.Two no. band heaters. c€ramic insulated.Multi-stBrt screws fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel.Drive suidtable motor driven through reduction gear unit and duplexgear driven by AC drive.TORQtIE-LIIIIITER fixed before duplex gear."DEBLOCKING CL}I CLEANI\G DEITCE"Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diameter, oneno. flate die and one no. pipe die.

'Stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, drilen by variable speed motor.Safety device vide limit switch for the cuiler,'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the fotlowing:

^) 2 No. Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicator withsensor for 2 no. Band Heaters.

b) I no. electronic temperature indiicator with sensor for masstemperature.

c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM ofmain drive, Feederand Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of Main Drive.

Ammeter, Voltmeter, Push-button switches, indicating Lamps etc.Transformer to stabilize control voltage in case of fluctuation ofsupplyvoltage. f,lectrical and electronic components including imported ACdrive (Frequency Controller).

No. lOne SamplesNotRequrre,





2 Hammer Mill . Chamber size- 20" diametcr, fabricated from stainless steel platewith stainless steel Liner.

o llodel no. T\\'-A5-612. 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pole motor, rotary feeding

hopper 6 pole motor.. Sieve 80-250 mesh.o Capacity 175 kg/hr.

Nos. One


o Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.o Electric heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany)o Electric hcater of4-6 KW capacity, mcunted in pair and can be on/offas

per h€at requirement (mor€ heat require, then more numbers ofheaterswill on)

. Temperature controller and sensor for better control.

. Timer is provided to control the time process.o Power supply I phase,{lI phase option.r Insulated with asbestos sheel.. Control box consisting of temp. Controller, on/offswitch, indicating I

omn frrco s'irino timal atn

No. One

A \racuumpackaging andNitrogen gaspackaging

. Single Chamber type.

. Sealing length 400mm X width 8mm

. Chamber size: 800rnm X J00 mm X 300mmo Double sealing Jaw at both sides.. Complete structur€ ofstainless steel 304.o Power: 230 V, 50 Hz, single Phase.. Acrylic view window for vie*ing the process.. Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas flushing arrangements.o 12 Pouches,{Batch

No. One

5 BakingOven

Two Tra,v-s

I wire meshInner chamberSize 24" r 21" x 9"

No. One

6 AgeingVat

Capacity 100 litre.Temperature 5' CStainless steel bod1. f-llnsulated inside.

No. One



Page 29: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

Important: The installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines,bv the bidder.

Section IV - Bidding Forms

instruments, etc. has to be done

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Document includes the following drawings: NA

3. Inspections and TestsThe following inspections and tests shall be performed: finsert list of inspections and testsJ


' The Supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections.

' Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity from the lot offered for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before the scheduleddesoatch.

o Deluxe model with : .coated stoel and stainless steel contrainer.. l0kg.Popcorn per batch,r Size: 17.5', L x 20.S" W x 24.75" H.

. Machine Sealing area 400mm (W) x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(H)o Product weight 3.Skg max., T€mperature _ j0-3000 C, time -0-3 second &machine weight - 90kg.

. Type ofshrink fite poF. p!.C

o Power supply - 230 V, 50 hertzo Heating power - 2.5 kw.


"photographs/experimentalresults "


. Standard sturdy double watt faUiiiationlo Inner & outer chamber made out ofthick mill steel sheet.. Inner chamber back silver pain finish and €xterior finished in hammertone,

. Gap between two walls filled with glass xood for temperature insulation.o Heavy duty forced air blowers.o Double wall door mounted on heavy hinges with heavy moulded latchy.. Temperature control by a 1'hermostat and it can be read on dial typethermometer.

o Temperaturerange: 50oCto2s00C+20Cto50Candworkable on220yAC 50 Hz single phase or 4{0 }olts AC suDDlv.. 24 trays of l6"XJ2" X l I size.

r Slice Thickness: l2mm.o Range:31 Pcs.. Voltage:220Y/50lIz.. Dimension: 630 x 630 x 685H in mm.

r Size:48" x 27" x 48". Electrical Suppty: 220V I lpH I 50Hz

e I l0 volt. 3'd generation vibration motor.. Stainless steel body.r Diameter 500mm, 0.02-20 mesh size, lrl40rpm

documents are to be i inserl the LiList of Drawings

Drawing No. Title of drawing Purpose

List of lnspections. Trials and TestsLine Item No Brief Description of

ItemDescription of Inspection and/ or Trial and/ or Test forfull conformance of the product to the specificationsgiven in Biddine Document and/ or to the Samnles


Page 30: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section Schedule of Supply


trpo.t"ttf. ftt. installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be done by the bidder'

2. Drawings:This Bidding Doucment includes the following dra*'ing. \A


documenls are to be tncluded, inserl the ListList of Drawines

Drawins No, Title of Drawins Purnose

3. Inspections and Tests:

The fol and tests shall be formed insert the

o The supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and

o Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entrrv.'

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered

testing, and or prc-despatch inspections.

form the lot offered for suPPlY,

by the Supplier about 15 days before scheduled dispatch'

List and and I echnical Specialication:-S.


1\ame oIGoods or RelatedServices

Technical Description, Specifications andStandards

Lnl t olMeasure ment


wnetnerSamples are Required

Lab model Twinscrew Extruder

Designed for capacity of f5 Kg per hour.

Feed Funnel

Twin- Screw Feeder. UHIIW-HDPEscrews driven by variable speed motor.

Barrel fabricated from Nitriding orequivalent steel with two water jackets.

Tuo no. band heaters. ceramic insulated.

Nlulti-start screll s fabricated fromNitriding or equivalent steel.

Drive suidtable motor driven throughreduction gear unit and duplex gear drivenby AC drive.

TORQUE-LIIIITER fixed before duplexgear.

"DEBLOCKING Ct.M CLEANN{GDEVICE"Die plate assemble with two nos. Rounddies of different diameter. one no. flate dieand one no. pipe die.

'Stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, drivenby variable speed motor.

Safety device vide limit switch for thecuttcr.

'Stand-alone' panel board consisting thefollowing:a) 2 No. Electronic PID Temper:rture

Controller Indicator with sensor for 2

no. Band Heaters.

b) I no. electronic temperature indicatorwith sensor for mass temPerature.

c) J no. rpm meters for monitoring theRPNI of main drive, Feeder and

Cutter & I no. meter for DisPlaY oftorque of IVIain Drive.

Ammeter. Voltmete r. Push-buttonswitches, indicating Lamps etc.

Transformer to stabilize control voltag€ incase of fluctuation of supply voltage.

Electrical and electronic componentsincluding imported AC drive (FrequencyController).

M.S. Fabricated sub. Frame.

No One Samples



"photogr aphs/experim ental results"

List of lnsoection, Trials and Tests

Description of Inspection and/or Trial and/or Test for full

conformance of the product to the specifications given in Bidding

Document and/or to the sa

Drife Description of Item



\^ 2,,'

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Section VI A: General Conditions of ContractlntroductionDefinitions

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,2012(ii) "Completion" means the fulfilment of the Rr:lated Services by the Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Contracl.(iii) "Contract" means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier,

together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices,specifications and codes and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

(iv) "Contract Documents" means the documents listed in the Agreement, including any amendmentsthereto.

(v) "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject tosuch additions and adiustments thereto or deductions therefrom, as may be made pursuant to theContract.

(vi) "Day" means calendar day.(vii) "Delivery" means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance

with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract(ix) "Goods" means all of the commodities, raw material, machinery and equipment, documents,

guarantees/warrantees and/or other materials that the Supplier is required to supply to the

Procuring Entity under the Contract.(x) "Procuring Entity" means the Entity purchasing the Goods and Related Services, as specified in

the SCC(xi) "Related Services" means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as insurance,

installation, training and initial maintenance, commissioning of equipment or machinery and othersimilar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract

(xii) "Rules" means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013(xiii) "SCC" means the Special Conditions of Contract.(xiv) "subcontractor" means any natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to be

supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier.

(xv) ''supplier" means the natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the above,

whose Bid to oerform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring Entity and is named as

such in theAgreement, and includes the legal successors orpermitted assigns of the Supplier.

(xvi) "The Site" where applicable, means the plar:e of delivery, installation, testing/commissioning of the

goods/equipment or machinery or any other place named in the Bid Document.


lf the context so requires it, singular means plural and vlce versa

lncotermsIn case of International Competitive Bidding :

The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescribed

by Incotermi. g>Oti Ctf ClP, and other similar terms, shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the

current edition of Incoterms, published by the Inlernational Chamber of Commerce at the date of the

Invitation for Bids or as specified in the BDC

Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier and

supersedes all communications, negotiations ancl agreements (whether written or oral) of parties with

respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract

AmendmentNo amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly

refers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto

Non-waiver(i) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below, no relaxation, forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either

party in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by either

brrtytotheotheishall prejudice affect,orrestricttherightsof thatpartyundertheContract,neithershall any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent or

continuing breach of Contract,(ii) Any waiver of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing' dated, and

sigired by an auihorised iepresentative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the right

and the extent to which it is being waived

2 1.3




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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

2.2.1 Subject to the order of precedence setall parts thereof) are intended toexptanatory.

2.3 Code of Integrity23.1 The Supplier is bound

specified in ITB CIause

Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

2.1.6 Severabilitylf any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforceable, suchprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall rrot affect the validity or enforceaOitity of any otherprovisions and conditions of the Conlract

2.2 Contract Documents

forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the Contract (andbe correlative, complementary, supplementary, and mutually

by the provisions of the code of Integrity stipulated in the Act and the Rules and1 3 [Code of Integrity].

232 The Procuring Entity shall take legal action against the Supptier under Section 11(3), 46 and chapter tVof the Act, if it breaches any provisions of the Code of Integrity, or is determined to have engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practrc<;s in competing for the Contract or execution of theContract.

233 The Supplier shall-permrt the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's accounts and records relating tothe performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the procuring En'iity,if so required by the Procuring Entity.

2.4 Language

2 4 1 The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by theSupplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. 6upp6.tingdocuments and printed literature lhat are part of the Contract may be in another language provided theyare accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in theBDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contract, this translation shall govern

242 The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy ofsuch translation.


2 5.1



z.o. I





Any Notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the Procuremententity. The term "in writing" means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effective date, whichever is later.

Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the State ofRajasthan.

Specifications and Standards

Technical Specifications and Drawings:

The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Rel;ated Services comply with the technical specificationsand other orovisions of the ContractThe Supplier shall be entitled to drsclaim respons;ibility for any design, data, drawing, specification orother document, or any modification thereof provided or desrgned by or on behalf of the Procuring Entity,by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity.

The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the standards mentionedin Section V, Schedule of Supply and shall bear such marks. When no applicable standard is mentioned,the Goods and Related Services supplied shall be of the best quality and the standard shall be equivalentor superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Goods.In no case such standards shall be inferiorto the relevant updated BIS or international standards.Equipments/implements which are governed by Dangerous Machinery Regulations Act should benecessarily'lSl' marked (attach certificate with the Brd) and for other equipments 'lSl.' quality certificationis desirable.

Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accordance with which it shallbe executed, the edition or the revised version of r;uch codes and standards shall be those specified inthe Section V, Schedule of Supply During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes andstandards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordancewith Clause 3.4.

The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples has been indicated in the Schedule ofSupply, shall in addition, conform strictly to the approved samples. The decision of the Procuring Entitywhether the articles supplied conform to the specifications and are in accordance with the samples, ifany, shall be final and binding on the Supplier.



Page 33: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

2.8 Gopyright

2.8.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials containing data and information furnishedto the Procuring Entity by the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if they are furnishedto the Procuring Entity directly or through the Suppiier by any third party, including suppliers of materialsor Related Services, the copyright in such materials or related servrces shall remain vested in such thirdparty.

2,9 Confidential lnformation

2.9 1 ln addition to the requirements of the provrsions of Section 49 of the Act and Rule 77 of the Rules

regarding Confidentiality, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not,

without the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or

other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the Contract,

whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination of the

Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor such documents,

data, and other informatton it receives from the Procuring Entity to the extent required for the

Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, in which event the Supplier shall obtain from such

Subcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Supplier under GCC Clause


However, in case of electronic data or informatiorr, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responsibility

for access to data on line by any third party

2.g.2 The Procuring Entity shall not use such docunrents, data, and other information received from the

Supplier for iny purposes unrelated to the Contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use such

documents, data, and other information received from the Procuring Entity for any purpose other than the

design, procurement, or other work and services required for the performance of the Contract.

2 9 3 The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 2.9.1 and 292 above, however, shall not apply to

information that:

the Procuring Entity or Supplier neeo to share wilh other institutions participating in the financing of the

Contract; now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that party;

can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was not

previousiy obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party; or otherwise lawfully becomes available to

that party from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality

2.g.4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall nrtt in any way modify any undertaking of confidentiality

given by either of the parties hereto prior to the diate of the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part


2g5 The provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall survive ,:ompletion or termtnation, for whatever reason, of the


2.'1'0 Packing and Documents

2.10.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or

deterioration during transit or transport byiea, rail and road or air to their final destination. During transit,

the packing shall be sufflcient to withstand, withcrut limitation, rough handling and exposure to extreme

temperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage Packing case size and weights shall take into

consideration, where appropiiate, tne remoteness of the final destination of the Goods and the absence

of heavy handling facilities at all points ln transit

2.10.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such

special reqJirementJas shall be expressly providerd for rn the Contract, including additional requirements,

if any, specified in any other instructions ordered by the Procuring Entity

210.3 In the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage, the Supplier shall be liable to

maKe gooo such loss and shoiage found at the checking/inspection of the materials by the consignee

No extra cost on such account shall be admissible'

2.11 Insurance

211.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured

against theft, destruction or damage, by fire, flood under exposure to weather or otherwise including war'

rebellion, riot, etc. The insuranceiharges will be borne by the supplier and the Procuring Entity will not

be required to pay such charges, if rncurred'

2.'12 Transportation

2.12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the scc, obligations for transportation of the Goods shall be in accordance

with the conditions and lncoterms specified in the Bidding Documents.

2122 ln case of Supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied FOR locations specified in Bidding

Documents. nti iransportation charges, local taxes,, etc. shall be borne by the Supplier.

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests

2.13.1 The procuring Entity or his authorised representative shall at all reasonable times have access to the

Suppliets premises and the power to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship of the goods/


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

equipmenV machinery during manufacturing process or afterwards as may be decided.2'132 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at ro cost to the Procuring Entity carry out all such tests,and/or trials

-and/or inspections of the Goods and Related services ir jre' rp""iti"o in Seclons v-Schedule of Supply

2133 The sampling, inspections, and/or tests and/or trials may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier orits Subcontractor,. at point of delivery, and/or at tre finil destination of the Goods, or at another ptace inlndia as specified in the SCC. All such sampling, inspections andt ot testing shall be at the cost of theSupplier Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13 4,- if conducted on the premises of the supptier or itsSubcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to specification codes, designs,drawings and production data, shall be furnlshed to the inspectors at no charge to the procuring Entity.2 13 4 The Procuring Entity or its designated representatives shall be entitled to attend the tests, and/orInspections and/ or trials referred to in GCC Sub-Clause 2 13.3, provided that the procuring Entity bearall of its own costs and expenses incurred rn connection wjth such attendance, like traveiling andboarding and lodging expenses.

2 13'5 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test, and/or trials and/or inspection, it shall give areasonable advance notice, includtng the place and time, to the Procuring Entity The Suppleishallobtain from any relevant third party or manufacturer any necessary permission or consent to enable theProcuring Entity or its designated representative tc attend the test and/or trials and/or inspection.The Supplier shall furnish complete address of the premises of his office, godown and workshop wheretnspection can be made together with name and address of the person who is to be contacted for thepurpose

2136 The Procuring Entity may require the Supplier kr carry out any test and/or trials and/or inspection notrequired by the Contract but deemed necessary to verify that the characteristics and performance of theGoods comply with the technical specifications, codes and standards and samples .rppri"o with the Bidunder the Contract, provided that the Supplie/s reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carryingout of such test and/or trials and/or inspection sherll be added to the Contract price. Further, if such testand/or trials and/or inspection impedes the progress of manufacturing and/or the Supplier,s performanceof its other obligations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in respect of the Delivery Datesand Completion Dates and the other obligations so affected.

2.13.7 The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Entity with a report of the results of any such tests and/or trialsand/or rnspection.

2 13 8 Supplies when received shall be subject to tests and/or trials and/or inspection to ensure whether theyconform to the specifications and with the apprcved samples and trials, if any Where necessary orprescribed or practical, tests shall be carried out irr Government laboratories, reputed testing house likeSrt Ram Testing House, New Delhi and the like arrd the supplies will be accepted only when the articlesconform to the standard of prescribed specifications; as a result ofsuch tests.

2.139 In case of tests, samples shall be drawn in four rsets in the presence of the Supplier or his authorisedrepresentative and properly sealed in his presence One such set shall be given to hrm, one or two will besent to the laboratories and/or testing house ancl the third or fourth will be retained in the office forreference and record.

2 13 10 Testing charges shall be borne by the Procuring Errtity in case urgent testing is desired to be arranged bythe Supplier. In other cases and in case of test results showing that supplies are not upto the presiribedstandards or specifications, the testing charges sha I be payable by the Suppliet.

2 13 11 The Procuring Entity may reject any Goods or any part thereof that are received but fail to pass any testand/or trials and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications and samples supplied with the Bidif any. The Suppller shall either rectify or replace such rejected Goods or parts thereof or makealterations necessary to meet the specifications ard samples supplied with the Bid if any, at no cost tothe Procuring Entity, and shall repeat the test and/or trials and/or inspection, at no cost to the procurinqEntity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub- C)lause 2.13,5

lf, however, due to exigencies of Procuring E:ntity's work, such replacement either in whole or inpart, is not considered feasible, the Procuring Entity after giving an opportunity to the Bidder of beingheard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitable amount from the approved rates ano acceptthe supply. The deduction so made shajl be final.

213.12 The rejected articles shall be removed by the Bidderr within 15 days of intimation of rejection, after whichthe Procuring Entity shall not be responsible for any' loss, shortage or damage and shill have the right todispose of such articles as he thinks fit, at the Supplief s risk and on his account.

2.13.13 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or trials and/or inspection of the Goods orany part thereof, nol

!h_e attendance by the Procuring Entity or its representative, nor the issue of any

report pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.7, shall release the Supplier from any warranties or otheiobligations under the Contract.

2.14 Change in Laws and Regulations2.14.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the deadline for submission of Bids, any law,

regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the fcrce of law is enacted, promulgated, abrogated, or


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

changed by Government of India or the State Government (which shall be deemed to inctude any changein interpretation or application by the competent authorities) that subsequenfly affects the Delivery Dateand/or the Contract Price, then such Deltver'1 Date andlor Contract prics shall be correspondinglyIncreased or decreased, to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been affected in the performance ofany of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such additional or reduced costshall not be separately paid or credited if the same

-has already been accounted for in the price

adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with GCC clause 4 1

2.15 Force Majeure

2 15 1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, liquidateo oamages, ortermination for default if and to the extent- that delays in performance or oiner'raiLil to perrirm itsobligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

2 15.2 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation beyond the control of theSupplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligLnce or lack of care onthe part of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts oitFe procuring Entity in itssovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods. epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and keiohtembargoes.

215.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the procuring Entrty in writing ofsuch condition and the cause and effects thereofUnless otherwise directed by the Procuring Entity in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform itsobligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practilal, and shall seek all reasonable alternativemeans at his cost for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event

2.'16 Assignment2.16 1 Neither the Procuring Entity nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, their obligations under this

Contract, except with prior written consent of the other party with recorded reasons. -Such

assignmentshall not relieve the Supplier or the Procurement Entity of their respective obligations under the Contract.

3. Contract Details

3.1. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association and Changes in the Constitution of the Supplier3 1.1 lf the Supplier is a Joint Venture. Consortium, or Associatron all the parties shall sign the Contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association is a registered Frrm or Company All the partiesshall be jointly and severally Iiable to the Proc,uring Entity for the fulfilment of the piovisions of theContract and shall designate one party to act as a lead partner with authority to bind and represent theJoint Venture, Consortium, or Association.

31.2 The structure/composition or the constitution of the Supplier as a firm, joint Venture, Consortium, orAssociation shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Procurrng Entity.Any change in the structure/ constitution of the firm, etc., shall be notified forthwith by the Bidder inwriting to the Procuring Entity and such change shall not relive any former member of the firm, etc., fromany liability under the contractThe status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association as a majorstake holder shall not change without the conserrt of the Procuring Entity. Any new major stake holdermust agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the contractNo new partner/partners shall be accepted in the flrm by the Bidder in respect of the contract unlesshe/they agree to abide by all its terms, condilions and deposit with the Procuring Entity a writtenagreement to this effect. The Bidde/s receipt for acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequentlyaccepted as above shall bind all of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purpose of theContract.

3.2. Subcontracting

3.2.1 The Supplier shall not sublet or assign the Contract or rts any part to anyone without the prior writtenapproval of the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shall notify the Procuring Entity in writing of allsubcontracts to be awarded under the Contract if not already specified in the Bid. Subcontracting shall inno event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under theContract. The capability details of such subcontrar:tors shall be provided to the Procuring Entity who shallevaluate and take a decision as to whether approve it or not, it if not initially approved during theevaluation of the bid.

3.2.2 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses 2.3 and 2.9.

3.3. Scope of Supply

3.3 1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply

3.32 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the {icope of Supply shall include, at the supplier's cost, allsuch items not specifically mentioned In the Contract but that can be reasonably inferred from theContract as being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services as ifsuch items were expresslv mentioned in the Contract.



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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

3.4. Change Orders and Contract Amendments3.4 I The Procuring Entity may at any time order the lSupplier through Notice in accordance GCC Clause 2.5,

to make changes, within the general scope of the of the Contract in any one or more of the following:i. drawings, designs, or specifications, wherer Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to be

specifically manufactured for the procuring E:ntity;

ii. the method of shipment or packing;

iii. the place of delivery; andiv. The Related Services to be provided by the lSupplier.

3.4.2 lf any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier,sperformance of any provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the ContractPrice or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly beamended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within twentv-eight (28) days from the date of the Supplier's receipt of the Procuring Entity's change order.

3 4 3 Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that might be needed but which were notincluded in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed theprevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services.

3.4 4 Additional quantity may be procured by placing a repeat order on the rates and conditions of the originalorder, lf the Supplier fails to do so, the Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange for the balance supply bylimited Bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the Supplier.

3.5. Delivery

3.5 1 The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with theDelivery and Completion Schedule spectfied in the Bidding Documents

3.5.2 All Goods must be sent freight paid through Rai ways or Goods transport. lf Goods are sent freight topay, the freight together with departmental charge of 5% of the freight will be recovered from theSupplier's bill.

R.R. should be sent under registered cover. In case advance payment is to be made, the RR shall besent through Bank only.

3.6. Supplier's Responsibilities

3 6 1 The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply inaccordance with GCC Clause 3.3 and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 3.5.

3.7. ProcuringEntity'sResponsibilities37 1 Whenever the supply of Goods or Related Services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals,

and import and other licenses from local public authorities, the Procuring Entity shall, if so requested bythe Supplier, shall make its best effort to support the Supplier in complying with such requirements in atimely and expeditious manner.

3.8. Extensions of Time

3.8.1 lf at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or rts Subcontractors should encounterconditions impeding timely delivery of the Goods or completion of Related Services pursuant to GCCClause 3.5, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of the delay, its likelyduration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier's notrce, the Procuring Entrtyshall evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extend the Supplier's time for performance, with orwithout liquidated damages depending on the natLre of causes of delay, by issuing an amendment of theContract.

382 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 2.15, or reasons beyond the control ofthe Supplier under GCC Clause 3.8.'1 , a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery andCompletion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuantto GCC Clause 4.5.

4. Contract Price and Payments

4.1 Contract Price

4.1.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement or Approval subject to any additions andadjustments thereto, or deductions therefore, as miay be made pursuant to the Contract.

4.1 2 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Services performed under theContract shall not vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with the exception of any priceadjustments, if approved

41.3 Price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules. Price adjustment shall not be applicablein contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 months

4.2. Terms of Payment

42.1 . The terms of payment of the Contract Price shall bel as specified in theApproval orders/Agreement.

4.2.2. The Supplier's request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing, accompanied by


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

invoices describing as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Services performed, and by thedocuments submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 3,5 and upon fulfilment of all tfre oorigrtionr stipulated inthe Contract.

42'3' Payments should b-e made promptly by the-Proc;uring Entity, as far as possible, within Thirty (30) daysafter submission of an invoice or request for paymJnt by'the Supplier, and the procuring Entity hasaccepted it. All remittance charges shall be borne by the Supplier424 The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be Indian

Rupees unless othenryise specified in the SCC425 Incaseof disputeditems, 101o25%of theamourrtof thepriceof suchitemsmaybewithheldandwijl bepaid on setflement of the dispute426 Payment in case of those Goods which need trials or testing as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply shall be made only when such trials or tests have bien carried out and trials or test results

received conforming to the prescribed specifications.427 Advance Payment wili not be made except in rare and special cases and as provided for in the Contract.In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the extent and on conditions, interest at theprevailing bank rates and against a confirmed bank guarantee lor l}Qo/o of the advance as provided in

the SCC. The amount of advance shall be used excluiively for supplies against the Contract lf advancepayment is to be made after despatch of Goods by the Supplier, it will be iade after presenting the proofof dispatch through the bank and prior inspection, if any Tire balance if any will Oe pdio on receipt of theconsignment in good condition with the certificate to that effect endorsed on the inspection note given tothe Supplier.

4.3. Taxes and Duties

431' For Goods supplied from outside India, the Suprplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stampduties, license fees, and other such levies imposed outside India.

432 For Goods supplied from within lndia, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties,license fees, etc., incurred until delrvery of the contracted Goods at site to the procuring Entity.

4.3 3 lf any tax exemptions, reductions allowances or prrivileges may be available to the Supplier in India, theProcuring Entity shall use its best efforts to enabk: the Supplier to benefit from any such rax savrngs tothe maxlmum allowable extent

4.4. Performance Security4 41 The Supplier shall, within fifteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SCC, of the Notification of

Award, sign the Contract Agreement and provirle a Performance Security or, where applicable, aPerformance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contrict. performance SecurityDeclaration shall be taken from Department of the State Government and undertakings, corporatrons,autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which are owned, controlled or managedby the State Government and undertakings of Cenlral Government. The State Government mav relax theprovrsion of Performance Security in particular procurement.

442 The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as specified in the BDS, of the amount ofthe supply order. In case of Small Scale lndustries of Rajasthan it shall be one percent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale Industrres,whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrral and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). it shall betwo percent of the amount of supply order. The currency of Performance Security shall be Indian Rupees,if otherwise not specified in BDS.

4 4.3 Performance Security shall remarn valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of allcontractual obligations of the Bidder, rncluding warranty obligations and operation and/ or matnrenanceand defect liability period, if any

4.4 4 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the rabove-mentioned Performance Security or stgn rneContractwithin the specified time period shall constitute sufficient grounds forthe annulment of the awardand forfeiture of the Bid Security. ln that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract to the nextlowest evaluated Bidder at the rates of the lowest bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and isdetermined by the Procuring Entity to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily

4.4.5 The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract and shall be in one of thefollowing forms.(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India; or(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrument under National Savings Schemes for

promotion of small savings issued by a Post Cffice in Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged underthe relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender value at the time of Bid and formallvtransferred in the name of the Procuring Entrty r,vith the approval of Head post Master; or

(iii) Bank guarantee. lt shall be of a scheduled Barrk in India in prescribed or other acceptable format orfrom other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity. The bank guarantee shall be got verified fromthe issuing bank and confirmer, if any; or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank. ltshall be in the name of the Procuring Entity on


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract


account of Bidder and discharged by the Bidder in advance. The Procuring Entity shall ensurebefore accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt :hat the Bidder furnishes an undertaking from the bankto make paymenV premature payment of the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the ProcuringEntity without requirement of consent of the Bidder concerned. ln the event of forfeiture of thePerformance Security, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interest earned on such Fixed


The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be forfeited and shall be payable as compensation to theProcuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned below:

(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement rn accordance with ITB Clause 6.4 [Stgning ofContractl within the specified trme; after rssue of letter of acceptance/ placement of supply orderwithin the specifled period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supplyorder within the time specified; or

(iii) when Supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Services satisfactorily withinthe time specifled, or

(iv) When any terms and conditions of the Contraot is breached; or

(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of the Code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders in the Act and

Chapter Vl of the Rules and as specified in ITB Clause 1.3.

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Performance Security. The decision of the

Procuring Entity in this regard shall be flnal.

Liquidated Damages

Subject to provisions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3 3, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods

or perform the Related Services within the period specified in the Contract, the Procuring Entity shall,

without prejudrce to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as

liquidated damages on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods and/ or Related Service

which the Supplier has failed to supply or complete.-


4.5 1





No. )ondition LD%

Delay up to one fourth period of the specified periodof delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubiect matter of Drocurenlent.


h Delay eiceeding one foudh but not exceeding halfof the specifled period of delivery, successfulinstallation and complet on of subject matter of0rocurement.


Delay exceeding half but not exceeding three fourth

of the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and complet on of subject matter ofprocurement.


o Delay exceeding three fourth of the specified period

of delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubject matter of procurenlent.


Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies, successful installation and completion of work

shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day.

The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified time should be calculated

carefully. The method of calculation for contracts which include multiple items of supply/ service in case

individual value of each item is not taken in the Bid should be generally given in the SCC.

For turnkey projects in which cost of individual iiems is not known also, the total value of the turnkey

project shill become the basis for imposing LD (if iue) if apportionment formula is not given in the SCC.

The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be 10%. Once the maxtmum is reached, the

Procuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 5

Recoveries of liquidated damages, short supply. breakage, rejected articles shall ordinarily be made from

bills. Amount may also be withheld to the extent of short supply, breakages, rejected articles and in case

of failure in satisfactory replacement by the Supplier along with amount of liquidated damages shall be

recovered from his dues and Performance Securily available with the Procuring Entity. In case balance of

recovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Public Demand Recovery Act or any

other law in force.


The Supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent or current

models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided

otherwise in the Contract,

Subiect to GCC Sub-Clause 2.7, the Supplier should further warrant that the Goods shall be free from



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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

defects arising from any act or omission of the Supplier or arising from design, materials, andworkmanship, under normal use

4 6 3 Unless otherwise specifled in the SCC, the wiarranty shall remain valid for twelve (12) months aftersupply of the Goods and completion the Related Services have been acceoted at the final destinationindicated in the SCC, or in case of Goods being imported after the placement of Supply Order, foreighteen (18) months after the date of shipment or loading in the country of origin, whichever periodconcludes earlier. However, if the warranty prov'ided by the manufacturer is for longer period the sameshall apply.

4.6.4 The Procuring Entity shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nature of any such defects together withall available evidence thereol promptly following the discovery thereof. The Procuring Enlity shall affordall reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect such defects

4.6 5 Upon receipt of such Notice, the Supplier shrall within thirty (30) days, or within a different period ifspecified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, at no cost tothe Procuring Entity.

4.6.6 ln case of machinery and equipment also, guarantee will be given as mentioned in clause 4.6.3 aboveand the Supplier shall during the guarantee period replace the parts / whole if any and remove anymanufacturing defect if found during the above period so as to make machinery and equipmentoperative. The Supplier shall also replace machinery and equipment in case it is found defective whichcannot be put to operation due to manufacturing clefect, malfunctioning, etc.

4.6.7 In case of machinery and equipment specified by the Procuring Entity the Supplier shall be responsiblefor carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and conditions as may be agreed at thetime of entering in to the contract. The Supplier shall also be responsible to ensure adequate regularsupply of spare pa(s needed for a specific type of machinery and equipment whether under their annualmarntenance and repairs rate contract or otherwise.

In case of change of model he will give sufficient notice to the Procuring Entity who may like to purchasespare parts from them to maintain the machinery and equipment in perfect condition.

4 6.8 lf having been notified, the Supplier fails to remc'dy the defect within the period specified; the ProcuringEntity may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as may be necessary, at theSupplier's risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Procuring Entity mayhave against the Supplier under the Contract.

4.7. Patent Indemnity

4.7.1 The Supplier shall, subject to the Procuring Entity's compliance with GCC Sub-Clause 4.7.2, indemnityand hold harmless the Procuring Entity and its enrployees and officers from and against any and all suits,actions or administrative proceedings, claims, dermands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of anynature, including attorney's fees and expenses, which the Procuring Entity may suffer as a result of anyinfringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark, copyright,or other intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract by reasonof:

(i) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier cr the use of the Goods where the Site is located; and

(ii) The sale in any country of the products produced by the Goods

(iii) Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part thereof other than for the purposeindicated by or to be reasonably inferred frorn the Contract, neither any infringement resulting fromthe use of the Goods or any part thereof, or any products produced thereby in association orcombination with any other equipment, plant, or materials not supplied by the Supplier, pursuant tothe Contract.

47 2 lf any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Procuring Entity arising out of thematters referred to in GCC Sub- Clause 47,1, the Procuring Entity shall promptly give the Supplier anotice there of, and the Supplier shall at its owrr expense and in the Procuring Entity's name conductsuch proceedings or clarm and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim.

47.3 lf the Supplier falls to notify the Procuring Entity within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such noticethat it intends to conduct any such proceedingr; or claim, then the Procuring Entity shall be free toconduct the same on its own behalf and at the expenses of the Supplier.

47.4 The Procuring Entity shall, at the Supplier's request, afford all available assistance to the Supplier inconducting such proceedings or claim, and sh;all be reimbursed by the Supplier for all reasonableexpenses incurred rn so doing

4.7.5 The Procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, olficers, and

Subcontractors from and against any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees and expenses,which the Supplier may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utilitymodel, registered design, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right registered or otherwiseexisting at the date of the Contract arising out of or In connection with any design, data, drawing,specification, or other documents or materials provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring


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4.8. Limitation of Liability4.8.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct :(i) neither party shall be liable to the olher perrty for any rndirect or consequential loss or damage, rossof use, loss of production, or oss of profits oi inteieJt cJsts(ii) provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the supplier ro pay riquidateddamages to the procuring Entity; and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the supplier to the Procuring Entity, whether under the contract, in tort, orotherwise, shall not be less than the amount of ine"contract price but not exceed the amount (ifspecified) in the scc' provided that this limitatjon Jail not apply to ir'" "Jg

of repairing orreplacing defective equipment, or to any obtigation of the supptier't; ini;;;yli! erocuring Entitywith respect to patent infringement5. Termination and Disputes5.1. Termination for Default51 1' The Procuring Entity without prejudicelo any other remedy underthe provisions of the Act, the Rules orthe contract for breach of contract, by Notice of default ."ht to th" supplier, may terminate the contractin whole or in part if the Supplier fails to deliver any or ali of irre coods andl or Related services withinthe period specified in the contract, or withrn ani ert"nsion thereof granted by the procuring Entitypursuant to GCC clause 3 8, or lf the supplier fails to perform any other-obligatio; unJer the contract. lfthe Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has breached the code of Integrity, as defined inGCC Clause 2.3, in competrng for or in executing the Contract5 1 2 |n the event the Procuring Entity terminates the contract in whole or in part, pursuant to GCC clause51 1' the Procuring Entity may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate,Goods and/ or Related services similar to those urndelivered or not performed, and the Supplrer shall beliable to the Procuring Entity for any additional costs for such similar Goods or Related services.However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Co;tr;;t to the extent not terminated5.2 Termination for Insolvency521 The Procuring Entity may at any time terminate'the contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if thesupplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent In such event, termination will be withoutcompensation to the Supplier, provided that such termrnation will not prejudice oi arect any right ofactron or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the procurin! entitv5.3 Termination for Convenience5 3 1 The Procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the suppl er, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, atany time for rts convenience

The Notice of termination shall spe_cify that termination is for the procuring Entity's convenrence, tneextent to which performance of the Supplier unde' the contract is terminated, and ihe date upon whrchsuch termlnation becomes effectrveThe Goods that are complete and ready for shiprnent at the time of Suppliefs receipt of the Notice oftermination may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity at the Coniract terms andprices.

5.4 Dispute Resolution5 4 1 Any disputes arising out of this Bid shall be rr.'ferred to the Dispute Resolution Commtttee to beconstituted for the purpose.

542 Arbitration may be applicable in case of disputes which remain unresolved through the DisputeResolution Committee

5 4 3 Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be sublect to the courts having jurisdiction at Udaipur only

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)

6. 10

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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI B - Special Conditions of Contract

Section VI B: Special Conditions of ContractThe following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract(GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions henein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

1. The location of delivery of goods related services will be the premises of the College

Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur. However, any other unit of the university

located any where in the state of Rajasthan ma1' also place order using this bid and in that case the

location of delivery shall be the premises of that unit,

2. T'he order will be placed by the Dean, CDFST, Udaipur or any other unit officers of the university

& the supply is to be made at FOR Indenter Office or as specified in the supply order within the

areaof MPUAT, Udaipur. Payment will be made by indenting officer after satisfactory supply and

successful installation, commissioning, training, etc. (if applicable)

3. The delivery period of goods/related services will be 15 days from the date of placement of order.

However, the procurement entity may approve a shorter/longer delivery period, if appropriate in

view ofurgency ofgoods to procuring entity /or nature ofgoods etc'

4. Liability on the part of University will arise only when the supply order is issued by the Intending

Offrcer of the University.

5. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the coutts having jurisdiction at Udaipur


6. Approved rate will be effective upto 31.03.201it & approved supplier has to execute all the orders

received by him upto 3 1.03.2015.

1. Supplier is required to supply relevant instructional manual and took kit.

8. Price should be inclusive of commission & training.

9. Battery limit for service is 10m

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)

6.1 I

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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI C - Contract Forms

Section VI C: Contract FormsAgreerment

(to be executed on a non judicial stamp of appropriate value)

1. An agreement made this _ day of between (hereinafter called "the

approved supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his

heirs successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, College of Dairyand Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur (herein after called "the University" whichexpression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his successors in office and

assigns) ofthe other part.

2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the University to supply to the Direct Demanding

officers of the University at its Head office as well as at branch offices throughout Rajasthan, allthose articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions ofthetenderandcontractappendedherewithandattheratesSetforthincolumn-ofthesaid schedule Which rates shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shall be allowed and/or


3. And whereas the approved supplier has depor;ited a sum of Rs. in-Cast/Bank Draft/ Challan no./ Banker Cheque No.-- dated

Post Office Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental authority.

National Savings Certificates/Defence Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras, or any other

script/instrument under National Saving Schem,ss for promotion of Small Savings, if the same can

be pleased under the relevant rule. (The ceftificates being accepted at sunender value) as Security

for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has been formally transferred to the

deparlmental authority

Now these Presents witness:

In consideration of the payment to be made by the University through- at the rates set forth inthe Schedule hereto appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forth


The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclosed to the tender notice No.-dated and also appended to this agrer:ment will be deemed to be taken as part of this

agreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreement.

Letters Nos._ received from tenderer and letters nos.- issued by the University and

appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.

(a) The University do hereby agree that if the approved supplier shall duly supply the said

articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the

University will through pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the

time and the manner set forth in the saiil conditions, the amount payable for each and every


(b) The mode of Payment will be as specified beiow:-

The delivery shall be effected and comprleted within the period noted below from the date

of supply order:-

S. No. Name of Item Quantity Delivery period



6.12 v-^{

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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

(1) (i)

Section VI C - Contract Forms

recovery shall be

Services which the

In case

made onBidder h

extension in the delivery period with liquidated damages, thethe basis of following percentag€:s of value of Goods and Related

faihas talled toNo, Condition LD%a, Delay up to one fourth period of the

prescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion orf subjectmatter of Drocurement.

2.5 %

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofDrocurement.

5.0 %

Delay exceeding half but not exceedingthree fourth of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installati,rn andcompletion of subject mafter ofDrocurement.

7.5 %

d. Delay exceeding three fourth of theprescribed period of delivery, s;uccessfulinstallation and completion ol' subjectmatter of orocurement.


Note:i. Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a


ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%

iii. If the supplier requires an extension of time irn completion of contractual supply on account ofoccurence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed thesupply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulateddate of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages if the delay in the supply ofGoods is on account ofhindrances beyond the control ofthe Supplier.

All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of this agreementshall be decided by the University and the decision of the University shall be final.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the......... day of ........20.......

Signature ofthe approved supplier



Witness No.1:

Witness No. 2:

Signature for and on behalfofProcuremententity



Witness No.1 :

Witness No. 2:

o.lJ v-/

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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI C - Contract Forms

1. Performance Security Bank Guarantee(To be given by a Scheduled Bank in India or other Issuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)


Contract Name and No.:



(hereinafter "the Supplier") has undertaken, pursuant to Contractto supply-(hereinafter "the Contract")dated

AN'D WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the Supplier shall

fumish you with a Security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum specified therein as Security for

compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS the undersigned, legally domiciled inGuarantor"), have agreed to give the Supplier a Security:

,(hereinafter "the

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to you, on behalf of the

Supplier, up to a total of and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand

declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums

within the limits of __ as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or

reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This Security is valid until the


day o[

In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalf c,f:


Bank's Seal:

6.14 ,r1V-/5;w

Page 45: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docutnent - Goods (SS2E Bid)

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submitted in lieu of performance security by the govt. depts. etc. as per ITB)

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)]

Contract Name and No.:[insert name and number of Contract]

To: The Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

Section VI C - Contract Forms

We understand that,

Security DeclarationContract

according to your conditions, the Contract must be supported by a Performance

as a gueranree ro ensure fulfillment of our all performance obligations under the

[insert name of subject matter of procurement].

We accept that we will automatically be suspended fr:om being eligible for bidding in any contract with

you for tle period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time for which the Procuring

bntity will &eclare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contract if the performance Security Declaration is

to be executed.] starting on tht date that we receive a notification from you, The Dean, College ofTechnology andEngineering, MPUAT, Udaipur that our Performance Security Declaration is executed, ifwe are in breach of any of our performance obligation runder the conditions of the Contract,

We understand this Performance Security Declaration shall expire after 60 days of completion of our all

obligations under the Contract including warranty/ Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc. in accordance

with the conditions of the Contract.


[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

In the capacity of:----_-[insert legal capacity of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]


[insert complete name of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Duly authorized to sign the Performance Security Declaration for and on behalf of:-

[insert complete name of Supplier]

Dated on

Corporate Seal

day of, Iinsert date of signing]

6,15 v-/

Page 46: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

In accordance with the payment provision included in the(hereinafter called ,,the Supplier,,) shall

consisting oL--, to guarantee its proper and f'aithfulsaid Clause of the Contract, in the amount of


Contract, in relation to advance payments,deposit with the procuring Entity a Securityperformance of the obligations imposed by

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

3. Advance Payment Security


Contract Name and No.:


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalf of:


Bank's Seal:

Section VI C - Contract Forms

We,theundersigned_,legallydomiciledin-(hereinafter..theGuatantor''),^in't'u.@,..,n.o,.,bitionallyandinevocablytoguaranteeasprimaryobligor and not as surety. merely,

-t-he paylent to the Procuring Entity on its first demand withoutwhatsoever right of objection on ou. part and without its first ctaTm to the Supplier, in the amounr notexceedins

This Security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received by theSupplier under the Contract until



Page 47: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,2470719(O) 0294-2470479, Email*dfs€O1 [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECIINOLOGYgqft \g tqrq frsrq ffiFrfrt TdrR€ndq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurqgrqluTl q'ilq qR W d-dFrol ffie'raq,vqq5i (tro.) srsoor

NIB No. NCB/2,0 I 4- I 5/02iCDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument Rs 500.00

Section I:

Section II:

Section III:

Section fV:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section M C:











Bidding Document (Goods)Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice lnvitine Bids

Instructions to Bidders.

BiC Data Sheet...........

Qualifi cation and Evaluation Criteria..................

Bidding Forms.........

Schedule of Supply....

General Conditions of Contract.

Special Conditions of Contract.

Contract Forms


Page 48: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-247013924707l9(O) 0294-2470479, [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYertf qq srs frarq ffifffi rcThqftrq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology' UdaipurTaRton riflq Qt qE fr€iFlol ffisrcrq,ses5 fttu.) srsoor

Dated: L\ Augoo{- .o)j\


Sealed Bids are invited upto 01.00 PM of 10th September 2014 for procurement of Lab model Twin Screw

Extruder, Hammer Mill, Batch Roaster, Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas packaing, Beking Oven, Ageing Vat,

Popcorn Machine, Shdnk wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, Bread slicer, Cold Display counter, Rotary flour sifter'

Details may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our websites yww.mpuat.ac.in or the

website of State Public Procurement Portal wwwfrpp.nic.in and may be obtained or downloaded on

payment of Rs. 500f in cash/ banker's cheque/ demand draft.




No, F. A,IPUAT/CDFSTffender/2014/ l\or vV


Page 49: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,2470719(O) 0294-2470479, E-mail-cdfst201 I [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECTINOLOGYffi qq {ilq frarq ffiffi qElfuilE-q

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

No. F. A,IPUAT/CDFST/Tender/2014/1902-04 DtA-TTuErst ZOf +


NIB No NCB/2014 -15102 Date 2l 't August 2014

L Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean, Collegeof Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and technology,Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listed below, from manufacturers/distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesV registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers upto 1.00 PM of10th September 2014

NIB No./Category Name of Article/ goods Qrv.andUnit

TotalEstimatedClost (Rsl-akhs)

Amountof Bid


NCB/20I4lo2lCDFSl Lab model Twin Screw Exrn:der No. z+ 48,000/-HammerMil! No 0.5 i.000/-Batch Roaster No 0.s0 1.000i-Vacuum Packaeins and Nitroeen eas packaine No 1.15 2.300/-Bakins Oven No. 0.40 800/-Aeeine Vat No. 1.00 2.000/-Popcorn Machine No 0.24 480/-Shdnk wrappins Machme No. 5.00 10.000/-Tray Drier No 0.50 1.000/-Bread slicer No. 0.65 1300/-Cold Display counter No 0.68 1360/-Rotarv flour sifter No 0.30 600L

* In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid and

I .c.oai q7s i.l4d!rr 1 d.r_:^;;lrr iii.; i.o he p..rr-clrised fr.' eae !: Jrtega ry,

2. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units. Bids received fromBidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered.

3. Price preference and./ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible inevaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, cataiogue and other characteristics of the productoffered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be seenat or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj,) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price ofRs 500i- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's cheque/Demand Draft of a ScheduledBank in India drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technologlr, Udaipur payable at

Udaipur. Alternatively, these may be seen and rdownloaded

from the college or University official

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurqgrqIUIT s'flq qR qq qtdFrfrt ffieraq,s{qgq (vctr.) sreoor





Page 50: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele Fa'<.... l))4-2, ,i'?9 .,,7a.1:-q(o) 0294-2470479, E-mail-cdfst2ol lt.'i.n..: .,1.t

COLLEGEoFDAIRY&FooDSCIENCETECHNoLUGI-----3q-ft gq sfq trarq fielffi q-aP*ila-q

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Maharana Pratap University of Ag^riculture & Technologf,' Udaipur-ffi q-dTq ER qq ffiiffi Mqreq,B-{qgi (rrn,) srsoot

M. e. ^npuer/cDFST/T

endet 1201 41 1902-04 Dated: 21 August 2014



l. Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf o.[the Dean, College

of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap university of Agriculture and

technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listed below, from

manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesV registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

Name of Article/Goods

Hammer Mill




In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid

and a separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category'

Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units' Bids received

from Bidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered'

Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per Instructions to Bidders shall be

admissible in evaluation and award of Contract'

The Bid is for a fixed quantitY.

l'H= Bili'-letJ m3)' .--^l ,:e the spt';il-tll':;:'-rs, :'e:;'f i1"':' ;'lC' "'lif:r' .il^:agieiisiicr tl t'tt';

product offered, They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties' etc'

Bidding Document rncluding the conditions of contract, evaluation and qualification criteria

and procerlure, Bidding forms, desigrs/drawings, specifications, Delivery sichedule' etc' can be

seen at or obtained from the offrce of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,

Maharana pratap University of Agriculture and rechnology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours in

lvorking days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price

of Rs 500/- in the fbrm of cash or banker's cheque'Demand Draft of a SchLeduled Bank in India

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur payable at udaipur'

Altematir,ely, these may be seen and downloaded from the college or University official


Amount of Bidsecurity (Rs.)

\r-{,--'-': 4(w**

Page 51: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


web site, www,mpuat.ac.in or the website of State Public Procurernent Portal, www'mpp'nic.in

and the price of eiOding Document may be paid along with user charges/ processing fee, if arLy, at

the time of submission of the Bid.

Bids, duly signed on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, ar:companied with the

Bid Security, (except concessional arnount or Bid Securing Declaration, whtlre applicable) in the

form of Demand Draft/ Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the specified fon:nat, from a Scheduled

Bank in India, shail be submitted personally or by post in sealed envelorres upto 01.00 PM of10th September 2014, to Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur -313001 (Rajasthan) bearing the reference to NIB (with Category' if any) and warning as:

lltr Sentember 2014 at 11.00 AM". by post or bv hand at the office of the Procurine Entitv.

ln case Bids have been invited electronically, the procedure for submission of Bids including

payment of price of Bidding document, user charges/ processing fee, Bid Security, etc. shall be as

orovided on the State Public Procurement Portal.

Bids received after the specihed time and date shall not be accepted and retume<l unopened.

The Technical Bids shall be onened at 11.00 AII on Iltr September2014 in the presence of the

Bidders or their representatives who wish to be present. Financial bid shall be onened at 03 PM on

11h September 2014

I l. The procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest Bid and may rej ect any or all Bids without

assigning any reason thereof.

12. The Bidders shall have to submit a valid 'VAT' clearance certificate from the concerned Commercial

Taxes Officer and the 'PAN' issued by lncome Tax Department.




\rq,u:tsE.AN - -


Copy forwarded for kind information to:

1. The Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technololry, Udaipur.

Z. The Director Extension Education, Directorate of Extension Education, MPLIAT, Udaipur

" .e+: "''

:' ' '


Page 52: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)Important Instruction:- The Low relating to procurement "The Rajasthan Transparency in public procurementAct' 2012" [hereinafter called the ActJ and the "Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules, i013" fhereinafter calledthe RulesJ under the said Act hcve come into force which are ovailable on the websiie oJ, State publicProcurement Portal http://snpn,rai,nic.in , Therefore, the Bidders are advised to acquaint themselves with theprovisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in the Bidding prccess, tj llere h any discrepanqtbetween the provisions of the Act and the Rules and this Bidding Document, the piovis,ions of the ,acr ail tieRules shall prevail

GeneralScope of Bid

In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity, as indicatedin the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goods i equipment anO netateO Servicesincidental thereto as specified in Section V, Schedule of Sirppty (SS).

Throughout this Bidding Document :

i, the term "in writing" means communicated in written form through letter, fax, elmail etc. with proof ofreceiot.




1.1 .2

Birl:ing !)ccun-ent - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa; and"Day" means calendar day.

Gode of lntegrityAny person participating in the procurement process shall(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either directly or indirercfly in exchange for an.. . unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise influence the procuremenr process;(b) not misrepresent or omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain a hnanciai or other

benefit or avoid an obligation;(c) !9t indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency,

fairness and progress of the procurement process;(d) not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the Bi<jders with an intent to

gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;(e) P!. indulge ;n any coercion including impairing or harming or threatening to do the same, direcly or

indirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the procurement process;(0 not obstruci any investigation or audit of a procurement process,(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and(h) disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other counlry during the last three

years or any debarment by any other procuring entity.1.3.2




Conflict of Interest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a situationthat could improperly influence that party's performance of official dutiesobligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations.i. A Bidder may be considered to be in conflicl of interest with one

process if, including but not limited to:

in whicln a party has interestsor responsibilities. contractual

or more parties in this bidding


a. have controlling partners/shareholders in common; orb. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; orc. have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; ord. have a relailrnship'tith each cther, f;re:lil orthrough commti:l third pirities, that puts them in-a"

position to have ac€ss to intormction about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder. 5i'influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process; or

e. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in this bidding process. Partir:ipation by a Bidder inmore than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which lhe Bidder is involved.However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participatingas a Bidder, in more than one Bid; or

f. the Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design ortechnical specifications of the Goods and Services that are the subject of thra Bid; org. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity asengineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.

ii. The Bidder shall have to give a declaration regarding compliance of the Code of Integrity prescribedin the Act, the Rules and stated above in this Clause along with its Bid, in the format lpecified inSection lV, Bidding Forms.

iii. Breach of Code of Integrity by the Bidder: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of theRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, in case of any breach of the Code of Integrity bya Bidder or prospective Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take appropriate-acironin accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 'l 1 and section 4r3 of the Act.

Eligible Bidders

A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-owned Entity or, if permitted in the Bidorngdocuments, any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an existrngagreement in the form of a Joint Venture [JV], Consortium or Association.


Page 53: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

BlCdtng Docwngnt -Goods (SS2E Bid)

1.42 A Bidder, and all parties constituting tne Bidder, shall have the nationality of India. In case of InternationalCompetitive Bidding or Joint Venturc, Ccnsortium or Association [wher6 permitted], the nationality of theBidder and all.parties constituting the Bidder shall be of India or a country not-declared inetiglUte OyGovernment of India. A Biddershall be deemed to have nationality of a country if the Bidder is icitizerior constituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of ihe Laws of that country.

1 .4.3 A Bidder should not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in question as stated in the Rule 81 andthis Bidding document.

1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligible to participatr: in any procurementprocess undertaken by(a) any Procuring Entity, if debarred by the State Government; and(b) a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity.

1.4.5 The Eidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributcr, authorised dealer, registered Bidderbona-fide dealer in the Goods and if required he shall furnish necessary prool' for the same in thespecified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the manufacturer or country distributor inIndia, shell be enclosed.

1.4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity,should the Procuring Entity request.

1.4.7 In case a prequalification, empanelment or registration process has been conducterd priorto the Biddingprocess, this Bidding will be open only to the pre-qualified, empanelled or registered Bidders.

1.4.8 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative bids, if permitted.

1.4.9 No Bidder who is not registered under the Sales Tax Act prevalent in the State rarhere his business islocated shall Bid. The Sales Tax Registration Number should be guoted and a VATI'Sales Tax Clearancecertificate from the Commercial Taxes Officer of the Circle concerned shall be submitted without whichihe Bid is liable to be rejected.

1.5 Eligible Goods and Related Services

1.5.1 All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contract shall have Indlia as their country oforigin or a country which has not been declared ineligible by Government of lndia.

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods itoffers to supply sfralt submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation using the form included in Section lV,Sidding Forms to demonstrate that it has been duly autho:ised by the manufacturcr or producer of theGoods to supply these Goods in India.

Contents of Bidding DocumentSections of the Bidding DocumentThe Bidding Document consists of all the Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunctionWth any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document].




Section LSection ll.Section lll

Instructions to Bidders (lTB)Bid Data Sheet (BDS)Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

Section lV. Bidding Forms

Section V Schedule of Supply (Specifications/ conformance to standards, designs and drawingsetc., installation/ commissioning, Mandatory operation and maintenance, training etc.)

Section Vl A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]Section \/l B. Special Condiiions of Contract ISCCI:c.:li 'n

il: 'J lol::3r.i tr -',r:::The Notice Inviting Bids shatl also be a part of the Bidding Document.

2.1.2 (i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice InvitingBids and shall be stopped one day prior to the date of opening of Bids. The prcspective Bidders mayalso download the Bidding Document from the website of the procurement entity/ State PublicProcurement Portal and pay its price while submitting the filled-up Bidding Document to thePiocuring Entity, or e-procurement gateway, if the facility is available.

(ii) Bidding Document purchased by Principal of any concern may be used by its authorised sole sellingagents/ marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and authorised dealers or vice versa.

2.1.3 The Procuring Entity is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding Document and its addenda, ifthey were not obtained directly from the Procuring Entity or not downloaded correctly from the ProcuringEntity's website/ State Public Procurement Portal.

2.1.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instruclions, forms, terms, and specificiations in the BiddingDocument. Failure to furnish all information or authentic documentation required by the BiddingDocument may result in the rejection of the Bid,

2.2 Clarification of Bidding Document and Pre-Bid Conference

2.2.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall contactthe Procu:ing Entity in writing at

the Procuring Entity's address indicated in the BDS The Procuring Entity will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarification, within seven days, provided that such request is received no later than Fourteen('14) days prior io the deadline ior submission of Bids as specified in ihe BDS.



Page 54: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bi! Section I.-'[nstrrrctions to Bidders

2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorised representative is invited to attend the Pre-Bid Conference, if provided for in

the BDS. rn" puipo"" ot tne pie-eio Conference will be to clarify issues and to answer questlons on any


2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in writing, to reach the Procuring Entity not later than one

week before the Pre-Bid Conference.

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the pre-Bid conference wiil not be a cause for disqualificallen o1i a Bidder'

2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be communicated in writing to all

Bidders who have obtained the Bidding Docum-ent directly from the Procuring Entity. lt shall also be

uploaded on the websites of the Procuiing Entity and staie Public Procurement Portal for prospective

bidders to download

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum intrr account in preparing

their Bids, the procuring Entity may, ailts discretion, extend the deadline for the :;ubmission of the Bids'

under due intimation to the Bidders who have procured the Bidding Document direrctly from the Procuring

Entity and arso by iploading it on the websites of Procuring Entity/ State Public Prc'curement Portal'

3, PreParation of Bids

3.1 Cost of Bidding

3.j.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and the

procuring entity snarr noi ne responsiole or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding Process.

3.2 Language of Bid

3.2.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and

the procuring int,ty, intrr be written in the language specified in the BDS Supporting documents and

printed literature that are part of the Bid may bJin ;nother language provided thrry are accompanied by

an accurate translation of the relevant passiges duly accepted by the Bidder in the language specified in

the BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation sihall govern'

3.3 Documents ComPrising the Bid

3.3.1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing.the Technical Bid/

prooosal and the other the Financial or price Bid/ Proposal, enclosed together in an outer stngle


3.3.2 The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the following :

i. proof of paymeni of price of Bidding Documenl, processing fee/ user charges, where applicable,

and Bld Security;ii. Document establishing the eligibility of bidder to bid as per ITB clause 3.8

iii. Technical Bid/ proposll Submlssion Sheet and Technical Bid containing the filled up Bidding Forms

and Declarations related to Technical Bid and Code of Integrity (Form-DB) given in Section lV,

Bidding Forms; and any other documents as specified in the Technical Bid Siubmission Forms

iv. Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

3.3.3 The Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contain the following:

i. Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet;

ii. Alternative Price Schedules/ Financial Bid corresponding to the alternativer Technical Proposal' if

permissible; andiii. Any other.document required in the BDS. :t -.

3.4 Bid irion,issiirh Sneets ano Price Schedures - 'r* :' '

3.4.1 The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid using the appropriate Bid Submission Sheets

provided in Section lV, Bidding Forms These forms must be completed wlthouli any alterations to their

iormat, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank spaces shall be fllled in ink or typed with the

inf ormation req uested.

3"5 Alternative Bids

3.5.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be considered.

3.6 Bid Prices And Discounts

3.6.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Sheet ancl in the Price Schedules

shall conform to the requirements specified in following Sub-Clauses:

3.6.2 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced sep,arately in the Financial

Schedules. lf a Financial Schedule shows items specified / listed but not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requisite accessories. The details c,f accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optional accessories if any be quoted


3.6.3 The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Sheet shall be the total price cf the Bid excluding any

discounts offered. Discounts, if permitted, shall be shown separately

3.6.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts, if permitted, and the methodology for their


\," o,.-"


Page 55: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

application in the Financial Bid Submission Sheet'

3.6.5 ln Case of Internationa| Competitive Bidding, the terms EXW, c|F, ClP, and other simi|ar terms sha|| be

governed o,l tn"iri". pr"r"rib"d in.the c-unent edition of Incoterms, publishe'd by The International

Chamber of Commerce, on the date of the Invitation for Bids or as specified in the l3DS

3.6.6 prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Biddels Performance o1i the contract ancl not

subject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS A Bid submitted wth an

adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected. However, if in

accordance wrth ihe BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be subject to adjustment during the

performance oi tnJ Contrr.t, a Bid submitted with a fixed price quotation shall not be rgected' but the

price adjustment shall be treated as zero

3.6.7 All rates quoted must be FOR destination and should include all incidental charges except central/

Rajasthan sates TaV VAT, Entry Tax, which should be shown separately. No cartage or transportation

charges wirr oe-paicj-uv prbcuring Eniity and the delivery (including unloading and stacking etc') of the

Goods shall be given ai tne designated premises of the Procuring Eniity.

3.7 Currencies of Bid.

3.7 .1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder.entirely in Indian Rrlpees unless otherwise

specified in BDS in case'of Internationat bompetitive Bidding (lCB). All payments shall be made in Indian

Rupees only, unless otherwise specified in the BDS'

3.7.2 lf equipment is imported, the university may open L.c' in,favour of the Principal but all the other

formalities rerating tb import (ctearing, eti) are'to be completed by the successful bidder at his cost The

bidder can avail facilities against our Excise/Custom Exemption certificate. The bidder should have

Biddins Docume,tt - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders



Custom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

To establish their etigibility in accordance with ITB Clause 1.4 [Eligible ltsidders], Bidders shall

compulsorily attach any one of the following, as approprlate:

(a) In case of sole proprietorship: Address of residence and office, telephone numbers e-mail address, if


101 in tase of partnership Firms: Partnership Deed and valid registration certificate with the Registrar of

Firms and Power of Attotn"y in favour of the partner signing/submitting the Bid, authorizing him to

represent all Partners of the firm.(c) ln case of registered Company or statutory/ registered body: Registration certificate and

Memorandum of Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of a registered company and

in case of another statutory or registered 5ody, certificate of incorporation or registration issued by

concerned authority and Power oflttorney in favourof the person signing the) Bid.

(d) Where permitted to bid as existing or intended Joint Venture, Consortium or,Association: copy of the'-' Agreement, or a letter of intent jo enter into such Agreement. The resper:tive document shall be

siined by all legally authorised signatories of all the parties to the e>risting or intended JV,

Consortium or Association as appropriate; and the existing or intended JV shall authorise an

individual/partner in one of the firm of the JV to ac1 and commit all the partners of JV for the Bid.

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attach

Declaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

3,9 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related services

3.9.1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.5 [EligibleGoods and Relatei Ssrvieo-el, Bidders shall complete the country ol origin -declarations in the Price

- Scheduie Forms rn6luded rn Section iv, oioding iorni-":'

3.10 Documen6, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conformity of thre Goods and Related

Services to the Bidding Document

3 ,10. 1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the Bidding Document, the Bidder shall

furnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence as asked in the technical Bid submission form

(specifications, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or other acceptable codes) and where

isked for, supply simples, demonsirates trials or carry out tests as specified irr Section V, Schedule of

Supply and any amendment thereof issued.

3.10.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, design/ drawingsi or data etc., and shall

consist of a detaiied description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods

and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsi'reness of the Goods and Related Services to

those requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement of deviations; and exceptions to the

provisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

3.10.3 Standards for workmanship, process, material, operation and maintenance and equipment' as well as

references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the Procuring lintity in the Schedule of

Supply, are the minimum acceptable standards and are intended to be descriptive only and not

restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand names, and /or catalogue

numoers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's satisfaction,-that the substitutions

ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in the Schedule of Supply

3 10.4 Bids for articles, if any, specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shail be accrrmpanied by samples of



Page 56: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

;, r'.r.v:t Do;''ment - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

thearticlesbid,whereaskedfor,proper|ypacked.Suchsamp|esifsubmittedpersonal|ywi||bereceivedin the office, A receipt will be given to|. LJJ

""rpr" uy tn"'officer receiving the samples' samples for

catering/food n"*r "rnorro- te- given in -"

rrt.6r"/non-contaminating plastic box or in food grade

polythene bags at the cost ofthe Bidder'

3.10.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six monthsi after the expiry of the

contract. The Procuring Entity shall not te responsi'ble for any damage, wear and tear or loss during

testing, examination, etc., during tfre perioJ these samples are retained The sanrples shall be collected

by the Bidder on'i-n" erpiw of st'ipulated period. The Procuring Entity shall in no \ ray make arrangements

to return the samjtes. Thi samples uncottecteo within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall be

forfeited ov tne pi[curing iniii,, and no claim for their cost, etc , shall be entertainerd'

3.10.6Samp|esnotapprovedshal|becollectedbytheBidders.TheProcuringEntitywi||notberesponsib|eforany damage, wLar anO tear, or loss during iesiilg :"Tlt!Pl:",tc ' during the pr:riod these samptes are

retained. The uncollected samples shall b6 forfeitld and no claim for their cost, etc; , shall be entertained'

3.11 Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder

3.11,1Toestab|ishitsqua|ificationstoperformtheContract,theBiddersha||submitaspartofitsTechnicalprooosal the documentary evidence rnoicaied for each qualification criteria s;pecified in Section lll'

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria'

3.12 Period of ValiditY of Bids

3.12.1Bidssha||remainva|idfortheperiodspecifiedintheBDSorBiddingdocumen.ts.after.theBidsubmissiondeadline date as specified by the procuring intlty n Bid valid for a ihorter period shall be rejected by the

Procuring Entity as non'responslve

3.12.2 In exceptionat circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Bid-validity period' tlne Procuring Entity may

request Bidders to extend the period oi u"iioity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be

made in writingi. li; Bi s""rrity is requested'it shall. also be extended for a ilorresponding period A

Bidder may reiuse the request without rbrreitlng its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the request shall not

be required or permitted to modify its Bid

3.13 Bid SecuritY

3.13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in origlnal


3.13.2 Bid Security shall be Zoh ol lhe estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid or as

specifieo by the State Government. ln case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0 5% of the

value of tne quantity offered for supply and in case of Sick Industries, other than Small Scale Industries'

whose cases are pending with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstructic'n; it shall be 1% of the

estimated value of Bid.

3 13 3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or baLnk demand draft (DD) or

bank guaranr"", lnlp""ii"d format, of a Scheduled Bank in India. The bid security instrument (BC/DD)

must be in the name of "Dean, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipur'' payable at Udaipur'

3.13.4 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid Securing Declaration shall be taken from *>partments of the State

Government and State Government Fublic Sector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, Registered

Societies, Cooperative Societies which are controlled or managed by the State Government and Public

Sector Enterprlses of Central Government. For the Bid Securing Declaration the Bidder shall use the

form included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

3.13.5 Bid Security instrument or cash receipt of Bid Security or a Bid securing declaration shall necessarily

iC:.-rra,-. irv.,: '^..i;.r,; ifi,j. A,r, fl;,l e:i;r,r.;rr11p,g11i..ri jy Ri:l 1.51-.'.|: C:3iCl SFCitring Declafa'Jll :i lr'i

exempted, shall be liable to be rejecred

3.13.7 The issuer of the Bid Security and the confirmer, if any, of the Bid Security, as well as the form and terms

of the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

3 13. 11 The Bid security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in the following cases, narnely:-

i. when the Bidderwithdraws or modifies his Bid after opening of Bids, or

ii when the Btdder does not execute the agreement within the specified time after issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order; oriii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Senrices as per supply order

within the time sPecified, oriv. when the Biddel does not deposit the Performance Security in the specif ed time period after the

suPP|Y / work order is Placed;v. if the Bidder breaches any provision of the Code of lntegrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act, ChapterVl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1 3; or

vi. if the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid price due to correction rrf arithmetic errors,

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.j4.j The originat (and all copies, if asked) of the Bid shall be typed or written in ink, properly bound, all pages

shall be serijtty numbered and signed by the Bidder or a p_erson duly authorised to sign on behalf of the

Bidder/JV. Thii authorisation shall consiit of a written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be

attached to the Bid.

3.14.2 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwr"iting shall be valid onlY if they are signed by


Page 57: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Document -'(loods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructior.r tr' Didde.rS

the person signing the Bid

3.14.3 The Bidder shall prepare one Technical Bid or Proposalconsisti.ng of d9c-upe1!{forms as asked in the

technical Bid SuOrhisiion form and superscribe the envelope Wth "TECHNICAL BID'.

3.14 4 The price schedule or price proposal must be sealed in separate envelopes fr3r €och item using the

appropriate torm lform-'eS), given in Section lV. The amount quoted should be mentioned in words &

n!i.rres. Each envelope musi biar the marking "PRICE SCHEDULE" and the NAME OF ITEM/ GOODS'

3.14.5 All the envelopes of price bids for all the items quoted by bidder must be put in one single envelope This

envelope must be marked'FINANCIAL BID'

3..14.6 The envetopes for Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outer envelope and must be sealed


3.14.7 The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsorily -

(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/ mobile number of Bidder;

(b) bear complete address of the Procuring Entity with telephone number, if any;

(c) bear the specific identification of the Bidding process (NlB No') and the date and time of

submission of Bid. ln case there are many categories in the NlB, the specifir: CATEGORY for which

the bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the Technical Birjs shall bear a warning

not to be opened'before the time and date for the opening of Technical Bids, as specified in the NIB

and BDS(e) The inner envelopes containing the Financial Bid and/or Price proposals shiall bear a warning not to

be opened until advised by the Procuring Entity

3.14.8 lf all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Procuring Eintity shall assume no

responsibility about its consequences including misplacement and premature opening of the Bid.

3.14.g Alternative Bids, if permissible, shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and dr-'livered with the inner

envelopes marked in addition "ALTERNAT|VE B|D No: ''..'', aS appropriate'

4. Submission and OPening of Bids

4.1 Submission of Bids

41 1 Bidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directly dropped in the Bid Eiox, where provided. But

if so specified in the Bidding iiocuments, Bidders shall submit their Bids eler:tronically only. Bidders

submitting their Bids electronically shall follow the electronic Bid submission prrlcedure as specified on

the State Public Procurement Portal.

4.2 Deadline for Submission of Bids

4.2.1 Bids shall be received, by the person designated for the purpose by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid Box, or submitted electronically, where asked for at the plac,a and upto the time and

date specified in the Notice Inviting Bids oran extension issued thereof.

4.3 Late Bids

4.g.1 The Procuring Entity shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever reason, including postal delay, Such Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned

unopened to the Bidder.

Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid Proposal after it has been submitted by sending a

written Withdr'3y731/ c,rh:iili:iions/ mo-Cific:at5rr1 .t.6..ti.ti;e, cjqlV giqned,by the- 3;d'itr or its aulhori"e.lj

representative, ane'snatt include a copy of the authorisation. The corresponding Withdrawal, Substitution

or Modification of the Bid must accompany the respeclive written Notjce, All Notices must be:

i. submitted in accordance with ITB Clauses 3.14 [Preparation, Sealing ancl Marking of Bids], the

respective inner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked 'WITHDRAWAL."; "SUBSTITUTION", or"MODIFICATION" and

ii. received by the Procuring Entrty prior to the deadline specified by the Procurirrg Entity for submission

of Bids.

Bid Proposals that are withdrawn in accordance with as above shall be returned unopened to the


Bid OpeningFirst only the Technical Bids shall be opened on the daie, time and place specified in the BDS by the

Bids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their authorised repres;entatives who choose to

be present,

The bidder or his authorized representative, if asked, should come prepared for technicalpresentation and demonstration on the date of opening of the bid and may be required to staynext day also.

lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids openingPublic Procurement Portal shall be followed. The Bidders mayprocedure online.

The Procuring Entity shall conduct the opening of Financial







A E,.7

procedure as specified on the Statewitness the electronic Bid opening

Bids of all Bidders who submitted


Page 58: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I.- [nstructions to Bidders

substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified in evaluation of l-echnical Bids' in the

oresence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to be present at the address, date and time

specified by the Procuring Entity

4.5,4 lf the date of opening of financial bids needs to be extended to enable a large number of technical bids

received, tne cfiang; date and time shall be communicated through the website of the procurement

entity. lt shall aljo b-e communicate telephonically only to the bidders who attended the technical bid'

5. Evaluation and Gomparison of Bids

5.1 ConfidentialitY

5.1 .2 Any attempt by a Bidderto influence the Procuring Entity in the examination' evaluration' comparison' and

post qualiflcation of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid' in addition

to the legal action which may be taken by the Procuring Entity under the Act and the Rules'

5.l.3Notwithstandingtheabovec|ause,fromthetimeofopeningtheBidtothetimeol'Contractaward'ifanyBidder wishes to contact the procuring gntitv on any'matte.'r related to the Bidding process, it should do

so in writing.

5'l.4lnadditiontotherestrictionsspecifiedinsection4goftheAct,theProcuringEntity,whi|eprocuringasubject matter of such nature which requires the procuring Entity to maintain con'fidentiality, may impose

condition for protecting confidentiality of such information


3.4. I



Clarification of Technical or Financial Bids

To assist in the examrnation, evaluation, comparison and qualification-of the Technical or Financial Bids'

the Bid evaluation .ottlti"" may, at its discretion ask any Bidder for a .clarific;ation regarding its Bid'

The committee's request for clarifitation and the response of the Bidder shall be in writing'

Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to his Bid that is not in response to a request by the

Bid evaluation committee shall not be considered'

Nonmaterial Nonconformities in Technical or Financial Bids

Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may waive any

nonconformity (witn recorded reasons) in the Bid that db not constitute a material deviation, reservation

or omission.

Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive,.the Procuring Entity may request

the Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reascrnable period of time' to

rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to docunxentation requirements

Failuie of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid'

5.4 Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

5.4.1 The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of Technical Bids :shall be based upon an

examination of the documentary evidence submitted by the Bidder in support of the Bidder's


5.4.2 The Procuring Entity shall examine the

requirements of Section V, Schedule of


5 4.3 The procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in the

GCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reseryatlon.

5.5 Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Financial Bid

5.5.1 provided that a Financial Bid is sub-stantially responsive, the Pro-curing Entity will corr-e$ arithmetical

, -. cr'-ror:",jr:ti.g"uirroiiln"ilrilti.i"rii'lionttiefcllcwingba*s":'-;:i' - -- ''f,-i'';''r::-1'r'

i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price andthe total price that is obtained by multiplying the

unit price and quantity,'the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall ber corrected, unless in the

opinion of the 'procuiing

Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the clecimal point in the unit

price, in which case thelotal piice as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction o1'subtotals, the subtotals

shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the

amount exoressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which cas;e the amount in figures

shali prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above

S 5.2 lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall

be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.

5,6 Price and/ or Purchase Preference

5.6.1 price and/ or Purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given in accordance with the policy of State

Government notified / prevalent at the time of issue of NIB

5.7 Evaluation of Financial Bids

5.7.1 The procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Ter:hnical Bid of which has

been determined to be substantially responsive

i. Unless otherwise specified in BDS, the evaluation of the total Price of a l3id shall be the priee of

delivering the Goods and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of deli'uery specified in Bidding

technical aspects of the Bid in particular, to confirm that

Supply have been met without any material deviation or




Page 59: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidri; ,q L )r'1tr44t - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Irrstructions to Bidders

documents, including all taxes and duttes payable on them, insurance' transport, loading, unloading'

erecting, stacking, testing, commissioning, etc

ii. In companng in'" iites-iuoteO by firmi from outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but not

entifled to price preference, the element of Rajasthan VAT shall be excluded whereas that of Central

Sales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates'

iii. While comparing the rates in respect of firms within Rajasthan the element of Rajasthan Sales Tax /

VAT shall be included.

5.8 Post qualification of the Bidder

5.g.1 The procuring Entity shall determine to its satisfaction that the Bidder that is selected as the lowest

Bidder is quaffied to perform the Contract satisfactorily

5.9 Procuring Entity's Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids

5.g 1 The procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul tlre Bidding process and

reject all Aios at'ariy iime prior to -Contract

award without assigning any reasons thereof and without

thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders'

6.lProcuringEntity'sRighttoVaryQuantitiesatTimeofAward6.1.1 At the time of award of contract, the quantity of Goods, works or services originally specified in the

Bidding Documents may be increased or decreased. lt shall be without any change in the unit prices or

other terms and conditions of the Bid and the conditions of contract

6.1 2 lf the procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than the

quantity speclrEo in t'he Bidding Document'due io change in circumstances, the Bidder shall not be

entiled for any claim or compenJation except otherwise provided in the Conditions' of Contract'

6.2 Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award

6.2 1 As a generat rule all the quantities of the subject matter of ,procurement shall be procured from the

Bidder, whose Bid is accepted However, when it is considered that the quantity of the subject matter of

procurement ro be procured is very large and it may not be in the capacity of the Bidder' whose Bid is

accepted, to deliverthe entire quantity or when it is considered that the subiect matter of procurement to

hc nrocrrred is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divicled between the Bidder'vv yr vvv' vv ,v

whose Bid is accepted and the second lowest Bidder or even more Bidders in that order, in a fair,

transparenr anC efultaOte manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted'

6.3 Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract

6.3.1 The procuring Entity after consrdering the recommendatrons of the Bid Evaluation Commitiee and the

conditions or bid, if'any, financial implications, samples, test reports, etc, shall accept or reject the

successftll Bid.

6.3.2 prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the Procuring Entity shall inform the successful

BidderinWriting,byregisteredpostoremail,thatitsBidhasbeenaccepted.6 3.3 lf the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is likely to take time, in thr: meanwhile a Letter of

Intent (LOl) may be sent to the successful Bidder The acceptance of an offer is complete as soon as the

letter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/ or sent by email (if available) to the address of the

successful Bidder given in its Bid

6.4 Signing of Contract

6.4.1 In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the successful Bidder, it shall also be asked to

execute an agreement in the format given in the Bidding Document on a non -judicial stamp of requisite

value i,i his cost anri deposit the anount of Pe.fcrnrnce Security or a Performar'ce Secttrity Declaration,

"i lppii""E", wrtnirr a per rud specifieci i,rii,- ,li,J r,r where tiie perioci is noi specrfled in rire BDS, riterF

within fifteen days from the daie on which the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the Bidder. Until a formal

contract is executed, LoA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.

6.4.2 lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written procurement c;ontract or fails to furnish

the required Performance Security or Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, as the case

may be, within the specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall take action against ihe successful

Bidder as perthe provisions of the Act and the Rules. The Procuring Entity may, in such.case, cancel the

procurement process or if it deems fit, offer for acceptance on the rates of lc,west Bidder to the next

lowest resoonsive Bidder.

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamP)


\t- -/

Page 60: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCB/2014-15/02/CDFST

The Procuring Entity is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technology'

MPUAT, I-ldaipur - 313001 (Raiasthan)

Bidding Doucment

The price of the Bidding Documents is: Rs. 500/-

For Clarification purposes only, the Procuring Entity's address is: -

Attention (Name with Designation) : Dr. L.K. Murdia' Dean'

Address: College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001

Tetenhone No. 0294-2470139, 0294-2470179 Email : cdfst20l1@g;mail.com

IBDS 1.1.1


BDS 2.1.3

BDS 2.2.1

The Pre-Bid conference will be held/not held: NOT HELD


I Th. laneuuee of the Bid is (English./Hindi/Both): ENGLISHl"--'-----"-iOir*"n,r on award of combination of lots can be offeredrnot offered: OFFIIRED

I Submission and Opening of Bids

BDS 2.2.2


BDS 3.2.1

BDS 3.6.4

"BDS 4.1.1 (a) For Bid su

Dean, Coll


(b) Where ele,

The details for I

Date 1Oth Septe

bmission purposes only, the Procuring Entity's address ts: ]

ege of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT' Udaipur I

No. Q294-2470139, 0294-2470179 Email : cdfst201 1@gmail'com ,

;tronic submission of Bids is mandatory. the address of the reb portai is: NA I

BDS 4.2.1 ]id submission is:

mber 2014 Time: 0l:00PM

8DS4.5.1 The Bid opening shall take place at: -

Technical Bid Financial Bid

Address ofOffice

Dean, College of DairY and FoodScience TechnologY, MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

Dean, College of DairY and FoodScience TechnologY, MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

Date ll'n September 2014 11'n September i2014

Time 11:00AM 03:00PM

Au'ard. of Cunfrect

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

submitted is 15 days

Section tr ; Bid Data Sheet

Sectiron tI - Bid t

Whether Perofrmance Security/Perfolmance Security Declaration shall be re'quired (YesNo) YES

\ n,,./


-""<l.f?€'r, -'

Page 61: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid.) Section III - Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

Section III: Qualification and Evaluation Criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders' qualifications regarding critical aspects of their financial, technical, production,procurement, shipping, installation and other capabilities necessary to performL the contract will bejudged from the several criteria like Size of Operation, Contractual E:rperience, TechnicaiExperience, Production Capacity, Financial Position, Cash flow Capacity, Litigation History, TaxClearance Certificates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications under Section 7 of the Act, Biddersacceptance of GCC and SCC, etc. The criteri4 specifically used are specihed in detail in theTechnical Bid.

B. Technical Suitability of Goods: Besides financial, commercial qualification as above, the technicalsuitability of goods offered in view of specifications, standards, samples, etc. as prorrided in the Scheduleof Supply and Biding document shall determine the qualifrcation of the bidder. These are listed in detailsin the Technical Bid form.

2. EVALUATION CRITERIAI. SCOPE1.1 Local Handling and Inland Transportation: Costs for inland transportation, insurance, and otherincidental costs for delivery of the goods from the EXW premises, or port of entr1,, or border point toProject Site as defrned in Bidding Documents/Schedule of Supply, shall be quroted in the PzuCESCHEDULES provided in Section IV, Bidding Forms. These costs will be taken into account during bidevaluation. If a Bidder fails to include such costs in its Bid, then these costs will be estimated by theProcuring Entity on the basis of published tariffs by the rail or road transport agencies, insurancecompanies, or other appropriate sourees, and added to EXW or CIF or CIP price.

1.2 Minor Omissions or Missing Items: The cost of all quantihable nonmaterial nonconformities oromissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The llrocuring Entity willmake its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions for the purpose ofensuring fair comparison of Bids.

2. TECHNICAL CRITERIA: The cost of all quantifiable minor deviations or cleficiencies from thetechnical requirements as specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shall be evaluated. The ProcuringEntity will make its own assessment of the cost of these deviations or deficiencies for the purpose ofensuring fair comparison of Bids.

3. ECoNoMiC cifrnnr,q.: The net price of iteml to be p.oiurel**ifT;ih. criteria ior evatuatingBids that have passed the technical evaluation.

4. PRICE AND / OR PURCHASE PREFERENCE: Price and/ or Purchase Prefere,nce shall be given inevaluation of Bids and award of Contract shall be as per the Government of Raiasthan Rules in thisresard.


Page 62: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding D,,r.ur'e# -- G ^ods \SS2E Rid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

Section IV: Bidding Forms


1. Technical Bid Submission Sheet (Form-T'BSS) 4.2

2. Format for Technicai Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF) 4.3

3. Bid Security (Form-BG) 4.4

4. Bid Securing Declaration (Form-BSD) 4.5

5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MAl) 4.6(ln case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10lakh)

6. Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2) 4.7(ln case of procurement valuing more than fu. 10lakh)

7 . Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB) 4.8

8. Price Schedule/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet (Form-PS) 4.9

Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

The Technical bid must be prepared with documents arranged in the following order1. Technical Bid Submission sheet (Form-TBSS) with the proof of payment of tender fee and Bid

Security attached on the top.2. Filled up Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)3. Documents establishing the eligibility of bidder as per ITB Clause 3.84. Declaration by Bidder in compiiance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MAl) or Manufacfurer's Authorisation (Form-MA2), as

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIB6. All enclosures asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Forms in the sequence7. lnstructions to Bidders (ITB), duly signed and stamped.8. General Contract Conditions (GCC) and Special Contract Conditions (SCC), duly signed and


Page 63: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


ad" 5 D, '' 7 err --Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Ftr-'ll



Date:NIB No.:Alternative No., if perrn-tted:

To: The Dean, CDFST, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document,includingAddendaNo.:

We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Docrrment and in accordance with the delivery schedule

specified in Ilidding Documents, the following Goods and Related Services:

(b)ourBidshallbevalidforaperiodof-daysfromthedatefixedforthebirlsubmissiondeadlineinaccordance with the Bidding Document, and il shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time

before the expiration ofthat period;

(c) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount of



of the Contract Price or Performance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract;

(d) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from the

eiigible countries;

We are not f'articipating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bicding procesri, other than alternative

offers, if permitted, in the Bidding Document;

Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, includ:ing any subcontractors or suppliers has not been debarred by the

State Government or the Procuring Entity;

(g) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification ofaward, shall constitute a binding contract betrryeen us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;

(h) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you may


(i) We agree to permit the Procuring Entity on its representative to inspect our accounts and records and other

documents relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Procuring


0) We declare that vys have complied with and shall continue to comply with the provisions of the Code of.int:;.i"i i;, 3t.j,-i, rl ::- il;:c'ii:t :rr 1"- ia-i:^rlh.u .ile:tspa::;''j i'". I"-tb!!', Pl'J':'jrsntnl r':'-, 1'\'7. '-!-'.

Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules,2013 and this Bidding Document in this procurement

process and in execution ofthe Contract;

(k) Other comments, if any:

Name/ address: _In the capacity ofSigrred:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behali ofDate:Tel; e-mail

Fee Amount Mode No. & Date

Tender Fee Cash/ DDi BC

Bid Securitv Cash/ DD/ BC




Page 64: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Rid.;- Sectiorn [Y - BidJing Forhq '


Part A: Financial & Commercial Com t€nce

Part B: Technical Suitability of Goods Offered.The bidder is required to enter the relevant information asked in the format /table below and submit a proof insupport of the information. The proof must be in form of catalogue, technical literature/ leaflet, brochure, etc. of the

items offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable the procurement entity to arrive at an

informed decision about the technical suitability of the items offered vis-ir-vis the specifications. In absence of such

proofs, the procurement entity may make its o\\rr assessment of the technical suitability.

Note: This is only a format; the bidders must include all the items/goods (specified in the Schedule of Supply).If some item is not quoted it should be mentioned "Not Quoted". If some item/good isi missing that shall be

assumed as Not and even if en will not be o

Signature of bidder


Average annual turnover (converted into IndianRupees) defined as the total payments received by tBidder for contracts completed or under executiover the last 5 years.

Number of similar contracts successfullv comoleted as

main supplier within the last 5 years. Value, natuand comolexitv of these contracts shouldcomparable to the contract to be let. (Enclose the liswith address and teieohone Nos.

VAT/ Sales Tax reeistration certificateVAT/Sales Tax clearance certificate from the

concerned Commercial Taxes OfficerPermanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income-

Income Tax clearance certificate

Bidder's ResponsePlease indicate whetheritems/eoods quoted confbrmthe specifications (YesNo)Deviations, if any, must

Proofsubmitted atpage No.

\\\ \l z

Page 65: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

,lecr,icn IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - BG)

BID SECIIRITY(To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India or other Issuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)

Form of Bid Security[insert Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or OfficeJ

Beneficiary: finsert Name and Address of Procuring Entity]Date: [insert dateJ

BID GUARANTEE No.: [insert numberJ

We have been informed that [insert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted

to you its bid dated [insert dateJ (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert name ofcontractJ under Notice lnviting Bids No. [insert NIB numberJ ("the NIB").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid


At the request of the Bidder, we [insert name of BankJ hereby inevocably undertake to pay you any sum

or sums not exceeding in total an amount of[insert amount in figuresJfinsert amount in wordsJ upon receipt by us of your firrst demand in writing

accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid

conditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Form

of Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity during the period

of bid validity,

(i.) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,

(ii.) t-ails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions

to Bidders (hereinafter "the I1'B"),

(c) has not accepted the conection of errors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) has breached a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in ITB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the

contract signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the

Bidder; and (b) if the Bidder is notthe successful Bidder, upon the earli-er of (i) ,ou1 receipt of 3 copy

yuur rruiiiiu*;i.-,ir tt ihe Bidder oi LnE name'ri: ri1€ sr-rusessful Diid.;'; oi. (i') thirty cizys arLei the expii atir.rir

of the Bidder's bid.

Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or

before that date.


the capacity of



Duly authorized to sign the Bid Securiry for and on behalf of

Bank's Seal


Page 66: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sectiorr IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - BSD)


Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)JNotice Inviting Bids No.: finsert number of bidding processJ

To: [insert complete name of Procuring Entity]

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract withthe Procuring Entity for the period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time forwhich the Procuring Entitywill declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contrac't if the Bid Securing

Declaration is to be executed.l starting on the date that we receive a notification from the ProcuringEntity that our Bid Securing Declaration is executed, if we are in breach of our obligartion(s) under the bidccnditions, because we:

(a) have withdrawn our tJid during the period of bid validity specified in the Form of Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity dunngthe period of bidvaliditl',

(i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) tail or refuses ro fumish the performance security, in accordance with thr: Instructions toBidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) have not accepted the correction oferrors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) have breached a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in ITB:

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the

earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bid,ler; or (ii) thirfy days

after the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:.1rinsert signature of person whose nume and capacity are shownJ

[insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing Declaration]


[insert complete name of person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf oi[insert complete name of BidderJ Dated on day of , [insert date of signing] Corporate Seal


Page 67: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

" . tsidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - BiCrllS Frri'ols


(In case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 lakh)


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if aPPlicable:


VWe a legally constituted firnr/body and represented by

m:T:Ji:'*|e1".Ilffi .,Til:'::H::1'H:iifi |:f I j.llodis'fribu'1or/

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be taken,

myiour Bid Security may be forfeited in full ancl the Bid if any to the extent accepterl may be cancelled'



In the capacity of:

Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of

Tel: --.-

Fax: e-mail:


\r,,,,- {

Page 68: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Document - Goods (SS}E i):';) Section'IV -' $idding Forms

(Form - MA2)

MANUFACTURER' S AUTHORISATION(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)

Manufacturer's Authorisation


NIB No.:

Altemative No,, if aPPlicabk::


We, who are official manufacturers of

having factories at

do hereby authorise

to submit a Bid in relation to the Invitation for Bids indicated above, the purpose of which is to provide

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract'

We hereby extend our full guarantee and u'arranty in accordance with Clause 4'6 of the General

Conditions of Contract, with rJspect to the Goods offlred by the above ltrm in reply to this lnvitation for



In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of


Page 69: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding L "' --'1 ' 'U. '-'ds t'Si?E E!d)


Seriir.n IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - DB)


In relation to my/our Bid submitted to ._-_--- for procurement

Notice Inviting Bids No. Dated _- Vwe

Raj asthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 20 12, that:

L Vwe possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial resources and

.o-p"i"n"" required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

2. vwe have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of the taxes pa;iable to ther union and the State

Government or any local authority as speci{ied in the Bidding Document;

3. Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, no1 have my/our affairs

administered by a courf or a judicial offi..r, not have my/our business activilies suspended and not

the subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4. Vwe do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been conviicted of any criminal

offence related to my/our professional conduct or the making of false statements or

misrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement conlract within a period of

three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not have been otherwise

disqualifi ed pursuallt to debarment proceedings ;

5. Vwe do not have a conflict of interest a-s specified in the Act, Rules and tlie Bidding Document'

which materially affects fair competition;

of in response to their

hereby declar,e under Section'7 of



Signature of bidder




Page 70: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sectiorr IV - Bidding For




NIB No.: Alternative No., if Permitted:

To: The Dean

College of Dairy and Food Science

Technology, MPUAT, UdaiPur.

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Agenda No.:

(b) We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the

delivery schedule specified in Bidding Documents, the following Goods and Related Services:

(c) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your

notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is

prepared and executed.

(d) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you

may receive.

(e) We offer to supply the items/goods at the tbllowing price:


Name and Description ofItenr

Country ofOrigin

Unit ofMeasurem


Unit EXwPrice forthe item

Sales andOther

Taxes forthe ltem

Relatedservices*, iI

notincluded inColumn 6

Total Unit Price

Qn Figs. & Words)for the Item

including Taxes(6+7+8)

2 3 i 5 6 '7 8

, iommissioning. testing' training' maint' :nance etc., including taxes)(like transporta

Note: Quote rates for different items/goods on separate sheets and submit in separate envelopes.

I/We hereby certify tliat ihe aboye rates have Seen quoted after pursuing a1i the generai and speclai ierms

and conditions of the bid. VWe agree to confirm these conditions and signed on all rthe terms & conditions

in token of confirmation and acc-ptance. Vwe also bear the responsibility for installation, commissioning,

demonstration and training to user at my/our cost.

Name/ address:

ln the capacity ofSigned:

Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf of


Tel: Fax: e-mai]:


Page 71: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) ' " - Section IV-1 rBiqdirg Forms.

Section V: Schedule of SupplyList of Goods and Related Services and Technical Specifications:



Goods orRelated

Iechnlcal l)escnptlon, Speclticatrons and Sandards Unit ofMeasure


Quantity WhetherSamples

R cnriredLab modelTwin screwExtruder

Designed for capacity of 15 Kg per hour.Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, UI{MW-IIDPE screws driven by variable speedmotor.Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel with two waterjackets.Two no. band heaters, ceramic insulated.Multi-stsrt screws fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel.Drive suidtable motor driven through reduction gear unit and duplexgear driven by AC driveTORQUE-LIMITER fixed before duplex gear.

"DEBLOCKING CUM CLf,ANNG Df,\'ICE"Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diameter, oneno. llate die and one no. pipe die.

'Stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, driven by variable speed motor.Safety device vide limit switch for the cutter.'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the following:a) 2 No, Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicator with

sensor for 2 no. Band Heaters.b) I no. electronic temperature indicator with sensor for mass

temperature.c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM of main drive, Feeder

and Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of Main Drive-Ammeter, Voltmeter, Push-button switches, indicating Lamps etcTransformer to stabilize control voltage in csse of fluctuation of supplyvoltage. Electrical and electronic components including imported ACdrive (Frequency Controller).

No. OneNotRequire,



2 Hammer Mill . Chamber size - 20" diameter, fabricated from stainless steel platewith stainless steel Liner.

o Model no. TW-AS-612o 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pol€ motor, rotary feeding

hopper 6 pole motor.. Sieve 80-250 mesh.. Capacity 175 kg/hr.

Nos. One

J BatchRoaster

. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.

. Electric heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany)

. f,lectric heater of4-6 KW capacity, mounted in pair and can be on/offasper heat requirement (more heat require, then more numbers ofheaterswill on)

. Temperature controller and sensor for better control.o Timer is provided to control the time process.. Power supply I phase/Ill phase option.u Ins.ul{l^d'rirt asbestos sheet.. Coriirol box consisting of temp. Controller, on/offswitch, indicating I

amn. fuse. wirins timer etc

.No. One

AT Vacuumpackaging andNitrogen gas


. Single Chamber type.o Sealing length 400mm X width 8mmo Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X 300mm. Double sealing Jaw at both sides.. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.o Power: 230 V, 50 Hz, single Phase.. Acrylic view window for viewing the process.o Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas flushing arrangements,. 12 Pouches/Batch

.\lo. One

5 BakingOven

Two TraysI rvire meshInner chamberSize 24"

\Io. One

6 AgeingVat

o Capacity 100 litre.r Temperature 5" C. Stainless steel body.. Insulated inside.

\lo. One


Page 72: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

7 Shrinkv/rappingMachine

o Derure medel with 3 control switches and 860 watts hearT duty powdercoatid steel end stainless steel contrainer.

. lOkg,Popcorn per batch.

. Size: 17,5" L\ 20,5" W x24.75" H,

No. One

8 ShrinkwrappingMachine

. Powersupply-230 V,50 hertz

. Heating power- 2.5 kw.

. Machine Sealing area 400mm (W) x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(II)o Product weight 3.5kg max., Temperature- 50-300" C, time -0-3 second &

machine weight - 90kg.I Type of shrink file PoF' PVC

No, One SamplesNotRequire,



9 TrayDrier

r Standard sturdy double wall fabrication.. Inner & out€r chamber made out ofthick mill steel sheet.o Inner chamber back silver pain finish and exterior linished in hammer

tone.. Gap between two walls filled with glass wood for temperature insulation.. Heavy duty forced air blowers.. Doublewall door mounted on heavy hingeswith heavy moulded latchy.. Temperature control by a Thermostat and it can be read on dial type

thermometer.. Temperature range: 500 C to 2500 C +20 C to f C and workable on 220V

AC 50 Hz single phase or 440 volts AC supply.. 24 trays of 16"X32' X lr;1 size.

No. One

l0 Breadslicer

. Slice Thickness: l2mm.

. Range:31 Pcs.

. Voltage:z2OVlSOHz.e Dimension: 630 x 630 x 685H in mm.

No. One

lt Colddisplaycounter

. Size:

. Electrical Supply: 220V I IPH I 50HzNo. One

t2 Rotaryfloursifter

o 110 volt. 3" generation vibration motor.. Stainless steel body.r Diameter 500mm, 0.02-20 mesh size, l440rpm

No. One

Bidding Document -' i'ttd"v i!j! . iiu, S:cti.irr IV - Bidding Forms

Important: The installatior/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be done

by the bidder.

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Document includes the following drawings: NA


List of DrawinssDrawins No. Title of drawins Purpose

3. Inspections and TestsThe following inspections and tests shall be performed: [insert list of inspections and' tests]

Notes:. The Supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despalch inspections.. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity from the lot offered for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before the scheduled


List of I Trials and Tests

Line Item No Brief DescriptionItem

of Description of Inspection and/ or Trial and/ or Test forfull conformance of the product to the specificationssiven in Biddine Document and/ or to the Samples


Page 73: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section V: Sched*i', "f l.pily

Important: The installation/commissioning ofthe equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be done by the bidder.

2. Drawings:This Biddine Doucment includes the followine drawurg: NA

3. Inspections and Tests:

Note:o The supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections

. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity form the lot offered for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before schedulLed dispatch.

1. List of Good ands.

No.Name oIGoods or RelatcdSelvices

Technical Description, Specilications andStandards

Unit ofMeasure ment


WhetherSamples are Required

I Ilammer Mill o Chamber size - 20" diameter, fabricated

from stainless steel plate with stainless

steel Liner.

o Model no. TW-AS-612

o 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4

pole motor, rotary feeding hopper 6 pole


Sieve 80-250 mesh.

Capacity 175 kg/hr.

No. One Samples



"photogr aphs/experim ental results"are required

This Bidding Doucment includes the following drawngdocaments are to be included, inserl the List

List of

fhe fol ions and r..;ts shall be performed. Iinsert the in:peclion and test

List of Inspection, Trials and Tests

Liue Item No Drife Description of Item Description of Inspection and/or Trial and/or Test for fullconformance of the product to the specifications given in Bidding

Document and/or to the samples,



Page 74: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE




'.i. .. , .; .Section VI A: General Conditions of Clontract


The foltowing words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned kl them:

(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Acl' 2012

(ii) "Completion" means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.

(iii) .Contract" means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier,

together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices'

solcifications and codes and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

(iv) "Contract Documents" means the documents listed in the Agreement, including any amendments

thereto."Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subjecl to

such additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefrom, as may be made pursuant to the

Contract.(vi) "Day' means calendar daY.

(vii) "Delivery" means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance

with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.

(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract(ix) "Goods" means all of the commodities, raw material, machinery

guarantees/warrantees and/or other materials that the Supplier

Procuring Entity under the Contract.(x) "procuring Entity" means the Entity purchasing the Goods and Related Services, as specified

the SCC.(xi) "Related Services" means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as insurance'

installation, training and initial maintenance, commissioning of equipment or machinery and othet

similar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.,,Rules" means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013

"SCC" means the Special Conditions of Contract."subcontractor" means any natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to be

supplied or exeiution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier

"supplier'' means the natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the

whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring Entity and is named

such in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assiigns of the Supplier.,'The Site" where applicable, means the place of delivery, installation, tesling/commissioning of

goodsiequipment or machinery or any other place named in the Bid Docurnent.


lf the context so requires it, singular means plural and vice versa

lncotermsIn case of lnternational Competitive Bidding :

The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescr

by 1".;otermi. p<W, Clf, ClP, and crher similar terms, shall be ')overned by tire rules prescrtbeC in

curr"nt eottion of inc<lerms;i;uolisried by the International Cnamber oT UomrTlercc al-iiie dale of

lnvitation for Bids or as specified in the BDC

Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entily and the

supersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written or oral)

respect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.

AmendmentNo amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be vaiid unless it is in writing, is dated, exp

refers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto.

Non-waiver(i) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below, no relaxation, forbearance, delay, or indulgence by

parti in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by


and equipment, documents,is rerquired to supply to









barty to the othei shalt prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, neitl

shali any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent

continuing breach of Contract.(ii) Any waiver of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, dated,

sigired by an auihorised iepreientative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the

and the elitent to which it is berng waived.



Supplier a

of parties

Page 75: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE










z.a. I



z.o. I



Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E tsid) Section VI A - General i londitio:rs of Contract

2.1 .6 Severabilitylf any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforceable, suchprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any otherprovisions and conditions of the Contract.

Contract Documents

Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the Contract (andall parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, supplementary, and mutuallyexplanatory.

Code of Integrity

The Supplier is bound by the provisions of the Code of Integrity stipulated in ther Act and the Rules andspecified in ITB Clause 1.3 [Code of Integrity].

The Procuring Entity shall take legal action against the Supplier under Section 'l 1(3), 46 and chapter lVof the Act, if it breaches any provisions of the Code of Integrity, or is determined to have engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in competing for the Contract or execution of theContract.

The Supplier shall permit the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's account$ and records relating tothe performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Procuring Entityif so required by the Procuring Entity.


The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by theSupplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Supportingdocuments and printed literature that are part of the Contract may be in another language provided theyare accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in theBDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contract, this translation shall govern.

The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy ofsuch translation.


Any Notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the Procuremententity. The term "in writing" means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effective date, whichr:ver is later.

Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the State ofRajasthan.

Specifications and Standards

Technical Specifications and Drawings:

The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services comply with the technical specificationsand other provisions of the ContractThe Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, clrawing, specification orother document, or any modification thereof provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring Entity,by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity.

The Gcsris c.:;<eii:'ed Servicvs suppried undci ril,s Curitiaui shaii uonrcm.r io iire standards mentionedin Section V, Schedule of Supply and shall bear such marks. When no applicabler standard is mentioned,the Goods and Related Services supplied shall be of the best quality and the standard shall be equivalentor superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Goods.In no case such standards shall be inferior to the relevant updated BIS or international standards.Equipments/implements which are governed by Dangerous Machinery Regulations Act should benecessarily 'lSl' marked (attach certificate with the Bid) and for other equipments 'lSl.' quality certificationis desirable.

Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accorclance with which it shallbe executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shrall be those specified inthe Seclion V, Schedule of Supply. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes andstandards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordancewith Clause 3.4.

The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples has been indicated in the Schedule ofSupply, shall in addition, conform strictly to the approved samples. The decisiorr of the Procuring Entitywhether the articles supplied conform to the specifications and are in accordance with the samples, ifany, shall be final and binding on the Supplier.





Page 76: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Doctw' | - -;:r,o.l: (SS2E Bid) Section \'- -e - General Conditions of Contract

2.8 Copytrght2.8.1 The copyright in All drawings, documents, and other materials containing data and information fumished

to the Pioc-urin9 Entity by the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if they are furnished

to the Procuring Entity directly or through the Supplier by any third party, includirrg suppliers of materials

or Related Serviqes, the copyright in such materials or related services shall renrain vested in such third


2.9 Confidential Information

Z.g.i In addition to the requirements of the provisions of Section 49 of the Act and Rule 77 of the Rules

regarding Confidentiaiity, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not,

wi[hout the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or

other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the Contract,

whether such inf6rmation has been furnished prior to, during or following complelion or termination of the

Contract. Notwithstanding the above, the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor such documents,

data, and other informjtion it receives from the Procuring Entity to the extent required for the

Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, ln which event the Supplierr shall obtain from such

Subcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Supplier under GCC Clause


However, in case of electronic data or information, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responsibility

for access to data on line by any third party,

2g.2 The procuring Entity shall not use such documents, data, and other information received from the

Supplier for lny purposes unrelated lo the Contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use such

documenrs, datar and other information received from the Procuring Entity for anY purpose other than the

design, procurement, or other work and services required for the performance of lhe Contract.

2g.g The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 2.9.1 and 2.9.2 above, holvever, shall not apply to

information that:

the procuring Entity or Supplier need to share with other institutions participatin,g in the financing of the

Contract; now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that party;

can De proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was not

previousiy obtained, directly or indirectty, from the other party; or otherwise lawfurlly becomes available to

that party from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality

2.g.4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall not in any way modify any undelrtaking of confidentiality

given by either Qf the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part


2 g.5 The provisions Of GCC Clause 2.9 shall survive completion or termination, for whatever reason, of the


2.10 Packing and Dqcuments

210 1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is requrred to prevent their damage or

deterioration duiing transit or transport by sea, rail and road or air to their final dr:stination. During transit,

the packing shdll be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling and exposure to elitreme

temperatures, splt and precipitation, and open storage. Packing case size anc! weights shall take into

consideration, Where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destination of the Goods and the absence

of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

.1e.2 ine pa-iii:rg, m4ikinq :rld circt:rroi,talicn wiirric.^4 61119,i;ie'.i:l packages shall ct',iir;..ly s1r;:ilv rryith sttch

speclal requifeflenir as shali be expressiy'providco for:r ine Cuntract, inciuding additional requirements,

iiany, specified in any other instructions ordered by the Procurlng Entity'

2.j0.3 ln the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage, the Supplier shall be liable to

make good such loss and shortage found at the checking/inspection of the materials by the consignee

No extra cost on such account shall be admissible.

2.i1 lttsurance

21j.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured

against theft, dqstruction or damage, by fire, flood, under exposure to weather or otherwise including war,

rebellion, riot, etc. The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and the Procuring Entity will not

be required to pay such charges, if incurred.

2.12 Transportation

2.12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, obligations fortransportation of the Goocls shall be in accordance

with the conditions and Incoterms specified in the Bidding Documents'

2.12.2 In case of Supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied FOR locations specified in Bidding

Documents. All transportation charges, local taxes, etc. shall be borne by the Supplier.

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests

2.13.1 The procuring Entity or his authorised representative shall at all reasonable times have access t0 the

Supplier's prJmises'and the power to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship of the goods/


Page 77: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

pia.ding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)



equipmenV machinery during manufacturing

The Supplier shall at its own expense andand/or trials and/or insoections of theSchedule of Supply

The sampling, inspections, and/or tests and/orits Subcontractor, at point of delivery, and/orIndia as specified in the SCC. All suchSupplier. Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.Subcontractor, all reasonable facilities anddrawings and production data, shall be fu

The Procuring Entity or its designated

The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Eand/or insoection.

Testing charges shall be borne by thethe Supplier. In other cases and in case of teststandards or specifications, the testing charges-l-h? El-o, i '!r.g i-.;rtrty .?n?!1.!'Aj6,.Ct 2i,iJ G',^.:: uf

inspections and/ or trials referred to in GCC Sall of its own costs and expenses incurredboarding and lodging expenses.

z. tJ.c Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out areasonable advance notice. includino theobtain from any relevant third party or mProcuring Entity or its designated representa

The Supplier shall furnish complete addressinspection can be made together with namepurpose.

z. tJ.o The Procuring Entity may require therequired by the Contract but deemedGoods comply with the technical specificationsunder the Contract. orovided that theout of such test and/or trials and/or insoectionand/or trials and/or inspection impedes theof its other obligations under the Contract,and Completion Dates and the other oblioa





2 1:3 11

Supplies when received shall be subject toconform to the specifications and with theprescribed or praclical, tests shall be carriedSri Ram Testing House, New Delhi and theconform to the standard of orescribed so

z. tJ.Y In case of iests, samples shall be drawn inrepresentative and properly sealed in hissent to the laboratories and/or testing housereference and record.

and/or trials and/or inspection or do notif any. The Supplier shall either rectify oralterations necessary to meet thethe Procuring Entity, and shall repeat the testEntity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC

lf, however, due to exigencies ofpaft, is not considered feasible, the Procuringheard, shall for reasons to be recorded.the supply. The deduction so made shall be fi

2.13.12 The rejected articles shall be removed bv thethe Procuring Entity shall not be responsibledispose of such articles as he th jnks flt, at the

2.13.13 The Supplier agrees that neither the executionany part thereof, nor the attendance bv therepoft pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13,7,obligations under the Contract.

2.14 Change in Laws and Regulations

Unless otherwise specified in the Contract,regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having


force of law is enacted, pronulgated, abrogated, ",


\., -"1,'-;&--

Section VI A - General Conditions of Confract, '

or afteruards as may be der:ided

no cost to the Procuring Entity carry out all such tests,and Related Services as are specified in Sections V-

may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier orthe final destination of the Goods, or at another olace in

inspections and/ or testing shall be at the cost of theif conducted on the premisesi of the Supplier or its

tance, including access to spec;ification codes, designs,to the inspectors at no charge tc, the Procuring Entity.

entatives shall be entitled to attend the tests, and/orb-Clause 2.13.3, provided that tlie Procuring Entity bear

connection with such attendernce. like travellinq and

such test, and/or trials and/or inspection, it shall give aand time, to the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shallrer any necessary permission or consent to enable the

to attend the test and/or trials anrj/or insoection

the premises of his office, godo\Mn and workshop whereaddress of the person who is to be contacted for the

to carry out any test and/or trierls and/or inspection notto verify that the characteristics and performance of thecodes and standards and samples supplied with the Bidreasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carrying

be added to the Contract Price. Further, if such testress of manufacturing and/or the, Supplier's performanceallowance will be made in respect of the Deliverv Datesso affected.

with a report of the results of anv such tests and/or trials

and/or trials and/or inspection to ensure whether theysamples and trials, if any. Where necessary or

in Government laboratories, reputed testing house likeand the supplies will be accepted only when the articles

as a result of such tests.

ur sets in the presence of the Supplier or his authorisedOne such set shall be given t(J him, one or two will be

nd the third or fourth will be retained in the office for

Entity in case urgent testing is desired to be arranged byresults showing that supplies are not upto the prescribedhall be payable by the Supplier.ly pan.h:re<,f i,t.r'. a;c rcJii!e(j frui io,i i.u pa:.: itr,. ,-!tto the specifications and samplers supplied with the Bid,

such rejected Goods or parts thereof or makeand samples supplied with the Bid if any, at no cost to

nd/or trials and/or inspection, at no cost to the procuringCiause 2.13.5

Entity's work, such replacement etther in whole or inEntity after giving an opportunity to the Bidder of beinga suitable amount from the approved rates and acceot

r within 15 days of intimation of rejection, after whichany loss, shortage or damage and shall have the right to

s risk and on his account.

of a test and/or trials and/or inspection of the Goods orEntity or its representative, nor the issue of any

hall release the Supplier from erny warranties or other

after the deadline for submission of Bids, anv law,

Page 78: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General ConditiqnS of Contract

changed by Government of India or the State Government (which shall be deemerl to include any change

in intErpreiation or application by the competent authorities) that subsequently affects the Delivery Date

and/or the Contract Frice, then such Delivery Date and/or Contract Price shall be correspondingly

increased or deCreased to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been affected in the performance of

any of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such additional -or

reduced cost

shall not be 3eparatety paid or credited if the same has already been aocounted for in the price

adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with GCC Clause 4. 1.

2.15 Force Majeure

2.15.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, iquidated damages, or

termination for default if and to the extent that delays in performance or other failure to perform its

obligations under the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

2.152 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation beryond the control of the

Supplier ihat is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on

tne bart of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Procuring Entity in its

sovereign capaciiy, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions' and freight


2.j5.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procr.rring Entity in writing of

such condition and the cause and effects thereof.

Unless otherwise directed by the Procuring Entity in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its

obligations under the Contralt as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative

meins at his cost for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.

2.16 Assignment

2.16.1 Neither the procuring Entity nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, thr:ir obligations under this

Contract, except with- prior written consent of the other party with recorded reasons. Such assignment

shall not relieve the Supplier or the Procurement Entity of their respective obligations under the Contract.

3. Contract Details

3.1, Joint Venture, Consortium or Association and Changes in the Constitution of the Supplier

3.1.1 lf the Supplier is a JointVenture, Consortium, orAssociation all the parties shall sign the Contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association is a registered Firm or Company. All the parties

shall be jointly and severally liable to the Procuring Entity for the fulfilment of the provisions of the

Contract and ihatt designate one party to act as a lead partner with authority to bind and represent the

Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association

3.1 .2 The structure/composition or the constitution of the Supplier as a firm, joint \/enture, Consortium, or

Association shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Procuring Entity.

Any change in the structure/ constitution of the flrm, etc., shall be notified forthwith by the Bidder in

wriiing to [he Procuring Entity and such change shall not relive any former memller of the firm, etc., from

any liabilitY under the contract

The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association aS a major

stake holder shall not change wiihout the consent of the Procuring Entity. Any new major stake holder

must agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the contract'

No new partner/partners shall be accepted rn the firm by the Bidder in resper:t of the contract unless

he/they agree to abide by all its terms, conditions and deposit with the Procuring Entity a written

acceoted as above dfriti UlnO all of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purpose of the


3.2. Subcontracting

3.2.1 . The Supplier shall not sublet or assign the Contract or its any part to anyone without.the prior written

approval of the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shalt notify the Procuring Entity in writing of all

subcontracts to be awarded under the Contract if not already specified in the Bi<J. Subcontracling shall in

no event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the

Contract. The capability details of such subcontractors shall be provided to the Procuring Entity who shall

evaluare and take a decision as to whether approve it or not, it if not initially approved during the

evaluation of the bid.

3.2.2 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses 2.3 and 2.9.

3.3. Scope of SupPlY

3.3.1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as specified in Section \/, Schedule of Supply

3.3.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of Supply shall include, at the supplier's cost, all

such items not speciflcally mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasrrnably inferred from the

Contract as being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services as if

such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract



Page 79: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goa.:t G'S2E B;d) Section VI A - Gener. I t--on'litions of Contracl

3.4. Change Orders and Contract Amendments

3.4.1 The procuring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through Notice in accordance GCC Clause 2 5'

to make chariges, witnln ifre general scope of the of the Contract in any one or more of the following:

i. drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to be

specifically manufactured for the Procuring Entity;

ii. the method of shipment or packing;

iii. the Place of deliverY; and

iv. The Related Services to be provided by the Supplier'

g.4.2 lf any such change causes an Increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier's

performance of a'ny provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the Contraclprice or in the Diiivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be

amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment underlhis Clause must be asserted within twenty-

eight (28) days from the date of the Supplier's receipt of the Procuring Entity's change order,

3.4.3 prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that might be neerded but which were not

included in the iontrjct shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed the

prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services.

3.4.4 Additional quantity may be procured by placing a repeat order on the rates and r:onditions of the original

order. lf the Suppiier dits to Oo so, the Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange for the balance supply by

limited Bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the Suppliet

3.5. Delivery

3.5.1 The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with the


3.5.2 All Goods must be sent freight paid through Railways or Goods transport. lf Goods are sent freight to

pay, the freight together with departmental charge of 5% of the freight will be recovered from the

SuPPlie/s bill.

R.R. should be sent under registered cover. In case advance payment is to be' made, the RR shall be

sent through Bank onlY.

3.6. Supplier's Responsibilities

36.1 The Supplier shali supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply in

accordance with GCC Clause 3.3 and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 3 5.

3.7. ProcuringEntity'sResponsibilities3.7.1 Whenever the supply of Goods or Related Services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals,

and import and other licenses from local public authorities, the Procuring Entity shall, if so requested by

the Supplier, shall make its best effo{ to support the Supplier in complying witir such requirements in a

timely and exPeditious manner.

3.8. Extensions of Time

3.g.1 lf at any time during performance of the Contract. the Supplier or its Subcontractors should encounter

conditions impedinf timely delivery of the Goods or completion of Related S€rvices pursuant to GCC

Clause 3.5, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of the delay, its likely

duration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Suppliefs notice, the Procuring Entity

shall evaluate the situation and nay at lis discretion cxtend the Suoplier's time for performance, with or-

""itl,--:i;tqu,\jaied darileges,tepenorng ,r, iir€ r'rarr.rre..,i ca,.;rs t. ;eiay, by issuing an arrrchdrneni vi iiieContract.

3.A.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 2.15, or reasc,ns beyond the control of

the Supplier under GCC Ciause 3.8,1, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery and

Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant

to GCC Clause 4.5.

4. Contract Price and PaYments

4.1 Contract Price

4.1.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement or Approval subjerct to any additions and

adjustments thereto, or deductions therefore, as may be made pursuant to the Contract.

4.1.2 prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Servir:es performed under the

Contract shall noi vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with tire exception of any price

adj ustments, if aPproved.

4.j.3 Price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules. Price adjustment shall not be applicable

in contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 months.

4.2. Terms of Payment

4.2.1 . The terms of payment of the Contract Prrce shall be as specified in the Approval orders/ Agreement.

4,2.2. The Supplier's request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing, accompanied by



Page 80: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE










Bidciir"l r 1)" I - Goods (SS2E Bid) il :'. -Ceneral tConJitions of Contract

Invoices describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Services performed, and by thedocurnents submiited pursuant to GCC Clause 3.5 and upon fulfilment of all the obligations stipulated inthe Contract.

Payments should be made promptly by the Procuring Entity, as far as possible, within Thirty (30) daysafter submission of an invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and tlre Procuring Entity hasaccepted it. All remittance charges shall oe borne by the Supplier.

The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be IndianRupees unless otherwise specifled in the SCC

ln case of disputed items, 10 to 25% of the amount of the price of such items ma'y be withheld and will bepaid on settlement of the dispute,

Payment in case of those Goods which need trials or testing as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply shall be made only when such trials or tests have been carried out ernd trials or test resultsreceived conforming to the prescribed specifications.

Advance Payment will not be made except in rare and special cases and as provided for in the Contract.In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the extent and on conditions, interest at theprevailing bank rates and against a confirmed bank guarantee for 100% of the advance as provided inthe SCC. The amount of advance shall be used exclusively for supplies against the Contract. lf advancepayment is to be made after despatch of Goods by the Supplier, it will be made after presenting the proofof dispatch through the bank and prior inspection, if any. The balance if any will b,e paid on receipt of theconsignment in good condition with the certificate to that effect endorsed on the inspection note given tothe Supplier.

Taxes and Duties

For Goods supplied from outside India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stampduties, license fees, and other such levies imoosed outside India.

For Goods supplied from within India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties,license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods at site to the Pro<;uring Entity.

lf any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be available to the Supplier in India, theProcuring Entity shall use its best efforts to enable the Supplrer to beneflt from any such tax savings tothe maximum allowa!:le extent.

Performance SecurtyThe Supplier shall, within fifteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SOC, of the Notification ofAward, sign the Contract Agreement and provide a Performance Security or, where applicable, aPerformance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract. Performance SecurityDeclaration shall be taken from Department of the State Government and undertakings, corporations,autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which are owned, controlled or managedby the State Governrnent and undertakings of Central Government. The State Government may relax theprovision of Performance Security in particular procurement.

The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as specified in the BDS, of the amount ofthe supply order. In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be one percent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale Industrres,whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall betwo percent of the amount of supply order. The currency of Performance Security shall be Indian Rupees,;f clhe^iryilc not :;.:e;i:,c r.. D:,S

Perfor Inancc security sirall remain valid ior a p-i iod ot sixty days beyond the ciate of completion of allcontractual obligations of the Bidder, including warranty obligations and operation and/ or maintenanceand defect liability period, if any.Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performanoe Security or sign theContract within the speclfied time period shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the awardand forfeiture of the Bid Security. In that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract to the nextlowest evaluated Bidder at the rates of the lowest bidder whose offer is substarrtially responsive and isdetermined by the Procuring Entity to be qualified to perform the Contract satlsfactorily.The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract and shall be in one of thefollowing forms:(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India; or(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrument under National Savings Schemes for

promotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in Rajasthan, if the samer can be pledged underthe relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender value at the time of Bid and formarrvtransferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head Post Master; or

(iii) Bank guarantee. lt shall be of a scheduled Bank in India in prescribed or other acceptable format orfrom other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity. The bank guarantee shall be got verified fromthe issuing bank and confirmer, if any; or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank. !t shall be in the name of the Procuring Entity on







Page 81: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Documetnt - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section vI A - General Conditions of Cdfrtrael^ : i

account of Bidder and discharged by the Bidder in advance. The Procuring Entity shall ensure

before accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that the Bidder furnishes an un,Certaking from the bank

to make paymenV premature payment of the Fixed Deposit Receipt on dr:mand to the Procuring

Entity without requirement of consent of the Bidder concerned. In the event of forfeiture of theperformance Security, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interesit earned on such Fixed


The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be forfeited and shall be payable as compensation to the

Procuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned below:

(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement in accordance with ITB Clause 6.4 lSigning ofContract] witfrin the specifled time, after issue of letter of acceptance/ placement of supply orderwithin the specified period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supply

order within the time sPecified; or

(iii) when Supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Senrices satlisfactorily within

the time specified; or(iv) When any terms and conditions of the Contract is breached; or

(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of the Code of lntegrity prescribed for Bidders in the Act and

Chapter Vl of the Rules and as specifled in ITB Clause 1'3

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Performance Security. The decision of the

Procuring Entity in this regard shall be final.

Liquidated Damages

Sublect to provisions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3.8, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods

or perform the Related Services within the period specified in the Contract, the Procuning Entity shall,

without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contract Price, as

liquidated d-amages on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods and/ or Related Service

which the Supplier has failed to supply or complete -

{o. )ondition t-D %

a Oelai up to one fourth period of the specified period

of delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubject matter of Procurement.

it.5 %

h Delay exceeding one fourth but not exceeding half

of the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of sub1ect matter ofprocurement.

t;.0 %

Oelay exceeding half but not exceeding three fourthof the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subiect matter oforocurement.

it.5 0k

o Delay exceeding three fourth of the specified period

of delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubject matter of procurement.

10.0 %


Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies, successful installatiorr and completion of work

il[3iiL:e|inrinatbdifitiq|9Ss!|',-d'ri:..ifaday'..-..'+-r'.l+:-j'The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified tinre should be calculated

carefully. The method of calculation for contracts which include multiple items of supply/ service in case

individual value of each item is not taken in the Bid should be generally given in the SCC

For turnkey projects in which cost of individual items is not known aiso, the total value of the turnkey

project shall become the basis for imposing LD (if due) if apportionment formula is not given in the SCC.

The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be 10%. Once the maximum is reached, the

Procuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 5

Recoveries of liquidated damages, short supply, breakage, rejected articles shall ordinarily be made from

bills. Amount may also be withheld to the enent of short supply, breakages, rejercted articles and in case

of failure in satisiactory replacement by the Supplier along with amount of liquidated damages shall be

recovered from his dues and Performance Security available with the Procuring Entity. In case balance of

recovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Public Demernd Recovery Act or any

other law in force.


The Supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent or current

models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided

otherwise in the Contract.

Subiect to GCC Sub-CIause 2.7, the Supplier should further warrant that the Goods shall be free from







Page 82: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Hial Section VI A - General Co:rdrtions of Contract

defects arising from any act or omission of the Supplier or arising from design, materials, and

workmanshiP. under normal use.

4.6.3 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the warranty shall remain valid for huelve (12) months after

supply of the Goods and completion the Related Services have been accepted at the final destination

indicated in the SCC, or in case of Goods being imported after the placemernt of Supply Order, for

eighteen (18) months after the date of shipment or loading in the country of origin, whichever period

concludes earlier. However, if the warranty provided by the manufacturer is for longer period the same

shall apply.

4.6,4 The Procuring Entity shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nature of any such defects together with

all available evidende thereof, promptly following the discovery thereof, The Procuring Entity shall afford

all reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect such defects.

4.6.5 Upon receipt of such Notice, the Supplier shall Wthin thirty (30) days, or within a different period ifspecified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to

the Procuring EntitY.

4.6.6 In case of machinery and equipment also, guarantee will be given as mentioned in clause 4.6.3 above

and the Supplier shall during the guarantee period replace the parts / whole if any and remove any

manufacturing defect if found during the above period so as to make machinery and equipment

operative. Th-e Supplier shall also replace machinery and equipment in case it is found defective which

cannot be put to operation due to manufacturing defect, malfunctioning, etc.

4.6.7 In case of machinery and equipment specified by the Procuring Entity the Supplier shall be responsible

for carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and conditions €ls may be agreed at the

time of entering in to the contract. The Supplier shall also be responsible to ensure adequate regular

supply of spare parts needed for a specific type of machinery and equipment whether under their annual

maintenance and repairs rate contract or otherwise.

In case of change of model he will give sufficient notice to the Procuring Entity who may like to purchase

spare parts from them to maintain the machinery and equipment in perfect conditon.

4.6.8 lf having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within the period specified; the Procuring

Entity may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as rnay be necessary, at the

Supptiets 1sk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Procuring Entity may

have against the Supplier under the Contract.

4.7. Patent lndemnity

4.7.1 The Supplier shall, subject to the Procuring Entity's compliance with GCC Sub-Clause 4.7.2, indemnify

and hold harmless the Procuring Entity and its employees and offrcers from and against any and all suits,

acttons or administrative proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any

nature, including attorney's fees and expenses, which the Procuring Entity may suffer as a result of any

infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility model, registered desitgn, trademark, copyright,

or other intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract by reason


(i) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier or the use of the Goods where the Site is located, and

(ii) The sale in any country of the products produced by the Goods.

(iii) Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part thereof other than for the purpose

indicated by or to be reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any infringement resulting from

the use of the Goods or any pa.rt thereof or any products produced thereby in association orculiuiilir.',o',rwiir, ar"ry other equrpnient, piarii, ur trraietiais not sirpp;;ltJ by iire Suppliei, pursu6nt to

the Contract.

4.7.2 lf any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Procuring Entity arising out of the

matters referred to in GCC Sub- Clause 4.7.1, the Procuring Entity shall pronrptly give the Supplier a

notice there of, and the Supplier shall at its own expense and in the Procuring Entity's name conduct

such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proceedings or claim.

4.7.3 lf the Supplier fails to notify the Procuring Entity within twenty-eight (28) days aiier receipt of such noticethat it intends io conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Procurinr3 Entity shall be free toconduct the same on its own behalf and at the expenses of the Supplier.

4.7.4 The Procuring Entity shall, at the Supplier's request, afford all available assistance to the Supplier in

conducting such proceedings or claim. and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for all reasonable

expenses incurred in so doing.

4.7.5 The Procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, officers, and

Subcontractors from and against any and all suits, actions or administrative prooeedings, claims,

demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees and expenses,which the Supplier may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility

model, registered design, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right registered or othenvise

existing at the date of the Contract arising out of or in connection with any design, data, drawing,

specification, or other documents or materials provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring


\\^ 4 ,.''

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tsidding Docrttnrt . -: t';r a (SS2E Bid) Sectior V! '- - Genrral Conditions of Contract


Limitation of Liability

Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct :

(i) neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, lossof use, loss of production, or loss of proflts or interest costs,

(ii) provided that this exclusion shail not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidateddamages to the Procuring Entity; and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Procuring Entity, whether under the Contrac't, in tort, orotherwise, shall not be less than the amount of the Contract Price but not exceed the amount (ifspecified) in the SCC, provided that this limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing orreplacing defective equipment, orto any obligation of the Supplierto indemnifythe Procuring Entitywith respect to patent infringement.

Termination and Disputes

Termination for Default

The Procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other remedy under the provisions of the Act, the Rules orthe Contract for breach cf Contract, by Notice of default sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contractin whole or in part: if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods and/ or Related Services withinthe period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Procuring Entitypursuant to GCC Clause 3.8; or lf the Supplier fails to perform any other obligatic,n underthe Contract. lfthe Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has breached the Code of Integrity, as defined inGCC Clause 2.3, in compreting for or in executing the Contract.

In the event the Procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause5. 1.1, the Procuring Entity may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate,Goods and/ or Related Services similar to those undelivered or not performed, and the Supplier shall beliable to the Procuring Entity for any additional costs for such similar Goods or Related Services.However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.

Termination for Insolvency

The Prccuring Errtity may at any iime terminate the Contract by giving Noticer to the Supplier if theSupplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termination will be withoutcompensation to the Supplier', provided that such termination will not prejudicr.' or affect any right ofaction or remedy that has, accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Procuring Entity.

Termination for Conven ience

The Procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contracl., in whole or in part, atany time for its convenierrce.

The Notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Procuring Entity's convenience, theextent to which performance of the Supplier under the Contracl is term nated, and the date upon whichsuch termination becomes effective.

The Goods that are conrplete and ready for shipment at the time of Supplier's receipt of the Notice oftermination may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity atthe Contractterms and prices.

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of this Bid shall be referred to the Dispute Resohrtion Committee to be'.,rrittl:lte- f,.;p {i1q gr1ip, .. t5

Arbitration may be applicable in case of disputes which remain unresolved through the DisputeResolution Committee.

Any dispute arising out ol'this contract shall be subject to the courts having jurisdiction at Udaipur only.

?. l.z




5.4RA 1



Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)

6. 10

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Section VI B: Special Conditions of ContractThe following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement the General Conditions of Contract

(GCC), Wheniver there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those i:n the GCC.

1. The location of delivery of goods related services will be the premises of the College

Dairy urd Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur. However, any other unit of the university

located any where in the state of Rijasthan may also place order using this lbid and in that case the

location of delivery shall be the premises of that unit'

Z. The order will be placed by the Dean, CDFST, Udaipur or any other unit officers of the university

& the supply is to be made at FOR Indenter Office or as specified in the siupply order within the

area of MpUAT, Udaipur. Payment will be made by indenting officer after satisfactory supply and

successful installation, commissioning, training, etc. (if applicable)

3. The delivery period of goods/related services will be 15 days fromthe date of placement of order'

However, the procuremint entity may approve a shorter/longer delivery perriod, if appropriate in

view ofurgency ofgoods to procuring entity /or nature ofgoods etc.

4. Liability on the part of University will arise only when the supply order is iLssued by the lntending

Officer of the UniversitY.

5. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the courts having jurisdiction at Udaipur


6. Approved rate will be effective upto 31.03.2015 & approved supplier has t,o execute all the orders

received by him uPto 31.03.2015.

7 . Supplier ii required to supply relevant instructional manual and took kit.

8. Price should be inclusive of commission & training'

9. Battery limit for service is lOm

Bidtirt:; Doctmenr- Goods (SS2E Bid)qeetion VI B - Special Conditions of Contract

Signature of Biddert[with date and stamP)


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Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Biril Section VI C - 4onirac'; l!orms

Section VI C: Contract FormsAgreement

(to be executed on a non judicial stamp of appropriate value)

l. An agreement made this _-- day of between (hereinafter called "the

appro-ved supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his

heirs successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, College of Dairy

and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur (herein after called "the University" which

expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his successors in office and

assigrrs) ofthe other Part.

2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the University to supply to the Direct Demanding

officers of the University it its Head office as well as at branch offices thLroughout Rajasthan, all

those articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of

the tender and contract appended herewith and at the rates set forth in column


of the

said schedule Which rates shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shall be allowed and/or


3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of Rs. in-Cash/Bank Draff/ Challan no./ Banker Cheque No.-- dated

post Oflice Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental authority.

National Savings Certificates/Defence Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras, or any other

script/instrument under National Saving Schemes for promotion of Small fiavings, if the same can

be ileased under the relevant rule. (The certificates being accepted at sunender value) as Security

for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has been fonnally transferred to the

departrnental authoritY.

Now these Presents witness;

In consideration of the payment to be made by the University through-- at the rates set forth in

the Schedule hereto appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forth

in-- andconuact.

thereof in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and

The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclosed to the tender notice No.-dated_ and also appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as part of this

agreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreement.

Letters Nos._ received from tenderer and letters nos.- issued by the University and

appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.

f.,) The Universit.;.J+,',ereby aFree th.t:f the a;:proved suppliqr sha{!-.4i.r!,i..supp-ly.thg sat(

articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the

University will thr$ugh pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the

time and the mannd set forth in the said conditions, the amount pa'iable for each and every


(b) The mode of Payment will be a-s specified below:-

The delivery shall be effected and completed within the period noted below from the date

of supply order:-

S. No. Name of Item Quantity Delivery period



Page 86: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documeni - {' k' (;'.' EiC) Secilru 1. C * Contract Forms

(1) In case of extension in the delivery damagesi, the recovery shall bemade on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods and Related Services which theBidder has failed to s

No. Condition LD%a, Delay up to one fourth period of the

prescribed period of delivery, successfi.rlinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of Drocurement.

2.5 %

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofDrocurement.

5.0 %

c. Delay exceeding half but not exceedingthree fourth of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7.5 %

d. Delay exceeding three fourth of theprescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of orocurement.


Note:i. Fraction of a day in reckoning period rf delay in supplies shall be eliminate<i if it is less than half a


ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%

iii. If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractuat supply on account ofoccurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed thesupply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulateddate of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages if the delay in the supply ofGoods is on account ofhindrances beyond the control ofthe Supplier,

All disputes arising out of this agrecment and all questions relating to the interpretartion of this aqreernertt

si.aii l-'e d-,ii.leJ l,y tirc i.Jrfvcrsiry aud iire ueci.sicrr oithc tiniversiry si,"ii be frnal.

ln witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the......... day of ........20.......


Signature ofthe approved supplier



Witness No.1:

Witness No. 2:

Signature for and on behalf of Procuremententity



Witness No.1:

Witness No. 2:

6. i3

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1. Performance Security Bank Guarantee(To be given by a Scheduled Bank in lndia or other Issuer acceptable to the Procuring Entiiy)


ContractName andNo.:

!.,,c'.iou VI C - Contract Forms

(hereinafter "the Supplier") has undertaken, p,ursuant to Contractto supply-(hereinaft er "the Contract")

.(hereinafter "the



AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the Supplier shall

furnish you with a Security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum specified therein as Security for

compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.


AND WHEREAS the undersigned, legally domiciled inGuarantor"), have agreed to give the Suoplier a Security:

THEREFORE WE hereby affirm that we are Guarantors and responsible to :you, on behalf of the

Supplier, up to a total of and we undertake to pay you, upon you.r first written demand

declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums

within the limits of as aforesaid, without your needing to prove: or to show grounds or

reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This Security is valid until the of


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalfof:


-l;r*- s,leal:



\,/\r-/.. ffrfl/

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Document- Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI C - ContrPcl for:4s .- ;

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submified in lieu of performance security by the govt' depts. etc. as per ITB)

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)]

Contract Name and No.:[insert name and number of Contraot]

To: The Dean, college of Dairy and Food science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, the Contract must be supported by a Performance

Security Declaration as a guarantee to ensure fulfillment of our all performance obligations under the

contract [insert name of subject matter of procurement].

we accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with

you for tire period of time of [procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time for which the Procuring

bntity will ieclare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contract if the perforrnancer Security Declaration is

to be executed.] starting on thJ date that we receive a notification from you, The Dean, College of

Technology and Engine#ng, MPUAT, Udaipur that our Performance Security Declaration is executed, ifwe are in breach of any of our performance obligation under the conditions of the Contract,

We understand this performance Security Declaration shall expire after 60 days r:f completion of our all

obligations under the Contract including warranty/ Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc" in accordance

with the conditions of the Contract.


[insert signatwe of person whose name and capacity are shown]

ln the capacity of:

[insert legal capacity of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]


[insert complete name of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Duly authorized to sigrr the Performance Security Declaration for and on behalf of:-

Iinse#r,i,i';'i.ete nam+ of S';pplier] *' e-*

Dated on

Corporate Seal-

day of, [insert date of signing]


Page 89: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docttment - Goods (Sft',. Pic) Sectiotl V' C - Conl",'act'Forms

3. Advance Payment Security


Contract Name and No.:


ln accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation t,c advance payments,(hereinafter called "the Supplier") shall deposit with the Procuring Entity a Security

consisting o{-, to guarantee its proper and faithful performance ,:f the olbligations imposed bysaid Clause of the Contract. in the amount of

We, the undersigned , legally domiciled in (hereinafter 'theGuarantor"), as instructed by the Supplier, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primaryobligor and not as surety merely, the payment to the Procuring Entity on its first demand withoutwhatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the Supplier, in the amount notexceedins

This Security shall remain valid and in full effect from the date of the advance payment received by theSupplier under the Contract until _, .


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalfof:


Bank's Seal:


Page 90: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-24701392470719(O) 0294'2470479, E mail-cdfseol l@mtail com

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYt;qfr \'q qs fff,rq ffitffi Tfl-fu€niTq

Maharana Pratap University ofAg-riculture & Technology' UdaipurTgRruTr senq efr qq ffiffi ffiflFrq',Bqq5{ ftru.) arooorProf. L.K. Murdia,


Section I:

Sgstion Ii:

Section III:

Section [V:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section M C:

NIB No. NCB/2014-15/02ICDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument

Rs 500.00










Bidding Document (Goods)Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice lnviting Bids ............

lnstructions to Bidders...

Bid Data Sheel...............

Qualifi cation and Evaluation Criteria.....'.......'....

Bidding Forms.........

Schedule of Supply....

General Conditions of Contract..

Special Conditions of Contract..

Contract Forms


Page 91: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele Faxlh.0294-2470139,2470719(O) 0294:247M79, E-mail-cdfs€01 1@elnail'som

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYtqft qq srg fra|q ffiffi ftiTfuildq

Maharana Pratap Universify of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur

{61-114T riflq efr \e ffirffi ffiereru,s{qgr (vru.) srsoorProf. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

No, F. A4PUAT/CDFST/Tender/20141 ltoz-^ sur Dated: L\ R.,.qu.aF 2-s'i\i''U"-t I


Sealed Bids are invited upto 01.00 PM of 10th September 2014 for procurement o1'Lab model Twin Screw

Extruder, Hammer Mill, Batch Roaster, Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas packaing, Baking Oven, Ageing Vat,

popcorn Machine, Shdnk wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, Bread slicer, Cold Display counter, Rotary flour sifter'

Details may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our websites 'www.mpuat.ac.in or the

website of State public procurement Portal wwwfrpp.nic.in and may be obtairred or downloaded on

payment of Rs. 5rl0/- in cashl banker's cheque/ demand draft'

\L .',0'tDEA*/-




Page 92: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

@Tele FaxPh.0294-2470'\39,24107l9(O) 0294-247C479, E-mail-cdfst20l :[email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCTENCE TEC:HNOLOGYffi qq rqfq ft-fl-{ ffifffi q-arfuerca-q

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurTgriTuTT silq efr qq ffiffi frvqfrerca-q€qqg{ (rro.) srsoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


No. F. /I\4PLIAT/CDF STiTend er 120 | 4 I 19 02-0 4 Dated:21


Aurust 2014


NIB No NCB/20 I 4 -15102 Date 21 't August 2014

l. Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behall of the Dean, Collegeof Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and technology,

Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listed below, from manufacturers/

distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesV registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers upto 1.00 PM of1Oth Sentember 2014

* In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid andp'-;r!I:),t: !:i,r!.jlni dcl:,4ic';ri has "C Lr Fririlasi.l rO. ,;,.h.-ategory.

2. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units. Bids received fromBidders other than cottage and SSI units w'ill not be considered.

3. Price preferenceand/ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible inevaluatiorr and award of Contract.


The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characterristics of the productoffered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warra.nties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be seenat or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharara Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date ofopening ofBids, by paying a non-refundable price ofRs 500i- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's chequeDemand Draft of a ScheduledBank in India drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technolop;y, Udaipur payable atUdaipur. Alternatively, these may be seen andrdownloaded from the college, or University official



MB No.iCategory Name of Article/ goods Qtv.andUnit

Total[istimatedtSost (Rs


Amountof Bid


NCB/201 Lab model Twin Screw Extruder No aiz+ 4U.U00/-

Hammer Mill No. 0.5 1,000/-

Batch Roalster No 0.50 1,000/-

Vacuum Packasins and Nihosen eas oackains No 1.15 2,3001-Bakine Oven No 0.40 800/-Aeeine Vat No. 1.00 2.000/-Popcorn Machine No. 0.24 4801-

Shdnk wraooins Machine No. 5.00 10.000/-Trar" Drier No. 0.50 1.000/-Rread slicer No. 0.65 I 300/-Cold Displav counter No. 0.68 1360t-Rotarv flour sifter No. 0.30 600/-

Page 93: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE



\-q gt-fl f,{f,rq fislfrrftt qgrfufla-q

Maharana Pratap university of Agriculture & Technolog!, udaipur'Cffi-snp

ER G fr-gtFra1"ftr-qBflTdq,sEqgq $ro') sreoorProf. L.K. Murdia'

DEANDated:21 August 2014

No F. /I\4PUATICOF Sf ne nder I 20 | 4 I 19 A2-0 4



i. Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean, College

of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and


manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesv registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

Name of Article/Goodsotv.anoUnit


Coast(Rs. LaLkhs)

Amount of Bidsecurity (Rs.)

NIB No/Gategory

1 No. 0.50 1,000/-NCB/2014/02/CDFST Batch Roaster

separate bidIn case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutesr a

and a separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category'

2. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units' Bids



Price prerference and/ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be

admissible in evaluation and award of Contract'

The Bid is for a fixed quantitY'

The Bici<iers may enclode the -spc-rfications, cataloguc and ';rilsr \jlr<iraoieri:lrLs 'vi tir:

product offered. They shall also include detaiis on their backup services offer:ed' warranties' etc'

Bidding Document including the conditions of contract' evaluation and qualification criteria

and procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Deliverf ischedule' etc' can be

seen at or obtained lrom the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,

Maharana pratap Universiqv of Agriculture and Technology, udaipur (Raj') during office hours in

working rlays up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying aL non-refundable price

of Rs 500/- in the form of cash or banker's cheque'{Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank in India

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur: payable at Udaipur'

Altematively, these may be seen and downloaded from the college or University official





\t p -t6

Page 94: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE




web site, www.mpuat.ac.in or the website of State Public Procurement Po:1al, www'rppp'nic'in

and the price of Bidding Document may be paid along with user charges/ processing fee' if any' at

the time of submission of the Bid.

Bids, duly signed on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, accompanied with the

Bid Security, (except concessional amount or Bid securing Declaration, where applicable) in the

fonn of Demand Draft/Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the specified fonnat, from a Scheduled

Bank in Indiq shatl u. ruu.itt.a personally or by post in sgaled envelopes unto 01'00 PM of

id S"rt"iUl,i iOit, to Dean, Cottege oi U"i.y and Food Science Ter:hnology, Udaipur -ffiaringthereferencetoNIB(withCategory,ifany)andwarningas:

In case Bids have been invited electronically, the procedure fo-r submission of Bids including

payment of price of Bidding document, ur"t. "hutg.t/

processing fee. Bid Security' etc' shall be as

provide<t on the State Public Procurement Portal'

Bids received after the specified time and date shall not be accepted and returned unopened'

The Technical Bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on l16sept9{nber2014 in the presence of the

Bidders or their representatives *ho *ish to U" pt.totr Financial bid shall be onened at 03 PM on

116 Sentember 2014

The procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest Bid and may reject amy or all Bids without

assigning any reason thereof.

The Bidders shall have to submit a valid 'VAT' clearance certificate from the r:oncerned Commercial

Taxes Officer and the .PAN' issued by Income Tax Department' \[_&DEAN

Copy forwarded for kind information to:

t. 'itre Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur'

Z. The Director Extension Education, Directorate of Extension Education, MPIUAT, Udaipur

\rq,u*- - ti*a:' a.

t I.





Page 95: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - ltod: (S:.?E Bid) S,r?tion { - Instructions to Bidders

Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Important Instruction:- The Law relating to procurement "The Raiasthan Transparenc,y in Public Procurement

li, 2012" [hereinafter called the ect] aitl tie "Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules, 11013" [hereinafter called

the RulesJ under the said Act hwe come into force which are ovailabte on lhe website of State Public

Procurement Portat h!!p;/Sgp.fgi,.nigil,, Therefore, the Bidders are advised to acquaint themselves with the

provisions oJ'the Act o"a tn" nutn iefore participating !ry t!" Bldding process' If there is any discrepancy'between thi provisions of the Act and the nites uia tni" Bitlding Document, the provisions of the Act and the

Rules shall prevail

1. General1.1 Scope of Bid

1 .1 .1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS) the Procuring Entity, as indicated

in the BDS, issues tnis Bidding Document for the supply of Goods / equipment and Related Services

incidental thereto as specified in section V, Schedule of supply (ss).

1.1 .2 Throughout this Bidding Document :

i. the term "in writing; means communicated in written form through letter, fax, e-mail etc' with proof of

receiot.ii. if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa; and

iii. "DaY" means calendar daY.

1.3 Code of IntegritY

1.3.'1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall

(a)' riot offer any bribe, ieward or gift or any material bene.fit either directly or indirectly in exchange for an

unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise influence the procurement process;

(b) not misrepresjnt oi omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain a financial or other

benefit or avoid an obligation;(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency'

fairness and progress ofthe procurement process'

not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entity and the Uidders with an intent to

gain unfair advantage in the procurement process'

iot indulge in any ioercion including impairing or harming or threatening to do the same, directly or

indirecily, to any party orto its properly to influence the procurement process,

not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;

disclose conflict of interest, if any; and

disclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or any other country during the last three

years or any debarment by any other procuring entity.

j.3.2 Gonflict of Interest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests

that could improperly influence that party's performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual

obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

i. A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding

process if, including but not limited to:a. have controlling partners/shareholders in common; or

b. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or

c. have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; or,.,- ..;i: i'::'.,e a relati3r'lshi;,,,i'rh cacr,iii::r, Ci::ctiy or thrrugh.iriirr:;lfl third paliiies, tirE'( puis them in a

oosition to have access to information about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or

influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process, or

e. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in this bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in

more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved.

However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating

as a Bidder, in more than one Bid; orf. the Bidder or any of its afflliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or

technical speciflcations of the Goods and Services that are the subject of the Bid; org. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity as

engineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.ii. The Bidder shall have to give a declaration regarding compliance of the Code of Integrity prescribed

in the Act, the Rules and stated above in this Clause along with its Bid, in the format specified in

Section lV, Bidding Forms.iii. Breach of Code of Integrity by the Bidder: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of the

Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, in case of any breach of the Code of Integrity by

a BiOder or prospective Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take appropriate action

in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 11 and section 46 of the Act.

1.4 Eligible Bidders

1.4.i A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-owned Entity or, if permitted in the Bidding

documents, any combination of them with a formal intent to enter into an agreement or under an exisiing

agreement in the form of a Joint Venture [JV], Consortium or Associatlon.





Page 96: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

l, ltt'olt I - Instructions to Bidders9:l ..,'r'., t)i'eu.'a 't 'cd-'(SS2E P:;-)

1,4.2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the nationality of India. ln case of International

compeiitive aijoins oi-loint ventuie, Consortiurn or Association lwhere permitted],.the nationality of the

Bicider and aff Jartles constituting the Bidder shall be of India or a country not declared ineligible by

Government of India. A Bidder shall be deemed to have nationality of a counw if the Bidder is a citizen

or oonstituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisrons of the Laws of that country'

1.4.3 A Bidder should not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in question as slated in the Rule 81 and

this Bidding document.

1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement

process undertaken bY

i"l any Procuring ehtity, it debarred by the State Government; and

iOi a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity'

1.4.5 The Bidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributor, authorised dealer, registered Bidder

bona-fide oearei in-tne Goods and if required he shall furnish necessary proof for the same in the

specified tormai Wnere applicable, proof of authorisation by the manufacturer or country distributor in

lndia. shall be enclosed

1.4.6 Bidders shalt provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity'

should the Procuring Entity request'

1.4.7 In case a prequalification, empanelment or registration process has been conducled prior to the Bidding

process, this eiOOing will be open only to the pie-qualified, empanelled or register,ed Bidders.

j.4.g Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative bids, if permitt'ed'

1.4.g No Bidder who is not registered under the Sales Tax Act prevalent in the Statr: where his business is

loc,ated shatt gio.-tne Saies Tax Registration Number should be quoted and a Vy'rT/ Sales.Tax Clearance

cerlificate from the Commercial Taxes Officer of the Circle concerned shall be rsubmitted without which

the Bid is liable to be rejected

1.5 Eligible Goods and Related Services

1.5.1 All Goods and Related services to be supplied under the c_ontract shall have India as their country of

origin or a country which has not been deciared ineligible by Government of India

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data sheet (BDS), a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods it

offers to suppiy stratt submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation using the fonn included in Section lV,

Bidding Formsio.lemonstrate that it has been duly authorised by the manufacturer or producer of the

Goods to supply these Goods in India

2. Contents of Bidding Document

2.1 Sections of the Bidding Document

2.j.1 The Bidding Document consists of all the Seclions indicated below, and shoulcl be read in conjunction

with any Ad-denda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document].

Section l. Instructions to Bidders (lTB)

Section ll. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section tll. Qualiflcation and Evaluation Criteria

Section lV. Bidding Forms

Schedule of Supply (Specifications/ conformance to standards', designs and drawings

etc., installationi iommissioning, Mandatory operation and mainllenance, training etc.)Section V

Section Vl A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]gri;llr',;i r,/l ! Qn:cii;l (.qr;';dili.rn5 Of C^1lraoi l3aijSeciion Vi C. Coiriracl FormsThe Notice Inviting Bids shall also be a part of the Bidding Document'

2.1.2 (i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice Inviting

Bids and shall be siopped one day prior to the date of opening of Bids. The prospeclive Bidders may

also download the Bidding Document from the website of the procurement entity/ State Publicprocurement Portal and pay its price while submitting the filled-up Bi,Cding Document to the

Procuring Entity, or e-procurement gateway, if the facility is available.

(ii) Bidding Document purchased by Principal of any concern may be used by its authorised sole selling

agentsT marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and authorised dealers or vice versa.

2.1.3 The procuring Entity is not responsible forthe completeness of the Bidding Documentand its addenda, if

they were not obtained directly from the Procuring Entity or not downloaded correctly from the Procuring

Entity's website/ State Public Procurement Portal.

Z.j,4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instruclions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding

Document. Failure to furnish all information or authentic documentation required by the Bidding

Document may result in the rejection of the Bid.



Clarification of Bidding Document and Pre'Bid Conference

A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall contact the Procuring Entity in writing at

tfre procuring entity's address indicated in the BDS, The Procuring Entity will respond in writing to any

iequest for 61-larificaiion, within seven days, provided that such request is received no later than Fourteen

(.ta) oays prior to the deadline for submission of Bids as specified in the BDS.


Page 97: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins. Docuntent - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructioilstt'' Fjldiler;

2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorised representative is invited to attend the Pre-Bid Conference, if provided for in

the BDS. The purpose of the Pre-Bid conference wll be to clarify issues and to answer questlons on any

matterre|atedtothisprocurementthatmayberaisedatthatstage.2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in writing, to reach the Procuring Entity not later than one

week before the Pre-Bid Conference,

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause for disqualification crf a Bidder.

2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be communicated in writing to all

Bidders who have obtained the Bidding Documlnt directly from the Procuring Entity. lt shall also be

uolrladed on the websites of the Procuiing Entity and Staie Public Procurement Portal for prospective

bidders to download.

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum inlo account In preparlng

their Bids, tn" i,io"u*g Entity may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids'

uncler due intimation to the Bidders who have procured the Bidding Document din:ctly from the Procuring

Entity and atso by uploading it on the websites of Procuring Entity/ State Public Prr:curement Portal.

3. Preparation of Bids

3.1 Cost of Bidding

3. 1.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and the

procuring f ntity sfratt not be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding Process.

3.2 Language of Bid

3.2 I The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and

ther procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Suprporting documents and

printed literaiure thai are part of the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by

an accurate translation of the relevant passages duly accepted by the Bidder in the language specified in

the BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern.

3.3 Documents ComPrising the Bid

3.3.1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing the Technical Bid/

proposal and the other the Financial or Price Bid/ Proposal, enclosed together in an outer single


3.3.2 The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the following :

i. proof of paymeni of price of Bidding Document, processing fee/ user charges, where applicable,

and Bid SecuritY;ii. Document establisning the eligibility of bidder to bid as per ITB clause 3.8

iii. Technical Bid/ proposll Submission Sheet and Technical Bid containing ther fllled up Bidding Forms

and Declarations related to Technrcal Bid and Code cf lntegrity (Form-t)B) given in Section lV'

Bidding Forms, and any other documents as specified in the Technical Bid fiubmission Forms

ir'. Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

3 3 3 Tfre Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contain the following:i. Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet,

ii, Alternative Price Schedules/ Financial Bid corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposal, ifpermissible, and

i.ii i..1ny Otfrer documgni ts.r';:':l i;'r the tsDS.

3.4 Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules

3.4.1 The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid using the appropriater Bid Submission Sheets

provided in Section lV, Bidding Forms. These forms must be completed without any alterations to their

format, and no substitutes shall be accepted All blank spaces shall be filled in ink or typed with the

information req uested.

3.5 Alternative Bids

3.5. 1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be considered

3.6 Bid Prices And Discounts

3 6 1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bld Submission Sheet and in the Price Schedules

shall conform to the requirements specified in following Sub-Clauses:

36.2 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced separately in the Financial

S,:hedules. lf a Financial Schedule shows items specifled / listed but not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requisite accessories. The details of accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optional accessories if any be quoted


3.6.3 Tne price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Sheet shall be the total price of the Bid excluding any

discounts offered. Discounts, if permitted' shall be shown separately

3.6.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts, if permitted, and the methodology for iheir



Page 98: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bidi Section I - lrrstrrr*tions to Bidders

application in the Financial Bid Submission Sheet'

3.6.5 ln Case of International Competitive Bidding, the terms EXW, ClF, ClP, and otherr similar terms shall be

governed nV tn" iries prescnbed in the c-urrent edition of Incoterms, published by The International

Chamber of Commerce, on the date of the Invitation for Bids or as specified in the BDS

3.6.6 pric)es quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder's Performance of the contract and not

subject io variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted with an

adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected. However, if in

ac'cordance with ihe BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be subject to adjustment during the

performance oi the Contract,'a Bid submitted with a fixed price quotation shall not be rejected' but the

price adjustment shall be treated as zero.

3.6.7 Alt rates quoted must be FOR destinatron and should include all incidental crharges except Central/

Rajasthan bales Tax/ VAT, Entry Tax, which should be shown separately. No cartage or transportation

chirges will be paid by Procuring Entity and the delivery (including unloading and stacking etc.) of the

Goods shall be given ai the designated premises of the Procuring Entity

3.7 Currencies of Bid.

37.j The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in Indian Rupees unless otherwise

soecified in BDS in case of lnternationat bompetitive Bidding (lCB). All payments shall be made in Indian

Fiupees only, unless otherwise specified in the BDS'

3.7.2 lf equipment is imported, the University may open L.C, in.favour of the Principal but all the other

formalities relating tb import (clearing, eti) are-to be completed by the successful bidder at his cost. The

bidder can avail facilities against our Excise/Custom Exemption certificate. The bidder should have

Custom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

3.8 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

3.g 1 To establish their etigibility in accordance with ITB Clause 1 a [Eligible Bidders], Bidders shall

cornpulsorily attach any one of the following, as appropriate:

(a) In case of sole Proprietorship: Address of residence and office, telephone numbers e-mail address, if

any.(b) In tase of partnership Firms: Partnership Deed and valid registration certificiate with the Registrar of

Firms and power of Attorney in favour of the partner signing/submitting the Bid, authorizing him to

represent all Partners of the firm.(c) In case of registered Company or statutory/ registered body: Registration certificate and

Memorandum of-Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of a registered company and

in case of another statutory or registered body, certificate of incorporation or registration issued by

concerned authority and Power of attorney in favour of the person signing thel Bid

(d) Where permitted to OiO as existing or intended Joint Venture, Consortium or ,Association: copy of the

Agreement, or a 1etter of intent lo enter into such Agreement. The resper:tive document shall be

si!ned by all legally authorised signatories of all the parties to the existing or intended JV,

Consortium or Aisociation as appropriate; and the existing or intended JV shall authorise an

individual/partner in one of the firm of the JV to act and commit all the partners of JV_for the Bid.

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attach

Declaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section lV, Bidding Forms

3.9 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related Services

3 9.1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accordance witl'r ITB Clause 1.5 [EligibleGoocls _and,*g.drt:ij Servrcesj, Bidil.:.s sha!r c..:nplete ihe country el+s;iifi:''cleclaraticns in,thg'Pfice.--

Schedule Forms included in Section lV, Bidding Forms.

3.10 Documents, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related

Services to the Bidding Document

3 10.1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the Bidding Document, the Bidder shall

furnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence as asked in the technical Bid submission form

(speciflcations, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or other acceptable codes) and where

isked for, supply samples, demonsirates trials or catry out tests as specified in Section V, Schedule of

Supply and any amendment thereof issued.

3.10.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, design/ drawings or data etc., and shall

consist of a detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods

and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Goods and Related Services to

those requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement of deviations and exceptions to the

provisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

3.10.3 Standards for workmanship, process, material, operation and maintenance and equipment, as well as

references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the Procuring Entity in the Schedule of

Supply, are the minimum acceptable standards and are intended to be descriptive only and not

restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand naLmes, and /or catalogue

numoers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's satisfaction, that the substitutions

ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specifled in the Schedule of Supply.

310.4 Bids for articles, if any, specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shall be accompanied by samples of


Page 99: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Dc:t:'. '.:'t - l--c':'ls (SS2 E Bid) i-r4c'i';n I -- Instructions to Bidders

the articles bid, where asked for, properly packed. such sample-s if submitted personally will be received

in the office. n i""Lipt *irr ue giv'en'ror Licr'r sample by the officer receiving the samples. Samples for

catering/food items should be given in a suitable/non-contaminating plastic box or in food grade

polythene bags at the cost of the Bidder'

3.10.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six months after the expiry of the

contract. fne nioiuring Entity shall not be responsible for any damage, wear and tear or loss during

testing, examination, etc., during the period these samples are-retained The samples shall be collected

by the Bidder on tfre expiry of stipulated period. The Procuring Entity shall in no way make arrangements

to return tne samples. tnl samptes uncollected within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall be

forfeited by the prbcuring Entity and no claim for their cost, etc., shall be entertained'

3.10.6 samples not approved shall be collected by the Bidders. The Procuring Entity will not be responsible for

any damage, welr ano tear, or loss during t'esting, examination, etc., during the perriod these samples are

retained. fne uncoffected samples shall bi forfeiied and no claim fortheircost, etc., shall be entertained'


3.1 1.1

Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder

To establish its qualifications to perform the contract, the Bidder shall submit ias part of its- Technical

prooosal the document"w "uiO"l'".

indicated for each qualification criteria specified in Section lll'

Evaluation and Qualiflcation Criteria.

3.12 Period of ValiditY of Bids

3.12.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS or Bidding documents after.the Bid submission

deerdtine o"t" "" "p""iR"o

uv ti'" procurinj Entity A Bid valid for a Jhorter period shall be rejected by the

Procuring Entity as non-responslve

3.12.2 In r:xceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration- of the Bid-validity period, the Procuring Entity may

request eiooers io extenJ t-tre perioo of vaiioity of their Bids The request and the responses shall be

made in writing. lf a Bid security is reqr,ested it shall also be extended for a corresponding period' A

Bidder may |""fur" tn" tlquest without forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the request shall not

be required or permitted to modify its Bid'

3.13 Bid SecuritY

3.13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part cf its Bid, il Bid Security in original

form and in the amount and currency specified in the Bidding documents

3 13.2 Bi<l Security shall be 2ok of the estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid or as

specifiedbytheStateGovernment lncaseof Small ScaleIndustriesof Ralasthan-itshall be05%ofthevalue of the quantity offered for supply and in case of Sick Industries, other than Small Scale Industries,

whose cases aie penOing with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction; lt shall be 1% of the

estimated value of Bid.

3 13.3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or bank demand draft (DD) or

bank guarante", in Jpe"ifLo format, of a Scheduled Bank in India. The bid security instrument (BC/DD)

must be in the name of "Dean, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipr,rr'' payable at Udaipur'

3.134 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid Securing Declaration shall be taken from Departments of the state

Government and state Government Fublic sector Enterprises, Autonomcus bodies, Registered

Societies, Cooperative Societies which are controlled or managed by the State Government and Public

Sector Enterprises of Central Government. For the Bid Securing Declaration the Bidder shall use the

form included in Section lV, Bidding Forms.

3.13.5 B:rt Sccrrrity in:tfum+n1 Dr ".ash recei3t of Bid Security or a Bid securing fecllrati6n.t6all necessarily

acrumpatly rne seaiei: 8rd. r..ry i3iu iro,accortpcrried -y iiio Securrty,)r tsio oe'iurtng Lrcuiaratiorr' ti rroi

exemoted, shall be liable to be rejected.

3.13.7 The issuer of the Bid Security and the confirmer, if any, of the Bid Security, as well as the form and terms

of the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

3.13. 11 The Bid Security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in the following cases, namely:-

i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid after opening of Bids or

ii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement within the specified timr,' after issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order, oriii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supply order

within the time specified; oriv when the Bidder does not deposit the Performance Security in the specifl'ed time period after the

suPPIY / work order is Placed;v if the Bidder breaches any provision of the Code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act, ChapterVl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1 3; or

v . if the Bidder does not accept the correctron of its Bid price due to correction of arithmetic errors.

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.14.1 The original (and all copies, if asked) of the Bid shall be typed or written in ink, properly bound, all pages

shall be serially numbeied and signed by the Bidder or a'p-erson duly authoriserJ to sign on behalf of the

Bidder/JV. This authorisation shall consiit of a written confirmation as specifled in the BDS and shall be

attached to the Bid.

3.14.2 A,ny amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed by


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Page 100: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

61i:l:rte Docu.ment - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - lmstructions to Bidders

the Person signing the Bid

3.14.3 The Bidder shall prepare one Technical Bid or Proposal consisting o,f 099-u1e1!;/lorms as asked in the

technical Bid Sub;isaion form and superscribe the envelope with "TECHNICAL BID'

3.14.4 The price schedule or price proposal must be sealed in separate enl'elopes for each item using the

appropriate torr iform-'is), diven in Section lV. The amount quoted should be mentioned in worcis &

nf lres. Each envetope must bear the marking "PRICE SCHEDULE' and the NAME: OF ITEM/ GOODS'

3.1 4.5 All the envetopes of price bids for all the items quoted by bidder must be put in one single envelope This

envelope must be marked "FINANCIAL BlD"

3.14.6 The envelopes forTechnical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outerenvelope and must be sealed


3.14.7 The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsorily -(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/ mobile number of Bidder;

(b) bear complete address of the Procuring Entity with telephone number, if any;

(c) bear the specific identification of the Bidding process (NlB No.) and the date and time of

submission of Bid. In case there are many categories in the NlB, the specificr CATEGORY for which

the bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes contalnlng the Technical Bids shall bear a warning

notto be opened before the time ancl date for the opening of Technical Bids, as specified in the NIB

ano truJ.(e) The inner envelopes containing the Financial Bid and/or Price proposals shall bear a warning not t0

be opened until advised by the Procuring Entity

3.14.8 lf all envelopes are not sealed and n-rarked as required, the Procuring Entity shall assume no

responsibility about its consequences inch,ding misplacement and premature operring of the Bid'

3.14.9 Alternative Bids, if permissible, shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and derlivered with the inner

enve|opes marked in addition .ALTERNAT|VE BID No: '.'.', aS appropriate.

4. Submission and OPening of Bids

4.1 Submission of Bids

4.j .1 Bidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directly dropped in the Bid Box' where provided But

if so specified in the Bidding Documents, Bidders shall submit their Bids elec;tronically only. Bidders

submitting their Bids electronlcally shall follow the electronic Bid submission procedure as specified on

the State Public Procurement Portal.

Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bids shall be received, by the person designated for the purpose by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid Box, or'submitted electronically, where asked for at the place and upto the time and

date specitted in the Notice lnviting Bids o. an extension issued thereof.

4.3 Late Bids

43.j The procuring Entity shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever reason, including postal delay. Such Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned

unooened to the Bidder.

4.4 Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

4 4 1 A Bl*dder mav: withdrlaW, substitute or modify ;ts BiC Proposal afier it ha;- been srrbmiited bv sendiic a

- w,,rielr-Witir.l,owali sulstii.rriiorr';-rrru;,,,..aitor ,s eic. Nuirce, ouiy slgneu i.ly ihe iiiuoer 91 i13 3gi'r.rri930

representative, and shall include a copy crf the authorisation. The corresponding ry'Vithdrawal, Substitution

or Modification of the Bid must accompan'y the respective written Notice. AII Notices must be:

i. submitted in accordance with ITB Clauses 3.'14 [Preparatlon, Sealing and Marking of Bids]' the

respective inner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked 'WITHDRAWAL", "SUBSTITUTION", or

"MODIFICATION" andii. received by the Procuring Entity prior lo the deadline specified by the Procuring Entity for submission

of Bids.

BirJ proposals that are withdrawn in ac.cordance with as above shall be retLrrned unopened to the


Bid Opening

First only the Technical Bids shall be op,gns6 on the date, time and place sper:ified in the BDS by the

Bids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their authorised representatives who choose t0

The bidder or his authorized representative, if asked, should come prepared for technicalpresentation and demonstration on the date of opening of the bid and may be required to stay

next daY also.

4 5.2 lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids opening

Pr.rblic Procurement Portal shall be followed The Bidders mayorocedure online.

4.5.3 The Procuring Entity shall conduct the opening of Financial





procedure as specified on the Statewitness the electronic Bid opening

Bids of all llidders who submitted


Page 101: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified inpresence of Bidders or their representatives who choose to bespecified by the Procuring Entity.

Section I - lnstructions tg,EiCders

evaluation of Technical Bids, in thepresent at the address, date and time






El A


c.z. I





lf the date of opening of financial bids needs to be extended to enable a large number of technical bidsreceived, the changed date and time shall be communicated through the website of the procuremententity. lt shall also be communicate telephonically only to the bidders who attended lhe technibal bid.Evaluation and Gomparison of BidsGonfidentiality

Any attempt by a Bjdder to influence the Procuring Entity in the examination, evaluation, comparison, andpost qualification of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejeclion of its Bid, in additionto the legal action which may be taken by the Procuring Entity under the Act and the Rules.Notwithstanding the above clause, from the time of opening the Bid to the time of Contract award, if anyBidder wishes to contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related to the Bidding process, it should doso in writing.

In addition to the restrictions specified in section 49 of the Act, the Procuring Enliity, while procuring asubject matter of such nature which requires the procuring Entity to maintain conficlentiality, may imposecondition for protecting confidentiality of such information.Clarification of Technical or Financial BidsTo assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualification of the Technical or Financial Bids,the Bid evaluation committee may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarificalion regarding its Bid.The c;ommittee's request for clarification and the response of the Bidder shall be in writing.Any <Iarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to his Bid that is not in responsr.' to a request by theBid evaluation committee shall not be considered.Nonmaterial Nonconformities in Technical or Financial BidsProvided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may waive anynoncr:nformity (with recorded reasons) in the Bid that do not constitute a material deviation,'reseryalonor omission.

Provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may requestthe Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, wthin a reasonable period of time, torectifv nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to documerrtation requirements.Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of Technical Bids sherll be based uoon anexamination of the documentary evidence submitted by the Bidder in support of the Bidder'squaliiications.

The Procuring Entity shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid in particular, to confirm thatrequirements of Section V, Schedule of Supply have been met without any rnaterial deviation orreservation.

The Procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in theGCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidderwithout any material deviation or reservation.Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Financial BidProvided that a Financial- Bid is substantrally,responsive. the Procuring Entity will correct arithmetical

errors ourrng el'aiua.-ron*"c;i Financiai Bids on't'ire toltowiRg oasis. ---.'. ' - )- --' +' 4i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtairred by multiplying the

unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in theopinion of the Procuring Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unitprice, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotalsshall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. rf there is a discrepancy between woros and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless theamount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figuresshall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above.

lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid shallbe disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.

Price and/ or Purchase Preference

Price and/ or Purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given in accordance with the policy of StateGovernment notified / prevalent at the time of issue of NlB,

Evaluation of Financial Bids

The Procuring Entlty shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Technical Bid of which hasbeen determined to be substantially f€spoosrv€

i. Llnless otherwise specified in BDS, the evaluation of the total Price of a Bid shali be the price ofdelivering the Goods and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of delivery specified in Bidding










5.7 1


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Page 102: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documert - C,t: ,ls (J,i2n ljidl $eeticn I - I:iitructions to Bidders





6 1.1

o. t.l


o.z. I

documents, including all taxes and duties payable on them, insurance, transport, loading, unloading,erecting, stacking, testing, commissioning. etc,

ii. In comparing the rates quoted by firms from outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but notentitled to Price Preference, the element of Rajasthan VAT ahall be excluded rn'hereai that of Centratliales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates.

iii. While comparing the rates in respecl of firms within Rajasthan the element of llajasthan Sales Tax /VAT shall be included.

Post qualification of the BidderThe Procuring Entity shall determine to its satisfaction that the Bidder that is selected as the lowestBidder is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily,Procuring Entity's Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All BidsThe Procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul thre Bidding process andrejec,t all Bids at any time prior to Contract award without assigning any reasons thereof and withourthererby incurring any liability to the Bidders.Procuring Entity's Right to Vary Quantities at Time of AwardAt the time of award of contract, the guantity of Goods, works or services originally specified in theBidding Documents may be increased or decreased. lt shall be without any change in-the unit prices orother terms and conditions of the Bid and the conditions of contract.lf the Procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than tne

quantity specified in the Bidding Document due to change in circumstances, thr: Bidder shall not beentitled for any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the Conditions of Contract.Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of awardAs a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall lce procured from theBidder, whose Bid is accepted. However, when it is considered that the quantity ot'the subject matter ofprocurement to be procured is very large and it may not be in the capacity of the Bidder, whose Bid isaccepted, to deliver the entire quantity or when it is considered that the subject matter of procurement tobe procured is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divide,C between the Bidder,whose Bid is accepted and the second lowest Bidder or even more Bidders in that order, in a fair,transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted.Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contractThe Procuring Entity after considering the recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee and the

conditions of Bid, if any, financial implications, samples, test reports, etc,, shall accept or reject thesuccessful Bid.

Prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the Procuring Entity shall inform the successfulBidder in writing, by registered post or email, that its Bid has been accepted.

lf the issuance of formal letter of acceplance (LOA) is likely to take time, in the rneanwhile a Letter ofIntent (LOl) may be sent to the successful Bidder, The acceptance of an offer is complete as soon as theletter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/ or sent by email (if available) to the address of thesuccessful Bidder given in its Bid.

Signing of GontractIn the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the successful Bidder, it shall also be asked to

execute an agreement in the format given in the Bidding Document on a non -judir:ial stamp of requisitevalu_e "t i,i:.',tost and dcposii iilr ;r11ng1.: .f [:eiiuimar'ce Securit', ^._':.ierformaneer Se.!:t:i't Dec!aillicn.as applicable, within a period specified in the BDS or where the period is not specified in the BDS, thenwithin fifteen days from the date on which the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the Bidder. Until a formalcontract is executed, LOA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.

lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written procurement contract or fails to furnishthe required Performance Security or Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, as the casemay be, within the specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall take action against the successfulBidder as per the provisions of the Act and the Rules. The Procuring Entity may, in such case, cancel theprocurement process or if it deems fit, offer for acceptance on the rates of lowest Bidder to the nextlowest resoonsive Bidder.


6 3.1

6 3.2





Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)


Page 103: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Ridut;' :' , )or il,r,ti.: - (Jn1ds /SS2E R;C) Section II - Bid Data Sheet

Secticn II : Bid Data Sheet

a-'.{a;,r.i rf .-':..,ro. :

'fhe period within which the contract agreement is to be executed and performance Security is to be

riubmitted is 15 days.

I Introduction

BDS l.l.1 The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCB/2014-15i02/CDFST

The Procuring Entity is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technolory,

MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan)

) Biddine Doucment

BDS 2.1.3 'Ihe price of the Bidding Documents ist Rs.500/-BDS 2.2.1 For Clarification purposes only, the Procuring Entity,s address is: -

.Attention (Name with Designation) : Dr. L.K. Murdia, Dean,

.Address: college of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MpuAT, ludaipur - 313001'Ielephone No. 029 4-2470139, 0294-247 Afi9 Email : cdfst20l [email protected]

BDS 2.2.2 'lhe Pre-Bid conference will be held/not held: NOT HELD3. PREPARATION OF BIDS

BDS 3.2.1 'fhe language of the Bid is (English.rFiindi/Both): ENGLISHBDS 3.6.4 Discounts on award of combination of lots can be offered./not offered: OFFEIIED4. Submission and Opening of Bids

BDS 4.1.1 (a) For Bid submission purposes onJy, the Procuring Entity's address is:

Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology. MPUAT, Udaipur

Telephone N o. 029 4 -247 0 1 39, 029 4 -247 0 17 9 Emarl : cdfst20 1 I @ gmail.com

(b) Where elr.ctronic submission of Bids is mandatory, the address of the wetr portal is: NA

BDS 4.2.1 '[he details for Bid submission is:

Date 10'n September 2014 Time: 01:00PM

BDS4.5.1 'fhe Bid opening shall take place ar:

Technical Bid Financial Bid

Address ofOffice

Dean, College of Dairy and FoodScience Technology, MPUAT,Udaipur 313001

Dean, College of Dairy and FoodScience Techno.logy, MPUAT,Udaipur 313001

Date 11'n Septemb er 2014 I ltn Septemb er 2014

Time 11:00AM 03:00PM

'Whether Perofrmance Security/Perforrnance Security Declaration shall be required (Yes/No) YES

Page 104: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) . Section III - Qualification anrl Evaluatiori€riferia .\ l. '

Section III: Qualification and Evaluation criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders' qualifications regarding critical aspects of their financial, technical, production,procurement, shipping, installation and other capabilities necessary to perform the contract will bejudged from the several criteria like Size of Operation, Contractual E>lperience, TechnicalExperience, Production Capacity, Financial Position, Cash flow Capacity, Litigation History, TaxClearance Certificates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications under Section 7 of the Act, Biddersacceptance of GCC and SCC, etc. The criteria, specifically used are specilied in detail in theTechnical Bid.

B. Technical Suitability of Goods: Besides financial, commercial qualification as above, the technicalsuitability of goods offered in view of specifications, standards, samples, etc, as provided inthe Scheduleof Supply and Biding document shall determine the qualification of the bidder. Thes,o are listed in detailsin the Technical Bid form.

2. EVALUATION CRITERIAI. SCOPE1.1 Local Handling and Inland Transportation: Costs for inland transportation, insurance, and otherincidental costs for delivery of the goods from the EXW premises, or port of entry, or border point toProject Site as defined in Bidding Documents/Schedule of Supply, shall be quoted in the pzuCESCHEDULES provided in Section IV, Bidding Forms. These costs will be taken into account during bidevaluation, If a Bidder fails to include such costs in its Bid, then these costs will be estimated by theProcuring Entity on the basis of published tariffs by the rail or road transport agencies, insurancecompanies, or other appropriate sources, and added to EXW or CIF or CIp price.

1.2 Minor Omissions or Missing Items: The cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities oromissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The P'rocuring Entity willmake its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions for the purpose ofensuring fair comparison of Bids.

2. TECHNIC,A.L CRITERIA: The cost of all quantifiable minor deviations or d,sficiencies from thetechnical requirements as specified in Section V, Schedule of Suppiy shall be evaluated. The procuringEntity will make its own assessment of the cost of these deviations or deficienciesi for the purpose ofensurin!, fair c,,rnparison of Bids.

3. ECONOMIC CRITERIA: The net price of items to be procuredBids that have passed the technical evaluation.

4. PRICE AND / OR PURCHASE PREFERENCE: Price and/ or Purchase Preference shall be given inevaluation of Bids and award of Contract shall be as per the Govemment of Raizxthan Rules in thisregard.

. $ ',r -:':a*---

will be the criteria for evaluating

Page 105: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document -.Goods iS,;J/ir 3i,1) Sectro,r IV - Ilidding Forms

Section IV: Bidding Forms


1. Technical Bid Submission Sheet (Form-'l'BSS) 4.22. Formal for Technical Bid Submission Fonn (Form-TBSF) +.:3. Bid Security (Form-BG) 4.44. Bid Securing Declaration (Form-BSD) 4.s5. Declarirtion by Bidder (Form-MAl) 4.6

(ln case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 lakh)6. Manufircturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2) 4.7

(In case of procurement valuing more than Rs. 10 lakh)

7 . Declarirtion by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB) 4.9

8. Price Schedule/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet (Form-PS) 4.9

Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

The Technical bid must be prepared with documents arranged in the following orderl. Technical Bid Submission sheet (Form-TBSS) with the proof of payment of tender fee and Bid

Security attached on the top.2. Filled up Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)3" Documents establishing the eligibility of bidder as per ITB Clause 3.84. Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MAl) or Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form-MA2), as

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIB6. All enclosures asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Forms in the sequence'7. lnstructions to Bidders (ITB), duly signed and stamped.8. Generirl Contract Conditions (GCC) and Special Contract Conditions (SCC), duly signed and



Page 106: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding D. t r,t'.',, Gc,,.1.. (t.-2E P,d, Secricrn IV - Bidding Forms



NIB No.:Alternative No., if permitted:

To: The Dean, CDFST, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:



We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document,includingAddendaNo.:We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedulespecified in Bidding Documents, the follorving Goods and Related Services:

Our Bid shall be valid for a period of


days from the date fixed lbr the bicl submission deadline inaccordance with the Bidding Dooument, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any timebefore the expiration ofthat period;

(c) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the arnount ofof the Contract Price or Performance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract;

Our firrn, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from theeligible countries;

We are not participating, as BiCders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than altemativeoffers, if- perrnitted, in the Bidding Document;

Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers has not been debarred by theState Government or the Procuring Entity;

We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof includecl in your notification ofaward, shall constitute a binding contract bet*'een us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or an) r3fhs1 bid that you mayreceive;

We agree to permit the Procuring Entity or its representative to inspect our accountrs and records and otherdocuments relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the ProcuringEntity;

'tr./c.'ir;,;lar; that v'r i16r7q en1npiierrrviih ,nd sjrall continue tc cc,mply with the prC,virions,'f the Code ofrl:cgiti fo' Bicidcrs as specifiec in thc Rc.jasthan irarr>paierrcy irr PublLrc Procurement Act, '2tJ\2, theRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013 and this Bidding Document in this procurementprocess and in execution ofthe Contract;

(k) Other cc,mments, if any:

Name/ addresrs:

In the capacity ofSigned:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate: _









Fee Amount Mode No. & DateTender Fee Cash/ DD/ BCBid Securi8 Cash/ DD/ BC

Tel Fax:


Page 107: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Part A: Financial & Com nceSN Criteria Required

ValueB idder'sResnonse

Proof submittedat page No.

I Average annual tumover (converted into IndianRupees) defined as the total payments received by thtBidder for contracts completed or under executiorover the last 5 years.

20 Crore

2. Number of similar contracts successfully completed asmain supplier within the last 5 years. Value, nature,and complexity of these contracts should becomparable to the contract to be let. (Enclose the listwith address and telephone Nos.)


3. VATi Sales Tax resistration certificate Requ rcA

4. VAT/Sales Tax clearance certificate from theconcerned Commercial Taxes Officer


5. Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income-Tax Department


6. Income Tax clearance certificate Required

EiqCu+s Docilt,nent - Goods 652E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forur:'


Part B: Technical Suitability of Goods Offered.The bidder is required to enter the relevant information asked in the format /table below and submit a oroof insupport ofthe information. The proofmust be in form ofcatalogue, technical literature/ leaflet, brochure, etc. oftheitems offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable the procurement entity to arrive at aninformed decision about the technical suitability ofthe items olfered vis-ir-vis the specifications. In absence ofsuchproofs, the procurement entity may make its own assessment of the technical suitability.

Note: This is only a format; the biddersIf some item is not quoted it shoutd beassumed as Not uoted and

must include all the items/goods (specified in th,e Schedule of Supply).mentioned "Not Quoted". If some item/good is missing that shall be

Price Schedule, even if enclosed, will not be



Signature ofbidder


Bidder's ResponsePlease indicate whetheritems/goods quoted conicrmthe specifications (Yes,AIo)Deviations, if any, must


Page 108: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bi,i) ' Section IV -.nidding.Forms

(Form - BG)

BID SECURITY(To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India or other Issuer acceptable to the Procurirrg Entity)

Form of Bid Security[insert Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or OfficeJBeneficiary: [insert Name and Address of Procuring EntiQJDatez [insert dateJ

BID GUARAN'IEE No.: [insert numberJ

We have been informed that [insert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submittedto you its bid dated [insert datuJ (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert name ofcontractJ uncler Notice lnviting Bids No. [insert NIB numberJ ("the NIB").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bidguarantee.

At the request of the Bidder, we [insert name oJ' BankJ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sumor sums not exceeding in total an amount of[insen amount in JiguresJ[inserl amount in wordsJ upon receipt by us of'your first demand in writingaccompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bidconditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by ttre Bidder in the Formof Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procu'ring Entity during the periodof bid validity,

(i ) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,

(ii.) lails or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructionsto Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) has not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB. or

(d) has breached a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in ITB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of thecontract sigred by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the

_-Bidder;.and ('b) if the Bidder is.not the successlul Blddgr, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a.copy.;- ,. .._...

your notitication to the lridobr of the name of the successfut Bidder; or (ii) thirry diys after the expirationof the Bidder's bid.

Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on orbefore that date.

Name In

the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf'of

Bank's Seal



Page 109: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docutt4€fi| - 1: rr.t,*" r;\.., . .P;d) Secti,lrr Iv -- Eiddirg Forms


Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)JNotice Inviting Bids No.: [insert number of bidding, processJ

To: [insert complete name of Procuring EntityJ

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that we will automaticaily be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract withthe Procuring Entity for the period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time forwhich the Procuring Entity will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded ar Contract if the Bid SecuringDeclaration is to be executed.J starting on the date that we receive a notification from the ProcuringEntily that our Bid Securing Declaration is executed, if we are in breach of c,ur obligirtion(s) under the bidconditions, because we:

(a) have withdrawn our Bid during the period of bid validity specified in the Form of Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity during the period of bidvalidi[',

(i) 1ail or refuse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) fail or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions toIlidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) have not accepted the correction oferrors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) have breached a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in ITB;

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the succesrsful Bidder, upon ttreearlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidrler; or (ii) thirry daysafter the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:fizsert signaturc of person whose name and capacity are shownJ

[insert legal capacity of person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ


[insert complete name of person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of:


Page 110: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bioditry txurt i/ - G)oCt/,SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


(In case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 krkh)


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if irpplicable:


VWe a legally constituted firmibod" anrl represented bydeclare that I an/ we are Manufacturers/ Whole Selllers/ Sole distributor/

Authorised dealer/ bonafide dealers in the Goods and Related Services for vvhich L'\\le have Bid.

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be taken,my/our Bid Security may be forfeited in full and the Bid if any to the extent acceptecl may be cancelled.



In the capacity of:

Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail;


Page 111: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

. ts;ldirg Docutnent - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Biddingl iF'o.srs. -: ',


(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)

Manufacturer's Authorisation


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if applicabler:


We. who are official manufacturers of

having factories at

do hereby authorise

to submit a Bid in relation to the Invitation for Bids indicated above, the pr.rrpose of which is to provide

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate and rsign the Contract.

We hereby extend our full guarantee and wtrranty in accordance witlt Clause, 4.6 of the General

Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm in repl'y to this Invitation forBids.


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of




Page 112: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docurnent - Goodt ('i,\:Z.r', i;i: Sc,-:ticir I1'- iiid;ing Forms

(Form -DB)


In relation to my/our Bid submitted to for procurement of in response to theirNotice lnviting Bids No. Dated _ Vwe hereb;i declar,g under Section 7 ofRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,2012, that:

L Vwe possess the necessary professional, technical, financial anrC 6*U*.rial resources andcompetence required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

2. Vwe have fulfilled mylour obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union and the StateGovernnrent or any local authority as specified in the Bidding Document;

3. Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have my/our affairsadministered by a court or a judicial offitcer, not have my/our business activit.ies suspended and notthe subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4. Vwe do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any criminaloffence related to my/our professional conduct or the making of false statements ormisrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement cotltract within a period ofthree years preceding the commencement of this procurement process, or not have been otherwisedisqual ilied pursuant to debarment proceedings ;

5. Vwe do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding Document,which materialiy affects fair competition;

Date: Sienature of bidder

Place: Name:Designation:Address:


Page 113: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Do" , :",i lrc 'iii Ir/ .Bidding Forms



NIB No.: Alternative No.. if oermitted:

To: The Dean

College of Dairy and Food ScienceTechnology, MPUAT, Udaipur.

We, the undersigped, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Docurnent, induding Agenda No.:

We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with thedelivery schedule specified in Bidding Documents, the following Goods arrd Related Services:

(c) We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in yournotificzrtion of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract isprepared and executed.

(d) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluatecL bid or imy other bid that youmay receive.

(e) We offer to supply the items/goods at the following price:


Name and Description ofItem

Country ofOrigin

Unit ofNleasurem


Unit EXWPrice forthe item

Sales andOther

Taxes forthe Item

Ilelatedservicesi, iI

notinr:luded inColumn 6

Total Unit Price(ln Figs. & Words)

for the Itemincluding Taxes


2 J A 5 6 '7 8

transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, testing, training, maintenarrce etc., irrcluding taxeslnlng,

Note: Quofe rates for diffc:ent items/goods on seprrate sheefs gnd suhnniit in scparefe enti4!opes

I/We hereby r:ertify that the above rates have been quoted after pursuing all the gen,3ral and special termsand conditions of the bid. I/We agree to confirm these conditions and signed on all the terms & conditionsin token of confirmation and acceptance. Vwe also bear the responsibility fcrr installation, commissioning,demonstration and training to user at my/our cost.

Name/ address:

In the capacity


Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate:




Tel ' Fax:


Page 114: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

tsid.diat Dccu'nent - Goods (ss24 Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms...:i ..:__.r

* ..-. .!f,

Section V: Schedule of Supplyand'l'echnical Specifications:an


Name oIGoods orRelatedepn,ines

Iechnlcal Descnptron, Specifications and Standards Unit ofMeasure


Quantity wnelnerSamples

Lab modelTwin screwExtruder

Designed for capacity of 15 Kg per hour.Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, LIHMW-HDPE screws driven by variable speedmotor.Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel with two waterjackets.Two no. band heaters, ceramic insulated.Multi-start screws fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel.Drive suidtable motor driven through reduction gear unit and duplexgear driven by AC driveTORQUE-LIMITER lixed before duplex gear.

"DEBLOCKING CUM CLEANING Df,}TCE"Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diamete r, oneno. flate die and one no. pipe die.

'Stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, driven by variable speed motor.Safety device vide limit switch for the cutter.'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the following:a) 2 No, Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicator with

sensor for 2 no. Band Heaters.b) 1 no. electronic temperature indicator witb sensor for massi

temperature.c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM of main drive, Feeder

and Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of Main Drive.Ammeter, Voltmeter, Push-button switches, indicating Lamps etcTransformer to stabilize control voltage in case offluctuation ofsupplyvoltage. Electrlcrl and electronic components including importerJ ACdrive (Frequency Controller).

,),1o. OneNotRequire,





1 HammerMill o Chamber size - 20" diameter, fabricated from stainless steel platewith stainless steel Liner.

o Model no. TW-AS-612o 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pole motor, rotary feeding

hopper 6 pole motor.o Sieve 80-250 mesh.. Capacity 175 kg/hr.

l.los. One

J BatchRoaster

. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.

. Electric heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany)o Electric heater of4-6 Krrl' capacity, mounted in pair and can be on/offas

per heat requirement (more heat require, then more numbers of heaterswill on)

. Temperature controller and sensor for better control.o Timer is provided to control the time process.. Power supply I phase/Ill phase option.r Insulated with asbestos sheet. Controi box consisiiiig of ,.;;;,p. Currroller, owuif swrrcn, indicstilng i

smn- ftrse- wirinq timer etc

f.lo. One

A Vacuumpackaging andNitrogen gas


r Single Chamber type.. Sealing length 400mm X width Smm. Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X 300mm. Double sealing Jaw at both sides.r Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.. Power: 230 V,50 IIz, single Phase.. Acrylic view window for viening the process.o Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas flushing arrangements.. l2 Potrches/Brtch

l.,lo. One

5 BakingOven

Two TraysI wire meshInner chamberSize 24" x 21" x 9"

I.{o. One

b AgeingVat

. Capacity 100 litre.

. Temperature 50 C

. stainlesssteel body. f]o Insulated inside.

|tro. One

1. List of Goods and Related Services


Page 115: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

7 ShrinkwrappingMachine

. Deluxe model with 3 control srgitches and 860 watts ht"!, duty pow,iEcoated steel and stainless steel contrainer.

. l0kg.Popcorn per batch,r Size: 17.5' L x 20.5'W x 24.75" H.

No. One

8 ShrinkwrappingMachine

o Power supply - 230 V, 50 hertz. Heating power- 2.5 kw,. Machine Sealing area 400mm (11) x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(II). Product weight 3.5kg max., Temperature- 50-3000 C, time -0-3 second &

machine weight - 90kg.o Type ofshrink file PoF, PVC

No, Oneli,To'*I




| "photoer

I apnv

I expenm

I entalresults"


9 TrayDrier

r Standard sturdy double wall fabrication.. Inner & outer chamber msde out ofthick mill steel sheet,. Inner chamber back silver pain finish and exterior finished in hammer

tone.. Gap between two walls filled with glass wood for temperature insulation.. Heavy duty forced air blowen.. Double wall door mounted on heavy hinges with heavy moulded latchy.o Temperature control by a Thermostat and it can be read on dial type

thermometer.o Temperature rsnge: 500 C to 250('C +20 C to 50 C and workable on 2ll0V

AC 50 Hz single phase or 440 volts AC supply.r 24 trays of 16"X32" X lr/a size.

No. One

10 Breadslicer

o Slice Thickness: l2mm.r Range:31 Pcs.r Voltage: 22OV/50H2.o Dimension: 630 x 630 x 685H in ntm.

No. One

tl Colddisplaycounter

. Size: 48" x27" x48"o Electrical Supply: 220V I lPH I 50Hz

No. One

12 Rotaryfloursifter

o 110 volt. 3'd generation vibration motor,r Stainless steel body.. Diameter 500mm,0.02-20 mesb size, l440rpm

No. One

Biadng Document - Goods (SS2E Biri; Section IV - SirlCirrg ;,oi ils

Important: f'he installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be doneby the bidder.

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Document includes the following drawings: NA

are to be he List of Docume

List of DrawingsDrawing No. Title of drawins Purnose

3. Inspections and Tests


' The Supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections.' Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entitl' from the lot offer,:d for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 1 5 days trefore the scheduleddespatch.

Tlr: follc'r.'jng ilspections and te"ta qhall be perfornerl:-,'ii;,;ert li-! of insDections and te::;]

List of Inspections, Trials and TestsLine Item No Brief Description of

ItemDescription of Inspection and/ or Triail and./ or Test forfull conformance of the product to the specificationsgiven in Biddine Document and/ or to the Samoles


Page 116: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

qr.,-,.ion V: Schedule of Suppi;1. List

Impcrtsnt: The installrtion/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be done bv thC UiAoer.

2. Drawings:This Bidding Doucment includes the following drawing: NA

documents are to be included, insert the LislList of Drawinss

Drawirrg No, Title of Drawine Purpose

The and tests shall be performed. Iinsert the inspection and test

List of Inspection, Trials and TestsLine Item No Drife Description of Item Description of Inspection and/or f'rial and/or Test for full

conformance of the product to the specifications given in BiddingDocument and/or to the samples.

Note:o The supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections.o Samples shall be prcked up by the Procuring Entity form the lot offered for suppry.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before scheduled dispatch.

ol and Related Service and Technicals.

No.Name o[Goods or RelatedServices

Technical Description, Specifications andStandards

Uni t ol'Measure men(


wnetnerSamples are Required

Batch Roaster Complete structure of stainless steel 304,

Electric heater (made by ISO 900f-2000


Electric heater of 4-6 KW capacify,

mounted in pair and can be on/off as per

heat requirement (more heat require, then

more numbers of heaters wrll on)

Temperature controller and sensor for

better control,

Timer is provided to control the time


Power supply I phaseAll phase option,

Insulated with asbestos sheet,

Control box consisting of temp. Controller,

on/off switch, indicating I amp, fuse,

wiring timer etc.

No. One Samples



"photogr aphs/experim ental results"


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Section VI A: General Conditions of ContractIntroduction


The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, ZO12(ii) "Completion" means the fulfilment of the Related Services by the Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.(iii) "Contract" means the Agreement entered into between the Pnrcuring Eintity and the Supplier,

together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices,specifications and codes and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

(iv) "Contract Documents" means the documents listed in the Agreement, including any amendmentsthereto.

(v) "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject tosuch additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefrom, as may be made pursuant to theContract.

(vi) "Day" means calendar day.(vii) "Delivery" means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance

with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract,(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract(ix) "Goods" means all of the commodities, raw material, machinery and equipment, documents,

guarantees/warrantees and/or other materials that the Supplier is required to supply to theProcuring Entity under the Contract.

(x) "Procuring Entity" means the Entity purchasing the Goods and Flelated Services, as specjfieo Inthe SCC.

(xi) "Related Services" means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as insurance,installation, training and initial maintenance, commissioning of equipment or machinery and othersimilar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.

(xii) "Rules" means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013(xiii) 'SCC' means the Special Conditions of Contract(xiv) "Subcontractor" means any natural person, prrvate or government Entity, or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to oesupplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier.

(xv) "Supplier" means the natural person, private or government Entity, or a cornbination of the above,whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring tintity and is named assuch in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.

(xvi) 'The Site" where applicable, means the place of delivery, installation, testing/commissioning of thegoodsiequipment or machinery or any other place named in the Bid Docume,nt.


lf the conteX so requires it, singular means plural and vice versa.

lncotermsIn case of International Competitive Bidding :

The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescribedby Incoterms. f--)o/V", CIE ClP, and oiher similar terms, shall be governed hv lhe rtrres prescribecj in thecurrenf edhfoh of Incorcrors, puoitsired b] iile ,,,'Ernariorral Chanrber or uomm€lroe at tne oare of g,eInvitation for Bids or as specified in the BDC

Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier andsupersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whether written rlr oral) of parties withrespect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.

AmendmentNo amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expresslyrefers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto.

Non-waiver(i) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below, no relaxation, forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either

party in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by eitherparty to the other shall prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, neithershall any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract operate as waiver of any subsequent orcontinuing breach of Contract,

(ii) Any walver of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, dated, andsigned by an authorised representative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the rightand the extent to which it is beino waived.


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Bidding Dccument - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Colrtract.:r:

2.1.6 Severabilitylf any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforceable, suchprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or

"nr.rriu"oiriiy of any otnerprovisions and conditions of the Contraci.

2.2 Contract Documents

2'2'1 subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the contract (andall parts thereof) are intended to be correlativel complementary, supplementary, and mutuallyexplanatory.

2.3 Gode of Integrity2'3'1 The Supplier is bound by the provisions of the Code of Integrity stipulated in the Act and the Rules andspecified in ITB Clause 1.3 [Code of Integrity]2'3'2 The Procuring Entity shall take legal action- against the Supplier under Section 11(3), 46 and chapter lVof the Act, if it breaches any provisions of tlie code or riti:liity, or is determineo io nave engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in compEting for the Contriact oi eiecution of theContract.

23'3 The supplier shall permit the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's accounts and records relating tothe performance of the Supplier and to have ihem audited oy auiitors appointed by the procuring Entity,if so required by the procuring Entity.2,4 Language

2 4 1 The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by theSupplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Supportingdocuments and printed literature that are gart oj the Contract mly 5e in another "ngr"g"

prourded theyare accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant pasiages in the langulge"specified in theBDS' in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contrict, inii transtation sf;li;;rJrn.2'4'2 The supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy ofsuch translation.





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2.7 I



Any- Notice given by one p-arty to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be In writing to the procuremententity. The term "in writing" means communicated in written form with prorrf of recerptiA Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effective date, whiche,ver is later.Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the State ofRajasthan.

Specifications and Standards

Technical Specifications and Drawings:The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services comply with the lechnical specificationsand other provisions of the ContractThe Supplier shall be entitle_d to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, dr,awing, specification orother document, or any modification thereof provided oidesigneo by o-r on benatr,lrtnJ'erocurinjLntrty,bv givinc a notice of such disclaimer to the piocuring Entity _ '^,.


The Goods and Related serviceeiupplied under tl]s contract snjlr conr,lrm to tne stirioarffienion"oin section V' schedule of supply and shall bear suci marks. when no apiplicable ritandard is mentioneo,the Goods and Related services supplied shall be of the best quriitv unJi[" standard shalt be equivalentor superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Go;ds.In no case such standards shall be inferiorto the relevant updated BIS or international standards.Equipmentsiimplements which are _governed by Dangerous Machinery Regulirtions Act should oenecessarily 'lSl' marked (attach certificate with the Bid) and for other equiimenti 'tst., quality certificationis desirable.

wherever references are made in the conlract to codes and standards in accordance with which it sharrbe executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be tnose specineo inthe Section V' Schedule of Supply During contract execution, any cnanges in any such iooei-inostandards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordancewith Clause 3.4.

The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples has been indicated in the Schedule ofSupply, shall in addition, conform-strictly to the app.roved samples. The decision of the proCuiinjEntitywhether the articles supplied conform to the specifications and are in a,:cordancr: with he sam"pres, irany, shall be final and binding on the Supptier.

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Bidding Docttment - Goods (SS)I lli./) Section VI A - General Criudiiions cf Contract

2.8 Copyright2 8'1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials containi69 data arnd information fumishedto the Procuring Entity by the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if they are furnishedto the Procuring Entity directly or through the supplier by any third party, inituoing

"uppiLo of materialsor Related Services, the copyright in such materials or retateO services shall rernain vested in such thirdpany.

2,9 Confidential Information2'9,1 In addition to the requirements of the provisions of Section 49 of the Act and Rule 77 of the Rulesregarding Confidentiality, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shail not,without the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party iany documents, data, orother information furnished directly or indirectly by the othei party heret,c in conneciion with the Contract,whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or fbllowinlg completion or termination of theContract. Notwithstanding the above, the Supplier may fJrnish to its-subcontractor such documents,

data, and other information it receives from the Procuring Entity to the extent iequireo for theSubcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, in whiciievent ihe Supplierr shall obtain from suchSubcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the supplier under GCC Clause2.4r,

However, in case of electronic data or information, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responsibilityfor access to data on line by any third party.

2'9'2 The Procuring Entity shall not use such documents, data, and other informertion received from theSupplier for any purposes unrelated to the Contract. Similarly, the Supplir:r shall not use suchdocuments, data, and other information received from the Procuring Entity for'any' purpose other than thedesign, procurement, or other work and services required for the perform jnce of ilb Contract.2'9'3

l?:-:?l,S^1ti?i of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 2.91 and 292 above, however, shal not apply to

Intormatton that:the Procuring Entity or Supplier need to share with other institutions participating in the financing of theContract; now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault oitnat party;''can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was notpreviously obtained directly or indirectly, from the other party; or otherwise laMully becomes available tothat party from a third party that has no obrigation of confideniiarity.

29 4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall not in any way modify any underlaking of confidentialitygiven by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract iir respect o1'the Sufply or any partthereof.

29.5 The provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall survive completion or termination, for whatever reason, of theContract.

2.10 Packing and Documents2'10 1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prelvent therr oamage or

deterioration durjng transit or transport by sea, rail and road or air to their final destination During trinsit,the packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling and exposure to extremetemperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage. Packing case r;ize inO weignts shall take intoconsideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of the final deltination of the cioodl-s and the absenceof heavy handling facilities at all points jn transit.

''1Q.2 The, packing, rn;i"kinc, and dccurnentatiln ;.;:{hr: a:,r outsiie the packaoes ::a::i .jo!-nply stri.iiy wirh :!:cr,speclal require!.rrents as shall be-expressly provided for in the contract, inciuding aoolii6nai requrrements,if any, specified in any other instructions ordered by the procuring Entity.

2'10'3 In the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage, the Supplier shall be liable tomake good such loss and shortage found at the checking/inspection o-f the materials by the consignee.No extra cost on such account shall be admissible.

2.11 Insurance2'11.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC,_the_Goods supplied under the Contracl shall be fully insured

against theft, destruction or damage, by fire, flood under exposure to weather or othenrrise including war,rebellion, riot, etc. The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and the F,rocuring Entity will notbe required to pay such charges, if incurred

2.12 Transportation

212 1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, oblrgations fortransportation of the Goodsshall be in accordancewith the conditions and Incoterms specified in the Bidding Documents.

2.12'2 ln case of Supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied FOR location:s specified in BiddingDocuments. All transportation charges. local taxes, etc. shall be borne by the Supplier.

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests213.1 The Procuring Entity or his authorised representatrve shall at all reasonable timers have access to the

Supplier's premises and the power to inspeci and examine ihe materials ,and workmanship of the goods/

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Bidding Docu,_; r t:rr,4: 1524 ,3ic't Seclicn'i' , -.u :e , r af ,l n li;ions of Contract

equlpnrcllv machinery during manufacturing prccess or afterwards as may be decided.2'132 The suppiier sha.ll at its cwn expense and at no co3t to the procuring Entity r;arry out all such tests,and/or trials and/or inspections of tne Goods ano nerlteJ-servrces as are specified in sections V-Schedule of Supply213'3 The sampling, inspections, and/or tests and/or trlals may be conducted-on the premises of the supplier orits subcontractor, at point of delivery, and/or at the fini aesiination of the Good:;, oiat-anotner ptace inIndla as specified in the scc. All such sampling, lnspections and/ or testing shiall be at the cost of thesupplier' subject to GCC sub-clause 2.1a.4,- rt

"dnorct"o on the premises of the supplier or itssubcontractor' all reasonable facilities and assistance incLuoing access to speci:lication coctes, designs,drawings and productlon data, shall be furnished to tne inspeciors at no oharge to the procuring Entity.

2 13 4 The Procuring. Entity or its designated representatives shall be entiiled to altend the tests, and/orInspections andi or trials referred to in GCC sub-clause 2'13 3, provided that tne-nrocrring Entity bearall of its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with such rti;;;;r;; liie travetting anoboarding and lodging expenses213'5 whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test, and/or tnals and/or inspection, it shall give areasonable advance notice, including the place and time, to the procuring Entity. The supplier shallobtain from any relevant third party or manufactur"r rny #""rrary pernnission or consent to enable thePror:uring Entity or its designated ripresentative to attenb the test and/or trials and/or inspection.

The supplier shall furnish complete address of the premises of his office, godowrr and workshop whereinspection can be made together with name and address of the person who is to be contacted for thepurpose.

2 13'6 The Procuring Entity may require the Supplier to carry out any test and/or trials and/or Inspectron notrequired by the contract but deemed n-ecessary to verify that thb characteristics u'no p"Jorr"nce of theGoods comply.with the technical specifications, codes and standards "nd

."rg"s .,ippri"o with the Bidunder the contract, provided that the supplie/s reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carryingout rrf such test and/or trials and/or inspection shall be added to the Corrtract price Further, if such testand/or trials and/or inspection impedes the progress of manufaCturing and/or the {}upplier.s performanceof its other obligations under the contract, due allowance will be made in respect of the Delivery Datesand Completion Dates and the other obrligations so affected.2137 The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Entity with a repor-t of the results of any such tesrs and/or trialsand/or inspection.

2 13 8 Sup'plies when received shall be subject to tests and/or trials and/or inspection b ensure whether theyconform to the specificattons and wiih the .approve_d surpr"s .no trials, if any. where necessary orprescribed or practical, tests shall be carried out in Governnrent laboratories, repLrted testing house likesri Ram Testing House, New Delhi and the like and th" ;r;;li.; wil be accepted onty when the articlesconform to the standard of prescribed specification. ur r ruruit oi sucn tests.

2 13 9 In case of tests, samples shall be drawn rn four sets in the presence of the Supplier or his authorisedrepresentative and properly sealed in his presence. One such set shall be given to tiim, one or two will besent to the laborato.ries and/or testing house and the third or fourth will be reterined in the office forreference and record.213 10 Testing charges shall be borne by the Procuring Entity in case urgent testing is desired to be arranged bythe supplier' In othercases and in case of test-res.ulti snowinjtnat supplies are nrlt upto the prescribedstandards or specificetions the te:ting r-harges :hall be payahl! bv the SLrpplisr2

": : i ; i It :'r !'jLlrir rg ur::lly ii':ar reJect cni' Goor.rs or any pa, i rtrcrcoi rhar are received but fail to pass any testand/or trials and/or inspection or do not conform tic the specifications and samples supplied wrth the Bid,if any The Supplier shall either rectify or replace suctr rejecteo Goqds or parts thereof or makealterations necessary to meet the speciflcations and samples supplied with the ai,r ii

"n}/, at no cost tothe Procuring Entity, and shall repeat the test and/or trials andior inspecti3n, at no

"ori ti the procuring

Entity,, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub_ Clause 2.13.slf, however,.due to exigencies of Procuring Entity's work, such replacement either in whole or inpart, is not considered feasible, the Procurrng_.entity

,irter giving an opportunity to the Bictder of beingheard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitable imoJnt trom'tne rpiroir"J-r#s ano acceptthe supply. The deduction so made shall be final213'12 The rejected artlcles shall be removed by the Bidder within 15 days of intirnation of rejection, after whichthe Procuring Entity shall not be respon.i!|" flr any losi snortage or damage and s;hiil n"u" tn" rtgnt todispose of such articles as he thinks fit, at the Suppiiets risr ano"on nrs account2'13'13 The fiupplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or tnats andior inspec;tion of the Goods orany part thereof,,nolF attendance by the_Procuring Entity or its representative, nor the issue of anyreport pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13,7, shall rilease'the Suppiier ttor unv *arta-nties or otherobligations under the Contract,2.14 Change in Laws and Regulations2'14'1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the deadline for submissiorr cf Bios, any raw,regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is enacted, promulgated, abrogated, or

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BiJdine. Dacument - Goods 652E Bid) .Qe,ction VIA-Gener:alCionditions of Contract-"'€-''-'''' -..-, .i

changed by Government of India or the State Government (which shall be deemecl to include any changein interpretation or application by the competent authorities) that subsequently affects the Delivery Dateand,/or the Contract Price, then such Delivery Date and/or Contract Price shall be correspondinglyincreased or decreased, to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been affectecl in the performance ofany of its obligations under the Contract, Notwithstanding the foregoing, such adclitional or reduced costshall not be separately paid or credited if the same has already been accounted for in the priceadjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with GCC Clause 4.1 .

2.15 Force Majeure

2.15.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, liquidated damages, ortermination for default if and to the extent that delays in performance or othe. failure to perform trsobligations under the Contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

2.15.2 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation be1'sn6 the control of theSupplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligr:nce or lack of care onthe part of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Procuring Entity in itssovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine rr-'strictions, and freightemtrargoes.

2.15.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing ofsuch condition and the cause and effects thereof.

Unless otherwise directed by the Procuring Entity in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform itsobligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternatrvemeans at his cost for performance not prevented bv the Force Maieure event.

2.16 Assignment

2.16.1 Neither the Procuring Entity nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, thei. obligations under thisContract, except with prior written consent of the other party with recorded reasons. Such assignmentshall not relieve the Supplier or the Procurement Entity of their respective obligations under the Contract.

3. Contract Details

3.1. Joint Venture, Gonsortium or Association and Changes in the Constitution of the Supplier3.'l .1 lf the Supplier is a JointVenture, Consortium, orAssociation all the parties shall sign the Contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association is a registered Firm or Company. All the partiesshall be jointly and severally liable to the Procuring Entity for the fulfilment of the provisions of theContract and shall designate one party to act as a lead partner with authority to bind and represent theJoint Venture, Consortium, or Association.

3.1 .2 The structure/composition or the constitutron of the Supplier as a firm, joint Venture, Consortium, orAssociation shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Procurjng Entity.

Any change in the structure/ constitution of the firm, etc., shall be notified forthwith by the Bidder inwriting to the Procuring Entity and such change shall not relive any former member of the firm, etc., fromany liability under the contract.

The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint Venture, Consortium or r\ssociation as a majorstake holder shall not change without the consent of the Procuring Entity. Any nraw major stake holdermust agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the contract.No new partner/partners shall be accepted in the firm by the Bidder in r{spect of the contract untesshe/they agree t-o abide by all its terms, co.nditions and deposit_w_ith thf Procurjng Entity a written

--. *'- - -agrcciict ri io:i':i:-cffc;i. Thc Bidd€+o r:..i,ii;.;: acknowiiJgen,u;ii or'that -;'.rny p;r-iic;s su"!acqi:-*;t1, 'accepted as above shall bind all of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purpose of theContract.

3.2. Subcontracting

3.2.1 . The Supplier shall not sublet or assign the Contract or its any part to anyone without the prior writtenapproval of the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shall notify the Procuring Entity in writing of allsubcontracts to be awarded under the Contract if not already specified in the Bid. lSubcontracting shall inno event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under theContract. The capability details of such subcontractors shall be provided tc the Pro,ouring Entity who shallevaluate and take a decision as to whether approve it or not, it if not initially approved during theevaluation of the bid.

3.2.2 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses 2.3 and 2:".9.

3.3. Scope of Supply

3.3.1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as specifled in Section V, {ichedule of Supply

3.3.2 Unless otheruise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of Supply shall include, at the supplier's cost, allsuch items not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably inferred from theContract as being required for attainrng Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services as ifsuch items were expresslv mentioned in the Contract


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Ridding Docrt,ryrent - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions ;f Ccr,tract

3.4. Change Orderc and Contract Amendments

3.4.1 The Procuring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through Notice in accordance GCC Clause 2.5,to make changes, within the general scope of the of the Contract rn any one or more of the following:

i. drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to bespecifically manufactured for the Procuring Entity;

ii. the method of shipment or packing;

iii. the place of delivery; and

iv. The Related Services to be provided by the Supplier

3.4.2 lf any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier'sperformance of any provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall lrc made in the ContraclPrice or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly beamended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within twenty-eight (28) days from the date of the Supplier's receipt of the Procuring Entity's change order.

3.4.3 Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that might be needed but which were notincluded in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed theprevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services.

3.44 Additional quantity may be procured by placing a repeat order on the rates and c;onditions of the originalorcler. lf the Suppller fails to do so, the Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange fcrr the balance supply bylimited Bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the Supplier.

3.5. Delivery

3.5.1 The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with theDelivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Bidding Documents.

3.5.2 All Goods must be sent freight paid through Railways or Goods transport. lf Goods are sent freight topay, the freight together with departmental charge of 5% of the freight will be recovered from theSupplier's bill.

R.R. should be sent under registered cover. In case advance payment is to be made, the RR shall besent through Bank only.

Supplier's Responsibilities

The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply in

accordance with GCC Clause 3.3 and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 3.5.

Procuring Entitt's Responsibilities

Wlrenever the supply of Goods or Related Services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals,and import and other licenses from local public authorities, the Procuring Entity shall, if so requested by

thel Supplier, shall make its best effort to support the Supplier in complying with such requirements in atirnely and expeditious manner.

3.8. Extensions of Time

3 8 1 lf at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its iSubcontractors should encounterconditions impeding timely delivery of the Goods or completion of Related Services pursuant to GCCClause 3.5, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of the delay, its likelyduration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier's notce, the Procuring Entity

. ,-r.hall oveluate the situati:u rii may at it-s discre|ici: extenl the Supplier's time lb-r3ef.:t'rr;ance, wit[orwithout liquidated <iamb-g-es depending on the nature of caudes of delay by idSuing6'dmEndment of iheContract.

38.2 Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 215, or reasons beyond the control ofthe Supplier under GCC Clause 3.8. 1, a delay by the Supplier in the performernce of its Delivery and

Completron obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuantto GCC Clause 4.5.

4. Contract Price and Payments

4.1 Contract Price

4.1.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement or Approval suble<l to any additions andadjustments thereto, or deductions therefore, as may be made pursuant to the Contract.

4.1 .2 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Services performed under theContract shall not vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with the exception of any priceadjustments, if approved.

4.1.3 Price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules. Price adjustmenl. shall not be applicablein contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 months.

4.2. Terms of Payment

4.2.1 . Tire terms of payment of the Contract Price shall be as specified in the A,pproval orders/ Agreement.

4.2.2. Tfre Supplier's request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing, accompanied by


5.O. I

3.7.a.'7 1


Page 123: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Da:ument - Gtr't. iS; : : t,: ) Section VI A -- C.. ,',,:ra; /.,;.:diti,:n; of Contracr

specified in Section V, Schedule otcarred out and trials or test results

invoices describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Servicesr performed, and by thedocuments submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 3.5 and upon fulfilment of all the oorigrtiln" stipulated inthe Contract.

42'3' Payments should b.e made promptly by the-Procuring Entity, as far as possible, within Thirty (30) daysafter submission of an invoice or request for paymJnt_by'ine supptier, and flie procuring Entity hasaccepted it. Arr remittance charges shail be borne by the supprier4'2'4' The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be IndianRupees unless otherwise specified in the SCC.42'5 Inr:aseof disputeditems, 10to25o/oof theamountof thepriceof suchitemsmaybewithheldandwill bepaid on setflement of the dispute.4.2 6 Pavment in case of those Goods which need triars or testrng as

Supply shall be made only when such trials or tests have bienreceived conforming to the prescribed specifications.

427 Advance Payment will not be made except in rare and special cases and as provided for in the contract.In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the extent and on conditions, interest at theprevailing bank rates and against a confirmed bank guarantee for 1000z6 of the advance as provided inthe sCC. The amount of advance shall be used exclulively for supplies against the Contract. lf advancepayment is to be made after despatch of Goods bylhe Supplier, it will be iraoe atter piesenting the proofof dispatch through the bank and prior inspection, if any The balance if any will ue paio on receipt of theconsignment in good condition with the certificate to that effect endorse<j on the inspection note given tothe Supplier.

4.3. Tax.es and Duties

4'3 1' For Goods supplied from outside India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsilcle for a1 taxes, stampduties, license fees, and other such revies rmposed outside India.432 For Goods supplied from within India, the Supplier shail be entirely responsible for all taxes, dutres,

license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods at site to the procuring Entity.4 3 3 lf any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be available to fl-re Supplier in India, theProcurirrg Entity shall use its best efforts to enable the-Supplier to benefit from any such tax savings tothe maximum allowable extent.

4.4. Performance Security441 The Supplier shall, within fifteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SCC, of the Notification ofAward, sign the Contract Agreement and provide a Performance Security or, where applicable, aPerlbrmance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contrict. performance Security

Declaration shall be taken from Department of the State Government and underrtakings, corporations,autcrnomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which are owned, contro]led or managedby the State Government and undertakings of Central Government. The State Gov,ernment may relax theprov'ision of Performance Security in particular procurement.

4 4 2 The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as specified in the BDS, of the amount ofthe supply order In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be one p€lrcent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of srck industries, other than Small Scale Industries,whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall betwo percent of the amount of supply order. rhe currency of Performance Security shall be Indian Rupees:irr,;::cru1.:.- i,1l r'Oeciir-Cl:', BDg. ..

4 4'3 PerJormance Security shali remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of allcontractual obligations of the Bidder, including warranty obligations and operation and/ or maintenanceand defect liability period, if any.

4'4 4 Failure of the successful Bidder to subnrit the above-mentioned performance Security or sign theContractwithin the sp_ecifred time period shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of tn" a*arOand foff'eiture of the Bid Security ln that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract to the nextlowest evaluated Bidder at the rates of the lowest bidder whose offer ii substantially responsive and isdetermined by the Procuring Entity to be qualifled to perform the Contract r;atisfactorily.44.5 The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contract an<J shall be in one of thefollowing forms.(i) Bank Draft or Banker,s Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India: or(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrument under National Savings Schemes for

promotion of small savings issued by a Post Offlce in Rajasthan, if the same can bjpledged underthe relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender value at the tinre of Bid and formallytransferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head post 1r/aster; or

(iii) Bank guarantee. lt shall be of a scheduled Bank in India in prescribed or other acceptable format orfrom other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity, The bank guarantee sherll be got verified fromthe issuing bank and confirmer, if any; or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank. lt shall be in the name of tfre procuring Entity on


Page 124: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

B i dding[: :rcum?fi -;: G o ods (S S 2 E B id) S.c:iion.VI 4 .- Genera! rConditions of Contract


account of Bidder and discharged oy the Bidder in advance. The Procuring Entity shall ensurebefore accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that the Bidder turnishes an undertaking from the bankto make paymenV premature payment of the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the procuringEntity without requirement of consent of the Bidder concerned. In the e,rent of forfeiture of thePerformance Security, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interer;t earned on such FrxedDeposit.

The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be forfeited and shall be payable as compensation to theProcuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned below:(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement in accordance with ITB Clause 6.4 [Signing of

Contractl within the specified time; after issue of letter of acceptance/ placement of supply orderwithin the specified period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per suppryorder within the time specified; or

(iii) when Supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Serv'ices satisfactorilv withinthe time specified: or

(iv) When any terms and conditions of the Contract is breached; or(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of the Code of Integrity pres(lribed for Bidders in the Act and

Chapter Vl of the Rules and as specified in ITB Clause 1.3.

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Performance Security. The decision of tnePrclcuring Entity in this regard shall be final.

Liquidated Damages

Subject to provisions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3.8, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Gooosor perform the Related Services within the period specified in the Contract, ther Procuring Entity shall,without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct from the Contrlct price, asliquidated damages on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods ernd/ or Related Servicewhrch the Supplier has failed to supply or complete -



4.5 2

Vo. )ondition LO%Delay up to one fourth period of the specified periodof delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubject matter of procurement.


h Delay exceeding one fourth but not exceeding halfof the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subject matte. ofprocurement.


Delay exceeding half but not exceeding three fourthof the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subject matter of0rocurement.

7.5 %

Delay exceeding three fourth of the specified periodof delivery, successful installation and completion ofsubject matter of procurement.

10.0 %

Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies, successful installation anC completion of womshall bc elim,,,:.c; ri it is :':l:: th:r hclf a da;,.The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified timer should be calculatedcarefully. The method of calculation for contracts which include multiple items of supply/ service in caseindividual value of each item is not taken in the Bid should be generally given in the scc.For turnkey projects in which cost of individual items is not known alsrr, the total value of the turnkeyproiect shall become the basis for imposing LD (if due) if apportionment formula is not given in the SCC,The maximum amount of liquidated darnages shall be 10%. Once the maxmum is reached, thePrccuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 5

Re,:overies of liquidated damages, short supply, breakage, rejected articles shall ordinarily be made frombills;. Amount may also be withheld to the extent of short supply, breakages, rejected articles and in caseof lailure in satisfactory replacement by the Supplier along with amounl of liquidated damages shall bereccvered from his dues and Performance Security available with the Procuring Entity. In case balance ofrecovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Publir: Demand Recovery Act or anyother law in force.


The Supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unused, antl of the most recent or currentmo,Cels, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and mat,erials, unless providedotherwise in the Contract.

Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.7,lhe Supplier should further warrant that the Goods shall be free from


4.6 '1



Page 125: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

BltLling Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) SectionvIA-C}eneralConditionsofConti.act

4 6.3

defects arising from any act or omission of the Supplier or arising from clesign, materials, andworkmanship, under normal use.

Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the warranty shall remain varid for twelve (12) months aftersupply of the Goods and completion the Related Services have been accepted at the final destinationindicated in the SCC, or in case of Goods being imporied after the placement of Supply Order, foreighteen (1E) months after the date of shipment or loading in the country of origin, whichever periodconcludes earlier. However, if the warranty provided by the manufacturer is for longer period the sameshall apply.

The Procuring Entity shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nature of any such defects together withall available evidence thereof, promptly following the discovery thereof. 'Ihe Procuring Enfity shall affordall reasonable opportunity for the Supplier to inspect such defects.

Upon receipt of such Notice, the Supplier shall within thifty (30) days, or within a different period ifspecified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective Goods or partrs thereof, at no cost tothe Procuring Entity

In c:ase of machinery and equipment also, guarantee will be given as nrentioned in clause 4.6.3 aboveand the Supplier shall during the guarantee period replace the parts / whole il' any and remove anymanufacturing defect if found during the above period so as to make machinery and equipmentoperative. The Supplier shall also replace machinery and equipment in case it is found defective whichcannot be put to operation due to manufacturing defect, malfunctioning, etc.

In case of machinery and equipment specified by the Procuring Entity the Supplier shall be responsiblefor carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and conditions as may be agreed at thetime of entering in to the contract. The Supplier shall also be responsible to ensure adequate regularsupply of spare parts needed for a specific type of machinery and equiprnent whether under their annualmaintenance and repairs rate contract or otherwise,In case of change of model he will give sufficient notice to the Procuring Entity who may like to purchasespare parts from them to maintain the machinery and equipment in perfect conditiorr.

lf having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within the period specified; the ProcuringEntity may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as mery be necessary, at theSupplier's risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights r,,vhich ther Procuring Entity mayhave against the Supplier under the Contract.

Patent Indemnity

The Supplier shall, subject to the Procuring Entity's compliance with GCC Sub-C;lause 4.7.2, indemnifyand hold harmless the Procuring Entity and its employees and officers from and against any and all surrs,actions or administrative proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of anynature, including attorney's fees and expenses, which the Procuring Entity may suffer as a result of anyinfringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark, copyright,or other intellectual property right registered or otherwise existing at the date of the Contract by reasonof:

(i) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier orthe use of the Goods lvhere the Stte is located; and(ii) The sale in any country of the products produced by the Goods.(iii) Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part thereof other than for the purpose

indicated by or to be reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any infringement resulting from. the'--rlse of the Goods or arv. 1cr thereof,,or anv;:r'oducts..pipduced.thefeby in asp6atrcn or

combination with any othe-equipment, plant, or miterials noi supplied Ov tner Sirppfi-effiuisiant tothe Contract.

lf any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Pro,:uring Entity arising out of thematters referred to in GCC Sub- Clause 4.7.1, the Procuring Entity shall promptly give the Supplier anotice there of, and the Supplier shall at rts own expense and in the Procuring Entity's name conductsuch proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlement of any such proc,eedings or claim.lf the Supplier fails to notify the Procuring Entity within twenty-eight (28) <jays after receipt of such noticethat it intends to conduct any such proceedings or claim, then the Procuring lintity shall be free toconduct the same on its own behalf and at the expenses of the Supplier.

Thre Procuring Entity shall, at the Supplier's request, afford all availabte assistance to the Supplier inconducting such proceedings or claim, and shall be reimbursed by the Supplier for all reasonableexpenses incurred in so doing.

The Procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, offlcers, andSubcontractors from and against any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney"s fees and expenses,which the Supplier may suffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utilitymodel, registered design, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right registered or otherwiseexisting at the date of the Contract arising out of or in connection with any clesign, data, drawing,specification, or other documents or materials provided or designed by or on belhalf of the Procuring



4.6 6

4.6 7

4 6.8







Page 126: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E' p-. t) Scction VI A - General C r',i. itiar.s ciContract


4.8. Limitation of Liabitity4.8.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct

(i) neither party shall be liable to the otnerparty for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, Iossof use, loss of production, or loss of profits oi intereit costs,

(ii) provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidateddamages to the procuring Entity; and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Procuring Entity, whether under the Contract, in tort, orotherwise, shall not be less than the amount of thebontract Price but not exceed the amount (ifspecified) in the SCC, provided that this limitation shall not aprply to the cost of repairing orreplaclng defective equipment, or to any obligation of the Supplier to indemnify the procuring E-ntitywith respect to patent infringement.

5. Termination and Disputes5.1. Termination for Default5 1 1 The-Procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other remedy under the provisions of the Act, the Rules or

the tlontract for breach of_Contract, by Notice of default sent to the Supprlier, may terminaie the Contractin whole or in part: if the Supplier fails to oeliver any or all of the Goods and/ or'Flelated Services withinthe period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the procuring Entitypursuant to GCC Clause 3.8; or lf the Supplier fails to perform any otheiobligatiori under the Contract. lfthe Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has breachld the Cod-e of Integrity, as defined inGCC Clause 2.3, in competing for or in executing the Contract.

5.1.2. In the event the Procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whote or In part, pursuant to GCc Clause5. 1.'l ' the Procwing Entity may procure, upon such terms and in such rlanner as it deems appropnare,Goods and/ or Related Services similar to those undelivered or not performed, anct the Supptier shall beliablc' to the Procuring Entity for any additlonal costs for such similar Goods or Related Services.However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the e;<tent not Lerminateo.

5.2 Termination for Insolvency521 The Procuring Entity may at any time terminate the Contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if theSupplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termtnation will be without

compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right ofaction or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Procuring entity

5.3 Termination for Convenience

5.3.1 The Procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may termrnate the contract, in whole or rn pan, atany time for its convenience.

The Notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Procuring Entity's convenience, theelitent to which performance of the Supplier under the Contract is terminateJ, anci ihe date upon whichsuch termination becomes effective.The Goods that a-re complete and ready for shipment at the time of Supplier,s rerceipt of the Notice oftermlnation may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity at the Coirtract terrns and prices.

5.4 Dispute Resolution5.4.1 Any disputes arising out of this Bid sha,l be ref-:rred to the Dispute Resolr.rtron Committee to be_ -^.(:t,,l^J a-.. r ,vJ"+r,(Urgv .,,, t,.- /qt y!,9tj.

5.4.2 Arbitration may be applicable in case of disputes whrch remain unresolved through the DisputeResolution Committee.

5 4.3 Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the courts having jurisdiction at Udaipur only.

Signature of Bidder(wirth date and stamp)

6. 10

Page 127: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Doct' t,:.F ' i./t'- {sS E tid:

Section W B: Special C itions of Contractement the General Conditions of Contractorevail over those in the GCC,


L The location of delivery of goods related serv will be the oremises of the Collese

Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udai r. However, any other unit of the universitylocated any where in the state of Rajasthan may place order using this bid and in that case the

or any other unit olficers of the universityas specified in the supply order within the

successful installation, commissioning, training, etc.indenting offioer after satisfactory supply and

f applicable)

The delivery period of goods/related services willHowever, the procurement entity may approve a

15 days from the date of placement of order.

onger delivery period, if appropriate inview ofurgency of goods to procuring entity /or natu ofgoods etc.

The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall(GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein

location of delivery shall be the premises of that unit.

The order will be placed by the Dean, CDFST, Udai& the supply is to be made at FOR Indenter Officearea of MPUAT, Udaipur. Payment will be made by

LiabiJity on the part of Llniversity will arise only wOfficer of the University.

Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subj


Approved rate will be effective upto 31.03.2015 &received by him upto 3 I .03.20 I 5 .

Supplier is required to supply relevant instructionalPrice shouid be inclusive of conrmission & training.Battery limit for service is 10m

the supply order is irssued by the Intending

to the courls having jurisdiction at Udaipur

roved supplier has to execute all the orders

ual and took kit.

Signature of Bidder('with date and stamp)







\ , ---" -/


Page 128: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE




E iddu :9. D o<'ume nt - G c ods (SS 2 E B i d) ' r ' ,Section VI C - Contract Formf .

Section VI C: Contract FormsAgreement

(to be executed on a non judicial stamp of appropriate value)

An agreement made this _ day of between (hereinafter called "theapproved supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, b,: deemed to include hisheirs successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, College of Dairyand Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur (herein after called "the University" whichexpression shall, where the context so adrnits, be deemed to include his successors in office andassigrrs) ofthe other part.

Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the University to supply tcr the Direct Demandingofficers of the University at its Head oflce as well as at branch offices throughout Rajasthan, allthose articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set fcrrth in the conditions ofthetenderandcontractappendedherewithandattherateSSetforthincolumn-ofthesaid schedule Which rates shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shall be allowed and/orconsidered.

AndwhereastheapprovedsupplierhasdepositedaSumofRs.in-Cash/Bank Draff/ Challan no./ Banker Cheque No. dated

Post Office Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental authority.

National Savings Certificates,Defence Savings Certificates, Kisan Vikas Patras, or any otherscript/instrument under National Saving Schemes for promotion of Small Savings, if the same canbe pleased under the relevant rule. (The certificates being accepted at surre.nder value) as Securityfor the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has been formally transferred to thedepartmental authority.

Now these Presents witness:

In consideration of the payment to be made by the University through_ at the rates set forth inthe Schedule hereto appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forthin__ andcontract.

thereof in the manner set forth in the condil,ions of the tender and


The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclosed to the tender notice Nodated-- and also appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as partagreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreement.

Letters Nos. received from tenderer and letters nos. issued by the University andappended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.

'-'llie Ur.i',disiti, Co hcrebT--ag,=;;'-r;ai if the approvcc {rrppliei'siiall Culy supply thnod},i "articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, theUniversity will through pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at thetime and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payerble for each and everyconsignment.

The mode of Payment will be as specifred below:-




The delivery shall be effected and completed within the period notecl below from the dateof supply order:-

S. No. Name of Item Quantity Delivery per:iod


of this

- -- --F-' j (ai



Page 129: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

BidCing Docutnent - Goods (SS2E Bitt) Section VI C - Coni*aet Forms

(1) In case of extension in livery period wittr t tt Uemade on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods and ielated Serviices which the

led toNo. Condition LD%a. Delay up to one fourth period of the

prescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of procurement.

2,5 %

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subjecl matter ofprocurement.

5.0 %

U. Delay exceeaing ha@three fourth of the prescribed period oTdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7.:5 o/o

d. Delay exceeding three fourth of theprescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectrn4{er of procurement.

10.0 %

Note:i' Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a


ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shail be 10%iii' If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractual rsupply on account of

occulrence of any' hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority vrhich'had placed thesupply order, for the-same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulateddate of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damages if the delay in the supply ofGoods is on account ofhindrances beyond the control ofthe supplier.

All 'lisoutas. arising out of this agre.enett ancl all- rluestigrr ielati;rg to the interpretatiogj,f i:ijs agreemeditshall be decided by the Universiiy and the decision of the University shall be final.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the......... day of ..,.....20.......


Bidder has fai

Signature ofthe approved supplier



Witness No.1:

Witness No. 2:

Sigrature for and on behalf of Procuremententity



Witness No.1 :

Witness No. 2:

6. l3

\,, --/ A--

Page 130: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

siddinrr, Document - G, .. 't f s

1. Performance Security Bank Guarantee(To be given by a Scheduled Bank in lndia or other Issuer acceptable to the Procurirrg Entity)


Contract Name and No.:


(hereinafter "the Supplier") has undertaken, pursuant to Contractto supply_(hereinafter'the Contract")

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementioned Contract that the Supplier shallfurnish you with a Security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum specified therein as Security forcompliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS the undersigned, legally domiciled inGuarantor"), have agreed to give the Supplier a Security:

,(hereinafter 'the

TI{EREFORE WE hereby affirm that we ai'e Guarantors and responsible to )/ou, on behalf of theSupplier, up to a total of and we undertake to pay you, upon your first written demanddeclaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argurnent, any sum or sumswithin the limits of as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds orreasons for your d.emand or the sum specified therein.

This Securit;, is valid until the_ day o


In the capacity of:


WHEREASNo. dated

Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on


riank-s Seai:


behalf of:



Page 131: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

B iddi ng D r.u1,r.er i - G c o ds (S S 2 E B i d) Seotion yI C - Contract Forms

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submitted in lieu of performance security by the govt. depts. etc. as per ITB)

Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)]

Contract Name and No.;

finsert name and number of Contract]

To: The Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that,Security DeclarationContract

according to your conditions, the Conhact must be supporled by a Performanceas a guarantee to ensure fulfillment of our all performance obligations under the


[insert date of signing]

[insert name of subject matter of procurement].

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for biddirrg in any contract withyou for the period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time for which the ProcuringEntity will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contract if the performance Security Declaration isto be executed.] starting on the date that we receive a notification from you, The Dean, College ofTechnology and Engineering, MPUAT, Udaipur that our Performance Security Declaration is executed, ifwe are in breach of any of our performance obligation under the conditions of the Cr:ntract,

We understand this Performance Security Declaration shall expire after 6Ct days of completion of our allobligations under the Contract including wananty/ Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc. in accordancewith the conditions of the Contract.


[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

In the capacity of:_[insert legal capacity of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Name:_[insert complete name of person signing the Performance Security Declaratircn]

Duly authorized to sign the Performance Security Declaration for and on behalf of:

-;;.lmsert complete name' ul

Dated on

Corporate Seal

day of,

o. l)

\n ,, ---'

Page 132: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

a,;i)ing Documev - Goods (SS2E Bid)

3. Advance Payment Security


Contract Name and No.:

Section VI C - Contract Foi.iirs


[n accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract, in relation to advance payments,deposit with the Procuring Entity a Securityperformance of the obligations imposed by

(hereinafter called "the Supplier") shallconsisting of._--, to guarantee its proper and faithfulsaid Clause of the Contract. in the amount of

We,theundersigred_,legallydomiciledin---(hereinafter..theGuatantor,'),*in't*.@eeunconditionallyandinevocab1yt6,guaranteeasprimaryobligor and not as surety merely, the payment to the Procuring Entity on ltr firrt demand withoutwhatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first clalm to the Supplier, in the amounr norexceeding

This Security shall remain validSupplier under the Contract until


and in fulI effect from the date of the advance payment received by the

In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalf of:


Bank's Seal:


Page 133: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707l9(O) 0294-2470479, E'mail-cdfs€[email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIEIVCE TECIINOLOGYtqft qE srs fusrq ffifui Tdlfusrilq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology' UdaipurTaRrorT rdlq qR \d ffiffi ffi+arcrq,sqq$ (vrw.) areoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


Section I:

Section II:

Section IIi:

Section fV:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section M C:

NIB No. NCB/2014-15/02/CDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument Rs 500.00










Bidding Document (Gioods)Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice lnviting Bids .......,....

Instructions to Bidders...

Bid Data Sheet.........,.

Qualifi cation and Evaluation Criteria..'............'..

Bidding Forms.........

Schedule of Supply....

General Conditions of Contract'.

Special Conditions of Contract'.

Contract Forms


Page 134: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FaxPh,0294-24?0139,24707l9(O) 0294-247C479, E-mailcdfsO0l 1@emai!.com


Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, UdaipurTgnTuir rfrrq qfr \rq ttqtFrfrt ft{qfa-g.rdq,B-qqgq (vro.) sraoor

No, F. A4PIJAT/CDFST/Tender/2014/ lx g1^ sur Dated: L\ Rgt o{- t-o]}


Sealed Bids are invited unto 01.00 PM of l0th Sentember 2014 for procu.rement of Lab model Twin Screw

Extruder, Hammer Mill, Batch Roaster, Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas prrckaing, Baking Oven, Ageing Vat,

Popcorn Machine, Shdnk wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, Bread slicer, Cold tlisplay counter, Rotary flour sifter.

Details may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our u'ebsites www.mpuat.ac.in or the

vreb."ltc of State Public p13s1l1srnent Portal wwl'rSq!.:ilJi :nd ma;, L,e ebtained 6'r fler'f61sdeC en

payment of lts. 500i- in cash/ banker's cheque/ demand draft.





Page 135: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,2474i\9(O) 0291-241u479, E-nail-cdfst20i [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIE}{CE TECHNOLOGY€-srft qq rgfq fr-aTq ffiFIdr q-dTfuqmq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Udaipur{61-{fuTr q'ilq qR Tq frdft?fr ffiqF?T,B-qqgq (ww,) srsoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


No. F. A4PUAT/CDFST/Tenderl20I4/ 1902-04 Dated:21 August 2014


NIB No NCB/2014-15102 Date2l't August 2014

L Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invitei. on behalf of the Dean, Collegeof Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap Universily of Agriculture and technology,Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listel below, from manufacturers/distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesU registered Bidders/ bona-Frde dealers unto 1.00 PM of10th Sentember 2014

In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid anda separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category.

Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units. Bids recei'red fromBidders other than cottase and SSI units will not be considered.

3. Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per Instructions 1o Bidders shall be admissible inevaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the productoffered. They shall also include details on their backup services offerred, warranties, etc"

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Dtdivery Schedule, eti":. can be seen

at or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price ofRs 500/- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's cheque/Demand Draft of a Sr,he'luledBank in India drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur payable at

Udaipur, Altematively,these may be seen andrdownloaded from the college or University oftrcial

-/t| / ---" a:t$-u-L't'





NIB No./Category Name of Article/ goods Qtv.,..,,,;


Totalr--;r.l'"r,i1Cost (Rs




NCB/20 I4l02lCDFSl Lab model Twil Screw Extruder No L+ 48,000/-HammerMill No 0.5 r.000/-Batch Roaster No. 0.50 1.000i-Vacuum Packasins and Nitroeen eas oackains No t.1s 2.300/-Bakine Oven No. 0.40 il00/-Aseins Vat No. i.00 2.000t-Popcorn Machine No. 0.24 480t-Shrink wrappins Machine No. 5.00 10.000/-Tray Drier No. 0.50 1.000/-Bread slicer No. 0.65 I 300/-Cold Disolav counter No 0.6E 1360t-

Rotary flour sifter No. 0.30 600/-

Page 136: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Ieleiaxph0)r4-24r*lrlo,247C71o(o) 0294-2410419'E:x,ail-cdfst2cl:lorylail^y]jt

C0LLEGE OF DArRy * ioop SCIENCE TllcHlioLoGY--.---iqft qq Gle fr-fln ddFrftl qefi-sr-dq

Maharana Pratap universitS' of ^Ag^riculture

t3r TechnologY, udaipur'"rffi'^;;E6 G fr-iRr$f -ft8-qfu-il-i{q,tsqqgt (rru.) stsoot

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Dated:21 August 2014ffi tr ender I 20 I 4 I 19 02-0 4






manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiest/ registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

upto 1.00 PM of l0th SePtember 2014

In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes

una u separate bidding document has to be purchased for each '3ategory'

a separate bid

units. Bids received2. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI


3.Priceprefbrenceand/orpurchasepreferenceaSperlnstructionstoBiddersshalladmissible in evaluation and award of Contract'

The Bid is for a fixed quantitY'

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue anj other characteristics of the


Bidding Document including the conditions of contract, evaluation and qualification criteria

and procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications' Delivery Schedule' etc' can be

seen at or obtained fiom the office of the Dean, college of Dainz and Food Science Technology'

Maharana Pratap university of Agriculture and Technology, udaipur (Raj') during office hours in

working days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price

of Rs 500/- in the form of cash or banker's chequelDemand Draft of a Scheduled Bank in hrdia

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food science Technololry' Udaipur payable at Udaipur'

Alte5natively, these may be seen and downloaded from the college or University official







Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas



Page 137: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


web site, www,Frpudt.ac,in or ihe websiie of State Public Procui:einent Pcrtal, $4ry!Lf!!p4{C.tn

*J tfr" pri.. ofEfrCttg O*ument may be paid along with user chargesl processing fee, if any, at

the time of submission of the Bid'

Bids, duly signed on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, accompanied with the

Bid Security, (except concessional amount or Bid Securing Declaration, where applicable) in the

form of Demand nraff/ Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the specified format, from a Scheduled

BankinIndia,shallbesubmittedpersona11yorbypostinseale@10th Seotember 2014, to Dean, College of Dairy and Food Sr:ience Technology, Udaipur -@aringthereferencetoNIB(withCategory,ifany)andwarningas:

In case Bids have been invited electronically, the procedure fo:: submission of Bids including

payment of price of Bidding document, user charges/ processing fi:e, Bid Security, etc' shall be as

provided on the State Public Procurement Portal.

Bids received after the specified time and date shall not be accepted ernd returned unopened.

The Technical Bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on 116Sentenrber2014 in the presence of the

Bidders or their representativ.s nutro *isit to b1 present. Financial bid shall be opened at 03 PM on

1ls Sentember 2014

The procuring Entity is not bound to accePt the lowest Bid and may reject any or all Bids without

assighmg ai".yleasoa:tflbreoi. ' '*' ':

The Bidders shall have to submit a valid VAT' clearance certificate from the concemed Commercial

Taxes Officer and the 'PAN' issued by Income Tax Department'





11.:: -i..r'rF -




Copy forwarded for kind information to:

t. ^

itre Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur'

Z. The Director Extension Education, Directorate of Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur






Page 138: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goads (SS2E Bid) liecticir I - lnstructions tc SiC.ters

Section I: lnstructions to Bidders (ITB)Important Instruction:- The Law relating to procurement "The Rajasthan Transparency in Public ProcuremenlAct, 2012" [hereinafter called the ActJ and the "Rajasthan Public Procurement Rules, 2013" [hereinafter calledthe RulesJ under the said Act have come into force which are ovailabie on the website of State PublicProcurement Portal h!!p:!-rgpL&[.&il*ig, Therefore, the Bidders are advised to acquaint themselves with theprovisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in the Bidding process, If there is any discrepancybetween the provisions of the Act and the Rules and this Bidding Documenl, the provisions of the Act and theRules shall prevaiL

1. General1.1 Scope of Bid

1.1.1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BD{i), the Procuring Entity, as indicatedin the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goods / equipment and Related Servicesincidental thereto as specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply (SS).

1.1 .2 Throughoutthis Bidding Document:i. the term "in writing" means communicated in written form througlr letter, fax, e-mail etc. with proof of

receiot.ii. if the context so requires, singularmeans plural and vice versa; andiii. "Day" means calendar day.

1.3 Code of Integrity

1 3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall(a) not offer any bribe, reward or gift or any material benefit either din:ctly or indirectly in exchange for an.. lnfair aqlvanhse in proCtrremenf DTOCeSS Or tO Ct!.gru..'i.- infl':eqg(t the 5'rCCUre--l:^! prOnesSi. -(b) not misrepresent or omit rhat misleads o( attempts to mislead {;o as to obtatn a financial or other

benefit or avoid an obligation;(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency,

fairness and progress ofthe procurement process;(d) not misuse any information shared between the procuring Entitv and the Bidders with an intent to

gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;not indulge in any coercion including impairing or harming or thrr:atening to do the same, directly orindirectly, to any party or to its property to influence the procuremt:nt process;not obstruct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;disclose conflict of interest, if any; anddisclose any previous transgressions with any Entity in India or ary other country during the last threeyears or any debarment by any other procuring entity.

j.3.2 Conflict of Interest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests

that could improperly influence that party's performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractualobligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations.i. A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding

process if, including but not limited to:a. have controlling partners/shareholders in common; orb. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from ary of them; orc, have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; ord. have a relationship with each other, directly or through comnlon third parties, that puts them in a

position to have access to information about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, orinfluence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process, or

e. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in this bidding F,rocess. Participation by a Bidder inmore than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bds in which the Bidder is involved.

However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating

as a Bidder, in more than one Bid; orf. the Bidder or any of its afflliates participated as a consultanl in the preparation of the design or

technical specifications of the Goods and Services that are the subject of the Bid; org. Bidder or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed tc, be hired) by the Procuring Entity as

engineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract.ii. The Bidder shall have to give a declaration regarding compliano: of the Code of Integrity prescribed

in the Act, the Rules and stated above in this Clause along wilh its Bid, in the format specified in

Section lV, Bidding Forms.iii. Breach of Code of Integrity by the Bidder: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of the

Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, in case of arry breach of the Code of Integrity by

a Bidder or prospective Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take appropriate action

in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 11 and section 46 of the Act.

1.4 Eligible Bidders

1.4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-ownecl Entity or, if permitled in the Bidding

documents, any combination of them with a formal intent to enter intc an agreement or under an existing

agreement in the form of a Joint Venture UVl, Consortium or Association.



1.1 ./


Page 139: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

E.i,li,,: Docwnent - Goods (SS2E Bid; liection I - Instructir,,rs to Bidders

1.42 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shair have ihe nationerlity of India. ln case of International

Competiilve Bidffi; or.loiniv"ntr-re, consortium or Association [wh,are permitted], the nationality of the

Bidder and arf Jartlei constituting the Bidder shall be of India or € country not declared ineligible by

Government of lndia. A Bidder shall be deemed to have nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen

or constituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of the Laws of that country'

1.4.3 A Bidder should not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in qr:estion as stated in the Rule 81 and

this Bidding document.

1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligibler to participate in any procurement

process undertaken bY

i"l any Procuring e'ntlty, rt debarred by the State Government; and

iOi a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity'

1.4.5 The Bidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributor, authorised dealer, registered Bidder

bona-fide deatei in the Goods and if required he shall furnish necessary proof for the same in the

soecified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the manufacturer or country distributor in

India, shall be enclosed.

1.4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility s,atisfactory to the Procuring Entity'

should the Procuring Entity request.

1.4.7 In case a prequalification, empanelment or registration process has reen conducted priorto the Bidding

process, tnis aCJin! *itt Ou oi"n orrly to the pie-qualified, empanelled or registered Bidders



the $id ir li3l1i4 ': [4 ;-je6trd

1.5 Eligrole Goods and Related Servtues

1.5..1 All Goods and Related services to be supplied under the c_ontracl shall have India as their country of

origin or a country which has not been deciared ineligible by Governnrent of India'

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), a Bidder that does not rnanufacture or produce the Goods it

offers to supply shall submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation usi rg the form included in Section lV,

Bidding Formsio demonstrate that it has been duty authorised by the manufacturer or producer of the



z. l.l

Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative biJs, if permitted'

No Bidder who is not registered under the Sales Tax Act prevalen: in the State where his business is

located shall Bid. fne Saiei iai Registration Number should be quoed and a VAT/ Sales Tax Clearance

certificate from the Commercial Ta[s Officer of the Circle concerned shall be submitted without which

Goods to supply these Goods in lndia.

Contents of Bidding Document

Sections of the Bidding Document

The Bidding Document consists of all the Sections indicated belou', and should be read in conjunction

*tn inv Ad-denda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document]'

Section l. Instructions to Bidders (lTB)

Section ll. Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section lll Qualification and Evaluatio:r Criteria

Section lV. Bidding Forms

section V. schedule of supply (Speciflcations/ conformance to standards, designs and drawings

etc., installation/ commrssioning, Mandatory operation and maintenance, training etc )

Section Vl A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]Section Vl B. Special Conditions of Contract [SCC]Section Vl C. Contract FormsTheNotice|nvitingBidssha||a|sobeapartoftheBiddingDocument.

2.1.2 (i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice Inviting

Bids and shall be sibppeo one day prior to the date of opening of Bids The prospective Bidders may

also download the Bidding Document from the website oithe procurement entity/ State Public

procuremeni iortat anO [ay its price while submitting the filled-up Bidding Document to the

Procunng Entity, or e-procurement gateway' if the facility is available'

(ii) Bidding Document purchased by Principal of any concern.may be used by its authorised sole selling

agents/ .uiXuting ug"nts/ distri5utors/ iub-distributors and authorised dealers or vice versa'

2.1.3 The procuring Entity is not responsible forthe completeness of the Bidding Document and its addenda' if

they were no, oUi"iir"o Oirectrj from the Procuring'Entrty or not dorvnloaded correctly from the Procuring

Entity's website/ State Public Procurement Portal'

2.1.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, ternrs, and specifications. in the Bidding

Document. Failure to furnish all information or authentic documentation required by the Bidding

Document may result in the rejeclion of the Bid'

2.2 Glarification of Bidding Document and Pre-Bid Conference

2.2.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall crrntact the Procuring Entity in writing at

the procuring iniityi address indicatbd in tne-eos. The Procurirg Entity will respond.in writing to any

request for clarificaiion, within ,uu"n 0"y", provided that such request is received no later than Fourteen

(ti; oays prior to the deadline for submiision of Bids as specified in the BDS.


Page 140: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

2'22'TheBidderorhisauthorisedrepresentaiiveisinvitedtoattendthePn:-BidConference,ifprovidedforinthe BDS. The purpose of the pre-Bid contJt"n"" *itl o" to clarify issues and to answer questions on any

matter related to this procurement that may be raised at that stage'

2,2.3TheBidderrsrequested,tosubmitquestionsinwriting,toreachtheProcuringEntitynot|aterthanoneweek before the Pre-Bid Conference'

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid conference will not be a cause for disclualification of a Bidder

2,3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2g'lAnyaddendumissuedsha|lbepartoftheBiddingDocumentandsha||becommunicatedinwritingtoa||Bidders who have obtained the Bidding Docurlnt directly from the Procuring Entity lt shall also be

uploaded on the websites of the erocuilng-intity and staie Public Procurement Portal for prospecttve

bidders to download'

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an e'ddendum into account In preparlng

their Bids, tn.ir-r"**g Eniity-ruy at its Jiscretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids'

under due intimation to the Bidders *no'nru" piocuied tne gidgilS oocument drrectly from the Procuring

Entity and also by uploading it on the weusles of Procuring Entity/-St'ate Public Procurement Portal'

3. PreParation of Bids

3.1 Cost of Bidding

31.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation iend submission of its Bid, and the

procuring Entity shall not be responsiore oiriaore for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding Process.

3.2 Language of Bid

3.2.lTheBid,aswellasallcorrespondenceanddocumentsrelatingtotreBidexchangedbytheBidderand.--the Procr uing Entity, sharf -he -r!a$::n ,x]n" L'"S' "Ce sneciliei in the'BDS Srrpportinq doaiaenl€'end

printeo fiteratu[ inli are part of the Bid may OJin inother ianguage provided they afe accompanied by

an accurate translation of the relevant p"..jg"r Jury aicepteo.-by tTre Bidder.in the language specified in

the BDS, ir *n'"n.6", ioi jurpo."t oiinteriretation of the Bid, such translation shall govern'

Sectimr I - lnstructions to Bidders'Eidding Document'- Gtiuh (ss2E Bid)

3.3 Documents ComPrising the Bid

3.3.1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes

Proposal and the other the Financ'al or

3.42r1J.t. I

submitted simultaneously, one containing the Technical Bid/

Price Bid/ Proposal, erclosed together in an outer single


3.3.2 The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the following

i. proof of payment of price of Biddtnl bocumen-t, processing fee/ user charges, where applicable'

and Bid SecuritY;ii. Documeni"rt"6iirning the etigibility of bidder to bid as per ITE clause 3.8

iii. Technical Bid/ proposal Submission Sheet and Technical Bid containing thefrlled up Bidding Forms

and Dectarations related to tecnnicat AiO anO Code of Integrity (fory.Qe) given in Section lV'

Bidding Forms; and any other documents as specified in the Technical Bid Submission Forms

iv Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

33.3TheFinancia|Bid/PriceProposa|Shallcontainthefo||owing:i. Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet;

ii. Alternative price Schedules/ Financial Bid corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposal, if

permissible; andiii. Any other document required in the BDS'

Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules

The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid using the appropriate Bid submission sheets

provided in Section tV, eiJOlng Forms. These forms must be completed without any alterations to their

format, and no suostitutes inill be accepted. Ail blank spaces shall be filled in ink or typed with the

information requested.

Alternative Bids

Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be considered.

Bid Prices And Discounts

The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Sheet and in the Price Schedules

shall conform to the requirements specified in following Sub-clauses:

3.6.2 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced separately in .the Financial

schedules. lf a Financial Schedule shows items specified / listed b.rt not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requisite accessories. The details of accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optlonal accessories if any be quoted


3.6.3 The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Sheet shall be th= total price of the Bid excluding any

discounts offered. Discounts, if permitted, shall be shown separately.

3.6.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts, if permitted, and the methodology for their


J.3. I


ta V*'Z

Page 141: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Iiection I - Instrucii;:l: to Bidders

3.6 6

application in the Financiai Bid Submrssion Sheet'

ln case of International competitive Bidding the terms EXW, clF, clP, and other similar terms shall be

governed by the rules pi".iiin"o in the c-urrent edition of Incoterns, published by The International

chamber of commerce, on in" o"t" of the Invitation for Bids or as spr:cified in the BDS.

Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder's Perrformance of the COntract and not

subject to variation on uny u""ornt, unless otheri,vise specified in the BDS A Bid submitted with an

adjustable price quotailon'shall be treated as non-responsive ani shall be rejected However' if in

accordance with the gDS -p";t

quoted by the Bidd'er shall be subject to adjustment during the

oerformance of the Contract,'a Bid submitted'with a fixed price qu()tation shall not be rejected, bui the

price adjustment shall be treated as zero'

All rates quoted must be FoR destination and should include all incidental charges except Central/

Rajasthan Sales Tax/ Vni, gntr, T_ax, which should be shown separately No cartage or transportation

charges wilt be paid OV pil*rini Eniity anO the delivery (includhgt.unloading and stacking etc ) of the

GooJs shall be given ai tfre designated premises of the Procuring Entity.

Currencies of Bid.

Theunitratesandthepricessha|lbequotedbytheBidderentire|yinIndianRupeesun|essotherwisespecified in BDS in case of International bompetitive Bidding (lcB) All payments shall be made in Indian

iup"". only, unless otherwise specified in the BDS'

lf equipment is imported, the University may open L.C' in favour of the Principal but all the other

formalities relating to rmp-ort'(Jearing, eti) are'to be completed by the su-ccessful bidder at his cost' The

bidder can avait facititieJ "b"i*t Eri ixcise/Custom Exemption certificate The bidder should have

Custom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

To .sstablish.-ti.,eir eligib:d;- in^accordan;,: ri:i;+ lT3 clausc- 'i l' [tl''1ible Bid:te':'], Bilders shair' '*compulsorily attach any one of the following, as approprrate:

(a) In case of sole Proprietorship: Address of residence and office' telephone numbers e-mail address' if

ful ify""s" of partnership Firms: partnership_Deed and valid regislration certlficate with the Registrar of

Firms and power of ittornuy in favour of the partner signing/submitting the Bid, authorizing him to

represent all Partners of the firm.(c) In case of registered company or statutoryi registered body: Registration certificate and

Memorandum ot nsioiiation issued by Registrar of cimpanies; in case of a registered company and

in case of another slaiutory or registered body, certificate of incorporation or registration issued by

concerned authority and Power of attorney in favour of the person signing the Bid'

(d) where permitted to oio ".

existing orintended JointVenture, consortium orAssociation: copy of the'-' Agreement, or a letter of intentio enter into such Agreement. The respective document shall be

signed by att regaily authorrsed signatories of all the partes to the existing or intended JV'

Consortium or Association as appropriate; and the existing or intended JV shall authorise an

indivldual/partner in one of the firm of the JV to act and commii all the partners of JV for the Bid'

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attach

Declaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related services

To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.5 [Eligible

Goods and Related Servicesl, Bidders shall complete the country of origin declarations in the Price

Schedule Forms included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

Documents, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conformity of the Goods and Related

Services to the Bidding Document

To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Servicestothe Bidding Document, the Biddershall

furnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence as asked in the technical Bid submission form

(specifications, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or other acceptable codes)_and where

asked for, supply samples, demonstrates trials or carry out tests as specified in Section V, Schedule of

Supply and any amendment thereof issued.

The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, de;ign/ drawings or data etc , and shall

consist of a detaiied description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods

and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness rf the Goods and Related Services to

those requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement of deviations and exceptions to the

Drovisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

Standards for workmanship, process, material, operation and maintenance and equipment' as well as

references to brand names oi catalogue numbers specified by tfre Procuring Entity in the Schedule of

Supply, are the minimum acceptabie standards and are interrded to be descriptive only and not

restrictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand names, and /or catalogue

nrrb"rr, provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's s€tisfaction, that the substitutions

ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in the Schedule of Supply.

Bids for articles, if any, specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shall be accompanied by samples of







3.1 0.1


a ,ln ?




Page 142: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

the articles bid, where asked for, properly pscKed such samples if sr'bmitted personally will be recelvecl

in the office. A receipt will be given to,. .i.n .*pf"-UV if't. offcer r:ceiving the samples Samples for

catering/food items should be given in-a sultaUtelnon-contaminatng plaitic box Or in food grade

polythene bags at the cost of the Bidder

310.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six months after the expiry of the

contract. The procuring Entity shail not ue Lsponsi'ble for any danlage' wear and t"1f -?t

loss during

testtng, examlnation, etc., during the period these samples areretainei The samples shall be collected

by the Bidder on the expiry of stip,ulated p?ioi.-ir'"-itb9u119 !1iW shall in no way make arrangements

to return the samples. The samptes unJoitecteo within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall be

forfeited bythe procuring Entity ano no ciiim fortheircost, etc., shall lrc entertained'

3.1o.6Samp|esnotapprovedshallbecol|ectedbytheBiddersl|:.P:.,'ingEntitywi|lnotberesponsib|eforany damage, wear and tear' or toss during ieslilg :*tTl"-t!,o-1.:-"i" ' during the period these sampres are

retained. The uncollected samples shall b! forfeiied and no claim for their cost, etc'' shall be entertained'

3.11 Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder

3'11'lToestab|ishitsqua|ificationstoperformtheContract,theBidders;ha||submitasparlofitsTechnicalprooosal the documentary evidence inoi".LJ-tor. each qualification criteria specified in Section lll'

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria'

3.12 Period of ValiditY of Bids

3.12.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS or Biddino documents after the Bid submission

deadtine date as specified by the Procuring e.iit'. n eid vaf iO for a Jnorter period shall be reiected by the

Procuring Entity as non-responslve

3.12.2 ln exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration, ol t[9.Bid-valijity period' the Procuring Entity may

request aiooer; 19 extend the period .i rrilHv "i

their Bids. The request and the responses shall be

- n,:4;..,--*i-ii.i,y lf ; l?i,-i $.rc;1::i; t, 3,7:':,:L'tt :hl:i als'; il tt"'''rCi'; icr a ':::;l :;:i: t:''i:i: rnrlryi I

Bidder may refuse the request withou-t flneiti;rg its Bid Securiiy A Bidder grarrting the requ:st shati not

be required or permitted to modify its Bid

3.13 Bid SecuritY

3.13.'1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid' a Bid Security in original


3.13.2 Bid Security shall be 2o/o ol lhe estimated value of subject matler of procurement put to bid or as

specified oy tre state Government. In case of small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0':j% of the

valueofthequantityofferedforsupp|yandincaseofSickIndustries,otherthanSmal|ScaleIndUStrieS'wnose cases are pending with Board oi rnor.tri"r and Financial lleconstruction; it shall be 1% of the

estimated value of Bid'

3. 13.3 The Bid security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or bank demand draft (DD) or

bank guarantee, in specified rormat, oi a Scheduled Bank in tndia Tfre bid security instrument (BC/DD)

must be in the name of ,,Dean, college of r".ttnoiogy and Engineering, Udaipur'' payable at udaipur.

3'13.4|n|ieuofBidSecurity,aBidSecuringDec|arationshallbetakenfromDepartmentsof.:heStateGovernment and State Government Fublic sector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, Fiegistered

Societies, Cooperative Societies which are controlled or managed by the State Government and Public

sector Enterprises of central Government. For the Bid Securing D-eclaration the Bidder shall use the

tsidding Document - Goods (SS2L Bid)Sr:ction I - Instructions to Biddei s

Bid rsecuring declaration shall necessariiy

Security or Bid Securing Declaration' if not

The issuerof the Bid Security and the confirmer' if any, of the Bid Siecurity' as well as the form and terms

of the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

The Bid security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in the followirg cases' namely:-

i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid after openrng of l3ids; or

ii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement within-the specified time after issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order; or

iii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related services as per supply order

within the time sPecified; oriv. when the Bidder oo"i-not deposit the performance security in the specified time period after the

supply / work order is Placed,v. if the Bidder breach;J;;;-provision of the Code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act, ChapterVl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1 3; or

vi. if the giooei does not accept the correction of its Bid price due io correction of arithmetic errors'

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.14.lTheoriginal(andallcopies,ifasked)oftheBidshallbetypedorrvritteninink'properlybound'allpagesshall be serially numbered and signed by the Bidder or a p-erson cluly authorised.to.sign on behalf of the

Bidder/JV. This authorisation shall constlt of a written confirmatiolr as specified in the BDS and shall be

attached to the Bid

g.14.2 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed by

form included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

3.13.5 Bid Security instrument or cash receipt of Bid Security or a

accompany tne sealed Bid. Any Bid not accompanied by Bid

exempted, shall be liable to be rejected'


3 13.11


\. ,/\W---4---

Page 143: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Dacurse4* Goods (SS2E Bid).** Sr:ction I - lnstructions to Bidders

the Person signing the Bid

3'l4.3TheBidderSha||prepareoneTechnica|BidorProposalconsisti,nqofdocuments/formsasaskedinthetechnical Bid submission form and .up"rrirtJ tn" Jnu"top" with "T'EC;HNlcAL BID''

3.14.4 The priCe schedule or price proposal^must be sealed in separate t:nvelopes for each item using the

appropriate form (Form-PS), given in SeJion lV. The amouni quote6 should be mentioned in words &

flgures. Each envelope must bear tn" tatii'ng"'pnrCr sCHroULE" and the NAME OF ITEM/ GOODS'

3.14.5A||theenve|opesofpricebidsforalltheitemsquotedbybiddermustbeputinonesing|eenve|ope'Thisenvelope must be marked "FlNANC|AL BID'

3.14.6 The envelopes for Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outer envelope and must be sealed


3,14.7 The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsonly -


submission of Bid. In case there "rL

rrnv "rt"g'oiies

in the NIE', the specific CATEGoRY for which

the bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the -fechnical Bids shall bear a warning

not to be opened before the time and date for the opening of re,chnical Bids, as specified in the NIB

and BDS.

(e) The inner envelopes containing the Financial Bid and/or Price proposals shall bear a warning not to

be opened until advised by the Procuring Entity'

3..14.g lf all envetopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Procuring Entity shall assume no

responsibility "optliGcgtgq!,eJces,inclrJing

rutp]ucgn9.!!'end pr(]mature oqeng*ef the Bid '

':*'r, t. --rt"3.,14.9 A|ternative Bids, it permissible, sha|| be nry0.190, sea|ed, marked, and delivered with the inner

envelopes r"*"0 in addition "ALTERNATIVE BID No: ....", as appropriate'






Submission and OPening of Bids

Submission of Bids

Bidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directly droppecl in the Bid Box' where provided But

if so specified in tne eiOOing $olrtentg, Bidders shall submii their Bids electronically only' Bidders

submitting their Bids "r""trlnl"urry,

.hall follow the electronic Bid submission procedure as specified on

the State Public Procurement Portal

Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bids shall be received, by the person designated for the purpos,: by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid eox, oisubmitted electronically, where asked fcr at the place and upto the time and

date'soecified in the Notice Inviting Bids or an extension issued there:of

4.3 Late Bids

4.3.1 The procurrng Entity shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever r""ron,'including postat Oelay Such Bids shall be ceclared late, rejected, and returned

unoPened to the Bidder.

4.4 Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

4.4.j A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid Proposal aftel it has been submitted by sending a

written withdrawal/ substitutions/ modifications etc. Notice, duly signed by the Bidder or its authorised

representative, and shall include a copy of the authorisation. The corresponding Withdrawal, Substitution

or Modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written Notice All Notices must be:

i. submitted in accordance with ITB cLuses 3.14 lPreparation, Sealing a1o tvtl{1tg-of Bidsl' the

respective inner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked '\AITHDRAWAL"; "SUBSTITUTION"' or

'MODIFICATION" andii. received by the procuring Entity prior to the deadline specified by the Procuring Entity for submission

of Bids.

44.2 Bid proposals that are withdrawn in accordance with as above shall be returned unopened to the


4.5 Bid OPening

4.5.1 First only the Technical Bids shall be opened on the date, time and place specified.in the BDS by the

Bids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their autfrorised representatives who choose to

be Present.

The bidder or his authorized representative, if asked, should come prepared for technical

presentation and demonstration on the date of opening of the bid and may be required to stay

next day also.

4.0.2 lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids opening procedure as specified on the State

public procur"."ni portut 'shail be followed. The Bidders may witness the electronic Bid opening

Procedure online.

4.5.3 The procuring Entity shalt conduct the opening of Financial Bids of all Bidders who submitted


\^,2- ^{

Page 144: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docuntent - Goods (SS2!'Bid)



3. t.z

substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified in evaluation of Technical Bids' in the

presenceofBiddersortheirrepresentative-s-*hochoosetobepres,entattheaddress,dateandtimebPecified bY the Procuring EntitY'

4.5.4 lf the date of opening of financial blds needs to be extendeo to "nat'le

a large number of technical bids

received, the changed date and time snJite communicated throurlh the website of the procurement

entity. tt snatt atso oi-communicate tereprrlnica]rv ."rv t" tn" bidders vvho attended the technical bid'

Evaluation and Comparison of Bids


Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Procuring Entity in the exam nation' evaluation' comparison' and

post qualification of the eidt oiCo.lt"ct award O6clsions may result in the rejection of its Bid' in addition

i"-i;""6;i;;trn *ni"n ;n"v-u"I"r". oyin" eto"uring Entity under tlre Act and the Rules'

Notwithstanding the above clause, from the time of opening the Bid lo 11" tjt" of contract award' if any

Bidder wishes to contact the procuring Entity on any'mattjr related to the Bidding process, it should do

Section I- Instructions to Bidders

of Ter:hnical Bids shall be based upon an

the Bidder in support of the Bidder's

so in writing.

5.l.4lnadditiontotherestrictionsspecifiedinsection4goftheAct'th€ProcuringEntity'whileprocuringasubject matter of such nature wnicn reiuires it "

procrting Entity to maintain confidentiality, may impose

condition for protecting confidentiality of such information'

5.2 Clarification of Technical or Financial Bids

5.2.1 To assist rn the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualrfication of the Technical or Financial Bids'

the Bid evatuation committee r"1l, "iiir Jiiiretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification regarding its Bid'

The committl"t t"qr"tt for clarification and the response of the Bidcler shall be in writing

5.2.2 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to his Bid that is not in response to a request by the

Bid evaluation committee shall not be considered- S.3 Nonma..eria! t*dndonfdimities in -itiirri'ilaf or Financiat Bids

5.3.1 provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive:' the Procuring Entity may waive any

nonconformity (with recorded r..rron.iin tne -aio

that db noi constitute a material deviation' reservation

or omission.

5.3.2 provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may request

the Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, vvithin a reasonable period of time' to

rectify nonmaterial nonconformities oi omissionr in the Bid rela:ed to documentation requirements'

Failure of the aiooer to comply with the request may result in the reje,ctlon of its Bid.

5.4 Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

S.4.lThedeterminationofqua|iflcationofaBidderineva|uationexamination of the documentary evidence submitted by


5.4.2 The procuring Entity shall examine the technical aspects of tl"e Bid in particular, to confirm that

reouirements of section V, Schedule of supply have been m€'t without any material deviation or


s.4.3 The procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that all terms and conditions specified in the

GCC and the scc have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation'

5.5 Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Financial Bid

5.5.i provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity will correci arithmetical

errorsduringeva|uationofFinancia|Bidsonthefo||owingbasis:i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the

unit price and quantity,-the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the

opinion of the procuiing Entity there is an obvious misplacernent of the decimal point in the unit

price, in which case theiotal piice as quoted shall govern and tre unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals' the subtotals

shall orevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amcrunt in words shall prevail, unless the

amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures

shall prevail subjecl to (i) and (ii) above.

5.S.2 lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall

be dlsqualifled and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed'

5.6 Price and/ or Purchase Preference

S.6.1 price and/ or purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given in accordance with the policy of State

Government notified / prevalent at the time of issue of NIB

5.7 Evaluation of Financial Bids

5.7 1 The procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Technical Bid of which has

been determined to be substantially responsive.

5.7.2 i. Unless otherwise specified in BDS, the evaluation of the tot€rl Price of a Bid shall be the price of

deliverlng the Goocjs and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of delivery specified in Bidding


Page 145: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sectics I _ Instr.uction5 +o Si.iflpp5Biddins Document - GocCs (SS2E Bid)

documents, rncluding alt taxes and duiies payable on them, insurilnce, transport, loaotng, unloadlng'

erecting, stacking' testing, commisstonl nQ' etc

ii. In comparing the rates quoted oy nr*i ir-om outsrde Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but not

entiiled to price preference, tne eremeni of nalastnan vAT ihall he excluded whereas that of central

Sales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates'

iii. white comparing the i-ates in respect of firms within Rajasthan the element of Rajasthan Sales Tax /

VAT shall be included

5.8 Post qualification of the Bidder

5,8',lTheProcurrngEntitysha||determinetoitssatisfactionthattheBidderthatisse|ectedaSthe|owestgiOder is quaiifled to perform the Contract satisfactorily

5.9 Procuring Entity's Right to Accept Any Bid' and to Reject Any or All Bids

5.g.1 The Procunng Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and

reject alt AiOs Ji';;V ii;; ;;";t" bgliact award without assignirrg any reasons thereof and without

th-ereby incurring any liability to the Bidders'

6.1 Procuring Entity's Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award

6.1 I At the time ot award of contract, the quantity of Goods, works o'services originally specified in the

Bidding Documents may be increased ,r-iJ""i6"r"o. lt shall be without any change in the unit prices or


61.2|ftheProcuringEntitydoesnotprocureanysubject.matter.ofprocurementorprocures|essthanthequantrty specrfiJd in ine Bidding Oocum"nt'due io change in circumstances' the Bldder shall not be

entitled for any claim or compensation eicept otherwise provided in the Conditions of Contract'

6.2 Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award

62.1 As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be procured from the

3iduo;, whcsc B;J is :, u;rtr.C y',.,r"er, "ilr* iis ,". '--tni';;,a: tho ':-;i'liiY .ir ii'::';i;":1 ;;iatiF''- liprocurement to be procured is very rarge r.J ,t nl"y not pe i1 the capacity of the i3idder, whose Bid is

accepted, to deliver the entire quantity 5i*nen it is tonsidered that the subject matter of procurement to

be procured rs of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantitv may be divlded between the Bidder'

whose Bid is accepted and the .""ond lowest Bidder or even nrore Bidders in that order, in a fair,

transparent "no "qritrut"

manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose l3id is accepted'

6.3 Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract

6.3 1 The Procurrng Entity after considering the recommendations of tl'e Bid Evaluation committee and the

conditions ot "aio, ir'any, financial implications, samples' test rep'orts, etc'' shall accept or reject the

successful Bid.


6.3.3 lf the rssuance of formal letter of acceptance (LoA) is likely to tal<e time' in the meanwhile a Letter of

Intent (LOl)may be sent to the successful Bidder. The acceptance of an offer is complete as soon as the

letter of acceptance or letter of intent is posteo and/ or.uni by enail (if available) to ihe address of the

successful Bidder given in its Bid

6.4 Signing of Contract

6.4..1 In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the succrrssful Bidder' it shall also be asked to

execute "n "gi";"ni

in the format given in the Bidding Document on a non -judicial stamp of requisite

value at his cost and depostt the amount of Performance securlty or a Performance security Declaration'

as applicabte, within a period specified i,n the BDS or where the pr:riod is not spectfied in the BDS, then

within fifteen days from the date on whrch the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the Bidder' Until a formal

contract rs executed, LoA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.

6 4.2 lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written tlrocurement contract or fails to furnish

the required performance Security or Performance SeCurity Declarirtion' as the case may be, as the case

may be, within the specified time period, the Procuring intity shall take action against the successful

Bidder as p"rih. provisions of the Act and the Rules. The Procurirrg Entity may, in such.case, cancel the

Drocurement pro*.a or if it deems fit, offer for acceptance on the rates of lowest Bidder to the next

lowest resPonsive Bidder,

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)


r. t/Vz-. /45"'

Page 146: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Eiriii,,s Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)Section II - Bi{i Data Sheet

Section tI : Bid Data Sh'eet

i SuL.mi.'iiff'and OPening c:'Bii'

ffises only, the Procuring Entity'r; address is:

Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology' MI)UAT' Udaipur

TelephoneNo'0294-2470:^39,0294-2470179Emal].:cd|[email protected]

(b) Where electronic submission of Bids it t"td"gl ft" "dlress

of the web portal is: NA

The details for Bid submission is:

Date 10'h September 2014 Time: 01:00PM

BDS4.5.1 The Bid opening shall take Place at:

Financial Bid

Dean, College of DairYSci,ence TechnologY'Udaipur 313001

11t'' September 2014


Award of Contracl

The period within which

submitted is i5 days.

Whether Perofrmance SecuritylPerforrnance Security Declaration shall be required (YesNo) YES

Address ofOffice

and FoodMPUAT,

the contract agreement is to be execuled and performance Security is to be

I lntroduction

BDS 1.1.1 The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCts/zu14'r|tuatL'

The Procuring Entity is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technolory'

MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan)

Bidding Doucment

Th. ptt.. "f

,he Bidding Documents is: Rs' 500/-)

BDS 2.1.3

BDS 2.2.1 For Clarification purposes only, the Procuring Hntlty's aooress

Attention (l'iame with Designation) : Dr' L'K' Murdia' Dean

Address: College of Dairy and Food Science Technolog

Tetephone No. 0294-2470139, 0294-2470179 Email : c

The Pre-Bid conference r'r'ill be held/not held: NOT HELD



BDS 3.2.1

BDS 3.6.4 Discounts on award of combination of lots can be ollereo/nol o

nology, MPUAT, UdaiPur - 313001

[email protected]


Technical Bid

Dean, College of DairY an{ ,!oojScience TlchnologY, MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

11th Septemb er 2014


BDS 6.5.1

\rL- X

Page 147: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section III - Quali{ieation and Evaluation Criteria

: Section III: Qualitication and Eva{uartion Criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders, qualihcations regarding critical aspects of their financial, technical' production'

procurement, shipping, installation and other capabilities necessa4'I to perform the contract will be

judged from the sieral criteria like Size ff operation, contractual Experience, Technical

Experience, Production capacity, Financial Position, cash flow capacity, Litigation History' Tax

clearance certificates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications unde:r section 7 of the Act' Bidders

acceptance or ccc and SCC, etc. Th; ".li.riu,

specihcally usr:d are specified in detail in the

Technical Bid'

B. Technical Suitability of Goods: Besides financial, commercial qualification * .uPo.":' the technical

suitability of goods offered in view of specihcations, standards, samplis;' etc' as provided in the Schedule

of Supply and Biding document shall determi;; th" qualification of the bidder' These are listed in details

in the Technical Bid form.


:1;SC&F.8,-,-.lit.r" - '-''i* ''':-:"'-" - '':"'-

1.1 Local llandling and Intand Transportation: costs for inland transportation, insurance' and other

incidental costs for delivery of the goodi from the EXW premises! or port of entry, or.border point to

Project site as defined in eiaaing Documents/Schedule of Supply, shall be quoted in the PRICE

SCHEDULES provided in Section w, nidding Forms' These-costs will be taken into account during bid

evaluation. If a Bidder fails to include such ;osts in its Bid, then the:se costs will be estimated by the

procuring Entity on the basis of published tariffs by the rail or r':ad transport agencies' insurance

companiJs, o, oih". appropriate ,ou,".,, and added to EXW or CIF or CIP price'

1.2 Minor omissions or Missing Items: The cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or

omissions from the contractual and commerciai conditions shall be evaluated' The Procuring Entity will

make its own assessment of the cost of any nonrnaterial nonconformitie:s and omissions for the purpose of

ensuring fair comParison of Bids.

2. TECHNICAL CRITERIA: The cost of ail quantifiable minor deviations or deficiencies from the

technical requirements as specified in Section V, 'Schedule of Supply shall ,be

evaluated' The Procuring

Entity will make its o*n *r"rr*ent of the cosi of these deviations or deficiencies for the purpose of

ensuring fair comParison of Bids.

3. ECONOMIC CRITERIA: The net price of items to be procured will be the criteria for evaluating

Bids that have passed the technical evaluation.


evaluation of Bids and award of Contract shall be as per the Govemment of Rajasthan Rules in this



Page 148: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docuntenl - Goods (SS2E Bid)

Section IV: Bidding Fornrs


1. Technical Bid Submission Sheet (Form-TBSS)

2. Format for Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)

3. Bid SecuritY (Form-BG)

4. Bid Securing Declaration (Form-BSD)

5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MAl)(ln case of procurement vaiuing upto Rs 10 lakh)

6. Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2)

(ln case of procurement valuing more than Rs' l0 lakh)




Section I\r - Bidding Forms







Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

T'iie Technical bid mus', be preprred with docum;nis ariangecl in the following ;ider

l. Technical Bid Submission sheet (Fonn-TBSS) with the proof o i payment of tender fee and Bid

Security attached on the toP.

Filled up Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)

DocumentsestablishingtheeligibilityofbidderasperlTBClaus'e3.8Declaration by Bidder in.o-pii*"e of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)

Declaration by Bidder (Form-MA1) or Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form-MA2), €ts

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIB

All enclosures asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Fonns in the sequence

lnstructions to Bidders (ITB), duly signed and stamped

General Contract conditions (GCCfand Special bontract Conditions (SCC), duly signed and




Page 149: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Ridrling Dttcuftlent - Goods (SS2F BiC)Secticn IV - Bitlrtinll Fornrr






Date:NIB No.:Alternative No., if Permitted:

To: The Dean, CDFST, UdaiPur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documer't'includingAdderrdaNo':-.-

we offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in ac'cordance with the delivery schedule

specified in eiiding Documents, the following Goods and Related Servi<:es:

our Bid shall be valid fbr a period of ._=-.- days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in

accordance with the Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding rrnr'n us and may be accepted at any time

bel:rc Lili expii;i'on of tirei pet'iu'i'

(c) lf our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance security in .:he amount of



of the Contract Price or Performance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract;

(d)ourfirm,includinganysubcontractorsorsuppliersforanypartofthe'contract'havenationalitiesfromtheeligible countries;

We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process' other than alternative

offers, if permitted, in the Bidding Document;

Our firm, its aitiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers has not been debarred by the

State Government or the Procuring Entity;

(g) we understand that this Bid, together with your uritten acceptanc€ thereof included in your notification of

award, shall constitute a binding contract b"t*""n us, until a formal Corrtract is prepared and executed;

(h) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluat:d bid or any other bid th'it you may


(i) we agree to permit the procuring Entity or its representative to. inspt:ct our accounts and records and other

documents relating to the bid sub-mission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Procuring


0) We declare that we have complied with and shall continue to comtr'ly with the provisions of the Code of

Integrity for Bidders as specified in the Rajasthan Transparency ilr Public Procurement Act' 2012' the

Rajasthan Transparency in public procuremeni Rules, 2013 and this Ilidding Document in this procurement

process and in execution ofthe Contract;

(k) Other comments, if anY:

Name/ address:

In the capacity ofSigned:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate:


Tel: -- Fax: e-mail:


Page 150: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Daiumeni - GootJe ('SS2E Rid.)

ial C

Note: This is only a format; the biddersIf some item is not quoted it should be

assumed as Not Quoted and corre



Section tV - Bidding Forms



must include all the items/goods (lpecified in the Schedule of Supply)'

mentioned ,,Not Quoted". If some item/good is missing that shall be

Part B: Technical Suitability of Goods Offered'The bidder is required to enter the relevant information asked in the format /table below and submit a proof in

support of the information.-itr. proof must be in form of catalogue, technical literature/ leaflet' brochure, etc' of the

items offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable t:he procur-ement entity to arrive at an

informed decision about the technical suitability of it,. i-te.s offered vis-ir-vis the specifications. In absence of such

proofs, the procurement entity may make its own assessment of the technical suitability'

e Sched n if enclosecl. w beo

Signature of bidder


SN Criteria RequiredValue


Proof submittedat page No.

1 A*rag. "fi"a1 tumover (converted into .lndian

Rupeei) defined as the total payments received by th<

Bidder for contracts completed or under executior

over the last 5 Years.

20 Crore

2. Nr.bet of sintitat iontracts successfully completed as

main supplier within the last 5 years. Value, nature,

and complexity of these contracts should be

comparableto the contract to be let. (Enclose the list

rvith address and telePhone Nos.)


VAV Sates fax registration cenificate Required

4. ffi certificate from the

concerned Commercial Taxes OffiqerRequired

Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income-

Tax Department


6. lncome Tax clearance certificate Required

Bidder's lResponsePlease indicate whetheritems/goo,Js quoted conformthe specifications (YevNoDeviationr;, if any, must

1+. J


Page 151: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (532E |li! Section IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - BG)

BID SECI]RITY(To be issued by a scheduled Bank in lndia or other Issuer acceptable to:he Procuring Entity)

Form of Bid SecuritY

[insert Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office]

Beneficiary: [insert Name and Address of Procuring Entity]Date: [insert date]

BID GUARANTEE No.z [insert number]

we have been informe d that [insert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submiued

to you its bid dated [insert date] (hereinafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert name of

contractJ under Notice inviting Bids No. [insert NIB number]("the NII]")'

Furthermore. we understand that, according to your conditions, biris must be supported by a bid


At the request of the Bidder, we finserf name of Banft/ hereby inevocably undertake to pay you any sum

or sums not exceeding in total an amount of

[insprl amot,!.n! in figures![insert amou!'-t 4ffii! up"" ,eceipt by r.i5 sf vsrlq first demand in 'r-'i:ng-#;#;'[y

"'*?in"r'itatement stating that the Bidder is in breac]t ot'its obligation(s) under the bid

conditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity sp':cified by the Bidder in the Form

of Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the I'rocuring Entity during the period

of bid validitY,

(i.) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,

(ii.) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security, irt accordance with the Instructions

to Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) has not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) has breached a provision of the code of Integrity specified in IllB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successfui Bidder', upon our receipt of copies of the

contra-ct signed by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the

Bidder; *a 6; if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the carlier of (i) our receipt of a copy

your notificaiion to the Bidder of the name of the successfui Bidder; cr (ii) thirfy days after the expiration

of the Bidder's bid.

Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be rtlceived by us at the office on or

before that date.


the capacity of



Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of

Bank's Seal


Page 152: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding f)ocutnent - Cood; (SS2E tsid.t Section IV-- Rid<ii,tg Fot'n's

(Form - BSD)


Date: [insert date (as day, month and year)]Notice inviting Bids No.: [insert numbet of bidding processJ

To: [insert complete name of Procuring EntityJ

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a Bid-Securing Declaration'

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with

the procuring Entiry for the period of ti.n" of [Procuring Entity to indtcate here the period of time forwhich the piocuring Entity witl declare a Biddir ineligible to be qwarded a Contract if the Bid Securing

Declaration is to be exeiuted.l starting on the date that we receive a notification from the Procuring

Entity thatour Bid Securing Diclaration is executed, if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the bid

conditions, because we:

(,,1 ii.Iue rti,.h<lraw!r rirrr Er:: rii t^.rL ,l.r penlci ot 5i4 '.'rrlii.;-i''ipec:rieci in:1o i'or'rt rl l''i' "(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity during the period of bid


(i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) fail or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions to

Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) have not accepted the correction of enors in accordance with the I'fB, or

(d) have breached a provision ofthe code oflntegrity specified in ITI];

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the

earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirty days

after the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:y'nse rt signature of person whose name and capacity are show'nJ

In the capacity of:

[insert ligat iapacity of percon signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ


[insen complete name of person signing the Bid-securing Declaration,l

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalfof:

[inserr complete name of BidderJ Dated on day of, [insert date of signing] Corporate Seal



Page 153: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Eiddir,g Dacameni- Gaods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidtling Forms


(In case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 lakh)


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if aPPlicable:


VWe a legally constituted firm/body and rePresented

deciare that I aml we are Manufacturers/ Whole Seilers/ Sole distri

A"th"rtt"d d*l*/ b"*ftde dea.lers in the Goods and Related Services for which VWe have Bid'

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to an\/ other action that may be tak

lrr-y./our.Rid Securit), r.nr;i bq-falfeifed in filll a.ri th,g BLd if an,"-to the ext''.nt i?3q1lf.e'J-ma,v-hc cance,ll.-"-d



In the capacity of:

Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail:



Page 154: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document -'Goods (SS2E Bid)

MANT]FACTI'RER' S AUTHORISATION(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)


Manufacturer's Authorisation


NIB No.:

Altemative No', if aPPlicable:

WHEREASWe, who are official manufacturers of

having factories at

do hereby authoriseqO

; Jfrft a Biri ii tiiton io tiie iojftition io, Bids indicai<i above, the purpose of'wiricir is to

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract'

we hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with clause 4'6 of the (

Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offlred by the abovt: firm in reply to this Invitat



In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of

Tel: Fax: e-mail




Section [V - Bidding Forms

(Form -



Page 155: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docuuent - Goods (SS2E Did) Section iV - BictJicg Forrns

(Form - DB)


In relarion to my/our Bid submitted to ----- for procurement of -...-.- in response to their

Notice lnviting Bids No. Dated

Raj astlian Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 20 12, that:

1. Vwe possess the necessary professional' technical, financial and managerial resources and

"u*p"t"n", required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

2. Vwe have fulfilled mylour obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union and the State

Government or any local authority as specified in the Bidding Docutnent;

3. Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wotrnd up, not have my/our affairs

administered by a courf or a judicial offi".r, not iave my/our business activities suspended and not

the subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4. Vwe do not have, and our directors ano otficers not have, been convicted ot' any orirrunai

offence related to my/our professional conduct or the nraking of false . statements or

misrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of

tluee years preceding the commencement of this procurement process' or not have been otherwise

disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

5" Liwe do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Itules and the Bidding Document,

which materially affects fair competition;



Signature ofbidder




""'bV-t ,- a: 72+1---

Page 156: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Li,ldi4 I)ccun'zn! -'Goods (S\2E Bid) Sec.:!on iV - Eirtding Forms




NIB No.: Altemative No., if Permitted:

To: The Dean

College of DairY and Food Science

TechnologY, MPUAT, UdaiPur.

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) we have examrned and have no reservations to the Bidding Document, including Agenda No':

(b) we offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Docuntent and in accordance with the

delivery schedute'specified in nidiing Documents, the following Goods and Related Services:

(c) We understand that this Bid, together with your written accr:ptance thereof-included in your

notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract betwt:en us, until a formal Contract is

prcn;i 1n ^nfi -v;rgttfe'{

(d) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaltnted bid or any other bid that you

may receive.

(e) We offer to supply the items/goods at the foiiowing price:


Name and Description ofItem

Country ofOrigin

Unit ofMeasurem


Unit EXWPrice forthe item

Sales andOther

Taxes forthe Itent

Relatedservices*, iI

notincluded inColumn 6

Total Unit Price(In Figs. & Words)

for the Itemincluding Taxes


2 3 A 5 6 7 8

*(like i"",ra"*, I*6||latt"tJommissioning, testing, training, etc.. including taxes)

Note: Quote rates for different items/goods on separate sheets and submit in separate envelopes'

VWe hereby, certify that the above rates have been quoted after pursuitrg all the general and special terms

and conditions of the bid. I/We agree to confirm these conditions and signed on all the terms & conditions

in token of confirmation and accJptance. Vwe also bear the responsibiJity for installation, commissioning,

demonstration and training to user at my/our cost.

Name/ address:

In the capacity ofSigned:

Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf of


Tel: e-mail:Fax:


Page 157: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding i)ocame4t ..Gq-ods (SS2E Bid)

Services and Technical Specifications

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Section V: Schedule of SUPPIY

List of GoodrUnit of


Quantity lWhetherlSamples



Name otGoods orRelated

I Lab modelTwin screwExtruder

Designed for capacity of 15 Kg per hour'

Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, LrHMW-HDPE screws driven by variable speed

motor,Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel with trvo water


Two no. band heaters, ceramic insulated'

Multi-start screws fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent s ieel'

Drive suidtable motor driven through reduction gear unit and duplex

gear driven bY AC driveTORQUE-LIMITER fixed before duplex gear'


Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diameter' one

no. Ilate die and one no. PiPe die'

'stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, driven by variable speed motor'

Safefy device vide limit switch for the cutter'

'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the following: - -,a) 2 No. Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicat)r with

sensor for 2 no. Band Heaters'

b) I no. electronic temperature indicator with sensor for mass

AEmpeiaiure.c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM of main dnve' Feeder

and Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of Main Drive'

Ammeter, Voltrneter, Push-button switches, indicadng l'antps etc

Transformer to stabilize control voltage in case of fluctuatirrn of supply

uoii"t" nt".tti""l and electronic components including imported AC

drive (FrequencY Controller).

No. )ne amplesfot.equlre,


2 Hammer Mill ICh".b". rite - 20" diameter, fabricated from stainless stetl plate

with stainless steel Liner.. Model no. TW-AS{I2. 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pole motor' rotan' feeding

hopper 6 Pole motor.o Sieve 80-250 mesh.. Capacity 175 kg/hr.

Nos. One

aJ Betch


. C"mpt"te structure ofstainless steel 304'

. Electiic heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany)

. Electric heater of4-6 KW capacity, mounted in pair and otn be on/offas

per heat requirement (more heat require, then more numbers of heaters

will on). Temperature controller rnd sensor for better control'o Timer is provided to control the time process'

. Power supply I phase/Ill phase option.o Insulated with ssbestos sheet.. Control box consisting oftemp. Controller, on/offswitch, indicating I

cmn- fuse. wirins timer etc

No. One

I Vacuumpackaging andNitrogen gaspackaging

r Single Chamber type'o Sealing length 400mm X width 8mm. Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X 300mm. Double sealing Jaw at both sides.

. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.

. Power: 230 V,50 Hz, single Phase'

. Acrylic view window for viewing the process.

. Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas llushing arrangemenls'

. l2 Pouches/Batch

No. One

5 BakingOven a

Two TraysI wire meshInner chamberSize24"x21"x9"

No, One

6 AgeingVat

. CaPacity 100 litre'o Temperature 5u C. Stainlesssteelbody.


. Insulated inside.

No. One



Page 158: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

No. Orle7 Shrink


. Deluxe model with 3 control srvitches and Uou watts nealy ollry

coated steel and stainless steel contrainer'. 10kg. Popcorn Per batch.. Size: 17.5" L x 20.5" W x24.15" H'

8 ShrinkwrappingMachine

. Power supply - 230 v' 50 hertzo Heating power - 2'5 i<*.. Machine Sealing area 400mm (tA') x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(H)

. Product weight 3.5kg max., Temperature - 50-3000 C' time '0-3 l;econd &

machine weight - 90kg.. Type of shrink file PoF, PVC

No. One samplesNotRequire,



q TrayDrier

. Standard sturdy double wall fabrication.

. Inner & outer chamber made out ofthick mill steel sheet'

. Inner chamber back silver pain finish and exterior finished in hammer

tone..Gapbetweentwowallsfilledwithglasswoodfortemperatureinsulation.. Heavy duty forced air blowers.o Double wall door mounted on heavy hinges with heavy moulded latchy'

. Temperature control by a Thermostat and it can be read on dial type

thermometer.. Temperature range: 500 C to 2500 C +20 C to f C and workable on 220V

AC 50 Hz single phase or 440 v0lts AC supply'. 24 trays of 16"X32" X lr" size.

No. One

l0 Breadslicer

r Slice Thickness: 12mm.. Range:31 Pcs.. Voltage: 22OV/S0Hz.. Dimension: 630 x 630 x 685H in mm'

No. One

1l Colddisplaycounter

Size' 48" -r 2?" x 48"' Eiectrical Supply: 22ul I IPH I 50Hza


t2 Rotaryfloursifter

. 1 10 volt

. 3'd generation vibration motor.

. Stainless steel body.

. Diameter 500mm, 0.02-20 mesh sizl, 1440rpm

No. One

Bidding Documen"t - Goods (SS2l Etcl) Sectiou IV - liidCing Forsrs

I.p"rt""t;The installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc' has to be done

by the bidder.

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Document includes the following drawings: NA

Iuded. inserlList o{ Drawings

Drawing No. Title of drawing Purpose

3. Inspections and TestsThe following inspections and tests shall be performed: [insert list of inspections and tests]

Notes:. The Supplier shall bear the cost of all sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections'

. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity from the 1or. offered for supply.

pre-despatch inspections and testing shali be offered by the Supplier about l5 days before the scheduled


T.isf nf Insnecfir 'rns- Trials and Tests

Line ltem No Brief Description ofItem

Des"rtptilo" of Inspection and/ or Trial and/ or Test forfull conformance of the product to the specifications

siven in Biddine Document a@


'r',", --t /

Page 159: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section Y: llcErt':dnle of SUPP$

of Good and \elated Service and Techn!cal SllecilficalEon:

f--T chnical Description, specifications and


Unit ofN{easure mellt

therSamples are Required




"Dhotogr aPhs/

experim ental results"

are required

Vacuum packagingand Nitrogen gas


r Single Chamber $'Pe'

o Sealing length 400mm X width 8mm

. Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X


o Double sealing Jaw at both sides.

o Complete structure ofstainless steel


o Power: 230 V,50 Hz, single Phase'

o Acrylic view window for vrewing the


r Inbuilt Vacuum PumP and Gas

Drife Description of Item

Ct;rtr"t, Th. irrt"tt-fi"r/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments' etc. be done by the bidder.


3. Inspections and Tests:and tests shall be rformcd: mse't fhe ins7ecnu;r and testl

The folList of I

-G.tilrti"" tf I"tpection and/or Trial and/or Test for full

conformance of the pr:oduct to the specifications given in Bidding

I \--l

Document and/or to the sam

Note:o The supplier shail bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspecttorrs'

. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity form the lot offered for supply

pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before scheduled dispatch'


Goods or Related

:trr.lll ,J ar. i'i1ge[!;nls.

l2 Pouches/Batch


Page 160: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE




' Section vI A: Geileral conditions of contract "


Thefollowingwordsandexpressionsshallhavethemeaningsherebyassignedtothem:(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procuremeni Act'2012

{ii) ,,completion" r""n. th" fulfllment of the Related services by the Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Coniract'

(iii)..Contract,,meanstheAgreemententered-intobetweentheProcuringEntityandtheSupp|ier,together with the contract Documents referred to therein, inc uding all attachments' appenolces'

specifications tno .oJ". anO att Oocuments incorporated by ref':rence therein'

(iv) ,,Contract Documents" means the documents lisied in the Agreement' including any amendments

thereto.(v) ..Contract Price,, means the price payab|e to the Supp|ier as.specified in the Agreement, subject to

such additions and adjustments thereto ot O"O,"iion'i therefron' as may be made pursuant to the

Contract.(vi) "DaY" means calendar daY

(vii)"Delivery"meansthetransferoftheGoodsfromthesuppliertctheProcuringEntityinaccordancewith the terms and conditions set forlh in the Contract'

(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract

(ix) ,.Goods,, means a|| of the commodities, raw materia|, machinery and equipment, documents,

guarantees/warrantees and/or otliei rrt"ri"r. that the supplier is required to supply to the

Procuring Entity under the Contract'

(x) "procurllg Entity" means the Entiiy purchasing the Goods and f-glgted

Services' as specifled in

t: ,- .if ,-.

(xi).,Re|ateclservices,,meanstheservicesincidenta|tothesupgr|yoiJne!9{.s.:,:r.Insurance'installation, training and initial .u,ntenince, commissioning cf'equipment or machinery and other

similar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract'

(xii) ,,Rules,, melns the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurernent Rules, 2013

ixliil "SCC" means the Special Conditions of Contract

(xiv) "subcontractor" means any natural person, private or goverrrment Entity' or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to be

supplied or exeiution dr any part oi tn" n"rrt"o services is subcontracted by the supplier

(xv) ..Supplier,, means the natura| person, private or government Entity, or a combination. of the above'

whose Bid to perform the contraJt his oeen aicepted by the Procuring Entity and is named as

such in tne ngi""t"nt, and includes the legal successors or F'ermitted assigns of the Supplier'

(xvi) "The Site" where applicable, means the plice of delivery,.ins1allation' testing/commissioning of the


2 Interpretation

2.1 .1 lf the conten so requlres it, singular means plural and vice versa

2.1 .2 lncotermsln case of lnternational Competitrve Bidding :

The meanrng of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescribed

by Incoterms. 52wri, ctr, clp, and otneiiimir"r termI, shall be gcverned by the rules prescribed in the

current edition of Incoterms, published b! in" rni"rnuiional Chimber of Commerce at the date of the

lnvitation for Bids or as specified in the BDC'

2.1 .3 Entire AgreementThe contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Prrrcuring Entity and the Supplier and

supersedes arl communications, negotiitions and agreements (wretheiwritten or oral) of parties with

resoect thereto made prior to the date of Contract

2.1 .4 AmendmentNo amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valrd unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly

refers to the contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto'

2.1 .5 Non-waiver(i) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below'

party in enforcing any of the terms and

barti to the other shall prejudice, affect,

shall any waiver by either party of any

no relaxation, forbearance, delay, or indulgence by either

conditions of the Corrtract or the granting of time by either

or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract' neither

breach of Contria operate as waiver of any subsequent or

continuing breach of Contract.

(ii) Any waiver of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the lontract must be in writing' dated' and

signed by an authorisld iepreientative of the Jarty granting such waiver' and must specify the right

and the extent to which it is being waived'


Page 161: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Ccods (SS2E Bid)

2.1.6 Sev6rabilitYlf any provision or condition of the Contract isprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shallprovisions and conditions of the Contract,

2.2 Contract Documents


Section VI ;r - General Conditions of Contraet

prohibited or renderred invalid or unenforceable, suchnot affect the validity or enforceability of any other

2.2.1 Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all drrcuments forming the Contract (and

all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, supplementary, and mutually


2.3 Code of lntegrity

2.3.1 The Supplier is bound by the provisions of the Code of Integrity stipulated in the Act and the Rules and

specified in ITB Clause 1.3 lCode of lntegrityl.

2.3.2 The Procuring Entity shall take legal action against the Supplier uncler Section 11(3), 46 and chapter lV

of the Act, if-it breiches any provisions of the Code of Integrity, or is determined to have engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in competing for the Contract or execution of the


2.3.3 The Supplier shall permit the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's accounts and records relating to

the performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by audito's appointed by the Procuring Entity'


z.q. I

if so required by the Procuring Entity.


The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by the

Supplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Supporting

documents and printed literature that are part of the Contract may be in another language_provided they

are afcempa|iied by arr..i.:.:,..i€le irarrslaiiuii oi the i.i:p./ant f,nssages iir the langL'a9c'i'ieelfied'in the

BDS, in wirich case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contract, this translation shall govern.

The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy of

such translation.

2.5 Notices

2.5.1 Any Notice given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the Procurement

entity. The term "in writing" means communicated in written form witl"r proof of receipt.

2.5.2 A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effectiver date, whichever is later.

2.6 Governing Law

2.6.1 The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the State of


2.7 Specifications and Standards

2.7.1 Technical Specifications and Drawings:

The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services cornply with the technical specifications

and other provisions of the Contract

The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any de:sign, data, drawing, specification or

other document, or any modification thereof provided or designed bY or on behalf of the Procuring Entity,

by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity

The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contracl shall conform to the standards mentioned

in Section V, Schedule of Supply and shall bear such marks. When no applicable standard is mentioned,

the Goods and Related Services supplied shall be of the best quality and the standard shall be equivalentor superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Goods.

In no case such standards shall be inferiorto the relevant updated BIS or international standards.

Equipments/implements which are governed by Dangerous Maohinery Regulations Act should be

necessarily 'lSl' marked (attach certificate with the Bid) and for other equipments 'lSl.' quality certification

is desirable.

27.2 Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standrrrds in accordance with which it shall

be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be those specified in

the Section V, Schedule of Supply. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes and

standards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordancewith Clause 3.4.

2.7.3 The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples hast been indicated in the Schedule ofSupply, in-att in addition, conform strictly to the approved samples. The decision of the Procuring Entity

whether the articles supplied conform to the specifications and are in accordance with the samples, if

any, shall be final and binding on the Supplier.


Page 162: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E urul Section Vl A - General Coniirtions of Contract

2.8 CoPYright

2.8.1 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials contairing data and information furnished

to the procurinJ i.iltv ov tn"'supplier n"i"in rnurri"main vested in tre Supplier' or, if they are furnished

to the procurin6 intitv direcily oi inrougn the supplier by any.third prrrty' including suppliers of materials

or Related Services, the copyright in such materials or retat6o services shall remain vested in such third


2.9 Confidential lnformation

2.g 1 In addition to the requirements of the provisions of Section ,49 of the Act and Rule 77 of the Rules

regarding Confidentiality, the Procuring"rniiiy "no

the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not'

without the written consent of the other party'hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or

other information furnished directly or indrectty by the othei party h'ereto in connection with the contract'

whether such information has ueen turnis-r,eJ i,*j, io, during or follorving completion or termination of the

Contract. Notwithstanding the above, tne-SJppfier may fJrnish to its Subcontractor such documents'

data, and otner informjtion it receive. iio. the Procuring Entity to the extent.. required for the

subcontractor to perform its work unoeiir,e Contract, in whichevent ihe supplier shall obtain from such

Subcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposerl on the Supplier under GCC Clause


However, in case of electronic data or information, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responsibility

for access to data on line by any third party

2.g.2 The Procuring Entity shall not use such documents' data, and r:ther information received from the

Supplier for any purposes unrelateO lf ine Contract. Similarly the Supplier shall not use such

documents, data, and other information received from the Procuring Entity for alY p{po:e other than the

design, pro"r[L*t, or other work and servtces required for the periormance of the Contract

2.v..i Ine oDiigr;iiq:l ci ', ricrr-tY uiloer (jc3 \:r:,-i,:au5es !.ql 'c:ln j \, '' 'itnt''j' l't 'g-';i' chail rioi apa:y ':information that:

the procuring Entity or Supplier need to share wrth other institutions participating in the financing of the

contract; no* oI- nereatter'enters the public domain through no fault of that party;

canbeproventohavebeenpossessedbythatpartyatthetinreofdisc|osureandwhichwasnotpreviousty ooiuin"O, Oir"cfly or indirectry, iro|'ir tn. gih1.p_"^lj^:i otlrerwise lawfully becomes available to

ihat partyfrom a third party that has no obligation of conttdentlallly.

2.g.4 The above provisions of GCC clause 2.9 shall not in any way moJify any undertaking of confidentiality

given by either of the parties trereto prioito tne oate of the contracl in respect of the supply or any part


2'g'5 The provisions of GCC C|ause 2.9 sha|| survive comp|etion or tennination, for whatever reason, of the


2.10 Packing and Documents

2,10'1 The Supp|ier shal| provide such packing of the Goods.as is required to prevent their damage or

deterioration during transit ot. tran.porrof 1"", .uii an-d road or air tl iheir final destination' During transit'

the packing shall 6e sufficient to witnsljnd, without limitation, roul;h handling and exposure to extreme

temperatures, salt and precipitation, t.J op". storage Packing r:ase size and weights shall take into

consideratron, *n"r" "pbropiiate,

the i"toi"n"tt of lhe finat destination of the Goods and the absence

of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit'

2.10.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the pilckages shall comp.ly strictly with such

special requirementjas shall oe e"pre.riy prouio"o.tot rn-the-Contract, including additional requirements'

it any, spe"ineo in any other instruciions ordered by the Procuring E:ntity.

210.3 In the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or. any sl'rortage, the Supplier shall be liable to

make good .r.[ 16.. ano snoiage iouno"at the che;king/inspectron of the materials by the conslgnee

No e).tra cost on such account shall be admissible'

2.11 Insurance

2.11.1 Unless otheMise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied uncer the Contract shall be fully insured

against theft, destruction or damage OV ht. flood, undei,exposure to weather or otherwise including war'

rebe'ion, riot, etc. The insurance .nri6.i *irr be borne by the supplier and the Procuring Entity will not

be required to pay such charges, if incurred

2.12 TransPortation

2.12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, obligations for.transportation of the Goods shall be in accordance


2.12.2 ln case of supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied FoR locations specified in Bidding

Documents. All transportation charges, local taxes, etc. shall be bcrne by the Supplier'

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests

2.13.1 The procunng Entity or his authorised representative shall .at all reasonable times have access to the

Supplieis premises and the po*u, to in.ilJ "no "rarine

the materials and workmanship of the goods/

\,' ':'r*-/=

Page 163: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E tsid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

equipmenV machinery during manufacturrng piocess or aftetwards as may be decided.

213.2 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Procuring Entity carry-out.all such tests,

and/or trials and/or inspections of the Goods and Related Servict:s as are specified in Sections V-

Schedule of SuPPlY.

2 j3.3 The sampling, inspections, and/or tests and/or trials may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier or

its Subcontrictor, at point of delivery, and/or at the flnal destination rlf the Goods, or at another place in

lndia as specifled in ifre SCC. All such sampling, inspections and/ or testing shall be at the cost of the

Supplier. Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.4, t conducted on tl"e premises of the Supplier or itsSubcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to speciflcation codes, designs,

drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Procuring Entity.

213.4 The Procuring Entity or its designated representatives shall be r:ntitled to attend the tests, and/or

inspections and/ or trials referred to in GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.3, provided that the Procuring Entity bear

all of its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with slch attendance, like travelling and

boarding and lodging exPenses.

2.13.5 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test, and/or trials and/or inspection, it shall give a

reasonable advance notice, including the place and time, to the l)rocuring Entity. The Supplier shall

obtain from any relevant third party oi manufacturer any necessary permission or consent to enable the

Procuring Entity or its designated representative to attend the test and/or trials and/or inspection.

The Supplier shall furnish complete address of the premises of his rffice, godown and workshop where

inspection can be made together with name and address of the person who is to be contacted for the


2.13.6 The Procuring Entity may require the Supplier to carry out any te:;t and/or trials and/or inspection not

required by thi Contiact but deemed necessary to verify that thp characteristics and performance of the

G:r.'- c:;',-,;ly i.ri'h i'.: l. rr.,r.r;' ^:i.:;*i..rCt:a, ulr:es a,:c a::::i..drdi 1iC Sarnpis: SJ}-l'r;'6^ wrr' 1ritr dld-

urroer the Contract, provided i.hat the Suppiie/s reasonable costs artd expenses incurred in the carrying

out of such test andior trials and/or inspection shall be added to th€ Contract Price. Further, if such test

and/or trials and/or inspection impedes the progress of manufacturirrg and/or the Supplier's performance

of its other obligations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in respect of the Delivery Dates

and Completion Dates and the other obligations so affected.

2.i37 The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Entity with a report of the lesults of any such tests and/or trials

and/or inspection

2.i3.8 Supplies when received shall be sublect to tests and/or trials and/or inspection to ensure whether they

conform to the specifications and with the approved samples and trials, if any. Where necessary orprescribed or practical, tests shall be carried out in Government latroratories, reputed testing house like

Sri Ram Testing House, New Delhi and the like and the supplies wi I be accepted only when the articles

conform to the standard of prescribed specifications as a result of su<:h tests.

2.13.9 In case of tests, samples shall L,e drawn in four sets in the presettce of the Supplier or his authorised

representative and properly sealerl in his presence. One such set shall be given to him, one or two will be

sent to the laboratories and/or testing house and the third or fourth will be retained in the office for

reference and record.

213.1Q Testing charges shall be borne by the Procuring Entity in case urgent testing is desired to be arranged by

the Su-pplier. In other cases and in case of test results showing that supplies are not upto the prescribed

standards or specifications, the testing charges shall be payable by the Supplier.

2.13.11 The Procuring Entity may reject any Goods or any part thereof that are received but fail to pass any test

and/or trials and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications and samples supplied with the Bid,

if any. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such rejecteri Goods or parts thereof or make

alterations necessary to meet the specifications and samples supplied with the Bid if any, at no cost to

the Procuring Entity, and shall repeat the test and/or trials and/or inspection, at no cost to the ProcuringEntity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub- Clause 2.13.5

lf, however, due to exigencies of Procuring Entity's work, suc;h replacement either in whole or inpart, is not considered feasible, the Procuring Entity after giving an opportunity to the Bidder of beingheard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitable amount from the approved rates and accept

the supply. The deduction so made shall be final.

2.13.12 The rejected articles shall be removed by the Bidder within 15 days of intimation of rejection, after whichthe Procuring Entity shall not be responsible for any loss, shortage or damage and shall have the right todispose of such articles as he thinks fit, at the Suppller's risk and on 1is account.

2.13.13 The Supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or trials and/or inspection of the Goods orany part thereof, nor the attendance by the Procuring Entity or its representative, nor the issue of any

report pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 213.7, shall release the Supplier from any warranties or other

obligations under the Contract.

2,14 Change in Laws and Regulations

2.14.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, if after the deadline for submission of Bids, any law,

regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is e'nacted, promulgated, abrooated. or

6.4 ,//

-r'/\ -Ho\ut_l/ -t" *


Page 164: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docninent - Goods ,S.52E Bid) Section VI A -'General Conditions of Contract

changedbyGovernmentofIndiaortheStateGovernment(whichsha||bedeemedtoinc|udeanycnangein interpretation or application OV tf.,e'lom$tent *thoriti-ei)-tnat

suO';equently affects the Delivery Date

and/or the contract price, then .utn oitiu"ry Date and/or contrerct Price shall be correspondingly

increased or decreased, to tne extent tnit ttre Supplier has thereby been affected.in the performance of

any of its obligations under the contr"ct. Notwithstanding the foregoing' such additional or reduced cost

shalt not be separately paid or "rLAltuO'if'

th" t"" -has alreidy been accounted for in the price


2.15 Force Majeure

2'15.1 The Supp|ier sha|| not be |iable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, |iquidated damages' or

termination for default if and to tne '"n"nt'inrt

delays in plrrorrun"" or other failure to perform its

obligations u,io"iin, contract is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

2.15.2 For purposes of this clause, "Force Majeure" me,a.1s -ll-event

or situation beyond the control of the

Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not 'lue to negligence or lack of care on

the pan of the supplier. Such "u"nG

rrvlnitrd", brt not be limited to, acts of the Procuring Entity in its

soverergn capacity, wars o-uuoil"t'on? ;;;, d""d" "pio".i"s,

quarantine restrictions' and freight


2.js.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arrses, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of

such conditionand the cause and effects thereof

untess otherwise directed by the procuring Entity,in writing, the Supplier shall .continue to perform its

obligations under the contract ", t"i ",

i, i"".onuuty practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative

means at his cost for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event'

2.16 Assignment

2.16.1 Ne]tler the Pggca.r:iqi.F,nti'tY' nor the S.uoolier shal| assign,!n whoJ: o| ]l .l?T+t'H^ibligations under this

-:-r.,.:. :,:.i:! ='contract, exc.e,iivv,th prior written"c;';*.i-il ,,;" ol;o-t dittv with reco|t'ie-lleisons' such assignmer'i '

shail not relieve the Supplier o, tne iro"-ri".ent Entity ot ineii respe';tive obligations under the contract'

3. Contract Details

3.1. Joint venture, consortium or Association and changes in the constitution of the supplier

3.1.1 lf the supplier is a JointVenture, consortium, orAssociation all the parties shall sign ihe contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, conrortlur or Association is a registeied Firm or company All the parties

shail be joinfly and severalty li"o[ to the Procuring Entiiv rJr the fulfilment of the provisions of the

contract and shall designate one party to act as a teao parinei wilh authority to bind and represent the

Joint Venture, Consortium' or Association'

3.1 .2 The structure/composition or the constitution of the supplier as a firm, joint Venture, consortium' or

Assocration shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Procuring Entity'

Any change in the struclure/ constitution of the firm, etc., shall be notified forthwith by the Bidder in

writing to the procuring Entity and such change shall not r"iiu" "ny

former member of the firm' etc ' from

anY liabilitY under the contract

The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint venture, consortium or Association as a maior

stake holder shall not change wi[nout the consent of the Procuring Entity. Any new major stake holder

trrt "gi.u

to abide by all teims and conditions of the contract'

No new partner/partners shail be accepted in the firm by the Bicder..in leso3c]-of the contract unless

he/they agree to abide by all its terms conditions and deposit with the-Procuring Entity a written

agreerenito this effect. The Biddeis receipt for acknowledgement or thatof any partners subsequently

acceoted as above shall bind urr-oi tn"r-"no witt oe sufficient dis;charge for any of the purpose of the


3'2' subcontracting .. ^^^ian +ha .^nrr..r nr 'thout the prior written

3.21'TheSupp|iershal|notsub|etorassigntheCo-ntractoritsanyparttoanyonewtapproval of the Procuring Ent;ty:'-i"n9 Stnnilg," snatt notity ih" Procuiing .Entitv

in writing of all

subcontracts to be awarded ,no"i tne contrait if not already specified in the Bid' Subcontracting shall in

no event relieve the supplier from any of its obligation., orii"., responsibililies, or liability under the

contract. The capability oetaits oisucn subcontract6rs snait oe provided to the.Procuring Entitywho shall

evatuate and take a decision ;r-i; *hAh;r approve ii oi nbt, it if not initially approved during the

evaluation of the bid'

3.2'2Subcontractorssha||comp|ywiththeprovisionsofGCCClauses2.Sand2'9.3.3' ScoPe of SuPPIY

3.3.1 The Goods and Related services to be supplied shall be as specifir:d in section V' Schedule of supply

3.3.2 Untess otheMise stipulated in the contract, the scope of supply shall include, at the supplier's cost, all

sucn rtems not specifically mentioned in the contract out inai can be reasonably inferred from the

contract as being required for attaining Deliv_ery ano compretion c'f the Goods and Related Services as if

such items were Lxpressly mentioned in the Contracl'



Page 165: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

tsidding Document - Goodr'652E Bid)


3.8. 1

Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

3.4. Change Orders and Contract Amendments

3.4.1 The Procunng Entity may at any time order the supplier through.Notice in accordance GCC Clause 2 5'

to make changes, within the general t"op. oitn. oiine Contrait in any one or more of the following:

idrawings,designs,orspecifications,whereGoodstobefurnishedundertheContractaretobespecifically maiufactured for the Procuring Entity;

ii. the method of shipment or packlng;

iii. the Place of delivery, and

iv. The Related Services to be provided by the Supplier'

3.4.2lfanysuchchangecausesanlncreaseordecreaseinthecostof'crrthetimerequiredfor'thesupplier'sperformance of any provisions under il.re coniia.t, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contractl

price or in the Delivery and Comptetion Schedule, or both, ah': tne Contract shall accordingly be

amended. Any claims by the Suppliet tot "OJ"tt"nt

u-nder this Clause must be asserted within twenty'

eight (28) o"vr iior tn"iate of tirb Supptier'i receipt of the Procurirg Entity's change order'

3.4.3 Prices to be charged by the supplier for any Related services,that might be needed butwhich were not

included in the contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed thq

prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar s3rvlces

g.4.4 Additional quantity may be procured by.placing a repeatorder on tlre rates and conditions of the originaf

order. lf the supplier fails to do so, tne tJcuii-.,g rniity shall be fret: to arrange for the balance supply by

limited Bidding or otherwise and the e).tra cost iricurreO shall be recovered from the Supplier'

3.5. DeliverY

3.5.1TheDe|iveryoftheGoodsandComp|etionoftheRe|atedServicessha||beinaccordancewiththeDelivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Bidding Documents :

3.5.2 Ali-Gooddrhust be sent freglil paid through Rarlways:'-9Uo9t lrmbport lf-Goods ar€senitreight to

pay, the freight together with Oepa.t.enflf cnarge of 5% of the freight will be recovered from the

SuPPlier's bill.

R.R. should be sent under registerecl cover. In case advance payment is to be made' the RR shall bF

sent through Bank onlY'

3.6. Supplier's Responsibilities

3.6.1 The supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related services included in the scope of Supply in

accordance with GCC Clause 3.3 and tn"b"riu"w and comptetion schedule, as per GCC Clause 3 5'

3.7. ProcuringEntity'sResponsibilities3.7.1 whenever tne supply of Goods or Retated services requires that :he supplier obtain p.ermits, approvalF'

and import ""Joiri"i

licenses tom rocaipuoric authoriiies,,the Prccuring Entity shall, if so requested Qy

the Supptier, snitt mat e its best etrorrio'support the Supplier in rlomplying with such requirements ln a

timely and exPeditious manner'

Extensions of Time

lf at any time durrng performance of the contract, the supplier or-its subcontractors should encountpr

conditions impeding timely delivery of the Goods ot cornpl'"tion of Related Services pursuant to GOC

clause 3.5, the supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Ertity in writing of the delay' its likQly

duration, and its cause. n. roon'.t piaiticaOteafter receipt oither Supplier's notice, the Procuring Entity

shall evaluate the situatioi uno r.;, at its discretion extend the s;upplier's time for performance, with or

without liquidated damages depending on the nature of causes of delay, by issuing an amendment of the


Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 2 15, or reasons beyond the control of

tnu -{rppfi"|.

under GCC Ciause SA.t, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery and

Completion obligations snafi-renOe, the Suppli6r tlaOte to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant


to GCC Clause 4.5.

4. Contract Price and PaYments

4.1 Contract Price

4.1.1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreemenl or '\pproval gublect.to any additions apd

aljustments therelo, or deductions therefore, as may be made pursuant to the Contract'

4.1 .2 Prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Services performed under tteContract shall not vary from the pnces quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with the exception of any price

adjustments, if aPProved.

4.1 .3 price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules. F'rice adjustment shall not be applica$le

in contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 months'

4.2. Terms of Payment

4.2.1 . The terms of payment of the Contract Price shall be as specified ir the Approval ordersi Agreement'

4.2.2. The supplier's request for payment snall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing' accompanied by


Page 166: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddine Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions oi Contract

invoices describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Relaterd Services performed, and by the

documents submitied pursuant to GCC Clause 3.5 and upon fulfilment of all the obligations stipulated inthe Contract.

4,2.3. Payments should be made promptly by the Procuring Entity, as far as possible, within Thirty (30) days

after submission of an invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and the Procuring Entity has

accepted it. All remittance charges shall be borne by the Supplier

4.2.4. The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier urlder this Contract shall be Indian

Rupees unless othenvise specified in the SCC.

4.2.5 In case of disputed items, 10 lo 25o/o of the amount of the price of such items may be withheld and will be

paid on settlement of the dispute.

4.2.6 Payment in case of those Goods which need trials or testing as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply shall be made only when such trials or tests have been c,arried out and trials or test results

received conforming to the prescribed specifications.

4.2.7 Advance Payment will not be made except in rare and special cases and as provided for in the Contract.

In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the extent and on conditions, interest at the

prevailing bank rates and against a confirmed bank guarantee for 100% of the advance as provided in

ine SCC. fne amount of advance shall be used exclusively for supplies against the Contract. lf advancepayment is to be made after despatch of Goods by the Supplier, it will be made after presenting the proof

bt Oispatcn ihrough the bank and prior inspection, if any. The balance if any will be paid on receipt of the

consignment in good condition with the certificate to that effect endorsed on the inspection note given to

the Supplier.

4.3. Taxes and Duties

4.?,1- For Goods supplied from outside lndia, the Supnlie:'.sha!! be entirely respnnsible for-?!l taxes, stamp. " - duties, license fees'1 and oth6r such levres imposeci or"rtside India.

4.3.2. For Goods supplied from within India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible forall taxes, duties,

license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods at site to the Procuring Entity.

4 3.3. lf any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be ervailable to the Supplier in India, theprocuring Entity shall use its best efforts to enable the Supplier to b,enefit from any such tax savings to

the maximum allowable extent.

4.4. Performance SecuritY

4.4.1 The Supptier shall, within fifteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SCC, of the Notification of

Award, sign the Contract Agreement and provide a Performanctl Security or, where applicable' a

Performance Security Declaiation for the due performance of the Contract. Performance Security

Declaration shall be taken from Depa(ment of the State Government and undertakings, corporations,

autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which are owned, controlled or managed

by the State Government and undertakings of Central Government. l-he State Government may relax the

provision of Performance Security in particular procurement.

4.4.2 The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as sp,:cified in the BDS, of the amount of

the supply order. In €se of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be one percent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale lndustries'

whose cases are pending before the Board of lndustrial and Financal Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall be

two percent of the amounl of supply order. The currency of Performance Security shall be Indian Rupees,

if otherwise not soecified in BDS.

4.4.3 Performance Security shall remain valid for a period of sixty days oeyond the date of complettion of all

contractual obligations of the Bidder, including warranty obligations and operation and/' or maintenance

and defect liability period, if any.

4.4.4 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or sign the

Contract within the specified time period shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of lhe award

and forfeiture of the Bid Security. ln that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract t0 the next

towest evatuated Bidder at the iates of the lowest bidder whose ofler is substantially responsive and is

determined by the Procuring Entity to be qualified to perform the Con:ract satisfactorily,

4.4.5 The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency of the Contractand shall be in one of the

following forms:

(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India; or

(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrument under National Savings Schemes forpromotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged under

the relevant rules. Theylhall be accepted at their surrender !alue at the time of Bid and formally

transferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head Post Master; or

(iii) Bank guarantee. lt shall be of a scheduled Bank in India in prer;cribed or other acceptable format or

from other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity. The bank guarantee shall be got verified from

the issuing bank and confirmer, if any, or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank, lt shall be in the name of the Procuring Entity on


Page 167: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


niciding I)ocument - Goods (SS2E Rtd) Section VI A - General Conortions oi Coniract

which the Supplier has failed to supply or complete:-

No. ]onditioniE|up to one fourth period of the specifit:d period

oiOiiu"rv, successful installation and completion of

subject matter of Procurement'

LD%2.5 0k

h @ not exceeding half

of tn" specified period of delivery, successful

installation and completion of subject Inatter ofnrnnr rramenl

5.0 Yo


thlee fourthDelay exceedlng nalt oul

oi tnu specifiJd period of delivery, s'uccessful

.rtaf f ition and completion of subject natter ofnrnnr r ramenlP' vvu' v' ' 'v,.\.

7.5 %

@sPecifiedPeriodoiolriuutv, sucJessful installation and conpletion of

subject matter of Procuremenl


Fraction of u ouli-oning period of deray in supptres, success;ful installation and completion of work

shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day ^^,^,,r^{6.{


account of Bidder and drscharged by the Bidcter in advance The Procuring Entity shall ensure

before accepting the Fixed Deposit Receipt that the Bidder furnishes an undertaking from the bank

to make paymenV pr.nrriri. blyment oi the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the Procuring

Entity without ,"qr,r#"ni of cohsent of the Bidder concerned' In the event of forfeiture of the

performance secrntv, tr.]e-rixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interest earned on such Fixed


The proceeds of the Performance Security shall be forfeited and shal be payable as compensation to the

Procuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned below:

(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement in accordance with ITB Clause 6 4 [Signing of

Contractl within the specified time; after issue of letter of acceptance/ placement of supply order

within the sPecified Period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goods; or Related Services as per supply

order within the time specifled; or

(iii) when supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Services satisfactorily within

the time sgecified; or

(iv) When any terms and conditions of the Contract is breached; or

(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of.the code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders in the Act and\-/

Cr,"pt"t Vt ot tn" Rules and as specified in ITB Clause 1 3'

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Performance security. The decision of the

Procuring Entity in this regard shall be final

Liquidated Damages

Subject to provisions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3.8, if the supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods

or Oerfornl.the Related Services v.,ithin the period specifred' in the Ccntract, the Procurinq Fntity shall'

witi:our;riejudice to alt its othc: i;,rted,:: ijnde: iire r-lont:icr, decjrrci frcri.' the'l';n''u:'i !-.'tr^l' 3-

liquidated damages on the basis of following p"r""nt"g"t of value of Goods and/ or Related service



The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified time should be calculaied

carefully. The method of calculatron for contracts which include multiple items of supply/ service in case

individual value of eacn itJils noit"x"n in the Bid should be generally given in the SCC'

For turnkey projects in which cost of individual items is not knorvn also' the total value of the turnkey

project shatl become tn" o"ti. it itpoiing LD (if d;;tif apportionrnent formula is not given in the SCC'

Themaximumamountof|iquidateddamagessha||be10%.oncethemaximumisreached,theProcuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 5

Recoveriesofliquidateddamages,shortsupply,breakage,re,iect€rdarticlesshallordinarilybemadefrombills. Amount may also oe withf,eld to the extent of snort suppty, breakages-, 1ei9cj9d

articles tld il-?"t"

of failure in satisfactory [pf"""t".i by the Supplier along wiih amount of liquidated damages shall be

recovered from his or". "-,iJpurtorranc"

securiiyivaltabiewith the Procuring Entitl. In case balance of

recovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Public Demand Recovery Act or any

other law in force.

4.6 WarrantY

4.6.1 The supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent or current

models, and that they incorporate arr rJcenl-itpiou"n,.'"nts in design and materials' unless provided

otherwise in the Contract'




Page 168: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section V I R -- General Conditions of Contract

defects arising from any act or omission of the supplier or arising from design' materlals' and

workmanshiP, under normal use

4.6.3 unless othenivise specified In the scc, the warranty shall remain valid for twelve (12) months after

suppty of the G;J;;;d completion tne nefateO Services have bet:n accepted at the final destination

indicated in the SCC, or in case tf c;i;'b-J;e impo'1ed after the placement of Supply order' for

eighteen tf el ;lonins'rtt.i tn" Oate oi-sfrrpment-or loading in the country of origin, whichever penod

concludes eartier. However, if the *r"rni'iiouided by thimanufar:turer is for longer period the same

shall aPPlY.

46.4 The Procurrng Entity shall give Notice to the supplier stating the..natr'rre of any such defects together with

all availabre evidence thereof, prompfly rJrl"*irb'the discoiery.thereof rhe irrocuring Entity shall afford

all reasonable ofportunity for the Suppiier to inspect such defects'

4 6.5 Upon receipt of such Notice, the supplier shall within thrrty,(30) days' or within a different period if

specified in the SCC, expeditrously r"p"i", or ieptace the defective ooods or parts thereof' at no cost to

the Procuring EntitY.

4.6.6|ncaseofmachineryandequipmenta|so,guaranteewi||bggJY"nasmentionedinc|ause4.6.3aboveand the Supplier shall during tne guaranie-e period replace the parts / whole if any and remove any

manufacturing Jefect if fouid Ouring ine above period so as tc make machinery and equipment

operative. The supplier shall also |.epr"""-rnucninery ano equipment in case it is found defective which

cannot be put to oi6ration due to manufacturing defect, malfunctionirlg' etc.

4.6.7 In case of machinery and equipment specified by the.Procuring-Entity the supplier shall be responsible

forcarrytngoutannualmaintenanceandrepairs.onthetermsandconditionsaSmaybeagreedatthetime of entering in to the contract. rne-swprier shall .also be resl:onsible .to ,enSure

adequate regular

supply of spare parts needed ro|. , sp"iiR.-tybe of macninery and equipment whether under their annual

.niiiitn;-.i\'€ tn'i t t,'='tt ' ''-r ci'r rl' lci i' i''': '; ' /i!:

In case of change of model he will give sufficient notice to the Procirring Entitywho may like to purchase

spare parts tro.iine. to maintain the machinery and equipment in perfect condition'

4.6.glfhavingbeennotified,thesupplierfailstoremedythedefectwithintheperiodspecified;theProcuringEntity may proceed to take within a ,"u.on"orl pertd such remediral action as may be necessary' at the

Supp|ier,sriskandexpenseandwilhoutpreludicetoanyotherrightswhichtheProcuringEntitymayhave against the Supplier under the Contract'

4.7. Patent IndemnitY

4.T.lTheSuppliershal|,subjecttotheProcurilqenti!1,3co1p]i:l:"withGCCSub.C|ause4.7.2,indemnifyand ho|d harm|ess the Procuring Entity and its emp|oyees and officr:rs from and against any and a|l suits'

actionsoradministrativeproceedings,c|aims,demands,lo_sses,damages,costs,andexpensesofanynature, inctuding attorney,s fees and ;;;;;., ;hicf fnejlo^lurirg

Enlity may suffer as a result of any

infringement or alteged infringement of lny patent, utility model, relisterei design, trademark' copyright'

or other inte'ectuat property rignt regis;rli;;;fi;;" existing it the date of the contract by reason

of:(i) the installation of the Goods by the supplier or the use of the Goods where the site is located: and

(ii) The sale in any country of the products produced by the Goods

(iii) Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goo{s o1 any part thereof other than for the purpose

indicated by or to be reasonabty iite""O from the Contraa' neither any infringement resulting from

rne use of the Goods o,. un' prrt-ineieoi or any productr; produced thereby in association or

combination with any otner equipire;i:;lani or ,n"terials no1 supplied by the supplier' pursuant to

the Contract.

4.7.2|fanyproceedingsarebrou-gh.tor.anyc|aim,is.made'"s-ll.ttlreProcuringEntityarisingoutofthematters referred to in GCC Sub- Claule 471' the Procuring Entity shall promptly give the Supplier a

notice there of, and the Supp|ier sha|l at its own expense and irr the Procuring Entity's name conducl

sucn proceedings or claim and any n"gotiltion" for the settlement :f any such proceedlngs or claim'

4'T.3lftheSupplierfai|stonotifytheProcuringEntitywithin.twenty€ight(28)daysafterreceiptofsuchnoticethat it intends to conduct any such proiceedings or claim, tne-n tne Procuring Entity shall be free to

conduct tne sam! on its own behalf and at the expenses of the Supplier'

4.7.4 The Procuring Entity Sha||, at the Supp|ier,s request, "19-!d'."||

avai|ab|e assistance to the Supplier in

conducting Such proceedings or cfaiil,'anO snatt Ue reimburst:d by the Supplier for all reasonable

expenses incurred in so doing'

4.7.5 The Procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold, harmless the supplier and its.employees' officers' and

Subcontractors from and against a'ny ano all suits, actions rjr administrative proceedings' claims'

demands, tosses, damages, co.ts, ani "*l"nr.r 9f anv natule, including-attorney's fees and expenses'

which the Supplier may suffer ., u ,.urult of any infringement or alleged iifringement of any patent' utility

rnodel, registered design, traoemarx, iipyiight, oi otnir intellectual irop"*y tlghl regstered or otherwise

existing at i-ne oate o-f tne contra"t;li;i;ri oi 9r,i1 lnnection with any design' data' drawing'

soecification, or other documents oi materLts provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring


Page 169: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Docanent - Goods (SS2ffiid) Section VI A -- General Conriitions of Contract


4.8. Limitation of LiabilitY

4.8.1 Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct '

(i) neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, loss

of use, loss of production, or loss of profits or interest costs'

(ii) provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligatiort of the Supplier to pay liquidated

damages to the Procuring Entity; and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Procuring Entity, wltether under the Contract, in tort, or

otherwise, shail not be l;s; in# tn" amount of the-Contrict Price but not exceed the amount (if

sfecified) in the SCC, provided that this limitation shall nol apply to the cost of repairing or

reptacing defective equiplnent, 6r to any obligation of the Supplier to indemnify the Procuring Entity

with respect to patent infringement.

5. Termination and DisPutes

5.1. Termination for Default

s.j.1 . The procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other_remedy under the provisions of the Act, the Rules or

the contract for breach ot co'itri'ct, by Notice of default sent to the supplier, may terminate the contract

rn wnole or in part: if the Supplier faili to deliver any or all of the Goods and/ or Related Services within

tne period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thererof granted by the Procuring Entity

pursuant to GCC Clause 3.8; or tf the Supplier fails'to perform any olheiobligation under the Contract lf

the Supplier, in the judgment of tne proiuring Entity-has breached the Code of Integrity' as defined in

GCC ilause 2.3, in competing for or in executing the contract.

5.1 .2. ln the event the procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause

-. .+. --.: 5.:1 .1t th,a F5ocrrring Sirtity;r,ay pro"u-i..r, ir::fi sucir,lenirs ani rr'I s'i;iii,inannr;r;ti it de-ems appr+ll:;tef -

'--.-j'-: 6oods andl or Related Seruices-simiilrio inote undelivered or not F'erformed' and the Supplier shall be

liable to the procuring gntrty lor any additional costs for such s;imilar Goods or Related Services'

However, the Supplier shatt cJntinue pe.forran"e of the Contract to the extent not terminated

5,2 Termination for lnsolvencY

5.2.1 The procuring Entity may at any time terminate.the Contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if the

supplier becomes bankrupt oi otherwise insolvent ln such r:vent, termination will be without

compensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right of

action or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Pro:uring Entity

5.3 Termination for Convenience

5.3 1 The procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at

anY time for its convenience.

The Notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Procuring Entity's convenlence,.the

extent to which performun"" ot tn" Sufplier under the Contract is lerminated, and the date upon which

sucn termination becomes effective'

The Goods that are complere and ready for shipment at the time rf Supplieis receipt of the Notice of

termination may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity at the Contract terms and prices'

5.4 DisPute Resolution

5.4.1 Any disputes arising out of this Bid shall be referred to the Dispute Resolution Committee to be

constituted for the PurPose.

5.42 Arbitration may be applicable in case of disputes which remarn unresolved through the Dispute

Resolution Committee.

5.4.g Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the courts raving jurisdiction at Udaipur only'

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamP)


Page 170: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Dat:unTent - Goodt (SS2E Bid) Section VI B - Special Conditions of Ctlntract

SectionWB:SpecialConditionsofContractThe following Special conditions of contract (scc-) shall supplement the General conditions of conhact

(GCC). Whenever tir"r. lr-a "onnict,

the provisions h"rein shall prevail 'rver those in the GCC'

l.ThelocationofdeliveryofgoodsrelatedserviceswilltlethepremisesoftheCollegeDairy and Food icience Technology, ltPUAT, Udaipur' Howev':r, any other unit of the university

located any where in the state of najasthan may also place order using this bid and in that case the

location oid.liu.ry shall be the premises of that unit'

2. The order will be placed by the Dean, GDFST, Udaipur or any 'rther unit offtcers of the university

& the supply is to be made at FoR Indenter office or as specified in the supply order within the

areaofMPUAT,Udaipur.Payment*irru"madebyindentingtlfficeraftersatisfactorysupplyandsuccessful inrtutiution,

"ommissioning' training' etc' (if applicable)

3.Thedeliveryperiodofgoods/relatedserviceswillbe15daysfromthedateofplacementoforder.However, the procurement entity tuy upp.ou. a shorter/longer delivery period' if appropriate in

view ofurgencyofgoods to procuring entity ior nature ofgoods etc'

4'LiabilityonthepartofUniversitywillariseonlywhenthesupplyorderisissuedbythelntendingOff-rcer of the UniversitY'


6. Approved rate will be effective upto 3l'03'2015 & approved supplier has to execute all the orders

received bY him uPto 3 1 .03 '20 1 5 '

'T.Supplierisrequiredtosupplyrelevantinstructionalmanualandtookkit'8. PrG should bi inclusive of commission & training'

g, Battery limit for service is 10m

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamP)


Page 171: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Btticlins, Docurnent - Goo* 6S2E Bid) Sccfion VI C - C,.rlrtract Forrns

Section Vl C: Contracf fi'orlnsAgreement

(to be executed on a non judicial stamp of appropriate value)

i. An agreement made this


day of between (hereinafter called "the

appr&ed supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his

heirs successors. executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, College of Dairy

and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur (herein afte:r called "the University" which

expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to in<:lude his successors in oflice and

assigns) ofthe other Part.

2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the University to supply to the Direct Demanding

officers of the University at its Head office as well as at branch offices throughout Rajasthan, all

those articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of

the tender and contract appended trerewith and at the rates set forth in column

-- of the

said schedule Which ratis shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shall be allowed and/or


3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of Rs' in---Cash/Bank Draff/ Challan no./ Banker Cheque No._- dated

post Office Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental authority.

. Nattc-rnal Sa',rr.;o .-ertittcatrrs/Ut!..r:t : !:.' i,^y'- iarifi:ar-ei. Lii:'3rr -'"';.{?.5 :'1,1:3^r. f l 'rrr;r' i'll':'

scripVinstrument under National Saving Schemes for promotion of Small Savings, if the same cau

be ileased under the relevant rule. (The certificates being accepr:ed at surrender value) as Security

for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has been formally transferred to the

departmental authoritY.

4. Now these Presents witness:

ln consideration of the payment to be made by the University through- at the rates set forth in

the Schedule hereto appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forth

in_ and thereoi in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and


The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enclos,ed to the tender notice No.-dated and also appended to this agreement will be dr:emed to be taken as part of thir

agreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreement'

Letters Nos._ received from tenderer and letters nos.-- issued by the Univenity and

appended to this agreement shall aiso form part of this agreement,

(a) The University do hereby agee that if the approved r;upplier shall duly supply the said

articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep tt'e said terms and conditions, the

University will through pay or cause to be paid to the approv^ed supplier at the

time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every


(b) The mode of Payment wili be as specified below:-




The delivery shall be effected and completed within the period noted below from the date

Name of Item

of supply order:-


Page 172: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Document - Goo,ls (SS2E tsid)

In case

made onBidder h

Signature ofthe approved supplier



Witness No.1:

Witness No. 2:

Signature for and on behalfofProcuremententity



Witness No.1 :

Witness No.2:

Section VI C j Contract Fo

extension in the delivery period with liquithe basis of following percentages of value of Gocds and Related Services which

B has failed to su

No. Condition LD on

a. Delay up to one fourth period of theprescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of orocurement.

2.5 %

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

s.0 %

Delay exceeding half but not exceedingthree fourth of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7.5 %

d. Delay exceed.ins _ 'r:ee- -fourth rf theprescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of orocurement.


Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall bt: eliminated if it is less than halday.

ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 10%

iii. If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractualoccurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authoritysupply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hin,Jrance butdate of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated damilges if the delay in the supplyGoods is on account ofhindrances beyond the control ofthe Supplier.

All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of thisshall be decided by the University and the decision of the University shall be final.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the......... da'r of ........20.......


o. lJ

, the recovery shall

supply on accountwhich had olacednot after the stipul

Page 173: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI C - Contt'act Forms

1. Performance Security Bank Guarantee(To be given by a Scheduled Bank in lndia or other Issuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)


Contract Name and No.:


WHEREAs-(hereinafter "the Suppiier") has un,lertaken, pursuant to Contract

to supply- (hereinafter 'lhe Contract")No. dated

AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementione1 Contract that the Supplier shall

fumish you with a Security issued by a reputable guarantor for the surn specified therein as Security for

compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordance rvith the Contract.

ANDwHEREAStheundersigned,lega1lydomiciledin-,(hereinafter..theGuarantor"), have agreed to give the Supplier a Security:

=-.;TI€REFORE WE he+b-y affiret.that "we are Cu;--';3ttr-.s'?rrd i€spolsibi*-'icr ycr'," ;:':i behalf of tlicSupplier, up to a total of and we undertake to pay yorr, upon your first written demand

declaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums

within the limits of

--_-- as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or

reasons for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This Security is valid until the


day ol

In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalf of:


Bank's Seal:

O, IZ+


Page 174: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Itickling Document -- Gaods (SS2F: Bitl) Section \1I C -- Confract Form.i

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submitted in lieu of performance security by the govt. depts. etc. as per ITB)

Date: finsert date (as day, month and year)]

Contract Name and No.:

[insert name and number of Contract]

To: The Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUA:I, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, the Contract mut;t be supported by a Performance

Security Declaration as a guarantee to ensure fulfillment of our all performance obligations under the

Contract [insert name of subject matter of procurement]'

We accept that we will automatically be suspended from being eligibte for bidding in any contract withyou for the period of time of [Procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time for which the Procuring

Entity will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contract if the trrerformance Security Declaration is

to be executed.] starting on the date that we receive a notification from you, The Dean, College ofTOchnology?;,;. liirgineering, iviFi.rA'1 ,1.1,|i-;t'..; r-liai clrr Perlbru:2.::.: -l;';ur:rl, I)eciorlriir,T r rr;c::ill,'^fwe are in breach of any of our performance obligation under the conditions of the Contract,

We understand this Performance Security Declaration shall expire after 60 days of completion of our all

obligations under the Contract including warru:dyl Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc. in accordance

with the conditions of the Contract.


[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

ln the capacity ofi[insert legal capacity of person signing the Performance Security Decla:ation]


[insert complete name of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Duly authorized to sign the Performance Security Declaration for and on behalf of:

[insert complete name of Supplier]

Dated on

Corporate Seal

day of, [insert date o.i signing]


Page 175: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Birlding Doct ment * Coccls 632E Bid)

3. Advance payment Security


Contract Name and No.;

In accordance with the payment provision included in the Contract. in(hereinafter called ,,the Supplier") shall deposit with

::,1':*q "_L_, ro suarantee its p.oper'i"J-rjirini i.irl"ounr"said Clause of the Contract, in the amount of

This Security shall remain validS,;Fliie, 'rr ri;T the Lontract lirui


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalfof:


Bank's Seal:

Secticn r/I C - Contraet Flr.ms


relation to advance payments,the Procuring Entity a Securityof the obligations imposed by

We,theundersigned_,legallydomiciledin-(hereinafter..theGuarantor'')'*in't."@reeunconditiona1lyand-inevocab1ytoguaranteeasprimaryobligor and not as surety merely,

^t'ne payinent to the procuring Enrity on its first demand withoutwhatsoever right of objection on ou, part ;d without its first .iu?. to the supplier, in the amounr notexceeding


Page 176: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele Faxph.0294 -247 013s,24'1 07 1g(o) 0294-247 O4?9 E-qejl:9d&[email protected] -coLi*EcE Or o.lriiy c r,oon sc_noNcE TECHNOLOGY""---ffi G srs f,{arq ffiIFIihl qeftqraq

Mah a rana Pratap University^of ^Aglicultu re & Technology' Ud aipur'*ffi"6 qR G

-rifdfiarcft -nqqfrenaq,s-qq$ ftw.) ersootProf. L.K. Murdia,


Section I:

Section II:

Section III:

Section [V:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section M C:

Bidding Document (Goods)

Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice lnviting Bids '.....'.'.'.

lnstructions to Bidders...

Bid Data Sheet.'.'.....'

Qualifi cation and Evaluation Criteria" " " " " " " " "

Bidding Forms....'.'.'

Schedule of SuPPIY'.'.

General Conditions of Contract.

Special Conditions of Contract..

Contract Forms

NIB No. NCs/201+-15/o2lcDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument

Rs 500.00











Page 177: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tete FaxPh.0294-2470139,24101 lg(o) !294-2470479, E-mail-cdfst201 1(Esnaticom

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD IIC-IENCE TECHNOLOGY-----tqtr qq srq frflq frit\ffi q-tTfr-crrdq

Maharana Pratap University ofAg-riculture & Technology' Udaipur-ffi nflTq EC qq ffiffi fr'slfrqrd-q,\reqgq (wu.) sraoor


DtANate* :-t I\.r.qu.at- 2$l\



Sealed Bids are invited upto 01.00 pM of 10th september 2014 for procurement of Lab model Twin screw

Extruder, Hammer Mill, Batch Roaster, vacuum Packaging alrtl Nitrogen gas packaing, Baking oven' Ageing vat'

Popcorn Machine, Shdnk wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, Bread slicer' Cold' Display counter' Rotary flour sifter'

Deta's may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our websites www.mouat,ac.in or the

wehiit' of State P,!:!i,: t:').:e:3men1 Pl'tt! '::"?lzt'tp,!ii r1j ,':'1 ie ^i;ta!::";d 3'' 'l'-:"nllr''iJl n':

payment of Rs. 500/- in cash/ banker's cheque/ demand draft' \ r\f 'u'u'



Page 178: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

Tele FaxPh.0294 -2470139,24707l9(O) 0294-2470479' il-mail-cdfstZ01 1@gmail com


Maharana Pratap University of Agricultur'e & Technology' Udaipurq-fl-ilq-s-flq eR Ts ffiffi ffiflaq,sEqgq (vru.) srooor

No. F. /T4PUAT/CDF ST/Tend er I 20 | 4 I 19 02-0 4 Dated:77 August 2014


NIB No NCB/2014 -15102 Date 21't Arirgust 2014

l. Sealed Single Stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean, College

of Dairy uni pooa Srience Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and technology,

Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods Ets listed below, from manufacturers/

distributors/ arrthorised dealers/ stockiest/ registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers unto 1.00 PM of10th Sentember 2014

In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid and

a separate bidding document has to be purchased for each category.

Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement [rom SSI units. Bids received fromBidders other than cottage and SSI units wiil not be considered.

Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible inevaluation and award of Contract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enciose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the product

offered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, el'aluation and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, desigrrs/drawings, specifications, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be seen

at or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Urlaipur (Raj.) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price ofRs 500/- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's ch.eque/Demand Draft of a Scheduled

Bank in India drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur payable at

Udaipur. Altematively, these rnay be seen and,rdownloaded frorn the college or University official






NIB No./Category Name of Article/ goods Qtv.anoUnit

TotalEstil:r:r,rCost (RsLakhs)

Amountof did


NCB/2014/02iCDIrSl Lab model Twin Screw Extruder No. 24 4E.000/-

Hammer Mill No. 0.5 I,000/-

Batch Roaster No. 0.50 I,000/-

Vacuum Packaeing and Nitrogen gas packaing No. 1.15 2.300/-

Bakins Oven No. 0.40 800/-

Aeeine Vat No. 1.00 2.0001-

Poocorn Machine No. 0.24 480t-

Shrink wrappins Machine No. 5.00 10,000/-

Tray Drier No 0.50 1.000/-

Bread slicer No, 0.65 l 300/-

Cold Display counter No. 0.68 13601-

Rotarv flour sifter No 0.30 600/-


Page 179: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Teie FaxPh.0294 -241a:-19,24i0i ]g(q 0294'2410479' E-marl-cdfst201 I@gqall qom


Tq srg trfll-q ffiFrdi q-dTB-gldq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology' Udaipur';ffi"--S A ty6Fr+1Merrq,s-qqgi (vu ) ersootProf. L.K. Murdia'

DEANDated:21 August 2014

@Tender/20l411902-04NOTICE II\IWTING BIDIS


1. Sealed Single stage Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean' college

of Dairy and Food science Technology, Maharana Pratap university of Agricuiture and


manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiest/ registerred Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

NIB No/Category




Name of Article/Goods

I Ba't<ing Oven


' TotaiEstimated

CoastAmount of Bidsecurity (Rs.)

1 l{o. 0.40 8,001NCB/2014/02/CDFST

ln case there are several categories, each category effectivell'constitutes a separate bid

units. Bids receivedz. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI


*a "

separate bidding documint has to be purchased for eachr category'


admissible in evaluation and award of Contract'


The Bid is for a fixed quantttY'

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the

product offered. They shall also include details on their backup r;ervices offered' warranties' etc'

Bidding Docuntent including the conditions of Contract, evaluation and qualification criteria

and procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications' Delivery Schedule' etc' can be

seen at or obtained from the office of the Dean, college of Dairy and Food science Technology'

Maharana Pratap university of Agiculture and Technology, Uclaipur (Raj') during office hours in

working days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids, by paying a non-refundable price

of Rs 5001 in the form of cash or banker's cheque/Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank in lndia

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, udaipur payable at udaipur'

Alternatively, these may be seen and downloaded from the college or university official

Bidders shall be


Page 180: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

weir site, w\4,w.mpuat.ac.iil or the websiie of Stat: Public Plor:urement I'oital, wrvw.irop.nic.in

unJ d1e pricffiidding Document nay be paid along with user charges/ processing fee' if any, at

the time of submission of the Bid.

7. Bids, duly signed on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, accompanied with the

Bid Security, (except "o.rc"rsio.ral

amount or Bid Securing Dec:laration, where applicable) in the

form of DemanO OrafV Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the r;pecified format, from a Scheduled

Bank in India, shall be submitted personally or by post in ggtled envelopes upto 01.00 PM of

l0th September 2014, to Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Udaipur -@aringthereferencetoNiB(withCategory,ifany)andwarningas:

8, ln case Bids have been invited electronically, the procedure for submission of Bids including

payment of price of Bidding document, user charges/ processing fee, Bid Security' etc' shall be as

provided on the State Public Procurement Portal'

Bids received after the specified time and date shall not be accepterJ and returned unopened.

The Technical Bids shail be opened at 11.00 AM on l1d Sent,ember 2014 in the presence of the

Bidders or their representativ*r *tro *istr to U. present. Financial bid shall be opened at 03 PM on

11th September 2014

Copy forwarded fbr kind information to:

t. 'itre

Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur'

2. The Director F)xtension Education, Directorate of Extension Edrrcation, MPUAT, Udaipur



11. The procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest Bid and mal'reject any or all Bids without

assign ri-.;'Erry I'eason rhereof.

12. The Bidders shall have to submit a valid 'VAT' clearance certificirte from the concerned Commercial

Taxes Officer and the 'PAN' issued by lncome Tax Department' \L_46DEAN





Page 181: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

B!dding !tr,-um€nt - t:ioocis (SS2E Bicl) Section I - lnstructions to Bidders

Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)lmportant Instruction:- The Law relating lo procurement "The Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement

Aci, 2012" [hereinafier called the Act] and the "Rajasthan Public Procuretnent Rules, 2013" [hereinafler called

the Rulesl under the said Act have come into force which are ovailable on the website of State Publicprocurement Porfal httn://spon,rai.nic,in , Therefore, the Bidders are adtised to acquaint themselves with the

provisions of the Act and the Rules before participating in the Bidding process. If there is any dbcrepancy'befiueen

the provisions of the Act and the Rules and this Bidding Document, the provisions of the Act and lhe

Rules shall prevaiL

1. General

1.1 Scope of Bid

1.j.1 In support of the Invitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity, as indicated

in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the supply of Goorjs / equipment and Related Services

incidental thereto as specified in Section V' Schedule of Supply (SS)

1.1 .2 Throughout this Bidding Document :

i. the term "in writing; means communicated in written form through letter, fax, e-mail etc. with proof of

if the context so requires, singular means plural and vice versa; and"Day" means calendar day.

1.3 Code of IntegritY

1.3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall(a)' not offei any bribe, ieward or gift or any material benefit either rJirectly or indirectly in exchange for an

unfair. advantac. i.! or.,rrlrem;nt nrcnesl ;,; In 9t[g1.r.'i1;9 inflrlente thn i;'ccii"-tept i:rqq:cs5;

(b) not i:.lisre;-,: ::Ji,i or onlrt tir:t misic;,Cs !.r :i::e,,'pi! to n,:sleaC 3! a: t'r oiiiain a rinan:lat or clner

benefit or avoid an obligation;(c) not indulge in any collusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive trehaviour to impair the transparency'

fairness and progress ofthe procurement process;

(d) not *i.ur"-*y'information shared between the procuring Entity and the Bidders with an intent to

gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;

(e) not indulge in any ioercion including impairing or harming or Lhreatening to do the same, directly or'

indirecfly, to any party or to its property to infll.ence the procure,ment process;

(f) not obstiucl any investigation or audit of a procurement procesrs;

(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and(h) disctose any previous transgresstons with any Entity in India or any other country during the last three

years or any debarment by any other procuring entity'

1.3.2 Conflict of lnterest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a s;ituation in which a party has interests

that could improperly influence that party's perfcrmance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual

obligations, or compliance with applicable laws ar d regulations'

i. A Bidder r"y'0" considered'to be in confl;ct oi interest with one or more parties in this bidding

process if, including but not limited to:

a. have controlling partners/shareholders in common; or

b. receive or have ieceived any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or

c. have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid; or

d. have a ietitionsn'ip wit'h each other, diiecily or through corrmon third parties, that puts them in a

oosition io frave access to information about or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or

influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding prgcess; or

e. the Bidder participates in more than o-ne Bid in ihis OiOOing process. Participation.by a Bidder in

more than one did will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved.

However, this does not limit the inclusion of the same subcontractor, not otherwise participating

as a Bidder, in more than one Bid; orf. tfre BiOOei bi rny of its affiliates participated as a consullant in the preparation of the design or

technical specifications of the Goods and Services that are the subject of the Bid; or

g. Btdder or jny of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposerl to be hired) by the Procuring Entity as

e n gi neer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract'ii. The Biddei shall haie to give a declaration regarding compliance of the Code of Integrity pres-cribed

in the Act, the Rules and stated above in tnis Clause along with its Bid, in the format specified in

Section lV, Bidding Formsiii. Breach of Code df Integrity by the Bidler: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of the

Rajasthan i*p.r"."y in'pu'Otic Procurement Act, in case of any breach of the Code of Integrity by

a Bidder or piosjective'AiOO"r as the case may !e, the Procuring Entity may take- appropriate action

in accordanieWtn tn" provisions of sub-section (3) of section 11 and section 46 of theAct.

1.4 Eligible Bidders

1.4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-owned Entity or' if permitted in the Bidding

documents, any comOination of them with a forma'i intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing

agreement in the form of a Joint Venture uVl, consortium or Association.



Page 182: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

1.4.2 A Bidder, irnd all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the natiorrality'of India. in case of lnternational

Competitive Bidding or Joint Ventuie, Consortium or Association [where permitted], the nationality of the

Bidder and att pirt'ies constituting the Bidder shall be of India or a country not declared ineligible by

Governmert of india. A Bidder snltt be deemed to have naiionality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen

or constituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of the Laws of that country.

1.4.3 A Bidder sf.toutd not have a conflict of interest in the procurement in question as stated in the Rule 81 and

this Bidding document.j.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligib,le to participate in any procurement

process undertaken bY

ia) any Procuring Entity, if debarred by the State Government; anrl

(b) a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity.

j.4.5 The Bidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributor, authorised dealer, registered Bidder

bona-fide dealer in the Goods and if required he shall furnish necessary proof for the same in the

specified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the rnanufacturer or country distributor in

India, shall be enclosed.

1.4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the Procuring Entity,

should the Procuring Entity request

1.4.7 In case a prequalification, empanelment or registration process hasi been conducted priorto the Bidding

process, tnis diOOing will be open only to the pre-qualified, empanelled or registered Bidders

1.4.8 Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative lJds, if permitted'

1.4.g No Bidder who is not registered under the Sales Tax Act prevalent in the State where his business is

located shall Bid. The Saies Tax Registration Number should be quoted and a VAT/ Sales Tax Clearance

certificate from the Commercial Taies Officer of the Circle concerned shall be submitted without which

Biddirrg Document - (|oods 652E Bid) Section [ * Instructions to Bidders

the 3r-'l is liahle!o berejected. - ^-etigi6te Goods and Related Services

All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the Contrarl shall have India as their country of

origin or a country which has not been declared ineligible by Goverrtment of India'


'1 .5.1

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), a Bidder that does not manufacture or produce the Goods it

offers to suppty shall submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation ut;ing the form included in Section lV,

Bidding formsio demonstrate that it has been duly authorised by the manufacturer or producer of the



2.1 .1

Goods to supply these Goods in India.

Contents of Bidding DocumentSections of the Bidding DocumentThe Bidding Document consists of all the Seclions indicated below, and should be read in conjunction

with anv Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendment of Bidding Document].

Section L

Section ll.Instructions to Bidders (lTB)Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section lll Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

Section lV. Bidding Forms

Section V schedule of Supply (specifications/ conformancer to standards, designs and drawings

etc., installationi cohmissioning, Mandatory operation and maintenance, training etc )

Section Vl A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]Section Vl B. Special Conditions of Contract [SCC]Section Vl C. Contract FormsThe Notice lnviting Bids shall also be a part of the Bidding Document'

2.1 .2 (i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice Inviting

Bids and shall be sioppeO one day prior to the date of openingt of Bids. The prospeclive Bidders may

also download the Bidding Document from the website of the procurement entity/ State Publicprocurement Portal and pay its price while submitting thra filled-up Bidding Document to the

Procuring Entity, or e-procurement gateway, if the facility is available.

(ii) Bidding Document purchased by Principal of any concern .may be used by its authorised sole selling

agentsi marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and aulhorised dealers or vice versa.

2.1 .g The procuring Entity is not responsible for the completeness of ther Bidding Document and its addenda' if

they were not obtai;ed directly from the Procuring Entity or not downloaded correctly from the Procuring

Entity's website/ State Public Procurement Portal.

2.1 .4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terrns, and specifications in the Bidding

Document. Failurb to furnish all information or authentic doc;umentation required by the Bidding

Document may result in the rejection of the Bid'

2.2 Clarification of Bidding Document and Pre'Bid Conference

2.2.1 A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall <;ontact the Procuring Entity in writing at

the procuring iniityr address indicatbd in the-BDS. The Procuring Entity will respond.in writing to any

request for "f"rini"iion,

within seven days, provided that such request is re^ceived no later than Fourteen

1t+) days prior to the deadline for submission of Bids as specified in the BDS"


Page 183: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Document - Goods (SS2E Bi,J) Section I - lnstructiotis ru Diilders

2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorised representative is invited to attend the F're-Bid Conference, if provided for in

the BDS. The purpose of the Pre-Bid Conference will be to clarify iss;ues and to answer questions on any

matter related to this procurement that may be raised at that stage.

2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in writing, to reach thr: Procuring Entity not later than one

week before the Pre-Bid Conference.

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause for disiqualification of a Bidder.

2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and srall be communicated in writing to all

Bidders who have obtained the Bidding Document directly from the Procuring Entity. lt shall also be

uploaded on the websites of the Procuring Entity and State Publit; Procurement Portal for prospective

bidders to download.

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into account in preparing

tneii BiOs, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, extend the de,adline for the submission of the Bids'

under due intimation to-tne giiOeri who have procured the Bidding Document directly from the Procuring

Entity and also by uploading it on the websites of Procuring Entity/ State Public Procurement Portal.

Preparation of BidsGost of Bidding



3.1.'l The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Bid, and theprocuring Entity shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, rel;ardless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding process.

3.2 Language of Bid

3.2.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to ':he Bid exchanged by the Bidder and

..-* ih.e pro6uling Fntity, shall be writtsn 1p the langr.'aoe ia.cifie'{ in lhe BDS, Strllnrting clscttll'191!e 316

printed literaiure that are pan of the Bid may be in another langualle provioed trrey are accompanied by

an a@urare rranslation of the relevant passages duly accepted by t're Bidder in the language specified in

the BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, su<;h translation shall govern.

3.3 Documents ComPrising the Bid

3.3.1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing the Technical Bid/proposal and the other the Financial or Price Bid/ Proposal, enclosed together in an outer single


3.3.2 The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the following ;

i. proof of paymeni of price of Bidding Document, processing fee/ user charges, where applicable,

and Bid SecuritY;ii. Document establishing the eligibility of bidder to bid as per ITE| clause 3.8

iii. Technical Bid/ Proposil Submission Sheet and Technical Bid containing the filled up Bidding Forms

and Declarations related to Technical Bid and Code of lntergrity (Form-DB) given in Section lV,

Bidding Forms; and any other documents as specified in the l'echnical Bid Submission Forms

iv. Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

3 3.3 The Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contain the following:

i. Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet;ii. Alternative price Schedules/ Financial Bid corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposal, if

permissible; andiii. Any other document required in the BDS.

Bid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules

The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid using the appropriate Bid Submission Sheets

provided in Section lV, Bidding Forms. These forms must be conrpleted without any alterations to their

iormat, and no substitutes snilt be arcepted All blank spaces shall be filled in ink or typed with the

information requested.

3.5 Alternative Bids

3.5.'1 Unless othenryise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be considered'

3.6 Bid Prices And Discounts

3.6..1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submissiion Sheet and in the Price Schedules

shall conform io the requirements specified in following Sub-Clauses:

3.6.2 Ail items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced separately in the Financial

Schedules. lf a Financial Schedule s-hows items specified / listed but not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requisite accessories. The details of accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optional accessories if any be quoted


3.6.3 The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Sheet shall be the total price of the Bid excluding any

discounts offered. Discounts, if permitted, shall be shown separately'

3.6.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts, if permitted, and the methodology for their


3.4 1



Page 184: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

BiiCin- Docunvni - Gt,u"is tSS2E Brri, tSecrion i - instrucrio:ls to Bia-ders

application in the Financial Bid Submission .9lteei.

3.6.5 in Case of International Competitive Bidding, the terms EXW, ClF, ClP, and other similar terms shall begoverned by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms, published by The InternationalChamber of Commerce, on the date of the lnvitation for Bids or as spc'cified in the BDS.

3.6.6 Prices quoted by the Bidder shail be fixed during the Bidder's Perrformance of the Contract and not

subject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted with an

adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive an(j shall be rejected. However, if in

accordance with the BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall ber subject to adjustment during the

oerformance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a flxed price quotation shall not be rejected, but theprice adjustment shall be treated as zero

3.67 All rates quoted must be FOR destination and should include all incidental charges except Central/Rajasthan Sales Tax/ VAT, Entry Tax, which should be shown sepilrately. No cartage or transportationchirges will be paid by Procuring Entity and the delivery (including unloading and stacking etc.) of the

Goods shall be given at the designated premises of the Procuring Eniity.

3.7 Currencies of Bid.

3.7.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in Indian Rupees unless otherwise

specified in BDS in case of International Competitive Bidding (lCB) /\ll payments shall be made in Indian

Rupees only, unless otherwise specified in the BDS

3.7 2 lf equipment is imported, the University may open L.C in favour of the Principal but all the other

formalities relating to import (clearing, etc) are to be completed by the successful bidder at his cost. The

bidder can avail facilities against our Excise/Custom Exemption ;ertificate. The bidder should have

Custom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

3.8 DocumenG Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

3 81 _ To establigh jheil eligibilitv in accordance with ITB clause 1.4 rr;r..,15;" Bidrlersl Bidder: shall

compulsortty attach any one ui Liie foilur'i;tg, u> ?pplor/ilate

(a) Incaseof soleProprietorship: Addressof residenceandoffice, lelephonenumberse-mail address, if

any.(b) In-case of Partnership Firms: Partnership Deed and valid registration certificate with the Registrar of

Firms and Power of Attorney in favour of the partner signing/submilting the Bid, authorizing him to

represent all partners of the firm.(c) In case of registered Company or statutory/ registered body: Registration certificate and

Memorandum of Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of a registered company and

in case of another statutory or registered body, certificate of inrtorporation or registration issued by

concerned authority and Power of attorney in favour of the perscn signing the Bid.

(d) WherepermittedtobidasexistingorintendedJointVenture,ConsortiumorAssociation: copyoftheAgreement, or a letter of intent to enter into such Agreemenl. The respective document shall be

signed by all legally authorised signatories of all the partiers to the existing or intended JV,

Consortium or Association as appropriate; and the existing or intended JV shall authorise an

individual/partner in one of the firm of ihe JV to act and commit erll the partners of JV for the Bid.

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attach

Declaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section lV, Bidding Forms,

3.9 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Relatedl Services

3 9.1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accordance with ITB Clause 1.5 [EligibleGoods and Related Servicesl, Bidders shall complete the country of origin declarations in the Price

Schedule Forms included in Section lV, Bidding Forms.

3.10 Documents, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conf,ormity of the Goods and Related

Services to the Bidding Document

3 1O 1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the Bidding Document, the Bidder shall

furnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence as asked in the technical Bid submission form

(specifications, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or other acceptable codes) and where

isked for, supply sJmples, demonsirates trials or carry out tests ar; specified in Section V, Schedule of

Supply and any amendment thereof issued.

3.10.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, design/ drawings or data etc., and shall

consist of a detaiied description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the Goods

and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of the Goods and Related Services to

those requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement cf deviations and exceptions to the

provisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

310.3 Standards for workmanship, process, material, operation and maintenance and equipment, as well as

references to brand names oi catalogue numbers specified by thet Procuring Entity in the Schedule of

Supply, are the minimum acceptable standards and are intencled to be descriptive only and not

restiictive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand names, and /or catalogue

numbers. provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's satisfaction, that the substitutions

ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in lhe Schedule of Supply.

3. 10.4 Bids for articles, if any, specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shail be accompanied by samples of


Page 185: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

' Biddintg Documunl=iirrod, (SS2E Bid) lle*ion I - Instructions to Bidders

the articles bid, where asked for, properly packed. Sucn sampleS if s,ubmitted personally will be received

in the office. n i"""ipt *irr oe givin'for lich sample by the officer receiving the samples. Samples for

catering/food items 'snoufO be- given in a suitable/non-contaminating plastic box or in food grade

polythene bags at the cost of the Bidder'

3.10.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six months after the expiry of the

contract. The piocuring Entity shall not be responsible for any darnage, wear and tear or loss during

testing, examination, ui"., Orring the period these samples are retained. The samples shall be collected

by the Bidder on tf]e e"piry of stlpulated period. The Procuring Entity shall in no way make arrangements

to return the samples ThL samples uncollected within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall be

forfeited by the irbcuring Entity and no claim for their cost, etc,, shall be entertained.

310.6 Samptes not approved shall be collected by the Bidders The Procuring Entity will not be responsible for

any damage, w'e'ar anO tear, or loss during testing, examination, etc., during the period these samples are

retained. rne uncof GcieJ samples shall b! forfeiGd and no claim for their cost, etc., shall be entertained'

3.11 Documents Estabtishing the Qualifications of the Bidder

3.11.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract, the Bidder shall submit as part of its Technical

proposal the d;;;;;;tary evidence indicated for each qualification criteria specified in Section lll'

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

3.12 Period of ValiditY of Bids

3.12.1 Bids shall remain valid forihe period specified in the BDS or Bidding documents.after.the Bid submission

deadline Oate as specin"O Uyti'r" Procuring Entity. A Bid valid for a sihorter period shall be rejected by the

Procuring Entity as non-responsive'

3.12.2 ln exceptionat circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Bid val dity period, the Procuring Entity may

request Bidcers to extend the period of vaiiOity of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be

, - maqle ir..writr-rg. lf a BiJ -er::,--.ty ir, iequested it shrll :lso he et'endel for a cer:'es?e;i!i"5-p:riod A'

Bidder may r"r"r." tn" r"quest witnout forfeiting its Bicj Security. A Bidder granting the request shall not

be required or permitted to modify its Bid

3.13 Bid SecuritY

3.13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid security in original

fornl and in the amount and currency specified in the Bidding documents.

313.2 Bid Security shall be Zoh oI the estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid or as

specified by the State Government In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0'5% of the

value of tne quantiiy offered for supply and in case of Sick Industries, other than Small Scale Industries'

whose €ses aie penoing with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction; it shall be 1% of the

estimated value of Bid.

3 13.3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or bank demand draft (DD) or

bank guarante"l in Jp""ii"o format, of a Scheduled Bank in India. The bid security instrument (BC/DD)

must be in the name of "Dean, College of Technology and Enginerering, Udaipul'' payable at Udaipur'

3.13.4 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid securing Declaration shall be teken from Departments of the state

Government and State Government Fublic Sector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, Registered

Societies, CoWeialve Societies which are controlled or managed by the State Government and Public

Sector Enterprises of Central Government. For the Bid Securing Declaration the Bidder shall use the

form included in Section lV, Bidding Forms'

3.'13.5 Bid Security instrument or cash receipt of Bid Security

accompany the sealed Bid Any Bid not accompanied byor a Bid securing declaration shall necessariiy

Bid Security or Bid Securing Declaration' if not

exempted shall be liable to be rejected'

3.13.7 The issuer of the Bid security and the confirmer, if any, of the Bid {iecurity, as well as the form and terms

of the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

3. 1 3. 1 1 The Bid Security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in the following cases, namely:-

i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid after opening of Bids; or

ii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement within the specified time after issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order; or

iii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supply order

within the time sPecified; oriv. when the Biddel does not deposit the Performance Security in the specified time period after the

suPPlY / work order is Placed;v. if the Bidder bi.rin". any provision of the Code of Integrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act, Chapter Vl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1 3; or

vi. if the Bidder does not accept the correction of its Bid price due to correction of arithmetic errors'

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.14.1 The originat (and all copies, if asked) of the Bid shall be typed or ruritten in ink, properly bound, all pages

shall be serially numbeied and signed by the Bidder or a-p_erson duly authorised to sign on behalf of the

Bidder/JV. This authorisation shall consiit of a written confirmation as specified in the BDS and shall be

atiached to the Bid.

3.14,2 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting r;hall be valid only if they are signed by



Page 186: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

314.8..:* - '-'




4 1.1


4.2 1





Bidding Docwnent - Goods (SS2E Bial Section I - Instructions to Bidders

3. 14.3


114 E

3. I 4.6


the person signing the Btd

The Bidder shall prepare one Technical Bid or Proposal consisting_of. doclments/forms as asked in the

technical Bid submission form and superscribe the envelope with "TECHNICAL BlD"'

The price schedule or price proposal must be sealed in separate envelopes for each item using the

approiiriate form (Form-irsl, riluen in Section lV. .The amount quot':d should be mentioned in words &

figures. Each envelope rri'Oluitt''r. marking "PRICE SCHEDULE' and the NAME OF ITEM/ GOODS'

All the envelopes of price bids for all the items quoted by bidder mus;t be put in one single envelope' This

envelope must be marked'FINANCIAL BID'

The envelopes for Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outer envelope and must be sealed


The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsorily -

(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/ mobile number of Bidder:

(b)bearcomp|eteaddressoftheProcuringEntitywithtelephonenumber.ifany'(c) bear the specific identification of the Bidding process (Nl-B No') and the date and time of

submission of Bid. In case there are many categiories in the NlB, the specific CATEGORY for which

the bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the Technical Bids shall bear a warning

not to be opened o"toi" tn" time and date ior the opening of Technical Bids, as specified in the NIB

and BDS.

(e) The inner envelopes containing the Financial Bid and/or Price proposals shall bear a warning not to

be opened untrl advised by the Procuring Entity

lf all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Procuring Entity shall-assume no

raspansibijdy-about illcmseotlences inclurliqiSisp.laiement anc prematlue ongll-in"gof thl Bid' '&' '

Alternative '6idr, if permissible, shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered with the inner

envelopes marked in addition 'ALTERNATIVE BID No: " ", as apprcpriate'

Submission and OPening of Bids

Submission of Bids

Bidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directty droppe'd in the Bid Box' where provided But

if so specified in the eiOOing documents, Bidders shall submit their Bids electronically only. Bidders

submitting their Bids electronicalty shall follow the electronic Bid s,ubmission procedure as specified on

the State Public Procurement Portal

Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bids shall be received, by the person designated for the purpor;e by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid Box, or'submitted electronically, where asked for at the place and upto the time and

date'specified in the Notice Inviting Bids or an extension issued thereof.

Late BidsThe procuring Entity shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever reason, in"iriing postal delay. Such Bids shall be declared late, rejected, and returned

unooened to the Bidder.

Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid Proposal aftt:r it has been submitted by sending a

written Withdrawal/ substitutions/ modifications etc. Notice, duly s;igned by the Bidder or its^authorised

representative, and shali include a copy of the authorisation. The c:orresponding Withdrawal' Substitution

or Modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written Notice All Notices must be:

i. submitted in accordance with ITB Ciauses 3.14 [Preparation, Sealing anO wt9f11t9-9j..Bj.dj]l th"

respective inner and ouier enuelopes shall be cleariy marked 'IVITHDRAWAL"; "SUBSTITUTION", or

"MODIFICATION" andii. received by the procuring Entity prior to the deadline specified lry the Procuring Entity for submission

of Bids

Bid proposals that are withdrawn in accordance with as abover shall be returned unopened to the


Bid Opening

First only the Technical Bids shall be opened on the date, time and place specified in the BDS by the

Bids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their authorised representatives who choose to





be oresent.

The bidder or his authorizedpresentation and demonstrationnext day also.

lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids openingl

Public Procurement Portal shall be followed. The Bidders may

orocedure online.

The Procuring Entity shatl conduct the opening of Financial

representative, if asked, should come prepared for technical

on the date of opening of tlne bid and may be required to stay

procedure as sPecified on the Statewitness the electronic Bid opening

Bids of all Bidders who submitted


\fu-/- *{

Page 187: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Iiiddiny Docurnerti - Goodt (SS2E 6ici1 Sectiorr i - ilsir usiif us tu Bidticrr

substantially responsive Teciinica! Biss and iavc qualifled in evaluation of Technical Pics, tn ihe

presence of Bidders or thetr representatives who choose to be prtlsent at the address, date and tlme

specified bY the Procuring EntitY

4.5.4 lf the date of opening of financial bids needs to be extended to enable a large number of technical bids

received, tne cnange-d date and time shall be communicated through the website of the procurement

en1tv. lt shall also bi communicate telephonically only to the bidders who attended the technical bid.





technical aspects of the Bid in particular, to confirm that

Supply have been met without any material deviation or

Evaluation and ComParison of Bids


Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Procuring Entity in the exarnination, evaluation, comparison, and

pojt quatificatibn of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its Bid, in addition

io the legal action which may be taken by the Procuring Entity under the Act and the Rules

S.1 3 Notwithstanding the above clause, from the time of opening the Bicl to the time of Contract award, if any

Bidder wishes t"o contact the Procuring Entity on any matter relatecl to the Bidding process, it should do

so in writing.

5.1 .4 In addition to the restrictions specified in section 49 of the Act, tl'e Procuring Entity, while procuring a

subject matter of such nature which requires the procurrng Entity tc' maintain confidentiality, may impose

condition for protecting confidentiality of such information

5.2 Clarification of Technical or Financial Bids

5.2.1 To assist,n the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualificaton of the Technical or Financial Bids,

the Bid evaluation committee may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarrflcation regarding its Bid'

The committee's request for clariflcation and the response of the Bidder shall be in writing.

5.2.2 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to his Bid that is not in response to a request by the

Bid evaluation committee shall not be considered'

- lJ.:.'--.:,:atc,l;l Nc;'lcc;:fo;nrit;as !n T::h::cal ':; Fi:ranci:i PiJi-- '-

provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may waive any

nonconfonnity (with recorded reasons) in the Bid that do not constitute a material deviation, reservation

or omission.

5.3.2 provided:hat a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may request

the Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to

rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to documentation requirements'

Failuie of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.

5.4 Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

5.4.1 The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of Te:chnical Bids shall be based upon an

examination of the documentary evidence submitted by the Bidder in support of the Bidder's


5.4.2 The Procuring Entity shall examine therequirements of Section V, Schedule of


5.4.3 The procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that al terms and conditions specified in the

GCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any nraterial deviation or reservation.

5.5 Gorrection of Arithmetical Errors in Financial Bid

5.5.1 provided that a Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity will correct arithmetical

errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the following basis:

i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total prrice that is obtained by multiplying the

unit price anO qua'ntity,'the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the

opinion of the 'procuiing

Entity there is an obvious misplacerment of the decimal point in the unit

price, in which case theiotal piice as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of subtotals, the subtotals

shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the

amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures

shall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above'

5.5.2 lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accr-'pt the correction of errors, its Bid shall

be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or rts Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed.

5,6 Price and/ or Purchase Preference

5.6.j price and/ or purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given n accordance with the policy of State

Government notified / prevalent at the time of issue of NIB'

5.7 Evaluation of Financial Bids

5.7.1 The procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Technical Bid of which has

been determined to be substantially responsive'

5.7.2 i. Unless otherwise specified in BDS, the evaluation of the total Price of a Bid shall be the price of

detivering the Good's and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of delivery specified in Bidding

t,'7 \w/X

Page 188: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biidirt; Ltvcu,il€t1I - Goods (SS2E Bid)


o.z. I

Section [ - Instructions to Eidders

documents, includrng all taxes and duties payable on them, insurance, transport, loading, unloading,

erecting, stacking, testing, commissionlng, etcii. In com"paring th! rates quoted by firms from outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but not

entiled to pr'ice preference, the element of Rajasthan VAT shall be excluded whereas that of Central

Sales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates'iii. White comparing the rates in respect of firms within Rajasthan the element of Rajasthan Sales Tax /

VAT shall be included.

5.8 Post qualification of the Bidder

5.g.1 The procuring Entity shall determine to its satisfaction that the Bidder that is selected as the lowest

Bidder is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

5.9 Procuring Entity,s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids

5.g.1 The procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, irnd to annul the Bidding process and

reject all BidJ at any time prior to -Contract

award without assigning any reasons thereof and without

thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders.

6.1 Procuring Entity's Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award

6. 1 1 At the time of award of contract, the quantity of Goods, works cr services originally specified in the

Bidding Documents may be increased oi decreased. lt shall be witrout any change in the unit prices or

other terms and conditions of the Bid and the condittons of contract

6.j.2 lf the procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of pr)curement or procures less than the

quantity specifi6O in the Bidding Document'due to change in cirr:umstances, the Bidder shall not be

entiled-for any claim or compenJation except otherwise provided in ':he Conditions of Contract

Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award

As a generat rule all-1he quantities o1 16s srrbject matter of proc;urement sfrall-be Procul* I"^ijh9.[li,jOer]whose Jiu i: a'ccept:d. Hov,'e.,gr, \&r':?il '. i- c'-'t:':ruereej that the Q''i,:,"; cl thc subject inetter ui

procurement to be procured is very large and it may not be in the capacity of the Bidder, whose Bid is

accepted, io deliverthe entire qrantity 6r when it is considered thal the subject matter of procurement to

be procured is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divided between the Bidder'

whose Bid is accepted and the second lowest Bidder or even nrore Bidders in that order, in a fair,

transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted'

Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract

6.3.1 The procuring Entity after considering the recommendations of the Bid Evaluation Committee and the

conditions of Bid, if'any, financial implications, samples, test reports etc., shall accept or reject the

successful Bid.

6.3.2 prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the Procuring Entity shall inform the succ'essful

Bidder in writing, by registered post or email, that its Bid has been accepted.

6.3.3 lf the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is likely to take time' in the meanwhile a Letter of

Intent (LOl) may-be sent to the successful Bidder The acceptance of an offer is complete as soon as the

letter of acceptance or letter of intent is posted and/ or sent by enrail (if available) to the address of the

successful Bidder given in its Bid

6.4 Signing of Contract

6.4.j In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the succt>ssful Bidder, it shall also be asked to

execute an agreement in the format given in the Bidding Document on a non -judicial stamp of requisite

value at hls cost and deposlt the amount of Performance Security or a Performance Security Declaration

asapp|icab|e,*imin"periodspecifiedintheBDSorwheretheP.rriodisnotspecifiedintheBDS,thenwithin fifteen Oays trom the daie on which the LOA or LOI is dis;patched to the Bidder. Until a formal

contract is executed, LoA or Lol shall constitute a binding contract.

6.4.2 lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written procurement contract or fails to furnish

the required performance Security or Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be, as the case

may be, witnin the rp""in"O time period, the Procuring Entity shall take action against the successful

Bidder as per the provisions of the Act and the Rules, The Procuring Entity may, in such. case, cancel the

procurement process or if it deems flt, offer for acceptance on the rates of lowest Bidder to the next

lowest resPonsive Bidder.


Signature of Bidder(with date and stamP)


,-/\Y z-'--4>-

Page 189: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding DocuniEnt - Gt>odi (S$E Bid)

.4, --

BDS 1.1.1

-fhe price of the Bidding Documents is:

For Clarification purposes only, the Procuring Entity's addres:i is:

,A.ttention (Name with Designation) : Dr. L.K' Murdia, Deart'

,Address: College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT' Udaipur - 313001

Telephone No. 0294-2470139, 0294-2470179 Email : [email protected]

'Ihe Pre-Bid conference will be held/not held: NOT HELD

PREP,{RATION OF BIDS:Ih. lunguug. of the Bid is (English./Tlindi/Both): ENGLISH

ffibinationoflotscanbeoffered./notolfered:oFFERED4. -., | -subrnlsrlero.an*Openlq:tq-'=t____

(a) For Bid submission purposes only' the Procuring Entity's address is:

Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT' Udaipur

'l'elephone N o. 029 4'247 0 139, 029 4-2470 1 79 Email : cdfst2O 1 1 @ gmail'com

(b) where electronic submission of Bids is mandatory, the address of the web portal is: NA

Ihe details for Bid submission is:

Date 10'h September 2014 Time: 01:00PMBDS 4.2.1

BDS4.5.lFinancial Bid

Dean, College of DairY and FoodScience TechnologY' MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

Dean, College of Dairy a"q ,{9ojScience TechnologY, MPUAT'Udaipur 313001

Address ofOffice

11'n September 20141l'n Septemb er 2014


Award of Contract

Th" ".rt.d.^,t,htll

.,ht"h the contract agreement is to be executed and performance Security is to be

submitted is 15 days.

whether perofrmance Security/performance Security Declaralion shall be required (YesAlo) YES

Section II : Bid Ilata Shieet

The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCB/2014-15/02/CDFS'I

The Procuring Entity is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technology'

MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan)

The Bid opening shall uke Place at:

Seclion II - Bid Data Sheet

Page 190: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bi'd) Section III - Qualii'ication and Evaluatiu. Criteria

Section III: Qualification and Evaluation criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders' qualihcations regarding critical aspects of their ltnancial, technical, production'

p.o"*"-"nt, shipping, instatlation and other capabilities necessary to perform the. contract will be

judged from the'severai criteria like Size of Operation, Contractual Experience, Technical"E*i"ri"nc., production Capacity, Financial Position, Cash flow Capacity, Litigation History, Tax

Clearance Certificates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications under Section 7 of the Act, Bidders

acceptance of GCC and SCC, etc. The criieriq specifically used are specified in detail in the

Technical Bid.

B. Technical Suitabilify of Goods: Besides financial, commercial qualification as a!o-v9, the technical

suitability of goods offeied in view of specifications, standards, samples, etc' as provided in the Schedule

of Supply -a"'niOing document shall determine the qualification of ther bidder. These are listed in details

in the Technical Bid form.


r.i;t:$iLl.l Local Handling and Inland Transportation: Costs for inland tlansportation, insurance, and other

incidental costs for delivery of the goodi from the EXW premises, or poft of entry' or -border

point to

Project Site as deiined in eioaing Documents/Schedule of Supply, shall be quoted in the PRICE

SCifgOUleS provided in Section w, eidding Forms. These costs will be taken into account during bid

evaluation. If a Bidder fails to include such iosts in its Bid, then th:se costs will be estimated by the

procuring Entity on the basis of published tariffs by the rail or toad transport agencies, insurance

companiJs, o. oih", appropriate sources, and added to EXW or CIF or CIP price'

1.2 Minor Omissions or Missing ltems: The cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or

omissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The Procuring Entity will

make its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformitir:s and omissions for the purpose of

ensuring fair comParison of Bids.

2. TECHNICAL CRITERIA: The cost of all quantifiabie minor cleviations or deficiencies from the

technical requirements as specified in Section V, -Schedule

of Supply shall be evaluated' The Procuring

Entity will make its o*n urr"rr.ent of the cost of these deviations or deficiencies for the purpose of

ensuring fair comparison of Bids.

3. ECONOI!{IC CRITERIA: The net price of items to be procured will be the criteria for evaluating

Bids that have passed the technical evaluation'

4. pRrcE AND / OR PURCHASE PREFERENCE: Price and/ or Prrrchase Preference shall be given in

evaluation oi Bids and award of Contract shall be as per the Gove;mment of Rajasthan Rules in this


Page 191: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

iliCdi;tg f),)tunent - Goods (SS2E Riti)

Section IV: Bidding Forms


1" Technical Bid Submission Sheet (Form-TBSS)

2. Format for Technical Bid Submission Form (Fonn-TBSF)

3. Bid Security (Form-BG)

4. Bid Securing Declaration (Form-BSD)

5. Declarationby'Bidder(Fonn-MA1)(ln case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10lakh)

6. Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2)(ln case of procurement valuing more than Rs. 10 lakh)

1 . Declaration b1, Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Fonr-DB)

8. Price Schedule/ Financial Bid Subnussion Sheet (Form-PS)

Section Iv ". Bidding F orms








Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

'fhc fechni.tal !i:1 n.ist be prepareu wilh qc" !rli€rr!; iiran-geci in the f'-':j'-"'virig order

1. Technical Birl Submisiion sheet (Form-TBSS) with the proof o1'pay'ment of tender fee and Bid

Security attached on the toP.

Filled up Technical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)

Documents establishing the eligibility of bidder as per ITB Clause 3.8

Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)

Declaration ty Bidder (Form-Malr or Manufacturer's A.uthorisation (Form-MA2), as

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIBAli enclosures asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Forrns in the sequence

lnstructions to Bidders (ITB), duly signed and stamped'

General Contract Conditions (GCCiand Special Contract Conditions (SCC), duly signed and








Page 192: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

B i ddi n g D oc u** n,*-lo o o a, 6 S 2 E B i d) Section IV - Bidding Forms

' " '. " ' : ' (Form-TBSS)


Fpc Amount Mode No. & Date

Tender Fee Cash/ DD/ BC

Bid Securitv Cash/ DDi BC


NIB No.:Alternative No.. if permitted:

To: The Dean, CDFST, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document,includingAddendaNo.:

We offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedule

specified in Bidding Documents, the following Goods and Related Services:

(b) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of

--- days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline in

accordance with the Bidding Document, and it shall remain binding upr)n us and may be accepted at any time- befoie the expiration of thr'i penjd;

(c) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amount of -


of the Contract Price or Performance Security Declaration for the due pe:rformance of the Contract;

(d) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of thr: Contract, have nationalities from the

eligible countries;

(e) We are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process, other than altemative

offers, iI'permitted, in the Bidding Document;

(fl Our firm, its a1'filiates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers has not been debarred by the

State Government or the Procuring Entity;

(g) We understanrl that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification ofaward, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Corrtract is prepared and executed;

(h) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lou'est evaluated bid or any other bid that you may


(i) We agree to trrermit the Procuring Entity or its representative to inspt:ct our accounts and records and other

documints relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Procuring


11) We declare that we have complied with and shall continue to comprly uith the provisions of the Code ofIntegrity for Ilidders as specified in the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, the

Rajaithan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013 and this Ilidding Document in this procurement

process and in execution ofthe Contract;

(k) Other comments, if any:

Name/ address:

In the capacity ofSigned:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate:Tel: Fax: e-mail:


Page 193: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Dacument - (iootis (SS2E Bidl Section IV - Biddine Forms


Part A: Financial & CommerciaSN Criteria Required


Proof submittedat page No.

I Average annual tumover (converted into IndianRupees) defined as the total payments received by thrBidder for contracts comoleted or under executiorover the last 5 vears.

20 Crore

2. Number of similar contracts successfully completed as

main supplier within the last 5 years. Value, natureand complexity of these contracts should be

comparable to the contract to be let. (Enclose the lisr

with address and telephone Nos.)


VAT/ Sales Tax reeistration certificate Required4. VAT/Sales Tax clearance certificate from the

concerned Commercial Taxes OfficerRequired

5. Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income-Tax Denartment


6. Income Tax clearance certificate Required

Part B: Technical Suitabilify of Goods Offered.The bidder is required to enter the relevant information asked in the format /table below and submit a proof insupport of the information. The proof must be in form of catalogue, technical literature/ leaflet, brochure, etc. of theitems offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable lhe procurement entity to arrive at an

informed decision about the technical suitability of the items offered vis-ir-vis the specifications. In absence of such

proofs, the procuremerrt entity may make its own assessment of the technical suitability.

Note: This is only a formatl the bidders must include all the items/goods (specified in the Schedule of Supply).If some item is not quoted it should be mentioned "Not Quoted". If som,e item/good is missing that shall beassumed as Not uoted and corresnondins Price Schedule. even if enclosed. will not be o



Signature ofbidder


Bidder's IlesponsePlease indicate whetheritems/goods quoted conformthe specifications (YesAtroDeviations, if any, must



Page 194: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Birlriins Document - Goods (SS2E tsid) Seetion IV - Ridtiing Fcrms

(Form - BG)

BID SECIIRITY(To be issued b1, a Scheduled Bank in lndia or other Issuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)

Form of Bid SecuritY

[insert Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or OfficeJ

Beneficiary: l-insert Name and Address of Procuring EntiQlDate: [insert date]

BID GUARANTEE Nol [insert numbe'r]

We have been informed that finsert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter called "the Bidder") has submitted

to you its bid dated [inseit dateJ (hereiiafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert name of

coitractJ under Notice Inviting Bids No. [insert NIB number]("the NII]").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bi,Js must be supported by a bid


At the request of the Bidder , we [inserl name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum

or sums not exceeding in total an amount otreceiot by us o{'your first demand in witing

r ;a creacii of it-: oi,i'gati'li.(:') ulc;.- tre 'b!'j

conditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Form

of Bid; or

(b) having been notified of the acceptance ot lts Bid by the I'rocuring Entity during the period

of bid validitY,

(i.) fails or refuses to execute the Contract ForrrL

(ii.) lails or refuses to furnish the performance security, irt accordance with the Instructions

to Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) has not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB, or

(d) has breached a provision of the code of Integrity specified in IllB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, upon our receipt of copies of the

contract signed by the Bidd;; and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the

Bidder; and (.b) if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder, upon the rnrlier of (i) our receipt of a copy

your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirry days after the expiration

of the Bidder's bid,

Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be rr:ceived by us at the office on or

before that date.

[inserT umount in./igures][insert umount in wordsJ upon

accorr'paiitcc by a rvritten s'"aiemerl jr?trir! rhat t-rle BiC'J"r


the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of


Bank's Seal


Page 195: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Eiddinp Ltocume'nt - G'tods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - BSD)


Date: [insert date (as duy, month and year)lNotice Inviting Bids No.: [insert number of bidding processJ

To: [insert complete name of Procuring Entity]

We, the undersigned. declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supporte,J by a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that we rvill automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with

the Procuring Entity for the period of time of [Procuring EntiQ to inclicate here the period of time forwhich the piocuring Entity witt declare a Bidder ineligible to be award)ed a Contract if the Bid Securing

Declaration is' to be exeiuted.J starting on the date that we receive a notification from the Procuring

Entity that our Bid Securing Diclaration is executed, if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the bid

conditions. because we:


(b) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity duing the period of bid


(i) fail or refuse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) fail or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accorrJance with the Instructions to

Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

have not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the J.TB, or

have breachecl a provision of the Code of Integrity specified in ITB;

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the

earlier of (i) gur receipt of your notification to us of the name of the srrccessful Bidder; or (ii) thirry days

after the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:y'nse rt signature of person whose name snd capacity are shov,nl

In the capacity of:

[insert legal capacity ofperson signing the Bid-securing DeclatationJ




[insert complete name of person signing the Bid-securing Declaratiott]

Duly authorized to sign the bid for and on behalf of:

[inserr complete name of BidderJ Dated on day of, [insert date of signing] Corporate Seal


Page 196: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sectiol IV -'Bidding FormsBir)iing DocttasaT - G6rods (SS2E tsid)


fln case of procurement valuing upto Rs 1l) lakh)


NIB No.:

Aiternative No., if aPPlicable:


VWe a legally constituted frrm/body

# jir;i aY",r Lffi #m*"x*:l ;#;Tn"i: udi

s'1ri bu" r/

lf this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice-to any other action that may be taken'

mv/our Bid security may be forfeited in fiill and the Bid ir unu to the elfent*accepted may be cancelled'

_..*.i-r_ i-,.- ii.''



In the capacilY of:

Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail:



Page 197: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section iV - Bidding FormsBidd.ing Document - (]oods (SS2E Bidl


(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)

Man ufacturer's Authorisation


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if aPPlicable:



We, who are official manufacturers of

having factories at

do he,reby authorise

to submit a Bicl in reiation to the rnvitation for Bids indicated abovc, the purposc ot'wnir"h is to provide

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiale and sign the Contract'

We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with Clause 4'6 of the General

conditions of contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above firm in reply to this lnvitation for



In the capacity ofi _-_-


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail



Page 198: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bid(lil;g l,)c:ttrnent' 'C'oods 652E Bid) Section I\'- Bidding Forns

(Form - DB)


ln relation to my/our Bid submitted

Notice Invitirrg Bids No.Raj asthan TransParencY in


D I one'

to _-..__-- for procurement of

-=.-- in response to thelr



Vwe hereby declare under Section 7 of

Public Procurement Act, 20 12, that"

l. Vwe possess the necessary professional, technical, hnanciaI and managerial resources and

"o*p.t",l." required uy ttre diaaing Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

2. vwe have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of th9 taxgs payable to the Union and the state


3. Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, not have my/our affairs

administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/our business activities suspended and not

the subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4. vwc clo ii.! ,t'ay', and ou, iirecir,;, 3r,- cificci's nc1 ha't, i;en corrvicteci t''i' any crillrirrll

offence related t; my/our professional conduct or the making of false statements or

misrepresentalions as to my/our qualifications to enter into a proc;urernent contract within a period of

three years preceding the commencement of this procurement process' or not have been otherwise

disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

5. vwe do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding Document'

which materially affects fair competition;

Sigrature of bidder




Page 199: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE






--NIB No.:

To: The Dean

College of ITechnology

We, the undersign,

(a) We have e>

We offer t,

delivery sch

We underst

notificationprepared anr

We understmay receive

We off'er to



Altemative No., if Permitted:

--riry and Food Science

MPUAT, Udaipur.

I, declare that:

.mined and have no reservations to the Bidding f)ocument, including Agenda N

supply in conformiry with the Bidding Document and in accordance with

dule'specified in Bidiing Documents, the follo*'ing Goods and Related Servic

nd that this Bid, together with your written acr;eptance thereof included in '

rf award, shall constitute a binding contract betu'een us, until a formal Contra


nd that you ure not bound to accept the lowest evaLuated bid or any other bid that

upply the items/goods at the following price:


Name and IIt

rscription ofm

Country ofOrigin

Unit ofMeasurem


UNitEXWPrice forthe item

Sales and

OthenTaxes lbrthe ltem

Relatedservices*, if

notincluded inColumn 6

Total Unit Price(In Figs. & Words)

for the ltemincluding Taxes


3A 5 6 7 8

*(like transportation

Note: Quote rate

VWe hereby certiand conditions ofin token of confirdemonstration anc

Name/ address: _In the capacity ofSiened:

Duly authorised t<

Date: __Tel:

ffitesting,training,maintenanceetc.,inc|udingtaxes)for different items/goods on separate sheets and submit in separate envelopes.

r that the above rates have been quoted after pursu.Lng all the general and special 1

he bid. I/We agree to confirm these conditions and signed on all the terms & condi

ration and acceptance. Vwe also bear the responsibi.lity for installation, commissio

training to user at my/our cost.

sisn the Bid for and on behalf of

Fax: e-mail:


Bidding Document.- (iqods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms


h the


r yourract is

at you

I termsditionsioning,

Page 200: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Secti+n I\'- tlidding FormsBidding Docutnent - r3ood.t (SS2E Bid't

1. ficatioSection V: Schedule of SUPPIY

I nf Gnnds rnd Related Services and TechnicaJNo

Name olGoods orRelated

@standards otUnltMeasure


Quantlty WhetherSamples

Lab modelTwin screwExtruder

Designed for capacity of 15 Kg per hour'

Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, LrI{MW-HDPE screws driven by variable speed

motor.Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel with fwo water


Trvo no. band heaters, ceramic insulated.

Multi-start screws fabricated from Nitriding 0r equil'al€n1: steel'

Drive suidtable molor driven through reduction gear unit and duplex

gear driven by AC drive.TORQUE-LIMITER fixed before duplex gear'


Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diameter' one

no. flate die and one no. PiPe die.

'stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, driven by variable speed motor'

Safefy device vide limit switch for the cutter.

'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the following:

a) 2 No. Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicetor withsensor for 2 no. Band Heaters'

b) I no. electronic temperaturr indicator with sensor fi)r mass- temperature.

c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM of main-tlrivg Feeder

and Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of lVlain Drive'

Ammeter, Voltmeter, Push-button switches' indicating I-*rmps etc

Transformer to stabilize control voltage in case offluctuation ofsupply

voltage. Electrical and electronic components including imported AC

drive (Frequency Controller).

No. OneIoti,equlre,



2 HammerMill . Ch".b.. rire - 20" diameter, fabricated from stainless sleel plate

with stainless steel Liner'o Model no. TW-AS-612o 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pole motor, rotary feeding

hopper 6 pole motor.o Sieve 80-250 mesh.. Capacity 175 kg/hr.

Nos. One

J BatchRoaster

. Complete structure ofstainl€ss steel 304.o Electric heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany). Electric heater of4-6 KW capacity' mounted in pair and can be on/offas

per heat requirement (more heet require, then more nurnbers of heaters

will on). Temperature controller and sensor for better control'. Timer is provided to control the time process'

. Power supply I phase/Ill phase option.o lnsulated with asbestos sheet.. Control box consisting of temp' Controller, on/offswitch, indicating I

omn frrce s'irins limer etc-

No. One

A Vacuumpackaging andNitrogen gas


. Single Chamber t1pe.r Sealing length 400mm X width 8mm. Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X 300mm. Double sealing Jaw at both sides.. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.r Power: 230 V,50 IIz, single Phase.

. Acrylic view window for viewing the process'

r Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas flushing arrangements'r l2 Pouches/Batch

No. One

5 BakingOven

o Two Trayso I wire mesh. lnner chamber. Size 24" x 21" x 9"

No. One

6 AgeingVat

. Capacity 100 litre.

. Temperature 5'C

. Stainless steel body. f- _. lnsulaleo Insloe.

No. One



Page 201: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

7 5hr.iilkwrapplngMachine

firi,tFx"-rn-u-.ter wft f cc'ntrot s*rtches:r'1C 8i(,'r'rtlr het;r durl pow<i:r

coated steel and sta;nitss:tiil contrPiu'.'. iOkg.Popcorn per batch.. Size: 17.5" L x 20.5" W x 24'75" H'

i"lo. .)nr

8 ShrinkwrappingMachine

I Power supply - 230 V, 50 herE. Heating power - 2.5 kw'r Machine Sealing area 400mm (w) x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(H). Product weight 3.5kg max., Temperature - 50-300u C, time -0-3 second &

machine weight - 90kg.. Type ofshrink file PoF, PVC

No. One SamplesNotRequire,



9 TrayDrier

. Standard sturdy double wall fabrication'

. Inner & outer chamber made out ofthick mill steel sheet'

. Inner chamber back sih'er pain finish and exterior finished in hammer

tone.. Gap between trlo walls filled with glass wood for temperature insuhtion'. HealT duty forced air blowers.. Double wall door mounted on heavy hinges with heavy mould'ed latchy'. Temperature control by a Thermostat and it can be read on dial type

thermometer.. Temperature range: 500 C to 2500 C +20 C to f C gnd workable on220Y

AC 50 Hz single phase or 440 volts AC supply'o 24 travs of 16"X32" X l''o size.

No. One

l0 Breadslicer

. Slice Thickness: 12mm.o Range:31 Pcs.. Voltage: 220V|50HL. Dimension: 630 x 630 x 685H in mm.

No. One

il Coldrlir!;i:::counter

. Size:

. Eir.t:ricii $t'-rrv' -il .4"

No. One

t2 Rotaryfloursifter

1 10 volt3'd generation vibration motor.Stainless steel body.Diameter 500mm, 0.02-20 mesh size, I440rpm

No. One

Bidding Document -'(ioods (SS2E Eidl Scction IV - iSitlCing i r-'rrns

Important: The installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. hrs to be done

by the bidder.

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Document includes the following drawings:If doc insert lhe List

List of Drawi

3. Inspections and TestsThe following inspections and tests shall be performed: [insert list of ir,rspections and tests]

Notes:. The Supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections.. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity from the lot offered for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before the scheduled


Title of drawDrawinp No.

List of Inspections, Trials and TestsLine Item No Brief Description of

ItemDescription of Inspection and/ or Trial and,/ or Test forfull conformance of th.e product to the specificationsgiven in Biddine Document and/ or to the Semples


\,, o .-'

Page 202: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section \': Schedulb of SUPPIY


2, Drawings:This Biddine Douctnent includes the following drawing: NA

docaments are to be included, insert the List

3. Inspections and Tests:sl4l_E-ge$[r]ej_E the msoecnon and testl

. The supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspectLons

. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entity form the lot offered for supply

pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about l5 days before scheduled dispatch'


List of Good andNamed---Goods or Related



Technical Description, Specifications and


U nit ofMeasure menl


WhetherSamples are Required

l Baking Oven Two Trays

I wire mesh

Inner chamber

Size 24" x 21" x 9"

No. One Samples



"photogr aphs/experim ental results"

The following tnspec' ,iqns_.qQ trg! ,

--a-: *4-:.-:'frieis end fests

Line Item No Drife Description of Item Description of Inspection and/or Trial and/or Test for full

conformence of the product to the specifications given in Bidding

Document and./or to the samPles.


Page 203: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section VI A: General Conditrions of Contract

1. lntroduction

1.1 Definitions

1.1 .1 The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hererby assigned to ihem:

(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurerrent Act,2012(ii) "Completion" means the fulfilment of the Related Services tly the Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.(iii) "Contract" means the Agreement entered into between tre Procuring Entity and the Supplier,

together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices,specifications and codes and all documents incorporated by reference therein.

(iv) "Contract Documents" means the documents listed in the l\greement, including any amendmentsthereto.

(v) "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier as specified in the Agreement, subject tosuch additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefrom as may be made pursuant to theContract

(vi) "Day" means calendar day.(vii) "Delivery" means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplierr to the Procuring Entity in accordance

with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract,(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract(ix) "Goods" means all of the commodities, raw materjal, machinery and equipment, documents,

guarantees/warrantees and/or other materials that the Siupplier is required to supply to the

2. t.5

Procuring Entity under the Contract.(x) "Procuring Entity" means the f ntitv purchasrnq the Goods and" Related Services. as rl+rifleC in:' . "' ihe $,iC.(xi) "Related Services" means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as insurance,

installation, training and initial maintenance, commissioning of equipment or machinery and othersimilar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.

(xii) "Rules" means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013(xiii) "SCC" means the Special Conditions of Contract.(xiv) "Subcontractor" means any natural person, private or gov€rnment Entity, or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to whom any part of the Goods to besupplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is s;ubcontracted by the Supplier.

(xv) "Supplier" means the natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the above,whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring Entity and is named assuch in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.

(xvi) "The Site" where applicable, means the place of delivery, installation, testing/commissioning of thegoods/equipment or machinery or any other place named in the Bid Document.


lf the con:.ext so requires it, singular means plural and vice versa.

lncotermsIn case of International Competitive Bidding :

The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parrties thereunder shall be as prescribedby Incoterms. EXW, CIF ClP, and other similar terms, shall be governed by the rules prescribed in thecurrent edition of Incoterms, published by the International Charnber of Commerce at the date of thelnvitation for Bids or as specified in the BDC.

Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier andsupersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (vhether written or oral) of parties withrespect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.

AmendmentNo amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unless it is in writing, is dated, expresslyrefers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto.

Non-waiver(i) Subject to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below, no relaxation, forbeerrance, delay, or indulgence by either

party in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Corrtract or the granting of time by eitherparty to the other shall prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, neithershall any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract oprerate as waiver of any subsequent orcontinuing breach of Contract,

(ii) Any waiver of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, dated, andsigned by an authorised representative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the rightand the extent to which it is beino waived.







\,, ..''

Page 204: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

biddtns Document - Goods (SS2F Bitll Section VI A _ General Conditi.or,: -f Contract

2.16 Severabilitylf any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rerrdered invalid or unenforceable, suchprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the vralidity or enforceability of any otherprovisions and conditions of the Contract.

Contract Documents

Subject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the Contract (and

all parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, supplementary, and mutuallyexplanatory.

Code of Integrity

The Supplier is bound by the provisions of the Code of Integrity stipulated in the Act and the Rules and

specified in ITB Clause 1.3 [Code of Integrity].

The Procuring Entity shall take legal action against the Supplier under Section 11(3),46 and chapter lVof the Act, if it breaches any provisions of the Code of Integrity, or is determined to have engaged in

corrupt, iraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in competing for the Contract or execution of theContract.

The Supplier shall permit the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's accounts and records relating tothe performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the Procuring Entity,

if so required by the Procuring Entity.


The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchanged by theSupplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS. Supportingdocuments and prrnted literature that are part of the Contract may be in another language provided they2re accomn2nied h)r an 2C.rrr.re t.:nSlaiiOn St th,- ..:A'.,i,r: pa;:;ig;: :t in;, latSt.t;:l^ :;eC.Fot ilr theBDS, in wnrch case, tor purposes of interpretairo[ oi the Contracl, this translatiun shall govern.

The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing language and all risks of the accuracy ofsuch translation.


Any Notioe given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be in writing to the Procuremententity. The term "in writing" means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effective date, whichever is later.

Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and the State ofRajasthan.

Specifications and Standards

Technical Specifications and Drawings:

The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services c;omply with the technical specificationsand other orovisions of the Contract

The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any lesign, data, drawing, specification orother document, or any modification thereof provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring Entity,by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity.

The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shiall conform to the standards mentionedin Section V, Schedule of Supply and shall bear such marks. When no applicable standard is mentioned,the Goods and Related Services supplied shall be of the best quallty and the standard shall be equivalentor superir:r to the official standards whose application is approprial:e to the country of origin of the Goods.In no case such standards shall be inferior to the relevant updated BIS or international standards.

Equipments/implements which are governed by Dangerous lVlachinery Regulations Act should benecessarily 'lSl' marked (attach certificate with the Bid) and for otlrer equipments 'lSl.' quality certificationis desirable.

Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accordance with which it shallbe executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes anrl standards shall be those specified inthe Section V, Schedule of Supply. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes andstandards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordancewith Clause 3.4.

The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples hias been indicated in the Schedule ofSupply, shall in addition, conform strictly to the approved samples. The decision of the Procuring Entitywhether rhe articles supplied conform to the specifications and are in accordance with the samples, ifany, shal be final and binding on the Supplier.


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Page 205: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

l,i,l;iing Document - (;oods (SS2E Buit




z.Y. I

Section Vl .4' - General Conriitions of Contract

the financing of the


The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials conl:aining daia and information furnished

to the Proouring Entity by the supplier herein shall remain vested in the supplier, or' if they are-furnished

to the procuring Entity Oir".tr' oiinrough the Supplier by any third partv' including suppliers.of materials

or Related Services, the cofyright in srlch materials or related senrices shall remain vested in such third


Confidential lnformation

In addition to the requtrements of the provisions of section 49 cf the Act and Rule 77 of the Rules

regarding Confidentiality, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not'

without the written conseni of tne otnel party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or

other information turnisneJ Jit"Ctf y ot indirectty by the othei party hereto in connection with the Contract'

whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination of the

Contract. Notwithstandini inl "Oou",

the Supplier may furnish to its Subcontractor such documents'

data, and other informJtion it receives from the Procuring Entity to-the extent required for the

Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, in which evr:nt the Supplier shall obtain^from.such

subcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similarto that impos;ed on the supplier under GCC Clause


However, in case of electronic data or information, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responslblllty

for access to data on line by any third party'

2.g.2 The procuring Entity shall not use such documents, data, ancl other information received from the

Supplier for any purposes unrelated io the Contract. Similarly,-the Supplier shall not use such

documents, data, and other information received from the ProcurirLg Entity for any purpose other than the

design, pro"rr"nlunt, or other work and services required for the parformance of the contract

T'-;-.-,ts.r:-r..;i;i .-,1.a i)aii. .,-.,..].ir 11Ol' c11f :-lf l-:es i':9.i an- ,'-:') ? "

i:';+, ':';OV;C'"-';'' ;hall :;i fppry f'

intormalton that:

the Procuring Entity or Supplier need to share with other institutions participating in

il.ir";il;d, or hereafter'enters the public domain through no fatrlt of that party'

can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the lime of disclosure and which was not

previously obtained, directly or indirectty, trom tne oiher party; or r:therwise lawfully becomes available to

ihat party:from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality

2g.4 The above provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall not in any way nrodify any undertaking of confidentiality

given by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part


2.g.5 The provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall survive completion or k:rmination, for whatever reason, of the


2.10 Packing and Documents

2.10.1 The Suprplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or

deterioration during transit or transport Oy-sea, rail and road or air to their final destination. During transit,

the packing shall 6e sufficient to withstind, without limitation, rough handling and exposure to extreme

temperalures, salt and precipitation, and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into

consideration, where appropiiate, tne reroienes of ihe final destination of the Goods and the absence

of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit

2.10.2 The packing, marking, and documentation within and outside the packages shall comply strictly with such

special requirementJas shall be expressly provided for in the Contract, including additional requirements'

if any, specified in any other instructions ordered by the Procuring Entity.

2.10.3 ln the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage, the Supplier. shall be liable to

make gc,od such loss and shoiage found'at the cheCking/insper:tion of the materials by the consignee

No extra cost on such account shall be admissible

2.11 Insurance

2.11,.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured

against lheft, destruction or damage, by fire, flood, under exposure to weather or otherwise including war,

rebellion, riot, etc. The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and the Procuring Entity will not

be required to pay such charges, if incurred.

2.12 TransPortation

2.12.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, obligations fortransportalion of the Goods shall be rn accordance

with the conditions and Incoterms specified in the Bidding Documents.

2.12.2 In case of Supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied FOR locations specified in Bidding

Documents. Al'l irinsportation charges, local taxes, etc. shall be trorn€ by the Supplier.

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests

2.13.1 The procuring Entity or his authorised representative shall at all reasonable times have access to the

Supplier's premises'and the power to inspect and examine the nraterials and workmanship of the goods/


Page 206: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddtng Document *.Goods (SS2E Bid) Sdction Vl A - Geneial'Conditions of Contract

equipmenV machinery during manufacturjng process or afterwards as may be decided.2'13'2 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost 1o the Procuring Entity carry out all such tests,and/or trials andlor inspections of the Goods and Related Seruices is ate specified in Sections V-Schedule of Suppty.

2'13'3 The sampling, inspections, and/or iests and/or irials may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier orits Subcontractor, at point of delivery, and/or at the final destinaticn of the Gooos, or at another place inIndia as specifled in the SCC. All such sampling, inspections and/ or testing shall be at the cost of theSupplier. Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.1i.4,- n conducted on the prerises of the Supplie, or.'li.Subcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to specification cooel, oesigns,drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectois at no cnarg6 to tn" procuring Entiiv.


2'13'4 The Procuring Entity or its designated representatives shall be entifled to attend the tests, and/orinspections and/ or trials referred to in GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.3, crovided that the procuring Eniity bearall of its own costs and expenses incurred in connection witl' such attendance, like t[vellini anoboarding and lodging expenses.

2 13'5 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test, and/or trials and/or inspection, it shall give areasonable advance notice, including the place and time, to the procuring Entiiy. The Supplieishaiobtain from any reievant third party oi manufacturer any necessary permission or consent to enable theProcuring Entity or its designated representative to attend the test and/or trials and/or inspection.The Supplier shall furnish complete.address of the premises of his office, godown and workshop whereinspection can be made together with name and address of the person w-ho ts to be contacted for thepurpose.

2'13'6 The Procuring Entity may require the Supplier to carry out any test and/or trials and/or inspection notrequired by the Contract but deemed necessary to verify that th6 crraracteristits end performance_of tfi€,* _

- j-:<* -. .* **-c:931,99'q9ll:yit[$e te.ghn;st1 specir.ditmi cocies ancJ standanfi ehd sdrrt+fEt s,idprie; ;id-#B;under the Coritrabt, provided that the Suppliels reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carryingout of such test and/or trials and/or inspection shall be added to the Coniract price. Further, ir suctries-tand/or trials and/or inspection imp_edes the progress of manufacturing and/or the Supplier's p".rorrnanceof its other obligations under the contract, duJallowance will be made in respect orin" o"riu"ry oit",and compretion Dates and the other obrigations so affected.2'13'7 The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Entity with a report of thr: results of any such tests and/or trialsand/or inspection.

2'13'8 supplies when received shall be subject to tests and/or trials ancl/or inspection to ensure whether theyconform to the specifications and wiih the approved samples arrd triall, ir any. wnere necessary orprescribed or practical, tests shall be carried out in Government laboratories, reputed testing house likeSri Ram Testing House, New Delhi and the like and ine supplies lvill be accepted only when the articlesconform to the standard of prescribed specifications as a result of s Jch tests.2'13'9 In case of tests, samples shall be drawn in four sets in the presr:nce of the Supplier or his authorisedrepresentative and properly sealed in his presence. One such set shall be given to him, one or two will besent to the laboratories and/or testing house and the third or fourth wiii be retained in the office forreference and record.2'13'10 Testing charges shall be borne by the Procuring Entity in.case urgent testing is desired to be arranged bythe Supplier' In other cases and in case of test-results showing tnr't rrpJri,i"

"ie not upto the prescribedstandards or specifications, the testing charges shall be payabl6 by the Supplier.

2'13'11 The Procuring Entity may reject any Goods or any part thereof thar: are received but fail to pass any testand/or trials and/or inspection or do not conform trc'the specifications and samples supplied with the Bid,if any' The supplier shall either rectify or reptace-sucn rejecterd Goods or parts thereof or makealterations necessary to meet the specifications and samples iupprlied with the Bid if any, at no cost tothe Procurrng Entity, and shall repeat the test "nJloi

trlrt" and/oi inspection, at no cost to the procuringEntity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC sub- crause 2.13.5

n",t,j, Fiifi:'jJ:J"#ffJ:r;:"J,5J:;i:3f[.!G,Tih;i:ifi3rffi,ffi,:ir]:%ir#ff#;heard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitaote iro,ini rrori-tn" "pprou"o

rates and acceptthe supply. The deduction so made shall be final.2 13'12 The rejected articles shall be.removed by the Bidder within 15 days of intimation of rejection, after whichthe Procuring Entity shall not be resp_onsible for iny ro.., shortage or damage and shall have the right todispose of such articles as he thinks fit, at the suppiie/s risk and'on nis accoirnt.'2'13'13 The supplier agrees that neither the execution of a test and/or trials and/or inspection of the Goods orany part thereof, nor the attendance by the Procuring Entity or its reJresentaiiu", no; the issue of anyreport pursuant to GCC sub-clause 213.7, shall rJlerse the Supplier from any warranties or otherobligations under the Contract.2.14 Ghange in Laws and Regulations2'14'1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract, if after the deadlinel for submission of Bids, any law,regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having tne iorce of law is

"nr"i"J-prorurgated, abrogated, or


Page 207: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddutg Docutnent - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditio4s of Contract

changed by Government of India or the State Government (which r;hall be deemed to include any change

in int6rpretation or application by the competent authorities) that r;ubsequently affects the Delivery Date

and/or the Contract Price, then such Delivery Date and/or Contract Price shall be correspondingly

increased or decreased, to the extent that the Supplier has thereby been affected in the performance of

any of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoing, such additional _or

reduced cost

shill not be separately paid or credited if the same has already been accounted fqr in the price

adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with GCC C)lause 4.1.

2,15 Force Majeure

2.15.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, liquidated damages, or

termination for default if and to the extent that delays in perfo'mance or other failure to perform its

obligations under the contraci is the result of an event of Force Majeure.

Z.jS.2 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation beyond the control of the

Supplier that is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on

the bart qf the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited to, acts of the Procuning Entity in its

soveretgn capaciiy, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemic;s, quarantine restrictiotns, and freight


2.j5.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arrses, the Supplier shall promptly rrotify the Procuring Entity in writing of

such condition and the cause and effects thereof

Unless otherwise directed by the Procuring Entity in writing, the Supplier shall continue to perform its

obligations under the Contrai:t as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative

means at his cost for performance not prevented by the Force Maj':ure event.

2.16 Assignment

216.i .l[grither the Procuring Entity nor the Supplier shall assign, iq whole or in oart, their oblioations under this

$|i'tto-"t, except witti prio:"written Sonsenr of the otlier party with recorded reasons. Suctr assignment

shall not relieve the Supplier or the Procurement Entity of their resrective obligations under the Contract.

3. Contract Details

3.1. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association and Changes in the Constitution of the Supplier

3.1.1 lf the Supplier is a JointVenture, Consortium, orAssociation all the parties shall sign the Contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association is a registered Firm or Company. All the parties

shall be jointly and severally liable to the Procuring Entity for the fulfilment of the pnovisions of the

Contract and shall designate one party to act as a lead pa(ner ruith authority to bind and represent the

Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association.

3.1 .2 The structure/composition or the constitution of the Supplier asi a firm, joint Venture, Consortium, or

Association shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Pntcuring Entity.

Any change in the structure/ constitution of the firm, etc., shal be notified forthwith by the Bidder in

wriiing tc,[he Procuring Entity and such change shall not relive any former member of the firm, etc., from

any liability under the contract

The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint Venture, Consortium or AssociAtion as a major

stake holder shall not change without the consent of the Procuring Entity. Any new major stake holder

must agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the contract.

No new partner/partners shall be accepted in the firm by the Elidder in respect of the contract unless

he/they agree to abide by all its terms, conditions and deposit with the Procuring Entity a written

agreement to this effect. The Bidder's receipt for acknowledgement or that of any partners subsequentlyaccepreo as above shall bind all of them and will be sufficient discharge for any of the purpose of theContract

3.2. Subcontracting

3.2.1 . The Supplier shall not sublet or assign the Contract or its any part to anyone without the prior written

approval of the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shall notify the Procuring Entity irr writing of all

subcontracts to be awarded under the Contract if not already spe cified in the Bid. Subcontracting shall inno event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the

Contract. The capability details of such subcontractors shall be provided to the Procuring Entity who shallevaluate and take a decision as to whether approve it or nol, it if not initially approved during theevaluation of the bid.

3.2.2 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses il.3 and 2.9.

3,3. Scope of Supply

3.3.1 The Goods and Related Servicesto be supplied shall be as specilied in Section V, Schedrrrle of Supply

3.3.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contracl, the Scope of Supply shall include, at the sulpplier's cost, all

such items not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that can be reasonably irlferred from the

Contract as being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services as if

such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract.


Page 208: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE



3.4 1









3 6.1



Biddirg t,)r:cument - Goods (SS2E Bid) .i".tion Vl. A - General Conditions of Contract

Change Orders and Contract Amendments

The Proc'uring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through ltlotice in accordance GCC Clause 2.5,to make r:hanges, within the general scope of the of the Contract in any one or more of the following:

i. drawings, designs, or specifications, where Goods to be furnished under the Contract are to besper:ifically manufactured for the Procuring Entity;

ii. the method of shipment or packing;

iii. the place of delivery; and

iv. The Related Services to be provided by the Supplier

lf any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier'sperformance of any provisions under the Contract, an equitable acljustment shall be made in the ContractPrice or in the Delivery and Completion Schedule, or both, arnd the Contract shall accordingly be

amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within twenty-eight (28,) days from the date of the Suppliels receipt of the Procu'ing Entity's change order.

Prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services thiat might be needed but which were notincluded in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed theprevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar services.

Additional quantity may be procured by placing a repeat order on the rates and conditions of the originalorder. lf the Supplier fails to do so, the Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange for the balance supply bylimited Bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the Supplier.


The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance with theDelivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Bidding Documents

.rii Goods n-1r:.r; iij'5961 ':reight pard thru::gi narl.','r,7s or uoods r.r'anii:t,:,n. ,l Goou" drl seilr iretgnr tcpay, the freight together with departmental charge of 5% of the freight will be recovered from theSupplier's bill.

R.R. should be sent under registered cover. In case advance peryment is to be made, the RR shall besent through Bank only.

Supplier's Responsibilities

The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Service:; included in the Scope of Supply in

accordarrce with GCC Clause 3.3 and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 3.5.

Procuring Entity's Responsibilities

Whenever the supply of Goods or Related Services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals,and import and other licenses from local public authorities, the Procuring Entity shall, if so requested bythe Supp'lier, shall make its best effort to support the Supplier in complying with such requirements in atimely and expeditious manner.

Extensions of Time

lf at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its Subcontractors should encounterconditions impeding timely delivery of the Goods or completion of Related Services pursuant to GCCClause 11.5, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of the delay, its likelyduration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of thr: Supplier's notice, the Procuring Entityshall evaluate the situation and may at its discretion extend the Supplier's time for performance, with orwithout liquidated damages depending on the nature of causes of delay, by issuing an amendment of theContract.

Except in case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 2.15, or reasons beyond the control ofthe Supp,lier under GCC Clause 3.8. 1, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery andCompleticn obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuantto GCC Clause 4.5.

Contracl Price and Payments

Contract Price

The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement or r\pproval subject to any additions andadjustments thereto, or deductions therefore, as may be made pursuant to the Contract.

Prices cl'rarged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Services performed under theContract shall not vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its Bid, with the exception of any priceadjustments, if approved.

Price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules Price adjustment shall not be applicablein contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 montl^s.

Terms of Payment

The terms of payment of the Contract Price shall be as specified ir the Approval orders/Agreement.

The Supplier's request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing, accompanied by





+. t.z






Page 209: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

.+.2. J


4.2 5








4.4 1

Section \ | ,\ j Ge-rier al Conditions of Contract

invoices ,Jescribrng, as appropriate, tne Goods delivered and Related Services performed, and by thedocuments submitted pursuant to GCC Clause 3,5 and upon fulfilment of all the obligations stipulated inthe Contract.

Payments should be made promptty by the Procuring Entity, as far as possible, within Thirty (30) daysafter subnlission of an invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and the Procuring Entity hasaccepted it. All remittance charges shall be borne by the Supplier.

The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier under this Contract shall be IndianRupees unless otherwise specified in the SCC.

ln case of disputed items, 10 lo25o/o of the amount of the price of such items may be withheld and will bepaid on settlement of the dispute

Payment in case of those Goods which need trials or testing as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply shall be made only when such trials or tests have been carried out and trials or test resultsreceived conforming to the prescribed specifications.

Advance Payment will not be made except in rare and special cases and as provided for in the Contract.In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the externt and on conditions, interest at theprevailing bank rates and against a conflrmed bank guarantee for 100% of the advance as provided inthe SCC. 'fhe amount of advance shall be used exclusively for supplies against the Contract. lf advancepayment js to be made after despatch of Goods by the Supplier. it will be made after presenting the proofof dispatch through the bank and prior inspection, if any The balance if any will be paid on receipt of theconsignment in good condition with the certificate to that effect endorsed on the inspection note given tothe Supplier.

Taxes and Duties

For Goods supolied from oLrtsiCc irrlia. the Suoplier shall be ertire!.,, :'esocnsihle for all tar" 5t=nrp.: t (.v.':::r,-:9e i.-rg, anrJ tth;i 3:.rcl: ICVieo,rr,p's,-;e r.j;-rirjg i;r,iiJ.

For Goods supplied from within lndia, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties,license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods at site to the Procuring Entity.

lf any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may ber available to the Supplier in India, theProcuring Entity shall use its best efforts to enable the Supplier tc beneflt from any such tax savings tothe maximum allowable extent

Performance Security

The Sup;rlier shall, within fifteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SCC, of the Notification ofAward, sign the Contract Agreement and provide a Performarrce Security or, where applicable, a

Performarrce Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract. Performance SecurityDeclaration shall be taken from Department of the State Government and undertakings, corporations,autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which are owned, controlled or managedby the State Government and undertakings of Central Government The State Government may relax theprol sion of Performance Security in particular procurement.

The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as sipecified in the BDS, of the amount ofthe supply order. In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be one percent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of sick industrir:s, other than Small Scale Industries,whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall betwo percent of the amount of supply order, The currency of Perfornrance Security shall be lndian Rupees,if otherwise not specified in BDS.Performance Security shall remain valid for a period of sixty dayr; beyond the date of completion of all

contractual obligations of the Bidder, including warranty obligatior"s and operation and/ or maintenanceand defect liability period, if any.Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or sign theContract within the specifled time period shall constitute sufflcient grounds for the annulment of the awardand forfeiture of the Bid Security. In that event the Procuring Entity may award the Contract to the nextlowest evaluated Bidder at the rates of the lowest bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and isdetermine,l by the Procuring Entity to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.The Performance Securrtv shall be denominated in the currencv of the Contract and shall be in one of thefollowing f,:rms:

(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India; cr(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrumenl under National Savings Schemes for

promotion of small savings issued oy a Post Office in Rajasthan, if the same can be pledged underthe relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender value at the time of Bid and formallytransferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head Post Master; or

(iii) Bank guarantee. lt shall be of a scheduled Bank in India in pr(3scribed or other acceptable format orfrom other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity. The bank guarantee shall be got verified fromthe issuing bank and confirmer, if any; or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipt (FDR) of a Scheduled Bank. lt shall be n the name of the Procuring Entity on

4 4.2





Page 210: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sidrting Deru+zent - tSooris 652E Rid) Seetiorr VJ. A - General Uondrtrons of Contract


account of Bidder and discharged by the iSrdeer i:r advancc. lhe Procuring Entity shall ensure

before accepting the Fixed Dep6sit Receipt that the Bidder furnishes an undertaking from-the bank

to make paymenv pt"*"ilr" b.vment oi the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the Procuring

Fntity *itholt requirement of 'consent of the Bidder concerned. In the event of forfeiture of the

performance Securitv, tne fixed Deposit shall be forfeited alcng with interest earned on such Fixed


The proceeds of the performance Security shall be forfeited and slrall be payable as compensation to the

Procuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned belo'w:

(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement in accordance with ITB Clause 6'4 [Signing of

contractl within the .pl.in"o tiile; after-issue of letter of acceptance/ placement of supply order

within the sPecified Period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goqds or Related Services as per supply

orde: within the time specified; or

(iii) when Supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Services satisfactorily within

the trme specified; or

(iv; When any terms and conditions of the Contract is breached' or

(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of th1_Code of Integritv prescribed for Bidders in the Act and

ChapterVl of tne Rules and as specified in ITB Clause 1 3'

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Performance Security. The decision of the

Procuring Entity in this regard shall be final.

Liquidated Damages4.5.

4.5.1 subject to provisions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3 8, if the supplie' fails to deliver any or all of the Goods

oip".for. the Related Services within the period specified in the CgntracJ, the Procuring Entity shall'

,,itnc,.:t prejudic.: tr ali its ciher:'cncdiss:.:lj:r ihe Crrtrael,, deduct r::n:'t"', C?r::act Prlce':s

liquidate<j damages on the basis of following percentages of varlue of Goods and/ or Related Service

which the Supplier has failed to supply or complete -

{o. )ondition LD%

a. Oetay up to one fourth period of the specified period

of delivery, successful installation and cornpletion of

sub,iect matter of Procurement.


h @h but not exceeding half

of the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subject matter of


5.0 %

5-eiay exceEd-frg hdt but not exceeding three fourth

of the specified period of delivery successful

installation and completion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7 .5 "/o

d. Delay exceeding three fourth of the speclneo perloo

of delivery, successful installation and completion of

subject matter of Procurement.

10.0 o/o


Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies, succer;sful installation and completion of work

shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day

The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified time should be calculated

carefully. The method of calculation for contracts which include rnultiple items of supply/ service in case

individual value of each item is not taken in the Bid should be generallv given in the SCC.

For turnkey projects in which cost of individual items is not known also, the total value of the turnkey

project shall beiome the basis for imposing LD (if due) if apportiorrment formula is not given in the SCC.

The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be 10%. Once the maximum is reached, the

Procuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clause 5

Recoveries of liquidated damages, short supply, breakage, rejected articles shall ordinarily be made from

bills. Amount may also be withheld to the extent of short supply, breakages. rejected articles and in case

of failure in satisiactory replacement by the Supplier along with amount of liquidated damages shall be

recovered from his dues and Performance Security available witir the Procuring Entity. In case balance of

recovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Public Demand Recovery Act or any

other law in force,


The Supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the most recent or currenl

models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided

otherwise in the Contract

Subiect to GCC Sub-Clause 2,7, the Supplier should further w€rrrant that the Goods shall be free from






Page 211: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddirg Docttmertt -tlootlg '\')E Bid) Section t'l A -- General Conditions of Contract

defects aiistng from any aci or omission of the Supplier or aiising irorn desrgi'r, materials, and

workmanshiP, under ncrmal use

4.6.3 Unless otherwise specifled in the ScC, the warranty shall remain valid for twelve ('12) months after

supply of tne CooOi and completion the Related Services have lleen accepted at the flnal destination

indicated in tne-scc, or in case of Goods being imported after the placement of supply order, for

eighteen (1g) months after the date of shipment or loading in the country of origin, whichever period

concludes eartier. However, if the warranty provided by the manrtfacturer is for longer period the same

shall aPPIY.

4.6.4 The procuring Entity shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the..nature of any such defqcts together with

all available "uiO"n""

therjof, promptly following the discovery thr:reof. The Procuring Entity shall afford


4.6.5 tJpon recerpt of such Notice, the Supplier shall within thrrty (30) days, or within a different period if

soecified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defective Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to

the Procuring Entity

4.6.6 In case of machinery and equipment also, guarantee will be givern as mentioned in clause 4 6 3 above

and the Supplier snall during ihe guarantee period replace the parts / whole if any and remove any

manufacluring defect if found during the above period so as to make machinery and equipment

operative. fne Supplier shall also ,eplace machinery and equipntent In case it is found defective which

cannot be put to operation due to manufacturing defect, malfunctioning' etc.

4.6.7 In case of machinery and equipment specified by the Procuring lintity the Supplier shall be responsible

for carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and conditions as may be agreed at the

time of entering in to the contract. The Supplier shall also be rr:sponsible to ensure adequate regular

supply of ,p"rJp"rtr needed for a specific iybe of machinery anc equipment whether under their annual

maintenance and repairs rate contract ci'ctherwise

In care of cirarrge of model he 1.,:il give suftrcient nctice io thc F';''';uring f ,iiiiy''"iro ma'; iike ro i;LliUi tas€

spare parts froni them to maintain the machinery and equipment irr perfect condition.

4.6.g lf having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within the period specified, the Procuring

Entity may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as may be necessary, at the

Supplier's risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Procuring Entity may

have against the Supplier under the Contract

4.7. Patent IndemnitY

4.7 1 The Supptier shall, subject to the Procuring Entity's compliance_ with GCC Sub-Clause 4.7.2, indemnify

and hotd harmless the Procuring Entity andlts employees and officers from and against any and all suits,

actions or administrative proce6dings, claims, demands, losses, damages, cc,sts, and expenses of any

nature, including attorneyis fees anl expenses, which the Procuring Entity may suffer as a result of any

infringenrent oiifiegeO infringement of any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark, copyright'

or other intellectual-property-right registered or otherwise existinl3 at the date of the Contract by reason

of:(i) the installation of the Goods by the Supplier or the use of the Gcods where the Site is located; and

(ii) The sale in any country of the products produced by the Goods

(iii) Suc,h indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part thereof other than for the purpose

indir:ated Oy oi to be reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any infringement resulting from

the use of the Goods or any part thereof, or any produt;ts produced thereby in. association or

combination with any other equipment, plant, or materials not supplied by the Supplier, pursuant to

the Contract.

4.7.2 lf any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Procuring Entity arising out of the

matters referred io in GCC Sub- Claule 4.7.1, the Procuring Entity shall promptly give the Supplier a

notice there of, and the Supplier shall at its own expense and in the Procuring Entity's name conduct

such prqceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlemen': of any such proceedings or claim.

4.7.3 tf the Supplier fails to notify the Procuring Entity within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such notlce

that it intends to conduct any such proieedings or claim, then the Procuring Entity shall be free to

conduct the same on its own behalf and at the expenses of the Supplier.

4.7.4 The procuring Entity shall, at the Supplier's request, affcrd all available assistance to the Supplier in

conducting suJh proceedings or claim, and shall be reimburt;ed by the Supplier for all reasonable

expenses incurred in so doing

4.7.5 The procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, officers, and

Subcontractorj trom and against any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims'

demands, losses, damages, cosrs, and expenses of any nature, including attorney's fees and expenses,

which the Supplier may luffer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility

model, registeied desi!n, trademark, copyright, or othLr intellectual property right registered or otherwise

existing a-t tne date of the Contract ariling out of or in conrection with any design, data, drawing,

soeciflcation, or other documents or mater'ils provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring



Page 212: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE





5.1.1 .

Bidding Document - <}ccds (SS2E Bicl; Section VI A - General Condiiions 0f'St,-iract


Limitation of Liability

Except in i:ases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct :

(i) neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, lossof use, loss of production, or loss of proflts or interest costs,

(ii) prc,vided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidateddanrages to the Procuring Entity: and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Procuring Entity whether under the Contract, in tort, orotherwise, shall not be less than the amount of the Contrar:t Price but not exceed the amount (ifspecified) in the SCC, provided that this limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing orreplacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of the Supplier to indemnify the Procuring Entitywith respect to patent infringement.

Termination and Disputes

Termination for Default

The Procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other remedy underthe provisions of theAct, the Rules orthe Contract for breach of Contract, by Notice of default sent to thr: Supplier, may terminate the Contractin whole or in part: if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the t3oods and/ or Related Services withinthe perioci specified in the Contract, or within any extension thr:reof granted by the Procuring Entitypursuant to GCC Clause 3.8; or lf the Supplier fails to perform an1'other obligation underthe Contract. lfthe Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has breached the Code of Integrity, as defined in

GCC Clause 2.3, in competing for or in executing the Contract.

In the event the Procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whol': or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause51 1 the Procrrring Fntity rn2y Drn.ure. rrpen su:i: !err- :nC :l such n:ltcr,::;t-deen": ?:;ropi:ate,Goor.rs an.l/ or Relateu Servlces srnrilar'to those uidelrvered or not performed, anci 'rhe Supplier shall beliable to the Procuring Entity for any additional costs for sucl' similar Goods or Related Services.However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract tc the extent not terminated.

Termination for Insolvency

The Procuring Entity may at any time terminate the Contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if theSupplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. ln such event, termination will be withoutcompensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination will not prejudice or affect any right ofaction or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Procuring Entity.

Termination for Convenience

The Procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may terminarte the Contract, in whole or in part, atany time for its convenience.

The Notic;e of termination shall specify that termination is for the Procuring Entity's convenience, theelitent to which performance of the Supplier under the Contract is; terminated, and the date upon whichsuch term ination becomes effective.

The Goods that are complete and ready for shipment at the time of Supplieis receipt of the Notice oftermination may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity at the Contract terms and prices.

3. t.2




5.3. 1




5 4.3

Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising out of this Bid shallconstituted for the ouroose

Arbitration may be applicable in case ofResolution Committee.

Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the court:; having jurisdiction at Udaipur only

be referred to the Disoute Resolution Committee to be

disputes which remain unresolved through the Dispute

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)


Page 213: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


Bidding Dccument - Gaods (SS2E Bid) Section VI B * Special Conditions of Contract


Section VI B: Special Conditions of ContractThe following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplemerrt the General Conditions of Contract(GCC), Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC.

l. The location of delivery of goods related services will be the premises of the CollegeDairy' and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur. Howrlver. any other unit of the universitylocated any' where in the state of Rajasthan may also place orcler using this bid and in that case the

location of delivery shall be the premises of that unit"

2. The order will be placed by the Dean, CDFST, Udaipur or an'/ other unit officers of the university& the supply is to be made at FOR Indenter Office or as specified in the supply order within the

area of MPUAT, Udaipur. Payment will be made by indentingl officer after satisfactory supply and

successful installation, commissioning, training, etc. (if applicable)

3. The delivery period of goodsirelated services will be 1 5 days from the date of placement of order.

However, the procurement entity may approve a shorter/longer delivery period, if appropriate inview of urgency of goods to procuring entity /or nature of goods etc.

4. Liability on the part of University will arise only when the supply order is issued by the IntendingOfficer of the University.

Approved rate will be effective upto 31.03.2015 & approved r;upplier has to execute all the orders

received by him upto 3 I .03.20 I 5.

Suppiier is required to supply relevant instructional manual ancltook kit.Price should be inclusive of commission & trainine.Battery limit for service is 10m

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)






6.11 d

Page 214: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section VI C: Contract FormsAgreement


1. An agreement made this


day of between (hereinafter called "the

approied supplier", which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his

heirs successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, College of Dairy

and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur (herein after called "the University" which

expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed to include his successors in office and

assigns) ofthe other Part.

2,WhereastheapprovedsupplierhasagreedwiththeUniversiqltosupplytotheDirectDemandingofficers of the Universityat its Headoffice as well as at branch offices throughout Rajasthan' all

those articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of

the tender and contract appended herewith and at the rates set forth in column --- of the

said schedule Which rates shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shail be allowed and/or


And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a sum of'Rs. in-Cash/Bank Draft/ Challan no./ Banker Cheque No.- dated-.

Bidding Docttment --Goods (SS2E Bid) Seciion VI C - Contract Forms


post Office Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to the Departmental authority.

Nationa! Savings CertificafrsiFefei::e Se..,!ngs 6'31il6tes, Kisan.Vikas P3'trz:.*-;:r- s:l' oth?r

script/instrument under National Saving Schemes for promoti,ln of Small Savings' if the same can

be pleased under the relevant rule. (Thi certificates being accepted at sunender value) as Securify

for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement which has been formally transferred to the

department al authoritY'

4. Now these Presents witness:

ln consideration of the payment to be made by the University through- at the rates set forth in

the Schedule hereto appinded the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forth

in__ and thereoiin the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and


The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enc,losed to the tender notice No

dated _ and also appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as patl

agreement and are binding on the parties executing this agreerrLent'

Letters Nos.- received from tenderer and letters nos. issued by the UniversitY and

appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreement.

(a) The University do hereby agree that if the approved supplier shall duly supply the said

articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the

University will through pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier at the

time and the manner set forth in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every


(b) The mode of Payment will be as specified below:-

The delivery shall be effected and completed within the period noted below from the date

of supply order:-

S, No. Name of Item Quantity Delivery period

of this






Page 215: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Gocds (552 E Bid)

(1) (i) ln casemade on

of extension in the delivery period with liquidzLted damages, the

the basis of foilowing percentages of value of Goods and Related

Secticn VI i. - (.lrntract t'orms

recovery shall be

Services which the

Bidder has failed toNo. Condition LD%a. Delay up to one fourth period of the

prescribed period of delivery, successful

installation and completion of subjectmatter of procurement.

2.5 %

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but not

exceeding half of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation and

completion of subject matter ofDrocurement.

5.0 %

c. Delay exceeding haif but not exceedingthree fourth of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation and

completion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7.5 %

d. Delay exceeding three forrrth of the

rji:Jili6.:c pcriod oi deii rr+', sucurrssfirl

installation and completion of subjectmatter of orocurement.

l0.u %

Fraction of :,r day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a


ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be 1C%

iii. If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion ,lf contractual supply on account ofoccurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed the

suppll' order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the LLindrance but not after the stipulated

date of completion of supply"

(2) Delivery per:iod may be extended with or without liquidated dzrnages if the delay in the supply ofGoods is on account ofhindrances beyond the control ofthe Supplier.

All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating to the interpretation of this agreement

shall be decided by the University and the decision of the University s.hall be final.

ln witness whereof-the parties hereto have set their hands on the......... day of ........20.......


Signature ofthe approved supplier



Witness No. l:

Witness No. 2:

Signature for and on behalfofProcuremententity



Witness No.1:

Witness No.2:


Page 216: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

tsiddins Document --Goods (SS2E Bid)


Contract Name and No.:

Section VI C - Contract Forms

1. Performance Security Bank Guarantee(To be given by a Scheduled Bank in lndia or other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity)


AND WHEREAS it has been stipulated by you in the aforementiotted Contract that the Supplier shall

furnish you with a Security issued by a reputable guarantor for the sum specified therein as Security for

compliance with the Supplier's performance obligations in accordancr: with the Contract.

AND WHEREAS the undersigned, iegally domiciled in


,(hereinafter '1he

Guarantor"), have agreed to give the Supplier a Security:

.THERFFOR,E=,8'll.-hereh,v-.a-ffirm.th2.t We- are Grrar:atttors aocl^'t:lonsihle to"yo!I, on' hehalf ol'the -Supplier, up to a total'ofAeclaring the Supplier to be in default under the Contract, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums

within tto ti-it, ,rr as aforesaid, without your needing to prove or to show grounds or

reasons for your clemand or the sum specified therein.

WHEREAS- (hereinafter "the

No dated

This Security is valid until the day o{


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Securify for and on behalfof:


Bank's Seal:

Supplier") has uLndertaken, pursuant to Contract

to supply--(hereinafter "the Contract")


, ,r/V//1Jw

Page 217: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section VI C - Contract FormsBidding Document - Goods (SS2E Bict)

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submitted in lieu of perflrmance security by the govt' depts. etc. as per ITB)


Contract Name and No.:linsert name and number of Contract]

To: The Dean, college of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUhT, Udaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that,

Security DeclarationContract

according to your conditions, the contract must be supported by a Performance

as a suarantee to ensure fulfillment of our all performance obligations under the

[insert name of subject matter of procurement]'

We accept that we wiil automaticaliy be suspended from being. elig:ible for bidding in any contract with

you for the period of time of lprocuring Entity to indicate here ihe period of time for which the Procuring

Entity will declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a Contract if the, performance Security Declaration is

to be executeo.t stutting on the"date that we receive a notification from you, The Dean, college of

.-_ifechnohgy and Enginearir"*,AzlpuAT, Udaiprr tha-t our Perfonnaruce Securitv-D96,$-rAtiCrn is execuled, if''- 'we ire in breach c,f Iny of our performance obligation under the conditions of the Contract,

We understand this performance Security Declaration shall expire after 60 days of completion of our all

obligations under the Contract including wananty/ Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc' in accordance

with the conditions of the Contract.

Signed:--[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

ln the capacity of:

[insert legal capacify of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Name:--finsert iomplete name oTp..ron signing the Performance Security Derclaration]

Duly authorized to sign the Performance Security Declaration for ancl on behalf of:

[insert complete name of Supplier]

Dated on

Corporate Seal

day of, finsert date of signing]

o.I) u-/

Page 218: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE



Bidding Docurnen! - Goods (,\S2ii Bicll

3. Advance Paymenf Security


Contract Name and No.;

This Security shall remain validSunnlier under the Contraef Until


In the capacity of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalf of:


Bank's Seal:

Seclion \i I il - Contract Forms

Contract, in relation to advance payments,

deposit with the Procuring Entity a Securityperformance of the obligations imposed by

accordance with the payment provision included in the

_ (hereinafter called "the Supplier") shallconsisting of__, to guarantee its proper and faithfulsaid Clause of the Contract. in the amount of

We, the undersigned , legally domiciled in (hereinafter "theGuarantor"), as instructed by the Supplier, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primaryobligor and not a-s surety merely, the payment to the Procuring lintify on its first demand withoutwhatsoever right ol objection on our part and without its first claim to the Supplier, in the amount notexceeding

and in fuIl effect from the date of the advance payment received by the


Page 219: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294.2 470|3924707|9(o) 0294.2470479, E-m'ail-cdfs€01l@gmail'com

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIEN'CE TECHNOLOGYffi aq sTq fu.gTq ffiIffi qgrftsrdq

Maharana Pratap University ofAg-riculture 6L Technology' UdaipurqgnruTr qifiq eft qq de\Fmt ffiercnl,silgs (vnr.) areoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


Section I:

,Seciirxi f;:'

Section trl:

Section fV:

Section V:

Section VI A:

Section VI B:

Section VI C:

NIB No. NCB/2014-15/02/CDFST

Cost of BiddingDocument

Rs 500.00


l.lr+d-:1 2.1







Bidding Document (G'Dods)

Single Stage - Two Envelopes Bid

Table of Contents

Notice Inviting Bids ............

Instructions to Bidders...

Bid Data{heet.l.l..:........

Qualifi cation and Evaluation Criteria"'.......'.'...'.

Bidding Forms

Schedule of SupplY....

General Conditions of Contract..

Special Conditions of Conffact"

Contract Forms


Page 220: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707l9(O) 0294-247U''r9, E-mail-cdfs€01 [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYffi qE qrs f{f,rq ffifffi {flh-flr*q

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology' Udaipurrr6f{rw rilq qfr vq fre}Fr41 ffisraq,sqq5i (ttio.) ersoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


No. F. A4PUAT/CDFSTfl'endeilzDl4l llol^ vur


Sealed Bids are invited unto 01.00 PM of 10th Seotember 2014 for procur,:ment of Lab model Twin Screw

Extruder, Harnmer Mill, Batch Roaster, Vacuum Packaging and Nitrogen gas pacrkaing, Baking Oven, Ageing Vat,

popcorn Machine, Shrink wrapping Machine, Tray Drier, Bread slicer, Cold Display counter, Rotary flour sifter.

Details may be seen in the Bidding Document at our office or on our websites www.mDuat.ac.in or the

website of State public procurement Portal wwwfrpp.nic.in and may be obtained or downloaded on

payment of Rs. 500/- in cash/ banker's cheque/ demand draft.

\L .,n'>



L\ Au.qua'tt 2$l\



Page 221: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Tele FaxPh.0294 -2470139,24707l9(O) 0294-2470479, E-mail-cdfst2Ol [email protected]

COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENICE TECHNOLOGYtcrfr qq sfs' frarq ffiFr+t qdrfuclmq

Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture 8r Technology, UdaipurqdlqlqT e'illq eR \rq d-dFrfr1 ffiqrd?r,veqgq (vro.) arsoorProf. L.K. Murdia,


No. F. A4PUAT/CDF ST/Tender l20l 4 I 1902-04 Dated:21 August 2014


NIB No NCB/20 1 4 -15102 Date 2l 't August 2014

l. Sealed Single Stirye Two-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean, College

of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap Universit5, of Agriculture and technology,Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goods as listed below, from manufacturers/

distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesV registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers upto 1.00 PM of1Oth Sentember 2014

* In case there are several categories, each category effectively cornstitutes a senarate bid andI :c-u!-'5t:: l,l.i;l;'1g.i,r, jr;-: i.rS lO lre p!fch:-b.'-

".r. 33'Jir *;C3n;'7.

2. Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement fronr SSI units. Bids received fromBidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered.

3. Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per lnstructions to Bidders shall be admissible inevaluation and arvard ofContract.

The Bid is for a fixed quantity.

The Bidders may enclose the specifications, catalogue and other characteristics of the productoffered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties, etc.

Bidding Document including the conditions of Contract, evaluirtion and qualification criteriaand procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Delivery Schedule, etc. can be seen

at or obtained from the office of the Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology,Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours inworking days up to one day before the date ofopening ofBids, by paying a non-refundable price ofRs 500/- (Rs 600/- by post) in the form of cash or banker's cheque/Demand Draft of a Scheduled

Bank in India dr"awn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science ilechnology, Udaipur payable at

Udaipur. Alternatively, these may be seen and downioaded from the college or University official




NIB No./Category Name of Article/ eoods Qtv.andUnit

TotalEstimatedCost (RsLakhs)

Amountof Bid


NCB/20I4l02lCDFSl Lab model Twin Screw Extruder No. 24 48.000/-

Flamrr,er Mill No. 0.5 I,000/-Batch Roaster No. 0.50 1,000/-

Vacuum Packasine and Nitroeen gas packaing No. r.l5 2.300t-Bakine Oven No. 0.40 800/-

Aseins Vat No. 1.00 2,0001-

Poocorn Machine No. 0.24 480/-

Shdnk wraooins Machine No. 5.00 10.000/-

Trav Drier No. 0.50 1.000/-

Bread slicer No. 0.6s I 300/-

Cold Display counter No. 0.68 t3601-

Rotary flour sifter No. 0.30 600L


\, z

Page 222: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


COLLEGEoFDAIRY&FooDSCIENCETECHNOLOGY-----gqfr \-q gts fr-flrq detFrfrt :61foqrdq

NlaharanaPratapUniversityofAg.riculture&Technologf,Udaipur'ffiqT-rarq gR \u ff-g\FrdrMsrdq,sflgt (rru.) arsoor

Prof. L.K. Murdia,DEAN

N". F. /I.4PUAT/CDF S T/Te tdet 120 | 4 I 19 02-0 4 D'ated:2I August 2014



1. Sealed Single Stage 1'wo-envelopes unconditional Bids are invited on behalf of the Dean, College

of Dairy and Food Science Technology, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and

technology, Udaipur (Rajasthan) for the procurement of Goocls as listed below' from

manufacturers/ distributors/ authorised dealers/ stockiesv registered Bidders/ bona-fide dealers

upto 1.00 PM of 10th SePtember 2014

Name of Article/Goods

Ageing Vat

In case there are several categories, each category effectively constitutes a separate bid

and a separate bidding document has to be purchased for sasfu category'



Items at S. No. NIL are exclusively reserved for procurement from SSI units' Bids received

from Bidders other than cottage and SSI units will not be considered"

Price preference and/ or purchase preference as per Instructions to Bidders shall be

admissible in evaluation and award of Contract'

The Bid is for a fixed quantitY'

The Bidde6' may enclole tne lp"citrcuiioni -cataloghe -iiro' bther chaiacteiiStrcs. tji-rne'

product offered. They shall also include details on their backup services offered, warranties' etc'

Bidding Document including the conditions of contract, evaluation and qualification criteria

and procedure, Bidding forms, designs/drawings, specifications, Drelivery Schedule' etc' can be

seen at or obtained from the office of the Dean, college of Dairy and Iiood Science Technology'

Maharana pratap Universitv of Agriculture and Technology, Udaipur (Raj.) during office hours in

working days up to one day before the date of opening of Bids' by paying a non-refundable price

of Rs 500/- in the tbrm of cash or banker's chequelDemand Draft of a Scheduled Bank in India

drawn in favour of Dean, Dairy and Food Science Technology, udaipur payable at udaipur'

Alternatively. these may be seen and downloaded from the college or lJniversity official





\^ /A*-

Page 223: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE


web site, www.mpuat.ac.in or the website of State Public Procur,oment Portal, www.rppp.nic.in

and the price of Hibding Document may be paid along with user chargesl processing fee, if any, at

the time of submission of the Bid.

Bids, duly sigrrerJ on all pages and serially numbered, properly bound, accompanied with the

Bid Security, (except concessional amount or Bid Securing Declaration, where applicable) in the

form of Demand Drift/ Banker's cheque/ Bank Guarantee, in the spe,cified format, from a Scheduled

Bank in India shall be submitted personally or by post in sealed envetopes unto 01.00 PM ofloh Sentember 2014, to Dean, College of Dairy and Food Sciience Technology' Udaipur -313001 (Rajasthan) bearing the reference to NIB (with Category, if any) and warning as:

ln case Bids haye been invited electronically, the procedure for submission of Bids including

payment of price of Bidding document, user charges/ processing fe,:, Bid Security, etc. shall be as

provided on the State Public Procurement Portal.

Bids received after the specified time and date shall not be accepted and returned unopened.

The Technical Bids shall be opened at 11.00 AM on lltrSentemlrcr2014 in the presence of the

Bidders or their representatives who wish to be present. Financial bi,J shall be onened at 03 PM on

lltb Sentember 2014

The procuring Entity is not bound to accept the lowest Bid and may reject any or all Bids without

assigning any reason thereof.

The Bidders shall have to submit a valid 'VAT' clearance certificate .from the concerned Commercial

Taxes Officer and the 'PAN' issued by lncome Tax Department.







Copy forwarded for kind information to:

t. -itre

Comptroller, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and'Iechnology, Udaipur.

Z. The DireCtor Extension Education, Directorate of Extension Education, MPUAT, Udaipur







Page 224: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

7i&ling Document-- Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to F'inlder:

Section I: Instructions to Bidders (ITB)

Important Instruction:- The Law relating lo procurement $The Raiasthan Transparency in Public Procurement

Act, 2012u [hereinafter culled the ActJ anl the "Raiasthan Public Procurement Rules, 2013" [hereinafter called

the Rutesl under the said Act havi come into force which are available on the website of state Public

Procurement Porral h!!N/r2g.lgi,-Uigi&, Therefore, the Bidders are adviseal to acquaint themselves with the

provisions of the Act onA tn" iit"t before participating in the Bltlding process, If t!7e is any discrepangt

between the provisions qf the Act and tie nites oid tni Bitlding Document, the provhions of the Act and the

Rules shall prevaiL





Scope of Bid

ln support of the lnvitation to Bid indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), the Procuring Entity, as indicated

in ini'eOS, issues this eiOOing Document for the supply of G9q{s / equipment and Related Services

incidental thereto as specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply (SS)

1.1 .2 Throughout this Bidding Document :

i. the term ,,in *riting; means communicated in written form through letter, fax' e-mail etc with proof of

receiot.ii.ifthecontextsorequires,singu|armeansp|ura|andviceversa;anc|iii. "DaY" means calendar daY.

1.3 Gode of lntegritY

1.3.1 Any person participating in the procurement process shall

(a) not otter any bribe, ieward or gift or any material benefit either direotly or indireclly in exchange for an

unfair advantage in procurement process or to otherwise influence the procurement process;

(b) not misrepresint oi omit that misleads or attempts to mislead so as to obtain a financial or other

benefit or avoid an obligation;(c) not indulge in any coliusion, Bid rigging or anti-competitive behaviour to impair the transparency'

fairness and progress ofthe procurement process;

(d) not misuse-Jny information ihared between the procuring Entity and the Bidders with an intent to

gain unfair advantage in the procurement process;

(e) not inOutgein iny Joercion including impairing or harming or threirtening to do the same, directly or

indirect|y,toanypartyortoitspropertytoinfluencetheprocurementprocess'(0 not obstiuct any investigation or audit of a procurement process;

(g) disclose conflict of interest, if any; and

(h) disclose any previous transgresiions with any Entity in India or any other country during the last three

years or any debarment by any other procuring entity'

1.3.2 Conflict of Interest:-A conflict of interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests

that could improperly influence that party's performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual

obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and regulations'

i. A Bidder may be considered to be in conflict oi interest with orre or more parties in this bidding

process if, including but not limited to:

a. nave controlling partners/shareholders in common; or

b. receive or havJ ieceived any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or

c have the same legal representative for purposes of this Bid' or

1 ..:,a\,?: r.e!aticnsip'...,i.r...--r,:, cther, Ciic:ily:l :;,rough al:r.i1r:n third partie:, thci p,;':= iilem in a

position to have access to information a-bout or influence on the Bid of another Bidder, or

influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity regarding this bidding process; or

e. the Bidder participates in more than o'ne Bid' in [his bidding process. Participation by a Bidder in

more rhan one Ejid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in which the Bidder is involved.

Howevei, this Ooes not limit the inclusion of the same subcotrtractor, not otherwise participating

as a Bidder, in more than one Bid: orf. the Bidder or any of its affiliates participated as a consultant in the preparation of the design or

technical specifications of the Goods and Services that are the subject of the Bid; or

g. Bidder or any of its afflliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the Procuring Entity as

engineer-in-charge/ consultant for the contract'ii. The Bidder shall haie to give a declaration regarding compliance of the Code of lntegrity presfribed

in the Act, tne nufes andstated above in this Clause along with its Bid, in the format specified in

Section lV, Bidding Formsiii. Breach of Code if Integrity by the Bidder: Without prejudice to the provisions of Chapter lV of the

Rajasthan ir"nrp"r"n"i in'Pu'btic Procurement Act, in case of any breach of the Code of Integrity by

a Bidder or prospective Bidder, as the case may be, the Procuring Entity may take- appropriate action

in accordance witn tne provisions of sub-section (3) of section 11 iand section 46 of the Act.

1.4 Eligible Bidders

1.4.j A Bidder may be a natural person, private Entity, government-owned Entity or, if permitted in the Bidding

documents, any c-mbination of them with a fonnal inient to enter into an agreement or under an existing

agreement in the form of a Joint venture [JV], Consortium or Association.



Page 225: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

BiCdins Document '- Good; (\5"'' ' \iq Section'- :., trl 11i:'ns fc PidCers

1.4.2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the nationalil:y of India. [1 c.ase of lnternational

Competiiive eidaing oi-loint Ventuie, Consortium or Association [where permitted], the nationality of the

Bidder and aff Jart]es constituting the Bidder shall be of India or a (lountry no-t declqrg! ineligible by

Government of india. A Bidder snZtt Oe deemed to have nationality of ir country if the Bidder is a citizen

or constituted or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provirsions of the Laws of that country.

1.4.3 ABiddershoutdnothaveaconflictof interestintheprocurementinquestionasstatedintheRuleSl and

this Bidding document

1.4.4 A Bidder debarred under section 46 of the Act shall not be eligible lo participate in any procurement

process undenaken bY

i"l any Procuring e-ntity, it debarred by the State Government; and

(Oi a Procuring Entity if debarred by such procuring Entity'

1.4.5 The Bidder must be manufacturer, or where permitted distributor, authorised dealer' registered Bidder

bona-fide dealer in the Goods and if required he shall furnish nect;ssary proof for the same in the

specified format. Where applicable, proof of authorisation by the manufacturer or country distributor in

lndia, shall be enclosed.

1.4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility salisfactory to the Procuring Entity'

should the Procuring Entity request.




In case a prequalification, empanelment or registration process has b€en conducted prior to the Bidding

p."""t, tni"gidding will Oe oien only to the pie-qualified, empanelled or registered Bidders'

Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid except in case of alternative bids, if permitted'

No Bidder who is not registered under the Sales Tax Act prevalent ir the State where his business is

located shall Bid. The Saies Tax Registration Number should be quoted and a VAT/ Sales Tax Clearance

certificate from the Commercial TaGs Officer of the Circle concernec shall be submitted without which

the Bid is liable to be rejected.

1.5 Eligible Goods and Related Services

1.5.1 All Goods and Related Services to be supplied under the C^ontract slrall have India as their country of

origin or a country which has not been deciared ineligible by Government of India'

1.5.2 lf so required in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS), a Bidderthat does not manufacture or produce the Goods it

offers to ,rppty ,n"tt submit the Manufacturer's Authorisation using the form included in Section lV,

Bidding Formsio demonstrate that it has ber;n duly authorised by the manufacturer or producer of the

Goods to supply these Goods in India'

2. Contents of Bidding Document

2.1 Sections of the Bidding Document

2.1 .1 The Bidding Document consists of all the sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction

with any Addenda issued in accordance with ITB Clause 2.3 [Amendmr:nt of Bidding Document]'

Section l.

Section llInstructions to Bidders (lTB)Bid Data Sheet (BDS)

Section lll. Qualification and Evaluation Criteria

Section lV. Bidding Forms

Section V. Schedule of Supply (Specifications/ conformance to standards, designs and drawings

etc., installation/ commilsioning, Mandatory operatior and maintenance, training etc.)

Section Vl A. General Conditions of Contract [GCC]. Set:tion \/l B S::r: :al Cr,nditio',s lf C*-li"rc1 [!'lC]

Sectiorr Vl C. Corriract FormsThe Notice lnviting Bids shall also be a part of the Bidding Document.

2.1 .Z (i) The sale of Bidding Document shall be commenced from the date of publication of Notice Inviting

Bids and shall be sioppeO one day prior to the date of opening of Bids. The prospeclive Bidders may

also download tne eidOing Document from the website of ther procurement entity/ State Public

procurement portal and pay its price while submitting the filled-up Bidding Document to the

Procuring Entity, or e-procurement gateway, if the facility is availaole.

(ii) B)dding Document purchased by Principal of any concern.may btl used by its authorised sole selling

agentsT marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors and autho|ised dealers or vice versa'

2.1.3 The procuring Entity is not responsible forthe completeness of the Biriding Documentand its addenda, if

they were not oUtiii eO directly from the Procuring Entity or not downloaded correctly from the Procuring

Entity's website/ State Public Procuremeni Portal'

2.1.4 The Bidder rs expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and specifications in the Bidding

Document. Failure to furnish all information or authentic documentation required by the Bidding

Document may result in the rejection of the Bid



Clarification of Bidding Document and Pre'Bid Conference

A Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall conl:act the Procuring Entity in writing at

tn" Fio.uring fniity's aOJress indicatbd in tne-BOS. The Procuring Entity will respond in writing to any

request for clarification within seven days. provided that such requesit is re-ceived no later than Fourteen

iiil O"V" prior to the deadline for submiision of Bids as specified in the BDS.


\, ^./


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Bidding Docuftrcnt -- Goods (SS2E Bid) Sgition'l -'Iristructions to Bidders

2.2.2 The Bidder or his authorised representative is invited to attend the Pre-Bid conference, if provided for in

the BDS. The puipose of the Pie-Bid Conference will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any

matter related to this procurement that may be raised at that stage'

2.2.3 The Bidder is requested, to submit questions in writing, to reach the Procuring Entity not later than one

week before the Pre-Bid Conference.

2.2.4 Non-attendance at the Pre-Bid Conference will not be a cause for disqualification of a Bidder

2.3 Amendment of Bidding Document

2.3.1 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be communicated in writing to all

Bidders who have obtained the Bidding Document directly from the Procuring Entity. lt shall also be

uoloaded on the websites of the Procuilng Entity and State Public Procurement Portal for prospective

bidders to download.

2.3.2 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an adclendum into account in preparing

their Bids, the Procuring Entity may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of the Bids'

under due intimation toilre giiOerd who have procured the Bidding Do<:ument directly from the Procuring

Entity and also by uploading it on the websites of Procuring Entity/ Stater Public Procurement Portal.



J. t. I



Preparation of Bids

Cost of Bidding

The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation anrl submission of its Bid, and the

procuring Entity shall not be responsible or liable for those costs, regarrlless of the conduct or outcome of

the bidding process.

Language of Bid

The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and

the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS' Supporting documents and

printed literaiure thit are part of the Bid may btin ;nother language provided they are accompani-ed by

ln accurate translation of the relevant passages duly accepted by the l3idder in the language specified in

the BDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such t'anslation shall govern.

3.3 Documents ComPrising the Bid

3.3..1 The Bid shall comprise of two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one containing the Technical Bid/

prooosal and the other the Financial or Price Bidi Proposal, enclcsed together in an outer single


3.32 The Technical Bid/ Proposal shall contain the following :

i. proof of paymeni of price of Bidding Document, processing fee,/ user charges, where appllcable'

and Bid SecuritY;ii. Document establishing the eligibility of bidder to bid as per ITB clause 3.8

iii. Technicat Bid/ proposll Submisslon Sheet and Technical Bid containing the filled up Bidding Forms

and Dectarations related to Technical Bid and Code of Integrity (Form-DB) given in Section lV,

Bidding Forms; and any other documents as specified in the Technical Bid Submission Forms

iv. Alternative Technical Bid/ Proposal, if permissible

3 3 3 The Financial Bid/ Price Proposal shall contaln the following:

i. Price Schedules/ Financial Bid Submission Sheet,

ii. Alternative price Schedules/ Financial Brd corresponding to the alternative Technical Proposal' if

permissible; and

.".. .,,iji. -. Any othe.r doetri''ent .req!iied in the BDS. - .- ' -:., =i'ijBid Submission Sheets and Price Schedules3.4

3.4.1 The Bidder shall submit the Technical Bid and Financial Bid using the iappropriate Bid Submission Sheets

provided in Section lV, Bidding Forms. These forms must be completed without any alterations to their

iormat, and ro substitutes snitt Oe accepted. All blank spaces shall be filled in ink or typed with the

information requested.

Alternative Bids

Unless othenwise specified in the BDS, alternative Bids shall not be collsidered'

Bid Prices And Discounts

The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Bid Submission Sheet and in the Price Schedules

shall conform to the requirements specified in following Sub-Clauses:

3.6.2 All items in the Schedule of Supply must be specified/ listed and priced separately in the Financial

Schedules. l{ a Financial Schedule shows items specified / listed but not priced, these may be marked as

Not Quoted.

The rate quoted should be inclusive of all requisite accessories. The details of accessories are to be

clearly mentioned in bid document by the bidder. The rates of optional accessories if any be quoted


3.6.3 The price to be quoted in the Bid Submission Sheet shall be the total price of the Bid excluding any

discounts offered. Discounts, if permitted, sha!| be shown separate|y,

3.6.4 The Bidder shall quote any unconditional discounts, if permittecl, and the methodology for their





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tiiddinx Document'- Goods (SS2E Bid) Section I - Instructions to Bidders

application in the Financial Bid Submission Sheet.

3 6.5 In Case of International Competitive Bidding, the terms EXW, ClF, ClP, and other similarterms shall be

governed by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incotermrt, published by The International

Chamber of Commerce, on the date of the Invitation for Bids or as specified in the BDS.

3.6.6 Prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidde/s Performance of the Contract and not

subject to variation on any account, unless otherwise specified in the BDS. A Bid submitted with an

adjustable price quotation shall be treated as non-responsive and shall be rejected. However, if in

ac-cordance with the BDS, prices quoted by the Bidder shall be r;ubject to adjustment during the

oerformance of the Contract, a Bid submitted with a fixed price quotation shall not be rejected, but theprice adjustment shall be treated as zero.

3.6 7 All rates quoted must be FOR destination and should include all incidental charges except Central/

Rajasthan Sales Tax/ VAT, Entry Tax, which should be shown separertely. No cartage or transportation

charges will be paid by Procuring Entity and the delivery (including unloading and stacking etc ) of the

Goods shall be given at the designated premises of the Procuring Entity

3.7 Currencies of Bid.

3.7.j The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in Indian Rupees unless otherwise

specified in BDS in case of International Competitive Bidding (lCB). All payments shall be made in Indian

Rupees only, unless otherwise specified in the BDS.

3.7.2 lf equipment is imported, the University may open L.C. in favour ,rf the Principal but all the other

formalities relating to import (clearing, etc) are to be completed by the successful bidder at his cost. The

bidder can avail facilities against our Excise/Custom Exemption certificate. The bidder should have

Custom Bonded Warehouse facilities.

3.8 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Bidder

3.8.1 To establish their eligibility in accordance with ITB Clause 14 [Eligible Bidders], Bidders shall

compulsorily attach any one of the following, as appropriate:

(a) ln case of sole Proprietorship: Address of residence and office, tek:phone numbers e-mail address, if

any.(b) In tase of Partnership Firms: Partnership Deed and valid registration certificate with the Registrar of

Firms and Power of Attorney in favour of the partner signing/subrnitting the Bid, authorizing him to

represent all partners of the flrm.(c) In case of registered Company or statutory/ registered body: Registration certificate and

Memorandum of-Association issued by Registrar of Companies in case of a registered company and

in case of another statutory or registered body, certificate of inco'poration or registration issued by

concerned authority and Power of attorney in favour of the person :signing the Bid.

(d) Where permitted to bid as existing orintended JointVenture, Con:;ortium orAssociation: copy of the' Agreemert, or a letter of intent io enter into such Agreement. -[he respective document shall be

signed bv all legally authorised signatories of all the parties to the existing or intended JV,

Consortium or Association as appropriate; and the existing or intended JV shall authorise an

individual,/oartner in one of the firm of the JV to act and commit all :he partners of JV for the Bid

Besides the bidder has to complete the eligibility declarations in the Bid Submission Sheet and attach

Declaration Form (Form-BD) included in Section lV' Bidding Forms

3.9 Documents Establishing the Eligibility of the Goods and Related Services

3 9 1 To establish the eligibility of the Goods and Related Services, in accorCance with ITB Clause '1 .5 [Eligible- G::-: a,rci k=tr'.ei S:n,lccsl,3i4d:':--'r::i; ccmplete tlre cr-,iti/ rrf ciij;; dcclaraticns ii th3/+;ni€

Schedule Forms included in Section lV, Bidding Forms.

3.10 Documents, Tests, Samples and Trials Establishing the Conforrmity of the Goods and Related

Services to the Bidding Document

3 10 1 To establish the conformity of the Goods and Related Services to the l3idding Document, the Bidder shall

furnish as part of its Bid, the documentary evidence aS asked in lhe technical Bid submission form

(specifications, designs and drawings and conformance to BIS or olher acceptable codes) and where

asked for, supply sJmples, demonsirates trials or carry out tests as specified in Section V, Schedule of

Supply and any amendment thereof issued.

9.10.2 The documentary evidence may be in the form of literature, desigrr/ drawings or data etc., and shall

consist of a detaiied description of the essential technical and perforrnance characteristics of the Goods

and Related Services, demonstrating substantial responsiveness of tlre Goods and Related Services to

those requirements, and if applicable, a duly signed statement of deviations and exceptions to the

provisions of Section V- Schedule of Supply.

3'10 3 Standards for workmanship, process, material, operation and maint{lnance and equipment' as well as

references to brand names or catalogue numbers specified by the F)rocuring Entity in the Schedule of

Supply, are the minimum acceptable standards and are intenderl to be descriptive only and not

restriclive. The Bidder may offer other standards of better quality, brand names, and /or catalogue

numbers, provided that it demonstrates, to the Procuring Entity's satisfaction, that the substitutions

ensure substantial equivalence or are superior to those specified in ther Schedule of Supply

3.10.4 Bids for articles, if any, specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply shall be accompanied by samples of

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9i lding Dccument - Goods' (SS2E Btd)


Section I - Instruct'rc,, to llir:'' lt's

the articles bid, where asked for, properly packed. Such samples if subrnitted personally will be received

in the office. A receipt will be given for Licn sample by the officer receiving the samples. Samples for

catering/food items 'should bj given in a suitable/non-contaminating plastic box or in food grade

polythene bags at the cost ofthe Bidder

3.10.5 Approved samples would be retained free of cost upto the period of six months after the expiry of the

contract. The Crocuring Entity shall not be responsible for any damage, wear and tear or loss during

t".ting, examination, eic., Orring the period these samples are retained. The samples shall be collected

Oy tnj Aidder on the expiry of stipulated period The Procuring Entity shall in no way make arrangements

to return the samptes. The samples uncollected within 9 (nine) months after expiry of contract shall be

forfeited by the Procuring Entity and no claim for their cost, etc,, shall be entertained.

3. j0.6 Samptes not aoproved shall be collected by the Bidders The Procuringt Entity will not be responsible for

any damage, wear and tear, or loss during iesting, examination, etc., duing the period these samples are

retained. The uncollected samples shall b-e forfeited and no claim forthe r cost, etc, shall be entertained

3.11 Documents Establishing the Qualifications of the Bidder

3.11.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract, the Bidder shall submit as part of its Technical

proposal the documentary evidence indicated for each qualiflcation criteria specified in Section lll,

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria'

3.12 Period of ValiditY of Bids

3.12.1 Bids shall remain valrd for the period specified in the BDS or Bidding dccuments after.lhe Bid submission

deadline date as specified by the Procuring Entity. A Bid valid for a shorter period shall be re,iected by the

Procuring Entity as non-responsive

3.j2.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the Bid_validity period, the Procuring Entity may

request Bidders to extend the period of vaiidity of their Bids The recuest and the responses shall be

made in writing. lf a Bid Security is requested it shall also be extended for a corresponding period A

Bidder may reiuse the request witnout forfeiting its Bid Security. A Bidder granting the request shall not

be required or permitted to modify its Bid'

3.13 Bid SecuritY

3.13.1 Unless otherwse specified in the BDS, the Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid, a Bid Security in original

form and in the amount and currency specified in the Bidding document:;

3.13..1 Bid securrty shall be 2o/o ol lhe estimated value of subject matter of procurement put to bid or as

specified by the State Government. In case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be 0.5% of the

value of the quantity offered for supply and in case of Sick Industries, other than Small Scale Industries,

whose cases are pending with Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction; it shall be 1% of the

estimated value of Bid.

3.13.3 The Bid Security may be given in the form of cash, a banker's cheque (BC) or bank demand draft (DD) or

bank guarante"l inlp""ii"O format, of a Scheduled Bank in India. The bid security instrument (BC/DD)

must be in tne name of "Dean, College of Technology and Engineering, Udaipul'' payable at Udatpur

3.13.4 In lieu of Bid Security, a Bid Securing Declaration shall be taken from Departments of the State

Government and State Government Fublic Sector Enterprises, Autonomous bodies, Registered

Societies, Cooperative Societies which are controlled or managed by the State Government and Public

Sector Enterprises of Central Government. For the Bid Securing Der:laration the Bidder shall use the

form included ln Section lV, Bidding Forms

3.,1 ? F Bi,.l S:a,rriri' ,ns+r.rrrnent ;r ,,,'h r:Detnt cf tsiC CelrrritY l: a Bid sec'lring 'leclaration-sh:ll necessarily

dccornpairy the sealea r:ld. Any Bi,r not accorrrrranied by Uid Securrty or Bio secur Ing Declaration, tt not

exempted, shall be liable to be rejected

3.j3.7 The issuer of the Bid Security and the confirmer, if any, of the Bid Security, as well as the form and terms

of the Bid Security, must be acceptable to the Procuring Entity

3. 1 3. .1 1 The Bid Security taken from a Bidder shall be forfeited in the following c;ases, namely:-

i. when the Bidder withdraws or modifies his Bid after opening of Bids'; or

ii. when the Bidder does not execute the agreement within the spercified time after issue of letter of

acceptance/ placement of supply order; or

iii. when the Bidder fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Re ated Services as per supply order

within the time sPecifled; oriv. when the Bidder does not deposit the Performance Security in the specified time period after the

suPPlY / work order is Placed;v. if the Bidrjer breaches any provtslon of the Code of lntegrity prescribed for Bidders specified in the

Act, ChapterVl of the Rules and ITB Clause 1 3; or

vi. if the Bidcler does not accept the correction of its Bid price due to ccrrection of arithmetic errors'

3.14 Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bids

3.14.1 The originat (and all copies, if asked) of the Bid shall be typed orwritt,en in ink, properly bound, all pages

shall be r"rijiiy nrrO"ieO anO signed by the Bidder or a p_erson duly authorised to signon behalf of the

Bidder/JV. Thii authorisation shall consiit of a written confirmation as; specified in the BDS and shall be

attached to ihe Bid.

3.14.2 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwritlng shall be valid only if they are signed by




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4.4.1. -:i


Bidding Document - Goorlr (SS2ERid) Sectior I -.I;rpfuctions-to Bidders



3. 14.5

3. 1 4.6


the person signing the Bid.

The Bidder shall prepare one Technical Bid or Proposal consisting_of cloclmentsiforms as asked in the

technical Bid Submission form and superscribe the envelope with "TECHNlCAL BID'.

The price schedule or price proposal must be sealed in separate envelopes for each item using.the

appioprlate form (Form-'PS), given in Section lV. The amount quoted rihouid be mentioned in words &

i'bi,tei. Each envetope musi blar the marking "PRICE SCHEDULE' and the NAME OF ITEMi GOODS.

All the envelopes of price bids for all the items quoted by bidder must btl put in one single envelope. This

envelooe must be marked "FINANCIAL BID'

The envelopes for Technical Bid and Financial Bid must be put in an outer envelope and must be sealed


The inner and outer envelopes shall, additionally and compulsorily -

(a) bear the name and complete address along with telephone/ mobile number of Bidder'

(b) bear complete address of the Procuring Entity with telephone number, if any,

(c) bear the specific identification of the Bidding process (NlB lrlo.) and the date and time of

submission of Bid. In case there are many categories in the NlB, the specific CATEGORY for which

the bid is being submitted must also be indicated; and

(d) The outer envelopes and the inner envelopes containing the Technical Bids shall bear a warning

not to be opened before the time and date for the opening of Technical Bids, as specified in the NIB

and BDS

(e) The inner envelopes containing the Financial Bid and/or Price proposals shall bear a warning not to

be opened until advised by the Procuring Entity

lf all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Procuring Entity shall_assume n0

responsibility about its consequences including misptacement and premlrture opening of the Bid.

Alternative Bids, if permissible, shall be prepared, sealed, marked, and delivered with the inner

envelopes marked in addition "ALTERNATIVE BID No: ..", as appropriate'

Submission and OPening of Bids

Submission of Bids

Bidders may submit their Bids by post or by hand or directly dropped in the Bid Box, where provided But

if so specifred in the Bidding tiocuments, Bidders shall submit their Bids electronically only. Bidders

iuOmitting their Bids electron'ically shall follow the electronic Bid subnrission procedure as specifled on

the State Public Procurement Portal

Deadline for Submission of Bids

Bids shall be received, by the person designated for the purpose by the Procuring Entity or directly

dropped in the Bid Box, or submitted electronically, where asked for at the place and upto the time and

date specified in the Notice Inviting Bids or an extension issued thereof'

Late BidsThe procuring Entity shall not consider any Bid that arrives after the deadline for submission of Bids for

whatsoever reason, rncluding postal delay. Such Bids shall be decliared late, rejected, and returned

unopened to the Bidder.

Withdrawal, Substitution and Modification of Bids

A Bidder may withdraw, substitute or modify its Bid Proposal after it has been submitted by sending a

.,.cigea.::i:;i,..ibwal/ subetitutiir.sl .rriodrfsai,ens stc !\lctice, a1l,;;.,.j:]ac'5y the BidJer .i:i.iri:.:iauthci::o;

ref,resentative, and shall include a copy of the authorisation. The corresponding Withdrawal, Substitution

or Modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written Notice. All Notices must be:

i. submitted in accordance with ITB Ciauses 3.14 [Preparation, Sealing and Marking of Bid_s]' the

respective :nner and outer envelopes shall be clearly marked 'WITFIDMWAL"; "SUBSTITUTION", or

'MODIFICATION" andii. received by the Procuring Entity prior to the deadline specified by the Procuring Entity for submission

of Bids.

Bid proposals that are withdrawn in accordance with as above shall be returned unopened to the


Bid Opening

First only the Technical Bids shall be opened on the date, time and lrlace specified in the BDS by the

Bids opening committee in the presence of the Bidders or their authorit;ed representatives who choose to

be oresent.

The bidder or his authorized representative, if asked, shouldL come prepared for technical

presentation and demonstration on the date of opening of the bid and may be required to stay

3. 14.8

3. 14.9



4.1 .1






next day also.

lf electronic Bidding is adopted, specific electronic Bids opening

Public Procurement Portal shall be followed, The Bidders may

procedure online.

The Procuring Entity shall conduct the opening of Financial

procedure as specified on the Statewitness the electronic Bid opening


Bid,; of all Bidders who submitted

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substantially responsive Technical Bids and have qualified in evaluation of Technical Bids' in the

Dresence oi glOders or their representatives who choose to be present at the address, date and time

specified bY the Procuring EntitY

4.5.4 lf the date of opening of financial bids needs to be extended to enable a large number of technical bids

received, the changed date and time shall be communicated through the website of the procurement

entity. lt shall also b! communicate telephonically only to the bidders who attended the technical bid.



Biddinc C,ocuntcrti - Gaodr (SS2E Bid) ' seetion I - lnstructions to Bidders

technical aspects of the tlld in particular, to confirm that

Supply have been met w'ithout any material deviation or

Evaluation and ComParison of Bids


5.1 .2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Procuring Entity in the examination, evaluation, comparison, and

post quat6icatibn of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in l:he rejection of its Bid, in addition

io the legal action which may be taken by the Procuring Entity under the Act and the Rules.

5.1.3 Notwithstanding the above clause, from the time of opening the Bid to the time of Contract award, if any

Bidder wishes t6 contact the Procuring Entity on any matter related to the Bidding process, it should do

so in writing.

5.1 .4 In addition to the restrictions specified in section 49 of the Act, the P'ocuring Entity, whlle procuring a

subject matter of such nature which requires the procunng Entity to maintain confidentiality, may impose

condition for protecting confidentiality of such information

5.2 Clarification of Technical or Financial Bids

5.2.j To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualification of the Technical or Financial Bids,

the Bid evaluation committee may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a clarification regarding its Bid.

The committee's request for clarification and the response of the Bidder shall be in writing.

5.2.2 Any clarification submitted by a Bidder with regard to his Bid that is nor: in response to a request by the

Bid evaluation committee shall not be considered

5.3 Nonmaterial Nonconformities in Technical or Financial Bids

5.3.1 provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may waive any

nonconformity (with recorded reasons) in the Bid that do not constitute, a material deviation, reservation

or omission.

53.2 provided that a Technical or Financial Bid is substantially responsive, the Procuring Entity may request

the Bidder to submit the necessary information or documentation, within a reasonable period of time, to

rectify nonmaterial nonconformities or omissions in the Bid related to documentation requirements.

Failuie of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the rejecticrn of its Bid.

5.4 Evaluation of Responsiveness of Technical Bids

5.4.j The determination of qualification of a Bidder in evaluation of Technical Bids shall be based upon an

examination of the documentary evidence submitted by the Bidrler in support of the Bidder's


5.4.2 The Procuring Entity shall examine therequirements of Section V, Schedule ofreseryauon.

5 4.3 The procuring Entity shall also examine the Bids to confirm that all tenrs and conditions specified in the

GCC and the SCC have been accepted by the Bidder without any material deviation or reservation.

5.5 Correction of Arithmetical Errors in Financial Bid

_ i .,. r provid-ed thd-: Finan:iai-Brd is substaniiallv fgsilr,',::;e the Prgcur 19,5ntlty Witsorrecl. allthmetrgl- - r.df,:*'--errors during evaluation of Financial Bids on the tollowing basls:i. if there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the

unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the

opinion of the Procuiing Entity there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit

price, in which case theiotal piice as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be corrected;

ii. if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subj:raction of subtotals, the subtotals

shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and

iii. if there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail, unless the

amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error, in r,vhich case the amount in figures

shall prevail subject to (i) and (ii) above.

5.5.2 lf the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated Bid does not accept the correction of errors, its Bid shall

be disqualified and its Bid Security shall be forfeited or its Bid Securing Declaration shall be executed

5.6 Price and/ or Purchase Preference

5.6.1 Price and/ or Purchase Preference, if applicable, shall be given in accordance with the policy of State

Government notifled / prevalent at the time of issue of NIB

5.7 Evaluation of Financial Bids

5.7.j The Procuring Entity shall evaluate each Financial Bid, the corresponding Technical Bid of which has

been determined to be substantially responsive

0.7.Z i. Unless olherwise specitied in BDS, the evaluation of the total Price of a Bid shall be the price of

delivering the Goods and Related Services at the site(s) or place(s) of delivery specified in Bidding


Page 231: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

llJ,Cir3 Dacument - Goods (SS2E Bid) Ser:tion I - Instructions tc Bld'lirs

documents including all taxes and duties payable on them, insurance, transport' loading, unloading,

erecting, stacking, testing' commissioning' etcii. In com-paring thl rates*quoted by finni from outside Rajasthan and those in Rajasthan but not

entiled to Pr-ice Preference, the element of Rajasthan VAT shall be excluded whereas that of Central

Sales Tax shall be included for comparison of rates.

iii. While comparing the rates in respect of firms within Rajasthan the olement of Rajasthan Sales Tax /

VAT shall be included.

5.8 Post qualification of the Bidder

5.g.1 The procuring Entity shall determine to its satisfaction that the Bidderr that is selected as the lowest

Bidder is qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily'



6.1 1

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamP)

procuring Entity's Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids

The procuring Entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul the Bidding process and

reject all Bidi at any time prior to -Contract

award without assigning any reasons thereof and without

thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders

Procuring Entity's Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award

At the time ot award of contract, the quantity of Goods, works or services originally specified.in the

Bidding Documents may be increased or decreased. It shall be without any change in the unit prices or

other terms and conditions of the Bid and the conditions of contract'

6.1 2 lf the procuring Entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement or procures less than the

quantity specifiEO in t'he Bidding Document'due io change in circunrstances, the Bidder shall not be

enti1ed'foi any claim or compensation except otherwise provided in the Conditions of Contract.

6.2 Dividing quantities among more than one Bidder at the time of award

6.2.1 As a general rule all the quantities of the subject matter of procurement shall be procured from the

Bidder, whose Bid is accepied. However, when it is considered that the quantity of the subject matter of

procurement to be procured is very large and it may not be in the callacity of the Bidder, whose Bid is

accepted, to deliverthe entire quantity or when it is considered that the subject matter of procurement to

be piocured is of critical and vital nature, in such cases, the quantity may be divided between the Bidder'

whose Bid is accepted and the second lowest Bidder or even more Bidders in that order, in a fair,

transparent and equitable manner at the rates of the Bidder, whose Bid is accepted.

6.3 Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract

6.3.1 The procuring Entity after considering the recommendations of the tlid Evaluation Committee and the

conditions ot Aid, if'any, financial implications, samples, test reportr;, etc., shall accept or reject the

successful Bid.

6.3.2 prior to the expiration of the period of validity of Bid, the Procuring Entity shall inform the successful

Bidder in writing, by registered post or email, that its Bid has been accepted.

6.3.3 lf the issuance of formal letter of acceptance (LOA) is likely to take l:ime, in the meanwhile a Letter of

Intent (LOl) miy Oe sent to the successful Bidder. The acceptance of ern offer is complete as soon as the

letter of acceptance or letter of intent rs posted and/ or sent by email (if available) to the address of the

successful Bidder given in its Bid

6.4 Signing of Contract

6.4.j In the written intimation of acceptance of its Bid sent to the successful Bidder, it shall also be asked to

execure an agreement in the format given in the Bidding Document o1 a non -judicial stamp of requisite

- ,,irJ(_ :,.;::s cper 4nrl rlep,ns;it thp- :-::t,:r,r of Perfnn;ianr^. !;:'J'', it) ,ir . Perfr|nnance SecLtriV :l"i:Jntion'as applicable within a period specified in the BDS or where the period is not specifled. in the BDS, then

within fifteen days from the date on which the LOA or LOI is dispatched to the Bidder. Until a formal

contract is executed, LOA or LOI shall constitute a binding contract.

6 4.2 lf the Bidder, whose Bid has been accepted, fails to sign a written pro()urement contract or fails to furnish

the required Performance Security or Performance Security Declaration, as the case may be' as the case

may be, within the specified time period, the Procuring Entity shall take action against the successful

Bidder as per the provisions of the Act and the Rules. The Procuring Eintity may, in such case, cancel the

procurement pro€ss or if it deems fit, offer for acceptance on the rates of lowest Bidder to the nelit

lowest resPonsive Bidder.


Page 232: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Goods (SS2i' :id)


Section II : Bid Data Sheet

The number of the Invitaion to Bid is : NCB/2014-15/02/CDFST

The Procuring EntitY is:

College of Dairy and Food Science Technolory'

MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001 (Rajasthan)

The price rrf the Bidding Documents is:

BDS 1.1.1

For Clarification purposes only, the Procuring Entity's address is: -

Attention (Name with Designation) : Dr. L.K. Murdia, Dean'

Adrlress: college of Dairy and Food science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur - 313001

Tetephone No. 0294-24 7 0139, 029 4-247 0179 Email : cdfsrt20l [email protected]

The Pre-Bid conference will be held/not held: NOT HELD


ihr l*guug. of the Bid is (EnglisMHindi/Both): ENGLISH

Discounts on award of combination of lots can be offered/not offered: OFFERED

Submission and OPening of Bids

(a) For Bid sutrmission purposes only, the Procuring Entity's atldress is:

Dean, College of Dairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT' Udaipur

Telephone No. 029 4-247 0139, 0294-2470 179 Email : cdfstiz0l 1,@gmail.com

(b) Where electronic submission of Bids is mandatory, the address of the web portal is: NA

The details for Bid submission is:

Date 10th September 2014 Time: 0l:00PM

BDS 3.2.1

BDS 3.6.4

Finan,cial Bid

Dean, College of DairY and FoodScient:e TechnologY, MPUAT,Udaipur 313001

Dean, College of DairY and FoodScience TlchnologY, 1![PUAT,Udaipur 313001

llth Srlptember 201411th September 2014

The peri0d within which the contract agreement is to be executed and performance Security is to be

submitted is 15 days.

whether Perofrmance SecurityPerfornance Security Declaration shall be required (Yesaio) YES

BDS 6.4.1

8DS4.5.1 The Bid opening shall take place at:

.Address ofOffice


l'ime 11:00AM

Page 233: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Docume'nt.- Gocilt (SS2E Bid) Section III - Qlalificaliou apd.Evaluation Criteria

Section III: Qualification and Evaluation Criteria


A. Financial & Commercial Competence

Bidders, qualifications regarding critical aspects of their financial, technical, production,

pro.ur...nt, shipping, installation and other capabilities necessary to perform the contract will be

judged from the seueral criteria like Size of Operation, Contractual Experience, Technical-E*ieri.nc.,

produotion Capacity, Financial Position, Cash flow Capacity, Litigation History, Tax

Clearance Certihcates, Declaration Regarding Qualifications under Section 7 of the Act, Bidders

acceptance of GCC and SCC, etc. The criteria, specifically used are specified in detail in the

Technical Bid.

B. Technical Suitabitity of Goods: Besides frnancial, commercial qualihcation as abovg' the technical

suitability of goods offered in view of specifications, standards, samples, etc, as provided in the Schedule

of Supply *JAiAing document shall determine the qualification of the biCder. These are listed in details

in the Technical Bid form.


1. SCOPE1.1 Local Handling and Inland Transportation: Costs for iniand trans;portation, insurance, and other

incidental costs for delivery of the goodi from the EXW premises, or pc)rt of entry, or,border point toproject Site as defined in eiAaing Documents/Schedule of Suppiy, shall be quoted in the PzuCE

SCi{EDULES providecl in Section W, eidding Forms. These costs wili bc taken into account during bid

evaluation. If a Bidder fails to include such costs in its Bid, then these costs will be estimated by the

procuring Entity on the basis of published tariffs by the rail or roacl transport agencies, insurance

companies, or oih.r appropriate sources, and added to EXW or CIF or CIP price.

1.2 Minor Omissions or Missing ltems: The cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities or

omissions from the contractual and commercial conditions shall be evaluated. The Procuring Entity will

make its own assessment of the cost of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions for the purpose of

ensuring fair comParison of Bids.

2. TECHNICAL CRITERIA: The cost of all quantifiable minor deviations or dehciencies from the

technicai requirements as specifred in Section V, Schedule of Supply shall be evaluated. The Procuring

Entity will make its o*n urr"rr.ent of the cost of these deviations or deficiencies for the purpose of

ensuring"fa,il pomparison of Bids- -:.. : - = -..,;r+, .:- . -. .'s - -:' r-1' ::i - -- -- -

3. ECONOMIC CRI'IERIA: The net price of items to be procured will be the criteria for evaluating

Bids that have passed the technical evaluation.


evaluation of Bids an'J award of Contract shall be as per the Govemnrent of Rajasthan Rules in this


-i---.* .--

--#F.- ->

\.. , , *-*{'d

Page 234: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Section IV - Bidding Forms

Section IV: Bidding Forms


1. Technical Bid Submission Sheet (Form-TBSS)

2. Format for Techlical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)

3, Bid SecuritY (Form-BG)

4. Bid Securing Declaration (Fonn-BSD)

5. Declaration by Bidder (Form-MA1)(ln case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 lakh)

6. Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form - MA2)(ln case of procurement valuing more than Rs' 10 lakh)

T,DeclarationbyBidderincomplianceofSectionToftheAct(Form-DB)g. price Schedule/ Iiinancial Bid Submission sheet (Form-PS)

Packing Instructions for Technical Bid:

The Technical bid must be prepared with documents arranged in the followLng order

L Technical Bid Submission sheet (Form-TBSS) with the proof of pilyment of tender fee and







Security attached on the toP'

Filled up'Iechnical Bid Submission Form (Form-TBSF)

Documents establishing the eligibility of bidder as per ITB Clause 3 '8

Declaration by Bidder in compliance of Section 7 of the Act (Form-DB)

Declaration b1, Bidder (Form-MAl) or Manufacturer's Authorisation (Form-MA2)'

appropriate as per estimated value of the NIB

eil "n"toru."s

asked/indicated in Technical Bid Submission Forms in the sequence

Instructions to Bidders (ITB), duly signed and stamped'

General Contract Conditions (GCCiand Special Contract Condilions (SCC), duly signed








!\! \r,"

Page 235: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

\i'lrtir g Doctrfrer't -'Goods (SS2E Bidt


NIB No.:Alternative No., if Pernritted:

To: The Dean, CDFST, UdaiPur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

Section IV - SiCdi;r* ['r, "-;s












We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Document,includingAddendaNo':--

we offer to supply in conformity with the Bidding Document and in accordance with the delivery schedule

specified in Bidding Documents, the following Goods and Related Services:

Our Bid shall be valid ibr a period of

-=- days from the date fixe,J for the bid submission deadline in

accordance with the Biddinj oocurnent, und it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time

before the expiration ofthat period;

If our Bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a Performance Security in the amctunt of



of the Contract prjce or performance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract;

Our firm, includilg any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from the

cligible countries;

we are not participating, as Bidders, in more than one Bid in this bidding process. other than alternative

offers, if permitted, in the Bidding Document;

Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any subcontractors or suppliers has not been debarred by the

State Government or the Procuring Etttity;

we understand that this Bid' together r'vith your written acceptance ther'lof included in your notification of

award, shall constitute a binding iontract between us' until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;

We understand lhat you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid rlr any other bid that you may


We agtee to permit the procuring Entity or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and other

documents relatirrg to the bid submission and to have them audited by a.uditors appointed by the Procuring

Entity;l,i.ic dsslare thai we have cl;n:'licd r';iih and thall lrltinsc ro 99pp1v wiih fhe provilio-'r nf the Code of

lritcgrity ibr ilidders as :peciiieo rn i-he Rajastiran Transpaiency in F'ublic t'Locursment Act,2012, the

Rajaithan 'Transparency in Public Procurement Rules, 2013 and this BidCing Document in this procurement

Drocess and in execution ofthe Contract;

(k) Other comments, if anY:

Name/ address:

ln the capacity of

-Signed:Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf of



Fee Amount N{ode No. & Date

Tender Fee Casiv'DD/ BC

Bid Securitv C)astv'DD/ BC






-.-4 J

Page 236: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Ga.tils (S'S2L Bitt) ,Segtioir Il': - Bidding Forms



Part B: Technical Suitability of Goods Offered.The bidder is required to enter the relevant information asked in the format /te.ble below and submit a proof in

support of the infirrmation. The proof must be in form of catalogue, technical lite:rature/ leaflet, brochure, etc. of the

it#s offered in which the relevant portions are highlighted so as to enable the procurement entity to arrive at an

informed decision about the technical suitability of the items offered vis-ir-vis thr: specifications. In absence of such

proofs, the procurement e ntity may make its o\!n assessment of the technical suita rilitl .



Signature of bidcter


Part ial & Com tence

SN Criteria RequiredValue


Proof submittedal page No.

Average annual turnover (converted into IndianRupees) defined as the total payments received by the

Bidder for contracts completed or under execution

over the last 5 years.

20 Crore

2. Number of similar contracts successfulll' completed as

main supplier within the last 5 years. Value, nature

and complexitl' of these contracts should bt

comparable to the contract to be let' (Enclose the liswith address and telephone Nos.)


VAT/ Sales Tax resistration certificate Required

4. VAT/Sales Tax clearance certificate from the

concerned Commercial Taxes OfficerRequired

5. Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by Income-

Tax Department


6. lncome Tax clearance certificate Reouired

Proofsubmitted at

page No.

Bidder's RetiponsePlease injicate whetheritems/goods quoted conformthe specific;ations (Yes,AIo).

Deviations, if any, must



Page 237: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddrry !l.cc::n,e;t' Gooals (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - BG)

BID SECURITY(To be issued by a Scheduled Bank in India or other Issuer acceptable to therProcuring Entity)

Form of Bid SecuritY

[insert Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Offce]

Beneficiaty: [insert Name and Address of Procuring EntityJDatez [insert dateJ

BID GUARANTEE No; [insert number]

We have been informedthat finsert name of the BidderJ (hereinafter call:d "the Bidder") has submitted

to you its bid dated [inserr date] (hereiiafter called "the Bid") for the execution of [insert name of

coitractl under Notice inviting Bids No. [insert NIB numberJ ('the NIB").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid


At the request of the Bidder, we finsert name of BankJ hereby inevocabll' undertake to pay you any sum

or sums not exceeding in total an amount of

[insert amount in JiguresJ[insert amount tn noratl upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing

accompanied by a writtenitatement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its obligation(s) under the bid

conditions, because the Bidder:

(a) has withdrawn its Bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Form

of Bid; or

(b) having been rrotified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity during the period

of bid validitY.

(i.) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,

(ii.) fails or refuses to fumish the performance security, in accordance with the Instructions

to Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) has not accepted the correction of errors in accordance with the ITB' or

(d) has breached a provision of the code of Integrity specified in ITB;

This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Bidder is the successful Bidder, Lrpon our receipt of copies of the

contra-ct signed by the Biddei and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the

l.r..tr.-i, *J ft) if theF:,rier i; ^,;:r the successftll-B-idj1i". ,t;on the egrliql,ri (i) our laceiqt af-a co.P-Y -*-your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder;or (ii) thirry days afterthe expiration

of the Bidder's bid.

Consequently, any dernand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or

before that date.


the capacity of


Duly authorized to sign the Bid Security for and on behalf of


Bank's Seal



,/-/\\ tt

Page 238: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

i )"ir,1 D.t':tr;rznt -- Gcods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Biddinx "lorrn:;

(Form - BSD)


Date: [insert date (as day, month and yealJNotice Inviting Bids No.: [insert number ttf bidding processJ

To: [insert complete name of Procuring EntityJ

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported try a Bid-Securing Declaration.

We accept that u,e will automatically be suspended from being eligible for bidding in any contract with

the procuring Entity for the period of time of [Procuring Entiry to indicate here the period of time forwhich the Piocurtng Etrtity witl declare a Bidder inetigible to be awarded a Conftact if the Bid Securing

Declaration is to be executed.J starting on the date that we receive a notification from the Procuring

Entity thatour Bid Securing Declaration is executed, if we are in breach of our obligation(s) under the bid

conditions. because we:

(a) have withdrawn our Bid during the period of bid ralidity specified irr the Form of Bid; or

(b) having been notihed of the acceptance of its Bid by the Procuring Entity duringthe period of bid


(i) fail or reftrse to execute the Contract Form, if required,

(ii) fail or refuses to furnish the performance security, in accordartce with the Instructions to

Bidders (hereinafter "the ITB"),

(c) have not accepted the correction oferrors iu accordance with the ITI], or

(d) have breached a provision of the code of Integrity specified in ITB;

We understand this Bid-Securing Declaration shall expire if we are not the successful Bidder, upon the

earlier of (i) our receipt of your notification to us of the name of the successful Bidder; or (ii) thirfy days

after the expiration of our Bid.

Signed:lnse rt signature of person whose nume und capacity are shownJ

[insert legal capacity o.f person signing the Bid-Securing DeclarationJ


[insert complete name of person signing the Bid-securing DeclarationJ

Duly authorized to sigrr the bid for and on behalf of:

finsert complete name of BidderJ Dated on day of, [insert date of signing,l Corpotate Seal


Page 239: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

, Bidding Document - Goods (SS2t Ei4) Sectio.r Iv 3iCding Forms


(In case of procurement valuing upto Rs 10 l:tkh)


NIB No.:

Alternative No., if apPlicable:


VWe a legally constituted firm/body and represented bY

A"th",t,.d d*r*/ b"*,-r,*::1:,JT"r: #:.:Lfli"'xilt'::li:::'f.l:n:i iil:Tlj"tlodistributor/

If this declaration is found to be incorrect then without prejudice to any other action that may be taken,

my/our Bid Security may be forfeited in full and the Bid if any to the extent accepted may be cancelled'



ln the capacity of:

-Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of



Fax: e-mail:


Page 240: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document'- Gc'ctrs (SS2E Bid) i. 3 osectionlV-BiddingForms



(In Case of Procurement Valuing More Than Rs 10 Lakh)

Manufacturer's Authorisation


NIB No.:

Alternative No., il aPPlicable:


We, who are official manufacturers of

having factories at

-do hereby authorise

to submit a Bid in relation to the Invitation for Bids indicated above, the purpose of which is to provide

the following Goods, manufactured by us and to subsequently negotiate and sign the Contract'


In the capacitY of: _-


Duly authorised to sign the Authorisation for and on behalf of


we hereby extend c,ur full gua.rantee and warranty in accordarrce vvith clause 4'6 of the General

Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods ofiered by the above lirm in reply to this Invitation for



Page 241: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Pi1tt,,rg i)a-:tm€t:t'- Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

(Form - DB)


ln relation to my/our Bid submitted to


for procurement of in response to their

Notice Inviting Bids No. Dated Vwe herelry declare under Section 7 of

Raj asthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 20 12, that:

1. Vwe possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial resources and

"o*p"i"n". required by the Bidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

2. Vwe have fulfilled my,/our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the Union and the State

Govemmenl. or any local authority as specified in the Bidding Documt:nt;

3. Vwe are not insolvent, in receivership, bankrupt or being wounrl up, not have my/our affairs

administered by a court or a judicial offi".r, not have my/our busin,:ss activities suspended and not

the subject oflegal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

4. Vwe do not hal'e, and our directors and officers not have, bt:en convicted of any criminal

offence related to my/our professional conduct or the making of false statements or

misrepresentations as to my/our-qualifications to enter into a procurement contract within a period of

three years precetling the commencement of this procurement proc{)ss, or not have been otherwise

disqualifi ed pursua,nt to debarment proceedings;

5. Vwe do not have a conflict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the Bidding Document,

which materially affects fair competition;



Signature of bidder



Page 242: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Eidcling Document - Goods (SS2E Bid) Section IV .. i,i''tl;c? F".r ':;




NIB No,:

To: The Dean

College of Dairy and Food Science

Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur.

We, the undersigned, cteclare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Doc:ument, including Agenda No.:





We offer to supply in conformitl' with the Biddingdelivery schedule specified in Bidding Documents, the

Document and in accordance with the

following Goods and Related Services:

We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your

notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract is

prepared and executed.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you

may receive.

We offer to supply the items/goods at the following price:


Name and Description ofItem

Country ofOrigin

Unit ofNleasurem


Unit EXrVPrice forthe item

Sa les and

OtherTaxes forthe Item

Relatedservices*, il

notincluded inColumn 6

Total Unit Price(In Figs. & Words)

for the Itemincluding Taxes


2 l 4 5 6 7 8

*(like transportation, insurance, installation, commissioning, testing, training, maintenance etc., including tax

Note: Quote rates for different items/goods on separafe sheets and suhmit in separatc er:i,llope,:.

VWe hereby certify that the above rates have been quoted after pursuing all the general and special termsand conditions of the bid. I/We agree to confirm these conditions and sigrLed on all the terms & conditionsin token of confirmation and acceptance. Vrve also bear the responsibiiity for installation, commissioning,demonstration and training to user at my/our cost.

Name/ address:

In the capacity ofSigned

Duly authorised to sign the Bid for and on behalf ofDate:

Tel: e-mail:




Page 243: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Document - Go'iJ5.(S:t'tE Eid) 1;. .Setfior- IV.- Ridding Forms

Section V: Schedule of SupplySeLis of Goorls and Related rvices and Technica ns:


Name oIGoods orRelated

technrcal uescnptlon, specltlcatlons and standards UNII OI


Quantlty wnemerSamples

I Lab modelTwin screwExtruder

Designed for capacity of 15 Kg per hour.Feed FunnelTwin- Screw Feeder, LiHMW-HDPE screws driven by variabk: speedmotor.Barrel fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent steel with two vraterjackets.

Two no, band heaters, ceramic insulated.Multi-start screws fabricated from Nitriding or equivalent sterl.Drive suidtable motor driven through reduction gear unit and duplexgear driven by AC drive.TORQUE-LIMITER lixed before duplex gear.

"DEBLOCKING CU]VI CLf,,AMNG DEVICE"Die plate assemble with two nos. Round dies of different diam(rter, oneno. flate die and one no, pipe die.

'Stellited' edge stainless steel cutter, driven by variable speed rnotor.Safety device vide limit switch for the cutter.'Stand-alone' panel board consisting the following:a) 2 No. Electronic PID Temperature Controller Indicator'ilith

sensor for 2 no. Band Heaters,b) I no. electronic temperature indicator with sensor for m:rss

temperature.c) 3 no. rpm meters for monitoring the RPM of main drive, Feeder

and Cutter & I no. meter for Display of torque of Main l)rive.Ammeter, Voltmeter, Push-button switches, indicating Lamps etc,Transformer to stabilize control voltage in case oflluctuation ofsupplyvoltage. Electrical and electronic components including imported ACdrive (Frequency Controller).

No. OneNotRequire,



2 HammerMill . Chamber size - 20" diameter, fabricated from stainless steel platewith stainless steel Liner.

r Model no. TW-AS-612o 8HP for hammer mill 4 pol, for blower 4 pole motor, rotary fet:ding

hopper 6 pole motor,r Sieve 80-250 mesh.. Capacity f75 kgihr.

Nos. One

J BatchRoaster

. Complete structure ofstainless steel 304.

. Electric heater (made by ISO 9001-2000 campany)r Electric heater of4-6 KW capacity, mounted in pair and can be on/offas

per heat requirement (more heat require, then more numbers of heaterswill on)

. Temperature controller and sensor for better control.r Timer is provided to control the time process.i Power supply I phase{Il phase option.. InsulateC..vith a:L:s;os shect;o Control box consisting oftemp. Controller, on/offswitch, indicating I

emn- firse- wirinq timer efc-

No. One

A Vacuumpackaging andNitrogen gas


. Single Chamber type.

. Sealing length 400mm X width 8mm

. Chamber size: 800mm X 300 mm X 300mmo Double sealing Jaw at both sides., Complete structure ofstainless steel 304,r Power: 230 V,50 Hz, single Phase.. Acrylic view window for viewing the process.. Inbuilt Vacuum Pump and Gas flushing arrangemenb.o 12 Pouches/Batch

No. One

5 BakingOven

Two TraysI wire meshInner chamberSize 24" x 21" x 9"

No. One

6 AgeingVat

Capacity 100 litre,Temperature 5" CStainless steel body. l-fInsulated inside.

No. One



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7 ShrinkwrapplngMachine


modet ""ith

3 control srvitches and 860 watts heavy duty po*dercoated steel and stainless steel contrainer.

. lOkg. Popcorn Per batcb.

. Size: 17,5" L x 20.5" W x 24.75" H.

No, One

8 ShrinkwrappingMachine

. I'ower supply - 230 V' 50 herEr lleating power - 2.5 kw.o Machine Seding area 400mm Cw-) x 450mm(L) x 125 mm(II)r Product weight 3.5kg max., Temperature - 50-300u C, time -0-3 sec'rnd &

machine weight - 90kg.o llype of shrink file PoF PVC

No. One samplesNotRequire,



9 TrayDrier

r Standard sturdy double wall fabrication.o Inner & outer chamber made out ofthick mill steel sheet.

o Inner chamber back silver pain finish and exterior finished in hamrmer

tone.. Gap between two walls filled with glass wood for temperature insulation'. lleavy duty forced air blowen.. Double wall door mounted on heavy hingeswith heavy moulded lalchy'. femperature control by a Tbermostat and it can be read on dial type

thermometer.. 'lemperature range: 500 C to 2500 C +20 C to f C and workable on 220V

AC 50 Hz single phase ort40 volts AC supply.o 24 trays of 16"X32" X 1"'size.

No. One

10 Breadslicer

. Slice Thickness: l2mm.

. Range:31 Pcs.r Voltage: 220Y/50H2.o Dimension: 630 x 630 x 6E5H in mm.

No One

l1 Colddisplaycounter

. Size:48" x 27" x 48"o Electrical Supply: 220V I lPH I 50Hz

No. One

t2 Rotaryfloursifter

. I 10 volt

. 3'd generation vibration motor.

. Stainless steel body.o Diameter 500mm, 0'02-20 mesh size, l440rpm

No. One

Biddi,,? f)c,ainvn Goo& (SS2E Bid) Section IV - Bidding Forms

t-port"ntr The instaltation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments' etc. has to be done

by the bidder.

2. DrawingsThis Bidding Documerit includes the following drawings: NA

are to be inc rt the List of Documents IList of Drawinss

Drawins No. Title of drawinq Purnose

3. Inspections and TestsThe following inspectirrns and tests shall be performed: [insert list of inspe':tions and testsl

Notes:. The Supplier shall bear the cost ofall sampling and testing, and or pre-despatch inspections.

. Samples shall be picked up by the Procuring Entify from the lot olfered for supply'

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about 15 days before the scheduled


List of Inspections, Trials and Tests

Line Item No Brief Descriptionltem

of Description of Inspection and/ or Trial and/ or Test forfull conformance of the product to the specificationssiven in Biddine Documt:nt and/ or to the Samp!91


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List of Good and Related Seryice and TechnicalS.

No.N ame olGoods or RelatedServices

Tcchnical Description, Specifi cations andStandards


Measure menlQuantitv

wnetnerSamples are Required

Ageing Vat Capacity 100 litre.

Temperature 50 C

Stainless steel body.

Insulated Inside.

No. One Samples



"photogr aphs/experim ental results"

Important: The installation/commissioning of the equipment, machines, instruments, etc. has to be done by the bidder.

Section V: *j{, ilc of Supply

This Bidding Doucment includes the following drawrng: NAIf docaments are to be included.

Drawinq No.

2. Drawings:

insert the List

List ofTitle of Drawine Puroose

3. lnspectionsand'fests:The followins insoections and tests shall be insert the

Trials and Tests

Drife Description of Item

o The supplier shall bear the cost of all sampling and testing and or pre-despatch inspections. Samples shall be picked up by the Procunng Entity form the lot offered for supply.

Pre-despatch inspections and testing shall be offered by the Supplier about l5 days befc,re scheduled dispatch.




Description of Inspection and/or Trial and/or Test for fullconformance ofthe prodruct to the specifications givrn in Bidding

Document and/or to the samoles.


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2.1 .1


Section VI A: General Conditions of ContractlntroductionDefinitions

The following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

(i) "Act" Means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act,2012(ii) "Completion" means the fulfilment of the Related Services by tlre Supplier in accordance with the

terms and conditions set forth in the Contract(iii) "Contract" means the Agreement entered into between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier,

together with the Contract Documents referred to therein, including all attachments, appendices,specifications and codes and all documents incorporated by refetrence therein.

(iv) "Contract Documents" means the documents listed in the Agrerement, including any amendmentsthereto.

(v) "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Supplier as spr:cified in the Agreement, subject tosuch additions and adjustments thereto or deductions therefronr, as may be made pursuant to theContract.

(vi) "Day" means calendar day.(vii) "Delivery" means the transfer of the Goods from the Supplier to the Procuring Entity in accordance

with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.(viii) "GCC" mean the General Conditions of Contract(ix) "Goods" means all of the commodities, raw material, machinery and equipment, documents,

guarantees/warrantees and/or other materials that the Supplier is required to supply to theProcuring Entity under the Contract.

(x) "Procuring Entity" means the Entity purchasing the Goods and Re ated Services, as specifled inthe SCC.

(xi) "Related Services" means the services incidental to the supply of the Goods, such as insurance,installation, training and initiai maintenance, commissioning of equipment or machinery and othersimilar obligations of the Supplier under the Contract.

(xii) 'Rules" means the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procuremt.'nt Rules, 2013(xiii) "SCC" means the Special Conditions of Contract(xiv) "Subcontractor" means any natural person, private or governnrent Entity, or a combination of the

above, including its legal successors or permitted assigns, to rvhom any part of the Goods to besupplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is suboontracted by the Supplier.

(xv) "supplier" means the natural person, private or government Entity, or a combination of the above,whose Bid to perform the Contract has been accepted by the Procuring Entity and is named assuch in the Agreement, and includes the legal successors or permitted assigns of the Supplier.

(xvi) "The Site" where applicable, means the place of delivery, installation, testing/commissioning of thegoods/equipment or machinery or any other place named in the Bid Document.


lf the context so requires it, singular means plural and vice versa.

IncotermsIn case of International Competitive Bidding :

The meaning of any trade term and the rights and obligations of parties thereunder shall be as prescribedby Incoterms.-EX.4/"C-iF, ClP, anC othef :.; ::ilar tci;i:':, shall be governed ht.:l: r:ries prescribed irr'iit:current edrtion df Incoterms, published by the International Chamb€r of Commerce at the date of thelnvitaiion for Bids or as soecified in the BDC.

Entire AgreementThe Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Procuring Entity and the Supplier andsupersedes all communications, negotiations and agreements (whelher written or oral) of parties withrespect thereto made prior to the date of Contract.


No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be valid unlesri it is in writing, is dated, expresslyrefers to the Contract, and is signed by a duly authorised representative of each party thereto.

Non-waiver(i) Subjeci to GCC Sub-Clause (ii) below, no relaxation, forbeararce, delay, or indulgence by either

party in enforcing any of the terms and conditions of the Contract or the granting of time by eitherparty to the other shall prejudice, affect, or restrict the rights of that party under the Contract, neithershall any waiver by either party of any breach of Contract oper€Lte as waiver of any subsequent orcontinuing breach of Contract.

(ii) Any wai,,ier of a party's rights, powers, or remedies under the Contract must be in writing, dated, andsigned by an authorised representative of the party granting such waiver, and must specify the rightand the extent to which it is beinq waived.

z. t.5

z. l.q



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Bidding Docurcent- Goods (SS2E Bid)


Section VI A - General Conditionq of Contract

Severabilitylf any provision or condition of the Contract is prohibited or rendered invalid or unenforbeable, suchprohibition, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the valicity or enforceability Qf iny'otherprovisions and conditions of the Contract.

Contract Documents

S.ubject to the order of precedence set forth in the Agreement, all documents forming the Qontract (andall parts thereof) are intended to be correlative, complementary, supplementiry, anO mutuattyexplanatory.

Code of lntegrity

The Supplier is bound by the provisions of the Code of Integrity stipulated in the Act and thF Rules anospecified in ITB Clause 1.3 [Code of Integrity].

The Procuring Entity shall take legal action against the Supplier underr Section 11(3), 46 anp chapter lVof the Act, if it breaches any provisions of the Code of Integrity, or is determined io have engaged incorrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practices in competing for the Contract or exequtio; ;f theContract.

The Supplier shall permit the Procuring Entity to inspect the Supplier's accounts and recor{s relating tothe performance of the Supplier and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the proQuring eniity,if so required by the Procuring Entity.


The Contract as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Contract exchapged by theSupplier and the Procuring Entity, shall be written in the language specified in the BDS]


documents and printed literature that are part of the Contract may be in another language pfovided tneyare_accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passag€s in the language spQcified in theBDS, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Contract, thi! translation shail goverri.The Supplier shall bear all costs of translation to the governing languerge and all risks of the accuracy ofsuch translation.


Any Notice given by one p_arty to the other pursuant to the Contract shrall be in writing to the Ffrocuremententity. The term "in writrng" means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.A Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the Notice's effective date, whichever is later.Governing Law

The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India and fhe State ofRajasthan.

Specifications and StandardsTechnical Specifi cations and Drawings:The Supplier shall ensure that the Goods and Related Services comply with the technical specificationsand other provisions of the ContractThe Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any desil;n, data, drawing, spepification orother document, orany modification thereof provided or designed oy oi on behalf of thj proclring Entity,by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the procuring Entityl' -'i-'lCs and P.elate;.,er vtces -,;ppiieu unoer rhis uontrau.r shalt ccrnform to the stJndardJ mentioneoin Section V, Schedule of Supply and shall bear such marks. When no applicable standard is mentioned,the Goods and Related Services supplied shall be of the best quality and t'he standard shall bg equivalentor superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the country of origin of the Gooos.In no case such standards shall be inferiortothe relevant upOateO BIS orinternational standards.Equipments/implements which are governed by Dangerous Machirery Regulations Act should benecessarily 'lSl' marked (attach certiflcate with the Bid) and for other equipmenti 'lSl.' quality pertificationis desirable.

Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standardl; in accordance with wfrich it shallbe executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be those gpecified inthe Section V, Schedule .of Supply. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes anostandards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity ernd sh]all be treited in gccordancewith Clause 3.4.

The supply of articles for which the requirement of samples has bt:en indicated in the $chedule ofSupply, shall in addition, conform €trictly to the approved samples. The decision of the procirring antitywhether the articles supplied conform to the specifications and are irr accordance with the samiples, ifany, shall be flnal and binding on the Supplier

2.1 .6








a.a. I





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r lJ'- { D -rcumert - Goods (SS2E Bid) Secliln VI A -- Generel Conditions of Contract

2.8 Copyright

281 The copyright in all drawings, documents, and other materials contairing data and information furnishedto the Procuring Entity by the Supplier herein shall remain vested in the Supplier, or, if they are furnishedto the Procuring Entity directly or through the Supplier by any third party, including suppliers of materialsor Related Services, the copyright in such materials or related service,s shall remain vested in such thirdparty.

2.9 Confidential Information

2.9.1 In addition to the requirements of the provisions of Section 49 of the Act and Rule 77 of the Rules

regarding Confidentiality, the Procuring Entity and the Supplier shall keep confidential and shall not,

without the written consent of the other party hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or

other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other party hereto in connection with the Contract,

whether such information has been furnished prior to, during or following completion or termination of the

Contract. Nowvithstanding the above, the Supplier may furnish to i1.s Subcontractor such documents,

data, and other information it receives from the Procuring Entity to the extent required for the

Subcontractor to perform its work under the Contract, in which event lhe Supplier shall obtain from suchSubcontractor an undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the Suppller under GCC Clause2.9.

However, in case of electronic data or information, the Procuring Entity may not hold such responsibilityfor access to data on line by any third party.

2.9.2 The Procuring Entity shall not use such documents, data, and otlrer information received from the

Supplier for any purposes unrelated to the Contract. Similarly, the Supplier shall not use such

documents, cata, and other information received from the Procuring Entity for any purpose other than thedesign, procurement, or other work and services required for the perfomance of the Contract.

2.9.3 The obligation of a party under GCC Sub-Clauses 2.9.1 and 2.9.2 atbove, however, shall not apply toinformation that:

the Procuring Entity or Supplier need to share with other institutions carticipating in the financing of the

Contract; now or hereafter enters the public domain through no fault of that party;

can be proven to have been possessed by that party at the time of disclosure and which was notpreviously obtained, directly or indirectly, from the other party; or otherwise laMully becomes available tothat party from a third party that has no obligation of confidentiality

2.9.4 The above p"ovisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall not in any way modify any undertaking of confidentialitygiven by either of the parties hereto prior to the date of the Contract in respect of the Supply or any part


2.9.5 The provisions of GCC Clause 2.9 shall survive completion or termination, for whatever reason, of theContract.

2.10 Packing and Documents

2.10.1 The Supplier shall provide such packing of the Goods as is reqrired to prevent their damage ordeterioration during transit or transport by sea, rail and road or air to their final destination. During transit,the packing shall be sufflcient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling and exposure to extremetemperatures, salt and precipitation, and open storage, Packing case size and weights shall take into

consideratior, where appropriate, the remoteness of the final destrnation of the Goods and the absenceof heavy handling facilities at all points in transit.

- 10.2 Tl]e rr:r ';,,r1 r!,i\:i.:1, a!!'i ,jtrarjnter'r:,1:nr, ,'11 i' >n! crttside ihe ;--^-gus JlSi; ccilii:y siiictly ;,,-iir ".;','spectat requirements as shall be expressly provided for in the Contracl:, including additional requirements,if any, specified in any other instructions ordered by the Procuring Enti'iy.

2.10.3 ln the event of any loss, damage, breakage or leakage or any shortage, the Supplier shall be liable tomake good such loss and shortage found at the checking/inspection of the materials by the consignee.No extra cosi on such account shall be admissible

2.11 lnsurance

2.11.1 Unless otherwise specified in the SCC, the Goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insuredagainst theft, destruction or damage. by fire, flood, under exposure to'ryeather or otherwise including war,rebellion, riot, etc. The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and the Procuring Entity will notbe required to pay such charges, if incurred,

2.'12 Transportation

2.12.1 Unless othen*ise specified in the SCC, obligations for transportation of the Goods shall be in accordancewith the conditions and Incoterms specified in the Bidding Documents.

2.12.2 In case of Supply from within India, the Goods shall be supplied F:OR locations specified in BiddingDocuments. All transportation charges, local taxes, etc. shall be borne by the Supplier.

2.13 Samples, Inspections and Tests

2.13.1 The Procuring Entity or his authorised representative shall at all reasonable times have access to the

Supplie/s premises and the power to inspect and examine the materials and workmanship of the goods/


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Bidding Document'- Goods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A _ General Conditior,; v; Ctur. _t

equipmenV machinery during manufacturing process or afteruards as n'ay be decided.

2.13.2 The Supplier shall at its own expense and at no cost to the Procuring Entity carry out all such tests,

and/or trials and/or inspections of the Goods and Related Services as are specified in Sections V-Schedule of SuPPlY.

2.133 The sampling, inspections, and/or tests and/or trials may be conducted on the premises of the Supplier orits Subcontractor, at point of delivery, and/or at the final destination of the Goods, or at another place inIndia as specified in the SCC. All such sampling, inspections and/ or testing shall be at the cost of the

Supplier. Subject to GCC Sub-Clause 2.13.4, rt conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its

Subcontractor, all reasonable facilities and assistance, including acces;s to specification codes, designs,

drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Procuring Entity.

2.13.4 The Procuring Entity or its designated representatives shall be entitled to attend the tests, and/or

insoections and/ or trials referred to in GCC Sub-Clause 2,13.3, provided that the Procuring Entity bear

all of its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with such attendance, like travelling and

boarding and lodging expenses.

2.13.5 Whenever the Supplier is ready to carry out any such test, and/or trials and/or inspection, it shall give areasonable acivance notice, including the place and time, to the Procuring Entity. The Supplier shall

obtain from any relevant third party or manufacturer any necessary permission or consent to enable the

Procuring Entity or its designated representative to attend the test and/cr trials and/or inspection.

The Supplier shall furnish complete address of the premises of his oflice, godown and workshop where

inspection can be made together with name and address of the perscn who is to be contacted for thepurpose.

2. 13 6 The Procuring Entity may require the Supplier to carry out any test and/or trials and/or inspection not

required by the Contract but deemed necessary to verify that the characteristics and performance of the

Goods comply with the technical specifications, codes and standards and samples supplied with the Bid

under the Contract. provided that the Supplier's reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the carryingout of such test and/or trials and/or inspection shall be added to the C;ontract Price. Further, if such test

and/or trials and/or inspection impedes the progress of manufacturing and/or the Supplier's performance

of its other obiigations under the Contract, due allowance will be made in respect of the Delivery Dates

and Completion Dates and the other obligations so affected

2.13.7 The Supplier shall provide, the Procuring Entity with a report of the res;ults of any such tests and/or trialsand/or insoection.

2.13.8 Supplies when received shall be subject to tests andior trials and/or inspection to ensure whether theyconform to the specifications and with the approved samples and trials, if any. Where necessary orprescribed or practical, tests shall be carried out in Government laboratories, reputed testing house like

Sri Ram Testing House, New Delhi and the like and the supplies will tre accepted only when the articlesconform to the standard of prescribed speciflcations as a result of such tests.

2.13.9 In case of tests, samples shall be drawn in four sets in the presenct: of the Supplier or his authorisedrepresentative and properly sealed in his presence. One such set shall be given to him, one or two will be

sent to the laboratories and/or testing house and the third or fourth will be retained in the office forreference and record.

213.10 Testing charges shall be borne by the Procuring Entity in case urgent tr:sting is desired to be arranged by

the Supplier. In other cases and in case of test results showing that supplies are not upto the prescribedstandards or specifications, the tcs+ing oharges shall lo payar':t by the Suppiier

'z'iZ'.li The Procuring Entityinay'r'elect any Goods or any part thereof that arrl received but farl to pass any testand/or trials and/or inspection or do not conform to the specifications ernd samples supplied with the Bid,if any. The Supplier shall either rectify or replace such rejected t3oods or parts thereof or makealterations necessary to meet the specifications and samples supplied with the Bid if any, at no cost tothe Procuring Entity, and shall repeat the test and/or trials and/or inspection, at no cost to the ProcuringEntity, upon giving a notice pursuant to GCC Sub- Clause 2 13.5

lf, however, due to exigencies of Procuring Entity's work, such replacernent either in whole or inpart, is not considered feasible, the Procuring Entity after giving an r)pportunity to the Bidder of beingheard, shall for reasons to be recorded, deduct a suitable amount frcm the approved rates and acceptthe supply. The deduction so made shall be final.

2.13.12 The rejected articles shall be removed by the Bidder within 15 days of intimaiion of rejection, after whichthe Procuring Entity shall not be responsible for any loss, shortage or damage and shall have the right todispose of such articles as he thinks flt, at the Supplier's risk and on his account.

2.13.13 The Supplier agrees that neither the execuiion of a test and/or trials andior inspection of the Goods orany pant thereof, nor the attendance by the Procuring Entity or its representative, nor the issue of anyreport pursuant to GCC Sub-Clause 2 13 7, shall release the Supplier from any warranties or otherobligations under the Contract.

2.14 Change in Laws and Regulations

2.14.1 Unless otheruvise specified in the Ccntract, if aftei' the deadline 1'or submission of Bids, any iaw,regulation, ordinance, order or bylaw having the force of law is enacted, promulgated, abrogated, or

6.4 ,//r'/, ,1 |,

\ -.,,'';-'/]{----

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Bidding Document - Goods ('SS2E ,s:d) Section VI A - Gpt enril Coidirions'of Contract

changed by Government of lndia or the State Government (which shall be deemed to include any change

in int6rpretation or application by the competent authorities) that subsl'quently affects the Delivery Date

and/or the Contract price, tnen such Delivery Date and/or Contrac;t Price shall be correspondingly

increased or decreased, to the extent that the Supplier has thereby beren affected in the performance of

any of its obligations under the Contract. Notwithstanding the foregoinl3, such additional or reduced cost

shall not be separately paid or credited if the same has already been accounted for in the price

adjustment provisions where applicable, in accordance with GCC Clause 4.1.

2.15 Force Majeure

2.15.1 The Supplier shall not be liable for forfeiture of its Performance Security, liquidated damages, or

termination for default if and to the extent that delays in performance or other failure to perform its

obligations un<Jer the contract is the result of an event of Force Majeuret.

2.15.2 For purposes of this Clause, "Force Majeure" means an event or situation beyond the control of the

Supplier ihat is not foreseeable, is unavoidable, and its origin is not due to negligence or lack of care on

the part of the Supplier. Such events may include, but not be limited tc,, acts of the Procuring Entity in its

soverergn capaciiy wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, and freight


2 15.3 lf a Force Majeure situation arises, the Supplier shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of

such condition and the cause and effects thereof

Unless otheru,rise directed by the Procuring Entity in writing, the Sup,plier shall continue to perform its

obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative

mejns at his cost for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.

2.16 Assignment

216.j Neither the Procuring Entity nor the Supplier shall assign, in whole or in part, their obligations under this

Contract, except with- prior written consent of the other party with rer:orded reasons Such assignment

shall not relieve the Supplier or the Procurement Entity of their respectirre obligations under the Contract.

3. Contract Details

3.1. Joint Venture, Consortium or Association and Changes in the Constitution of the Supplier

3. 1.1 lf the Supplier is a Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association all the parties shall sign the Contract except

in case of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association is a registererj Firm or Company. All the parties

shall be joinfly and severally liable to the Procuring Entity for the fulfilment of the provisions of the

Contract and shall designate one party to act as a lead partner with authority to bind and represent the

Joint Venture, Consortium, or Association

3.1 .2 The structurelcomposition or the constitution of the Supplier as a firm, joint Venture' Consortium, or

Association shall not be altered without the prior consent of the Procurirg Entity'

Any change In the structure/ constitution of the firm, etc., shall be notified forthwith by the Bidder in

wriiing to ihe Procuring Entity and such change shall not relive any former member of the firm' etc., from

any liabilitY under the contract.

The status of the lead partner/ representative of the Joint Venture, Consortium or Association as a malor

stake holder shall not change without the consent of the Procuring E:ntity. Any new major stake holder

must agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the contract'

No new partner/partners shall be accepted in the firm by the Bidde'in respect of the contract unless

he/they aqr_e" to abide by all .its terms.-conditions and depos_it1i1!.Jh".Plo.Yt]:-g lll+vr_?^I']1:1agieeiriEtrr-io ii,rs effect. fne brqb-br's rec€jrpi ior acknowr.edgsrne-rf,t'triat of any panhers subsequenriy

a;cepted as above shall bind all of them and will be sufflcient discharge for any of the purpose of the


3.2. Subcontracting

3.2.1 . The Supplier shall not sublet or assign the Contract or its any part to anyone without.the prior written

approval'of the Procuring Entity. Tie Supplier shall notify the Procuring Entity in writing of all

subcontracts to be awarded under the Contract if not already specifierl in the Bid. Subcontracting shall in

no event relieve the Supplier from any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the

Contract. The capability details of such lubcontractors shall be provid,:d to the Procuring Entity who shall

evatuate and take a decision as to whether approve it or not, it if not initially approved during the

evaluation of the bid.

3.2.2 Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of GCC Clauses 2.3 afi 2.9.

3.3. ScoPe of SuPPIY

3.3.1 The Goods and Related Services to be supplied shall be as specified in Section V, Schedule of Supply

3 3.2 Unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract, the Scope of Supply shall include, at the supplier's cost, all

such ttems not specifically mentioned in the Contract but that catr be reasonably inferred from the

Contract as being required for attaining Delivery and Completion of the Goods and Related Services as if

such items were expressly mentioned in the Contract.


\, s-

Page 251: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bid*ng D"'.;:qe,:i' t.jootls ('SS2E Bid)


J.O. I



3.4. Change Orders and Contract Amendments

3.4.1 The Procuring Entity may at any time order the Supplier through Notice in accordance GCC Clause 2 5,

to make chariges, witnin itre general scope of the of the Contract in any one or more of the following:

i. drawings designs, or specifications, where Goods to be furnisled under the Contract are to be

specifically manufactured for the Procuring Entity;

ii. the method of shipment or packing;

iii. the place of delivery; and

iv. The Related Services to be provided by the Supplier'

3.4.2 lf any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, the Supplier's

performance of a-ny provisions under the Contract, an equitable adjustrnent shall be made in the Contractprice or in tne Dliivery and Completion Schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be

amended. Any claims by the Supplier for adjustment under this Clause must be asserted within twenty-

eight (28) days from the date of the Suppliels receipt of the Procuring tintity's change order.

3.4.3 prices to be charged by the Supplier for any Related Services that miEht be needed but which were not

included in the Contract shall be agreed upon in advance by the parties and shall not exceed the

prevailing rates charged to other parties by the Supplier for similar serv ces.

3.4.4 Additional quantity may be procured by placing a repeat order on the rates and conditions of the original

order. lf the Suppiier fiils to do so, the Procuring Entity shall be free to arrange for the balance supply by

limited Bidding or otherwise and the extra cost incurred shall be recovered from the Supplier'

3.5. DeliverY

3.5.j The Delivery of the Goods and Completion of the Related Services shall be in accordance

Delivery and Completion Schedule specified in the Bidding Documents

3.5.2 All Goods must be sent freight paid through Railways or Goods transport. lf Goods are sent

pay, the freight together *,th departmental charge of 5% of the freight will be recovered

Supplier's bill.

R.R. should be sent under registered cover. In case advance payment is to be made, the RR shall be

sent through Bank onlY

Supplier's Responsibilities

The Supplier shall supply all the Goods and Related Services included in the Scope of Supply in

accordance with GCC Ciause 3.3 and the Delivery and Completion Schedule, as per GCC Clause 3.5.

Procuring Entity's Responsibilities

Whenever the supply of Goods or Related Services requires that the Supplier obtain permits, approvals'

and import and othei licenses from local public authorities, the Procu'ing Entity shall, if so requested by

the Supplier, shall make its best effort to support the Supplier in complying with such requirements in a

timely and expeditious manner.

3.8. Extensions of Time

3 g.1 lf at any time during performance of the Contract, the Supplier or its; Subcontractors should encounter

conditions impeding- timely delivery of the Goods or completion of F{elated Services pursuant to GCC

Clause 3.5, the Sipplier'shall promptly notify the Procuring Entity in writing of the delay, its likely

duration, and its cause. As soon as practicable after receipt of the Supplier's notice, the Procuring Entity

. shail eval!rate tl.i-,-ii,-,ati ,r , :ild nr:'iAt its di.icretit :::-:rf r,j the Sup5,!ier's tin'ir'ior peti;:'ry13n19,-with or-'

*it-nout tiquidated damages depending on the nature of causes of delay, by issuing an amendment of the


3.g.2 Except In case of Force Majeure, as provided under GCC Clause 2.15, or reasons beyond the control of

the Supplier under GCC Clause 3.8.1, a delay by the Supplier in the performance of its Delivery and

Completion obligations shall render the Supplier liable to the imposition of liquidated damages pursuant

to GCC Clause 4.5,

4. Contract Price and PaYments

4.1 Contract Price

4.1 .1 The Contract Price shall be as specified in the Agreement or Approval subject to any additions and

adjustments thereto, or deductions therefore, as may be made pursuart to the Contract.

4.1.2 prices charged by the Supplier for the Goods delivered and the Related Services performed under the

Contract shall noi vary from the prices quoted by the Supplier in its l3id, with the exception of any price

adjustments, if aPProved

4. 1.3 price Adjustment, if applicable, shall be calculated as per rules, Price adjustment shall not be applicable

in contracts having delivery or completion period of up to 18 months'

4.2. Terms of PaYment

4.2.j. The terms of payment of the Contract Price shall be as specified in ther Approval orders/ Agreement

4.2.2. The Suppliets request for payment shall be made to the Procuring Entity in writing, accompanied by

Sei.ti rn V: A" - General Conditions of Contract

with the

freight tofrom the


Page 252: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE





q.z. I







Dd.!' tg l1 :ttm.ent -- G-oCs lSS2E Bid) S^: tcn VI A - General Conditions of Cc'r.:r'arr

invoices describing, as appropriate, the Goods delivered and Related Services performed, and by thedocume nts submitted pursuant to GCC Clause .1.5 and upon fulfilment of all the obligations stipulated inthe Contract.

Payments should be made promptly by the Procuring Entity, as far asi possible, within Thirty (30) daysaftcr sL'bmission of an invoice or request for payment by the Supplier, and the Procuring Entity has

accepteC it. All remittance charges shall be borne by the Supplier

The currency in which payments shall be made to the Supplier uncler this Contract shall be IndianRupees unless otherwise specified in the SCC.

ln case of disputed items, 10 lo25o/o of the amount of the price of such items may be withheld and will bepaid on settlement of the dispute.

Payment in case of those Goods which need trials or testing as specified in Section V, Schedule ofSupply shall be made only when such trials or tests have been carried out and trials or test resultsreceived conforming to the prescribed specifications.

Advance Payment will not be made except in rare and special cases arrd as provided for in the Contract.In case of advance payment being made, it shall be to the extent :tnd on conditions, interest at theprevailing bank rates and against a confirmed bank guarantee for 100% of the advance as provided in

the SCC. The amount of advance shall be used exclusively for supplies against the Contract. lf advancepayment is to be made after despatch of Goods by the Supplier, it will tre made after presenting the proof

of dispatch thrr:ugh the bank and prior inspection, if any. The balance il' any will be paid on receipt of the

consignment in good condition with the certiflcate to that effect endorsr:d on the inspection note given tothe Supplier.

Taxes and Duties

For Goods supplied from outside India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, stampduties, license fees, and other such levies imposed outside India.

For Goods supplied from within India, the Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties,license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the contracted Goods at site 1:o the Procuring Entity.

lf any tax exemptions, reductions, allowances or privileges may be avarlable to the Supplier in India, theProcuring Entity shall use its best crforts to enable the Supplier to benefit from any such tax savings to

the mavimum allowable extent.

Perfornrance Security

The Supplier shall, within flfteen (15) days or a different period, if specified in SCC, of the Notification ofAward, sign the Contract Agreement and provide a Performance Security or, where applicable, a

Performance Security Declaration for the due performance of the Contract. Performance SecurityDeclaration shall be taken from Department of the State Government and undertakings, corporations,autonomous bodies, registered societies, co-operative societies which ilre owned, controlled or managedby the $tate Government and undertakings of Central Government. Thr: State Government may relax theprovision of Performance Security in particular procurement.

The amount of Performance Security shall be five percent, or as specfled in the BDS, of the amount ofthe supply order. ln case of Small Scale Industries of Rajasthan it shall be one percent of the amount ofquantity ordered for supply of Goods and in case of sick industries, other than Small Scale Industries,whose cases are pending before the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), it shall betwo percent of the amorrnt of supply order The currency cf Performanc,: Securitv shall be Indian P"reFc,'i'.1_,..ss ' ri S,- -. :. ::n B:-'>

Performance Security shall remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of allcontractual obligations of the Bidder, including warranty obligations and operation and/ or maintenanceand defect liability period, if any,

Failure of the successful Bidder tc submit the above-mentioned Performance Security or sign theContract within the specified time period shall constitute sufflcient grourrds for the annulment of the awardand forfeiturc of the Bid Security. In that event the Procuring Entity miay award the Contract to the nextlowest evalualed Bidder at the rates of the lowest bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and is

determined by the Procuring Entity to be qualified to perform the Contra:t satisfactorily.

The Performance Security shall be denominated in the currency of the (lontract and shall be in one of thefollowing forms:(i) Bank Draft or Banker's Cheque of a Scheduled Bank in India; or

(ii) National Savings Certificates and any other scripV instrument under National Savings Schemes forpromotion of small savings issued by a Post Office in Rajasthan, f the same can be pledged underthe relevant rules. They shall be accepted at their surrender value at the time of Bid and formallytransferred in the name of the Procuring Entity with the approval of Head Post Master, or

(iii) Bankguarantee. ltshall beofascheduledBankinlndiainprescrbedorotheracceptableformatorfrom other lssuer acceptable to the Procuring Entity. The bank guarantee shall be got verified fromthe issuing bank and conflrmer, if any; or

(iv) Fixed Deposit Receipi (FDR) oi a Schecjuled Bank. lt shall be in ihe name of the Procuring Entity on


4.4 3



6.1 ,/


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Bidding Document - tloods (SS2E Bid) Section Vt A - General Conditions of Contract


account of Bidder and discharged by the Bidder in advance. The Procuring Entity shall ensure

before accepting the Fixed Dep6sit R6ceipt that the Bidder furnishes an undertaking from the bank

to mafe paymenV premature payment oi the Fixed Deposit Receipt on demand to the Procuring

Entity without requirement of consent of the Bidder concenled. In the event of forfeiture of the

performance Securiiy, the Fixed Deposit shall be forfeited along with interest earned on such Fixed


The oroceeds of the Performance Security shall be forfeited and shall be payable as compensation to the

Procuring Entity on happening of any of the events mentioned belorr:

(i) when the Supplier does not sign the Agreement in accordilnce with ITB Clause 6'4 lSigning of

Contractl witfrin the specified tiire; after issue of letter of ar;ceptance/ placement of supply order

within the specified Period; or

(ii) when the Supplier fails to commence the supply of the Goods or Related Services as per supply

order within the time specifled, or

(iii) when Supplier fails to make complete supply of the Goods or Related Services satisfactorily within

the time sPecified; or

(iv) When any terms and conditions of the Contract is breached, o'(v) if the Supplier breaches any provision of the

-Code of Integribr prescribed for Bidders in the Act and

Chapter Vl of the Rules and as specified in ITB Clause 1 3'

Notice of reasonable time will be given in case of forfeiture of Peribrmance Security. The decision of the

Procuring Entity in this regard shall be flnal.

Liquidated Damages

Subject to provlsions of GCC Clause 2.15 and 3.8, if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods

orp'erform'tt1e Related Services within the period specifred in tlre Contracl, the Procuring Entity shall'

.without prejudice to all its other remedies under the Contract, deduct frorn ihe eclntract Price, as

liquidated d-amages on the basis of following percentages of value of Goods and/ or Related Service

which the Supplier has failed to supply or complete:-



tlo. )ondition LD%

a. Oetay up to one fourth period of the speci'fied period

of delivery, successful installation and cornpletion of

subject matter of procurement.


h GEy exaeed-ing one fourth but not exceeding half

of the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subject matter of



De-E!, exceed-frg half but not exceeding three fourth

of the specified period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subject matter of


7.5 %

o. Delay exceeding three fourth of the specified period

of delivery, successful installation and cornpletion of

subject matter of procurement.

10.o %


Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies, succes;sful installation and completion of work

shall be eliminated if it is less than half a day.

The value of Goods and/ or Related Services not received in specified time should be calculated

carefully. The method of calculation for contracts which include rnultiple items of supply/ service in case

individuil value of each item is nottaken in the Bid should be genr:rallygiven inthe SCC'

For turnkey projects in which cost of individual items is not known also, the total value of the turnkey

project snait beiore the basis for imposing LD (if due) if apportionment formula is not given in the SCC'

The maximum amount of liquidated damages shall be 10%. Once the maximum is reached' the

Procuring Entity may terminate the Contract pursuant to GCC Clalse 5

Recoveries of liquidated damages, short supply, breakage, rejected arlicles shall ordinarily be made from

bills. Amount may also be withheld to the eltent of short supply, breakages-, rejected articles and in case

of failure in satis'factory replacement by the Supplier along with amount of liquidated damages shall be

recovered from his dues and Performance Security availabie with the Procuring Entity. ln case balance of

recovery is not possible, recourse will be taken under Rajasthan Public Demand Recovery Act or any

other law in force.


The Supplier should warrant that all the Goods are new, unutled, and of the most recent or current

modeis,' ind that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials, unless provided

otheruise in the Contract.

Subiect to GCC Sub-Clause 2.7, lhe Supplier should further warrant that the Goods shall be free from





Page 254: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidriing Documerlt - t:ioods (SS2E Bid) Section VI A - General Conditions of Contract

defects arising from any act or omission of the Supplier or arising frcm design, materials, and

workmanshiP, under normal use

4.6.3 Unless otherwise specified in the scc, the warranty shall remerin valid for twelve (12) months after

supply of tne CooOi and completion the Related Services have lreen accepted at the final destination

indicated in th; aC-c, or in case of Goods being imported after the placement of Supply order, for

eighteen (18) months'after the date of shipment-or loading in tfre country of origin, whichever period

concludes earlier. However, if the warranty provided by the manufacturer is for longer period the same

shall aPPlY.

4.6.4 The procurrng Entity shall give Notice to the Supplier stating the nrature of any such.defects together with

all availabte evidence ihereof, prompily tottowini the discoiery thtlreof. The Procuring Entity shall afford


4.6.5 Upon recerpt of such Notice, the Supplier shall within thirty (30) days, or within a different period if

specified in the SCC, expeditiously repair or replace the defectiver Goods or parts thereof, at no cost to

the Procuring EntitY.

4.6.6 In case of machinery and equipment also, guarantee will be give'n as mentioned in clause 4 6 3 above

and the Supplier shall during the guarantee period replace the parts / whole if any and remove any

manufacturing defect if found during the above period so as to make machinery and equipment

operative. fne Suppfier shall also replace machinery and equipnLent in case it is found defective which

cannot be put to operation due to manufacturing defect, malfunctioning, etc

4.6.7 In case of machinery and equrpment specified by the Procuring llntity the Supplier shall be responsible

for carrying out annual maintenance and repairs on the terms and conditions as may be agreed at the

time of entering in to the contract. The Supplier shall also be rr:sponsible to ensure adequate regular

supply of spare"parts needed for a specific iype of machinery and equipment whether under their annual

maintenance and repairs rate contract or otherwise'

In case of change of model he will give sufficient notice to the Procu|ing Eniity who may like to puichase

spare parts frorn-them to maintain the machinery and equipment ir perfect condition.

4.6.g lf having been notified, the Supplier fails to remedy the defect within the period specified; the Procuring

Entity may proceed to take within a reasonable period such remedial action as may be necessary, at the

Supplier,s risk and expense and without preiudice to any other rights which the Procuring Entity may

have against the Supplier under the Contract

4.7. Patent IndemnitY

4.7.1 The Supptier shail, subject to the Procuring Entity's compliance- with GCC Sub-Clause 4.7 2, indemnify

and hold harmless'the procuring Entity and'its employees and officers from and against any and all suits'

actions or administrative proceedings, claims, demands losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any

nature, including attorney;s fees and epenses, which the Procuring Entlty may suffer as a result of any

infringement or"uf[g;d i;'iringement of any patent, utility model, registered design, trademark, copyright,

or other intellectual"property-right registered or otherwise existinrS at the date of the Contract by reason


the installation of the Goods by the Supplier or the use of the Goods where the Site is located; and

The sale in any country ofthe products produced by the Goods

Such indemnity shall not cover any use of the Goods or any part thereof other than for the purpose

indicated Oy oi to be reasonably inferred from the Contract, neither any infringement resulting from

the use of the Goods or any part thereof, or any produ<ls produced thereby in association. or

combination with any other equipment, plant, or materials not supplied by the Supplier, pursuant to

the Contract.

4.7.2 lf any proceedings are brought or any claim is made against the Procuring Entity arising out of the

matters referred io in GCC Sub- Clauie 4.7.1, the Procuring Entity shall promptly give the Supplier a

notice there of, and the Supplier shall at its own expense and in the Procuring Entity's name conduct

such proceedings or claim and any negotiations for the settlemen: of any such proceedings or claim.

4.7.3 lf the Supplier fails to notify the Procuring Entity within twenty-eight (28) days after receipt of such notice

that it intends to conduct any such proteedings or claim, then the Procuring Entity shall be free to

conduct the same on its own behalf and at the expenses of the supplier.

4.7.4 The procuring Entity shall, at the Supplier's request, afford all available assistance to the Supplier in

conducting sudn proceeOings or claim, and shall be reimburt;ed by the Supplier for all reasonable

expenses incurred in so doing

4.7.5 The Procuring Entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the Supplier and its employees, officers, and

SubcontractorJ fror and against any and all suits, actions or administrative proceedings, claims,

demands, losses, damages, costs, and expenses of any nature, including,attorney's fees and expenses,

which the Supplier may lutfer as a result of any infringement or alleged infringement of any patent, utility

model, registeied desi!n trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right registered or otherwise

existing al the date o-f the Contract arising out of or in conrection with any design, data' drawing,

specification, or other documents or materials provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring



( iii)


Page 255: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE








Biciciing Document - Good.q (b521. 8i,1) Section VI A - Gcnu'al Conditioas of C;:;r:ct


Limitation of Liability

Except in cases of gross negligence or wilful misconduct '

(i) neither party shall be liable to the other party for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, lossof use. loss of production, ci' loss of profits or interest costs,

(ii) provided that this exclusion shall not apply to any obligation of the Supplier to pay liquidateddamages to the Procuring Entity; and

(iii) the aggregate liability of the Supplier to the Procuring Entity, rruhether under the Contract, in tort, orotherwise, shall not be less than the amount of the Contracl Price but not exceed the amount (ifspecified) in the SCC, provided that this limitation shall not apply to the cost of repairing orreplacing defective equipment, or to any obligation of the Supplier to indemnify the Procuring Entitywith respect to patent infringement.

Termination and Disputes

Termination for Default

The Procuring Entity, without prejudice to any other remedy underthe provisions of theAct, the Rules orthe Contract for breach of Contract, by Notice of default sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contractin whole or in part: if the Supplier fails to deliver any or all of the Goods and/ or Related Services withinthe period specified in the Contract, or within any extension thereof granted by the Procuring Entitypursuant to GCC Clause 3,8; or lf the Supplier fails to perform any other obligation under the Contract. lfthe Supplier, in the judgment of the Procuring Entity has breached the Code of lntegrity, as defined in

GCC Clause 2.3, in competing for or in executing the Contract.

In the event the Procuring Entity terminates the Contract in whole or in part, pursuant to GCC Clause51.1, the Procuring Entitv may procure, uoon such terms -^'i in:rtch manner 25 i1 ,ieems an;,''rpriate,Goods and/ or ileiateo ur.i,/rces sinrilar to those rrndi:iivere'j or nor perfcrmeo, and ihc Supptrur shali be

liable to the Procuring Entity for any additional costs for such similar Goods or Related Services.However, the Supplier shall continue performance of the Contract to the extent not terminated.

Termination for Insolvency

The Procuring Entity may at any time terminate the Contract by giving Notice to the Supplier if theSupplier becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. In such event, termination will be withoutcompensation to the Supplier, provided that such termination wil not prejudice or affect any right ofaction or remedy that has accrued or will accrue thereafter to the Procuring Entity.

Termination for Convenience

The Procuring Entity, by Notice sent to the Supplier, may terminati: the Contract, in whole or in part, atany time for its convenience.

The Notice of termination shall specify that termination is for the Procuring Entity's convenience, theextent io which performance of the Supplier under the Contract is terminated, and the (late upon whichsuch termination becomes effeciive

The Goods that are complete and ready for shipment at the time of Supplie/s receipt of the Notice ofterminatior may, if required, be accepted by the Procuring Entity at the Contract terms and prices.

Dispute Resolution




5.4FA 1


5 4.3

Any disputes arising out of this Bid shallconstituted for the purpose.

Arbitration may be applicable in case ofResolution Committee.

Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be subject to the courts having jurisdiction at Udaipur only.

be referred to the Disoute Resolution Committee to be

disputes which remain unresolved through the Dispute

Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)



Page 256: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

SiCCing Document .,Goods (SS2E Ric) S+ction VI B - Special C.rnCifions of Coutract


Section W B: Special Condition$ of ContractTh-e following Special Conditions of Contiact (SCC) shall suppleme,nt the General Conditions of Contract(GCC). Whenever there is a conflict, the provisions herein shali prevail over those in the GCC.

t. The location of delivery of goods reiated services will be the premises r:f the collegeDairy and Food Science Technology, MPUAT, Udaipur. Hovrever, any other unit of the universitylocated anv where in the state of Rajasthan may also place order using ttris bid and in that case thelocation of'delivery shall be the premises of that unit.

The order will be placed by the Dean, CDFST, Udaipur or a-rry other unit officers c,f the university& the supply is to be made at FOR Indenter office or as spr:cified in the supply order within thearea of MPUAT, Udaipur. Payment will be made by indenting officer aft., ,utisiu"tory supply andsuccessful installation, commissioning, training, etc. (if applicerble)

The delivery period of goods/related services will be 15 days from the date of placement of order.However, the procurement entity may approve a shorter/longer delivery period, if appropriate inview of urgency of goods to procuring entity /or nature of gooils etc.

Liability on the part of Universiry will arise only when the suppll' order is issued b:r the IntendingOfficer of the University.

Atty dispute arising out of this contracf shall be subiecl to the cc;rts h^',inc, i,.1isr!i^ti^,- .r rIJ;i-,,-e'rr i1 .

Approved rate will be effective upto 31.03.2015 & approved supplier has to execute all the ordersreceived by him upto 31.03.2015.Supplier is r:equired to supply relevant instructional manual ancl took kit.Price should be inclusive of commission & trainine.Battery limit for service is 10m







Signature of Bidder(with date and stamp)


Page 257: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

l- - , .**-*

Bidding Documeni' Goads (SS2E Bid) Section VI C - Contract Forms

Section VI C: Contract FormsAgreement

(to be executed on a non iuoiciat stamp of appropriate value)

1. An agreement made this


day of befween (hereinafter called "the

approved supplier';, *iti"i, ,*pr.r-l*-shail' where the conte>lt so admits, be deemed to include his

heirs successors, executors and administrators) of the one part and the The Dean, college of Dairy

and Food science Technology, MpuAT, uiaipur (herein after called "the university" which

expression shall, where the context so admits, bL deemed t' include his successors in office and

assigns) ofthe other Part.

2. Whereas the approved supplier has agreed with the University to supply to the Direct Demanding

officers of the University;t its Headoffice as well as at brarLch offices throughout Rajasthan, all

those articles set forth in the schedule appended hereto in the manner set forth in the conditions of

the tender and contract appended nerewith and at the rates set forth in column


of the

said schedule Which rates shall be firm and no escalation on whatsoever shall be allowed and/or


3. And whereas the approved supplier has deposited a Rs. -.-- in-Cash/Bank Draft/Challan no./ Banker Cheque No'_---

s6 rlfdattd

Post Offrce Savings Bank Pass Book duly hypothecated to thr: Departmental authorify'

.)latiqnal Savings Certifieeter0afenee Sa'rings !ef1l..fi-+ates' K':^san \iikas Patss';'*'a-'5'other-

"$t't*1t,r-"ni ,rna"r National Saving Schemes for pidmotirln of Small Savings, if the same can

be pleased under the relevant rule. (The certificates being accepted at surrender value) as Security

for the due performance of the aforesaid agreement *hi"lt ]tut been formally transferred to the

departmental authoritY.

Now these Presents witness:

ln consideration of the payment to be made by the University through- at the rates set forth in

the Schedule hereto appended the approved supplier will duly supply the said articles set forth

in__ and thereoi in the manner set forth in the conditions of the tender and


The conditions of the tender and contract for open tender enc,losed to the tender notice No'-dated and also appended to this agreement will be deemed to be taken as parl of this

agreernent and are binding on the parties executing this agreenLent.

Letters Nos.- received from tenderer and letters nos..- issued by the University and

appended to this agreement shall also form part of this agreem(rnt.

(a) The university do hereby a$ee that if the approved supplier shall duly supp].y the said

articles in the manner aforesaid observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the

University will through pay or cause to be paid to the approved supplier al the

time and the manner set io.tt in the said conditions, the amount payable for each and every


(b) The mode of Payment wili be as specified below:-





The delivery shall be effected and completed withirr t;he period noted below from the date

of supply order:-

S" No. Name of Item Quantig Delivery period



Page 258: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documefi.- Goods 652E Bid) Section VI C - Contract .t-or:ns

(1) (i) lncaseof extensio@made on the basis of following percentages of varue of'cioods and Related

the recovery shall beServices which the

has tailed to su

No. Condition t;-L, %A Delay up to one fourth period of the

prescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of procurement.

') < o,/^

b. Delay exceeding one fourth but notexceeding half of the prescribed period ofdeiivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

5.0 %

Delay exceeding half but not exceedinfthree fourth of the prescribed period ofdelivery, successful installation andcompletion of subject matter ofprocurement.

7.5 %

"qDgley exceg_ding three fo'rr.th=-tf - theprescribed period of delivery, successfulinstallation and completion of subjectmatter of Drocurement.

10.0 %

Note:i. Fraction of a day in reckoning period of delay in supplies shall be eliminated if it is less than half a


ii. The maximum amount of agreed liquidated damages shall be l0%iii. If the supplier requires an extension of time in completion of contractual supply on account of

occurrence of any hindrances, he shall apply in writing to the authority which had placed thesupply order, for the same immediately on occurrence of the hindrance but not after the stipulateddate of completion of supply.

(2) Delivery period may be extended with or without liquidated clanages if the delay in the supply ofGoods is on account of hindrances beyond the control of the Sr.rpplier.

All disputes arising out of this agreement and all questions relating trt r.he interpretation of this agreementshall be decided by the University and the decision of the University shall be final.

ln witness whereof the parties hereto have set their hands on the........ day of ........20.......


* -,-{|G - *.

Signature of the approved supplier



Witness No.1;

Witness No. 2:

Signature for and orr behalf of Procuremententity



Witness No.l :

Witness No. 2:

o. lJ

Page 259: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Bidding Documettt - Gc'ods (SS2-E Bid)

h"t;*ffi :::ff".,:;;!f,lil[fJffi:ll:i.racceptauretotrreProcuringEntitv)

Date: -Contract Name and No':

Section VI C - Contract Forms


wHEREAs--(hereinafter..thesupplier,,)hasun<lertaken'pursuanttoContract\1^ dated -

to 'uppty

- (hereinafter "the Contract")

; -*-^, *as been stipulated by you in the aforementioned contract that the Supplier shall

furnish you with a Security issued by "

,rn"r"il'eu*uJ"'- r* lT:;; tp""in"a therein as security for

compliance n,ith the su#"i;, performance oliigu:tio* in accordance'with the contract'

AND *HEREAs the undersigred' ]*gury domiciled in


'(hereinafter '1he

Guarantor"), have agr"Jto giv-e the Supplier a Security:

THEREFoRE'-WE.herebya$iqn4'?ty.':areGuarantorsarrdresponsible*y"}:^?1'behalfoftheSupplier, up to a ,orJ oi

' .'-- . ana *" undertake'to ot, tit' -p* y:y^lltt': written demand

oecraringthesupplieir,Si.**r"*"*.;i*,";1ilil'$::i:ffi f ::r1,:lT:x'i#i":ro""J.:o:T'within the limits of -reasons for your O"-una o' ttt" t"- tp"cified therein'

This SecuritY is valid until the day of


In the caPacitY of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalfof:


Bank's Seal:

6.14 v,/"

Page 260: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Biddins Document - Goods (SS2E Bid)

Date: [insert date (as day, month ard year)]

Contract Name and No':linsert name and number of Contract]

To: The Dean, college of Dairy and Food science Technology, MPUAT, Lldaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:

We understand that,

Security Declaration[insert name of subj ect matter of pror:urement] 'Contract


[insert signature of person whose name and capacity are shown]

ln the capacity of:

[insert legal capacity of person signing the Performance Security Declaration]

Name:---[insert complete name of person signing the Performance Security De';laration]

Duly authorized to sign the Performance Security Declaration for and on behalf ofi

[insert complete name of Supplier]

Dated on

Corporate Seal-

day of, [insert date of signing]

Section VI C - (lontract Forms

2. Performance Security Declaration(To be submitted irr lieu of performance security by the govt' depts, etc. as per ITB)

according to your conditions, the contract must be supported by a Performance

as a guarantee to ensure fulhllment of our all performance obligations under the

We accept that w13 will automatically be suspended from being eligible tbr bidding in any contract with

you io, tire period of time of [procuring Entity to indicate here the period of time for which the Procuring

bntity wlil declare a Bidder ineligible to be awarded a contract if the performance Security Declaration is

to be executed.] starting on the date that we receive a notificatiolr from you' The Dean, College of

Technology anlg,rgineJring, MPUAT, Udail,:i ihat ct r- Perfcrmmce 9c:rrrity !-reclsralicn is exelrteil;-'!

we are in Leach of any of oiu performance obligation under the conditions of the Contract'

We understand this performance Security Declaration shall expire after 60 days of completion of our all

obligations under the Contract including warranty/ Guarantee, operation, maintenance, etc' in accordance

with the conditions of the Contract.

6.15 v-/

Page 261: coLLEGE oF DAi'I#; ffi *; fr-f,t 'ffi;; c · Prof. L.K. Murdia, DEAN Tele FaxPh.0294-2470139,24707 l9(O) 0294-247047 9, E-mail-cdfst20l I @email.com COLLEGE OF DAIRY & FOOD SCIENCE

Sidding Docntnent * Goods (SS2E Bid)

3. Advance Payment Security


Contract Name and No.:

In accordance with the payment provision included in the

- (hereinafter called "the Supplier") shall

consisting of___, to guarantee its proper and faithfulsaid Clause of the Contract, in the amount of


Section VI C - Contract Forms

Contract, in relation to advance payments,

deposit with the Procuring Entity a Securityperformarce of the obligations imposed by


We, the undersigned legally domiciled in --(hereinafter

"theGuarantor"), as instructed by the Supplier, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary

obligor and not as surety merely, the payment to the Procuring Entity on its first demand withoulwhatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the Supplier, in the amount no1


This Security shall remain validSuppliei',,^,.;# tne L;ontract unfi I


and in full effect from the date of the advance payment "eceived by the

In the capacity' of:


Duly authorised to sign the Security for and on behalfot


Bank's Seal:

b. lb
