Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

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Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

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cLOPCO4ry+ &Y H A N Y A HOLM., Settikys 4 Sstume.v JeshyrePdGy

LEhAUEL LAYERS T ~ o d u c i i o n S,OJQ~ & JOHN C . WILSON

Page 2: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate


Music and Lyrics by



WHY CAN'T YOU BEHAVE . . . . . . . . .




SO IN LOVE . . . . . . . . . . . . .

WUNDERBAR . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Applteatlons for performance of thts work, wt~eiher legitimate, stock, amateur, or foreign, should be addressed to:

TAMS-WITMARK 560 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10022

For all works contained herein: international Copyright Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in U.S.A.

Unauthorized copying, arranging, adapting, recording or public performance is an infringement of copyright Wringers are liable under the law.

Page 3: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate
Page 4: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

I Am Ashamed That Women Are So Simple Words by

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (slightly altered by Cole Porter, with apologirt)

A Andantino





with calm diction,

P molto Legato

I of - fer war where they should kneel fzr peace Or

Copyrigfit@ 1948 by COLE PORTER. Copyri&t Renewed, +ed to John F. Wharton, Truetee of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL and LITERARY TRUSTS.

CHAPPELL & CO., INC., publiicr and owncr of pubtication and died righta thmugtrout the world. lnternationd Copydght Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in U.S.A.

Unauthorized copying. ururging. adapting, recording oc publie pedonaana ir .n infringement 01 copy+t Infrfngcm arc LiahIe under the. low.

Page 5: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

I seek for rule, su - pre - ma - cy and sway When they aze

I " bound to skrve, love and '- o - bey. why

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Am7 D? 6

Should well a -


tern - per

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-- - - v e- I ease.

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Were Thine That Special Face


Words and Music by Andantino con m o b COLE PORTER

I - I wrote r po - em In class - ic style,

I" I wrote it with my tongue kr my Gheek And my lips in e emile,

Copyxi& @I948 by COLE PORTER Copyright Renewed, &ed t o John F. Whuton, Tlustee of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL md LITERARY TRUSTS.

CHAPPELL & CO.. INC., publid.lcr md owner of pullcmtim and allied throughout the world. Intvnrt id Copyaight Securcd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Rinted in U.S.A.

UnauthorQad copying, PrrPngine. adapting, reed ing or pub& performance is an infringement of copyright Infringem ut llrblc under tht law.

Page 9: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

I my sur - prise, it sud-den- ly ap - plies to my dar - ling. t'; you.

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Am A m7 An? 6

\ poco a poco m a

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T ha love which fills mY

Cdim E P P7 Am Am7

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Why Ca You Behave Molto moderato

VForda m d Mask by COLE PORTER

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I c'an't you be - have?-

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all in tha wsrld 1 crave,

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" Always True To You In My Fashion MTurd;o a d Music b$


Chwctght @ 1 4 U by COLE PQRFER r a w t h w c d . asrlpcd taJnkn F. Wh-. T n u k of the COLE MRmK MUSEAL d LI'?ERAI&Y TJLUSTS

CllAPPeLL & CO,. IRE.. ptBlLbn rard m u cd pubbub~ll and p&d at@& tbrw&amr tk+ wwlh E m t m m t i a r r l Srcuml ALL RIGIITS RESERVED P&a*d in L!.AA.

Usua&arim*d ropy& mm&ng+ adq- diq ar puMLr pcdarslum L m inf-mi d cogyri&t. 1rmrringEm prr w e lrndw fhc Lu.

Page 16: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

I - in the bank,- Eachtime we try

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But I'm a1 - ways true to you,- But I'm a1 - ways true t o _you,-

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a1 - ways true to you,- dar - lin: in my a1 - ways true to you, - dar - i n , in my

I've been asked to have a meal - From Mil - wau - kee, Mis - ter Fritz -

BY a Oft - en

I big ty - coon in steel ,- dines me at the Ritz,,

If the meal in - cludes a deal- Mis - ter Ritz in - vent - ed S c h l i t ~


- ac - - And Schlitz must pay. But I'm

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1 -

a1 - ways true to y o u , dar - i n , in my fash - ion, a1 - ways true to you, - dar - 1 in my fash - ion.

Who is keen to give me checks, And his Wants to give my cheek a pat,- If the


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Gma .I i Ff$ ti% #Ig9 I , I 1 I I I 1 r - I

checks, I fear,- mean t i a t "Tex" L here- to I r I 1

stay! Har - ris yat- means a Pa - ris hatl- *BC! - b

n my fash-ion,

From 0 -

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Brush Up Your Shakespeare

A Bqery Waltz

Words and Music by COLE PORTER

Piano I

I class - i - wl po - e t - ry, So, to win their hearts, one must

I quote with ease Aes - cby - lus and Eu - ri - pi - A >

Gipyrl&t 01949 by COLE PORTER &Wright Renewed, d p c d to John F. Whrrton, Trustee of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL and LITERARY TRUSTS

CHAPPELL & CO., MC, pubhiher uni owner of pubkcation md d i e d rlghta duw&out the wodd. hlunrtiond Cq@&t Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Rinted in U.S. A.

Unluthoriecd copyhg, unurgln& drpttr& ncording or public p c r f ~ c c is an hfrhgmuent of copyright MrkrgezlluelLblcundathehw.

Page 24: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

des, One must know Horn-er and b'lieve me, bo, I , =? >: Soph - o - cles, =t . .

I - a1 - so Sap - pho - ho, Un - less you know She1 - ley and Keats and

I pope, Dain - ty deb-bies will call you a dope. But the po - et

Page 25: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

rav - in

of Strat - ford - on - A - von.

I Brush Brush Brush

U P your Shake - speare, UP your Shake - speare, U P your Shake - speare,

Start Start Start

Page 26: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

And the wo - men will wow. wo - men will wow.

Just de - claim a few lines from 0 - the1 - l a If your goil .is a Wash - ing - ton Heights dream, If you ca,n't be a ham and do Ham - let

And they'll Treat the They will

spond when you fiat - ter 'er Brit - ish em - bes - s i - da ca - sion - al son - net,

Tell her what To - ny told Cle - o - Try a crack out of Troi - lus and And your lap - '11 have Hon - ey up -

Page 27: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

cr I p a - ter - er. Cres- si - da,

on it .

I T I U And if still to be shocked she pre - tends, well,

If she says she won't buy it or tike* it, When your ba - by is plead - ing for plea - sure

Make her "tikt: it, what's more, As You

* Cocock~tey fur e e

Page 28: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

"Birr Y e HateJ8 err



- - Another Op7nin7, Another Show

.,I Words and Music by

## Allegro (very l i v e 0


Copyright a1949 by COLE PORTER Copyright Renewed, migned to John F. Wharton, T ~ s t c e of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL and LITERARY TRUSTS.

CHAPPELL & CO.. INC., publieher and owner of publication and allied right6 throughout the world. International Copyright Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in U.S.A.

Unauthorized copying, arranging, a d a p t i i recording or public performance ie an infringement of copyright. Infringere are liable under the law.

Page 29: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

Will make your fu - e for - get your past,- An -

i I I I

Bbdim I

sb7 ~b C7

I - 0th - er pain - where the ul - cers grow,- An - 0th - er op'-

' I I

- nin' of an- 0th - er show! Four . . I

weeks,- you re -

Page 30: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

One week,-will it e v - e r be right?- Then


~b sbe

You cross your fin - pers and

I - hold your heart,- It's cur - tain time - and a - way we go,-

Page 31: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

w ' - nin' of an - 0th - er show. An -

I !

I Cm? Bh+maj.7 Eb Bb7


* - --- : CJ ..-..-----------

Page 32: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate


So In Love Words and Music by COLE PORTER

MO aeraro

I ' 1 ' I ' I '

Refrain (in steady moderate tempo, not slowly) A I

Copyri&t @ 1948 by COLE PORTER Copyright Renewed, wigned to John F. Wh~rton, Trustee of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL and LITERARY TRUST'S.

CHAPPELL & CO.. INC., publisher and owner of publieation and died rights throughout the world. Inlematiand Copyright Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in U.S.A.

Unauthorized copying, urPngin& adapting, recordiig or public performance is an infringement of copyright. Infringe= are W e under the hw.

Page 33: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

I - know, dar - ling, why, So in love with you am

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lir - i - ous When I knew that you could care, s o

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Wunderbar Words and Music by

COLE PORTER Tempo di Valse oiucty)

Piano I I

az - ing down o

cha - let for Let us drink, Lieb - chen

Copyright O 1948 by COLE PORTER Copyright Renewed. ndgned to John F. Morton, T n u k of the COLE PORTER MUSICAL and LITERARY TRUSTS

CHAPPELL & CO.. INC, publisher and o m r of publication and J l k d +b throqhout the world. In taMt id Copyrnt Secured ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in U.S.A.

U ~ u t h o b d copying, arranging, adapting. recording or pubk performance in an hfxhgement o f copyright Infrinsus ue W e under the law.

Page 37: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

Ll Refrain

I per - fect night for love, Here am I,

1 " here you are, Why, it's tru - ly wun - der -

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Page 39: Cole+Porter+ +Kiss+Me+Kate

care, dear, - for you And I

I dear,- For jour kiss. X would

I I die, dear- for you glad - lyT- You're di - vine, - dear!-

wun - der-

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I bar ! There's our f a v y - rite s tar a - bove,

it's wun - der - bar! Wun - der -

wun - der


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