ColdFusion Code Security Michael Smith President TeraTech, Inc ColdFusion, database & VB custom development and training. http://www.teratech.com 800-447-9120

ColdFusion Code Security

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ColdFusion Code Security. Michael Smith President TeraTech, Inc ColdFusion, database & VB custom development and training. http://www.teratech.com 800-447-9120. Speaker Information. Who am I? Michael Smith President of TeraTech, Inc Rockville MD http://www.teratech.com/ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ColdFusion Code Security

Michael Smith


TeraTech, Inc

ColdFusion, database & VB custom development and training.



Speaker Information

Who am I? Michael Smith President of TeraTech, Inc Rockville MD

http://www.teratech.com/ ttWebReportServer, CFXGraphicserver

MDCFUG, CFUN-02, Fusebox Conf Articles in CFDJ, Fusion Authority

IntroductionThe ColdFusion security

challenge: Keeping hackers out While still letting users and friendly

apps in Balance security vs easy of use

The Challenge


ColdFusion SecurityHere is what we will be covering: Error handling Form Validation Page parameter validation User Authentication Members Only Encryption and passwords

Not covered in this talk

Server security Database security Hardware security Operating system security TeraTech’s CF201 Class covers

more security topics than we can cover in an hour.

Error handling Always have an error handler in

Application.cfm Never display default CF errors -

gives out SQL information and template paths

Instead email error to admin Don’t explain why attempt failed Standard processing time

Error handling code

In Application.cfm:<cferror type="EXCEPTION"

template="error_exception.cfm" mailto="#Request.ErrorNotifyEmail#"><CFMAIL to="#error.MailTo#"

from="[email protected]" subject="ColdFusion Error">#error.RemoteAddress##error.Template##error.DateTime##error.Diagnostics#


Form Validation

Why it is important Underscore validation CFFORM validation Javascript validation CF validation SQL validation Fake form submits

Why is validation important?

Malicious exploits are possible Bad data may be entered Server crashes Hacker can force an error


Underscore Validation

AKA Form-level validation Easiest to implement<Input Type=“Hidden”

Name=“field_required” value=“Error message”>

Runs on the server based on this hidden parameter from the form page

Trusts the browser that the form variable is passed

Effectively client-side, although actual validation occurs on the server

CFFORM Validation

Automagically generates form-level validation and javascript validation

Works well enough in simple forms Does not adapt well for complex

forms, need for complex validation, javascript, etc.

Generally roll-your-own is preferred

Still trusts browser

Javascript Validation

Available many places Swipe from the source code

generated by CFForm http://builder.com/

Totally browser dependent With CF Form, won’t even submit if

javascript not present Effectively useless with 508 BUT! Least server traffic

CF Validation

Occurring on the ACTION page, on the server side

Need not trust the browser 508 compliant, browser

independent A little more complicated to write,

but necessary on public sites

Authentication Stateless web - any page can call

another - this is good for open sites Hacker pages call your page with

false data Use CGI. HTTP_REFERER to

control who calls you Use CGI. CF_TEMPLATE_PATH

application.cfm control what is run.

Warning - Can be

spoofed by browser

Fake form submits

Hacker copies your HTML source to their machine, edits form fields and submits to your action page.

They can now edit your hidden fields or remove fields to generate error messages

Hidden form field token Check HTTP_REFERER is in your


Fake URLs

Hacker edits your URL to get data they shouldn’t see or to force page error.

Protect URLs with checksum – eg hash() function.

Fake cookies

Cookies can be faked too – they are just in text file on client machine

Don’t assume cookie value is valid For top security add checksum to


Page Validation URL and Form parameters used in SQL


Extra SQL commands on SQL Serverhttp://myserver/page.cfm?ID_VAR=7%3BDELETE


| VBA functions - shell() on Access xp_cmdshell in SQL Server

Use VAL() on parameters or check for ‘ and | or use <CFQUERYPARAM>

Encrypt Variables Checksum URLs

The Challenge



Code example


Also runs faster SQL too – cached query plan.

Protect CFINCLUDE and CFMODULE files Don’t let CFINCLUDE and

CFMODULE files be run standalone – they may do bad things or generate error messages

Protect using a naming convention/ subdirectory and test in application.cfm of CGI.script_name

Especially important for Fusebox applications with many include files

Code to protect CFINCLUDE files For Fusebox In Application.cfm:

<CFIF CGI.script_name contains “index.cfm”>

<!--- ok to run --->


<CFABORT SHOWERROR="Protected page">

</CFIF> Non-Fusebox – check filename/directory

Code Defensively

Assume bad things will happen and code for them

Always code the CFELSE and CFDEFAULTCASE

Check input parameters exist using CFPARAM, they are of correct type and are that they are in range.

E.g. <CFPARAM NAME="" TYPE="numeric“>

Datasource password

Don’t put datasource userid and password in CF Admin – if any template is compromised hacker can destroy data

Don’t hardcode in every CFQUERY call Use request variables in application.cfm

and encrypt it Or for super security set up user

accounts in Oracle and have users enter userid/password when they logon.

Input massaging

Textarea field may be stored to database for redisplay

Bad users may enter JavaScript or CF functions into your text hoping you will use evaluate() on them.

Strip them out using a regular expression.


CFCONTENT can be misused to send back your source code – eg filename/path in URL

Store files it sends in directory outside of webroot.


Use Strong SSL where available http://www.thawte.com/

Require at least 8 chr password Consider requiring numbers in password Consider forcing regular password

changes depending on application Strong form validation Consider blocking accounts after multiple

failed attempts

Authentication Protected Header code

In your application.cfm or header.cfm to be included in every page.<CFIF cgi.script_name contains "/intranet/">

<cfif left(CGI.REMOTE_ADDR,11) is not "123.456.789">

<cfif not isdefined("session.authorized")>

<CFLOCATION URL=”http://www.teratech.com/logon.cfm”>


<cfset session.authorized = TRUE>


Your protected links here </cfif>

Warning - spoofed IP numbers will get around this code

Members Only

Session, client and cookies Refresh issues Timeouts Remember me

Session, client and cookiesClient Management Use short timeouts. (conflicts with 508) Consider rolling your own security

Use CFID / CFToken from URL or create your own cookies

Store information in database with a table to keep track of ID/Token combinations against user Ids

Most flexible method

Session, client and cookiesClient Management If you use session management

(as enabled with CFApplication) Lock your usage

<CFLOCK scope=“Session”> Limit session timeout, minutes not

hours Consider passing session vars into

request vars at top and bottom of page

Session, client and cookiesClient Management Use client variables in place of session

variables where you do not need to store complex values

Configure storage so that variables are stored in a DB, NOT the registry

Use WDDX if you have the occasional need for a complex variable

Don’t use too many cookies Manually test for timeout less than 2

hours – client.last_access_datetime


Use as short a timeout as practical Don’t want users annoyed Do want to protect against trouble Consider (also/instead) having cookies

go away after browser closing This is the default with cookies if you do

not specify a time If you create your own session

management, you can do more

Session Tracking

Who is logged on now Keep track of login times to see who’s

logged in now, can record activity and determine based on last activity or logoff option

Variable and structure dump Use CF_Dump or CF5 CFDump tags to

output all session variables or all cookies, etc.


Session hang over

User logs in then closes browser without logging out.

Hacker uses browser and if the session has not timed out they are logged in as previous user

Use CFCOOKIE on CFID and CFTOKEN to set these session cookies to expire immediately on browser close.

Remember Me

Sites with Login functions often have “Remember Me” option

Be careful - want to be clear what this option means

Use <CFCookie> to set your own cookie Store something other than username /

password or a flag - consider some random values

Don’t turn option on by default

Members Only

Summary Session variables can still be used,

with locks, but Client or Cookies are preferable

Use <CFLOCATION> after insert/cfmail to avoid issues

Short timeouts for login - experiment

Remember Me is easy with Cookie

Back button hacking

Hacker uses back button to view sensitive information from a users browser

Consider disabling back button, especially on logout

<CFHEADER NAME="Expires" VALUE="06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT">

<CFHEADER NAME="Pragma" VALUE="no-cache">

<CFHEADER NAME="cache-control" VALUE="no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate">


Encrypt source so even if downloaded can not be read

Be aware that decryption programs exist

Encrypt sensitive data such as credit card numbers in database using CF encrypt() and decrypt().

Consider storing hash() of password instead of plain text.

Hashing passwords


<CFIF Hash(Form.Password) IS NOT CheckPerson.PasswordHash>

<CFLOCATION URL="unauthenticated.cfm">


<CFLOCATION URL="authenticated.cfm">


Refresh Issues

If delete/insert/update pages are refreshed, or other action pages, problems occur – hacker sees error message.

Immediately <CFLOCATION> after one of these actions to avoid this

Use the addtoken=“yes” parameter to keep any session changes across pages

Resources http://www.allaire.com/developer/s

ecurityzone/ http://www.macromedia.com/v1/de

veloper/securityzone/ http://www.houseoffusion.com/

Security section

What Security Means Security is hard because a hacker

only needs one window to be open to get in while the poor webmaster must work on closing dozens of holes.

Security is a way of thinking - how can they get in...

More knowledge is power - don’t keep security tips secret!

Next Steps Conduct a security audit

Download Michael Dinowitz’s http://www.houseoffusion.com/ MunchkinLAN to test your site for holes


Validate pages Authenticate pages TeraTech’s CF201 class Questions? Email me at

[email protected]