Sinless Splurge PROJECT PROPOSAL Prepared for: Cold Stone Creamery Prepared by: Crimson Communications CRIMSON COMMUNICATIONS Crimson Communications Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

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Sinless Splurge


Prepared for: Cold Stone Creamery

Prepared by: Crimson Communications


Crimson Communications Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

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I. Research......................................................................................................3-12 Objective Statement................................................................................................3 Client...................................................................................................................3-6 History..........................................................................................................4 Promotional Material.....................................................................................4 Strengths.....................................................................................................5 Weaknesses.................................................................................................5 Products...................................................................................................5-6 Competition.................................................................................................6 Reputation...................................................................................................6 Problem Research..................................................................................................7 Solution....................................................................................................7-8 Audience Research............................................................................................9-12 Demographic and Psychographic Analysis of the Target Audience..........9-12 How the Economy Impacts Frozen Dessert Purchases................9-12 Eating in More......................................................................10 Health and Wellness Revolution.......................................10-11 Pursuing Indulgence.............................................................11 Primary Research Summary of Findings................................12

II. Objectives.................................................................................................13-15 Informational Objective.........................................................................................13 Attitudinal Objective.........................................................................................13-14 Behavioral Objective.............................................................................................14 Output Objectives...........................................................................................14-15


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III. Programming...........................................................................................16-22 Theme..................................................................................................................16

Key Messages......................................................................................................16

Special Event........................................................................................................17

Uncontrolled Media...............................................................................................18

Controlled Media.............................................................................................18-19


Social Media..............................................................................................19

Communication Principles...............................................................................19-22

Source Credibility.......................................................................................19

Salient Information................................................................................19-20

Verbal and Nonverbal Cues.......................................................................20

Two-way Communication..........................................................................20

Opinion Leaders........................................................................................21

Group Influence.........................................................................................21

Selective Exposure.....................................................................................21

Audience Participation..........................................................................21-22

IV. Evaluation.........................................................................................................23-24V. Stewardship.......................................................................................................25-26VI. Conclusion.............................................................................................................27 VII. References............................................................................................................28 VIII. Calendar...............................................................................................................29 IX. Budget....................................................................................................................30 X. Appendices........................................................................................................31-41 Appendix A: Focus Group Transcript.....................................................31-37 Appendix B: Pre-event Survey................................................................38-39 Appendix C: Post-event Survey..............................................................40-41


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Objective Statement

To increase awareness of Cold Stone Creamery’s Healthy Indulgences and other products,

while optimizing revenue and reducing effects of local competition.


Located in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Cold Stone Creamery opened in 2003. Cold Stone is

open Friday through Sunday from noon-10 p.m. and Monday through Thursday from

noon-9 p.m.

“We will make people happy,” is Cold Stone Creamery’s mission statement. Cold

Stone serves “creations” which involves mixing in high quality ingredients into the cus-

tomer’s ice cream of choice. Cold Stone has “entertainers” who sing when clients place a

tip into their tip jar.


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Originating in Tempe, Ariz., Cold Stone Creamery was founded by Donald and Su-

san Sutherland in 1988 (About Us, 2010). More than 1,400 stores currently exist in the

U.S. (About Us, 2010).

Glen Dodd is the owner of Tuscaloosa Cold Stone Creamery. Dodd bought the

store in September 2007 (Dodd, Interview). By 2009, Tuscaloosa Cold Stone’s annual

sales increased to $380,000. In 2010, sales were affected with the opening of Yogurt

Mountain by approximately 8 percent. Sales were reduced by 10 percent with the opening

of TCBY in July 2010 (Dodd, Interview). The net affect was a drop to $330,000 last year

(Dodd, Interview).

Promotional Material

Along with Cold Stone Creamery’s website, Tuscaloosa Cold Stone has a fan page

on Facebook. With over 600 million users (Carlson), companies can efficiently promote

new products and specials through Facebook, while reaching a significant amount of peo-

ple. Cold Stone’s website is beneficial because it provides a list of all product flavors. The

website also explains the background behind Cold Stone. Cold Stone currently does not

have a Twitter account. By establishing a Twitter account, Cold Stone could increase its

social media reach and, ultimately, sales.


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The location of Cold Stone Creamery is possibly its greatest strength. Cold Stone is

located on University Blvd., making the store convenient for Tuscaloosa residents and Uni-

versity of Alabama students. An added strength and selling point is its super-premium ice

cream. Cold Stone is the only store in Tuscaloosa where super-premium ice cream can be

purchased (Dodd, Interview).


Cold Stone Creamery’s product prices is a key weakness. With high competition

nearby, Cold Stone’s ice cream is more expensive than other local frozen dessert busi-

nesses. In addition to price, Cold Stone offers minimal non-fat, Healthy Indulgence op-

tions. With the growing number of people becoming health conscious, healthy products

attract customers, which Cold Stone does not have a wide variety of. With minimal seat-

ing, Cold Stone lacks a warm environment. Furthermore, Cold Stone does not provide

wireless Internet. Many college students prefer locations that offer both warm appeal and

personal utility where they can study and/or socialize. Parking near the store is also limited.


Cold Stone Creamery offers super-premium ice cream, milkshakes, cakes,

smoothies, cupcakes and Sinless Indulgences. Within the next few months, Cold Stone


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will possibly provide yogurt options in the flavors of its current ice creams. Though these

would not be self-serve like other local frozen treat stores, yogurt would offer customers

additional Healthy Indulgence choices. Super-premium ice cream is the richest available

ice cream on the market—it has more than 12 percent butter content. Cold Stone offers

two flavors of Healthy Indulgence ice cream: Sinless Sweet Cream (non-fat, sugar-free)

and Sinless Cake Batter (low-fat). Cold Stone also offers Sinless Smoothies, starting at

110 calories.


Cold Stone Creamery’s main competitor is the TCBY located in the same shopping

center. TCBY offers numerous healthy treats and is a self-serve frozen yogurt store. Other

competitors include Yogurt Lab and Yogurt Mountain, who, like TCBY, offer low-fat self-

serve yogurt, as well as Smoothie King.


Based on our research, a popular belief about Cold Stone Creamery is that it is

more expensive than the average frozen treat store, is not “student friendly,” and has less

healthy options compared to its competitors.


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Problem Research

Cold Stone Creamery is experiencing a reactive problem within the company. In the

past months, Cold Stone has seen a 10 percent drop in sales due to frozen yogurt stores

opening in the Tuscaloosa area. Competitors include Yogurt Lab, Yogurt Mountain and

TCBY. According to Cold Stone owner Glenn Dodd, a significant amount of the decreased

revenue is due to the opening of a TCBY in the same building as Cold Stone.

After reviewing annual reports, it was determined that Cold Stone Creamery has

seen a significant drop in sales since the TCBY’s opening in summer 2010. Through re-

search it was determined that there are four main factors that cause TCBY to standout

from Cold Stone: wireless Internet, store atmosphere, lower prices and a variety of low fat



A strong, quick and effective PR campaign will give Cold Stone Creamery an oppor-

tunity to fix the reactive problem of decreased revenue. Cold Stone is located within a

block of UA, which makes university students one of Cold Stone’s target audiences and

presents Cold Stone with an opportunity to increase its revenue.

Dodd said the majority of Cold Stone Creamery’s customers are females. The com-

bination of Cold Stone’s location and large female clientele designates university females


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an ideal audience to target with a PR campaign. According to a focus group conducted by

Crimson Communications, UA females are health conscious when it comes to food. The

focus group determined that most female students consider Cold Stone a splurge and of-

ten choose TCBY for its low fat options. A PR campaign focusing on Cold Stone’s Sinless

options will provide the business with an opportunity to compete with TCBY and other lo-

cal frozen yogurt businesses that offer a variety of low fat desserts.

The four factors that divide TCBY and Cold Stone Creamery can be fixed with sim-

ple solutions such as providing wireless Internet, a comfortable environment, competitive

prices or discounts, and advertising Cold Stone’s variety of Sinless options. These four fac-

tors will also assist Cold Stone in marketing to the target audience of university students.


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There are approximately 15, 265 female students, both graduate and undergraduate cur-

rently enrolled at UA (Common Data Set, 2010).

Demographic and Psychographic Analysis of the Target Audience

How the Economy Impacts Frozen Dessert Purchases

The recession has caused consumers to be further committed to finding the best

value at the best price in their everyday indulgences, such as frozen desserts. As such,

manufacturers, retailers and foodservice operators are satisfying and retaining consumers

by offering a wide variety of deals on their products.

Frozen desserts, especially super-premium products, allow for consumers to satisfy

their need for indulgences at relatively low prices. By offering bargains to consumers, mar-

keters can keep the volume flowing as retailers improve the quality of their private label

products, retaining consumer business (Packaged Facts, 2010).

According to the focus group discussion, UA females indeed follow these consumer

trends. Each participant expressed that Cold Stone was something that they treated

themselves to when they wanted to “splurge”, both because of the high fat content and

higher cost of Cold Stone’s products in comparison to the contents and costs of the prod-

ucts offered at local frozen yogurt shops.


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Eating in More

As consumers are pursuing the most value in their purchases, they are eating out

less often and choosing less expensive venues when they do choose to eat out. They are

also on a constant search for new and better deals, such as 2-for-1 offers and discount

coupons (Packaged Facts, 2010).

The TCBYs in Tuscaloosa offer what’s called “Waffle Cone Wednesday” as a dis-

count promotion. In order to get the discount, the costumer must take the dated receipt to

TCBY on Wednesday, and in return, the customer receives a waffle cone for 99 cents. This

procures TCBY two sales, one for the receipt (which, in a sense, acts as a ticket for Waffle

Cone Wednesday), and the subsequent sale on Wednesday. This sort of discount promo-

tion could potentially help Cold Stone Creamery in generating sales, as consumers are

more conscious than ever about receiving a “good deal” on the products they purchase.

Health and Wellness Revolution

In addition to the consumers’ quest of getting “more bang for their buck,” they are

also seeking products that are “good” for them. Consumers are becoming increasingly

conscious of the link between health and nutrition, and thus try to balance their economic

needs with health needs. The problem for many consumers lies in the fact that many foods


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that are marketed as “healthy” are more expensive than unhealthier options, forcing con-

sumers to balance their budget needs with their health needs (Packaged Facts, 2010.

As stated, UA female participants in the Crimson Communications’ focus group felt

Cold Stone Creamery was more expensive than local frozen yogurt shops, and that it was

far more fattening. However, they expressed that they would be “much more willing” to buy

products from Cold Stone if there were healthy options available.

Pursuing Indulgence

“Further complicating the matter is the tendency that many of us have to want our

foods to be a source of pleasure in these hard times where so many aspects of our lives

are filled with stress. The ‘pleasure principle’ often has us turning a blind eye to both the

healthy qualities of our food selections and even overcoming our determination to be smart

shoppers. This latter point is actually a plus for frozen dessert marketers as ice cream be-

comes a product for which many consumers are willing to pay a little more to have their

favorite brand. When marketers meet consumers half way with some kind of discount or

deal, their loyal fans readily respond (Packaged Facts, 2010, pg. 242).” This is further rea-

son for Cold Stone to establish and promote some sort of weekly discount deal to draw in



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Primary Research Summary of Findings

While most of the participants of the conducted focus group were familiar with Cold

Stone Creamery’s super-premium products, none of the participants had ever heard of

Cold Stone’s Sinless variety ice creams. Furthermore, every one of the participants disliked

the Sinless option—saying that it tasted bland, it didn’t have a great texture, and that they

would not spend money on this type of item at Cold Stone. The participants also ex-

pressed their knowledge that Cold Stone was very fattening in comparison to local frozen

yogurt shops, specifically TCBY, Yogurt Mountain and Yogurt Lab. These participants ex-

pressed that they very rarely opted to get the full-fat Cold Stone products, when they

could just as easily, and more inexpensively, go to any of these yogurt shops to get their

ice cream or yogurt fix.


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Informational Objective

To increase awareness of Cold Stone Creamery Healthy Indulgences among 75

percent of UA female Sinless Splurge attendees by March 16, 2011

By increasing awareness of Cold Stone Creamery’s Healthy Indulgences among UA

females, Cold Stone is likely to become a contender for UA females in their frozen

dessert store of choice. Additionally, such females can act as opinion leaders and

further disseminate information regarding Cold Stone’s healthier options.

Attitudinal Objective

To create a more favorable opinion of Cold Stone Creamery among 50 percent of

UA female Sinless Splurge attendees by March 16, 2011

Through the key messages and promotion of Sinless Splurge, UA females will be-

come more informed about Cold Stone’s healthier options and discount prices. In


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doing so, Cold Stone can contest the unhealthy stigmas associated with their

products and prices.

Behavioral Objective

To encourage 150 UA females to attend Sinless Splurge on March 9, 2011

The preeminent purpose of our campaign is to create a more favorable, healthier

opinion of Cold Stone Creamery among UA females. For that purpose, the atten-

dance of our target audience at Sinless Splurge is central to our campaign. Once

UA females recognize the healthier options and discount prices that Cold Stone

Creamery has to offer, their visits to Cold Stone are more likely to increase as are

their peers. An attendance of 150 UA females on March 8 is an accessible and

measurable objective.

Output Objectives

• To produce and hang up 50 posters around the UA campus and Tuscaloosa

community by Feb. 23, 2011

• To produce and distribute 500 fliers around the UA campus and Tuscaloosa

community by Feb. 24, 2011

• To produce 250 Sinless Splurge coupons by March 2, 2011

• To create a Sinless Splurge Facebook event page by Feb. 25, 2011


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• To update the personal Twitter accounts of Crimson Communications’ members,

promoting Sinless Splurge Feb. 23-March 9, 2011

• To produce and disseminate a press release to local media by Feb. 26, 2011


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The theme of our campaign will be “Cold Stone: delicious, healthy...Sinless.” Dodd

has expressed his want for the public to know that Cold Stone Creamery has healthy op-

tions. A taste test conducted in the fall of 2010 proved that the majority of people preferred

the taste of Cold Stone products over that of its competitors. However, Crimson Commu-

nications feels the problem is people do not realize all the healthy treat choices our client

has to offer. Our goal is to educate the UA community that choosing Cold Stone will satisfy

any need you may have whether it is a delicious treat or a healthy snack. We hope to

eliminate that guilty feeling you get after eating something that “ruins” your diet for the day

by promoting the Healthy Indulgences that Cold Stone offers.

Key Messages

We will have three key messages expressed in this campaign, which will be:

• “Sin-less” by treating yourself to Sinless

• Scooping off the pounds while enjoying ice cream

• Cold Stone: a healthy choice cone after cone


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Special Event

“Sinless Splurge” will take place on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at Cold Stone

Creamery. The event is designed to promote Cold Stone’s Healthy Indulgences, while also

benefitting the UA men and women’s wheelchair basketball teams. Dodd has agreed to

offer discounts on Healthy Indulgence items. In order to attract passersby, a Sinless

Splurge banner will be hung above Cold Stone’s entrance and a band will be performing

outside of Cold Stone.

Surrounding businesses, Palm Beach Tan, Private Gallery, Ellie Crimson and Ala-

bama Express have agreed to co-sponsor the fundraising event. As co-sponsors, the

businesses’ logos will be on Sinless Splurge promotional materials, including Crimson

Communications’ post-event survey, which will be handed out in the form of a coupon.

The co-sponsors will provide the user with a discount when presented with the coupon.

The front of the coupon will bear the Sinless Splurge logo as well as the business logos of

our co-sponsors. The back of the coupon will have five post-event survey questions. In

order for the coupon to be valid, the user must answer the questions. The user has until

Friday, March 11 to use the coupon. Following March 11, Crimson Communications will

collect the coupons/survey responses from the businesses.


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Uncontrolled Media

Crimson Communications plans to use The Tuscaloosa News, WVUA-TV and The

Crimson White for uncontrolled media coverage. A press release regarding Sinless Splurge

will be written and distributed to these local media. We hope that more people in the Tus-

caloosa area will learn of Cold Stone’s Healthy Indulgences by releasing information

through the Tuscaloosa News. However, we will be more focused on WVUA-TV and The

Crimson White. Our target audience is UA females. WVUA-TV and The CW are student-

associated organizations and will be more effective in targeting these young women.

Controlled Media


To make UA females aware of our key message and Sinless Splurge, we will pro-

duce 50 posters and 500 fliers, which we will distribute around the university campus and

Tuscaloosa community. We will place these materials in locations that females regularly

visit such as: the recreation center, campus buildings, dorms, hair salons, grocery stores,

coffee shops and boutiques.

The posters will be 8‘x10’ in size, whereas the fliers will be 4’x6’ in size. We will cre-

ate these materials in InDesign. They will feature the Sinless Splurge logo as well as the

logos of our co-sponsors.


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Social Media

We will use the social medias of Facebook and Twitter to promote our message and

event. We will make a Facebook page and invite our peers. Each of us will be an adminis-

trator on the page and will send reminders regularly pertaining to Sinless Splurge. We will

use our personal Twitter accounts to keep followers updated on Cold Stone Creamery’s

Healthy Indulgences, as well as Sinless Splurge.

Communication Principles

Source Credibility

The Sinless Splurge campaign will show credibility based on the media outlets that

obtain our information. The Crimson White, WVUA-TV, The Tuscaloosa News and the UA’s

weekly news e-mails are all reliable and credible sources that will share information to the

public regarding our campaign.

Salient Information

The general population, especially UA females, who are body conscious, have be-

come increasingly aware of weight issues associated with sweets, making the promotion

of Cold Stone Creamery’s Healthy Indulgence products an ideal focus of Crimson Com-

munications’ campaign. Also, the present economy creates a situation where the cost of


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Cold Stone’s ice cream may be a factor that could weigh on the decision of where and

how often UA females purchase frozen desserts.

Verbal and Nonverbal Cues

Both verbal and nonverbal cues are important in a successful campaign. We chose

to use a visual of Eve to draw people’s attention to our posters and fliers. We also thought

that creating the design in black and white, with the exception of the ice cream in color,

would catch the human eye, and make Cold Stone Creamery’s ice cream the center of at-

tention. Sinless Splurge will verbally attract people, especially our target audience, UA fe-

male students. “Healthy indulgences” will also verbally attract people to try these Cold

Stone products.

Two-way Communication

Two-way communication has already been playing a major role in the start-up of

our campaign. We have been in constant contact with Dodd regarding planning for our

campaign. Additionally, we have experienced two-way communication with the local busi-

nesses (Palm Beach Tan, Private Gallery, Ellie Crimson and Alabama Express), who have

agreed to be co-sponsors of our event.


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Opinion Leaders

Sponsors and Dodd will be two opinion leaders that will give us ideas and input re-

garding the success of our campaign. Moreover, individuals in attendance to Sinless

Splurge could likely be opinion leaders within the UA community.

Group Influence

If our campaign gains the attention of UA females, these females are likely to influ-

ence other people in the community and recommend Cold Stone Creamery as their ice

cream of choice.

Selective Exposure

Since our target audience is females at the university, selective exposure will be a

challenge to overcome. However, with the media coverage of The Crimson White, WVUA-

TV and The Tuscaloosa News, other audiences in the community will be aware of our

event. Also, word of mouth will further help in bringing a more diverse crowd to Sinless


Audience Participation

The participation of our audience will be based on how well we promote the cam-

paign and event. With our event over the course of three hours and on a weeknight, audi-


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ence participation will be based on who is available to attend and who wants to consume

ice cream.


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As the Sinless Splurge campaign was implemented, evaluation measures were

taken so that the results could be analyzed at the conclusion of the campaign to determine

if the objectives were reached.

The evaluation of the output objectives was based solely on whether the team suc-

ceeded in producing and distributing the designated type and number of materials

deemed appropriate for the campaign.

Impact objectives, meanwhile, were subject to more intensive evaluation. The be-

havioral objective, to encourage 150 UA females to attend the Sinless Splurge event on

March 9, 2011, was evaluated based on whether data from the event confirms that this

number of students attended. Both the informational objective, to increase awareness of

Cold Stone Creamery Healthy Indulgences by 75 percent among UA female Sinless

Splurge attendees by March 16, 2011, and the attitudinal objective, to create a more fa-

vorable opinion of Cold Stone among 50 percent of UA female Sinless Splurge attendees

by March 16, 2011, were measured via survey results. Two brief surveys were adminis-

tered, one via social network sites before the event, and one at the event on the back of


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the coupon surveys that were given to attendees. To ensure that the surveys were filled

out, the coupons were not valid unless the survey was completed. Each survey consisted

of a few statements and/or questions accompanied by scales asking about attitudes to-

ward Cold Stone and knowledge about the products that it offered. The changes between

the pre-event and the post-event surveys indicate which were and were not achieved.

Output Objectives

• To produce and hang up 50 posters around the UA campus and Tuscaloosa

community by Feb. 23, 2011

Each team member produced and hung at least 25 posters, (125 total produced and

hung), around the UA campus and in the Tuscaloosa community by Feb. 23, 2011. Thus,

the objective was achieved.

• To produce and distribute 500 fliers around the UA campus and Tuscaloosa

community by Feb. 24, 2011

Each team member produced and distributed at least 150 fliers, (750 total produced and

distributed), around the UA campus and in the Tuscaloosa community by Feb. 23, 2011.

Thus, the objective was achieved.

• To produce 250 Sinless Splurge coupons by March 2, 2011


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Each team member produced at least 80 coupons, (400 total produced for the event), by

March 2, 2011. Thus, the objective was achieved.

• To create a Sinless Splurge Facebook event page by Feb. 25, 2011

A Sinless Splurge Facebook event page was created by Crimson Communications team

members by Feb. 25, 2011. Thus, the objective was achieved.

• To update the personal Twitter accounts of Crimson Communications’ members,

promoting Sinless Splurge Feb. 23-March 9, 2011

Team members updated their personal Twitter accounts to promote Sinless Splurge from

Feb. 23-March 9, 2011. Some of these updates included:

✦ “Everyone mark your calendars for Sinless Splurge on March 9, 6-9pm at @ColdSto-

neUA, benefitting the UA wheelchair basketball teams!”

✦ “Don't forget to join us for Sinless Spurge at @ColdStoneUA on Wednesday! Check out

our Facebook page for more info: http://on.fb.me/hn9clr”

✦ Support our #PR Campaigns class and follow @ColdStoneTtown! Read the press re-

lease detailing each of our events. http://twitdoc.com/2WZ

✦ My team's event is tomorrow at @ColdStoneTtown. Read the "Sinless Splurge" press

release for more details. http://twitdoc.com/2X0


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• To produce and disseminate a press release to local media by Feb. 26, 2011

The following press release was produced and disseminated by Feb. 26, 2011.


WHO: Cold Stone Creamery will be joined by event co-sponsors Private Gallery, Palm Beach Tan, Alabama Express and Alabama Bookstore.

WHAT: “Sinless Splurge” event will benefit The University of Alabama men and women’s wheelchair basketball teams. Live band, Lottie and The Finest Hour will perform.

All Cold Stone products will be 25 percent off. Attendees will receive free drink huggers and coupon voucher with purchase of Cold Stone product. Coupon will be redeemable for one of the following discounts:

• Palm Beach Tan: five visits for $20.00 or $20.00 off a Palm Beach Tan membership

• Alabama Express: 25 percent off all items in store, excluding art-work and sale items

• Alabama Bookstore: 25 percent off all UA items, excluding artwork and sale items

WHEN: Wednesday, March 9 from 6-9 p.m.

WHERE: Cold Stone Creamery, 1130 University Blvd., Tuscaloosa

WHY: With the spotlight on Cold Stone’s line of low fat Sinless Indulgences, “Sin-less Splurge” attendees can “splurge” sinlessly just days before spring break at a discounted price. Additionally, attendees can “splurge” at nearby businesses with the coupon they receive upon purchasing any Cold Stone product.

-more-All proceeds from Cold Stone event sales will benefit the UA men and women’s wheelchair basketball teams.


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Therefore, the objective was achieved.

Informational Objective

To increase awareness of Cold Stone Creamery Healthy Indulgences among 75

percent of UA female Sinless Splurge attendees by March 16, 2011

The informational objective was evaluated by conducting a pre-and post-event survey,

and by seeing if the audience’s awareness of Cold Stone’s healthy indulgences had

changed after the campaign was implemented. In the pre- and post-event surveys, the

question, “I am aware of Cold Stone Creamery's ‘Healthy Indulgence’ products,”

was asked. Of the attendees, 27% replied “Strongly Agree,” to this question, while 45%

replied “Agree.” Together, the awareness of Cold Stone’s healthy indulgence products

among Sinless Splurge attendees is 72%. This indicates that the team did not reach its

informational objective of increasing awareness among attendees by 75%, although the

numbers are close. By continuing to promote the healthy indulgence products via adver-

tisements, social media, and discount specials, Cold Stone can fill this 3% gap relatively

quickly and easily.

Attitudinal Objective


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To create a more favorable opinion of Cold Stone Creamery among 50 percent of

UA female Sinless Splurge attendees by March 16, 2011

The attitudinal objective was also evaluated by conducting a pre-and post-event survey,

and by seeing if the audience had developed a more favorable attitude toward Cold Stone

after the campaign was implemented. In the pre- and post-event surveys, the question,

“Cold Stone Creamery is my dessert store of choice,” was asked. Of the attendees,

18% replied “Strongly Agree,” to this question, 27% replied “Agree,” and 36% replied

“Neutral.” Together, the positive attitudes toward Cold Stone among Sinless Splurge at-

tendees is 45%. This indicates that the team did not reach its attitudinal objective of in-

creasing awareness among attendees by 50%, although the numbers are close. By con-

tinuing to appeal to its important audiences by providing healthier treats at a competitive

price, Cold Stone can most likely change the 36% of people who replied with “Neutral” at-

titudes to a positive attitude.

Behavioral Objective

To encourage 150 UA females to attend Sinless Splurge on March 9, 2011

The behavioral objective was evaluated based on whether data from the event confirms

that this number of students attended. 153 University of Alabama females attended the

Sinless Splurge event on March 9, 2011. Thus, the behavioral objective was achieved.


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The Sinless Splurge event will promote Cold Stone Creamery’s Healthy Indulgence

products and discount offers. The main idea of the event is to increase awareness of Cold

Stone’s healthier options among the UA female community and for UA females to form a

more positive opinion of Cold Stone. After Sinless Splurge, Cold Stone can create and re-

tain relationships with this audience. In doing so, Cold Stone can contend the unhealthy

reproach associated with some of their products and prices.

These relationships can be built and maintained in several ways. One suggestion is

to have Cold Stone Creamery make social media connections with Sinless Splurge at-

tendees, then update their social media with Healthy Indulgence promotions, discount of-

fers and fundraiser dates on a daily basis. As previously stated, focus group participants

said they would be more likely to go to Cold Stone on a Tuesday over other frozen dessert

stores if money spent would benefit a charity organization. Participants also said they

would be more inclined to go to Cold Stone if they had knowledge of their healthier prod-

ucts. In a continual effort to remind UA females of its fundraisers and health friendly op-


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tions, Cold Stone will not only have a bi-weekly advantage over its competitors, but Cold

Stone is more likely to form a positive image with its intended audience.

The stewards of Sinless Splurge should also foster connections with UA gatekeep-

ers and opinion leaders throughout the course of the event. Such people can have a pro-

found influence in garnering interest and decision making of those around them. By mak-

ing these connections, Cold Stone can further the attempts behind Sinless Splurge after its

conclusion. This can be done by sending out a press release, media pitch and/or updating

Cold Stone’s social media detailing the purpose and results pertaining to Sinless Splurge.

Building a possible e-mailing list of and making social media connections with these con-

tacts can prove to be effective at retaining communication. In keeping UA gatekeepers and

opinion leaders informed, the UA community will be more prone to take notice and interest

of Cold Stone’s efforts.


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This PR proposal has been developed to increase revenue and reduce the effects of

local competition. The Sinless Splurge event is designed to opti-

mize Cold Stone Creamery’s revenue by increasing awareness of

Cold Stone’s Healthy Indulgences among female students at UA.

Sinless Splurge has been carefully planned out to meet each ob-

jective and position for Cold Stone to compete with local frozen

yogurt businesses. The event will not only inform the public of Cold Stone’s Healthy Indul-

gences, but it will also bring potential customers to the store and allow them to try these

products. This quick and effective PR campaign will allow Cold Stone to market its prod-

ucts to university students and reach the goal of optimizing revenue.


Sinless Splurge 31

Moderator=MParticipant 1=P1Participant 2=P2Participant 3=P3Participant 4=P4Participant 5=P5

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Cold Stone Creamery: About Us. (2010). Kahala Mgmt. Retrieved on February 8, 2011,



Dodd, Glen. “Revenue. “Interview.” 2010.

Packaged Facts. (2010, January). Ice Cream and Frozen Des-

serts in the U.S.: Markets a and Opportunities in Retail

and Foodservice, 6th Ed. Retrieved from Business Source Pre-

mier Database.

The University of Alabama. (2010). Common Data Set 2009-2010. Retrieved on February

8, 2011, from www.ua.edu on February 6, 2011.

Carlson, Nicholas. (2011, January 5). Goldman to Clients: Facebook Has 600 Million Us

ers. MSNBC. Retrieved from




Sinless Splurge 32

“...[Cold Stone is]

super fattening...

It’s like a splurge...”

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Sinless Splurge 33

None of the participants

were aware of Cold Stone’s

Tuesday fundraisers...

...Once informed, all

claimed they would be

more likely to go to Cold

Stone on a Tuesday over

frozen yogurt businesses.

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Sinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineFeb. 16-23 Feb 23-March 2 March 3-9 March 10

Receive Dodd’s approval Hang up posters

Pick up coupons from co-sponsors

Confirm with co-sponsors

Distribute fliers

Pick up coupons from co-sponsors

Create Facebook event page Pick up coupons

from co-sponsorsTwitter and Facebook promotionTwitter and Facebook promotion

Pick up coupons from co-sponsors

Produce coupon sur-veys

Pick up banner

Pick up coupons from co-sponsors


Sinless Splurge 34

All participants pre-

ferred self-serve frozen

yogurt for its price

and quantity control.

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Sinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineSinless Splurge Event TimelineFeb. 16-23 Feb 23-March 2 March 3-9 March 10

Disseminate press release to local media

Sinless Splurge

Pick up coupons from co-sponsors


Sinless Splurge 35

“...I just have that

mindset that

Cold Stone

is expensive.”

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Description Quantity Unit Price Cost

Proposal book 1 $33.09 $33.09

Event fliers 500 $0.10 $50.00

Event posters 50 $0.20 $10.00

Event coupon surveys 250 $0.10 $25.00

Event banner 1 $90.00 $90.00

Event decorations: balloons 24 $0.50 $12.00

Event band 1 $0.00 $0.00

Ice cream purchase (focus group) 2 $9.80 $19.60

Gift Cards 3 $25.00 $75.00

TotalTotalTotal $314.69


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“[Sinless Sweet Cream]

tastes like the

ingredients are all fake...It’s

not something I would get

excited about.”

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Appendix A: Focus Group Transcript

M: Hi, my name is Marissa and I’ll be your moderator this after-noon. Welcome to our focus group discussion.

If you are not sure what a focus group it, it is simply a group of people who get together to talk about a topic of interest to re-

searchers. The group usually talks about the topic for about half an hour until all of the questions are answered and everybody has said what

they want to say.

Today we will be talking about issues related to Cold Stone Creamery on University Blvd. and its ice cream. You should know that I am not an expert in this area. I am simply here to lead a discussion and make sure that everybody gets a chance to talk.

Whatever is said in this room will not be shared with anyone else. So you don’t need to worry about people knowing what you said in the focus group. We will, however, be re-cording this talk on my computer so we don’t forget what was said. Even though your words are being recorded, nothing that you say will be connected with your name and no one else will know what you said. Okay?

Finally, if you need to leave the room for any reason, please do so quietly. Then come on back and join the group so we can hear more of your thoughts. Let’s begin by having eve-ryone introduce herself.

(Participants introduce themselves)


Sinless Splurge 37

• 3 out of 5 preferred TCBY

Vanilla frozen yogurt to Cold

Stone’s super-premium


• All five participants chose

Sinless Sweet Cream as

their least favorite

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M: What is your opinion of Cold Store Creamery on University Blvd?P4: It’s good when I’m on my period.(Laughter)M: Okay. So what do y’all think? Y’all agree?P1: Yeah, it’s good period food.Participants: Yeah.P4: They also have the good chocolate ice cream, but it’s like super fattening. M: So is that how everybody feels?Participants: Yeah.P2: Yeah, especially since now there are frozen yogurt places everywhere and, sup-posively, frozen yogurt has less calories.P4: The Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup—mmmm—that‘s what I always get.M: So you feel like you can get that same type of stuff when you go to say a frozen yogurt place?P5: NoM: Aside from the health aspect of it, do you like Cold Stone? P2: It’s like a splurge.P3: On occasion.P1: Indulge.M: So is that how you feel, you find it as an indulgence? Like when you’re on your period you like to indulge yourselves?(Laughter)P5: Treat yourself.M: What do you think about Cold Stone’s Tuesday fundraisers? (Group comes in, 30 per-cent sales, tips)Participants: Didn’t know they had that.M: Y’all didn’t know they had that? So what happens is a group comes in, such as a char-ity, and they get to make all of the ice cream and get to keep 30 percent of the sales and tips made during that time. By knowing that would that you make you more inclined to go there on Tuesday as opposed to say a frozen yogurt place?P1: Volunteers making the ice cream?M: Yes . . . Say like on a Tuesday you were craving something sweet and you knew they were doing a fundraiser would you rather go to one of the frozen yogurt places or Cold Stone?P4: If it was for a fundraiser then Cold Stone.


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M: OK. Has everyone here been to Cold Stone on University? Everyone: Yes.P5: No.M: You haven’t been? OK. For those of you that have been, for what or why are some of the reasons you go to Cold Stone?P4: It is convenient.P3: It’s cool watching them make it.M: How often would you say that you go to Cold Stone?P1: Probably once a year over the summer.P2: Same. I went once in the semester when it was warm.Others: Yeah.P4: Every few months.M: So in the warmer months? Is that the consensus here?Participants: Yeah.M: Is it because of the weather?Participants: Yeah.P3: You don’t want something frozen when it’s freezing outside.M: OK. What about the other frozen treat stores? How often do you go to those?P1: Probably once a month, especially now that they have Yogurt Lab.P2: Once a month. Last semester – probably more often than that – because we don’t have anything like that in my hometown so it became a bit of an addiction.P3: I’ll probably go every once five or six weeks.P4: I go pretty often because my roommate loves it.P5: Maybe once or twice a year.M: What would you say is your main frozen treat store of choice?P1: Yogurt Lab.P2: TCBY is the only one I go to.P3: Yeah, TCBY.P4: Yogurt Mountain.P5: TCBY.M: What factors would encourage you to go to once of these places?P4: It’s fun to make it yourself.P3: It’s kinda cheap. It’s cheaper than Cold Stone.M: it’s cheaper and you prefer to make it yourself? Participants: Yeah.


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M: Why do you like to make it yourself?P2: You can control the quantity.P4: And the amount of what you put in it – it’s like made to order.P3: Sometimes they put too much in there.M: What factors discourage you to go to one of these stores?P1: It depends on the flavors, like Yogurt Lab doesn’t have chocolate sometimes. Cold Stone always has chocolate.P3: Yeah, the flavors.M: What’s your favorite flavor at TCBY?P3: White chocolate mousse.M: Some of these places offer more than just ice cream or yogurt. What are some of the other treat products you get there (i.e. coffee, smoothies, etc.)?P4: Just ice cream.P2: I don’t get anything other than ice cream or yogurt.Others: Same.M: So you don’t get coffee at any of those places?Others: No.M: Where do you get your coffee?P1: Starbucks.P3: I don’t drink coffee.M: So coffee products don’t factor into your decision to go to a frozen treat store?Participants: No.M: How much more willing are you to go to one of these places if they offer health con-scious items?Participants: A lot more willing.M: So if Cold Stone offered health conscious products you’d be more willing to go there?Participants: Yes.M: What do you think of Cold Stone’s Healthy Indulgences?P3: I haven’t heard of them.Others: Didn’t know they had them.M: OK. Well they offer a Sinless non-fat sugar-free ice cream. They also have a variety of non-fat sorbet flavors and non-dairy smoothies and healthy mix-in choices. If y’all would have known that before, would Cold Stone have factored into your frozen yogurt choices? Participants: Yeah.M: Do y’all eat sorbet ever?


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Participants: No.M: What about smoothies?P3: I work at Smoothie King.M: When you’re buying a smoothie, what is your criteria?P2: Taste.P1: Taste.P3: I like the texture.M: So would you go to one of these places if they offered a smoothie?P1: I mean I would rather go to Cold Stone than like McDonald’s. I think they’re more credible.P4: Much more credible. Definitely not McDonald’s.M: Did y’all know that Cold Stone offered smoothies?P2: I didn’t know it was an option.P3: I just kind of assumed they did since like TCBY and other places do.P1: It’s probably more expensive there too. I don’t know I just have that mindset that Cold Stone is expensive.M: Is that one of the reasons that defers you from going there?P1: Yeah, probably because I can choose how much frozen yogurt I want.M: OK. What do you think about Cold Stone’s cakes and cupcakes?P4: I’ve never had a reason before to get them, but they look pretty. I mean I would buy it, but…P3: Yeah.M: What about their ice cream cookie sandwiches? Y’all ever had those?Everyone: No.P4: I think when you go there you already have your heart set on ice cream.M: OK. Well we have three different frozen treats in front of each of you. If you look on the side of the bowls, there is a number on each one of them. We are going to have you try No. 1 first and tell me what you think about it.P1: InterestingM: I see faces.P2: The texture is really weird, like it was made with condensed milk.P1: I’m not crazy about the texture. I personally just like traditional ice cream or frozen yo-gurt.M: What about the flavor?P1: I mean it’s nothing special.


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P4: That’s a nice way to say it.P2: I think it’s like slimy. It really doesn’t taste like vanilla – if that’s what they are aiming for. Instead it kind of taste like a frozen product that’s been like overly frosted – you know like freezer burn.P3: It’s gotta a kick to it.(Laughter)M: Would you spend your money on this?Everyone: No.P4: It really does taste like that kind you made in school. Did y’all do that in high school? In the bag – in [science] class – we had to that and kind of taste like that. M: So you don’t…P4: I mean it’s not something I would get excited about.P5: It just tastes like the ingredients are all fake.M: Would you prefer another option over this?Everyone: Yes.M: Now try bowl No. 2.P2: This one has a better vanilla taste.M: So what are your thoughts on bowl one?P1: I think this is the Cold Stone ice cream. I like the texture more and it’s like a better va-nilla.P2: I agreeM: So you would spend your money on this?P2: Over that one [bowl No.1], yes.M: What about the flavor and texture?P4: It’s more rich and it’s like vanilla-y.M: Now let’s try bowl No. 3.P1: This one is a little more frothy – it tastes like whipped cream.P3: It doesn’t really taste like vanilla.P2: I mean I like it—P3: Me too.M: Would you say you like it? Would you spend your money on it?P2: If I was wanting vanilla, I wouldn’t pick this one, but if it was named something like “on top of a cappuccino topping” then I would.(Laughter)P3: I think it’s OK. It kind of tastes like vanilla – but not [overpowering].


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P4: I feel the same way as her [P3]. I think it’s good. I mean I’m not a huge vanilla person.P5: Nothing special.M: Rank these bowls in order, stating the one you like best first.P1: 2-3-1P2: 2-3-1P3: 3-2-1P4: 3-2-1P5: 2-3-1M: What would you say the reasons are for your rankings?P1: The texture and vanilla taste of bowl No. 2.P3: Not too vanilla-y.P5: Better quality.M: Are y’all curious as to what bowl is what?Everyone: Yes.M: Bowl No. 1 is the Sinless ice cream from Cold Stone. Bowl No. 2 is vanilla frozen yogurt from TCBY. Bowl No. 3 is Cold Stone’s Super Premium vanilla ice cream. OK. Well that will conclude our focus group. Thank you all for participating.


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Appendix B: Pre-event Survey

Please take the time to carefully answer these five quick questions about Cold Stone Creamery located on University Blvd.

1. I go to Cold Stone Creamery on University Blvd.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

2. I go to other frozen dessert stores in Tuscaloosa (i.e. TCBY, Yogurt Lab, Yogurt Mountain).

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

3. I consider Cold Stone Creamery products to be healthy.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)


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4. I am aware of Cold Stone Creamery's "Healthy Indulgence" products.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

5. Cold Stone Creamery is my dessert store of choice.  

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)


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Appendix C: Post-event Survey

Please take the time to carefully answer these five quick questions about Cold Stone Creamery located on University Blvd.

1. I go to Cold Stone Creamery on University Blvd.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

2. I go to other frozen dessert stores in Tuscaloosa (i.e. TCBY, Yogurt Lab, Yogurt Mountain).

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

3. I consider Cold Stone Creamery products to be healthy.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)


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4. I am aware of Cold Stone Creamery's "Healthy Indulgence" products.

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)

5. Cold Stone Creamery is my dessert store of choice.  

๏Strongly Agree๏Agree๏Neutral๏Disagree๏Strongly Disagree๏Other (please specify)


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