Week 12 – Colossians 4:2-18 How to Pray, Walk & Talk 1. Pray steadfastly with ________, being _______ 2. Pray for ___________, for open doors for the Word, and for God’s __________ to be made ________ by whoever is speaking it.

Col PN 4.2-18 file · Web viewWhat does God’s word say about trusting in our own selves? What about those who walk wisely? What person outside the faith is watching you right now?

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Week 12 – Colossians 4:2-18How to Pray, Walk & Talk

1. Pray steadfastly with ________, being _______

2. Pray for ___________, for open doors for the Word, and for God’s __________ to be made ________ by whoever is speaking it.

3. Walk in _________, don’t _________ time, recognize opportunities to show non-believers who _________ is

4. Speak _____________, know how to __________ anyone who questions you

5. _____encouraged, _______ thanks, and _______ one another on in this walk following Christ Jesus. We are in this thing ____________, side-by-side, the family of God.

Week 12 ~ Day 1 “Pray”Please handwrite Colossians 4:2-4

The Book of Acts is full of prayer. If you track how the early church began from the day of Pentecost, it grew exponentially because The Father answered the prayers of His children over and over and over again. They cried out and He answered. Let’s take a look at one of those times of prayer from the Believers in Acts 4:29-31. Without even having to look at the context, according to what v.29 says, what type of social climate were they in?

What did they ask The Lord for?

How did He answer them (v.31)?

Isn’t that fascinating? Y’all - we serve the same God who did this 2000 years ago; we pray to Him through the same Savior; the same Holy Spirit He sent at Pentecost is the same One Who takes up residence in us as Believers!!! Why do we not take Him at His word? I really want us to search our hearts right now. What barrier do you recognize in your life keeping you from believing Acts 4:29-31 can happen today in your life and in the Church in America?

How does this story parallel with the scriptures from Colossians you wrote today (4:2-4)?

(cont…)Let’s prepare for our discussion next week as we review our study of Colossians! Today, please get out your notes from both Weeks 1 & 2 (Colossians 1:1-8 and historical/cultural info) and answer the following questions:

What similarities do you find between the culture in Colossae and our culture in the U.S. today?

Glance at your notes, anything you highlighted or made a notation about that you’d like for the group to discuss?

Read Colossians 1:1-8 now. What strikes you about these verses?

Anything else you feel is pertinent about Week 1 or 2?

Week 12 ~ Day 2 “Walking in Wisdom”Please handwrite Colossians 4:5-6I’m one of those people easily obsessed with effectiveness...perhaps to my own detriment at times when I allow it to stress me out. But, I am not a lover of wasted time. Naturally, I’m loving Colossians 4:5. Walk in wisdom toward outsiders! Make the best use of time! Paul is warning us not to waste our time. I believe that he is impressing to the Colossians that there are outsiders watching them. You and I have outsiders watching us, too. We need to walk with wisdom. Jesus help us to do that. Walk with wisdom.

Please turn to Proverbs 2:6-8. Who gives the wisdom we need?

Where does it come from?

Notice the correlation with wisdom and walking in v.7. Please write Proverbs 2:7 here:

Now let’s turn to Proverbs 28:26. What does God’s word say about trusting in our own selves?

What about those who walk wisely?

What person outside the faith is watching you right now? Who do you have influence on? We need not waste time; the Lord is coming soon. If we don’t tell them the Good News – who will? Respond to the Lord now:

(cont...)Let’s prep now for next week’s discussion, please return to your Week 3 notes & homework (Colossians 1:9-14).

Did you make any notations on your notes from that week? If so, write down what it was and prepare to share what the Lord spoke to you:

Now, look back through your 5 days of homework in week 3. What did the Lord speak to you through those scriptures?

Please read Colossians 1:9-14. What do you love about these verses?

Week 12 ~ Day 3 “A Word Fitly Spoken”Please handwrite Colossians 4:7-10

It really matters how we use our words to people in our homes, at the store, in our places of work or church. Be gracious, use wisdom, and I believe there is a reason this verse follows the ones about steadfast prayer. Prayer is our life-line when it comes to having the right words to say. When we are yielded to the Lord in constant prayer, the Holy Spirit will give us the words to know how to answer each person.

Open your Bible to Proverbs 25:11, what does it say about words?

I especially love the Amplified here: “A word fitly spoken and in due season is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

Not only fitting words for the situation, but also words at the right time. Oh Lord, help us to use our speech to attract people to Jesus. Forgive us if we have ever repelled anyone because of how we use our words!

Now, let’s read Proverbs 16:24. What do we learn about our words?

When is the last time you gave words to someone that were sweetness to their soul and health to their body?

Finally, turn to James 1:19. What about words (speech) here?

(cont…)In preparation for next week’s discussion, please return to your Week 4 notes (Colossians 1:15-23). Anything highlighted in your notes?

Look through your homework. Did anything stand out to you or any scriptures you may remember struck you?

Read Colossians 1:15-23. What thoughts come to your mind when you read these verses?

Week 12 ~ Day 4 “Companions in the Faith”

Please handwrite Colossians 4:11-14Perhaps some the most precious relationships I have on earth are those who are my beloved sisters in Christ. There are women in my life God has put on this faith walk with me. I cannot tell you the value they place in my life. They are the ones whom you can speak freely about The Lord without any hindrance whatsoever. Do you know that kind? Do you have those in your life? Take a moment and thank the Lord for them, for they are a gift…(if you do not have a relationship like this, begin praying fervently for the Lord to send someone who you can walk alongside, following Jesus)

“Titus 2” relationships are those where someone pours into you and you then pour into others, and round and round it goes. It’s this beautiful life-giving, encouraging, challenging, spurring-on to Jesus kind of walk that I never want to live without! Let’s look at Titus 2:3-5. What is the role of older women? (Remember: older is not a number, every woman is older than someone!)

What are younger women to learn? (I believe it’s fair to say that someone may be younger “in the Lord” and perhaps not younger on the calendar)

Write the very last portion of Titus 2:5 here (the reason WHY we are to learn these thing from one another):

(cont…)In preparation for next week’s discussion, please return to your Week 5 notes (Colossians 1:24-29). Anything highlighted in your notes?

Look through your homework. Did anything stand out to you or any scriptures you want to discuss in the group?

Read Colossians 1:24-29. What speaks to you in these verses?

Week 12 ~ Day 5 “Remember Me”Please handwrite Colossians 4:15-18

I love how Paul, the minister of ministers, humbles himself and asks them to remember him. He asks for prayer at the beginning of Chapter 4 for his ministry,

and here is a personal request that they will remember his chains.

Why was he in chains (Col 4:3-4)?

Paul was the minister to ministers. Paul poured out his life for the spread of the gospel and suffered so much, which Jesus warned him would happen if he followed Him. Paul did not complain or whine. But, what did he say in v.18?

Have you recently been in a situation where you needed someone to remember your chains?

There is something helpful about knowing you are being lifted up in prayer by someone other than yourself, isn’t there? Paul wanted them to keep lifting him up in prayer. It’s easy to forget those who are out of sight and out of mind. Who do you need to remember in prayer today?

(cont…)In preparation for next week’s discussion, please return to your Week 6 notes (Colossians 2:1-7). What did you mark in your notes?

Look through your homework. Did anything stand out to you or any scriptures you may remember impacting you?

Read Colossians 2:1-7. What thoughts come to your mind when you read these verses?