A.D. 1921.] COINAGE PROTECTION. [No. 20. 105 CLEARING OFFICES, see PEACE ORDEES LEGISLATION. COINAGE PROTECTION 20 OF 1921. To PROHIBIT THE MELTING OR IMPROPER USE OE GOLD AND SILVER COIN. MALCOLM STEVENSON.] [May 28, 1921. 1. This Law may be cited as the Gold and Silver Coinage Short title. (Protection) Law, 1921. 2.—(1.) No person shall, except under and in pursuance of a licence Prohibition granted by the High Commissioner, melt down, break up, or use ™]™„Τί1 ν βΓ otherwise than a? currency any gold or silver coin which is for the coin, time being current in Cyprus or in the United Kingdom or in any British possession or foreign country. Provided that this Law shall not apply to gold or silver coin used for the purposes of ornament as hitherto customary in Cyprus. (2.) If any person acts in contravention of this section, or acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any condition attached to a licence granted under this section, he shall, for each offence, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding two years, or to both such fine and imprisonment, and, in addition to any other punishment, the Court dealing with the case may order the articles in respect of which the offence was committed to be forfeited. COMMERCIAL CODE AMENDMENT. 4 OF 1917. FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE COMMERCIAL CODE. JOHN E. CLAUSON.] [June 16, 1917. 1. This Law may be cited as the Commercial Code (Amendment) Short title. Law, 1917. 2. In this Law:— Definitions. " Company " means an anonyme company formed under the provisions of the Commercial Code of Cyprus; Share " means a share in a company. VOL. 1—8


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Page 1: COINAGE OF - CyLaw

A . D . 1921 . ] COINAGE PROTECTION. [No . 2 0 . 105

C L E A R I N G O F F I C E S , see P E A C E O R D E E S L E G I S L A T I O N .


20 OF 1921. To P R O H I B I T T H E M E L T I N G OR I M P R O P E R U S E OE G O L D AND S I L V E R

C O I N .

MALCOLM S T E V E N S O N . ] [May 28, 1921.

1. This Law may be cited as t he Gold and Silver Coinage Short title. (Protection) Law, 1921.

2.—(1.) No person shal l , except under and in pursuance of a l icence Prohibition granted by the H i g h Commissioner, melt down, break u p , or use ™]™„Τί1νβΓ otherwise t han a? currency any gold or silver coin which is for the coin, time being current in Cyprus or in the U n i t e d K i n g d o m or in any Brit ish possession or foreign count ry . Prov ided t h a t th is L a w shall not app ly to gold or silver coin used for t he purposes of ornamen t as hi the r to cus tomary in Cyprus .

(2.) If any person acts in contravent ion of th is section, or acts in contravent ion of or fails to comply with any condi t ion a t t ached to a licence gran ted under th is section, he shal l , for each offence, be l iable to a fine not exceeding one h u n d r e d pounds , or to impr i sonment with or without hard labour for a t e rm not exceeding two years , or to both such fine and impr i sonment , and, in addi t ion to a n y other punishment , the Court dea l ing with the case may order t he art icles in respect of which the offence was commit ted to be forfeited.



J O H N E . C L A U S O N . ] [June 16, 1917.

1. This Law m a y be cited as the Commercia l Code (Amendment ) Short title. Law, 1917.

2. I n this L a w : — Definitions.

" Company " means an anonyme company formed under t he provisions of the Commercia l Code of C y p r u s ;

Share " means a share in a company. VOL. 1—8

Page 2: COINAGE OF - CyLaw

106 N o . 4 . ] THE 'STATUTE LAWS OF CYPRUS: [ A . D . 1917 .

Pledge of 3 . A share certificate or share wa r r an t for a share m a y be pledged •as provided by Book V. of the Mejelle, and any such pledge shall operate in every respect as a valid pledge of the share and of all r igh t s in respect thereof as if the same were movable proper ty .

Provided t h a t a memorandum of pledge in the form set forth in the F i r s t Schedule or to t ha t effect shall be made and signed by the person m a k i n g the p ledge.

And provided t ha t in the case of shares t ransferable otherwise than by delivery of the share war ran t s notice shall fo r thwi th be given to the company in the form set forth in the Second Schedule hereto or to t ha t effect by the person t ak ing the shares in p ledge .

I n the case of shares t ransferable otherwise t han by delivery of the share war ran t s the person t ak ing the shares in pledge shall on sale of such shares execute such document and make such declarat ion as may be necessary to complete the t i t le of the purchaser .

4 . On receipt of a notice of pledge in m a n n e r provided by section 3, the company shall record the same in a regis ter to be kept for the purpose and shall make a m e m o r a n d u m thereof in the regis ter of shareholders agains t the shares in respect of which the notice shal l be given. A fee of not more t han one sh i l l ing m a y be charged by the company in respect of the receipt and regis t ra t ion of any notice of p ledge or of the discharge thereof. The regis ter of such pledges shall be open to inspection by any person on paymen t by h im of a fee of not more t han one shi l l ing .

A n y company which shall not ca r ry into effect any of the provisions of th is section when duly required so to do shall be l iable to pay a sum not exceeding twen ty pounds for each such act or defaul t to be recoverable a t the sui t of the person r equ i r ing the company so to act wi thout pre judice to any other remedy provided by law.

S C H E D U L E I.

I (name) of (address) the holder of shares of each registered in my name in the company and bearing numbers do hereby pledge the same to (pledgee) to secure the repay­ment to him of the sum of £ with interest thereon a t the rate of per centum per annum from the day of

Signed Dated

Company to keep register.


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SCHEDULE II . To the Company. I (pledgee) of (address) do hereby give you notice that (pledgor) of (address) has this day pledged with me the certificates of shares registered in his name in the books of the Company to secure the repayment to me of the sum of £ with interest thereon at the rate of per centum per annum from the day of

Signed Dated



MALCOLM STEVENSON.] [March 31, 1922.

1. This Law may be cited as the Companies (Limited Liability) short title Law, 1922.

2. In this Law, unless the context otherwise requires, the follow- Interpret» ing expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them (that is t ion ' to say): —

" Company " means a company formed and registered under this Law; ' ' Articles " means the articles of association of a company, as originally framed or as altered by special resolution, including, so far as they apply to the company, the regulations contained in Table A; " Memorandum " means the memorandum of association of a company, as originally framed or as altered in pursuance of the provisions of this Law; " Document " includes summons, notice, order, and other legal process, and registers; " Share " means share in the share capital of the company; " Boots and papers " and " books or papers " include accounts, deeds, writings, and documents; ' The Registrar of Companies," or, when used in relation to

registration of companies, " the registrar," means the registrar or other officer performing under this Law the duty of registra­tion of companies;

C1) For contents see Index p. 994. VOL. I.—8A. *