Coheed and Cambria Poster Deconstruction

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This poster is different to the other ones I have deconstructed as it has a different purpose to the other ones as they were about promoting the artist themselves in more of an awareness aspect as well as being sold as merchandise to expand the franchise this poster's purpose is about informing people already aware of the band about an up coming tour and is more about promoting an event rather than the band itself although there is defiantly an element of that due to the font size and the focus of Coheed And Cambria as the headliner. The poster is remarkably clever in its art work for implying connotations that dedicated fans would recognise as the band is linked to a collection of comic books and novels as the song reflect the story without going into the story itself the genre is dark sci fi which is why space is clearly the theme of the poster the connotations of black support the dark aspect of the genre reflecting a lot of the themes as well as space being an easy connotation of sci fi that would be immediately identifiable it also subliminally connotes scope which makes you think of the event as massive as space is massive and the association could be a marketing attempt. The stars contrast with the black and balance the darker connotations such as emptiness (which is supported by the space setting) with the white sparkles possibly connoting hope and purity which is why despite space being an empty setting the poster is filled with a lot of logos and information to make it seem more fulfilling and ultimately more entertaining. The bands logo is featured above the name of the band to display its importance and show its more important in a sense than the band itself which is supported because the symbol is a significant part of the story aspect and has its only connotations of unity which is the significant of all of the circles in the symbol representing cycles and eternity. The globe drawn with blue lines is another link to the sci fi genre as planets and earth in particular are often drafted into the sci fi genre . The orange has been deliberately put more centrally to create this split poster in two parts to create a kind of heaven and earth affect which relates to the story relating to the songs and the album they are touring for in this poster in particular it also helps to brighten up the connotations of the poster so that it looks more appealing from a viewing aspect as people don't want to feel down when watching a gig and so this brings more life and literally more colour to the poster. The supporting bands are in a smaller size font to connote that they aren't as important as the headliner and below all of them is the locations of the tour which has been done to promote the tour and encourage people to buy tickets which is the main purpose of the poster.