稲における土中出芽性の評価方法の開発と 土中出芽性に優れた品種の育成 太田 久稔 抄  録 水稲の湛水土中直播栽培において重要な特性である土中出芽性に関する検定方法として、 25℃3日催芽の発芽種子播種、温度25℃、播種深度を2㎝とする試験条件を設定した。深 度2㎝に播種できるシーダーテープを用いた圃場検定を開発した。室内検定と圃場検定の 間に有意な相関を認めた。土中出芽率が高い品種においては室内検定と圃場検定の結果が 異なる品種が認められたため、室内検定の条件を播種深度3㎝、20℃とした。 国内外の約300品種を室内検定した結果、出芽率の変異が0-95%となり遺伝的な多様 性が明らかとなった。圃場検定において最も土中出芽率が高い品種は、中国品種のTa Hung Kuであった。土中出芽性に優れた交配親としてTa Hung Kuを選定した。 土中出芽性に優れた遺伝資源として、赤米、Arroz da Terra、Dunghan Shali、Ta Hung Kuを用い、キヌヒカリ、どんとこいとの交配後代を育成し、土中出芽検定による 選抜・育成を行った。赤米、Ta Hung Kuの交配後代では、初期世代から土中出芽性検 定による選抜を行い、土中出芽性に優れたいくつかの系統を選抜した。一方、Arroz da Terra、Dunghan Shaliの交配後代では、葉いもちが多発するなど、土中出芽性や農業特 性に優れた系統を選抜できず、交配親の違いによる育成の難易の差が大であった。 Ta Hung Kuの交配後代であるF 3 、F 4 、B 1 F 2 、B 1 F 3 、B 1 F 4 系統の土中出芽性をみたとこ ろ土中出芽性は多数の遺伝子によっていると推定され、F 3 系統と選抜したF 4 系統の土中出 芽率の間に高い相関関係が認められた。B 1 F 4 選抜系統で、Ta Hung Ku並の土中出芽率の 有望系統を選抜できた。QTL解析において、第2、第5染色体上にいくつかのQTLと 思われる箇所が認められた。 キーワード:イネ、直播、土中出芽、検定方法、遺伝資源、品種育成 作物研究所研究報告 8,1-48(2007.2) (作物研報) 1

稲における土中出芽性の評価方法の開発と 土中出芽性に優れ …...稲における土中出芽性の評価方法の開発と 土中出芽性に優れた品種の育成

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1482007.2 1
2 2007.2
We studied rice seedling emergence in direct seeding in submerged soil to determine the degree of forced sprouting, temperature and seeding depth in 8 representative rice cultivars. We found germination in submerged soil was optimal at 25 for 2-3 days, and that seedling emergence varied widely among cultivars seeded 2 or 3 deep at 25 and 1 deep at 15. We propose a new way of evaluating seedling emergence in field tests, placing seeds from 23 representative rice cultivars on seeder tape 20 deep in the soil. . Results showed a positive correlation between the percentage of seedling emergence in growth chamber tests and that in field tests. We found that a new gene source, "Ta Hung Ku" from China, had the highest percentage of seedling emergence and could be used as a cross parent for high seedling emergence in submerged soil. Rice cultivars screened as gene sources for high seedling emergence included Aka- mai, Arroz da Terra, Dunghan Shali and Ta Hung Ku. We then selected lines with high seedling emergence by repeated selection from early generations from progenies of crossing with Akamai or Ta Hung Ku. In testing the seedling emergence of 347 F3 lines of Dontokoi/Ta Hung Ku, 96 B1F2 lines and 96 B1F3 lines of Dontokoi//Dontokoi/Ta Hung Ku, we found that seedling emergence frequency tended to be a continuous distribution with a single peak, suggest- ing that many genes are involved in seedling emergence. We also report several new QTLs of seedling emergence in B1F3 lines not previously recognized, insofar as we know.
Key wordsrice, direct seeding, seedling emergence, genetic resource, breeding

………………………………………………………………………………… 4 ………………………………………………………… 6 …………… 6 ………………………… 10 ………………………………… 12 ……………………………………………………………………………… 13 ………………………………………… 13 …………………… 13 ………………………………………………… 20 ……………………………………………………………………………… 21 ……………………………………………………… 25 …………………………………… 25 Arroz da Terra …………………… 26 Dunghan Shali ……………………… 28 Ta Hung Ku ……………………… 29 Ta Hung Ku …………………… 31 375 …………………………… 33 ……………………………………………………………………………… 36 QTL ……………………………………………… 36 Ta Hung Ku ………………………… 36 Ta Hung KuB1F3QTL ………… 40 ……………………………………………………………………………… 41 …………………………………………………………………………………… 41 …………………………………………………………………………………… 43 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 43 Summary …………………………………………………………………………………… 47
4 2007.2

1971 1976 1994 0.211987 25829 1997a1997b GhaiyaLaki jhota 1975
1993 1035 1985 1988 1991 1987 1992Saka and Izawa 1999
1993 199519962000 1996 1997Won and Yoshida 2000Kato-Noguchi 2001 1992Sato and Maruyama 2002 Ogiwara and Terashima 2001 1985300100 1988 39ZenithArborio SesiaRomeo32 1991 98 1992 38 199317 Italica Livorno20Kaeu N-17 Yamauchi1993 IRRI1,000 1995Biswas and Yamauchi1997 ASD 1994 144145 Binatangan Saka and Izawa1999 18 Aswina Ogiwara and Terashima2001 25 Arroz da Terra
Italica LivornoKaeu N-17 1993Arroz da TerraOgiwara and Terashima 2001 300 Arroz da Terra Dunghan ShaliTa Hung Ku Ta Hung Ku Ta Hung Ku Ta Hung Ku B1F3 QTL 2000 2001
6 2007.2

Kasalath 1985 Lemont Arborio
1982 25 25 10 25 2515 30×21×7 100 25 1510 1025 15
15 15 3 20 Kasalath 10 2030 7080
0.41.4 1992

25 20 Arborio Lemont 20 ArborioLemont 25
15 40 Arborio Arborio 40 15 1525 25 1985

0.0 0.4 1.2 4.9
78 81 76 62
a a a b
Arborio Lemont
95 95 87 94 90 58 52 57
a a a a a b b b
71 71 72 74 44 54 16
60 59 47 45 65 29 8 1
a a ab ab a b bc c
90 88 78 85 80 36 4 0
a a a a a b c c
36 37 11 22 24 10 0 0
a a ab ab ab ab b b
3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
a a a a a a a a

19851993Yamauchi 1993Ogiwara and Terashima2001 KibiTa Hung KuHei Chiao Chui Li Hsiang Keng KokuhoroseM401 ArborioItalica Livorno Dunghan Shali Arroz da Terra MaratteliJumula Tam Cau A Rojofotsy 73BFR13AASD DA23
IR3625 100 25 30 199626 30 2025 -1 2520
093 6570 75Hei Chiao Chui Li Hsiang Keng93KibiTa Hung Ku

90 033 Ta Hung KuDunghan Shali 0.563 50 50 -1
-1 1992Sato and Maruyama 2002 Ogiwara and Terashima 2001

Arroz da TerraItalica LivornoTa Hung Ku 45×30×
20 2025 25 202025
2520 25 Ta Hung Ku Arroz da Terra 2025

Ta Hung Ku Dunghan Shali Italica Livorno Arroz da Terra Kibi Hei Chiao Chui Li Hsiang Keng Maratteli 1 Jumula 2 Arborio Kokuhorose M401 Rojofotsy 738 DA23 Tam Cau 9A FR13A ASD1 IR36
33 33 23 17 15 11 9 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
a a b bc bcd cde cdef def ef ef ef ef ef ef f f f f f f f f f
90 85 70 85 90 93 75 83 80 50 63 70 65 58 83 75 55 43 20 18 5 0 0 0 0
abc abc abcdef abc abc ab abcdef abcd abcde fg cdefg abcdef bcdefg defg abcde abcdef efg gh hi hi i i i i i


25 20

70±10 85± 5 90±10 75±10
28±13 10±10 40± 5 5± 5
85±15 90± 0 90±10 75±15
28±13 13± 3 33± 8 3± 3

58 106164 1383737 132211 25 20 25 20 10 1.7
095 GB 00007991GB00008185 GB00008255Krasznodarec 5001GB00015526 5080 20 50 19 52
1953 Morishima and Oka1981 1985 2515 1985 1988

A 1.74 95 B 1.72 75 B 1.55 93 C NAMPUNG 2.24 75 A 1.66 90 A 1.77 73 A 1.67 90 A 1.65 73 F Krasznodarec5001 2.11 90 A 1.66 73 A 1.50 88 B 1.82 73 A 1.58 88 F Lido 2.23 73 A 30 1.58 88 A 1.74 70 A 1.69 88 A 1.53 70 A 1.81 88 B 1.74 70 A 1.55 88 B 1.72 70 B 1.83 88 F Monticelli 1.87 70 B 1.76 88 A 37 1.81 68 B 1.76 88 A 1.77 68 C ODAE 1.67 88 A 1.67 68 C 300 1.90 88 A 1.57 68 A 1.68 85 B 1.86 68 A 1.68 85 E TexasFortuna 2.30 68 B 148 1.76 85 A 1.71 65 C SEOLAG 1.75 85 A 1.68 65 H 2.19 85 A 1.68 65 A 1.59 83 A 1.73 65 A 1.70 83 A 1.86 65 A 1.59 83 A 88 1.63 65 A 1.59 83 B 1.82 65 A 1.63 83 B 1.76 65 F Ardito 1.61 83 B 1.85 65 F Wzbeuskij 2.11 83 C CHIAG 1.59 65 A 1.71 80 F Romeo 1.91 65 A 1.53 80 A 76 1.77 63 A 27 1.68 80 A 1.78 63 A 1.55 80 A 96 1.55 63 A 1.72 80 A 1.71 63 A 1.59 80 A 1.56 63 B 80 B 1.75 63 B 1.82 80 C DOBONG 1.76 63 E M401 2.21 80 A 1.55 60 F Cigaron 1.83 80 A 2.12 60 A 1.83 78 B 1.68 60 B 1.72 78 B 1.72 60 B 1.70 78 C 295 1.82 60 B 1.70 78 F Ticinese 1.83 60 F Belozernij 1.81 78 A 12 1.81 58 F ItalicaLivorno 2.11 78 A 30 1.86 58 A 1.83 75 A 1.69 58 A () 1.86 75 A 1.71 58 A 1.71 75 A 1.63 58 A 1.56 75 A 1.68 58 B 1.69 75 B 1.83 58 B 1.58 75 B 1.89 58 B 58 B 45 C DONGJIN 1.69 58 D 2.31 45 F Ringo 2.39 58 A 1.75 43 A 1.67 55 A 1.44 43 A 1.69 55 A 1.65 43
16 2007.2

A 1.71 55 B 1.76 43 A 1.78 55 A 1.68 40 A 1.63 55 A 1.77 40 A 1.65 55 A 1.59 40 A 1.56 55 A 151 1.57 40 A 1.66 55 B 22 1.80 40 B 1.83 55 B 149 40 B 1.75 55 C 30 2.04 40 B 1.82 55 F Arborio 2.21 40 B 1.82 55 B 1.86 38 C SEONJIN 1.85 55 B 1.86 38 D 60 1.73 55 C SAEGWANG 1.86 38 D 1.71 55 D 4 2.07 38 F Anseatico 2.48 55 D 2.07 38 F Roma 2.33 55 G PTB29 2.38 38 A 1.73 53 G Silewah 2.43 38 A 1.67 53 A 1.58 35 A 38 1.58 53 B 1.73 35 A 1.56 53 C 295 1.82 35 A 91 1.58 53 D Ragasu 1.93 35 B 53 A 1.96 33 D 1.56 53 A 1.81 33 E M201 2.23 53 A 31 1.44 33 A 1.71 50 A 1.67 33 A 1.58 50 B 1.70 33 A 1.66 50 D 2.30 33 A 1.66 50 D 2.19 33 A 1.68 50 E S201 33 B 29 1.83 50 A 1.77 30 B 22 1.80 50 A 1.74 30 B 1.69 50 A 18 1.74 30 B 1.79 50 A 1.58 30 A 1.60 48 A 1.65 30 A 1.50 48 B 132 1.78 30 A 35 1.63 48 B 1.76 30 A 1.66 48 C 251 2.28 30 B 29 1.83 48 D 2.11 30 B 48 D 410 2.62 30 B 1.82 48 D 2.07 30 D 1.55 48 D 2.19 30 E M202 2.15 48 F Arlorio 2.27 30 F Cigalon 1.83 48 A 1.81 28 A 1.71 45 B 1.79 28 A 1.63 45 B 1.86 28 B 1.96 45 D 1.89 28 B 395 45 A 1.69 25 B 1.66 45 A 1.91 25 A 1.86 25 C 22 3.00 5 A 1.92 25 C 327 2.46 5 B 25 C 338 2.38 5 D 2.00 25 D IR661 3.04 5 E TexasBlueBonnet 3.33 25 D 204 3.27 5 E Lemont 3.00 25 D 1.89 5 F CH-D 25 E Bonnet73 3.50 5 F Sessia 25 F Europa 2.32 5

B 23 H 1.84 5 C 20 1.96 23 C 262 2.19 3 D 2.23 23 C 347 2.15 3 D 2.07 23 D 13 2.07 3 E Vista 2.24 23 D 2.12 3 G ChinsurhBoro 2.28 23 E CPSLO17 3.00 3 A 1.39 20 F Alorio 3 A 2.04 20 F Ballila 1.77 3 B 1.72 20 C 49 2.52 0 C 2.32 20 C 287 2.61 0 C 21 2.07 20 C 299 2.20 0 F Wzbeuskij 20 C 30 2.04 0 A 1.67 18 C 251 2.28 0 B 18 C 2.32 0 C 54 2.35 18 C 21 2.07 0 F Duborskij 1.81 18 C 2.68 0 G PTB29 2.38 18 C 46 2.19 0 G Kasalath 18 C BAEGYANGBYEO 2.07 0 D 2.07 17 C 258 2.07 0 A 17 1.67 15 D 11 2.04 0 B 1.75 15 D 2.00 0 C 42 1.93 15 D 2.00 0 D 2.23 15 D 1.89 0 D 2.15 15 D 2.07 0 D 10 2.84 15 E Saturn 2.27 0 H 1.80 15 F Ribe 0 C 23 2.46 13 F Balilla 0 D 2.07 13 G LakhiJhota 1.67 0 D 2.07 13 G Dular 2.48 0 E Starbonnet 3.24 13 G Kalchani 0 E Bonnet 3.50 13 G N22 2.25 0 H KinandangPuti 2.62 13 G Mudo 0 C 2.61 10 G Phulchali 0 D K 2.19 10 G Surjankhi 2.67 0 D 2.10 10 H 1.76 0 D 2.07 10 H IR36 3.04 0 D 1.89 10 H 1.80 0 G RassolpurDesi 3.30 10 H 2.20 0 G Chitta 1.74 10

C 299 2.20 8 D 410 2.62 8 D 10 2.84 8 F Delta 8 A 15 1.57 5

Yamauchi1993 1995 ASD N22DA23 FR13AASD Saka and Izawa1999Aswina Aswina 1995 Aswina 1997 13
20 2007.2

-1 Ta Hung KuArozz da TerraDunghan Shali Italica Livorno 475097 50 -1,21997 28
5028 98 AMBARBU BELYIKAEU N 16UZ ROSZ 2691 28Ta Hung Ku Arozz da TerraDunghan ShaliItalica Livorno 19961997 1996 1996 1997
Ta Hung KuKAEU N 16KAEU N 17 0.668 Arroz da TerraItalica Livorno Ogiwara2001 Arroz da Terra 1993 17 Arroz da TerraKAEU N 17 Italica Livorno 20Arroz da TerraItalica Livorno KAEU N 17 1016.4
199618.21997 Arroz da Terra Italica Livorno
1993 Ta Hung Ku Arroz da Terra Italica LivornoKAEU N 17
Ta Hung Ku Arroz da TerraItal- ica LivornoKAEU N 17

AMBARBU BELYI 98 ±3 KAEU N 751 10 ±10 KAEU N 16 98 ±3 PRIMORSKIJ 10 10 ±5 UZ ROSZ 269 98 ±3 BUNGDANGE 8 ±8 UZROS 9 95 ±5 PARWANIPUR 1 8 ±8 AL KYLCYK 93 ±3 COL/NEPAL/7 8 ±8 KAEU N 101 93 ±3 COL/NEPAL/843-15 (NEPAL 19) 8 ±8 KAEU N 1273 93 ±3 COL/NEPAL/843-4 (NEPAL 18) 8 ±8 KAEU N 632 93 ±8 JENA 027 8 ±8 KAEU N 635 90 ±10 JENA 031 8 ±8 KRASNODARSKIJ 424 90 ±5 JENA 035 8 ±8 US TOBINSKIJ (3948) 90 ±10 KAEU N 1272 5 ±5 DOUSKIJ 2 88 ±8 GAIYA DHAN TOSAR 5 ±5 DONSZKOJ 2 83 ±13 GHAIYA 5 ±5 ALAKULSKIJ 80 ±5 JAYA 5 ±5 KAEU N 17 80 ±5 TAULI (WHITE) 5 ±5 KARATAISKII 80 ±5 COL/NEPAL/12 5 ±5 GNOM 80 ±10 COL/NEPAL/794-1 (NEPAL 13) 5 ±5 USTOBISKIJ 80 ±10 COL/NEPAL/796-13 (NEPAL 15) 5 ±5 UZROS 269 78 ±13 JENA 026 5 ±5 KAEU N 1255 70 ±10 JENA 030 5 ±5 KAEU N 648B 70 ±5 JENA 034 5 ±5 DUBOVSKIJ 129 68 ±8 JENA 036 5 ±5 KYRNIYZY 63 ±8 JENA 038 5 ±5 KAEU N 651 60 ±10 AKULA 3 ±3 KAEU N 1260 53 ±8 DVDH RAJ (RED) 3 ±3 BELYI SKOUS 50 ±10 DVDH RAJ (WHITE) 3 ±3 DUBOVSKIJ 50 ±5 GAIYA RATE BHASUNAMATHE 3 ±3 UZROS 59 50 ±5 TAULI (RED) 3 ±3 NAHODKA 48 ±13 BOTE TAULI 3 ±3 SKOROSPELYJ 8 (4429) 48 ±13 COL/NEPAL/796-2 (NEPAL 14) 3 ±3 SPUTNIK (4573) 40 ±10 COL/NEPAL/9 3 ±3 WZROS 245 40 ±10 JENA 015 3 ±3 ATTE 38 ±13 JENA 024 3 ±3 AZROS 637 33 ±13 JENA 039 3 ±3 WZBEUSKIJ 2 30 ±15 JENA 042 3 ±3 DONSZKOJ 63 30 ±10 COL/NEPAL/10 0 ±0 UZROS 770 (3765) 30 ±15 COL/NEPAL/11 0 ±0 JUMALI 30 ±10 COL/NEPAL/2 0 ±0 JAHANOV 28 ±13 COL/NEPAL/3 0 ±0 BHUI DHAN 28 ±13 COL/NEPAL/6 0 ±0
22 2007.2

DALNEVOSTOCNYI 5 (3812) 23 ±13 COL/NEPAL/796-14 (NEPAL 16) 0 ±0 KUBAN 3 20 ±15 COL/NEPAL/8 0 ±0 COL/NEPAL/1 20 ±10 COL/NEPAL/FUMEI (NEPAL 22) 0 ±0 JENA 021 20 ±10 JENA 028 0 ±0 THAPACHINIYA 18 ±13 JENA 032 0 ±0 CHAMPO 13 ±13 JENA 033 0 ±0 TCHELAI 13 ±13 JENA 037 0 ±0 SANTCHEZSKIJ 52 13 ±13 JENA 041 0 ±0 KAEU N 1261 10 ±5 ±

1996 1997
Ta Hung Ku 33 a 48 a KAEU N 16 00015465 42 ab KAEU N 17 00015429 42 ab KAEU N 648B 00015496 38 abc ALAKULSKIJ 00015474 38 abc Arroz da Terra 17 bc 38 abc KAEU N 1255 00015452 37 abc AL KYLCYK 00015476 37 abc UZROS 269 00015512 34 bcd KAEU N 101 00015456 34 bcd UZROS 9 00015506 33 bcde Dunghan Shali 33 a 32 bcdef Italica Livorno 23 b 31 bcdefg KAEU N 632 00015461 30 cdefgh KAEU N 635 00015462 30 cdefgh DOUSKIJ 2 00015473 29 cdefgh Kibi 15 bcd Hei Chiao Chui Li Hsiang Keng 11 cde Maratteli 9 cdef 6 def 5 ef Jumula 2 4 ef 3 ef Arborio 2 ef 2 ef 2 ef 28 cdefghi USTOBISKIJ 00015503 27 cdefghij KARATAISKII 00015436 27 cdefghij KYRNIYZY 00015475 24 defghijk AMBARBU BELYI 00015433 23 defghijk US TOBINSKIJ (3948) 00015447 22 efghijk DONSZKOJ 2 00015523 21 fghijk KAEU N 1273 00015460 20 ghijkl KRASNODARSKIJ 424 00015522 19 hijklm UZ ROSZ 269 00015435 17 ijklm KAEU N 651 00015453 16 jklm KAEU N 1260 00015454 15 klm GNOM 00015529 13 klm

1996 1997
DUBOVSKIJ 129 00015455 9 lmn BELYI SKOUS 00015434 8 mn DUBOVSKIJ 00015515 1 n UZROS 59 00015510 0 n 1 f Kokuhorose 1 f 1 f M401 0 f Tam Cau 9A 0 f Rojofotsy 738 0 f FR13A 0 f DA23 0 f 0 f 0 n

24 2007.2
(1997) Ta Hung KuArroz da TerraKAEU N 16

1992 19851992 1985
No.4 00010718 1992 1993F11994F2 50050 1998F6 -1,2 19971998 199811200 10a 10a

26 2007.2

1989 Arroz da Terra 1994 1996

1995 F3 1996 F4 1997 F5 1998 F6
(%) (%) (%) (%)
1992 70 1994 75 1995 63
1996 85 1906 70 50025008 68± 4 6357 12±5 1908 57 50095015 57± 7 6358 12±8
6359 9±3
1997 85 1910 67 50175023 62± 7 1912 70 50245030 60±10 1913 80 50325038 72± 7 6360 3±0
1998 75 1916 37 1918 17
1999 63 2000 53 2001 68 1925 40 2002 70
80 63 67± 8 65 40 55± 7 3±2
10 1998/

() (.) () () (/) (/a) (05)
6357 93 8.14 76 19.2 502 34.9 68 1.5 6358 76 8.06 77 16.6 550 39.4 76 2.0 85 8.06 76 16.1 598 51.6 100 3.0
Arroz da TerraF1 148Arroz da Terra B1F128B1F2360 1996B1F32,000 1997B1F43,800 50 2000B1F7 -2 20002611 160 10a 10a
Arroz da Terra 148 Arroz da Terra B1F43,800124
6470647164756477 11 Arroz da Terra 2000 12 F2 10 Arroz da Terra
11 148 Arroz da Terra
1997 1998 1999 2000
B1F4 B1F5 B1F6 B1F7
(%) 3800 124 35 6471 53±10
6475 58± 1 6470 51± 6 6477 60±17
124 7 4
28 2007.2
Dunghan Shali
1989 Dunghan Shali GB 1989 1990ab 1990 Dunghan Shali 19941996 2003
Dunghan Shali 1995148 /Dunghan ShaliF1 148 Dunghan Shali1996 B1F11997B1F2
1,600B1F34,000 1998B1F4 3,80050
2000B1F6 200026 11160 /10a /10a
Dunghan Shali 148 Dunghan Shali B1F43,80019 65596620 13 Dunghan Shali 2000
12 2000148 Arroz da Terra

(% ) (.) ( ) (cm) (/ ) (kg/a) (0 5)
6471 53 7.28 62 15.8 436 52.2 90 1.0 6475 50 7.29 55 16.7 592 49.8 86 2.5 54 7.31 65 17.0 558 57.8 100 2.0
6470 70 7.31 62 17.5 480 40.6 92 0.0 6477 76 8.01 58 17.1 464 39.1 89 0.0 65 8.01 63 17.0 424 44.2 100 0.0 75 8.02 59 16.8 470 55.8 126 0.0
() ()
Arroz da Terra
Ta Hung Ku
Ta Hung Ku
Ta Hung Ku 1996/Ta Hung Ku F1271997 F2579F350
2000F5 , 19981999 2000 2000 2611160 10a 10a
Ta Hung Ku
13 148 Dunghan Shali
1998 1999 2000
B1F4 B1F5 B1F7
(%) 3800 19 6569 52± 6
6620 49±11 19 2
57± 1
14 2000148 Dunghan Shali

(% ) (.) ( ) ( ) (/ ) ( /a) (0 5)
6569 78 7.29 57 17.2 506 45.3 81 0.0 69 7.29 63 16.9 608 56.2 100 0.0
6620 68 8.01 67 15.7 646 43.9 94 0.0 60 8.04 75 17.0 494 46.7 100 1.0 68 8.04 68 17.0 552 60.8 130 2.0
() ()
2003 1997F2539 371 1998371F3 347 33 199935 F4 F3 F4 65706621 15 F3 Ta Hung
Ku F565706621 Ta Hung Ku74 577252 6621 6570 66216570 6570 16 65702004 16
15 Ta Hung Ku
1998 F3 1999 F4 2000 F5
(%) (%) (%) (%)
7013 26±11 71117115 18±7 60± 0 6570 72±5 7338 30±16 71727176 13±4 48±22 7309 31±20 71667170 9±4 40±25 7405 34±21 71887192 8±3 48±13 7203 35±20 71507154 10±2 50±12 7163 41±21 71287132 12±1 40±15 7187 45±25 71397143 16±5 40±15 6621 52±1
Ta Hung Ku 27± 3 Ta Hung Ku 13±4 63± 7 Ta Hung Ku 74±3 6± 3 0±0 13± 3 57±1
Ta Hung Ku 1997Ta Hu- ng KuF1 Ta Hung Ku 1998B1F196 B1F250 2003B1F6
1999 20002001 kg 10a2003 kg 10a
1998B1F196 199996B1F2 1999 Ta Hung Ku 2000132 200179 264265 2002 10Ta Hung Ku40 2642026533 264 265 373374 375376 375376 2000Ta Hung Ku
16 2000 Ta Hung Ku

(% ) (.) ( ) ( ) (/ ) ( /a) (1 9) (0 5)
6570 69 7.30 69 19.6 330 42.3 79 8.0 1.0 69 7.29 63 16.9 608 56.2 100 4.5 0.0 63 8.03 69 16.7 494 48.5 91 5.5 0.0
6621 63 8.01 66 19.5 386 42.5 91 6.0 0.0 60 8.04 75 17.0 494 46.7 100 5.0 1.0 68 8.04 68 17.0 552 60.8 130 4.5 2.0

32 2007.2
17 2003265373374375 376265 Ta Hung Ku 373 374Ta Hung Ku 375376
2000 20022003 Ta Hung Ku 18375 376Ta Hung Ku
17 Ta Hung Ku
1999 B1F2 2000 B1F3 2001 B1F4 2002 B1F5 2003 B1F6
(% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (% ) (% )
7014 13±10 7005 72± 2 4036 35±14 40±13 7006 71±14 4039 45± 9 50±10 3727 20±10 373 28± 8
7015 17±13 7070 13± 3 7100 71± 4 4044 45± 3 17± 3 3731 33± 3 265 40± 6
3733 20± 5 374 20±10 4049 47± 9 23± 3 4050 51±14 17±10
7107 72±11 7072 17± 7 7133 75± 3
7144 81± 3 4075 59± 6 57± 3 3746 85± 5 375 60± 8 3749 70± 0 376 58± 4
7147 74± 2
Ta Hung Ku 10± 3 Ta Hung Ku 72± 3 Ta Hung Ku 65± 4 67± 7 Ta Hung Ku 40±10 Ta Hung Ku 60± 4 1± 1 51± 8 30± 3 3± 3 10±10 13± 9
18 2003 Ta Hung Ku

(% ) (.) ( ) ( ) (/ ) ( /a) (g) (1 9) (0 9)
265 58 8.08 69 17.7 392 42.7 88 22.0 5.5 0.0 373 58 8.11 70 16.1 443 47.7 98 20.5 5.5 0.0 374 61 8.08 66 17.2 356 46.0 94 21.5 5.5 0.0 66 8.16 64 16.8 419 48.7 100 21.7 4.5 0.0
375 69 8.27 82 19.2 445 55.5 93 25.0 6.0 4.0 376 74 8.26 80 18.9 410 56.0 94 25.0 6.0 5.0 66 8.24 75 18.1 556 59.8 100 22.0 4.0 4.0
() ()10() ()
Ta Hung Ku 375376
1961 200390 500g1.4 35SR- ULH10 11 007033035037 PiaPii 51Pik 1968 037 1011 1976 PiaPiiPik PiaPiiPik 29 PiaPiiPik
1968 28 15 1992 201045 15 151418 2003 2004Italica Livorno2003 2004Arroz da Terra 2025 Italica Livorno Arroz da TerraTa Hung Ku
375 19 375033035 PiaPii 20375
34 2007.2
21 10375 22375 23375 24 375Ta Hung Ku
Arroz da TerraItalica Livorno 25 375 13
19 37526

375 -0.50 ** -0.23 -0.23 -0.19 0.27 376 -1.04 ** -0.58 ** -0.62 ** -0.62 ** 0.65 ** -1.73 ** -0.81 ** -1.04 ** -1.31 ** 1.08 ** -0.35 ** -0.12 -0.15 0.15 -0.35
20 375

007 033 035 037
375 S R MR S Pia,Pii 376 S R MR S Pia,Pii S S S S + S S R S Pia S R S S Pii 51 R S S S Pik
21 375
2003 2004

375 Pia,Pii 2.2 3.2 2.7 376 Pia,Pii 2.0 2.7 2.4 4.6 4.8 4.7 Pia,Pii 7.2 7.5 7.4 Pii 2.3 3.4 2.9 5 Pii 4.4 5.2 4.8 Pii 5.9 6.6 6.3 Pia 2.9 3.0 3.0 Pia 3.7 4.5 4.1 Pia 5.3 6.0 5.7
22 375
(%) (%)
375 86 63 376 100 25 47 35 7 0
23 375
2003 2004
375 6.0 7.0 376 7.5 7.0 5.5 5.5 4.0 3.0
g/) g/)
375 78 8.25 86 376 80 8.24 81 62 8.08 61 48 8.19 50 8.25 44
25 375
(%) (%) (%)
2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 14 18 12 14
375 60 55 42 75 17 38 78 86 376 58 35 71 79 33 54 86 82 Ta Hung Ku 60 33 13 3 Arroz da Terra 13 38 75 0 29 Italica Livorno 28 63 79 8 21 0 0 0 0 68 86 34 48
2025 15121418 15
375 376 10 375376
36 2007.2

Arroz da Terra Dunghan ShaliTa Hung Ku Ta Hung Ku F3B1F2 6357Ta Hung Ku6570PL3 375PL13376 Arroz da TerraDunghan Shali
Ta Hung Ku 375PL13 376 375PL13 Ta Hung Ku

Ta Hung Ku
Ta Hung KuF3F4 Ta Hung Ku B1F2B1F3B1F4
Ta Hung KuF3347F4
14Ta Hung Ku B1F296B1F394B1F4173 , F4 B1F4B1F3
F3F4B1F2B1F3B1F4 F3 11 B1F2 B1F3 1213F3
F4 14 15
B1F4Ta Hung Ku B1F3 B1F3 B1F3 16 1989 Ta Hung Ku
11 F3 12 B1F2
13 B1F3B1F4
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100

Ta Hung Ku
Ta Hung Ku
(% )
Ta Hung Ku QTL DNA DNAQTL DNA DNA DNA DNA Soller and Beckmann 1983 1991
Ta Hung Ku B1F3B1F2 Ta Hung Ku B1F395 20 CTABMurray and Thompson 1980DNA DNADNA Ta Hung KuDNA SSRPCR Williams 1990
PCR McCouch 1997Kashi 1997SSR 384McCouch 2002 4527 9520 B1F3 Ta Hung Ku t
17 Ta Hung Ku 199723 F5 RFLPQTL 13 QTL 23 Ta Hung KuQTL 1996 QTL QTL 12
B1F3Ta Hung Ku B1F3QTL QTL


300 95
Ta Hung KuTa Hung Ku
F2500 85F3 6357 68
148 Arroz da Terra148 Dunghan Shali
Ta Hung Ku F3 F4 6570
876570 PL3
10 Ta Hung Ku B1F2 Ta Hung Ku B1F3B1F4 375376
11 376375 375 PL13
12 Ta Hung Ku F3B1F2B1F3 F3 F4 B1F4B1F3 Ta Hung Ku
13 Ta Hung Ku B1F3QTL QTL

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New Evaluation of Seedling Emergence in Direct Seeding in Submerged Soil and Breeding Rice for High
Seedling Emergence
Hisatoshi OHTA
We studied rice seedling emergence in direct seeding in submerged soil to determine the degree of forced sprouting, temperature, and seedling depth in 8 representative rice cultivars, i.e., Akihikari, Koshihikari, Kinuhikari, Akage, Akamai, Arborio, Lemont and Habataki. We found that germination in submerged soil was optimal at 25 for 2-3 days. Germinated seeds with 0.4-1.4 coleoptiles were placed 1 , 2 and 3 deep in submerged soil in a growth chamber at 15 and 25 . Seedling emergence varied widely among cultivars seeded 2 or 3 deep at 25 and 1 deep at 15 . We then compared the emergence of 302 rice cultivars seeded 2 deep at 25including 58 (modern) and 106 (native) cultivars from Japan, 37 from China, 37 from Korea, 22 from Italy, 13 from America, 10 from India, 4 from Russia and 11 from other countries. Rice cultivars from India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh showed a significantly lower percentage of emergences than those from Japan, suggesting that Indica cultivar seedlings emerged poorly from submerged soil. We propose a new way of evaluating seedling emergence in field tests using seeds on seeder-tape placed 20 deep in soil with a tape seeder. Results of a preliminary test for seedling emergence using 23 representative rice cultivars showed a positive correla- tion between the percentage of seedlings emerging in growth chamber and field tests. To confirm this correlation, we repeated tests using 103 rice cultivars, 47 from Russia and 50 from Nepal. Results showed a significant correlation between values in growth chamber and field tests. We found that a new gene source, "Ta Hung Ku" from China, had the highest percentage of seedling emergence and could be used as a cross parent for high seedling emergence in submerged soil. We screened rice lines with high seedling emergence by sowing seeds 20 or 30 de- ep in soil at 20 or 25 in a growth chamber or placing seeder-tape 20 deep in soil in the field. We used Akamai from Japan, Arroz da Terra from Portugal, Dunghan Shali from Hungary, and Ta Hung Ku from China, but found that these cultivars had many inferior agronomic properties. To breed cultivars with good agronomic properties plus high seedling emergence, we crossed these cultivars with Japanese cultivars, Dontokoi and Kinuhikari. Due to poor properties and frequent leaf blast, however, we did not find any lines with high seedling emergence from progenies of crossing with Arroz da Terra or Dunghan Shali. We found that selection should be repeated from early generations
48 2007.2