365 行英文輕鬆學 完勝日常英語 So Easy! 娛樂 住宅 餐飲 辦公室 保健 新聞 購物 旅行 從真實生活情境學英文 好簡單 好實用

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365行英文輕鬆學 完勝日常英語

So Easy!娛樂 住宅餐飲 辦公室保健 新聞 購物 旅行

從真實生活情境學英文 好簡單 好實用

Page 2: 從真實生活情境學英文 好簡單 365行英文輕鬆學 完 … So...英文。此外,本手冊提供各情境的重點字彙、練習題以及主題字彙表,讀者不僅了
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6 遊樂園 7 博物館導覽訊息8 美術館導覽 9 國家公園資訊10 遊輪之旅

12 餐廳訂位13 餐點介紹14 點餐15 小費16 餐廳滿意度調查

18 預約牙醫19 看病20 藥局21 藥罐標籤

23 租屋24 房屋修繕

34 購物35 超市36 退換貨

31 天氣預報32 新聞

26 辦公室留言27 辦公室用品28 電腦問題29 會議

38 指引方向39 搭公車40 計程車跳錶價41 火車時刻表42 道路關閉

2 前言 Preface3 手冊使用方式 How to Use4 關於多益普及英語

測驗 About the TOEIC Bridge Test

43 字彙表 Vocabulary


餐飲情境Dining Out







5 11

17 22




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身在國際化時代潮流裡,各行各業都可能接觸來自世界各地的人。為了讓讀者面對外國人士時,不再有「話到嘴邊,卻說不出正確、相應英文」的情況,本手冊參考多益普及英語測驗(TOEIC Bridge)的測驗情境,選出生動、貼近各行各業職場和日常生活的八大情境,包含娛樂、餐飲、保健、住宅、辦公室、新聞、購物、旅行,365 行都能輕鬆學習可靈活運用在日常生活中的英文。


輕鬆地把實用英語運用至工作、生活中,完勝日常英語 So Easy !

GEAT 台灣全球化教育推廣協會理事長

《365 行英文輕鬆學 完勝日常英語 So Easy!》作者:李海碩、張迪、蕭婉珍、多益普及團隊編輯:夏璘、陳誼臻美術設計:李漪雯、楊惠恩編審:陳超明發行人:GEAT 台灣全球化教育推廣協會網址:www.geat.org.tw



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手冊使用方式How to Use

遊樂園 Amusement Park遊樂園是大人、小孩能一起同樂的好地方,當遊客要購票入場時,售票員該如何和遊客溝通?

Tourist: Hi. I’d like to buy two standard passes and one junior pass. What do the passes include? Ticket attendant: Both passes include unlimited rides. Tourist: Great. How much do they cost? Ticket attendant: A standard pass is 28 dollars and a junior pass is 22 dollars. So your total comes to 78 dollars. Tourist: Alright, here are 78 dollars. By the way, when do you close today? Ticket attendant: We close at 10 p.m.

■ 重點字彙 ■Amusement park (n.) 遊樂園 Ticket attendant (n.) 售票員Standard (adj.) 標準的 Junior (n.) 較年幼者 Unlimited (adj.) 無限次的 Come to 總計 By the way 順帶一提

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■

One of the ______ subjects we have to learn in Elementary school is math.我們在小學必需學的標準科目之一為數學。

I bought a membership that gives me ______ manicures.我買的會員資格讓我使用無限次的指甲護理。

解答:standard ■ unlimited

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分

❶ 情境設定本手冊包含日常生活中的八大情境

❹ 情境字彙在設定的情境中必學的單字、片語

❷ 文章難易度CEFR 歐洲語言能 力 分 級 分 成三等級:A1 入門級A2 基礎級B1 進階級TOEIC Bridge分數分三階段:92-133 分134-169 分170-180 分詳見 P4

❸ 職務設定各行各業可能會遇到需要使用英語的狀況,並以一段英文內容呈現工作任務

❺ 英文小測驗實 際 運 用 各 篇所 學 的 單 字、片語


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TOEIC Bridge 多益普及英語測驗

聽力 閱讀 CEFR 能力論述

84 分 86 分 B1進階級


64 分 70 分 A2基礎級


46 分 46 分 A1入門級

能聽懂簡單的打招呼(例如:How are you?)能聽懂英文月份、日期、星期及時間能數英文數字

*CEFR 歐洲語言能力分級架構,是國際認可的語言能力分級參考標準。

關於多益普及英語測驗About the TOEIC Bridge Test



多益普及測驗能力論述多益普及測驗分為聽力、閱讀兩部分,分數各為 10 ~ 90 分,總分介於20 ~ 180 分。以下能力論述讓考生了解,自己的多益普及分數代表能夠做到的英語相關活動及程度,並設立下一階段的英語學習目標。

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娛樂情境 Entertainment本類別包含外國旅客來台可能從事的娛樂活動情境,熟悉本情境相關英文字彙將有助於提升相關行業的服務品質。

■ 遊樂園 Amusement Park

■ 博物館導覽資訊 Tour Information

■ 美術館導覽 Art Gallery Tour

■ 國家公園 National Park

■ 遊輪之旅 Cruise

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遊樂園 Amusement Park遊樂園是大人、小孩能一起同樂的好地方,當遊客要購票入場時,售票員該如何和遊客溝通?

Tourist: Hi. I’d like to buy two standard passes and one junior pass. What do the passes include? Ticket attendant: Both passes include unlimited rides. Tourist: Great. How much do they cost? Ticket attendant: A standard pass is 28 dollars and a junior pass is 22 dollars. So your total comes to 78 dollars. Tourist: Alright, here are 78 dollars. By the way, when do you close today? Ticket attendant: We close at 10 p.m.

■ 重點字彙 ■Amusement park (n.) 遊樂園 Ticket attendant (n.) 售票員Standard (adj.) 標準的 Junior (n.) 較年幼者 Unlimited (adj.) 無限次的 Come to 總計 By the way 順帶一提

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■

One of the ______ subjects we have to learn in Elementary school is math.我們在小學必需學的標準科目之一為數學。

I bought a membership that gives me ______ manicures.我買的會員資格讓我使用無限次的指甲護理。

解答:standard ■ unlimited

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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博物館導覽資訊 Tour Information博物館提供遊客沒有預約也能參加導覽的服務,若您是館方人員,該如何製作告示向遊客說明?

Walk-in Tour:Highlights of the museum (2-9 visitors)**No Reservations**

Every Saturday & Sunday at 10:30 AM

Visitors should sign in at the Museum Tour Desk at 10:20 AM.

■ 重點字彙 ■Highlight (n.) 最重要或精采的部分 Reservation (n.) 預約Sign in 登記、簽到

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■

I would like to make a ______ for dinner tonight.


Members are required to ______ before entering the club.會員在進入俱樂部之前,需要先簽到。

解答:reservation ■ sign in

CEFR A1, TOEIC Bridge 92-133 分


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美術館導覽 Art Gallery Tour國家美術館導覽員向遊客們簡單說明今天的行程。

Welcome to the Museum of Art and Culture. My name is Steven. I’ll be your tour guide today. On today's tour, we'll see some of this museum's most famous collections. Also, there is a special exhibition which opened last weekend. We’ll cover that in our tour as well. The tour will last about an hour and end at the gift shop next to the Great Hall. Please keep up with the group and raise your hand if you have any questions.

■ 重點字彙 ■Tour guide (n.) 導覽員;導遊 Itinerary (n.) 行程 Famous collections 有名的收藏品 Exhibition (n.) 展覽Last + 時間 (v.) 持續一段時間

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■A detailed ______ will be sent to you by Friday.詳細的行程表會在周五前寄給你。

There are several famous sculptures at the ______ .在那展覽中有數件著名的雕塑品。

解答:itinerary ■ exhibition

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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國家公園 National Park許多遊客喜歡到國家公園欣賞台灣獨有的景觀,有些國家公園還會開放旅客在營地露營過夜,若您在此服務,該如何向旅客說明營地的開放時間?

Opening Hours■ Visitor Center 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

■ 10-Mile Scenic Drive, Mountains Overlook on State Route 111October – February 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.March 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.April – September 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Bridge Mountains CampgroundThe campground is open seasonally and is accessible 24 hours a day. Individual and Group campsites are available on a first come, first serve basis. For more information visit www.bridgemountains.com.

■ 重點字彙 ■Campground (n.) 營地 Opening hours 開放時間 Scenic (adj.) 風景優美的 Overlook (v.) 俯瞰 Seasonally (adv.) 季節性地 Accessible (adj.) 可進入的;可到達的First come, first serve 先來先得

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■

The menu of this restaurant changes ______ .這間餐廳的菜單隨著季節改變。

The hotel is easily ______ by public transport.搭乘大眾運輸即可輕鬆到達該飯店。

解答:seasonally ■ accessible

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分

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遊輪之旅 Cruise想來點不一樣的旅遊方式?看看旅遊專員向遊客介紹的特色遊輪之旅吧!

Could you introduce this tour for us?

Sure. It includes a minivan that picks you up and

drops you off at the hotel, a one-day cruise tour to the

Great Barrier Reef, and the tour guide service.

Sounds terrific. Can you offer a better price?

Hmm…Okay, I can give you a NT$500 discount per person.

That’s so nice of you. Please book the tour for two.






■ 重點字彙 ■Agent (n.) 專員 Tourist (n.) 遊客Cruise (n.) 遊輪之旅 Include (v.) 包含Minivan (n.) 小型休旅車 Pick sb. up 接送、搭載(某人)Drop sb. off 讓(某人)從交通工具上下來

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Can you ______ me up at the airport tomorrow?你明天可以到機場接我嗎?

Where should I ______ you off?我該在哪裡讓你下車?

解答:pick ■ drop

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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餐飲情境 Dining Out本類別包含外國旅客來台用餐時可能遇到的情境,熟悉本情境相關英文字彙將有助於提升餐飲服務品質。

■ 餐廳訂位 Restaurant Booking

■ 餐點介紹 Meal Description

■ 點餐 Take Orders

■ 小費 Give a Tip

■ 餐廳滿意度調查 Customer Satisfaction Survey

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餐廳訂位 Restaurant Booking台灣以美食聞名,當外國客人想先預定位置時,接待人員該如何與其應對?

: Good afternoon! How may I help you? : I’d like to book a table for four this Sunday evening.: No problem. What time can you make it?: 7 p.m. By the way, can we have the table by the window?: I'm afraid that the table by the window is not available, sir.: In that case, could we have one in the nonsmoking section?: Certainly. May I have your name and phone number, please?: Hunter Foster, and the number is 666-9810.







■ 重點字彙 ■Book (v.) 預訂 Make (v.) 到達;趕上Afraid (adj.) 擔心的;害怕的 Case (n.) 情況Section (n.) 區域;部分

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Grace is ______ of being late.Grace 擔心會遲到。

You can find fruits and vegetables in the produce ______ .你可以在農產品區找到水果和蔬菜。

解答:afraid ■ section

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分

Dining Out

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Good evening. My name is Joseph, and I'll take care of you tonight. Here is your menu. Tonight's dinner special is grilled beef served with a delicious green salad and a choice of steamed rice or baked potatoes.

■ 重點字彙 ■Waiter (n.) 男性服務生 Waitress (n.) 女性服務生Menu (n.) 菜單 Grilled (adj.) 燒烤的Delicious (adj.) 美味的 Steamed (adj.) 蒸的Backed (adj.) 烘烤的

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■

Some restaurants have secret dishes not listed on the ______ .有些餐廳有菜單上沒列出的隱藏料理。

I'll have the ______ fish for my main course.我的主餐要烤魚。

解答:menu ■ grilled

餐點介紹 Meal Description來自他國的客人面對菜單上琳瑯滿目的美食,難免感到困惑,此時服務生該如何用英語向客人介紹餐點?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分

Dining Out

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May I take your order now?Do you have any vegetarian options?Here's our vegetarian menu. Thank you. I'll have the tomato soup for starters. And I love noodles. So, I would like to have the vegetable pasta.Sure. What would you like to eat for dessert?I'm not into sweets. I'd like to have some cheese and biscuits for dessert.

Waiter: Guest: Waiter: Guest:

Waiter: Guest:

■ 重點字彙 ■Vegetarian (n.) 素食者 Noodle (n.) 麵條 Into 對…有興趣 Sweet (n.) 甜食 Biscuit (n.) 小麵包;餅乾

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Gianna is a ______ so she doesn't eat meat.Gianna 是位素食者,所以她不吃肉。

We like to ______ during the weekend.假日時,我們喜歡外出用餐。

解答:vegetarian ■ dine out

餐廳點餐 Take Orders台灣美食包羅萬象,從夜市到餐廳皆可找到好滋味。當外籍客人到餐廳用餐,服務人員該如何為他點餐?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分

Dining Out

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Yes, I agree. The waiter is so nice. In addition to the bill, we should give him a big tip.

We usually tip 10% to 15% of the bill for lunch and 20% for dinner.

How much do American people tip when you dine out?

The Italian food is good, and the service is great.

■ 重點字彙 ■In addition to+ 名詞 除了~以外 Bill (n.) 帳單 Tip (n.) 小費 Dine out 外出吃飯

■ 練習題■1. Where are they? (A) A Taiwanese restaurant (B) An American restaurant (C) An Italian restaurant

2. How is the service there? (A) Good (B) Average (C) Bad

3. How much is the tip for dinner? (A) 15% (B) 20% (C) 25%

解答:1. (C) ■ 2. (A) ■ 3. (B)

小費 Give a Tip雖然在台灣餐廳用餐較少需要給小費,但在多數西方國家裡這是約定成俗的習慣。透過台灣人與美國人的對話,我們可以了解該給多少小費。

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分

Dining Out

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Thank you for filling out this survey. Your opinion helps us serve you better.Please Check One 1. Taste / flavor of the food 2. Appearance of the food 3. Portion sizes 4. Server’s attitude 5. Value of the mealSuggestion:

Mr. King Customer Satisfaction Survey

Excellent Good Needs Improvement

■ 重點字彙 ■Suggestion (n.) 建議 Customer Satisfaction Survey 客戶滿意度調查表Fill out 填寫 Improvement (n.) 改進 Taste / Flavor (n.) 口味 Appearance (n.) 外觀Portion (n.) 份量 Attitude (n.) 態度

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The fruit cake was bursting with sweet ______ .這個水果蛋糕在嘴裡溢出滿滿甜味。

Each course of the meal came in a large ______ .餐點的每道菜都是大份量。

解答:flavor ■ portion

餐廳滿意度調查 Customer Satisfaction Survey為了得到顧客立即的建議,客人用餐完畢後,餐廳常請顧客填寫滿意度調查表。身為服務人員,讀懂客人的反饋可是當務之急!

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分

Dining Out

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■ 預約牙醫 Dentist Appointment

■ 看病 Go to the Doctor

■ 藥局 Pharmacy

■ 藥罐標籤 Medicine Label

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預約牙醫 Dentist Appointment病患打電話至牙醫診所預約牙醫,身為櫃檯人員,該如何協助患者掛號?

: Dr. Hambly’s office. How may I help you?: I would like to make an appointment with Dr. Hambly.: What's your name, please?: Bailey Lin.: What is the reason for the appointment?: Oh, my tooth hurts really bad.: I see. So when would you like to come in?: Is this Tuesday afternoon possible?: Yes, we have an opening at 3 p.m. Can you make it?: Sure.






■ 重點字彙 ■Receptionist (n.) 櫃檯人員 Patient (n.) 病患Appointment (n.) 預約;約定 Reason (n.) 理由;原因Tooth (n.) 牙齒 Hurt (v.) 疼痛Opening (n.) 空缺

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■There is no ______ for you to stay.你沒有理由留下。

We will give you a call when there is an ______ .有空缺的時候我們會和你聯繫。

解答:reason ■ opening

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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How do you feel today?

Not well. I have a terrible headache and

a sore throat. And I feel very weak.

Let me take your temperature. Hmm…You have a

fever. It seems that you have the flu. I will give you

some medicine for your symptoms.

I have exams in the next few weeks. Do the pills have

any side effects?

Don’t worry, they won’t. Could you come back next

week for a check-up?

Sure. Thank you, Doctor.







■ 重點字彙 ■Sore throat 喉嚨痛 Fever (n./v.) 發燒Symptom (n.) 症狀 Side effect 副作用Check-up 檢查

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Fever is considered a classic ______ of flu.發燒被認為是流行性感冒的典型症狀。

Linda goes to the hospital for her annual physical ______ .Linda 到醫院做年度健康檢查。

解答:symptom ■ check-up

看病 Go to the Doctor人在國外,難免會有身體不適的時候,我們該怎麼用英文向醫生說明自己的身體狀況?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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: Hi, I need to fill this prescription, please.

: Sure. Do you have a health insurance card?

: Yes, here you go.

: Mr. Wu, your prescription is ready.

Do you have any questions?

: Yes. How many pills should I take a day?

: Take two tablets twice a day.

: When should I take them?

: Take two in the morning and two in the evening

after meals.









■ 重點字彙 ■Make a diagnosis 診斷 Prescription (n.) 處方Pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師 Insurance (n.) 保險Pill (n.) 藥丸 Tablet (n.) 藥錠

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Without ______ , these drugs are not available.若沒有醫師處方,是不能購買這些藥物的。

It might be a good idea to get a travel ______ before going on a trip.旅行前買個旅遊保險會是個不錯的主意。

解答:prescription ■ insurance

藥局 Pharmacy病患到醫院看診,醫生診斷後,給予處方籤請他到藥局領藥,此時藥劑師該如何與病患應對?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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Bridge Pharmacy

Take 1 tablet by mouth once a day for 7 days until all taken.Tamiflu 75 mg tablets Quantity: 7 No refills – Dr. authorization required

3553 Franklin Pike Nashville, TN 37204 (901) 277-9877Rx# 153321 Dr. Richard Lewis

Date: 31/05/20181331 Berry Rd, Nashville, TN 37204 (901) 288-3544

Use Before 31/05/2019

Brad Wu

■ 重點字彙 ■Pharmacy/drugstore (n.) 藥局 Label (n.) 標籤Quantity (n.) 數量 Refill (n./v.) 處方籤補藥;再填滿Authorization (n.) 授權;批准 Required (adj.) 需要的

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■To open the file, you will need the ______ code.要打開檔案,你需要授權碼。

You can buy the pills at the ______ .你可以在藥局購買那些藥品。

解答:authorization ■ pharmacy/drugstore

藥罐標籤 Medicine Label病患拿著處方籤到藥局領藥,藥罐標籤所標註的內容務必看仔細。

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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■ 租屋 Apartment Rental

■ 房屋修繕 Housing Repairs

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Tenant: Hi, I am calling about the one bedroom apartment.

Is it still available?

Landlord: Yes.

Tenant: Great! Is there a security deposit?Landlord: It’s NT$1,500. You will get it back when you move out if there is no damage and you don't owe me any rent.

Tenant: OK, that makes sense. Are there laundry facilities?

Landlord: Sure. There is a laundry room in the basement.

■ 重點字彙 ■Advertisement (n.) 廣告 Tenant (n.) 租屋客 Landlord (n.) 房東 Deposit (n.) 押金Damage (n./v.) 損壞;損害 Rent (n.) 租金Laundry (n.) 待洗衣物 Facility (n.) 洗衣設備

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Oil spills has caused a serious ______ to the environment.漏油已經對環境造成嚴重損害。

The ______ for this house is NT$8,000 per month.這間房子一個月的租金是新台幣 8,000 元。

解答:damage ■ rent

租屋 Apartment Rental由於現今住宿選擇多樣化,外國旅客來台期間有時會透過網路廣告承租短期住宿處。若您是房東,該如何用英語和外國租屋客溝通?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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Bridge ApartmentsAttention:All Residents of Building A

The laundry room in Building A will be closed from today till next Wednesday due to the leaking problem. During this time, Mr. Miller, the plumber from AJ Plumbing, will be helping us with the problem. We are sorry for the trouble. We will try to fix the leaking problem as soon as possible. Thank you.

Bob Smith, Superintendent

■ 重點字彙 ■Notice (n./v.) 告示 Resident (n.) 居民Due to 由於 Leaking (n.) 滲漏 Plumber (n.) 水電工 Plumbing (n.)(水管等)管路配置 Fix the problem 解決問題 As soon as possible 盡快

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Parking has become a major problem for local ______ s.停車已成為當地居民的主要問題。

Please reply the email ______ .請盡快回覆這封電子郵件。

解答:resident ■ as soon as possible

房屋修繕 Housing Repairs當房屋管線出了問題,身為屋主或管理者,該如何撰寫告示告知房客?

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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■ 辦公室留言 Take a Message

■ 辦公室用品 Office Supplies

■ 電腦問題 Computer Problems

■ 會議 Meeting

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辦公室留言 Take a Message當同事不在辦公室,卻有人來電找他時,我們可以幫忙記錄留言,寫下對方來電的目的。

To: Hunter From: FrankDate: March 5, Monday Time: 11:00 Telephone: 522-331-4267

Of�ce Message Urgent!

Message:Frank Lin from ARC learning center called.He wants to know if you can reschedule your Thursday meeting to Friday afternoon. He’ll try to call you again later today for the exact time.Taken By: Judy Cheng

■ 重點字彙 ■Take a message 記錄留言 Reschedule (v.) 重新安排 Exact (adj.) 確切的

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The house is in ______ need of repairs.這間房子急需修理。

What is the ______ date of the event?這個活動的確切日期是?

解答:urgent ■ exact

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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辦公室用品 Office Supplies公司內部經常需要召開業務會議,若職員想先填寫辦公室用品需求訂購單,將所需用品備好,該如何向負責文具的採購人員申請?

Date of Request: 2018/03/01 Submitted By: Naomi Huang Needed By: 2018/03/06 Dept: Sales DepartmentDept. Account: 3345772 Extension: 7277

Item ItemQty. Qty.

Of�ce Supplies Order Form

Pencil 10 Marker 5

■ 重點字彙 ■Sales meeting 業務會議 Office supply 辦公室用品 Request (n./v.) 要求、請求 Submit (v.) 遞交Department (n.) 部門 Extension (n.) 分機

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■C-Mart offers a wide range of ______ .C-Mart 提供各種辦公用品。

You’ll need to make a ______ before the end of this month.你需要在這個月底前提出申請。

解答:office supplies ■ request

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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電腦問題 Computer Problems辦公室裡的電腦故障了,該如何與 IT 人員溝通,尋求協助?

A: What is wrong with the computer in my office?

IT Staff: I already checked it and did all the testing. But it is still not working.

A: Did you miss anything? Could you check it again today?

IT Staff: OK, I will make a careful check sometime this afternoon.

■ 重點字彙 ■Computer (n.) 電腦 Check (v.) 檢查 (n.) 支票;帳單

■ 練習題 ■1. Where are they? (A) At a company (B) At a park (C) At a restaurant

2. What is A worried about? (A) The IT staff did not check the computer (B) The IT staff missed something (C) The computer is old

解答:1. (A) ■ 2. (B)

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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Attention all co-workers! On Thursday, May 10, we are having an important meeting about our annual staff trip. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. in Room 302. In the meeting, you’ll vote for the destination of the trip. Please attend the meeting on time, so that you don’t miss out on any important information about the recommended destinations. Any questions? Please call Diana on ext. 209.

■ 重點字彙 ■Personnel (n.) 人事室 Meeting notice 會議通知Annual (adj.) 每年的;一年一次的 Staff (n.) 員工Vote (n./v.) 投票 Attend (v.) 出席;參與Recommend (v.) 推薦

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The company is scheduled to publish its ______ report tomorrow.這間公司預定明天發布其年度報告。

The number of guests to ______ the wedding is around 70.會出席婚禮的賓客數約為 70 人。

解答:annual ■ attend

會議 Meeting人事室同仁發了一封會議通知電子郵件,請同事們來討論本年度的員工活動。

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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新聞情境 News本類別包含外國人士來台時,可能需要了解的資訊,熟悉本情境相關英文字彙將能幫助外國人士快速掌握當地情況。

■ 天氣預報 Weather Forecast

■ 新聞 News

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Now for today's weather. The heavy rain is expected to continue throughout the day. Right now it's twenty-five degrees outside, but overnight temperatures will probably drop to eighteen degrees. So don’t forget to bring a light jacket when you’re out.

■ 重點字彙 ■Remind (v.) 提醒 Continue (v.) 繼續Degree (n.) 度 Overnight (adj.) 夜間的Temperature (n.) 溫度 Drop (v.) 下降

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■You can choose to buy now or wait until the prices ______ .你可以選擇現在買或是等到價格下降後。

Lyn ______ s me that I have to finish the work today.Lyn 提醒我今天必須完成這項工作。

解答:drop ■ remind

天氣預報 Weather Forecast到各地旅行,最重要的莫過於了解當地天氣情況。以英文播報的氣象報導,能給外籍旅客適當的提醒。

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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NEWSMore Taiwanese senior high school graduates go overseas to study

( Taipei, March 9 )

More Taiwanese senior high school graduates go overseas to study. About 627 students studied abroad in 2011. The number rose to 1,443 in 2015, the Educational Testing Service (ETS) said this week.

■ 重點字彙 ■Go overseas to study 出國讀書 Overseas (adj./adv.) 在國外、在海外Study abroad 出國留學 Abroad (adv.) 在國外

■ 練習題 ■1. When was the news published? (A) On February 9 (B) On March 9 (C) On April 9

2. How many students studied abroad in 2011? (A) 627 (B) 1,443 (C) 2,017

3. What was the situation in 2015? (A) Fewer students studied abroad (B) More students studied abroad (C) No student studied abroad

新聞 News透過英文新聞,外籍人士能立即了解當地狀況;對我們而言,則是能增強自己的英語閱讀能力。

解答:1. (B) ■ 2. (A) ■ 3. (B)

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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■ 購物 Shopping

■ 超市 Supermarket

■ 退換貨 Return & Refund

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購物 Shopping外籍顧客看中了一支手錶,想知道那支錶是否有打折,身為店員該如何用英文和客人應對?

Guest: Excuse me, how much is this watch?

Clerk: Let me check. It’s NT$1,000.

Guest: Is there any discount for it?

Clerk: Sorry, there’s no discount for this watch. But you can get an extra

10% off on purchases over NT$2,000.

Guest: Okay, I understand. Thanks.

■ 重點字彙 ■Clerk (n.) 店員 Discount (n./v.) 折扣Extra (adj.) 額外的 10% off 九折Purchase (n.) 購買(的東西)

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The shop offers a 10% ______ on all items today.這間店今天所有物品都有 10% 的折扣。

All tickets must be used on the day of ______ .所有票券必須在購買當天使用。

解答:discount ■ purchase

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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超市 Supermarket不論當地人或外國人士都會有需要到超市採購食品雜貨的時候,當外籍顧客想找特定商品時,店員該如何用英文給予協助?

Excuse me. Do you know where I can find bagels?

They’re not in aisle 3 where they used to be.

Oh, We moved the bakery section from aisle 3 to aisle 12.

So that’s why. What about soymilk ?

That should be in the dairy section. Just go to the back of

the store, and you will see it right in front of you.

Great! And one more thing…

do you have cherries?

Yes, we do. You can find them in the

produce section. They’re near the front








■ 重點字彙 ■Grocery shopping 採購食品雜貨 Bagel (n.) 貝果Aisle (n.) 走道 Bakery (n.) 麵包、糕點店Soymilk (n.) 豆漿 Dairy (adj.) 乳製品的Produce (n.) 農產品 Entrance (n.) 入口

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■A new ______ just opened around the corner.轉角新開了一間麵包坊。

Debby is allergic to all ______ products.Debby 對所有的奶製品都過敏。

解答:bakery ■ dairy

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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退換貨 Return & Refund當外籍顧客前往賣場準備退還剛買的商品時,店員該如何用英文和客人溝通?

Clerk: Hi, how can I help you today?

Guest: I’d like to return this hair dryer, please.

Clerk: Sure. When did you buy it?

Guest: Two days ago.

Clerk: Well, is there something wrong with it?

Guest: No, it’s fine. It’s just that I already have

one in my dorm room.

Clerk: OK. Would you like to exchange it for

something else?

Guest: No, I’d like to get a refund. Here is my


■ 重點字彙 ■Return (v.) 退還 Hair dryer (n.) 吹風機Wrong (adj.) 不正常的;錯誤的 Exchange A for B 將 A 換成 BRefund (n.) 退款 Receipt (n.) 收據

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■I would like to ______ this skirt for a size 8.我想要將這件裙子換成八號的。

Do you want your ______ in the bag or with you?你的收據要放在袋子裡還是給你?

解答:exchange ■ receipt

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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旅行情境 Travel本類別包含外國人士來台觀光時,在交通方面可能遇到的情境,熟悉相關英文字彙將有助從業人員給予外國人士協助。

■ 指引方向 Give Directions

■ 搭公車 Take a Bus

■ 計程車跳錶價 Taxi Fare

■ 火車時刻表 Timetable & Railway Information

■ 道路關閉 Road Closure

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指引方向 Give Directions外國朋友來台灣難免會有迷路的情況,此時在路上巡邏的員警正好能給予協助。

Excuse me, sir. I’m going to the night market, but I’m kind of lost. Ah, no problem. I can help you. We are now on the corner of Yes.Just go straight on 4th Avenue for three blocks, and you will see a Oh, I see.After you see Macy’s, turn left and keep walking for about 10 minutes.

University Street and 4th Avenue.

department store called Macy’s.

The night market will be right in front of you.


Police Officer

■ 重點字彙 ■On patrol 巡邏 Lost (adj.) 迷路的 Corner (n.) 轉角處 Straight (adv.) 直線地Block (n.) 街區 Right (adj.) 正好的;恰好的

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The store you’re looking for is on the ______ .你要找的店就在轉角處。

The bookstore is only a ______ away.書店僅在一個街區外。

解答:corner ■ block

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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搭公車 Take a Bus外國遊客向公車司機詢問如何搭乘公車抵達目的地。

Excuse me. Does this bus go to Taipei City Hall?

How much is the bus fare?

Can you tell me when we get there?

Bus Driver: It’s NT$12 for a student ticket. But you’ll have to transfer at Daan Park.

Bus Driver: No problem!




Bus Driver: Yes, this is it.

■ 重點字彙 ■Bus (n.) 公車、巴士 Driver (n.) 司機Bus fare (n.) 公車票價 Student ticket (n.) 學生票

■ 練習題 ■1. Where is she going? (A) Taipei City Hall (B) Taipei Main Station (C) CKS Memorial Hall

2. How much is a student ticket? (A) NT$20 (B) NT$12 (C) NT$15

3. Where does she have to transfer? (A) At the school (B) At the park (C) At the hall

解答:1. (A) ■ 2. (B) ■ 3. (B)

CEFR A1, TOEIC Bridge 92-133 分


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計程車跳錶價 Taxi Fare除了大眾交通工具外,旅客也常搭乘計程車前往目的地。然而,我們該如何向外國旅客解釋計程車是如何計費,以及夜間加成的規定?

Your Best O�er Possible in Central Taiwan

*Nighttime surcharge from 23:00 to 05:00 (+20% over the day time fare)

Average -sized Cabs HS Taxi Average Fare

Basic Fare NT$70/1 km NT$70/0.9 km

Meter Fare NT$5/250 m NT$5/247 m

Long Distance Discount 50% o� from the rest of the fare above NT$3,000

50% o� from the rest of the fare above NT$3,500

HS Taxi Meter Fares-



■ 重點字彙 ■Meter (n.) 計程車的跳錶 Fare (n.) 交通工具的花費Average (adj.) 平均的 Cab (n.) 計程車的俗稱Basic (adj.) 基本的 Surcharge (n.) 額外加價

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■The total amount will be NT$2,400 with the nighttime ______ . 加上夜間額外加價後,總價為新台幣 2,400 元。

The mobile app can help you find the cheapest air ticket ______ in seconds.那個行動應用程式可以幫您在短時間內就找到最便宜的機票費用。

解答:surcharge ■ fare

CEFR A2, TOEIC Bridge 134-169 分


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火車時刻表 Timetable & Railway Information為了幫助旅客順利搭乘火車前往目的地,站務人員可協助旅客查看時刻表之外,還可根據時刻表告訴旅客火車抵達的情況。


Train No. Destination Scheduled Time Expected Time Remark Platform 566 Taichung 16:54 16:54 On time 1A722 Taoyuan 17:02 17:07 Delayed 2B629 Chiayi 17:04 17:08 Delayed 2A

■ 重點字彙 ■Departure (n.) 出發 Destination (n.) 目的地 Expected (adj.) 期待、期望的 Remark (n./v.) 評論、標註Platform (n.) 月台 On time 準時Delay (n./v.) 延誤

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■Your orders from our website are all ______ to arrive within 24 hours.您在本網站所訂購的商品皆可期望在 24 小時內收到。

Our flight will be landing in Kaohsiung ______ .我們的班機會準時抵達高雄。

解答:expected ■ on time

CEFR A1, TOEIC Bridge 92-133 分


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道路關閉 Road Closure適逢節慶,不少地區有交通管制、路段封閉,甚至交通堵塞的情形。若您是有關單位人員,該如何向外國旅客闡述交通路線變動?

Due to the activities on Apr. 4 at Season Park, the Department of Transportation is closing a number of roadways today. Road closures are scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. and end around 11 p.m. Main Street will be closed in both directions, from Park Avenue to Maple Avenue. At the same time, traffic delays might happen on the surrounding streets. We’ll keep you updated on the latest traffic news.

■ 重點字彙 ■Traffic control 交通管制 Road closure 路段封閉Traffic jams 交通堵塞 Roadway (n.) 道路Scheduled (adj.) 預定、表定的 Direction (n.) 方向Update (n./v.) 更新

■ 請將適合的字彙填入空格中 ■I almost ran into a woman coming from the opposite ______ .我差點撞上來自對面方向的女人。

We set off early in order to avoid ______ .我們早早出發以避開交通堵塞。

解答:direction ■ traffic jams

CEFR B1, TOEIC Bridge 170-180 分


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字彙表 Vocabulary■ 娛樂情境 Entertainment■ 餐飲情境 Dining Out■ 保健情境 Health■ 住宅情境 Housing■ 辦公室情境 Offices■ 新聞情境 News■ 購物情境 Shopping■ 旅行情境 Travel

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娛樂 Entertainment

Amusement park (n.) 遊樂園

Ticket attendant (n.) 售票員

Standard (adj.) 標準的

Junior (n.) 較年幼者

Unlimited (adj.) 無限次的

Come to 總計

By the way 順帶一提

Highlight (n.) 最重要或精采的部分

Reservation (n.) 預約

Sign in 登記、簽到

Tour guide (n.) 導覽員;導遊

Itinerary (n.) 行程

Famous collections 有名的收藏品

Exhibition (n.) 展覽

Last + 時間 (v.) 持續一段時間

Campground (n.) 營地

Opening hours 開放時間

Scenic (adj.) 風景優美的

Overlook (v.) 俯瞰

Seasonally (adv.) 季節性地

Accessible (adj.) 可進入的;可到達的

First come, first serve 先來先得

Agent (n.) 專員

Tourist (n.) 遊客

Cruise (n.) 遊輪之旅

Include (v.) 包含

Minivan (n.) 小型休旅車

Pick sb. up 接送、搭載(某人)

Drop sb. off讓(某人)從交通工具上下來

餐飲 Dining Out

Book (v.) 預訂

Make (v.) 到達;趕上

Afraid (adj.) 擔心的;害怕的

Case (n.) 情況

Section (n.) 區域;部分

Waiter (n.) 男性服務生

Waitress (n.) 女性服務生

Menu (n.) 菜單

Grilled (adj.) 燒烤的

Delicious (adj.) 美味的

Steamed (adj.) 蒸的

Backed (adj.) 烘烤的

Vegetarian (n.) 素食者

Noodle (n.) 麵條

Into 對…有興趣

Sweet (n.) 甜食


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Biscuit (n.) 小麵包;餅乾

In addition to+ 名詞 除了~以外

Bill (n.) 帳單

Tip (n.) 小費

Dine out 外出吃飯

Suggestion (n.) 建議

Customer Satisfaction Survey客戶滿意度調查表

Fill out 填寫

Improvement (n.) 改進

Taste/Flavor (n.) 口味

Appearance (n.) 外觀

Portion (n.) 份量

Attitude (n.) 態度

保健 Health

Receptionist (n.) 櫃檯人員

Patient (n.) 病患

Appointment (n.) 預約;約定

Reason (n.) 理由;原因

Tooth (n.) 牙齒

Hurt (v.) 疼痛

Opening (n.) 空缺

Sore throat 喉嚨痛

Fever (n./v.) 發燒

Symptom (n.) 症狀

Side effect 副作用

Check-up 檢查

Make a diagnosis 診斷

Prescription (n.) 處方

Pharmacist (n.) 藥劑師

Insurance (n.) 保險

Pill (n.) 藥丸

Tablet (n.) 藥錠

Pharmacy/drugstore (n.) 藥局

Label (n.) 標籤

Quantity (n.) 數量

Refill (n./v.) 處方籤補藥;再填滿

Authorization (n.) 授權;批准

Required (adj.) 需要的

住宅 Housing

Advertisement (n.) 廣告

Tenant (n.) 租屋客

Landlord (n.) 房東

Deposit (n.) 押金

Damage (n./v.) 損壞;損害

Rent (n.) 租金

Laundry (n.) 待洗衣物

Facility (n.) 洗衣設備


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Notice (n./v.) 告示

Resident (n.) 居民

Due to 由於

Leaking (n.) 滲漏

Plumber (n.) 水電工

Plumbing (n.)(水管等)管路配置

Fix the problem 解決問題

As soon as possible 盡快

辦公室 Offices

Take a message 記錄留言

Reschedule (v.) 重新安排

Exact (adj.) 確切的

Sales meeting 業務會議

Office supply 辦公室用品

Request (n./v.) 要求、請求

Submit (v.) 遞交

Department (n.) 部門

Extension (n.) 分機

Computer (n.) 電腦

Check (v.) 檢查

Check (n.) 支票;帳單

Personnel (n.) 人事室

Meeting notice 會議通知

Annual (adj.) 每年的;一年一次的

Staff (n.) 員工

Vote (n./v.) 投票

Attend (v.) 出席;參與

Recommend (v.) 推薦

新聞 News

Remind (v.) 提醒

Continue (v.) 繼續

Degree (n.) 度

Overnight (adj.) 夜間的

Temperature (n.) 溫度

Drop (v.) 下降

Go overseas to study 出國讀書

Overseas (adj./adv.) 在國外、在海外

Study abroad 出國留學

Abroad (adv.) 在國外

購物 Shopping

Clerk (n.) 店員

Discount (n./v.) 折扣

Extra (adj.) 額外的

10% off 九折

Purchase (n.) 購買(的東西)

Grocery shopping 採購食品雜貨

Bagel (n.) 貝果

Aisle (n.) 走道


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Bakery (n.) 麵包、糕點店

Soymilk (n.) 豆漿

Dairy (adj.) 乳製品的

Produce (n.) 農產品

Entrance (n.) 入口

Return (v.) 退還

Hair dryer (n.) 吹風機

Wrong (adj.) 不正常的、錯誤的

Exchange A for B 將 A 換成 B

Refund (v.) 退款

Receipt (n.) 收據

旅行 Travel

On patrol 巡邏

Lost (adj.) 迷路的

Corner (n.) 轉角處

Straight (adv.) 直線地

Block (n.) 街區

Right (adj.) 正好的、恰好的

Bus (n.) 公車、巴士

Driver (n.) 司機

Bus fare (n.) 公車票價

Student ticket (n.) 學生票

Meter (n.) 計程車的跳錶

Fare (n.) 交通工具的花費

Average (adj.) 平均的

Cab (n.) 計程車的俗稱

Basic (adj.) 基本的

Surcharge (n.) 額外加價

Departure (n.) 出發

Destination (n.) 目的地

Expected (adj.) 期待、期望的

Remark (n./v.) 評論、標註

Platform (n.) 月台

On time 準時

Delay (n./v.) 延誤

Traffic control 交通管制

Road closure 路段封閉

Traffic jams 交通堵塞

Roadway(n.) 道路

Scheduled (adj.) 預定、表定的

Direction (n.) 方向

Update (n./v.) 更新


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華航空服員要求多益 550 分、外交官特考多益需有 550 分、王品集團員工多益 500 分加薪 1,500 元、要升上緯創資通管理階層多益至少 650 分以上……想要應徵夢想工作?想要職涯更上層樓?英語得先打好基礎!TOEIC Bridge,銜接 TOEIC 的最佳評量工具TOEIC Bridge 與 TOEIC 分數比較表

TOEIC Bridge 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160

TOEIC 230 260 280 310 345 395 470 570

全球通用的測驗,清楚了解自身英語實力TOEIC Bridge 與 CEFR 對照表

CEFRTOEIC Bridge(滿分180) TOEIC(滿分 990)

Listening Reading Listening Reading

Proficient C1 490 455

IndependentB2 400 385

B1 84 86 275 275

BasicA2 64 70 110 115

A1 46 46 60 60

可以挑戰TOEIC 囉!

要「 說、寫 」英語,先穩固「 聽、讀 」



TOEIC Bridge 多益普及測驗為了英語初學者及中級者設計的測驗


測驗單位:ETS 臺灣區總代理 忠欣股份有限公司

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