Diamonds ; Baldwin f Jewelry Co/makes aflvan^mmnT. diMon^- ; i2«i7vM'NM.%^£SStte£s -The v younir - people's department tiof the; San : Francisco; Uaptist associatiwi has arranged ; to conduct^as'eries'of 'bi-' monthly. ralliosinUho'diffe'rent churches' about the bay.- The 'ftrst'meetin&iwill be held i October 25 = at< Emmanuel ißap-' list- church \in J this.city; at : which time Rev. sE^ Quick {Willows wijl -deliver an address :on!VThe-Makinirofr a.a'. Christian in Spirituality,- and "Character" IIAHTIST. ;R.U,MI» AHOIJ.M)' HA V POSTOFFICE PROMOTIOXS Promotions In the postofflco have been made' as follows: From. $800 to 5900 per' annum, Edward, J. Blanchard; $900/ , tn: ; $1.000-^-Stepheri F. , Carty," Charles W.. Michael, -Thomas 'AV/Pyle and Joseph •> H.Y E. } , Raymond : $1,000 : to $l;loo— Michael \Gibney."r> Joseph: "Lee, Floyd ;O.:Xelson^and:Kd ward J/:Roethe: The ;' following^ have been: appointed substitute 'clerks: fWilliamVA. 5 McKen- ney,\u25a0;Felix Battalora*: Jr., . Tyler ' E. Cole, Harry J. ; Doherty; Samuel ?. Morrison ; substitute- carriers— rJames 3 H.' .Murphy, Allan" CcDewar, ; Henry J. -Browhrlgg and -Williams H. ? Easterling. ; ; . Austin j P.-; Burns,;, letter carrier, ha«? been* r«siuced; from isi;lOO per annum to $900: for' absence-without. leave.- on no- count ' r of " intoxication and ; faUiire' \u25a0 to safeguard i properly- his letter-box " koy. Thrown into prison through a man's Jealousy on what alleges are trumped up charges of robbery : and threats against life, Sandrow Malsagow, an ez-sergeant in the Russian army,''ls pining for his liberty. ~- He was arrested Friday by Policeman G. A. -Sullivan on complaint of J. Davis, a store keeper^ at 140 Eighth street, who alleges that! Malsagow a. few 'days ; ago robbed him of about $20 in Malsagow's room: at Seventh and Bryant streets' and threat- ened to kill his wlfe.Mrs. Sarah Davis. About two weeks ago the story was published that Mrs. Davis had drawn All <of her money out of -the bank and 'jewels valued, at $2,000 from a safe'de"- posit box: and had ; eloped with Malsa- gow. who had be/rn 1 living in the Davis home in Natoma street. Mrs. ' Davis appeared the following day sand •'•' be-, rated her husband for notifying the police that she had eloped.. Now comes the arrest of Malsagow. for robbery and ; threats against life. Mrs. Davis had a long, interview with Malsagow in the city prison af ter his arrest, and ; ,was anxious to get him re- t leased on bail, but as no judge could be found she - left Malsagow crying ?\u25a0_ bit- terly behind the prison bars. \u25a0 r . "This is all done by. my husband," said Mrs. Davis, "through jealousy. lie knows that I love Malsagow, ' and that Malsagow loves: me. He Is willing, that I should go^wlth Malsagow if I - give him all my. money, and jewelry, but I won't do .that.. Malsagow never.threat- ened my life. He. told me that he loved me so . much that he would kill, my husband and himself, but he would not harm me. ' That \j'as -if . I did not -go away with him. ,1 know nothing about the robbery, but I don't. believe it.*: It Is all done through jealousy. My; hus- band has not been treating me: well, and, I can't bear,- it. ' That -time I , left ahou l two ' weeks ago he struck; me *and I went* away to \u25a0 scare him. Poor-Mal- Eagow!, It is a shame to see-hlm in prison.".. Mrs. Davis Is a handsome brunette and some years older than" Malsagow.' who is 25 . years of age. V He has* been in this country, but 1 a short time \u25a0} and speaks only Russian. "V\"h en ' Maslagow appeared before Po» lice Judge . Conlan yesterday Davis : re- fused to \u25a0 swear ' to£ complaints,^ and,' prompted by his wife, said; he : had Mas- lagow arrested because he \u25a0 was . angry. Mrs."-.Davis j said ' the men ' had \u25a0 made s .up and there would' be no f urtheritrouble. Judge Conlan then dismissed the; cases. Davis later said that \ he .would' give his wife $100 and, she could 'gos a'rtCay, as he, did not care'' tosee' her again. Davis was at onel time a- prominent merchant in South Africa. He has been married 13 years. '"f -.- v Store Keeper Davis Charges Sandrow Malsagow N With-Robbery CAUSES THE ARREST OF HIS WIFE'SADMIRER LOCAL BAKERY COMPETES FOR STOCKTON TRADE Boldly Carries War Into Stronghold of Bread ; ; Makers -There ' Special by Leased Wire to The Call STOCKTON, Oct. 12. The appear- ance of an agent of a San Francisco bakery in this, city organising the lo- cal restaurant and hotel ' owners ! in*,an effort to induce them to purchase their bread from a firm r at r the ; bay \u25a0 caused quite a '^flurry. , yesterday ~" aiinong " the bakerymen and they are devising means for opposing 1 the intruder. ,He claims that he can deliver fresh bread here-" daily! for less than isj '^being charged by- the bakeries.? but the owners of thesel establishments .'de- clare that r this •* is out :of 'ther'question, as: they' are selling at wholesale \u25a0' for 3%. cents a loaf while I ' at' the bay '4 cents is the : standard? price. - r Then again the loaves here i are, larger 'than those made in San Francisco. /'TheJ agent says -he V- will; have ; the whole city^organized and i secure -most of the eating houses: a3 patrons. /-It l is also ; his ; intention . to" establish V regular, routes^ and have the l . wagons ', mcct \ the trajns/to' deliver "bread to 'families.' Bread' prices; here'" have, not been; In-" creased^for more than a year, though flour,- has advanced "> several^times. The outcome ;\u25a0 is . awaited with ' much : interest by the large : purchasers j'of,' bread.-, " Dr. John J. Richstein, specialist gen- ito-urinary:and-skin diseases, 1007 Fill- more, cor.:."McAlHster... Hours^.lo to .4, 7; to 8. Sundays, 10tto,12."Park 86. V EX-JAXITOR DUFFY- IS BEATEX Peter Duffy, ex-janitor of the hall of .iustice, who was indicted several weeks ago for alleged perjury, became involved in an argument with Samuel Robinson last night and was badly beaten. Robinson \u25a0was arrested. When Master JohnMannen McClure, •hinlng In a white tailor suit and gay •patriotic ribbons, _ tugged the draperies from the bronze - sundial In Golden Gate park yesterday afternoon a shaft of light was arrested ; by the bronze arm and the edge of the shadow fell on the particular part* of tb* segment of the circle which ljjdl- r v * that it was just 17. minutes; past o»<K=«k. The eun did Its duty at the unveiling. "31 freely co-operated Trtth. th« National Society of Colonial Dunes ot America resident In California, which organisa- tion presented the bronz* solar time- piece to the city to mak« tee > occasion memorable. The dial is a monument to the first navigators whose prowess disturbed the virgin Paelflo ocean '\u25a0 Fortuno Xlm«nes, who came here In 1624; Juan de Cabrillo, who sailed, in 1542. end Sir Francis Drake, -srho passed the Golden gate (closed then by fog) In 1579. The sun behaved mucji better yesterday than It did when Drake was present In person. A large gathering of colonial dames and Interested spectators assembled on the sward before the park museum at 3 o'clock. The garrison band from the Presidio opened the program with pa- triotic airs. Rev. William A. Brewer, a member of the Society, of Colonial "Wars, delivered the invocation. The sundial was formally presented to the city by Mrs. Selden S. 'Wright, president of the colonial dames, with a frw words of gratitude to those who liad labored to perfect it. Up to that lime the bronze and its white jrranlte Fliaft had been draped with the Amer- ican and Spanish flags. Master Mc-' Oure. wJio is a great grandson of the late Commodore William Evelyn Hop- kins, U. S. X., then drew off the red and white and blue and yellow bunt- ings which clung harmoniously to- gether, and exposed the work of Earl Oununlngs, the sculptor. Mayor Edward Robeson Taylor was to have been present to accept the me- morial, but he was unavoidably de- tained. His secretary. Harry McKan- jjay. represented the city. Mrs. C. Elwood Brown, first vice president of the society and chairman r>f the committee, made a short ad- dress in which she spoke of the work of the colonial dames and particularly of the three navigators honored In the Timepiece monument. "In the land of punshlnc, fruit and Bowers," said she in closing, "what is so appropriate as a clock of the sun?" The exercises concluded with the Portugese. Spanish. British and Amer- ican national hymns, played by the band. The dial is of bronze and rests on the flat Fide of a hemisphere, the re- verse of which shows the western con- tinent In relief. The bronze Is borne by a turtle's back and is mounted on a shaft bearing the following Inscription: "The National Society of Colonial Dames in California. To Golden Gate Park. ISO6. To Honor the First Three Navigators to the Coast. Fortuno Ximencs, 1524 Juan de Cabrillo, 1542 Sir Francis Drake, 1579." On the face of the dial are medallion portraits of the three sailors and the Inscription, In Latin, "Horara cole nolente nego." Solar Timepiece Is Gift of Members of Society, of Colonial Dames HONOR NAVIGATORS BIG BRONZE SUNDIAL IS PRESENTED TO CITY i | - Appropriate Ceremonies At- tend Its Unveiling in Golden Gate Park THEIsMSFRANGISCO CALK STOTDA^v (^f6BEßHi3,ll9o7f Twelve Hundred Men Will Be/Required to Con- struct -'r- r KEEL OF GREAT COLLIER TO BE LAID AT VALLEJO Special by Leased Wire to :The Call : -;VALLEJO, ,;Oct.^l2.—Hopes of \- Val- lejo"that % have .' 'been "; fond f dreams -of yfearsiwill .be . realized *; next k weekv.when the . keel ;" of .; the ' collier ' Prometheus; which" will: cost ?$liB00,000,; will ;bejlaid at the- Mare ; 'island -r navy .: yard "with a simple, ceremony. ; [ , . J : : \\. ";"-. \u25a0 •' . .'For X more than, a year preparations have \u25a0 been " under way for : this L work aid the r ways torjthe^ big;ship ''\u25a0\u25a0 have = been completed /and asi greater; part 1 ); ot : the material v/hicli^will bemused in the ves- sel's ».' construction ? has ~ arrived .at L the navy yard.' I ";.Wheh'f once V"started . : the work can* be rushed out;a-halt ; and will -Insure: the prosper- ity; of .Vallejo for" Ihe. next 'two - years,' as about 1,200 'men' will be .employed on.; this one job i alone. : '^. ;> -^-r \;^The .-.construction xdepartme'nt'; at- the navy 1 yard -hovr;'- has V-more -' than'v 1,0 00 mechanics and 200 clerks at work,- while the r total iVyard .' forced has >ireached:; the high figure of 2.076,' the largest in Mare island's 'history. V \ V. : ' ".> •..-•' MONUMENTS ARE DT.STCRIIED -', Ci tyj Englneer.rWoodward ;complained yesterday, ';.thatv-T> the J-Hotne'.'t telephone company . in;. tearing^upf the 'Istreets'to lay i ts conduits ' was : disturbing . the monuments. from'.which;the'r"street lines were \ designated. vi.The •monuments ? are iron":"rods imbedded '\u25a0$\u25a0in % the ''ground iat the center: of, intersecting* .Mtreots.'V. An officuil^of the 5 co'inpanyi promised that no 'more of the; monuments -would". be disturbed. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0?. -' Best, of automobiles ' for hire only at Mamlock's,"-phone'Frariklin_ 2913. ' V. REDDING, Oct. i:.— With the action of I supreme court in upholding , the decision _of rf Superior .Judge-John - P.' Ellison, the celebrated "county cult" case, which : has" been in the courts since 1903,' has been; ended. The suit was the- outcome -of the action'lot the supervisors of this county In 1903, while \ trying "to ! determine " upon a plan to raise-^950 5 with which" to build: a" pesthouse and pay an accumulation, of billed !' The'." board : wanted to transfer the)amount' from some other ;furid v as the [treasury depleted.' ..District Attorney;; M^_ D. Gill -objeoted ' on the ground that"the ; action lwas illegal. De- spite much'urglng,;he stood his ground and " the - board 'became :; convinced * that iti, could "not \ get--- moneys from > that source. The . board then decided to* sell a'", quantity . ' ,ot f ruit : on ;;the> trees on the county ,; hospital grounds.^ This plan was \u25a0 pu t -into i execution:, *It * was charged ,* that Supervisors .Samson, '\u25a0'. Lee. Vestal J and s Kaufman : went \u25a0 on"? a " note for.- $1 ,000 to ; protect 'the \ purchaser ; of the s fruit \u25a0• and " that .'all J .the-" proceedings were: illegal.,;-. " >Litigation V- followed '\u25a0•: and -i, the -entire c6unt^>,wa"s;i "interested. X-? Considerable 'disappointment 1 was | fe.lt -when ? Judge Ellison -decided "against: the- board.'J*. ' Zl.Z 1 . Special by Leased I Wire to The Call Supreme Court Holds Theft Action of Supervisors x- Was Not Lawful SACRAMENTO COUNTY BOARD LOSES APPEAL NEW RAILWAY DEPOT FOR SI7ISU2C Special fcj; Ltasti Wire to The Call VALL.EJO, Oct. 12. —Suisun is aoon to have a handsome new railway structure on the line between San Francisco and Sacramento, according to an announce- ment made by Superintendent Scott of the Harrlman road. The depot willbe adequate to handle the business.which will be transferred at this point;from the California Northwestern road to the eastbound iline of .the Southern Pacific on'the completion of the Eureka exten- sion. .. OPPOSE FOREIGN LABORERS MANHATTAN. Oct. 12.—An organr- zation known as the Manhattan pro- tective committee, composed of the leading 1 men of this camp, has decid- ed to try to drive all foreign labor from Manhattan and to have the mine. owners heve employ only American la- bor. They claim that the Slavonians Im- ported Into1. Tonopah have done the camp no good and that they do not want the same cheap labor to enter Manhattan and', reduce wages and tend to ruin the camp.- .. Visitors, see" Harbor View. Hot salt water baths. Transfer Fillmore st. car.» 28 annctinct daf t/icy are fafaved to dom dm;^e ccMerMn '$otifa /^c^ ?k* iatpm now retdvninp fi^ $aA&rii udtc/i we cater ftitt le tvejecmed fo in&foct' CLEAN UP SALE JnUr* itlliiif below test (a cukt reca fr-r These Are Exceptional Bargains: Long Kimonos, rcg. $1.75, at 95c Short Kimonos, rep:. $2.00. at 7Sc n Chinese silk hand embroidcFeid pieces, assorted patterns; size 12x16; rcg. $1.50, at ..35c Silk Handkerchiefs, embroidered patterns, 75c and 50c values, 25c Linen hand drawn - " I Handkerchiefs, SS 35c values. 15c fJs&SSBM^ Linen hand drawn | \u25a0*\u25ba; \u25a0 | Handkerchiefs, E 25c values. 10c \ Hand dra w n X Linen Collars; ' * ' large variety; 15c-values..sc Doilies, Centerpieces, etc., at same big reductions. Kagaware Tea ,\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' Sets, 6 persons, * *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 ,T% " $5.50 values.. ....$2.75 Kagaware Tea Sets, 6 persons, $5.00 values $2.00 Chocolate Sets, new designs, $3.50 value $1.75 Chocolate Sets, new designs, $4.25 values -..-. .$2.00 Chocolate Sets, new designs,* 55.00 values ."...$2.50 Salad Sets, fine patterns; regular $3.50, at -: ..; $1.25 Salad Sets, fine, patterns; regular $5.00, at $3.00 Cups and Saucers, in' variety of de- signs: 50c and 35c values re- duced to ,15c Brass and Bronze Ware, Screens, etc*, at Clean Up Prices ATTEND THIS SALE AT ART OF JAPAN 93! VAN NESS AY. f *> ' ' Cor." Olive Ay.' »400 '.REWARD' ''' '\u25a0_ ;; For- definite Information as to the prewnt'where- eSioat* of HAKBV , XVr NOXNAST : of Chicago/ last beard cf. Aug. : 14,". 1905. ; when be registered et the Winchester botel, San Francisco, and left *ame elck to go to a hospital.^' £. " KONNAST,' 85* X. Green St.,: Chicago.- O'CONNOR, MOFFATT & CO. CORNER VAN NESS AVENUE AND PINE STREET Aiitumn and Winter ;; 111 1 Coat and Suit Dept.— j (—--New VeUings and Md^ Veils— ~ WOOLEN DRESS GOODS ; A large collection^ of new models Un Tailored .Our Veiling; Department is stocked ; with-the season's newest \u0084 r - ,v, v , i -i- « a : \x7- v'--:'i"-" Suits, Costumes. Afternoon and EvenihV Gowns novelties in Plain' and Chenille- Dot Tuxedo Veilings, in all the Many new and- exclusive effects -m Fall, and AVmter Dress -r \u0084 - * ---a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0=\u25a0\u25a07 --. i--.^-^/;^vi --.^-^ / ;^v^ J!^ i r i'"i.?c'i" * " - \u25a0 :Gopds^Ul;bVfoundim this department, including a large assorts :at very moderate prices; Coats for. auto, street latest shades. . v>s ment of Broadcloths, the most popular fabric of the season. and evening wear. : : * ~ 25c TO $1.50 YARD Imported Fancy Silk and Wool Taffetas; all new colorings; < Women's Tailored Suits ......... $25.00 t0 BgK ~ . . : : _'/ \u25a0V .' . ' 44 inches wide- yard - - Sl;50 " sVelvet Suits m black and colors. ..$60.00 to^185;00 Plain and Dotted : Chiffon Veiling, 18 to 22 inches wide; '* - ""•-;'':''" •;•" •••;*:; ."V7 1 ,' - > Silk Dresses and Costumes $85;00 yard .r; ... ..V. ;h. ::f. : v.\. ..........:.....45< to Cloakings; in -Plaids,. Ghecksiand Stripes,ilight;;medium s and' * ;Caraculand Russian^Pony'Coats ;';j512.50 to - >^- ".. v-->,;.'^v -->,;.'^ - - '^- ; -.'^-V "•• " : ;; ~ A --'\u25a0' \u25a0- r .i<'- ': IT/ 4 , . , dark-shades in Cheviots- and Tweeds; 50 incliesiwideV-' r¥<( 'Auto^andoriving^C6^A.vVv;;^Sl2.sO"toflS4O^)O s ' ; . New Chiffon, Drape and Auto Veils, 1 */2/ 2 towards Jong, I '.V:..>.-.. ;..... . ...... .^1.50 16:^2.50 % z^i^^!^^^^^i^f^^^jJo^^M\ colc)rs : V^-; •• v- -,-. ....... ...:.. .:..... 75^ to ?0.00 Broadcloths— An extensHe assortment of Chiffon. Broad- > -- v " \u25a0: ..',• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0.-I- '-'^ ":\u25a0-\u25a0• ']\u25a0 ' ..',\u25a0• \u0084.:."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-'. .., ' - \u25a0'.•\u25a0 '. ' \u25a0 , ChantiUy Lace Veils inblack and colors. .?1.00 to $13.50 I --——New Fur Detiartiikeiit-— -i ii^ci^^MchiffS f yard ........................... ...I*>is.UO,Js^.sO and 53.00 "': -\u25a0".:\u25a0\u25a0:-.,- : . : y.-;v^'^' , : -. \u25a0•\u25a0;;--\u25a0." v.'O-'^'.v,*^:.-.,-.. :'.:.. .-jr;-. \u25a0-.-\u25a0-: .-\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0• \u25a0 -\u25a0 xm-A ----- - - .. --. . . -\u25a0 \u25a0 '. S5l "IS '' r,y;; ';'::::;;:;:;-;.;:.; '::::;;:;: ;-;.;:. '';.. ' ;:: ":\":s[ :.:: - : - ; LID ipLdtest Arriyqlsih^ Flannel Department » ' -.--'. Th«eSpecial,Values in. .;_/ ' 'tion a few special values: ? : '. A- wide (assortaient of Scotch Flannel's in a soft and hand, BLACK TAFFETA SILKS .: \u25a0 : some.qualityjVveiy. serviceable for" Shirt Waists, - Children's t-i \u25a0»» « f -w., , r^. '«.-''\u25a0«..•\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 H.rmine lies ana ocarts .......... .JBJLS.UO to * 100.00 >>, :•;> - \u25a0' ,' P ,. ,- .^ -. ,\u25a0 ' -" .r'\ Extra Heavy;^^Quality Black Taffeta; 21/ inches vyidej-yery - : ISableTscarfsW;^ :V': ; ;^^;V^v:^vV^Ssiooto^6o.oo : presses, Men s- Shirts, Pajamas, etc. N i [durable;]^ I lFpxm6&:a^di^ - ? f CRECI^IL VALLIF ilOo A YARD 26-inch Black Taffeta; lustrous quality; warranted to {wear; ). -:>:-- M v * FS o AT CH -- ' \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0- -\u25a0\u25a0 -' : yard ..........-.„ .... ..^..^^ /•'•^-y •\u0084;••• •> •;...v^l.OO. v ; - f ' : - Eng^h Flannels of-^e finest quality ; a large range of beau- Yard-wide Black Taffeta; fine lustrous^finish; ; fully 'guaran- JI. The; collection of -Fur Coats is-particularly interesting, tiful .patterns; fast colors and unshrinkable; yard :.... 85^ teed to wear well ;yard .. ; ...... .... .-. ......... .. .... .^1.25 :• jembra^cingmqdelsirangingin French Flannels- in an extensive variety of new colorings in r-t,:«:«« \t-u.^c ;~ VC V' a- '''\u25a0* ' uj ' 2- j •\u25a0* 1:1* r "*\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0. \u25a0 ..- -\ . - -\u25a0- . \u25a0-,- - ---. \u25a0 .- ...... .- - . •.' .. ' . : - Persian effects, -suitable for Kimonos,- Wrappers and Dressing \u0084 Chiffon Velvets in all the leading shades most desirable for .-•"'-;. -\u25a0 -> -\ . - o^ n "m \u25a0 *•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0- = . qftsq ft 5 Gowns; Suits and Dress Wear; yard ;..;.,. /..;;$1.75 itp's2.soi tp'$2.50 -^jfT^^P^ ' J* Phone Franklin 591 rsar 5ac q ues ''y ara; rv--t.-.---v'----:--'-v"-'->''''-'-'-'' w g We will continuethe specialsale of Blankets Monday and ' , New Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Umbrellas; a during the week until they are closed out. This lot of Blankets jm^fJ yfT^Z^lJ^ Zt assortment of Gun Meta1 ' Pear1 ' Sllver \ G °L d ' H ° m and was purchased at a great reduction, owing to some slight im- - ft^ W^Ss Natural Wood Handles Prices Sl.OO to 516.00 perfections. •,-\u25a0\u25a0 They:' are fma'de of;the FINEST^QUALITY CAL^' h NF^CnV v«« "n^W Aye WOMEN'S LONG KID GLOVES IFORNIA WOOL, IN.ALL WEIGHTS AND SIZES. We I v*\ Elbow length Heavy Cape Gloves for street wear in Tans have marked them at extremely low prices. \u25a0 -• . | and Pme St. <^|PP and Browns ; special value ; pair and $4.00 . A t. - - - " ' : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-\u25a0 •------— ' \u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 I Economical Shoppers \u25a0v": KEEN FOl< SHOE BARGAINS CONTINUE I 1 TO KEEP OUR. FOUR. STOR£S BUSY FINE FOOTWEAR Jta ' \u25a0 •• *• ••• - lls the Incentive. We should appreciate a visit from I you; we feel that your inspection of our celebrated i I 1I 1 shoes, and the low prices at which we off er them, Will I I place you permanently in the list of our customers. | " H^tW AW CLadiesV extra fine Vici Kid, lace or button | i ; Z~f^ ] ?fs*^ . shoes, patent leather tip, Goodyear welt, i ! , Standard $5. 50 grade. Reduced t0 ....... C *%K. fl I }-. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS JpJ«^^| \u25a0 I AlillTS 5 Exua , fine Vici. Kid. v 1 |:.|f*>fr- IJC ' 0 lace shoes, dull kid | g top, extension or turn sole; plain ; toe, high i E Cubaniheel, the latest; thing in smart foot- .^^^ 1 | wear.' Regular price, '$4.00. «^^^ P I Reduced to *p«j)«^3 i^K^^ ' % RHANAN^ Men ' s Vici Kid or S a ra.^^i^i^i^-0 Box Calf lace shoes. Sf?--^ I X Goodyear welt; a guarantee of snug com- §§g&;''v ;"~; "~- I ||L ' a g fort and one of the newest shapes. Regu- S?! 1 lart s6^oo 'anid! $6.50 grades. C fVC % a Reduced to .. v SlOii^O a^^^ I 1 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS "S^^^^ i |]UJpW»CGun Metal Calf button I g lUl^ll \J shoes, Goodyear welt, heavy- H B single sole, new Piccadilly last. Our best 1 H154.00 value. Reduced Tto.. #%.gr '^^^^ i H ;.•-• •• ••••••••••••••••••• ••> ip 9_mm w I OUR . ENTIREi LINE. OF $3.50 SHOES *> « | I FOREMEN AND WOMEN, REDUCED" Tp: Jp%s« £ O | \ I JUyENILE^SHOES are always a feature of Rosenthal's 1 \u25a0 j stores., An\imrhense at; reduced* figures. : We,are sole 1 I agents ; f or^ SZ WATERBURY & SON'S \u25a0 fine shoes for misses. | Siinfants: and children. •\u25a0\u25a0> ''\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0_."'• ft fl iH^S SAX FRA.\CIStO'S BEST SHOE STORKS I \u25a0 1100 Tan jfess ayK cor. Gea^,3t.;;lsiS-ioSO FiUmore st, nr.OFarrelir gi \u25a0 135Montgomery-St; near Bnsh (MEX'S SHOES ONLY). R* \u25a0 \u25a0'; v . \. ,..-,-;;;-' '".Mall\u25a0..OrdwBlFUled the Day Received. 9 I Oakland Store, Mft^^^eLftli st, Bacon Block. \u25a0

Coat Suit (—--New Md^ - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-10-13/ed-1/seq-28.pdf · Mrs. Davis had a long,interview with Malsagow in the city prison

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Page 1: Coat Suit (—--New Md^ - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1907-10-13/ed-1/seq-28.pdf · Mrs. Davis had a long,interview with Malsagow in the city prison

Diamonds ;

Baldwin fJewelry Co/makes aflvan^mmnT.diMon^-;i2«i7vM'NM.%^£SStte£s

-The vyounir-

people's department tiofthe; San :Francisco; Uaptist associatiwihas arranged ;to conduct^as'eries'of 'bi-'monthly.ralliosinUho'diffe'rent churches'about the bay.- The 'ftrst'meetin&iwillbe held iOctober 25

=at< Emmanuel ißap-'

list-church \inJ this.city; at:which timeRev.sE^ Quick {Willows wijl-deliver anaddress :on!VThe-Makinirofr a.a '.Christianin Spirituality,- and "Character"


POSTOFFICE PROMOTIOXSPromotions In the postofflco have

been made' as follows: From. $800 to5900 per' annum, Edward, J. Blanchard;$900/ ,tn: ;$1.000-^-Stepheri F. ,•Carty,"Charles W.. Michael, -Thomas 'AV/Pyleand Joseph •>H.YE.},Raymond : $1,000 :to$l;loo—Michael \Gibney."r> Joseph: "Lee,Floyd;O.:Xelson^and:Kd ward J/:Roethe:

The ;'following^have been: appointedsubstitute 'clerks: fWilliamVA.5 McKen-ney,\u25a0;Felix Battalora*: Jr.,. Tyler'E. Cole,Harry J. ;Doherty; Samuel ?. Morrison;substitute- carriers— rJames 3 H.'.Murphy,Allan" CcDewar, ;Henry J. -Browhrlggand -Williams H. ? Easterling. ; ;.AustinjP.-;Burns,;, letter carrier, ha«?been* r«siuced; fromisi;lOO per annum to$900: for' absence-without. leave.- on no-count

'rof"intoxication and;faUiire' \u25a0 to

safeguard iproperly- his letter-box"koy.

Thrown into prison through a man'sJealousy on what h« alleges aretrumped up charges of robbery :and

threats against life,Sandrow Malsagow,an ez-sergeant in the Russian army,''lspining for his liberty. ~-He was arrestedFriday by Policeman G. A. -Sullivanon complaint of J. Davis, a store keeper^at 140 Eighth street, who alleges that!Malsagow a.few 'days ;ago robbed himof about $20 in Malsagow's room: atSeventh and Bryant streets' and threat-ened to killhis wlfe.Mrs. Sarah Davis.

About two weeks ago the story waspublished that Mrs. Davis had drawnAll<of her money out of -the bank and'jewels valued, at $2,000 from a safe'de"-posit box:and had ;eloped with Malsa-gow. who had be/rn 1livingin the Davishome in Natoma street. Mrs.


appeared the following day sand •'•' be-,rated her husband for notifying thepolice that she had eloped.. Now comesthe arrest of Malsagow. for robbery and

;threats against life.Mrs. Davis had a long,interview with

Malsagow in the city prison af ter hisarrest, and;,was anxious to get him re-


leased on bail, but as no judge could befound she

-left Malsagow crying ?\u25a0_ bit-

terly behind the prison bars. \u25a0

r ."This is all done by. my husband,"

said Mrs. Davis, "through jealousy. lieknows that Ilove Malsagow,

'and that

Malsagow loves: me. He Is willing,thatIshould go^wlth Malsagow ifI-givehim all my. money, and jewelry, but Iwon't do.that.. Malsagow never.threat-ened my life. He. told me that he lovedme so . much that he would kill,myhusband and himself, but he would notharm me. 'That \j'as -if.Idid not -goaway withhim. ,1know nothing aboutthe robbery, but Idon't. believe it.*: ItIs all done through jealousy. My;hus-band has not been treating me: well,and,Ican't bear,- it.

'That -time I,left

ahoultwo 'weeks ago he struck; me *andIwent*away to \u25a0 scare him. Poor-Mal-Eagow!, It is a shame to see-hlm inprison."..

Mrs. Davis Is a handsome brunetteand some years older than" Malsagow.'who is 25.years of age. VHe has* beenin this country, but1a short time \u25a0} andspeaks only Russian.

"V\"hen 'Maslagow appeared before Po»lice Judge .Conlan yesterday Davis :re-fused to \u25a0 swear


to£ complaints,^ and,'prompted by his wife, said; he:had Mas-lagow arrested because he \u25a0 was. angry.Mrs."-.Davis jsaid

'the men

'had \u25a0made s.up

and there would'be no furtheritrouble.Judge Conlan then dismissed the;cases.Davis later said that \he .would' givehis wife $100 and, she could 'gos a'rtCay,as he, did not care'' tosee' her again.Davis was at onel time a- prominentmerchant in South Africa. He has beenmarried 13 years. '"f -.- v

Store Keeper Davis ChargesSandrow Malsagow N




Boldly Carries War IntoStronghold of Bread ;;

Makers -There '

Special by Leased Wire to The CallSTOCKTON, Oct. 12.

—The appear-

ance of an agent of a San Franciscobakery in this, city organising the lo-cal restaurant and hotel

'owners !in*,an

effort to induce them to purchase theirbread from a firmrat

rthe ;bay \u25a0 causedquite a '^flurry.,yesterday ~" aiinong "

thebakerymen and they are devising

means for opposing 1the intruder. ,He

claims that he can deliver fresh breadhere-" daily! for less • than isj '^beingcharged by- the bakeries.? butthe owners of thesel establishments .'de-clare that r this

•*is out :of 'ther'question,

as: they' are selling at wholesale \u25a0' for3%. cents a loaf whileI

'at' the bay '4

cents is the: standard? price.-

r Thenagain the loaves here iare, larger 'thanthose made in San Francisco./'TheJ agent says -he V- will; have ;thewhole city^organized and isecure -mostof the eating houses: a3 patrons. /-Itlisalso ;his ;intention . to"establish Vregular,

routes^ and have the l.wagons ', mcct \ thetrajns/to' deliver "bread to 'families.'Bread' prices; here'" have, not been; In-"creased^for more than a year, thoughflour,-has advanced "> several^times. Theoutcome ;\u25a0 is.awaited with


by the large :purchasers j'of,'bread.-, "

Dr. John J. Richstein, specialist gen-ito-urinary:and-skin diseases, 1007 Fill-more, cor.:."McAlHster... Hours^.lo to .4,7;to 8. Sundays, 10tto,12."Park 86.V

EX-JAXITOR DUFFY- IS BEATEXPeter Duffy, ex-janitor of the hall of

.iustice, who was indicted severalweeks ago for alleged perjury, becameinvolved in an argument with SamuelRobinson last night and was badlybeaten. Robinson \u25a0was arrested.

When Master JohnMannen McClure,

•hinlng In a white tailor suit and gay

•patriotic ribbons,_ tugged the

draperies from the bronze-sundial In

Golden Gate park yesterday afternoona shaft of light was arrested ;by thebronze arm and the edge of theshadow fell on the particular part* oftb* segment of the circle which ljjdl-


*that it was just 17. minutes; past

o»<K=«k.The eun did Its duty at the unveiling.

"31 freely co-operated Trtth. th« NationalSociety of Colonial Dunes ot Americaresident InCalifornia, which organisa-tion presented the bronz* solar time-piece to the city to mak« tee >occasionmemorable. The dial is a monumentto the first navigators whose prowessdisturbed the virgin Paelflo ocean


Fortuno Xlm«nes, who came here In1624; Juan de Cabrillo, who sailed, in1542. end Sir Francis Drake, -srhopassed the Golden gate (closed then byfog) In 1579. The sun behaved mucjibetter yesterday than It did whenDrake was present In person.

A large gathering of colonial damesand Interested spectators assembled onthe sward before the park museum at3 o'clock. The garrison band from thePresidio opened the program with pa-triotic airs. Rev. William A. Brewer,a member of the Society, of Colonial"Wars, delivered the invocation.

The sundial was formally presentedto the city by Mrs. Selden S. 'Wright,president of the colonial dames, with afrw words of gratitude to those wholiad labored to perfect it. Up to thatlime the bronze and its white jrranlteFliaft had been draped with the Amer-ican and Spanish flags. Master Mc-'Oure. wJio is a great grandson of thelate Commodore William Evelyn Hop-kins, U. S. X., then drew off the redand white and blue and yellow bunt-ings which clung harmoniously to-gether, and exposed the work of EarlOununlngs, the sculptor.

Mayor Edward Robeson Taylor wasto have been present to accept the me-morial, but he was unavoidably de-tained. His secretary. Harry McKan-jjay. represented the city.

Mrs. C. Elwood Brown, first vicepresident of the society and chairmanr>f the committee, made a short ad-dress in which she spoke of the workof the colonial dames and particularlyof the three navigators honored In theTimepiece monument. "In the land ofpunshlnc, fruit and Bowers," said shein closing, "what is so appropriate asa clock of the sun?"

The exercises concluded with thePortugese. Spanish. British and Amer-ican national hymns, played by theband.

The dial is of bronze and rests onthe flat Fide of a hemisphere, the re-verse of which shows the western con-tinent In relief. The bronze Is borneby a turtle's back and is mounted on ashaft bearing the following Inscription:

"The National Society of ColonialDames in California. To Golden GatePark. ISO6. To Honor the First ThreeNavigators to the Coast. FortunoXimencs, 1524

—Juan de Cabrillo, 1542

—Sir Francis Drake, 1579."

On the face of the dial are medallionportraits of the three sailors and theInscription, In Latin, "Horara colenolente nego."

Solar Timepiece Is Gift ofMembers of Society, of

Colonial Dames



i |


Appropriate Ceremonies At-tend Its Unveiling in

Golden Gate Park


Twelve Hundred Men WillBe/Required to Con-

struct -'r- r


Special by Leased Wire to:The Call:-;VALLEJO,,;Oct.^l2.—Hopes of \-Val-lejo"that% have .''been ";fond fdreams -ofyfearsiwill.be.realized *;next kweekv.whenthe .keel ;"of .; the



which" will:cost ?$liB00,000,; will;bejlaidat the- Mare;'island -rnavy.:yard "with asimple, ceremony. ;[, . J : :\\. ";"-. \u25a0


..'ForXmore than, a year preparationshave \u25a0been

"under way for:this Lwork aid

the r ways • torjthe^ big;ship ''\u25a0\u25a0 have =beencompleted /and asi greater; part 1);ot :thematerial v/hicli^will bemused in the ves-sel's ».'construction ? has

~arrived .at L the

navy yard.'I";.Wheh'fonce V"started .:thework can* be rushedout;a-halt ;and will-Insure: the prosper-ity;of .Vallejo for"Ihe. next 'two


as about 1,200 'men' will be .employedon.; this one jobialone. :'^. ;> -^-r

\;^The .-.construction xdepartme'nt'; at- thenavy 1yard -hovr;'- has V-more -' than'v 1,0 00mechanics and 200 clerks at work,- whilethe rtotal iVyard .' forced has >ireached:; thehigh figure of 2.076,' the largest in Mareisland's 'history. V \ V. :


MONUMENTS ARE DT.STCRIIED-',CityjEnglneer.rWoodward ;complained

yesterday, ';.thatv-T> the J-Hotne'.'t telephonecompany . in;.tearing^upf the 'Istreets'tolay its conduits

'was :disturbing . the

monuments. from'.which;the'r"street lineswere \designated. vi.The •monuments ? areiron":"rods imbedded '\u25a0$\u25a0in% the ''ground iatthe center: of, intersecting* .Mtreots.'V. Anofficuil^of the 5co'inpanyi promised thatno 'more of the; monuments -would".bedisturbed. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0?. -' Best, of automobiles 'for hire only atMamlock's,"-phone'Frariklin_ 2913. '


REDDING, Oct. i:.—With the actionof Isupreme court in upholding,thedecision _of rf Superior .Judge-John


Ellison, the celebrated "county cult"case, which:has" been in the „courtssince 1903,' has been; ended. The suitwas the- outcome -of the action'lot thesupervisors of this county In 1903,

while \ trying"to !determine"upon a plan

to raise-^9505

with which" to build: a"pesthouse and pay an accumulation, ofbilled!'The'."board:wanted to transfer

the)amount' from some other ;furidvasthe [treasury depleted.' ..DistrictAttorney;;M^_ D. Gill -objeoted

'on the

ground that"the ;action lwas illegal. De-spite much'urglng,;he stood his groundand


-board 'became :;convinced


iti,could "not \get--- moneys from > thatsource. The .board then decided to* sella'",quantity.',ot fruit:on;;the> trees on thecounty ,; hospital grounds.^ This planwas \u25a0 put -intoi execution:, *It

*• was

charged ,* that Supervisors .Samson, '\u25a0'. Lee.Vestal Jand s Kaufman :went \u25a0 on"? a " notefor.-$1,000 to;protect 'the \ purchaser ;ofthe s fruit \u25a0• and "that .'all J.the-" proceedingswere: illegal.,;-.


>LitigationV-followed '\u25a0•: and -i,the -entirec6unt^>,wa"s;i "interested. X-?Considerable'disappointment 1was|fe.lt -when ? JudgeEllison -decided "against: the- board.'J*.


Zl.Z1.Special by Leased IWire to The Call

Supreme Court Holds TheftAction of Supervisors x-

Was Not Lawful



Special fcj; Ltasti Wire to The CallVALL.EJO, Oct. 12.—Suisun is aoon to

have a handsome new railway structureon the line between San Francisco andSacramento, according to an announce-ment made by Superintendent Scott ofthe Harrlman road. The depot willbeadequate to handle the business.whichwill be transferred at this point;fromthe California Northwestern road to theeastbound iline of .the Southern Pacificon'the completion of the Eureka exten-sion. ..


zation known as the Manhattan pro-tective committee, composed of theleading 1 men of this camp, has decid-ed to try to drive all foreign laborfrom Manhattan and to have the mine.owners heve employ only American la-bor. They claim that the Slavonians Im-ported Into1. Tonopah have done thecamp no good and that they do notwant the same cheap labor to enterManhattan and', reduce wages and tendto ruin the camp.- • . .

Visitors, see" Harbor View. Hot saltwater baths. Transfer Fillmore st. car.»


annctinct daf t/icy are fafaved to domdm;^e ccMerMn '$otifa /^c^

?k* iatpm now retdvninp fi $aA&rii

udtc/i we cater ftittle tvejecmed fo in&foct'


JnUr* B« itlliiif belowtest (a cukt reca fr-r

These Are Exceptional Bargains:Long Kimonos, rcg. $1.75, at 95cShort Kimonos, rep:. $2.00. at 7Sc nChinese silk hand embroidcFeid

pieces, assorted patterns; size12x16; rcg. $1.50, at ..35cSilk Handkerchiefs, embroidered

patterns, 75c and 50c values, 25cLinen hand drawn- "I Handkerchiefs,

SS 35c values. 15c

fJs&SSBM^ Linen hand drawn| \u25a0*\u25ba; \u25a0 | Handkerchiefs,

E 25c values. 10ci§ \ Hand dra wnX

— Linen Collars;' * 'large variety;15c-values..scDoilies, Centerpieces, etc., at

same big reductions.Kagaware Tea ,\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0


Sets, 6 persons, * *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 ,T% "

$5.50 values.. ....$2.75Kagaware Tea Sets, 6 persons,

$5.00 values $2.00Chocolate Sets, new designs, $3.50

value $1.75Chocolate Sets, new designs, $4.25

values -..-. .$2.00Chocolate Sets, new designs,* 55.00

values ."...$2.50Salad Sets, fine patterns; regular

$3.50, at -:..; $1.25Salad Sets, fine, patterns; regular

$5.00, at $3.00Cups and Saucers, in'variety of de-

signs: 50c and 35c values re-duced to ,15c

Brass and Bronze Ware, Screens, etc*,at Clean Up Prices



Cor." Olive Ay.'

»400 '.REWARD''''

'\u25a0_ ;;For- definite Information as to the prewnt'where-eSioat* of HAKBV,XVrNOXNAST:of Chicago/last beard cf.Aug.:14,". 1905.;when be registeredet the Winchester botel, San Francisco, and left*ame elck to go to a hospital.^' £."KONNAST,'85* X. Green St.,: Chicago.-


Aiitumn and Winter ;;—

111 1 Coat and Suit Dept.———

j(—--New VeUings and Md^ Veils—~

WOOLEN DRESS GOODS ;Alarge collection^ of new models Un Tailored .Our Veiling;Department is stocked ;with-the season's newest

\u0084r -

,v,v , i •

-i- « a:\x7- v'--:'i"-" Suits, Costumes. Afternoon and EvenihV Gowns novelties in Plain' and Chenille- Dot Tuxedo Veilings, in all theMany new and- exclusive effects -m Fall,and AVmter Dress -r \u0084

- *---a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0=\u25a0\u25a07 --.i--.^-^/;^vi --.^- /;^v J!^ iri'"i.?c'i"

* "-


:Gopds^Ul;bVfoundim this department, including a large assorts :at very moderate prices; Coats for.auto, street latest shades. .v>sment of Broadcloths, the most popular fabric of the season. and evening wear. : :

* ~25c TO $1.50 YARD

Imported Fancy Silk and Wool Taffetas; all new colorings; < Women's Tailored Suits ......... $25.00 t0 BgK~

. . : : _'/ \u25a0V .' .'44 inches wide- yard

- -Sl;50

" sVelvet Suits mblack and colors. ..$60.00 to^185;00 Plain and Dotted :Chiffon Veiling, 18 to 22 inches wide;'* - ""•-;'':''"•;•"•••;*:;."V71


> Silk Dresses and Costumes $85;00 yard .r;.....V. ;h.::f.:v.\. ..........:.....• 45< toCloakings; in -Plaids,.Ghecksiand Stripes,ilight;;medium sand' * ;Caraculand Russian^Pony'Coats ;';j512.50 to

- >^-"..v-->,;.'^v-->,;.'^-- '^-;-.'^-V"••":;;~ A --'\u25a0' \u25a0- r.i<'- ':IT/ 4, . ,

dark-shades in Cheviots- and Tweeds; 50 incliesiwideV-' r¥<( 'Auto^andoriving^C6^A.vVv;;^Sl2.sO"toflS4O^)O s'

;. New Chiffon, Drape and Auto Veils, 1*/2/2 towards Jong,I '.V:..>.-.. ;..... ....... .^1.50 16:^2.50 % z^i^^!^^^^^i^f^^^jJo^^M\ colc)rs:V^-;•• v- -,-........ ...:.. .:..... 75^ to ?0.00

Broadcloths— An extensHe assortment of Chiffon. Broad- > --v


\u25a0: ..',• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0.-I- '-'^ ":\u25a0-\u25a0• ']\u25a0'

..',\u25a0• \u0084.:."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-'. ..,' - \u25a0'.•\u25a0 '.


\u25a0 ,ChantiUy Lace Veils inblack and colors. .?1.00 to $13.50

I --——New Fur Detiartiikeiit-——

-i ii^ci^^MchiffSf yard ........................... ...I*>is.UO,Js^.sO and 53.00 "': -\u25a0".:\u25a0\u25a0:-.,- :.: y.-;v^'^',:-.\u25a0•\u25a0;;--\u25a0." v.'O-'^'.v,*^:.-.,-..:'.:.. .-jr;-.\u25a0-.-\u25a0-: .-\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0• \u25a0 -\u25a0 xm-A----- - - .. --. .. -\u25a0 \u25a0 '. S5l "IS''

r,y;; ';'::::;;:;:;-;.;:.; '::::;;:;:;-;.;:. '';..' ;:: ":\":s[ :.:: -:- ; LID

ipLdtest Arriyqlsih^ Flannel Department »'-.--'. Th«eSpecial,Values in. .;_/


'tion a few special values: ? : '.A-wide (assortaient of Scotch Flannel's in a soft and hand,

BLACK TAFFETA SILKS .: \u25a0: some.qualityjVveiy. serviceable for" Shirt Waists, -

Children'st-i \u25a0»» « f -w., ,

r^. '«.-''\u25a0«..•\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 H.rmine lies ana ocarts .......... .JBJLS.UO to * 100.00 >>, :•;> - \u25a0' ,' P,. ,- .^ -. ,\u25a0

' -"

.r'\ Extra Heavy;^^Quality Black Taffeta; 21/inches vyidej-yery -: ISableTscarfsW;^ :V':;;^^;V^v:^vV^Ssiooto^6o.oo : presses, Men s-Shirts, Pajamas, etc. N

i[durable;]^ IlFpxm6&:a^di^ -? f CRECI^IL VALLIF ilOo A YARD26-inch Black Taffeta; lustrous quality; warranted to {wear; ). -:>:-- Mv*FS o ™ATCH -- '

\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0- -\u25a0\u25a0-'

: yard ....„......-.„ .... ..^..^ /•'•^-y •\u0084;••• •> •;...v^l.OO. v ;-

f ':- Eng^h Flannels of-^e finest quality ;a large range of beau-Yard-wide Black Taffeta; fine lustrous^finish; ;fully'guaran- JI. The;collection of-Fur Coats is-particularly interesting, tiful.patterns; fast colors and unshrinkable; yard :.... 85^

teed to wear well;yard ..;...... .....-.......... ...... .^1.25 :• jembra^cingmqdelsirangingin French Flannels- in an extensive variety of new colorings inr-t,:«:«« \t-u.^c ;~ VC V' a- '''\u25a0* 'uj

'2- j •\u25a0* 1:1* r "*\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0. \u25a0 ..- -\ . -

-\u25a0- . \u25a0-,--

---. \u25a0 .- ...... .-- . •.' ..


. :- Persian effects, -suitable for Kimonos,- Wrappers and Dressing\u0084

Chiffon Velvets in all the leading shades most desirable for .-•"'-;. -\u25a0 -> -\ .-

o^ n "m \u25a0 *•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0- = . qftsqft5Gowns; Suits and Dress Wear; yard ;..;.,. /..;;$1.75 itp's2.soi tp'$2.50 -^jfT^^P^ 'J* Phone Franklin 591 rsar 5acques ''yara;


We will continuethe specialsale of Blankets Monday and' , New Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Umbrellas; a

during the week until they are closed out. This lot of Blankets jm^fJyfT^Z^lJ^ Zt assortment of Gun Meta1 ' Pear1 ' Sllver\G°Ld' H°m andwas purchased at a great reduction, owing to some slight im-

- ft^ W^Ss — Natural Wood Handles Prices Sl.OO to 516.00perfections. •,-\u25a0\u25a0 They:' are fma'de of;the FINEST^QUALITY CAL^' h NF^CnV v««"n^W Aye WOMEN'S LONG KID GLOVESIFORNIA WOOL, IN.ALL WEIGHTS AND SIZES. We I v*\ Elbow length Heavy Cape Gloves for street wear in Tanshave marked them at extremely lowprices. \u25a0 -• • . | and Pme St. <^|PP and Browns ;special value ;pair and $4.00

. A t. -- - " ':



•------—— — ' —\u25a0\u25a0





• • • *• • • • • -

lls the Incentive. We should appreciate a visit fromIyou;we feel that your inspection of our celebrated iI1I1shoes, and the lowprices at whichwe offer them, WillIIplace you permanently in the listof our customers. |"H^tW AWCLadiesV extra fine Vici Kid,lace or button |i;Z~f^ ]?fs*^ .shoes, patent leather tip, Goodyear welt,i!, Standard $5. 50 grade. Reduced t0....... C *%K. flI }-. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS JpJ«^^|

\u25a0 IAlillTS5 Exua ,fine Vici. Kid. v 1|:.|f*>fr-IJC'0 • lace shoes, dull kid |g top, extension or turn sole; plain ;toe, high iE Cubaniheel, the latest; thing in smart foot- .^^^ 1|wear.' Regular price, '$4.00. |£ t£ «^^^ PIReduced to *p«j)«^3 i^K^^ ' %RHANAN^ Men

's Vici Kid or Sa ra.^^i^i^i^-0Box Calf lace shoes. Sf?--^ IX Goodyear welt; a guarantee of snug com- §§g&;''v ;"~;"~-I||L '

ag fort and one of the newest shapes. Regu- S?!1 larts6^oo 'anid! $6.50 grades. |£ C fVC %a Reduced to .. v SlOii^O • a^^^ I1 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS "S^^^^i|]UJpW»CGun Metal Calf button Ig lUl^ll \J shoes, Goodyear welt, heavy- HB single sole, new Piccadilly last. Our best 1H154.00 value. Reduced Tto.. #%.gr

'^^^^ iH ;.•-• • • •••••••••••••••••••••>• ip 9_mm w

IOUR . ENTIREiLINE. OF $3.50 SHOES *> « |IFOREMEN AND WOMEN, REDUCED" Tp: Jp%s« £O|\I JUyENILE^SHOES are always a feature of Rosenthal's 1 \u25a0

j stores., An\imrhense at;reduced* figures. :We,are sole 1Iagents ;for^SZ WATERBURY & SON'S \u25a0 fine shoes for misses. |Siinfants: and children. •\u25a0\u25a0> ''\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0_."'• ft

fliH^S SAX FRA.\CIStO'S BEST SHOE STORKS I\u25a0 1100 Tan jfess ayK cor. Gea^,3t.;;lsiS-ioSO FiUmore st, nr.OFarrelir gi\u25a0 135Montgomery-St; near Bnsh (MEX'S SHOES ONLY). R*\u25a0 \u25a0';

v . \.,..-,-;;;-' '".Mall\u25a0..OrdwBlFUled the Day Received. 9I Oakland Store, Mft^^^eLftlist, Bacon Block. \u25a0