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The 3-­Week Diet

Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-­CPTWith Nutritionist Josh Bezoni

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IntroductionJoel Marion: Hi, this is nutritionist Joel Marion, and I am on the phone with my

good friend, business partner, and co-­author, Josh Bezoni. And, we are here to have the 3-­Week Diet Coaching Call. The purpose of

and coach you from the very beginning, Day 1—actually the day before the diet actually starts—and then bring you through all the way to completion on Day 21. Josh, it’s a pleasure to have you on the call with me, buddy, and welcome to the call.

Josh Bezoni: Yeah, I’m calling in from Austin, Texas. We’re at my home base, and Joel’s out of where? You’re in St. Pete. Joel?

Joel: Yes, St. Pete, Florida.

Josh: Great, well we’re excited to give everybody some information and coach them along with the program. So, if everyone follows along and grabs a pen and paper and take some notes, we’ll help you as much as possible.

Joel: Now all this stuff is also included in the 3-­Week Diet Manual that you received with your order. But we are going to some of these in more detail, so that you understand a little bit more of the why you’re doing things instead of just blindly following the program without fully understanding why things are set up the way they’re set up and the approach that we took in designing the 3-­Week Diet, why we did what we did. We didn’t haphazardly just choose certain foods on

that we’re doing, and we’re excited to share it with you today.

people listening a little bit about your background and how you got to where you got to today, how you got started in the industry and then what we’re currently doing, currently working on.

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Josh: Sure, I graduated college with dual majors in Biology and Nutrition,

Bill Phillips. He wrote a book called Body-­for-­Life, which was really

opportunity there to design nutrition programs for a lot of different athletes and celebrities. I’ve been in the business, the nutrition and really the nutrition consulting business so to speak, since then, in the late 90s. I’ve been doing this for about 15 years.

Recently, well we’ve been working on it for a while, but Joel and I then decided that the nutrition industry had a lot of areas that needed help. We needed someone to come in and really do things the right way in the nutrition industry, so Joel and I formed BioTrust Nutrition. It’s an all-­natural nutrition brand, and we do everything the right way, and, Joel, I’m sure you’ll talk this about later as well. Everything we do is spot-­on, from the formulations, we use only the

approved laboratory, a third-­party laboratory to make sure that all our products meet label claims and so that what we say is in the product actually is, and the products are pure.

And this is something that Joel and I have been working on very hard. We have a very large team here at BioTrust. It’s something we’re really passionate about, we’re passionate about helping people, helping our community, and giving back. So that’s really the reason for the call today.

Joel: Awesome. And like Josh, just to give a little bit of background about myself. Like Josh, I actually got my start in a very similar entrance point, through Bill Phillips and Body-­for-­Life, and what they were doing. When Josh was working for Bill, I actually was on the other side of the coin, and not working there, but I was one of the lives that were transformed through Bill’s work and the Body-­for-­Life book. I entered the contest, I grew up as an athlete all throughout high school and then decided to kind of part ways with my basketball childhood when I went to college. And I was kind of missing it, so I

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was looking for something else to do. You know, I was very active and very passionate about playing hoops every day when I was growing up. It literally was my entire life from when I was about 5 or 6 years old, all the way until I graduated high school. And when I got to college I was looking to pick up something that

but it didn’t involve the sports. So the answer I turned to in that was

I was introduced to Bill Phillips and Body for-­Life really at the right

confused and doing many things incorrectly. I was spending way more time in the gym than I needed to spend. You know, these marathon exercise sessions, performing these two-­hour workouts, trying to change my body as a college kid. I was trying to eat right at the same time. I was avoiding all the foods I thought I was supposed to avoid. I was limiting my dietary fat intake and avoiding fat like it was a dietary demon, which obviously I know much better now, and hopefully if you don’t know that already we’ll teach you that through this program.

But I was making a lot of mistakes. And what Bill’s book allowed

nutrition, and start doing some common sense things that weren’t necessarily common sense to me, but some very fundamental things about nutrition and my exercise. And I entered one of the Body-­for-­Life Challenges, which was the biggest body transformation contest at the time, in 2001. I won that contest for my age and gender, for my category. And that kind of propelled

decade now. I started writing for a magazine called Muscle Media, which was Bill Phillps’ partner magazine, with Body-­for-­Life. And it’s kind of snowballed from there, writing for many online magazines. I had print book published in 2007 through a big New York publishing house, Random House, and numerous other books I’ve been the author of, as Josh has online.

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So now you purchased the 3-­Week Diet, and here we are today as two coaches who are anxious to get started with you so that you can take the information we’re going to share to day in the call, and then also that is in the ebook that you purchased, and the other materials, and really get started without questions. But you’ll be happy to also know that later on the call we’ll tell you where you can get any additional questions that you have, even after the call and after you’ve gone through the materials. We’ve set up a very structured support community for you, so we’ll tell you more about that later.

But today, the purpose of this call is to walk you through the entire

now as the interviewer. I’m going to play the devil’s advocate with Josh acting as if he knows nothing about the programs, and he’s just going

we chose to set up the 3-­Week Diet the way that we did.

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3-­Week Diet: Who’s It For?Josh:

quickly, who is this program for? Because there’s a lot of people out there wondering right off if this program’s for them.

Joel: Well, the 3-­Week Diet is really for everyone. It’s for those who are younger, those who are older. I got started when I was a college student who was 19 years old and it’s sort been a perfect program for me to follow back then, and actually would have been… You know we’ve learned so much over the last 12-­13 years about nutrition, and the information that was out the in 2001, you know, it’s outdated at this point. And so this is one of the most up-­to-­date information on nutrition, that’s really applicable to everyone;; young or old, male or female, somebody who has 20 lbs to lose, somebody who has 50 lbs or 100 lbs to lose, somebody who only has 5 or 10 lbs to lose, who’s looking to really shape up and get extremely thin.

But this really is for everyone, because the concepts that we are sharing in this particular program work across the board. And the reason is because fat loss is fat loss, whether you have 10 lbs to lose or 100 lbs to lose, the way that you approach fat loss is in a very similar way. It still has to do with your metabolism, how your nutrition interacts with your metabolism. And then also another big aspect of this program and every dieter, again whether you have 5 lbs or 100 lbs to lose, is your hormones. And if you are going on a diet, you need to be very cognizant of those two things. You need to be very aware of how your nutrition and the things that you’re doing are affecting your hormones and also your metabolism.

So, this program is a program for everyone. It’s something that is going to appeal to everyone and it’s a probably the reason why you purchased this, because it’s a short-­term program. It’s a 21-­day program that’s going to allow you see graphic success. That’s something that everybody wants.

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I just also realized that if you have a lot more weight to lose you’re going to see a lot more weight loss within these 21 days. If you’re somebody who only has 10 lbs to lose, hopefully we can help you lose those 10 lbs over the next 21 days. But somebody who has 50 or 60 lbs, it’s not uncommon to see people lose a large amount of

So, keep in mind your starting point, and rest assured, if you’re looking for the best nutrition information out there, Josh and I have

that it will work for you no matter where your starting point is.

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The Cheat DayJosh: Great, well thanks for sharing that, Joel. To kick it off, the program

to the listeners what are Cheat Days, why are they important, and why would you kick off the 3-­Week Diet with one?

Joel: Absolutely. So Cheat Days are something I’ve been writing about

days and the hormone leptin. And Cheat Days are something that you’re going to take throughout the entire 3 Week Diet. It is a day that we’re not just using as to start the diet, but we’re actually using on a weekly basis. And it serves several functions.

diet is going to be a Cheat Day. That’s the day before you actually start. So let’s go over Cheat Days, why they’re useful, and what

why we start this particular diet off with a Cheat day.

When you go on a diet, anyone’s who’s trying lose weight, you’re kind of throwing your body into this whirlwind that it’s not used to. You’ve been eating a certain way for a period of time, and that’s what your body is used to. Then you go on a diet and everything changes. It’s very abrupt to your body unless you do some very gradual start, but not too many people want to do that. They want

end of Week 1 and Week 2.

drastically reduce their calories, and they try to make headway into their weight loss goals. And it works for a short while. However, I’m sure if you’ve been on a diet before you’ve noticed this

budge as much. And then you get to the third week and things are

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slowing down even more. You seem like you did just as much work as you did in Week 1, but the success you experienced in Week 2 or Week 3 wasn’t nearly that of Week 1. And that has to do with our hormones and our metabolism.

When you go on a diet, again, you throw you body into this whirlwind that it’s not used to. And then it kind of causes your body to go on the defense and it will begin to…there’s certain hormones in your body that are in charge of regulating your metabolism and how many calories you burn every day and how much fat you’re able to burn every day. And the major one is called leptin. So leptin is also know as the anti-­starvation hormone. So, what happens is when you go on a diet and you start reducing your calorie intake,

shown that leptin levels decline by as much as 50%.

Now, leptin’s job is to communicate with your brain, how many calories is this person needing all day, potentially starving, and if so, it will kick your body into starvation mode. This is a really positive thing if indeed you were starving, but it’s not such a good thing if you are just trying to lose a few pounds and you’re reducing your calorie intake. So at the end of 7 days, now you’re at half of your fat-­burning potential. Your leptin levels have dropped. This tells your brain that I’m not getting enough food, let’s shut everything down. Your metabolism slows, your fat-­burning hormones decline. You’re appetite-­regulating hormones, another hormone called ghrelin actually increases your appetite. That will go on the rise. It’s telling your body even more that you need to eat. That this person should eat, and that’s when you start to have more hunger pains, you start to become very irritable, your stress hormones go way up, and you start to have all these cravings. And at the same time your metabolism is slowing.

So this is the exact opposite of everything that you want to do when you are on a diet. You don’t want your metabolism slowing down. You don’t want your fat burning hormones taking a plunge.

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You don’t want your hormones to cause you to be hungry to jump up sky-­high. That’s not going to help you achieve your goals any faster, even though you’re putting all that effort in.

Research has also discovered is there are some things nutritionally that you can do to help boost your leptin levels and kind of recharge the battery. If you think of your leptin levels as a battery, by the end of Week 1 you’re only at half power. So how can you get and recharge back to 100%? Well we use Cheat Days. Research has show that it only takes 1 day of overfeeding or strategically cheating on your diet, to bounce those leptin levels or recharge that leptin battery back up to 100%.

is going to be the most weight loss that they experience. But unfortunately, as we mentioned, most people after that are going to see results decline week after week after week until they eventually hit a weight loss plateau, which I’m sure many of the people listening to call have experienced. If you’ve ever been on a diet, you’ve probably reached a point where the scale got stuck for a few weeks in a row and you were wondering, well I’m doing all this, I’m exercising, I’m eating right, but why is the scale not moving.

So hopefully now you have a better understanding of why that’s happening, because these hormones are being bumped out of whack, your metabolism is lower, and your fat-­burning hormones are taking a plunge. But when you have this weekly Cheat Day you kind of recharge your leptin battery, your metabolism battery,

so much success, now you can repeat that week after week after week, because you’re starting at 100% of your fat-­burning potential instead of 50%. So that is the big physiological, or the hormonal

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Day. Which in and of itself, if that’s all you got out of it, and they took you a step back from achieving your goals, that’s why a lot of people kind of remove the Cheat Day and think they’re doing

psychologically aspect. Think of the last time that you went on a diet. By the time you’re on Day 2 or Day 3, or maybe even by the afternoon on Day 1, you’re thinking about all the favorite foods that you really want eat that you can’t eat. And unfortunately, in most cases when you go on a diet, if you’re really committed to doing the diet, as outlined, as most diets are outlined, the next time you’re going to be able to have all those foods that are running through your mind and that you see on all the commercials and the billboards and stuff, is going to be months down the line after you

yourself for weeks and months, and then hopefully once you lose all the weight, if you can stay the course the entire way and deal with all these fat loss plateaus and all that, then you can have some pizza again.

was a Cheat Day, and then you knew that you had a Cheat Day at the end of the week, every week. How much more are you going to be motivated to stick to your diet, because there’s always that light at the end of the tunnel? So psychologically it’s great. It gives you a weekly break from your diet. And even better, it has that big physiological boost to help regulate your fat-­burning hormones and your metabolism, and have you starting at 100% of your fat-­burning potential week after week. So if you start with a Cheat Day, and especially if you’ve been dieting previously, this is an absolute must. You start to help regulate those hormones. You don’t want to jump right into a very strict Week 1 of the 3-­Week Diet on empty. You want to make sure that your tank is full, so to speak. So you want to recharge your metabolism’s battery with a cheat day, and then we’re going to get started, we’re going to jump right into Week 1 of the 3-­Week Diet. And then each and every week we have that same battery charge happening again on a weekly basis.

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Josh: Great, thanks for sharing that Joel. I follow the diet as well, when I need to get back on track a little bit. That Cheat Day is so important because I crave a lot of foods. Especially in the beginning, people have a lot of cravings in the beginning because a lot of the food that people eat are highly addictive. The sugar, the high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, are very highly addictive. So if you can get

another one coming up. Which is great for most people, because a lot of people think they’re going to have to start a diet and not be able to eat any of the foods they really crave for 2 months or 3 months or 4 months or more. So it’s a really great thing that I really enjoy, and I know a lot of people that have used our program with Cheat Days, which is tens of thousands of people. They really love it as well.

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Nutrient Confusion™: Your Key to Accelerating Your Results and Deterring Weight Loss PlateausJosh: So moving on, let’s talk about the other days in the diet, in the

3-­Week Diet, and how they all work together for the Nutrient

you tell us more about the Fast Days, the Shake Days, the Low Carb Days, and the Moderate Carb Days, and how all that works together?

Joel: Yeah, absolutely. So, apart from cheat days there are four other days on this diet, which is very cool for a lot of reasons. One,

mention and that we’ve talked about in the initial page that you decided to purchase the book from, and then also throughout the

is going to allow your body to…you know it keeps your body guessing so that, again, you don’t want to do anything that’s just very abrupt. Where you eating all this food and then you go on a diet and then all of a sudden you’re eating 1,000 calories a day. That’s very abrupt to your body. After a couple days of that you’re body’s starting to think something is really wrong. However, if you have days that have different calorie levels, for example, if one day you’re eating 1,500 calories and another day you’re eating 1,200 calories, another day you’re eating 1,800 calories. And then another day you’re fasting, which we’ll talk about in a little bit. And then the very next day after that you have a higher carbohydrate day. These things are going to prevent your body from catching on to exactly what’s happening. It’s not going to have all these red

intake day after day after day. So it’s a really great way to trick

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confuse you body. You’re kind of trick your body into cooperating with what you’re trying to do with weight loss efforts.

And then at the same time, you’re introducing a lot of variety into the meal plan. Over 21 days you’re having 5 different days there that you’re rotating back and forth through these 5 different days in the various format that you’ve seen outlined in the in the book, which I’ll go over in just a minute. It’s great for variety too. Most diets are very repetitive, they’re mundane and very boring, they boring and you have limited food choices. You’re not going to run into that problem on this particular program. Not only do you have a weekly cheat day, but literally every day something is just a little bit different. And it’s enough to keep the diet fresh as you’re going through this 21-­day journey. And I know it’s something that you’re really going to enjoy.

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The Fast DayJosh: So let’s talk about the 4 days. The 4 days are Day 1, we’ll talk about

this as the Fast Day. Now, there’s two ways to approach a Fast Day.

Anyone who knows anything about weight loss knows that in order to lose fat or to burn fat, you have to burn more calories than you’re taking in. When you do that you create something called a calorie

are indeed burning more calories than you’re eating. When you do that, those extra calories, you’re burning more than you’re eating, all those calories that are left over are then tapping into your stored body fat. So just think on a day where you’re fasting, where you’re

addition to some exercise as part of the 3-­Week Diet Fit program that we’ve included in the book as well.

You can lose up to a pound of fat. We’re not talking about water weight here, we’re actually talking about body fat. Body fat in addition to the water weight and things like that, it could actually be more than a pound in a day. And that’s because you’re creating a

of a fast day with some exercise, it’s very possible that you can burn up to 3,500 calories in a single day, which is great. The fact that you’re fasting, you did not intake any calories, or a substantial amount of calories. That means that all that calorie burn is going to straight towards burning fat from your body.

Now this is a great way to lose weight. Obviously you don’t want to use this every single day, because you’re going really kick your body into starvation mode, but one day here and there, strategically placed around other days, it’s a great way to accelerate your fat

Now I mention there’s two options that we give you inside the book to tackle this Fast Day. One would be a complete fast. And for me,

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a complete fast is not so much of a big deal. It’s something that growing up religiously, I did for multiple days at a time, and people do it all the time. You know the Bible teaches and a lot the people in the Christian and Catholic church, they fast for up to 40 days. So it’s not unheard of. Your body scan certainly deal with it. At the same time, for some just starting off, a full Fast Day, and you have to listen to your body. A full Fast Day may be a bit much, where you’re not eating anything all day long. If you really feel that your energy levels or your blood sugar is dropping, or your energy levels are tanking, then you need to eat something

Option No. 2 would be an intermittent fast, or basically restricting the morning meals, breakfast and lunch. And then you’re having a smaller meal at dinnertime, a low carbohydrate meal at dinnertime.

a full Fast Day.

Again, you have to listen to your body. You have to be smart about it. If at anytime whatsoever, and there is a small percentage of people that may feel like they’re very fatigued, or lightheaded or anything like that. That’s a signal you’re your body is telling you that your blood sugar’s too low and that you need to eat something. So, as you’re going through a Fast Day it’s very important that you listen to your body. Of course, if you have any medical conditions or anything like that, you should be checking. You shouldn’t even

please be sure to do that if you have some medical issues that your diet and what you need to be informing your doctor about your diet. So the fast day is a full fast day, or you could have an intermittent fast where you’re skipping breakfast and lunch and then having a lower carbohydrate meal. We outline both of those in the 3-­Week Diet program manual, so take a look at those.

On the Fast Day, we are using branched chain amino acid supplementation in a very strategic way to counteract muscle loss.

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Your lean muscle tissue, forget about being a bodybuilder, forget about anything you know about weight trainer or anything of that nature. Even if you’ve never done weight training in your life, you still have muscle. Everyone has muscle. Your muscle is something that burns a lot of calories just by sitting there. So you want to hold onto that as much as possible. Also, when you lose fat and you start to become lean, you’re going to start to see the muscle

a lean, attractive physique. And you should have a good amount of muscle on your frame already, and as you lose fat you want to maintain that. Again, because it’s going to help you burn calories at rest. And two, your end result from dieting is to look better. Obviously improve your health, but also a big reason why we’re doing this is to improve the way that we look, aesthetic reasons.

You don’t want to lose a lot of muscle mass because you’re going to lose some fat, you’re going to lose a lot of water, and then you’re going to lose a lot of calorie burning lean muscle at the same time.

really kind of look like a smaller version of the image that you started off with. You’re trying to improve your appearance and your body, and your body composition. And you do that by holding to as much muscle as possible and losing the fat that is kind of laying over top and covering up these area. So we use branched chain amino acids.

At BioTrust we’ve put together what we feel is the best branched chain amino product on the market. It uses three different forms of amino acids to ensure optimal absorption. It’s three times more absorbable than the typical amino acids blends that are on the market today, which means that you can use a lot less. What we recommend with the BioTrust branched chain amino acids, our BCAA Matrix product, is that you’re taking on fast days 0.15 grams, that’s 0.15 grams of BCAAs per pound of body weight. And you want to split that over 6 doses daily.

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So for someone who is 200 lbs, you’re going to multiply your weight of 200 by 0.15, and then calculate it and you’re going to get 30. So that’s 30 grams of branched chain amino acids you’ll be taking daily. You want to split that into 6 doses throughout the day. You take one of those doses every couple of hours. And for that you’re going to have 5 gram doses, so it’s 30 divided by 6 equals 5. You’re going to have six 5 gram doses throughout the day. It’s very simple, every couple of hours take 5 grams of branch chain amino acids.

==> Get BioTrust BCAA Matrix at 20% OFF (use code 3week20)

And we recommend our BCAA Matrix products because, again, we put a lot of work and research into making it. It’s three times more absorbable, much higher quality than the typical amino acids, and this will allow you take less. If you were using a regular amino acid product, I’m taking 30 grams and you’d take 60 to 90 grams of branched chain amino acids, so you get a lot more bang for your buck with BioTrust BCAA Matrix. And it’s very important to maintain that muscle tissue. So it will keep your metabolism high as you’re dieting, and then also the end result when you lose the weight, you’re going to look really good. You’re going to look lean, and you’re going to have that body that you’re actually trying to achieve

wants. So that’s the Fast Day.

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The Shake DayJoel: The Shake Day is another interesting day we have on there. It

after rapid fat loss over this 21-­day program. So the Shake Day is going to allow us to still consume a smaller amount of calories, but at the same time you’re not fasting all day. So that’s a positive thing there. You’re having these delicious fat-­burning milkshakes throughout the day. I have a lot of recipes that we have posted to our support forum, at BioTrustBoard.com. We’ll go over that a little bit later. You’ll get some great recipes there and share recipes with others for maybe a delicious fat-­burning milkshakes and smoothies. And what you’re going to do on these particular days, again you have two options for these days. You can do all shakes, but for me, I just do all shakes on the Shake Day. So, we have 5 different feedings throughout the day. You have breakfast, lunch and dinner, and then snacks in between each of those, so a mid-­morning snack and an mid-­afternoon shake. Or you could have

morning, your lunch, your mid-­afternoon and then for dinner you can have a whole food dinner. A lot of people like to use this, again, because it’s not the entire day nothing but shakes. And they add that dinner to look forward to, but it still allows them to have a pretty

Just like Fast Day, you have an option of doing a complete fast or intermittent fast, where you have a low carb dinner. For the Shake Days you’re going to have either all shakes throughout the day or you’re going to have that low carb dinner. It’s up to you, see how you feel. Obviously going with the shakes is probably the more strict way of a approaching the day, but if you feel like you could use some whole food when dinnertime comes around, or it’s more practical for you with your family, to eat dinner with them, then by all means this as an option that works just as well.

On these days we’re going to have those 5 feedings, as I

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mentioned, again breakfast, mid-­morning snack, lunch, mid-­afternoon snack, and in the form of a shake and then dinner, which would be the dinner shake.

What we did here is we structured these 5 meals so that the

carbohydrates that you eat are consumed in the early morning hours and up through lunch is when your body is best primed to deal with carbohydrate intake. So your protein and carbohydrate shakes in the morning when the body is beside primed to deal with carbohydrates. Your insulin sensitivity is at its peak in the morning hours.

contain carbs, and then you’re going to limit your carbs and have what we call protein and fat shakes in the afternoon. You could still have some really delicious shakes that just have mainly protein and fat. We use our BioTrust Low Carb, all-­natural, time-­released protein powder. For example, one of my favorite shakes that I enjoy everyday in the evening hours is the Chocolate Peanut Butter, or the Chocolate Almond Butter if you like to use almond butter peanut instead of peanut butter. Where you have all natural BioTrust Low Carb Chocolate and then you’ll add some fat via almond butter or peanut butter, add some water and mix it up in a blender with some ice cubes, and it tastes great. It’s like a thick, creamy milkshake. And I actually just had a milkshake the other day on the cheat day at one of these restaurants, and quite honestly it did not—I said to the person to the person sitting next to me, I said this is honestly not half as good as the BioTrust milkshake.

So, you’re going to be able to enjoy a lot of great food on this diet, even on the days where you’re having shakes. So that’s how it’s structured.

==> Get BioTrust Low Carb at 20% OFF (use code 3week20)

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The Low Carb DayJoel: Then we get into the days that you’re actually consuming more

that’s your third type of day. Then we have Fast Days, Shake Days and Low Carb Days. The low carbohydrate days will have you restricting carbohydrates. But at the same time it’s a nice change of pace because you’re eating mostly whole food on these days.

Now one of things about the Shake Days that I think people really enjoy, that we’ve got a lot of comments on, is that they’re super-­convenient. And the shakes are just very, very easy to deal with. They only take about 60 seconds to make up a meal, and then have a complete nutritious meal. There’s no cooking involved. You’re not bogged down by matching up your grocery shopping and all those things to get all these ingredients to make all this food.

So they are really, really convenient and people really enjoy that,

and actually want to use more and more shakes. So, for Low Carb Days we often get the question is: on the Low Carb Days are we still allowed to have shakes? And the answer is yes, absolutely. You just have protein and fat shakes on those days. We would like you to incorporate at least 3 whole food meals on the low carbohydrate day. So what I normally do is for my main meals—that’s breakfast, lunch and dinner—I’ll have whole food meals on Low Carb day for that, and you can still have really big sizable meals. So for dinner you may have a very large chicken Caesar salad with a huge bed of romaine lettuce. You can even throw some additional vegetables in there to make a huge salad full of vegetables, some nice grilled chicken, a low-­calorie dressing or olive oil and vinegar dressing, all natural dressing. And you can still have a very large salad, the

And that’s still going to have a very few amount of calories. That’s a trick that we call ‘volumizing your plate.’ And by volumizing your plate you’re going still be able to eat large meals by including more

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up high. You’re going to leave the meal feeling much fuller than if you just had a piece of chicken and that’s all you ate.

So round out those meals with a lot veggies on the Low Carb Days. You still want to be able to full. The main meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner—you have whole food, and then for those in-­between snacks, when time’s a little tighter and I’m not sitting down to eat, or I don’t have a break from my work, I’ll mix up a fat-­burning milkshake, a BioTrust fat-­burning milkshake, for those particular days, for those particular meals, the snack meals, and the mid-­morning meal and the mid-­afternoon meal. So that’s the low carb day. Again, there’s going to be 5 meals—breakfast, lunch and then two snacks. I think it’s ideal to do the 3 low-­carb meals with portion

manual. And then, again, what I like to do is have low carb shakes on the mid morning and the mid-­afternoon.

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The Moderate Carb DayJoel:

is the Moderate Carb Day. The moderate carbohydrate day is an-­other day of whole food, and this is really a great day that people really look forward to because you get to eat even more of a variety of whole food. You get to add in more carbohydrates now, which in-­cludes fruits, and legumes and potatoes and rice and things of that nature, that will allow you to have a great deal of success while sat-­isfying those cravings that you may have had throughout the Fast

days that you go without any of these things on this diet. That’s one of the greatest parts about this type of program, is all the variety that it has.

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Nutrient Confusion™: Carbohydrate and Calorie CyclingJoel: So, why does this type of setup work? This type of setup works

because you have four different types of days here. One that’s a fast day where you’re consuming branched chain amino acids primarily, one which is a Shake Day, which is kind of the low calorie level, but again, it’s a different form of nutrition. It also adds a good amount of carbohydrates during the Shake Day, that you’re mixing into your shakes. Then you have Low Carb days. This is going to

lowering your carbohydrate intake while having a moderate calorie intake. Then you have the Moderate Carb Days. These are going to be higher calorie days, mostly whole food. Again, you can have a protein and carbohydrate meal and you can have whole food, and you also have a higher calorie intake, and also have a higher carbohydrate intake at the same time.

So, it’s a really great way to mix up your calories and mix up your carbohydrate intake, and it’s a great way to confuse your body and keep your body guessing. Again, the whole point of doing a diet is to keep your body guessing so that you can burn calories day after day, week after week. If you have high levels of fat burning hormones day after day and week after week, this is going to allow you to burn fat on a consistent basis instead of running into those fat loss plateaus and those barriers that you’re used to when you’re dieting. At the same time, you have something to look forward to;; more carbohydrates or that cheat day at the end of the week. Every couple of days it’s something else to forward to, so it’s a way to stay motivated and committed to your diet plan while losing fat rapidly over a 21-­day period.

Josh:basis, but do you want to go into a little more detail on how it changes from week to week?

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Joel:developed this diet around. It’s confusing your days, but at the same time we do it on a weekly basis. Your body just doesn’t react to the day-­by-­day, but it will also revolves over time, over the course of several weeks how what does your nutrition look like? What does your calorie and your carbohydrate intake look like? So what we

Basically we use that Week 1 as a more strict setup to jumpstart your results. You’re going to have Fast Day on that day, you’re going to have 2 Shakes Days which are more strict in nature, you’re going to have 2 Low Carb Days, which are obviously low carb days. And there’s only 1 Moderate Carb day on that. At the same time you still

day like you did before you start the diet, it’s a cheat day. So there’s

But at the same time it’s a great way, again, through the use of a

week. In the more strict fashion, and you can expect to achieve

continue, even though we already used some cheat days and the other nutrient confusion principles. We don’t want to continue in Week 2 to restrict our calories to that degree and to have our body maybe sense something’s going on, because over the course of the week we didn’t necessarily…it was more strict.

So what do we do? We throw in a higher carbohydrate and a higher calorie week in the middle. So that Week 2, what you want to do in Week 2 is you’re just going to add more carbs and more calories. It’s just great physiologically for your body, again, to keep it guessing and to try and bump up those hormones and your metabolism. And then it’s great psychologically too, because you went through, you

second week is when you’re going to be able to really indulge a little bit more in that week. In this one we have 3 Moderate Carb Days.

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Carb Days, and that’s the most lenient day of the program, that’s 3 days, plus the Cheat Day. The other days, there’s would be 1 Low Carb Day, 1 Shake Day and 1 Fast Day. So the stricter days of the program, there’s only 1 day of each of those on the second week. And then you have 3 more Moderate Carb Days, again, the most lenient day of the entire diet in that second week, plus a Cheat Day. So you’re going to feel like you’re really taking that week off, almost, from dieting. Although you’re still going to be burning plenty of fat, it’s going to be a really nice change of pace physiologically for your body and your hormones and your metabolism, but also psychologically for you as you go through that second week.

Then in the third week what we do is we simply revert back to that

you have a strict week, and then a more moderate week, a more

strict week. This is a kind of sandwich approach where you have two strict weeks with one more lenient week kind of sandwiched in between is a great way to allow your body to use Nutrient

that we’re making to go strict, and then give your body a break for a

end on a high note.

Again, you have it on a day-­by-­day basis with the four different days—the Fast Days, the Shake Days, the Low Carb Days, the

Cheat Days. And then on a week-­to-­week basis for doing the same

a more lenient week, and then the third week we have, once again,

a little bit in that last week, after that middle week where it’s a bit more in lenient nature.

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Determining What to Eat and How MuchJosh: Joel, some people might have questions about the different days and

they might be confused about what foods to eat, but in the program we have meal plans, correct? Where people can follow along and know what kind of recipes to make and how to eat exactly?

Joel: Yes, that is part of the Accelerator Package, if they elected to take that option, with the meal plans. However, within the main program, even if someone did not choose to take the Accelerator Package, which includes the 21 days of meal plans, there are extensive food lists which tell them exactly which foods are allowed in the different categories. It tells them exactly how to eat the appropriate amount of food for their body size by determining their portion sizes. It gives them step by step everything they need to do to execute the diet. It’s all laid out there in black and white.

This coaching call is really meant as a high-­level explanation of the science and the reason why things are set up the way they’re set up. Look in the program manual and you’re going to get all the nitty gritty details of exactly how to do this stuff. And then if you decided to take the additional meal plans that we offer, to upgrade your order, you obviously will have much more. You’ll have 21 days of complete, a much more done-­for-­you format. That being said, in the diet manual in the main package it tells you exactly which foods to eat. It gives you an extensive list that you can choose from. And then it tells you how to choose the appropriate amount of food for each one of those meals. And it tells you for each type of day, it outlines each type of day in very, very detailed fashion.

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The BioTrust Online CommunityJoel: In addition to that, if you do wind up having some questions after,

set up a support community for you at BioTrustBoard.com, that’s BioTrustBoard.com. And all you have to do is go over there and you just register your user name and then you can communicate with our coaches. There’s going to be a separate forum that’s set up.

go and get support and interact with other members. And that’s the folks who are doing the 3 Week Diet at the same time as you. You can share recipes, you can get support from them, and you can also get support from our trained nutrition specialists and coaches.

You shouldn’t have a lot of questions after going through the diet manual. We did make sure to really go over all the information in a very detailed fashion. But in the event that you do have some small

that’s the place to go is BioTrustBoard.com and you’re going to be able to get all those questions answered.

Josh: Yeah, you can also go to BioTrust.com and click on the Forum button as well. That helps people remember it as well, right from BioTrust.com.

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Supplements: Accelerate Your ResultsJosh: So Joel, because the natural hormone manipulation plays such an

important part in the weight loss equation, there are a couple of other products that we produce at BioTrust that can help users accelerate their results by helping them to manage the two hormones that have the biggest effects on weight loss, that you’ve talked about, which are leptin and insulin. If you could share with the listeners about

better results on the 3-­Week Diet while using them.

Joel: Yeah, so the whole concept of the 3-­Week Diet revolves around nutrient confusion. And the whole concept of nutrient confusion is set up to manipulate, naturally manipulate, your body’s most important hormones, the fat burning hormones or fat-­storing hormones, however you want to look at them depending on which way if they’re rising or falling.

One of them is the hormone leptin. Leptin, again, is going to be that hormone that when it’s high, your body’s happy, your metabolism is high. When it’s low, your body isn’t really happy with what’s going on internally. It slows down your metabolism and it slows down and decreases your fat-­burning potential, and therefore your fat-­burning or the amount of weight that you’re able to lose.

The other hormone is insulin. Insulin is something that is secreted by the pancreas. The pancreas pushes out the hormone insulin into your bloodstream when you eat carbohydrates. Thus carbohydrates are digested and broken down into small sugars in your body, and then released into the bloodstream. Insulin’s job is to help clear the sugar from your blood and move that sugar into a storage site.

Now where is that going to be stored? Well, if your insulin sensitivity is very high, particularly in your muscle tissue, then that blood sugar is going to get stored in your muscle, for energy. It will later be used for energy. And that energy, you don’t have to think

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of a big long marathon workout as stored energy for a workout, although it will help in more exercising. But everything that you do on a daily basis, without being fatigued, requires some sort of energy. And that is your body’s primary source of energy is the stored carbohydrate that is in your liver, in your muscle tissue. So insulin’s job, again, is to shuttle that carbohydrate, and we want

fuel our daily processes. Like I’m doing right now, just sitting in this chair, talking on the phone, but I’m moving my hand and all these little movements, they all require some bit of energy. So we want to have that energy stored in the proper place.

The other place energy can be stored, obviously, is in body fat. And a lot of us are unfortunately carrying a little bit too much energy in this form, and we’re trying to get rid of it. What we don’t want to happen is when we eat carbohydrates, for our body to take that blood sugar and just redeposit it back in our body fat stores. So if you can control insulin, and especially increase your insulin sensitivity in the muscle tissue in your body, so that the carbohydrates and the sugars that get released into your blood will then go and be stored in your muscle, you’re going to be in a much better position. Now the carbohydrates you eat will be stored in your muscle for energy instead of as body fat. It’s going to have a huge positive effect on your weight loss. It’s also going to allow you to enjoy more carbohydrates as you do it.

Again, although we are doing all of these things throughout the 3-­Week Diet to manipulate our carbohydrate content and our calorie levels, these dietary things can only get us so far. It’s the best that we can possibly do, it’s the most strategic way that we can design a diet to effectively manipulate leptin and insulin, but at the same time there still are some shortcomings. For example, if you do have a fast day, your leptin levels within several hours will begin to decline somewhat. There won’t be a big mass decline like it is after 7 days, but after several hours without eating, your leptin levels will begin to decline. So what happens when that happens?

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Well, your body starts to shut down and your metabolism slows down, and you begin to burn less fat. And these are all things that we’re trying to avoid.

So how can we circumvent some of these problems? How can we get the carbohydrates that we eat to be primarily stored in muscle and not fat, and how can we keep our leptin levels high even while dieting, restricting calories and losing body fat.

And two of the products that we’ve put together at BioTrust that we

feel are just tremendous for solving these two big problems with weight loss, are BioTrust LeptiBurn and BioTrust IC-­5. IC-­5 is a great product for managing your blood sugar and also your body’s

in it that have been shown to reduce your body’s blood sugar levels

body’s insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue, while also there’s also several ingredients that decrease your insulin sensitivity, or actually increase your insulin resistance in body fat.

So, when you use these types of ingredients, when you eat carbohydrates, your blood sugars start circulating through your blood and your body is going take them and be more apt to storing them in muscle, and your body fat will almost push the sugar away and say no I don’t want to be stored here because your insulin sensitivity and your body fat is decreased. This is a win-­win situation, it’s the ideal situation and exactly what you want to happen when you eat carbohydrates. Your muscles are primed to soak up the carbohydrates to be used later for energy, and your body fat is more or less repelling the sugar that enters your bloodstream and saying no you’re not welcome here. That allows you to get moved forward with burning fat and losing that fat around your belly and your other problem areas that you’re trying to lose. And it allows you to enjoy the carbohydrates as you’re doing it.

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the 3-­Week Diet to accelerate your results. Do you need to use it? No. You’ll still get very good results using the 3-­Week Diet even if you chose not to use these particular products. But if you’re looking

give you an edge on your carbohydrate intake and help you lose a bit more fat and store your carbohydrates in a more advantageous way than you will if you’re not using it.

==> Get IC-­5 for 20% OFF (use code 3week20)

The other one is LeptiBurn, and even though after a day, a fast day or a lower calorie day, your leptin levels will normally be somewhat lower, LeptiBurn has been shown to increase your body’s sensitivity

to increase your body’s leptin production as well.

So again, the leptin levels are high, your body’s going to be very happy and it’s going to release the body fat, and allow your body to burn more fat on a regular basis. By keeping your leptin sensitivity high and your leptin levels high, you’re going to avoid starvation mode, you’re going to avoid the decreased metabolism, you’re going to avoid the increase in hunger hormones that are going to make you have all these cravings. And it just gives you an extra edge to give you a little more leptin sensitivity and an extra boost in your leptin levels as you’re dieting. As you’re doing these other things through the diet, it’s just going to make it a little bit better. And that could be the difference by the end, you know, several more pounds lost at the end of the 3-­Week Diet. Or another pound or two lost each and every week.

==> Get LeptiBurn for 20% OFF (use code 3week20)

So we recommend these supplements. They are made to go hand-­in-­hand with everything that you’re doing with nutrient

get you started on the right foot for manipulating your hormones

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naturally. And then BioTrust IC-­5 is a great way to help manage insulin further, and BioTrust LeptiBurn is another great way that you manage that all important fat-­burning hormone, leptin, in your body. So we really recommend and we’re proud of each one those. We’ve worked really hard on them. Brett Hall, our Vice President of Research and Development, just did some phenomenal things with creating these products, and we’re very proud to have them as part of our product line. And we know that for dieters, the people who are using the 3 Week Diet, they’re going to be a huge advantage to help you accelerate your results as you go through this program.

Josh: I just wanted to also let everyone know that Joel and I use these products daily. I take the LeptiBurn, use the protein daily, I use

foremost for us and our family to use. We want them that high quality, so we really spared no expense to do the highest quality, purest forms of these products. And we use them daily and we’re really proud of them, and we’re proud to be able to share them with everyone else, to help them get better results, faster. And we get literally dozens and dozens of dozens of emails and forum posts, daily, from people who are using these products, using this program and getting fantastic results. Really changing their lives. They’re becoming more healthy, more happy, more energetic. And it’s just a great company to be a part of.

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Committed to Your SuccessJosh: Joel, anything else to add to this as we close this call up?

Joel: Well I think we did a great job of going over and Josh did a nice job playing devil’s advocate there. You know, he’s part creator of

I think we did a great job at kind of a high level, explaining all the science and the research that has gone behind putting together such a strategic dietary approach. You can expect the same thing from our products, at BioTrust Nutrition. We don’t just create these things. Again, we’re not just throwing ideas in the air and seeing what sticks. We are really, really committed to the research and the

see at our website, on BioTrust.com, about the products that you can use to accelerate your results.

We’re excited to have you onboard and doing this program. And more importantly, we are excited to support you throughout your journey on the 3 Week Diet. It’s very, very important to us.

When you go and buy a bookstore diet book, let’s say you went

and you purchased The South Beach Diet, or something like that, there is slim to none a chance that you will be able to get in contact with the author and get any questions you have answered. Or be able to correspond and ask questions, unless you’re paying a registered dietician to develop you a diet. Then you will paying hundreds upon hundreds and hundreds of dollars on a weekly basis just to get questions answered.

Well, we’ve put this together in a free resource, in our support community for the 3-­Week Diet and our BioTrust products. Again, you can get there two ways. You can just simply go to BioTrust.com and the click on the Forum tab, or you can go to BioTrustBoard.com. Either one of those two ways will get you there. Again, you

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can go straight to BioTrust.com and click on the Forum tab. All you need to do is register a user name. It’s very simple, it’s 100% free. And you can hop right on in. There’s going to be lots of other users who are using the 3-­Week-­Diet that are anxious to have you as part of the community. Our coaches are anxious to hear from you. And Josh and I will also be stopping in there from time-­to-­time, and we look forward to answering and addressing your questions, and to supporting you on a daily basis to achieve your goals.

We know that research shows that without social support, it is very unlikely that someone’s going to succeed on a weight loss journey. Again, because a lot of times you’re not getting any support from anyone else. You have your family. Let’s hope they will be supportive, but many times they’re not. You have friends which will try and sabotage your dietary efforts of trying to eat healthy because they’re not doing it, and they want to make you feel bad about making healthy choices. And they want to tease you and things of that nature. Well, we put together a community where you can go with other like-­minded individuals, where you can get support, where you can encourage one another, and you can get encouragement and support from our coaches. We care about you. We care about each and every one of our customers and

And we hope you take advantage of that.

Again, just got to BioTrust.com and click on the Forum tab, or you can go directly to BioTrustBoard.com.

==> Get FREE Coaching HELP at BioTrustBoard.com

Josh: Well thanks again Joel. And thanks for everyone listening in. I think we’re wrapping up the call here. And as Joel mentioned, just go to BioTrust.com and click on the Forum tab, or go to BioTrustBoard.com and interact with us and our coaching staff. We’re here to help.

So with that in mind, everyone have a great day, and we hope you’ll

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start the program right away. Take care everyone, and thanks, Joel.

Joel: Thank you. Take care guys. Bye-­bye.