Co-Ordinated Sciences Paper 6

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  • 7/23/2019 Co-Ordinated Sciences Paper 6



    1 A bowl of crushed ice was taken out of a freezer, and left on a laboratory

    bench to thaw. Its temperature was taken every 5 minutes for 1 hour. The

    temperature of the laboratory was 2!".

    The results are shown in the table below.


    (min) 5 1 15 2 25 # #5 $ $5 5 55 %


    . (C)&1 &5 &1 2 ' 1$ 1( 1' 2 2

    (a) )n the *raph paper provided, draw a line *raph to show these results.


    (b) -hat was the temperature inside the freezer//////////////////////////////////+1

    (c) -hat was happenin* to the ice between 15 and 25 min after bein*

    taken out of the freezer//////////////////////////////////+1

    (d) -hy did the temperature not chan*e between these times//////////////////////////////////+1

    (e) -as ice pure or did it contain impurities 0plain your answer.////////////////////////////////////



    (f) -ould you epect the temperature of the water to continue risin*

    above 2!" 0plain your answer.////////////////////////////////////



    (g) A sample of benzene that had been cooled was put into a tube and

    heated in a water bath. Its temperature was taken every 5 minutes for

    an hour. The results are shown below.


    (min) 5 1 15 2 25 # #5 $ $5 5 55 %


    . (C)5 5 5 1# 2( $5 % # ( ( ( ( (

  • 7/23/2019 Co-Ordinated Sciences Paper 6



    i. 3lot these results as a line *raph. +5

    ii. -hat are the meltin* and boilin* points of benzene.



    2 The followin* shows the procedure of determinin* the meltin* point of a


    4ou found

    that in the rst


    the temperature was 2(!" and the temperature increased steadily 1!" every

    # seconds and then as it melted an hour later, it maintained a constant

    temperature. The observed readin*s are recorded in the table on the net


    1. 7et up the apparatus as shown in the *ure below.2. 8raw a results chart, so that you can ll in your

    readin*s from instruction $.

    3. 9eat the water until the solid melts.4. Take the tube, containin* the melted substance,out of the beaker of hot water. 3ut it into a clampon a retort stand. :ecord its temperature every#s. 8o this until the substance has completelysolidied.

    5. 3lot a coolin* curve for the substance. 3ut time onthe horizontal ais, and temperature on thevertical ais.

  • 7/23/2019 Co-Ordinated Sciences Paper 6




    ;min< 5 1 15 # #5 $ $5 5 55 %

