e Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 718-638-1071 - Fax: 718-398-2410 [email protected] www.StJosephs-Brooklyn.org StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK MASS SCHEDULE HORARIO DE MISAS Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION ADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment) THIS WEEK AT ST. JOSEPH´S - ESTA SEMANA EN SAN JOSÉ Tue 8/1 Estudio Bíblico “Vivamos la Eucaristía” @ 7:00 PM – White Room CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTOR e Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. Harrington [email protected] PAROCHIAL VICAR e Reverend Charles P. Keeney [email protected] DEACON Deacon Fausto Duran [email protected] DEACON/RCIA DIRECTOR Deacon Manuel H. Quintana [email protected] PARISH SECRETARY Ms. Clara Martinez [email protected] CCD DIRECTOR Ms. Jessica Figueroa faithformation@StJosephs - Brooklyn.org PASTORAL ASSOCIATE AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTER Mother Maria Amador, PCM [email protected] PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTER Sister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] MUSIC DIRECTOR Mr. Alejandro Zuleta [email protected] Temperance. Whether small passing thoughts, nagging suggestions, or a strong, seemingly overwhelming desire to do what we know is wrong—we all encounter temptations. Temperance is the virtue to avoid and resist evil suggestions. In the modern era, technology makes it possible to indulge almost every desire we wish. e broader culture embraces a libertine mindset which permits most everything; a false perception of anonymity fuels bad behavior. Temperance is that virtue which prevents our passions from enslaving us. e more we resist sin, the greater our capacity for God’s grace. As we become increasingly free of sin, we grow in the confidence that God loves us, and more importantly, that we love Him in return. is is what it means to become holy. Let us seek to cultivate the virtue of temperance by avoiding those occasions of sin. By making a daily examination of conscience and going to confession regularly, as well as adhering to a plan of life, we can cultivate the virtue of temperance. May God Bless you. Templanza. Pequeños pensamientos pasajeros, sugerencias persistentes o un deseo fuerte y aparentemente abruma- dor de hacer lo que sabemos está inco- rrecto - todos encontramos tentaciones. La templanza es la virtud para evitar y resistir las malas sugerencias. En la era moderna, la tecnología hace posible sa- tisfacer casi todos los deseos que senti- mos. La cultura más amplia abarca una mentalidad libertina que permite casi todo; una falsa percepción del anoni- mato alimenta el mal comportamiento. La templanza es esa virtud que impide que nuestras pasiones nos esclavicen. Cuanto más resistamos al pecado, mayor será nuestra capacidad para la gracia de Dios. A medida que nos vemos cada vez más libres del pecado, crecemos en la confianza que Dios nos ama, y lo que es más importante, que lo amamos a cam- bio. Esto es lo que significa ser santo. Busquemos cultivar la virtud de la tem- planza evitando aquellas ocasiones de pecado. Al hacer un examen diario de la conciencia y confesarnos regularmente, así como adherirnos a un plan de vida, podemos cultivar la virtud de la tem- planza. Que Dios los bendiga. TEMPERANCE - TEMPLANZA

Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Prospect Heights, Brooklyn · The Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 ... of Heaven. (Matthew

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Page 1: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Prospect Heights, Brooklyn · The Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 ... of Heaven. (Matthew

The Co-Cathedral of Saint JosephJuly 30th, 2017Julio 30 de 2017

856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238718-638-1071 - Fax: [email protected]

www.StJosephs-Brooklyn.org StJosephBrooklyn @StJoseph_BK


Sunday/Domingo 9:00am - English 10:30am - Spanish 12:000pm - English

Weekdays/Días Entre Semana 8:00am - English 9:00am - Spanish

OFFICE HOURSHORARIO DE OFICINA Mon-Fir/Lun-Vier: 9am - 6pm Sat-Sun/Sab-Dom: 9am-4pm Closed/Cerrada: 12pm-1pm (Lunch) EUCHARISTIC ADORATIONADORACION EUCARISTICA Friday/Viernes: 9am - 7pm NOCTURNAL ADORATION/ ADORACION NOCTURNA First Friday 9:00am - Saturday 7:00am/ Primer Viernes 9:00am - Sábado 7:00am CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES Saturday/Sábado 3:00-4:00pm (or by appointment)


Tue 8/1 Estudio Bíblico “Vivamos la Eucaristía” @ 7:00 PM – White Room

CATHEDRAL STAFF PARISH RECTORThe Reverend Monsignor Kieran E. [email protected]

PAROCHIAL VICARThe Reverend Charles P. [email protected]

DEACONDeacon Fausto [email protected]

DEACON/RCIA DIRECTORDeacon Manuel H. [email protected]

PARISH SECRETARYMs. Clara [email protected]

CCD DIRECTORMs. Jessica Figueroafaithformation@StJosephs - Brooklyn.org


PRETEEN, YOUTH AND SENIOR CITIZEN MINISTERSister Heidi Delgadillo, PCM [email protected] DIRECTORMr. Alejandro [email protected]

Temperance. Whether small passing thoughts, nagging suggestions, or a strong, seemingly overwhelming desire to do what we know is wrong—we all encounter temptations. Temperance is the virtue to avoid and resist evil suggestions. In the modern era, technology makes it possible to indulge almost every desire we wish. The broader culture embraces a libertine mindset which permits most everything; a false perception of anonymity fuels bad behavior. Temperance is that virtue which prevents our passions from enslaving us. The more we resist sin, the greater our capacity for God’s grace. As we become increasingly free of sin, we grow in the confidence that God loves us, and more importantly, that we love Him in return. This is what it means to become holy. Let us seek to cultivate the virtue of temperance by avoiding those occasions of sin. By making a daily examination of conscience and going to confession regularly, as well as adhering to a plan of life, we can cultivate the virtue of temperance. May God Bless you. Templanza. Pequeños pensamientos pasajeros, sugerencias persistentes o un deseo fuerte y aparentemente abruma-dor de hacer lo que sabemos está inco-rrecto - todos encontramos tentaciones. La templanza es la virtud para evitar y resistir las malas sugerencias. En la era moderna, la tecnología hace posible sa-tisfacer casi todos los deseos que senti-mos. La cultura más amplia abarca una mentalidad libertina que permite casi todo; una falsa percepción del anoni-mato alimenta el mal comportamiento.

La templanza es esa virtud que impide que nuestras pasiones nos esclavicen. Cuanto más resistamos al pecado, mayor será nuestra capacidad para la gracia de Dios. A medida que nos vemos cada vez más libres del pecado, crecemos en la confianza que Dios nos ama, y lo que es más importante, que lo amamos a cam-bio. Esto es lo que significa ser santo. Busquemos cultivar la virtud de la tem-planza evitando aquellas ocasiones de pecado. Al hacer un examen diario de la conciencia y confesarnos regularmente, así como adherirnos a un plan de vida, podemos cultivar la virtud de la tem-planza. Que Dios los bendiga.


Page 2: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Prospect Heights, Brooklyn · The Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 ... of Heaven. (Matthew


First ReadingSolomon pleases God when he asks for a wise and understanding heart to better govern the people.(1 Kings 3:5,7-12)

Responsorial PsalmLord, I love your commands; Lord, I love your commands.(Psalm 119:57,72,76-77,127-130)

Second ReadingGod chose us to be conformed to the image of his Son.(Romans 8:28-30)

Gospel Reading Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 13:44-52 )

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lecturaSalomón satisface a Dios cuando pide un corazón sabio y comprensi-vo para gobernar mejor al pueblo (1 Reyes 3: 5,7-12).

Salmo responsorialCuánto amo tu voluntad, Señor. (Salmo 119: 57,72,76-77,127-130)

Segunda LecturaDios nos eligió para conformarnos a la imagen de su Hijo.(Romanos 8: 28-30)

Lectura del EvangelioJesús enseña sobre el Reino de los Cielos. (Mateo 13: 44-52)

31 Monday - Lunes: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34/Mt 13:31-35

1 Thuesday - Martes: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28/Mt 13:36-43

2 Wednesday – Miercoles: Ex 34:29-35/Mt 13:44-46

3 Thurday – Jueves: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38/Mt 13:47-53

4 Friday – Viernes: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37/Mt 13:54-58

5 Saturday - Sabado:Lv 25:1, 8-17/Mt 14:1-12



MINISTERS / MINISTROS 9:00 Mass Helpers of St. Joseph: Tina Perryman; Mariela Shaw; Karl Arthur; and

Joseph Kwiatkowski Lectors: Kovie Biakolo, 1st Reading; Nancy Martinez, 2nd ReadingMisa 10:30 Ayudantes de San José: Lida Wickham; Hilda Tallez; Gabriela Zarate;

Silvia Garcia; Clara Ramos; Higinio Santiago; y Rosalba Santiago Lectoras: Gloria Ladino, 1ª Lectura; y Norma Rodriguez, 2ª LecturaNoon Mass Helpers of St. Joseph: Marlene Cordero Burgos; Nancy Cardinale; Ray

Cordero; and Yvonne Laborde Lectors: : Sue Rozinski, 1st Reading; Tom Rozinski, 2nd Reading

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle ADecimoséptimo Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario, Ciclo A

The altar servers of Saint Joseph went to visit the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shire and Fort Tryon Park. They spent together a sunny and joyful day. / Los servidores del altar de San José fueron a visitar el santuario de Santa Francisca Xavier Cabrini y el Parque de Fort Tryon. Ellos compartieron un día soleado y alegre en comunidad.


Page 3: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Prospect Heights, Brooklyn · The Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 ... of Heaven. (Matthew



Children’s Faith FormationSunday 10:30 - 11:45 A.M. (Undercroft)

D.O.C Youth .Group (9th grade +)Friday 6:30 PM. (Undercroft)

Young Adults GroupCont. Dave Plisky - [email protected]

Girl Scouts1st & 3rd Friday 6pm (White Room)Call: Bettyann Hassan (917 664 6086)

Adult Faith Formation/ Formación en la Fe para AdultosSundays/Domingos 1:30 P.M. (Rectory) Ministerio de Familias OrantesViernes 7-9 P.M. (Iglesia)

Catequesis para AdultosDomingos 11:30 A.M. (Salon Blanco)

Seasonal Bible Studies Contact Deacon Manuel - [email protected]

Children Choir Practice / Practica Coro de Niños Wednesday @ 5:15 PM



La Oración de Familias Orantes y las Catequesis después de la Misa del Domingo estarán en receso durante el mes de Agosto. Se reiniciarán en Septiembre 1.


TEMPORADA está CERCASeptember 17th and 24th are the two sign-up Sundays to be part of the Third season of Arise./ Septiembre 17 y 24 serán los dos Domingos de inscripción para la Tercera temporada de Levántate.

Welcome – Bienvenido Would you like to become an official member of our very own Saint Joseph’s family?Le gustaria ser un miembro official de nuestra querida familia de San Jose?

To register please fill out the form below and drop it in the collection basket or visit us online clicking on PARISH REGISTRATION at www.stjosephs-brooklyn.orgPara registrarse por favor llene el formulario y coloquelo en la canasta de la colecta o visitenos en www.stjosephs-brooklyn.org y haga click sobre el boton PARISH REGISTRATION.

NAME _______________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________

CITY ________________________________________

NY (ZIP-CODE) ________________________________________

PHONE NUMBER _____________________________

EMAIL _______________________________________

Page 4: Co-Cathedral Saint Joseph - Prospect Heights, Brooklyn · The Co-Cathedral of Saint Joseph July 30th, 2017 Julio 30 de 2017 856 Pacific Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 ... of Heaven. (Matthew

Collection and Attendance/ Colecta y Asistencia:

July 23th, 2017

Mass Count Collection 9 am. 72 $55510 am. 123 $83812 pm. 106 $698


Mass Schedule/ Horario de Misas: August 6th, 2017



9:00 am - Fr. Joshan Rodriguez

10:30 am - Fr. Charles Keeney

12:00 pm - Monsignor Harrington

Mass Intention 07/30/17

• For the people of St. Joseph

• En honor a San Juan Bautista

• For the Holy Family

The Faith Formation registrations

for 2017-2018 are open.

Please sign-up in person or at www.stjosephs-brooklyn.org

CHILDREN Rehearsals on Wednesdays @ 5:00 pm

ENGLISH ADULT CHOIR Rehearsals on Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm

CORO DE ADULTOS EN ESPAÑOL Ensayos los Jueves @ 7:00 pm

Info: [email protected] you to join

our Choirs