颠覆江南,给您不一样的旅游感受! 8 上海+江南第一山莫干山+安吉竹乡深度豪华美食游 升级江南最贵最豪华七星酒店:太湖白金七星月亮喜来登 独家首推:“莫干山国际旅游休闲度假区”:《纽约时报》评选了全球最值得一去的 45 个地方,莫干山排名第 18 位 美国 CNN 将这里称为:除了长城之外,15 个你必须要去的中国特色地方之一. 中国四大避暑胜地之一,莫干山素 以竹、云、泉“三胜”和清、静、绿、凉“四优”而驰名中外 独家首推:安吉 “大年初一”风景度假小镇——以明清古建筑、合院式建筑为设计灵感,传承古建筑经典元素,并融 合现代旅居要求的建筑及装饰风格,耗资 15 亿人民币打造的世外桃源,特别安排入住小镇内,体验当地民俗,沐 浴清晨的第一缕阳光。 重磅出击:阳澄湖畔欧式小镇奕欧莱购物村+全球最大迪斯尼旗舰店 特别安排:南浔古镇+游船“走遍江南九十九,不如南浔走一走”江南六大千年古镇之一。独家安排于嘉业藏书楼亲手体验 古法雕版拓印工艺,并可带走自己拓印的成品,或装裱或送亲朋好友 购物店(无购物需补SGD400/人):苏州丝绸,杭州茶叶,无锡珍珠+茶壶,上海宝石+同仁堂,南京玉器 必须参加自费(RMB500/人): 无锡万达广场+杭州西湖之夜歌舞秀+上海船游黄浦江+苏州观前街+南京夫子庙 团号:CNSH08 (Wef: 01Jan)

团号:CNSH08 - Amazon S3 · 苏州:沧浪亭(苏州型的府宅园林,世界文化遗产 ), 丝绸工厂。 无锡:灵山大佛拈花禅意小镇 (藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚

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Page 1: 团号:CNSH08 - Amazon S3 · 苏州:沧浪亭(苏州型的府宅园林,世界文化遗产 ), 丝绸工厂。 无锡:灵山大佛拈花禅意小镇 (藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚


8 天 上海+江南第一山“莫干山”+安吉竹乡深度豪华美食游


独家首推:“莫干山国际旅游休闲度假区”:《纽约时报》评选了全球最值得一去的 45 个地方,莫干山排名第 18 位

美国 CNN 将这里称为:除了长城之外,15 个你必须要去的中国特色地方之一. 中国四大避暑胜地之一,莫干山素


独家首推:安吉 “大年初一”风景度假小镇——以明清古建筑、合院式建筑为设计灵感,传承古建筑经典元素,并融

合现代旅居要求的建筑及装饰风格,耗资 15 亿人民币打造的世外桃源,特别安排入住小镇内,体验当地民俗,沐









(Wef: 01Jan)

Page 2: 团号:CNSH08 - Amazon S3 · 苏州:沧浪亭(苏州型的府宅园林,世界文化遗产 ), 丝绸工厂。 无锡:灵山大佛拈花禅意小镇 (藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚

D1: 新加坡/上海(约 5 小时) 住:5*绿地铂骊或法莱德酒店或同级



D2: 上海/阳澄湖(约 1 小时)/苏州(约 1 小时) 住:5*中华园酒店或久怡假日酒店或同级

阳澄湖半岛:奕欧来购物城(是唯泰集团(VALUE RETAIL)继欧洲九大精品购物村后,在中国打造的首个精品旅游购物村)

苏州:苏州鸟巢(犹如金鸡湖上的一颗璀璨明珠,气度非凡),全球第一天幕电影(巨型 LED 天幕成为世界第一)。


D3: 苏州/无锡(约 1 小时) 住:5*协信维嘉酒店或同级


无锡:灵山大佛拈花湾禅意小镇(藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚 洲最高 88



D4: 无锡/南浔古镇(约 1.5 小时)/湖州(约 30 分钟) 住:7*湖州月亮喜来登酒店


目前全市最长的、反映蠡湖历史文化的、具有江南特色的廊桥); 紫砂壶博物馆及参观珍珠养殖。

无锡:南浔古镇(江南六大古镇之一,怀旧的麦芽糖,斑驳的石板路,蜿蜒的小河道,成为江南水乡众多城镇的典范和代表), 搭乘摇



D5 湖州/莫干山(约 1 小时)/安吉(约 1.5 小时)) 住:超 5*大年初一度假村


异的迷人风光称秀于江南,享有 “江南第一山”之美誉)

安吉:大年初一风情小镇(被称为“竹乡”,游览耗资 15 亿人民币打造的世外桃源)。


D6 安吉/杭州(约 1.5 小时) 住:5*海外海百纳酒店或同级


注:学生假期可以选择游览安吉【hello kitty 乐园】,这是 KITTY 第一次走出日本,也是“史上最具市场价值的猫”Hello Kitty 的第


杭州:船游西湖(新旧二个西湖, 穿古桥, 过双堤(苏堤, 杨公堤), 新旧西湖两相宜), 苏堤(西湖十景之一)

注:因花期原因,7-8 月游览西湖十景之曲院风荷,9-10 月游览满陇桂雨,3-6 月: 柳浪闻莺, 11 月-12 月游览花港观鱼)。


D7 杭州/上海(约 2.5 小时) 住:5*绿地铂骊或法莱德酒店或同级

杭州:梅坞问茶(摘茶, 赏茶, 品茶)

上海:东方明珠塔(468 米的绝对高度成为亚洲第二、世界第三之高塔),小蜜蜂珍品堂(了解中医文化的博大精深),全球最大迪

斯尼旗舰店(2015 年 5 月 20 日正式开业,是世界最大的迪士尼旗舰店)

早餐:酒店内;午餐:杭帮风味;晚餐:57 度湘上海最大铁板烧料理

D8 上海/新加坡(约 5 小时)




*注: (1)若航班时间及行程顺序有调整,请以航空公司及中国当地接待旅行社确认安排为准;






Page 3: 团号:CNSH08 - Amazon S3 · 苏州:沧浪亭(苏州型的府宅园林,世界文化遗产 ), 丝绸工厂。 无锡:灵山大佛拈花禅意小镇 (藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚

Unique travel experience as you explore Jiangnan!

8D Shanghai + Jiangnan’s “Mogan Mountain”+ Anji County Luxurious Food Tour

Upgrade to Jiangnan’s 7* Luxury Hotel: Taihu Platinum Sheraton Hotel

Special Inclusion: Mogan Mountain Leisure Resort Area. As stated by New York Times, it is ranked 18 out of 45

places in terms of worth a visit places to go in the world.

USA’s CNN also mentioned that it is one of the 15 must-visit China attractions besides the well-known Great Wall of China. It is one of the best destination for holiday during summer time. Lush bamboo forest covers the

whole mountains giving a tranquil atmosphere.

Special Inclusion: Anji “Lunar New Year” Scenic Resort Town – Known for its Ming and Qing’s ancient

architecture and courtyard buildings, it is designed with a combination of ancient and modern style. 1.5 billion RMB was invested to create a paradise environment. A special arrangement of 1 night stay in the town to experience the local

culture and soak in the morning dews.

Highlights: Yangcheng Lake European Shopping Outlet + World’s Largest Disney Flagship Store

Exclusive Arrangement: Nanxun Old Town + Cruise. There is a saying that goes “Instead of exploring

99% of Jiangnan, take a stroll in the six thousand years old ancient town”; Have hands-on experience of Woodblock Stamping Process at Jia Ye Collection House where you can bring home or send to family and

friends of your finished products.

Shopping: (Additional SGD400/PP for No shopping Tour): Silk, Tea Leaves, Pearl, Tea Pot, Gem, Tong Ren Tang

Compulsory Additional Tour (RMB500/PP): Wuxi Qingming Bridge + Hangzhou West Lake Night Performance + Cruise along Shanghai’s Huangpu River + The Bund Night View

Tour Code: CNSH08

(Wef: 01Jan)

Page 4: 团号:CNSH08 - Amazon S3 · 苏州:沧浪亭(苏州型的府宅园林,世界文化遗产 ), 丝绸工厂。 无锡:灵山大佛拈花禅意小镇 (藏于山环水抱的灵山胜境。这里集翠隐秀、聚精会神、云水天地、气象万千)。远观亚

D1: Singapore/Shanghai (5H) Hotel: 5* Qube Pudong or Friend Hotel or similar Shanghai: Take a pleasant flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival, set off to Nanjing Road (Known for its delicious food), The

Bund (Most recognizable architectural symbols and pride of Shanghai). B: X; L: X; D: Hongzi Chicken Flavour

D2: Shanghai/Yangcheng Lake (1H)/Suzhou (1H) Hotel: 5* China Garden or Joy Holiday Hotel or similar Yangcheng Lake Island: Yioulai Suzhou Village (First Tourist Shopping Village start up by Value Retail in China)

Suzhou: Suzhou Bird Nest (A bright shiny pearl that lies on top of Jinji Lake, an extraordinary attraction), Led Skydome (Largest in the world).

B: Hotel; L: Settled at Suzhou Village with a wide variety of Western and Chinese cuisines; D: Wei Zhuang

Windmill Restaurant

D3: Suzhou/Wuxi (1H) Hotel: 5* Veegle Sincere Hotel or similar

Suzhou: Canglang Pavilion (A typical Suzhou garden which is also a UNESCO World Heritage attraction), Silk Factory. Wuxi: Ling Shan Buddha (Filled with Buddha aura). View the 88 metres bronze statue of Lingshan Buddha from

far. B: Hotel; L: Suzhou Flavour; D: Pork Ribs in Special Sauce

D4: Wuxi/Nanxun (1.5H)/ Huzhou (0.5H) Hotel: 7* Taihu Platinum Sheraton Hotel Wuxi: Changguan River Wetland Park (A park that combines ecological health, leisure and modern science. You can find

a Stone Bridge in the park, filled with rich history and an iconic attraction at Dong Li Lake. Later visit Teapot Museum and

Pearl Farm. Wuxi: Nanxun Old Town (One of the six largest ancient town in Jiangnan. Here you can find oldies malt candy, mottled

stone floors and meandering river. On board rowed boats (Jiangnan’s river experience), Special Arrangement of hands-on experience - Woodblock Stamping Process at Jia Ye Collection House.

B: Hotel; L: Qianlong Feast; D: X

D5: Huzhou/Mogan Mountain (1H)/Anji (1.5H) Hotel: 5* Da Nian Chu Yi View Resort

Mogan Mountain Scenic Area: Mogan Mountains has a high vegetation coverage rate where you can see green and lush bamboo hills spread over the mountain. Serene and peaceful, it is recognised as a prominent mountain in Jiangnan.

Anji: Da Nian Chu Yi View Resort (also known as “Bamboo Village” which is renowned for its heavenly scenery).

B: Hotel; L: Ancient Town Flavour D: Farm Feast

D6: Anji/Hangzhou (1.5H) Hotel: 5* Hai Wai Baina Hotel

Anji: Bamboo Research Centre (Learn how to make your own bamboo fan from the experts). Note: During school holidays period, there is an alternative choice of Anji Hello Kitty Park. This is the first time

that Hello Kitty themed park venture out of Japan. Hangzhou: Cruise along West Lake (Walk around West Lake to appreciate the beautiful scenery, the best places for

photography taking are Su Causeway and Yanggong Causeway). Su Causeway (One of the top 10 sceneries at West Lake) Note: Flower season varies. Jul – Aug: Lotus in the Breeze; Sep – Oct: Moon over the Peaceful Lake;

Mar – Jun: Orioles Singing in the Willows; Nov – Dec: Viewing Fish at Flower Pond)

B: Hotel; L: Chinese Cuisine; D: Beggar Chicken and Dongbo Pork Belly

D7 Hangzhou/Shanghai (2.5H) Hotel: 5* Qube Pudong or Friend Hotel or similar

Hangzhou: Meiwu Tea House (Harvesting of Tea Leaves, Tea Tasting) Shanghai: Pearl of Oriental Pearl Tower (Standing tall at 468 metres, it is the world’s third and China’s second tallest TV

and radio tower. Bee Health Centre (Gain more knowledge on Traditional Chinese Medicine) World’s Largest Disney Flagship Store (Opened in May 20)

B: Hotel; L: Hangzhou Flavour; D: 57C Xiang Tepanyaki

D8: Shanghai/Singapore (5H) Shanghai: City God Temple (The temple is known for Shanghai’s local snacks), Gem Gallery. Lastly transfer to airport.

B: Hotel

Additional Surcharge SGD200/Per Person for all passport Holder except SIN & MYS

*Note: (1) For any changes in flight details and itinerary, please refer to airline company and local China guide for the most accurate arrangements. (2) The company is not responsible for any compensation or replacements in the event of natural disasters, unpleasant weather conditions and political issues in the country. (3) Tour will be conducted with Mandarin-speaking guide. If there is a need for bi-lingual tour guide, the company will try to arrange. Passengers taking different airlines can be formed into a group. (4) In the event of discrepancy between the Chinese and English itineraries, please refer to the Chinese version for accuracy. (5) If customers were to leave in the midst of the tour, a fee of SGD80 per person per day will be incurred. (6) For group departure, our company is only responsible for departure’s flight seating arrangement. Please arrange with the local airport counters if there are any issues as the airline allocate seating arrangement based on names for return flight.