CMUSV Peace Innovation Workshop Deck

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  • 7/31/2019 CMUSV Peace Innovation Workshop Deck


    Measuring and Mapping PeaceAn Open Source Project

    in collaboration with

    Stanford Peace Innovation

    Patrick Tague: [email protected] Nelson: [email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 CMUSV Peace Innovation Workshop Deck


    Two quick thought experiments

    1. Imagine you can "see" the relationship between India and Pakistanright now

    Imagine you can stand back

    walk around it

    look up at it from underneath

    even see inside it

  • 7/31/2019 CMUSV Peace Innovation Workshop Deck


    2. Touching History--Greece & Turkey

    Imagine you can "touch" the last three thousand years of conflictbetween Greece and Turkey

    Imagine you can turn it over

    feel the sharp crack edges and smooth dents

    stroke the surface

    flex the strong points

    feel where it's weak

  • 7/31/2019 CMUSV Peace Innovation Workshop Deck


    The physical problem & virtual opportunity

    The "real" problem is, whatever experience you just had is largely lost.

    None of the rest of us can share it verify it, or engage with it.

    Right now, it has no objective reality we can all agree on.

    But each of these conflicts is very real. And they have both a virtualand physical reality.

    And that's the "virtual" opportunity.

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    What we'll cover in this quick deck

    What Peace Data is

    Why Peace data is important

    The business case for peace

    Units of Peace Data: Minimum Acceptable PeacefulInteractions

    Using aggregated peace data to make a Social Energy Map

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    Think of peace in terms of engagementbetween two people with a difference

    This is how we've done engagementfor most of

    human history

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    But recently, more and moreengagementis mediated by technology.

    That creates data,

    Peace data

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    Peace Data looks like this

    Peace Data Structure

    Person A does a unilateral, measurable action, across adifference boundary, to or for Person B

    which generates data.

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    Peace Data

    This is a specific, frequently recurring data structure, which allows usto measure peace:


    at very high resolution

    across massive sample sizes

    with extreme precision

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    Here's one Peace Data example from our partnershipwith Facebook, at
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    But this just scratches the surface ofwhat's possible

    Imagine if we could integrate and show allthe peace dataon FB. The messages, wall posts, status updates, likes,games played, etc

    Imagine if we could go a step further, and include the peacedata from other social software services too, not just FB

    Imagine if we could visualize and displaythis data in usefulways, something like the social equivalent of Google Earth

    That's what the Social Energy Map project is all about.

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    We are formalizing this data structure. We've named these events

    MAPIs: Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A Teaparty Republican friends a San Francisco

    Democrat on Google+, crossing a contentious politicalboundary

    A Chilean sends a friendly Gmail email to an Argentinian

    on Gmail, communicating effectively and crossing thenationality boundary A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafist Muslim on

    eBay, crossing the religious boundary A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old on

    writing a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary John mows Sallys virtual lawn on FarmVille, bridging thegender boundary

    Each of these events becomes a precise data point.

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    We are formalizing this data structure, and naming these events

    MAPIs. Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A right-wing conservative friends a liberal on

    Google+, crossing a political affiliations boundary A Shiite Iranian Imam sends a friendly tweet to an

    Orthodox Israeli Jew on Twitter, communicating

    effectively across both religion and nationalityboundaries A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafist Muslim on

    eBay, crossing the religious boundary A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old on

    writing a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary John mows Sallys virtual lawn on FarmVille, bridging thegender boundary

    Each of these events becomes a precise data point.

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    We are formalizing this data structure, and naming these events

    MAPIs. Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A right-wing conservative friends a liberal on

    Google+, crossing a political affiliations boundary A Chilean sends a friendly Gmail email to an Argentinian

    on Gmail, communicating effectively and crossing the

    nationality boundary A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafi Muslim oneBay, crossing the religious boundary

    A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old onwriting a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary

    John mows Sallys virtual lawn on FarmVille, bridging thegender boundary

    Each of these events becomes a precise data point.

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    We are formalizing this data structure, and naming these events

    MAPIs. Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A right-wing conservative friends a liberal on

    Google+, crossing a political affiliations boundary A Chilean sends a friendly Gmail email to an Argentinian

    on Gmail, communicating effectively and crossing the

    nationality boundary A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafist Muslim oneBay, crossing the religious boundary

    A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old onwriting a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary

    John mows Sallys virtual lawn on FarmVille, bridging thegender boundary

    Each of these events becomes a precise data point.

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    We are formalizing this data structure, and naming these events

    MAPIs. Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A right-wing conservative friends a liberal on

    Google+, crossing a political affiliations boundary A Chilean sends a friendly Gmail email to an Argentinian

    on Gmail, communicating effectively and crossing the

    nationality boundary A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafist Muslim oneBay, crossing the religious boundary

    A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old onwriting a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary

    On FarmVille, a poor immigrant teenager in Londonfeeds a local policeman' s cows, instead of rioting in thestreets - bridging ethnic, socioeconomic, and ageboundaries

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    We are formalizing this data structure, and naming these events

    MAPIs. Minimum Acceptable Peaceful Interactions

    Billions of MAPIs are recorded in tech company databases every day:

    A teaparty Republican friends a San Francisco Democrat

    on Google+, crossing a contentious political boundary A Shiite Iranian Imam sends a friendly tweet to an

    Orthodox Israeli Jew on Twitter, communicating

    effectively across both religion and nationalityboundaries A Coptic Christian buys a sofa from a Salafi Muslim on

    eBay, crossing the religious boundary A fifteen year-old collaborates with a fifty year-old on

    writing a Wikipedia article, crossing the age boundary On FarmVille, a poor immigrant teenager in Londonfeeds a local policeman' s cows, instead of rioting in thestreets - bridging ethnic, socioeconomic, and ageboundaries

    Each of these events becomes a precise data point.

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    Taken collectively...

    These peace data sets can form a high resolution, realtime

    Social Energy MapThink of this as the social equivalent of mapping

    earthquake fault-lines, or ocean currents, or traffic flow.

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    Why This Matters

    For the first time in human history, because of technology we can really measure peace - at extremely high resolution- so we can visualize, and model it

    if we can measure and map it, we can design for it

    using the same ubiquitous digital sensor technology, we canquickly test intervention designs, then optimize and scalethem. As odd as it sounds, Peace can be computational

    In other words, we're talking about an engineering approachto peace--rigorous, quantitative, methodical, empirical, data-driven, falsifiable. Ultimately, predictive

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    Implications for Corporate Partners

    If your company measurablyincreases peace, you can:

    create new brand value increase customer engagement, legitimacy and

    build customer loyalty

    Ultimately, we can create a global peace market, that profits

    Humanity Your company Your customers Your local economy

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    Look for this data structurein yourcompany

    Partner businesses can get certified for how muchmeasurable peace you're creating

    Please build it into everything you code: this will eventually

    be a revenue stream

    Please port it out to help build the Social Energy Map

    Please help us find cool ways to visualize it

    Thanks! [email protected] Peace Innovation