1 of 11 Clyde Regional Scout Council 21 Elmbank Street Glasgow G2 4PB tel 0845 094 4391 email [email protected] www.clydescouts.org.uk Regional Commissioner (Scotland): Stuart J. Imrie Regional President: Alex M. Hamilton Chief Scout: Peter Duncan Registered Scottish Charity SC010415 Attention All Explorers and Networkers Monopoly Camp 19th-21st June 2009 Clyde Region would like to invite all Explorer Scout and Scout Network members to a joint launch camp to be held at Auchengillan Scout Campsite. Throughout the weekend participants will work in teams to solve challenges, play ‘Real Monopoly’ in Glasgow City Centre and take part in ‘It’s a Knockout’ activities. There will be prizes for the winners! The cost of the camp will be £35 which includes all meals (except for Saturday lunch in Glasgow). Remember Tent Uniform and neckie required for ‘Glasgow Monopoly’ on Saturday Fancy Dress Disco big prizes for individuals and groups on Saturday evening Change of clothes for the Sunday ‘It’s a Knockout’ (could get messy…) Explorers may attend without leaders provided they have a signed Event Passport. First come (paid) first served basis Closing Date for applications - 29th May 2009 We are relying on each DESC to promote this event. We are looking for a minimum of 15 Explorer scouts from each district to make this camp successful. For more information please visit the website www.clydescouts.org.uk . From John Rafferty, ARC Explorer Scouts [email protected] My name is John Rafferty; I am the Assistant Regional Commissioner for Explorer Scouts in Clyde. I am responsible for supporting all Explorer Scouts, Young Leaders and Explorer Scout Leaders in Clyde Region. I have held my ARC’s appointment since the restructuring of the districts in April 2008. I have spent my last year visiting each district and working with the District Explorer Scout Commissioner and District Commissioner to help grow Explorer Scouts and give advice. One of the main problems that I have seen across all districts is communication and promotion of events. By using this Newsletter and the website to promote events, this should help to solve this problem.

Clyde Connections Issue 3

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Issue 3 of Clyde Region's newsletter

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Clyde Regional Scout Council 21 Elmbank Street Glasgow G2 4PB

tel 0845 094 4391 email [email protected] www.clydescouts.org.uk

Regional Commissioner (Scotland): Stuart J. Imrie Regional President: Alex M. Hamilton Chief Scout: Peter Duncan

Registered Scottish Charity SC010415

Attention All Explorers and Networkers

Monopoly Camp 19th-21st June 2009

Clyde Region would like to invite all Explorer Scout and Scout Network members to a joint launch camp to be held at Auchengillan Scout Campsite. Throughout the weekend participants will work in teams to solve challenges, play ‘Real Monopoly’ in Glasgow City Centre and take part in ‘It’s a Knockout’ activities. There will be prizes for the winners! The cost of the camp will be £35 which includes all meals (except for Saturday lunch in Glasgow).



Uniform and neckie required for ‘Glasgow Monopoly’ on Saturday

Fancy Dress Disco – big prizes for individuals and groups on Saturday evening

Change of clothes for the Sunday ‘It’s a Knockout’ (could get messy…)

Explorers may attend without leaders provided they have a signed Event Passport.

First come (paid) first served basis

Closing Date for applications - 29th May 2009

We are relying on each DESC to promote this event. We are looking for a minimum of 15 Explorer scouts from each district to make this camp successful. For more information please visit the website www.clydescouts.org.uk.

From John Rafferty, ARC Explorer Scouts [email protected]

My name is John Rafferty; I am the Assistant Regional Commissioner for Explorer Scouts in Clyde. I am responsible for supporting all Explorer Scouts, Young Leaders and Explorer Scout Leaders in Clyde Region.

I have held my ARC’s appointment since the restructuring of the districts in April 2008. I have spent my last year visiting each district and working with the District Explorer Scout Commissioner and District Commissioner to help grow Explorer Scouts and give advice.

One of the main problems that I have seen across all districts is communication and promotion of events. By using this Newsletter and the website to promote events, this should help to solve this problem.

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In the past year I have received many emails from Explorer Scouts/Leaders/Young Leaders asking questions relevant to the Explorer Scout section. Some of these questions have been straight forward to answer and some have been passed on to SHQ/UKHQ. If anyone has a question/query please email [email protected].

Since some of the emails I reply to have the same problems to be addressed, I feel that this information will benefit everyone that reads the newsletter/website. I am calling this area “Ask the Explorer Commissioner”


Q Who can present/sign off Module A for Explorer Scouts?

A The Module is designed so that any Explorer Leader who has the consent of their DC can present/sign off Module A. This module requires no additional leader training. In fact it should be integrated with the balanced program to deliver it to the Explorer Scouts as required. I have created a Module A PowerPoint Presentation to aid the training. This will be downloadable from the website.

Q Is there going to be a training day specifically for Explorer Scout Leaders? Some leaders feel that the balanced program/DofE/Modules A-F program is hard to deliver and that a day covering these topics would be beneficial?

A I have asked each DESC to find out if there is a need in their Districts for such an event. If there is enough demand then we will run this as a training day.

Q Can a Young Leader/Explorer return to the same group that they have left?

A Young leaders can return to the same group that they have left but not the same section in that group. A minimum of 6 months is required for Young leaders/ Explorers to help out in the section that they have just left.

Q How do Explorer Scouts/Young Leaders/Explorer Scouts ask the Explorer Commissioner a question?

A Send an email to [email protected].

’From Ron Alexander, DoE Advisor

[email protected] or 0141 424 3141

There are changes being introduced about how the Award is

being run in Scotland which will have an impact on how we

in Clyde Region operate. Record books will now only be

issued by Scottish Headquarters (SHQ).

Completed books now require to be signed off by the

Regional Advisor & then SHQ.

The revised application forms can be downloaded from the

Programme Support section of the SHQ website at

www.scouts-scotland.org.uk In the Programme Support

section, go to Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

(1) Forms are Registration for all three awards.

(2) Notification of Bronze/Silver Award Completion.

(3) Gold Completion forms remain unchanged.

All other Bronze and Silver forms should be discarded.

Including ones posted out in January.

A few Silver & Gold books are still available from Ron and he

can issue them until he runs out. Please use the SHQ forms

and send them to Ron (Silver/Gold only) he will forward

details to SHQ. Bronze are now only from SHQ.

Completed books now require to be signed off by SHQ. To

allow for record keeping in the Region and to save books

being returned if not correctly completed, or having errors,

please send them to (Books only, not wallets) Ron

Alexander, Flat 38, 37 Herriet Street, Glasgow, G41 2JY. With

both a phone number for the Leader and if possible, Email

addresses to allow Ron to make contact if any adjustments

are required.

Once Ron has checked the books he will forward them to

SHQ, as quickly as possible.

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Procedure for Green forms:

Forms for any Bronze/Silver/Gold Expedition, unaccompanied Practice or Final which are to be carried out in a Wild Country Panel Area should be sent to the Co-ordinator and a copy to Ron Alexander. Once the reference number is received by the person submitting, to Panel Co-ordinator, the number should be forwarded to Ron who will add it to his copy and forward this to SHQ

Note the procedure to follow if your Expedition lands in two panel areas, is decide which one the largest part of your journey is in and send to that Co-ordinator.

Information on Wild Country Panels can be found on the DOE web. www.DofE.org/expedition

Just a reminder that from the 1 January 2010, only Assessors who have been Accredited by DOE can Assess, so if you have been assessing go for the certificate now.

Please note the logo at the top of the article. Permission has been given for us to use it, By the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award; they designed it for us. We can use it on our correspondence but must not change the shape. It can be increased or decreased in size by moving from one corner in or out but no other way. Like below.

Your Advisors are available to help so please contact us:

Harry Kilgour – [email protected] or 07810 632366.

Ron Alexander - [email protected] or 0141 4243141 or 07850 723859.

From Ann Gordon, ARC Adult Training

[email protected]

It is hard to believe that we are nearly at the end of another Scouting session and that Clyde region has been in existence for just over a year. Many leaders have attended training modules throughout the last year and many are well on their way to completing their wood badge training. There are still a few training opportunities left before the end of the current session as follows:

Modules 24 & 26: Supporting and Managing Adults

Date: Thursday 28 May 2009 (evening)

Venue: Glasgow

Closing date: Friday 15 May 2009

Cost: £5 Minimum numbers: 6

Application forms for all the above can be downloaded from the regional website. Please make sure that you apply in good time as if the minimum numbers have not been reached by the closing date then unfortunately the module will be cancelled.

Training 2009-2010 Session

We will shortly be drawing up the training opportunities which will be available in the region for the next Scouting session. Following feedback from leaders we hope that we will be able to offer modules at a variety of locations throughout the region; more information in the next edition of the newsletter. Your ADC(AT) will have a copy of the programme as soon as it is to hand (hopefully mid June) and I am sure they will all forward copies to Training Advisors in each District.

If you have any comments, ideas or training needs which are not being met please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The aim of the Regional Training Team is to meet the needs of our leaders as far as possible.

For all of you who are going camping over the next few months we hope you get great weather and have a wonderful time with the young people you work with. To everyone; have an enjoyable summer and come back refreshed and ready for another Scouting session in 2009-10.

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From Andy Wilson, Centre Manager


New activities

In the last edition; I told you that anything is possible at Auchengillan – even walking on water! A man of my word, you will very soon be able to do just that. The Water Walkerz have been ordered and will be with us shortly, just in time for the heat wave we are due for and which Auchengillan is known for. By the time you read this, details will be available so get in touch with us and be amongst the first to try this exciting, hilarious and exhausting new activity! (see photos)

The pole is in place for our new high challenge activity and

again this activity will be up and running very shortly – get in

touch for further details.


We are always on the lookout for volunteers to get involved in what is happening at the centre. We can promise you a lot of fun, a chance to make new friends, to get muddy (if you really want to!), to learn something new and even come out of it with new skills (some with qualifications you can use in a future career?) and hobbies. You can join us for a few hours a week, a few days a month or a few weeks a year. Whatever you can spare, we will gladly take! We’ll even provide you with a bed and food if you stay on to join the Service Team. Whether you want to learn how to instruct the activities, or help by mending things, cutting grass, conservation work, painting, cooking, litter picking, serving in the shop or just answering the phone, all will be gratefully received. The only stipulation is that you are over 17 years 9 months old and no upper limit! Give us a call or come and see us and we’ll talk about how you can help. Naturally, the usual Disclosure Scotland procedures will apply.

Rowans and Macleans

Much work has been going on in the ‘new’ lands, which will make these areas very much part of the future of Auchengillan. 15,000 tree protectors have been removed to allow the young trees to flourish. The pond is probably the area that most of you will first encounter in the new lands and this has been enlarged twice so that canoeing, kayaking and raft building can all be done at the same time. A new site road is being made up to make access and exit to and from the centre easier, especially during major events like AJ – watch out for the ‘one way’ system on such occasions. It is planned to make a mountain bike course round part of these areas and orienteering will also be enlarged to include it. Trails and campfire areas are in the planning stage adjacent to the Glengoyne Lodge to make for easier access for disabled and wheelchair users.

So whilst it may appear not much is happening, it’s like the duck on the water, a lot is happening underneath!


Easter signals the ‘start’ of the camping season, although we don’t actually close for camping throughout the year. Many bookings are already in place, particularly in May and June, so don’t miss out on your first choice of site by leaving it too late.

Indoor accommodation

Pretty much full up to the middle of August now; but still an odd weekend here and there. If you haven’t booked your weekend away yet, get in quick to avoid disappointment. Bookings now being taken from September to the year end and don’t forget the discounted prices for Clyde Region Scouts!

Don’t know how to go about a visit?

Don’t worry, start by going to our website or getting us to post or email a brochure ( [email protected] ) – information and booking forms can be with you in minutes – or just give us a call (01360 770256)and we will guide you through the process. Call us on 01360 770256 or fax on 01360 771197.

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By now most of you should have received the April/May edition of Scouting magazine, containing your 2009/10 appointment cards. If there are any errors on your card, please contact your District or Regional Secretary in order for them to amend your record. For more information on your Appointment Card and its benefits, visit http://scouts.org.uk/mycard.

Please note that those of you in provisional roles will not be able to access personal information of other adults in the Membership system at www.scouts.org.uk until you have a full appointment.

Again, please contact your District or Regional Secretary if this is the case. Can we remind everyone that a provisional appointment is only valid for 5 months and only in exceptional circumstances can this be extended for a further period of 5 months.

If you have yet to receive your copy of Scouting magazine, it is likely that your delivery has been affected by an incident in which a lorry transporting 15,000 editions of Scouting magazine caught fire at the end of last month. If so, your magazine and St George's Day Award supplement will be sent shortly. The remaining inserts including your Appointment Card will be sent by Monday 27 April.

It was with great sadness that the Region learnt of the passing of Mr Ian Chisholm. Ian spent most of his life in scouting and was a former District Chairman of the old South East Glasgow District and lately was Honorary Vice President of South Western Scout District. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time.

… The next maintenance weekend for Avondyke campsite is scheduled for the weekend of 11th / 12th July 2009. All offers of labour, skilled or not will be warmly received. Please contact Karen Limond on 01698 457628 for further


Auditions for Glasgow Gang Show 2009 will take place on Sunday 10 May 2009

at Girlguiding Glasgow, 15 Elmbank Street

See flyer for more details!

By Heather Nilsen-Nygaard Over 200 Beaver Scouts, mums, dads, brothers and sisters attended this year’s Beaver Fun Day, which was themed around space adventures. It was held on Saturday 28th March in the 28th Scout hall in Arthurlie Drive, Giffnock. Leaders from the 13 Beaver Colonies that run in Eastwood District manned bases for all the children to take part in. The activities included face painting, biscuit decorating, pillow fighting, badge making, rockets and many more. In addition, the tearoom raised £75 for “Noah’s Ark”, which supports SANDS, the Stillbirth and Neonatal Deaths Society. Several of the parents said that their children had a fantastic time meeting other Beaver Scouts and getting involved with the many activities.

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From Colin Hamilton, Media Development Manager 50th Anniversary The 9th Wishaw Scout Group recently celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a Civic Reception held in Motherwell Civic Centre on 20th March 2009. This occasion was the last in a series of events which have taken place throughout the year since 24th February 2008 (the official anniversary). Some of the events included the cubs taking part in a sponsored walk around Strathclyde Park, a sleepover for the Beavers and Cubs and a special mass attended by many local dignitaries, past leaders of the group and representatives from district and area.

British Heart Foundation

A group of Leaders and Explorer Scouts from the District recently helped the British Heart Foundation with a collection at Motherwell Football Club. They collected an amazing £302.08 in a very short space of time before the game. We received a certificate of appreciation from the British Heart Foundation and also a signed football top which will go up for auction at the next district fundraising event.

Tree Planting

On the 22nd March a group of Scouts, Explorers, Leaders and parents from 5th and 9th Airdrie recently took part in a tree planting activity near Brownsburn, Airdrie. Some 500 trees had already been planted in the area however in the gathering of almost 40 people (21 from both Scout Groups) they managed to plan a further 200 trees on the day as well as a quantity of Bluebells.

2nd Coatbridge Scout Group

This group has been extremely active over the last few months. Here are a few highlights.

In December 2008, four scouts in the group achieved their Chief Scout’s Gold Award. In February they took some Scouts to Fingland bothy for a training weekend which included a walk up to the trig point, surrounded in snow.

Last month, they took the Scout section to Meggernie Scout Centre, another great weekend with activities such as tyroleon crossing, orienteering and a great campfire.

Last month the Scouts spent 6 hours in their local TESCO, bag packing for their up and coming trip to Kandersteg, Switzerland. The day was a great success and raised a whoooping £2,336.09. This month the group will be taking 28, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers on a pre-Kandersteg 2010 camp to Millport. Here they plan to choose their activity programme for Kandersteg and to Cycle around the island.

The groups fundraising committee have arranged a prize bingo evening for Wed 6th May. It will take place in St Patricks Church Hall, Coatbridge and will cost £2.00 per person. Tickets can be paid for at the door, everyone is welcome! The money raised will be split between the group and St Andrews Hospice, Airdrie.

…Running an event or activity and looking for audio-visual equipment? Not sure where to get some at reasonable or no cost? Did you know that Clyde Regional Scout Council has various items of equipment that are available for loan to Groups & Districts? If you’re not sure how to work it we can give you a quick demo! We have got: three digital cameras; one small video camera; two Video players; a DVD player; a badge making machine (with consumables for purchase); a laptop computer & printer; ten two-way radios; two overhead projectors; and two screens. If you would like to borrow any of this equipment for your Group or District, please contact Gary at 21 Elmbank Street.

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From Anne Law, District Commissioner [email protected] 2009 commenced in terrific scouting style in Great Western District with the District Beaver Sleepover at Lapwing Lodge. The children (and parents) got a taster of camp fun, enjoying cooking, art and lots of adventure outside.

The District Cub Football in March had teams from the 1st, 4th, 24th, 44th, 72nd, 80th, 86th/191st, 183rd and 204th. Well done to all who took part, and to the winners, the 183rd.

Scouts have been offered the chance to take part in the District Flags camping competition in May at Auchengillan; in preparation for the winners representing the district in the National Camping Competition on the 6th-7th June. Any further entries to Alastair Jardine, DDC (YP), [email protected]

All Beaver and Cubs are looking forward to the District Beaver and Cub Day on 6th June at Auchengillan.

Lochgoilhead has been splashed this year by sailors from 20th, 183rd and 204th. Brave and adventurous parents from the 24th and 183rd have attended parent/cub camps, showing they can have just as much fun as the children! The 44th and 86th/191st Cubs hooghed and chooghed through a Scottish themed camp at Auchengillan. Cubs from 24th hope to improve their wisdom, and have fun too, by attending a sleepover at Glasgow Science Centre. We are sending our scouting fun around the world this summer, with folk travelling from 24th in Bearsden to Switzerland and Germany, 72nd from Jordanhill to America and Canada, and 204th from Old Drumchapel to Florida. Bon Voyage!

Several Groups are looking forward to meeting new friends from UK and abroad by attending AJ 09. So far, 1st, 9th, 20th, 178th, 183rd and 204th have signed up. Places are still available, contact Gary Bainbridge at Clyde Scouts.

Many of the Explorer Units are braving the weather at Zodiac camps; amazingly no one has had frost bite yet! District Explorer camps have included white water rafting, clay pigeon shooting and ice climbing, supported by Allander Youth Activities Trust.

Our DSNL, Doug Wilson, has Scout Network up and running, for people aged 18-25 years. For further information, contact [email protected]

Leaders in the district have gained and shared knowledge and experiences by attending events run by Clyde region, Scottish and National HQs. William Johnstone and Angela Sobey, 204th and Jacqueline Craig, 9th deserve many congratulations for achieving their Woodbadge. The DESC & DSNL and some young leaders attended events at Tulliallan. District and Group Scout leaders had an enjoyable and informative day at Clyde’s ‘Have Your Say’ event at Hamden, and left with many useful ideas. In collaboration with the Red Cross, our ADC (AT) has organised two First Response courses and several groups have run their own, so well done to all who have attended.

Nights Away Permits issued when the scheme commenced are now approaching renewal stage. Please check yours and contact me or one of our Nights Away advisors, Alastair Jardine, Liz Findlay and Adrian Hynes to renew.

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I have been out and about the district presenting Appointment Certificates, awards and attending special events. A notable one was 20th Glasgow scouts parents’ night, where the investiture ceremony included the promise being done in sign language. The entire troop had learnt this as part of a challenge badge.

I have really enjoyed seeing everyone in action, and thanks to the enormous effort and commitment from leaders and assistants, the kids are having a great time!

’Congratulations to the following adults whose contribution to Scouting has recently been recognised in the St Georges Day Awards

BAR TO THE SILVER ACORN In recognition of further specially distinguished services

Graham Haddock, Depute Chief Commissioner (Programme) and Regional International Adviser

Moira H Aitchison, ABSL, 159th Glasgow and Regional Adviser for Child Protection

John R McCallum, District Treasurer, South Western

SILVER ACORN In recognition of specially distinguished service

Barry Donaldson, Group Treasurer, 30th Glasgow (1st Cardonald)

William M Goldie, District Nights Away Adviser, South East

Clifford Large, District Treasurer, Calder

Nigel MacDonald, SL, 113th Glasgow (Burnside)

From Sandra Veitch, District Commissioner

[email protected]

Springtime greetings from the South Western District team at the start of what will hopefully be a warm and sunny period for camping . . . . well, we can dream!

We were all saddened to learn of the death of Ian Chisholm, Honorary Vice President of South Western District for the past 4 years and previously with South Parks District for 7 years. Ian was involved in Scouting for most of his life in a variety of roles. Our thoughts are with his family.

Back in December 2008, the 29th Glasgow was inspected by Lt Cdr David Griffiths of the Royal Navy, and successfully retained its RN Recognition for another year. In his report, Lt Cdr Griffiths stated “This was an excellent inspection of a very strong, well found and well led Group. They are impressive in all they do, especially in their support to wider Scouting within the District and Scotland. They fully earn and deserve RN Recognition and their place in the top 10 Groups within the scheme. Well Done.” Congratulations to all at the 29th.

In March we held the first Annual Scout MasterChef competition. Eight teams entered from across the District and were asked to plan, prepare and serve up a 2 course meal. Our brave judges, Irene Whitelaw and Siobhan Rorrison, awarded points based on table presentation, food presentation and, of course, taste. The winning team were from the 50th Glasgow who prepared Chicken Fajitas with Salsa and Savoury Strawberry Pancakes. I’m sure everyone’s already looking forward to next year’s event and well done to all who entered. Thanks also to Ally Hutton of the 29th for organising such a successful event.

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One of the hot topics in the District has been Explorers and ensuring that every 14 year old in every Group has access to an Explorer Unit. We currently have Explorer Units meeting at the 29th, 50th and 159th and are looking at starting Units at the 30th as well as a joint venture between the 60th and 336th. If anyone has any young person in their Groups about to reach Explorer age and are unsure what the options are, please contact me.

I’ve also been looking at how we can move forward with the SWD Network and have recently written to all 18-24 year old leaders in the District to get some ideas on how to grow this Section. Fingers crossed that the response will be positive and we can put a strategy in place for making this a vibrant and enjoyable section in SWD. Remember that Explorers & Young Leaders who are nearing the age of 18 will soon be eligible to join the Network, so please encourage them to contact me to register their interest and find out more.

Finally, we have a couple of Groups with milestone anniversaries this year. The 30th Glasgow will be celebrating their Centenary year with a family camp at Auchengillan and the 29th Glasgow are marking their 90th year with a variety of events including a Group Camp at Auchengillan. Congratulations to both groups and happy camping!

With the Region now one year old, March saw our first “Have Your Say Day” at Hampden Park where close on to 60 GSL’s, District team members and Executive office bearers came together with the Regional Team for a day. Sixteen sessions were on offer covering a wide range of topics relevant to these key managers. The feedback from the day was very positive and the relaxed atmosphere and spacious accommodation gave plenty of opportunity for everyone to circulate and chat. Thanks to all those who came along and helped make the day so successful. We are taking stock of issues raised or comments made in the sessions and will use these to further support your needs.

Amongst other things we have been working on at Regional level, have been meetings with the other uniformed youth organisations. In conjunction with the Boys Brigade we recently piloted “Heartstart” training to a small group of Explorer Scouts and Leaders in the Region. Initial feedback has been very positive and we are now looking to see how this can be rolled out to all Districts for inclusion in the programme.

The clocks have gone forward, spring is on us and soon many of you will be heading off for camps and other outdoor activities. Be sure to let us know what you are doing so we can share your experiences and ideas with others. Pictures and a few words for the website brighten the news pages (please send any copy to Gary Bainbridge).

As always, thanks for all that you do to make Scouting so successful for our youth members. Best wishes for the coming months and have a good summer when it arrives.

Stuart J Imrie. Regional Commissioner.

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From Carslaw Purdie, District Commissioner [email protected]

“team work makes the dream work”

Hi, and can I wish you all a “dry” camping season wherever you are going. Now is the time to ask and work with the parents in your group to check over your camping equipment and be ready for the big event. Outdoor experiences are great fun for everybody and “The Big Adventure” currently being promoted by the Scout Association will assist you to get some extra help in your planning.

We have now completed a full review of all leaders in the District and they all now hold a valid Disclosure Scotland certificate. Our next task, which is now underway, is to close out the Provisional Appointments list and move those Leaders to full appointment. Fiona Hamilton, ADC (AT), is planning a further two dates to run the Getting Started modules 1 – 3 (June & September).

Fiona will be writing to those specific leaders who still have a provisional role in the next few weeks to advise them of the two courses coming up.

We are also beginning work on the First Aid Leader updates and the District will be running a First Response course (full day) and a refresher course (1/2 day) in the coming months. Leaders must have as a requirement of their appointment, a minimum of first response. If you hold HSE First Aid at work or other recognised first aid training then this will be acceptable; we just need a copy of the issued certificate/card and note of the expiry date for our records.

We welcome Jack Roy to the District Team. Bob Howieson and Jack Roy work on the District Appointments process and have attended the recent module 37. They are now validated for this module, and are now both running with the new appointments procedure system where information on new Leaders is lodged live on the member admin system by them. We are also now able to update training modules and to monitor the progress of all leaders through to full appointment and wood badge status.

I was very disappointed at the lack of GSL’s/GC’s at the recent Regional conference at Hampden Park. The role of the GSL/GC is vital to the co-ordination and teamwork within a group.

There was a lot of information gathering at the conference, updates on procedures and I have asked Robert Rowney who attended to give us all a short feedback on the conference content at the next District Executive meeting which is to be held on Sunday 26th April. There is another opportunity to attend the SHQ conference for GSL/GC and DC’s. This takes place on 23/24 May at Tulliallan Police College. You should have received an invitation for this and I have also emailed you a copy.

I mentioned last time that Alastair Hamilton; our District President was taken into hospital just before Christmas and I am pleased to advise you all that he has now been discharged from hospital and is back home. We all wish Alastair good health as he continues to recover.

We have seven Explorer Scouts and seven members of Scout Network, along with three leaders currently preparing their program for their Explorer Belt Expedition. The expedition will be heading to Denmark in the summer and we wish them all good luck.

I have been very privileged over the last few weeks to make special presentations to some of our long service Leaders in the District.

At the 38th Scout Group; Vicky Rowan, Aileen Chambers, Karen Johnston and Angus Johnston were each presented with The Award for Merit. There is over 100 years of service between them and they enjoy the fun and adventure of working within their sections.

L to R: Vicky, Karen, Angus, Aileen

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I attended a presentation evening at the 185th Scout Group and presented Sandra Boyle (CSL & DDC [YS]) with the Award for Merit. Sandra has been able to offer her time and talents to section, Group and Area/Region over the many years of her service to Scouting. Robbie Gibson and Douglas Mason were presented with their Queen’s Scout Awards and made a presentation covering the many challenges they achieved within the award.

On Friday 3rd April, I attended the 100th anniversary celebrations of the 113th Glasgow Scout Group at a Civic Reception hosted at Rutherglen Town Hall, by the Provost of South Lanarkshire Council; Provost Clearie. Members and their families and all Section Leaders attended on what was a great evening of fun and friendship.

I was also able to present Silver Acorns to William Goldie and Nigel MacDonald for their contribution to Scouting at 113th.

L to R: Provost Clearie, Willie Goldie, Carslaw Purdie:

L to R: Provost Clearie, Nigel MacDonald, Carslaw Purdie:

I am sure you will all join with me in congratulating them.

As reported in the last edition, the District has set a number of objectives for 2009 and I am pleased to say that we have continued to make good progress on these. Development, training, appointments and sectional support all feature and in some cases overlap. I hope that in the coming months these will continue to be evident as you work within your sections.

Clyde Connections © 2009 Clyde Regional Scout Council

Editorial Team: Graeme Kinnear, Gary Bainbridge & Stuart Imrie