CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

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Page 1: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses



Page 2: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

Webinar Questions and Answers  

TOPIC  QUESTION   ANSWER Activities Report  This is my second year as secretary and I'm 

finding it very difficult to get members to report their activities to me so that I can send this to LCI. How do I enforce the importance of this? 

A best practice is to have an Activity Form for the Chairperson to complete.  The Chairperson can easily complete this form at the club’s Business Board Meeting, via email or, if necessary, a phone call from you.  As the Club Secretary, you need to complete the MyLCI SARS.  Ask these Chairpersons to assist you by submitting these activity reports.   

Agendas  Can you have a fixed agenda?  Yes you can. See the section on “Robert’s Rules of Order” in the Club Secretary online course, available on the Lions Learning Center.  

Agendas  Is it right for the secretary to prepare the agenda alone without consulting the president? 

It is best to discuss the individual roles for meeting preparation with your Club President.  The Secretary's responsibilities will vary from club to club; therefore it is recommended that the Secretary establishes ground rules with the President to avoid confusion at the Board meetings. If the Secretary prepares the agenda, it is good practice to submit it electronically to the President for approval prior to the meeting.  Also, it is advantageous, once approved, for the Secretary to send it via email to all Board Members prior to the meeting. 

Board Meetings  Can general membership attend board meetings?  

Yes, Lions are encouraged to attend meetings (Board meetings, regular club meetings (socials), special club meetings, officer installation meetings, events).   Lion members can present ideas during the New Business agenda item at the Business Board meeting.  General members may also participate in discussion during other agenda items.  The President encourages attendance. 

Club Records  How many years should club meeting minutes, financial reports, and membership paper records be saved? 

Minutes should be maintained indefinitely. Unfortunately, minutes are sometimes lost. Contact previous secretaries club secretaries for copies of any materials they may have. 

Page 3: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

Club Records  Who is responsible for bank records?  For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses in the Lions Learning Center.  

Club Records  Is using cloud based storage system advisable for records? 

Absolutely! You can use a secure cloud‐based storage system for meeting minutes, though many secretaries prefer to keep paper copies as a backup. 

Club Records  If someone did not send MMR and the time of reporting has passed can he still send the MMR? 

Yes, an MMR can be submitted up to two months after. See the Membership Support Guide for more information.  

Club Visitors  Any advice on recording what is said by a visitor to a meeting such as a presentation? 

Meeting minutes should not record what attendees say. See our club secretary online course for more information. 

DG Advisory  I want to learn more about DG Advisory.  You can learn more about the District Governor Advisory Committee in the online training module available on the Lions Learning Center on MyLCI’s website. For information on how to access the LLC, see the handout for help logging in.  

eBook  Is the e‐book currently available on the LCI website the most updated version?  

Yes! It is brand new, and any changes are updated and uploaded immediately. 

Elections  When you have an election of officers; do the vice presidents automatically move up? 

That can depend on your local constitution and practices. Check with previous office holders in your club for more information on elections. 

Institutes  What are the criteria to participate in ELLI?  To attend ELLI, a participant must not be a club president, or if one is currently a club president, they can’t have yet finished their first term as president. Also, any participants may not attend if they have attended ELLI in the past three years. 

Meetings  Is audio recording allowed?  Yes, though it is good practice to inform the Board of Directors and members that the meetings are being recorded. If there are any objections, they can be addressed.   

Meetings  How long should a meeting last? We have meetings once a month. 

This will depend on the agenda and the business at hand for the month.  The President should try to limit the amount of time used for discussion so that the meeting doesn’t drag on. The President will use the gavel effectively to keep meeting on time.  If a point before the Board is dragging on without a solution, the President can recommend the committee study the matter further, or appoint a sub‐committee to find an answer. 

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Meeting Minutes  Do we take minutes at every meeting, or just board meetings? 

Meeting minutes should be taken at every meeting. Review the Club Secretary Course on the Lions Learning Center for more information on meeting minutes.  

Meeting Minutes  Regarding the minutes, do we need to report the minutes inside MyLCI? 

No.  Instead you would report the Business Board Meeting as a Meetings / Administrative Activity.  The minutes are for the club to record, review and file (for reference purposes) within the club’s records.  It may be beneficial for you as Club Secretary to come up with a Service Activity Guide with the Categories and Sub‐Categories for each activity selection.  During the Club Officer Training for Club Secretaries, the Lion presenter may already have one. 

Meeting Minutes  Where do we publish the meeting minutes? 

The Club Secretary has custody of the club minutes which are kept with the club records.  The minutes are approved at the next Business Board Meeting.   

Meeting Minutes  Who gets meeting minutes? Board members? General membership? 

To promote transparency, meeting minutes should be distributed to all members.  

Meeting Minutes  Is it appropriate for the President to request minutes before being circulated to all membership each time? 

Yes, the club president may view the minutes before they are circulated to all membership. 

Meeting Minutes  What is the difference between approving a minute and adopting a minute? Who approves the minute? 

For information on the basics of meeting minutes (especially the Robert’s Rules of Order), please review our Club Secretary e‐learning course on the Lions Learning Center.  

Meeting Minutes  Do meeting minutes have to be literal?  Meeting minutes do not record what is said at meetings, only what is done, though you’re not required to record everything. You should record meeting motions, financial information, members who volunteers in some capacity. You can find more information about meeting minutes in our self‐paced online course in the Lions Learning Center. 

Meeting Minutes  Can you show some sample minutes?  Check out our club secretary website for more information on meeting minutes. 

Member ID  How do I get my member ID?  Your Club Secretary will have access to membership information via MyLCI and can give you your membership ID.  The Club President is a backup. 

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Member Kits  Does ordering new member kits in advance also cost the club? 

There is no charge to the club for new member kits.  New member kits can be obtained via Club Supplies.  You can order by sending an email to [email protected]   NOTE:  Specify which Lion Year you need them for. 

MyLCI  Our club has about twenty monthly service projects. It would be great if there was an option to select recurring projects in MyLCI, instead of having to enter in the same projects each month which is very time consuming. 

If your club does certain service projects frequently, you can actually make the projects into “Signature Projects” in MyLCI, which will automatically populate information the next time you report it. You can create a Signature Service Activity by clicking on My Lions Clubs on the blue banner, then selecting “Signature Service Activities.”  For more information, check out the Signature Activities Support Guide. 

MyLCI  May I ask, when is the joining date that should be put in MYLCI for new members? The application approval date, pay day or induction date? 

The joining date can be the approval date. 

MyLCI  Can you correct data for a prior month on MyLCI? 

You can edit activities, add members, and update sponsor information for up to two months after.  

MyLCI  There should be a way to report on MyLCI and share with District Leadership. Right now we have to do the work twice in order to report on MyLCI and then report in a separate format to our District.  It’s the same information. Why isn't there a way to link or share the two via MyLCI? 

We currently do not support a link between MyLCI to a district’s website. It is possible, however, to enter activities and print them for sharing. 

MyLCI  Why not let us load/prepare our minutes on LCI? It would be a great way to maintain historical data and streamline a template we can all use. It would/could make minutes available to other Lions clubs too. 

We currently do not have a way to support the storage of meeting minutes within MyLCI. We can pass along your suggestion.  

MyLCI  How can I alphabetize my list of "signature activities" so I can more easily find the one I want to report on? 

Signature activities can be sorted by “Title” which will alphabetize them. Currently, MyLCI defaults to sorting activities by “Type.” For more information, see the Signature Activities Support Guide.  

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MyLCI  What to do if we miss reporting the WMMR? 

You can report membership as far back as two months. For report dating back further than 2 months, you will be required to submit a paper report to the Club & Officer Record Administration Department. You can get more information on the Membership Support Guide. 

MyLCI  Regarding submitting an MMR and MAR, if I've submitted them on My LCI is it necessary to email the reports to my district secretary or is it sufficient just to complete the online forms?  The question I'm asking is can my district secretary see what I've submitted to My LCI?   

District officers do have the ability to see any reports that have been entered into MyLCI.  

MyLCI  When do we have access to My LCI as a new Club Secretary? 

You can register your password now, which will get you into the training area. However, club officers can’t access the live MyLCI site until their start date, July 1. 

MyLCI  As of today, I do not have access. Who can provide me access to MyLCI? 

Any current club officer can provide access to MyLCI, though the information available on MyLCI will vary based the officer title. 

MyLCI  Can I have the trial ID for the test till June 30? 

There is no generic trial ID for accessing MyLCI. Access to the MyLCI training site is available for incoming club officers now. 

MyLCI  How can we upload photos with an activity? 

You can upload up to two photographs when reporting an activity on MyLCI. After describing the activity and providing detailed activity information, such as the number of Lions and hours involved, you will have the option of attaching an image in one of three formats. See the Service Activity Support Guide for more information. 

MyLCI  When an activity lasts a number of days, do you report the activity for each day separately, or do you just list the culminating date, but include the hours for the other days? 

When recording an activity on MyLCI, you will select the month in which it took place. You will then have to enter the number of hours devoted to the actual service projects, regardless of how many days the activity spanned. 

MyLCI  Why is there a frequent distortion of the uploaded pictures on the Activity Reports? The pictures are always within the size and capacity stated on the form. 

Make sure you are using one of the three acceptable file formats (.jpeg, .gif, .png). If you are still having trouble, contact the MyLCI Support Team for assistance.  

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Roles and Responsibilities 

What is the main job of secretary except making reports? What are the other things we need to do? 

You can learn more about the roles and responsibilities of club secretaries in the Club Secretary course on the Lions Resource Center. You can also check the Club Secretary e‐Book available on LCI’s website. 

Service Activities  If we join Cabinet meeting / District Annual Convention / District Installation Ceremony.....will that count as an activity? 

Yes, any activity the club members are involved in counts as an activity.  It may be beneficial for you as Club Secretary to come up with a Service Activity Guide with the Categories and Sub‐Categories for each activity selection.  During the Club Officer Training for Club Secretaries, the Lion presenter may already have one. This guide would allow you as Club Secretary advance notice of which category the activity would best fit.   

Service Activities  What activities are considered as Signature Service Activities? 

Your club’s Signature Activities are predefined activities that you as Club Secretary establish at the beginning of your club secretary MyLCI term.  Once established, these Signature Activities will automatically populate any predefined information you have established.  Thus, saving you time and effort in reporting.  These are more or less “templates” of your club’s repeated activities or activities your club does on a regular basis.  For example, Business Board Meetings, Social Dinner Meetings, Eyeglass Collection/Recycling activity, Aid to the Vision/Hearing Impaired, etc. etc. etc. 

Service Activity Reports 

For service activities reports, what kind of photo is appropriate to put in MyLCI? Candid photos that show us helping people, or just a normal photo? 

The photos uploaded to the Service Activity Report (SAR) should be of that particular Lion activity.  Posting a photo is the best way to inform fellow Lions about your club's projects, fundraisers, events and service.  Simplicity is the key. The best photos are candid, close and clear images of Lions actively engaged in a project. There is a limit of two (2) photos per activity. Keep in mind these photos can be seen worldwide via the LCI website Club Locator feature in the “Recent Service Activity” section.  NOTE:  It is best to compress these photos as the maximum size is 4MB.  Acceptable file types are JPEG, GIF or PNG. 

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Webinars  Are we have similar webinars for presidents and vice presidents and other officer positions? 

Yes, check in with our Leadership Resource section on LCI’s website for information on upcoming club officer webinars.   

Webinars  May I have a copy of this presentation?  We are unable to provide a copy of the presentation, however, you may access a recording of the presentation online in the archived webinars page on LCI’s website. 

Webinars  I also need to know if LCI offers a way for us as members/leaders to use GoToWebinar? 

Unfortunately, LCI does not offer membership or support for GoToWebinar for Lions members. There are alternatives that are free of cost, however, such as Google Hangouts. 



Tips from Webinar Attendees TOPIC  TIP  SOURCE 

Meeting Minutes  I record minutes on an audio recorder and keep written notes of main items, so I, the secretary can participate in the meeting.  Then I use the recording to enhance and complete the written minutes after the meeting 

Lion Butch 

Meeting Minutes  We post the minutes in the membership area of the E‐clubhouse after they are approved. 

Lion Louis 

Meeting Minutes  We keep a minute log which is a very easy reference. 

Lion Katherine 

Club Records  Tip ‐ save club records in a safe place. My club lost decades of record in a fire. 

Lion John 


Page 9: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

Club Secretary Resources

Club Secretary e-Book

The new Club Secretary e-book is now available on the club secretary webpage on LionsClubs.org.

Lions Learning Center

There are several great resources on the Lions Learning Center to continue your learning. If you never accessed the Lions Learning Center, you will need to create an account. Sign up today and explore our new training for club officers!

Club Officer Training

Club Treasurer Training

Club President Training

Club Secretary Training

MyLCI Support Center

The MyLCI home page is full of valuable support and resources!

Page 10: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

1. Go to http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/resources/leadership-resource-center/lions-learning-center/index.php and follow the instructions on the page to log in to the Lions Learning Center.

a. Instructions are available on this page for setting up an account or resetting your password if you are having issues accessing the LLC

b. If the link above is blocked or not working, go http://www.lionsclubs.org and use the search function to find the Lions Learning Center Login page, as shown below.

2. Log in with your member ID and password. Note, this may be different from your MyLCI login. 3. At the very top of the page, click the “Course Catalog” link (highlighted below) and click “Activity

Catalog” from the drop-down. Do not use the “Course Catalog” link above “Leadership.”

4. Enter an activity name, number or keyword: Type in the name of the course you are looking for.

It is recommended you start with Club Officer Training and then proceed to the specific position training after completing that module. The course names are as follows:

a. Club Officer Training – English b. Club President Responsibilities – English c. Club Secretary Responsibilities – English d. Club Treasurer Responsibilities – English

Alternatively, you may choose to adjust the security settings in your browser or look for an “Advanced” or “Continue Anyway” button in the error message you are receiving.

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Lions Clubs International

Password and Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 1 Revised 2013-06

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I logon?

A: Each user must first register a user name and password to access either the Directory or MyLCI. Once you have completed the registration process, you will be able to enter your user name and password on the Logon page to access both systems.

Q: How do I register for a password?

A: First time users of either the Directory or MyLCI, will click “New User? Click here to register now.” on the Logon page. You will be prompted to provide your LCI member number and other information to help us authenticate who you are. You will also create a user name and password that are unique to you. And finally, you will provide security questions and answers that can be used if you forget your user name or password.

Q: How do I change my password?

A: Once you have registered a user name and password, you can change them. First, go to the Logon Page. Enter your user name and password, select the “I want to change my password after logging on” checkbox and then click Submit. On the next screen you can change your user name or password or both.

Q: How do I change my e-mail address?

A: Once you have registered a user name and password, you can change the e-mail address associated with your registration. First, go to the Logon Page. Enter your user name and password, select the “I want to change my password after logging on” checkbox and then click Submit. On the next screen you can change your e-mail address as well as your user name, password or security questions and answers.

Q: Is access to MyLCI or the Directory available to all Lions members?

A: Access to MyLCI and the Directory is based on the member’s LCI office or role (e.g., club secretary, cabinet secretary, council chairperson or Past International President).

Page 12: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

Lions Clubs International

Password and Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 2 Revised 2013-06

Q: Do I need to reply to the e-mail titled “LCI – C ONFIRM PASSWORD PROFILE CHANGE”?

A: You will receive this e-mail whenever your user name, password or security questions were changed. The purpose of the e-mail is to protect your logon information from improper use. You only need to contact the Support Center if you DID NOT change your logon information.

Q: Do I need to reply to the e-mail titled “LCI - R EGISTRATION COMPLETE”?

A: You will receive this e-mail whenever you complete the registration process. The purpose of the e-mail is to protect your logon information from improper use. You only need to contact the Support Center if you DID NOT register.

Q: What format is required for passwords?

A: The password must contain at least one letter (a-z or A-Z) and one digit (0-9). Passwords must be at least 6 characters. Passwords are case-sensitive. (E.g., these passwords are NOT equivalent “LION123” and “lion123”.)

Q: What happens if I forget my password AND I forge t the answer to both of my security questions?

A: If you forget your username, password and security answers, contact the Support Center by e-mail ([email protected]) or by telephone (630-468-6900).

Q: Will I get my password mailed to me like last ye ar?

A: No, we will no longer mail passwords to officers. You will need to register and create your own unique user name and password to access the MyLCI site, as an officer.

Q: Will I need to re-register next year?

A: No. Once you register a user name and password you will not need to change it from year to year.

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Lions Clubs International

Password and Registration

Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 3 Revised 2013-06

Q: Can I use a computer anywhere to access the Dire ctory or MyLCI?

A: Yes. Any computer with internet access can be used to access the Directory or MyLCI.

Q: What if I get the message, “Your response does no t match our records”?

A: To authenticate your identity, you will need to provide information as part of the registration process. Your entries need to match the values in our LCI membership records.

Question Example Suggested response

Enter your home street address: 1234 Main Street Enter your address as it appears on your Lion magazine mailing label.

Enter your current club name: Oak Brook Burr Ridge or Chicago Northwest

Enter the official club name. It is not necessary to include the words “Lions” or “Club” or the abbreviation “L. C.”.

Enter your first and last name: Joseph Smith Enter your name as it appears on your Lion magazine label.

Enter your spouse/adult companion's name:

Elizabeth or Elizabeth Smith

Enter the name you provided to your club secretary.

Enter your home, business or cell phone number:

3122641212 1 22 61217900

Enter the phone number you provided to your club secretary.

Q: “You have exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed. Registration is not permitted at this time.” What should I do?

A: This error message means that one or more of the verification responses you typed do not match the values in the Club Roster or the Membership file. First, check with your club secretary or club president to determine the correct values. Then wait for approximately thirty minutes and attempt to register again.

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Lions Clubs International Password and Registration Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 1 Revised 2014-02

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I logon?

A: Each new user must first register a user name and password to access either the

Directory or MyLCI. From the LCI Logon Page click “New User? Click here to register

now”. Once you have completed the registration process, you will be able to enter

your user name and password on the Logon page to access both systems.

Q: How do I get a password?

A: Directory and MyLCI users create their own password. First time users will click “New

User? Click here to register now.” on the LCI Logon Page. You will be prompted to

provide your LCI member number and other information to help us authenticate who

you are. You will also create a user name and password that are unique to you. And

finally, you will provide security questions and answers that can be used if you forget

your user name or password.

Q: I forgot my password. Now what do I do?

A: From the LCI Logon Page click the “Forgot your User Name or Password? Click

here.” link. You will be prompted to answer one of the security questions you set up

when you originally registered your password. If your answer is correct you will have

the opportunity to reset your user name and password.

Q: How do I register for a password?

A: First time users of either the Directory or MyLCI, will click “New User? Click here to

register now.” on the Logon Page. You will be prompted to provide your LCI member

number and other information to help us authenticate who you are. You will also

create a user name and password that are unique to you. And finally, you will provide

security questions and answers that can be used if you forget your user name or


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Lions Clubs International Password and Registration Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 2 Revised 2014-02

Q: How do I change my password?

A: Once you have registered a user name and password, you can change them. First, go

to the Logon Page. Enter your user name and password, select the “I want to change

my password after logging on” checkbox and then click Submit. On the next screen

you can change your user name or password or both.

Q: How do I change my e-mail address?

A: Once you have registered a user name and password, you can change the e-mail

address associated with your registration. First, go to the Logon Page. Enter your

user name and password, select the “I want to change my password after logging on”

checkbox and then click Submit. On the next screen you can change your e-mail

address as well as your user name, password or security questions and answers.

Q: Is access to MyLCI or the Directory available to all Lions members?

A: Access to MyLCI and the Directory is based on the member’s LCI office or role (e.g.,

club secretary, cabinet secretary, council chairperson or Past International President).

Q: Do I need to reply to the e-mail titled “LCI – CONFIRM PASSWORD PROFILE


A: You will receive this e-mail whenever your user name, password or security questions

were changed. The purpose of the e-mail is to protect your logon information from

improper use. You only need to contact the Support Center if you DID NOT change

your logon information.

Q: Do I need to reply to the e-mail titled “LCI - REGISTRATION COMPLETE”?

A: You will receive this e-mail whenever you complete the registration process. The

purpose of the e-mail is to protect your logon information from improper use. You only

need to contact the Support Center if you DID NOT register.

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Lions Clubs International Password and Registration Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 3 Revised 2014-02

Q: What format is required for passwords?

A: The password must contain at least one letter (a-z or A-Z) and one digit (0-9).

Passwords must be at least 6 characters. Passwords are case-sensitive. (E.g., these

passwords are NOT equivalent “LION123” and “lion123”.)

Q: What happens if I forget my password AND I forget the answer to both of my

security questions?

A: If you forget your username, password and security answers, contact the Support

Center by e-mail ([email protected]) or by telephone (630-468-6900).

Q: Will I get my password mailed to me like last year?

A: No, we will no longer mail passwords to officers. You will need to register and create

your own unique user name and password to access the MyLCI site, as an officer.

Q: Will I need to re-register next year?

A: No. Once you register a user name and password you will not need to change it from

year to year.

Q: Can I use a computer anywhere to access the Directory or MyLCI?

A: Yes. Any computer with internet access can be used to access the Directory or


Q: What if I get the message, “Your response does not match our records”?

A: To authenticate your identity, you will need to provide information as part of the

registration process. Your entries need to match the values in our LCI membership


Question Example Suggested response

Enter your home street address: 1234 Main Street Enter your address as it appears on your Lion magazine mailing label.

Enter your current club name: Oak Brook Burr Ridge or Chicago Northwest

Enter the official club name. It is not necessary to include the words “Lions” or “Club” or the abbreviation “L. C.”.

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Lions Clubs International Password and Registration Frequently Asked Questions

PasswordAndRegistrationFAQ_EN 4 Revised 2014-02

Question Example Suggested response

Enter your first and last name: Joseph Smith Enter your name as it appears on your Lion magazine label.

Enter your spouse/adult companion's name:

Elizabeth or Elizabeth Smith

Enter the name you provided to your club secretary.

Enter your home, business or cell phone number:

3122641212 1 22 61217900

Enter the phone number you provided to your club secretary.

Q: “You have exceeded the maximum number of attempts allowed. Registration is

not permitted at this time.” What should I do?

A: This error message means that one or more of the verification responses you typed

do not match the values in the Club Roster or the Membership file. First, check with

your club secretary or club president to determine the correct values. Then wait for

approximately thirty minutes and attempt to register again.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I add an activity?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Service Activities.

From the Service Activities page, click the Add Activity button.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 2 Revised 2013-09

From the Add Activity page, select the reporting month from the drop-down list

(default is the current month). Click the Select Type button to choose the activity type

that best describes your service activity.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 3 Revised 2013-09

Type the title and description of your activity. Based on the activity type selected, you

will be able to provide data related to your service activity, such as the Number of

Lions, Number of Lion Hours, People Served, Funds Donated/Raised, etc. This data

is optional.

You can also upload images of your service activity. Adding images is optional.

up to two (2) photographs can be added to your report

maximum photo size is 4MB

accepted file types: .jpg, .gif, and .png.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 4 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I select the appropriate activity type?

A: There are ten different activity categories that include the most common areas of

service for Lions. After reviewing the activity categories, select the activity type that

best describes your project.

Although there may be more than one activity type that would be appropriate for your

activity, use your own judgment when determining which activity type best describes

your project.

Q: How do I calculate Lion Hours?

A: The report is designed to measure direct service hours. Clubs should only include

hours that were devoted to the actual service project. For example, if there were 3

Lions involved in the service project and they each dedicated 2 hours, the Lions hours

would be calculated as follows: (3 Lions x 2 Hours) = 6 Lion Hours.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 5 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I calculate Funds Donated and Funds Raised?

A: Funds Raised is the sum of all money that was collected at a fundraising event or

activity, whereas Funds Donated is the total amount of money given to a particular

organization, cause, or individual in need.

Q: How do I report Global Service Action Campaigns?

A: Clubs that participate in activities related to the Global Service Action Campaign

should select the appropriate campaign box when adding new activities.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 6 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I submit my monthly activity report?

A: After entering the activity type, title, description, and relevant data and/or photos, click

the Save button, at the bottom of the page. This will save the activity and appear in

your activity list that can be viewed by your District Governor. The View/ Print button

will allow you to view a version of your service activity that can be saved or printed.

Q: How do I edit an activity?

A: From the Service Activities page, click Edit Activity, add your changes and click Save.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 7 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I search for activities?

A: By default, only the service activities for the current month will display on the Service

Activities page. To view past months activities, select the Find Activities drop down

arrow and select the specified month from the Service Activities by Month drop down


MyLCI users can view shared activities using the search feature. From the Service

Activities page select the Find Activities drop down arrow and then select Advanced

Search. From the Advanced Search page, clubs can search for activities using a

variety of criteria including the activity type, geographic location, month/ year, or

specific keywords.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 8 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I view cumulative Service Activity reports?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Service Activities. From the

Service Activities page, by default all service activities for the current fiscal year are

displayed. The View/ Print button will allow you to view a version of your service

activities that can be saved or printed.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 9 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do print an activity report?

A: From the My Lions Club menu, select Service Activities. From the Service Activity

page click Find Activities and select Advance Search. From the Advanced Search

page select the Activity month and click search. Your club activities for that specific

month will display. To view and/or print the report, click View/Print.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 10 Revised 2013-09

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Lions Clubs International Signature Service Activities Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I add a signature service activity?

A: From the My District or My Lions Clubs menu, select Signature Service Activities.

From the Signature Service Activities page, click the Add the Signature Service

Activity button. Select the Activity Type, type the Activity Title and the Activity

Description. Click the Save button.

Q: How do I add an existing signature activity to my monthly report?

A: From the My Lions Clubs Service Activities page, click the Add Activity button. From

the Add Activity page, click the Signature Activity drop down arrow. Click on the

Signature Activity title. The page will populate with predefined information about the

activity. You can update the information that was populated into the window. Then

add the other information about your activity and click Save.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 2 Revised 2013-01

Q: How do I remove a signature activity?

A: From the My Lions Club or My District menu, select Signature Service Activities. From

Signature Service Activities page, click the Edit Activity button associated with the

signature activity you would like to remove. From the Edit Signature Service Activity

page, de-select the Status Active checkbox. That will remove the Signature Activity.

No activities associated with the removed Signature Activity will be affected.

Q: How do I edit or delete signature service activities?

A: From the My Lions Club or My District menu, select Signature Service Activities. From

Signature Service Activities page, click the Edit Activity button associated with the

signature activity you would like to delete or edit. From the Edit Signature Service

Activity page, you can update the information about the activity. To delete the

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Report Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions – Service Activity 3 Revised 2013-01

Signature Activity, de-select the Status Active checkbox. That will remove the

Signature Activity. Click the Save button.

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Lions Clubs International Reports and Data Download Frequently Asked Questions

ReportsFAQ_EN 1 Revised 2014-03

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get a list of officer contact information?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Reports. From the Reports

page, select Lions Club Contact List or Leo Club Contact List. Click View/Print to view

the report.

Q: How do I download club or officer data to Excel?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Data Download. From the Data

Download page you may choose to download all data, contact information only or any

combination of data fields. By default, all member records are downloaded. To view

officers only, select from the title(s) in the officer filter. After selecting an officer, you

will be prompted to select either this year’s officers or next year’s officers. When your

selection is complete, click View/Print. You may be prompted to choose to Open or

Save the downloaded data.

If there are postal codes with leading zeros, they will not display properly in Excel. To

correct this, highlight the Postal Code column and click the Format button. From the

Format drop-down list, select Format Cells. Under Category, select Special and for

the Type, select Zip Code. Click OK. This will adjust the format of the Postal Codes to

display the leading zero.

If you need further assistance, contact the MyLCI Support Center at

[email protected]

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Goals Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I add an activity goal?

A: From the My Lions Club or My District menu, select Service Activity Goals. From the

Service Activities Goals page, click the Add Goal button.

From the Add Service Activity Goal page, select the main program area from the drop

down list. Then select the Activity Type from the next drop down list. Type the

indicator that you want to achieve. Click Save.

Q: How do I view progress toward my goal?

A: Progress toward your goal is automatically calculated as service activities are report

(saved in MyLCI). From the My Lions Club or My District menu, select Service Activity

Goals. From the Service Activities Goals page, the progress toward the goals you

have added are displayed.

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Lions Clubs International Service Activity Goals Frequently Asked Questions

Service Activity Goals 2 Revised 2012-11

Q: How do I view goals from previous years?

A: Only goals added for the current fiscal year are displayed in MyLCI. It is not possible

to view goals from previous years.

Q: How do I remove a goal?

A: From the My Lions Club or My District menu, select Service Activity Goals. From the

Service Activities Goals page, scroll to the goal you would like to delete. Click the

Delete Goal button associated with that goal. On the Delete Goal page, click the

Delete button.

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 1 Revised 2014-12

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I Report No Membership Changes this month?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page, click the Report No Changes for Month button. Select the reporting month from

the drop-down list. From the Report No Member Transaction page, click the Report

button to complete the official reporting for the month or click Cancel to cancel the

transaction and return to the Members page.

Q: How do I report Membership changes from earlier this year?

A: Membership changes can only be posted in the current month or in the previous two

months. For reports dating back further than 2 months, you will be required to submit

a paper report to the Club & Officer Record Administration Department as follows:


POST MAIL LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL 300 WEST 22ND STREET OAK BROOK, IL 60523-8842 USA SCAN & E-MAIL: [email protected] Fax: 630-706-9295

Q: How do I add a member?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page click the Add Member button. From the drop down list select New Member to

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 2 Revised 2014-12

add a person who has never been a Lion or Leo before. Select Returning Member

from the drop down list to add a member who was a member of your club in the past.

Select Transfer Member from the drop down list to add a member who was or is a

member of another club.

For Leo members under the age of 18, the parent or guardian must provide their

consent for membership by completing the Parental Consent section of the Leo-50

Membership Application. The Leo-50 form needs to be sent to the Leo club advisor or

the Lions club president or Lions club secretary of the sponsoring Lions club. After

adding a new Leo member under the age of 18, the member information will be held

in a Pending Leo Consent list and will be finalized after review and approval by the

Leo club advisor or the sponsoring Lions club president or Lions club secretary.

Q: How do I add a new member to a New Club Application?

A: From the New Club Application, select View Members. From the Members page click

the Add Member button. From the drop down list select New Member to add a person

who has never been a member before.

Q: Where do I find the Pending Leo Consent list?

A: From the Leo Club menu, select Parental Consents. From the Parental Consents

page, find the member you need to approve or reject and click Approve or Reject. The

button will highlight indicating the member was approved or rejected. Go back to the

My Leo Club menu, select Members to confirm the member has been added.

Q: How do I transfer a member?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page click the Add Member button. From the drop down list select Transfer Member

to add a member who was or is a member of another club. To ensure that the proper

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 3 Revised 2014-12

member record is transferred to your club MyLCI will attempt to search for the

member record based on the information provided on the Transfer Member page.

The member number can be used to search for the member record if it is known. If

the member number is not available, enter the club name or the club number. If the

club name or number is not available, enter all or part of the member’s last and first

name. Click Search to initiate the search. (This may take a few moments.)

View the search results and find the member you want to transfer into your club and

click Add Member.

You will be prompted to provide the Effective Date and Membership Type.

If the person you want to transfer currently is a member of another club, a Transfer

Request message will be sent to the club officer. The member will be automatically

added to your club after the member is dropped from his or her current club or 30

days (whichever occurs first).

Q: How do I transfer a member to a New Club Application?

A: From the New Club Application, select View Members. From the drop down list select

Transfer Member to add a member who was or is a dropped member of another club.

To ensure that the proper member record is transferred to your club MyLCI will

attempt to search for the member record based on the information provided on the

Transfer Member page. The member number can be used to search for the member

record if it is known. If the member number is not available, enter the club name or

the club number. If the club name or number is not available, enter all or part of the

member’s last and first name. Click Search to initiate the search. (This may take a

few moments.)

View the search results and find the member you want to transfer into your club and

click Add Member.

You will be prompted to provide the Membership Type.

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 4 Revised 2014-12

Q: How do I drop a member?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page, find the member name you would like to drop and click Drop Member. On the

Drop Member page, select the reason for the drop and enter the effective date for

dropping the member. Click Drop to complete the drop transaction.

Q: How do I edit a mailing address?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page, find the member name you would like to update and select Edit Member. On the

Edit Member page, update either the member correspondence address (usually the

home address) or the officer correspondence address (for officers only). Click Save

when you have completed your changes.

Q: How do I change a member’s name?

A: From the My Lions Club or My Leo Club menu, select Members. From the Members

page, find the member’s name you would like to update and select the Edit member

button. From the Edit Member page, click Change Member Information Request.

From the Change Member Information Request page, enter the changes to the

member’s name and provide a reason for the name change. Click Submit to complete

the change request. An e-mail will be sent to Lions Clubs International headquarters

for review of the request.

Q: How do I create a Family Unit?

A: Each Family Unit has a member who is designated as the Head of Household and 1 -

4 additional family members. Policy requires all the family unit members to reside at

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 5 Revised 2014-12

the same household address as the Head of Household. Club officers are asked to

verify the relationship of the family members to the Head of Household. To create a

Family Unit, start by identifying the Head of Household.

From the My Lions Club menu, select Members. From the Members page, click the

Create Family Unit button associated with the member’s name who will be the Head

of Household. From the Family Unit page, select the first member to add to the family

unit from the left side of the page. Next, respond to the prompts to verify the

relationship of the member to the Head of Household. Then click Add. Repeat the

process for all family members and click Save from the Family Unit page to complete

the creation of the Family Unit.

Q: How to resolve the error that the family member does not have the same

address as that of the Head of Household?

A: All members of the Family Unit must have the same home address as the member

who is designated as the Head of Household and the address must be an exact

match. Even a minor difference in the values in the street address, the city, the state

or province and the postal code will trigger an error. The error message will indicate

the family member who has the unmatched address.

When this error appears:

1) Click the Remove button for the family member who has the mismatched address.

Then click Save. (Another error message will appear if there are other

mismatched addresses. Repeat this step as needed.)

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 6 Revised 2014-12

2) Next correct the mismatched addresses. From the Members page, start by

examining the address of the Head of Household. Then from the Members page,

click the Edit Member link associated with the family member with the unmatched

address. From the Edit Member page, update the address fields and click Save.

Once all address fields have been corrected, you can complete the Family Unit by

clicking the Manage Family Unit link.

Q: How do I update the address of a member of a family unit?

A: Once the family unit has been created, the addresses of all members in the family unit

are tied to the address of the Head of Household.

To update the addresses of all the members in the family, you can only edit the

address of the Head of Household.

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Lions Clubs International Membership Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_MemberFAQ_EN 7 Revised 2014-12

Because all members of the family unit must have the same address, only the Head of

Household can be updated. If you need to update the address of a single member of

the family unit, the member must be removed from the family unit. Once the address

has been changed, the member will no longer be eligible to re-join the family unit.

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Lions Clubs International Statement, Dues and Payments Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_StatementFAQ 1 Revised 2013-09

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I view the club’s outstanding balance?

A: From the My Lions Club menu, select Statements/ Dues. The top half of the

Statements page shows the club’s current balance

Q: How do I print a statement?

A: From the My Lions Club menu, select Statements/ Dues. From the bottom half of the

Statements page, click the View/ Print link associated with the Statement you would

like to print. The Statement will display in the browser. To print the statement, click on

the browser print icon. It may be necessary to adjust your print option. Depending on

your browser, select the “Actual size” print option or set your Page Scaling option to

“None” before clicking Print.

After printing your statement, click the back button on your browser to return to the

Statements page.

Club Treasurers will see a Pay Now link on the top half of the Statements page. The

treasurer will click the “Pay Now” link to process a payment online. If the payment will

be mailed, click “Payment Instructions” from the Support Center panel for information

on where to send the payment.

Q: How do I avoid receiving statements in the mail?

A: Club Treasurers are able to avoid receiving mailed statements. From the My Lions

Club menu, select Statements/ Dues. From the middle of the page, select “Opt out of

Paper Statements” to stop receiving statements in the mail. This option will need to

be re-specified at the start of the Treasurer’s term.

Page 42: CLUB SECRETARY WEBINAR RESOURCES...Club Records Who is responsible for bank records? For information on club officer roles and responsibilities, review the club officer online courses

Lions Clubs International Statement, Dues and Payments Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions_StatementFAQ 2 Revised 2013-09

Q: How do I ensure that I am notified when monthly statements are available on


A: All club treasurers with an e-mail address specified in the MyLCI member record will

receive notification by e-mail when monthly statements are available in MyLCI. To

check your member record, select Members from the My Lions Club menu. Scroll to

find the treasurer’s name in the list of members. The e-mail address will display under

the member name along with other contact information. Club presidents and

secretaries are able to update member information.