1 / 4 Clown-face Wants a Job 次 の 方、 どうぞ 。 Next person, please! 失礼します 。 Excuse me. え ?面接 の 方?— はい Eh? Are you the interviewee? - Yes. ファミリーマート 下高井戸 店 — はい Family Mart, Shimotakaido shop? - Yes. ああ 、 じゃあ じゃあ じゃあ どうぞ 。 Ah... Then, then, then, please. あ 、 はい 、 すいません 失礼します 。 Ah, okay. Sorry, excuse me. 00:00:14 —> 00:00:40 © 2015 FluentFlix Limited. All rights reserved.

Clown-face Wants a Job

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  • 1 / 4

    Clown-face Wants a Job

    Next person, please!

    Excuse me.

    Eh? Are you the interviewee? - Yes.

    Family Mart, Shimotakaido shop? - Yes.

    Ah... Then, then, then, please.

    Ah, okay. Sorry, excuse me.

    00:00:14 > 00:00:40

    2015 FluentFlix Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 2 / 4

    Ah, that on your face is...?

    Oh, it's make-up!

    Make-up? Ah... well, it's getting into sort of a fundamental topic, but, - Yes?

    Well, we're a convenience store, in the hospitality industry after all, so...

    Oh, make-up not allowed?

    00:00:45 > 00:01:04

    Clown-face Wants a JobTranscript

    2015 FluentFlix Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 3 / 4

    Ah, no, it's not the case that all make-up is not allowed, but how should I put it... it's too eccentric..

    Ah, well, but, but you know, since you've come all this way, I would like to move into the interviewsegment now. - Thank you so much.

    Let's get started. - Please.

    00:01:05 > 00:01:23

    Clown-face Wants a JobTranscript

    2015 FluentFlix Limited. All rights reserved.

  • 4 / 4

    So for starters, let's see... I would like to ask a few questions from my side, so...

    What kind of work were you involved in previously?

    00:01:23 > 00:01:34

    Clown-face Wants a JobTranscript

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