Future science and religion Introduction These ideas started making themselves at home in my brain 30 or 40 years ago. But the ideas' arrivals have been much more detailed and frequent since I discovered the science preprint site vixra.org at the start of 2012 ("Preprint" means articles with scientific content can be posted on the website before they're published in a printed journal). Please note - 1) This is a collection of writings, each of which is designed to be self- contained to a large degree. Therefore, a lot of repetition will occur with some ideas. 2) They're presented in reverse chronological order - the most recent writings are offered first. 3) This book is just a sample of my ideas from the last two years. If you'd like to read other thoughts, or are interested in their development from earlier ideas, please go to http://vixra.org/author/rodney_bartlett or http://vixra.freeforums.org/search.php?author_id=105&sr=posts or http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2240-3743 4) My planned publisher tells me books by Australian and Commonwealth writers can't contain images unless the author has proof that they come from the public domain - nor can they contain the briefest quote unless written permission* is obtained. So I eventually decided to sever ties with that publisher, and to write the book my way. I can include quotes now but still have tons of trouble with images. The smartphone I'm using has a mind of its own about positioning images. * Seeking permissions doesn't appeal to me because I suspect people will take that as an opportunity to ask for money. (Publishing this book might be seen as asking for money, but that isn't my purpose at all. I simply want the ideas in the book to get some recognition.) I believe the future of money is finite. The engineers who build the first interstellar and intergalactic spaceships will be immensely grateful. If money was a factor, even travelling outside a home galaxy would be virtually impossible due to the extraordinary cost. Money has been a necessity for thousands of years on earth. But thankfully, it’ll become as extinct as the dinosaurs and humans will be free to explore the cosmos. I think this is how the world could get rid of the almighty dollar – People might realize that although they have to continually improve their standard of living, they don’t have to rely on money to improve their lives.

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Future science and religion


These ideas started making themselves at home in my brain 30 or 40 years ago. But the ideas' arrivals have been much more detailed and frequent since I discovered the science preprint site vixra.org at the start of 2012 ("Preprint" means articles with scientific content can be posted on the website before they're published in a printed journal).

Please note -1) This is a collection of writings, each of which is designed to be self-contained to a large degree. Therefore, a lot of repetition will occur with some ideas. 2) They're presented in reverse chronological order - the most recent writings are offered first. 3) This book is just a sample of my ideas from the last two years. If you'd like to read other thoughts, or are interested in their development from earlier ideas, please go to http://vixra.org/author/rodney_bartlett or http://vixra.freeforums.org/search.php?author_id=105&sr=posts or http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2240-37434) My planned publisher tells me books by Australian and Commonwealth writers can't contain images unless the author has proof that they come from the public domain - nor can they contain the briefest quote unless written permission* is obtained. So I eventually decided to sever ties with that publisher, and to write the book my way. I can include quotes now but still have tons of trouble with images. The smartphone I'm using has a mind of its own about positioning images.

* Seeking permissions doesn't appeal to me because I suspect people will take that as an opportunity to ask for money. (Publishing this book might be seen as asking for money, but that isn't my purpose at all. I simply want the ideas in the book to get some recognition.) I believe the future of money is finite. The engineers who build the first interstellar and intergalactic spaceships will be immensely grateful. If money was a factor, even travelling outside a home galaxy would be virtually impossible due to the extraordinary cost. Money has been a necessity for thousands of years on earth. But thankfully, it’ll become as extinct as the dinosaurs and humans will be free to explore the cosmos. I think this is how the world could get rid of the almighty dollar –

People might realize that although they have to continually improve their standard of living, they don’t have to rely on money to improve their lives. They could search within themselves and unearth the noble trait of self-sacrifice. This allows them to make compromises with one another, ensuring the raising of living standards via cooperation. Not only would this cooperation free humans to explore anywhere and anywhen in space and time; cooperation could rid the world of war, violence and every form of crime.

This sounds impossibly idealistic and incredibly naive. But humans have the potential to rise above their petty selfishness and narrow-mindedness. The day will come when we do it!

I'm not a professional of any kind - just your average citizen, with a burning desire to understand how

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everything works (my main interest is cosmology).* I can't say I've been originating the ideas presented here. My feeling as I typed these thoughts has always been that they already exist (though, since physics' Unification appears to connect every point and time in the Cosmos, not on early 21st-century Earth in every case). And I'm just a student, learning about them. If you can't explain something to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself. Since part of me takes the last sentence literally, I avoid equations and jargon as much as possible and prefer to write clearly in plain English.

* Admitting that I'm not a professional scientist might discourage those who are professional scientists from taking my writing seriously. They should keep the following words said in 2015 by scientist Professor Neil Turok in mind - "We need a very different view of basic physics. This is the time for radical, new ideas." He believes this is a great time in human history for the revolution. to occur. (http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/1113409736/our-universe-is-actually-really-simple-were-just-complicating-it-ourselves-100915/#TkhuGsruZLFykkOx.99)




Topological monoverse

Plasma wakefield acceleration

Catalyst - Einstein

Death, Instinct, Birth / Science-Religion Union

Relativity and imaginary time This article takes the form of 3 "microarticles". They are 1) Relativity says science overvalues experiments, 2) Time dilation to co-moving and non-comoving observers and 3) EXPLORING VENUS, MARS, ETC BY ENTANGLING THEM WITH EARTH

Cataracts, Alzheimer's and Golgi apparatus

Superconductivity, magnetars and a paradigm shift

Mental Illness and Quantum-Mechanical Distance Healing

Bold and Beautiful Transgenders

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exo-Jupiter and the Kuiper Belt

Sunspots, SOHO and the Little Ice Age

Organoids and PNI

Cholesterol-lowering drugs alter the pathway to arteriosclerosis

SETI and fine-tuning the laws of physics / Relativity means Evolution must adapt

Are cosmic rays the result of redshifting in supernovas?

What Is Consciousness?

Superman and Quantum Entanglement



6-year-olds and the Fields MedalPlaced on Internet Dec. 7, 2015Includes DEFINING DIVISION BY ZERO (MAKING IT NOT JUST POSSIBLE, BUT ESSENTIAL) AND RELATING ZERO TO INFINITY(March 13, 2014)

Abstract -The Fields Medal is an award established in 1924 by the ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians) and is restricted to mathematicians up to the age of 40. It recognizes both existing work and future promise, and is equivalent to the Nobel Prize.

A trick is shown in this article that proves 1=2. However, during the steps division by zero is used. Since this is not allowed, the conclusion is false. Or it would be unless zero could be shown not to be nothing. Zeros are something because they're paired with ones to compose the binary digits essential to the formation of everything in space-time. This means zero has been misunderstood throughout history, division by zero is indeed permitted and the conclusion that 1=2 is correct. In turn, this means that while 1+1=2, 1+1 must also equal 1. This mathematically validates the centuries-long march of physics towards unification of everything in this cosmos. Unification occurs not just in the present but the entire past and future are naturally part of this one entity/event.

The article then explores possible consequences for 1) Einstein being correct to divide by zero, 2) Hidden Variables and Determinism, 3) that zero is not nothing but actually something, 4) that zero redefines the term infinity, 5) that there really is another explanation for the origin of the universe besides the Big Bang, 6) and another explanation for black holes, 7) possibilities regarding l ife after

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death and life before conception.

Content -1+1=2 and also equals 1

1+1 equalling 1 may sound like a trick. See the article "Mathematics" by Howard W. Eves - "The World Book Encyclopedia" by Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1967. This states:

"Suppose that b=a(1) Multiply by a, then ab=a².(2) Subtract b², then ab-b²=a²-b².(3) Factor, then b(a-b)=(a+b)(a-b)(4) Divide by (a-b), then b=a+b(5) Substitute a for b, then a=a+a(6) a=2a(7) Divide by a, then 1=2."

These processes appear to agree with principles in algebra. But (a-b) in the third and fourth steps is equal to zero, because b=a. We'd normally say the conclusion is wrong since division by zero is not permitted. However, read "DEFINING DIVISION BY ZERO (MAKING IT NOT JUST POSSIBLE, BUT ESSENTIAL) AND RELATING ZERO TO INFINITY". Dividing by zero is now permitted (indeed, it's indispensable) and 1 equals 2. It's true that 1+1=2 and also true that 1+1=1. The equation used merely depends on our perspective and which equation is more useful at a particular moment.


Mathematics books say division by zero is undefined and you should never divide by zero (the special case of 0/0 is termed “indeterminate”). According to “Einstein’s Only Mistake: Division by Zero”(http://refully.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/einsteins-only-mistake-division-by-zero.html),When astronomers today say they are following Einstein’s theory of relativity, they are actually not. Partially because Einstein said the Big Bang theory made no sense. He never in his lifetime accepted the Big Bang as the way our universe came into being, and didn't accept Black Holes. He always looked for another explanation. And partly because Einstein made a school boy error in algebra. What Einstein did was divide by zero during his calculations ... a no-no in math.

“Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus, SI Version Ninth Edition” by Allyn J. Washington (Pearson Education, 2010) states on p.9 that "if 0/0 = b, then 0 = 0 × b, which is true for any value of b. Therefore, no specific value of b can be determined." My aim is to show that Einstein was perfectly correct to divide by zero, that doing so enabled him to introduce his Hidden Variables theory into quantum mechanics, that zero is not nothing but actually something, that it redefines the term infinity, and that there really is another explanation for the Big Bang as well as black holes. By the way, we may have to rebuild all those sophisticated calculators that produce an error message when you try to divide by zero.

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When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence, Einstein said time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter. I’ll try to follow his example by attempting to summarize this idea of zero-infinity relation in one sentence: infinity is the total elimination of distance in space-time, and zero is the nothing (total elimination) that is something (a “creator” of space-time).

What does 0/0 truly mean? It’s asking how many times is the origin on the number line of positive and negative numbers contained in zero – the nothing that is something. If we focus on its nothingness, no specific value can be determined and division by zero is undefined. But if we focus on its somethingness, zero could be said to go into zero an infinite number of times i.e. the operation gains substance, is defined, and produces determinism.

Einstein said hidden variables carry extra information about the world of quantum mechanics and complete it, eliminating probabilities and bringing about exact predictions. The variables thus bring determinism (an exact cause) to probabilistic quantum theory. Zero would be something if it’s paired with one to form the binary digits which are used in computers and electronics.

I think the Roman philosopher Lucretius was correct 2,000 years ago when he said, “nothing can be created from nothing”. The idea of quantum fluctuations - which are proposed by modern science in order to create the universe from nothing - is valid in a sense (quantum fluctuations actually happen because they’re temporary changes in the amount of energy at points in space). But this doesn’t mean the universe can be created from nothing (from, using traditional knowledge, zero alone). I think the universe, and life, began because brains acquire knowledge from the 4 dimensions of space-time. Then brains interact with a 5th-dimensional hyperspace to purposely switch the binary digits composing the universe from 1 to 0 or vice versa (this switching would be quantum fluctuations).


Let’s borrow a few ideas from string theory’s ideas of everything being ultimately composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate as clockwise, standing, and counterclockwise currents in a four-dimensional looped superstring - “Workings of the Universe” by Time-Life Books (1991, p.84). We can visualize tiny, one dimensional disturbances in a field called virtual particles - such disturbances are equivalent to the energy pulses used in electronics - producing the binary digits of 1 and 0 (base 2 mathematics).

Their motion forms currents in a two-dimensional program called a Mobius loop – or in 2 Mobius loops, clockwise currents in one loop combining with counterclockwise currents in the other to form a standing current. Combination of the 2 loops’ currents requires connection of the two as a four-dimensional Klein bottle. This connection can be made with the infinitely-long irrational and transcendental numbers. Such an infinite connection* translates into an infinite number of (Figure-8) Klein bottles - via bosons being ultimately composed of the binary digits of 1 and 0 depicting pi, e, √2 etc.; and fermions (matter particles) being given mass by bosons like gravitons and photons interacting in matter particles’ “wave packets”.

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These bottles are, in fact, “subuniverses” (binary digits fill in gaps and adjust edges to fit surrounding subuniverses [similar to manipulation of images by computers]). Slight “imperfections” in the way the Mobius loops fit together determine the precise nature of the binary-digit currents (the producers of space-time-hyperspace, gravitational waves, electromagnetic waves, the nuclear strong force and the nuclear weak force) and thus of exact mass, charge, quantum spin.

* If the material and immaterial universe consists of an infinite connection of transcendentals and irrationals, renormalization might be unnecessary in certain circumstances. This mathematical procedure is regarded as prerequisite for a useful theory and is used in attempts to unite general relativity with quantum mechanics to produce Quantum Gravity and the Theory of Everything. Renormalization seeks to cancel infinities – but in a literally infinite universe, retaining the infinite values might point the way to deeper understanding of the cosmos.


The inverse-square law states that the force between two particles becomes infinite if the distance of separation between them goes to zero. Remembering that gravitation partly depends on the distance between the centres of objects, the distance of separation between objects only goes to zero when those centres occupy the same space-time coordinates (not merely when the objects’ sides are touching). That is, infinity equals the total elimination of distance – the infinite cosmos could possess this absence of distance in space and time via the electronic mechanism of binary digits, which would make the universe as malleable and flexible as any image on a computer screen.

If infinity is the total elimination of distance in space-time, there would be nothing to prevent instant intergalactic travel or time travel to the past and future. Infinity does not equal nothing - total elimination of distance, or space-time, produces nothing in a physical sense and reverts to theoretical physicist Lee Smolin’s imagining of strings as “not made of anything at all” - “What String Theory Tells Us About the Universe” by Dr. Odenwald : Astronomy – (April 2013, p.35). It also reverts the universe to the mathematical blueprint from which physical being is constructed (this agrees with cosmologist Max Tegmark’s hypothesis that mathematical formulas create reality : “Is the universe actually made of math?” by Adam Frank - http://discovermagazine.com/2008/jul/16-is-the-universe-actually-made-of-math#.UZsHDalwebs, and “The Mathematical Universe” by Max Tegmark - http://arxiv.org/abs/0704.0646. So, infinity = something (just like zero).


As for the new perspective on the Big Bang, don’t think of space’s expansion as the universe starting with a big bang and the galaxies forever flying apart. Think of it as the production* of “new” space by binary digits which is added to existing space and pushes that existing space farther and farther away. The Law of Conservation says new space isn’t created from nothing but is converted from something else. It may be speculated that new space is converted from the BITS (BInary digiTS) of 1 and 0. (Does ultra-advanced human computer technology of the far future have a role in the universe’s origin and destiny?)

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* The beginnings of the infinite number of observable universes would, of course, be literally infinite. There was no beginning to the universe as a whole but it had - and will continue to have - an infinite number of creations of its “sub”universes. Creation of the universe as a whole is therefore forever lost in infinity and it’s accurate to say it had no beginning. (German mathematician Georg Cantor developed concepts of various infinities in the 1870’s, and would be interested in this article.)

Also, recall that each “subuniverse” (bubble or pocket universe) is one of a series of figure-8 Klein bottles (extending infinitely in every direction) composing the infinite and eternal space-time of the universe. The infinite numbers make the cosmos infinite, the union of space and time makes it eternal, and it’s in a static or steady state because it’s already infinite and has no room for expansion. Our own subuniverse has a limited size (and age of 13.8 billion years), is expanding, and has warped space-time because it’s modelled on the Mobius loop, which can be fashioned by giving a strip of paper a 180-degree twist before joining the ends. (It may have DOUBLE STRANDED, spiralling DNA because the universe is modelled on TWO twisted Mobius loops.)

And the new perspective on black holes would be – in the case of the sun, our star would become a black hole if it was compressed to 2.95 kms (“From the Big Bang to Dark Energy” – a lecture on coursera.org by Hitoshi Murayama from the University of Tokyo), in which case the pressure increase "shreds” the sun into its binary digits (avoiding problems like black holes possessing infinite mass or infinite space-time curvature). In other words, its mass is relativistically converted into the energy of virtual particles / binary digits i.e. the bosons stop interacting in wave packets to produce the forces we identify as mass, and the bosons – which are ultimately composed of the binary digits depicting pi, e, √2 etc. (see “Digital String Theory”) – register as 1’s and 0’s.

End of "Defining Division by Zero ..."

Life after death and before conception

There is no doubt at all that life exists. If (beyond our limited human perspective) there is only one entity/event, life can never end and what is called death must actually be continuation of life in a manner not restricted to this planet or century. All the separate worlds and periods that exist (represented by 1+1) merge into one existence because 1+1=1. Nor can our present earthly lives truly be separate from their pre-earthly condition. The lives we have now must be continuation of life we used to have. If there is only one entity/event, that pre-earthly life probably does not have any reason to be restricted to one world and one period of time (making reincarnation unlikely).

The brain we possess now did not exist prior to its development in the embryo that developed and was eventually born into this world. So no memory of pre-earthly life is possible. But since 1+1=1 and all things merge into one existence, our limited perspective cannot possibly remain forever ignorant of humanity (and everything) being part of one unified entity/event. When children are born, it seems they must know 1+1=1 for their union with unified space-time might give them the ability to do and think of things surpassing their individual abilities - what are called instincts (to suckle etc). By the age of about 3, they'd forget these things as they learned that 1+1=2 and self is different from nonself (unless the society they live in is enlightened enough to keep reminding them of the universe's unity in maths and

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physics). If this wisdom is lost, a 6-year-old in the 22nd century will - thanks to pieces of information from her parents and other sources - undoubtedly have regained the knowledge that all things in space-time belong to a unification, and that 1+1=1 as well as 2.

Therefore, a 6-year-old child of the next century shall have greater knowledge of basic truth than all the scientists and mathematicians who ever lived. Maybe a Fields Medal plus a Nobel Prize in Physics will be handed out to every student on their first day at school?


Topological monoverse

Posted on Internet Nov. 18, 2015

Abstract -This rebuttal of the multiverse hypothesis, the idea that other universes exist alongside ours, draws on mathematics' topology, or rubber-sheet geometry. The topology takes the form of electronics' binary digits (1's and 0's) composing 2 Möbius strips which are united into a figure-8 Klein bottle constituting a "sub"universe. The encoding of infinitely-long irrational and transcendental numbers like pi, e, √2 by the digits produces an infinite series of sub-universes (an infinite universe).* And other subs can naturally affect our own 13.8 billion-year-old subcosmos. (“Our Mathematical Universe” by cosmologist Max Tegmark – Random House/Knopf, January 2014 believes the universe has a mathematical foundation).

* For what I see as potential support for this maths, l thank "The origins of space and time” by Zeeya Merali (“Nature” 500, 516–519: 28 August 2013) which supplied the info that Rafael Sorkin, a physicist at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada postulates that the building blocks of space-time are simple mathematical points that are connected by links. He calls hls theory Causal Sets.

Article -Binary digits are proposed to be the Hidden Variables which "are an interpretation of quantum mechanics based on the belief that the theory is incomplete and that there is an underlying layer of reality that contains additional information about the quantum world. This extra information is in the form of the hidden variables, unseen but real quantities. The identification of these hidden variables would lead to exact predictions for the outcomes of measurements and not just probabilities of obtaining certain results." ("Quantum" by Manjit Kumar - Icon Books, 2008 - p. 379)

String theory says everything's composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate as clockwise, standing, and counterclockwise currents. We can visualize so-called virtual particles generating tiny, one dimensional binary digits of 1 and 0 (base 2 mathematics) that form currents in a two-dimensional program called a Mobius loop – or in 2 Mobius loops, clockwise currents in one loop combining with counterclockwise currents in the other to form a standing current. (The curving of what we call space-time sounds very strange, but I think it can actually be explained by modelling space-time’s construction on the Mobius strip that can be represented by giving a strip of paper a half-twist of 180

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degrees before joining its ends.)

Mobius Loop (source:

http://www.polyvore.com/mobius_strip_public_domain_clip/thing?id=72360021)Joining two Mobius strips (or Mobius bands) forms a four-dimensional Klein bottle (http://plus.maths.org/content/os/issue26/features/mathart/index)

Figure-8 Klein Bottle (source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KleinBottle-Figure8-01.png)And each Klein bottle can become an observable (or "sub”) universe (figure-8 Klein bottles resemble spiral galaxies, and appear to have the most suitable shape to form subuniverses). This connection of the 2 Mobius strips can be made with the infinitely-long irrational and transcendental numbers. Such an infinite connection translates into an infinite number of TANGIBLE figure-8 Klein bottles which are, in fact, “subuniverses”. The infinite numbers make the cosmos as a whole* physically infinite, the union of space and time makes it eternal, and it's in a static or steady state because it’s already infinite.

* (i.e. the cosmos beyond our 13.8-billion-year-old subuniverse, which is expanding from the energy of virtual particles/binary digits being converted into matter and displacing parts of the universe beyond). In space, the energy of weak gravitational waves combines with the 10^36-times-stronger energy of

electromagnetic waves to make mass.^ Translation into matter could be via photons of electromagnetic waves and gravitons of gravitational waves being disturbances in electromagnetic and gravitational fields. These disturbances are known as virtual particles and are equivalent to energy pulses that produce the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc. Matter particles [and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles] are given mass by the energy of photons and gravitons interacting in "wave packets” (interaction within this term from quantum mechanics results in wave-particle duality).

^ Albert Einstein's “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin.

For the note below on the figure-8 Klein bottle, I refer to –a) Bourbaki, Nicolas (2005). Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Springerb) Conway, John (1986). Functions of One Complex Variable I. Springer c) Gamelin, Theodore (January 2001). Complex Analysis. Springerd) Joshi, Kapli (August 1983). Introduction to General Topology. New Age Publisherse) Spanier, Edwin (December 1994). Algebraic Topology. Springer

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Informally - if an object in space consists of one piece and does not have any "holes" that pass all the way through it, it is called simply-connected. A doughnut (and the figure-8 Klein bottle it resembles) is “holey” and not simply connected (it’s multiply connected). The universe appears to be infinite (more info in "Infinite Universe" by Bob Berman - "Astronomy”, Nov. 2012), being flat on the largest scales and curved on local scales (from far away, a scene on Earth can appear flat, yet the curves of hills become apparent up close). A flat universe that is also simply connected implies an infinite universe [Luminet, Jean-Pierre; Lachi`eze-Rey, Marc - "Cosmic Topology" - Physics Reports 254 (3): 135–214 (1995) arXiv:gr-qc/9605010]. So it seems the infinite universe cannot be composed of subunits called figure-8 Klein bottles (flat universes that are finite in extent include the torus and Klein bottle).

But gaps in, or irregularities between, subuniverses shaped like figure-8 Klein bottles are "filled in" by binary digits in the same way that computer drawings can extrapolate a small patch of blue sky to make a sky that's blue from horizon to horizon. This makes space-time relatively smooth and continuous - and gets rid of holes, making these types of Klein subunits feasible. The Klein bottle is a closed surface with no distinction between inside and outside. There cannot be other universes outside ours – there’s only one universe.


Plasma wakefield acceleration

Sat Nov 14, 2015 3:17 pm

Referring to "CERN to test revolutionary mini-accelerator" by Elizabeth Gibney: Nature, 8 October 2015, Volume 526, p. 173 -

It's doubtful this version of wakefield acceleration will work as well as CERN hopes. The article states as the proton pulse speeds through the plasma, electrons are attracted towards the centre but overshoot because the pulse has moved on by the time the electrons arrive at the centre. It seems to me that positive charge would accompany the proton pulse, and that it's unlikely there would be enough residual positive charge in the region vacated to enable cycling from positive to negative charge to set up a wave of electron density that can be used to accelerate injected electrons.

Continuously accelerating injected electrons could be achieved by attaching them behind the proton pulse. The injected electrons would be attracted forwards to the positive pulse and also repelled forwards by the plasma electrons that are at the centre (before they overshoot it).

"What the spin of a particle really tells us is what the particle looks like from different directions. A particle of spin 1 ... looks different from different directions. Only if one turns it round a complete revolution (360 degrees) does the particle look the same." (Spin 1 can be illustrated by the playing card Ace of Spades.) ["A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking (Bantam Press, 1988) - pp. 66-67]

To me, turning a revolution (or part of one) suggests quantum spin might be analogous to warping. This

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stuck in my mind, and I combined it with a paper by Einstein which I discovered some 15 or 20 years later - A. Einstein, “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin. In this way, I equated particles' quantum spin with gravitational warps (more about this soon).

"There are particles which do not look the same if one turns them through just one revolution: you have to turn them through two complete revolutions! Such particles are said to have spin 1/2" (and they make up the matter in the universe). ["A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking (Bantam Press, 1988) - p. 67]. I combined this turning through two complete revolutions with the fact that you have to go around a Möbius Strip twice to arrive at your starting point (more about the Möbius soon, too).

The weak energy of gravitational waves combines with the 10^36-times-stronger energy of electromagnetic waves to make matter and mass. String theory says everything's composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate. Replacing the word "strings" with "bits" (BInary digiTS - 1's and 0's)*; translation of fluctuating, 1-D bits into matter could be via electromagnetic and gravitational waves being disturbances in fields.

* To produce quantum mechanics' Hidden Variables which give exact predictions to the otherwise probabilistic quantum mechanical theory. These disturbances known as virtual particles are equivalent to energy pulses that produce the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc. (“Our Mathematical Universe” by cosmologist Max Tegmark – Random House/Knopf, January 2014 believes the universe has a mathematical foundation). Matter particles [and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles] are given mass by the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational waves interacting** in "wave packets” (interaction within this term from quantum mechanics results in wave-particle duality).

** Bosons (force-carrying particles) and fermions (matter particles) would be two facets of the same thing without there being any need for supersymmetry. And the Higgs boson would be just one more product of the Higgs field (interpreted as another name for the gravitational-electromagnetic field). The particle would not be the originator of any particle’s mass. The failure of the Large Hadron Collider to find evidence for supersymmetry has led some physicists to suggest that the theory should be abandoned. (Wolchover, Natalie [November 29, 2012]. "Supersymmetry Fails Test, Forcing Physics to Seek New Ideas". Scientific American.)

There are 2 forms of spin - classical (e.g. a rotating top) and quantum. The latter can't be explained classically but may possibly be explained by particles and space mutually affecting each other. According to General Relativity, matter causes a gravity field by its mass creating depressions in space that can be pictured as a flexible rubber sheet. Space could affect particles through its curvature (gravity) infiltrating particles, thus giving them quantum spin.

If space-time is curved as a result of being modeled on the twisted Mobius strip, particles of matter and antimatter would also be twisted up to 180 degrees. This gives them a non-rotating “quantum spin” which does not have unlimited values (as visualizing the continuous curvature of a Mobius strip might

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imply) but is restricted to certain values by the more fundamental operation – that of the 1’s and 0’s (I'm suggesting that this more fundamental operation can replace descriptions using quarks).

Remember, 1's and 0’s need not only represent “on” and “off” – they can also represent “increase” and “decrease”; resulting in spins of 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, etc.) There would be the ordinary matter we see and touch, which could be labeled positive. At the extremity of 180 degrees; there would also exist an inverted, negative form of that matter. This would be as invisible to us as the curving of space, and only detectable through its gravitational effects. It would be referred to as Dark Matter existing in what can only be called a 5th-dimensional hyperspace.

If combined with the intense strength of electromagnetism (some 10^36 times more powerful), concentration of repelling gravitational waves might account for universal expansion.

Imagine waves constituting a particle and its quantum spin being curved and twisted to a degree that exceeds the warping responsible for the particle's quantum spin, but is less than that responsible for dark matter. Then neither a particle of matter nor a particle of dark matter would be in existence. Since gravitational waves can create electromagnetism*, we'd have a particle whose electric charge could be the opposite of the original particle ie we could have a negative electron's antiparticle, the positive positron.

* When Einstein penned E=mc^2, he used c (c^2) to convert between energy units and mass units. The conversion number is 90,000,000,000 (light's velocity of 300,000 km/s x 300,000 km/s) which approx. equals 10^11. Gravity waves with a strength of 1 are, via quantum gravitational lensing, concentrated 10^24 times after they’re focused to form matter (to 10^25, weak nuclear force’s strength - giving the illusion that a weak nuclear force** that is not the product of gravitation exists). Waves are magnified by the matter's density to achieve electromagnetism’s strength (10^36 times gravity's strength) i.e. 10^25 is multiplied by Einstein's conversion factor [10^11] and gives 10^36 (this gives the illusion of the existence of electric and magnetic fields that are not a product of gravitation). (The gluons that bind mesons would likewise be either products of gravitation or, like quarks, replaceable by the more fundamental 1's and 0's.) After absorption by atoms, the depleted remnant of the gravity waves is re-radiated from stars, interstellar gas and dust, etc. It’s radiated as gravitational waves (a Gravity Wave Background, challenging the idea that Cosmic Inflation was necessary to generate gravitational waves) which have lost most of their energy or strength during formation of forces (returning to a strength of 1). Since gravity can produce electromagnetism, it’s also radiated as electromagnetic waves – including an infrared background whose heat output exceeds that of the stars alone, in addition to a microwave background. The latter challenges the idea that existence of the cosmic microwave background proves the universe began with the traditional Big Bang.

** Remember, this is only one example: the so-called weak force’s strength isn’t constant and varies with distances [more info in "The Strengths of the Known Forces” by theoretical physicist Matt Strassler [May 31, 2013] - http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/the-known-forces-of-nature/the-strength-of-the-known-forces/

And (the alternative to attaching electrons behind proton pulses) appropriate interaction between

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gravity and the electromagnetics would change the positive charge of the protons to negative charge like an electron while the plasma's electrons were at the centre of the plasma. When they've overshot and moved towards the outside, the protons are reverted to positivity so they can attract other plasma electrons to the centre as they pulse forward. Then the protons again become negative antiprotons to be repelled by the plasma electrons at the centre, and positive protons to attract more electrons from the plasma's outside. The cycling from positive to negative charge, and back again, keeps on repeating ...

Given sufficient interaction between the gravitational and electromagnetic components, positive and negative and neutral particles with a variety of masses could exist within the range of gravitational warping associated with any particular quantum spin. This permits existence of a "particle zoo" which is unified into one thing: gravitational-electromagnetic interaction.


Title -Catalyst - Einstein

Posted on Internet on Nov. 11, 2015

Abstract -On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) showed the TV program "Einstein's Extraordinary Universe". It was a celebration of Einstein's release of the General Theory of Relativity 100 years ago this month, and was this week's edition of the ABC's program "Catalyst" (the presenter was Dr. Graham Phillips). This article is my own little way of celebrating Relativity's birthday. I had to limit my comment on the Catalyst website to 500 words, but I've expanded that here to nearly 3,000 words.

Article -A 1919 paper by Einstein* makes me think matter may be concentrated gravitational waves.

* A. Einstein, “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin.

The paper mentions electrons, suggesting a possible connection with electromagnetism, and suggesting the following scenario to this reader -

The weak energy of gravitational waves combines with the 10^36-times-stronger energy of electromagnetic waves to make matter and mass. String theory says everything's composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate. Replacing the word "strings" with "bits" (BInary digiTS - 1's and 0's); translation of fluctuating, 1-D bits into matter could be via electromagnetic and gravitational waves being disturbances in fields.

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These disturbances known as virtual particles are equivalent to energy pulses that produce the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc. (“Our Mathematical Universe” by cosmologist Max Tegmark – Random House/Knopf, January 2014 believes the universe has a mathematical foundation). Matter particles [and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles] are given mass by the energy of electromagnetic and gravitational waves interacting* in "wave packets” (interaction within this term from quantum mechanics results in wave-particle duality).

* I think E=mc^2 supports this idea of photons and gravitons interacting – Representing the masslessness of photons by 0 (zero) and replacing the m (mass in Einstein's famous equation relating energy, mass and the speed of light) with the masslessness results in E=0*c^2 i.e. E=0. Having reduced the equation to E, m=0 and c^2=0 which means m=c^2. At first glance, m=c^2 seems to be saying mass exists at light speed. But the absence of E refers to there being no interaction of light energy and gravitational energy, and therefore no mass. From Einstein’s formula, c^2=E/m and (using m=c^2) c^2=E/c^2 which means E=c^4. Since E also equals 0, c^2*c^2 is the masslessness of the photon times the masslessness of the graviton. The speed of light is c and c^2 refers to observers and light co-moving. So the other c^2 refers to observers and gravity co-moving. The speed of gravitational waves is c and the speed of light is equal to the speed of gravity. Of course, this ignores quantum entanglement – this implies that if the sun suddenly stopped shining or having a gravitational influence, those effects would be detectable instantly (the great scientist Isaac Newton - who lived on Earth from 1642 to 1727 - believed the effects would be instant).

This is how Dark Matter, which some scientists say shows Einstein's theory of general relativity and gravity to be incomplete, could also be concentrated gravitational waves -

There are 2 forms of spin - classical (e.g. a rotating top) and quantum. The latter can't be explained classically but may possibly be explained by particles and space mutually affecting each other. According to General Relativity, matter causes a gravity field by its mass creating depressions in space that can be pictured as a flexible rubber sheet. Space could affect particles through its curvature (gravity) infiltrating particles, thus giving them quantum spin.

If space-time is curved as a result of being modeled on the twisted Mobius strip,* particles of matter and antimatter would also be twisted up to 180 degrees. This gives them a non-rotating “quantum spin” which does not have unlimited values (as visualizing the continuous curvature of a Mobius strip might imply) but is restricted to certain values by the more fundamental operation – that of the 1’s and 0’s (I'm suggesting that this more fundamental operation can replace descriptions using quarks).


* String theory says everything's composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate as clockwise, standing, and counterclockwise currents. We can visualize so-called virtual particles generating tiny, one dimensional binary digits of 1 and 0 (base 2 mathematics) that form currents in a two-dimensional program called a Mobius loop – or in 2 Mobius loops, clockwise currents in one loop combining with counterclockwise currents in the other to form a standing current. (The curving of what we call space-

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time sounds very strange, but I think it can actually be explained by modelling space-time’s construction on the Mobius strip that can

be represented by giving a strip of paper a half-twist of 180 degrees before joining its ends.)

Mobius Loop (source:

http://www.polyvore.com/mobius_strip_public_domain_clip/thing?id=72360021)Joining two Mobius strips (or Mobius bands) forms a four-dimensional Klein bottle.

Figure-8 Klein Bottle (source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KleinBottle-Figure8-01.png)

And each Klein bottle can become an observable (or "sub”) universe (figure-8 Klein bottles - one is pictured above - resemble spiral

galaxies, and appear to have the most suitable shape to form subuniverses). This connection of the 2 Mobius strips can be made with the infinitely-long irrational and transcendental numbers. Such an infinite connection translates into an infinite number of TANGIBLE figure-8 Klein bottles which are, in fact, “subuniverses”. The infinite numbers make the cosmos as a whole* physically infinite, the union of space and time makes it eternal, and it's in a static or steady state because it’s already infinite.

* (i.e. the cosmos beyond our 13.8-billion-year-old subuniverse, which is expanding from the energy of virtual particles/binary digits being converted into matter and displacing parts of the universe beyond)

For the note below on the figure-8 Klein bottle, I refer to –a) Bourbaki, Nicolas (2005). Lie Groups and Lie Algebras. Springerb) Conway, John (1986). Functions of One Complex Variable I. Springer c) Gamelin, Theodore (January 2001). Complex Analysis. Springerd) Joshi, Kapli (August 1983). Introduction to General Topology. New Age Publisherse) Spanier, Edwin (December 1994). Algebraic Topology. Springer

Informally - if an object in space consists of one piece and does not have any "holes" that pass all the way through it, it is called simply-connected. A doughnut (and the figure-8 Klein bottle it resembles) is “holey” and not simply connected (it’s multiply connected). The universe appears to be infinite ("Infinite Universe" by Bob Berman - "Astronomy”, Nov. 2012*), being flat on the largest scales and curved on local scales (from far away, a scene on Earth can appear flat, yet the curves of hills become apparent up close). A flat universe that is also simply connected implies an infinite universe [more info at Luminet, Jean-Pierre; Lachi`eze-Rey, Marc - "Cosmic Topology" - Physics Reports 254 (3): 135–214 (1995) arXiv:gr-qc/9605010]. So it seems the infinite universe cannot be composed of subunits called figure-8 Klein bottles (flat universes that are finite in extent include the torus and Klein bottle).

* The evidence keeps flooding in. It now truly appears that the universe is infinite. Many separate areas

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of investigation – like baryon acoustic oscillations (sound waves propagating through the denser early universe), the way type 1a supernovae compare with redshift, the Hubble constant, studies of cosmic large-scale structure, and the flat topology of space – all point the same way. Support for the article – a) after examining recent measurements by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, NASA declared it now knows that the universe is flat with only a 0.4% margin of error. (WMAP’s Universe (http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/uni_shape.html)and b) according to “The Early Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and Observations” by Norma G. Sànchez, Yuri N. Parijskij - published by Springer, (31/12/2003), the shape of the Universe found to best fit observational data is the infinite flat model.

But gaps in, or irregularities between, subuniverses shaped like figure-8 Klein bottles are "filled in" by binary digits in the same way that computer drawings can extrapolate a small patch of blue sky to make a sky that's blue from horizon to horizon. This makes space-time relatively smooth and continuous - and gets rid of holes, making these types of Klein subunits feasible. The Klein bottle is a closed surface with no distinction between inside and outside. There cannot be other universes outside ours – there’s only one universe).


Remember, 1's and 0’s need not only represent “on” and “off” – they can also represent “increase” and “decrease”; resulting in spins of 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, etc.) There would be the ordinary matter we see and touch, which could be labeled positive. At the extremity of 180 degrees; there would also exist an inverted, negative form of that matter. This would be as invisible to us as the curving of space, and only detectable through its gravitational effects. It would be referred to as Dark Matter existing in what can only be called a 5th-dimensional hyperspace.

If combined with the intense strength of electromagnetism (some 10^36 times more powerful), concentration of repelling gravitational waves might account for universal expansion, what is commonly called the gravitational "pull" of objects (actually gravitational push focused on that object*), and the nature of black holes (their purely gravitational-electromagnetic structure^ gives them mass, spin and charge).

* According to a Letter to the journal Nature titled “Rapid formation of large dust grains in the luminous supernova 2010jl” (by Christa Gall, Jens Hjorth, Darach Watson, Eli Dwek, Justyn R. Maund, Ori Fox, Giorgos Leloudas, Daniele Malesani & Avril C. Day-Jones - published online on July 9, 2014 at http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/ ... 13558.html): A supernova blows off some material before exploding and this forms a slower moving, cooler shell which condenses into dust.

The following makes sense to me -Travelling at light speed, gravitational and electromagnetic radiation from the blast slams into that material. The lower temperature allows the energy of the gravitons to interact with that of the photons, producing mass in the form of dust. In the same way, waves from deep space can produce graviton-photon interaction, forming collapsing clouds of dust and gas from which stars form. If there’s no interaction as a result of higher temperatures, no matter is created and there is no cloud of gas and dust.

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A black hole – formed of noninteracting gravitational and electromagnetic waves - could be the result (supernovas can produce black holes, too).

Gravitational waves radiating from a supernova to its surrounding shell would push against the shell and be repulsive. Similarly, waves originating from warps far out in space and condensing into interstellar clouds would be repelling gravitational waves that might, especially if combined with powerful electromagnetic waves^^, conceivably account for the expansion of our observable portion of the universe which was discovered in 1998. The 1’s and 0’s forming the waves would be candidates for explaining dark energy. The concentration of gravitational waves is greatest where the black hole, neutron star, solar mass, or any other object or subatomic particle exists. Any body of lesser mass (such as low-mass dust and gas spiralling into a high-mass black hole, or the smaller Moon orbiting the larger Earth) has a reduced concentration compared to where the concentration of gravitational waves is greatest. This means it has less so-called attraction - is part of the same gradient, and is bound to the larger concentration which it orbits or falls onto or spirals into.

^^ The universe is the things in space and time and, since General Relativity says gravitation is the warping of space-time, the universe is a giant gravity field. Gravity doesn't need to travel – the gravitational field already exists everywhere. Nevertheless, any disturbance (from the waving of your hand to explosion of a supernova) will send ripples called gravitational waves through the universe. Since gravity makes electromagnetism, the universe is also a giant electromagnetic field. Electromagnetism is ubiquitous and doesn’t need to travel, but any disturbance sends out electromagnetic waves.


I believe an idea of partly revised gravity requires the idea of Newton and Kepler that the moon causes the tides, to be joined with Galileo’s partly correct idea that the Earth’s movements slosh its water. According to “Galileo's Big Mistake” by Peter Tyson - Posted 10.29.02 (http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/galileo-big-mistake.html) - "If a barge (carrying a cargo of freshwater) suddenly ground to a halt on a sandbar, for instance, the water pushed up towards the bow then bounced back toward the stern, doing this several times with ever decreasing agitation until it returned to a level state. Galileo realized that the Earth's dual motion—its daily one around its axis and its annual one around the sun—might have the same effect on oceans and other great bodies of water as the barge had on its freshwater cargo."

Gravity’s apparent attraction can be summarized by the following - gravitation is absorbed into wave packets and the inertia of the gravitons (united with far more energetic photons) carries objects towards Earth’s centre at 9.8 m/s or 32 ft/s. The mass of the oceans on Earth is estimated at nearly 1.5 billion cubic kilometres ["Ocean Volume and Depth” – Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, 10th edition 2008]. All this water is being pushed towards Earth’s centre at 32 feet per second every second. But the seafloor prevents its descent. So there is a recoil, noticeable offshore (it is only where oceans and continents meet that tides are great enough to be noticed). This recoil is larger during the spring tides seen at full and new moon because sun, Earth and moon are aligned at these times.

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The rotating Sun bulges at its equator and therefore has a larger equatorial than polar diameter, and more mass at its equator. This means more gravitation has been diverted tothat region. Planets are also made from gravity and electromagnetism interacting, and must consequently lie in the path gravity waves took from the outer solar system to the solar equator (more gravitation was diverted here - so if planets are created by gravity and electromagnetism, it follows that they'd be created where the gravitational "current" is greatest). For simplicity, we say the Sun's gravitation is strongest at its equator and planets are compelled to orbit in the ecliptic plane. The previous paragraph’s alignment of Sun, Earth and moon therefore refers to their being lined up “where the gravitational current is greatest” and more of the gravitational waves travelling from the outer solar system being captured by solar and lunar wave packets, and less of them being available on Earth to suppress oceanic recoil (there are still enough to maintain the falling-bodies rate of 32 ft/s^2). At the neap tides of 1st and 3rd quarter; the sun, earth and moon aren’t lined up but form a right angle and our planet has access to more gravity waves, which suppress oceanic recoil to a greater degree. We can imagine the sun and moon pulling earth’s water in different directions at neap tide. If variables like wind / atmospheric pressure / storms are deleted, this causes neap tides which are much lower than spring tides.

If a star only received the input of gravitational waves from deep space entering it, there would be no limit to its potential growth. Since it also radiates mass-forming gravitational waves, there is a limit to the growth. 99% of the solar system’s mass / gravity / gravitational waves are associated with our star, so the gravitational push on Earth from its sphere may be slightly greater than the push from the waves originating in deep space. In the end, our planet’s orbit would be growing slowly larger. According to “Secular Increase of Astronomical Unit from Analysis of the Major Planet Motions, and Its Interpretation” in "Celestial Mechanics & Dynamical Astronomy”, Volume 90, Issue 3-4, 2004, pp. 267-288 by Krasinsky, G.A. and Brumberg, V.A.; the distance between Sun and Earth is growing by approx. 15 centimetres per century. The two authors attribute this increase of the Astronomical Unit (AU) to dark energy which is, as noted above, a term describing the repelling force of gravity.


Imagine waves constituting a particle and its quantum spin being curved and twisted to a degree that exceeds the warping responsible for the particle's quantum spin, but is less than that responsible for dark matter. Then neither a particle of matter nor a particle of dark matter would be in existence. Since gravitational waves can create electromagnetism*, we'd have a particle whose electric charge could be the opposite of the original particle ie we could have a negative electron's antiparticle, the positive positron."

* When Einstein penned E=mc^2, he used c (c^2) to convert between energy units and mass units. The conversion number is 90,000,000,000 (light's velocity of 300,000 km/s x 300,000 km/s) which approx. equals 10^11. Gravity waves with a strength of 1 are, via quantum gravitational lensing, concentrated 10^24 times after they’re focused to form matter (to 10^25, weak nuclear force’s strength - giving the illusion that a weak nuclear force** that is not the product of gravitation exists). Waves are magnified by the matter's density to achieve electromagnetism’s strength (10^36 times gravity's strength) i.e.

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10^25 is multiplied by Einstein's conversion factor [10^11] and gives 10^36 (this gives the illusion of the existence of electric and magnetic fields that are not a product of gravitation). (The gluons that bind mesons would likewise be either products of gravitation or, like quarks, replaceable by the more fundamental 1's and 0's.) After absorption by atoms, the depleted remnant of the gravity waves is re-radiated from stars, interstellar gas and dust, etc. It’s radiated as gravitational waves (a Gravity Wave Background, challenging the idea that Cosmic Inflation was necessary to generate gravitational waves) which have lost most of their energy or strength during formation of forces (returning to a strength of 1). Since gravity can produce electromagnetism, it’s also radiated as electromagnetic waves – including an infrared background whose heat output exceeds that of the stars alone, in addition to a microwave background. The latter challenges the idea that existence of the cosmic microwave background proves the universe began with the traditional Big Bang.

** Remember, this is only one example: the so-called weak force’s strength isn’t constant and varies with distances [“The Strengths of the Known Forces” by theoretical physicist Matt Strassler [May 31, 2013] - http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/the-known-forces-of-nature/the-strength-of-the-known-forces/].

To summarize part of the article "Matter and antimatter scrutinized" by Klaus P. Jungmann (Nature 524 - 13 August 2015, pp.168-169), science is still looking for any possible, but as yet unknown, differences between particles and antiparticles. I believe gravitational "twisting" that produces matter, antimatter and dark matter as it varies in stages reaching 180° could account for these particle/antiparticle differences. The authors of "High-precision comparison of the antiproton-to-proton charge-to-mass ratio" (S. Ulmer et al, in Nature 524 13 August 2015, pp.196-199) have found no difference larger than 870 parts per billion in the way that protons and antiprotons interact with gravity. But I believe that's sufficient to explain particle / antiparticle variation. The explanation seems especially plausible in light of "Constraints on the gravitational properties of antiprotons and positrons from cyclotron-frequency measurements" by R.J. Hughes and M.H. Holzscheiter reporting on a possible gravitational anomaly acting on antimatter, expressed as alpha base g. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 66 854-857, 1991)

Explaining particle/antiparticle difference in terms of gravitational twisting also illuminates neutrinos/antineutrinos. All of the Standard Model fermions except the neutrino behave as Dirac fermions (particles that are not their own antiparticle - named after Paul Dirac, a British pioneer of quantum mechanics), but the nature of the neutrino is not settled and it may be either Dirac or Majorana (a particle identical to its antiparticle - named after Italian theoretical physicist Ettore Majorana). "Gravitational anomaly" in the antineutrino would decide the question - the neutrino must be a Dirac particle.



Death, Instinct, Birth / Science-Religion Union

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Posted November 8, 2015

Abstract -I think everything in the universe, as well as in every century, is really only one thing. So life and death can't be separate things. What we call death must really be continuation of life. If animals and humans are quantum entangled with every point in space-time, such a condition would allow animals to automatically, or instinctively, do and know things beyond their individual reasoning abilities. Think of the possibilities if this principle is applied to human consciousness. We could acquire knowledge that's presently considered unknowable! We could do things considered impossible! If only life exists, what we term "our lives" has to be continuation of a life we had prior to being born on this planet. Presumably, life before birth is identical to life after death. I think the unknowable and the impossible always exist because the knowledge we gain throughout history, and into future centuries, gradually builds into godlike abilities which transcend the barrier of time apparently only moving forwards.

Article - The entire universe, along with all of the past and present and future, appears to be becoming unified by our science into one entity/event. Consider the 19th century's union of electricity and magnetism into the one force of electromagnetism (light, and every type of radiation, are forms of this). Consider the unifying attempts of Einstein's Unified Field Theory, as well as the union of space and time into space-time, in the 20th century - and of physics' subatomic String Theory and Theory of Everything in the 21st century. A vital player in this trend is quantum mechanics, with its experimentally verified quantum entanglement that says particles can affect each other regardless of distance in space-time.

I wonder what happens when pets die. I think everything in the universe, as well as in every century, is really only one thing. This is similar to all the images and sounds in a DVD. They're all part of one DVD. So life and death can't be separate things. What we call death must really be continuation of life. It's just life in a form we can't perceive.

Of course, people must also continue life in an unknown manner when they die. That life cannot be in the familiar physical body that no longer functions. Perhaps it doesn't continue in any physical form at all. Science has known since the 19th century that neither matter nor energy can be created or destroyed, but only change form (including into each other). Maybe the energy of our minds is no longer restricted to one body and brain. Could it be free to roam anywhere and everywhere in space-time? This would give it access to unimaginable information and viewpoints.

Perhaps there is some sort of body. Partial independence from a physical body may be possible via an immaterial body designed in the far future. This necessarily involves much speculation and involves the development of an all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent human body composed of photons and gravitons, and quantum entangled with every point in space-time, for the purpose of overcoming the limits of biological bodies – or of biological bodies incorporating computer and robotic systems.


On the subject of biological bodies incorporating computer and robotic systems, here are a few

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paragraphs about band-gap implants -

Surely it’d be more convenient to travel to stars and galaxies, and through time, and achieve entangled immortality, by simply using our brain instead of relying on technology. Is this fantastic idea even remotely possible? How could we manipulate the unification and zero separation of all space-time? First, band-gap structures – then the unified field. Band-gap structures are more advanced than the Star Trek technology of replicators, transporters and starships. While these things can do what band-gap implants do, the implant technology is not external but is located solely within the brain. An even more advanced system - one that has the advantage of seeming more natural to many people – may be possible. That system would do everything band-gap implants do, but would rely solely on the entire universe and all space-time-hyperspace being a unification or unified field. Whatever anyone can think of can be done – as long as it doesn’t violate the laws of physics (and the limits of physical law won’t be understood for maybe a thousand years).

Morpho butterflies create colour by selectively adding and deleting certain wavelengths of light. Physicists have only recently devised comparable materials, called photonic band-gap crystals; and are now exploring their use in phone switches, solar cells and antennas. No surprise, then, that some engineers are looking to the living world for the next generation of optic inspirations. ("lluminated Life - Meet the true masters of optics: Animals that know a lot more about slicing, dicing, and twisting beams of light than we do” By George M. Whitesides, Felice Frankel – Discover Magazine, August 2005 issue). I believe advances in engineering and biology will enable humans, like the morpho butterfly, to selectively add and delete certain wavelengths of light. But the word “light” need not only refer to visible wavelengths. It can be extended and refer to any wavelength of the electromagnetic spectrum. Science accepts that radio, infrared, ultraviolet waves and X-rays as well as gamma radiation are all forms of light. Suppose matter acquires all its properties (including mass) by the superimposing of electromagnetic and gravitational waves (computer-generated in a 5th dimension and projected into the hologram of 3+1 dimensions which we call space-time). So the day will come when we can add or delete wavelengths of matter anywhere and anytime we choose!

I anticipate people will oneday have band-gap structures in their brains that are no bigger than a computer chip (these won’t require surgical implantation, but simply downloading, because of the pre-existing unified and digital nature of all parts of the universe). Photonic band-gap crystals would, of course, only deal with light in its photonic forms (energy forms such as visible light or radio waves). The band-gap structures I have in mind would need to deal with forms like genes, so they could add or delete anything and everything we choose. They might accomplish this by acting similarly to a modem that acts on a scale billions of times smaller than a modem manufactured by nanotechnology, and would be capable of manipulating digitised matter. Then they could emulate computers’ copy/paste function to add things; as well as their delete function, to remove things (now that’s what I call genetic engineering!) This ability must only come to fruition in a future, ideal society: it would only be wasted and abused in the present warring and selfish world!


In 1925, the Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli discovered the exclusion principle. This says two

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similar particles cannot have both the same position and velocity. If two electrons could have identical positions and velocities, they could all collapse into a roughly uniform, dense “soup”. Protons and neutrons would do the same, and there would be no well-defined atoms. So we need the exclusion principle. Force-carrying particles like photons and gravitons do not obey the exclusion principle [from 1]. So we might assume the immaterial body wouldn’t be well-defined and would collapse into a ghostly soup.

But perhaps a well-defined structure can be built if the photons are first stopped (or significantly slowed, since stopping them may destroy them [2])* before they’re collected and substituted for the body’s particles. The beginnings of this technology may be underway. [3]. Referring to reference 3, two photons end up sticking together and move forward just like a two-atom molecule.

* The universe is the things in space and time and, since General Relativity says gravitation is the warping of space-time, the universe is a giant gravity field. Gravity does not need to travel – the gravitational field already exists everywhere. Nevertheless, any disturbance (from the waving of your hand to explosion of a supernova) will send ripples called gravitational waves through the universe. Since gravity makes electromagnetism,** the universe is also a giant electromagnetic field. Electromagnetism is ubiquitous and doesn’t need to travel, but any disturbance sends out electromagnetic waves. In this way, photons in the giant electromagnetic field which aren't travelling because of disturbances might be regarded as "already stopped".

** When Einstein penned E=mc^2, he used c (c^2) to convert between energy units and mass units. The conversion number is 90,000,000,000 (light's velocity of 300,000 km/s x 300,000 km/s) which approx. equals 10^11. Gravity waves with a strength of 1 are, via quantum gravitational lensing, concentrated to 10^25 times gravity's strength, the weak nuclear force’s strength^ - giving the illusion that a weak nuclear force that is not the product of gravitation exists. Waves are magnified by the matter's density to achieve electromagnetism’s strength (10^36 times gravity's strength) i.e. 10^25 is multiplied by Einstein's conversion factor [10^11] and gives 10^36 (this gives the illusion of the existence of electric and magnetic fields that are not a product of gravitation). After absorption by atoms, the depleted remnant of the gravity waves is re-radiated from stars, interstellar gas and dust, etc. It’s radiated as gravitational waves (a Gravity Wave Background, challenging the idea that Cosmic Inflation was necessary to generate gravitational waves). These have lost most of their energy or strength during formation of forces (returning to a strength of 1). Since gravity can produce electromagnetism, it’s also radiated as electromagnetic waves – including an infrared background whose heat output exceeds that of the stars alone, in addition to a microwave background. The latter challenges the idea that existence of the cosmic microwave background proves the universe began with a Big Bang.

^ Remember, this is only one example: the so-called weak force’s strength isn’t constant and varies with distances. ("The Strengths of the Known Forces” by theoretical physicist Matt Strassler [May 31, 2013] - http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/the-known-forces-of-nature/the-strength-of-the-known-forces/)

Returning to the subject of pets - could the instincts of animals (plus the smaller number of human

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instincts) result from all things in space-time being connected as though they are part of a single DVD? Or to phrase it differently, because animals and humans are quantum entangled with every point in space-time? Such a condition would allow animals to automatically, or instinctively, do and know things beyond their individual reasoning abilities.

Think of the possibilities if this principle is applied to human consciousness. We could acquire knowledge that's presently considered unknowable! We could do things considered impossible! If everything throughout space-time makes up one thing in reality, and life is known to exist, then there can only be life. What we call death is actually continuation of life in a manner completely alien to Earth-bound people.

And what we term "our lives" has to be continuation of a life we had prior to being born on this planet. Presumably, life before birth is identical to life after death. If we learn the unknowable and do the impossible after death, our lives before birth must have been filled with the unknowable and the impossible. The profoundest knowledge, and miracles, have always existed and always will. But I don't believe life on Earth is merely to experience the viewing of life within a limited framework.

Science-Religion Union

I think the unknowable and the impossible always exist because the knowledge we gain throughout history, and into future centuries, gradually builds into godlike abilities which transcend the barrier of time apparently only moving forwards. In the TV program "Custom Universe – Finetuned For Us?” (Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Catalyst”, August 29 2013), Dr. Graham Phillips reported that "the physicist and writer Paul Davies thinks the universe is indeed fine-tuned for minds like ours. And who fine-tuned it? Not God (* author comment) but minds from the future, perhaps even our distant descendants, that have reached back through time … and selected the very laws of physics that allow for the existence of minds in the first place. Sounds bizarre, but quantum physics actually allows that kind of thing."

* "Many religions, from Hinduism to Gnostic Christianity to Mormon doctrine, teach that – as impious as it may sound – it is the goal of humans to become gods." [4] The human body and brain mightbecome immaterial and quantum entangled with all space and time (no doubt many people, even today, would call such invisible, endlessly powerful, entangled beings “supernatural”). This means eternal God and humanity of the far future are not separate in any sense but are the same thing. The “union with humans” refers to the ability of these beings to affect the past and thus have a relationship with people living in earlier times. A name used for God in the Old Testament is Elohim, which means the “plural majesty of the one god” i.e. the billions of earth’s inhabitants** entangled with, and dispersed throughout, the united infinity of the universe and eternity of time. Such entanglement suggests extrasensory perception and telekinetic independence from technology are possible (and that there is truth in practices like astrology), despite modern science’s objections which appear to be based on non-unification.

** Plus the inhabitants of countless billions of other worlds that will be colonized by humans as they explore the universe of not only the future, but also of what we call the present and of what we term the

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past. Refer to these lines in [4] -

"Or consider a story in the Jewish Talmud left out of the Book of Genesis. In the Garden (of Eden), God tells Eve and Adam that He has intentionally left the Universe unfinished. It is the responsibility of humans, over countless generations, to participate with God in a 'glorious' experiment - 'completing the Creation'."

This suggests that instead of humans colonizing the other worlds, one or more of them may have colonized Earth. Irrespective of who began life^ where - Referring to the later article "SETI and fine-tuning the laws of physics", could its unitary consciousness that pervades the universe be combined with humanity and with aliens or extraterrestrials (ETs) to produce the God Trinity (known as Brahman by Hindus)? In the Christian religion, the universal consciousness would be the Holy Spirit, humans would be the Son Jesus Christ (because both have lives on Earth), and ETs are equated with the Father who is the remainder of the Trinity. In Hinduism, ETs are the Creator Brahma while humans are Vishnu (the Preserver or Renewer who has come to Earth a number of times - as Rama, Krishna etc), and the universal consciousness would be Siva the Destroyer (by destroying, Siva makes room for the new).[5]

^ The famous French scientist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) did more than invent pasteurization, the use of heat to preserve food by killing germs in it. He disproved spontaneous generation (a theory that life could come from nonliving things like dirt) and showed that living things come only from living things. Amino acids and other molecules are obviously much more advanced than dirt, but dirt can't develop into amino acids. Any large lifeform is far more advanced than any amino acid. Logically, it must be impossible for a collection of amino acids and other molecules to spontaneously develop into a large lifeform. So ultimately, life (whether Earthly or extraterrestrial) had to originate with supremely advanced biotechnology forming a less advanced lifeform which gradually became more civilized.

There may be innumerable humanoid species living in the cosmos. But to make my point, I'll limit the number to two. If there was no such thing as time travel, species A could use biotechnology to bring species B into being. But the whole bioengineering hypothesis would fall apart because A's origin can never be explained. But if time travel to the past exists, the following is feasible and might explain A's origin - "the physicist and writer Paul Davies thinks the universe is indeed fine-tuned for minds like ours. And who fine-tuned it? Not God, but minds from the future, perhaps even our distant descendants, that have reached back through time … and selected the very laws of physics that allow for the existence of minds in the first place. Sounds bizarre, but quantum physics actually allows that kind of thing". ("Custom Universe – Finetuned For Us?”: Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Catalyst”, August 29 2013)

More References

[1] "A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking – Bantam Press, 1988, pp. 67-69

[2] "Understanding the Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy, 2nd Edition" by Professor Alex Filippenko - video from The Great Courses, 2007 (Lecture 20 - "The Wave-Particle Duality of Light" -

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says a photon is a massless particle when at rest, and would cease to exist if stopped)

[3] Palus, S. - “Turning Light into Matter - Physicists have created a device that binds photons together to form light molecules." - Thursday, March 13, 2014 (http://discovermagazine.com/2014/april/6-how-to-make-light-matter)

[4] "Pale Blue Dot – A Vision of the Human Future in Space” by Carl Sagan - Headline Book (1995, p. 382)

[5] "Hindus" by George Noel Mayhew - The World Book Encyclopedia, 1967


Relativity and imaginary time

November 7, 2015

Abstract -This article takes the form of 3 "microarticles". They are 1) Relativity says science overvalues experiments, 2) Time dilation to co-moving and non-comoving observers and 3) EXPLORING VENUS, MARS, ETC BY ENTANGLING THEM WITH EARTH. Each microarticle was originally written to stand alone, but I decided they should be combined into one article.

Everybody (even including Nobel-winning physicists) seems to have a preference for experiment instead of theory. This reminds me of a movie I saw about Alexander the Great. Aristotle (played by Christopher Plummer) was teaching the young Alexander and said Greeks use their minds while other races rely on their senses, and what they can see and hear etc. While science acknowledges the importance of theory and mind, it appears to be following Aristotle's "other races" when it declares that observation and experiment always have the last word.

This is justified by saying the ancient Greeks made mistakes because they didn't always rely enough on mathematics and experiment. However, it's well known that experimenters make mistakes too - from the days of Galileo to the recent experiments with faster-than-light neutrinos, and with the cosmic microwave background. This article hopes to plant a seed that will grow into a science which doesn't automatically assume observation and experiment must always have the last word.

The entire universe, along with all of the past and present and future, appears to be becoming unified by our science into one entity/event. Consider the 19th century's union of electricity and magnetism into the one force of electromagnetism (light, and every type of radiation, are forms of this). Consider the unifying attempts of Einstein's Unified Field Theory, as well as the union of space and time into space-time, in the 20th century - and of physics' subatomic String Theory and Theory of Everything in the 21st century. A vital player in this trend is quantum mechanics, with its experimentally verified quantum entanglement that says particles can affect each other regardless of distance in space-time.

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The way things are going, the mathematics used on Earth will end up being revised. After all, it's based on the limited perceptions of our senses and the idea that a virtually unlimited set of separate observations and experiments can be made ie it says 1+1=2. But if absolutely everything is actually a single thing/event, 1+1 will have no choice but to equal 1.*

* 1+1 equalling 1 may sound like a trick. See the article "Mathematics" by Howard W. Eves - "The World Book Encyclopedia" by Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, 1967. This states:

"Suppose that b=a(1) Multiply by a, then ab=a².(2) Subtract b², then ab-b²=a²-b².(3) Factor, then b(a-b)=(a+b)(a-b)(4) Divide by (a-b), then b=a+b(5) Substitute a for b, then a=a+a(6) a=2a(7) Divide by a, then 1=2."

These processes appear to agree with principles in algebra. But (a-b) in the third and fourth steps is equal to zero, because b=a. We'd normally say the conclusion is wrong since division by zero is not permitted. However, read this book's article "DEFINING DIVISION BY ZERO (MAKING IT NOT JUST POSSIBLE, BUT ESSENTIAL) AND RELATING ZERO TO INFINITY". Dividing by zero is now permitted (indeed, it's indispensable) and 1 equals 2. It's true that 1+1=2 and also true that 1+1=1. The equation used merely depends on our perspective and which equation is more useful at a particular moment. See this book's "Superconductivity,magnetars and a paradigm shift" as well as Professor Hawking's comments on real and imaginary time ("A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking - Bantam Press 1988, p. 139).

Article -Part 1 -Relativity says science overvalues experiments

Abstract -Regarding the question of length contraction in Special Relativity - Einstein wrote in 1911 that " it doesn't 'really' exist for a co-moving observer; though it 'really' exists for a non-comoving observer" (I suggest that means it really exists according to experiments performed by scientists). This would apply to the mass increase also predicted by the Special Relativity Theory. So particles both do and don't undergo mass increase. A mechanism is proposed that, in the case of an electron having no mass increase, means the increase would take the form of radioactive atoms possessing a larger number of neutrons than protons. The process is described without quarks; but with a more basic quantum process that says space and all particles are, ultimately, composed of virtual particles and binary digits and mathematics (including quarks, if they exist). The end suggests an explanation for the quantum entanglement of particles over light years, and might even challenge inflation's idea that the uniformity in the cosmos means particles in the universe must have once been in physical contact.

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Microarticle -Regarding the question of length contraction in Special Relativity - Einstein wrote in 1911 that "It doesn't 'really' exist, in so far as it doesn't exist for a co-moving observer; though it 'really' exists, i.e. in such a way that it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer."[1] This would apply to the mass increase also predicted by the Special Relativity Theory i.e. in atoms with high atomic number and high nuclear charge, orbiting electrons that attain velocities corresponding to a considerable fraction of the speed of light[2] both do and don't undergo mass increase.

Mass increase really exists and could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer (by experiments performed by scientists). In this case, Relativity's implications for the properties of atoms would cause some inner orbitals to contract and, in turn, other orbitals to expand. This would account for gold's yellow colour and mercury being liquid at room temperature[2].

At the same time, mass increase doesn’t really exist for a co-moving observer i.e. a scientist moving along with an electron would see the particle’s energy content remain identical (there’d be no mass increase), and wouldn’t see or detect any change in the energy levels of the electron orbits (they wouldn’t contract or expand).

Maybe photons and gravitons are ultimately composed of disturbances in a field that are analogous to the pulses of energy used in electronics (hence the term "gravitational energy"). These disturbances produce the bits (binary digits) of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc. (because the universe appears to be fundamentally mathematical[3]). Matter particles [and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles] are given mass by the energies of electromagnetic and gravitational waves interacting in matter particles’ “wave packets" (interaction within this term from quantum mechanics conceivably explains wave-particle duality). The interaction of photons and gravitons would produce extra mass[4] and, in the case of an electron having no mass increase, the increase would take the form of a neutron (explanation follows).

Gravitational lensing is a prediction of General Relativity that massive galaxies can bend the light from more distant objects and focus that light. It’s been observed. The mass of already-existing particles might use quantum-scale gravitational lensing to focus the atom’s virtual particles into photons and gravitons that produce neutrons. This destabilizes the balance between forces in the atomic nucleus and can lead to a radioactive atom of lawrencium-257 which possesses 103 protons and a significantly larger number of neutrons (154).

Detailed models of decay normally point to transformation of quarks within nucleons (protons and neutrons). But it’s always good to have alternatives to choose from.

"It is certainly possible that some alien beings ... would make the same experimental observations that we do, but describe them without quarks."[5]

So I’m going to turn into that book’s alien being and describe observations without quarks, but with a more basic quantum process that says space and all particles are, ultimately, composed of virtual

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particles and bits and maths (including quarks, if they exist).

Bits can potentially go far beyond unification of many pixels (the smallest elements of a screen's graphic image) into one image. They could unify everything in space and in time into one entity and one event. This offers an explanation for the quantum entanglement of particles over light years, and might even challenge inflation's idea that the uniformity in the cosmos means particles in the universe must have once been in physical contact.


[1] Einstein, Albert [1911]. "Zum Ehrenfestschen Paradoxon. Eine Bemerkungzu V. Variĉaks Aufsatz". Physikalische Zeitschrift 12: 509–510

[2] "Lawrencium bridges a knowledge gap” by Andreas Türler - Nature 520, 166–167 (09 April 2015) doi:10.1038/520166a

[3] “Our Mathematical Universe” by Max Tegmark – Random House/Knopf, January 2014

[4] A. Einstein, “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin.

[5] Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow – “The Grand Design” – Bantam Press, 2010, p. 49

Part 2 -Time dilation to co-moving and non-comoving observers

My previous microarticle deals with Special Relativity's length contraction and mass increase. Something should be said regarding the theory's 3rd prediction, time dilation.


The space we live in is described by ordinary [or “real”] numbers which, when multiplied by themselves, result in positive numbers e.g. 2 x 2 = 4, and -2 x -2 also equals 4. Inverted positive space becomes negative hyperspace which is described by so-called imaginary numbers that give negative results when multiplied by themselves e.g. i multiplied by itself gives -1. Space exists in an indissoluble union with time known as space-time. So imaginary numbers were naturally also applied to time, creating an entity called imaginary time.

Imaginary time is a concept derived from special relativity and quantum mechanics. Physicists use a mathematical technique called Wick rotation - named after Italian theoretical physicist Gian Carlo Wick (1909-1992) – to transfer solutions from the 2 dimensional planes and 3 dimensional geometry of Euclidean space to the 4 dimensions (3 of space, 1 of time) of Minkowski space.

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Geometrically, imaginary numbers are found on the vertical axis of the Complex Number Plane, allowing them to be presented perpendicular to the real axis. One way of viewing imaginary numbers is to consider a standard number line, positively increasing in magnitude to the right, and negatively increasing in magnitude to the left. At 0 on this x-axis (the so-called ‘real’ axis), a y-axis (the so-called imaginary axis) can be drawn with "positive" direction going up -"positive" imaginary numbers then increase in magnitude upwards, and "negative" imaginary numbers increase in magnitude downwards.

"This has an interesting effect on space-time: the distinction between time and space disappears completely" (1).

"In real time, the universe has a beginning and an end at singularities that form a boundary to space-time and at which the laws of science break down. But in imaginary time, there are no singularities or boundaries. So maybe what we call imaginary time is really more basic, and what we call real is just an idea that we invent to help us describe what we think the universe is like" (2).

If there are no singularities in imaginary time, can that statement relate to physics? Or is it purely mathematical, in which case it would reinforce the idea that the universe began with a singularity and a Big Bang? If there's a real axis of time united into one entity with an imaginary-time axis, both times* would be interacting parts of the universe. This could result in a hybrid universe that has a singularity within its nature, but did not originate in a Big Bang - see scenario in panel below.

* Itzhak Bars of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles believes there isn't just one dimension of time, but two. He says, "one whole dimension of time and another of space have until now gone entirely unnoticed by us".(“Are we missing a dimension of time?” By Roger Highfield, 10 Oct 2007, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/large-hadron-collider/3309999/Are-we-missing-a-dimension-of-time.html


What is needed is a fantastically tiny model of the whole universe - one that humans could easily manipulate.

This model could be truly infinitesimal - a singularity (for those interested, proposed details are in my article "Binary Digits and Topology Create Hybrid Big-Bang/Steady-State Universe Unified as One Qubit" at http://vixra.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=591) - and projection of bits (the binary digits of 1 and 0) could create the universe, perhaps being unified into a single qubit by the deletion of distance (between virtual particles, and thus between 1's and 0's) spoken of in Part 3's microarticle. In this way, we'd have a totally new understanding of the concept of the universe's origin. Our present ideas of the big bang would be mistaken. The cosmos would be more like a Steady State in which projection of bits (projection is reminiscent of today's theory of a Holographic Universe) IS the

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arrangement of virtual particles known as gravitons. The arrangement causes new space to displace old space^ as it proceeds, which inevitably means space expands. If the universe is a projection from an infinitesimal qubit, everything used to be in contact and is now quantum entangled (wherever and whenever it is).

^ The first generation of stars formed after the currently-accepted Big Bang are called population III stars, and they are "metal free" (don't contain elements heavier than hydrogen, helium and lithium). There is now strong evidence that such stars no longer exist only in theory, but have been observed in the "early" Universe's galaxy CR7 ("Primordial stars brought to light" by Bethan James - Nature 526, 1 October 2015, 46-47). Why do these stars exist if there was no Big Bang? As virtual particles form new space, old space is displaced and new galaxies form in the new space. Since hydrogen makes up approximately 74% of the universe, and helium 23-25%, new stars could be metal-free population III stars. It has been predicted that galaxies containing population III stars might also have formed at later times in low-density regions of the universe (Stiavelli, M. & Trenti, M. Astrophys. J. 716, L190–L194 [2010]).


So a computer using the vertical axis of imaginary time* can perform calculations at the familiar rate of time's passing while the horizontal axis of "real" time sees absolutely no change (no time passes in the normal sense). Such "imaginary computers" or "hyper-computers" would possibly be the ultimate breakthrough in Information Technology.

* Also referred to as negative time and the 6th-dimensional hypertime associated with 5th-dimensional hyperspace (which may be occupied with what we call dark matter).


The relativistic slowing of time cannot occur on the x-axis of real time but is necessarily on the y-axis where its rate of passing can vary. Everything known exists on the x-axis since we're moving along with real time ie we're co-movers with it. And according to (3), co-movers don't experience length contraction or, by extension of Special Relativity, mass increase and time dilation.

The slowing of time only occurs to non-comovers ie someone or something on the y-axis of imaginary time. According to Einstein's letter explaining length contraction, it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means (by experiments performed by scientists) to people in a different frame of reference - in this case, to a comoving observer like you or me.

Time dilation caused by the extreme concentration of gravitational waves in a massive body such as a black hole demonstrates, by means of the laws of physics, this prediction of relativity to time's co-moving observers. And the Global Positioning Satellites with their high-precision atomic clocks that compensate for relativity-driven time differences between orbit and the ground are equivalent to a scientific experiment.

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Besides computers performing infinite calculations in literally no time, imaginary time provides interstellar and intergalactic travel that's literally instant. Since space and time are united into space-time, instant travel to the remotest regions of the universe must be equivalent to instant travel to areas light could only reach by traversing positive or negative space for centuries or even many billions of years ie to the future and past, respectively.

References not included in text

(1) “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking - Bantam Press, 1988, p. 134

(2) “A Brief History of Time” by Stephen Hawking - Bantam Press, 1988, p. 139

(3) Einstein, Albert [1911]. "Zum Ehrenfestschen Paradoxon. Eine Bemerkungzu V. Variĉaks Aufsatz". Physikalische Zeitschrift 12: 509–510


Being in 2 places at once is not a subject exclusive to quantum physics. It can also be related to so-called imaginary numbers/imaginary time and electrical engineering.

A 2009 electrical-engineering experiment at America's Yale University, together with the ideas of Albert Einstein, tells us how we could travel to other stars and galaxies in literally no time. Electrical engineer Hong Tang and his team at Yale demonstrated that, on silicon-chip and transistor scales, light can attract and repel itself like electric charges or magnets [“Tunable bipolar optical interactions between guided lightwaves” by Mo Li, W. H. P. Pernice & H. X. Tang - Nature Photonics 3, 464 - 468 (2009)]. This is the “optical force". For 30 years until his death in 1955, Einstein worked on his Unified Field Theory with the aim of uniting electromagnetism (light is one form of this) and gravitation.

Achievement of this^ means the microscopic components (gravitons) of warps of space (gravity, according to General Relativity) between spaceships and stars could mimic the Optical Effect and be attracted together, thereby totally eliminating distance (this is similar to traversing a wormhole, or shortcut, between two folds in space-time). Distance is not only deleted in space. There would no longer be any “distance” in time. Just as we can journey to particular stars, we could take trips to particular years in the past or future. Instantly traversing 700 light years in space enables a spaceship to arrive at a spot which a light beam could only reach by travelling through space-time for 7 centuries, putting the ship 7 centuries in the future.

This paragraph refers to "Dark Matter and Travel into the Past" (http://vixra.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=554) -

Entering hyperspace with its negatives (energy, matter, distance, time) permits travel to the past since it would be impossible to travel 700 lightyears there, and only possible to travel minus 700 lightyears. Doing so instantly would enable a spaceship to arrive at a spot in the past which a light beam could

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only reach by traversing negative distance and negative time for 7 centuries. Though negative distance or time is totally alien to us, it must exist as surely as positive distance or time if the universe is mathematical.

^ Deleting external and internal distance between photons and gravitons allows them to exist simultaneously i.e. in “quantum superposition”. This unites electromagnetism with gravitation.

The subject of imaginary time is being discussed, and space-time is a unity that’s united with another unity called hyperspace-hypertime. So in preference to saying warps of space are attracted together to eliminate distance, the focus can be placed on the temporal aspect - and we travel at 90 degrees to time as it’s known. See my article "New Way of Developing Information Technology and Imaginary Time for the Purpose of Building the Universe" and its subsection "Are Hypertime and Imaginary Time the Same Thing?" at http://vixra.org/abs/1503.0169

Movement forwards through hypertime is always in the “up” direction and, whether the trip is a relatively short one to Mars or one of countless billions of light years, absolutely no motion occurs in ordinary time’s horizontal direction (Relativity’s time dilation ^ implies time might be stopped, making travel instant). And the journey is thus instant. Another way of viewing this phenomenon would be to say the object (though macroscopic) is in 2 places at once. So we can produce the effect of faster-than-light travel for both matter and information, without engaging in actual faster-than-light travel (that is impossible).

^ Special Relativity shows that time slows down for anything moving, but this is only noticeable at significant fractions of the speed of light.

The macroscopic object is in 2 places at once* as a result of manipulations based on the electrical-engineering experiment at Yale University. Similarly, lasers and displacement put a quantum particle (or calcium ion) in 2 places simultaneously. Whether the object is macroscopic or quantum, only one of it actually exists because the deletion of distance spoken of unites every particle in the universe (or anywhere in time - plus hyperspace and negative time) into a single entity.

Borrowing from the term "unified field", this unified entity explains quantum entanglement and what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance" (in time, in space, on Earth). And now to borrow from "What's Real?" (http://vixra.freeforums.org/what-s-real-t565.html) which proposes that the universe is composed of virtual particles generating the binary digits 1 and 0. Eliminating digital distance superposes all the 1's and 0's, forming a cosmos that is one qubit. 20th-century physicist Richard Feynman once wondered if the universe contained just one electron (I think it's the unifying entity of one qubit).


Using Yale University’s 2009 electrical-engineering experiment and physics’ concept of imaginary time, it was seen earlier in this article that travel can be instant. An instantaneous journey puts an

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object, e.g. a spaceship, in two or more places at once (the start and end of its trip occur simultaneously).

Departure from Earth orbit and arrival in Mars or Pluto orbit can occur at the same time; avoiding cosmic and solar radiation, as well as muscle and bone weakening, resulting from extended space travel. Maybe the extremely high temperatures associated with planets like Venus and Mercury, or the extremely high pressures of Venus and Jupiter, can be overcome (balanced) by a spaceship simultaneously existing in the extreme coldness and near-vacuum of multiple regions of space near Earth while experiencing temperatures and pressures of opposite nature at other planets.

With a planet like Saturn, the lack of a solid surface and lack of oxygen might possibly be compensated for by explorers simultaneously being entangled with Earth. The cold is potentially compensated for by an "instant trip" from Earth to Saturn that includes not a gravitational slingshot but an "entanglement slingshot" through a region sufficiently close to the Sun.

And if "Binary Digits and Topology Create Hybrid Big-Bang/Steady-State Universe Unified as One Qubit" (http://vixra.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=591) is correct, the qubit means everything in time as well as space is unified into one event. Space and time are, as first proposed by mathematician Hermann Minkowski early last century, united into spacetime. It's then feasible to not only investigate different cities, planets and galaxies simultaneously. Different days, years and centuries (in the past, present and future) can be experienced at the same time.

All this sounds incredibly weird! But free yourself from immersion in this limited reality, and give your mind the chance to deliberate these ideas (perhaps for decades). Like me, you may find that they make sense. We should not believe the human, and cosmic, condition cannot be fundamentally different from what we know simply because we'd prefer what we know - or what we think we know - to be all there is.



Cataracts, Alzheimer's and Golgi apparatus

Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:43 pm

A pamphlet issued by RANZCO (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists) says cataracts in the eyes are a result of ageing. This is true but surely it's possible to be more specific.

Maybe the affliction can be traced all the way back to uncorrected mutations in DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid). The proteins manufactured from the defective DNA would also be defective, possibly clumping together and becoming more tightly packed. In the eye, this leads to the lens becoming cloudy and preventing light from being clearly focused on the retina ie to cataracts.

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Even if the DNA is healthy, cataracts could originate with defects of the cell's Golgi apparatus. The Golgi organelle wraps and despatches, or packages, proteins which are made by the ribosomes on the cell's endoplasmic reticulum. With ageing, proteins aren't folded correctly by Golgi bodies. This makes them stick together and, in the lens of the eye, reduce transparency to form a cataract.

Cataracts can be related to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Incorrectly folded proteins can also result in insoluble plaques of amyloid-beta protein forming between neurons and causing Alzheimer's disease ("Alzheimer’s Disease: The Challenge of the Second Century"* by Holtzman, D. M., Morris, J. C. & Goate, A. M. Sci. Transl. Med. 3, 77sr1 [2011]).

* The term Second Century is used because the disease was first described in 1906, by German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915). The current theory of involvement of an inheritable factor in certain forms could be in agreement with the damaged DNA mentioned above.


Superconductivity, magnetars and a paradigm shift

Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:08 pm

Abstract -

A simplified (wavefunction) approach to superconductivity that unifies the Zeeman, Stark and Meissner effects with mass genesis; and, via Magnetars, contributes to spectrum analysis. Also includes a paradigm shift that is inevitable for humanity. A side-effect of this shift is that it reconciles science with philosophy and religion.

Article -

Splitting gravity

Space-time's gravitational field may be composed of gravitational waves, if Albert Einstein's theories are correct. These waves may be called quadrupole because they vibrate in 4 directions: up-down, side-to-side, forwards, and in time (the progress of the first 3 motions). The next paragraph describes what happens when a gravitational wave is split into a dipole electromagnetic wave which, if viewed in a snapshot of space (as stationary), only vibrates in two directions: the up-down of one component, and the side-to-side of its other component (the components are electrical and magnetic).

When Einstein penned E=mc^2, he used c (c^2) to convert between energy units and mass units. The conversion number is 90,000,000,000 (light's velocity of 300,000 km/s x 300,000 km/s) which approx. equals 10^11. Gravity waves with a strength of 1 are, via quantum gravitational lensing, concentrated to 10^25 times gravity's strength, the weak nuclear force’s strength* - giving the illusion that a weak nuclear force that is not the product of gravitation exists. Waves are magnified by the matter's density to achieve electromagnetism’s strength (10^36 times gravity's strength) i.e. 10^25 is multiplied by

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Einstein's conversion factor [10^11] and gives 10^36 (this gives the illusion of the existence of electric and magnetic fields that are not a product of gravitation). After absorption by atoms, the depleted remnant of the gravity waves is re-radiated from stars, interstellar gas and dust, etc. It’s radiated as gravitational waves (a Gravity Wave Background, challenging the idea that Cosmic Inflation was necessary to generate gravitational waves). These have lost most of their energy or strength during formation of forces (returning to a strength of 1). Since gravity can produce electromagnetism, it’s also radiated as electromagnetic waves – including an infrared background whose heat output exceeds that of the stars alone, in addition to a microwave background. The latter challenges the idea that existence of the cosmic microwave background proves the universe began with a Big Bang.

* Remember, this is only one example: the so-called weak force’s strength isn’t constant and varies with distances. (more info at "The Strengths of the Known Forces” by theoretical physicist Matt Strassler [May 31, 2013] - http://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/the-known-forces-of-nature/the-strength-of-the-known-forces/)

Splitting electromagnetism

This dipole wave can have its electrical part compressed, through eg introduction of copper-containing compounds called cuprates or use of hydrogen sulfide (speaking of molecules as well as waves refers to quantum mechanics' wave-particle duality). If electrical compression sufficiently eliminates the amplitudes (crests and troughs of a wave), a superconductor that operates at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure has been manufactured. This is the result of the electric component no longer following a long, curved path in Euclidean geometry. Its path is now linear and follows the shortest distance between two points (any resistance would, like a rock in a stream causing water to flow around it, lengthen the distance and mean the compound is not a perfect superconductor).

Think of the electromagnetic wave relativistically. In General Relativity, the simple analogy of space-time being regarded as a rubber sheet is commonly used. Instead of resorting to complex and lengthy relativistic mathematics, we can simply picture an electromagnetic wave as made of rubber. Compressing the electric component will force the magnetic component to bulge outwards ie there will be no magnetic field within the superconductor, only an external magnetic field (the Meissner effect).

An externally-applied magnetic field also conforms to the bulging outwards and is expelled from within the superconductor.

Mass genesis

In space, the energy of gravitational waves combines with the energy of electromagnetic waves to make mass.* String theory says everything's composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate. Replacing the word "strings" with "bits" (from biNARY DIGIts - 1's and 0's); translation of fluctuating, 1-D bits into the universe's matter could be via photons of electromagnetic waves and gravitons of gravitational waves being disturbances in electromagnetic and gravitational fields.^ These disturbances are known as virtual particles and are equivalent to energy pulses that produce the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc. (Photons large enough to register on today's scientific detectors are not

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called virtual, but real). Matter particles [and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles] are given mass by the energy of photons and gravitons interacting in "wave packets” (interaction within this term from quantum mechanics results in wave-particle duality).

* A. Einstein, “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle?” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin.

^ Humanity of the distant future could generate these fields. In the TV program "Custom Universe – Finetuned For Us?”: Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s “Catalyst”, August 29 2013), Dr. Graham Phillips reports that "the physicist and writer Paul Davies thinks the universe is indeed fine-tuned for minds like ours. And who fine-tuned it? Not God, but minds from the future, perhaps even our distant descendants, that have reached back through time … and selected the very laws of physics that allow for the existence of minds in the first place. Sounds bizarre, but quantum physics actually allows that kind of thing."(For a possible method of "reaching back through time", see my article "Dark Matter and Travel into the Past" at http://vixra.freeforums.org/post1207.html#p1207)

Zeeman, stark, meissner and magnetars

The electromagnetic waves are present in molecules. Similar to the way electric and magnetic components are split in the Meissner effect, application of an external electric or magnetic field splits the lines representing these molecules in the spectrum of a celestial object like a star - respectively, these are the Stark and Zeeman effects. To use the example of the Zeeman effect -

In our Milky Way galaxy's Westerlund 1 star cluster, there's a magnetar - neutron star with an extremely strong magnetic field - whose progenitor was a star about 40 times the mass of the Sun. This behemoth should have collapsed to form a black hole, not a magnetar. The answer to this puzzle seems to lie with a companion star called Westerlund 1-5 that is now escaping the cluster. Mass was transferred from the magnetar progenitor to Westerlund 1-5, allowing its companion to shrink to a size that allowed a magnetar to be born instead of a black hole. (info from a study published in the May 2014 issue of "Astronomy & Astrophysics")

An electromagnetic wave consists of a varying electric field and a varying magnetic field, at right angles to each other. Suppose Westerlund 1’s magnetar happens to have its magnetic field aligned with the plane of the gravitational waves from deep space. Then the gravitational waves would compress the magnetic waves and give the magnetar an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Since the distance between the Zeeman line-splits is a function of the magnetic field, this effect can be used to measure the magnetic field e.g. that of the Sun and other stars or in laboratory plasmas. And the influence of magnetars' extreme magnetic fields in splitting spectral lines could cause different components of a line to appear in widely separated parts of a spectrum. Unless this circumstance is recognized, spectral analysis would suffer greatly and errors would insert themselves into spectroscopic

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studies of composition, redshift, temperature, density, mass, distance.

Paradigm shift

Remember, the concept of separation - as in "interior" or "exterior", or as used in any other way - is used only for convenience. The whole cosmos and all time seem to be united into one thing and one event. See my articles like "To TOE or not to TOE" (http://vixra.freeforums.org/to-toe-or-not-to-toe-t631.html) and "Binary Digits and Topology Create Hybrid Big-Bang/Steady-State Universe Unified as One Qubit" (http://vixra.freeforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=591)

We can think of interior and exterior, or of apparent separation, as the viewing of a hologram from different directions. A hologram has movement and colour changes when you tilt it in various ways. Space-time reveals discrete objects, insides and outsides when viewed from different viewpoints. Even the term "different directions/viewpoints" is misleading. The directions/viewpoints cannot be physically distinct if all is one. They must relate merely to mindset ... to paradigm.

History is filled exclusively with the paradigm of viewing everything in space-time as composed of the multitude of distinct objects revealed to the senses (from the subatomic, through the everyday scales, to the astronomic). But when senses become secondary to the mind's reasoning; photons, humans and galaxies - as well as past, present and future - are united into one thing and one event. If anybody ever hurts another being in any way, they're actually hurting themself.

I guess this union of everything throughout space and time is why statements made by Jesus Christ during the Sermon on the Mount do, in fact, work. Statements like "Seek, and you shall find" (eg knowledge); or "Love your enemies"; and the Golden Rule that you should treat others the way you want to be treated.


Mental Illness and Quantum-Mechanical Distance Healing

Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:03 pm

Abstract -Here's something for us all to think about - is mental illness really mental illness? Perhaps it is and isn't at the same time. Using Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity and Unified Field, the article will explain.

Consider the 19th century's union of electricity and magnetism into the one force of electromagnetism (light, and every type of radiation, are forms of this). Consider the unifying attempts of Einstein's Unified Field Theory in the 20th century, and of physics' subatomic String Theory and Theory of Everything in the 21st century. The trend of discoveries in physics is towards unification of the whole universe, and all time, into one thing ... one event. A vital player in this trend is quantum mechanics, with its experimentally verified quantum entanglement that says particles can affect each other

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regardless of distance in space-time.

It's reasonable to think a Theory of Everything will one day go far beyond mathematics to unify physical reality, and far beyond subatomic particles to unify matter on the human and astronomical scales.

Article -Here's something for us all to think about - is mental illness really mental illness? Perhaps it is and isn't at the same time. Let me explain -

In 1911 Vladimir Varićak asserted that length contraction is real according to Lorentz, while it is apparent or subjective according to Einstein [1]. Einstein replied that Varicak "unjustifiably stated a difference of Lorentz’s view and that of mine concerning the physical facts. The question as to whether length contraction really exists or not is misleading. It doesn’t 'really' exist, in so far as it doesn’t exist for a comoving observer; though it 'really' exists, i.e. in such a way that it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a non-comoving observer." [2]

The trend of discoveries in physics is towards unification of the whole universe, and all time, into one thing ... one event. Start with 19th century scientist James Clerk Maxwell uniting electricity and magnetism into electromagnetism. Then consider Albert Einstein's attempt in the 20th century to unite electromagnetism with gravitation and produce a Unified Field Theory. Lastly, think of modern physics' dream to unite everything into the TOE (Theory of Everything). One day, the Unified Field or TOE will be successfully achieved and it might extend far beyond the wildest hopes of today's science.

Just suppose that what we call mental illness results from insights into the unification, with the insights producing inability - to a greater or lesser degree - to cope with what society deems normal everyday activity. For example - look at the conditions listed in "In the blink of an I" by Douwe Draaisma (Nature journal - 6 August 2015). (This article is a review of the book "The Man Who Wasn't There" by Anil Ananthaswamy - Dutton, 2015.)

An epileptic seizure originating in the brain's temporal lobe and giving an ecstatic feeling of oneness with the world might be a link to the true nature of reality: an insight into the unification of space-time that is unfortunately accompanied by a change in brain waves that is not compatible with normal activity. The loss of self in Alzheimer's, and scrambling of self in schizophrenia, could similarly result from insight into universal unification in which the self has no existence separate from anything or any other self. Regrettably, the knowledge of the schizophrenia or Alzheimer's patient has come too soon - before they can understand it, or integrate it into their life. Their psychology and social lives are ruined - their hormones and biochemistry are upset. As for autism, how can anyone easily intuit the mental states of others when torn between society's belief that there is no other way and reality telling them only one mind can ever exist when all time and the entire universe are unified.

Someone living in the far future would have incorporated unification into the daily life they lead as a seemingly distinct individual. Returning to the early paragraph about Einstein explaining length contraction - they could therefore be seen as a co-moving observer with unification, and mental illness

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could not really exist in their eyes. There would be a different evaluation of what we term illness. Not just mental, but also physical disease or injury, must necessarily be viewed alternatively if every mind and body is part of one thing and one event, and can never possess the separateness our unreliable senses attribute to them.

This different evaluation and alternative view relate to the process being more holistic. In today's medicine, PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) is interaction of a person's psychology, neurology and immunology ie of the mind, nervous system and immune system. PNI can be regarded as a more holistic approach than any one of its 3 components. Similarly, the non-separateness of minds and bodies represents an even more holistic quantum-mechanical approach in which healing can be conducted without consideration of distance (neither space's light-years nor time's centuries are impenetrable barriers).

Einstein always maintained that quantum mechanics (QM), though not incorrect, is incomplete. He famously called its ideas "spooky action at a distance" and would likewise have denied medicine's potential to heal at a distance. However, the decades since his death have repeatedly seen quantum mechanics confirmed experimentally. While our understanding of QM may indeed be incomplete, I like to think that Einstein in his afterlife has decided that '"spooky action at a distance" is possible after all ... and so is distance healing.

To a non-comoving observer (such as someone living today, who has not seen unification verified), mental and physical illness truly exist - that is, in such a way that they could be demonstrated in principle by physical means (like, in the early 21st century, a test in a hospital or an experiment in a lab).


[1] Miller, A.I. [1981], “Varičak and Einstein”, Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity. Emergence (1905) and early interpretation [1905–1911], Reading: Addison– Wesley, pp. 249–253.

[2] Einstein, Albert [1911]. “Zum Ehrenfestschen Paradoxon. Eine Bemerkung zu V. Variĉaks Aufsatz”. Physikalische Zeitschrift 12: 509–510


Bold and Beautiful Transgenders

August 7 2015 at 10:49 PM Is it reasonable to ask if a transgender person in the early 21st century has actually become a member of the opposite sex? I think society regards asking this as a lack of compassion. Nevertheless, I'm curious about the science. Most transgenders are born male and decide to become female - so i'll talk about those.

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It's certainly true that a male who takes estrogen and antiandrogens for years will have his thoughts and feelings feminized. And this, along with surgeries, can make him look feminine. But at the risk of unintentionally upsetting all the transgender people out there, I wonder what would happen if they mailed some of their body's cells to a lab for genetic testing. Surely the test must reveal that they still have the genes of a male. If they didn't, they could throw away their estrogen.

It seems to be impossible to fully transition with today's limited medical technology. In future decades, medical technology will doubtless become capable of changing the genes in every cell. This will allow males to choose a female genetic profile, and for lab tests to conclude they're female.

Science of the 22nd century might even allow a future transgirl to travel back into the past and get born as a girl* - as long as her birth didn't change the number of female births known for the desired location and period of time. (See "Dark Matter and Travel into the Past" - http://vixra.freeforums.org/post1207.html#p1207)

* Only time will tell if this idea works in practice. Start with stem cells - the totipotent variety, which have the potential to develop into all the cells and tissues of a foetus.

"When a sperm cell and an egg cell unite, they form a one-celled fertilized egg. This cell is totipotent, meaning it has the potential to give rise to any and all human cells, such as brain, liver, blood or heart cells." ("Stem Cell Classification" - http://biomed.brown.edu/Courses/BI108/BI108_2002_Groups/pancstems/stemcell/stemcellsclassversatility.htm)

A totipotent cell can develop into the entire body. Maybe a genetically engineered totipotent cell (with female chromosomes in this case) could be produced^ from a male's body and implanted in a past/present uterus or future artificial womb. Such implantation depends on future capabilities to transmit matter and information through space and/or time [see this book's previous references to the 2009 experiment at America's Yale University, as well as the bandgap references in "The Universe in Another Nutshell" (http://vixra.org/abs/1312.0195) and"Time Trek" (https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=rSbFC5aYzf4)].

^ Artificial gametes (sperm and egg cells made in a medical lab) are gametes derived from stem cells. They may be a reproductive technique for same-sex couples. ("Artificial gametes: new paths to parenthood?" [PDF]. Journal of Medical Ethics 31: 184–186. http://m.jme.bmj.com/content/31/3/184.full) When combined, the artificial sperm and artificial ovum form a totipotent zygote (fertilized cell).


exo-Jupiter and the Kuiper Belt

Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:21 pm

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According to "Pluto: Up Close and Personal" by S. Alan Stern ("Astronomy" - July 2015), some of the Kuiper Belt objects orbiting beyond Neptune have densities that point to mostly icy interiors, while others have densities so high they essentially must be all rock. The degree of diversity in the Kuiper Belt) was, and remains to this day, surprising.

This diversity might be explained by thinking of Jupiter's proposed migration inwards toward the Sun during the early years of the solar system.

The following "Grand Tack" model was proposed by an international team in a Nature paper posted on June 5, 2011 -

As Jupiter moved away from the sun (because of Saturn's influence), the planet nudged the asteroid belt back inward and into its familiar location between the modern orbits of Mars and Jupiter. And because Jupiter travelled much farther out than it had been before, it reached the region of space where icy objects are found. The massive planet deflected some of these icy objects toward the sun and into the asteroid belt.The end result is that the asteroid belt has rocky objects from the inner solar system and icy objects from the outer solar system (more info at http://www.nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/young-jupiter.html) Could the outer solar system have encountered a celestial body thousands of years ago which mixed icy and rocky bodies in the Kuiper Belt in the same way that Jupiter mixed icy and rocky bodies in the asteroid belt?

Scholz’s Star and its companion brown dwarf likely passed within the outer reaches of the Sun ’s Oort Cloud 70,000 years ago (and are now 20 light years away), but scientists don’t believe the encounter would have sent comets shooting into the solar system.(More info at http://www.astronomy.com/magazine/ask-astro/2015/06/rogue-star)

If this star had practically no effect on the Oort Cloud, it could never have exerted the substantial effect of mixing rocks and ice in the far more distant (from its point of view) Kuiper Belt. So a different celestial body must be responsible. Could it be an undiscovered Planet X that takes thousands of years to orbit our star; and possibly accounts for perturbations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune that little Pluto, and its Kuiper companions, apparently can't? Or perhaps a wandering planet ejected from another stellar system (an exo-Jupiter)?

ExoJupiter may have been rocky (not a gas giant) or may have had moons. Migration towards our Sun would then result in collisions which could tilt Uranus on its side, give Neptune's moon Triton a retrograde orbit (possibly even transfer Triton to Neptune from exoJupiter), and deposit rocky material into the icy Kuiper Belt.


Sunspots, SOHO and the Little Ice Age

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Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:52 pm

Sunspots form because the sun's equator rotates more quickly than its poles. Being “frozen” into its gases, the magnetic field lines of the sun stretch, twist, are drawn out into loops and erupt through the sun's surface, forming sunspots. Recent observations from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory [SOHO] using sound waves traveling below the Sun's photosphere [local helioseismology] have been used to develop a three-dimensional image of the internal structure below sunspots; these observations show that there is a powerful downdraft underneath each sunspot, forming a rotating vortex that concentrates the magnetic field.

The intense magnetism under the spots prevents heat from rising to the surface and radiating into space because magnetic fields restrict the motion of charged particles - see the subheading "Interaction of a magnetic field with a charge" (http://www.britannica.com/science/electromagnetism). If we assume (only until the next paragraph is read) that photons form charged electrons and protons when they interact^ with gravity in wave packets*, the Maunder Minimum of observations of extremely low sunspot activity from 1645 to 1715 (named after the solar astronomer Edward Maunder [1851-1928]) could actually be attributed to a period of intense, but hidden, sunspot activity.

^ It's possible that the gravitons of gravitational waves and photons of electromagnetic waves could be quantum energy pulses called virtual particles that generate the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc (because the cosmos seems to be fundamentally mathematical - see "Our Mathematical Universe" by Max Tegmark: Random House/Knopf, January 2014). Matter particles (and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles) could receive their mass by gravitons/photons interacting in “wave packets” (explaining wave-particle duality). See “Speilen Gravitationfelder in Aufbau der Elementarteilchen eine Wesentliche Rolle” (Do gravitational fields play an essential role in the structure of elementary particles?), Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Prussian Academy of Sciences), (Math. Phys.), 349-356 (1919) Berlin.

* When Einstein penned E=mc^2, he used c (c^2) to convert between energy units and mass units. The conversion number is 90,000,000,000 (light's velocity of 300,000 km/s x 300,000 km/s) which approx. equals 10^11. Gravity waves with a strength of 10^1 are focused to form matter then, via quantum gravitational lensing, concentrated 10^24 times (to 10^25, weak nuclear force’s strength - giving the illusion that a weak nuclear force that is not the product of gravitation exists). Waves are magnified by the matter's density to achieve electromagnetism’s strength (10^36 times gravity's strength) i.e. 10^25 is multiplied by Einstein's conversion factor [10^11] and gives 10^36 (as well as the electric and magnetic fields of particles). After absorption by atoms, the depleted remnant of the gravity waves is re-radiated from stars, planets, interstellar gas and dust, etc. It’s radiated as gravitational waves (a Gravity Wave Background, challenging the idea that Cosmic Inflation was necessary to generate gravitational waves) which have lost most of their energy or strength during formation of forces (returning to a strength of 10^1). Since gravity can produce electromagnetism, it’s also radiated as low-energy electromagnetic waves – possibly an infrared background whose heat output exceeds that of the stars alone, in addition to a microwave background. The latter challenges the idea that existence of the

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cosmic microwave background proves the universe began with a Big Bang.

Why "a period of intense, but hidden, sunspot activity"? Because a great number of decoupled sunspot vortices (rotating magnetic field lines that remain within the sun) would stop the Earth receiving as much warmth from the Sun. The Maunder Minimum coincided with the middle – and coldest part – of the Little Ice Age during which Europe and North America and perhaps much of the rest of the world saw glaciers advance and rivers freeze; even the Baltic Sea froze over. The Maunder Minimum would be termed a period of minimum activity because the sunspots (technically, their increased number of vortices) would not have been visible. The distorted magnetic loops don't have to break through the sun's surface or photosphere but can remain within, forming a rotating vortex that concentrates field lines and can create intense, heat-trapping magnetism.

According to the above, SOHO’s observations support the idea that gravitation and electromagnetism are “trapped” in matter/mass-forming wave packets.


Organoids and PNI

Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:04 pm

Testing cancer drugs on organoids (3D cultures of cancerous cells that better represent the composition of a tumour in the body than cancer-cell lines) does not mimic the body's response to a tumour precisely. Taking a holistic view which believes the whole body and mind must be involved: this is because of PNI (psychoneuroimmunology) - interaction of a person's psychology with her or his nervous and immune systems.

The mind stimulates the brain which affects the immune response. In those cases of inexplicable recovery from advanced cancer which many oncologists have encountered, the patient's immune system (and ultimately, something about the nervous system and psychology) must be responsible.

This something about the nervous system and psychology might be related to Neil Armstrong's calmness in dangerous situations (see the TV program "Neil Armstrong: First Man On The Moon" - July 12, 2015, 8:30 pm on Australian channel SBS One). It might also be related to physicist Stephen Hawking's belief that his survival against the odds (he was diagnosed with ALS, motor neuron disease, in the early 1960's and given two years to live) must have something to do with his commitment to science (BBC1 documentary in which Dara O Briain interviews the famous scientist in early 2015).


Cholesterol-lowering drugs alter the pathway to arteriosclerosis

June 1 2015 at 9:33 AM

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"The interior surfaces of the heart and blood vessels are covered with endothelial cells, which reduce friction. When the blood becomes turbulent, endothelial cells divide much faster than normal. The division creates gaps in the coating of the vessel, allowing platelets and cholesterol to attach and form rough patches, and plaque begins to form." ["Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Volume 1” by Raymond A Serway, John W Jewett - Wadsworth Publishing Co Inc, 2011, p.499]

This degeneration is arteriosclerosis, with the rough patches causing blood clots. With increasing age, the liver produces more and more cholesterol in an effort to keep the cells lining the blood vessels in an elastic state* (culminating in excessive, and potentially dangerous, levels of cholesterol that could block arteries).

* A textbook employed worldwide [“Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology" (Tenth Edition) by Elaine N. Marieb - Pearson Education Limited 2014, p.80] says "the cholesterol helps keep the cell membrane fluid".

Lowering cholesterol reduces attachment of this lipid to the vessel. But it doesn’t affect other arteriosclerotic causative factors like platelets, endothelial cells and blood flow. Also - reduction of cholesterol, and fluidity, in cell membranes would increase friction between vessel walls and passing blood plasma/cells, eventually leading to rough patches and degeneration of vessels. Therefore; cholesterol-lowering drugs may alter the pathway to, but do not cure or prevent, arteriosclerosis.


SETI (astronomy's Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) and fine-tuning the laws of physics / Relativity means Evolution must adapt

Sat May 16, 2015 5:46 pm

In his 1944 book "What is Life?", physicist Erwin Schrödinger speculated on the possibility of individual consciousness being a manifestation of a unitary consciousness that pervades the universe.

Is SETI unnecessarily limiting itself by only searching for intelligence within physical lifeforms? Does consciousness pervade all of space? (and all of its inseparable companion, time) Time can never be separate from space, and appears to be merely the motions of the particles in space. Two forms can exist (real and imaginary time) because the universe possesses a mathematical foundation of positive and negative space (which include things like pos. distance/mass plus neg. distance/mass).

If consciousness fills space-time, it could explain physicist Paul Davies' idea that "the universe is fine-tuned for life by minds from the future - perhaps by our own distant descendants - that have reached back through time and selected the necessary fine-tuning of the laws of physics."

Relativity means Evolution must adapt - even though Einstein told us space and time are curved and warped, we insist on limiting ourselves to a purely straight-line concept of time. Such a concept means Darwinian evolution is the only possible explanation for the origin of species (unless you believe in

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God). But to stick to science - Einstein's nonlinear time allows evolution to be restricted to adaptations and relatively minor modifications within species. Their origin is plausibly explained by human biotechnology from centuries in the future finding its way into the distant past. In a biological sense, the Theory of Evolution certainly explains adaptations and modifications. But believing it also explains origins is unwarranted extrapolation. That takes an idea which accounts for some parts of life and, since it’s the only scientific explanation we currently have, assumes it accounts for all parts of life.

The basic outline for a different perspective on the Theory of Evolution has been described in this article. When contemplating the theory of evolution, many people assume evolution belongs exclusively to the biological sciences. I maintain complete comprehension also requires physics. Without a conviction that time travel is possible, I’d have to totally agree with the evolutionary concepts Charles Darwin proposed. But since I have no doubt that time doesn’t exclusively operate in a straight line, I can propose a different origin of species – though all the species subsequently undergo adaptations throughout the centuries. In 1870, Alfred Russel Wallace (one of Darwin’s major “disciples” and the man who is often reported to have independently reached the same conclusions about evolution that Darwin did) suddenly converted to spiritualism. “Darwin’s Armada” by Iain McCalman (Simon and Schuster, 2009) - pp. 361 to 362 states that Wallace surmised that "man must have been programmed for civilisation by some higher intelligence" (more details at “The Limits of Natural Selection as applied to Man” by Alfred Russel Wallace, Contributions to the Theory, p.359). Assuming Wallace’s “higher intelligence” happens because, as this book puts it, “eternal God and humanity of the far future are not separate in any sense but are the same thing”, I wonder what Wallace (as well as Darwin and his other disciples) would think of this article if they were on Earth today.

To see more details about how consciousness could indeed pervade the universe, go to "What is Consciousness?" (http://vixra.org/abs/1502.0129)


Are cosmic rays the result of redshifting in supernovas?

Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:00 pm

The word "redshift" comes from displacement of lines in the spectrum of light from stars. A star moving away from the observer will have its spectral lines shifted towards the red (lower-frequency) end of the spectrum, while a star moving towards the observer has its lines shifted nearer the blue end (the light is blueshifted). Redshifting light itself (its photons, instead of its spectral lines) stretches its wavelength out and turns it into infrared rays, then microwaves, then radio waves of ever-decreasing energy. Blueshifting the photons of visible light compresses the light’s wavelength and makes it become ultraviolet light, then X-rays, then gamma rays, possibly culminating in EECRs (extreme-energy cosmic rays, which can have energies exceeding 10^20 eV or 100 billion billion electron volts). Though cosmic rays consist of protons and electrons and ions, wave-particle duality means electromagnetic waves (like gamma rays) exhibit particle-like properties, and can become cosmic rays.

Blueshifting of light might be caused by the extreme energies of a massive star collapsing to form a

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supernova. In 2013, scientists discovered that cosmic rays - charged particles travelling near the speed of light - get their energy by travelling back and forth over the edges of supernova remnants ["Solving the mystery of Cosmic Rays" by Angela Olinto - Astronomy magazine, April 2014]. Blueshifts could result in EECRs and the acquisition of energy by cosmic rays would actually be negative acquisition, or depletion of energy. As ultra-high-energy cosmic rays travel back and forth over the edges of supernova remnants, they might lose energy. The constant collisions with other particles make them slow down and become “ordinary” cosmic rays i.e. the wave-particle duality of ultra-high-energy rays is redshifted and they become ordinary cosmic rays. Energies could decrease from the most energetic ray ever detected - 3x10^20 eV by the Fly’s Eye detector in Utah, USA (in 1991) – to a “mere” 10^7 or 10^8 eV.


What Is Consciousness?

March 5, 2015

Abstract –What is the difference between the mind and the brain? The brain is thought to be roughly three pounds of physical material but nobody seems to have adequately defined what the mind is. I’ve recently read interesting thoughts by mathematical physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff; as well as by 20th-century Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli, Austrian theoretical physicist Erwin Schrodinger, Discover Magazine’s writer Shannon Palus and philosopher / neuroscientist Eddy Nahmias. I’d like to weave these thoughts together (with a few of my own) to hopefully find a satisfactory definition of mind. In the article’s Highlights, this proposed definition obeys fractal geometry and proceeds from universe-pervading consciousness to the mind of an immaterial body and brain (events outside the attention of the conscious mind are, by definition, in the unconscious). The large-scale of the cosmos and small-scale of humans or organelles in cells (or atoms in the inanimate) are united, so the definition could also proceed in reverse. That approach will be taken now. If the reader thinks those paragraphs dealing with space-time, engineering and maths have departed from the mind / brain topic; I point out that it’s included as an extension of my “elimination of distance” argument and is intended to further demonstrate the validity of this article's unusual ideas. Also, I’m convinced absolutely everything is intricately related. To understand anything completely, it should be incorporated into the “big picture” of the entire cosmos and all time.

Most doctors today are convinced the true nature of mind will eventually be discovered simply by continued study of the brain. From my point of view, this won’t happen. We need to sacrifice the reductionist, conservative beliefs that have served us so well to this point. A holistic, imaginative approach seems to be necessary to find out what the mind is. An approach where consciousness isn’t even limited to the body, but embraces the whole universe and all time.


•The universe and brain are ultimately composed of base 2 mathematics.

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•This means consciousness is not limited to the brain but pervades the universe.

•Mind is neither reducible to, nor distinct from, the workings of our brain.

•Another view is that mind deletes distance between brains and space-time.

•Learning is potentially unlimited – extending to remotest times and entire cosmos.

•Fractals - see next paragraph - repeat cosmos on small scales (immaterial human bodies=infinite learning).

MANDELBROT SET: Mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot developed this fractal geometry, and coined the word fractal in 1975 (a fractal is a shape such that, if you look at a small piece of the shape, then it looks the same as the original, just on a smaller scale – it is used in computer art to illustrate coastlines, mountain ranges, etc). The diminishing size of spheres may be seen as representing cosmic, galactic, human, quantum scales. Since the universe as a whole has no beginning or end, how can any small piece of that universe (such as a human life) have a beginning or end? Certainly, parts of the universe appear to cease to exist e.g. individual stars can become supernovas. But think of time as a “cosmic DVD” with all of the past and future always existing. The present is considered to be only the extremely tiny portion of the disk illuminated by the “cosmic laser” (where the consciousness is focused). Then the DVD can be rewound (fast backwarded) and the star will once more be fusing hydrogen into helium. Left to its own devices, our Sun will leave this Main Sequence of converting hydrogen into helium in approximately 5 billion years. It will become a red giant star then a white dwarf, then spend trillions of years cooling into a black dwarf, unless technology of the remote future periodically "rewinds" the Sun and makes it shine forever.

Mandelbrot set (source = https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mandelbrot_set_2500px.png)

This fast-backwarding could conceivably be achieved by what Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev has conjectured to be a Type II civilization, capable of utilizing the entire power of their sun [”Physics of the Impossible” by Michio Kaku – Penguin Books, 2008, pp.145-147]. A Type III civilization – 10 billion times more powerful – could utilize the power of an entire galaxy, and might be able to engage in creation of subuniverses. This could certainly be done by what I consider a plausible addition – a Type IV civilization, who could manipulate infinity and eternity (the universe as a whole). A Type I civilization, that can use all the power of their home planet, is 10 billion times LESS powerful than the Type II civilization that controls their sun. As for us, Earth only qualifies as Type 0 and Prof. Kaku rightly says we’d be as interesting as an ant hill (except for entomologists, who love ant hills). Establishing colonies throughout space and time would prevent overpopulation. With all our future instant intergalactic and time travel, these colonies – which will develop into civilization Types I, II, III and IV - throughout space and time would be composed of what we'd call aliens or extraterrestrials.

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I may be wrong but I think they'd be our descendants (our descendants could only exist before us if time is not exclusively linear). With all our colonizing due to future instant intergalactic travel and time travel to the past and future, there are an unlimited number of civilizations out there (always have been, and always will be). I’ve heard it said that angels rejoiced at the creation of the Earth. I don’t think this necessarily has a religious meaning. I suspect it indicates a deep-seated (even totally unconscious) belief in every mind, ancient or modern, that Earth really is important … that we’re not just an insignificant rock orbiting an average star. Maybe life on Earth is the starting point for development of the magnificent Universe this essay speaks of … and for extraterrestrial life that descends from us, wherever and whenever it may be found.

Content -

Mathematical physicist Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff have argued that consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in microtubules [1] (microscopic proteins involved in maintaining the structure of the cell). I’d like to suggest a definition of consciousness that’s also quantum mechanical (because it relies on the subatomic fluctuations of the 1’s and 0’s used in electronics) but replaces microtubules with the idea that 2015 (e.g.) is not the only time that exists. Every period in the past and future can exist right now – we only need to think of time as a DVD, in which moving between different points takes us to points in what we call the past, present or future. 1’s and 0’s (see first paragraph of the subheading “Here’s how distance and separation might be deleted, producing a unitary consciousness”) correspond to the 1’s and 0’s of the pits and land (or pits and bumps) of a DVD. All of the “cosmic” DVD always exists even though a very limited set of sights, sounds and gravity effects can be detected at any point during its playing. This idea agrees with science that space and time are not separate things e.g. looking millions of light years into space with a telescope naturally means we’re looking millions of years into the past.

The quantum (subatomic) part of my idea:

Partial independence from a physical body may be possible via an immaterial body designed in the far future. This necessarily involves much speculation and involves the development of an all-powerful, all-knowing, omnipresent human body composed of photons and gravitons, and quantum entangled with every point in space-time, for the purpose of overcoming the limits of biological bodies – or biological bodies incorporating computer and robotic systems.

In 1925, the Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli discovered the exclusion principle. [2] This says two similar particles cannot have both the same position and velocity. If two electrons could have identical positions and velocities, they could all collapse into a roughly uniform, dense “soup”. Protons and neutrons would do the same, and there would be no well-defined atoms. So we need the exclusion principle. Force-carrying particles like photons and gravitons do not obey the exclusion principle so we might assume the immaterial body wouldn’t be well-defined and would collapse into a ghostly soup. But perhaps a well-defined structure can be built if the photons are first stopped before they’re collected and substituted for the body’s particles. The beginnings of this technology may be underway. [3]

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Possible consequences from the “DVD” part of my idea -

Could the ghostly immaterial body described above be what we call the soul if it travels into the past (or our present) and is absorbed into a physical body? (It might be what the Bhagavad Gita* refers to as the Supersoul, and might be quantum entangled with all space and all time. And if the physical brain is receptive to this so-called entangled soul’s knowledge of everything in space and time, the presently accepted limits to acquiring knowledge would, to quote Einstein [4], be “superfluous”).

* Probably written about 2,000 years ago; this writing is perhaps the greatest philosophical expression of Hinduism.

Returning to consciousness –

Philosopher and neuroscientist Eddy Nahmias says explanation of consciousness will require a theory to explain how our minds are neither reducible to, nor distinct from, the workings of our brain. [5]

The firing of neurons in the physical brain would produce a mind not distinct from that brain. But there would be another thing to consider - an immaterial body duplicating the physical body would possess an immaterial brain, whose workings also have an input into the nature of our minds. Therefore, our mind cannot be reduced to the functions of the physical brain (which, as far as we presently know, is the only brain we have).

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” [6]

I’d take this advice even if your name isn’t Horatio. Science is the quest for truth, not merely the things we can see and touch (or even things our experiments can detect). Is it scientific to close our minds to the possibility that there’s more to each of us than meets the eye? If entangled with everything in space-time, the immaterial brain would be omnipresent and immortal.

Mind and brain in Schrodinger’s “unitary consciousness”

There’s still more to the story of how our minds are neither reducible to, nor distinct from, the workings of our brain. If there is no separation within or between space and time (no distance), the universe would obviously be filled with human intelligence, personality and consciousness. Erwin Schrodinger (1887-1961), the Austrian theoretical physicist who achieved fame for his contributions to quantum mechanics and received the Nobel prize in 1933, had a lifelong interest in the Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism and this influenced Schrodinger’s speculations about the possibility of individual consciousness being only a manifestation of a unitary consciousness pervading the universe. [7]

Here’s how distance and separation might be deleted, producing a unitary consciousness (though consciousness can never come into being without the brain, it is not limited to the brain but pervades the universe and all time) –

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The gravitons of gravitational waves and photons of electromagnetic waves could be ultimately composed of the binary digits of 1 and 0 encoding pi, e, √2 etc (because the cosmos seems to be fundamentally mathematical). Matter particles (and even bosons like the Higgs, W and Z particles) could receive their mass by gravitons/photons interacting in “wave packets” (explaining wave-particle duality).

I think E=mc^2 [8] supports this idea of deleting distance –

Representing the masslessness of photons by 0 (zero) and replacing the m (mass in Einstein’s famous equation relating energy, mass and the speed of light) with the masslessness results in E=0*c^2 i.e. E=0. Having reduced the equation to nothing but E, m=0 and c^2=0 which means m=c^2. At first glance, m=c^2 seems to be saying mass exists at light speed. But the absence of E refers to there being no interaction of light energy and gravitational energy, and therefore no mass. If mass cannot be produced, there must be no space-time/gravity and space=0, time=0 and gravity=0. The zeroness of space-time/gravity does not mean they don’t exist. It means we can appear to relocate matter and information superluminally, or travel into the past and future, because distance is eliminated in both space and time.

Deleting distance in a mathematical sense is good but a mechanism that deletes it in a physical sense is vital - A 2009 electrical engineering experiment at America’s Yale University [9], together with the ideas of Albert Einstein, tells us how we could travel to orbits around stars in other galaxies in literally no time. Electrical engineer Hong Tang and his team at Yale demonstrated that, on silicon-chip and transistor scales, light can attract and repel itself like electric charges or magnets. This is the “optical force”. For 30 years until his death in 1955, Einstein worked on his Unified Field Theory with the aim of uniting electromagnetism (light is one form of this) and gravitation. Achievement of this^ means the microscopic components (gravitons) of warps of space (gravity, according to General Relativity) between spaceships and stars could mimic the Optical Effect and be attracted together, thereby totally eliminating distance (this is similar to traversing a wormhole, or shortcut, between two folds in space-time).

If the existence of matter requires constant refreshing^^ by gravitational input, collisions are avoided because gravity between the spaceship and its destination would, during the timeless period of the ship’s passage, be unable to function normally and refresh matter. Distance is not only deleted in space. There would no longer be any “distance” in time. Just as we can journey to particular stars, we could take trips to particular years in the past or future. (If capable of literally unlimited learning, the brain would already do what the Optical Force can do i.e. delete distance. By itself, the physical brain we see and touch cannot do this. It must be assisted in its acquisition of knowledge, and remote control of space-time, by the quantum-entangled immaterial brain.)

^ There’s no problem with 0 referring to masslessness and also referring to deletion of distance. If interaction of photons and gravitons produces mass, removing all external photon-graviton distances as well as internal distances* means there cannot be interaction of those no-longer-separate particles and no mass exists (as well, electromagnetism is unified with gravitation, as Einstein believed).

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^^ “Refresh” is borrowed from the world of computers, where it refers to updating the display on a screen. Refreshing matter derives from the universe being composed of binary digits and means any material’s existence is renewed many times a second (as many as electronics of the distant future will permit).

* Deleting internal distance between 1’s and 0’s permits the bits (binary digits) to become the qubits of quantum computers [10], which exist as both a 0 and 1 simultaneously i.e. in “quantum superposition”. This appears to support the idea of the mathematical universe operating via maths’ base 2 system (the binary digits of 1 and 0). If the cosmos is made of 1’s and 0’s, the implication is that human intelligence is nothing more than AI or artificial intelligence. It’s only our egos that make us believe our minds are somehow fundamentally different from the computers we use (or more than an advanced form of the AI responsible for photosynthesis in plants).

String theory says everything’s composed of tiny, one-dimensional strings that vibrate as clockwise, standing, and counterclockwise currents. [11] We can visualize tiny, one dimensional binary digits of 1 and 0 (base 2 mathematics) forming currents in a two-dimensional program called a Mobius loop – or in 2 Mobius loops, clockwise currents in one loop combining with counterclockwise currents in the other to form a standing current. Combination of the 2 loops’ currents requires connection of the two as a four-dimensional figure-8 Klein bottle. This connection can be made with the infinitely-long irrational and transcendental numbers that produce an infinite number of bottles, one of which is our 13.8 billion year old observable universe.

Gaps or irregularities between subuniverses shaped like figure-8 Klein bottles are “filled in” by binary digits in the same way that computer drawings can extrapolate a small patch of blue sky to make a sky that’s blue from horizon to horizon. The infinite numbers make the cosmos as a whole physically infinite, the union of space and time makes it eternal, and it’s in a static or steady state because it’s already infinite and has no room for expansion. Also, the existence of one infinite and eternal universe leaves no room for the most popular version of the multiverse (collection of universes, each having different laws of physics).

But there could be a multiverse in the sense of the one universe being a collection of “sub”universes sharing the same laws.


[1] Hameroff, S.R., and Watt, R.C. (1982) - “Information processing in microtubules” - Journal of Theoretical Biology 98 (4): 549–561. doi:10.1016/0022-5193(82)90137-0

[2] Hawking, S. W. – “A Brief History of Time” – Bantam Press, 1988, pp. 68-69

[3] Palus, S. - “Turning Light into Matter - Physicists have created a device that binds photons together to form “light molecules.” - Thursday, March 13, 2014(http://discovermagazine.com/2014/april/6-how-to-make-light-matter)

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[4] Einstein, A. - “Famous Quotes” in Essay Competition conducted by Bhagavad Gita As It Is - http://bgasitisessay.com.au/famous-quotes.html)

[5] Nahmias, E. - “Why we have free will” (“Scientific American”, January 2015)

[6] Shakespeare, W. - “Hamlet”, Act 1, Scene 5

[7] Schrodinger, E. – “What Is Life?” – Cambridge University Press, 1944

[8] Einstein, A. (1905) - “Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?” (“Does the inertia of an object depend upon its energy content?” - Annalen der Physik 18 (13): 639-643

[9] “Tunable bipolar optical interactions between guided lightwaves” by Mo Li, W. H. P. Pernice & H. X. Tang - Nature Photonics 3, 464 - 468 (2009)

[10] University of Bristol > School of Physics > Simulator(http://www.bristol.ac.uk/physics/research/quantum/qcloud/simulator/)

[11] "Workings of the Universe” by Time-Life Books – 1991

***************************************Superman and Quantum Entanglement

Sat May 24, 2014 7:03 pm

I enjoyed Seth Shostak's article "Searching for Smart Life around Small Stars" (Astronomy Magazine - Feb. 2014). (And the people at Astronomy enjoyed this response of mine.) But Dr. Shostak made one glaring omission. There was no mention of the red star orbited by the home planet of Superman (real name Kal-El). This star is normally classed as a red giant but has also been referred to as a red dwarf. Continuing the paradox, it has been located a mere 50 light years away and at a more distant 2.5 million light years (in the Andromeda galaxy). Obviously, it's a quantum-mechanical star whose indeterminate size and position reveals that quantum mechanics doesn't operate only on subatomic scales but also at cosmic scales.

The inverse-square law states that the force between two particles becomes infinite if the distance of separation between them goes to zero. Remembering that gravitation (associated with particles) partly depends on the distance between their centres, the distance of separation only goes to zero when those particles’ centres occupy the same space-time coordinates (not merely when the particles ’ or objects’ sides are touching i.e. infinity equals the total elimination of distance, both in space and time). The infinite cosmos could possess this absence of distance in space and time via the electronic mechanism of binary digits (making it as malleable as any image on a computer screen). To distinguish this definition from “the universe going on and on forever”, we can call it “electronic infinity or e infinity”.

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With all distances deleted, the cosmos has become infinite (it has shrunk infinitely beyond quantum-size to become purely mathematical). The “pairing up” of particles by e-infinity i.e. by the electronic binary digits of 1 and 0 means this: quantum effects are not distinct from macroscopic events, and become apparent on a large (even astronomical) scale. This permits a “distant” event to instantly affect another (exemplified by the quantum entanglement of particles separated by light years), or permits effects to influence seemingly separate causes (exemplified by the retrocausality or backward causality promoted by Israeli physicist Yakir Aharonov and others).

This explains why Kal-El didn't travel through space for either 50 or 2.5 million years before arriving on Earth. It also shows that Unified Field Theory is correct because it unites science and science-fiction into a unique view of the universe. In the concluding words of Seth's article, it's "an argument for thinking outside our own box".



January 7, 2014

Abstract –

In 1964, Paul McCartney wrote “Yesterday”, which has been called the best song of the 20th century and the No. 1 pop song of all time. The song was originally recorded by the Beatles for their 1965 album “Help!” Paul has said that, after he wrote it, he felt as though the song already existed. This is perhaps the most famous example in modern times of the “déjà vu” we’ve all experienced at some time. No doubt, it’s also closely related to the dreams and inexplicable inspirations that have aided the work of musicians, scientists and inventors throughout the centuries (and continues in the present). Did Albert Einstein explain this phenomenon when he told us that space-time is warped?

Content -

I've had to conclude that Yesterday did exist already. But it was never somebody else's song. It was the result of a time warp ... and came to the Paul of the 1960s from a time after he had written it (maybe hours or a day, maybe years or decades).

All time might be like a DVD (since physicists speak of the union of space-time, all space - and everything in it - is naturally part of the DVD too). All of the DVD always exists even though only a very limited set of sights and sounds can be perceived at any point during its playing. Similarly, everything always exists even though we can't physically perceive every one of those things at any particular time. Science’s Law of Conservation has known since the 19th century that neither matter nor energy can ever be destroyed or created - they only change form. Suppose nothing in any time can be destroyed (it only changes form at a different point on the DVD). Then in different parts of the cosmic DVD; people are forever being born, forever taking their first step (are they in perpetual motion

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in an eternal present?), forever resting in peace, and "Yesterday" has always existed.

I believe English physicist Julian Barbour has the same understanding of time which that last sentence speaks of (“From Here to Eternity” by Tim Folger | Friday, December 01, 2000 – from the December 2000 issue of Discover Magazine - http://discovermagazine.com/2000/dec/20-cover#.Usa9NNIW2bs).

And in the liner notes of his final album (“Brainwashed”, released the year after his death in 2001), fellow Beatle George Harrison included words from Hindu scripture (the Bhagavad Gita). The words state "there never was a time when you or I did not exist. Nor will there be any future when we shall cease to be."

And in the 1970 song "Instant Karma!", John Lennon (another Beatle) wrote the words

"Why on earth are you there When you're everywhere?"

(In the words of this article: Why are you seemingly limited to one tiny segment of the Cosmic DVDWhen you’re quantum entangled with the cosmos and occupy the disk's entirety?)

John knew how to be much briefer than me, but at least "DVD" rhymes with "entirety".

How could the time travel loved by theoretical physicists come to pass without this "cosmic DVD"?

PS Can Paul take a leaf out of The Rocky Horror Show's book, and do the Time Warp again?
