Clinicians' Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils€¦ · hemp are 2 strains of the same plant, C sat-iva, with marijuana being cultivated over the years for its THC content and hemp

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Page 1: Clinicians' Guide to Cannabidiol and Hemp Oils€¦ · hemp are 2 strains of the same plant, C sat-iva, with marijuana being cultivated over the years for its THC content and hemp


From the CreightonUniversity School of Medi-cine, Omaha, NE (H.J.V.); andDivision of General InternalMedicine (K.F.M.), Section ofIntegrative Medicine andHealth (B.A.B.), Mayo Clinic,Rochester, MN.


Clinicians’ Guide to Cannabidiol andHemp Oils

Harrison J. VanDolah, BA; Brent A. Bauer, MD; and Karen F. Mauck, MD


Cannabidiol (CBD) oils are low tetrahydrocannabinol products derived from Cannabis sativa that havebecome very popular over the past few years. Patients report relief for a variety of conditions,particularly pain, without the intoxicating adverse effects of medical marijuana. In June 2018, the firstCBD-based drug, Epidiolex, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treatment ofrare, severe epilepsy, further putting the spotlight on CBD and hemp oils. There is a growing body ofpreclinical and clinical evidence to support use of CBD oils for many conditions, suggesting itspotential role as another option for treating challenging chronic pain or opioid addiction. Care must betaken when directing patients toward CBD products because there is little regulation, and studies havefound inaccurate labeling of CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol quantities. This article provides anoverview of the scientific work on cannabinoids, CBD, and hemp oil and the distinction betweenmarijuana, hemp, and the different components of CBD and hemp oil products. We summarize thecurrent legal status of CBD and hemp oils in the United States and provide a guide to identifyinghigher-quality products so that clinicians can advise their patients on the safest and most evidence-based formulations. This review is based on a PubMed search using the terms CBD, cannabidiol,hemp oil, and medical marijuana. Articles were screened for relevance, and those with the mostup-to-date information were selected for inclusion.ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND

license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) n Mayo Clin Proc. 2019;94(9):1840-1851

O ne of the biggest challenges facinghealth care today is combattingopioid abuse, with medical and

nonmedical overuse of opioids exacting ahuge toll on society in recent years.1

Although there has been a larger focus onreducing opioid prescriptions and prevent-ing nonmedical use of opioids, there is anincreasing interest in finding more treatmentoptions for patients in pain,2 and the diversefield of integrative medicine has been findingan increasing role in this area.3,4 One prom-ising area has been use of the plant Cannabissativa, both in medical marijuana as well ashemp and cannabidiol (CBD) oils, withsome evidence that access to medical mari-juana is correlated with a decrease in opioiduse, although there has been controversyabout the risks and benefits of encouragingpoorly regulated medical use of a knownsubstance of abuse.5,6 Cannabidiol andhemp oils have become especially popular

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2019;edings.org n ª 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Re

under the CC BY-NC-N

because of their low tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) levels, resulting in attributed medicalbenefits without the “high” of marijuana.7

However, clinicians have concerns aboutwhether these treatment options are legal,safe, and effective and are largely unfamiliarwith these products.8,9 Therefore, we pro-vide an overview of the scientific work oncannabinoids, CBD, and hemp oil and clarifythe distinction between marijuana, hemp,and the different components of CBD andhemp oil products so that clinicians may beable to direct their patients to the safestand most evidence-based products.

Cannabis sativa has long been utilized byhuman populations across the world for itstherapeutic properties, from pain relief totreatment of epilepsy.10 Marijuana andhemp are 2 strains of the same plant, C sat-iva, with marijuana being cultivated over theyears for its THC content and hemp for itsmyriad other uses including paper, clothing,

94(9):1840-1851 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2019.01.003search. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access articleD license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

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d Cannabidiol (CBD) is a nonintoxicating compound extractedfrom Cannabis sativa plants that has gained popularity for med-ical uses ranging from epilepsy to pain control and addictiontreatment because of its differing mechanism of action frommarijuana and its safety profile.

d Although important preclinical and pilot human studies havesuggested a potential role for CBD in numerous clinical situa-tions, thorough clinical studies have only been performed onintractable epilepsy syndromes for which Epidiolex, a CBD drug,was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use.

d The legal landscape of CBD remains complex because ofdiffering state and federal laws giving access to medical hempand marijuana products.

d The CBD and hemp oil product market remains a concerningone because of noted variability in CBD and tetrahydrocan-nabinol levels in products, as well as lack of regulation in pro-duction and distribution.

d Although CBD and hemp oils remain an unproven therapeuticoption, physicians should remain open to the possible futurerole these products may play in the management of a variety ofdifficult to treat diseases, in particular pain and addictiontreatment in the context of the opioid crisis.


and food.11 Despite considerable sociopoliti-cal obstacles, scientific understanding of Csativa has progressed substantially in thepast 30 years as the many active ingredientsof the C sativa strains were isolated and ma-jor discoveries were made regarding thebody’s own endogenous cannabinoids andthe endocannabinoid system (ECS).12

THE ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEMIt is now known that the ECS is globallyinvolved in maintaining homeostasis in thebody, connecting all of the body’s organsand systems.13 The ECS has been implicatedin a variety of disease states and importantregulatory functions, from chronic inflamma-tory conditions and regulation of immune ho-meostasis in the gut to anxiety andmigraines.14-17 Although the body has itsown endogenous cannabinoids, most notablyanandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol,plant-derived cannabinoids (phytocannabi-noids) have been researched as potential ther-apeutic options in a variety of areas because oftheir modulation of the ECS.18-20 Figure 1summarizes the basic molecular biology ofthe ECS, as well as some of the moleculareffects of phytocannabinoids.

PHYTOCANNABINOIDSAlthough the body contains its extensiveECS that works through endogenous cannabi-noids, many plant-derived cannabinoids havebeen discovered that act on the ECS as well.The first ones were discovered in the contextof C sativa research, with more than 80 phyto-cannabinoid compounds being discovered inthe marijuana plant alone.21 Phytocannabi-noids and other important C sativa compo-nents such as terpenoids have now also beendocumented in a variety of other plants andfoodstuffs, such as carrots, cloves, black pep-per, ginseng, and Echinacea.22,23 The mostnotable and well-understood phytocannabi-noids are THC and CBD, the most commonphytocannabinoids in marijuana and hempstrains, respectively.21 Tetrahydrocannabinolhas been noted to work mostly through theCB1 receptor as an agonist, leading to itswell-known intoxicating effects.24 Cannabi-diol, on the other hand, has been found

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2019;94(9):1840-1851 n https://doi.owww.mayoclinicproceedings.org

to work through a variety of complex pharma-cological actions, such as inhibition ofendocannabinoid reuptake, transient receptorpotential vanilloid 1 and G proteinecoupledreceptor 55 activation, and increasing theactivity of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors.25-28

Cannabidiol’s minimal agonism of the CBreceptors likely accounts for its negligiblepsychoactivity when compared with THC.29

Figure 2 summarizes the differentendocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, andsynthetic cannabinoids. The synthetic can-nabinoids are laboratory-derived THC prepa-rations that have been US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) approved for varioususages, as well as nabiximols, which is anonsynthetic 1:1 THC and CBD preparationthat has been approved in the UnitedKingdom for pain and spasticity relatedto multiple sclerosis. Nabiximols is notapproved by the FDA.30 Notably, there are

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release(GABA, glutamate)




GABAGlutamate CB1



Release ofanandamide

and 2-AG

Activation ofCB1 & CB2receptors







©2018 MFMER 3809112-2I


FIGURE 1. Modulation of the endocannabinoid system by phytocannabinoids.19,20,31 Figure depicts the basic actions of theendogenous cannabinoids anandamide (AN) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) on the G proteinecoupled cannabinoid receptors 1and 2 (CB1 and CB2) in presynaptic neurons in both the central and peripheral nervous system. The green-shaded compounds arecommon phytocannabinoids and other herbal inclusions in hemp oils that have been found to affect the normal endocannabinoid insome way, either through modulation of the CB receptors (eg, tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] agonism of CB1 receptors) or by otherroutes not depicted, such as inhibition of enzymatic breakdown of endocannabinoids or other receptor modulation. BCP ¼ b-caryophyllene; GABA ¼ g-aminobutyric acid; TRPV ¼ transient receptor potential vanilloid.



many other components in hemp extracts,and many products boast of being“full-spectrum” in retaining these othercomponents, each with their own attributedeffects that are theorized to synergizethrough what is termed the entourageeffectdessentially that the whole plant isgreater than the sum of its parts.22

LEGAL AND REGULATORYCONSIDERATIONSSince the 1970 Controlled Substances Actoutlawed growing and selling of both hempand marijuana, hemp continued to remainillegal to grow in the United States until pas-sage of the 2014 Agricultural Act, whichdistinguished between hemp and marijuanalegality for the first time. The law defined“industrial hemp” as “Cannabis sativa L.

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and any part of such plant, whether growingor not, with a delta-9-THC content of nomore than 0.3% on dry weight basis,” andthis allowed industrial hemp to be grownfor “research purposes.”32 However, it istechnically illegal to introduce any supple-ment or food containing CBD into interstatecommerce (as would be the case whenordering online), so most products are im-ported from Europe and then processedand distributed in the United States.33 Addi-tionally, 3 statesdIdaho, South Dakota, andNebraskadstill do not have any C sativa ac-cess laws, and CBD and hemp oils are there-fore illegal to sell or consume there. For allother states, CBD and hemp oils are legalas long as the THC content is below the0.3% threshold. It is also important to notethat patients using CBD products may test

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• Anandamide (AEA)• 2-Arachidonylglycerol (2-AG)

Endocannabinoids(brain derived)

• Cannabidiol (CBD)• Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)• Cannabichromene (CBC)• Cannabigerol (CBG)• Many others

Phytocannabinoids(plant derived)

• Dronabinol• Nabilone

Synthetic cannabinoids(laboratory derived)

FIGURE 2. Important cannabinoids.


positive for marijuana on drug screening, aswas noted in the Epidiolex drug trials.34

Figure 3 lists the current laws regardingCBD oils and medical marijuana in theUnited States available from the NationalConference of State Legislatures website,which has helpful information on medicalmarijuana and CBD laws on a state-by-statebasis.35 Importantly, although many stateshave allowed use of medical marijuana, phy-sicians may only “certify” or “recommend”that their patients may use medical mari-juana for a certain condition and cannot

State canna

Vermont adult use law signed Jan. 22, 2018. EffectiveLimited adult possession and growing allowed, no re


















FIGURE 3. State cannabis programs.From the Nationa

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2019;94(9):1840-1851 n https://doi.owww.mayoclinicproceedings.org

issue a prescription for specific cannabisproducts because they are not approved bythe FDA or Drug Enforcement Administra-tion (DEA).33 Notably, because CBD andhemp oils do not contain intoxicatingamounts of THC, they do not require a cer-tification or recommendation from a physi-cian to be purchased and consumed.However, there have been numerous warn-ing letters sent by the FDA to companiesabout inconsistent ingredients in their prod-ucts, with many products containing higheramounts of THC than legally allowed while

bis programs

July 1, 2018gulated production or sales: DC, VT

Adult & medical use regulated programAdult use only no medical regulated programComprehensive medical marijuana programCBD/Low THC programNo public marijuana access program

Novermber 2018



























l Conference of State Legislatures,35 with permission.

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TABLE 1. Hemp Seed, CBD, and Cannabis Oils

Variable Hemp seed oils40 Hemp/CBD oils22 Cannabis oils22,41

Part of plant extracted Seeds Flowers and leaves of hemp plant Flowers and leaves of marijuana plant

Main components Omega-6 and omega-3fatty acids, g-linolenicacid, nutritious antioxidants

Mostly CBD and BCP with othersmaller-quantityphytocannabinoids and terpenoids

Mostly THC with some CBD andother phytocannabinoidsand terpenoids

THC levels None <0.3% Dry weight >0.3% Dry weight (often veryhigh amounts such as 80%)

CBD levels Little to none More than average cannabis plants(12%-18% CBD, often higher dueto postextraction enrichment)

Lower levels (10%-15%)

Uses Nutritional supplement,other uses of hempsuch as clothing and fibers

Medicinal uses of CBD andfull-spectrum hemp oils

Medicinal uses of THC

BCP ¼ b-caryophyllene; CBD ¼ cannabidiol; THC ¼ tetrahydrocannabinol.



also containing less CBD than labeled.36

Additionally, now that CBD is the subjectof an investigational new drug authorizationfor Epidiolex, it is no longer considered legalby the FDA to use it in dietary supplementproducts and foodstuffs.37

Finally, although nearly all states havepassed some sort of C sativa access laws,the federal government and the DEA stillconsider CBD and hemp oils to be scheduleI substances. Although the DEA did reduceEpidiolex, the pure CBD drug recentlyapproved by the FDA for intractable epilepsyconditions, Dravet syndrome, and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, to a schedule V classifica-tion, they still remain “concerned about theproliferation and illegal marketing of unap-proved CBD-containing products with un-proven medical claims.”38


DefinitionsBecause of variation in the legislationregarding the C sativa plant as well as thetremendous increase of new products beingmarketed, there has been an accompanyinglack of clarity about the different types ofhemp and CBD oils. Depending on whatpart of the plant is being extracted, therewill be different components present. Thephytocannabinoids such as THC and CBD,as well as terpenoids like b-caryophyllene

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(BCP) and limonene, collect in the flowersand leaves.39 Conversely, the seeds of the Csativa contain little to no phytocannabinoids,instead being rich in omega-6 and omega-3essential fatty acids, substantial amounts ofg-linolenic acid, and other nutritious antiox-idants.40 Additionally, there are “cannabisoil” products as well, which are oils derivedfrom the marijuana plant that have highlevels of THC.41 Table 1 summarizes thesedifferences.

Products may be marketed as “full-spec-trum” formulas, dietary supplements, hempoils, or CBD-enriched products, coming inthe forms of oils, balms, sprays, capsules,soft gels, oral applicators, foodstuffs suchas gummy bears, and even chew toys forpets. The most popular products contain adiverse array of phytocannabinoids from Csativa as well as other phytocannabinoidsand terpenoids derived from other plantsand foodstuffs such as clove, hops, ashwa-gandha, and turmeric. These products arebeing marketed for a variety of uses suchas sleep aids, pain relief, or stress reduction.Because of this inconsistency in ingredientchoices, as well as amounts and method ofadministration, it is difficult to know whichingredient accounts for a specific symptomrelief. Cannabidiol is the most well-studiedphytocannabinoid and will be the primaryfocus in this article because it is also themain ingredient in most products. Table 2

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TABLE 2. Common Components and Added Ingredients in CBD and Hemp Oil Products

Ingredient Chemical classificationApproximate

concentration in hemp39 Other sources Mechanism of action Potential therapeutic actions

Cannabidiol Phytocannabinoid Up to 40% None known Anandamide uptake inhibitor,TRPV1 receptor activation,GPR55 receptor activation,5-HT1A activation27,28,31

Antiepileptic, antinociceptive,anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic,antidepressive, addictionmanagement/treatment, inflammatorydermatologic conditions,neuroprotective, others42-62

Tetrahydrocannabinol Phytocannabinoid <0.3% None known Binds to CB1 receptors31 Antiemetic, antinociceptive, others31

b-Caryophyllene Sesquiterpenoid Less than 1% Black pepper, clove,rosemary, hops

Binds to CB2 receptors63 Anxiolytic, anti-nociceptive64-67

Limonene Terpenoid Less than 1% Citrus fruits, rosemary Induction of glutathione Antioxidant, antitumor activity68

Cannabichromene Phytocannabinoid Varies considerablywith strain

None known Anandamide uptake inhibitor69 Antinociceptive70

Cannabigerol Phytocannabinoid Varies considerablywith strain

None known Anandamide uptake inhibitor70 Anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective71,72

Echinacea Alkylamides None Zanthoxylum(Sichuan pepper)

Binds to CB2 receptors73-75 Anti-inflammatory,antioxidant, antimicrobial75-78

Boswellia Triterpenes None Also knownas frankincense

Inhibition of prostaglandin E2 synthase79 Anti-inflammatory79

Turmeric Curcuminoids (eg,diferuloylmethane,demethoxycurcumin)

None None known May bind to CB1 receptors80 Unclear in preclinical, purportedantinociceptive andanti-inflammatoryproperties81

Ashwaganda Steroidal alkaloidsand lactones

None Also known as Withania somnifera Possible mimicry of GABA82 Stress reduction,anxiolytic, immuno-modulatory82

Magnolia Polyphenols None Also known as magnolia bark Binds to CB2 receptors83 Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory84

GABA ¼ g-aminobutyric acid; GPR55 ¼ G proteinecoupled receptor 55; TRPV1 ¼ transient receptor potential vanilloid 1.















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is provided for reference on the most com-mon ingredients included in CBD andhemp oils when looking at potentialproducts.

Potential Therapeutic ActionsThe chief ingredients of hemp oils are phyto-cannabinoids such as CBD and terpenoidssuch as BCP and limonene. However, thereis a paucity of clinical research conductedon these important components becausemost research focuses on THC and CB1 re-ceptors (the primary target of THC).24

Much less data are available on CBD, whichworks via a variety of complex mechanismsnoted previously,31 and BCP, which worksthrough the less-understood CB2 recep-tors.64 According to a recent systematicreview on the medical uses of cannabinoids,there was moderate-quality evidence tosupport the use of cannabinoids for chronicpain and spasticity, and low-quality evidenceto support use for nausea and vomitingdue to chemotherapy, weight gain in HIVinfection, sleep disorders, and Tourettesyndrome.30 However, it is important torealize that most of the randomizedcontrolled trials examined in this systematicreview for each condition were of the 3 pre-scriptible THC drugs dronabinol, nabilone,and nabiximols; only 4 trials were foundfor CBD, and none for any of the other phy-tocannabinoids or terpenoids present in Csativa oils,30 again demonstrating the lackof solid scientific research conducted onthem.

In June 2018, the FDA approved Epidio-lex, a purified CBD oral solution that wasfound to provide major reductions in totalseizure frequency vs placebo for patientswith Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes.The research on these conditions is the mostthorough clinical research that has been per-formed on CBD and for now should be reliedon for understanding CBD’s safety andadverse effects, which will be discussed sub-sequently in this article. Although the use ofCBD has been theorized for a variety of otherconditions from migraines and inflammatoryconditions to depression and anxiety, onlypreclinical and pilot studies have been

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performed for any of these uses, and there-fore there is little guidance for physicians iftheir patient is interested in trying CBD orhemp oils for these conditions.

As for CBD and hemp oils’ potential foruse in the treatment of chronic pain, in themost recent review on the topic in 2018,Donvito et al42 wrote that “an overwhelmingbody of convincing preclinical evidence indi-cates that cannabinoids produce antinoci-ceptive effects in inflammatory andneuropathic rodent pain models.” Addition-ally, it has been reported that CBD may beable to treat addiction through reduced acti-vation of the amygdala during negativeemotional processing and has been foundto reduce heroin-seeking behavior, likelythrough its modulation of dopamine and se-rotonin.43,44,85,86 Cannabidiol therefore rep-resents an attractive option in chronic paintreatment, particularly in the context ofopioid abuse, not only because of its poten-tial efficacy but also because of its limitedmisuse and diversion potential as well assafety profile.86 More research will be neededbecause these were pilot human studies withsmall sample sizes, but they represent poten-tial future areas of cannabinoid use in theclinical treatment of pain relief and opioidabuse. Additionally, more reflection on theright political and industrial means to goabout expanding access to CBD is neededin the context of controversial evidence sup-porting expanding access to medical mari-juana as a pain control option.6,86

Safety and Adverse EffectsNo rigorous safety studies have been doneon “full-spectrum” phytocannabinoid oilsbecause these products are relatively new,but the separate ingredients have been exam-ined somewhat, generally with no majoradverse effects noted.87,88 Cannabidiol dosesup to 300 mg/d have been used safely for upto 6 months,89,90 and doses of 1200 to 1500mg/d were used in a study by Zuardiet al91,92 for up to 4 weeks. In the recentlarger studies on CBD treatment for epilepticpatients, CBD had associated adverse effectsof somnolence, decreased appetite, anddiarrhea noted in up to 36% of patients,

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TABLE 3. Checklist for Finding a High-Quality Cannabidiol and Hemp OilProduct

1. Does it meet the following quality standards?a. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMP) certification

from the US Food and Drug Administrationb. EuropeanUnion (EU), Australian (AUS), or Canadian (CFIA) organic certificationc. National Science Foundation (NSF) International certification

2. Does the company have an independent adverse event reporting program?

3. Is the product certified organic or ecofarmed?

4. Have their products been laboratory tested by batch to confirmtetrahydrocannabinol levels <0.3% and no pesticides or heavy metals?


although these adverse effects were less se-vere and less frequent when compared withthe usual adverse effects of clobazam treat-ment.45-49 In addition, it was noted that aconsiderable number of patients in thesestudies had elevated liver function testresults, and the FDA recommends liver func-tion tests before beginning Epidiolex treat-ment, as well as 1 month and 3 monthsafter initiation of treatment; thus, physiciansshould be cautious in patients with knowndecreased hepatic function who choose touse CBD and hemp oils. We recommendconsulting the FDA label for Epidiolex formore information on safety, adverse effects,and dosing that was gathered from the Epi-diolex trials.34

In the context of treating pain, one studyreported the safety of oral CBD administra-tion (400-800 mg) alongside fentanyl admin-istration, attributed to their differentmechanisms of action.93 However, otherdrug-drug interactions have been noted, orat least hypothesized, based on the meta-bolism of CBD by the cytochrome P450superfamily, which includes warfarin andvarious epilepsy drugs.94-97 The other ingre-dients in CBD and hemp oils are usually atsuch small concentrations that they are un-likely to cause severe interactions, but careshould still be taken with identifying ingre-dients present in a product and possiblesafety issues.

In addition, it is important to be aware ofthe presence of synthetic cannabinoids avail-able on the market, such as “spice.” Thesesubstances have severe adverse effects andhave led to hospitalizations following inges-tion.98,99 As to the labeling of concentrationsin products, a 2017 survey reported that of 84online CBD and hemp oil products examined,only 26 were accurately labeled for CBD andTHC content, with CBD often being overla-beled and THC underlabeled, consistentwith the statements made by the FDA.36,100

There have also been documented cases ofpediatric THC intoxication related to CBDproduct ingestion, likely due to this notedvariation in products, signaling the need formore regulation of the market.101

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2019;94(9):1840-1851 n https://doi.owww.mayoclinicproceedings.org

Finding a Quality ProductIf patients and/or physicians choose toexperiment with CBD and hemp oils, it isworthwhile to direct them toward thehighest-quality product. This issue becomesall the more important when consideringsome of the problems noted previously.Because of the unclear regulations in theUnited States as well as some of the notedproblems with online product labeling, it isrecommended that patients utilize productsimported from Europe, which actually haseven more stringent requirements for lowTHC levels at less than 0.2% dry weightcompared with the US requirement of lessthan 0.3% dry weight as well as a moreestablished regulatory system for hemp.11

As with other herbal supplements, ensurethat the product has been extracted by car-bon dioxide with no solvents, is certifiedby the US Department of Agriculture asorganic, and has been tested for pesticides/herbicides, which have been found in someproducts.102 Additionally, ensure that theproduct is not merely hemp seed oil, whichalthough containing nutritious omega-3 fattyacids does not contain any of the phytocan-nabinoids or terpenoids.40 It is up to thediscretion of the physician whether to sug-gest trying “full-spectrum” formulationsbecause no research is available on theirsafety and efficacy outside of certain compo-nents in separate contexts, whereas pureCBD oils have been studied much morerigorously in the recent seizure studies.Table 3 provides a checklist for determining

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a higher-quality product and company,based on requirements used by Mayo Clinicfor collaboration with dietary supplementmanufacturers.

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCHCannabidiol and hemp oils are nonintoxi-cating and potentially useful phytocannabi-noid substances that continue to grow inpopularity. With increasing patient interestin and use of CBD and hemp oils, moreresearch is indicated to better understandtheir potential efficacy and purported safetyprofile. Careful selection of a product iscrucial for both safety and potential efficacy,and although the products do not have FDAapproval for therapeutic use, patientscontinue to use them and physicians shouldinform themselves on both potential safety is-sues and potential therapeutic benefit.Chronic pain management continues to chal-lenge patients and physicians alike, and inves-tigation into potential therapies such as CBDand hemp oils is a promising area for thefuture of clinical pain management for bothpain relief as well as addiction management.We encourage physicians to not disregard pa-tients’ interest in these therapies and insteadto retain clinical curiosity as well as healthyskepticism when it comes to attempts toexplore new options, especially in the contextof curbing addiction and opioid overuse. Ourhope is that this article will inspire physiciansto continue to educate both patients andthemselves about alternative therapies uti-lized by growing numbers of the public,with the example of CBD and hemp oils inparticular as it continues to come to the fore-front of public interest.

Abbreviations and Acronyms: BCP = b-caryophyllene;CBD = cannabidiol; DEA = Drug Enforcement Administra-tion; ECS = endocannabinoid system; FDA = Food andDrug Administration; THC = tetrahydrocannabinol

Potential Competing Interests: The authors report nocompeting interests.

Correspondence: Address to Harrison J. VanDolah, BA,501 Park Ave, Apt 101, Omaha, NE 68105 ([email protected]).

Mayo Clin Proc. n September 2019;

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