MPSC WIC MIS System Detailed Functional Design Document Clinic Services Report Revision Date: March 24, 2017 Maintained by:

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MPSC WIC MIS SystemDetailed Functional Design Document

Clinic Services ReportRevision Date: March 24, 2017

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Clinic Services Report

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Document RevisionsRevision

Date Updated By Requested By Description of Revision

8/2/2013 Ciber Team MPSC Amendment 7 Updates10/28/13 Ciber Team MPSC Clarifications and refinements

related to Help Desk support2/28/2014 Ciber Team MPSC Release 3.7 Updates4/23/2014 Ciber Team Vermont Release 4.0 Task Order 33/27/2015 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.0 Task Order 4 draft4/14/2015 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.0 Task Order 4

4/1/2016 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.57/19/2016 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.4/5.5

10/11/2016 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.06 Updates12/13/2016 Ciber Team MP User Group Release 5.06 Change Log

Review Updates3/24/17 CDP Team MP User Group Cover page, header, and footer

mods for new M&E contractor

Page of Document Revisions March 24, 2017

Clinic Services Report

Table of Contents1 Introduction.........................................................................................................52 Administrative Reports.......................................................................................6

2.1 Clinic Activity Report by Staff Person.........................................................62.2 Clinic Activity Summary Report..................................................................82.3 Duplicate Records Report.........................................................................102.4 Enrollment Report.....................................................................................122.5 Enrollment by Priority Report....................................................................142.6 Family Labels...........................................................................................172.7 Ineligible by Income Report......................................................................182.8 Ineligible Report........................................................................................202.9 Participation with Benefits Report.............................................................222.10 Participation with Benefits by Priority Report............................................252.11 Signature Capture Exception Report........................................................282.12 Termination by System Pending Report...................................................302.13 Terminated by System Report..................................................................332.14 Transfer Out Report..................................................................................352.15 Unduplicated Participation By LA Calendar Yr Report..............................372.16 Unduplicated Participation By LA FFY Report..........................................402.17 Unduplicated Participation Report By County...........................................43

3 Assessment and Education Reports...............................................................463.1 Class Attendance Report..........................................................................463.2 Follow-up Nutrition Risk Assessment Report...........................................483.3 High Risk Factor Report by Next Appointment Date.................................513.4 High Risk Factor Report by Person ID......................................................533.5 Nutrition Education Contacts Summary Report........................................553.6 Nutrition Education Contacts Report by Staff Member.............................583.7 High Risk Nutrition Education Report.......................................................613.8 Prevalence of Nutrition Risk By LA and County Report............................64

4 Breastfeeding Reports......................................................................................664.1 BF PC Contacts Detail by Topic...............................................................664.2 BF PC Contacts Summary Report............................................................684.3 Breastfeeding Duration by BF PC Contacts.............................................704.4 Breastfeeding Equipment Due..................................................................724.5 Breastfeeding Equipment Issued..............................................................744.6 Breastfeeding Prevalence Report.............................................................764.7 Breastfeeding Prevalence with BF PC Contacts Report...........................81

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Clinic Services Report

4.8 Breastfeeding Prevalence by Equipment Issuance..................................864.9 Breastfeeding Prevalence by Maternal Characteristics............................934.10 Exclusively Breastfeeding and Formula Issuance Report.......................1014.11 Formula First Introduced to Breastfed Infants Report.............................1044.12 Reason Ceased Breastfeeding Report...................................................107

5 Client Services Reports..................................................................................1095.1 Certification Appointments Needed Report............................................1095.2 Disqualified Participants Report..............................................................1105.3 Immunization Report...............................................................................1135.4 Outreach Report.....................................................................................1155.5 Proration Override Report.......................................................................1175.6 Referral Detail Report.............................................................................1205.7 Referral Summary Report.......................................................................1235.8 ZIP Code Report.....................................................................................125

6 Food Benefits Reports....................................................................................1276.1 Audit Trail Report (Smart Card EBT / Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP Xerox)1276.2 FI Activity by Local Agency Report (FI Only)..................................1336.3 Food Package Modification Report.........................................................1366.4 Formula and Medical Food Issuance Report..........................................1386.5 No Food Benefits Pickup Report............................................................1406.6 Remote Benefits Report (Smart Card EBT Only)...................................1426.7 Remote Benefits Out of Balance Report (Smart Card EBT Only)...........1456.8 Voided FIs that have been Redeemed or Rejected Report (FI Only).....148

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MPSC, WIC, Data, System, Project Clinic Services Report

1 IntroductionThis reports DFDD contains the reports related to the Clinic Services functional area. The following set of reports represents existing reports from the transfer system as well as new reports requested during the MPSC project’s design phase. 

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2 Administrative Reports2.1 Clinic Activity Report by Staff PersonDescription This report is used to review WIC activity within clinics over time.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, Category, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

For the specified Local Agency within the Date Range, all records as defined by the Print Columns.Month = All months within the date range. Display from oldest month to most recent month within a clinic.Staff Person = The person who conducted the activity during the date range. Display in alphabetical order.Initial Certs = All participants in the clinic with the first Certification.StartDt that was not a Precertification or VOC within the date range.Initial Pre-Certs = All participants in the clinic with the first Certification.StartDt and Certification.AppTypeCd = PRE within the date range.Reinstated = All participants in the clinic with a CertificationTermination.ReinstateDt within the date range.VOC In = All participants in the clinic with a Certification.StartDt and Certification.AppTypeCd = VOC within the date range.Clinic Trans In = All participants in the clinic that are part of a family with a FamilyClinic.EffectiveDt (Effective Date) within the date range. Transfers In are counted based on the current clinic for the participant.Clinic Trans Out = All participants in the clinic that are part of a family with a FamilyClinic.EndDt (End Date) within the date range. Transfers Out are counted based on the previous clinic for the participant.Term = All participants in the clinic with a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt within the date range.Net Gain/Loss = Sum of Initial Certs + Initial Pre-Certs + Reinstated + VOC In + Clinic Trans In - Clinic Trans Out - Term. If gain, display positive integer. If loss, display with a negative sign.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic, Month, Year, Staff Person, Init Certs (Initial Certifications), Init Pre-Certs (Initial Pre-Certifications), Reinstated, VOC In, Clinic Trans In (Clinic Transfer In), Clinic Trans Out (Clinic Transfer Out), Term (Terminated), Net Gain/LossNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Month, Year, Column

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Total / Count Columns

All columns, including a State Total

State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic / Month, Year, Staff Person

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2.2 Clinic Activity Summary ReportDescription This report is used to review WIC activity within clinics over time.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, Category, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

For the specified Local Agency within the Date Range, all records as defined by the Print Columns.Month = All months within the date range. Display from oldest month to most recent month within a clinic.Initial Certs = All participants in the clinic with the first Certification.StartDt that was not a Precertification or VOC within the date range.Initial Pre-Certs = All participants in the clinic with the first Certification.StartDt and Certification.AppTypeCd = PRE within the date range.Reinstated = All participants in the clinic with a CertificationTermination.ReinstateDt within the date range.VOC In = All participants in the clinic with a Certification.StartDt and Certification.AppTypeCd = VOC within the date range.Clinic Trans In = All participants in the clinic that are part of a family with a FamilyClinic.EffectiveDt (Effective Date) within the date range. Transfers In are counted based on the current clinic for the participant.Clinic Trans Out = All participants in the clinic that are part of a family with a FamilyClinic.EndDt (End Date) within the date range. Transfers Out are counted based on the previous clinic for the participant.Term = All participants in the clinic with a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt within the date range.Net Gain/Loss = Sum of Initial Certs + Initial Pre-Certs + Reinstated + VOC In + Clinic Trans In - Clinic Trans Out - Term. If gain, display positive integer. If loss, display with a negative sign.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic, Month, Year, Init Certs (Initial Certifications), Init Pre-Certs (Initial Pre-Certifications), Reinstated, VOC In, Clinic Trans In (Clinic Transfer In), Clinic Trans Out (Clinic Transfer Out), Term (Terminated), Net Gain/LossNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Month, Year

Total / Count Columns

Local Agency, Clinic, and State totals

State Totals Yes

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic / Month, Year

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2.3 Duplicate Records Report Description This report identifies possible duplicate records that might have been

created by two people, by a laptop uploading, by a downed network, etc.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any Participant with two or more records of the same type on the same date for Anthro, Blood, Pregnancy, CertificationReport does count birth measurement and anthro records entered for the same infant or child on the same day as possible duplicate records.Records are selected when more than one record of a type is found based on the following:Pregnancy – Pregnancy.EffectiveDtBlood Work – BloodWork.RecordedDtAnthro – Anthro.RecordedDtCertification – Certification.StartDtThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns Local Agency header, Clinic ID, Family ID, Person ID, Participant Name, Record Type, DateNote: The agencies listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Family ID, Person ID, Record Type

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.4 Enrollment ReportDescription This report is used to review WIC enrollment (those with active

certifications) by Participation Category.

Data Updated MonthlyData for this report is compiled at month end.Note: Participants are counted once based on the WIC Status, Participant Category, BF Description, and Special Diet indicator that they are in at the time of data compilation.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Data for this report comes from the EnrollmentCount table. EnrollmentCount table is aggregated once per month.All participants with WIC Status = Active for the specified Local Agency and Clinic within the Month/YearPregnant = All participants where Participant Category = PregnantBreastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = BreastfeedingNot-Breastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = Not-BreastfeedingTotal Women = Pregnant + Breastfeeding + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BFExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods)BF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BFFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BFTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set.Special Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set.Total Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildThis report excludes investigation family related data. This occurs because the EnrollmentCount table does not include them.

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Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not-Breastfeeding, Total Women, Excl Breastfeeding (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl Breastfeeding (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand TotalNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Total / Count Columns

All columns

State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.5 Enrollment by Priority ReportDescription This report is used to review WIC enrollment (those with active

certifications) by Participation Category and Priority.

Data Updated MonthlyData for this report is compiled at month end.Note: Participants are counted once based on the WIC Status, Participant Category, BF Description, and Special Diet indicator that they are in at the time of data compilation.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Data for this report comes from the EnrollmentCount table. Data is compiled once a month based on the ‘Active’ participants during the month.All participants with WIC Status = Active for the specified Local Agency and Clinic within the Month/YearPregnant = All participants where Participant Category = PregnantBreastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = BreastfeedingNot-Breastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = Not-BreastfeedingTotal Women = Pregnant + Breastfeeding + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BFExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods)BF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BFFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BFTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set.Special Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set.Total Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildPriority % is each priority’s grand total divided by the grand total for that entity (i.e. clinic, agency or state)Display priorities as rows for the state, agency, and clinic. This is all participants with a current certification at the time the data is compiled. To determine priority counts, use the RiskHeader.RiskPrtyNr

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from the most recent risk record at the time data is compiled.This report excludes investigation family related data. This occurs because the EnrollmentCount table does not include them.

Print Columns Local Agency header, Clinic header, Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not-Breastfeeding, Total Women, Excl Breastfeeding (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl Breastfeeding (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand Total, Priority %Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Priority

Total / Count Columns

All columns

State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.6 Family LabelsDescription There may be instances where a Family label needs to be generated.

The Family Labels formats a Family list so that it can be saved out to an Excel spreadsheet for importing into a MS Office product for label printing. MS Office products support the many industry standard label layouts.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Family ID For the Family ID parameter, Family IDs can be entered singularly or multiple Family IDs can be entered separated by a comma. At least one Family ID is required to run this report.

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Selection based on parameters.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns Family IDPrimary Endorser NameParticipant Name(Additional Participants listed below)

Sort Order Family ID

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By


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2.7 Ineligible by Income ReportDescription This report is used to find families that might now be eligible when

Income Guidelines change and to monitor compliance with Income policies.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All families found income ineligible within the Date Range for the specified Local Agency.A family is only listed once on the report even if multiple family members have been marked as ineligible during the date range.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Family ID, Endorser, Ineligible Date, Home Phone Number, Monthly Income, Household Size, AddressNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic nameFamily ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDDisplay Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Utilize the system parameter ClinicServices.HeadofHouseholdLabelToUse to create the Endorser Name column heading. If no record is found, set the column heading to “Endorser Name”.Ineligible Date = ParticipantStatus.WICStatusCd = Ineligible and ParticipantStatus.ChangeReasonCd = Over Income and ParticipantStatus.RecordedDt is within date range or ParticipantStatus.WICStatusCd = Terminated andCertificationTermination.CertTermReasonCd = Over IncomeHome Phone Number = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Monthly Income = IncomeDeterm.TotalYearlyIncomeAmt/12Household Size = IncomeDeterm.HouseholdSizeNrAddress = FamilyAddress.StreetAddrLine1, StreetAddrLine2, Apartment, POBox, City, State, ZipCode, ZipPlus4

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Family ID

Total / Count Columns

Clinic total number of families listed. Local Agency total number of families listed.

State Totals No

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic / Family ID

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2.8 Ineligible ReportDescription This report is used to review/monitor applicants who were made


Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any family member with a WIC Status=Ineligible and the associated WIC Status Date is within the date range.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic Header, Family ID, Person ID, Applicant Name, Ineligible ReasonNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDPerson ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Applicant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Ineligible Reason = ParticipantStatus.ChangeReasonCd when ParticipantStatus.WICStatusCd = Ineligible and ParticipantStatus.RecordedDt is in date range

Sort Order LA, Clinic, Ineligible Reason, Family ID, Applicant Last Name

Total / Count Columns

Clinic total number applicants listed, Local Agency total number applicants listed

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.9 Participation with Benefits ReportDescription This report is used to review WIC participation by Participant Category.

Data Updated MonthlyData for this report is compiled in the monthly participation batch counts batch job. Data is compiled based on any participant who received food benefits during the month, plus any participant who exclusively breastfed and mom received food benefits during the month or any partially breastfeeding woman that did not receive foods, but her infant did.Note: Participants are counted once based on the WIC Status, Participant Category, BF Description, and Special Diet indicator that they are in at the end of the Month/Year selected.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Data for this report comes from the ParticipantCount table.All active participants who have received benefits for the specified Local Agency within the Month.Participating is defined as having received food benefits (at least one paper FI or issued food benefits) or had been exclusively breastfeeding and mom received food benefits within the date range.The Monthly Participant Counts batch process captures the monthly participant counts. This process is found in the Finance Batch process DFDD.Pregnant = All participants where Participant Category = Pregnant and woman received food benefitsFully Breastfeeding = All Breastfeeding women that meet either of these criteria:

If the Infant BF Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl / No WIC, or Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving no food benefits, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

If the Infant BF Description = Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving food benefits, but none are formula, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) and received food benefits.

Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) or not Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits (from above) and any infant linked to the mother received food benefits.

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Not-Breastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and woman received food benefitsTotal Women = Pregnant + Fully Breastfeeding + Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits + Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BF and mom’s Participant Category = Breastfeeding and mom received food benefitsExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods) and mom’s Participant Category = Breastfeeding and mom received food benefitsBF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BF and infant received food benefitsFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BF and infant received food benefitsTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set and child received food benefitsSpecial Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set and child received food benefitsTotal Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildEnrolled = All participants with WIC Status = Active for the specified Local Agency and Clinic within the Month/Year. Total Women + Total Infants + Total Children. This is the same calculation found on the Enrollment Reports.% of Enrolled with Benefits = Participation Grand Total /EnrolledThis report excludes investigation family related data. This occurs because the ParticipantCount table does not include them.

Print Columns

Local Agency/Clinic, Pregnant, Fully BF (Fully Breastfeeding), Part BF with FB (Partially Breastfeeding, Part BF No FB (Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits), Not BF (Not Breastfeeding),, Total Women, Excl BF (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl BF (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand Total, Enrolled, % of Enrolled with BenefitsNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

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Total / Count Columns

All columns

State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.10 Participation with Benefits by Priority ReportDescription This report is used to review WIC participation by Participant Category

and Priority.

Data Updated MonthlyData for this report is compiled in the monthly participation batch counts batch job. Data is compiled based on any participant who received food benefits during the month, plus any participant who exclusively breastfed and mom received food benefits during the month or any partially breastfeeding woman that did not receive foods, but her infant did.Note: Participants are counted once based on the WIC Status, Participant Category, BF Description, and Special Diet indicator that they are in at month end.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Data for this report comes from the ParticipantCount table.All active participants who have received benefits for the specified Local Agency within the Month.The Monthly Participant Counts batch process captures the monthly participant counts. This process is found in the Finance Batch process DFDD.Participating is defined as having received food benefits (at least one paper FI or issued food benefits) or had been exclusively breastfeeding and mom received food benefits within the date range.Pregnant = All participants where Participant Category = Pregnant and woman received food benefitsFully Breastfeeding = All Breastfeeding women that meet either of these criteria:

If the Infant BF Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl / No WIC, or Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving no food benefits, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

If the Infant BF Description = Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving food benefits, but none are formula, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) and received food benefits.

Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) or not Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits (from above) and any infant

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linked to the mother received food benefits.Not-Breastfeeding = all participants where Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and woman received food benefitsTotal Women = Pregnant + Fully Breastfeeding + Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits + Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BF and mom’s Participant Category = Breastfeeding and mom received food benefitsExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods) and mom’s Participant Category = Breastfeeding and mom received food benefitsBF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BF and infant received food benefitsFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BF and infant received food benefitsTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = all participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set and child received food benefitsSpecial Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set and child received food benefitsTotal Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildEnrolled = All participants with WIC Status = Active for the specified Local Agency and Clinic within the Month/Year. Total Women + Total Infants + Total Children. This is the same calculation found on the Enrollment Reports.% of Enrolled with Benefits = Participation Grand Total /EnrolledThis report excludes investigation family related data. This occurs because the ParticipantCount table does not include them.Display priorities as rows for the state, agency, and clinic. To determine priority counts, use the RiskHeader.RiskPrtyNr from the most recent risk record at the time data is compiled.

Print Columns

Local Agency/Clinic, Pregnant, Fully BF (Fully Breastfeeding), Part BF with FB (Partially Breastfeeding), Part BF No FB (Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits), Not BF (Not Breastfeeding), Total Women, Excl BF (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods), Not Excl BF (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand Total, Enrolled, % of Enrolled with BenefitsNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

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Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Priority

Total / Count Columns

All columns

State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

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2.11 Signature Capture Exception ReportDescription This report is used to monitor signature pad usage, particularly the

occurrences of the “No Signature Available” selection and the reasons for the selection.

Parameters Local Agency (Select one-to-many), Clinic (Based on LA. Select one-to-many), Start Date, End Date

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Based on selection parameters, select all signature records with No Signature Available checked where No Signature Reason code is anything other than Mailed or NE Class with a capture date.Participants are listed on the report based on the clinic associated with the family at the time of the No Signature Capture Reason.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Processing No special processing

Sort Order LA, Clinic, Family ID, Signature Date/Time

Total / Count Columns Agency Total, Clinic Total

Page Breaks: Primary group by Local Agency with page breaks for each local agency. Secondary group by Clinic with no page breaks.

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2.12 Termination by System Pending ReportDescription This report is used to inform local clinic staff of participants that are

coming up on certification termination at the end of this month, next month, or the month after next due to either categorical ineligibility, expiring certification, or provisionally certified. The parameter allows the user to view a single month of pending terminations.

Parameters Local Agency, Time Frame (This Month / Next Month / Month After Next)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any Active participant whose Categorical Eligibility End Date OR their Certification End Date is in the month selected within the parameter. Additionally, any provisionally certified participant who is due to be terminated for failure to provide the proper proofs for certification.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Family ID, Person ID, Participant Name, Contact, Participant Category, Certification End Date, Categorical Eligibility End Date, Provisional Certification End DateNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDPerson ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Contact =First Line: BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr. Display as (999) 999-9999.Second Line: Address = FamilyAddress.StreetAddrLine1, Apartment, POBoxThird Line: StreetAddrLine2Fourth Line: City, State, ZipCode, ZipPlus4Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Note: If the family has a mailing address, use it for the Contact, otherwise use the physical address.Note: Do not display a blank line for Contact data that does not exist. For example, if FamilyAddress.StreetAddrLine2 is blank or null, do not display a blank line in the report.Participant Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCdCertification End Date = Certification.EndDtCategorical Eligibility End Date = Certification.CategoricalEligibilityEndDtProvisional Certification End Date = Certification.EndDt and Certification.AppTypeCd = Provisional Certification

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Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Certification End Date (Closest to today’s date first), Family ID, Person ID

Total / Count Columns

Clinic total number of participants listed. Local Agency total number of participants listed. Total of all participants listed for all selected Local Agencies.

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)Additional Group By

Local AgencyClinic

Note: Font in the body of the report is Arial 8.

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2.13 Terminated by System ReportDescription This report is used to review/monitor participants whose certifications

were terminated by the system termination batch processes.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any Participant with a WIC status of Terminated with a WIC Staff ID of “System System”, and a WIC Status Date during the date range.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Family ID, Person ID, Participant Name, Termination ReasonNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDPerson ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Termination Reason = CertificationTermination.CertTermReasonCd

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Termination Reason, Family ID, Participant Name

Total / Count Columns

Clinic total number participants listed, Local Agency total number of participants listed, Total of all participants listed for all selected Local Agencies.

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)Additional Group By

Local AgencyClinic

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2.14 Transfer Out ReportDescription This report is used to pull a list of participants who transferred to

another clinic or agency within the state.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Date Range

Record Selection /

Filtering / Calculations

Any Participant who transferred out (includes family transfers and participant retrievals) of the reporting clinic. Transfers out of a Clinic are indicated when the effective date of the participant’s clinic is during the previous week.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Family ID, Person ID, Participant Name, Transfer Effective Date, Endorser Name, Agency/Clinic Transferred ToFamily ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDPerson ID = Participant.IDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Transfer Effective Dt = FamilyClinic.EffectiveDt or FamMemberHistory.EndDt and there was a LA/Clinic changeDisplay Endorser Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = Yes.Agency/Clinic Transferred To = Clinic.ClnFFClinicID

Sort Order Local Agency ID, Clinic ID, Transfer Effective Date, Participant Last Name

Total / Count Columns

Participant Name

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.15 Unduplicated Participation By LA Calendar Yr Report

Description This report is used to provide an unduplicated count of persons actively participating in the WIC program for the selected calendar year. It is used by community partners/funding agencies and state as input to grant processes and as an evaluation tool for participant turnover (i.e. satisfaction).

Parameters Local Agency, Calendar Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status of Active and actively participated in the WIC program at any point between January 1 and December 31 of the selected calendar year. “Actively participated” means that the participant received food benefits or the participant that they are associated with in the dyad received food benefits (example an Excl BF infant doesn’t receive food benefits, but if the infant’s mother received food benefits, both would be considered in the group that “actively participated”).This report is reset each January 1 and accumulates over the calendar year. Participants are counted once in the Participant Category, Agency, Clinic, and County that they were when they first hit Active WIC Status in the calendar year.Pregnant = all participants where Participant Category = PregnantFully Breastfeeding = All Breastfeeding women that meet either of these criteria:

If the Infant BF Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl / No WIC, or Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving no food benefits, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

If the Infant BF Description = Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving food benefits, but none are formula, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) and received food benefits.

Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) or not Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits (from above) and any infant linked to the mother received food benefits.

Not Breastfeeding = all participants where Participant Category = Not BreastfeedingTotal Women = Pregnant + Fully Breastfeeding + Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits + Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits + Not Breastfeeding

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Excl BF = all participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BFExcl BF/Comp = all participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods)BF Not Excl = all participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BFFormula = all participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BFTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = all participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set.Special Child = all participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set.Total Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency/Clinic, Pregnant, Fully BF (Fully Breastfeeding), Part BF with FB (Partially Breastfeeding), Part BF No FB (Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits), Not BF (Not Breastfeeding), Not-BF (Not Breastfeeding), Total Women, Excl Breastfeeding (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl Breastfeeding (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand TotalNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Total / Count Columns

Each category

State Totals Yes (at the top of the first page using the same headings as the detail report)

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.16 Unduplicated Participation By LA FFY ReportDescription This report is used to provide an unduplicated count of persons actively

participating in the WIC program for the selected federal fiscal year. It is used by community partners/funding agencies and state as input to grant processes and as an evaluation tool for participant turnover (i.e. satisfaction).

Parameters Local Agency, Fiscal Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status of Active and actively participated in the WIC program at any point between October 1 and September 30 of the selected federal fiscal year. “Actively participated” means that the participant received food benefits or the participant that they are associated with in the dyad received food benefits (example an Excl BF infant doesn’t receive food benefits, but if the infant’s mother received food benefits, both would be considered in the group that “actively participated”).This report is reset each October 1 and accumulates over the Federal Fiscal Year. Participants are counted once in the Participant Category, Agency, Clinic, and County that they were when they first hit Active WIC Status in the federal fiscal year.Pregnant = All participants where Participant Category = PregnantFully Breastfeeding = All Breastfeeding women that meet either of these criteria:

If the Infant BF Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl / No WIC, or Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving no food benefits, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

If the Infant BF Description = Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving food benefits, but none are formula, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) and received food benefits.

Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) or not Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits (from above) and any infant linked to the mother received food benefits.

Not Breastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = Not BreastfeedingTotal Women = Pregnant + Fully Breastfeeding + Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits + Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where

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BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BFExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods)BF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BFFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BFTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set.Special Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set.Total Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency/Clinic, Pregnant, Fully BF (Fully Breastfeeding), Part BF with FB (Partially Breastfeeding), Part BF No FB (Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits), Not BF (Not Breastfeeding), Total Women, Excl Breastfeeding (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl Breastfeeding (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand TotalNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Total / Count Columns

Each category

State Totals Yes (at the top of the first page using the same headings as the detail report)

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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2.17 Unduplicated Participation Report By CountyDescription To provide an unduplicated count of persons actively participating in the

WIC program for the selected federal fiscal year. Used by community partners/funding agencies and state as input to grant processes and as an evaluation tool for participant turnover (i.e. satisfaction).

Parameters County, Fiscal Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status of Active and actively participated in the WIC program at any point between October 1 and September 30 of the selected federal fiscal year. “Actively participated” means that the participant received food benefits or the participant that they are associated with in the dyad received food benefits (example an Excl BF infant doesn’t receive food benefits, but if the infant’s mother received food benefits, both would be considered in the group that “actively participated”).County is based on the family address.This report is reset each October 1 and accumulates over the Federal Fiscal Year. Participants are counted once in the Participant Category, Agency, Clinic, and County that they were when they first hit Active WIC Status in the federal fiscal year.Pregnant = All participants where Participant Category = PregnantFully Breastfeeding = All Breastfeeding women that meet either of these criteria:

If the Infant BF Description = Excl BF, Prim Excl / No WIC, or Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving no food benefits, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

If the Infant BF Description = Prim Excl Comp and the infant is receiving food benefits, but none are formula, then the linked breastfeeding woman who receives food benefits is counted as Fully Breastfeeding.

Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) and received food benefits.

Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits = All Breastfeeding women who meet the following criterion:

If not Fully Breastfeeding (from above) or not Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits (from above) and any infant linked to the mother received food benefits.

Not Breastfeeding = All participants where Participant Category = Not BreastfeedingTotal Women = Pregnant + Fully Breastfeeding + Partially Breastfeeding with Food Benefits + Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits + Not BreastfeedingExcl BF = all participants with Participant Category = Infant and where

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BF Description = Exclusively BF or Primarily Exclusive BFExcl BF/Comp = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where BF Description = Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively BF/Age-appropriate complementary foods)BF Not Excl = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = Partially BFFormula = All participants with Participant Category = Infant and where the BF Description = No Longer BF or Never BFTotal Infants = Excl BF+ Excl BF/Comp + BF Not Excl + FormulaChild = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month did NOT have the Special Diet indicator set.Special Child = All participants with Participant Category = Child and whose food package for the month had the Special Diet indicator set.Total Child = Child + Special ChildGrand Total = Total Women + Total Infants + Total ChildThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

County Header, Local Agency/Clinic, Pregnant, Fully BF (Fully Breastfeeding), Part BF with FB (Partially Breastfeeding), Part BF No FB (Partially Breastfeeding with No Food Benefits), Not BF (Not Breastfeeding), Total Women, Excl Breastfeeding (Exclusively Breastfeeding), Excl BF/Comp (Exclusively Breastfeeding/Age-Appropriate Complimentary Foods, Not Excl Breastfeeding (Not Exclusively Breastfeeding), Formula, Total Infants, Child, Special Child, Total Child, Grand Total

Sort Order County

Total / Count Columns

Each category

State Totals Yes (at the top of the first page using the same headings as the detail report)

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By


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3 Assessment and Education Reports3.1 Class Attendance ReportDescription This report is used to identify more popular and less popular Nutrition

Education classes.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, Clinic

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All Nutrition Education classes scheduled in designated date range.Each row is a Nutrition Education class title.# Attended is the count of distinct families that were marked as “Attended” in the Nutrition Education class.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic Header, Class Name, # Attended, Class Date, Day of Class, Class Start TimeNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Class Name = NutritionEdClass.NameClass Date = Appointment.StartTimeClass Start Time = Appointment.StartTime

Sort Order Alphabetical by Class Name

Total / Count Columns

Total of # Attended by Class Name

State Totals N/A

Primary Group (page break)

Local agency

Additional Group By


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3.2 Follow-up Nutrition Risk Assessment Report Description This report is used to monitor if high risk participants or other

participants needing additional assessment were seen by an RD or RN. This is done by running the report for past dates and then using the list to analyze the records. Management staff can then randomly select participant names from the list and review charts.

Parameters Local agency, Clinic, Date Range, Risk Factors, Category

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Participants with risk assessments during the date range based on LA, Clinic and Category, with High Risk indicator set during the reporting period or those with with Additional Assessment Needed checked on records on or after the date of the risk assessment (RiskHeader.HighRiskIn is set or RiskHeaderMoreAssessmentIn is set).Looking for most recent risk assessment within the date range. The number in the Priority column represents the highest priority for the participant (lowest priority number) for the most recent risk assessment within the date range.

To have the HR Follow Up column display Yes, there has to be a CompletedNtrEd where the RecordedDt is after the RiskHeader.RecordedDt AND the CompletedNtrEd.HighRiskFollowUpIn is set. This report excludes investigation family related data.

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Print Columns

Agency/Clinic Header, Person ID, Participant Name, Endorser Name, Category, Priority, Risk Factors, HR Follow-Up, DOBNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName +FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Display Endorser Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = Yes.Utilize the system parameter ClinicServices.HeadofHouseholdLabelToUse to create the Endorser Name column heading. If no record is found, set the column heading to “Endorser Name”.Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDPriority = Select the highest priority (lowest priority number) (RiskDet.ParticipantRiskPrtyNr) among the RiskDet records for the most recent risk assessmentRisk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd + ParticipantRiskCode.NameHR Follow-Up = CompletedNtrEd.HighRiskFollowUpIn DOB = FamilyMember.BirthDt

Sort Order Participant Last Name

Total / Count Columns


State Totals NA

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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3.3 High Risk Factor Report by Next Appointment DateDescription This report is a monitoring tool for high risk appointment scheduling.

This report shows the first appointment within the certification period with a Scheduled or Mass Scheduled status and high risk participants with no appointment scheduled.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Participant Category

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status of Active and currently marked as High Risk participants for selected parameters.High Risk indicator = RiskHeader.HighRiskInWIC Appointments with status of Scheduled or Mass Scheduled.First appointment with a status of Scheduled or Mass Scheduled after being found to be at high risk within the current certification period.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic Header, Person ID, Participant Name, Category, High Risk Factors, All Other Risk Factors, Next Appt Dt (Appointment Date), Clinic EducatorNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDPriority = RiskHeader.RiskPrtyNrHigh Risk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd where ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = Yes. Display codes only. Separate multiple codes with commas.All Other Risk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd where ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = No. Display codes only. Separate multiple codes with commas.Next Appt Dt = Appointment.StartTimeClinic Educator = ClinicEducator.Name where ClinicEducator.ID=BenefitFamily.Educator_ID

Sort Order Next Appointment Date

Total / Count Columns


State Totals NA

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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3.4 High Risk Factor Report by Person IDDescription This report is used as a monitoring tool to assure that high risk

participants have an appointment scheduled. This report shows the first appointment within the certification period with a Scheduled or Mass Scheduled status and high risk participants with no appointment scheduled.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Participant Category

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status of Active and currently marked as High Risk participants for selected parameters.High Risk indicator = RiskHeader.HighRiskInWIC Appointments with status of Scheduled or Mass Scheduled.First appointment with a status of Scheduled or Mass Scheduled after being found to be at high risk within the current certification period.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic Header, Person ID, Participant Name, Category, High Risk Factors, All Other Risk Factors, Next Appt Dt (Appointment Date), Clinic EducatorNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDPriority = RiskHeader.RiskPrtyNrHigh Risk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd where ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = Yes. Display codes only. Separate multiple codes with commas.All Other Risk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd where ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = No. Display codes only. Separate multiple codes with commas.Next Appt Dt = Appointment.StartTimeClinic Educator = ClinicEducator.Name where ClinicEducator.ID=BenefitFamily.Educator_ID

Sort Order Person ID

Total / Count Columns


State Totals NA

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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3.5 Nutrition Education Contacts Summary ReportDescription This report is used to summarize nutrition education contacts by Clinic

Educator by Participant Category & by High Risk / Not High Risk.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any participant (active or terminated in the month) that had at least one Nutrition Education contact in the month.High row includes participants with RiskHeader.HighRiskIn = YesNot High row includes participants with RiskHeader.HighRiskIn = NoTotal Participants = all participants with a WIC status of Active + those with a WIC status of Terminated with a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the month% Total with Contact = Total Participants (this report) with CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month / Total Participants (this report) * 100Pregnant = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Pregnant and has a CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Pregnant and has a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the monthBreastfeeding = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Breastfeeding and has a CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Breastfeeding and has a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the monthNot-Breastfeeding = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and has a CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and has a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the monthInfant = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Infant and has a CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month+ all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Infant and has a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the monthChild = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Child and has a CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the month+ all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Child and has a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the monthTotal w/ Contacts = sum of Pregnant + Breastfeeding + Not-Breastfeeding + Infant + Child columnsThis report excludes investigation family related data.The Print Columns are depicted as they are on the report so that the Not High Risk counts are listed directly below their High Risk counterparts.

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Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, Clinic Educator, Risk, Total Participants, % Total with Contacts, Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infant, Child, Total with ContactsNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Clinic Educator = ClinicEducator.Name where ClinicEducator.ID=BenefitFamily.Educator_ID

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Clinic Educator (is alphabetical considering the concatenated name as one entity (example: Jenny Lillis, Karla Mecker, Kim Angel))

Total / Count Columns

Clinic totals High and Not High Risk for all columns. Local Agency totals High and Not High Risk for all columns.

State Totals High and Not High Risk totals for all columns

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, Clinic Educator, Risk

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3.6 Nutrition Education Contacts Report by Staff MemberDescription This report is used to summarize nutrition education contacts by

Participant Category, Staff Member, and High / Low risk.

Parameters Local Agency, Month/Year, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any participant that has completed a certification period during the selected month:For low risk participants, they have at least 2 nutrition education contacts.For high risk participants, they have at least 2 nutrition education contacts where at least 1 is a high risk education contact.High row includes participants with RiskHeader.HighRiskIn = Yes and at least one of the nutrition education contacts must be marked as a High Risk Follow Up Appointment to be counted on this report. (CompletedNtrEd.HighRiskFollowUpIn=Yes)Not High row includes participants with RiskHeader.HighRiskIn = NoTotal Participants = all participants with a WIC status of Active + those with a WIC status of Terminated with a CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the month% of Total Participants = Total w/ Contacts (this report)/Total Participants (this report) * 100Pregnant = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Pregnant and has at least 2 CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt) + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Pregnant and has at least 2 CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt)Breastfeeding = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Breastfeeding and has at least 2 CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt) + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Breastfeeding and has at least 2 CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt)Not-Breastfeeding = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and has at least 2 CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt) + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Not-Breastfeeding and has at least 2 CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt)Infant = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Infant and has at least 2 CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt) + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated

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and Participant Category = Infant and has at least 2 CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt)Child = all participants where WIC Status = Active and Participant Category = Child and has at least 2 CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt) + all participants where WIC Status = Terminated and Participant Category = Child and has at least 2 CertificationTermination.EffectiveDt in the certification period (between Certification.StartDt and Certification.EndDt)Total w/ Contacts = sum of Pregnant + Breastfeeding + Not-Breastfeeding + Infant + Child columnsThis report excludes investigation family related data.The Print Columns are depicted as they are on the report so that the low risk counts are listed directly below their high risk counterparts.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Staff Member, Risk, Total Participants, % Total w/Contacts, Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infant, Child, Total w/ ContactsNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Staff member = BenefitFamily.Educator_ID

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Staff member (educator) is alphabetical considering the concatenated name as one entity (example: Jenny Lillis, Karla Mecker, Kim Angel)

Total / Count Columns

Clinic totals High and Not High for all columns. Local Agency totals High and Not High for all columns.

State Totals High and Not High totals for all columns

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, Staff Member

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3.7 High Risk Nutrition Education ReportDescription The High Risk Nutrition Education Report is used to allow management

to track whether high risk participants have been seen or not. It also allows management to see if high risk participants are seen within the appropriate time frames based on state policy.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Month, Year, Category, HR NRF

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All High Risk participants with a Certification Start Date in the selected Date Range and continued to receive food benefits after becoming High Risk.

This report excludes investigation family related data.The HR NRF parameter contains the ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd values where ParticipantRiskCodePriority.ParticipantTypeCode = a value selected in the Category parameter and ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = 1.

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Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Participant Name, Category, HR NRF, HR F/Up, HR F/Up Date

Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.High Risk indicator = RiskHeader.HighRiskInDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberId.Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDHR NRF = RiskDet.ParticipantRiskCd where RiskHeader.Cert_ID = current Certification and RiskHeader.HighRiskIn = 1 and ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = ParticipantRiskCodePriority.ParticipantTypeCode and RiskDet.ParticipantRiskCd = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd and ParticipantRiskCodePriority.HighRiskIn = 1. Concatenate multiple risks separated by a comma. Display multiple risks in ascending sequence.HR F/Up – Display “Yes” if a CompletedNtrEd record exists with a RecordedDt greater than or equal the Certification Start Date and CompletedNtrEd.HighRiskFollowUpIn = 1, otherwise display “No”.

HR F/Up Date – Display CompletedNtrEd.RecordedDt if a CompletedNtrEd record exists with a RecordedDt greater than or equal the Certification Start Date and CompletedNtrEd.HighRiskFollowUpIn = 1, otherwise display blanks. If multiple records are found with these criteria, display the most recent RecordedDt.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Participant Last Name, Participant First Name

Total / Count Columns

Local Agency totals for total participants on report and total participants with HR F/Up = Yes.Clinic totals for total participants on report and total participants with HR F/Up = Yes.

State Totals NA

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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3.8 Prevalence of Nutrition Risk By LA and County ReportDescription This report is used to show the frequency of risk by participant category

of all active participants by local agency, county, and clinic.

Parameters Local Agency, Effective Date, State Totals (Yes or No), Risks

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All risks for active participants at the time the data is compiledTotal Participants = All participants with a WIC Status of ActiveParticipants per category = All participants with a WIC Status of Active and ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd of Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infants, or ChildNumber of Participants with Risk (for each category) = All participants with a WIC Status of Active and ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd of Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infants, or Child and have the specified riskPercentage of Participants with Risk (for each category) = All participants with a WIC Status of Active and ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd of Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infants, or Child and have the specified risk / Participants per category * 100

The Risks parameter contains all ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd values where ParticipantRiskCode.Status = ‘A’.Filter the participants to be only those with a RiskDet.ParticipantRiskCd equal to a value selected in the Risks parameter.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, County header, Category columns (Pregnant, Breastfeeding, Not Breastfeeding, Infants, Child), Total Participants, Participants per category, Risk, Participants with Risk (for each Category column), % Participants with Risk (for each Category column)Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.Risk = Display as ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd + ParticipantRiskCode.Name

Sort Order Local Agency, County, Clinic, Frequency of Risk for all active participants (high to low)

Total / Count Columns

All columns

State Totals Local Agency and State (all columns)

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

County, Clinic

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4 Breastfeeding Reports4.1 BF PC Contacts Detail by TopicDescription This report summarizes by BF PC staff member, the prenatal and post-

partum contacts, the topics discussed and referrals made to the lactation consultant for their participant caseload during a specific timeframe. It is used to understand how BF PCs are documenting their responses to mothers’ concerns. This report is a monitoring and management tool that summarizes the number and types of topics (prenatal and postpartum) that a BF PC has with their participant caseload.

Parameters Date Range, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All BF PC contacts during the date range.BF PC Contact = Contact Dt = All BFPCContact.ContactDt in date rangePrenatal = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is before Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDt or where ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = Pregnant in the date rangeRef to Lact Spec = Number of times BFPCDocType.DocTypeCd = PREN and BFPCDocType.YieldReferralIn = YesPost-Partum = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is after Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDt in the date rangeRef to Lact Spec = Number of times BFPCDocType.DocTypeCd = POST and BFPCDocType.YieldReferralIn = YesEach row shows the detail of the BF PC topics for each BF PC that have been used during the date range. Left justify the topics.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, BF PC, Topics, Prenatal, Ref to Lact Spec, Post-Partum, Ref to Lact Spec (Referral to Lactation Specialist)Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.BF PC = StaffPerson.FirstName + StaffPerson.LastName

Sort Order Topics, alphabetically for each BF PC

Total / Count Columns

Counts of Prenatal, Referral to Lactation Specialist (for Prenatal), Post-Partum, Referral to Lactation Specialist (for Post-partum) contacts. Since multiple topics may be discussed during one contact, total lines will not always be a sum of detail lines.

State Totals Yes

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, by BF PC

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4.2 BF PC Contacts Summary ReportDescription This report summarizes detailed information about the type (telephone,

support, no answer, home visit, clinic visit, etc.) and frequency of contacts made by the BF PC during a selected date range. It is used to help management staff understand the utilization of the BF PC. This is a monitoring and management tool that may show areas where additional training is needed.

Parameters Date Range, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All BF PC contacts during the date range.BF PC Contact = Contact Dt = All BFPCContact.ContactDt in date rangeNo Answer = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = No AnswerTelephone Support = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = Telephone supportPeer Support Group = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = Peer Support GroupClinic Visit = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = Clinic visitHome Visit = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = Home visitHospital Visit = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = Hospital visitMailing = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = MailingOther = BFPCContact.ContactTypeCd = OtherPrenatal = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is before Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDt or where ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = PregnantPost-Partum = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is after Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDtDisplay BF PC Name as StaffPerson.FirstName + StaffPerson.MiddleName + StaffPerson.LastName + StaffPerson.LastNameSuffix.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, BF PC Name, No Answer, Telephone Support, Clinic Visit, Peer Support Group, Home Visit, Hospital Visit, Mailing, Other, Prenatal, Post-Partum,Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Agency, Clinic, BF PC Last Name, BF PC First Name

Total / Count Columns

Counts of No Answer, Telephone Support, Clinic Visit, Peer Support Group, Home Visit, Hospital Visit, Mailing, Other, Prenatal, , Post-Partum,

State Totals Yes

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, BF PC Name

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4.3 Breastfeeding Duration by BF PC ContactsDescription This report describes the breastfeeding duration of an infant (at the time

the report is run) whose mother had contact(s) with a BF PC. The report lists by BF PC each mother participant: the number of BF PC contacts she received, her initial visit, the breastfeeding duration, and the number of cans of powdered formula received in the most recent food package.

Parameters Local Agency, Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides end date of a 12 month period). The year is a rolling year (April to March, May to April).

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants whose moms indicated “Yes, interested in BF PC” within the 12 month date range (PregnantInterview.BFPCInterestIn=Yes or InterviewPPBF.BFPCInterestIn=Yes) and mom participant category = Breastfeeding (ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd)Prenatal Contacts (number) = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is before Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDt or where ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCd = Pregnant in the date rangePrenatal Contacts (percentage) = Prenatal Contacts/Total ContactsPost-Partum Contacts (number) = Number of contacts where BFPCContact.ContactDt is after Pregnancy.ActualDeliveryDt in the date rangePost-Partum Contacts (percentage) = Post-partum contact/Total ContactsTotal Contacts (number) = Prenatal + Post-PartumTotal Contacts (percentage) within the Agency = Total Contacts for a BF PC/Total Contacts for the AgencyNote: The contacts are reported based on the clinic that the participant belonged to at the time of the BF PC Contact.Duration = BF Duration calculation is (Started Date associated with most recent BF Description) minus the Actual Delivery Date/7. Display the whole number of weeks. Do not round up.Formula (Cans) = Total quantity of cans of formula in current food package. (Quantity in Category 21 or 31 where formula type = Powder)This report excludes investigation family related data.BF PC = BFPCContact.BFPC_IDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDInitial Visit = Certification.StartDtDate of Birth = FamilyMember.BirthDt

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Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, BF PC, Participant Name (infant/child), Person ID, Prenatal Contacts, PP Contacts, Total Contacts, Initial Visit (first certification start date for the pregnancy that is greater than the Last Menstrual Period and less than the Actual Delivery Date), Duration (Wks), Formula (Cans)Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order BF PC, by total number of BF PC contacts starting with zero

Total / Count Columns

Local Agency percentage and number for Prenatal Contacts, PP Contacts, Total ContactsBF PC percentage and number for Prenatal Contacts, PP Contacts, Total Contacts

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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4.4 Breastfeeding Equipment Due Description This report is used to identify participants that currently have serialized

breastfeeding equipment assigned to them. It contains contact/return date, date issued, type of equipment, serial number and reason issued. It is used by lactation staff to make follow up counseling contacts/call to promote breastfeeding, assist with pumping needs, and to retrieve pumps timely. The report shows all serialized breastfeeding equipment due within the current calendar month or equipment that is past due.

Parameters Local Agency

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All issued serialized breastfeeding equipment that has a Contact/Return Date and a blank Serialized Inventory Item Disposition Date where the contact/return date is in the current month or past due. The report shows all serialized breastfeeding equipment due within the calendar month. The data for this report reflects all Breastfeeding Equipment that has a Contact/Return Date and a blank Serialized Inventory item Disposition Date prior to or within the current month.

Contact/Return Date = SerializedInventoryItemHistory.DueDtDate Issued = SerializedInventoryItemHistory.RecordedDtDisplay Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Utilize the system parameter ClinicServices.HeadofHouseholdLabelToUse to create the Endorser Name column heading. If no record is found, set the column heading to “Endorser Name”.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDHome Phone = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Equip Type = SerializedInventoryType.DescriptionSerial # = SerializedInventoryItem.ProductSerialNrReason Issued = Breastpump.IssueReasonCdThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, Contact/Return Date, Date Issued, Endorser Name, Family ID, Home Phone, Equip Type (Breastfeeding Equipment Type), Serial #, Reason IssuedNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

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Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Date Due

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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4.5 Breastfeeding Equipment Issued Description This report identifies the type of breastfeeding equipment (both

serialized and non-serialized) issued during the time period. It totals by clinic and agency, the number of participants that were issued these items. It can assist with the inventory and projection for ordering equipment.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Count of breastfeeding equipment (serialized and non-serialized) by type that has been issued during the time period.Rows of the report are the type of breastfeeding equipment.Equipment Type = Equip Type = BreastPump.SIIH_ID and BFSupply.NSIT.IDBreastfeeding Equipment Issued Date is BreastPump.RecordedDt.Equipment Type = SerializedInventoryType.Description orNonSerializedInventoryType.DescriptionThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, Equipment Type, Participants IssuedNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order BF Equipment Type

Total / Count Columns

Clinic and Local Agency totals by breastfeeding equipment type and number of participants issued breastfeeding equipment.

State Totals Number of participants issued breastfeeding equipment by type of equipment

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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4.6 Breastfeeding Prevalence ReportDescription This report is used to evaluate the number and proportion of

infants/children who exclusively breastfed (Excl, Prim Excl / No F Pkg, Prim Excl / Comp) the first week, at 3 months and 6 months of age and who were doing any breastfeeding at weeks 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6, months 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24. It is used to evaluate the age to which breastfeeding continued during infancy and childhood and to track trends. There are three categories of columns, Exclusively Breastfed, Ever Breastfed, and Breastfeeding Duration. Durations are dependent upon when the last nutrition interview was recorded. A participant may be counted in more than one age category based on age reached by/on their date of visit. The data is gathered from all the interviews that were conducted during the 12 months prior to the report end date parameter. If an infant/child was not interviewed during this period, the infant/child is not counted. In order to be calculated in the numerator, the child must have reached the age of the column title by the time of the interview.

Parameters Local Agency, Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides end date of a 12 month period), State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Excl BF 1 Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 1 week or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1.Excl BF 1 Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Excl BF 3 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 13 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13.

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Excl BF 3 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’, ’COMP’, ’PRIM’, ’PART’, ’NEVR’, ’TERM’, ’BFC’)

Excl BF 6 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 26 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26.

Excl BF 6 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Ever BF (Numerator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with a BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/ Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF or BF childEver BF (Denominator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (any of Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF child, Never BF

Breastfeeding Duration Categories:1Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF. Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’BFC’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd = ‘TERM and InterviewInfant.BFTermWeekNr > 1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is ‘TERM’ and InterviewChild.BFTermWeekNr >1.

1Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF, BF child, Never BF

2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Numerator): Same as 1Wk (Numerator) just with the different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6

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weeks of age, respectively.2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Denominator): Same as 1Wk (Denominator), just with different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.

2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Numerator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period whose records show that the infant/child was still breastfeeding.2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Denominator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period who recorded any breastfeeding response on an interview.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Interpretation Assistance: The number row represents the numerator. It is the number of

participants whose last interview indicated that they were breastfeeding at the age specified.

To determine the value of the denominator, use the percentage and the numerator. The denominator is the number of participants whose last interview record indicated their breastfeeding status at the age specified.

Example: The report is run for Sept 2015. Baby Joe is 8 months old on Sept 10. His last nutrition interview was dated July 25, 2015, so he was 6 months old when the interview was recorded. The interview indicates that Baby Joe stopped breastfeeding at 11 weeks (or less than 3 months).

o Baby Joe would be counted in the numerator of the BF counts for the 1,2,3,4,5,6 wks, and 2mos categories, since he was breastfeeding during at those milestones.

o Baby Joe would be counted in the denominator of the BF counts for the 1,2,3,4,5,6 wks, 2mos and 3 mos and 6 mos since we know his bf status during each of those milestones. He would not be counted in the denominator for the 9mos, even though he has reached that milestone, since we have no knowledge of what his breastfeeding status was at that time.

When calculating the Breastfeeding Prevalence report, the queries look for all participants with a infant or child interview with a valid breastfeeding action code that is within the last 12 months from the date requested. This will show different results than the unduplicated count report which is reporting on any participant that was active during the time frame. Some of the participants that would be included in the unduplicated count report, although they were active during at least

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part of the time, did not have an interview that was recorded during the 12 month period so the prevalence report did not pick them up. Additionally, if a participant had an interview, but did not have a breastfeeding description (action code) entered, they are not included in the prevalence report. This could happen with children >24 months of age when the breastfeeding data is not required.

Processing No special processing


Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

Excl BF 1 Wk – means 0-6 daysExcl BF 3 moExcl BF 6 moEver BF1Wk – means 0-6 days2Wk – means 7-13 days3Wk – means 14-20 days4Wk – means 21-27 days5Wk – means 28-34 days6Wk – means 35-41 days2M – means 9 weeks3M – means 13 weeks6M – means 26 weeks9M – means 39 weeks12M – means 52 weeks18M – means 78 weeks24M – means 104 weeks

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Page Breaks Primary group by Local Agency with page breaks for each local agency. Secondary group by Clinic with no page breaks.

Totaling Percentage and Total for each column for each grouping: State, Local, Clinic

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Roepsch, Emily, 10/11/16,
Ciber 301
Roepsch, Emily, 12/13/16,
Added due to Change Log comment.

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4.7 Breastfeeding Prevalence with BF PC Contacts ReportDescription This report shows the rate (number and percentage) of breastfeeding

(ever, exclusive, durations) for infants whose mothers have had at least one prenatal or postpartum BF PC contacts documented compared to the rate of breastfeeding for infants whose mothers didn’t have a BF PC contact. Use this report to understand breastfeeding (ever, exclusive, durations) for infants whose mothers had and did not have a BF PC contact. Staff may use this to show the potential impact of BF PCs on breastfeeding rates. There are limitations to this report. A participant may be counted in more than one age category based on age reached by/on their date of visit. The data is gathered from all the interviews that were conducted during the 12 months prior to the report end date parameter. If an infant/child was not interviewed during this period, the infant/child is not counted. In order to be calculated in the numerator, the child must have reached the age of the column title by the time of the interview.

Parameters Local Agency, Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides end date of a 12 month period), State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants and children who met the age requirement of the column heading at the the time of the parameter end date and had an interview recorded during the time period of the report (12 months).BF PC = Y There was at least one documented Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Contact during the prenatal or early post-partum period (8 months before delivery to 3 months after delivery) with a value that indicates that a contact really occurred (BF PC Contact = ‘CLNC’, ‘HOME’, ‘HOSP’, ‘TELE’, ‘SGRP’).BF PC = N There was no documented Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Contact during the prenatal or early post-partum period (8 months before delivery to 3 months after delivery) or the contact record has a BF PC Contact of ‘NOAN’, ‘MAIL’, ‘OTHR’.

Risk 602 Woman has at least one 602 risk recorded within 3 months after the birth.Risk 603 Infant has at least one 603 risk recorded within 3 months after the birth.

For each of the definitions below, the numerator takes into account the appropriate grouping being calculated.  i.e. BF PC = Y, BF PC = N, All 602 risks, All 603 risks.

Excl BF 1 Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 1 week or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the BF PC yes or no group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and

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InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1.

Excl BF 1 Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Excl BF 3 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 13 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the BF PC yes or no group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13.

Excl BF 3 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’, ’COMP’, ’PRIM’, ’PART’, ’NEVR’, ’TERM’, ’BFC’)

Excl BF 6 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 26 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the BF PC yes or no group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26.

Excl BF 6 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Ever BF (Numerator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with a BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/ Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF or BF child and the mother fits in the BF PC yes or no group.

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Ever BF (Denominator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (any of Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF child, Never BF

Breastfeeding Duration Categories:1Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF and the mother fits in the BF PC yes or no group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’BFC’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd = ‘TERM and InterviewInfant.BFTermWeekNr > 1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is ‘TERM’ and InterviewChild.BFTermWeekNr >1.

1Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF, BF child, Never BF

2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Numerator): Same as 1Wk (Numerator), just with the different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Denominator): Same as 1Wk (Denominator), just with different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.

2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Numerator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period whose records show that the infant/child was still breastfeeding.2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Denominator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period who recorded any breastfeeding response on an interview.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Processing No special processing

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Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

Excl BF 1 Wk – means 0-6 daysExcl BF 3 moExcl BF 6 moEver BF1Wk – means 0-6 days2Wk – means 7-13 days3Wk – means 14-20 days4Wk – means 21-27 days5Wk – means 28-34 days6Wk – means 35-41 days2M – means 9 weeks3M – means 13 weeks6M – means 26 weeks9M – means 39 weeks12M – means 52 weeks18M – means 78 weeks24M – means 104 weeks

Detail Rows: BF PC = Y%

BF PC = Y#Risk 602%

Risk 602# Risk 603% Risk 603# BF PC = N%

BF PC = N#

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Page Breaks Primary group by Local Agency with page breaks for each local agency. Secondary group by Clinic with no page breaks.

Totaling Percentage and Total for each column for each grouping: State, Local, Clinic

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4.8 Breastfeeding Prevalence by Equipment IssuanceDescription This report shows the rate of breastfeeding prevalence (including

breastfeeding descriptions of ever, exclusivity and durations) for infants whose mothers who were issued breastfeeding equipment by the type of serialized or non-serialized equipment. It may be used to learn how long or how much infants breastfeed if their mothers received different types of breastfeeding equipment from a clinic or agency. There are three categories of columns: Exclusively Breastfed (Excl, Prim Excl / No F Pkg, Prim Excl / Comp), Ever Breastfed, and Breastfeeding Duration. A participant may be counted in more than one age category based on age reached by/on their date of visit. The data is gathered from all the interviews that were conducted during the 12 months prior to the report end date parameter. If an infant/child was not interviewed during this period, the infant/child is not counted. In order to be calculated in the numerator, the child must have reached the age of the column title by the time of the interview.

Parameters Local Agency, Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides end of 12 month period), State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants and children who met the age requirement of the column heading at the the time of the parameter end date and had an interview recorded during the time period of the report (12 months).Equipment Issued = Based on mothers of infants or children in the selection who received breastfeeding equipment (serialized or non-serialized) after the infant was born and up to 6 months postpartum.Serialized = Based on mothers of infants or children in the selection who received serialized breastfeeding equipment only after the infant was born and up to 6 months postpartum.Name of Type 1 = SerializedInventoryType.DescriptionName of Type 2, etc. Include a separate row for each type of serialized inventory that has been designated as BF Equipment at the Category level and has been issued during the reporting period.

Non-serialized = Based on mothers of infants or children in the selection who received non-serialized breastfeeding equipment only after the infant was born and up to 6 months postpartum.Name of Type 1 = NonSerializedInventoryType.DescriptionName of Type 2, etc. Include a separate row for each type of non-serialized inventory that has been designated as BF Equipment at the Category level and has been issued during the reporting period.No Equip Issued = Based on mothers of infants or children in the selection who did not receive breastfeeding equipment (serialized or non-serialized) after the infant was born and up to 6 months postpartum.

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Excl BF 1 Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 1 week or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the Equipment Issued/No Equip Issued group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1.

Excl BF 1 Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 10 days old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Excl BF 3 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 13 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the Equipment Issued/No Equip Issued group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13.

Excl BF 3 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’, ’COMP’, ’PRIM’, ’PART’, ’NEVR’, ’TERM’, ’BFC’)

Excl BF 6 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 26 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits in the Equipment Issued/No Equip Issued group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26.

Excl BF 6 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e.

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InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Ever BF (Numerator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with a BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/ Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF or BF child and the mother fits in the Equipment Issued/No Equip Issued group.Ever BF (Denominator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (any of Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF child, Never BF

Breastfeeding Duration Categories:1Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF. Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’BFC’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd = ‘TERM and InterviewInfant.BFTermWeekNr > 1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is ‘TERM’ and InterviewChild.BFTermWeekNr >1.

1Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF, BF child, Never BF

2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Numerator): Same as 1Wk (Numerator), just with the different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Denominator): Same as 1Wk (Denominator), just with different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.

2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Numerator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period whose records show that the infant/child was still breastfeeding.2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Denominator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period who recorded any breastfeeding response on an interview.

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This report excludes investigation family related data.

Processing No special processing

Content/Format Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

Excl BF 1 Wk – means 0-6 daysExcl BF 3 moExcl BF 6 moEver BF1Wk – means 0-6 days2Wk – means 7-13 days3Wk – means 14-20 days4Wk – means 21-27 days5Wk – means 28-34 days6Wk – means 35-41 days2M – means 9 weeks3M – means 13 weeks6M – means 26 weeks9M – means 39 weeks12M – means 52 weeks18M – means 78 weeks24M – means 104 weeks

Detail Rows: Equipment Issued # Serialized # Type 1 % Type 1 # Type 2%, etc. Type 2 #, etc.(Separate row for each type of serialized inventory that is BF equipment.) Non-serialized # Type 1 % Type 1 # Type 2%, etc. Type 2 #, etc.

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(Separate row for each type of non-serialized inventory that is BF equipment.) No Equip Issued #

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, sort types of equipment alphabetically

Page Breaks Primary group by Local Agency with page breaks for each local agency. Secondary group by Clinic with no page breaks.

Totaling State, Local Agency, Clinic Totals – Total only for each column for Equipment Issued, Serialized, Non-Serialized, and No Equip Issued. Percentage and Total for each column for each specific BF Equipment item included on the report.

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4.9 Breastfeeding Prevalence by Maternal CharacteristicsDescription This report shows the rate of breastfeeding prevalence by maternal and

infant characteristics including age, education, work/school, BF experience, race/ethnicity, and LBW infant. There are three categories of columns, Exclusively Breastfed (Excl, Prim Excl / No F Pkg, Prim Excl / Comp), Ever Breastfed, and Breastfeeding Duration. A participant may be counted in more than one age category based on age reached by/on their date of visit. The data is gathered from all the interviews that were conducted during the 12 months prior to the report end date parameter. If an infant/child was not interviewed during this period, the infant/child is not counted. In order to be calculated in the numerator, the child must have reached the age of the column title by the time of the interview.

Parameters Local Agency, Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides end date of a 12 month period), State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants and children who met the age requirement of the column heading at the the time of the parameter end date and had an interview recorded during the time period of the report (12 months).Age = Based on the age of the mother at the time the breastfeeding description was recorded.Education = Based on the current education level of the mother.Work/School>10 hrs/Wk = Based on the responses in the first Breastfeeding Interview for the mother after the infant was born (InterviewPPBF.WorkIn).BF Experience? = Based on the last pregnancy interview for the mother before the date of birth of the infant (InterviewPregnant.BFPreviousIn).Race/Ethnicity = Based on the current Race and Ethnicity responses for the mother.LBW Infant? = Based on the risk records for the infant/child. If any record is found with 141A or 141B, then LBW Infant = Yes. If no records with 141A or 141B, then LBW Infant = No.

Excl BF 1 Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 1 week old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 1 week or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits into the age, education, work/school, BF Experience, Race/Ethnicity or the child fits in the LBW Infant group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥1.

Excl BF 1 Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 10 days old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No

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longer BF , BF Child, Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd or InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Excl BF 3 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 13 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits into the age, education, work/school, BF Experience, Race/Ethnicity or the child fits in the LBW Infant group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥13.

Excl BF 3 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 13 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is or InterviewChild.BFActionCd (‘EXCL’, ’COMP’, ’PRIM’, ’PART’, ’NEVR’, ’TERM’, ’BFC’)

Excl BF 6 mo (Numerator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with an age of 26 weeks or greater when fed something else besides breastmilk on a regular basis and the mother fits into the age, education, work/school, BF Experience, Race/Ethnicity or the child fits in the LBW Infant group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BF Actioncd is (‘EXCL’, ‘COMP’, ‘PRIM’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’) and InterviewInfant.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is (‘PART’, ‘TERM’, ‘BFC’) and InterviewChild.OtherIntroducedRegWeekNr ≥26.

Excl BF 6 mo (Denominator) = # of infants/children who turned 26 weeks old during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF Child Never BF). i.e. InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is or InterviewChild.BFActionCd (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’NEVR’,’TERM’,’BFC’)

Ever BF (Numerator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with a BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/ Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF or BF child and the mother fits into the age, education, work/school, BF Experience, Race/Ethnicity or the child fits in the LBW Infant group.Ever BF (Denominator) = # of distinct infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with any BF description entered (any of Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF , BF child, Never BF

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Breastfeeding Duration Categories:1Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF and the mother fits into the age, education, work/school, BF Experience, Race/Ethnicity or the child fits in the LBW Infant group. i.e. Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd is (‘EXCL’,’COMP’,’PRIM’,’PART’,’BFC’) or Most recent InterviewInfant.BFActioncd = ‘TERM and InterviewInfant.BFTermWeekNr > 1 or Most recent InterviewChild.BFActionCd is ‘TERM’ and InterviewChild.BFTermWeekNr >1.

1Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children during the reporting period (12 months) who turned 1 week old with BF description entered as Excl BF, Prim Excl /No F Pkg, Prim Excl/Comp, Partial BF, No longer BF, BF child, Never BF

2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Numerator): Same as 1Wk (Numerator), just with the different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.2Wk, 3Wk, 4Wk, 5Wk, 6Wk (Denominator): Same as 1Wk (Denominator), just with different ages. # of infants/children who turned ‘X’ weeks old during the reporting period (12 months), where ‘X’ is 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 weeks of age, respectively.

2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Numerator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period whose records show that the infant/child was still breastfeeding.2M, 3M, 6M, 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M (Denominator): The total number of infants and children who turned 9 weeks (2 months), 13 weeks (3 months), 26 weeks (6 months), 39 weeks (9 months), 52 weeks (12 months), 78 weeks (18 months), 104 weeks (24 months) during the reporting period who recorded any breastfeeding response on an interview.

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Processing No special processing


Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

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Excl BF 1 Wk – means 0-6 daysExcl BF 3 moExcl BF 6 moEver BF1Wk – means 0-6 days2Wk – means 7-13 days3Wk – means 14-20 days4Wk – means 21-27 days5Wk – means 28-34 days6Wk – means 35-41 days2M – means 9 weeks3M – means 13 weeks6M – means 26 weeks9M – means 39 weeks12M – means 52 weeks18M – means 78 weeks24M – means 104 weeks

Detail Rows: Age 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35+ years Education <9 years 9-12 years >12 years

Work/School >10 hrs/wk? Yes No

BF Experience? Yes No Race/Ethnicity White, Not Hispanic Black, Not Hispanic Hispanic Am Ind/Alaskan Native

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Asian/Pacific Islander All Other LBW Infant? Yes NoRow order is Ages, Education, Work/School > 10 hrs/wk?, BF

Experience?, Race/Ethnicity, LBW Infant?

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Page Breaks Primary group by Local Agency with page breaks for each local agency. Secondary group by Clinic with no page breaks.

Totaling Percentage and Total for each column for each grouping: State, Local, Clinic

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4.10 Exclusively Breastfeeding and Formula Issuance Report

Description This report shows issuance trend data for exclusively and primarily exclusive/no formula package and primarily exclusive/complementary food combined descriptions of breastfeeding infants. It specifically identifies infants who had a description of one of the categories of exclusively breastfeeding infants at their first visit, tracks them, and identifies when they first receive powdered formula (first food package effective date with a food package containing formula) and the quantity (in cans) of formula provided. Displayed as percentages of number of cans per age in months. Run for a local agency to show clinic data for a 12- month period.

Parameters Ending Month, Ending Year (user provides the last month of a 12 month reporting period), Local Agency, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants with Breastfeeding Description=EXCL, PRIM, or COMP at first WIC visit that are within the date range.Month column – Determined based on the difference between participant’s birth date and the first food package effective date with a food package containing formula. The infant is only counted in the first month where the food package indicates that they could start to receive formula.Rows are the number of cans of powdered formula issued: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Rows are not displayed unless there is data to display for the row. The number of cans is based on the full proration food package.Calculation: Percentage of infants (with EXCL, PRIM or COMP at first WIC visit) that were issued powdered formula by month of age and recorded by number of cansBF Description based on InterviewInfant.BFActionCd = EXCL, PRIM, COMPPowdered formula based on Product.FormulaTypeCd = PowderDate of Birth = FamilyMember.BirthDtThis report excludes investigation family related data.

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Content Format

Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

Cans< 1 Month – <4 weeks1 Month - ≥4 weeks and ≤8 weeks2 Months - ≥9 weeks and ≤12 weeks3 Months - ≥13 weeks and ≤16 weeks4 Months - ≥17 weeks and ≤21 weeks

5 Months - ≥22 weeks and ≤25 weeks 6 Months - ≥26 weeks and ≤29 weeks

7 Months - ≥30 weeks and ≤34 weeks 8 Months - ≥35 weeks and ≤38 weeks 9 Months - ≥39 weeks and ≤42 weeks 10 Months - ≥43 weeks and ≤47 weeks 11 Months - ≥48 weeks and ≤51 weeks 12 Months - ≥52 weeks

Sort Order Number of Cans of formula

Total / Count Columns


State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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4.11 Formula First Introduced to Breastfed Infants Report

Description This is a 12-month trend report that shows when formula is first introduced to infants that were ever breastfed. Displayed as percentages by age in weeks 1-3 and months 1-12 as to when formula was first introduced. It is used to track when infants who have been breastfed begin receiving supplemental formula.

Parameters Ending Month/Ending Year (user provides the last month of a 12 month period), State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

1 Wk (Numerator) = # of infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with most recent nutrition interview record showing InterviewInfant.FormulaIntroducedWeekNr<1 and Ever BF = Y or InterviewChild.FormulaIntroducedWeekNr<1 and Ever BF = Y.

1 Wk (Denominator) = # of infants/children interviewed during the reporting period (12 months) with Ever BF = Y.

2 Wk, 3 Wk, 1 Mo, 2 Mo, 3 Mo, 4 Mo, 5 Mo, 6 Mo, 7-9 Mo, 10-12 Mo (Numerator):  Same as 1Wk (Numerator), only that the most recent nutrition interview record shows InterviewInfant.FormualIntroducedWeekNr or InterviewChild.FormulaIntroducedWeekNr<2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 5 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of age, respectively.2 Wk, 3 Wk, 1 Mo, 2 Mo, 3 Mo, 4 Mo, 5 Mo, 6 Mo, 7-9 Mo, 10-12 Mo (Denominator):  Same as 1 Wk (Denominator).

Powdered formula based on Product.FormulaTypeCd = Powder1 month = 4 to 8 weeks2 months = 9 to 12 weeks3 months = 13 to 16 weeks4 months = 17 to 21 weeks5 months = 22 to 25 weeks6 months = 26 to 29 weeks7-9 months = 30 to 42 weeks10-12 months = 43 to 55 weeksThis report excludes investigation family related data.

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Content Format

Report Subtitle: Start and End Dates (display as <Month Name yyyy – Month Name yyyy)

Group: <LA ID – LA Description>Sub Group: <Clinic ID – Clinic Description>Detail Headings/Columns:

1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk

1 Mo2 Mo3 Mo4 Mo

5 Mo 6 Mo

7-9 Mo 10-12 Mo

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Total / Count Columns

Local Agency percentage and number for each column

State Totals Yes (at the top of the first page) – percent and number

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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4.12 Reason Ceased Breastfeeding ReportDescription This report is used to review breastfeeding data on infants and children

who “Ever breastfed.” The report looks for infants who began (ever) and stopped breastfeeding (BF description = No Longer BF) for a period of time. The data are reported by breastfeeding ceased reason. Use this report to rank the reasons women offer for why they stop breastfeeding. Use this report to train staff to use anticipatory guidance with specific breastfeeding ceased trends.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, State Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All infants and children who stopped breastfeeding (BF Status = No Longer BF) in this period. Note: The report looks for breastfeeding termination records where the birth date + weeks at breastfeeding termination are between the start and end date of the report.Use Breastfeeding Ceased Reason.Date of Birth = FamilyMember.BirthDtThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Total participants listsNumber that stopped after week 1 of ageNumber that stopped after week 2 of ageNumber that stopped after week 3 of ageNumber that stopped after month 1 of ageNumber that stopped after month 2 of ageNumber that stopped after month 3 of ageNumber that stopped after month 4 of ageNumber that stopped after month 5 of ageNumber that stopped after month 6 of ageNumber that stopped after month 9 of ageNumber that stopped after month 12 of ageNumber that stopped after month 18 of ageNumber that stopped after month 24 of ageNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

Total / Count Columns

Local Agency total for each column

State Totals By Ceased Reason (at the top of the first page)

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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5 Client Services Reports5.1 Certification Appointments Needed ReportDescription This report identifies active infants and children less than 5 years old

and active pregnant women whose Certification End Date (CED) is within the selected date range and that do not have a scheduled certification or recertification appointment.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Time Frame (This Month / Next Month / Month After Next)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Any Active infant, child, or pregnant participant whose Certification End Date is in the month selected within the parameter who does not have a WIC Appointment with status = Scheduled and WIC Appointment Type = Certification or Recertification.Do not include a child participant if their Categorical Eligibility End Date is also in the month selected within the parameter.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDPerson ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Phone = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr. Display as (999) 999-9999.Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Participant Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCdCertification End Date = Certification.EndDt

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Family ID, Person ID, Participant Name, Phone, Participant Category, Certification End DateNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Certification End Date (Closest to today’s date first), Family ID, Person ID

Total / Count Columns

Clinic total number of participants listed. Local Agency total number of participants listed. Total of all participants listed for all selected Local Agencies.

State Totals No

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Primary Group (page break)Additional Group By

Local AgencyClinic

5.2 Disqualified Participants ReportDescription This report is provided to community partner programs such as

Commodity Foods so that the partner programs can ensure that the disqualified participant is also not participating in their program.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

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Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status=Disqualified for time period.Reason is the Violation Type that led to the sanction of disqualification.Display Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Person ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberIDDisqualified Dt = ParticipantSanction.StartDtEnd Dt = ParticipantSanction.EndDtDisqualified = WIC Status = DisqualifiedReason = ParticipantViolation.ViolationTypeCd (Use the ParticipantViolation.ViolationTypeCd with a date equal to the ParticipantSanction.StartDt or the most recent date recorded prior to the sanction.)Display Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = “Y”This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Participant Name, Person ID, Disqualified Dt, End Dt, Reason, Endorser NameNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Participant Last Name

Total / Count Columns


State Totals NA

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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5.3 Immunization ReportDescription This report lists the participants who are not up to date on the DTaP

shots at the time of the health and nutrition assessment.Note: The counts are dependent on the answer supplied for the number of DTaP shots on the infant and child interviews.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

From Infant & Child Interviews:All infants or children that were not up to date on their DTaP shots for their age at the time of certification.Display Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Age based on FamilyMember.BirthDt (display in months)#DTaP Shots = InterviewInfant.DTapNr and InterviewChild.DtaPNrPhone Number = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Up to date is based on the interview answer compared to the following system parameters: ClinicServices.DTaPCompletionAge1st, ClinicServices.DTaPCompletionAge2nd, ClinicServices.DTaPCompletionAge3rd, ClinicServices.DTaPCompletionAge4th, and ClinicServices.DTaPTotal.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Person ID, Participant Name, Age, # DTaP Shots, Phone NumberNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Participant Name

Total / Count Columns


State Totals Yes

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency, Clinic

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5.4 Outreach ReportDescription This report is used by local agencies to share WIC information with other

agencies to support their outreach to people in need. The report has participant name, DOB, endorser name, address, and telephone number. The distribution of this information is only to programs that the state has a Memorandum of Agreement in place (listed on the Rights and Responsibilities document). The distribution is controlled by policy adherence, not the system.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants with a WIC Status = Active.Local Agency = LocalAgency.FFLocalAgencyID dash LocalAgency Name.Clinic = Clinic.FFClinicID dash Clinic.NameDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Display Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = “Y”Utilize the system parameter ClinicServices.HeadofHouseholdLabelToUse to create the Endorser Name column heading. If no record is found, set the column heading to “Endorser Name”.Phone Number = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Alternate Phone = BenefitFamily.AltPhoneAreaCdNote: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number or alternate phone number.BenefitFamily.AltPhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Birth Date = FamilyMember.BirthDtCategory = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDAddress = FamilyAddress.StreetAddrLine1, StreetAddrLine2, Apartment, POBox, City, State, ZipCode, ZipPlus4This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency header, Clinic header, Participant Name, Endorser Name, Phone Number, Alternate Phone, Birth Date, Category, AddressNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Endorser Last Name

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Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By


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5.5 Proration Override ReportDescription This report is used to monitor staff overrides of proration for issuance

and reissuance.

Parameters Local Agency (Select one-to-many), Clinic (Based on LA. Select one-to-many), Month (Select one month), Year (Enter the year)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘FI’ thenSelect all FI records where FI.CreateDt = selection parameters Month and Year and (FI.ProrationOverrideCd is not null or FI.ProrationReissueOverrideCd is not null) and FI.VoidDt is null.

If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘EBT’ thenSelect all EBTIssuance records where EBTIssuance.IssueDt = selection parameters Month and Year and (EBTIssuance.ProrationOverrideCd is not null or EBTIssuance.ProrationReissueOverrideCd is not null).

Display Staff Person = StaffPerson.FirstName + StaffPerson.MiddleName + StaffPerson.LastName + StaffPerson.LastNameSuffix.Display FI Number = FI.FI_NrDisplay PAN = EBTCard.CardNr with format 99999999-99999999Display Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDDisplay Participant Name = FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Display HOH Name = FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix where FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = Yes.Display Override Date = FI.CreateDt or EBTIssuance.IssueDtDisplay Override Reason = FI.ProrationOverrideCd, FI.ProrationReissueOverrideCd, EBTIssuance.ProrationOverrideCd, orEBTIssuance.ProrationReissueOverrideCdDisplay Reissue Override? = Yes if FI.ProrationReissueOverrideCd or EBTIssuance.ProrationReissueOverrideCd is displayed, otherwise display blanks.Exclude all FI and EBTIssuance data belonging to investigator families.

Processing No special processing

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Print Columns

If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘FI’ thenLocal Agency header, Clinic header, Staff Person, FI Number, Family ID, Participant Name, Override Date, Override Reason, Reissue Override?

If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘EBT’ thenLocal Agency header, Clinic header, Staff Person, PAN, Family ID, <HOH Name>, Override Date, Override Reason, Reissue Override?

Note: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘FI’ thenLocal Agency, Clinic, StaffPerson.LastName, StaffPerson. FirstName, FI

If system parameter System.FoodBenefitDeliveryMethod = ‘EBT’ thenLocal Agency, Clinic, StaffPerson.LastName, StaffPerson. FirstName, PAN

Total / Count Columns

For FI States, label ‘Total Participants’. For EBT States, label ‘Total Households’. Totaling is for unique participant/households. Staff Person total number is listed. Clinic total number is listed. Local Agency total number is listed. Total is listed for all selected Local Agencies.

State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)Additional Group By

Local AgencyClinicStaff Person

FI Version of the Proration Override Report.

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EBT Version of the Proration Override Report.

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5.6 Referral Detail ReportDescription This report supports the analysis of outreach and referral program

effectiveness by reporting the number of referrals from each organization to WIC and the number of participants referred from WIC to each organization type.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Date Range, Organization Type, Organization

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Count To = All “Referred To” family or participant referral to an organization type, in the date range. Use the associated referal record date to determine if in the date range.If Family Referral, display “Family Referral” in Participant Name column.(ParticipantReferral.TypeCd + FamilyReferral.TypeCd) The count is at the organization type level.

Count From = All “Referred To WIC by” selections, BenefitFamily.ReferralSrcCd, in the date range. Use the Application Date to determine if in the date range. The count is at the organization type level.If Referred To WIC By None, display ‘None’ in the Organization Type column.If Referred To WIC By Family/Friend, display ‘Family/Friend’ in the Organization Type column.If Referred To WIC By Outreach Organization, display the selected Organization Type in the Organization Type column. If a specific organization is selected, display the organization name in the Organization Name column, otherwise leave the column blank.If Referred To WIC By Other, display ‘Other’ in the Organization Type column and the text description in the Organization Name column.

Show a clear distinction between Referrals To and Referrals From data.Report lists referrals for the date range. The report does not accumulate for the fiscal year.

“To” (another organization referred To WIC)Organization Name = BenefitFamily.RefOrg_ID“From” (referred to another organization from WIC) Organization Type = ParticipantReferral.Org_ID and FamilyReferral.Org_IDApplication Date = Application.ApplicationDtFamily referral dates = FamilyReferral.RecordedDtParticipant referral dates = ParticipantReferral.RecordedDtDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Family ID = FamilyMember.FFMemberID

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This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Count, From/To, Organization Type, Organization Name, Participant Name, Family IDNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Organization Type, Participant Last Name

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, Organization Type

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5.7 Referral Summary ReportDescription This report supports the analysis of outreach and referral program

effectiveness by reporting the number of referrals from each organization to WIC and the number of participants referred from WIC to each organization type.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, Organization Type

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Count To = All “Referred To” family or participant referral to an organization type in the date range. Use the associated referral record date. The count is at the organization type level.(ParticipantReferral.TypeCd + FamilyReferral.TypeCd)

Count From = All “Referred To WIC by” selections, BenefitFamily.ReferralSrcCd, within the date range. Use the Application Date to determine if in the date range. The count is at the organization type level.If Referred To WIC By None, display ‘None’ in the Organization Type column.If Referred To WIC By Family/Friend, display ‘Family/Friend’ in the Organization Type column.If Referred To WIC By Outreach Organization, display the selected Organization Type in the Organization Type column. If a specific organization is selected, display the organization name in the Organization Name column, otherwise leave the column blank.If Referred To WIC By Other, display ‘Other’ in the Organization Type column and the text description in the Organization Name column.Show a clear distinction between Referrals To and Referrals From data.Report lists referrals for the date range. The report does not accumulate for the fiscal year.“To” (another organization referred To WIC)Organization Name = BenefitFamily.RefOrg_ID“From” (referred to another organization from WIC) Organization Type = ParticipantReferral.Org_ID and FamilyReferral.Org_IDApplication Date = Application.ApplicationDtFamily referral dates = FamilyReferral.RecordedDtParticipant referral dates = ParticipantReferral.RecordedDtThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Count, From/To, Organization Type, Organization NameNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic

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Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, Organization Type

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5.8 ZIP Code ReportDescription This report is used to determine the number of participants in a ZIP

code. Community partners may be interested in this information. This is also a management tool that can be used when redistributing caseload among clinics.

Parameters Local Agency, ZIP Code (one or several zip codes)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Participants with a WIC Status = Active living in a single or in multiple ZIP codes as specified by user.ZIP Code = FamilyAddress.ZipCodeFamily ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Display Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = “Y”Phone Number = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, ZIP Code, Family ID, Participant Name, Endorser Name, Home PhoneNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order ZIP Code, Family ID

Total / Count Columns

Total participants in ZIP code

State Totals NA

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By

Clinic, ZIP Code

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6 Food Benefits Reports6.1 Audit Trail Report (Smart Card EBT / Online Xerox EBT

/ Online CDP Xerox)Description This report is for EBT States Only.

The report prints an economic unit’s audit trail information based on the selected issuance periods. The audit trail information contains transactions related to food or card operations; either all food or card can be selected. The layout is tabular in design to facilitate the export to MS Excel capability.

Parameters PAN (enter to determine Issuance Periods)Economic Unit Number (enter to determine the Issuance Periods)Issuance Periods (one, many or all) Note: Issuance periods begin on first day of month and end on last day of month. Sort contents in descending order; most recent to oldest.

Transaction Group (select one): Food, Card or Both

Subtitle <Economic Unit Name> (<Economic Unit ID>)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

PAN entry – upon exiting of this field, the system attempts to determine the Issuance periods.Economic Unit ID – upon exiting of this field, the system attempts to determine the issuance periods.Based on selected issuance periods, a set of dates are determined.

Example 1: Selection of ‘06/01/2011 – 06/30/2011’ and ‘07/01/2011 – 07/31/2011’ would result in one set of dates (‘06-01-2011 to 07/31/2011’).Example 2: Selection of ‘06/01/2011 – 06/30/2011’ and ‘08/01/2011 – 08/31/2011’ would result in two sets of dates (‘06-01-2011 to 06/30/2011’ and (‘08-01-2011 to 08/31/2011’).

The report is transction type focused. There are 15 transaction types whose data originates out of 5 database sets. The following maps a Transaction Group which has a database set to the transaction types. The database set determines which records are selected (from date sets described above) and which columns are populated in the detail line of the report.‘Food’ Transaction Group

Issue, Re-issue and Transfer transaction types are in the Food1 database set.Credit/Debit and Manual Adjustments transaction types are in the Food2 database set.Purchase (Smart Card EBT Only) transaction type is in the ARF database set.

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Return Formula transaction type is in the RF database set.‘Card’ Transaction GroupSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgotten PIN are in the Card database set.For Food1 database set, select EBTIssuance records based on FDTU (EBTIssuedFood.FirstUseDt).For Food2 database set, select EBTAdjustmentTransaction records based on transaction date (TransactionDt).For ARF database set, select ARFD4 records based on transaction date (LocalTxnDtTime).For RF database set, select ReturnedFormula records based on FDTU (FirstUseDt) of return.

For Card database set, select EBTCardTransactions based on transaction date (TransactionDt).

Print Columns

Note: Contents of detail lines are dependent upon transaction type.Issuance Period/PAN: Issuance Period line contains Issuance Period. Detail line contains PAN (right justified). Populated for all but ‘Return Formula’ txn type.Txn Type:

Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set)Credit/Debit or Manual Adj (Food2 database set)Purchase (ARF database set)Return Formula (RF database set)Setup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, or Forgetten PIN (Card database set)(Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT) If EBTTransactionTypeCd = ‘HOTC’, display ‘Deactivated’ rather than ‘Hot Carded’.

Txn Date and Time:Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): EBTIssuance.IssueDtCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): EBTAdjustmentTransaction.TransactionDtPurchase (ARF database set): ARFD4.LocalTxnDtTimeReturn Formula (RF database set): ReturnedFormula.ReturnDtSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): EBTCardTransaction.TransactionDt

User ID:Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): EBTIssuance.InsertStfpIDCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): EBTAdjustmentTransaction.InsertStfpID

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Purchase (ARF database set): Not ApplicableReturn Formula (RF database set): ReturnedFormula.InsertStfpIDSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): EBTCardTransaction.ModifyStfpID

(Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT) If EBTCardTransaction.InitiatingUserID is not null and transaction is Deactivated, Credit/Debit, or Replace Setup, display EBTCardTransaction.InitiatingUserID.

Category (width 25) Formatted 99 ‘XXXX’ (FoodCategory.CategoryNr and Name) andSubcategory (width 30) Formatted ‘999 XXXX’ (Product.SubCategoryNr and Name)

Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): Based on EBTIssueFood.PCon_IDCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): Based on EBTAdjustmentFood.PCon_IDPurchase (ARF database set): Based on ARFE2.CategoryNr and ARFE2.SubcategoryNrReturn Formula (RF database set): Based on ReturnedFormula.PCon_IDSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

UnitsIssue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): EBTIssueFood.QuantityCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): EBTAdjustmentFood.QuantityPurchase (ARF database set): Based on ARFE2.Purchased UnitsReturn Formula (RF database set): ReturnedFormula.QuantitySetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

UOM (width 6 - USDA UOM Description)Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): Based on EBTIssueFood.PCon_ID (ProdContainer.ContainerSizeCd)Credit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): Based on EBTAdjustmentFood.PCon_ID (ProdContainer.ContainerSizeCd)Purchase (ARF database set): Based on ARFE2.DP_ID (DetailProduct.UnitofMeasureCd)Return Formula (RF database set): Based on ReturnedFormula.PCon_ID (ProdContainer.ContainerSizeCd)Setup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN,

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Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable Direct

Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1 database set): Based on EBTIssueFood.DirectShipInCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2 database set): Not ApplicablePurchase (ARF database set): Not ApplicableReturn Formula (RF database set): Not ApplicableSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

UPC # and UPC Name (width 30)Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1): Not ApplicableCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2): Not ApplicablePurchase (ARF database set): Based on ARFE2.DP_ID (DetailProduct.UPC and Description)Return Formula (RF database set): Not ApplicableSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

Paid AmtIssue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1): Not ApplicableCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2): Not ApplicablePurchase (ARF database set): ARFE2.PaidAmtReturn Formula (RF database set): Not ApplicableSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

Avg Price and NTE (Formatted with 2 decimal places)Issue, Re-Issue or Transfer (Food1): Not ApplicableCredit/Debit and Manual Adj (Food2): Not ApplicablePurchase (ARF database set): Based on ARFE2.DP_ID, ARFD4.LocalTxnDtTime and ARF.Vend_ID. UPC PGP record’s Average price (DetailProductPeerGroup.PriceAmt) calculates the NTE (StandardDeviation and Factor)Return Formula (RF database set): Not ApplicableSetup, Reinstate, Hot Card (Smart Card EBT Only), Deactivated (Online Xerox EBT / Online CDP EBT), Replace Setup, Change PIN, Unlock, and Forgetten PIN (Card database set): Not Applicable

Note: The ‘Food’ Transaction Group transaction types may have multiple lines based on food contents. The date is repeated in each column to support the export feature.

Sort Order Issuance Period (most recent to oldest), Txn Date and Time and where applicable, Category Number, Subcategory Number, and UPC #

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Total / Count Columns


State Totals None

Primary Group (page break)

Issuance Period

Additional Group By


Notes Due to amount of displayed information (150% of normal report); the standard report font is not used. A smaller font is selected.

Note: Mockup contains a representative line for each transaction type and does not depict a real situation. The number of line’s and their sorting determines each lines placement in an actual listing. Also, this small mockup may need to be viewed in MS Word’s zoom mode.

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6.2 FI Activity by Local Agency Report (FI Only)This report is for FI States Only.

Description This report provides analysis of local agency activity to enable State and local agencies to monitor and react to changes in paper FIs issued, paper FIs used by the participant, paper FIs voided, ratio of voided paper FIs to printed and ratio of voided paper FIs to issued food instruments. State office only. This report is not available until 90 days past the end date range for the month you are trying to print. For example, if you want September 1-30 data, this report is not available to be printed until January 1st.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range, FI Types (All or CVV Only)

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Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

# FIs = Total of all FIs Voided + Not Redeemed + Redeemed or Rejected%Voided = #Voided / # FIs, Voided is determined by the presence of a date in FI.VoidDt.%Not Redeemed = # Not Redeemed / # FIs. Not Redeemed FIs have a FI.CreateDt and no FI.VoidDt, FI.RedemptionDt, or FI.LostStolenDt.%Redeemed or Rejected = # Redeemed or Rejected/ # FIs. Redeemed FIs have a FI.RedemptionDt. Rejected FIs have a FI.BankRejectCd.Use the First Date To Use of the FI to determine if the FI is counted.FIs that are directly shipped are considered redeemed upon issuance.When ‘All’ is selected, all FIs are selected for the report. When ‘CVV Only’ is selected, the FIs that are selected for the report are only FIs that are marked as CVVs

Print Columns

Agency/Vendor header, # FIs, # Voided, %Voided, # Not Redeemed, % Not Redeemed, # Redeemed or Rejected, % Redeemed or RejectedNote: The agencies listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name.The value of ‘All’ or ‘CVV Only’ is appended to the dates shown in the heading of the report.

Sort Order Local Agency Number, Vendor

Total / Count Columns


State Totals Totals for each column

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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6.3 Food Package Modification ReportDescription This report provides a way to look for food package changes by who

made them and when.

Parameters Local AgencyClinicDate Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Select all tailored food packages (name contains “Tailored”, but does not contain “Changed”) that have been verified with an effective date within the given parameter value.Effective Date = ParticipantRX.EffectiveBegDtUser = ParticipantRx.ModifyStfpIDFood Package Name = ParticipantRx.NameFoods = Food Items that are part of the ParticipantRX.SRx_IDQuantity = Stored in SFIContents.ItemQt FI States - Mask of ZZ9 EBT States Depends on Issuance Level of subcategory of food item ‘Whole’ then Mask of ZZ9 ‘Half’ or ‘Tenths’ then Mask of ZZ9.9. All others have a Mask of ZZ9.99This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency/Clinic header, Effective Date, User, Food Package Name, Foods, QuantityNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Effective Date, User, Food Package Name

Total / Count Columns


State Totals NA

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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6.4 Formula and Medical Food Issuance ReportDescription This report is used to look for who is on a specific formula or medical

food so information about specific products can be routed to a target audience. Uses of this report include viewing participants with special formulas or medical foods and producing a list of these items for use in processing recalls.Note: The query for this report for all formulas and medical foods is long running. The report layout when all formulas and medical foods are selected will likely result in a timeout of the report. The preference of the states is to continue to allow the selection of multiple formulas and medical foods but with the realization that if the user encounters a time out, then they must reduce the number of requested formulas and medical foods. When doing larger queries, it would be ideal for users to do this when fewer users are accessing the system.

Parameters Local AgencyFormula/Medical FoodStart DateEnd DateState Totals (Yes or No)

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Select all Participants who received food benefits within an input time frame that contains the input formula and/or medical food. Could select all formulas and/or medical food.Note: The report lists all formulas and/or medical foods issued during the time period. If an infant receives 3 of these items, then all three are listed.Display Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Category = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDRisk Factors = ParticipantRiskCode.ParticipantRiskCd, separate multiple risks with commasFDTU = FI.FirstUseDtParticipantEBTIssuance.FirstUseDtRx Renewal Dt = ParticipantRX.SpclForRenewDtSpec Form Reason = ParticipantRX.ReligiousNeedIn or ParticipantRX.MedicalDiagDcThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Local Agency/Clinic, Formula or Medical Food, Person ID, Participant Name, Category, Risk Factors, FDTU, Rx (Prescription) Renewal Dt, Spec Form Reason (Special Formula Reason)Note: The agencies and clinics are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

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Sort Order Agency, Clinic, Formula or Medical Food, Person ID, FDTU (oldest date to newest date)

Total / Count Columns

# Participants per Agency# Participants per Clinic

State Totals # Participants by Formula or Medical Food

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By

Clinic, Formula or Medical Food

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6.5 No Food Benefits Pickup ReportDescription This report is used to identify and follow up with participants that have

not received food benefits for a period of time, whose certifications are about to be terminated for non-participation, and do not have an appointment scheduled.

Parameters Local Agency

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

All participants in which all of the following are true:The categorical Eligibility End Date has not expiredThere is no future appointment scheduledFor the last food benefits issued: Today’s date minus the FDTU of the last food benefit > the value of the system parameter, Batch.NumberofDaystoTerminateAfterNoFBPickup minus 30 days.Family ID = BenefitFamily.FFFamilyIDDisplay Endorser as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix when FamilyMember.ParentGuardianIn = “Y”Display Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Home Phone Number = BenefitFamily.HomePhoneAreaCd +BenefitFamily.HomePhoneNr, Display as (999) 999-9999Note: If BenefitFamily.DoNotCallIn = Yes, then display “Do Not Call” instead of the phone number.Most Recent FDTU = FI.FirstUseDtCategorical Eligibility End Date = Certification.CategoricalEligibilityEndDtCategory = ParticipantType.ParticipantTypeCDThis report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, Family ID, Endorser Name, Participant Name, Home Phone Number, Most Recent FDTU, Cat. Elig.End Date (Categorical Eligibility End Date), CategoryNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order Local Agency, Clinic, Family ID, Most Recent FDTU

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

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Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

Additional Group By


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6.6 Remote Benefits Report (Smart Card EBT Only)Description This report is for (Smart Card EBT Only) States.

This report is used to view any remote benefit activity that has occurred within an entered time period. The report shows the latest status and details of the remote benefits. This report may be used by clinic personnel or by statewide personnel. Security setup controls what data can be accessed.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Start and End Date

Subtitle <Start Date> through <End Date>

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Select all remote issuance occurrances (EBTRemoteIssuance.SentAvailableDt) based on entered date parameters. Note: If in the unlikely event that records have not been sent (produced during day and interface not executed yet), they do not show on the report.

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Print Columns

File line:File/PAN (width 25) – Concatenate file name and date (EBTRemoteIssuance.AvailFileNm and .SentAvailableDt)

Pan lineFile/PAN - PAN (EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_ID)Ref Num – Remote Issuance Reference Number (EBTRemoteIssuance.RemoteRefNrEconomic Unit Name (width 20) - Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_IDClinic – LA ID + ‘-‘ + Clinic ID (Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_ID)Status (width 10)– EBTRemoteIssuance.StatusCd – ‘EBT Remote Status’ code descriptionDate – If status is Available, then EBTRemoteIssuance.SentAvailableDt If status is Loaded, then EBTRemoteIssuance.IssueDt If status is Canceled, then EBTRemoteIssuance.CancelDtFDTU – EBTRemoteIssuedFood.FirstUseDtCategory (width 35)– FoodCategory.CategoryNr –FoodCategory.NameSubcategory (width 40)– Based on EBTRemoteIssuedFood.PCon_ID. Product.SubCategoryNr –Product.NameUOM (width 6) – Based on EBTRemoteIssuedFood.PCon_ID. ProdContainer.ContainerSizeCd - USDA UOM DescriptionUnits – EBTRemoteIssuedFood.QuantityVendor (width 40) – Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.Vend_ID. Vendor.FFVendorID - Vendor.StoreName if EBTRemoteIssuance.Vend_ID is populated, otherwise blank

Sort Order File, PAN, FDTU, Category Number, Subcategory Number

Total / Count Columns


State Totals None

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By

File Name

Notes Due to amount of displayed information (150% of normal report); the standard report font is not used. A smaller font is selected. This small mockup may need to be viewed in MS Word’s zoom mode.

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6.7 Remote Benefits Out of Balance Report (Smart Card EBT Only)

Description This report is for (Smart Card EBT Only) States.This report is used to view any remote benefits where there are differences between the issuance period card balances. The first balance is what the MPSC system calculated at the time that remote issuance was made available. The other balance is what the vendor found, for the same issuance period, when they read the card to perform the remote issuance load.

Parameters Local Agency, Clinic, Start and End Date

Subtitle <Start Date> through <End Date>

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Select all remote issuance ‘loaded’ occurrances (EBTRemoteIssuance.StatusCd = ‘Loaded’) based on entered date parameters where there is a difference in these food and/or the quantities of the food. The issuance is tied together by the Remote Issuance Reference Number (EBTRemoteIssuance.RemoteRefNr). The MPSC system calculated balances are found in the related food records (EBTRemoteIssuedFood) where the EBTRemoteTypeCd is ‘Calculated Balance’. The vendor loaded calculated balances are found in the related food records (EBTRemoteIssuedFood) where the EBTRemoteTypeCd is ‘Baseline Balance’.

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Print Columns

PAN - EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_IDRef No – Remote Issuance Reference Number (EBTRemoteIssuance.RemoteRefNr)Economic Unit Name (width 20) - Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_IDClinic – LA ID + ‘-‘ + Clinic ID (Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.EBTC_ID)Vendor (width 40) – Based on EBTRemoteIssuance.Vend_ID. Vendor.FFVendorID - Vendor.StoreName; if EBTRemoteIssuance.Vend_ID is populated, otherwise blankIssue Date – EBTRemoteIssuance.IssueDtFDTU – EBTRemoteIssuedFood.FirstUseDtCategory (width 30)– Based on EBTRemoteIssuedFood.PCon_ID of the food that is different. FoodCategory.CategoryNr –FoodCategory.NameSubcategory (width 35)– Based on EBTRemoteIssuedFood.PCon_ID of the food that is different. Product.SubCategoryNr –Product.NameUOM (width 6) – Based on EBTRemoteIssuedFood.PCon_ID of the food that is different. ProdContainer.ContainerSizeCd - USDA UOM DescriptionSystem Calculated Balance – EBTRemoteIssuedFood.Quantity from the record where the type code (EBTRemoteTypeCd) is ‘Calculated Balance’.Actual Card Baseline Balance – EBTRemoteIssuedFood.Quantity from the record where the type code (EBTRemoteTypeCd) is ‘Baseline Balance’.Diff – System Calculated Balance – Actual Card Baseline Balance

Sort Order PAN, Ref No, FDTU, Category Number, Subcategory Number

Total / Count Columns


State Totals None

Primary Group (page break)


Additional Group By


Notes Due to amount of displayed information (150% of normal report); the standard report font is not used. A smaller font is selected. This small mockup may need to be viewed in MS Word’s zoom mode.

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6.8 Voided FIs that have been Redeemed or Rejected Report (FI Only)

This report is for FI States Only.

Description This report identifies paper food instruments that have been submitted for redemption but a void indicator has been set - helps to monitor LA performance.

Parameters Local Agency, Date Range

Record Selection / Filtering / Calculations

Select all paper FIs that have a void date with a redemption date OR a Bank Reject date that are within the date range.)Void date = FI.VoidDtRedemption date = FI.RedemptionDtBank Reject code = FI.BankRejectCdFI Number = FI.FI_NrRedemption Amt = FI.RedemptionAmtRequest Dt = FI.BankPayRequestDtVoid Reason = FI.VoidReasonCdDisplay Participant Name as FamilyMember.FirstName + FamilyMember.MiddleName + FamilyMember.LastName + FamilyMember.LastNameSuffix.Person ID = Participant.IDVendor ID = FI.Vend_ID

This report excludes investigation family related data.

Print Columns

Agency header, Clinic header, FI Number, Redemption Amt (Amount), Redemption Dt (Date), Request Dt (Date), Void Date, Void Reason, Participant Name, Person ID, Vendor IDNote: The agencies and clinics listed in the header areas are in the format agency number – agency name and clinic number – clinic name.

Sort Order LA number, Clinic Number, Void Reason

Total / Count Columns


State Totals No

Primary Group (page break)

Local Agency

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Additional Group ByDeveloper Notes


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