CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE RESEARCH PAPER Future distribution of cotton and wheat in Australia under potential climate change F. SHABANI 1 * AND B. KOTEY 2 1 Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia 2 School of Business, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia (Received 31 July 2014; revised 2 March 2015; accepted 30 March 2015; first published online 19 June 2015) SUMMARY The present study applies refined and improved scenarios for climate change to quantify the effects of potential alterations in climatic factors on localities for wheat and cotton production, which are two crops important to Australias economy. The future distributions of Gossypium (cotton) and Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) were modelled using CLIMEX software with the A2 emission scenario generated by CSIRO-Mk3·0 and MIROC-H global climate models. The results were correlated to identify areas suitable for these economically important crops for the years 2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100 in Australia. The analysis shows that the areas where wheat and cotton can be grown in Australia will diminish from 2030 to 2050 and 2070 through to 2100. While cotton can be grown over extensive areas of the country until 2070, the area grown to wheat will decrease significantly over the period. INTRODUCTION The production of crop and livestock, hydrologic bal- ances, input supplies and other agricultural system components are expected to be influenced by climate change (Adams et al. 1998). The potential impact of climate change on different species has been researched worldwide. The majority of studies link dynamic models with the general circulation model (GCM) for downscaled outputs. From these models, it is predicted, for example, that climate change will reduce agricultural profit by US$2.4 billion, close to 0·50 of the current annual profit, in California (Deschênes & Greenstone 2007). Similar trends have been projected for climate change in Colorado and Oklahoma (Deschênes & Greenstone 2007). In North Africa, it is projected that date produc- tion will become totally unviable by 2100 in countries such as Sudan, Algeria, Niger, Mauritania and Mali (Pearson et al. 2006). Projections show that by 2055 three quarters of countries in Africa and Central and South America will be less suitable for maize cultivation than they are currently (Elith & Leathwick 2009). In contrast, Song et al. (2004) found that climate change has produced a positive impact on cotton (Gossypium) growth and yield in the Xingjiang Autonomous region over the last 50 years. Nonetheless, a related study has demonstrated that if global warming predictions are reliable, the high tem- peratures and humid environment will cause food and fibre production to become limited to vegetative struc- tures (Reddy et al. 1997). A similar study by Ortiz et al. (2008) suggested that wheat, a crop providing 0·21 of global food and using a total of 200 million hectares of global farmland will be affected significantly by changes in climatic factors. Morton (2007) predicted that the major impacts of global climate change will be most severe for populations comprising subsist- enceor smallholderfarmers who will have limited capacity to adapt to the changes, constrained by socioeconomic and demographic trends and institu- tional effects. The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change (Stern 2006) identified Australia as one of the countrys most vulnerable to climate change because of its high dependence on primary * To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Email: fshabani @myune.edu.au Journal of Agricultural Science (2016), 154, 175185. © Cambridge University Press 2015 doi:10.1017/S0021859615000398 https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859615000398 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 14 Aug 2020 at 08:13:19, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at

CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE RESEARCH PAPER Future … · CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE RESEARCH PAPER Future distribution of cotton and wheat in Australia under potential climate

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Future distribution of cotton and wheat in Australia under potentialclimate change


1 Ecosystem Management, School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351,Australia2 School of Business, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia

(Received 31 July 2014; revised 2 March 2015; accepted 30 March 2015;first published online 19 June 2015)


The present study applies refined and improved scenarios for climate change to quantify the effects of potentialalterations in climatic factors on localities for wheat and cotton production, which are two crops important toAustralia’s economy. The future distributions ofGossypium (cotton) and Triticumaestivum L. (wheat) weremodelledusing CLIMEX software with the A2 emission scenario generated by CSIRO-Mk3·0 and MIROC-H global climatemodels. The results were correlated to identify areas suitable for these economically important crops for the years2030, 2050, 2070 and 2100 in Australia. The analysis shows that the areas where wheat and cotton can begrown in Australia will diminish from 2030 to 2050 and 2070 through to 2100. While cotton can be grown overextensive areas of the country until 2070, the area grown to wheat will decrease significantly over the period.


The production of crop and livestock, hydrologic bal-ances, input supplies and other agricultural systemcomponents are expected to be influenced byclimate change (Adams et al. 1998). The potentialimpact of climate change on different species hasbeen researched worldwide. The majority of studieslink dynamic models with the general circulationmodel (GCM) for downscaled outputs. From thesemodels, it is predicted, for example, that climatechange will reduce agricultural profit by US$2.4billion, close to 0·50 of the current annual profit, inCalifornia (Deschênes & Greenstone 2007). Similartrends have been projected for climate change inColorado and Oklahoma (Deschênes & Greenstone2007). In North Africa, it is projected that date produc-tion will become totally unviable by 2100 in countriessuch as Sudan, Algeria, Niger, Mauritania and Mali(Pearson et al. 2006). Projections show that by 2055three quarters of countries in Africa and Central andSouth America will be less suitable for maize

cultivation than they are currently (Elith & Leathwick2009). In contrast, Song et al. (2004) found thatclimate change has produced a positive impact oncotton (Gossypium) growth and yield in theXingjiang Autonomous region over the last 50 years.Nonetheless, a related study has demonstrated that ifglobal warming predictions are reliable, the high tem-peratures and humid environment will cause food andfibre production to become limited to vegetative struc-tures (Reddy et al. 1997). A similar study by Ortiz et al.(2008) suggested that wheat, a crop providing 0·21 ofglobal food and using a total of 200 million hectares ofglobal farmland will be affected significantly bychanges in climatic factors. Morton (2007) predictedthat the major impacts of global climate change willbe most severe for populations comprising ‘subsist-ence’ or ‘smallholder’ farmers who will have limitedcapacity to adapt to the changes, constrained bysocioeconomic and demographic trends and institu-tional effects.

The Stern Review on the Economics of ClimateChange (Stern 2006) identified Australia as one ofthe country’s most vulnerable to climate changebecause of its high dependence on primary

* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]

Journal of Agricultural Science (2016), 154, 175–185. © Cambridge University Press 2015doi:10.1017/S0021859615000398

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production, extensive arid and semi-arid areas, highannual rainfall variability and existing pressures onwater supply. According to a technical report onclimate change in Australia by the CommonwealthScientific and Industrial Research Organisation andIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC2007), average temperatures in Australia haveincreased by 0·9 °C since 1950. The report estimatedincreases in the range of 1·2–2·2 °C by 2050 underconditions of low and high emissions, respectively.There are several consequences, including increasingoccurrence of drought and significant reductions inimportant water sources such as the Murray andDarling rivers and Melbourne’s water supply. Theimpact is predicted to be higher inland than incoastal areas.

Two crops most likely to be affected by climatechange are wheat and cotton. Australia produces onaverage 24 million tonnes (t) of wheat a year, ofwhich 0·75–0·80 is exported (Australian Bureau ofAgricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)2011). In 2010/2011, total output of wheat amountedto 28 million t (ABARE 2011). Data for 2010/2011indicates that production occurs mostly in NewSouth Wales (NSW) (11 million t), followed by SouthAustralia (6 million t), Western Australia (WA)(5 million t) and Victoria (4·5 million t).

Cotton is also one of Australia’s largest rural exportearners, generating more than $2 billion in annualexport income (Cotton Australia 2014). In 2011/2012, the industry recorded its highest output of 5·3million bales worth almost $3 billion. Currently,there are 1500 cotton farms, with about half in NSWand the other half in Queensland. However, most ofAustralia’s cotton is produced in NSW, in the areaextending from the MacIntyre River in the souththrough the Gwydir, Namoi and Macquarie Valleys,and along the Barwon and Darling Rivers. The restof the production occurs in Southern and CentralQueensland from Emerald in Central Queenslandsouthwards through the Darling Downs, especiallyalong the Condamine River (Cotton Australia 2014).

There has been growing awareness of the value ofplant and animal species distribution models (SDMs)over the past two decades. Some commonly usedSDMs are Maximum Entropy modelling (MaxEnt),BIOCLIM and CLIMEX. Each species modelling tech-nique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Forexample, Townsend Peterson et al. (2007) documentedthat the effects of input data gaps and bias in theMaxEnt software necessitates careful interpretation of

model results. A major criticism of BIOCLIM is thatthe inclusion of all 35 variables leads to ‘over-fitting’,which may result in misrepresentation of the distribu-tion of the projected species (Beaumont et al. 2005).It is suggested that refining the CLIMEX output by in-cluding non-climatic parameters, such as suitability ofsoil physicochemical properties, soil taxonomy, slopeand land use, are essential to achieving more realisticresults than those based purely on climate (Shabaniet al. 2014a). However, CLIMEX has been identifiedto be among the most reliable and comprehensive in-ferential modelling programs (Kriticos & Randall2001). The program produces a niche model thatmay be described as process-oriented and ecophysio-logical. It is capable of combining inferential and de-ductive models to describe responses of a species toclimatic factor variability in order to project potentialgeographical distribution (Webber et al. 2011).

The present study aimed to refine projections forthose localities that may be potentially suitable forthe economic cultivation of cotton (Gossypium) andwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based on changes inclimate expected in Australia for the years 2030,2050, 2070 and 2100, using CLIMEX, and the A2emissions scenario together with two global climatemodels (GCMs): the CSIRO-Mk3·0 (CSI) model andthe MIROC-H (MR) model.


The A2 SRES scenario was chosen for the presentstudy because it includes relevant demographic,financial and technological factors that relate togreenhouse gas (GHG) emissions drawn from inde-pendent and self-reliant nations (IPCC 2007). The pre-dictions of the A2 scenario depict a relativelymoderate increase in GHG, clustered around the mid-point of extreme low and high projections. The projec-tions were then refined to enhance accuracy andreduce the uncertainties in assessing the impactof climate change on future climatic projectionsderived by GCMs (Masutomi et al. 2009; Shabaniet al. 2014b, c) by ascertaining common areas in theprojections from different GCMs. Thus, the outputswere overlaid for each of these important species toestablish the projected localities and associated suit-ability found from both models (CSI and MR). To thisend, the CLIMEX program version 3.0.2 (availablefrom http://www.hearne.software/Software/CLIMEX/Editions) was utilized to simulate responses of bothspecies to changes in major climatic factors. The

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ArcGIS program was utilized to extract CLIMEXoutputs for projecting suitable future localities.

CLIMEX software

CLIMEX incorporates the assumption that the chiefdeterminant of the distribution of plants and poikilo-thermal animals is climate and therefore modelsclimatic conditions for different scenarios for variousspecies (Kriticos et al. 2007). It has been utilizedwith success in the matching of climates and topredict potential weed distribution, through its use ofa thermo-hydrological Growth Index (GI) and the cli-matic stressors that apply to the particular climaticcondition (Sutherst & Floyd 1999). The EcoclimaticIndex (EI) (values between 0 and 100) denotes anoverall assessment of a given locality’s potential forsupporting the permanent population of a species. Itis calculated by subtracting from the GI the climaticstress variables Hot (HS), Cold (CS), Dry (DS) andWet (WS) (Sutherst & Floyd 1999). Where the stressindices exceed in total the GI (i.e. EI = 0), it is pro-jected that the species will not be able to persist atthat specific locality (Shabani & Kumar 2013). Inother words, CLIMEX incorporates an AnnualGrowth Index (GIA) that denotes the potential favour-able season for growth of the species. The cold, hot,wet and dry stress indices and their interactions illus-trate the impact of unfavourable seasons on reductionof the species’ population (Sutherst et al. 2007). The EIis formulated from a combination of the growth andstress indices and shows the favourability of the loca-tion or year for permanent occupation by the targetspecies: it denotes the overall measure of the locationor year’s favourability for permanent occupation of thetarget species. The EI, which is based on weekly calcu-lations of growth and stress indices, forms an averageyearly index of the level of climatic suitability, ratedfrom 0 to 100, where an EI > 0 denotes the potentiallevel for establishment of the species. Climatic para-meters of overall maximum and minimum monthlytemperature (Tmax and Tmin), the overall monthly pre-cipitation (Ptotal) and the relative humidity at 09:00 h(RH09:00) and 15:00 h (RH15:00) were drawn from themeteorological database (Shabani & Kumar 2014).

Current distribution of Gossypium and Triticumaestivum L.

DataonGossypiumandT. aestivumL. distributionswerecollected from the Global Biodiversity Information

Facility (2015) and other related literature in CABAbstracts databases (CAB Direct 2015).

A total of 19 302 records for Gossypium and 394838 for T. aestivum L. were obtained from the litera-ture and databases. Of these, 1224 Gossypium and1940 of T. aestivum L. records had no geographiccoordinates and were discarded, leaving a total of18 078 for Gossypium and 392 898 for T. aestivumL. (Figs 1 and 2).

Climate data and future projections using globalclimate models and climate change projectionscenarios

The two GCMs selected were CSIRO-Mk3·0 (CSI) andMR, in conjunction with the A2 Special Report onEmissions Scenarios (SRES) for modelling potentialdistribution under future climates of Gossypium andT. aestivum L. An initial 23 GCMs were assessed todevelop a dataset that included the following fourvariables: monthly daily averages of maximum andminimum temperature, precipitation levels, averagesea level pressure and specific level of humidity(Kriticos et al. 2012). These variables are vital forcalculating CLIMEX input data, in addition to the35 Bioclim variables which together enabled the firstrequirement to be met. As a second requirement, anoutput capable of relatively small horizontal gridspacing was sought. Lastly, in terms of assessingGCMs, the software chosen performed best in relationto other GCMs for modelling basic aspects of theobserved climate on a regional scale (Hennessyet al. 2007; Kriticos et al. 2012).

The IPCC established the so-called SRES scenarios,consisting of a set of forty emissions scenarios forfuture global emissions of greenhouse gases andsulphate aerosols (Nakicenovic & Swart 2000). Eachscenario depicts a ‘tale’ created from a set of logicalassumptions associated with demographic, economicand technological factors, considered to impact futureemissions. The SRES scenarios are based on a sub-setof six illustrative marker scenarios which range fromthe B1 scenario of diminishing GHG emission levelsto the A1FI scenario in which the usage of fossilfuels continues at an intensive level. The perpetualinability to achieve international agreement in policybinding a global reduction in GHG emissions suggeststhat conservative emissions scenarios are no longervalid. For example, Rahmstorf et al. (2007) haveshown that GCM projections have generally underes-timated more recent trends in global temperature and

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sea level changes. Manning et al. (2010) have alsodemonstrated that since 2000, carbon dioxide emis-sions of fossil fuels equate with the most extremeSRES scenarios. Hence, only ‘A’ family SRES emissionsscenarios in the CliMond dataset were included in themodels used for the present study (Kriticos et al. 2012).

Model framing

Matching CLIMEX parameters to the distribution ofalready established species essentially amounts tothe construction of a hypothesis from the definitivefactors that have been proven to limit its distribution(Sutherst et al. 2007). Responses of many species totemperature and moisture are as yet largely unrecordedor not yet researched. In such cases, CLIMEX values arederived from the CLIMEX template that best matchesthe observed distribution. The parameter values usedin CLIMEX for Gossypium and T. aestivum L. in thepresent study, have been derived directly from inten-sive dedicated studies on these two species. CLIMEX in-ferential model validation may only be achieved wheredata on the distribution of the species have beenderived from more than one geographic locality. Aset of parameter values may be considered validated

where values developed from distribution data in onearea successfully predict distribution in another(Kriticos & Randall 2001; Sutherst et al. 2007).

Cold stress

The CLIMEX parameters indicating cold stress variablesof a species are the temperature threshold of cold stress(TTCS) and the associated weekly rate of coldstress (THCS). The temperature below which the accu-mulation of cold stress begins is established by TTCSand the rate of accumulation by THCS. Gossypiummay establish in locations as low as 11 °C (Hearn1994). Therefore, frost intolerance was incorporatedby the aggregation of stress where the mean monthlyminimum temperature was <11 °C, with the accumula-tion rate of frost stress (THCS) set at −0·1 per week. ForT. aestivum L., the TTCS and associated THCS were setat −10 °C and −0·001 per week as this provided thebest fit to the observed distribution of this species inNorth America, Canada and Asia.

Heat stress

Since Gossypium is able to persist up to 39 °C, thiswas the parameter value selected for heat stress

Fig. 1. Global distribution of Gossypium (cotton) cultivation and validation of the model.

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(TTHS) (Wall et al. 1994; Cothren 1999; Rogers et al.2007). The accumulation rate of heat stress (THHS)was set at 0·001 per week, the rate that has enabledpersistence of Gossypium in Southern Mexico,Colombia and Ecuador. Conversely, the TTHS param-eter for T. aestivum L. of 39 °C was derived from docu-mented research which demonstrates the speciespersistence when environmental conditions reachthis temperature (Beddow et al. 2013) and also pro-vides the best fit to the observed distribution of thisspecies in North America, Canada, Australia andEuropean countries. This temperature is just abovethe known maximum temperature for developmentof the species, and the rate of stress accumulation isin accordance with the known distribution in theSouthwest USA. The THHS parameter for T. aestivumL. of 0·005 per week was chosen in accordance withits persistence in Europe.

Wet stress

Values for the parameter of moisture response inGossypium were sourced from the literature on the

physiology and growth of cotton (Feddes et al. 1978;Hearn 1994; Wall et al. 1994). For Gossypium, thethreshold value for wet stress (SMWS) was establishedas 3, with the associated accumulation rate (HWS) as0·001. For T. aestivum L. SMWS and HWS parametervalues selected were 3 and 0, respectively. Thesevalues fit the known distributions in Iran, Tunisia,Northern Algeria, Germany, Spain and France.

Growth index

The CLIMEX growth index is obtained by the productof the temperature and moisture indices. The tempera-ture index components are: DV0, the lower tempera-ture limit; DV1, lower optimal temperature; DV2,upper optimal temperature; and DV3, the high tem-perature limit. Gossypium cultivation is possible inareas with temperature ranges between 22 and36 °C (Reddy et al. 1997; Cothren 1999). Data on cli-matic conditions suitable for Gossypium cultivationmatch data derived from actual conditions inMadagascar, Ghana, Venezuela and Colombia.Based on the literature, the lower and upper limits

Fig. 2. Global distribution of Triticum aestivum L. (wheat) cultivation and validation of the model.

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(DV0 and DV3) were established at 10 and 36 °C,with optimum lower and upper values (DV1 andDV2) at 22 and 32 °C. For T. aestivum L. the lowerand upper limits (DV0 and DV3) were established at4 and 32 °C, with optimum lower and upper values(DV1 and DV2) at 14 and 25 °C (Reynolds et al.2001; Beddow et al. 2013).

The CLIMEX index of soil moisture comprises thefollowing parameters: SM0 denotes lowest permis-sible; SM1 the lower optimum; SM1 the upperoptimum and SM2 the upper permissible level. Inthe present study, Gossypium SM0 was establishedas 0·001, matching observed distributions in SouthAmerica, with SM1 and SM2 at 0·3 and 1·9, toimprove the cultivation in Madagascar and Mexico.The upper threshold (SM3) was set at 3, matchingthe observed distribution on a number of continents.

Combining outputs of both global climate models forGossypium and Triticum aestivum L.

The overlaying of CSI and MR outputs facilitatedthe identification of common areas of projectionlikely to become highly conducive to Gossypium andT. aestivum L. for the designated years for future scen-arios. All locations satisfying the condition EI > 20 forGossypium and T. aestivum L., common in the twooutputs, were categorized as potentially of high suit-ability for cultivation, while all locations satisfying thecondition 10 < EI < 20 for each species common inthe two outputs were categorized as areas of potentialmarginal suitability. Likewise, the condition 0 < EI <10 identified areas of potential low suitability. This EIclassification is based on research by Shabani et al.(2014d). As already stated, the main aim in combiningGCM outputs is to identify common localities pro-jected, which enhances certainty regarding areaslikely to become conducive to cultivation in the future.


Model validation and projections under currentclimate

The fitting parameters for both species in the presentstudy used the indigenous range and worldwide agri-cultural crop distribution, although distribution data ofthe two species from Peru, Bolivia, Yemen, Ethiopiaand Nigeria were set aside for model validation. Interms of validation of areas, 0·83 and 0·89 of theGossypium and T. aestivum L. records matching the

acceptable parameters of the suitable GCM confirmthat values selected for the CLIMEX parameters wereoptimum (see Canada, USA, Bolivia, Yemen,Ethiopia and Nigeria in Figs 1 and 2).

Historical climate at global scale

Comparisons of the suitable GCM with the world dis-tribution for Gossypium (Fig. 1) and for T. aestivum L.(Fig. 2) show consistency of the EI of the models withcurrent world distributions. Climatic conditions con-ducive to Gossypium cultivation are projected forareas of the southern USA, Southern, Eastern andWestern Mexico, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela,Ghana, Kenya, Swaziland, Northern Namibia andMadagascar. Suitable conditions are also projectedfor T. aestivum L. over large areas of the Central,Northern, Eastern and Western USA, CentralMexico, Central Ecuador, Northern Algeria, Spain,Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Northern Tunisia,Iran, Ecuador and Nepal. The fact that nearly 0·95 ofGossypium and 0·93 of T. aestivum L. recordsmatched the parameters of the suitable GCM (redand blue areas) proves that values selected wereoptimum (Figs 1 and 2).

Agreement between CSIRO-Mk3·0 and MIROC-Hglobal climate models on areas becoming suitable forGossypium cultivation in Australia for the designatedyears of future scenarios

The overlaying of results of the two GCMs indicatedwidespread agreement in projected areas suitable forGossypium growth for 2030, 2050 and 2070 (Fig. 3).Almost the whole of NSW, Queensland, large nor-thern areas in the Northern Territory, large southernareas in WA and areas between 10–20°S and120–130°E, southern South Australia and Centraland Western Victoria are shown by both models tobecome highly conducive to the cultivation ofcotton by 2030, continuing through to 2050 (Fig. 3).However by 2070, this position will become limitedto 145–155°E in NSW and Queensland and by 2100to 148–155°E for the same regions (Fig. 3). Northernregions in WA and the Northern Territory display asimilar downward trend by 2100. A comparison ofthe areas of unsuitability (EI = 0 or 0 < EI < 10)derived from both GCMs for 2030 indicates thatnearly 0·65 of Australia will be unsuitable for the cul-tivation of cotton by 2100 (Fig. 3). However, the twomodels agreed that northern regions of WA and

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Victoria will retain a climate suitable for cultivation upto 2100 (Fig. 3).

Agreement between CSIRO-Mk3·0 and MIROC-Hglobal climate models of areas becoming suitable forTriticum aestivum L. cultivation in Australia for thedesignated years of future scenarios

CombiningCSIandMRGCMsprojections forT.aestivumL. for 2030 shows that wider areas of westernQueensland, most of the Northern Territory and the nor-thern and western regions ofWAwill become highly un-suitable for cultivation. This deteriorating trend ispredicted to continue to 2050 and 2070 through to2100 (Fig. 4). By 2100 the whole of the NorthernTerritory, Northern, Western and Central WA, most ofNorthern and Western Queensland and the northernregions of South Australia will no longer be suitable forgrowing T. aestivum L. Climatically, NorthwesternNSWwill experience a reduction in suitable areas of cul-tivation when the current cultivation areas are compared

with those for 2030. This declining trend will extendthrough to 2050 and 2070 to 2100 (Fig. 4).


The importance of wheat and cotton to Australia’srural regions and the government’s goal of encour-aging residents in the highly populated major citiesand coastal areas to migrate to the rural regionsmeans understanding the impact of climate changeon production of the two crops is critical to thefuture of the Australian economy. Therefore, thepresent study sought to assess the climate changeimpact on localities suitable for wheat and cotton cul-tivation in Australia over the periods 2030, 2050,2070 and 2100.

The refined projections illustrated in Figs 3 and 4provide greater certainty with regard to areas pro-jected to become highly suitable to the cultivation ofcotton and wheat than achieved by the majority ofearlier studies that used a single high or low end

Fig. 3. Common climate projections (EI) for Gossypium using CLIMEX under the CSI and MR GCMs running the A2 scenariofor the designated years for future scenarios.

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scenario or single GCM (Brklacich & Stewart 1995;Mearns 1995; Luo et al. 2003). This is due to the over-laying of results from the two GCMs for each period oftime. Results derived from a single GCM, while gener-ally precise, are limited to projections valid only forthat specific scenario and thereafter are purely specu-lative in terms of representing alternative future scen-arios. While the outcomes in these single GCMstudies have some application, they generate no infor-mation in terms of probable eventualities. Moreover,they provide no indications of how their results willmatch broader uncertainty ranges, or define these un-certainty ranges.

The current combined CSI and MR results showsthat the western and northern areas of Queensland,most of the Northern Territory, central, northern andwestern areas of WA, the northern half of SouthAustralia and the northwestern regions of NSW willgradually lose their suitability for the cultivation of T.aestivum L. from 2030 through 2050 and 2070 to2100. Projected scenarios for 2030–2100 show that

only a few southern regions of Australia, especiallyVictoria, will continue to be highly suitable for produ-cing T. aestivum L. These findings are consistent withthose reported by Howden & Jones (2001).

In contrast to the findings for T. aestivum L., the simu-lations indicate that almost all of NSW and Victoria,large parts of Queensland, the northern areas of theNorthern Territory, large southern areas of WA andsouthern South Australia will become highly conduciveto the cultivation of Gossypium (cotton) by 2030 andwill continue through to 2050. However by 2070,this position will become limited to the eastern areasof NSW and Queensland, most of Victoria and thesoutheastern parts of WA. This deterioration in suitableareas will continue through to 2100. The projections in-dicate that drought stress will impact negatively on bothGossypium and T. aestivum L. production in Australiawith regional differences in the effects of the stresses(temperature and drought).

From the current findings, the area currently plantedto cotton can be extended fromQueensland and NSW

Fig. 4. Common climate projections (EI) for Triticum aestivum L. using CLIMEX under the CSI and MR GCMs running the A2scenario for the designated years for future scenarios.

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to other states and various species trialled to ascertainthose that will provide the best yields under the climat-ic conditions available in these states. At the sametime, production of wheat can be extended by triallingvarious farming strategies that can reduce and evenimprove yield loss at a cost that will enable farmersto continue to earn better returns on their output. Itis reported that strategies such as reducing plantingdensities, increasing fallow, increasing residue reten-tion or choosing shorter season varieties providesmaller offsets in yield loss than strategies that increaseresidue retention to conserve moisture under mixcropping and grazing systems. Therefore, a mix ofcropping and grazing systems is recommended for re-ducing the rate of yield loss. In addition, income fromcrops more suited to the changed climatic conditionswill offset losses from wheat. Farmers in the yellowareas in Fig. 4 can replace wheat production withcotton in the areas conducive to cotton while thosein the blue and red areas for both crops can rotatethe two crops to maximize yields from each. At thesame time other crops suited to the changing climateconditions with high returns can be cultivated.Furthermore, based on the projection of the present

study, attention should be given to developing sec-ondary and tertiary industries, especially manufactur-ing and tourism, for diversification and mitigationagainst the problems that will emerge from a diminish-ing primary food production sector. This is importantas the majority of Australia’s rural regions are depend-ent on agriculture and their economic conditionsfluctuate with climate change, access to water andglobal demand for their produce. Without any inter-ventions, the deteriorating climatic conditions willcause populations to migrate from rural to coastalareas and major cities, adding to the pressure onresources such as water, infrastructure and housingand increasing the unemployment rate.Significant factors that contributed to the success of

the present study were: (1) availability of and accessi-bility to all variables necessary for accurate CLIMEXmodelling, including temperature, humidity and pre-cipitation; (2) well documented historical data onthe distribution of Gossypium and T. aestivum L.;and (3) the qualities of the two GCMs chosen inregard (a) small horizontal grid spacing design and(b) their strong representation of observed local cli-matic factors.There were, however, limitations that must be

noted. CLIMEX results are climate response based,the impact of non-climatic parameters such as biotic

interactions and inter-species competition were nottaken into account Shabani et al. (2012). Thus, the fol-lowing should be considered when interpreting theresults:

(i) The modelling is purely climate-based and doesnot take into account non-climatic factors suchas use of land, type of soil, biotic interaction,competition and diseases.

(ii) Current broad-scale climatic data was employed,and thus results present purely broad-scale shifts.

(iii) Results are subject to the uncertainties surround-ing future GHG emission levels.

(iv) Similar modelling should be carried out for cropmodels using nitrogen, soil properties andirrigation.

(v) In the present study, carbon dioxide enrichmentand the potential genetic progress were nottaken into account.


In conclusion, the distribution maps presented in thestudy provide information useful for the long-termplanning of the cultivation of Gossypium and T. aesti-vum L. in the areas projected to become suitable, withstrategic shifts in production away from areasprojected to become unsuitable. The two speciescan be replaced with more suitable crops and broaddiversification of the economic base undertaken toenhance economic activity and maintain the popula-tions in rural Australia.

We thank Catherine MacGregor during the conduc-tion of this study and we are very grateful to all threereviewers and editors, for their very thorough andhelpful comments which greatly improved ourmanuscript.


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