CLIL COGNITIVE SKILLS student slides.pptx

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  • 8/9/2019 CLIL COGNITIVE SKILLS student slides.pptx


    Cognitive skills acrossthe curriculum


  • 8/9/2019 CLIL COGNITIVE SKILLS student slides.pptx


    Learning outcomes: To develop your knowledge of how to

    describe a range of cognitive skills

     To develop the skills to match cognitiveskills with activities and question types

     To complete a TKT:CLIL question to practise

    this knowledge

  • 8/9/2019 CLIL COGNITIVE SKILLS student slides.pptx


    What are cognitive skills!ssentially they are

     They develop form a very young age"

    Learners progress from ###################################such asidentifying and organising information

    Concrete thinking can be recogni$ed by the _______________________________________________ 


  • 8/9/2019 CLIL COGNITIVE SKILLS student slides.pptx


     They progress to_______________________________such ashypothesising and reasoning

     This type of thinking can be demonstrated bythe _______________________ form ofquestioning

     There are other types if thinking skills:o ________________________________% using knowledge

    to imagine& solve problems and think of new ideas

    o __________________________% when we ask questionsand plan how to do research

    o ___________________________-for e'ample usingcriteria to comment on how good our work is

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    Cognitive Skill 1: ______________W()T I* IT

     Thinking about things that you know

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  o  


    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: take turns to recite a verse from apoem 2from literacy3

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    Cognitive Skill 2: ____________W()T I* IT

    *howing a relationship between things

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  o  


    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: 4ame three di5erent types of musicalinstrument you can see in the picture2from -usic3

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    Cognitive Skill 3: ___________W()T I* IT

    0utting things in particular places

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: Write the dates on the time6line in the order of when they happened 2fromhistory3

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    Cognitive Skill 5: ___________W()T I* IT

    *aying what something or someone is

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: What kind of colours did you use topaint the landscape 2from art3

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    Cognitive Skill 6:____________________

    W()T I* IT7inding similarities and di5erences

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: 7ind the similarities anddi5erences between your capital city and one inanother continent 2from geography3

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    Cognitive Skill 7: ___________W()T I* IT

    *eparate into similar groups

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: I8m going to divide the classinto teams of 9 to play volleyball 2from 0!3

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    Cognitive Skill 8: ____________W()T I* IT

    0utting things into groups according to theirfeatures

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:o  o  o  o


    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: Classify the rocks into di5erentgroups 2from science3

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    Cognitive Skill 9: ____________W()T I* IT

    *aying what you think will happen

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: 0redict what will happenwhen more water is added to the solution 2fromscience3

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    Cognitive Skill 10: _____________W()T I* IT

    *uggesting what could or have happenedwithout knowing if it is true

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:o  o  o  o


    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: If global electronic systems brokedown& suggest what could happen 2from ICT3

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    Cognitive Skill 11: __________W()T I* IT

     Thinking why& what causes and what results in something

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o

     o  o  o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: ustify the increase in spending on wages lastyear 2from economics3

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    Cognitive Skill 12:_____________________________W()T I* IT

    0roducing imaginative ideas or thoughts from previous knowledge

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  o  

    o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: Invent a new symbol for saving water 2from citi$enship3

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    Cognitive Skill 13: __________W()T I* IT

    *aying if something is good& useful& e5ective or not

    CL)**+,,- )CTI.ITI!*:

    o  o  o  o  o  

    !/)-0L! )CTI.IT1: +ead your partner8s report on windfarms and comment on how clearly it was written 2fromenvironment3

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    Cognitive skills can be divided intotwo groups:



     LOTS and HOTS an !e linked !ak tot"e di#e$ent ognitive %kill% &e "ave

    al$ead' looked at

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    !'amples of L,T*

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    !'amples of (,T*

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    Learners8 cognitive skills can bedeveloped through;

     Tasks and challenges appropriate to thesub

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     Types of =uestions we can ask inthe CLIL classroom:

    T'(e% o) t"inking T'(e% o) *+e%tion%• Concrete thinking 2de>ning3  2recalling facts3  2recalling facts3

    What is a raceWhere did the race startWhere did the race take place

    +easoning 2e'aminingparts  and how theyrelate3 

    Why is this an abstractpainting

    • Creative 2imagining3


    (ow would you paint these

    shapes to show action• )bstract 2>nding

    patterns  andconnections3

    What links can we makebetween the artists8 ideas

    • !valuative 2udging3 (ow has your work improved