Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida 34465 Telephone (352) 746-2144 - FAX (352) 746-6892 December 13, 2020 Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact the office to make arrangements. If possible, this should be done at least three months before the birth of your baby. Baptisms will be celebrated in April, August, and December. Marriages: Registered parishioners should contact the office at least one year in advance of making marriage arrangements. RCIA: This process is open to anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Faith. Please contact the office. Going into the Hospital: Please contact the office if you need a priest to come to your home to anoint you, or to be anointed at a weekday Mass. St. John Paul II Catholic School 4341 W. Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL 34461 Phone (352) 746-2020 Web site: www.sjp2.us CLERGY Rev. Erwin Belgica Pastor Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Spanish Mass Weekday Masses: 9:00 AM Monday to Friday Holy Days to be announced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday: 2:30 to 3:15 PM __________________ PARISH OFFICE Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM Staff Mary Arnold Director of Faith Formation Vinny DeMaio Sacristan Ed Putnam Director of Music Michele Vermilyea Financial Secretary/ Office Manager Moses Nunez Facility Manager Website: https://ourladyofgracefl.org Office email: [email protected] Faith Formation: [email protected] Music Director: [email protected] OurLadyOfGraceBeverlyHillsFL

CLERGY Our Lady of Grace Parish · 2020. 12. 13. · Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida

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Page 1: CLERGY Our Lady of Grace Parish · 2020. 12. 13. · Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida

Our Lady of Grace Parish

“Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love”

6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida 34465 Telephone (352) 746-2144 - FAX (352) 746-6892

December 13, 2020

Baptism: Registered parishioners should contact the office to make arrangements. If possible, this should be done at least three months before the birth of your baby. Baptisms will be celebrated in April, August, and December. Marriages: Registered parishioners should contact the office at least one year in advance of making marriage arrangements. RCIA: This process is open to anyone interested in becoming a member of the Catholic Faith. Please contact the office. Going into the Hospital: Please contact the office if you need a priest to come to your home to anoint you, or to be anointed at a weekday Mass. St. John Paul II Catholic School 4341 W. Homosassa Trail, Lecanto, FL 34461 Phone (352) 746-2020 Web site: www.sjp2.us


Rev. Erwin Belgica Pastor

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM

Sunday Masses:

8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

12:30 PM Spanish Mass

Weekday Masses: 9:00 AM Monday to Friday

Holy Days to be announced

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Saturday: 2:30 to 3:15 PM __________________


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday

8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Mary Arnold Director of Faith


Vinny DeMaio Sacristan

Ed Putnam Director of Music

Michele Vermilyea Financial Secretary/

Office Manager

Moses Nunez Facility Manager

Website: https://ourladyofgracefl.org

Office email: [email protected]

Faith Formation: [email protected] Music Director: [email protected]


Page 2: CLERGY Our Lady of Grace Parish · 2020. 12. 13. · Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida

December 13, 2020 Page Two


“Lord God, may we your people, who look forward to the birthday of Christ experience the joy of salvation and celebrate that feast with love and thanksgiving. Amen.”

Third Sunday of Advent


Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc -9; Mt 21:23-27

Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32

Wednesday: Is 45:6b-8, 18, 21c-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10- 14; Lk 7:18b-23

Thursday: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17

Friday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25

Saturday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25

Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38


At a school open house a woman could be overheard introducing her husband to some of the other parents. “Oh, Bill, I’d like you to meet Johnny’s father. And over here, this is Marie’s mom; you know, the little girl from our Ellen’s soccer team.” With satisfied resignation Bill introduced himself not by name: “I’m Ellen’s Dad.” It’s good to know who you are. Be it someone’s father or mother, son or daughter, husband or wife, it’s important to embrace the full meaning of our various roles. John the Baptist knows who he is. And who he is not. He is not the Christ. Nor Elijah. Nor like any other prophet God’s people had ever seen. John the Baptist knows his mission is divine. He’s more than satisfied to be the one to announce the coming of God’s reign. The Christ is near. Make straight your paths. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Pray for our sick…

Catherine Ludlum, Mary Coleman, Vince Wojteczko, Mary Gruss, Helena Bertagna, Dolores Salaman, Dorothy Dunbar, Alma Eberle, Marge Henry, Ken Goss, Andrea Gumaskas, Joseph Grivois, John Hinrichs, Maryann Handein, Joanie Hayward, Alberto Sitchon, James Smith, Vince Cloonan, Louis Oberle, James Britain, Ileen Jervis, Doug Rober, & Greg Jorif.

The Nativity of the Lord Vigil: December 24th—

4:00 PM and 7:00 PM Christmas Day:

December 25th— 10:30 AM

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Page Three





WEDNESDAY, December 16 9:00 AM ROY BROWN



SATURDAY, December 19 4:00 PM RAY DRAKE




By Melissa

By Daughter, Susan

By Anne Darnall

By Son, Doug

By Wife, Joan

By Wife, Kathy Drake

By Fr. Erwin, Fr. Cesar, and Staff

By Leonard and Karen Feutz

“Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” - Thessalonians 5:16-18

This scripture reading sums up Stewardship. “Rejoice always” means place your trust in God; He will provide all that you need. “Pray constantly” means prayer should be a running conversation with God throughout the whole day, every day. “Give thanks in all circumstances” means even in bad situations, thank God. Suffering a little bit helps build empathy for others in similar situations.

Discipleship through Stewardship and

Sacrificial Giving

December 6, 2020

Offertory $8,665.74

St. John Paul II School $449.00

2020 Annual Pastoral Appeal (As of 12/7/20) Goal: $98,545.84 Pledged: $55,750.06 Paid: $55,030.30

# of Pledges: 298 # of Families: 885

% Family Participation: 33.7%

Month of December

Altar Candles

In Memory of Arthur Russell

by Robert and Barbara

Month of December

Sanctuary Candle

In Memory of Arthur Russell

by Robert and Barbara


A good conscience is a continual Christmas.

—Benjamin Franklin

Page 4: CLERGY Our Lady of Grace Parish · 2020. 12. 13. · Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida

Page Four

Candidates for


Congratulations to our Confirmation candidates for making a public statement of their willingness to continue to seriously pursue their preparation for the sacrament. Candidates have been preparing since last fall for the celebration of Confirmation this coming April. They are being guided by Todd and Lori Cleaver in their studies and formation. Each candidate is asked to complete a total of 15 hours of service to the parish community, local community, and family. Thank you to our parish family for your support of the candidates in your example and prayer. Confirmation candidates are Ty Ferrara, Jacqueline Franco, Valerie Funez, Kevin Hernandez, Julissa Leal, Patrick Long, Raymond O’Hanlon, Joshua Sevilla, and Grace Ward.

Support Right to Life

by Participating In a Full-Page Signature Ad

The Knights of Columbus

and Citrus County Right to Life want you to help give unborn children the right to life.

They are asking you to sign on to a full page “signature ad” in support of pro-life to appear in the Citrus County Chronicle. It will mark the 48th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade on January 22.

The ad will include the names of everyone, Catholics and other denominations, from throughout Citrus County who signed up to be included.

To help make this happen and still comply with Covid-19 restrictions, hospitality ministers will be handing out envelopes along with Sunday bulletins as you enter the church next weekend. This is instead of personally asking for signatures at the doors of the church like in previous years.

If you don’t receive an envelope on entering the church, ask a hospitality minister for one.

Take the envelope, fill out the slip inside by printing your name (or business) clearly, and signing underneath. (Your signature authorizes the Chronicle to publish your name.) Then put a donation ($5 per person or $10 per family or business) along with the slip back in the envelope and drop it in the Offertory collection box or basket with your regular Sunday envelope. You also can take your Right to Life sign up slip and donation to the parish office or you can mail it to Knights of Columbus 6168, P.O. Box 640206.

Checks should be made payable to Knights of Columbus 6168 and memo’d, “Right to Life.” Funds received over the cost of the ad will be donated to The Pregnancy and Family Life Center of Citrus County.

Food Pantry Needs

cereal soup

canned meats canned fruit

canned vegetables meat helper

Thank you for your generous donations !

Page 5: CLERGY Our Lady of Grace Parish · 2020. 12. 13. · Our Lady of Grace Parish “Gathering in Faith ~ Striving in Hope ~ Serving in Love” 6 Roosevelt Blvd., Beverly Hills, Florida

Page Five

O Come, O Come to

the O Antiphon Advent Trail Please join your parish family to celebrate Advent by doing a drive through prayer service praying the O Antiphons. These are titles of Jesus that are reflected in the song O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

Join us TODAY, December 13th starting at 3:30pm. Enter the parish grounds at the Roosevelt Blvd. entrance/ exit. Follow the signs to stop one and join parish members for prayer and singing, and a little treat. There will be 8 stops in all. Plan on staying in your car as you travel the trail and spend about 15 to 30 minutes with us.

We hope to pray, sing, see some of our parish family, and stay safe as we prepare for the Advent of the Messiah. If you have questions or would like to help at a stop, please call Mary Arnold (746-2144).

Blood Drive Notice for Our Lady of Grace

K of C Council 6168 12/19/2020 Drive

The next Our Lady of Grace - K of C Council 6168 blood drive, our Christmas drive, will be on Saturday, December 19, 2020 at the Council hall, 2389 W Norvell Bryant Highway, Lecanto, from 8 AM to 1 PM. What better way to celebrate Christmas than by giving the gift of life to our community at this holiday season. As usual for these unusual times, the utmost care for your health is utilized by cleaning, use of masks, and social distancing.

A ten dollar “E” gift card to a retailer of your choice will be given to all donors by Life South. In addition, a light continental breakfast of coffee, cold drinks and wrapped pastries is planned, as well as holiday themed T shirts for donors. Please plan on participating. If there are any questions, please call Life South at 352-527-3061.

The October 17 drive collected 17 units from 20 donors at the council hall, and 3 units including platelets from 3 donors at a Life South Facility for a total of 20 units of precious blood. Our thanks and appreciation to all who participated in this effort at these difficult times.

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Tercer Domingo de Adviento 13 de diciembre de 2014

Vivan siempre alegres, oren sin cesar.

— 1 Tesalonicenses 5:16

Page Seven

LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Regocíjense en el Espíritu del Señor que nos trae buenas noticias (Isaías 61:1-2a, 10-11). Salmo — Mi espíritu se alegra en Dios, mi salvador (Lc 1:46-50, 53-54). Segunda lectura — ¡Alégrense! Conserven su integridad en el Espíritu y guárdense sin mancha hasta la venida del Señor (1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-24). Evangelio —Juan Bautista dice: “Soy la voz que grita en el desierto” (Juan 1:6-8, 19-28). Salmo responsorial: Leccionario Hispanoamericano Dominical © 1970, Comisión Episcopal Española. Usado con permiso. Todos los derechos reservados. JUAN EL BAUTISTA

En una casa abierta de la escuela se escuchó a una mujer presentando a su marido a algunos de los otros padres. “Oh, José, me gustaría que conozcas al padre de Juanito. Y aquí, esta es la mamá de María, ya sabes la niña que juega fútbol con nuestra Elena”. Con satisfecha resignación Bill se presentó no por su nombre sino: “Soy el padre de Elena”. Es bueno saber quién es uno. Si somos el padre o la madre de alguien, hijo o hija, esposo o esposa, es importante que aceptemos el sentido pleno de nuestras diferentes funciones. Juan Bautista sabe quién es. Y quién no es. No es el Cristo. No es Elías. Tampoco igual a ningún otro profeta que el pueblo de Dios hubiese visto. Juan Bautista sabe que su misión es divina. Está más que satisfecho de ser el que anuncia la venida del Reino de Dios. El Cristo está cerca. Enderecen sus caminos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

FIESTA DE LA FE La señal de la cruz La cruz es la victoria del vencido. Sobre el madero, sobre la cruz de Cristo, se llevó a cabo no sólo la redención del género humano, sino también, la Nueva Alianza. En adelante ya no será necesario ofrecer el sacrificio de animales (corderos o cabritos) como en el antiguo Israel porque la Sangre de Cristo nos ha reconciliado con Dios. Por ello, esta señal la trazamos sobre nuestra frente misma, para que recordemos siempre las palabras de Jesucristo y las repitamos continuamente. La trazamos sobre nuestros labios, para que a tiempo y destiempo, proclamemos con nuestra palabra la Buena Nueva de Jesucristo. La trazamos, desde la frente hasta el pecho, de hombro a hombro, para recordar que en nuestro interior, donde decidimos qué hacer, debemos optar por el estilo de vida cristiano, debemos ser Cristo. Nos santiguamos al inicio de toda celebración: “En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo”. La asamblea responde con un rotundo Amén que reconoce la Santísima Trinidad en un solo Dios. Lo invocamos, no porque Dios esté perdido, no porque se haya ido; lo invocamos porque no siempre hemos sido conscientes de su presencia continua en nosotros. Más que llamarlo como si estuviera ausente, nos recordamos a nosotros mismos que Dios siempre está presente, como Padre, como Hijo, y como Espíritu Santo. —Miguel Arias, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

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