Cleint Monitoring Over the Network Using RFB Protocol

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It plunges me in exhilaration in taking privilege in expressing our heart felt gratitude to all

those who helped, encouraged and foreseeing successful completion of my project. Ecstasies to

work under gregarious guidance of Miss.Archana Panda to whom extremely in debted for his

valuable and timely suggestions.

I wish to convey my sincere thanks to Mr. P.L.Mohanty (Dean Academics) and all those

who all directly or indirectly contributed their assistance in finishing out this project successfully.

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Client Monitoring over the Network using RFB Protocol


1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Existing System

4. Proposed System

5. SRS (Software Requirement Specification)

6. Design

DFD Diagrams

7. Design Implementation

8. Output

9. Networking


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RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol enables remote users to share the desktop of the server either

exclusively or on a sharing basis.

RFB (“Remote Frame Buffer”) is a simple protocol for remote access to graphical user interfaces.

Because it works at the frame buffer level it is applicable to all windowing systems and applications,

including X11, Windows 3.1/95/NT and Macintosh.

The remote endpoint where the user sits (i.e. the display plus keyboard and/or pointer) is called the

NETWORK-SIMULATOR. The endpoint where changes to the frame buffer originate (i.e. the

windowing system and applications) is known as the RFB server.

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NETWORK-SIMULATOR truly a “thin client” protocol. The emphasis in the design of the RFB

protocol is to make very few requirements of the client. In this way, clients can run on the widest

range of hardware, and the task of implementing a client is made as simple as possible.


1) Client Module

i) VNC installation

2) Server Module

i) Connection

ii) Add Terminals

iii) Remove Terminals

iv) View Logger

v) Software installation

vi) Shutdown the client

vii) Clip board

3) Socket Implementation

4) Client to client communication

Module description:-

1) Client Module:- In the client the VNC software will be installed .It sends the RFB protocol to the


2)Server Module :- In the server we have a window where we can add terminals, connect to the

existing terminals , remove terminals ,View log files , we can install software ,shut down the remote

client system and copy the text

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3) Socket Implementation:- This module consists of client server implementation. The server can

view the client’s communications only.

4) Client to client communication:- This module consists of client to client communication.

Existing System

In the present scenario of distributing information using a Client – Server environment there exist

communication mechanisms such as TELNET etc. These are only character based in nature and do

not provide an easy way for “communication across network”. Also the communication may not

always be platform independent. We need a protocol that can well support GUI-based client-

server interaction and allows multiple clients to share the desktop of the server using RFB

Protocol & can install software too & chatting with Server/Clients.

Proposed System

The RFB (Remote Frame Buffer) protocol was proposed by Tristan Richardson and Kenneth R.

Wood at ORL, Cambridge in January 1998. The protocol is based around a single graphics

primitive: “put a rectangle of pixel data at a given x, y position”.

The RFB relies on sending encoded pixels to the client that contains the information of the Server

Desktop. The client then decodes the pixels and draws them on a graphical application running on

its machine. Events occurring at the client side are trapped and sent to the Server where the changes

are reflected.

For this purpose the RFB protocol suggests the use of a Frame Buffer. The Frame Buffer actually

contains the desktop information, which is updated when the client generates an event. This updated

buffer must be sent to the Server, which updates its own desktop accordingly. Similarly when the

Server generates events that affect the desktop, the updated buffer is redrawn at the Client. This

provides a synchronized desktop sharing facility.

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SRS (Software Requirement Specification)





PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above

RAM 512MB and Above

HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above


WINDOWS XP service pack 2

JDK 1.5

awt , swing

Socket Programming

Microsoft access

The proposed system should have the following features.


The state of the user interface is to be preserved i.e., a client disconnects from a given server and

subsequently reconnects to that same server the previous information has to be displayed.

Furthermore, a different client endpoint can be used to connect to the same RFB server. At the new

endpoint, the user will see exactly the same graphical user interface as at the original endpoint. In

effect, the interface to the user’s applications becomes completely mobile. Wherever suitable

network connectivity exists, the user can access their own personal applications, and the state of

these applications is preserved between accesses from different locations. This requirement provides

the user with a familiar, uniform view of the computing infrastructure wherever they go.

Input Protocol

The input side of the protocol is based on a standard workstation model of a keyboard and multi-

button pointing device. Input events are simply sent to the server by the client whenever the user

presses a key or pointer button, or whenever the pointing device is moved. These input events can

also be synthesized from other non-standard I/O devices.

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For example, a pen-based handwriting recognition engine might generate keyboard events.

Display Protocol

The protocol is based around a single graphics primitive: “put a rectangle of pixel data at a given x,

y position”. At first glance this might seem an inefficient way of drawing many user interface

components. However, allowing various different encoding for the pixel data gives us a large degree

of flexibility in how to trade off various parameters such as network bandwidth, client drawing

speed and server processing speed. A sequence of these rectangles makes a frame buffer update (or

simply update). An Update represents a change from one valid frame buffer state to another, so in

some ways is similar to a frame of video. The rectangles in an update are usually disjoint but this is

not necessarily the case. The update protocol is demand-driven by the client. That is, an update is

only sent from the server to the client in response to an explicit request from the client. This gives

the protocol an adaptive quality. The slower the client and the network are, the lower the rate of

updates becomes. With typical applications, changes to the same area of the frame buffer tend to

happen soon after one another. With a slow client and/or network, transient states of the frame

buffer can be ignored, resulting in less network traffic and less drawing for the client.

Representation of pixel data

Initial interaction between the NETWORK-SIMULATOR and server involves a negotiation of the

format and encoding with which pixel data will be sent. This negotiation has to make the job of the

client as easy as possible. The bottom line is that the server must always be able to supply pixel data

in the form the client wants. However if the client is able to cope equally with several different

formats or encoding, it may choose one, which is easier for the server to produce. Pixel format refers

to the representation of individual colors by pixel values. The most common pixel formats are 24-bit

or 16-bit “true color”, where bit-fields within the pixel value translate directly to red, green and blue

intensities and 8-bit “color map where an arbitrary mapping can be used to translate from pixel

values to the RGB intensities. Encoding refers to how a rectangle of pixel data will be sent on the

wire. A header giving the X, Y position of the rectangle on the screen, the width and height of the

rectangle, and an encoding type, which specifies the encoding of the pixel data, prefixes every

rectangle of pixel data. The data itself then follows using the specified encoding. Adding new

encoding types can extend the protocol.

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Raw encoding

The simplest encoding type is raw pixel data. In this case the data consists of n pixel values where n

is the width times the height of the rectangle. The values simply rep-resent each pixel in left-to-right

scans line order. All RFB clients must be able to cope with pixel data in this raw encoding, and RFB

servers should only produce raw encoding unless the client specifically asks for some other

encoding type.

Protocol Messages

The RFB protocol can operate over any reliable transport, either byte-stream or message-based.

There are two stages to the protocol; an initial handshaking phase followed by the normal protocol

interaction. The initial handshaking consists of Protocol Version, Authentication, Client

Initialization and Server Initialization messages, as described below. Note that both client and

server send a Protocol Version message. The protocol proceeds to the normal interaction stage after

the Server Initialization message. At this stage, the client can send whichever messages it wants, and

may receive messages from the server as a result. All these messages begin with a message-type

byte, followed by any message specific data. integers. All multiple byte integers (other than pixel

values themselves) are in big endian order (most significant byte first).


RFB Protocol Implementation

//To read From InputStream

class myInputStream extends FilterInputStream


public myInputStream (InputStream in) {

super (in);


public int read (byte [] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {

System.out.println ("read (byte [] b, int off, int len) called");

return super.read (b, off, len);



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The Main Class to receive or send the Messages to Server

class rfbProto



static final String versionMsg = "RFB 003.003\n";


static final int ConnFailed = 0, NoAuth = 1, VirtualPadAuth = 2;


static final int VirtualPadAuthOK = 0, VirtualPadAuthFailed = 1, VirtualPadAuthTooMany = 2;


static final int FramebufferUpdate = 0, SetColourMapEntries = 1, Bell = 2, ServerCutText = 3;


static final int SetPixelFormat = 0, FixColourMapEntries = 1, SetEncodings =

2,FramebufferUpdateRequest = 3, KeyEvent = 4,

PointerEvent = 5, ClientCutText = 6;


static final int EncodingRaw = 0, EncodingCopyRect = 1, EncodingRRE=2, EncodingCoRRE = 4,

EncodingHextile = 5;

static final int HextileRaw = (1 << 0);

static final int HextileBackgroundSpecified = (1 << 1);

static final int HextileForegroundSpecified = (1 << 2);

static final int HextileAnySubrects = (1 << 3);

static final int HextileSubrectsColoured = (1 << 4);

String host;

int port;

Socket sock;

DataInputStream is;

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OutputStream os;

boolean inNormalProtocol = false;

virtualpad v;

// Constructor. Just make TCP connection to RFB server.

rfbProto(String h, int p, VirtualPad v1) throws IOException {

v = v1;

host = h;

port = p;

sock = new Socket(host, port);

is = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream(),16384));

os = sock.getOutputStream();


void close() {

try {


} catch (Exception e) {





Protocol Version

Handshaking begins by the server sending the client a Protocol Version message. This lets the client

know which is the latest RFB protocol version number supported by the server. The client then

replies with a similar message giving the version number of the protocol, which should actually be

used (which may be different to that quoted by the server).

It is intended that both clients and servers may provide some level of backwards compatibility by

this mechanism. Servers in particular should attempt to provide backwards compatibility, and even

forward compatibility to some extent. For example if a client demands version 3.1 of the protocol, a

3.0 server can probably assume that by ignoring requests for encoding types it doesn’t understand,

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everything will still work OK. This will probably not be the case for changes in the major version



Notifies the server that the client is interested in the area of the framebuffer specified by x-position,

y-position, width and height. The server usually responds to a Framebuffer-UpdateRequest by

sending a FramebufferUpdate. Note however that a single Frame-bufferUpdate may be sent in reply

to several FramebufferUpdateRequests. The server assumes that the client keeps a copy of all parts

of the framebuffer in which it is interested. This means that normally the server only needs to send

incremental updates to the client. However, if for some reason the client has lost the contents of a

particular area, which it needs, then the client sends a FramebufferUpdateRequest with incremental

set to zero (false). This requests that the server send the entire contents of the specified area as soon

as possible. The area will not be updated using the copy rectangle encoding. If the client has not

lost any contents of the area in which it is interested, then it sends a FramebufferUpdateRequest

with incremental set to non-zero (true). If and when there

are changes to the specified area of the framebuffer, the server will send a Framebuffer-Update.

Note that there may be an indefinite period between the FramebufferUpdateRequest and the

FramebufferUpdate. In the case of a fast client, the client may want to regulate the rate at which it

sends incremental FramebufferUpdateRequests to avoid hogging the network.

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Data Flow Diagrams

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INTRODUCTION After analyzing the requirements of the task to be performed, the next step is to analyze the problem

and understand its context. The first activity in the phase is studying the existing system and other is

to understand the requirements and domain of the new system. Both the activities are equally

important, but the first activity serves as a basis of giving the functional specifications and then

successful design of the proposed system. Understanding the properties and requirements of a new

system is more difficult and requires creative thinking and understanding of existing running system

is also difficult, improper understanding of present system can lead diversion from solution.


The model that is basically being followed is the WATER FALL MODEL, which states that

the phases are organized in a linear order. First of all the feasibility study is done. Once that part is

over the requirement analysis and project planning begins. If system exists one and modification and

addition of new module is needed, analysis of present system can be used as basic model.

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The design starts after the requirement analysis is complete and the coding begins after the

design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the testing is done. In this model the

sequence of activities performed in a software development project are: -

Requirement Analysis

Project Planning

System design

Detail design


Unit testing

System integration & testing

Here the linear ordering of these activities is critical. End of the phase and the output of one

phase is the input of other phase. The output of each phase is to be consistent with the overall

requirement of the system. WATER FALL MODEL was being chosen because all requirements

were known beforehand and the objective of our software development is the

computerization/automation of an already existing manual working system.

Product Product

Input Output


Communicated Requirements

Requirements Specification

Design Specification

Executable Software Modules

Integrated Software Product

Delivered Software Product

Changed Requirements

Requirements Engineering






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Purpose: The main purpose for preparing this document is to give a general insight into the analysis

and requirements of the existing system or situation and for determining the operating characteristics

of the system.

Scope: This Document plays a vital role in the development life cycle (SDLC) and it describes the

complete requirement of the system. It is meant for use by the developers and will be the basic

during testing phase. Any changes made to the requirements in the future will have to go through

formal change approval process.


The developer is responsible for:

Developing the system, which meets the SRS and solving all the requirements of the system?

Demonstrating the system and installing the system at client's location after the acceptance

testing is successful.

Submitting the required user manual describing the system interfaces to work on it and also the

documents of the system.

Conducting any user training that might be needed for using the system.

Maintaining the system for a period of one year after installation.


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Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of

processing to users. They are also used to provides a permanent copy of the results for later

consultation. The various types of outputs in general are:

External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization.

Internal Outputs whose destination is with in organization and they are the

User’s main interface with the computer.

Operational outputs whose use is purely with in the computer department.

Interface outputs, which involve the user in communicating directly with


The outputs should be defined in terms of the following points:

Type of the output

Content of the output

Format of the output

Location of the output

Frequency of the output

Volume of the output

Sequence of the output

It is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. It should be

decided as which form of the output is the most suitable.

For Example

Will decimal points need to be inserted

Should leading zeros be suppressed.

Output Media:

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In the next stage it is to be decided that which medium is the most appropriate for the

output. The main considerations when deciding about the output media are:

The suitability for the device to the particular application.

The need for a hard copy.

The response time required.

The location of the users

The software and hardware available.

Keeping in view the above description the project is to have outputs mainly coming under the

category of internal outputs. The main outputs desired according to the requirement specification


The outputs were needed to be generated as a hot copy and as well as queries to be viewed on the

screen. Keeping in view these outputs, the format for the output is taken from the outputs, which are

currently being obtained after manual processing. The standard printer is to be used as output media

for hard copies.


Input design is a part of overall system design. The main objective during the input design is as

given below:

To produce a cost-effective method of input.

To achieve the highest possible level of accuracy.

To ensure that the input is acceptable and understood by the user.


The main input stages can be listed as below:

Data recording

Data transcription

Data conversion

Data verification

Data control

Data transmission

Data validation

Data correction

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It is necessary to determine the various types of inputs. Inputs can be categorized as follows:

External inputs, which are prime inputs for the system.

Internal inputs, which are user communications with the system.

Operational, which are computer department’s communications to the system?

Interactive, which are inputs entered during a dialogue.


At this stage choice has to be made about the input media. To conclude about the input

media consideration has to be given to;

Type of input

Flexibility of format



Verification methods

Rejection rates

Ease of correction

Storage and handling requirements


Easy to use


Keeping in view the above description of the input types and input media, it can be said that

most of the inputs are of the form of internal and interactive. As

Input data is to be the directly keyed in by the user, the keyboard can be considered to be the most

suitable input device.


At this stage care is to be taken to ensure that input data remains accurate form the stage at

which it is recorded up to the stage in which the data is accepted by the system. This can be

achieved only by means of careful control each time the data is handled.


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Even though every effort is make to avoid the occurrence of errors, still a small proportion

of errors is always likely to occur, these types of errors can be discovered by using validations to

check the input data.


Procedures are designed to detect errors in data at a lower level of detail. Data validations

have been included in the system in almost every area where there is a possibility for the user to

commit errors. The system will not accept invalid data. Whenever an invalid data is keyed in, the

system immediately prompts the user and the user has to again key in the data and the system will

accept the data only if the data is correct. Validations have been included where necessary.

The system is designed to be a user friendly one. In other words the system has been

designed to communicate effectively with the user. The system has been designed with pop up



It is essential to consult the system users and discuss their needs while designing the user



1. User initiated interface the user is in charge, controlling the progress of the user/computer

dialogue. In the computer-initiated interface, the computer selects the next stage in the


2. Computer initiated interfaces

In the computer initiated interfaces the computer guides the progress of the user/computer

dialogue. Information is displayed and the user response of the computer takes action or displays

further information.


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User initiated interfaces fall into tow approximate classes:

1. Command driven interfaces: In this type of interface the user inputs commands or queries which

are interpreted by the computer.

2. Forms oriented interface: The user calls up an image of the form to his/her screen and fills in the

form. The forms oriented interface is chosen because it is the best choice.


The following computer – initiated interfaces were used:

1. The menu system for the user is presented with a list of alternatives and the user chooses one; of


2. Questions – answer type dialog system where the computer asks question and takes action based

on the basis of the users reply.

Right from the start the system is going to be menu driven, the opening menu displays the

available options. Choosing one option gives another popup menu with more options. In this way

every option leads the users to data entry form where the user can key in the data.


The design of error messages is an important part of the user interface design. As user is

bound to commit some errors or other while designing a system the system should be designed to be

helpful by providing the user with information regarding the error he/she has committed.

This application must be able to produce output at different modules for different inputs.

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Output Screens

1. Authentication Mode

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Options Frame

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Remote Desktop

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Client Clipboard

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Pointer Event

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Key Event (Remote Desktop F1 Key)

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Testing is a process, which reveals errors in the program. It is the major quality measure

employed during software development. During testing, the program is executed with a set of

conditions known as test cases and the output is evaluated to determine whether the program is

performing as expected.

In order to make sure that the system does not have errors, the different levels of testing

strategies that are applied at differing phases of software development are:

1. Unit Testing

Unit Testing is done on individual modules as they are completed and become executable. It is

confined only to the designer's requirements.

Each module can be tested using the following two strategies:

I) Black Box Testing:

In this strategy some test cases are generated as input conditions that fully execute all functional

requirements for the program. This testing has been uses to find errors in the following categories:

a) Incorrect or missing functions

b) Interface errors

c) Errors in data structure or external database access

d) Performance errors

e) Initialization and termination errors.

In this testing only the output is checked for correctness. The logical flow of the

data is not checked.

ii. White Box testing

In this the test cases are generated on the logic of each module by drawing flow graphs of that

module and logical decisions are tested on all the cases.

It has been uses to generate the test cases in the following cases:

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a) Guarantee that all independent paths have been executed.

b) Execute all logical decisions on their true and false sides.

c) Execute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.

d) Execute internal data structures to ensure their validity.

2. Integrating Testing

Integration testing ensures that software and subsystems work together as a whole. It tests the

interface of all the modules to make sure that the modules behave properly when integrated together.

3. System Testing

Involves in-house testing of the entire system before delivery to the user. Its aim is to satisfy the

user the system meets all requirements of the client's specifications.

4. Acceptance Testing

It is a pre-delivery testing in which entire system is tested at client's site on real world data to

find errors.


The system has been tested and implemented successfully and thus ensured that all the

requirements as listed in the software requirement specification are completely fulfilled. In case of

erroneous input corresponding error messages are displayed.


It was a good idea to do our stress testing early on, because it gave us time to fix some of the

unexpected deadlocks and stability problems that only occurred when components were exposed to

very high transaction volumes.


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This program was successfully loaded and executed. Because of good programming there were

no execution errors.


The successful output screens are placed in the output screens section above.

What is Networking?

Computers running on the Internet communicate to each other using either the Transmission Control

Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), as this diagram illustrates:

When you write Java programs that communicate over the network, you are programming at the

application layer. Typically, you don't need to concern yourself with the TCP and UDP layers.

Instead, you can use the classes in the java.net package. These classes provide system-independent

network communication. However, to decide which Java classes your programs should use, you do

need to understand how TCP and UDP differ.


When two applications want to communicate to each other reliably, they establish a connection and send data back and forth over that connection. This is analogous to making a telephone call. If you want to speak to Aunt Beatrice in Kentucky, a connection is established when you dial her phone number and she answers. You send data back and forth over the connection by speaking to one another over the phone lines. Like the phone company, TCP guarantees that data sent from one end of the connection actually gets to the other end and in the same order it was sent. Otherwise, an error is reported.

TCP provides a point-to-point channel for applications that require reliable communications. The

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and Telnet are all examples of

applications that require a reliable communication channel. The order in which the data is sent and

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received over the network is critical to the success of these applications. When HTTP is used to read

from a URL, the data must be received in the order in which it was sent. Otherwise, you end up with

a jumbled HTML file, a corrupt zip file, or some other invalid information.

Definition:  TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-based protocol that provides a

reliable flow of data between two computers.


The UDP protocol provides for communication that is not guaranteed between two applications on

the network. UDP is not connection-based like TCP. Rather, it sends independent packets of data,

called datagrams, from one application to another. Sending datagrams is much like sending a letter

through the postal service: The order of delivery is not important and is not guaranteed, and each

message is independent of any other.

Definition:  UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is a protocol that sends independent packets of data,

called datagrams, from one computer to another with no guarantees about arrival. UDP is not

connection-based like TCP.

For many applications, the guarantee of reliability is critical to the success of the transfer of

information from one end of the connection to the other. However, other forms of communication

don't require such strict standards. In fact, they may be slowed down by the extra overhead or the

reliable connection may invalidate the service altogether.

Consider, for example, a clock server that sends the current time to its client when requested to do

so. If the client misses a packet, it doesn't really make sense to resend it because the time will be

incorrect when the client receives it on the second try. If the client makes two requests and receives

packets from the server out of order, it doesn't really matter because the client can figure out that the

packets are out of order and make another request. The reliability of TCP is unnecessary in this

instance because it causes performance degradation and may hinder the usefulness of the service.

Another example of a service that doesn't need the guarantee of a reliable channel is the ping

command. The purpose of the ping command is to test the communication between two programs

over the network. In fact, ping needs to know about dropped or out-of-order packets to determine

how good or bad the connection is. A reliable channel would invalidate this service altogether.

The UDP protocol provides for communication that is not guaranteed between two applications on

the network. UDP is not connection-based like TCP. Rather, it sends independent packets of data

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from one application to another. Sending datagrams is much like sending a letter through the mail

service: The order of delivery is not important and is not guaranteed, and each message is

independent of any others.

Note:  Many firewalls and routers have been configured not to allow UDP packets. If you're having

trouble connecting to a service outside your firewall, or if clients are having trouble connecting to

your service, ask your system administrator if UDP is permitted.

Understanding Ports

Generally speaking, a computer has a single physical connection to the network. All data destined

for a particular computer arrives through that connection. However, the data may be intended for

different applications running on the computer. So how does the computer know to which

application to forward the data? Through the use of ports.

Data transmitted over the Internet is accompanied by addressing information that identifies the

computer and the port for which it is destined. The computer is identified by its 32-bit IP address,

which IP uses to deliver data to the right computer on the network. Ports are identified by a 16-bit

number, which TCP and UDP use to deliver the data to the right application.

In connection-based communication such as TCP, a server application binds a socket to a specific

port number. This has the effect of registering the server with the system to receive all data destined

for that port. A client can then rendezvous with the server at the server's port, as illustrated here:

Definition:  The TCP and UDP protocols use ports to map incoming data to a particular process

running on a computer.

In datagram-based communication such as UDP, the datagram packet contains the port number of its

destination and UDP routes the packet to the appropriate application, as illustrated in this figure:

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Port numbers range from 0 to 65,535 because ports are represented by 16-bit numbers. The port

numbers ranging from 0 - 1023 are restricted; they are reserved for use by well-known services such

as HTTP and FTP and other system services. These ports are called well-known ports. Your

applications should not attempt to bind to them.

Networking Classes in the JDK

Through the classes in java.net, Java programs can use TCP or UDP to communicate over the

Internet. The URL, URL Connection, Socket, and Server Socket classes all use TCP to

communicate over the network. The Datagram Packet, Datagram Socket, and Multicast Socket

classes are for use with UDP.

What Is a URL?

If you've been surfing the Web, you have undoubtedly heard the term URL and have used URLs to access HTML pages from the Web.

It's often easiest, although not entirely accurate, to think of a URL as the name of a file on the World

Wide Web because most URLs refer to a file on some machine on the network. However, remember

that URLs also can point to other resources on the network, such as database queries and command


Definition:  URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a

resource on the Internet.

The following is an example of a URL which addresses the Java Web site hosted by Sun


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As in the previous diagram, a URL has two main components:

Protocol identifier

Resource name

Note that the protocol identifier and the resource name are separated by a colon and two forward slashes. The protocol identifier indicates the name of the protocol to be used to fetch the resource. The example uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is typically used to serve up hypertext documents. HTTP is just one of many different protocols used to access different types of resources on the net. Other protocols include File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Gopher, File, and News.

The resource name is the complete address to the resource. The format of the resource name

depends entirely on the protocol used, but for many protocols, including HTTP, the resource

name contains one or more of the components listed in the following table:

Host Name The name of the machine on which the resource lives.

Filename The pathname to the file on the machine.

Port Number The port number to which to connect (typically optional).

Reference A reference to a named anchor within a resource that usually identifies a specific location within a file (typically optional).

For many protocols, the host name and the filename are required, while the port number and

reference are optional. For example, the resource name for an HTTP URL must specify a server on

the network (Host Name) and the path to the document on that machine (Filename); it also can

specify a port number and a reference. In the URL for the Java Web site java.sun.com is the host

name and the trailing slash is shorthand for the file named /index.html.

Sequence of socket calls for connection-oriented protocol:

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System Calls

Socket - create a descriptor for use in network communication. On success, socket system call

returns a small integer value similar to a file descriptor Name.

Bind - Bind a local IP address and protocol port to a socket

When a socket is created it does not have nay notion of endpoint address. An application calls bind

to specify the local; endpoint address in a socket. For TCP/IP protocols, the endpoint address uses

the socket address in structure. Servers use bind to specify the well-known port at which they will

await connections.

Connect - connect to remote client

After creating a socket, a client calls connect to establish an actual connection to a remote server. An

argument to connect allows the client to specify the remote endpoint, which include the remote

machines IP address and protocols port number. Once a connection has been made, a client can

transfer data across it.

Accept () - accept the next incoming connection

Accept creates a new socket for each new connection request and returns the descriptor of the new

socket to its caller. The server uses the new socket only for the new connections it uses the original

socket to accept additional connection requests once it has accepted connection, the server can

transfer data on the new socket.

Return Value:

This system-call returns up to three values

An integer return code that is either an error indication or a new socket description

The address of the client process

The size of this address

Listen - place the socket in passive mode and set the number of incoming TCP connections the

system will en-queue. Backlog - specifies how many connections requests can be queued by the

system while it wants for the server to execute the accept system call it us usually executed after

both the socket and bind system calls, and immediately before the accept system call.

send, sendto, recv and recvfrom system calls

These system calls are similar to the standard read and write system calls, but additional arguments

are requested.

close - terminate communication and de-allocate a descriptor. The normal UNIX close system call is

also used to close a socket.

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The software engineering process can be viewed as a spiral. Initially system engineering

defines the role of software and leads to software requirement analysis where the information

domain, functions, behavior, performance, constraints and validation criteria for software are

established. Moving inward along the spiral, we come to design and finally to coding. To develop

computer software we spiral in along streamlines that decrease the level of abstraction on each turn.

A strategy for software testing may also be viewed in the context of the spiral. Unit testing

begins at the vertex of the spiral and concentrates on each unit of the software as implemented in

source code. Testing progress by moving outward along the spiral to integration testing, where the

focus is on the design and the construction of the software architecture. Talking another turn on

outward on the spiral we encounter validation testing where requirements established as part of

software requirements analysis are validated against the software that has been constructed. Finally

we arrive at system testing, where the software and other system elements are tested as a whole.






Component Testing

Integration Testing

User Testing

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8.3. Unit Testing

Unit testing focuses verification effort on the smallest unit of software design, the module. The unit

testing we have is white box oriented and some modules the steps are conducted in parallel.

1. WHITE BOX TESTINGThis type of testing ensures that

All independent paths have been exercised at least once

All logical decisions have been exercised on their true and false sides

All loops are executed at their boundaries and within their operational bounds

All internal data structures have been exercised to assure their validity.

To follow the concept of white box testing we have tested each form .we have created independently

to verify that Data flow is correct, All conditions are exercised to check their validity, All loops are

executed on their boundaries.


Established technique of flow graph with Cyclomatic complexity was used to derive test cases for

all the functions. The main steps in deriving test cases were:

Use the design of the code and draw correspondent flow graph.

Determine the Cyclomatic complexity of resultant flow graph, using formula:

V(G)=E-N+2 or

V(G)=P+1 or

V(G)=Number Of Regions

Where V(G) is Cyclomatic complexity,

E is the number of edges,

N is the number of flow graph nodes,

P is the number of predicate nodes.

Determine the basis of set of linearly independent paths.


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In this part of the testing each of the conditions were tested to both true and false aspects. And all

the resulting paths were tested. So that each path that may be generate on particular condition is

traced to uncover any possible errors.


This type of testing selects the path of the program according to the location of definition and use of

variables. This kind of testing was used only when some local variable were declared. The

definition-use chain method was used in this type of testing. These were particularly useful in nested



In this type of testing all the loops are tested to all the limits possible. The following exercise was adopted for all loops: All the loops were tested at their limits, just above them and just below them.

All the loops were skipped at least once.

For nested loops test the inner most loop first and then work outwards.

For concatenated loops the values of dependent loops were set with the help of connected loop.

Unstructured loops were resolved into nested loops or concatenated loops and tested as above.

Each unit has been separately tested by the development team itself and all the input have been validated.

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In this project our aim is to monitor the clients by accessing the client desktop and see the

client’s log files. The server has the control over the client by locking the client system mouse


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