Clearing the Air About Electronic Cigarettes

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  • 8/13/2019 Clearing the Air About Electronic Cigarettes


    Clearing the air about Electronic Cigarettes

    First in a Series

    Copyright 2014 R. William Davis

    I was browsing the web toay an ran a!ross an arti!le abo"t a!tress #"lia $o"is%

    Drey&"s p"&&ing on an ele!troni! !igarette on !amera "ring the re!ent '1st (nn"al

    )olen )lobe (wars. *Dr. +anny, -sing e%!igarettes "ring the )olen )lobes

    was irresponsible.I was str"!/ by Dr. +annys opinion o& the ele!troni! !igarette.

    First he states the &ollowing,

    *3hat smo/ing !ontrib"tes to heart isease p"lmonary isease an

    !ompli!ations "ring pregnan!y. F"rthermore smo/ing /ills an estimate

    1'5640 women in the -nite States every year.

    hen in!reibly he says,

    *In my opinion e%!igarettes are not a goo s"bstit"te &or real !igarettes

    be!a"se they still !ontain ni!otine 7 whi!h is highly ai!tive.

    +y avi!e to Dr. +anny is to go ba!/ an rea his !opy o& the 8ippo!rati! 9ath

    whi!h states in part,

    *I will not be ashame to say :I /now not nor will I &ail to !all in my

    !olleag"es when the s/ills o& another are neee &or a patient;s re!overy.

    It is obvio"s that the goo o!tor */nows not on this s"b

    Dr. +anny in yo"r !ase it is time to !all some !olleag"es &or a m"!h neee

    se!on opinion. First is Dr. =ra Ro" *?ro&essor o& +ei!ine at the -niversity o&

    $o"isville . . . an a member o& the #ames )raham =rown Can!er Center. Dr.

    Ro" is @"ite !lear on the s"b

  • 8/13/2019 Clearing the Air About Electronic Cigarettes


    *I3ts the smo/e that /ills.3 Ai!otine is not the !a"se o& any smo/ing%

    relate isease. Its abo"t as sa&e as !a&&eine another ai!tive s"bstan!e


  • 8/13/2019 Clearing the Air About Electronic Cigarettes


    ai!tiveness o& !igarettes an 2J that mas/ symptoms an illnesses

    asso!iate with smo/ing behavior.

    o o"r /nowlege there has been no systemati! eval"ation o& the p"bli!

    health e&&e!ts o& !igarette aitives or their !omb"stion pro"!ts. hetoba!!o in"stry has a!tively manip"late !igarette !ontent by "sing

    potentially haBaro"s !hemi!al an phyto!hemi!al aitives that sho"l be

    reg"late. -nreg"late "se o& aitives in toba!!o pro"!ts s"b