1 Clean Development Mechanism & Agriculture Sector Shalin Shah – Sr. Manager (Environment) Mundra Port & SEZ, Adani Group Honorary Joint Secretary - NCCSD

Clean Development Mechanism & Agriculture Sector

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Clean Development Mechanism & Agriculture Sector. Shalin Shah – Sr. Manager (Environment) Mundra Port & SEZ, Adani Group Honorary Joint Secretary - NCCSD. 1. Background for presentation. Climate Change, Global Warming are well known terms world over. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Clean Development Mechanism &  Agriculture Sector


Clean Development Mechanism

& Agriculture Sector

Shalin Shah – Sr. Manager (Environment)

Mundra Port & SEZ, Adani GroupHonorary Joint Secretary - NCCSD

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Background for presentation

Climate Change, Global Warming are well known terms world over.

So I will not discuss anything on the basics of Climate Change.

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s Position

Types of CDM projects


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Mitigation of Global WarmingMitigation of Global Warming

To tackle the challenges posed by global warming (climate change), United Nations made an agreement at the ‘ United Nations Conference on Environment and Development’ in 1992 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil – a conference popularly known as the “Rio Earth Summit”. That agreement was “The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” (UNFCCC).

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IPCC constituted

IPCC GHG inventory report

Rio Earth Summit & birth of UNFCCC

Kyoto Protocol adopted

Kyoto Protocol comes into force

First commitment period starts

First commitment period ends

……24 year story

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Signed by 154 states (plus the EU) in 1992 foundation of global efforts to combat global warming.

Objective: “ The stabilisation of greenhouse gas (GHGs) concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous man made interference with the natural climate system. ”

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Mitigation of Global WarmingMitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Protocol

•Amendment to the UNFCCC outlined in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan•Commitment for 38 developed countries to reduce GHG

emissions by 5.2% relative to 1990 levels•It must be achieved by 2008 – 2012 – first commitment period•Developed countries – bound with targets – Annex I countries –

Such as: UK, Europe, Australia etc.•Developing countries – no targets – non annex I countries – Such

as: India; Pakistan; China; Thailand; Malaysia; Mexico; Brazil etc.

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s position

Types of CDM projects


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Kyoto Gases & GWPKyoto Gases & GWPThere are over 30 atmospheric greenhouse gases…But only 6 attract CC, so called ”Kyoto Gases”

• Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

• Methane (CH4)

• Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Relevant to bio-carbon & industrial projects

Relevant to industrial projects

• Perfluorocarbons (CXFX)

• Hydrofluorocarbons (CXHXFX)

• Sulphur Hexaflouride (SF6)

Each of these gases has a different warming potential

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Each of these gases has a different ‘radiative forcing’ capability and a different

atmospheric residence time

Need for a ‘common currency’, so that all such Kyoto gases are denominated in the same


Solution: develop a relative scale, using CO2 as a reference gas

Kyoto Gases & GWPKyoto Gases & GWP

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Relative scale – everything is

measured relative to CO2

e.g. Methane is 21 times more potent as a Green House

Gas than CO2

e.g. Sulphur Hexafluoride is

23,900 times more potent!

Kyoto GasKyoto Gas(Green (Green

House Gas)House Gas)

Global Global Warming Warming Potential Potential


COCO22 11

CHCH44 2323

NN22OO 310310

PFCPFC 6500 – 92006500 – 9200

HFCHFC 140 – 11700140 – 11700

SFSF66 2390023900

Kyoto Gases & GWPKyoto Gases & GWP

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s Position

Types of CDM projects


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Clean Development MechanismClean Development Mechanism‘Flexibility Mechanisms’ of Kyoto Protocol

Clean Development Mechanism(Achieving part of reduction obligations of developed

countries through projects in developing countries that reduce GHG emissions) It is defined under Article 12 of the

Kyoto Protocol

Emission Trading(Trading of emission allowances between developed


Joint implementation(Transferring emission allowances between developed nations, linked to specific emission reduction projects)

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Developed countries can

reduce emissions

anywhere in the world

They can count these

reductions towards their own targets

CDM allows developed

countries to generate CC

(Certified Emission

Reductions, CERs) in

developing countries

Advantages for developed countries:

relatively low-cost & politically acceptable

Advantages for developing countries:

inward investment, environmental &

technology benefits

Clean Development MechanismClean Development MechanismPurposes of CDM – two primary goals

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Generation of CC


G e




Historical Trend

Project start

Project start

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)


Clean Development MechanismClean Development Mechanism

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)

Carbon credits (CERs)

CERs from a CDM project are calculated as:

CER = BE – PE The Baseline Emissions (BE) is the amount of GHG that would have been emitted to the atmosphere in the absence of the CDM project activity.

PE is the Project Emissions

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What is Carbon Credit ?What is Carbon Credit ?Carbon credits are reduction in emission of Carbon credits are reduction in emission of

GHGs caused by a project GHGs caused by a project

1 CER = 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent (e) 1 CER = 1 tonne of CO2 equivalent (e) reduction reduction

1 CER = 1 Carbon Credit1 CER = 1 Carbon Credit1 VER = 1 Carbon Credit 1 VER = 1 Carbon Credit

( Earned Through Voluntary ( Earned Through Voluntary Route )Route )

__________________________________________________________ CER – Certified Emission ReductionCER – Certified Emission Reduction

VER – Voluntary Emission Reduction VER – Voluntary Emission Reduction

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Five major criteriaFive major criteria

a) GHG reduction - real and measurablea) GHG reduction - real and measurable

b) Contribution to the sustainable development b) Contribution to the sustainable development of the host countryof the host country

c) No “diversion” of official development c) No “diversion” of official development assistanceassistance

d) Demonstration of Additionalityd) Demonstration of Additionality

e) Project after 2 August 2008 – Inform UNFCCC e) Project after 2 August 2008 – Inform UNFCCC within Six monthswithin Six months

Clean Development MechanismClean Development MechanismQualification for CDM Project

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Additional incentives provided by emission reduction credits, is a concept known as "additionality". It is the most significant requirement for a project to qualify for the CDM benefits.

•Emission Additionality – Net decrease in GHG emission is called Emission Additionality.

•Financial Additionality – Project funding should not be counted towards the financial obligations of the host country

•Technological Additionality – CDM project activities should lead to transfer of environmentally safe & sound technologies.

If the industry is legally mandated (bound to do any of the above by law) to undertake the project activity (e.g. use of CNG for public transport in Delhi), such a project is generally not eligible for CDM benefits.

Clean Development MechanismClean Development MechanismDemonstration of Additionality

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Additionality – benchmark analysisAdditionality – benchmark analysis

Project without carbon revenue is profitable –

but not sufficiently profitable

compared with alternatives

Project without carbon revenue is profitable –

but not sufficiently profitable

compared with alternatives

Project without carbon element

Project with carbon element

Carbon revenue makes the

project attractive relative to investment alternatives

Carbon revenue makes the

project attractive relative to investment alternatives




e /


V /


RChoose an appropriate financial indicator and compare it with a relevant

benchmark value: e.g. required return on capital or internal company benchmark

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Some examples of additionalitySome examples of additionality

Capturing methane from an urban landfill and flaring it

— Carbon credits represent the only source of income for undertaking this activity

Capturing methane from an urban landfill and utilizing it to generate electricity

— Project developer would have to demonstrate that the electricity revenue alone would not make this project attractive

Building a large hydro project for the grid in Ethiopia

— Questionable additionality: there is already plenty of hydro activity in Ethiopia


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CDM – Cancun outcomeCDM – Cancun outcome Issue - Continuation of CDM Post 2012 Progress / Decisions - Indications CDM will be part

of new post-2012 scheme, despite on-going uncertainty over the

future of the Kyoto Protocol Remarks

Cancun conference decided that next year (at the next Climate Change Conference in South Africa), one or more new market based mechanism will be established.

Any such new mechanism will maintain and build upon existing mechanisms, including those established under the Kyoto Protocol (like CDM)

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s position

Types of CDM projects


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CDM Approval StagesCDM Approval Stages Responsible Responsible PartiesParties DurationDuration

AAProject DesignProject Design Project screeningProject screening Development of PIN, PDD & PCNDevelopment of PIN, PDD & PCN

PPPP 2 – 6 Months2 – 6 Months

BBHost Country Approval (HCA)Host Country Approval (HCA) Submission of PCN & PDD to NCDMA/DNASubmission of PCN & PDD to NCDMA/DNA Presentation by PP during NCDMA meetingPresentation by PP during NCDMA meeting

PPPPDNADNA 2 Months2 Months

CCValidationValidation Submission of PDD & HCA approval letter to DOESubmission of PDD & HCA approval letter to DOE

DOEDOE 1 Month1 Month

DDRegistrationRegistration Submission of validation report & PDD to CDM EBSubmission of validation report & PDD to CDM EB

CDM EBCDM EB 2 Months2 Months

EEProject Implementation and MonitoringProject Implementation and Monitoring Implementation of projectImplementation of project Monitoring and recording of emissionsMonitoring and recording of emissions

PPPP ContinuousContinuous

FFVerification and CertificationVerification and Certification Verification of emission reductionVerification of emission reduction Certification of emission reductionCertification of emission reduction

DOEDOE Once every yearOnce every year

GGIssuance of CERIssuance of CER Submission of certificate given by DOE to CDM EBSubmission of certificate given by DOE to CDM EB Issuance of CER to Project ProponentIssuance of CER to Project Proponent


10 or 21 Years 10 or 21 Years (variable)(variable)

CDM Project CycleCDM Project Cycle

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Activities in CDM Cycle

Time Needed (Weeks)

Average Time Taken


Reason for Delay

Preparation of PIN, PCN, PDD

8 16 Resource Constraint, Lack of Knowledge, procedural changes etc.

Host Country Approval

6 10 Delay in submission of required documents

Validation 14 24 Delay in appointment of DOE, Amendment of frequent changes in methodology, Guidelines, Tool etc.

Registration 4 - 8 24 Delay in web-hosting by EB, Req. for Review, Under Review, Corrections Requested etc.

Monitoring & Verification

52 70 Delay in appointment of DOE, Delay in web-hosting by EB etc.

Issuance of CER 4 12 Req. for Review, Under Review, Corrections Requested etc.

CER Transaction 4 8 Delay in identifying buyers, ERPA signing, Buyer DNA approval etc.

Total (Approx.) 96 164

CDM - Time Needed Vs. Time Taken

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Three major credentialsThree major credentials

Project Idea Note (PIN):Project Idea Note (PIN): It includes the basic information It includes the basic information and basic calculations to check the viability of the proposed and basic calculations to check the viability of the proposed project. It is not a mandatory document.project. It is not a mandatory document.

Project Concept Note (PCN):Project Concept Note (PCN): It includes basic It includes basic information about project and project developers, information about project and project developers, technology, finance, sustainable development criteria, technology, finance, sustainable development criteria, project risks, baseline methodology etc. Mandatory project risks, baseline methodology etc. Mandatory document required for HCAdocument required for HCA

Project Design Document (PDD):Project Design Document (PDD): It is a project specific It is a project specific document which included expected emission reduction document which included expected emission reduction calculations and monitoring plan along with the elaborated calculations and monitoring plan along with the elaborated information provided in the PCN. Mandatory document information provided in the PCN. Mandatory document required by NCDMA; DOE and CDM EBrequired by NCDMA; DOE and CDM EB

CDM Project CycleCDM Project Cycle

A) Project Design

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B) Host Country Approval

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B.B. Validation:Validation: Once the PDD has been completed and the HCA has been Once the PDD has been completed and the HCA has been received, all documents along with HCA letter have to be submitted to received, all documents along with HCA letter have to be submitted to DOE (Designated Operational Entity) for review and approval DOE (Designated Operational Entity) for review and approval ((ValidationValidation).).

C.C. Registration:Registration: The DOE submits the validation report, validation opinion The DOE submits the validation report, validation opinion and a request for registration to the CDM EB. and a request for registration to the CDM EB. RegistrationRegistration of project by of project by the CDM EB is an act of formal acceptance of the validated project. the CDM EB is an act of formal acceptance of the validated project.

D.D. Project Implementation & Monitoring:Project Implementation & Monitoring: Once the project has been Once the project has been registered, it can be registered, it can be implementedimplemented. From the point of implementation on, . From the point of implementation on, the project developer needs to the project developer needs to monitormonitor the project performance, the project performance, according to the procedures laid out in validated monitoring plan of according to the procedures laid out in validated monitoring plan of PDD. PDD.

D.D. Verification & certification:Verification & certification: The DOE The DOE verifiesverifies the data collected by the data collected by the project developers according to the monitoring plan and the project developers according to the monitoring plan and certifiescertifies the the total emission reductions actually occurred during the specified time total emission reductions actually occurred during the specified time period. period.

E.E. Issuance of CERs:Issuance of CERs: Based on the DOE certification, CDM EB Based on the DOE certification, CDM EB issues issues the the CERs to the project proponent.CERs to the project proponent.

CDM Project CycleCDM Project Cycle

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Crediting periodCrediting period

CDM mitigation projects

• Project developers have two crediting period options:

– A maximum of 7 years, which can be renewed up to 2 times(i.e. a potential total crediting period of 21 years)

– A maximum of 10 years, with no option for renewal

CDM sequestration projects (forestry)

• Project developers have two crediting period options:

– A maximum of 20 years, which can be renewed up to 2 times(i.e. a potential total crediting period of 60 years)

– A maximum of 30 years, with no option for renewal

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Crediting periodCrediting period




se g

as e




Emissions under the baseline scenario

Emissions under the project scenario

Starting date of the crediting


Starting date of the crediting

period10 years No renewalNo renewal

A maximum of 10 years with no

option of renewal

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Why not maximise the crediting period?Why not maximise the crediting period?G









7 years

Baseline must be reassessed by DOE at each


Baseline must be reassessed by DOE at each


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Why not maximise the crediting period?Why not maximise the crediting period?G









Emissions under thebaseline scenario

Emissions under theproject scenario

7 years 7 years 7 years

Baseline must be reassessed by DOE at each


Baseline must be reassessed by DOE at each


The baseline scenario may become less favourable

The baseline scenario may become less favourable

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s position

Types of CDM projects


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Per Capita COPer Capita CO22 Emissions Emissions







India China Germany Japan U.S.A.





Source: EIA 2008













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 Country Total Emissions (MMtCO2) Per Capita Emissions (Tons/Capita)

1. China 6534 4.91

2. United States 5833 19.18

3. Russia 1729 12.29

4. India 1495 1.31

5. Japan 1214 9.54

6. Germany 829 10.06

7. Canada 574 17.27

8. United Kingdom 572 9.38

9. Korea, South 542 11.21

10. Iran 511 7.76

11. Saudi Arabia 466 16.56

12. Italy 455 7.82

13. South Africa 451 9.25

14. Mexico 445 4.04

15. Australia 437 20.82

16. Indonesia 434 1.83

17. Brazil 428 2.18

18. France 415 6.48

19. Spain 359 8.86

20. Ukraine 350 7.61

Source: EIA 2008

TOP 20 Emitters of the World

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First registration: 8th March, 2005

First CER issued: 21st August, 2005

Registered projects: 513 projects (as of July, 2010)

HCA projects: 1704 projects (as of July, 2010)

Estimated CER volume: 441 million CERs (39690 Crore INR, till 2012) if they are successfully registered by CDM-EB

CERs issued: ~79.11 million CERs

India’s PositionIndia’s Position

The majority of registered project in India are renewable energy project focusing on hydropower, and wind energy

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The CDM project pipelineThe CDM project pipeline


Biomass energy16%


Energy efficiency(own generation)


Landfill gas, 8%

Biogas, 7%

Agriculture, 6%

Energy efficiency(industry), 4%

Fossil fuel switch3%



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India offers vast untapped market for Carbon Trading

India today manufactures >25 million tons of steel.

Installed capacity of electrical power generation of >110,000 MW

Produces over >200 million tons of food-grains

With GDP growth of 8.5% against the energy consumption growth rate of 7.5%

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India offers…..cont. Leading sectors, having GHG Mitigation potential include

energy efficiency (45%), renewable energy (35%), methane emissions abatement (15%), and improvements in the thermal energy generation sector (5%).

In India, total C02-e emissions in 1990 were 10,01,352 Gg, which was approx. 3% of global emissions. The Power sector was the largest emitter of C02, contributing 55% of national emissions.

India would be requiring an additional 100,000 MW of power by 2012.

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India’s Position

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Gujarat Fluoro Chemicals Limited:

Registered on 8th March, 2005

Claims ~ 3 million CERs (270 Crore INR) every year for reducing GHG by thermal oxidation of HFC23 (GWP = 11700)

Recent monitoring report (01/08/08 to 30/09/08) claimed ~ 1.4 million CERs (126 Crore INR)

Tamilnadu Spinning Mills Association (TASMA):

Registered on 10th June, 2007

Claims ~ 0.69 million CERs (62 Crore INR) every year for reducing GHG by bundled wind power project in Tamilnadu

Recent monitoring report (01/01/08 to 31/08/08) claimed ~ 0.6 million CERs (48.6 Crore INR)

India’s PositionIndia’s PositionCase Study

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SectorSector Estimated Estimated Potential (MW)Potential (MW)

Installed Capacity Installed Capacity (MW)(MW)

Untapped Untapped Potential (MW)Potential (MW)

WindWind 45,19545,195 7,844.527,844.52 37,350.4837,350.48

Small HydroSmall Hydro

(<25 MW)(<25 MW)15,00015,000 2,045.612,045.61 12,954.3912,954.39

BiomassBiomass 16,88116,881 605.8605.8 16,275.216,275.2

Solar Power Solar Power PlantPlant

------ 2.182.18 ------

Cogeneration Cogeneration bagasse bagasse

5,0005,000 719.83719.83 4,280.174,280.17

Waste to Waste to EnergyEnergy

2,7002,700 55.2555.25 2,644.752,644.75

Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India (As on 31Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India (As on 31stst December December 2007)2007)

Energy Efficiency: 23,000 MW (Assessed by World Bank, Source: Energy Efficiency: 23,000 MW (Assessed by World Bank, Source: FICCI)FICCI)

RE & EE Potential in IndiaRE & EE Potential in India

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Mitigation of Global Warming

Kyoto Gases & GWP

The CDM – what & how?

The CDM project Cycle

India’s position

Types of CDM projects


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Small-scale projects can use simplified procedures.

The following types of projects are considered small-scale.

Renewable energy projects: up to 15MW capacity

Energy efficiency projects: up to 60 GWh/yr reduction in energy consumption

Other projects: up to 60 KtCO2 equivalent (60,000 CER) emission reduction

o CH4 recovery in wastewater treatmento Switching fossil fuelso Landfill CH4 recovery

Small Scale CDM Projects

Types of CDM ProjectsTypes of CDM Projects

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Programmatic CDM offers new OpportunitiesProgrammatic CDM offers new Opportunities

Installation / unit size



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Regular CDM

• Single site, stand-alone projects

• ‘Carbon upgrades’

Regular CDM

• Single site, stand-alone projects

• ‘Carbon upgrades’

Bundled CDM

• Bundling several projects under a single PDD

• All projects must be identified ex ante, and must start at the same time

Bundled CDM

• Bundling several projects under a single PDD

• All projects must be identified ex ante, and must start at the same time

Programmatic CDM

• Addresses the ‘long tail’ of small units

• Permits sector-wide transition to low-carbon economy

• Particular relevance to Africa

Programmatic CDM

• Addresses the ‘long tail’ of small units

• Permits sector-wide transition to low-carbon economy

• Particular relevance to Africa

Size-Distribution of Potential CDM Project Sites

smalllarge medium

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CDM Projects in Agriculture SectorCDM Projects in Agriculture Sector

Improved manure management

Reduced enteric fermentation

Improved/reduced chemical agri-inputs use (fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc.)

Reduced machinery use (and/or lower fossil fuel intensity of conservation agriculture practices)

Agronomic planning (selection of seeds and species with low chemical agri-inputs demand and water requirements)

Energy from dedicated crops

Energy from agricultural residues, animal waste, and other on-farm organic waste

Water management (water saving from improved water retention, reduced evaporation, ect.)

Improved irrigation techniques/technologies (i.e. drip and sprayer irrigation)

Improved water management in rice cultivation

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Global contribution of agriculture to greenhouse gas emissions.

1 Pg (Peta gram) = 1 Gt (Giga tonne) = 1000 million tonnes.

Source: Cool FarmingClimate Impacts of Agriculture & Mitigation potential GREENPEACE 2008

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sources of agricultural greenhouse gases, excluding land use change

Mt CO2-eq

CH4 CH4+ N2O


CH4+ N2OCH4+ N2O CH4


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GHG emissions from fossil fuel and energy use in farm operations and production of chemicals for agriculture.

kg CO2-eq km-2 Pg CO2-eq

Tillage 440 – 7360 0.007 – 0.113Application of agrochemicals 180 – 3700 0.003 – 0.057Drilling or seeding 810 – 1430 0.015 – 0.022Combine harvesting 2210 – 4210 0.034 – 0.065Use of farm machinery Subtotal 0.059 – 0.257Pesticides (production) 220 – 9220 0.003 – 0.14Irrigation 3440 – 44400 0.053 – 0.684Fertiliser (production) – 0.284 – 0.575Total 0.399 – 1.656

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Energy requirement and carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the productionof different fertilisersFertiliser Energy requirement Carbon dioxide emissions in

in MJ kg-1 N kg (CO2)/kg produced*

Nitrogen 65 – 101 3.294 – 6.588Phosporus 15 0.366 – 1.098Potassium 8 0.366 – 0.732Lime 0.110 – 0.842Manure 0.026 – 0.029N as manure 0.6 – 2.9

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Global carbon stocks in vegetation and top one metre of soils

Biome Area Carbon Stocks Carbon stock(Pg CO2-eq) concentration

(Pg CO2-eq M km-2)

M km2 Vegetation Soils Total

Tropical forests 17.60 776 791 1566 89Temperate forests 10.40 216 366 582 56Boreal forests 13.70 322 1724 2046 149Tropical savannas 22.50 242 966 1208 54Temperate grasslands 12.50 33 1080 1113 89Deserts and Semi deserts 45.50 29 699 728 16Tundra 9.50 22 443 465 49Wetlands 3.50 55 824 878 251Croplands 16.00 11 468 479 30

Total 151.20 1706 7360 9066 60

Source: IPCC 2001, Land use, land use change and forestry.

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Technical mitigation potential by 2030 of each agricultural management practice

Source: IPCC (2007): IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change: Mitigation of Climate Change.

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Total technical mitigation potentials (all practices, all GHGs: MtCO2-eq/yr) for each region by 2030,

Source: IPCC (2007): IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change: Mitigation of Climate Change.

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Economic potential for GHG Agricultural mitigation by 2030

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Simplified methodologies

Aspect 1: Technology/measure:

What would be specific examples for new sustainable technologies, management practice etc. (avail)able to reduce GHG emissions (e.g. reduced mechanization, low-tillage practices, or use of lighter machinery)?

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Simplified methodologiesSimplified methodologies

Aspect 2: Baselines

Could you think of clear, logical and quantifiable procedures for the identification of baseline emissions, i.e. the scenario for GHG emissions in absence of the proposed activity/project?

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Simplified methodologies

Aspect 3: Monitoring plan

What would be simple, straight-forward monitoring measures /plans/indicators to verify GHG reductions throughout the life time of each respective activity/project?

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Simplified methodologies

Aspect 4: Project boundary

What is your idea of reasonable project boundaries (e.g. the physical, geographical boundaries of the agricultural field, including machinery used on the field but maybe excluding machinery used for processing or transportation) for quantifying GHG emission reductions?

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Simplified methodologies

Aspect 5: Leakage

Does the project/activity (indirectly) cause an increase in GHG emissions outside its project boundaries?

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Two Chinese Case Examples

Rural Household Biogas

Conservation Tillage

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Approved CDM methodologies

For Biogas Digesters

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Emission inventory per household under the baseline scenario and the project scenario respectively (tCO2e/year/household)

Manure management or CH4 emissions from biogas digester leakage

CO2 emissionsfrom coal burning

Emissions perhousehold

Baseline 0.66 1.95 2.61

Project 0.20 0.27 0.47

Emission Reduction


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Conservation TillageConservation Tillage Conservation tillage is an integrated tillage system in which large

amounts of crop straws are used to cover the soil and minimize all the possible tillage activities.

Conservation tillage, which employs the technologies such as no tillage or minimum tillage, micro-terrain rebuilding, land covering, and controlling weeds with herbicides, is aimed to reduce the disturbance and increase the straw coverage to soil (Gao HW, 2005; Gao WS, 2007; Li HW, 2008).

It is composed of four essential components (Di Y, 2008): Planting techniques without tillage; Covering soil with straws or plant residues; Deeply loosing the soil; and Integrated control techniques on weeds and pests.

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Conservation Tillage – Increase in Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)

reduce the disturbance on soils to protect soil organic matter from oxidization and mineralization

Straw coverage adds more soil organic carbon, which means conservation tillage may increase soil organic carbon in different degrees

affects soil temperature and moisture status, which in turn affects soil carbon stock indirectly. Soil temperature affects micro organisms’ activity, and determines the decomposing speed of soil organic matter

Different tillage practices may have different effects on micro organisms’ activity, which may lead to varying accumulation of organic matter in soils.

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The area of conservation tillage and its percentage of sowingarea and other farming methods in the USA (1990-2004), unit Mha, %

Source: United States Conservation Tillage Information Centre (CTIC) and Reports of Crop Stubble Management (2004).

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Chinese case exampleChinese case example

7-year (2003–2009) field experiment was conducted near in Shandong province

Soil at the site was a loam soil, 1.345 per cent organic matter and pH of 7.1. Mean annual air temperature and precipitation in the area is 13.0°C and 621 mm, respectively

The cropping system is winter wheat-maize rotation. All straw of wheat and maize was returned to the soil after harvest.

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Information on application amount of straw amendment and nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen in the straw

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Total GHG emissions under baselineTotal GHG emissions under baseline

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Total GHG emissions under project activity

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Complete scenario – Emission Reduction

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Shri Sharad Pawar said during 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture on 4th Feb, 2009 New Delhi

Conservation tillage or no-tillage is now being practised on almost 100 million ha area worldwide with the major countries being USA, Brazil, Argentina, Canada and Australia.

In India alone, the area under conservation tillage has increased to more than 2 million ha.

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At present, the international climate change agreement post-2012 is still under negotiation. It is still uncertain if cropland management, including conservation tillage practice, can become an eligible project activity under CDM post-2012.

Therefore, considering the effects of conservation tillage of enhancing the soil carbon stock, incentives for farmers to take actions of enhancing carbon sequestration, as well as providing technical support for reaching an international climate change agreement and associated implementation post-2012, it is necessary to conduct a feasibility study of conservation tillage as an eligible project activity under CDM and methodology guidelines.

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India has a very big role to play

More opportunities even after 2012

Demand for CERs is likely to increase

Market based instruments will play a key role

Government and trade organizations have to put more efforts to create strong awareness of CDM specifically for SMEs

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Secondly, the CDM project developers need to have certain capabilities such as:

• Analytical thinking• Mathematical ability• Understanding of

chemical processes and operations

• Creative opinion

Why all these to you??Why all these to you??

You have these qualities – MeaningYou have these qualities – MeaningYOU CAN DO IT !!YOU CAN DO IT !!

The audience I am addressing consists of Agriculture Specialists

The mother Earth needs our attention

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Some Important Reference

unfccc.int cdmindia.in cdmindia.com UNEP Risoe Centre

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Magic of

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Let’s make the world a better place to live in Let’s make the world a better place to live in

Shalin Shah

Environmental Engineer

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: +919879203702