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  • 7/30/2019 CLE NOTES



    To answer the question Who is Jesus?, according to the Church; We have to read the four Gospels under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It will lead us into aprofound understanding of Jesus.

    Jesus in the Four Gospels( Revelation 4:6-8 )

    In front of the throne was something that resembled a sea of glass like crystal. 6In the centerand around the throne, there were four living creaturescovered with eyes in front and in back.7Thefirst creature resembled a lion, the second was like a calf, the third had a face like that of a humanbeing, and the fourth looked like an eagle

    7in flight.8The four living creatures, each of them with six

    wings,8were covered with eyes inside and out. Day and night they do not stop exclaiming: "Holy,holy, holy is the Lord God almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come."

    ( Ezekiel 1:10 )Their faces were like this: each of the four had the face of a man, but on the right side was the

    face of a lion, and on the left side the face of an ox, and finally each had the face of an eagle.


    GOSPEL comes from an Anglo-Saxon expression na Godspell which means tidings or goodnewsGreekEuangelion = Good news

    eu+ angelos = good messageHebrewBisar

    The Gospels are bibliographies because they are life stories with relagious message. Theyare not biographiesbecause there are events in the life of Christ that are not written. The Gospels arelife stories with religious message and addressed to a particular community.

    ThreeStages in the History of theGOSPELS

    a. During the time of Jesus- The primary source of gospel material is Jesus himself (words and deeds of Jesus).b. Time of the Witnesses

    - The time of the disciples and Early Church (thru oral tradition)c. Time of the Early Christian Communities and the Evangelists

    Why are the Gospels written?- To continue the memory about the life of Christ.Synoptic Gospels portraying the same theme about Jesus life and ministry.synoptic from

    the greek word syn (with or together with) at opsis (view).

    Preliminary EpisodePreaching in GalileeJerusalem
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    Passion, Death & Resurrection

    Triple TraditionMARK 660 Verses65 % of 660 verses of Mark are found in Luke80 % of Lukes verses are found in MatthewThismeans that there is a literary dependence

    Synoptic Problem:

    Who copied from whom?The answer isMarkan priority.Mark was first to be written and used by Matthew and Luke

    Q Sourcequelle - means sourceSOURCE-SOURCE

    Similarities in the Synoptic Gospels1. Agreement in wording2. Agreement in order

    3. Agreement in parenthetical materials

    (Ex. Mk.13:14-16 ; Mt. 24:15-18 ; Lk. 21:23-24)Two Source Hypothesis There was a possibility that Matthew at Luke used two copies in writingtheir gospels.

    (Mark and QSource)The GOSPELOf MARKThe Gospel of Mark was probably written after the fall of Jerusalem in the year 70 CE.

    Date of Composition

    65-69 AD- before the Fall of Jerusalem at pagkasira ng templo. (Mk 13: 9-13)Taliwas sapagkakasulat ng Ebanghelyo nina San Lukas at San Mateo .

    64-70 CE- Kristiano ay itinataboy at pinahihirapan . 65-67 CE mga dalubhasa ang nagsabi na naisulat ito bago Jewish War.

    Who is Mark?Probably Mark is the same with John-Mark that can be found in Acts 12:12. Col.4:10 Cousin ofBarnabas Acts 12 & 13 Mark was probably with Paul in his journey1 Peter 5:13 Mark isconsidered a spiritual son. There is still so much doubts regarding the authorship of Mark but it isquite certain that it was written for the gentile Christians.

    Proofs:1. The audience of this Gospel do not know the Hebrew at Aramaic language. The following arealways being explained.Ex. Mk. 3:17 : Boanerges Sons of Thunder

    Mk. 5:41 : Talitha Koumi Little girl, rise up!Mk. 7:34 : Ephatha Be open!Mk. 15:22 : Golgotha ... Place of SkullMk. 15:34 : Eloi, eloi... My God, my God...

    2. Many said that Mark was writing the suffering and persecuted Christians.(Mk. 13:9-13)Important Themes in Mark

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    a. Kingdom of Godb. Messianic Secret

    Canonical ending of Mark isMk. 16:9-20-this is the longer endingShorter Ending- Mk 16:8Canonical ending of Mark is

    Outline of the Gospel of Mark

    I. Introduction (1:1-13)

    The Mystery of the Messiah (1:14 8:26)Jesus and the People (1:14-3:6)Jesus and His Own (3:7-6:6)Jesus and His Disciples (6:7-8:26)

    Turning Point: Confession of Peter (8:27-30)II. The Mystery of the Son of Man (8:31-16:8)The Way of the Son of Man (8:31-16:8)The Judgement of Jerusalem (11:1-13:37The Passion and Resurrection (14:1 -16:8)

    Appendix: Apparitions of the Risen Christ (16:9-20)Jesus as Presented by MarkJesus is portrayed as the Suffering MessiahJesus as the Powerful Son of God (deeds and words)

    THE GOSPELOF MATTHEW AND LUKEThe Gospel of Matthew was written when Jerusalem had already fallen and the Temple wasdestroyed in 70s. (80-90 AD) Matthew was probably written in Antioch of Syria and Luke in Rome

    Gospel of MatthewThere is no statement in the gospel that identifies its author. The author is probably a Palestinian Jew

    who is well acquainted with the geography of Palestine

    Proofs:Geography is consistently accurate (Mt. 4:23-25; 21:1)Familiar with Jewish customs and history ( Mt. 1:18-19; 26:2, 35;27:2)Shows familiarity with the Hebrew Bible ( Mt. 1:2, 16; 1:22, 23; 2:6;2:15; 2:17-18)Many Old Testament quotationsThere are 41 OT quotations in Matthew.

    Another is knowledgable about money (Mt. 10:3)2 drachma coins ( used in paying the temple tax)

    Stater ( a coin worth twice the temple tax or 4 drachmas in Mt. 17:27)Talent ( Mt. 18:24; 25:14-30)Mark 2:14 and Luke 5:27

    Levi and Mattheware but one and the same person. Levi is the former name of Matthew prior to the call of Jesus.Matthew has the theme of universality

    Mt. 28:19Go therefore and make disciples of all nationsMatthew emphasizes the important role of Peter :Mt. 16:18

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    You are Peter and on this rock, I will build my Church.

    Structure of the Gospel1-2 - Prologue3-4 - Narrative5 -7 - Discourse8-9 - Narrative10:1-11:1 Mission Discourse

    11:2 chap.12 Narrative13: 1-53 Parable Discourse13:54 chap.17 Narrative18:1 19:1 - Community Discourse24: 1 26:1 - Eschatological Discourse26:2-28 - Epilogue

    Ending of each part :

    Mt. 7:28 ; 11:1 ; 13:53 ; 19:1 ; 26:6These five parts immitated the five books of Moses. These five parts, each begins with a narrativepart followed by a discourse. In the end is same expression... and when Jesus had finished...

    Key Theological ThemesJesus is a long awaited MessiahEcclesia the Church is the new Israel

    The real vision of the Church is contained in the community discourse. (Mt. 18:1-35). It speaksabout what a Christian community should be.Invites humility from their leaders

    Avoid scandalizing the weakSeek out the little ones like a good shepherdFairness in handling disputesMarked by prayerfulnessMarked by reconciliationMatthew portrayed Jesus as the Teacher of Israel

    The GOSPELOf LUKEScholars dated the Gospel of Luke that had been written about 80 ADLukes gospel has the mostattractive and fascinating presentation of the Personality of JesusLuke and Acts represent 28 % ofthe New Testament at least in quantitative point of view.

    In terms of Authorship:- Described in one of Pauls epistle my friend, Luke, the doctor (Col 4:14) Belonged to a Greek

    family of Antioch. A man of high learning.The author shows familiarity with medical vocabularies (Lk4:38; 5:12).The author is very much concerned about the Gentiles. It seemed clear that he was aGreek Gentile, directing his message to Gentile Christians of Greek origin.

    Aimed: to manifest Jesus concern for humanity and his identification with the poor and theoutcasts.He stressed that salvation is universal, as Jesus love is for all people, especially for the poor andoutcasts.

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    Lukan Gospel is called the

    Gospel of Gods tendernessStructure1: 1-4 - Preface1:5 - 2:52 - Infancy Narrative3:1 4:13 - Preparation for Ministry4:14 9:50 - Galilean Ministry

    9:51 19:27 - Movement -Galilee to Jerusalem19:28 21:38 Jerusalem22:1 24:53 Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension

    Key Theological Themes:UniversalismIndividual peopleConcern for the outcast

    Authors interest in womenInterest in childrenGospel of the Poor

    Stress on PrayerEmphasis on Holy SpiritEmphasis on JoyLuke portrayed Jesus as the Supreme Model to FollowWe must have a strong relationship to GodObedience to God

    Genuine love for others

    The Gospel of St. JohnSon of ZebedeeBrother of apostle James Identified as the disciple who Jesus loved most, who reclined on his

    bosom at the last supper (John 13:23).Written in Ephesus for Christians living in Hellenistic milieuprobably around 80-90 A.D. On the first part of the Gospel of John (John 1:1-18) we can already seethe difference with the Synoptic Gospels. It has no infancy narrative that can be found in Mark andMatthew. It begins with the prologue or introduction thatproclaims about the Word of God which isJesus himself .It gives emphasis on the Divinity of Jesus, the Word made flesh. From above , hecame down. It is also called High Christology. If we will compare it with the other Gospels, there aredifferences in terms of the narration.

    Synoptic Gospelsthe flow of all events were same Jesus public ministry was centered in Galilee

    Johanine Gospel-Jesus is going to and fro in Jerusalem-It is not Galilea where the center of Jesus public ministry but in Jerusalem.

    John portrayed Jesus as:Word made FleshBread of LifeGood ShepherdLight of the World

    Who is the author of the Gospel of John?

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    If we will read chapter 21:20-25, it will mention a Beloved Disciple o alagad na minamahal ni

    Jesus. And in the conclusion, it says that this disciple is confirming all the things that happened athe was the one who wrote it and know that his proclamation was true.It is seems that beloveddisciple is the one being mentioned by the author. Sa chapter 19:35, ang beloved disciple ay nasapaanan ng krus at nasaksihan niya ang pagsaksak ng sibat sa tagiliran ni Jesushe saw it and has born witness...

    -Saksi siya sa kaganapang nangyari sa Golgotha.-The beloved disciple is the witness and the author of the fourth gospel

    Themes in the Gospel of John1. Father bilang pananaw sa Diyos (Concept of God)2. Son3. SpiritThemes in the Gospel ofJohn4. Church5. Discipleship

    Ang salitang disciple ay 78x na lumitaw kay John samantalang ang salitang apostle ayisang beses lang (13:16). Ang disipulo ay ang taong naniniwala kay Jesus, the one who believes. Atang taong naniniwala ay magbubunga ng buhay kasama ni Jesus