Music: Count Us In is managed by Music: Play for Life, the Music Council of Australia’s grassroots campaign to get more Australians making music: in schools, communities, everywhere. 2012 CLASSROOM ACTIVITY KIT D if f e r e n t P e o p l e ( S t a n d T o g e t h e r )

CLASSROOM ACTIVITY KIT · 2018-10-10 · Music: Count Us In is managed by Music: Play for Life, the Music Council of Australia’s grassroots campaign to get more Australians making

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Page 1: CLASSROOM ACTIVITY KIT · 2018-10-10 · Music: Count Us In is managed by Music: Play for Life, the Music Council of Australia’s grassroots campaign to get more Australians making

Music: Count Us In is managed by Music: Play for Life, the Music Council of

Australia’s grassroots campaign to get more Australians making music: in schools,

communities, everywhere.




rent People (Stand Together)

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© Music Council of Australia 2012


This guide includes suggestions for preparing your students’ participation in Music: Count Us In, involving your entire school and wider community and extending the use of music across other curriculum areas.

It has been specifically designed with the generalist teacher in mind. If you can’t read music or play a musical instrument: don’t worry! This guide will take you step-by-step through some easy preparations which will reap rich rewards for you and your students.

This year’s song, Different People (Stand Together), was written by three high school students in a songwriting workshop mentored by musician and songwriter, Josh Pyke. Student vocalists and musicians recorded the song under the guidance of program ambassador, John Foreman. Don’t forget to take your students behind the scenes of the songwriting and recording processes by watching the video clips on the website www.musiccountusin.org.au.

Welcome to Music: Count Us In 2012!

“I hope you will enjoy using these materials and that your involvement in Music: Count Us In encourages you to bring even more Music into your students’ lives. By being involved in this program you and your colleagues will see that Music can be integrated with every other subject area, providing rich, holistic learning opportunities for students. It is a valuable means of boosting self-esteem, improving memory, encouraging positive risk-takers and can even encourage school attendance”

Pru Borgert, music educator, NSW

This year, separate activities designed for teachers working with students with special needs are available at www.musiccountusin.org.au

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C-L-A-S-P 7








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MUSIC: COUNT US IN 2012“Different People (Stand Together)”

1.11.12 @ 12.30pm (AEDT)Music: Play for Life

Pru Borgert

Music is great for everyone - teachers, students and parents. Playing/singing music in an ensemble promotes listening skills, team building and empathy. Reading music notation re-enforces mathematical and spatial concepts. Improvisation supports creative problem solving. Background music changes our mood and outlook on life.

This year’s free MCUI teaching kit is based on the Pirozzo matrix. Pick and choose activities to suit yourself and your students. Also, play the MP3 in the classroom during clean-up and eating times to help students learn the words!

Other FREE teaching ideas (primary generalist and secondary specialist) are posted weekly at www.musiceducation.edu.au

Consider banding together with other schools and early childhood centres to perform in a public space on 1st November, 2012. Many schools take advantage of the culminating concert to facilitate transition between campuses.

The numbers in { ... } brackets below refer to the draft Australian Curriculum for The Arts (F-6).


• Listen to the song and follow the shape of the tune / melody with your finger - paint in the air {4.7}

Extension: Ask a student to use round whiteboard magnets to show the shape of the melody on a whiteboard

• Practise singing the whole song with AND without the lyric sheet {2.1, 4.1, 6.4}

• Look at one phrase of the song, and guess which words go with it.

CLUE: Suggest that students follow the shape of the notes - do they go up/down/stay the same? This is a great way to learn to read music!

• Create/use coloured blocks to show the form of “Different People (Stand Together)”:


{2.3, 2.8, 4.8}

Extension: most choruses are slightly different - find a way to show the subtle differences with coloured blocks.

• As a class, discuss ways the song’s form (coloured blocks) could be re-arranged ... play / sing / digitally edit the song to the new form ... compare the 2 versions and decide which is best. {4.2}

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• Draw, colour-in or doodle while listening to the song {2.6, 4.7}

• After listening to the song at least twice, complete the cloze activity - to assist visual memory and logical thinking

• Highlight all the rhyming words in the song lyrics (use a different colour for each rhyme ending)

• Invent choralography of your own (actions which help students remember the lyrics)

Video a class performance of the actions, and send a link to Music: Count Us In ([email protected]) {4.5, 6.5, 6.6}


• Look at the cornet solo part or melody line of “Different People (Stand Together)” and count how many times this rhythm appears:

This rhythm can be referred to as:

te ta te ta ta OR You are a leg-end OR short long short long long

• Rearrange “te ta te ta ta”, maintaining 4 beats (but 5 notes) in each bar. How many different combinations can be made? {4.6}

• Discuss Roman numerals: I II III IV V VI VII. Analyse the chords of one chorus and one verse in terms of Roman numerals. Use this C major chord chart to help. {4.3}

C D minor E minor F G A minor B (dim)

I ii iii IV V vi vii

Extension: Major chords are in capital roman numerals ... Minor chords are in lower case roman numerals!

• How many different notes are in the melody? Compare your answer with the observation that many 21st century pop songs use only 3-4 notes.

• Rhythm fractions: discuss quaver and semi-quaver as half and quarter of crotchet (1 beat note).

There are 2 quavers in every crotchet, and 4 semi-quavers in every crotchet.

• Discuss the concept of AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) with your class. If the culminating performance of Music: Count Us In is 12.30pm AEDT, what time will it take place in each capital city of Australia?


• Read through the lyrics of “Different People (Stand Together)”. If you were to play this song during the credits of a movie, what kind of movie would it be? (Consider the meaning behind the lyrics.)

• Watch shorts of the “Estonian Singing Revolution” documentary. Discuss the positive power of singing and music. Find the lyrics in “Different People (Stand Together)” which refer to the power of singing together.


• Discuss the Verse 2 lyrics: “Something in every sound”. What does it mean? How do instruments and voices vibrate and make sound? {2.6}

• Discuss the meaning of the lyrics: “Life is more about questions than answers”. {4.6}

Discuss some questions that have no definitive answers

http://ed.ted.com/lessons/questions-no-one-knows-the-answers-to http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-many-universes-are-there

e.g. Why should we care how many universes are out there? e.g. Is there a plan for my life?

• As a class, write a media release about your 1st November performance - to be sent to local radio stations, TV stations, community newsletters and newspapers.

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• Create a film-clip for the MCUI song (use phones, laptops, iPads, etc)

Send a link to the video to [email protected] {4.5, 4.6, 6.5}

• Listen to Coldplay mashing together “What a Wonderful World” with “Fix You” whilst live in concert. As a class, brainstorm what the 2 songs have in common. In groups, discuss 3 songs which could be paired with “Different People (Stand Together)”.


• Try singing or playing “Different People (Stand Together)” as a round / canon. Experiment with half the class starting TWO beats later ... then try again with half the class starting FOUR beats later, instead. Does either canon work? {4.4}

FYI: This idea came from someone who double-clicked the MP3 icon twice in a row!

• Invent a djembe, body percussion or drumming pattern to accompany part/s of the song {2.2, 4.4}

• Write a third verse for “Different People (Stand Together)”. -

HINT: Ask students to write over the top of light grey photocopy of the origin lyrics in order to keep the phrase lengths and syllables similar.

For helpful ideas to inspire lyric-writing, go to the AMPAL website http://www.ampal.com.au/index.php?ref=MTYzMg==

Download the zip file of free teaching resources. Open “Face the Music lyric writing”.

• Re-arrange the chords of “Different People (Stand Together)” and create a new song. {4.2}

• Create a mash-up (digital or live instruments) of all 6 Music: Count Us In songs.

• Discuss the importance of paying for music downloads, in order to support our favourite artists making more music in future. Share some videos from www.whymusicmatters.org/videos which promote the fact that pop musicians rely on fans purchasing their music in order to pay their bills. {6.5}

• Design a CD cover for the “Different People (Stand Together)” single. Send your top 3 designs to [email protected] {2.6, 4.6}

• Design posters to advertise Music: Count Us In performance on 1st November, 2012. {2.6, 4.6}


• Hand out “10 facts about school music”... read it through with the class... take the sheet home and share it with parents for homework. {2.6}


• Watch the Clarinet scene from Mr Holland’s Opus. Ask students what music lessons might teach them this year (other than “every good boy deserves fruit”!).


• Learn the song “Play for Life” and discuss the lyrics.

free sheet music: www.musicplayforlife.org/pdf/Play_For_Life_song_sheet_music.pdf

free MP3: www.musicplayforlife.org/index.php/resources/free-stuff

more info: www.musicplayforlife.org/pdf/Feature_on_song.pdf

• Discuss the Music / Arts and Well-being movement

Start here: www.musicplayforlife.org/index.php/research/music-health & www.moremusictoolkit.org.au

• In order to share the benefits of music-making with the wider community, brainstorm community groups, ensembles, bands, choirs, nursing homes, etc. who could be invited to join in the Music: Count Us In culminating performance on 1st November, 2012.

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• All the instrumental parts found on the MCUI 2012 website for “Different People (Stand Together)” are designed to be played with the MP3 recording of the song. Therefore all the parts can be mix-and-matched to suit your classroom! Print off some parts, and start playing - in small groups or as a class ensemble. Use the recording to help learn the tricky, syncopated rhythms aurally. {4.4}

• The first note of the song has no introduction. Ask students for methods of finding the first note / pitch BEFORE the song starts. (e.g. play an F over a C chord ... Sing the first 3 notes of “Advance Australia Fair” to establish the sound of a 4th ... Play “F” on recorder before starting the song, etc)

• Learn to play the song on glockenspiel or keyboard using the alphabet letters (see “Different People Melody Helper” file). {4.4}

--- F F G F E E D E E E G F E E D C D

--- F F G F E E D E E G G E G G GA etc.

• Use the “Different People keyboard helper” to help students learn to play the keyboard chords. {4.4}

EXTENSION: More advanced students may play chords in inversions, using the “Different People keyboard INVERSIONS helper”.

• Practice and record the melody of “Different People (Stand Together)” using an online keyboard or iPod instrument (e.g. GarageBand). {6.5}

• Use the “Different People guitar chord powerpoint” to help students learn the guitar chords. Advance each slide after every 4 beats. {4.4}

• Figure out the notes in each chord used in the song ... talk about the reasons why chords I IV V are so common in Western music. {6.8}

HINT: The chords I IV V between them contain all 7 pitches of a scale AND are the only diatonic major chords in a major key.

• Record your group singing the song (possibly with dance moves) and send a link to [email protected] {2.4, 4.5, 6.5}

• Improvise (on any instrument) to the Middle 14 bars of “Different People (Stand Together)”. {2.1, 4.1, 4.2, 6.1}

• Listen to “Mumford and Sons” (one of the inspirations for this year’s song) ... make a Venn diagram to show similarities and differences between “Mumford and Sons” music and “Different People (Stand Together)”. {4.7, 4.9}

• Define the genres: Indie, Pop and Folk. Try to describe the genre of “Different People (Stand Together)”.

• Google “Josh Pyke” to find out information about this year’s song-writing mentor for Music: Count Us In. Discuss similarities or differences between “Different People (Stand Together)” and Josh Pyke’s music.

• Help with ukulele chords: www.ukuleletricks.com/11-must-know-ukulele-chords-for-beginners/

• Interactive guitar chord helper: www.chordbook.com/guitarchords.php


• Read the book “Whoever You Are” by Mem Fox. Write on the board the lyrics: “Different People, different places, we stand together, singing in one voice”. With the class, brainstorm a list of qualities that ALL people of the world have in common (regardless of culture, nationality, gender, belief or religion).


• Discuss the qualities of a good rehearsal and a good team-player in a band or ensemble.

• Rehearse “Different People (Stand Together)” in small groups ... perform it ... record it ... evaluate ... peer assess (what sounded great & what could be improved with more rehearsal time?). {4.4, 6.1, 6.5, 6.9}

• Invite the school captain to contact local politicians and invite them to the 1st November performance of Music: Count Us In 2012.

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• Discuss the many ways in which people communicate (including deaf and blind people). Watch the video of “Different People (Stand Together” being sung in AUSLAN. Look at the Braille resource for blind singers. (Both these resources will be found on the Music: Count Us In website).


• Brainstorm the attributes, body language and physique of a great musician. Draw and label a diagram that includes all these ideas. {2.9}

SECONDARY QUESTION: What should be in a good musician’s gig bag?!?

• Brainstorm the personal attributes of the perfect audience member. {6.7}


• Watch these YouTube clips of vegetable instruments and junk percussion:





Design and create veggie instruments and junk percussion {2.6}

• Surf the Music: Count Us In website for other great videos and resources


• Easy version: sit in a circle ... jump up and stamp to the beat whenever you hear the chorus (sit down for the rest of the song) {2.2}

• More challenging: create 3 simple ostinatos using body percussion - one for verses, one for pre-chorus + chorus, one for the instrumental section. {2.2, 4.2, 6.2}

• Ask students to devise a way of writing each ostinato on the board to assist memory

OR Create word patterns to help remember the ostinatos

• In the original recording of “Different People (Stand Together)” during the actual song-writing session, there was a clapping pattern throughout the song. Try clapping the same rhythm during the chorus:

Here are some ways to help learn this tricky, syncopated rhythm:

(1) ze ta te za ta .

(2) my chocolate cream cake ... remove “my/cream” & clap on “chocolate / cake”

(3) [1] + [2] + 3 4 (don’t clap on the square brackets)

*** Easy version: clap this rhythm during each chorus:

I am a legend = syn-cor-pa ta ta = te ta te ta ta

• Ask 5 students to walk randomly on a basketball court for 2 mins ... Secretly watch to see if all students fall into the same rhythm or beat ... Inform students that everyone has rhythm inside them, naturally ... Identify which lyrics in “Different People (Stand Together)” refer to the universal quality of rhythm. [“and though we may fall out of time, the rhythm’s there for all of us to find”]

Extension: Watch this scene from the movie “Dead Poets Society” ... Discuss when it is appropriate to unite together for a joint purpose (as in the Estonian Singing Revolution), and when it is appropriate to strive for individuality and value the difference between people and friends. www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnAyr0kWRGE

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One approach to music education is Swanwick’s 1979 CLASP model.

The 5 recommended musical activities include:

Compose (or improvise)

Musical Literacy (information about the music and notation, studied from a practical perspective)

Audience Listening (being an audience member for live or recorded music)

Skill Acquisition (on instruments and voice)


These 5 activities form a spiral model -

the same type of content being taught every year to greater and greater depth.

Here are some examples of activities (from the above MCUI 2012 teaching kit) that might fall into each category.

Compose Literacy Audience Skill Perform

Create a 3rd verse Follow shape of melody

Listen to song Play chords on keyboard & guitar

Record actions and post to YouTube

Invent ostinatos Roman numerals Watch others perform

Sing melody 1st November MCUI

Improvise during middle 14 bars

I IV V use all 7 notes Peer assessment Play melody on glockenspiel or keyboard

Perform to school assembly

Drumming accomp. Analyse Form Consider characteristics of great musician

Recorder group arrangement

Play melody on iPad

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V1 Are you ready, ready to dream, dream it right into reality?

From the first time that you believe, it’s something to hold on to

Prechorus Hold your head high, take your chances,

Life is more about questions than answers

Whoever you are. Ohhh.

Chorus 1 Different people, different places

Stand together (we stand together)

Singing with one voice, nothing can ever stop us or hold us down.

And though we may fall out of time

The rhythm’s there for all of us to find.

V2 Is there something, something you see

Something so far that’s just out of reach

I’m beside you, here where you stand

So come on and take my hand

Prechorus Hold your head high, take your chances,

Life is more about questions than answers

Chorus2 Different People, different places

Stand together (we stand together)

Singing with one voice, nothing can ever stop us or hold us down.

And though we may fall out of time

The rhythm’s there for all of us to find

Chorus3 Different People, different places

Stand together (we stand together)

Singing with one voice, nothing can ever stop us or hold us down

Different people, different places, something in every sound

And though we may fall out of time,

The rhythm’s there for all of us to find.

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(1) FILL IN THE WORD GAPS (there, one, high, so, us, reality, hold, different, answers, ready, you, take, chances, about)

(2) Underline all the rhyming words

(3) How many different kinds of Chorus are there in this song? ...................................................................................

(4) What makes each Chorus different? .....................................................................................................................


Verse1 Are you ________________, ready to dream,

dream it right into _____________________?

From the first time that you believed, it’s something to ___________________ on to.

Pre chorus Hold your head ____________________, take your chances,

Life is more about questions than ____________________

Whoever _____________________ are. Ohhh.

Chorus1 Different people, _____________________ places

Stand together (we stand together)

Singing with __________________ voice,

Nothing can ever stop us or hold _______________ down.

And though we may fall out of time

The rhythm’s _________________ for all of us to find.

Verse2 Is there something, something you see

Something _____________________ far that’s just out of reach

I’m beside you, here where you stand

So come on and _______________________ my hand.

Pre chorus (shorter):

Hold your head high, take your _______________________,

Life is more _______________________ questions than answers.



Chorus(extended): Different People, ________________________ places

Stand together (we stand together)

Singing with one voice,

Nothing can ever stop us or hold _________________ down

Different people, different places, something in every sound

And though we may fall out of time, the rhythm’s ________________ for all of us to find.

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VERSE chords in root position (all chords follow the pattern: play 1 – miss 1 – play 1 – miss 1 – play 1)


F chord = #1



G chord = #4



A minor chord = #2



C chord = #3


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VERSE (PART 2) chords in root position (all chords follow the pattern: play 1 – miss 1 – play 1 – miss 1 – play 1)


*** D minor = D, F, A ***


F chord = #5



F chord = #8



A minor chord = #6



E minor chord = #7


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Bromley, Chelva, Kim and Pyke 2012

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Bromley, Chelva, Kim and Pyke 2012

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Music: Count Us In is managed by Music: Play for Life, the Music Council of

Australia’s grassroots campaign to get more Australians making music: in schools,

communities, everywhere.