MAGAZINE 68TH EDITION • ClassNK acquires NAPA • ClassNK-NAPA GREEN • Achieving goals together • NAPA Steel appeal

ClassNK - Customer Magazine 68 - June 2014

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Page 1: ClassNK - Customer Magazine 68 - June 2014


• ClassNK acquires NAPA


• Achieving goals together

• NAPA Steel appeal

Page 2: ClassNK - Customer Magazine 68 - June 2014

A pioneering move

ClassNK is dedicated to support-

ing the growth and development of

the mariti me industry


Welcome to the 68th editi on of ClassNK Magazine.

ClassNK’s landmark acquisiti on of NAPA, the world’s lead-ing mariti me soft ware house, has been hailed as one which will benefi t the enti re shipping industry by improv-ing vessel design and operati onal effi ciency.

The pioneering deal, announced on 18 March 2014, marks a major new step in the 10-year associati on be-tween ClassNK and NAPA; it is a chance to expand and improve the wide range of services we offer to shipown-ers and shipyards, as well as provide NAPA with the nec-essary tools and resources to accelerate expansion of existi ng operati ons and software development activities.

Safety and effi ciency are the most important issues for both shipyards and shipowners, and from our joint work on ClassNK NAPA Manager to our work on ClassNK-NAPA GREEN, NAPA has consistently demonstrated the impor-tance it places on creati ng high quality, innovati ve tools for the maritime industry. We are confident that this new partnership will ensure that innovati on in maritime soft -ware benefi ts the enti re industry and that new soluti ons are made available to stakeholders all around the world.

This editi on of ClassNK Magazine will highlight the im-portance of NAPA and the NAPA acquisiti on for the glob-al mariti me industry, as well as discuss the future of both organizations following the acquisition. ClassNK Magazine 68 includes interviews with ClassNK Executi ve Vice Presi-dent Yasushi Nakamura, who has worked with NAPA over many years and has seen fi rst-hand the incredible benefi ts ship designers and operators can achieve with innovati ve soft ware soluti ons, as well as NAPA Group President, Juha Heikinheimo, who has helped oversee NAPA’s growth into the world’s leading mariti me soft ware house for both ship design and operation.

This edition will also look in-depth at how NAPA’s software is helping shipyards and owners achieve ever greater safety and efficiency, featuring interviews with users of ClassNK-NAPA GREEN such as Stena and Wan Hai, as well as users of NAPA’s extensive suite of design software tools at Sanoyas Shipbuilding and Samsung Heavy Industries.

ClassNK is dedicated to supporti ng the growth and devel-opment of the mariti me industry and ensuring the safety of ships, crews and protecti ng the marine environment. This is paramount. The cooperati on between ClassNK and NAPA has marked, and will conti nue to deliver, innovati on in the development of operati onal effi ciency soft ware to the benefi t of the enti re mariti me industry.

Noboru UedaChairman and President of ClassNK


ClassNK Executi ve Operati ons Division, 4-7 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8567, Japan

Tel: +81-3-5226-2047 Fax: +81-3-5226-2034 E-mail: [email protected] Published by JLA media


Page 3: ClassNK - Customer Magazine 68 - June 2014

2 A pioneering move

Welcome message from Noboru Ueda, Chairman and President of ClassNK

5 ClassNK news

ClassNK streamlines decision-making

6 Setti ng new standards

NAPA acquisiti on will add to value

7 An unrivaled partnership

NAPA - a natural choice

9 Excepti onal commitment

A large and positi ve step forward

11 Industry partnership Stena Line to install ClassNK-NAPA Green




12 A green future

The key questi ons answered

14 Achieving goals together

Taiwan’s Wan Hai Lines the fi rst commercial operator to use ClassNK-NAPA GREEN

16 The Appeal of NAPA Steel

The preferred package

18 Customer always comes fi rst

Sanoyas endorses ClassNK-NAPA

20 NAPA Steel user

Samsung Heavy Industries case study

22 ClassNK events in 2014

An internati onal agenda



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ClassNK has released the new PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower soft ware. PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower was developed to help shipyards comply with the EEDI requirements of the Amendment to MARPOL Annex VI by calculati ng minimum propulsion power requirements in compliance with the IMO 2013 Interim Guidelines for determining minimum propul-sion power to maintain the manoueverability of ships in ad-verse conditi ons. To evaluate minimum propulsion power requirement, added resistance in irregular waves should be calculated based on ship’s lines. As calculati ng added resis-tance in waves can be diffi cult, parti cularly at the initi al de-sign stage, ClassNK developed a simplifi ed formula to calcu-late added resistance in waves using only basic informati on such as main ship specifi cati ons, allowing designers to easily

evaluate the minimum propulsion power requirement for their ships. In additi on, ClassNK has released an updated version of the PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA soft ware, released in June 2013 to provide shipyards with an easy means of calculati ng progressive speed trial analysis in compliance with the ISO 15016:2002 standard recognized in IMO 2012 Guidelines on survey and certi fi cati on of the energy effi -ciency design index (EEDI). In order to support the indus-try’s smooth applicati on of this future standard, ClassNK has released a new version of PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA to help familiarize users with the new soft ware and future re-quirements of this draft . PrimeShip-GREEN/MinPower and PrimeShip-GREEN/PSTA are provided to shipyards free of charge.


ClassNK has granted type approval to the new MX-200F welding consumable developed by Kobe Steel to greatly im-prove welding effi ciency and coati ng quality in commercial vessels. To date, shipbuilders using conventi onal fi llet weld-ing consumables have had to make two welding passes for the required weld leg lengths of around 8mm or above. IACS Common Structural Rules require the use of 8mm leg lengths in some structural members and this has meant that the rele-vant welding ti me for oil tanker and bulk carrier new buildings has virtually doubled. IMO’s Performance Standard for Pro-tecti ve Coati ngs, applicable to vessels over 500 gross tons and double-sided skin spaces in bulk carriers over 150m in length,

also substanti vely requires welding beads to have a smooth profi le in order to ensure the required paint fi lm thickness, further increasing the diffi culty of welding work. A joint re-search and development project by Kobe Steel, Shin Kurushi-ma Dockyard and ClassNK investi gati ng the relati onship be-tween the profi le of welding beads and paint fi lm thickness resulted in the development of KOBELCO’s new MX-200F fi llet welding consumable. MX-200F allows one pass weld-ing with the leg lengths of around 8mm and ensures welding beads have a smooth profi le in line with IMO requirements. Applicati on of the consumable is expected to greatly reduce man-hours required for this kind of work.


ClassNK Executi ve Vice President Tetsuya Kinoshita has been selected to serve on the board of experts of The Netherlands-based Green Award Foundati on, advis-ing the committ ee on the compositi on of the award requirements. The indepen-dent, non-profi t organizati on promotes safety of life at sea and the preventi on of marine polluti on by issuing its ‘Green Award certi fi cate’ to ships and shipping companies which comply with safety and environmental standards going beyond the nati onal and internati onal regulati ons. Those receiving the award are enti -tled to incenti ves including reduced port fees.


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ClassNK has established a new exclusive survey office in Belem, the second largest city in northern Brazil. The Belem Office will operate alongside the Society’s exclusive survey

offices in Rio de Janeiro and Santos. With the establishment of the Belem Office, ClassNK now operates a global service network of 130 exclusive survey offices.


ClassNK is supporting the establishment of a new Department of Ocean Energy Resources at Kyushu University for two years from 1st April 2014. The depart-ment is part of the university’s Graduate Faculty of Engineering and is the result of collaboration between ClassNK and Kyushu University to create an educa-tion hub to promote research into new technologies to develop ocean energy sources. Research will cover new ocean energy sources including the exploitation

of methane-hydrates and the design, in-stallation and operation of production platforms as well as research into technol-ogy for renewable energy sources such as floating offshore wind power generation. ClassNK’s Wind Turbine Division will pro-vide the program with insight into techni-cal issues surrounding wind energy tech-nology. ClassNK’s Wind Turbine Division will provide the program with insight into technical issues surrounding wind energy technology.

Noboru Ueda serves as

Chairman and President

and as a Representative Director of the


ClassNK has streamlined its decision-making process and speeded up administrative procedures by reducing its Board of Directors from eight to five members. No-boru Ueda continues to serve as Chairman and Presi-dent and as a Representative Director of the Society. Executive Vice President Yasushi Nakamura continues in this role and is now a Representative Director of the Society. Koichi Fujiwara continues as Executive Vice President while Tetsushi Agata and Tetsuya Kinoshita have been promoted from Managing Director to Ex-ecutive Vice President. Former Executive Vice Presi-dents Toshitomo Matsui, Shosuke Kakubari and Takuya Yoneya have been appointed Advisors to the Society. In other moves, Toshio Kurashiki has become Region-al Manager of South Asia and Oceania and M. Abdul Rahim, has been named Regional Manager of Europe and Africa, and has also become the first non-Japa-nese member of the Society to be appointed an Op-erating Officer. ClassNK’s Survey Department has also been expanded into a Survey Operations Headquar-ters with two new General Managers in Europe and North America. The new positions have, for the first time, final decision-making authority related to sur-

vey operations throughout Europe and North America. Deputy General Manager of the Survey Department in Hamburg, Akizumi Miura, has become General Man-ager of the Survey Operations Headquarters (Europe) in Hamburg. Seiichi Gyobu, General Manager of the ClassNK Hull Rules Development Department, is now General Manager of the Survey Operations Headquar-ters (North America) in New York. In addition to these announcements, ClassNK has established a new Certi-fication Operations Headquarters at its head office in

Tokyo to coordinate ac-tivities and promote the development of new cer-tification systems.


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NAPA, which has been developing software for almost 40 years, has always been and remains

committ ed to making 3D product modelling a standard in the ship design industry and translati ng

innovati ve soft ware soluti ons into genuine added value for clients.

NAPA fi rst came to the att enti on of the market through its work at Wärtsilä’s yards in Helsinki and Turku where in-house systems for naval architectural tasks had been in use since the 1960s and were in need of replacement.

Wärtsilä required its new system to model and accurately analyze any type of ship. It had to be product-model orient-ed, an effi cient tool for project design analysis, not merely for fi nal delivery documents, and easy to convert for use in new computers. It had to off er a modular program structure for maintenance reasons, applicati on-independent functi ons for data management, geometric operati ons, graphics and dy-namic input and output formats.

None of the existi ng systems on the market met these de-mands and in 1976 Wärtsilä decided to develop NAPA’s Naval Architectural Package, with the signifi cant sti pulati on that it must be possible to sell the system to other companies.

Aft er being introduced at Wärtsilä’s yards in 1982 it was de-livered to the fi rst customer, Hollming, in Rauma in January 1984. Sweden’s Kockums became the fi rst internati onal client in November that year and NAPA also developed a system for Meyer Werft in Papenburg, Germany, directed at the cruise market but suited to oth er types of complex vessels.

In 1987, the development group was organized as the NAPA Business Unit of the Wärtsilä-owned informati on technolo-gy company Witec Oy. In 1989, when Wärtsilä Marine went bankrupt, the unit became an independent company, Napa Oy (Ltd) through a management buyout.

“NAPA’s managers were brave enough to take their desti ny in their own hands and conti nue developing innovati ve solu-

ti ons to the benefi t of the industry,” says Juha Heikinheimo, NAPA Group President.

ClassNK certi fi ed NAPA in 1994 and by 2000 most leading European yards, class societi es and consultancies were using NAPA. The turn of the millennium marked a signifi cant break-through in Southeast Asia with the company’s fi rst offi ce in Japan established in 2001, resulti ng in many new clients in the region and parti cularly in Japan, China and South Korea.

“NAPA went global for many good reasons and Japan was al-ways at the top of the agenda,” says Mr. Heikinheimo. “Nat-ural development through Japan into other Asian markets followed; managing well in Japan was the key to extending services to other markets.”

A milestone was reached in 1992 with the launch of On-board-NAPA. The system started operati on in 1995 and was certi fi ed by Germanischer Lloyd and Det Norske Veritas in 1996, by Lloyd’s Register in 1997 and by the Mariti me and Coastguard Agency and Russian Mariti me Register of Ship-ping in 1998.

The highly innovati ve product NAPA Steel was initi ated in 1998 followed in 1999 by the launch of a new safety concept for damage control and decision support, NAPA Power and NAPA CBT (a computer-based training soft ware package).

NAPA’s representati on offi ce in Japan started operati ons in 2001 followed in 2002 by the Chinese and in 2005 by the South Korean representati on offi ces. The new product line, NAPA Ship Performance Soluti ons, was also launched in 2005.

NAPA Japan KK was founded in 2007 followed by NAPA Soft -ware Services India Pvt Ltd and NAPA Romania SRL in 2008 and by NAPA Korea Ltd in 2009. NAPA-DSME Power was launched in 2011, followed in 2012 by ClassNK-NAPA GREEN. The representati on offi ce in Singapore started operati ons the same year.

Setti ng new standards

NAPA went global for many

good reasons and Japan was always

at the top of the agenda


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The NAPA acquisition will build on the cooperation between ClassNK and NAPA over the last

decade, to the benefit the global maritime industry.

Taking the opportunity to speak further on the acqui-sition of NAPA in March 2014, ClassNK Representative Director and Executive Vice President Yasushi Nakamura explains the reasoning behind the acquisition, and why it is good for the industry.

“We have enjoyed a long and excellent working rela-tionship with NAPA, and the innovative software de-veloped during this period, ClassNK-NAPA GREEN and NAPA Steel are the fruit of this cooperation,” says Mr. Nakamura.

“We have worked with a number of IT companies across the world but only NAPA provides these two solu-tions, and their importance cannot be understated. ClassNK-NAPA GREEN is the most sought-after solution for owners seeking to cut fuel costs and the NAPA Steel software is an unrivaled element in ship design.”

“These soluti ons are an important additi on to the classi-fi cati on services we provide to owners. On our own, we did not have suffi cient capability to develop IT technol-ogy of this level, and we recognized that NAPA the ideal partner for us to bett er serve our clients’ requirements. This is why we took the decision to acquire the company.

“Choosing NAPA as our partner was a natural decision,” says Mr. Nakamura. “NAPA is the only company produc-ing these first-class products. And a particularly import-ant factor is that we trust each other.”

From the outset Mr. Nakamura has been adamant that maintaining NAPA’s independence and neutrality and protecting client confidentiality is vital to the success of the acquisition. “NAPA is one of the most important as-sets to the global maritime industry and we guarantee one hundred per cent that this will continue to be the case. While we will support NAPA’s development of new solutions for the industry, ClassNK will not be directly involved in NAPA operations.

Mr. Nakamura continues “We fully understand NAPA’s position in regard to confidentiality and independence, and have no intention of changing anything about NAPA.

Interview: Yasushi NakamuraAn unrivaled partnership

ClassNK Executi ve Vice President and Representati ve Director, Yasushi Nakamura

We have enjoyed a long and

excellent working relati onship with

NAPA, and the innovati ve soft ware

developed during this period, ClassNK-

NAPA GREEN and NAPA Steel are the

fruit of this cooperati on

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NAPA will continue to provide the same services to the maritime industry and NK fully supports this. NAPA’s ca-pability in ship design is the key to our relationship now and in the future and this is a very important message.

“Moreover, we have made it clear to design companies and other classification societies that NAPA will main-tain its independence and neutrality. By neutrality we mean that NK will have no influence on NAPA’s activity in the design field. NAPA will continue to operate as an independent company.

“As mentioned, we have enjoyed a long collaboration and partnership together. Now we have the chance to further develop and market our solutions together and further expand our business.”

Elaborating on the impact of the acquisition on ClassNK’s operations, Mr. Nakamura says “Does the acquisition mean NK’s role as a classification society has changed? Absolutely not. For instance, NK will continue to provide the IPCA vessel stability technology developed by Japa-nese yards to the industry as and when it is requested but we do not have any influence on the s oftware itself.

“Our classification business is to be a service provider and if we have any requests pertaining to ship design from owners we try our best to support them. But I must stress that we will not touch anything to do with design. Our mission is to provide the tools to help ship designers, and we have no intention to begin to design-ing ships or concept vessels.

“This approach to business demonstrates the clear dif-ference between us and other societies. We will con-tinue to focus one hundred percent on vessel and mar-itime inspections.

“NAPA is a very large IT company in the maritime in-dustry and the de facto standard, particularly for de-sign companies. The opportunity to further the devel-opment and provision of NAPA-STEEL software was a strong reason for the acquisition and we hope to ex-pand our business through NAPA-STEEL and IT soft-ware.”

ClassNK is active in the passenger market but has to date enjoyed little experience with non-Japanese cruise ship owners. This is expected to change as the business expands through NAPA’s strong association with the European and US passenger shipping sectors where there is huge potential.

The circumstances regarding ClassNK-NAPA GREEN are different in that there is concerted competition from other IT companies. “But this competition can only serve to strengthen our resolve to better serve this cru-cial segment of the market,” says Mr. Nakamura.

“The ClassNK-NAPA GREEN solution is at the top of owners’ agendas as fuel costs are very high and owners are rightly demanding the software to assist them in their operating practices. The stakes could not be high-er.”

Mr. Nakamura says he was hugely impressed when he met other members of the NAPA team for the first time. “I sensed immediately that they had great affinity with NK and with our working practices and this can only prove of immense benefit as we move ahead together.

“NK is a marine engineering and naval architecture com-pany and safety is our first priority, whereas with others the main priority is technology and making money.

“The acquisition of NAPA is about much more than money. It is about developing the company and intro-ducing solutions and practices which will benefit the entire global shipping industry.”

The acquisiti on of NAPA is

about much more than money.

It is about developing the company

and introducing soluti ons and

practi ces which will benefi t the

enti re global shipping industry

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ClassNK’s acquisiti on of NAPA refl ects the growing importance that owners, operators, insurers,

classifi cati on societi es and other major stakeholders in the global mariti me industry place on

soft ware technology improving ship design and operati onal effi ciency.

The acquisiti on was the culminati on of collaborati on between ClassNK and NAPA over many years, the most recent being the development of ClassNK-NAPA GREEN in 2012 and its subsequent use when Taiwan-based Wan Hai Lines selected it for the Wan Hai 516, a 4,680 teu vessel delivered by CSBC in April 2013.

This marked the fi rst ti me that ClassNK-NAPA GREEN had been installed commercially on an existi ng vessel.

More recently, ClassNK-NAPA GREEN generated fuel sav-ings of 3.8% during sea trials on an 8,000teu container-ship deployed by Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (‘K Line’) on a standard Mediterranean/Europe route.

NAPA Group President, Juha Heikinheimo, who has been at the helm since 2011, says the acquisiti on was a great boost to everyone in the company and he describes it

as the “biggest and most pleasant happening” for NAPA aft er 25 years as an independent company. “The acquisi-ti on,” he says, “was welcomed by everybody at NAPA and it also brings value to the enti re mariti me industry.”

Despite the widespread uptake of NAPA systems by the industry, the company had reached a crossroads, he says. Greater resources in terms of fi nance and personnel were needed beyond the reach of NAPA’s longstanding private ownership, to make sure that the next step was the right step.

“This is a key point,” says Mr. Heikinheimo. “We were aware that, if we stayed as we were, the company’s lon-gevity might become a subject for speculati on. Coming to an agreement with ClassNK ensures that there will be no such uncertainty.

“The deal brings together two marine-specifi c enti ti es whose interests are directed solely at the mariti me sec-tor. It brings a long-term partner we can trust to provide a secure future for NAPA with hugely experienced mariti -me support resources, a wide network and access to cus-tomers whose needs we can now really meet even bett er.

“The acquisiti on means we will be able to develop services for the benefi t of the enti re global mariti me industry. As part of a bigger family, our new link with ClassNK gives us indirect links to a wide range of owners and we will be able to provide even bett er services to customers.”

However, Mr. Heikinheimo also emphasizes that the ac-quisiti on will allow NAPA to follow the path of its choos-ing. “A French or US company acquisiti on, for instance,

Interview: Juha HeikinheimoExcepti onal commitment

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might have brought a new culture,” he says. “ClassNK understands our working culture and the importance of taking into considerati on the customers we serve. I un-derstand this from my ti me at STX from South Korea, my six years working and living in France and several years for a US company and I am convinced ClassNK’s role here is another positi ve.

“ClassNK also understands the important opportuniti es that qualitati ve and innovati ve soft ware and global ser-vices present to the mariti me industry and there will be no negti ve change to the way in which NAPA conducts its business.”

Mr. Heikinheimo makes explicit NAPA’s commitment to conti nue developing new soluti ons and services while maintaining its neutrality and confi denti ality towards all stakeholders.

“This is a strong point and it has always been important as far as NAPA is concerned. We have huge volumes of customer informati on and we use this to benefi t our cus-tomers, including leading classifi cati on societi es, who we intend to retain in our client portf olio. This informati on is not distributed and this policy will conti nue. Our enti re business has been built on earning trust and this is how ClassNK wishes us to go forward and maintain our busi-ness relati onships.

“Moreover, the fact that ClassNK is a non-profi t organi-sati on is good news for our customers. It means that any profi ts NAPA accrues will be re-invested in developing bett er and more advanced systems. NAPA will conti nue to operate independently, bringing fl exibility to its custo-mer-oriented services and the new arrangement means we will be bett er equipped to do so.”

While NAPA’s connecti on to shipyards is unrivalled, and it has more than 1,600 installati ons on vessels all over

the world to its name, ClassNK brings a new dimension to the venture.

“ClassNK’s totally diff erent level of access to owners will allow us to open new doors with regard to decision-making from the owners’ point of view,” says Mr. Heikinheimo. “With the help of ClassNK and its customers we will certainly understand bett er the needs and opportuniti es for new soluti ons and services for our customers.

Mr. Heikinheimo is fully aware of the competi ti on and the challenges ahead. “There are always too many competi -tors in such a bustling and fast-developing marketplace but competi ti on keeps you on your toes and, as the only major provider combining operati ons and design, we will allocate more resources to fully understanding and mee-ti ng customer needs and requirements.

“The acquisiti on has been well-publicised and has drawn huge interest from the global shipbuilding and shipping industry. I would stress that the change of ownership brings greater opportuniti es, not fewer, and we will con-ti nue working together to develop products which will be of benefi t to the enti re mariti me industry. We have taken a very large and positi ve step forward.”


w MSc (Eng). Naval Architecture and Industrial Economics, Helsinki University of Technology, 1983.w MSc (Econ). Finance and Business Law, Helsinki School of Economics, 1988. 2011 - President, Napa Group2010 - 2011 President, STX Finland Oy2008 - 2010 Executi ve Vice President, STX Europe Group2007 - 2008 President, STX Europe, Cruise and Ferries Business Area2007 - 2008 Senior Vice President, STX Europe (Aker Yards), Cruise and Ferries, Sales and Marketi ng2000 - 2005 Metso Automati on, Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketi ng 1998 - 2000 Santasalo Group, President1989 - 1998 Metso Automati on, General Manager, Finland, France and Singapore1982 - 1989 Metso (Rauma-Repola), Shipbuilding and Marine Technology Division

We have taken a very large and positi ve step forward“

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Industry partnership:STENA LINE

ClassNK-NAPA GREEN is set to become a vital element of Stena Line’s energy saving programme.

Europe’s leading freight and ferry company is to install the system on the ro-pax vessels Stena Ask

and Stena Urd, operati ng between Travemünde and Leipaja in the Balti c and the Stena Mersey,

deployed on the Belfast to Liverpool run.

The decision to implement ClassNK-NAPA GREEN builds on the relati onship Stena has enjoyed with NAPA since 2005 when the carrier launched its Energy Saving Programme. Lars-Erik Hellring, Project Manager, Energy Saving Pro-gramme, says Stena’s close relati onship with NAPA will con-ti nue unchanged under the new ownership structure.

Mr. Hellring joined Stena in 2004 aft er working with Walle-nius Lines for 16 years and took responsibility for the Energy Saving Programme which was introduced with the intenti on of realizing 5% savings in fuel volume between 2005 and 2007 and 2.5% savings thereaft er.

“As one of the largest ferry operators in the world, we real-ize that it is our social responsibility to do everything possi-ble to protect the environment through energy conserva-ti on techniques,” says Mr. Hellring.

Stena’s six goals for creati ng a bett er environment are: in-creasing awareness about environmental improvement, reducing energy usage, reducing air, water and chemical emissions and increasing the percentage of recycled waste. More than two hundred individual environmental projects

encompass eco-driving for masters, new propellers, elec-trical connecti on of ships in port and fi tti ng cabin windows with sun fi lm which has resulted in savings of approximately 247,000kWh per year / Ship

Mr. Hellring says: “We have worked a lot together over many years to get a system up and running for logging and visualizing energy consumpti on for our fl eet. We now have a system that is very easy to use and shows results in a very good way, all to be overviewed easily onboard ship and in the offi ce server and the best thing is that all signals and values are inserted automati cally into the system.

“There are sti ll some elements that could be improved as we conti nue to develop our relati onship, our ways of working fur-ther and fi nding more energy saving projects. I believe we can conti nue working together and become a leader in this fi eld.

“Starti ng new projects with ClassNK-NAPA GREEN system and see-ing the results will be very interesti ng and also an indicati on of what we should aim for with these types of projects in our organisati on.”

Lars-Erik Hellring, Project Manager, Energy Saving

Programme, Stena

Stena Line currently operates 39 modern and fl exible ro-ro, ro-pax, combi and high speed ferries on 23 routes covering Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Latvia, Poland, Ger-many, the Netherlands, France, the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, carrying 1.9 million freight units, 3 million cars and 14.5 million passengers annually.


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A green futureIn March this year ClassNK acquired NAPA in a deal worth €53 million. The acquisiti on was welcomed

universally as a pioneering move that will improve ship design and operati onal effi ciency. It was

the culminati on of nearly a decade of collaborati on between ClassNK and NAPA, the most recent

in 2012 being the development of ClassNK-NAPA GREEN operati on opti mizati on soft ware.

Questi on: What does the acquisiti on mean for NAPA?

NAPA, headquartered in Helsinki, is one of the world’s leading mariti me soft ware houses. It has developed inno-vati ve soft ware for almost 40 years, emerging as a major player on the global stage when asked to replace Wärtsilä’s outdated in-house systems for naval architectural work at at the group’s shipyards in shipyards in Helsinki and Turku.

The soft ware was introduced at Wärtsilä’s yards in 1982 and today NAPA products areuti lized by shipyards designing over 90% of the world’s newbuildings as well as by owners, operators, charterers, designers, classifi cati on societi es, research insti tutes, au-thoriti es, consultancies and universiti es. NAPA has approx-imately 700 user organisati ons and nearly 1,600 onboard installati ons.

As the global leader in supplying soft ware soluti ons for ship design and operati on, NAPA is committ ed to making 3D product modelling a standard in the ship design indus-try and ensuring innovati ve soft ware soluti ons add real value for clients.

NAPA’s mission is to improve safety and eco-effi ciency in the mariti me industry. With a solid track record in setti ng new standards for 3D modelling of ships and ship perfor-mance monitoring and opti mizati on, NAPA’s philosophy is that eco-effi ciency starts with the building process and conti nues through the operati onal lifecycle of a vessel.

Questi on: What does the acquisiti on mean for ClassNK?

Yasushi Nakamura, ClassNK Executi ve Vice President: “It provides the opportunity to expand and improve the So-ciety’s wide range of services to shipowners and shipyards

and refl ects the Society’s conti nuing commitment to re-search and development and, specifi cally, to the growing importance of soft ware technology in improving ship de-sign and operati onal effi ciency.

“For both shipyards and shipowners, safety and perfor-mance have never been more important. Over the many years we have worked with NAPA, we have seen fi rst-hand the incredible benefi ts that ship designers and operators can achieve with innovati ve soft ware soluti ons.

“From our work on ClassNK NAPA Manager to our work on ClassNK-NAPA GREEN, NAPA has shown us ti me and again the utmost importance they place on creati ng high quality, innovati ve tools that directly contribute to the development of the mariti me industry. This gives us full confi dence that the team will go on to reach even greater success with ClassNK.

“Moreover, as a classifi cati on society that sees safety and per-formance as paramount, we want to ensure that innovati on in soft ware benefi ts the enti re mariti me industry – and make new innovati ons available to everyone. Through this agree-ment we can ensure that NAPA’s ship design and operati on soluti ons remain available to the enti re mariti me industry, while also providing NAPA with necessary tools and resources to further expand its innovati ve development work.”

What does the acquisiti on mean for NAPA?

Juha Heikinheimo, President of NAPA Group: “Aft er 25 years of growth into a company of 170 employees, with presence in nine countries, NAPA has grown into the world’s leading mariti me soft ware house. Aft er years of organic growth, we see this as a huge opportunity to con-ti nue to expand NAPA in a way that refl ects the increas-


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ing demand for soft ware design and operati onal soluti ons that we are seeing in the mariti me market.

“In partnering with ClassNK over recent years, we have found it to be an organisati on that understands the import-ant opportunity that qualitati ve and innovati ve soft ware, and global services presents to the mariti me industry. Going forward together, NAPA will develop new soluti ons and services for the mariti me industry, whilst maintaining its neutrality and confi denti ality towards all stakeholders.

“Today, reducing fuel costs and att racti ng charterers are the predominant concerns for shipowners and operators. Through this acquisiti on, the development of clean-tech soluti ons for opti mising fuel costs, planning and monitor-ing will be accelerated. In additi on, conti nuously improv-ing soft ware soluti ons to enhance the safety of both mer-chant and passenger vessels, both at the design phase and during operati on, will remain a core focus for NAPA.

“ClassNK and NAPA are marine-specifi c enti ti es whose in-terests are directed solely at the mariti me sector. The ac-quisiti on means we will be able to develop services for the benefi t of the enti re global mariti me industry. ClassNK’s diff erent mode of access to owners will open doors for NAPA. As part of a bigger family, our new link with ClassNK

gives us indirect links to a wide range of owners and we will be able to provide even bett er services to customers.”

Questi on: Will the acquisiti on eff ect NAPA’s indepen-dence and reputati on for confi denti ality?

Juha Heikinheimo, President of NAPA Group: No. NAPA possesses huge volumes of informati on and uses this to benefi t customers, including a number of leading classi-fi cati on societi es, who NAPA intends to retain as clients. NAPA will conti nue to operate independently and the ac-quisiti on will bett er equip the company to do so.

Yasushi Nakamura, ClassNK Executi ve Vice President: “ClassNK will not touch NAPA’s confi denti al informati on and NAPA will operate as an independent company. This is a very important message to the mariti me industry.”

Questi on: Because ClassNK is a non-profi t organisati on and NAPA is a commercial enti ty, what will happen to any profi ts?

Yasushi Nakamura, ClassNK Executi ve Vice President: Any profi ts will be reinvested by NAPA in developing bett er and more advanced systems to benefi t the global mariti me in-dustry.

Calculati on of KPIs through voyage reporti ng functi onality for ship and enti re fl eet


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Achieving goals together:Wan Hai Lines

Leading Taiwanese carrier Wan Hai Lines chose ClassNK-NAPA GREEN ship effi ciency soft ware for

WAN HAI 516, a 4,680teu vessel delivered by China Shipbuilding Company (CSBC) in April 2013.

How and why did Wan Hai Lines become the fi rst commercial operator to install the system?

“At Wan Hai Lines, we are always striving to off er our cus-tomers with a competi ti ve and comprehensive service, which means operati ng at the highest levels of effi ciency,” says Sanders Jong, Vice President Marine Division, Wan Hai Lines.

“It is our mission to provide the best possible service and we are constantly seeking ways to improve our business,” he says. “The early adoption of innovative technological solutions such as ClassNK-NAPA GREEN has seen us take a leading position in the Asian contain-er market.

“With 72 vessels operati ng on an extensive range of routes stretching across Asia, fuel effi ciency presents both our greatest challenge and greatest opportunity. In order to take advantage of this, we chose to install ClassNK-NAPA GREEN on WAN HAI 516 to see if we could improve our fuel effi ciency. I am pleased to say that results to date have been most favourable and this has certainly given us an edge over the competi ti on.”

Established in 1965 and headquartered in Taipei, Tai-wan, Wan Hai Lines employees around 2,700 people on shore globally and 2,300 crew personnel. The company’s fl eet comprises 72 vessels ranging in size from 700teu to 6,000teu, aged from one to twenty fi ve years. Some 93% of Wan Hai vessels are deployed in coastal, inter-Asia ser-vices and the rest operate in cross-Pacifi c and Middle East services.

Why did Wan Hai Lines opt to use ClassNK-NAPA GREEN? Were others under considerati on and what were the spe-cifi c parameters of ClassNK-NAPA GREEN that persuaded Wan Hai Lines to opt for it?

“We examined a variety of technologies before ulti mate-ly choosing ClassNK-NAPA GREEN,” says Mr. Jong. “Many new effi ciency systems make various claims of great sav-ings. However, few of these are actually backed up by proven results. ClassNK-NAPA GREEN on the other hand was already installed on an operati ng vessel as part of ver-ifi cati on testi ng and the claims made by the system are backed up with proven results.

“The trim opti mizati on and voyage planning features com-bined with weather routi ng has just been conducted and we hope this will allow us to achieve highly effi cient and economical operati ons.

“In additi on, the ability to create a performance model based on both a generic hull form and actual hull allowed us to carry out propulsion resistance management, which is vital for both effi cient operati ons including speed opti -mizati on for just-on-ti me arrival.”

Wan Hai Lines chose to deploy WAN HAI 516 in the tests because the vessel is just a year old with everything on-board in parti cularly good order and because the company considered its voyage patt ern to be most benefi cial. In ad-diti on to trim, route and speed opti mizati on, the project involved other elements related to the vessel’s superstruc-ture and design.

“We retrofi tt ed the vessel’s bow at the end of 2013 and although the trim opti mizati on functi on appears reduced

It is our mission to provide the best possible service“


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we sti ll believe it could help the crew to adjust the most eff ecti ve trim at diff erent speeds and draft and in diff er-ent sea conditi ons,” says Mr. Jong. “The vessel’s crew can refer to voyage and speed opti mizati on when the vessel encounters the worst sea conditi ons or whenever required once 16-day weather forecast data has been received.

“They know how to adjust both speed and the route re-quired ahead of ETA in order to save fuel consumpti on. Dif-ferent functi ons can be used by the crew in diff erent ways and how best we use the system is our most important considerati on.

“Crews need to be educated and convinced that they should and can use this type of effi ciency tool when they serve with Wan Hai Lines and we are conti nually seeking ways of com-bining our own systems with ClassNK - NAPA systems.

How easy to use is the soft ware? “ClassNK-NAPA GREEN is both comprehensive and user-friendly,” says Mr. Jong. “With its intuiti ve design it is easy to analyze and track the vessel’s performance and fuel saving acti viti es, which can be used for reports for future acti ons.

“As the system can be used to plan, monitor, and follow-up operati ons we are able to increase eco-effi ciency and re-duce fuel consumpti on. The data collected automati cally

from voyages can then eff ortlessly be used to create re-ports as well as graphs for easy analysis,” he adds.

ClassNK-NAPA GREEN helps owners and operators reduce fuel costs and CO2 emissions and smoothly comply with IMO SEEMP requirements. Had, in Mr. Jong’s judgment, results met or exceeded Wan Hai’s expectati ons?

“Our main hope for the system was to opti mize our fuel effi ciency and fulfi ll Ship Energy Effi ciency, Management Plan (SEEMP) regulati ons,” he says. “While various new in-dexes such as the Energy Effi ciency Operati onal Indicator (EEOI) are good indicators of energy effi ciency, they gener-ally lack other important parameters such as the ability to take weather conditi ons into account.

“However, ClassNK-NAPA GREEN has the technology to monitor weather to provide opti mal routes, making it a great indicator of actual performance.

“Wan Hai Lines has had a long and fruitf ul partnership with ClassNK, and it is a relati onship that we are eager to build on. Adopti ng ClassNK-NAPA GREEN gave us the opportu-nity not only to work closer with ClassNK but also to be-come more familiar with ClassNK-NAPA’s innovati ve solu-ti ons. I believe that by working together we can achieve our goals.”

WAN HAI 501, sister ship to WAN HAI 516


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The appealof NAPA SteelFirst unveiled in 1998, NAPA Steel has become the early stage structural design package of choice

for designers and shipbuilders worldwide, as a 3D modelling and calculati on tool that is central to

making a ship concept a reality.

The NAPA Steel 3D model remains unique as a means of developing a ship concept through to the end of the basic design stage. In taking practi cal constraints into the design process at the drawing stage, including weights, welding lengths and part quanti ti es, NAPA Steel provides an excel-lent basis on which to develop detail design and even out-fi tti ng work.

Using NAPA Steel modelling tools is now a routi ne part of naval architecture and shipbuilding worldwide, but the product’s evoluti on over 16 years means that it conti nues to reap effi ciency gains for some of the most forward-looking shipbuilders and design houses in the industry.

For designers, NAPA Steel unlocks the ability to model vari-ati ons quickly through automated drawing generati on, sav-ing ti me and minimizing error risk, even in the case of the most complex structures.

For shipyards, taking a systemati c approach to structural design and interfacing to producti on soft ware enhances planning, so that builders can consider available producti on cost-effi ciencies at the early design stage.

Asked to sum up, Byeong-Seog Kang, Executi ve Vice Presi-dent of Engineering Division 2, Samsung Heavy Industries, says simply: “SHI believes that NAPA Steel is an eff ecti ve soluti on to improve our design process.” Mr. Kang address-

es the benefi ts of using NAPA Steel at SHI in greater depth elsewhere in this issue (see P20).

Meyer Werft holds the disti ncti on of being the fi rst shipyard outside Scandinavia to use NAPA soft ware, with relati ons between the two organizati ons extending back to 1986. An early adopter of NAPA Steel, the German company con-sistently uses the package in preparati on to build complex cruise vessels for owners including Aida Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, Disney Cruise Line, Norwegian Cruise Line and Roy-al Caribbean Cruises.

In fact, a number of leading European builders involved in the constructi on of complex cruise ships have been long-standing users of NAPA Steel. Several have systemati cally developed its use, integrati ng it into their design processes from initi al modelling to drawing and fi nite element mod-elling. Elsewhere, NAPA Steel’s benefi ts in overall design effi ciency and quality have been considered suffi cient to persuade at least one yard to adopt changes in its 3D design process to accommodate its adopti on.

Its selecti on has allowed yards to streamline processes by creati ng a 3D model of the steel structure, which is the basis for esti mati ng steel weights, preparing general classifi cati on drawings and creati ng global fi nite element models. The 3D model is based on an extracti on of a 2D general arrange-ment plan.

In additi on to speed, the model’s improved degree of de-tail is another benefi t of the automati c import routi ne. Of equal importance to the import of data for the eff ecti ve model generati on is the export of data for an eff ecti ve en-gineering process. Using NAPA Steel enables yards to pro-

SHI believes that NAPA Steel is an eff ecti ve soluti on to improve

our design process“


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duce structural and att ribute drawings, weight and materi-al lists and outputs with geometric att ributes for FEM and class calculati ons. In some cases, the builder can include the plate thicknesses and profi le secti ons in the export macro, yielding additi onal tools for a model setup.

ClassNK has long been an advocate for the benefi ts of us-ing NAPA Steel. “NAPA Steel enables both speeding-up and enhancing the design process,” says Mitsuhiko Kidogawa, Operati ng Offi cer, General Manager of Hull Department, ClassNK. “Thanks to many useful functi ons, designers can create approval drawings and FE-models and carry out design opti mizati on in the early design phase. In additi on, NAPA Steel has a big potenti al for design innovati on by link-ing with class rules. ClassNK sees NAPA Steel as the most advanced design system available today.”

In considering what it is about NAPA Steel that has prompt-ed widespread uptake, it is worth exploring Mr. Kidogawa’s reference to the package’s ‘linking’ capability a litt le further. Aft er all, one of NAPA Steel’s key att ributes is that it serves as a database for numerous design levels, integrati ng seam-lessly with producti on and outf itti ng systems. As Mr. Kidoga-wa suggests, classifi cati on drawings can be created enti rely within NAPA Steel, fi nite element meshes can be defi ned and exported to analysis programs, and fi nally the design can be exported to detail and producti on design systems.

At the basic design stage, then, the model starts from the conceptual basis and is extended with inner molded struc-tures and the next level of structural details: frames, plates, seams, cut-outs, notches, etc. Drawings are generated as intersecti ons from the 3D NAPA ship model, and can range from secti on drawings to drawings for shell and other structures. However, NAPA Steel then interfaces with the shipbuilding industry’s standard constructi on engineering soft ware, including Aveva Marine and Nupas-CADMATIC, as part of a conti nuous design process.

Numeric informati on, such as sti ff ener lengths and plate areas, can be grouped according to various subjects like a building block, material or structure type. Automati c cal-culati on of the quanti ti es based on the 3D product model increases accuracy and reduces errors compared to manu-al calculati ons. Painti ng calculati ons can be made uti lizing both the compartments and the structural parts of the 3D product model to get detailed reports of the painti ng areas, cost and weights.

Enhancements in NAPA Steel over ti me cover, among oth-ers, a more versati le Drawing Manager applicati on for drawing generati on, a Material Manager applicati on for material and weight esti mates, Modelling Managers for bulk carriers and container ships and a Rules Manager for Class.

The automati c idealizati on and generati on of FEM mesh


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Leading Japanese shipbuilder Sanoyas uses innovative NAPA systems to improve vessel design and

operational efficiency to benefit the entire maritime industry.

Sanoyas is widely recognized for its use of the most modern technology for energy conservation and carbon dioxide/pol-lution reduction in its shipbuilding program. The company makes customer satisfaction its overriding priority.

“We use NAPA Statutory for ship lines from the initial de-sign stage and through to the specific design stage,” says Keisuke Mizutani, General Manager Research and Devel-opment Department, Technical and Design Division of Sanoyas Shipbuilding Corporation. “We also use NAPA Statutory when formulating the basic plan to determine the general positioning of equipment, trim calculation and longitudinal strength calculation.

“NAPA Steel is used for determining the structural posi-tioning when creating the Key Plan and Yard Plan, as well as creating ship drawings, determining block partitions, estimating weight, outputting cross-section shapes to ClassNK’s PrimeShip-HULL program and outputting Finite Element (FE) Mesh.”

The NAPA system inte-grates line plans, gener-al calculations for basic plans and structural de-sign, and with its central-ized database it means Sanoyas can achieve a highly accurate and effi-cient initial design stage. In addition, the software allows Sanoyas to create complete 3D product models for drawing plans, hatch definitions, structural definitions and others, as well as run visual simulations while creating the actual design. “It is why Sanoyas chooses to use NAPA solutions,” says Mr. Mizutani.

Sanoyas first installed NAPA software in August 2001, with NAPA Steel installed in October 2001. Company employees then spent almost two years familiarizing themselves with the systems, learning how to use and customizing the soft-ware to match its own environment and working practices. All in all, Sanoyas has now been using NAPA solutions for just over 10 years.

“The products are unique in that the software can create complete 3D product models and that it has the advantage of being able to run visual simulations while creating the actual design,” says Mr. Mizutani. “And, as models can be made for the planned vessel with relative ease using the data from a similar vessel, many case studies can be car-ried out. This greatly streamlines the entire design process allowing for optimal lead times.

Customer always comes first:Sanoyas

Sanoyas believes its cooperation with

ClassNK-NAPA will further benefit both

design and operational capabilities,

smoothly incorporate the needs of the

industry, and allow users to verify and

feedback information to achieve im-

proved vessel design and operational ef-

ficiency for the entire maritime industry.


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“Compared with other 3D tools, NAPA Steel can create models even with incomplete informati on, and aft erwards the model can be easily be modifi ed during the building process. This feature makes it a perfect tool for the initi al design stage which requires repeated trial and error. In ad-diti on, the ability to output various types of value infor-mati on and shape informati on from just one 3D model is another of the major advantages of the soft ware.

In comparison with other vendors, Mr. Mizutani says that NAPA’s response ti me is very quick and that in recent years improvements have been made to the functi ons with ev-ery version update, removing any notable imperfecti ons.

“The results of adopti ng NAPA soft ware have been most impressive,” says Mr. Mizutani. “In using NAPA Steel it has been possible to achieve highly accurate hull weights from the ti me of the Key Plan and Yard Plan drawing release.

“Another advantage is the ability to interacti vely deter-mine structural positi oning using a 3D base. The soft ware has allowed the company to greatly streamline the work required for the longitudinal landing of the outer bilge plate through the macro developed by Sanoyas.

“Through the development of PrimeShip-NAPA Manag-er, producing the material required for the various ap-proved books and completed drawings (Loading Man-ual, Grain Loading Booklet, Sounding Table etcetera) necessary for the prescribed output forms has become simple. Even users who are not familiar with NAPA sys-tems can carry out work with relative ease using NAPA Manager, making it very useful in terms of operational efficiency.”

In additi on to NAPA Steel and NAPA Statutory, Sanoyas is also using ClassNK-NAPA GREEN in vessel trials to monitor vessel performance in actual seas to understand opera-ti onal conditi ons and capabiliti es. “We aim to feed these results back into the design to develop an even more fu-el-effi cient vessel,” says Mr. Mizutani.

“We believe our continuing cooperation with ClassNK and NAPA will further benefit both design and opera-tional capabilities, smoothly incorporate the needs of the industry, and allow users to verify and feedback in-formation to achieve improved vessel design and oper-ational efficiency for the entire maritime industry,” Mr. Mizutani says.

The 83,207dwt Key Light was delivered from Sanoyas Mizushima Works & Shipyard in Kurashiki in 2012. The Panamanian fl ag bulker is classed by ClassNK


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South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) has become a global leader in the high-tech high-

value shipbuilding, notably in the liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) and fl oati ng producti on, storage and

offl oading (FPSO) sectors.

In January 2014 SHI won a 621 billion won ($580 million) order to build fi ve containerships for a European carrier and in April SHI announced it had concluded a 1.3 trillion won (US$1.2 billion) deal with a company in Oceania to build two drill ships, to be delivered by the end of June 2017.

A crucial component of the group’s shipbuilding program is its use of NAPA Steel, as Executi ve Vice President Byeo-ng-Seog Kang explains.

Questi on: Why did Samsung Heavy Industries opt to use NAPA Steel?

Byeong-Seog Kang: NAPA Steel, as the initi al engineering tool, provides a compact soluti on extracti ng engineering data for the majority of structural calculati on and analysis work during the basic structural design stage with only one 3D Model. NAPA’s stability model, during the initi al stage, can sequenti ally lead to the structure design, which is of major benefi t as it shortens working ti me and speeds up the enti re design process.

Questi on: How long has SHI used NAPA Steel?

Byeong-Seog Kang: SHI analyzed and examined the prod-uct fully before introducing it into the design process in 2010 and applying it to an actual building project in 2011. We now use NAPA Steel for all commercial newbuildings including LNG carriers and cruise ships and are testi ng it on off shore products.

Questi on: What makes the product unique and how has it been tailored to SHI’s specifi c requirements?

Byeong-Seog Kang: For SHI, NAPA Steel’s most signifi cant characteristi c and greatest merit is in providing important

data at the initi al design stage, specifi cally regarding hull form and compartments. This basic database including hull form helps to build the 3D model for structural work more quickly even though SHI makes the initi al stability calculati on through NAPA. In so doing, and swift ly, the 3D NAPA Steel model can be applied to most structural design work required during the basic design stage and the model can be transferred to our engineering soft ware and class society rule-checking systems.

Questi on: How superior to other aft er-sales services are those off ered with NAPA Steel?

Byeong-Seog Kang: One of the major reasons for using NAPA Steel is NAPA’s consumer response, i.e. aft er-sales services. We had anti cipated some diffi culty in introducing NAPA Steel to our design process but this has not proved to be the case thanks to the excellent service we have received from the company’s head offi ce in Helsinki and from its site offi ce in South Korea. We have been huge-ly impressed with the NAPA team which always responds quickly and acti vely to any unexpected events or potenti al problems and this service underscores our intenti on to un-hesitati ngly use NAPA Steel at all ti mes.

Questi on: Can you comment please on what has been achieved through the use of NAPA Steel?

Byeong-Seog Kang: The most important and signifi cant benefi t is the fact that the product allows us to drive the

NAPA Steel user: Samsung Heavy Industries


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integrated design environment through one 3D model. By sequenti ally developing one DB, we can carry out a series of relevant calculati ons while reducing the likeli-hood of having to repeat working tasks and avoiding any errors. NAPA Steel makes a major contributi on to improv-ing effi ciency and designer job sati sfacti on.

Questi on: Has SHI used other NAPA products and does it intend to do so?

Byeong-Seog Kang: To date SHI has mainly used NAPA Stability and Steel.

Questi on: Are there other disciplines in the work SHI does to which the NAPA portf olio is suited or might be targeted?

Byeong-Seog Kang: In additi on to the Structural Engi-neering Team, the Producti on Engineering Team also uses NAPA Steel. This team’s main role is to control and manage hull block lift ing and transportati on. It uti liz-es NAPA Steel for calculati ng the weight and center of gravity of the module/block established during the early stages of design work. The team is also analyzing and ex-

amining additi onal fi elds of operati on to which it might apply NAPA Steel.

Questi on: How does SHI view its professional relati on-ship with ClassNK and can the global industry expect to see more cooperati on between SHI, ClassNK and NAPA?

Byeong-Seog Kang: We have innovati vely altered our hull design process by using the system created by the ClassNK – NAPA joint development project and have achieved sig-nifi cant results. These notable achievements refl ect well on our reputati on as a shipbuilder in an extremely com-peti ti ve global market and we expect to conti nue this close and most positi ve cooperati on with ClassNK-NAPA. Our current workload includes commercial ship constructi on and various off shore projects includ-ing a central processing facility (CPF), semi-submersible, jack-up rig, drill-ship, fl oati ng liquefi ed natural gas (FLNG) work and an FPSO. We an-ti cipate an increase in the volume of our off shore work and prepare ourselves for this through work-ing closely with ClassNK-NAPA.

Key featuresw Numeric outputs: Weight and center of gravity, bill of materials, welding lengths and painti ng areasw Generati ng data for producti on planning and cost esti mati onw Secti on modulus and radius of gyrati onw Generati on of drawings and visualizati ons for plan approvalw Data exchange with classifi cati on societi es’ systems for scantling analysis and FEMw Export of the 3D structural model to outf itti ng and producti on design systemsw Automati c idealizati on and generati on of FEM mesh, export to FEM solvers such as Nastran and Ansysw IGES and DXF interfaces for linking to a wide variety of general CAD systems such as AutoCAD

Output examplew Weight reports (Improved steel weight esti mati ons)w Painti ng areasw Material lists

FEM Meshingw NAPA FEM is a state-of-the-art FE pre-processor converti ng 3D ship product models into fi nite element models.w The FE-models are generated based on the geometry of the 3D ship model. Global, local and fi ne level FE-models can be created by excluding the unnecessary details of the 3D model from the meshing process. Auto-mati c mesh creati on based on the control parameters enables fast creati on of mesh which can be fi nalized with the manual tools. The mesh can be exported to most common FE-solvers.



Page 22: ClassNK - Customer Magazine 68 - June 2014


Use of routing and trip optimization software and the new technology and strategies to promote maximum fuel saving

by Mitsuhiko Kidogawa, Operating Officer, General Manager of Hull Department, ClassNK and Esa Henttinen, Executive Vice President, NAPA for Operations

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ClassNK events in 2014


ClassNK Consulting Service Co., Ltd, 4-7 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8567, Japan

Tel: +81-3-5226-2290

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NAPA Group, PO Box 470, FI-00181 Helsinki, Finland

Tel: +358 9 22 8131

Fax: +358 9 22813 800

E-mail: [email protected]


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