Classification of BX fanfic During the years off 1998 thru to 2004 the use of Buffy and Xander for the means of creating a fanfic has became a main staple of fanfiction for the character of Alexander Harris, now while this fanfiction has in recent times started to drop in amount written or reviewed even by those whom had once been the most loyal of B/X fanfiction. It is apparent that the Use of Buffy/Xander based fanfiction is these days mostly a way to attempt to remove the disgust of the later seasons from the minds of the Loyal Xander fan and more than often fans of the series before it’s slide into disrepute during the later season, although this is also usually taken up by alternate universe fics such as Tenhawk’s Journeyverse, White Werewolf’s Phoenix Risings and the works of M Scott Eiland. Buffy/Xander parings became prevalent during the seasons two and three mainly around the time of the return of Angelus and the time soon after the return of Buffy after her escape to LA and her subsequent return soon after the beginning of season 3, these come into the section of Friendship/romance followed by possibilities of long term relationship, as depicted in Jen Hallmark’s ‘A love foretold…’ Jack Keraoac’s Kinn or Kine, Greydon Creed’s Rescue me and Rick’s ‘Real Life’ series. Most early Buffy/Xander Fanfictions were based on the Unrequited love that Alexander Harris had for Buffy summers and allowed it to manifest itself in many weird wonderful and highly unlikely ways- however that was the fun of the early BX fics that were much loved- most were written by the early authors Jason Thompson, Aslan and Taygeta- Taygeta being the original BX list creator. This time of 1999 to 2000 became the real peak of Buffy/Xander fandom with over seven hundred members of the BX_fanfic list and the increase of said fanfic at multiple

Classification of BX Fanfic

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Classification of BX fanfic

During the years off 1998 thru to 2004 the use of Buffy and Xander for the means of creating a fanfic has became a main staple of fanfiction for the character of Alexander Harris, now while this fanfiction has in recent times started to drop in amount written or reviewed even by those whom had once been the most loyal of B/X fanfiction.

It is apparent that the Use of Buffy/Xander based fanfiction is these days mostly a way to attempt to remove the disgust of the later seasons from the minds of the Loyal Xander fan and more than often fans of the series before it’s slide into disrepute during the later season, although this is also usually taken up by alternate universe fics such as Tenhawk’s Journeyverse, White Werewolf’s Phoenix Risings and the works of M Scott Eiland.

Buffy/Xander parings became prevalent during the seasons two and three mainly around the time of the return of Angelus and the time soon after the return of Buffy after her escape to LA and her subsequent return soon after the beginning of season 3, these come into the section of Friendship/romance followed by possibilities of long term relationship, as depicted in Jen Hallmark’s ‘A love foretold…’ Jack Keraoac’s Kinn or Kine, Greydon Creed’s Rescue me and Rick’s ‘Real Life’ series.

Most early Buffy/Xander Fanfictions were based on the Unrequited love that Alexander Harris had for Buffy summers and allowed it to manifest itself in many weird wonderful and highly unlikely ways- however that was the fun of the early BX fics that were much loved- most were written by the early authors Jason Thompson, Aslan and Taygeta- Taygeta being the original BX list creator.

This time of 1999 to 2000 became the real peak of Buffy/Xander fandom with over seven hundred members of the BX_fanfic list and the increase of said fanfic at multiple website many of which are now defunct, this is also the time that the Fanfic genre became more than the Bubbly BX fic that had been the basis of the fandom, this was the time of the B/X X/Other angst fanfiction- best described in the Fiction ‘Into The Night’ by Ozmandayus and the ‘today’ Series by Jeff Patrick

With the decline of B?X fiction over the last few years the B/X fanfiction has reached a new classification that of the Anti Buffy fanfics of B/X Hate/Angst based fanfictions, these can and have been written mainly on the backs of the Xander fanship site Xanderzone which currently hold most of the best work of the Buffy Fandom In my personal opinion.

The Hate/Angst fanfictions mainly stem from the same positions that the Buffy/Xander fluff fanfiction come from that of the Lie during the Episode Becoming from the end of Season Two, The Pushing out of Xander during the start of Season Four and most recently the Alternate universes built around Seasons six and seven attempting to remove the disgust many people saw with the Buffy/Spike ‘relationship’ of those seasons, however this essay is not about that but please see my other essay for that.

Page 2: Classification of BX Fanfic

These new style fanfictions were not the first of the Anti Buffy pro Xander fanfictions, the closes to that is the fanfiction ‘For The Want of a Nail’ by Mediancat who was a well known writer back in the early days of the Slayerette.net site. However like many Pro Xander fics most of these fanfictions are Alternate universes of much more likely Crosovers Such as ‘Vengeance Satisfied is Justice Served’ By 3DMaster. Which is also very much an anti Buffy/Spike as well as an Anti-Buffy fiction for both characters and readers. The idea behind the Crossover being that of the crow was also used as a very much angst/romance filled BX fanfiction many years beforehand that I do not remember the name of as of the current time.

So as it is obvious the change in the characters of Both main characters for these fiction types has changed the writing style of many writers involved in the Xander based Xanderzone as well as the writing of many at the Fanfiction.net website, the disgust at the treatment of Xander and the production of the character of Buffy has made many writers give up completely of just not care anymore- while others do still write fanfiction base on the series it is not quite the pull it once was.