CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years ago a very poor peasant bought a plot of land. One day while he was plowing it, he came upon an iron box that was buried in the soil. When he opened it, he was astonished to discover that it was filled with valuable gemstones and coins made of silver and gold. Since he owned the land where it was found, he could have kept the treasure for himself. But the peasant was a truly honest man. He at once went to the person from whom he had bought the land and showed him the treasure. “What is this?” asked the previous owner of the plot. The peasant told him the story of how the treasure was found. But the previous owner refused to accept it, saying, “The treasure would have been mine if I had found it. I think it must have been hidden in the plot by my ancestors. As you have found it, it belongs to you.” Finally, the two men decided to divide the treasure into two equal parts. The peasant and the previous owner of the plot would each take half. Those were the days when people were not greedy. 1. What was the hidden treasure that the peasant found? 2. What did the peasant do right after he found the treasure? 3. Why didn't the previous owner of the land want to take the treasure from the peasant? 4. What lesson does this story teach? 5. Do you think that people today are more greedy or less greedy than the characters in this story? Explain your answer.

CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION ......CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years

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Page 1: CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION ......CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years



I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Many years ago a very poor peasant bought a plot of land. One day while he was

plowing it, he came upon an iron box that was buried in the soil. When he opened it, he

was astonished to discover that it was filled with valuable gemstones and coins made of

silver and gold. Since he owned the land where it was found, he could have kept the

treasure for himself. But the peasant was a truly honest man. He at once went to the

person from whom he had bought the land and showed him the treasure. “What is

this?” asked the previous owner of the plot. The peasant told him the story of how the

treasure was found. But the previous owner refused to accept it, saying, “The treasure

would have been mine if I had found it. I think it must have been hidden in the plot by

my ancestors. As you have found it, it belongs to you.” Finally, the two men decided to

divide the treasure into two equal parts. The peasant and the previous owner of the

plot would each take half. Those were the days when people were not greedy.

1. What was the hidden treasure that the peasant found?

2. What did the peasant do right after he found the treasure?

3. Why didn't the previous owner of the land want to take the treasure from

the peasant?

4. What lesson does this story teach?

5. Do you think that people today are more greedy or less greedy than

the characters in this story? Explain your answer.

Page 2: CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION ......CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years

II. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Sight is our most precious sense and many people fear blindness more than they

fear any other disability. Eye, the organ of sight is our most important organ for

locating and observing the world around us. We use our eyes in almost everything we

do ---reading, working, watching movies and television, playing games and countless

other activities.

The human eyeball measures only about 25min in diameter. Yet the eye can see

objects as far away as a star and as tiny as a grain of stand. The eye can quickly adjust

its focus between a distant point and a near one. 1. Answer the following questions.

1). What is our most precious sense?

2). Which disability the people fear most?

3). What is the chief function of the organ of sight?

4). Name a few activities in which we use our eyes.

5). What is the average measurement of the human eyeball?

6). How can the eye see distant and near objects immediately one after

the other?

7). Assign a suitable heading to the passage.

2. Give a synonym for each of the following words.

Words Synonyms

(a). precious ________________

(b). tiny ________________

(c). quickly ________________

(d). countless ________________

(e). disability ________________

3. Give an antonym for each of the following words.

Words Antonyms

(a). far _______________

(b). disability _______________

(c). countless _______________

(d). precious _______________

(e). tiny _______________

Page 3: CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION ......CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years

III. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Trees are a vital part of our life. The cutting of trees means cutting short the

human life. Tress not only provides us things such as fuel, fodder, gum and wood for

furniture but also help in reducing the atmospheric pollution by maintaining the

oxygen-carbon dioxide balance on earth. Trees also provide us fruits and medicine and

a habitat to wildlife which is also considered important for man’s survival on earth.

Trees don’t allow the upper fertile layer of the soil to blow or flow away. Thus, they

protect the soil from erosion. They cause rain but they also save us from floods.

Keeping in mind the benefits of trees all of us should join hands and dedicate ourselves

to planting more and more tress with ever-increasing enthusiasm. If human being only

understand clearly that mankind will survive on this planet only as long as trees are

there, the rest will follow as man’s activities will automatically get directed to going

trees and protecting them against the danger of getting destroyed. 1. Answer the following questions.

1). What are the major benefits of trees?

2). How trees help in reducing the pollution?

3). How are trees helpful to wild life?

4). How long will human survive on planet?

5). Why should man grow more and more trees?

2. Give a synonym for each of the following words.

Words Synonyms

(a). vital ________________

(b). provide ________________

(c). reducing ________________

(d). maintaining ________________

(e). allow _________________

3. Give an antonym for each of the following words.

Words Antonyms

(a). protect ________________

(b). upper ________________

(c). reduce ________________

(d). fertile ________________

(e). balance ________________

Page 4: CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION ......CLASS V QUESTION BANK READING COMPREHENSION PASSAGES I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions. Many years

IV. Read the poem and answer the following questions

Children, you are very little,

And your bones are very brittle;

If you would grow great and stately,

You must try to walk sedately.

You must be still be bright and quite,

And content with simple diet;

And remain, though all bewild’ ring,

Innocent and honest children.

Happy hearts and happy faces,

Happy play in grassy places-----

That was how in ancient ages,

Children grew to kings and sages.

But the unkind and unruly,

And the sort who eat unduly,

They must never hope for glory----

Theirs is quite a different story!

Cruel children, crying babies,

All grow up as geese and gabies,

Hated, as their age increases,

By their nephews and their nieces.

1. Answer to the following questions.

1) What words are used by the poet in the first stanza to describe „children‟?

2) What must children do to grow up well and be grand?

3) What is advice offered by the poet to the children in the second stanza?

2. Pick out pair of rhyming words and put them in the form of rhyming scheme. Explain stanza

I:little, brittle, stately, sedately

3. Pick out the adjectives from the poems and find their opposites. ( work in pair)

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V. Read the poem and answer the following questions

My Watch

by Liana Mahoney

I watch you, watch,

My tick-tock watch,

Just to pass the time.

I hear you, watch,

My click-clock watch,

How you tick in time.

I wonder, watch,

My tick-tock watch,

If it is a bore

To just keep time,

That click, tick time,

Forever, ever more?

I'm thinking, watch,

My click-clock watch -

I guess you must feel glee

When you rest, watch,

A stopped-clock watch,

For a dead battery.

My Watch

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1. In the first stanza of the poem, the word watch has different

meanings. What are the two meanings of the word watch?



2. Line 15 reads:

I guess you must feel glee

Define the word glee. Use a dictionary if you need help.


3. What is the poet thinking in the last two stanzas of the poem?

a. The watch probably enjoys taking a break when the battery dies.

b. The watch probably gets bored keeping track of the time.

c. The watch will probably stop working soon.

d. The watch gets confused when it stops.

4. Do you think the poet is writing about a digital watch or a watch with hands?

How can you tell?



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VI. Read the poem and answer the following questions

The Spelling Bee

by B.J. Lee

Do you know a Spelling Bee?

I know one well, and vow that she

can spell the names of all the flowers

whose sweet nectar she devours.

I took this Spelling Bee with me

and brought her to a spelling bee.

I said, “This way the world can tell

that you, the Spelling Bee, can spell!”

She spelled “Petunia.” Quite divine!

And with “Dahlia” she did fine.

Then she missed both “Thigh” and “Thumb,”

but quickly spelled “Chrysanthemum.”

So I found out that Spelling Bees

cannot spell all words with ease.

For flower names, they spell each one,

but other words? They know none.

1. Which choice describes the main idea of the poem?

a. A person enters a spelling bee and only spells flower words correctly.

b. A person enters a spelling bee. She misspells easy words, but correctly spells difficult words.

c. A person enters a real bee into a spelling bee. The bee spells all words correctly.

d. A person enters a bee into a spelling bee. The bee correctly spells the names of flowers.

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2. Complete the table.

Words the Spelling Bee Spells


Words the Spelling Bee Spells


3. What is the genre of this poem?

a. historical fiction c. science fiction

b. realistic fiction d. fantasy

4. Which word would the Spelling Bee most likely misspell?

a. daffodil c. violet

b. petal d. buttercup

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VII. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Founding Fathers

by Kimberly M. Hutmacher

Have you ever heard of the term, “Founding Fathers?” You may have wondered just

who these men were and what they did to earn this title. Not everyone agrees on who

should be given this title, but generally speaking, our Founding Fathers were the

statesmen who worked to secure our independence from Great Britain in 1776. Our

Founding Fathers founded our nation and designed our democratic form of

government that still exists today, over 200 years later.

The Founding Fathers wrote two very important documents from our history. The first

was the Declaration of Independence, which declared our independence from Great

Britain. The other was the United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights,

which formed our new government. No document has been more quoted, more

discussed, or more imitated.

Some of the more well-known Founding Fathers include George Washington, Thomas

Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. The United States of America was

founded because these men, along with others, believed that individuals had the right,

as the Declaration of Independence states, to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of


Tell whether each statement is true or false.

_________________ 1. The Founding Fathers were among the first people to live in America.

_________________ 2. The Founding Fathers determined how our government works.

_________________ 3. Abraham Lincoln was one of America's Founding Fathers.

_________________ 4. George Washington was one of America's Founding Fathers.

_________________ 5. The Declaration of Independence states that all people have a right

to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

_________________ 6. The Founding Fathers lived over 200 years ago.

_________________ 7. The Founding Fathers worked to secure America's independence

from Great Britain.

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VIII. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

The Liberty Bell

The Liberty Bell, located in Pennsylvania, changed the world on July 8, 1776. It rang

out from the tower of Independence Hall.

It was used to summon the citizens to hear the first reading of the Declaration of

Independence by Colonel John Nixon. In the 1800s, the Liberty Bell became a symbol

for ending slavery in America.

The Liberty Bell is famous for its large crack. People don't know when the crack first

appeared on the bell. The crack got worse over time and people didn't want the bell to

break apart.

In order to preserve it, it was decided that the Liberty Bell should never again be used.

The bell hasn't been rung since Washington’s birthday in 1842.

Answer each question with a complete sentence.

1. What was the date the Liberty Bell changed history?


2. What is the name of the tower where the bell was located?


3. When did the crack first appear in the bell?


4. Why isn't the bell rung any more?


5. Why did the bell become famous in the 1800s?


6. What does the word summon mean?


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IX. Read the poem and answer the following questions

To The Ferry

by B.J. Lee

Down we go to Shawshung ferry

just beyond Van Doren’s dairy.

The man says, “It’ll be awhile,”

so into the dairy we all pile

and have ourselves an ice cream cone.

That’s when we hear the ferry’s drone.

We run outside down to the slip.

The ferry’s gone; we’ve missed our trip.

Our mouths turn down; it’s been our dream,

then we go have some more ice cream.

1. Why do the people in this poem decide to buy ice cream?

a. Because there is an ice cream stand on the ferry

b. Because they just finished dinner

c. Because they have extra time before the ferry arrives

d. Because they want to see Mr. Van Doren

2. What is a dairy?

a. a book where you write secrets

b. place where ice cream and milk products are made or sold

c. a large steamboat

d. place where a ferry stops

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3. What is a ferry?

a. a magical, flying, human-like creature

b. an ice cream shop near water

c. a boat that brings food

d. a boat that carries people or automobiles

4. What does the word slip mean in this poem?

a. place where boats dock

b. to fall down

c. to arrive late

d. the bottom of a hill

5. Write four sentences to describe the plot of this poem.






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X. Read the following passage and answer the questions that



Bees are insects. Bees are special insects because they can fly! They can move through

the air like an airplane! Bees can fly because they have wings. They use their wings to

fly. Bees can fly fast. Bees can also fly slow. They can fly up and they can fly down.

They need to fly to get to the flowers!

Bees can have three colors. They can be yellow, red, and orange. All bees are black in

some places. Bees have three main parts. They have a head. They have a body. And,

they have a stinger. The stinger is used to defend against enemies. They also have six

legs. They use their legs to stand and climb. They also use their legs to eat and collect

pollen. Bees live in many places. They live in Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe, North

America, South America. The only continent that bees do not live on is Antarctica! I

understand why they don’t live in Antarctica. It’s too cold! Most of the time, bees are

nice to humans. If you do not bother them, they will not bother you. Have fun watching

the bees this summer!


1) What are bees?

A. Mammals

B. Birds

C. Reptiles

D. Insects

2) How do bees fly?

A. They use their legs.

B. They use their head.

C. They use their wings.

D. None of the above.

3) How many legs do bees have?

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A. Two

B. Four

C. Six

D. Eight

4) What is the stinger used for?

A. To eat food.

B. To defend against enemies.

C. Both A and B.

D. None of the above.

5) Where do bees live?

A. North America

B. Asia

C. Antarctica

D. Both A and B


1) Bees are special.. This means…

A. bees are normal.

B. bees are regular.

C. bees are unusual.

D. bees are average.

2) Bees can fly.. Thiis means…

A. bees can move through the air.

B. bees can dig in the ground.

C. bees can see very far.

D. bees can swim through the water.

3) What is the opposite of defend?

A. Run

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B. Hide

C. Protect

D. Attack

4) What is a continent?

A. A large piece of connected land.

B. A large river.

C. A small part of the ocean.

D. A swamp.

5) If you bother something,, you…

A. make it angry.

B. make it get upset.

C. make it mad.

D. All of the above.

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XI. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-

“Abraham Lincoln”

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky. A cabin is

a small house made of wood. When he was seven years old, his family moved to

Indiana. In 1830, the family moved to Illinois. As a boy, Abraham Lincoln loved books.

He always borrowed books from his neighbors. He read them for a short time and then

took them back to their owners. He grew very tall. He was 6’4” tall. He weighed 180


Abe Lincoln studied law in his free time. He was also interested in politics. He ran for

political office. He lost in 1832. Later, he was elected to the Illinois legislature 4 times –

in 1834, 1836, 1938, and 1940. People in the legislature make the laws. He became

president of the United States in 1861. He was the 16th president of the U.S. There was

a war between the North and the South in the U.S. It was the Civil War. Lincoln called

men to fight for the North. The North won the war. There were slaves in the South.

Slaves work for no money. They must work. They are not free to do what they want.

Lincoln set the slaves free in 1863. He let them go so they did not have to be slaves

anymore. Lincoln is famous for that.


1) Where was Lincoln born?

A. Illinois

B. Indiana

C. Kentucky

D. Tennessee

2) Lincoln moved to Indiana at age…

A. 4.

B. 6.

C. 7.

D. 12.

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3) What did Lincoln do in his free time?

A. He helped his neighbors.

B. He enjoyed running.

C. He studied wars.

D. He studied law.

4) When did Lincoln become president?

A. 1838

B. 1840

C. 1861

D. 1863

5) Abraham Lincoln was the _____president of the United States..

A. 1st

B. 6th

C. 12th

D. 16th


1) A cabin is a…

A. hospital.

B. forest.

C. house.

D. None of the above

2) To borrow means…

A. to use for awhile and then return.

B. to trade one thing for another.

C. to steal.

D. to buy.

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3) Politics is the study of…

A. government.

B. war.

C. law.

D. None of the above

4) What is anotther word for elected?

A. Driven

B. Forced

C. Chosen

D. Ordered

5) The legislature is the part of government which…

A. judges people.

B. makes the new laws.

C. tells people to follow laws.

D. All of the above.

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XII. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-

“Benjamin Franklin”

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. He came from a big

family. He had 16 brothers and sisters. When Benjamin was 15, his brother started the

first Boston newspaper. It was called The New England Courant. He worked for the

newspaper for a short time, but he was not happy. So, he went to Philadelphia and

worked as a printer. In 1729, he bought a newspaper business. The newspaper was the

Pennsylvania Gazette. He was very busy. In 1733, he started publliishiing Poor

Richard’s Almanac. His pen name (the name he used as an author) was Richard

Saunders. This book came out every year. Almanacs have information about weather

and crops. They also have wiise sayings. The wise saying “A penny saved is a penny

earned” comes from Poor Richard’s Almanac. Benjamin Franklin was also an inventor.

In 1743 he invented a very good stove called the Franklin stove. He invented swim fins.

He invented bifocal glasses. He also invented the first odometer. He rettiired from his

newspaper busiiness in 1749. He stopped working on it. Then he became busy with

science. Benjamin Franklin was also very interested in American politics. He helped

Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, he and other people

signed the Declaration of Independence. Franklin died on April 17, 1790. He was 84

years old.


1) Which newspaper did Ben Franklin buy?

A. The New England Courant

B. The New England Gazette

C. Pennsylvania Courant

D. Pennsylvania Gazette

2) What was Ben Franklin’s pen name?

A. Richard Franklin

B. Richard Saunders

C. Thomas Jefferson

D. Benjamin Saunders

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3) He started publishing his almanac in…

A. 1729.

B. 1733.

C. 1743.

D. 1749.

4) What did Ben Franklin invent?

A. Electricity

B. Swim suits

C. Bifocals

D. Both B and C are correct.

5) What diid Franklin write width Jefferson?

A. The Declaration of Independence

B. The New England Courant

C. Poor Richard’s Almanac

D. The Pennsylvania Gazette


1) Publishing means…

A. printing for many people to read.

B. selling in a large store.

C. inventing things.

D. giving advice.

2) Wise means…

A. intelligent.

B. sweet.

C. kind.

B. ridiculous.

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3) What is another way to say retired?

A. Earned

B. Helped write

C. Became busy

D. Stopped working

4) What is a business?

A. A service or trade which earns money

B. A person who signs with others

C. A workers‟ group

D. None of the above.

5) When Franklin signed the Declaration…

A. he helped write it.

B. he wrote his name on it.

C. he wrote a wise saying in it.

D. Both A and C are correct.

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XIII. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-

“Ice Fishing”

The first tip for a good day of ice fishing is to wear the right clothes. You should dress

in layers. Wear 2 or 3 shirts, so you can take off a layer when you are warm. Wear a

face mask, a warm hat with ear flaps over your ears, and warm gloves and boots. The

second tip is to stay warm. Some people put up cloth tents when they go ice fishing.

Some people own small ice houses where they can stay warm. You can use a small

heater inside the tent or outside on the ice. Be sure to take a hot drink like hot

chocolate. You should move around to stay warm. Some people take ice skates. The

third tip is to check the ice. Look at it carefully. The ice must be 4 or more inches thick.

This is the ice rule: “Thick and blue, tried and true. Thin and crispy, way too risky.”

Thick ice is safe for ice fishing. Thin ice is dangerous. The fourth tip is to take the right

tools. You need to drill a hole in the ice with an ice drill. Then make the hole bigger

with a chopping tool, like an ax. You need to carry your bait in a bait bucket. Use

worms or small fish for bait. You need a chair to sit on. Take a folding chair so you can

carry it easily. Be sure to take your fish hooks and fishing rod! Pull all your tools on a

sled. Take your cell phone. You might need to call for help. The fifth tip is to have a

great time!


1) You need ear flaps over your ears to…

A. keep water out of your ears.

B. protect your ears from noise.

C. keep your ears warm.

D. Both A and B are correct.

2) You should move around to…

A. keep warm in the cold weather.

B. keep from falling in the water.

C. scare the large animals away.

D. make the fish come to you.

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3) How should you check the ice?

A. Look at the ice carefully.

B. Chop a hole in the ice.

C. Drill a hole in the ice.

D. Skate on the ice.

4) What can you use for bait?

A. Hot chocolate

B. Small fish

C. Worms

D. Both B and C are correct.

5) How thick must the ice be?

A. 2 inches

B. 3 inches

C. 4 inches

D. 5 inches


1) Tents are…

A. hats

B. boots

C. heaters

D. shelters

2) Another way to say check is…

A. look over carefully.

B. cut with an ax.

C. follow the rule.

D. use the right tool.

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3) Something that is risky is…

A. safe.

B. thick.

C. crispy.

D. dangerous.

4) What is bait?

A. Something the fish want to eat

B. A kind of pail or bucket

C. Something to sit on

D. None of the above.

5) A folding chair is a chair that…

A. you should take ice fishing.

B. you can fold to make smaller.

C. you can carry easily.

D. All of the above.

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XIV. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:-


The first flags were probably in China. People flew flags in China over 4,000 years ago.

Each part of the army had its own flag so the soldiers could see their leaders. Early

flags were sticks of wood. They had pictures cut into the wood. Iran had metal flags

about 3,000 years ago. Old Greek coins show pictures of flags. People in Rome also

used flags over 2,000 years ago. People first made flags of cloth about 2,000 years ago.

Those flags looked like today’s flags. Flags are important at sea. Most ships fly their

own country’s flag and the flag of the country they are visiting. When a ship flies only

its own flag, it is ready to fight. Every country now has a flag. Every U.S. state has a

flag. Clubs, teams, and schools have flags. The Olympics has a flag. The Olympics flag

has five rings of five colors. Each ring stands for, or

represents, a continent. It means that people from five continents – Africa, Asia,

Europe, North America, and South America – come to play. Railway lines also use

flags. Railway flags tell the trains what to do. For example, a red flag tells the train to

stop, just like a stop sign. A blue, white, or green flag tells the train that it can go. A

blue flag on the side of a train means someone is working on the train. It means nobody

can move the train.


1) The first flags were made of…

A. wood

B. cloth

C. rings

D. metal

2) How many flags do most ships fly?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

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3) The Olympics flag has…

A. five rings

B. five colors

C. five countries

D. Both A and B are correct.

4) A white flag tells a train that…

A. it can go.

B. it should stop.

C. it has to be careful.

D. nobody can move the train.

5) People flew the first flags…

A. less than 2,000 years ago.

B. about 2,000 years ago.

C. about 3,000 years ago

D. more than 4,000 years ago.


1) Another word for cloth is…

A. color.

B. fabric.

C. metal.

D. wood.

2) Ships are…

A. boats.

B. coins.

C. flags.

D. teams.

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3) Anotther way to say represents is…

A. flies.

B. visits.

C. works on.

D. stands for.

4) Continents are…

A. countries.

B. kinds of games.

C. large pieces of land.

D. pictures cut in wood.

5) If you tell someone information you…

A. receive information from them.

B. want information from them.

C. take information from them.

D. give information to them.

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Circle the adjective in each sentence. Then, tell what noun the adjective is describing.

1. The shiny spaceship landed in my yard.

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

2. An alien with big eyes walked out of the ship.

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

3. It waved its tiny hand in the air.

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

4. The alien said, “Earth is such a beautiful planet.”

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

5. A brown rabbit hopped into the yard and scared the alien.

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

6. The frightened alien ran back into its spaceship and blasted off.

The adjective ____________ describes _________________.

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An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

The word tall is an adjective. It describes the noun, man.

Directions: In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun.

1. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle.

2. Maddie put the golden key in the lock.

3. Today is the fifth day of January.

4. The baby birds flew from the nest.

5. Joe's truck has a flat tire.

Directions: Circle the adjective in each sentence. Underline the noun that it describes.

6. I am holding a marker in my left hand.

7. Patricia played beautiful music on her guitar.

8. Has anyone read Caitlyn's latest story?

9. The sly fox outsmarted the chicken.

10. Miguel ordered a large Coke.

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I. Fill in the blank with correct adverb.

1. The speaker looks angry. He is banging the__________

2. Yesterday, there was a football match. Roy was a bad player. He played_______

3. Terry is a dangerous driver. He drives________

4. Carla is impatient. Carla is waiting for her friend________

5. He answered the teacher________ , so he was punished.

6. She entered the room_________ so that she would not wake the baby up.

7. If you walk so__________ you will miss the bus.

8. Do you think he died___________

9. There was an accident in my street yesterday; a car hit a boy who was __________


10. She reads the text _________ before answering.

II. Use an adverb to modify how a person performs an action or activity.

1. He plays tennis excellently

2. He moves gracefully.

3. He can easily outsmart his opponent.

4. He will play defensively in tomorrow's game.

5. He appears professionally at fundraisers

III. Complete the sentences.

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1. The cheetah runs.....

2. The boy speaks......

3. The boy shouts......

4. The old woman rides her bike......

5. The man looks at the cake.....

6. The man is walking..........

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IV. Circle the correct word.

1. The weather is extremely hot/hotly today.

2. It hasn‟t real/really rained this year.

3. We get a few minutes of light/lightly drizzle and then it‟s all over.

4. You can hard/hardly call it rain.

5. Sometimes the clouds gather and the skies darken dramatic/dramatically.

6. But then a sharp/sharply cool breeze starts up and blows the clouds away.

7. If only it would ran hard/hardly for about an hour!

V. Insert the adverbs gives in brackets in the correct place and rewrite the sentences.

1. The sun shone down on the plains. (brightly)


2. A cold wind whistled trough the pines. (musically)


3. The hail rattled on the tin roof. (noisily)


4. The dahlias had been bent by the wind. (low)


5. He walked on the beach for exercise. (briskly)


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Simple Past Tense

Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.

Example: She ______ her mother in the kitchen. (to help)

Answer: She helped her mother in the kitchen.

1) They something to drink. (to order)

2) Last summer I to Stuttgart. (to go)

3) She her homework in the afternoon. (to do)

4) He to 10. (to count)

5) Our cat a big mouse. (to catch)

6) In 2001 our class a trip to Norwich. (to make)

7) The weather really nice. (to be)

8) The secretary the file yesterday. (to delete)

9) Paul nothing to me. (to say)

10) The people something to each other. (to whisper)

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Past Progressive (Continuous) Tense

Put in the verb in brackets into the gaps and form affirmative sentences.

Example: Eddie __________ a comic. (to read)

Answer: Eddie was reading a comic.

1) She hockey. (to play)

2) They in the pool. (to swim)

3) It . (to rain)

4) We to music. (to listen)

5) The mobile . (to ring)

6) The students . (to text)

7) Max with two girls. (to dance)

8) I in front of the shop. (to wait)

9) The cat in the basket. (to sleep)

10) He Gerry's bike. (to repair)

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Past Perfect

Put the words in brackets into the gaps. Use the verbs in the Past Perfect.

Example: Alex couldn't go for a walk because he ______________ his leg. (to break)

Answer: Alex couldn't go for a walk because he had broken his leg.

1) When I arrived at the restaurant, Victoria a glass of water. (already/to


2) He noticed that Peter the old chair. (not/to paint)

3) Before Emma laid the table, she a talk with her mother. (to have)

4) She asked me if I the new words. (to learn)

5) There were no sausages left when I came back. The dog them. (to eat)

6) It for three weeks, so the land was dry. (not/to rain)

7) I did not wait for my brother because I his text message. (to read)

8) Linda to a magic show before yesterday evening. (never/to be)

9) She told me that Frank his room. (not/to tidy)

10) his hamster before he left his house? (Jack/to feed)

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Phrasal Verbs

1 Choose the best meaning of the phrasal verb from the words in the box.

1. pick on (a) collect (b) recognize (c) criticize (d) take

2. put away (a) forget (b) send to prison (c) substitute (d) criticize

3. cut back (a) stop (b) remove (c) reconnect (d) reduce spending

4. loosen up (a) relax (b) untie (c) prepare (d) allow

5. pour down (a) be honest (b) rain (c) appear (d) leave

6. pop off (a) appear (b) explode (c) leave (d) forget

2 Use the phrasal verbs in Exercise 4 to fill the gaps in the sentences below. Use the

correct form of the verb.

1. It ........................ for most of the summer this year.

2. They ........................... for two years for their part in the crime.

3. I‟ve got to ........................... now. I‟ve got a dentist appointment at 3.

4. They always ............................ her because she‟s the smallest.

5. He was quite nervous at first but soon ..........................

6. We‟re going to have to .......................... next year with only one salary.

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3. Some phrasal verbs have the same form but more than one meaning. Look at the

sentences below. Match each of them with the more likely meaning a or b.

1. New hotels and apartments are going up all along the coast.

a The buildings along the coast are exploding.

b New buildings are being built along the coast.

2. They fell out over a stupid argument.

a They aren‟t friendly with each other any more because they had an


b They fell out of the house when they had an argument.

3. It was so hot in the stadium that I thought I was going to pass out.

a I felt faint because of the heat in the stadium.

b It was too hot in the stadium so I decided to leave.

4. Her father set her up with her own flat when she left college

a Her father tricked her into buying a flat.

b Her father gave her the money to buy a flat.

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Use of For and Since

1. It's been raining lunchtime.

2. Tom's father has been doing the same job 20 years

3. Have you been learning English a long time ?

4. Sarah has lived in London 1985.

5. Christmas, the weather has been quite good.

6. Please hurry up! We've been waiting an hour.

7. Kevin has been looking for a job he left school.

8. The house is very dirty. We haven't cleaned it ages.

9. I haven't had a good meal last Tuesday.

10. I haven't seen Tom three days.

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Use of For and Since

1. I have stayed in Algeria six months.

2. She has stayed at Mary's Friday.

3. I have been an English teacher 2000.

4. They have learnt English ten years.

5. I have been her friend yesterday.

6. It has rained lunch time.

7. She has not seen her friends a long time.

8. I have waited for you five minutes.

9. They haven't gone to the seaside July.

10. Susan has started a new job last week.