Welcome The vision in EC4 is to provide an inclusive, safe and supportive environment through play-based learning and intentional teaching. We aim to provide a holistic education, focusing on addressing the emotional, social, physical and academic development of every child. This involves providing hands-on educational experiences for students to explore the world around them in a safe and supportive environment. The Kindy program will be based on developmental needs of the students using the Australian Curriculum, WA Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, and the Early Years Learning Framework. These are divided into five learning areas: I have a strong sense of identity, I am connected and contribute to my world, I have a strong sense of wellbeing, I am a confident and involved learner, I am an effective communicator. Attendance Regular attendance is important and maximises the opportunities for student learning. Any absences from the school must be explained by one of the following: Via email at: [email protected] Responding to an SMS absence notification. Phone the school ASAP on 9076 2800. Written and dated note sent in via your child. Under Dept of Education policy, absences during the term time for an extended holiday (i.e. more than three days) must be approved by the principal beforehand, and should only be taken due to unavoidable circumstances. A Holiday Request form can obtained from the school office. Communication I can be contacted in the following ways: Email – [email protected] Phone call via school – 9076 2800 Arranged meeting time – these can be arranged every day except Wednesday after school SeeSaw – our communication App which can be downloaded on your mobile device. You will have access to your child’s digital learning portfolio. It is also used as a place to contact the teachers. In case of emergencies please contact the school directly. Teachers Miss Lauren McWilliam Mrs Amanda Pratt (Wednesday) Education Assistants Karen Greenfield Kath Kiel Jodie Beardsmore Class Policy Room EC4

Class Policy Room EC4 - castletownprimaryschool.wa.edu.au

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The vision in EC4 is to provide an inclusive, safe and supportive environment through play-based learning and intentional teaching. We aim to provide a holistic education, focusing on addressing the emotional, social, physical and academic development of every child. This involves providing hands-on educational experiences for students to explore the world around them in a safe and supportive environment. The Kindy program will be based on developmental needs of the students using the Australian Curriculum, WA Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines, and the Early Years Learning Framework. These are divided into five learning areas: I have a strong sense of identity, I am connected and contribute to my world, I have a strong sense of wellbeing, I am a confident and involved learner, I am an effective communicator.


Regular attendance is important and maximises the opportunities for student learning. Any absences from the school must be explained by one of the following:

Via email at: [email protected]

Responding to an SMS absence notification.

Phone the school ASAP on 9076 2800.

Written and dated note sent in via your child.

Under Dept of Education policy, absences during the term time for an extended holiday (i.e. more than three days) must be approved by the principal beforehand, and should only be taken due to unavoidable circumstances. A Holiday Request form can obtained from the school office.


I can be contacted in the following ways:

Email – [email protected]

Phone call via school – 9076 2800

Arranged meeting time – these can be arranged every day except Wednesday after school

SeeSaw – our communication App which can be downloaded on your mobile device. You will have access to your child’s digital learning portfolio. It is also used as a place to contact the teachers. In case of emergencies please contact the school directly.

Teachers Miss Lauren McWilliam

Mrs Amanda Pratt (Wednesday)

Education Assistants Karen Greenfield

Kath Kiel Jodie Beardsmore

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Class Policy –

Room EC4

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The Virtues Project

A virtue is a quality of character that allows you to behave and interact in a positive and meaningful way in society. What is the Virtues Project? The Virtues Project at Castletown Primary School is a layer of our Positive Behaviour programs that helps students and teachers create a total environment of caring and respect by focusing in on positive character traits. The Virtues Project is important because virtues are present in all cultures and they build and promote the growth of a child’s character.

Promoting Positive Behaviour In Kindy we have a focus on teaching children how to make good choices. Social development directly affects all the areas of learning. One of my main goals for students is to be happy, confident learners who can solve problems and work collaboratively with others. Being able to make good choices when they are alone and interacting with others is a BIG part of that. This is where Green and Red Choices come in. It enables us to talk about how making green or red choices makes them feel or others feel. At Castletown PS we like to Catch 'em being good! - The strongest influence on shaping the positive behaviour of our Castletown kids is to promote, reinforce and incentivise the behaviour we want to see. These target behaviours are set out in the School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix above. Our class will begin using the CPS Choices Check-In Chart as a visual system to promote and track behavior. Students each have an individual peg that links onto the chart. When children move up the chart they receive stickers to place on their sticker chart. When they have received 5 stickers they can choose a prize.

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Reporting and Assessment

Assessment will take place continually throughout the year. Each child will have a learning portfolio which will reflect their learning and assessment throughout the year. In addition to this, two formal reports will be sent home in Term 2 and Term 4. During Term 1 the children will also participate in the KAT (Kindergarten Assessment Tool) comprehension test. As part of the whole school literacy program (Promoting Literacy Development) the students will complete an assessment each term.

We will be having a parent open night later in the year. - Parent Information Night for our class is Tuesday 18th Feb 2020 at 6:30pm. - Parent Open Night, Term 3 – TBC - Families are welcome to come into your child’s classroom in the mornings and view their work and efforts displayed.

Crunch & Sip

Crunch & Sip is a primary school nutrition program, developed to increase the quantities of vegetables, fruits and water being consumed by Western Australian children. It is an easy way to help kids stay healthy and happy. Please provide your child fresh fruit and/or vegetables daily, cut up and stored in a container.

Timetable/Class Routine

Physical Education We do KIDDO sport with Mr Damien Pansini on Wednesdays

Indonesian Mrs Florisson has Group A on Monday 9:50-10:40 and Group B on Friday 9:50-10:40

All subjects such as English, Maths, Science, Art, Music and Movement are all integrated throughout the day. Our doors open at 8:35am. Please read the whiteboard outside the classroom with your child and discuss what we will be doing during the day. To develop independence, the students are encouraged to get out their fruit, water bottle, lunch box and hat and place in their pigeonholes. This is to be completed before choosing an activity on the tables or mat. The school siren sounds at 3:00pm for dismissal. Kindy children will often be let out of class around 2:55pm to allow parents time to collect older children if they need. Please try to be punctual to avoid any undue stress to your child. If another adult is collecting your child on any particular day, please inform the teacher and write this information in our communication book near the door on arrival in the morning.


Castletown Primary School Board has established a dress code for all students which can be found on the school website. Broad-brim hats must be worn by students during recess and lunch play. The uniform shop is in the New Undercover Area and is now open on some non-assembly Friday mornings, 8:30am to 9:30am. To check dates, please read the latest school newsletter or look on the P&C Facebook page.

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The students sit together during fruit, recess and lunch. Please check your child can open and close their lunch boxes. We encourage the students to eat a healthy and nutritious lunch. We appreciate parents’ support in keeping our school nut aware, as we have a number of students with severe allergies to peanuts, nut products and nut derivates.


Open on Monday, Thursday and Friday. The menu can be found on our website. Lunches can be ordered on Quickcliq https://www.quickcliq.com.au/ Lunches are collected from the canteen and brought to the classroom. Unfortunately Kindy children are not able to order recess snacks or ice-creams.

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Awareness

Food allergies are the most common cause of anaphylaxis. There is no cure for food allergy, therefore avoidance of known food allergens is crucial. Peanuts and tree nuts are the foods most likely to cause anaphylaxis. We also have students with severe allergies to fish, egg and dairy products. The school is supporting children at risk of anaphylaxis by:

training staff,

encouraging children to wash their hands after eating,

educating children about food allergies, and

choosing not to sell foods in the school canteen which have peanuts or tree nuts (e.g. hazelnuts, cashews, almonds etc) or fish in the main ingredients list. We ask you to support children at risk of anaphylaxis by:

not sending food which has peanuts or tree nuts (eg hazelnuts, cashews, almonds etc) in the main ingredients list. Also, for students in Kindergarten or Pre-Primary, not sending fish. Note: products containing traces of peanuts or tree nuts can be sent to school.

teaching your child not to share food with friends that have food allergy,

encouraging your child to wash their hands after eating,

asking your child to get help immediately if their allergic schoolmate gets sick With your help we can provide a safe environment that meets the needs of all our children.

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Looking forward to a

great year in Kindy!

Bus Students

The Kindy children will be delivered to and from their bus lines every morning and afternoon by the Bus Warden, Pauline. If your child is not travelling home on the bus, please let the school know via a phone call or written letter so that the Kindy staff can be notified in a timely manner. Please no Seesaw messages about bus changes on the day as we often will not check Seesaw before the end of the day.

Parent Help

We greatly value parent support and help in our classroom. However, the first few weeks of schooling is a time where children are settling, establishing the rules and learning the new routine. Once we begin learning rotations a roster will be displayed outside the classroom for parents to place their name on the date and time which suits them. On the day you do not need to sign in through the office. You can come straight to class where we are able to sign you in using the iPad and give you a visitor’s lanyard.

Castletown Primary School

••• 43 Easton Road

••• (08) 9076 2800

••• E: [email protected]

••• WEB:

Castletownprimaryschool.wa.edu.au •••

Find us on Facebook


While there is no formal homework in Kindergarten, throughout the year we may send home activities and resources to support your child’s learning. Later in the year this will include a nursery rhyme book, a Reading Eggs password to access the program at home and Literacy library bags to promote shared reading with your child.


Our goal is to develop independence in each and every student. You are able to support your child at home by encouraging them to:

Dress themselves (clothing and shoes) Open and close containers Carry out 2 and 3 step instructions Pack and unpack their school bag Tidy up toys and activities at home Take turns and share with others