Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures Class Numbers, Continued Fractions, and the Hilbert Modular Group Jordan Schettler University of California, Santa Barbara 11/8/2013

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

Class Numbers, Continued Fractions, and theHilbert Modular Group

Jordan Schettler

University of California, Santa Barbara


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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures


1 Motivation

2 The Hilbert Modular Group

3 Resolution of the Cusps

4 Signatures

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures


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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

‘Minus’ Continued Fractions

Let α ∈ R\Q. Then ∃unique continued fraction expansion

α = [[b0; b1,b2, . . .]] := b0 −1

b1 −1

b2 − · · ·

where b0 ∈ Z and b1,b2, . . . ∈ Z>1.

(b0,b1, . . .) is eventually periodic⇔ α is algebraic of degree 2.

Note: [[2; 2,2, . . .]] = 1, so we must have bk ≥ 3 for∞ly many k

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

“An Amusing Connection”

Let ` > 3 be a prime such that ` ≡ 3 (mod 4). Then√` = [[b0; b1, . . . ,bm]]

where m = minimal period is even, bm = 2b0 and

(b1,b2, . . . ,bm−1) = (bm−1,bm−2, . . . ,b1).

Theorem (Hirzebruch)

If Q(√`) has class number 1, the class number of Q(

√−`) is

h(−`) =13


(bk − 3).

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

The Hilbert Modular Group

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures


H = {z ∈ C : =(z) > 0}

GL+2 (R) acts on H via Möbius transformations:(

a bc d

)· z =

az + bcz + d

The action induces an isomorphism between the group ofbiholomorphic maps H → H and the group

PL+2 (R) = GL+

2 (R)/{(

a 00 a

): a ∈ R×


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Fix an integer n ≥ 1, and consider Hn = H×H× · · · × H︸ ︷︷ ︸n times


(PL+2 (R))n acts on Hn component-wise.

∃SES1→ (PL+

2 (R))n → An → Sn → 1

where An = group of biholomorphic maps Hn → Hn andSn = a symmetric group.

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures


F = number field of degree n over Q

Assume F is totally real: ∃n distinct embeddings

F ↪→ R : x 7→ x (j) for j = 1, . . . ,n

GL+2 (F ) = {A ∈ GL2(F ) : det(A)(j) > 0,∀j = 1, . . . ,n}

We use the embeddings to view

PL+2 (F ) ⊂ (PL+

2 (R))n

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures


OF = ring of integers of F

We define the Hilbert modular group

G = SL2(OF )/{±1} ⊂ PL+2 (F )

G is a discrete, irreducible subgroup of (PL+2 (R))n

More generally, let Γ denote any discrete, irreduciblesubgroup of (PL+

2 (R))n such that

[G : Γ] :=[G : G ∩ Γ]

[Γ : G ∩ Γ]<∞

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With coordinates zj = xj + iyj on Hn, ∃Gauss-Bonnet form:

ω =(−1)n

(2π)n ·dx1 ∧ dy1


∧ · · · ∧ dxn ∧ dyn


Theorem (Siegel)


∫ω = [G : Γ] · 2ζF (−1) ∈ Q

where ζF (s) is the Dedekind zeta function of F .

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Define the isotropy group at z ∈ Hn by

Γz = {γ ∈ Γ : γ · z = z}

Let am(Γ) = # of Γ-orbits of points z with |Γz | = m

Every Γz is finite cyclic, and∑

m≥2 am(Γ) <∞.

TheoremHn/Γ is a non-compact complex analytic space with finitelymany “quotient” singularities and Euler characteristic

χ(Hn/Γ) =


∫ω +


am(Γ)m − 1


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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

The n = 1 Case

If n = 1, then F = Q and G = SL2(Z)/{±1}

∃biholomorphism j : H/G→ C

1 = χ(C) = χ(H/G) = 2ζ(−1) +12


= 1

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

The n = 1 Case Continued

For n = 1 we could take Γ = Γ0(N), a congruence subgroup oflevel N

non-compact Riemann surface H/Γ = Y0(N)

compact Riemann surface X0(N) = Y0(N) ∪ {cusps} where

{cusps} = ({∞} ∪Q)/Γ0(N)

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

Back to General Case

If Γ ⊆ G, we can compactify Hn/Γ by adding “cusps” P1(K )/Γwhere we view

P1(K ) ⊂ ({∞} ∪ R)n = ∂Hn

Theorem∃bijection {cusps of Hn/G} ↔ class group C of F :

orbit of [α, β] ∈ P1(K ) with α, β ∈ OF 7→ ideal class of (α, β)

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

From now on take n = 2, so F = Q(√

d) for a squarefree d > 1.

OF =


d ] if d ≡ 2,3 (mod 4)




]if d ≡ 1 (mod 4)

O×F = {±1} × εZ

H2/G is a Hilbert modular surface.

The # of cusps = the class number h(d) of Q(√


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The number of quotient singularities of H2/G is related to theclass numbers of imaginary quadratic fields.

Theorem (Prestel)

For d > 6 and (d ,6) = 1,

a2(G) =

10h(−d) if d ≡ 3 (mod 8)4h(−d) if d ≡ 7 (mod 8)h(−d) if d ≡ 1 (mod 4)

a3(G) = h(−3d), am(G) = 0 for m > 3.

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Suppose d ≡ 1 (mod 12). Then

2ζF (−1) =1




b odd


(d − b4



where σ1(m) = sum of divisors of m.


30χ(H2/G) = 2∑


db odd


(d − b4


)+ 15h(−d) + 20h(−3d)

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

Resolution of the Cusps

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Motivation The Hilbert Modular Group Resolution of the Cusps Signatures

Consider a cusp of H2/G with representative x ∈ P1(F ).

Translate the cusp to infinity:

ρx =∞ = (∞,∞)

for some ρ ∈ (PL+2 (R))2.

∃deleted closed neighborhoods for∞, x :

W (r) = {(x1 + iy1, x2 + iy2) ∈ H2 : y1y2 ≥ r}

U(r) = ρ−1W (r)

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We can choose r � 0 so that

U(r)/G = U(r)/Gx ≈W (r)/ρGxρ−1 ⊆ H2/ρGxρ


There is a SES

1→ M → ρGxρ−1 → V → 1

where M is a fractional ideal and V = {u2 : u ∈ O×F }.

The narrow ideal class of M is uniquely determined by the cusp(indep. of ρ), and we may choose ρ such that

ρGxρ−1 = G(M,V ) = {( v m

0 1 ) : v ∈ V ,m ∈ M}

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The quotient space H2/G(M,V ) is a complex manifold.

We can compactify

H2/G(M,V ) = H2/G(M,V ) ∪ {∞}

to obtain a complex analytic space with a singularity at∞.

We now show how M,V are determined and how to resolve thesingularity at∞.

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The narrow class group C+ = fractional ideals modulo strictequivalence: a ∼ b⇔ a = λb for some totally positive λ ∈ F

For a fractional ideal a of F , a 7→ a−2 induces a homomorphism

Sq : C → C+

where C+ is the narrow class group of F

Hence to each cusp corresponding to an ideal class a, we havean associated narrow ideal class C = Sq(a).

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Every narrow ideal class C ∈ C+ contains an ideal of the form

M = Z + wZ

with w ∈ K and w > 1 > w ′ > 0 (w ′ = Galois conjugate).

This implies w has a purely periodic continued fraction:

w = [[b0; b1, . . . ,bm−1]]

where m = minimal period. (Note: all bk ≥ 2 and bj > 2 some j)

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The cycle ((b0,b1, . . . ,bm−1)) (defined up to cyclic permutation)depends only on C ∈ C+.

We define bk by extension using periodicity for all k ∈ Z.

For each k ∈ Z take Rk = C2 with coordinates (uk , vk ).


ϕk : R′k → R′′k+1 : (uk , vk ) 7→ (ubkk vk ,1/uk )

where R′k = Rk\{uk = 0} and R′′k+1 = Rk+1\{vk+1 = 0}.

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Take the disjoint union ∪kRk and identify R′k with R′′k+1 via ϕk .

This gives a complex manifold Y of dimension 2 with chartsψk : Rk → C2 given by coordinates (uk , vk )

∃curves Sk in Y given by uk+1 = 0 in Rk+1 (and vk = 0 in Rk ).

By construction, Sk · Sk+1 = 1 while Sk · Sj = 0 for k < j + 1,and we can compute the self-intersections:

Sk · Sk = −bk

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M acts freely on C2 via λ · (z1, z2) = (z1 + λ, z2 + λ′)

Note that

Y −⋃k∈Z

Sk = {(u0, v0) : u0 6= 0 6= v0},

so the map

2πiz1 = w log(u0) + log(v0)

2πiz2 = w ′log(u0) + log(v0)

induces a biholomorphism

Φ: Y −⋃k∈Z

Sk −→ C2/M

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Define A0 = 1 and inductively Ak+1 = w−1k+1Ak where

wk+1 = [[bk+1,bk+2, . . . ,bk+m]]

Then Am generates the group U+ of totally positive units, andAcm = Ac

m generates V = (O×F )2 where c = [U+ : V ] ∈ {1,2}.

The group V acts on Y + = Φ−1(H2/M) ∪⋃

k∈Z Sk :

(Acm)n sends (uk , vk ) in the k th coordinate system to the pointwith the same coordinates in the (k + ncm)th coordinatesystem.

Under the action, Sk is mapped by (Acm)n to the curve Sk+ncm

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Y + is an open submanifold of Y with a free and properlydiscontinuous action of V .

Y ((b0, . . . ,bcm−1)) = Y +/V is a complex manifold

∃cycle of curves S0,S1, . . . ,Scm−1 with intersection matrix

−b0 1 0 · · · 0 11 −b1 1 0 · · · 00 1 −b2 1 0 · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·0 · · · 0 1 −bcm−2 11 0 · · · 0 1 −bcm−1

or(−b0 2

2 −b1

)for cm = 2, or (−b0 + 2) for cm = 1.

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The Resolution

∃holomorphic map

σ : Y ((b0, . . . ,bcm−1))→ H2/G(M,V )

such that:

σ−1(∞) =cm−1⋃k=0



Y ((b0, . . . ,bcm−1))−cm−1⋃k=0

Sk → H2/G(M,V )

is a biholomorphism.

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Let M be a complex surface. ∃symmetric bilinear form

β : H2(M,R)× H2(M,R)→ R

given by the intersection of homology classes.

We define the signature of M by

sign(M) = b+ − b−

where b+ (resp. b−) is the # of positive (resp. negative)eigenvalues of a matrix representing β.

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Two Geometric Formulas

Let M be a connected, complex surface.

Theorem (Adjunction Formula)For a nonsingular, compact curve S on M,

χ(S) = −K · S − S · S

where K is a canonical divisor on M.

Theorem (Signature Formula)

If M is a compact manifold with no boundary,

sign(M) =13

(K · K − 2χ(M))

where K is a canonical divisor on M.

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∀a ∈ C we associate a compact manifold with boundary Xaobtained by resolving the singularity (as above) of

W (r)/G(M,V ) ≈ (U(r)/G) ∪ {x} ⊆ H2/G

where r � 0 and x is the cusp corresponding to a.

We define the signature deviation invariant

δ(Xa) =13

(K · K − 2χ(Xa))− sign(Xa)

where K is a canonical divisor on Xa.

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Computing δ(Xa)

Xa is constructed by blowing up the cusp x into a cycle of cmnonsingular curves S0, . . . ,Scm−1.

The intersection matrix (as in the previous section) gives

sign(Xa) = −cm

In fact, Xa is homotopy equivalent to⋃cm−1

k=0 Sk , so

χ(Xa) = 1− 1 + cm = cm

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Computing δ(Xa)

For each k the adjunction formula gives

2 = χ(Sk ) = −K · Sk − Sk · Sk = −K · Sk + bk ,


−K =cm−1∑k=0

Sk ,


K · K = −cm−1∑k=0

bk + 2cm.

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Computing δ(Xa)


δ(Xa) =13



bk + 2cm − 2cm

)− (−cm) = −c



(bk − 3)

Suppose F = Q(√

d) has no units of negative norm. (c = 2)

Theorem (Curt Meyer)

If ζ(s,C) = partial zeta function of C = Sq(a),

ζ(0,C) = −ζ(0,C∗) =16


(bk − 3)




where a−2 = C ∪ C∗.

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Assume F = Q(√`) where ` > 3 is a prime with ` ≡ 3 (mod 4).

∃unique, character ψ on C+ which is non-trivial and real-valued.

Meyer’s theorem implies

sign(H2/G) =∑a∈C

δ(Xa) = −4∑C∈C+


= −4L(0, ψ) = −4h(−`)h(−1)

2= −2h(−`)

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If, additionally, F = Q(√`) has class number 1, then C = {a}

where a = [OF ] is the trivial ideal class.

C = Sq(a) is the trivial narrow ideal class, so we may choose

M = OF = Z + (d√`e+


with √` = [[b0; b1, . . . ,bm]]

where m = minimal period, b0 = d√`e, bm = 2b0, and whence


√` = [[2b0; b1, . . . ,bm−1]].

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Thus we recover the “amusing connection”

−2h(−`) = sign(H2/G) = δ(Xa) = −23

(2b0 +


(bk − 3)


or more simply

h(−`) =13


(bk − 3)

Note: We did NOT need ANY signatures or surfaces to derivethe formula for the class number.