9.613 Using Information T echnology Class 3 Distributed Systems Asper School of Business 9.613 Using Information Technology Part-Time MBA, December 2001 Instructor: Bob Travica

Class 3 Distributed Systems

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Asper School of Business 9.613 Using Information Technology Part-Time MBA, December 2001 Instructor: Bob Travica. Class 3 Distributed Systems. Outline. Key systems terminology. Concept of distributed systems. Types of distributed systems. Rationale for Distributing Systems. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Class 3 Distributed Systems

9.613 Using Information Technology

Class 3

Distributed Systems

Asper School of Business9.613 Using Information Technology

Part-Time MBA, December 2001Instructor: Bob Travica

Page 2: Class 3 Distributed Systems

9.613 Using Information Technology


• Key systems terminology

• Concept of distributed systems

• Types of distributed systems

• Rationale for Distributing Systems

• Conditions for Distributed Systems

• Distributed Systems Architectures

• Client-Server (C/S) Architecture

• Trends in Distributed Architectures

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9.613 Using Information Technology

• Data component- content and structure of data, storage (hardware), retrieval (software) - concern of database developers and system analysts• Process component

- data processing/transformation & movement-“programs” for processing & network software & hardware, functionality- concern of programmers and system analysts

• User interface (part of software - screens the user sees)


Key Systems Terminology (Computer-Based IS)

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9.613 Using Information Technology


User interface


Key Systems Terminology


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9.613 Using Information Technology

SystemData, Processes

& User Interface

SystemData, Processes

& User Interface



Work DomainNeeds

Work DomainNeeds

System Requirements

System Design

Key Systems Terminology


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9.613 Using Information Technology

IS Architecture (ISA) – an overall design of organizational information resources (specific systems & their design,IT types & standards, data models, networks, spatial layout) Cognate concepts (more specific than ISA): • Systems Design (specific systems - above)• IT Infrastructure (fundamental enterprise-wide IT; necessary for applications to run; e.g., enterprise-wide databases, operating systems)• Information Architecture (just data component)• Networks Architecture (communication protocols, topology, layout)

Key Systems Terminology

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9.613 Using Information Technology

Distributed System (DS) Concept

• Opposite to centralized system • In DS, processing and/or data decentralized to certain degree

Mainframe with dumb terminals

Interconnected stand-alone systems


• Key role of networking

Centralization Continuum

high low

• Importance of standards for connectivity

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9.613 Using Information Technology

Why distribute systems?

• To support organizational requirements (efficiency,effectiveness)

• To support distributed organizational forms(country/region, division, process, teams; virtual organizations consisted of different firms)

• Technological reasons (efficiency, effectiveness in data, input, processing, transfer, storage)

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9.613 Using Information Technology

Conditions for Distributed Systems

• Different data/information needs (FF franchises; regional division of production vs. sales – DDB example)

• Culture supporting decentralization (ex: PARC, change at IBM)

• Different data/information & processing needs (MN Corp.- accounting, marketing, production—input, quality control)

low highSystem Distribution



Fast food




nal Corp.

• Spatial dispersion of organization

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9.613 Using Information Technology


Distributed Systems Architectures

• Interconnected Stand-Alone Systems (departmental processing and data management with communication links between departments; opposite to HBH)

• Peer LAN-Based System (equal distribution of processing and data management among peer computers)

• Client-Server Architecture Models (next slide)

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9.613 Using Information Technology

Client-Server (C/S) Architecture

• C/S systems distributes either data or processing or both between a machine that requests a service (client) and a machine that provides a service (server).

• User interface is typically the client’s responsibility.


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9.613 Using Information Technology

Client-Server (C/S) Architecture

• C/S systems distributes either data or processing or both between a machine that requests a service (client) and a machine that provides a service (server).

• User interface is typically the client’s responsibility.


Client Middleware Server

Client ServerRequest


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9.613 Using Information Technology

• Models of C/S architecture determined by different distribution patterns (Figure 5-8; e.g., S manages dataand shares processing with C, or S just manages data wileall processing on C)

Client-Server Models

• Try a bit different terms, taking server perspective (“remote” refers to client):

Distributed presentation (user interface)Remote PresentationDistributed ProcessingRemote ProcessingDistributed Data Management

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9.613 Using Information Technology

IT Infrastructure

• The fundamental IT capability (company-wide network anddatabases, large-scale computing facilities + essential technical and management solutions – ex: distributed vs. centralized arch. )

• Similar to other infrastructures (city, transportation…; hard/technical + soft/social & cognitive components – policies,professions, jobs, knowledge)

• Serves as the basis for applications/services; Complex, costly, long-term, promised & intangible benefits

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9.613 Using Information Technology

Trends in Distributed Architectures

• Pervasive computing (e.g., Jini from Sun Microsystems;any network used for connecting clients,servers and consumer devices; Java objects instead of device drivers)

• Peer-to-Peer (e.g., Napster - distributed data, Groove - distributed data; Internet used as network)

• Application Service Providers – distributed processing