City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Airpor t

    Number of times the Category was 1identified high priority

    Expressed support for the airport as a higher priority. Northwest

    Anim al Care Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was11

    identified high priority

    Residents would like to see a higher rate of spay/neuter as well asincreased stray collection.


    Increase funding for Spay / Neuter program. Northeast

    Funding for spay / neuter / vaccinations. Northwest

    Expressed support for increased prioritization of Animal Control. Northwest

    Need additional oversight of Animal Care and higher efficiency. Northwest

    Focus on stray pick ups and vaccinations prior to adoption. Northwest

    Focus on animal care and stray animals. Southeast

    Animal Care is a high priority. Southeast

    Animal Care still a very high priority. Southeast

    Greater enforcement of animal care. Strays are rampant. Individualsafraid to leave their homes at night due to strays that are very dangerous.


    Problem with stray animals and owner accountability. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Code Enforcem ent

    Number of times the Category was 12identified high priority

    Code Compliance officers lack authority needed to effectively completetheir mission.


    More fund should be shifted towards Code Enforcement. Northeast

    There are many vacant lots with garbage and debris around Bexar CountyJail and west side generally. Northwest

    Expressed support for Code Enforcement because many police issuesstart with code enforcement. One resident believes private investigatorsshould be utilized before actions are taken by Code Compliance(Comment made by individual resident after table presented)


    Code Compliance officers should have more authority to provide moresafety in neighborhoods.


    Expressed a need for additional staffing and updated violation signs. Northwest

    Code compliance is a high priority. Southeast

    There is a major problem with dumping on the Eastside. Installation ofbetter measures to enforce dumping regulations.


    Focus on abandoned dwellings that are creating hazards for children andbeing utilized for individuals that are not making good choices. Moreefficient process for how long the dwellings stay there. Improve timelinefor those individuals living in these dwellings. There should be a betterprocess to manage these buildings and getting property owners to bemore compliant.


    More officers for code compliance enforcement. Higher compliance forremoval, enforcement, vacant lots, and dilapidated homes. Holdlandlords more responsible. Provide landlords resources and educationon their properties. In support of the Dangerous Assessment ResponseTeam (DART) but still feel like more officers are needed


    Problem with graffiti and overgrown lots. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Code Enforcem ent

    Reduce graffiti. Southwest

    Custom er Serv ice Cat egory/311

    Number of times the Category was 1identified high priority

    311 Services needs improvement so they can respond more quickly toquestions. The staff also should receive more training. Northwest

    Down town

    Number of times the Category was 4identified high priority

    Cleanliness - tree trimming. Encouraged better maintenance of treesdowntown to make a cleaner appearance.


    More public restrooms are needed for tourists.

    Expressed disapproval that vendors are allowed to set up at the cemeteryat the Alamo.


    Expressed support to elevate and beautify San Antonio as a tourist city.Very concerned about streets, sidewalks, and the potholes in downtownarea and perception it has for tourists.


    Housing in Downtown area; specifically build housing for seniors. Northwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Ear ly Chi ldhood Programs & Educat ion

    Number of times the Category was 22identified high priority

    Children are the building blocks of our City. Northcentral

    Very early childcare programs are important. Northcentral

    Increase focus on education. Northcentral

    Increase early childhood education programs. Increase funding for teenpregnancy prevention programs such as Me Now Baby Later.


    More funding should be directed towards education and literacy programs. Northeast

    Expressed support for Head Start Program and directing resources toCity's youngest residents.


    Early Childhood Education- Head Start; building up children and theirpotential to avoid teen pregnancy and problems.


    Education is extremely important. Northwest

    Increase daycare for students. Northwest

    Adult Education- Improve re-education opportunities and provide moretraining for residents who are transitioning into different careers.


    Early Childhood Education- Should be an equal opportunity and should befunded through sales tax.


    Online education and Library. Northwest

    Citizen stated that early childhood development and senior services arevery important and have to be a stronger priority.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Ear ly Chi ldhood Programs & Educat ion

    A representative from Each One Teach One spoke, stating that 25% ofresidents are functionally illiterate; cannot read at a fifth grade level.Certain pockets of the community are suffering in literacy. Major priority iseducation for society to be ready for 21st century jobs. This includesmore literate, technical jobs. Action is needed to prepare children to be inthe literate workforce. Currently, nearly 40% of students drop out of highschool.


    Child Care Delivery Systems (CCDS) - Day Care is important. Southeast

    Improve childhood education, middle school and college educationalsystems. If we are not providing resources for childhood education, theywill not be ready for adulthood.


    Educate importance of a stronger family unit. Teach people to want whatis best for others. Improve facilities and maintenance (includingtechnology). More vocational training and opportunities that go along withtraining. Education on parenting and the family unit (good mothers andfathers) and how to be good members of society.


    Representative of the Carver Library spoke. Need more staff andcomputers for the students. The focus of education should not only be onthe classroom but include education of homeless, disadvantaged, etc.


    Continued support of Project Quest and Each One Teach One. Southeast

    Childhood education and adult literacy very important. A representativefrom Each One Teach One spoke about emphasizing the need for adultliteracy. We need to catch those that fell out of the school system. Weneed to recover, catch, and help those individuals and prepare them forgood jobs.


    More early childhood services are needed. Southwest

    Stronger focus on education. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Econom ic Deve lopment

    Number of times the Category was 9identified high priority

    Increase focus on incubating small businesses. Northcentral

    Increase focus on small businesses, especially along Vance Jackson. Northcentral

    City should utilize Empowerment Zones to bring attractive retailers to

    revitalize areas.


    Small businesses need education to understand and better navigate theprocess. Provide education on the process for receiving permits.


    Economic revitalization on west side of San Antonio. Build newer facilitiesand provide additional services.


    Would like to see more white collar jobs and more business activitybrought into Districts 2 and 3.


    Attract businesses in the medical, and tourism fields. Create high tech

    jobs and streamline the process for housing development around the Cityfor a more efficient process. Continue to improve streets and drainage incollaboration with the County.


    A representative from Project Quest spoke for the table on economicdevelopment. Building the workforce/providing initiatives to createpositions in our City. This priority follows through on building our adulteducation programs and preparing individuals to build a strong workforcein our City. Continue to build and create well paying jobs for theseindividuals.


    Increased support for Economic Development. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Heal t h & Wel l -being

    Number of times the Category was 4identified high priority

    Create more open spaces such as bike trails and parks to encouragephysical activity.


    Representative for the Davis Scott YMCA spoke about focusing onhealthy living, specifically water, parks, and extra nutrition for everyone inthe community.


    Metro Health. Southwest

    More support for physical education, parks activities, and wellness. Southwest

    Library Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 6identified high priority

    Residents support the Library system.Northcentral

    Extend Library hours to 8:00 p.m., five days a week. Northeast

    Expand hours and add more computers. Residents want more moneydirected to youth and libraries.


    Improve Library services. Southeast

    Improve the technology in our Libraries and extend hours. Southeast

    Increase support for Libraries. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Neighborhood/Com muni t y Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 9identified high priority

    Cleanup trash throughout community through use of volunteers. Northeast

    More funding should be directed towards community programs. Northeast

    Identify abandoned buildings that can be revitalized. A possible alternative

    is turning abandoned buildings into community centers or child carefacilities.


    Neighborhood revitalization is an important issue. They need additionalpatrols and help.


    Use schools on weekends for recreational services. Turn them into seniorcitizen centers.


    Housing development is a process that should be more efficient forbuilders and the community.


    Individual home ownership program should be a priority. This programshould be more flexible and streamlined. Weatherization program andCPS have shown that there is a way of doing better outreach andproviding more flexibility.


    Deteriorating housing stock is a problem. Would like to advocate for aminor housing repair program to help senior citizens keep up with theirhomes and make repairs to deteriorating homes. Stronger focus on ourHousing programs.


    Need more multifunctional facilities for public use. Southwest

    Park ing

    Number of times the Category was 1identified high priority

    There is a need for additional parking spaces for police vehicles andvisitors at the Bexar County Jail.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Parks & Recreat ion

    Number of times the Category was 8identified high priority

    Increase the amount of green space and bike paths. Northcentral

    Increase funding of Park programs for activities for all age groups. Northeast

    Focus on Parks and Recreation. Northwest

    Youth Programs- Parks and Recreation facilities give children analternative to being on the streets.


    Expand bike lanes and trails. Northwest

    Parks and Recreation. Need parks and recreation programs for studentsoutside of school during the summer months. Assist in keeping them offthe streets.


    Parks and Recreation are important for youth to have safe places andopportunities for exercise.


    More availability of facilities for public use. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Publ ic Safet y

    Number of times the Category was 25identified high priority

    Fire and Police are mandatory. Northcentral

    Police and Fire. Northcentral

    Bond Program is spending on infrastructure so funds should be redirected

    towards Police, Fire, and EMS


    Increase funding for Neighborhood Patrol (SAFE Officers). Northeast

    Improve funding for SAFE officers. Northeast

    More funding for Emergency Medical Services. Northeast

    Increase funding for ATVs for drainage channel patrols and more officersfor Neighborhood Patrol (SAFE).


    Northeast side needs additional funding for EMS services to reduceresponse time.


    Fire and EMS. Northwest

    Expressed support Police as a higher priority. Northwest

    Fire Department. Northwest

    Expressed continued support for Police and Fire. Northwest

    Fire and Police. City should add additional police officers. Northwest

    Fire and Police. More police are needed. Northwest

    Police and Fire. Northwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Publ ic Safet y

    Safety is important for our children. Southeast

    More officers for a safer City. Southeast

    Police and Fire. More officers would help the problem with youth in SanAntonio.


    Police enforcement. Eastside is said to have the highest crime rate. Need

    more officers.


    EMS is very important. If a resident is sick and needs assistance, theyshould not have to wait for services. Residents want decreased responsetimes for EMS.


    Continued support of Fire, Police, trash collection and maintenance of ourroadways. These are our fundamental basics.


    Fire. Southwest

    Police. Southwest

    Increased manpower and training for Police & Fire. Southwest

    Increased Neighborhood safety with additional Police & Fire services. Southwest

    Recyc l ing (Blue Car t )

    Number of times the Category was 3identified high priority

    The Blue Cart is a great benefit to our City. Northcentral

    Improve recycling. Northwest

    Great initiative. Reaching 27% in recycling is not high enough; would liketo see it get to 60%.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Senior Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 8identified high priority

    More funding should be directed towards senior services. Northeast

    Expressed support for Senior Services because San Antonio has anaging population. Meals on Wheels will continue to grow and is importantto fund.


    Tie youth to senior centers. Senior citizens want more interaction withyouth.


    Seniors are the fastest growing population in San Antonio. Transportation,nutrition services, and housing are needed for seniors.


    More support for Senior Services. Northwest

    Residents want additional buildings for Seniors. Northwest

    Take care of Senior Citizens. Northwest

    Enhanced services and facilities for seniors. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Socia l Serv ice Programs/Delegat e Agenc ies

    Number of times the Category was 6identified high priority

    Educational Programs- Caf College, teen pregnancy, and Head Start.More programs that would help lower teenage pregnancy rates.Adult Services- Need more services for growing population.


    Focus on Library and Adult Literacy Programs. One in four people cannotread at an 8th grade level.


    Project Quest program is important for teen mothers and single moms toget ahead in life.


    Reinforcement of parent education. Adult education and programsneeded to provide second chances in our community centers.


    Haven for Hope representative spoke on the Child Advocacy Program.Stated there is a need for childcare and it should be subsidized (1700children on a waiting list). Also, we need to teach and train those workingin childcare to provide high quality care.


    Human Services.Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    St reet s , Sidew alks & Dra inage

    Number of times the Category was 29identified high priority

    Residents like seeing projects that are completed, not continuously underconstruction.


    Public Works. Northcentral

    Focus on areas that have not been maintained for the longest amount oftime. Increased focus on inner-city areas and major thoroughfares. Northcentral

    More sidewalks in neighborhoods, specifically along La Manda and VanceJackson.


    Additional funding should be provided for improving road conditions. Northeast

    Sidewalks need to be provided in areas where children need to walk tothe school bus.


    Thousands of homes are in the City's Flood Plain. The City must focus

    resources on moving these homes out of the Flood Plain.


    There should be more preventative maintenance of our roads in order toextend their operable lives.


    Need improved maintenance of Right of Way. Northeast

    Need to focus resources on City infrastructure such as streets. Northeast

    City should direct more resources towards streets. Northeast

    City should direct more resources towards sidewalks.Northeast

    City needs to direct more resources towards the repair of road surfacedamage.


    More funding should be directed towards infrastructure such as streets. Northeast

    Improve funding for street repair. Northeast

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    St reet s , Sidew alks & Dra inage

    Streets- There is continual concern over the quality of streets and theneeded maintenance.


    Flood Control (public works). Northwest

    Public Works- Roads and sidewalks need improvement. There aredrainage issues in the community. The city should also place cameras atthe traffic signals located in high-risk areas.


    Public Works- Drainage, sidewalks, and flood water. Northwest

    There should be a higher emphasis on streets, drainage and sidewalks. Southeast

    Sidewalk and street repair are important priorities. Southeast

    Sidewalk and street maintenance repair. Streets need to be extended andwidened in order to ease traffic burden.


    In support of SA 20/20. Infrastructure should be more balanced.Residents are concerned that the Eastside does not have the samebeautification in infrastructure and construction as the Northside. Shiftingin resources. Economic Development-business development should bedriving and stimulating our City.


    Public Works. Looking at scrubbing up the streets and really focusing onrepairs.


    Streets and infrastructure. Would like to see everything picked up andmaintained.


    Alley maintenance and code enforcement. Huntley Park Subdivision onEastside specifically. Alley's are difficult area and right of way (CPS and

    SAWS need to be held accountable for sewer main breaks and alley mainbreaks). High focus on maintenance here.


    Area improvements for 2007 bond should be used for IMP/subsidies. Southeast

    Street sweeping done a few times per year is insufficient. Citizens feel likenot getting enough value out of this service.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    St reet s , Sidew alks & Dra inage

    Additional street repair. Southwest

    Tour ism/Convent ion/Enter ta inment

    Number of times the Category was 1identified high priority

    Focus on tourism. Northeast

    Transpor ta t ion

    Number of times the Category was 3identified high priority

    Coordinate with VIA on better/new bus benches. Northcentral

    Coordinate with VIA on streetcars and other transportation options. Northcentral

    Pedestrian Mobility. Major enhancements to connectivity in transportation.More connectivity for seniors including access to downtown.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied High Pr ior i t y Areas

    Youth Serv ices

    Number of times the Category was 6identified high priority

    Expressed support for the Department of Human Services and the needfor additional services for youth.


    Childhood care and anti-bullying, family and anti- domestic abuseprograms are important.


    Affordable after school and year round programs for kids. Southeast

    Human Services. We would like more community centers for seniors andchildren. More resources to help kids. More after school programs.


    Youth employment opportunities. The City should look for moreopportunities for employment of our youth.


    More summer programming for kids are needed. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Airpor t

    Number of times the Category was 3identified lesser priority

    Enough work has already been done at the airport. Northcentral

    Airport funding is a lesser priority. Northeast

    Support for Airport. Southwest

    Anim al Care Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 5identified lesser priority

    No Kill for Animal Care is an important goal; however, in hard economictimes we should reconsider timeline in order to redirect resources towardspublic safety.


    Funding should be redirected from Animal Care towards SAFE program. Northeast

    Animal Care Services. Northwest

    Less focus on animals and more priority on humans. More focus onhuman services.


    Other agencies or outside partners can handle animal control. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Ar ts Programm ing

    Number of times the Category was 3identified lesser priority

    Arts program should be self-sufficient if it is going to exist. Northwest

    Decrease art in public places. Northwest

    Take a shot at being self-sufficient. Northwest

    Code Enforcem ent

    Number of times the Category was 2identified lesser priority

    Expressed less support for code enforcement of buildings. Northwest

    Investigate other possible funding sources for graffiti abatement otherthan the General Fund.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Depar tment -wide

    Number of times the Category was 24identified lesser priority

    Increase efficiency throughout all city departments. Northcentral

    No more electric charging stations. Northeast

    Utilize technology to create efficiencies within the City such as automation

    within 311 Customer Service.


    Reduce non-essential services as determined by the community. Northeast

    Expressed that Public Works is an area where savings could be gleaned. Northwest

    City Administrative Services- Review Purchasing and cut whereappropriate.


    Across the board cuts. Northwest

    Streamline services; it is okay to cut certain areas. If something is notmaking progress, cut it.


    Reduce personnel by using more volunteers. Southeast

    More efficient Public Works crews. Southeast

    Look for efficiencies within City government. Find ways to save moneywithout sacrificing city services.


    Increase partnerships to decrease dependencies on City services.Calling on private industries to help with human services programs.


    Too nice of buildings for City offices. Also, the City should not removeoffice buildings and properties off the tax rolls.


    Benefits for City Employees are too high. Many businesses are having tocut back mainly in benefits. In our economy, the City should be cuttingthis as well. Take assessment on how to tighten the budget for benefits.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Depar tment -wide

    Combine elections to reduce costs. Southeast

    Find efficiencies in the Municipal Courts. Re-shift money around to have itmore evenly distributed.


    Eliminate overtime. Southeast

    Partner with the County and/or look at outsourcing. Options for additional



    Managing more healthcare costs. Southeast

    Improve tax collection. Southeast

    Reallocate HOT funds to Downtown Operations. Analyze if Downtownholiday lights should be a priority for the City.


    Re-evaluation of fee schedules that the City has for Parks and otherfacilities that it leases out.


    311 is a possible area to reduce. Residents do not know who utilizes thisservice. Too many questions can be answered via the internet.Individuals are unaware that this service exists.


    Want more time to research city services to determine lesser priorities. Southwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Down town

    Number of times the Category was 6identified lesser priority

    Market Square & Parking are a drain on downtown. Need to look topossible outside help to improve these areas.


    Parking. Northcentral

    Funding should be redirected from subsidizing downtown housing projectsto core city services such as public safety and infrastructure. Northeast

    Bond provides funding for Hemisfair improvements, but playgrounds andsidewalks are in good condition. Restrooms and historic buildings needmore attention.


    Tax Abatements should be reconsidered for downtown housing program. Northeast

    Reduce focus on Downtown. Focus on economic development andneighborhood development on the Eastside specifically. Southeastdevelopment is strong, but Eastside seems to be left out.


    Econom ic Deve lopment

    Number of times the Category was 2identified lesser priority

    Expressed that Economic Development should be a lesser priority. Northwest

    Fewer tax breaks for corporations and businesses. Southeast

    Heal t h & Wel l -beingNumber of times the Category was 1identified lesser priority

    Metro Health should be available but that it is a lesser priority. Northwest

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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Library Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 2identified lesser priority

    Due to Bond Program's current funding of libraries, Parks andRecreation, and public art, the City should redirect future resources forthese areas towards core services.


    Libraries that use technology. Southwest

    Neighborhood/Com muni t y Serv ic es

    Number of times the Category was 1identified lesser priority

    Hold individuals using the City's social services accountable. Suggestionmade to put a limit of five years for utilizing City's social services. Putmore money into those individuals doing something with their lives(women in school, etc.) so we can see our tax dollars in the future comeback to us.


    Organ ic Recyc l ing

    Number of times the Category was 4identified lesser priority

    New programs should not be expanded if there are fiscal problems. Northcentral

    Residents do not support the Organics collection program. Northcentral

    By adding a third garbage bin for organics, many citizens will not haveroom to store in their garages. Requires excessive work on the part of

    citizens with no reduction in Solid Waste fee for effort.


    Citizens do not have sufficient space within garages to store three binstherefore causing them to store their bins outside.


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  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Parks & Recreat ion

    Number of times the Category was 3identified lesser priority

    Due to Bond Program's current funding of libraries, Parks andRecreation, and public art, the City should redirect future resourcestowards core services.


    Too much money goes to Parks and not enough to our schools. Southeast

    Do a utilization assessment. Identify issues with overtime at the ParksDepartment, possibly reduce overtime costs.


    Publ ic Safet y

    Number of times the Category was 2identified lesser priority

    Police & Fire are such a large portion of the budget that they should justifytheir spending. Police & Fire need to find a better way to communicatehow they are using the money they spend. Additionally, Police & Fire need

    to have increased focus on customer service, decrease response times,and make sure to be respectful of citizens. Increased engagement withneighborhoods. Increased focus crime prevention.


    Pensions have been reduced for most workers over the last few yearstherefore public safety union pensions should be reduced too andredirected towards more officers.


    PreparedbytheOfficeofManagementandBudget Page24of26 Thursday,May31,20


  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Socia l Serv ice Programs/Delegat e Agenc ies

    Number of times the Category was 4identified lesser priority

    Caf College is a duplication of services provided by UTSA thereforeUTSA should take control of Caf College and these resources should beredirected towards Police SAFE Program.


    Caf College is a duplication of services provided by UTSA thereforeUTSA should take control of Caf College.


    Caf College and Head Start. Northwest

    Haven for Hope. Northwest

    Street s , Sidew alks & Dra inage

    Number of times the Category was 4identified lesser priority

    Alleys were used in the pre-automated loading days of Solid Wastepickup and are not needed anymore. Northeast

    Bike lanes on public streets; residents felt it was a safety hazard. Theysupport linear parks.


    Sidewalks. Northwest

    Signage changes are not important. Southeast

    PreparedbytheOfficeofManagementandBudget Page25of26 Thursday,May31,20


  • 7/31/2019 City of San Antonio Budget Hearing Comments, May 2012


    Pre-Proposed Comm uni ty Budget Input Hear ings

    - Summ ary o f Comment s Ar ranged by Category -

    Resident s ' Com m ent s Area

    FY 2013 Budget Development Proc ess

    Ident i f ied Lesser Pr ior i t y Areas

    Tour ism/Convent ion/Enter ta inment

    Number of times the Category was 3identified lesser priority

    Convention & Visitors Bureau. Southwest

    Convention & Sports Entertainment. Southwest

    Alamodome and other sporting events. Southwest

    Transpor ta t ion

    Number of times the Category was 2identified lesser priority

    Expressed that public transportation should be improved and is a priority,but it is less than the higher priorities.


    B-Cycle program - questioned why the City is paying for bicycles used bytourists and visitors.
