Regional Radio System Request For Information (RFI) City of Portland, Oregon On Behalf of the Coalition of: City of Portland (Bureau of Technology Services) CRESA (Clark County Washington) C800 (Clackamas County, Oregon) WCCCA (Washington County, Oregon) August 17, 2007 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION For Regional Radio System RFI Prerequisite to Radio Replacement (800 MHz) Project RFI responses due November 30, 2007, by 4:00PM Envelope(s) shall be sealed and marked with RFI Project Title. Submit one (1) original and one electronic complete copy of the RFI to : City of Portland Bureau of Technology Services 3372 SE 99 th Avenue Portland, OR 97266 Refer questions to : Mark Liewergen PSSRP Project Office Manager Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) Phone: (503) 823-5882 Email: [email protected] There will be a pre-response conference scheduled for this RFI on September 26th, 2007, at a time and place in Portland Oregon to be announced, at which time any questions pertaining to this RFI will be discussed. This is a mandatory meeting, and respondents are required to have a representative attending in person or by conference call. Please respond to [email protected] by August 31, 2007 if you wish to participate in the RFI conference. 800 MHz RFI-08-17-07_Final

City of Portland Radio System RFI BTS010-1 0807

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Regional 800 MHz Public Safety Radio System Replacement Project - Request for Conceptual design and estimated cost for the upgrade and/or replacement of the current Motorola 800MHz trunked simulcast analog voice radio systems & analog data radio systems

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Page 1: City of Portland Radio System RFI BTS010-1 0807

Regional Radio System Request For Information (RFI)

City of Portland, Oregon On Behalf of the Coalition of:

City of Portland (Bureau of Technology Services) CRESA (Clark County Washington) C800 (Clackamas County, Oregon)

WCCCA (Washington County, Oregon)

August 17, 2007



Regional Radio System RFI Prerequisite to Radio Replacement (800 MHz) Project

RFI responses due November 30, 2007, by 4:00PM

Envelope(s) shall be sealed and marked with RFI Project Title.

Submit one (1) original and one electronic complete copy of the RFI to: City of Portland Bureau of Technology Services 3372 SE 99th Avenue Portland, OR 97266

Refer questions to: Mark Liewergen PSSRP Project Office Manager Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) Phone: (503) 823-5882 Email: [email protected]

There will be a pre-response conference scheduled for this RFI on September 26th, 2007, at a time and place in Portland Oregon to be announced, at which time any questions pertaining to this RFI will be discussed. This is a mandatory meeting, and respondents are required to have a representative attending in person or by conference call. Please respond to [email protected] by August 31, 2007 if you wish to participate in the RFI conference.

800 MHz RFI-08-17-07_Final

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PART I Information Request


On behalf of the Portland, Oregon regional coalition of public safety radio systems (Coalition), the City of Portland, Bureau of Technology Services (BTS), seeks information concerning a conceptual design and estimated cost for the upgrade and/or replacement of the current Motorola 800MHz trunked simulcast analog voice radio systems. Secondly the Coalition seeks information concerning a conceptual design and estimated cost for the upgrade and/or replacement of the current Motorola 800MHz analog data radio system. These systems serve Clackamas County Oregon, Clark County Washington, Portland/Multnomah County Oregon, and Washington County Oregon. This encompasses an area in excess of 4,000sq miles with over 2 million citizens served by approximately 100 law enforcement, fire, and EMS public service agencies. The conceptual design must take into consideration the radio interoperability plans of the states of Oregon and Washington. The Coalition is contemplating the upgrade and/or replacement of these current voice and data radio systems which are approaching their technical end of life. The proposed project is a collaborative effort of the Coalition which is being coordinated under the City of Portland Public Safety Systems Revitalization Project (PSSRP) office. PSSRP is under the auspices of BTS which is the lead agency within the City of Portland for accomplishing this work, working with the directors of involved bureaus, agencies and regional partners. Successful execution of the PSSRP is one of the City’s and the regions highest business priorities.

2. BACKGROUND There are currently three Motorola 800MHz Trunked simulcast analog public safety voice and data radio systems serving the Portland region. These systems were constructed in the 1990 to 1993 time frame to serve Washington County, OR; City of Portland/Multnomah County, OR; Clark County, WA. In 2003 Clackamas County, OR constructed a system to serve the county in partnership with Washington County, OR as an expansion of the Washington County system. Though the Clark, Portland, Washington systems are separate systems, there has been a deliberate and focused cooperation between the systems to insure interoperability of the systems. The Coalition consists of the following systems:

• The City of Portland / Multnomah County, OR system is owned, managed and maintained by the City of Portland.

• The Washington County, OR system is owned, managed, and maintained by a

partnership (Washington County Consolidated Communications Agency – WCCCA - an ORS 190 organization) of the public safety agencies serving the county.

• The Clark County, WA system is owned, managed, and maintained by a partnership

(Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency – CRESA – an RCW 39.34 interlocal agreement) of the public safety agencies serving the county.

• The Clackamas County, OR system is owned by a partnership (Clackamas County 800 Radio Group – C800 - an ORS 190 organization) of the public safety agencies serving the county and is managed and maintained by WCCCA via an inter governmental agreement (IGA).


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The Coalition is contemplating a project to collectively upgrade and/or replace the region’s radio systems with a digital 700/800 MHz system. It is anticipated that the voice system would be a trunked radio system and would adhere to the current national ANSI/TIA 102 series digital Project 25 (P25) standards for trunked operation and for the P25 Intersubsystem Interface (ISSI). The ISSI will assure that the system will be capable of seamless interconnection to all other P25 compliant trunked radio systems that may be established in Oregon and/or Washington, Idaho, California. There are also non-public safety public service government agencies utilizing the systems which include schools, public works agencies, ODOT, Tri-Met, Bonneville Power Administration, and the Port of Portland, including the Portland Airport. All of the agencies served are highly dependant on continued robust voice and data radio communication systems.


On behalf of the Coalition, the City of Portland, Bureau of Technology Services is seeking a conceptual design and related cost for upgrading and/or replacing the existing public safety voice radio systems and data radio system. We would like a cost summary for a Portland and Salem core system. We would also like a cost summary for replacing each County system including Multnomah County, necessary to maintain interoperability. Further the Coalition is seeking information on innovative technological solutions, and capabilities of firms, teams or consultants with demonstrated experience in designing, furnishing, and installing these types of systems. This information will be utilized to formulate a future Request for Proposal(s) for the procurement of the eventual systems and/or its individual components. Please take into consideration the attached (PDF) July 31st, 2007 Federal Communication news release: FCC revises 700 MHz rules to advance interoperable public safety communications and promote wireless broadband deployment.


The Coalition is currently in the process of retaining a consultant to evaluate governance and funding options for this project.


The following dates are proposed as a timeline for this requested information:

Email response deadline to confirm participation in a Mandatory Pre RFI Conference

August 31, 2007

Pre RFI Conference to clarify the RFI and answer questions. This date is subject to change.

September 26, 2007

Written RFI’s requested by 4:00PM November 30th, 2007 The City reserves the right to make adjustments to the above noted schedule as necessary.


The City of Portland obliges itself in good faith to protect Trade Secrets and other confidential information included in RFI responses under ORS 646.461, the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and ORS192.501 and 192.502, Public Records Exemptions. RFI responses must specify which sections in their responses are confidential or contain trade secrets. It is not acceptable to mark the entire RFI as confidential or trade secret. It is the responsibility of the respondent to identify which exemptions apply to their information.


Please note that the following will be required on any future related RFP’s that are a follow-up to this RFI.


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The City is committed to increasing contracting opportunities for State of Oregon certified minority, women and emerging small business (M/W/ESB) enterprises. The City values, supports and nurtures diversity, and encourages any firm contracting with the City to do the same, maximizing M/W/ESB business participation with regard to all City contracts. As such, the City has established an overall 20% utilization goal in awarding PTE contracts to State of Oregon certified emerging small business (ESB) enterprises and has assigned at least 15% of the total points available on this solicitation to determine the award of this contract. No goal is set for the use of minority (MBE) and women business (WBE) enterprises, but the City is committed to ensuring that such firms receive opportunities and equal consideration to be awarded City PTE contracts.


All Proposers shall address the following in their proposals: a. Indicate if your firm is currently certified in the State of Oregon as an MBE, WBE and/or

ESB, or if your firm has applied for certification with the State of Oregon’s Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (OMWESB).

b. Identify your current diversity of workforce and describe your firm’s commitments to

providing equal employment opportunities. Include in your response: • Number of total employees and description of type of work performed. • Number of minorities and women within your current workforce, broken out by ethnicity

and positions held. • Any underutilization of minorities or women within your workforce and your firm’s efforts

to remedy such underutilization. • Any plans to provide innovative mentoring, technical training or professional development

opportunities to minorities and women in your workforce in relation to this project, or plans to employ minorities and women to work on this project.

• Description of the process your firm uses to recruit minorities and women.

c. Have you subcontracted or partnered with State of Oregon certified M/W/ESB firms on any project within the last 12 months? If so, please describe the history of the firm’s subcontracting and partnering with certified M/W/ESB firms. Include in your response: • List of State of Oregon certified M/W/ESB firms with which your firm has had a

contractual relationship during the last 12 months. • Any innovative or successful measures that your firm has undertaken to work with

M/W/ESB firms on previous projects. • Any mentoring, technical or other business development services your firm has provided

to previous or current M/W/ESB sub consultants or partners, or will provide in relation to this project.

d. Are you subcontracting any element of your proposal? Describe your firm’s plan for

obtaining maximum utilization of certified M/W/ESB firms on this project. Include in your response: • Subcontracting opportunities your firm has identified in the scope of this project. • Efforts made relating to outreach and recruitment of certified M/W/ESB firms. Did your

firm advertise contracting opportunities in the Daily Journal of Commerce, Skanner, Oregonian, Observer, El Hispanic News, Asian Reporter, and/or other trade publications? Did your firm conduct any outreach meetings? Did your firm use the State’s OMWESB certification list, or other source, as a basis for direct outreach? What were the actual results of any of the above efforts?

• Any proposals received from certified M/W/ESB firms. If any such proposals were rejected, provide reasons for rejection.

• Other efforts your firm used or proposes to use in relation to this project. e. If your firm will be utilizing certified M/W/ESB firms on this project, please list those firms and


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detail their role within your proposal. In addition, all Proposers must submit Exhibit A - First Tier Sub consultant Disclosure Form 1 in their proposal, which requires Proposers to identify the following: • The names of all sub consultants to be used on this project with subcontracts greater

than or equal to $10,000. • The names of all State of Oregon certified MBE, WBE and ESB firms. If firms have

more than one certification (i.e., ESB and MBE, and/or ESB and WBE) note that on the form so that proper credit can be given for the ESB goal and for tracking MBE and WBE utilization.

• The proposed scope or category of work for each sub consultant. If Proposers will not be using any sub consultants that are subject to the above disclosure requirements, Proposers are required to indicate “NONE” on the First Tier Sub consultant Disclosure Form 1.

The City expects thoughtful consideration of all of the above Diversity in Employment and Contracting criteria in the preparation of proposals. The City will enforce all diversity in workforce and M/W/ESB commitments submitted by the successful Proposer, and the successful Proposer will be required to submit a completed Monthly Sub consultant Payment and Utilization Report to ensure that sub consultants are utilized to the extent originally proposed and submitted in its proposal. The successful Proposer will not be permitted at any time to substitute or add a sub consultant without the prior written approval of the Purchasing Agent. ALL sub consultants, including M/W/ESB firms, and first tier sub consultants shall be reported on the Monthly Sub consultant Payment and Utilization Report as well as contract amounts and payments. For reference, a copy of this form may be obtained at: http://www.portlandonline.com/shared/cfm/image.cfm?id=122171




The voice system coverage is envisioned on the basis of two-way communications with a five (5) watt portable radio being worn on the hip outside of a building. The portable shall process a useable DAQ 3.4 signal (i.e., an easily understandable communication both transmit and receive) from and to the system in 95% of the urban coverage area (which includes all cities) plus two miles beyond. In the rural areas (i.e. national forest in south eastern Clackamas County and private forest lands in south western Washington County and northeastern Clark County) the coverage basis shall be a DAQ 3.4 signal to and from a mobile radio on a highway or arterial that shall receive and transmit a useable signal from and to the system in 95% of the rural coverage area plus a DAQ 3.5 useable signal on 75% of any public road. The time variability shall be at least 95% of the time that the system is capable of the required signal reception and transmission. Note: At a minimum coverage shall not be less that coverage which the individual systems provide today. The system, defined as the overall system operating in a simulcast trunking mode, shall have an availability of 99.99995% uptime. Provide recommendations or suggestions for in building coverage in the urban core of the various cities served by the system. The data system coverage is envisioned on the basis of mobile coverage i.e. send and receive data in 95% of the urban and rural coverage area over 95% of the time. The overall system shall have an availability of 99.99995% uptime. The contemplated system shall adhere to the current national ANSI/TIA 102 series digital Project 25 (P25) standards for trunked operation and for the P25 Intersubsystem Interface (ISSI). The ISSI will assure that the system will be capable of seamless interconnection to


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all other P25 compliant trunked radio systems that may be established in Oregon and/or Washington, Idaho, California or Nevada. In addition, it is anticipated that the project would establish secure and reliable automatic alternately routed data connections between at least two master system control core equipment for maximum survivability and reliability. These system controllers would be housed in separate, secure locations that would operate in a fail safe redundant - equipment and software - configuration. Further the Coalition is in discussion with the State of Oregon’s OWIN project and would like information on the concept of master control core equipment, that are built to the P25 standards, shared between the two systems. These controllers would be housed in separate, secure locations (Salem – Portland region) that would operate in a fail safe redundant - equipment and software – configuration. It is felt that the needed reliability of these critical systems can be achieved by the Coalition and OWIN becoming the backup master site for the other. This configuration also assures the highest level of interoperability between the Coalition and the OWIN systems. Information and cost shall be provided separately for the following system areas both as a total system and four separate systems i.e. one for each County. Secondly address the voice and data systems separately. Note proposers at their option may address only the voice system or only the data system not necessarily both.

1. System design and engineering

2. System master control equipment – furnish and install costs

3. System backbone radio equipment / anticipated number of existing sites utilized / anticipated number of new sites required – furnish and install costs

4. Dispatch center console equipment for the five existing dispatch centers – furnish and install costs

5. Subscriber equipment – portable / mobile / base station – unit cost for suggested product

6. Alternate item at responders option – Inter-site communications i.e. Microwave system – design, furnish, and install costs

Outline suggestions for the Coalition’s approach to the system design, procurement, and construction process and methods. Outline innovative approaches and solutions to the regions voice and data communications needs. Outline anticipated schedule for project from design to completion. Outline implementation process to maintain current interoperability. Outline potential pitfalls and risks. See attached for current system parameters


The City on behalf of the Coalition has assigned a project manager to coordinate this Request for Information.


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Coalition - Existing System Information

June 11, 2007


Area 1,879 sq miles

Population 367,040

Console Positions 10

Mobiles / Portables / Control Stations 1,769

Mobile Data Terminals 350

SITE LOCATION Longitude Latitude ElevationTower

Height / Type

CCOM Prime Site 2200 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, OR

122° 35' 57.6" 45° 19' 49" 453' 120' Lattice

Goat Mt. T55 R2E Sect 7 Lots 3900 & 4000

Clackamas County, OR

122° 17' 47" 45° 07' 53" 4180’ 120' Lattice

LOCOM 351 A Street Lake Oswego, OR

122° 40' 03" 45° 25' 10" 145' Roof Top

Mt. Scott 10999 Ridgeway Dr Happy Valley, OR

122° 33' 02" 45° 27' 16.6" 1075' 150' Lattice

Mt. View Water Tank 415 Mountain View St. Oregon City, OR

122° 35' 52" 45° 20' 37" 476' 120' Lattice

Pete's Mountain 1775 Schaeffer Rd West Linn, OR

122° 41' 37" 45° 20' 39" 812' 150' Lattice

Polivka Hill Water Tank 26230 Wally Rd Boring, OR 122° 23' 22.7" 45° 26' 03" 987' 150' Lattice

Redland Road 20062 S. Redland Rd Oregon City, OR

122° 27' 56.5" 45° 18' 54" 875' 150' Lattice

Sandy High School 17100 SE Bluff Rd Sandy, OR 122° 16' 9" 45° 24' 3" 902 90' Wood Pole

View Acres 4410 SE View Acres Milwaukie, OR

122° 37' 3" 45° 24' 57" 409' 150' Monopole

Lenhart Butte Tax lot 400 SW1/4 of NW1/4 of SW1/4 of S35 T2S R5 WM


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Area 727 sq miles

Population 500,585

Console Positions 20

Mobiles / Portables / Control Stations 3,238

Mobile Data Terminals 509

Sites LOCATION Longitude Latitude ElevationTower

Height / Type

Bald Peak

23850 Bald Peak Road Yamhill, OR

123° 03' 03.15" 45° 23' 21.12" 1520 feet 110' lattice

Burntwood 15820 SW Davis Road Beaverton, OR

122° 50' 38.77" 45° 28' 20.99" 470 feet 140' monopole

Buxton Lookout

7.8KM NW Buxton Washington County, OR

123° 08' 07.03" 45° 44' 38.24" 2190 feet 150' lattice

Canterbury Lane 10310 SW Canterbury LN Tigard, OR

122° 47' 01.02" 45° 24' 48.30" 385feet 135' monopole

Cedar Hills 9775 SW Wilshire St Washington County, OR

122° 46' 51.50" 45° 30' 26.50" 400 feet 140' monopole

Gales Peak

8KM W Forest Grove Washington County, OR

123° 12' 42.96" 45° 32' 16.98" 1798 feet 150' lattice

Parrett Mountain

18160 Parrett Mountain Road

Sherwood, OR

122° 51' 51.18" 45° 19' 22.14" 1002 feet 125' lattice

Pumpkin Ridge (Approx Address) 23840 NW Pumpkin Ridge Road

Washington County, OR Tax Lot


123° 02' 20.73" 45° 41' 26.29" 1284 feet 150' lattice

River Road 3125 SW River Rd, Hillsboro, OR

122° 56' 42.75 " 45° 29' 39.51" 200 feet 150' monopole

Round Top

10.6KM SW Timber Washington County, OR

123° 21' 44.85" 45° 40' 37.93" 2958 feet 100' lattice

Top Hill / Hwy 47 1,000 ft South of Hwy 47 / 1/2 mile Northwest of Top Hill

Washington County, OR Tax Lot 3N00B002500

123° 12' 49.93" 45° 45' 35.15" 1194 feet 150' lattice

WCCCA Dispatch

17911 NW Evergreen Parkway Beaverton, OR

122° 51' 35.23" 45° 32' 11.91" 195 feet 125' lattice


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Area 435.23 sq miles

Population 681,454 est. 2006 Census

Console Positions 58

Mobiles / Portables / Control Stations

7,259 primary users, 3,717 mutual aid users for a total of 11,169 users

Mobile Data Terminals


SITE LOCATION Longitude Latitude ElevationTower

Height / Type

16 data sites 12 locations have single channel, 2 have dual channel

14 Voice sites

5 simulcast sites with 24 channels, 8 IR sites with 5 channel, 1 IR site with 10


Dispatch Center 2 PSAP’s and 4 dispatch centers.


Area 627 sq miles

Population 403,500

Console Positions See below

Mobiles / Portables / Control Stations See below

Mobile Data Terminals See below


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Clark County Current Analog 800 MHz Radio System Description Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency’s (CRESA) 800 MHz Voice and Data system was designed and engineered by Motorola to provide near county-wide coverage for voice and data. This SmartZone system fulfills the current expectations of public safety and government communication grade requirements. Unique partnerships have been formed between local governments as well as private entities for the twelve tower locations throughout Clark County and City of Portland. These locations provided the communication backbone, which may be utilized in-part or whole for future system needs. There are six simulcast locations, three intellirepeater locations and three conventional repeater locations. The mobile data system has five geographical relay locations. A 6 GHz or 2.4 GHz Microwave radio link connects all tower sites together in a loop system that insures redundancy. The radio sites are comprised of a communication building, backup generator, battery backup and UPS system. (6) Simulcast Locations:

• Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) (Portland West Hills) • Goose Hill • Livingston Mountain • Ludlum Hill • Prune Hill • Vancouver Police Administration

(3) Intellirepeater Locations:

• Washougal River • Yacolt Mountain • Clark County Jail

(3) Conventional Repeater Locations:

• Canyon Creek • Larch Mountain (Clark County) • Marble Creek (Cowlitz County)

(5) Data Relay Station Locations:

• BPA • Goose Hill • Livingston Mountain • Prune Hill • Yacolt Mountain

System Users:

• There are currently 2,863 radio users on the system. These users include all public safety agencies in Clark County (except Washington State Patrol), C-Tran, Clark County Facilities, Vancouver and Battle Ground Public Works, and Clark County Animal Control. Of the 2,863 users, 370 are mobile data devices.

Tower Site Descriptions:

• BPA: 160’ tower, 10 Simulcast stations for voice, 1 data station for MDC/AVL, microwave @ 6 GHz

• Canyon Creek: 150’ tower, 2 conventional repeaters, microwave @ 2.4 GHz • CRESA Main: 165’ monopole, microwave @ 6 GHz • Goose Hill: 200’ tower, 10 simulcast stations for voice, 1 data station for MDC/AVL, microwave @

6 GHz and 2.4 GHz • Larch Mountain: 140’ tower, 2 conventional repeaters • Livingston Mountain: 180’ tower, 10 simulcast stations for voice, 2 National Public Safety Advisory

Committee (NPSPAC) repeaters, 1 data station for MDC/AVL, microwave @ 6 GHz


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• Ludlum Hill: 160’ tower, 10 simulcast stations for voice, microwave @ 6 GHz • Marble Creek: 110’ tower, 2 conventional repeaters, microwave @ 2.4 GHz • Prune Hill: 180’ tower, 10 simulcast stations for voice, 1 data station for MDC/AVL, microwave @

6 GHz • Washougal River: 150’ tower, 5 channel intellirepeater stations, microwave @ 6 GHz • Vancouver Police Tower: 290’ tower, 10 simulcast stations for voice, microwave @ 6 GHz • Yacolt Mountain: 180’ tower, 5 channel intellirepeater stations, 1 data station for MDC/AVL,

microwave @ 6 GHz and 2.4 GHz

Current Radio System Work In-Progress:

• Region Four/Columbia River Communications Plan: Washington State Homeland Security Region IV and Portland/Vancouver Urban Area Security Initiatives (UASI) have contributed funding for the purpose of expanding the Clark County 800 MHz radio system. The expansion is intended to bring a high level of interoperable communications between 800 MHz and VHF users that may operate on incidents together in the area. The goal of the interoperable communication system is to provide interoperable mobile radio communications in major population centers and highways along the Columbia River on and around Interstate 5 from Castle Rock south to the Washington/Oregon border, along the Columbia River and Washington State Highway 14 from Vancouver to east of the Carson junction and along the Columbia River and Highway 4 from Longview to west of Skamokawa. The system will consist of four radio sites including an 800 MHz intellirepeater trunking system utilizing five channels at each site and a three channel VHF simulcast system consisting of individual simplex VHF base stations on the following channels: LERN, REDNET, and VTAC2. The four sites along the Columbia River are: Cascade Locks (800 MHz and VHF), Biddle Butte (microwave pass through)/Prune Hill (existing 800 MHz and VHF), Rainier Hill (800 MHz and VHF), and Nicolai Ridge (800 MHz and VHF). All sites will be linked via new microwave equipment and will be transported back to CRESA’s prime site. Anticipated completion date: December 2007 – first quarter 2008