MIAMI MIRROR      TRUE REFLECTIONS  Page 1 of 3 Ride or Die on South Beach CBS4 MISSES THE BOAT ON MIAMI BEACH Brian Williams botches Sidewalk Café Danger Report 11 November 2014 Editorial by Walter Davidson i  MIAMI MIRROR Miami BeachBrian Williams came to the City of Miami Beach with his ruler to report on Monday night’s 11P.M. news that the city has no rule requiring sidewalk café seats to be placed

City of Miami Beach Permits Accidents Waiting to Happen

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Ride or Die on South Beach 


Brian Williams botches Sidewalk Café Danger Report

11 November 2014

Editorial by Walter Davidsoni 


Miami Beach—Brian Williams came to the City of Miami Beach with his ruler to report on

Monday night’s 11P.M. news that the city has no rule requiring sidewalk café seats to be placed

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at a certain distance from curbs so patrons will not be run over by stray cars while dining, as

recently happened at the La Pizzeria de la Lemoni’s unpermitted sidewalk café corner at 4600

N.E. 2nd

 in the City of Miami.

Pizzeria Lemoni Miami corner (left) Pizza Rustica Miami Beach corner with sitting ducks (right) 

The key word of the Lemoni story is “corner.” As a matter of fact, the City of Miami Beach does

have such a rule applicable to the most dangerous possible placement of sidewalk café’s  i.e.

near or on corners at intersections. They must be at least five feet away from corner curb cuts.

CBS4 could have easily discovered that rule by checking the online code of ordinances or by

calling Hernan Cardeno, Esq., sworn police officer, FBI liaison, and director of the city’s code

compliance department, or by reading our October 23rd Miami Mirror report, ‘City of  Miami

Beach Permits Accidents Waiting to Happen  –  The Risk to Life and Limb May Be Worth theProfit.’ 

Not only does the city have a rule for the corners, where the worst accidents are most likely to

happen, maiming or killing diners and pedestrians, it actually issued a permit to Pizza Rustica to

violate the rule at the busy intersection of 9th

Street and Washington Avenue, thus placing the

public at peril while relying on insurance and royal immunity to protect the city and its officials

from liability for intentional negligence.

Not only does the Pizza Rustica sit on the corner, the street intersecting the avenue does not

run in a straight line at the intersection, hence pointing eastbound vehicles right at the sidewalk

café in an area notorious for intoxicated navigation and Wild West attitudes.

Indeed, many rules the city makes are made to be broken by means of permitted variances or

non-enforcement. That is precisely the angle of our story, illustrated by this particularly glaring

example of the city government’s discretionary arrogance.

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The CBS4 news and its investigative reporter, Brian Williams, were emailed a link to our report a

dozen hours before the televised newscast, but no reply was received, and the glaring example

of negligence was not mentioned in the newscast.

The obtuse angle of the CBS4 report, that the public is not adequately protected from

careening cars while dining on county sidewalks, is not unfashionable or badly made. Yet our

acute angle gives the lie to a crucial detail of their report on the beach, and it points out the

persistent problem with its government despite glowing publicity rendered to the resounding

applause of a complacent majority that unwittingly put its safety and welfare in negligent and

even corrupt hands because its members have not been injured, maimed, or killed, at least not


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‘City of Miami Beach Permits Accidents Waiting to Happen – The Risk to Life and Limb May Be

Worth the Profit.’ can be viewed at: 



i Walter Davidson is the editorializing nom de plume of David Arthur Walters aka The Miami Mirror. His references

to “we” and “our” are rhetorically made since he is a minority of one, yet with a presumption that other ones

within the Kierkegaardian Category of One may agree.