CIS 222 Installing Fedora Core 14 (Linux) Phase 1: Create a virtual machine on the VMWare virtual server Connect to the Whidbey Island Campus network lab. Open a web browser (does not need to be IE this time). Navigate to I've noticed sometimes I cannot get to the user interface initially, but if I navigate to first, then I can get to the VMWare page. Log in with your userID and password (same as MySVC) Click on Create Virtual Machine to make your new virtual Linux server

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Page 1: CIS 222 Installing Fedora Core 14 (Linux)faculty.skagit.edu › imageuploads › repository708.pdfCIS 222 Installing Fedora Core 14 (Linux) Phase 1: Create a virtual machine on the

CIS 222

Installing Fedora Core 14 (Linux)

Phase 1: Create a virtual machine on the VMWare virtual server Connect to the Whidbey Island Campus network lab. Open a web browser (does not need to be IE this time). Navigate to I've noticed sometimes I cannot get to the user interface initially, but if I navigate to first, then I can get to the VMWare page. Log in with your userID and password (same as MySVC)

Click on Create Virtual Machine to make your new virtual Linux server

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The name of the server should be your last name. \ Use the VirtualMachines datastore to save your virtual machine to. Click Next

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Select the Linux Operating System, version is Other Linux (32 bit). Select Next

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Memory size will be 512 MB. Select next

Create a new 40 GB hard disk. Leave the location as it is. Select Next

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Add a network adapter. Choose the Bridged adapter. CD/DVD select Use an ISO Image. Select browse and connect to First, ISO and the file Fedora-14-i686Live-Desktop.iso. Select OK, then Next

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Do not connect a floppy disk drive Do not connect a USB controller Review your settings and select Finish. Your hardware is now set up. Now it is time to start the machine and begin the installation of Fedora Core. Select your new computer in the left hand pane. Click on the green arrow to start the computer

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Click the console tab and click inside the console window

Phase II - the setup The system will boot up. Choose Install to Hard Drive

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Choose Next US English Basic Storage Device Reinitialize all drives when "warned" Name the computer xxLinux.cis.local (replace the xx with your student number) Choose our timezone Enter the root password of cisIsTheBest! Choose to use "all space" of the entire hard drive and agree to write changes to the disk. Take a break now since it will take a bit to write all the changes to the disk and then click close to reboot. When the system restarts, there will be a series of tasks to perform. Click Forward at the Welcome screen Click Forward on the Licensing Information Screen Create a username of your choice (be sure to remember this - I suggest your MySVC name/password) Set date & time. Click Forward Click Finish. Click No Do Not Send Log in as the user you just created.

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You have successfully installed Fedora.

The system will look like the picture below. We need to configure a few things yet.

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1. Set a static IP address: click on System, Preferences, Network connections. Choose Auto eth01 and choose Edit. Select the IPv4 Settings tab, select Manual in the drop down menu.

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Click Add. In the address field type in your assigned Linux IP address. In the netmask field either leave the 24 or type in In the gateway field type in In the DNS field type In the Search Domains field type Click Apply. Enter root's password (cisIsTheBest!)

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Click Close. Test to ensure you can use a web browser. This will test the settings you just established. If you do not have Internet availability, one of the settings above is most likely incorrect. 2. Turn off SELinux. Open a terminal window by clicking on Applications, System Tools, Terminal. Type su <enter> to access the "super user" account (note - use the enter key when indicated by <enter>). Open the file /etc/selinux/config in the program vi vi /etc/selinux/config change the seLinux permissions from "enforcing " to "permissive" as indicated in the picture below. Save and exit the vi program (esc :wq)

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Turn off current selinux enforcing settings at the terminal prompt type: setenforce 0 <enter> check that the settings are proper by typing sestatus <enter> Current mode and mode from config policy should be permissive.

3. Install and Samba

From the terminal prompt, type yum install samba Agree to install the packages. Make a copy the SAMBA configuration file to create a backup. From the terminal prompt, type cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak <enter> Edit the configuration file with the command vi /etc/samba/smb.conf <enter> Make the following changes by hitting the i key on the keyboard (for insert mode), then scroll and make changes workgroup = CIS

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Uncomment (remove the ; at the beginning of the line) and edit the IP numbers to the following: hosts allow = 192.168.9. 192.168.9 127. The period at the end of 127 is very important. Save and exit the file by hitting the ESC key, then type :wq <enter> Add users and passwords to create users that are allowed to connect to your Linux machine. Create two users with the same username and password as those you created on your Windows 2008 Server, as well your account. At the Linux command line type: useradd MySVCusername –p MySVCpassword (this creates a NEW account. Use your mysvc name for MySVCusername and your mysvc password for the MySVCuserpassword) Create a Samba account smbpasswd –a MySVCusername Enter your MySVC password You should now be able to connect from your windows machine to the Linux Server. From the Windows command prompt: net use L: \\linuxserveripaddress\homes /user:MySVCusername *** *** Replace linuxserveripaddress with the IP address of your Linux Samba server.

4. Install system services at startup

From the terminal prompt, type setup <enter> navigate with the arrow keys to system services, hit the enter key on the keyboard. Find httpd and select it with the spacebar (an * should now be next to it). Find sshd and do the same. Find samba (or smb) and do the same. Tab to OK and hit enter. Navigate to the Firewall. Allow ssh, samba, www through the firewall. Tab to Forward, hit enter. Add the TCP ports 5801 and 5901 Navigate to Close, OK, Yes. Quit. restart the machine using the command at the terminal prompt shutdown -r now <enter> The machine will reboot. Then attempt to connect via PuTTy or WinSCP

Follow the labs from last quarter to install samba and http. Post a small web page on your server (you choose the content).