CIROC Creative Brief Ashland Advertising Nathan Choi Courtney Gracia Gesabel Gutierrez Michelle Marquez Emily McCoy Comm 351


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CIROC Creative Brief

Ashland Advertising Nathan Choi

Courtney Gracia Gesabel Gutierrez Michelle Marquez Emily McCoy

Comm 351

Page 2: Ciroccreativebrief

Creative Brief 1. What is the Brand Advertising?

To show men and women 21­30 that drinking Ciroc will give them the sexy, classy night they want because it is a higher­end drink made from French grapes that makes this drink stand out. 2.Objective

We would like to appeal to a wider target audience and alter the brand character, tone, and persona to something much more sexy, which will aid in building a suave, classy brand perception with new customers and introduce one to loyal customers. 3. Who are we talking to?

1. Demographics: Millennials, men and women between the ages of 21­30 years old. 2. Psychographics: Men and women who often go to high class clubs and lounges. People who are working­age; most likely businessmen and women. Those who want to grab the feel of a luxury lifestyle. With this drink, they will feel classy, sexy, and a high­class lifestyle. 3. Geographics: Primarily in the U.S., focusing on big cities, with a secondary focus on suburban areas. The primary audience is composed of those that already live in areas with a big nightlife that we can depict how Ciroc will fit in with the contemporary nightlife, and the secondary audience are those that we can show how Ciroc will lead to the high­class and fun nights out they desire.

4. Brand Competitors:

1. Grey Goose ($30­60) ­ Grey Goose was created by Francois Thibault. He is a visionary and people were skeptical of his product prior to Grey Goose. It is now one of the top selling vodkas around the world. One of their well known and recent campaigns on television was the Cherry Noir: Hotel Noir commercial. 2. Absolut Vodka ($15­35) ­ Absolut Vodka provides a natural taste provided with vodka that is 30 years old. Absolut emphasizes the fact of making their products “all natural”. Even looking at their website makes their brand seem very hip and up to date with the trends of the millennials. 3. Belvedere ($28­60) ­ Belvedere focuses on the idea of their products being “proudly made from rye, water, and character”. Belvedere is made from 600 years of fine, luxurious and classy vodka making. Their products contain zero additives and it is gluten free. 4. Skyy Vodka ($20­35) ­Skyy vodka focuses on freshness. And this brand also uses the slogan “come have a drink with us”. Their website is very hip and up to date with the trends like fashion. Even the bottle of the product is simple and somewhat resembles “fresh” because the design is not complicated.

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5. What does the audience currently think (about the brand)? The brand is fairly new, so the brand persona is not already present in the consumer’s

mind. The only thoughts they have so far is that it is fairly expensive and without a “classy, rich” feel, they would prefer to save money, or if they are spending more they will buy a vodka that already comes with that prestige.

The brand is new and still creating a name for itself. It comes with some prestige at a high price point, so right now they will really only buy it when they want to seem well­off but are buying for a larger group, so they don’t really want to spend too much. 6. What do you want the audience to think of the brand?

We want the audience to think of this brand as sexy, classy, and smooth. We want the audience to envision the brand as an individual who would be wealthy (or well off), hardworking, classy, who knows how to have fun as well. 7. Why should they buy this brand?

Because Ciroc is sexy, hip, and makes you feel comfortable after a long day of hard work. The mentality of “you deserve this”. Or, “when you drink Ciroc, all eyes will be on you.” You work hard, you deserve to play hard which means you want the best brand of liquor that will supply you the ultimate “classy night out” experience, an experience only Ciroc can provide you. 8. What is the big message (about the brand)?

We don’t necessarily want to prove that the consumer drinking Ciroc will be the life of the party because most hard alcohol drinks already do this. Instead, we want to show that a night out with Ciroc is all about the individual consumer. Male consumers will feel smooth, while women will feel elegant and classy. We want consumers to feel like they attract the best things and people because they drink the best kind of vodka. This brand is the newest vodka in the game and should be used over all the other vodkas because it’s made differently than other Vodkas. Ciroc is unique, and we want consumers to think they will feel unique if they consume Ciroc. 9. What is the brand’s positioning (in the mind of the consumer)?

The brand will be positioned as trendsetter, a necessity for the best night of your life, making you feel suave, classy, and high­end at all times. 10. What is the brand’s USP (Unique selling point)?

This vodka is made from French grapes instead of wheat/rye/potatoes etc. like other brands. We could really play up themes such as: French, sophisticated, sour, tart, etc. 11. What’s the brand’s character?

1. What is its personality? Sexy and Suave French

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Classy Elite and Powerful Contemporary and Fun

2. Which celebrity is it like? David Beckham a la Calvin Klein Ads. Ryan Gosling. 3. Who would that be in relation to consumer? For men, the brand would be their really cool and suave friend who always gets the girls. For women, it is their dream man, the guy everyone wants. 4. How would that person speak? Think adjective = tone of voice. Confident, suave, sexy, very smooth and sure of himself, egotistical in a tamed manner. Think Christian Grey without all the psychological issues.

12. What is the brand’s tone of voice?

The brand’s voice is fun, suave, and sexy. Ciroc wants to portray a very smooth, sexy persona that make women want it and men want to be it. It wants to portray importance and distinction; it’s the best vodka so it holds pride in itself.

13. What is the copy strategy? (look at yogurtland example)

Ciroc is the only drink that will provide you the ultimate night­out with your friends while providing you the best quality, taste, and image possible. 14. What are the mandatory executional elements?

A picture of the Ciroc bottle, the existing logo, and someone with a drink in their hand (can be different sorts of drinks you would traditionally make with vodka. It is okay to create new taglines and slogans. 15. What kind of tactics would you use?

Since Ciroc is one of the newer vodkas on the market, social media would be a great tactic to use, because this generation is all about using Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram etc. Not everyone is on google searching for new drinks to have while out with their friends, but they do check all social sites every hour and if Ciroc were to be made into a fun Snapchat or video for Instagram or Facebook consumers would be intrigued.

We would definitely create an integrated marketing plan utilizing public relations and marketing and finding creative ways to catch an audience’s attention, (for example: guerrilla marketing/stunt, different media pitches). 16. What kind of campaign will create buzz?

Introducing a new flavor or a new celebrity spokesperson will create buzz. Having both a female to look up to as well as male that are well known. Also, taking the advertising in a very sexy, suave, and French manner that plays off of the “made from French grapes” idea.

Some other ideas to create buzz can include partnering with an energy drink or mixer, having the brand throw elaborate, Great Gatsby style parties to invite celebrities and socialites to, and switching up the style of advertising to something much more class and unique.